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Angie :
This evening is
Good evening ! Welcome to the Junior - Senior Promenade.
one of the classic high school rites of passage and what may
have started out as a simple get-together which has evolved
into the most decked out, over-the-top night of these four
( shut up na…)
PAIR # 1
Raven Antonio and Jirah Shammah Tiamzon.
Raven Antonio is the only child of Mr. Jessie and Mrs. Madel
Antonio from Macabacle,Concepcion Tarlac. He enjoys playing
PSP. In the near future he wants to be a Hotel & Restaurant
Jirah Shammah is the 3rd among the four siblings of Mr. Jose
and Elvira Tiamzon. She’s also a member of the Performing
Arts. Jirah likes surfing the internet. Healing the sick is her
dream someday.
PAIR # 2
Mark Nico Barrameda and Ruselle Joy Lacson
PAIR # 3
Albert Kenneth Cunanan and Mikkee Llarves
PAIR # 4
Anthony Celestine Flores and Andrea Siapo
PAIR # 5
Let’s put our hands together for pair number 5.
Gerald Gavina and Jirah Shammah Tiamzon
PAIR # 6
Gerard Mark Hernandez and Ruselle Joy Lacson
Russel Joy, the class secretary of 3rd Year – Ezekiel was born on
June 4,1995, with proud parents Mr. and Mrs. Angelo and Ria
Lacson. She spends her free time playing badminton with her
siblings and friends.
PAIR # 7
Miles Eliazar Lacson and Andrea Siapo
PAIR # 8
Cesar Paulo Lenon and Jirah Shammah Tiamzon
Paulo is the 4th of 5 siblings of Mr. Jose and Josefina Lenon.
Playing basketball is one of his hobbies. He plans to take up
Accountancy in the near future.
Karl Angelo Lopez and Ruselle Joy Lacson
Karl was born on May 13,1995 of the proud parents, Mr.
Randolf and Merly Lopez. Though he spends most of his time
playing basketball, he plans to be a businessman someday.
PAIR #10
John Kennedic Mercado and Faith Angeli Dizon
PAIR #11
Rafael Malonzo and Kim Enriquez
Kim Enriquez - the simple, kind and friendly lady was born on
June 26,1995. Presently residing in Santiago, Concepcion,
Tarlac. In her young mind she wants to be a successful
business woman. The proud parents of Kim are Mr. Ernesto
and Evelyn Enriquez. She believes in the saying,
“Contentment isn’t getting what you want bet being satisfied
from what you have.”
PAIR #12
Lee Jann Mangalindan and Faith Angeli Dizon
Lee Jann is from Sta. Cruz, Cpn., Tarlac. He is the 2nd of the 3rd
siblings of Mr. Ronnie and Mrs. Felita Mangalindan. Playing
computer games is one of his hobbies. In the near future he
plans to be a successful businessman.
PAIR #13
Axcell Franz Santiago and Kim Enriquez
Kim Enriquez the big sister of Kian and Mico. She acts as a
mom to her siblings and helps them in their school stuff.
PAIR #14
Jeremiah Abat and Precious Gem M. Dizon
PAIR #15
Agel Bermudo and Marie Therese Bettina S. Jardiel
PAIR #16
Luigi G. Cabral and Shiela Marie M. Suarez
Luigi is the future airplane mechanic of Corazon de Jesus,
Concepcion. He is the only son of Ms. Emelda Cabral. He is
interested in playing computer games and PSP.
PAIR #17
Jorald Jayson S. Castro and Therese Bettina S. Jardiel
PAIR #18
Jose Fidel Castro and Charise Pamintuan Mirasol
The son of Mr. Aristotle and Mrs. Blessila Castro, Soon, this
town will be blessed of his own businessman in the person of
Jose Fidel Castro.
PAIR #19
Marco Julio Ferriol and Jacque Kier B. Calma
PAIR #20
Roeant Carlo Guevarra and Noelle A. Lacson
PAIR #21
Kevin Dominic V. Lindo and Shiela Marie M. Suarez
PAIR #22
Bradley Sigua and Ana Margarita M. Lopez
Bradley of 4th Year – Nehemiah is the only child of Mrs. Elvie
Sigua, whose interest is playing the guitar. Bradley strives well
to reach his dream of being a successful businessman.
PAIR #23
Yves Lawrence A. Tayag and Christine Angelique Imhof
PAIR #24
Teofilo Jose Vallester and Noelle Angela Lacson
PAIR #25
Guillermo Villanueva and
Our Ms. Cesfi, first-runner up, the simple yet beautiful, Jennah
Rizelle Balagtas who hanging with her friends and surfing the
net, is the 2nd of the 3 siblings of Mr. Jerry Balagtas and Mrs.
Editha Balagtas. She is the class business manager and a
member of the Cesfilado Choir. Soon, Her parents will be proud
of having Jennah, manage her own restaurant.
(loud voice)
The Cotillion de Honor
You’re about to meet the people who will make the decision. We are proud to introduce
our panel of judges.
Introduction of Judges
It’s an honor to present to you judge #1, he holds the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Botany from Far Eastern University. An ordained elder of the
United Methodist Church, a three-term president of TAPSA, a PRISAA
President for two years and reelected for another two years. He is a devoted
servant of God as a Pastor at the Grace United Methodist Church.
The parents of the muses and escort are requested to come
and pin the sash their respective child.
Moving on with our program, we teachers have witnessed the
day when these students first stepped in our classrooms and
started the first year of their academic life here at CESFI.
School Organ
I, NOELLE ANGELA LACSON completely surrender the
responsibility of the School Organ to GERALD GAVINA today as
the new accountable steward to this work.
I, GERALD GAVINA hearty accept the responsibility of the
School Organ. May the task assigned to me be fulfilled with
the help of God and my co-worker.
S.B.O. Leadership
I, KEVIN DOMINIC LINDO sincerely transfer the key of the
I, JOHN KENNEDIC MERCADO wholly appaease the
responsibility of SBO leadership to the guidance of our God.
Book of Wisdom
With great pride and honor, I PRECIOUS GEM DIZON
enthusiastically relinquish the accountability of the Book of
I, RUSELLLE JOY LACSON conciliate the accountability of the
Book of Wisdom in honoring God as our great teacher and
School Terpsichorean
I, NOELLE ANGELA LACSON fully capitulate the obligation of
the School Terpsichorean to AXCELL FRANZ SANTIAGO.
ANGELIQUE IMHOF strenuously transfer the Varsitarian
I, AXCELL FRANZ SANTIAGO with great respect, acquiesce the
accountability of the School Varsity as a good steward of God
in developing one’s ability and sportsmanship.
These students seem that they want to tell us something
important. A commendation for these performers as they
dance to tune of “ If you could read my mind.”
Teachers’ Presentation
We used to see these people holding their books, erasers and
chalks in the classroom, but tonight, we will see a different
phase as our teachers rock the dance floor.
Special Award (Assigned Guest to pin the sash)
Faces of the Night
Mr. Alvin Reyes and Mrs. Katherine V. Estacio
Darlings of the Night
Rev. Constante Ocampo
Perfect Match
Mrs. Katherine Estacio
Best Dressed
Pastor Rebecca C. Divad
1. Have you picked a winner yet? It appears that our tabulators have tabulated the
judges’ scores, and we are ready!
2. He or she will not only win the title, but will assume the responsibility of a role model
and leader in this school!
3. Let’s see who might be the next title holder! Our judges will be looking for each
contestant’s interpretive ability, their preparedness, technical skill and stage presence. In
addition, Judges take into account the totality of all elements, including costume, voice,
and choreography.
4. Sixteen (16) exceptional men and women have come here to tonight’s competition,
vying for the exciting position of Mr. and Miss CESFI 2009.
And what a tough choice it is!
Teacher Ghina Nueve and Teacher Angie V. Capinpin
Masters of Ceremony
If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he
has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this
interdependence produces the highest form of living.
Every trait of beauty may be referred to some virtue, as to innocence, candor, generosity,
modesty, or heroism. St. Pierre To cultivate the sense of the beautiful, is one of the most
effectual ways of cultivating an appreciation of the divine goodness.
There are no better cosmetics than a severe temperance and purity, modesty and humility, a gracious
temper and calmness of spirit; and there is no true beauty without the signatures of these graces in the very