SnowBuster 724

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Operator’s Manual Snowbuster 524,724 & 828 5 H.P. 2-STAGE SNOW THROWER MFG. NO. 1690379 TH.P. 2-STAGE SNOW THROWER FI MFG. NO, 1690442 COPY 8 H.P. 2-STAGE SNOW THROWER Mi FG. NO. 1690380 Contents Beer Cann auenG neneual % HANDLE & GONTROL RODS 12 Aboeh Sane cect ee nbenehr ves DRIVE BELTS TENSION ADJUSTHENTS operation BELT GUIDES ADJUSTMENTS AUGER DRIVE CHAIN ADJUSTMENT - IMPELLER DRIVE CHAIN ADJUSTMENT SKID-SHOE ADJUSTMENT SPECIFICATIONS. SAFETY DECALS se : IDENTIFICATION & ACCESSORIES ...... PARTS MANUAL AVAILABLE . CHECKS BEFORE EACH STARTUP STARTING THE ENGINE GEAR SELECTION STOPPING. Seis AFTER EACH USE... OPERATING SUGGESTIONS OPERATION ON SLOPES . DEFLECTOR ADJUSTMENT. DIFFERENTIAL LOOK... NORMAL CARE .. SCHEDULED CARE vec scsss sce OFF-SEASON STORAGE... STARTING AFTER STORAGE *Read The Entire Manual Before Operating” Solely Rules ‘can result in oss of control of machine, severe personal injury to yourself or 0 Read these safety rules and follow them closely. Failure to obey these ules bystanders, or damage to property or equipment. The triangle gy in the text signifies important cautions or warnings which must be followed. GENERAL ‘*Read the Operator's Manual caretully Be thoroughly familiar with all controls. ‘and proper equipment use. Never allow children to operate the machine. Do not allow adults to operate it without proper instruction. ‘*Keep the area of operation clear of all persons, particularly small children, and pets. ‘*Never discharge material toward pass- cersby. Make sure: ‘a. snow thrower Is in good operating condition, b. all safety devices and shields at place and working, and «. all adjustments are correct. PREPARATION ‘Never attempt to make any adjustment while engine is running. ‘Thoroughly inspect the area where the snow thrower Is to be used and remove all objects such as door mats, sleds, boards, wires, and sticks. ‘sDisengage all clutches and shift into neutral before starting engine. ‘Do not operate snow thrower without wearing proper winter clothing. Wear footwear which improves footing on pery surfaces. ‘*Handle gasoline with care—Itis highly ‘flammable. a. Use approved gasoline container. . Never remove the fuel tank cap oF add gasoline to a running or hot engine, or fill the fuel tank indoors. Wipe up spilled gasoline. ‘Adjust skid shoe height to clear gravel fo crushed rock surface. ‘*Do not run engine indoors. Exhaust fumes are deadly, OPERATION ‘*Keep hands and feet away from rotat- ing parts. Keep clear of discharge open- ing at all times. ‘Always clear snow up and down the face of slopes, and never across the tace. Use extreme caution when chang- ing direction on slopes. Do not attempt to clear steep slope ‘After striking an object, release drive levers, stop tho engine, and remove spark plug wire. Inspectthe snow throw- er for damage before restarting ‘*Use extreme caution when operating fon or crossing gravel drives, walks or roads. Stay alert for hidden hazards and, trattic. ‘Be especially careful notto touch snow thrower parts which might be hot from operation. Allow such parts to coo! be- fore attempting to maintain, adjust, or service. Safety Rules it unit starts to vibrate abnormally, ‘release drive levers and stop the engin ‘Check immediately for the cause. Vibr ton is generally a warning of trouble. ‘Take every precaution when leaving the machine unattended. Shift into nou- tral, stop the engine, and remove the key. When cleaning, repairing, or inspect- Ing, make certain all moving parts have ‘stopped. Remove key and remove spark plug wire to prevent accidental starting, ‘Always use grounded 3 wire plug-in for ie starting. ‘Adjust snow discharge angle tor safe flow when operating near glass enclo- sures, automobiles, window wells, drop- ofts, etc. ‘Do not overtoad machine capacity by clearing snow at too fasta ground speed. ‘Never operate machine at high trans- port speeds on slippery surfaces. Use ‘care when backing. ‘*Disengage auger drive when transport ing or not in use. ‘sNever operate the snow thrower with- ‘out good visibility or light. Always be sure of your footing, MAINTENANCE & STORAGE *Keop all nuts, bolls, and screws tightto be sure the equipment! in safe working condition. Never store equipment with gasolinein the tank in a bullding where fumes may reach an open flame or spark. Allow the engine to cool before storing In any ‘enclosure. ‘Always refer to the Operator's Manual for important details if snow thrower is to be stored for an extended period, ‘*Run machine a few minutes after each completion of throwing snow to clear ‘out snow and prevent freeze up. ‘Do not change the engine governor settings or overspeed the engine. ALL WARNING, CAUTION, andinstruc~ tional messages ori your snow thrower should be carefully read and obeyed. Personal bodily injury can result when these instructions are not followed. If ‘one on your snow thrower becomes damaged, see your dealer to replace i The decals are shown on page 24. Assembly TO UNCRATE: Remove the small card- ‘board box Irom the carton (itcontains spout liner, spout extension, deflector). Remove the handle assembly and the spout ‘control fod assembly. From the corner pockets remove the shift rod, control rod bracket, and hardware skin pack. Slit open the carton and remove the snow thrower. ‘Open the hardware skin pack and arrange the parts by size and type. You should have all parts listed in figure 1. The eyebolt (item $) is not shown, HANDLE & CONTROL RODS | Remove loose control rods and cable taped to handles. Install the handle is inside the rear frame flanges with four 5/16 x | inch capserews (se figure 2). The capserews are inserted from ‘outside the frame. Tighten lockwasher « and hex nut on each eapserew, ‘lng Mute 21 5/16 1" Copecrowe (4) Holddown Bracksts (2) IM, Lockwashors (8) 8/16 x 1-1/4" Cariage Bi IN. 87" O.D. Washers (2) ‘Spocial Hex Lochneshers 0.75" 0.0. Weshors (2) NOTE Cup viashr (1) PL b/16" Hox Nuts) ee ren 5/16 3/4" Caring Bots (2) (Cotter Pine (2) some photos will differ from your od Guide (1 Shit Rod Grip may be pataly lod Guide Linor (1) Instled on shift oa 1) nt. To avoid confusion, follow the 8/162" Capecrow (1) ‘8. Eyobolt ot shown} with text closely. 5/16 x 1-1/4" Capecrew (1) Lodewasher and Nut Assembly 2. Shp. models only b. Slip the cable under the eable 4% 7 p.and 8 hip. models only. poi emis melee il amp and push the throtte pivot 1a, Fither remove the carburetor eov- forward and then pull it back 1 4 Up tots top stop. Tighten the cable lr or pop the plug from the cover inch. With the trot cable post clamp sre. Test operate hr (see figure 4 or 4a), (This proce tioned as shown in figure 2, hook e pivot moves throu dure is easier with cover removed.) the cable “S" bend in the engine full range, Insall ignition ground Push thetheotile control lever fully throtile pivot (see figure 3). This wire on spade terminal (se fi forward and then pull it back 1/8 hookup ‘can be'made with the 3). Be sure the eable clip inch. Bring the throtlecable around © 2) is installed as shown, to the Fight side of the engine as shown in figure 4 oF da cearburetor cover on, but itis easier with cover removed Figure 3. (5 H.P.) Figure 2. (HP) 0, 2c = A. Shp. Ton abe A. Capscrow: . Shift Rod 8B. Cable Gene = © Colernber tock ©: Gres ie ste FL voi A. Pg €. Grund We hen ©: fests Poee Behn twtte cole. con chp Figure 4a, (74.P.) Tite. Tote Cable Cable Cp Push the throttlecablethrough the slot in the carburetor cover and hhook the “S" bend in the engine throttle pivot (see figure 5 or 5a) Figure 5. (8 H.P.) 1, Throttle Pivot ©. Once the "S" bend is hooked, slip the throttle eable under the cable clamp (loosen the screw through the plug hole). Then pull the cable so the pivot is as far right ast will go and tighen the clamp. Test ‘operate the throttle to be sure pivot ‘moves through its full range. Rein- stall plug (item A, figure 4 or 4a) Assembly Figure Sa, (7 H.P.) A. Tote Prot 4. Install the ignition ground wire on the spade terminal (igure 4 or 48). Be sure the cable clip is installed as shown in figure 4 or 4. Assembly Figure 6 A. Suppor Piste C. Contol Red Bracket 8. Shit Rod. Plato Grip 5. Remove the shift rod support plate to install the shift rod (see figure 6). Slip the shift rod through the plate so the handle will point forward through the control panel opening, When reinstall ing the plate, also install the spout control rod support bracket on the same hardware (se figures 6nd 10 for reference), Attach the shift rod to the lower shift rod with a 5/16 x 2ineh eapserew and Tocknut (see figure 2). ‘The locknut should be snug but sil allow the lower shift to pivot inside the shift rod, Install the plate grip on the shift rod (seefigure . Remove the three taptiteserews and the capscrew with washer, lockwasher, and hhex nut holding on the belt and chain guard assembly, and remove the assem: by, ‘The auger control wite consists of two identical wire form pieces. Loosen the Wire clamp and separate the wires, Hook one wire tothe elute lever on the left handlebar and the other to the auger pivot arm (se figure 7) Join the two straight ends of the auger control wire in the wire clamp (see figure 7). With the eluich lever up, take the slack out of the control wires and tighten the wire clamp serew to hold both ends of the wire The auger control is properly adjusted ‘when ts spring measures 21/810 2-1/4 inches (54 10 57 mm) with the clutch Wire Clamp ‘Auger Control wire Traction Control Cable Wie Clamp lever fully depressed. Lengthen or short ‘en the control wire until proper adjust ment is reached, See the Adjustment Section of this manual From front side of left handle post, install the eyebolt with the 1/4” lock washer and hex nut provided, Assembly — 12, Hook the U-shaped end of the traction control able into theclutch lever on the right handlebar. Thread the cable be- hind the shift rod and then through the ceyebolt on the left handle post. 13, Loosen the wire clamp on the traction control cable enough 10 beable to hook the spring at the bottom into the trac tion drive idler arm (sce figure 7) 14, Lift the idler pulley arm up to the 10 ‘o'clock position in relation tothe large transmission pulley (se figure 7). Hold the arm in this positon, take all slack fut ofthe traction cable, and tighten the Wire clamp to hold the arm in place. 15, The traction contro is properly adjust- ced when its spring measures 2-1/4 to 2- 1/2 inches ($7 to 63 mm) withthe clutch lever fully depressed. Lengthen orshort= ten the contcol wire until proper adjust ment is reached. See the Adjustment section of this manual 16, DO NOT reinstall the belt and chain guard yet SPOUT & CONTROL NOTE Wisa good idea to first spray thespout ‘opening with silicone spray. Doing so Will help the spout extension turn 1 Check to be sure the plastic liner is positioned evenly inside the spout ex- tension, Then instal the Hiner and spout extension on the spout openingasshown in figure 8 1. Plastic Linor 0. Lockwaste B. Spout Extasion —E. Hox Nut Holddown Bracket. Cariago Bott 2 Install a holddown bracket on exch side of the spout extension with a5) 16x3/4 inch carriage bolt, lockwasher, and hex nut (see figure 8). Attach the defleetor to the spout exten- sion using two 5/16 x I-L/4 inch earri- ‘age bolts, special hex lockwashers, the ‘wo large flat washers, and the wing ruts as shown in figure 9. Apply down- ward pressure to deflector. There should be no gap between deflector and plastic spacing strap so snow cannot discharge ‘out the back. Be sure that the carriage bolts hold the riveted plastic spacing strap and that the points on the special hex lockwashers face toward the defles- Install @ locknut flush with the end of the deflector carriage bolts to prevent the wing nuts from coming off (see figure 9) ‘Start the bottom end of the spout ‘control rod through the plastic bushing fon the auger housing. (Do not allow bushing alone to support rod.) Then loosely fasten the upper end of the 7 Assembly Figure 9 A. Detector ©. Wing Net B. Specie! Hex Lockwaster £. Locknut . Flat Washer FF Spout Extention control rod to its handle support brack= et using the rod guide, liner, $/16 x I= 1/4” capscrew, and loeknut as shown it figure 10, ide the control rod forward enough to stall a cotter pin in the lowest rod hole Figure 10 ‘A. Contol Red. Rod Guide B. Support Bracket E. Capecr Rod Guide ner. Losknut inside the auger housing. Use a a jaw pliers or hammer to flatten the cotter pin head slightly and to be sure the pin isa far through the rod ast will 0. Spread the cotter pin legs and bend them fully around the rod, Pill the rod back so the cotter pin is up against the bushing. Make sure the cotter pin will not interfere with rod turning movement, Install the second cotter pin through the control rod above the bushing and spread the legs (see figure, 10, Figure 11 1. Control Rod B. Upper Cotter Pin © Bushing 8. Make sure the rod guide liner is still in place. Then tighten the locknut until the ‘control rod is held snugly, but yet still, free enough to rotate (see figure 10) Assembly —_———_— 9, Position the spout extension facing straight ahead, 2 10, Wind the cable around the control rod spool as shown i figure 12. Wind three ‘turns on the rea half ofthe spoolso the ‘abe leaves the spool on the lower edge ‘8s shown. Wind four tras on the front half of the spool so the cable leaves the spool on the upper edge as shows ‘A. Control Red Spook , Four Tune ©. thee Tums 11, Place the looped end of the eable over the forward stud on the spout exten- sion, Seeure the cable on the stud witha flat washer, lockwasher, and hex nut as shown in figure 13. 12, Place a flat washer on the other stud first and then pull thestraight end of the cable around the stud with a pliers so the cable is tight. Place the cup washer (acing inward), Tockwasher, and hex faut on the stud as shown in figure 13. Tighten the nut while holding the cable tight with a pliers, 13, lf theres any extra cable atthe straight ‘end, tape the loose cable neatly to the tight cable, FINAL CHECKS & PREPARATION ‘Check the to engine pulley belt stops, the transmission pulley belt stop and the auger pulley belt stop according to Belt Stops ‘Adjustment Fill the engine crankcase with oi asinstruct- ed in your Tecumseh Engine Owner's Man- wal heck the snow thrower Iubrieation accord= ing to the Normal Care section Reinstall the belt and chain guard assembly Fill the fuel tank with lean, fresh, lead-free ‘automotive gasoline. (Leaded regular gaso- line isan acceptable substitute.) ON 8 H.P, MODELS ONLY, check to be sure both tires are inflated to 10 to 15 psi (69 to 103 kPa). Chock all capserews, nuts, cotter pins, and Wires to make sure they are securely attache. ‘Check for oil and gasoline leaks Start the engine and test all controls for proper operation and adjustment, After stopping the engine, recheck for oil and ‘gasoline leaks, 9 Operation CONTROLS Figure 14 shows the locations, names, and fanetion of the controls B wasnine To avoid serious personal injury, stop the engine, remove the key and re- move spark plug wire, t0 prevent accidental starting of the engine. ECKS BEFORE EACH STARTUP. first time, perform Final Checks and Preparation in Assembly section. 1. Make sure all safety guards arein place And all nuts, bolts, and clips are sceure, FUNCTION [ren] name FUNCTION 2. Check engine erankease oll with snow shits wransmnission gears to ['E [Throte |Opwaies engine throtto to thrower on level surface, See your engine control ground epost and JConsat Jaci “engine speed Owner's Manual. [section oe 8 [Spout Joontrots avecton snow i¢ | F fgnition |operates with key to run oF 3. Refer to the Normal Care Chart to Centar |itown [Swan |stop engine check for any needed ear. © Johoke uses to start cold engine (on] @ Jauger | Engages arve to auger whon 4 Check the fuel supply. Use afannelto | 9 freacion [Engages dive to whele when] [taver | ROSH deenaaes ive whan fill the tank. Use fresh, lead-free gaso- Brive" Jeroen sonaags va wren vor _[rlonred line or leaded regular gasoline Operation 5, Position the deflector to the desired angle (sce Deflector Adjustment STARTING THE ENGINE Place the gear shift lever in neutral. Refer to engine manufacturer's literature to start the engine. GEAR SELECTION There are four positions: neutral, reverse, first, and second. The shift pattern is shown ‘on the dash. To shift gears, release the traction drive lever, lift the gearshift lever slightly, and move it to the desired gear. Use first gear to blow deep or heavy snow. Use second gear to transport the snow thrower for to blow light snow. STOPPING To stop auger drive, release the auger drive lever. To stop traction drive, release the traction drive lever. To stop e! throttle control lever to SLOW an AFTER EACH USE I. See the "Before Stopping Engine” see- tion in your engine Owner's Manual. It describes how to prevent engine freeze op. 2, Clean snow and ice from the snow thrower. 3. I the snow thrower is kept in a cold shelter, fill the fuel tank to prevent condensation. Do not store near sparks or flame, OPERATIN Determine the best snow removal pattern, Wind direction is an important factor to ‘consider. Avoid blowing snow on cleared areas and on yourself as you're operating, ‘Always rotate the spout to discharge snow dowawing, To transport the snow thrower, engage only the traction drive lever. To throw snow, engage the auger drivefirstand then traction drive. In deep or heavy snow, it may help to press the traction drive lever gently to move slowly into the snow while holding the auger drive lever down fully. 1 snow stops flowing freely from the spout, stop or back up to let thesnow thrower clear ite A waenine Ifthe auger stalls or the spout plugs, Release both drive levers. Stop the engine. Disconnect spark plug wire Remove any foreign object and clear the spout. OPERATION ON SLOPES For your safety, operation on slopes should be in an up and down direction only. If it becomes necessary to move across the face fof a slope, use caution and do not blow snow. Be very careful when changing direc- tion on a slope For added traction, tre chains are recom- mended. For the operator, proper winter footwear is recommended to help prevent slipping "Never attempt to clean snow from excessive- ly steep slopes, The maximum slope for any ‘operation is 35 percent (19.3°) which sa rise fof 35 feet in 100 feet forward. NW Operation DEFLECTOR ADJUSTMENT Position the deflector at the desired angle by loosening the wing nut on each side (see figure 9). Raise the deflector upward to throw snow farther. When changing the position, apply downward pressure on the deflector to prevent a gap between deflector ‘and spacing strap. (A gap would allow snow to discharge onto the engine.) Tighten the wing nuts, DIFFERENTIAL LOCK For better traction, engage the differential lock so both wheels drive the snow thrower figures 15 and (6). For easier turning While transporting, disengage the dlferen- tia lock s0 that each whee can turn indepen dently 12 Figure 16 DIFFERENTIAL UNLOCKED. (@uil and Turn) — ONE Figure 15 DIFFERENTIAL LOCKED. Weel Daves BOTH WHEELS ORIVE. INO eh Ce ms, SCHEDULED CARE ‘A schedule of normal care is provided in the Normal Care Chart, Also see “Before Each Startup" in the Operation section, To detet- ne total operating time, multiply the time i takes for each snow clearing job by the ‘number of times you have done the job. For engine maintenance, refer to the engine ‘Owner's Manual supplied with your snow thrower. OFF-SEASON STORAGE, Before you store your snow thrower for the ‘off-season, take the following precautions: NOTE uel may be stored in the tank orin a container for long periodsifa gasoline stabilizer is used, This additive, avai able from your dealer, prevents for~ mations of gum and varnish for up to one year. |. Prepare your snow thrower engine for storage according to the Tecumseh en- sine Owner’s Manual Every 10] Every 25 Care Required see _| Hours | Hours’ | Yearly (Change engine oll ‘Engine [+ eee Manual Cabricate impalior bearings | Fig? | Lubricate snow thrower | Fig.18 = Inspect, adjust, and : lubricate drive chains Fig 18 Clean oF replace Engine . spark plug anv “Change orginal engine ol aftr Wet 2 hours af operation Atleast once a year, Normal Care Chart STARTING AFTER STORAGE Before star period of storage, perform the following. 2. Lubricate snow thrower. (See figure 17 and 18.) 1 3. Clean snow thrower thoroughly. Coat all exposed metal parts with a good ‘quality paint (available from your deal- 2 ex) or light film of grease, oi of automotive wax. 4. At the end of storage, follow the structions in the "Starling After St age” procedures. 18 the snow thrower after a Remove the spark plug and wipe dry ‘Crank engine a few timesto blow excess oil out of plug hole. Then reinstall plug. Fill fuel tank with fresh gasoline (unless a fuel stabilizer was used). Cheek to be sure engine fins are clean and air low is unobstructed ‘Start the engine outdoors. Do not ran engine at high speeds immediately after starting, 13 Normal Care LUBRICATE IMPELLER BEARINGS, (Every 10 Hours) BD asin, To avoid serious personal injury, stop the engine, remove the key Location: Inside Auger Housing and disconnect spark plug wireto (Viewed from Front) prevent accidontal starting, To ‘ease the innor boating you will be reaching into the snow throw- er auger housing. Location: Right Hand Side Symbol Use ‘Apply With Procedure Lithium base automotive grease Grease Gun 1. Wipe fiting clean with rag geo 2. Apply 2 or 8 shots of grease, 3. Wipe up any excess grease, jure 17. Impeller earings Lubrication 14 Fi ipeller Bearing Normal Care Te F Location Ane (A) and osm sion (B) (Viewed from bottom of unit) Location: Left Hand Side (Remove belt and chain guard assy.) NOTE: Greaso may bbe used on chain Location: Left Hand Side (Remove belt and chain guard assy. and auger chain guard) Symbol Use ‘Apply With Procedure 1. Wipe fiting clean with rag. ae Lithium base automotive grease Grease gun 2. Apply 2 or 3 shots of grease, (Bo not over grease) 3. Wipe up any excess grease Brush and wipe dirt from area v Medium weight (SAE 90) oi oll can 2 Apply a few drops of ol 3, Wipe up any drips or spills. Figure 18 Lubrication 15 Service ———____ ‘This section provides troubleshooting and service instructions. For problems not eov- ered here, contact your dealer. A warnine To avoid serious injury, stop engine emove the key, and disconnect the spark plug wire before performing maintenance. ‘TROUBLESHOOTING Locate the problem in the Troubleshooting ‘Chart that you have encountered. Check the possible causes in the order they are listed. Correct any problems and try to eperate the snow thrower again to see if you have climinated the problem. BELT & CHAIN GUARD REMOVAL Remove the belt and chain guard as one assembly, Remove the three taptite screws and the capserew with washer, lockwasher, and aut (see figure 19), 16 Problem, 1. Engine falls to start 2. Engine starts hard or runs poory. 3. Auger doos not rotate Troubleshooting Chart Cause/Remedy Koy off Turn key 10 “ON (Out of fuck. Fill fuel tank ‘Choke not "ON" Move choke to “FULL” and sel throtle to fast. Engine flooded. Move choke to “OFF” and try starting engine again. Spark plug or points fauly, fouled or poorly ‘gapped. See your dealer for sarvice of points, ‘Water in fuel. Drain tank and refill with fresh ‘uel (Olt stale gas. Drain tank an refi with fresh vel Fuel mixture too ich, Nove choke to “OFF ‘Carburetor adjust incorrectly, See your desler. Spark plug or points faulty, touted, oF poorly ‘gapped. loan and gap oF replace, See your {oater for points serve. Fuol cap vont blocked. Clear vent “Auger drive lever not engaged. Engage auger drive lover Foroign material blocking auger. STOP engine. REMOVE key. DISCONNECT spark plug wie, Unplug auger. ‘Auger drive belt slipping. Adjust auger dive bolt tension, ‘Auger drive chain slipping, Adjust chain ‘Broken belt or chain. Replace belt or chain Service Problem Ruger rotates, but snow not {thrown far enough, Scraper bar does nol cloan hard surtace, & Snow thrower pioks up and throws stones on gravel dive, 7, Poor traction, “Auger does nol slop when drive lever Is released, ‘Snow thrower does nat stop ‘when traction drive levers feleased. A. Cause/Remedy ‘Spout deflator too low. Adjust dolfoctor as necessary, Engine RPM too slow. Set at 3/4 fo full thot, Ground speed too fast. Use low gear. Snow thrower discharge spout clogged. STOP engine. REMOVE key. REMOVE spark plug Wire. Unplug discharge spout ‘Skid shoes improperly adjusted, Adjust skid shows, Taj a ‘Too much down pressure. Use handles to raise the snow thrower slightly. Differential Fock nat enaaged: Engage Took, Drive bett siping. Adjust traction drive belt tension Tires slipping. Use tre chains. Drive belt broken. Replace belt Belt guides out of adjustment Adjustbol guidos. Auger drive blot out of adjustinent, Adjust auger drive bal tension. Bolt guides out ofadjusimant AdjustboT guides. Traction drive belt out of adjustment. Adjust Figure 19 A Tapes (2) 8, Capserew ©. Bel & Chain Guard Auger Chai Guars AUGER DRIVE BELT REPLACE- MENT 1, Remove the belt and chain guard assembly. 2 Loosen the belt stops at the engine pulley and the auger drive pulley as necessary (see figures 20 and 21) Remove the old belt and install the 3. Perform drive tension adjustments and belt stops adjustments. then a Service install belt and chain guard assem bly 4. Test operate to make sure the auger, Stops when lever is released. If not, stments (step 3). cae ‘A Auger Onve Pulley done Bat Guide Ider Ploy TRACTION DRIVE BELT REPLACEMNT. 1. Remove the belt and chain guard as sembly 2. Remove the auger drive bel, 18 Figure 21 c 3 Engine Paley Blt Guides ‘Auger Cluteh Spring ‘Transmision Bet Guide Loosen the engine pulley belt guides and the transmission pulley belt guide (see figure 21). Unhook the auger clutch spring from the idler pulley (item F, figure 21), Remove the old belt. Install the new one in reverse order of removal 6 Perform Drive Tension Adjustments and Belt Guides Adjustments then rein stall the belt tnd chain guard assembly st operate the snow thrower to make sure the traction drive stops when lever is released. I not, recheck adjustments (step 6). DRIVE TENSION ADJUSTMENTS 1 Remove the belt and ch sembly board as Measure the auger control spring with the auger drive lever engaged. If it measures 2-1 810 2-1 4inehes(S4t0 57 mm) it properly adjusted (see figure 22). Measure the traction control spring withthe traction drive ever engaged. If it measures 2-1/4 to 2-1/2 inches (57 0 63 mm) it is properly adjusted (see figure 22), Ia drive is out of adjustment, loosen the wire elamp and lengthen of shorten the control wire (see figure 23) Retight en the clamp. Repeat steps 2 and 3. Reinstall belt and chain guard assem by Service ©. Ruger Control Sping BELT GUIDES ADJUSTMENT Remove the belt and chain guard assembly Measure the distance between each belt ‘guide and belt with both traction drive lever and auger drive ever engaged. It wll help 10 tape or strap the levers to the handles There should be a clearance of 1/8 inch (3 mm) between each belt guide and belt. ‘Check the engine pulley belt guides (Figure 23), transmission pulley belt guide (igure 24), and auger pulley belt guide (figure 25) Figure 23 ‘A. Engine Paley B. Bett Guides NOTE For engine pulley belt guides, it may not be possible to achieve 1/8” at both inner and outer belt. Position guides 0 that closest mesurement is 1/8" To adjust a belt guide, loosen its mounting ‘eapserew, move the belt guide, and rtighten the eapserew. Recheck the measurement with levers engaged. Figure 24 ‘A. Tranamission Pulley 8. galt Guide AUGER DRIVE CHAIN ADJUSTMENT 1. Remove the belt and chain guard as- sembly, 2. Remove the auger chain guard (tem D, figure 19) by removing two hex nuts 3. Loosen the hex nut {item A, figure 26), Loosen the three capserews (items B, C, and 0. 9 Service Figure 25 ‘A. Auger Putey 4, Pull back and down on the drive shaft 20 tube to take all slack out of the auger drive chains, Hold the tube parallel to the auger housing. Rotate all sprockets 360° to ensure that no chain binding ‘cours. fa chain binds, relax the chain tension slightly With the shaft tube parallel to auger housing and no slack in auger drive ‘chains, tighten the nut and two eap- serews securely. 1D. Brive Sma Tube Figure 26 ube Clamps A. Hex Nut. Large Drive Shalt proskat B. Cepsesew Small Drive Shalt Sprocket . Capscrow ——H. Rugar Sprocket 1 apscrow 6. Check the alignment of the small di shaft sprocket (item G, figure 26) with the auger sprocket (item H). Toadjust loosen the tube clamps and align the small sprocket. Tighten the tube clamps. 7. Cheek the al of the large drive shaft sprocket (F) with the smaller sprocket above it, To adjust, loosen the 8. sprocket setserew, align the sprocket, and retighten the setscrew. Reinstall belt and chain guard assem- by. IMPELLER DRIVE CHAIN ADJUSTMENT. a Remove the belt and chain guard as- sembly Loosen the outer hex nut and the hex nut inside the frame on the welded ‘capserew (see figure 27, Push back on the shaft to take al sack Dut of chain. Rotate sprockets 360° to censure that chains don't bind. f chain binds, relax chain Tension slightly With no slack in the chain, tighten the hhex nuts loosened in step 2. Check the auger pulley belt stop. C, figure 27) with the impeller sprocket. To adjust, insert or remove flat washers as needed between shat assembly bracket and frame, Retighten, all capserews when finishes. Reinstall the belt and chain guard as- sembly Service (On rough surfaces, such as gravel, the skid shoes should be set so the seraper bar rides lightly above the ground surface and does not pick up stones and debris. To raise the scraper bar rest each side of the seraper bar ‘on scraps of wood of the desired thickness. Make sure the scraper bar is parallel to the ‘round surface Then loosen each skid shoe and let it drop down to the ground level. Tighten the nuts securely, making sure both skid shoes are adjusted the same and that they are both parallel to the ground. The skid shoes thus ‘support the snow thrower so the seraper bar can skim snow from the surface without Figure 27 A. Hox Nat picking up and throwing gravel B. Welded Capscrow Smal Sprocket SKID SHOE ADJUSTMENT Th soc vn be adjtd wp or down | peer eeieemarre aay Saoccip ont sate (On smooth, hard surfaces, such as concrete or asphalt, theskid shoes should be set so the full length seraper bar is resting directly on the surface. a Snowbuster Specifications Engine Make: Tecumseh Cylinders: 1 Cycles: 4 Crankshat: Horizontal MODEL 524 Mosel No: HSSKS50 Type: 67168C. Horsepower: 5 (3.73 KW) Bore: 2-13/16 In. (77.8 mm) Siroke: 1-15/16 in. (49.2 mm) Displacement: 12.04 Cu. In. (197.8 em?) MODEL 724 Model No.: 1202356-n70 Horsepower: 7 (5.22 kW) Bore: 2-3/4 (69.85 mm) Stroke: 2-17/37 (64.31 mm) Displacement: 15.04 cu. in. (246.44 co) MODEL 828 Model No: HMSK80 ‘Type: 155167E Horsepower: 8 (5.97 kW) Bore: 2-1/16 In. (77.8 mm) Stroke: 2-17/32 In. (64.3 mm) Displacement: 18.65 Cu. In. (905.82 cm’) 2 Ignition: Flywheel Magneto with Key Switch Governor: Mechanical, Running in Crankcase Oil (Choke: Manual Starter: Manual, Recoll Type Crankease: Splash System Lubrication 5 H.P. Oil Capacity — 1-1/4 Pints (59) 7 HP. Oil Capacity — 1-1/6 Pints ($5 L) BHP. Oil Capacity ~ 1-1/2 Pints (71 L) Fuel Tank: 5 H.P. Capacity ~ 23 Quarts (2.18 L) 7 H.P. Capacity — 4 Quarts (3.8 L) BHP. Capacity — 4 Quarts (3.8 L) Pee Modes S24 A 724 at 290 pm) Model 28 (ot S600) nan eke) oe2smpn(20t en) Mean Goon tar eemen ae enh) Beara gosh) REV. 25m (20) ky wicca tan Tie sete a 43 x8 Preumaic, 10-16 el (6-100 KPa) Frame ‘Construction: Heavy Gauge, Welded Steel Channel Snowbuster Specifications ———————— $$$ —______. Blower Housing ‘Consiruction: Welded, Reinforced Steet lodels 524 & 724 — 24 Inches (610mm) Model 828 — 28 Inches (711 mm) ‘Opening Height: 19 Inches (483 mm) ‘Spout: 180” Rotation with Adjustable Deflector ‘Scraper Bar: High Carbon Wear Resistant Stool ‘Skid Shoes: Adjustable Height, Heat Treated Stee! ion: Solid Fite, Welded Stee! Diameter: 12 Inches (205 mm) Bearings: Self-Aligning Bronze Bushing Impeller ‘Tonstruction: 3 Rubver Paddles Diameter: 14° (956 mm) Bearings: Solt-Aligning Rolling Contact w/Grease Fitting ‘Auger and Impeller Drive Type: Cushioning V-Belt and Roller Chain Bearings: Prolubricated and Seales Rolling Contact Controls Throttle: Lever on Control Pane! ‘Traction Drive: Touch-O-Matic Lever on Right Handle Gear Shitt: Levor on Front af Control Panel Auger Drive: Touch-O-Matic Lever on Lett Handle Spout: Tee Handle at Right of Control Panel Dimensions Length: 59 Inches (1.5 m) Width: Models 524 & 724 — 25-nInches (648 mm) Model 828 — 29-% Inches (756 mm) Height (Top of Handle): 35 inches (889 mm} Weight: Model 524 — 212 Lbs (96.2 kg) Net Model 724 — 224 Lbs. (101.7 kg) Nat Model 828 — 258 Lbs. (117 kg} Net ‘SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 23 Safety Decals A CAUTION Before Operating Snow Thrower. 4. Read Owners Manual Carefully. 2. Adjust Auger Housing Skid Shoes to Proper Height. 3, Remove All Objects from Work Area, 4. Do Not Adjust or Service Unit While Engine is Running. 5. Use Grounded 3 Wire Plug-in for Electric Starting. During Operation of Snow Thrower. 1. Keep People and Pets a Safe Distance Away from Machine. 2. Keep Alll Shields in Place. 3. Keep Hands, Feet and Clothing Away from Power Driven Parts. 4, Exercise Caution to Avoid Slipping or Falling. 5. Do Not Clear Snow Across Face of Slope. 6. Never Allow Children to operate Snow Thrower, Before Leaving Operators Position. 1. Shift Transmission to Neutral. 2 Shut Off Engine and Remove Key. 3, Wait for All Movement to Stop. LOCATION: On Spout Deflector a ‘SPOUT CONTROL’ ar TRACTION pirat) Petron) Corry oe , Ete foratarsy Cena cacti roe eacrcry swircr stow i ® 7 aan => CmOmors LOCATION: Handlebar Control Panel 4 WARNING Keep Clear Of ‘Auger While Engine Is Running LOCATION: Auger Housing 4 WARNING Keep Hands Out Of Discharge Guide While Engine Is Running LOCATIONS (2); Delleclor & front edge of ‘spout opening Ka Safety Decals PULL TO | CHOKE ay OFF ‘OPERA _ v2 3/4 FULL PRIMER PUSH TO PRIME MUFFLER & ADJACENT AREAS MAY EXCEED 150°F. LOCATIONS: All safety and instructional messages repro- ‘duced on this page are on your Tecumseh engine near the area or control described. Model 728 Only Safety warning signs reproduced on these pages are placed at strategic locations on the snow throweras constant reminder to the operate of the most important safety precautions, If any of these signs are lost or damaged, replace them at once. They can be purchased from your dealer. Identification & Accessories. Snow Thrower ID (On engine base at rear of engine) 26 Engine 1D ‘Type {Stamped on top of engine blower housing) ‘See your dealer to purchase any of the following accessories for your snow thrower. Tire Chains - Increase traction on slip ery surfaces (Use with cau- tion on blacktop to avoid marking surface) | ‘Snow Cab - Provides shelter for oper- | ator from severe weather and blowing snow. Electric Starter Kit (120V AC) - Offers operator the conven- lence of electricstart- ing. PARTS MANUAL AVAILABLE FOR SNOWBUSTER 524, 724 & 828 You can ord 11s manual and a repair manual for your snow thrower, Todo so. ill ou the form and enclose it in an evelope with a cheek oF money order made but to SIMPLICETY Simplicity Manufacturing Co, ‘Aun: Customer Publications 500 N. Spring Steeet Port Washington, WI 53074 a ee es CUT HERE» manual (TP $80) for my snow thrower. I am Dt wouta ike « enclosing a check or money order for $2.00. g 2 2 & E ‘enclosing a cheek or money order for $7.00. Ti wouts ike a repair man (Print clear, this will be your mailing label) NAME, STREET OR RFD cry ZIP, STATE Simplicity Mtg. Co. 500/N. Spring Street Port Washington, WI 53074

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