Single Convoluted Firestone Air Springs
Single Convoluted Firestone Air Springs
Single Convoluted Firestone Air Springs
Firestone developed the air spring in the late 1930’s as a more efficient air spring (vibration isolator) for use in vehicle suspensions. Airide springs, as they were
named, provided the means for a suspension to reduce the amount of road shock and vibration transmitted into the vehicle. Millions of miles of actual use have
proven the dependability and effectiveness of the air suspension concept using Airide springs by Firestone. Airstroke actuators, Airmount isolators, and Airide springs
are Firestone registered trademark names for one product: the air spring. The use of the air spring (actuator, industrial isolator and vehicular isolator, respectively)
determines which name is applied to it. All of the parts on this pdf may be used as Airstroke actuators.
Every effort was made to insure the accuracy of the information contained in the resources presented here, but item descriptions are not guaranteed to be correct. Customers should place orders based on manufacturer's part numbers. If there are questions regarding dimensions or contruction of a particular item, consult the
manufacturer's datasheet and/or manufacturer's drawing for that item.
3 W AY S T O O R D E R CALL 866-388-7558
Airstroke Actuators High End Closure Options Isolators
Max Min. Natural
Strength % of Isolation at Forced Frequency
Max. Usable 80 psi force* at Stroke of Load (at Design Height) at: Frequency
Dim. A Dim. C
Diameter Max. (Blind Nut Dim. B # of Bolts Design
Model Code Weight @ 100 PSIG Height Stroke Height 1 In. Max. Style Bead plate Type
(Bolt Circle
Height (@80 psig) 400 800 1500
3 In. Centers)
(inches) Bead ring Type Diameter) (each ring) 40 psig 60 psig 80 psig
(in.) (in). (in.) Number
(lbs) Stroke(lbs)
(in.) (lbs) (inches) (inches) (pounds) (pounds) (pounds) (fn(cpm) CPM % CPM % CPM %
W013587001 2.5 6 3.3 1.4 1.9 930 0 580 0 1 1.75 0 3 420 640 880 237 0 90.3 97.4
W013586996 2.5 6 3.3 1.4 1.9 930 0 580 0 1 1.75 0 3 420 640 880 237 0 90.3 97.4
W013580017 2.5 6 3.3 1.4 1.9 930 0 580 0 4 4.5 6 3 420 640 880 237 0 90.3 97.4
W013580286 2.5 6 3.3 1.4 1.9 930 0 580 0 1 1.75 0 3 420 640 880 237 0 90.3 97.4
W013580010 2.5 6 3.3 1.4 1.9 930 0 580 0 3 420 640 880 237 0 90.3 97.4
W023585000 1.25 5.4 3.3 1.5 1.8 930 0 580 0 1 1.75 0 3 400 600 800 240 0 90.1 92.3
W013587609 1.25 5.4 3.3 1.5 1.8 930 0 580 0 1 1.75 0 3 400 600 800 240 0 90.1 92.3
W013587731 2.8 6.5 4.1 2.1 2 1350 0 850 0 1 1.75 0 3.5 550 850 1170 181 74.4 94.6 98.5
W013587742 2.8 6.5 4.1 2.1 2 1350 0 850 0 1 1.75 0 3.5 550 850 1170 181 74.4 94.6 98.5
W013580127 2.8 6.5 4.1 2.1 2 1350 0 850 0 4 4.5 6 3.5 550 850 1170 181 74.4 94.6 98.5 Bead Plate Type
W013587729 2.8 6.5 4.1 2.1 2 1350 0 850 0 1 1.75 0 3.5 550 850 1170 181 74.4 94.6 98.5
W013580131 2.8 6.5 4.1 2.1 2 1350 0 850 0 3.5 550 850 1170 181 74.4 94.6 98.5
W013587751 3 7.2 6.4 4.3 2.1 1870 1500 1140 0 1 1.75 0 5.5 650 1010 1390 124 89.4 97.5 99.3
TYPE 1 bead plate
W013587752 3 7.2 6.4 4.3 2.1 1870 1500 1140 0 1 1.75 0 5.5 650 1010 1390 124 89.4 97.5 99.3 1/4 NPT
W013587592 3 7.2 6.4 4.3 2.1 1870 1500 1140 0 4 4.5 6 5.5 650 1010 1390 124 89.4 97.5 99.3
W013587451 3 8.3 5.1 3 2.1 2090 1030 940 0 1 1.75 0 4.5 650 1010 1390 162 80.2 95.7 98.8
W013587484 3 8.3 5.1 3 2.1 2090 1030 940 0 1 1.75 0 4.5 650 1010 1390 162 80.2 95.7 98.8
W013580112 3 8.3 5.1 3 2.1 2090 1030 940 0 4 4.5 6 4.5 650 1010 1390 162 80.2 95.7 98.8
W013580100 3 8.3 5.1 3 2.1 2090 1030 940 0 4.5 650 1010 1390 162 80.2 95.7 98.8
W013587564 4.3 9.1 5.1 3.1 2 2690 1370 1300 117 1 2.75 0 4.5 850 1330 1830 163 80.2 95.7 98.8
W013587561 4.3 9.1 5.1 3.1 2 2690 1370 1300 117 1 2.75 0 4.5 850 1330 1830 163 80.2 95.7 98.8 A
W013587568 4.3 9.1 5.1 3.1 2 2690 1370 1300 117 4 5.31 6 4.5 850 1330 1830 163 80.2 95.7 98.8
W01A727518 4.3 9.1 5.1 3.1 2 2690 1370 1300 117 1 2.75 0 4.5 850 1330 1830 163 80.2 95.7 98.8
W013580133 4.3 9.1 5.1 3.1 2 2690 1370 1300 117 4.5 850 1330 1830 163 80.2 95.7 98.8 TYPE 2 bead plate
1/4 OR
W013587600 4.3 9.1 5.1 3.1 2 2690 1370 1300 117 1 2.75 0 4.5 850 1330 1830 163 80.2 95.7 98.8 3/4 NPT
W013587602 4.3 9.1 5.1 3.1 2 2690 1370 1300 117 1 2.75 0 4.5 850 1330 1830 163 80.2 95.7 98.8 AIR INLET
W013587606 4.3 9.1 5.1 3.1 2 2690 1370 1300 117 4 5.31 6 4.5 850 1330 1830 163 80.2 95.7 98.8
W013587598 4.5 9.6 6.2 4.2 2 2980 2240 1460 0 1 2.75 0 5.5 940 1410 1930 139 86.3 96.9 99.1 A
W013587605 4.5 9.6 6.2 4.2 2 2980 2240 1460 0 1 2.75 0 5.5 940 1410 1930 139 86.3 96.9 99.1
W013587460 5.5 10.1 5.1 2.9 2.2 3510 2080 1820 124 3 3.5 1.75* 4.5 1210 1880 2540 151 83.4 96.3 99
W013587459 5.5 10.1 5.1 2.9 2.2 3510 2080 1820 124 3 3.5 1.75* 4.5 1210 1880 2540 151 83.4 96.3 99
W013587465 5.5 10.1 5.1 2.9 2.2 3510 2080 1820 124 3 3.5 1.75* 4.5 1210 1880 2540 151 83.4 96.3 99 A
W013587458 5.5 10.1 5.1 2.9 2.2 3510 2080 1820 124 3 3.5 1.75* 4.5 1210 1880 2540 151 83.4 96.3 99
W013587469 5.5 10.1 5.1 2.9 2.2 3510 2080 1820 124 4 6.31 8 4.5 1210 1880 2540 151 83.4 96.3 99
W016067115 5.5 10.1 5.1 2.9 2.2 3510 2080 1820 124 3 3.5 1.75* 4.5 1210 1880 2540 151 83.4 96.3 99 TYPE 3 bead plate
W013580118 5.5 10.1 5.1 2.9 2.2 3510 2080 1820 124 4.5 1210 1880 2540 151 83.4 96.3 99
W013587650 5.5 10.1 5.1 2.9 2.2 3510 2080 1820 124 3 3.5 1.75* 4.5 1210 1880 2540 151 83.4 96.3 99 1/4 OR
3/4 NPT
W013587649 5.5 10.1 5.1 2.9 2.2 3510 2080 1820 124 3 3.5 1.75* 4.5 1210 1880 2540 151 83.4 96.3 99 AIR INLET
W013587008 9.8 12.9 5.5 3.5 2 6720 3730 2630 0 3 6.2 2.88 5 1690 2640 3730 168 78.6 95.4 98.7
W013587009 9.8 12.9 5.5 3.5 2 6720 3730 2630 0 3 6.2 2.88 5 1690 2640 3730 168 78.6 95.4 98.7 B
W013587011 9.8 12.9 5.5 3.5 2 6720 3730 2630 0 3 6.2 2.88 5 1690 2640 3730 168 78.6 95.4 98.7
W013587012 9.8 12.9 5.5 3.5 2 6720 3730 2630 0 3 6.2 2.88 5 1690 2640 3730 168 78.6 95.4 98.7
W013587023 9.8 12.9 5.5 3.5 2 6720 3730 2630 0 4 9 12 5 1690 2640 3730 168 78.6 95.4 98.7 A
W013580134 9.8 12.9 5.5 3.5 2 6720 3730 2630 0 5 1690 2640 3730 168 78.6 95.4 98.7
W013587040 10 13.5 5.9 3.7 2.2 7040 5000 3250 0 3 6.2 2.88 5.5 1890 2950 4080 156 82 96 98.9
W013587039 10 13.5 5.9 3.7 2.2 7040 5000 3250 0 3 6.2 2.88 5.5 1890 2950 4080 156 82 96 98.9 TYPE 4 bead ring
W013587042 10 13.5 5.9 3.7 2.2 7040 5000 3250 0 3 6.2 2.88 5.5 1890 2950 4080 156 82 96 98.9
W013587043 10 13.5 5.9 3.7 2.2 7040 5000 3250 0 3 6.2 2.88 5.5 1890 2950 4080 156 82 96 98.9
W013586896 10 13.5 5.9 3.7 2.2 7040 5000 3250 0 4 9 12 5.5 1890 2950 4080 156 82 96 98.9
W013587103 14.5 15.2 5.5 3.5 2 10220 6460 4950 128 2 6.25 0 5 3010 4610 6460 152 83.1 96.3 99
W013587104 14.5 15.2 5.5 3.5 2 10220 6460 4950 128 2 6.25 0 5 3010 4610 6460 152 83.1 96.3 99
W013587101 14.5 15.2 5.5 3.5 2 10220 6460 4950 128 2 6.25 0 5 3010 4610 6460 152 83.1 96.3 99
W013587109 14.5 15.2 5.5 3.5 2 10220 6460 4950 128 2 6.25 0 5 3010 4610 6460 152 83.1 96.3 99
W013587110 14.5 15.2 5.5 3.5 2 10220 6460 4950 128 4 11.31 12 5 3010 4610 6460 152 83.1 96.3 99
W017537113 14.5 15.2 5.5 3.5 2 10220 6460 4950 128 2 6.25 0 5 3010 4610 6460 152 83.1 96.3 99
W017537114 14.5 15.2 5.5 3.5 2 10220 6460 4950 128 2 6.25 0 5 3010 4610 6460 152 83.1 96.3 99
W013580135 14.5 15.2 5.5 3.5 2 10220 6460 4950 128 5 3010 4610 6460 152 83.1 96.3 99
TYPE 5 rolled plate
W013588151 14.5 15.2 5.5 3.5 2 10220 6460 4950 128 2 6.25 0 5 3010 4610 6460 152 83.1 96.3 99
W013588149 14.5 15.2 5.5 3.5 2 10220 6460 4950 128 2 6.25 0 5 3010 4610 6460 152 83.1 96.3 99 3/4 NPT
W013588152 14.5 15.2 5.5 3.5 2 10220 6460 4950 128 2 6.25 0 5 3010 4610 6460 152 83.1 96.3 99 AIR INLET
W013588150 14.5 15.2 5.5 3.5 2 10220 6460 4950 128 2 6.25 0 5 3010 4610 6460 152 83.1 96.3 99
W013580231 14.5 15.2 5.5 3.5 2 10220 6460 4950 128 5 3010 4610 6460 152 83.1 96.3 99
W013587091 15.2 15.9 6.6 4.5 2.1 10860 8800 5500 128-1 2 6.25 0 5.5 3820 5900 7990 133 87.7 97.2 99.2
W013587092 15.2 15.9 6.6 4.5 2.1 10860 8800 5500 128-1 2 6.25 0 5.5 3820 5900 7990 133 87.7 97.2 99.2
W013587094 15.2 15.9 6.6 4.5 2.1 10860 8800 5500 128-1 2 6.25 0 5.5 3820 5900 7990 133 87.7 97.2 99.2
W013587277 15.2 15.9 6.6 4.5 2.1 10860 8800 5500 128-1 4 11.31 12 5.5 3820 5900 7990 133 87.7 97.2 99.2 A
W013580150 15.2 15.9 6.6 4.5 2.1 10860 8800 5500 128-1 5.5 3820 5900 7990 133 87.7 97.2 99.2
W013588160 15.2 15.9 6.6 4.5 2.1 10860 8800 5500 128-1 2 6.25 0 5.5 3820 5900 7990 133 87.7 97.2 99.2
W013588162 15.2 15.9 6.6 4.5 2.1 10860 8800 5500 128-1 2 6.25 0 5.5 3820 5900 7990 133 87.7 97.2 99.2
W013588158 17.1 18.1 7.3 4.8 2.5 13135 10604 6422 0 2 6.25 0 6 4564 7048 9682 121 89.9 97.7 99.3
W013588157 17.1 18.1 7.3 4.8 2.5 13135 10604 6422 0 2 6.25 0 6 4564 7048 9682 121 89.9 97.7 99.3
W013587478 13.2 17.4 6.2 4.2 2 14030 11450 7850 0 4 13.81 18 5 5490 8450 11450 138 86.5 96.9 99.1
W013580119 13.2 17.4 6.2 4.2 2 14030 11450 7850 0 5 5490 8450 11450 138 86.5 96.9 99.1
W013587477 13.2 17.4 6.2 4.2 2 14030 11450 7850 0 5 9 13.79 5 5490 8450 11450 138 86.5 96.9 99.1
W013587197 16.5 20.3 5.6 3.5 2.1 19600 14450 11350 0 4 16.5 24 5 6450 10300 14450 142 85.5 96.7 99.1
W013585135 16.5 20.3 5.6 3.5 2.1 19600 14450 11350 0 5 6450 10300 14450 142 85.5 96.7 99.1
W013587272 16.5 20.3 5.6 3.5 2.1 19600 14450 11350 0 5 12 16.5 5 6450 10300 14450 142 85.5 96.7 99.1
W013587727 21.3 22.4 5.5 3.5 2 25960 18450 14900 0 4 19 24 5 8630 13870 18450 139 86.3 96.9 99.1
W013587726 21.3 22.4 5.5 3.5 2 25960 18450 14900 0 5 15 19 5 8630 13870 18450 139 86.3 96.9 99.1
W013581026 21.3 22.4 5.5 3.5 2 25960 18450 14900 0 5 8630 13870 18450 139 86.3 96.9 99.1
W013587737 24.5 27.9 7 4.9 2.1 41930 35580 24320 0 4 23.5 32 6 15020 23040 31240 121 89.9 97.7 99.3
W013580147 24.5 27.9 7 4.9 2.1 41930 35580 24320 0 6 15020 23040 31240 121 89.9 97.7 99.3
W013589601 46.3 37.4 7.3 4.8 2.5 78300 67690 52500 0 4 32.68 40 5.5 32860 50290 67690 118 90.5 97.8 99.4
W013581021 46.3 37.4 7.3 4.8 2.5 78300 67690 52500 0 5.5 32860 50290 67690 118 90.5 97.8 99.4
Every effort was made to insure the accuracy of the information contained in the resources presented here, but item descriptions are not guaranteed to be correct. Customers should place orders based on manufacturer's part numbers. If there are questions regarding dimensions or contruction of a particular item, consult the
manufacturer's datasheet and/or manufacturer's drawing for that item.
3 W AY S T O O R D E R CALL 866-388-7558