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Generic Name Dosage Mechanism of Action Side Effects/ Adverse Nursing Considerations


Ipratropium + 2.5 ml Ipratropium bromide is an • bronchospasm 1.Inhaler may be used 15

Salbutamol anticholinergic (parasympatholytic) • chest pain and fast, minutes before exercise to
agent which, based on animal studies, pounding, or uneven prevent exercise-induced
appears to inhibit vagally mediated heart beats bronchospasm.
reflexes by antagonizing the action of • swelling of your 2. Patient may use tablets and
Brand Name Timing acetylcholine, the transmitter agent ankles or feet inhaler at the same time.
released from the vagus nerve. • pain or burning with Monitor for toxicity.
Combivent Every 6 hours Anticholinergics prevent the increases urination 3.Warn the patient about the
in intracellular concentration of cyclic risk of paradoxical
• increased blood
guanosine monophosphate (cyclic bronchospasm and if it occurs,
GMP) which are caused by interaction stop drug immediately.
of acetylcholine with the muscarinic 4.Teach patient to use the
receptor on bronchial smooth muscle. inhaler correctly: Shake it, clear
the throat, expel as much air as
possible from the lungs, inhale
Classifications Indications References Contraindications
deeply while releasing the drug
• History of from the inhaler, hold breath for
Bronchodilators PPD’s Nursing Drug Guide 2nd edition hypersensitivity to soya several seconds.
Anti-ashmatic that relax lecithin or related food 5.Use of a spacer may improve
muscles in the products such as soybean delivery.
airways and and peanut. 6. Wait for 2 minutes between
increase air flow
puffs of inhaler.
to the lungs.
7.If the patient is also using a
steroid inhaler, use the
bronchodilator first, then wait 5
minutes before using the steroid.
8.Wash the canister with warm
water and soap at least once a
Generic Name Dosage Mechanism of Action Side Effects/ Adverse Nursing Considerations
Salbutamol is a selective 2-
Salbutamol 2.5 ml + NSS 2ml adrenomimetic agent stimulating • Headache 1.Assess cardio-respiratory
Sulfate mainly the 2-adrenergic receptors • Tremor function, heart rate and rhythm
and to a lesser extent 1-adrenergic • Tachycardia and breathe sounds.
receptors in the myocardium. The • Hypertension 2. Give after shaking
stimulation of the 2 receptors leads metered dose inhaler; have
• Anxiety
Brand Name Timing to adenylate cyclase activation and patient exhale and place
• Rarely nausea,
cAMP accumulation, alterations in moutnpiece in mouth, inhale
Ventar Every 4 hours the methyl transferase activity, slowly while depressing inhaler,
Nebulizing decrease in the calcium ion • skin rash can be hold breath, remove inhaler,
Solution Alternate with intracellular concentration. Due to observed. exhale slowly; allow at least 1
Combivent these changes bronchial smooth min between inhalations.
muscle relaxation and inhibition of 3.Store in light resistance
mast cell degranulation develop. The container do not expose to
antiasthmatic action of Salbutamol is temperature over 30ºC
related to the decrease of edema and 4.Avoid getting aerosol in eyes
mucus secretion. or blurring may result.
Classifications Indications References Contraindications 5.Instruct patient to limit
caffeine products.
bronchospasm in PPD’s Nursing Drug Guide 2nd Hypersensitivity to some 6.Tell patient to stop drug
Anti-asthmatic patients with edition of the drug ingredients. immediately if bronchospasm
reversible airway occurs.
obstruction: mild
and moderate
attacks of dyspnea
in patients
suffering from
bronchial asthma;
mild and moderate
in patients with
chronic bronchitis
and lung
Generic Name Dosage Mechanism of Action Side Effects/ Adverse Nursing Considerations

Clarithromycin 2.5 ml Inhibits and interferes with bacterial • Gi disturbances 1. Monitor hepatic and
• Diarrhea, Nausea and hematologic status.
protein synthesis by binding to the 50s 2. Assess bowel pattern
ribosomal subunits of bacterial discontinue if diarrhea
• Taste disturbances
chromosome. • Headache and rashes occurs.
Brand Name Timing 3. Instruct patient to take all
medications prescribed for
Klaricid 2 times a day the length of time ordered
and to continue drug
4. Advised patient not to
chew or crush tablets.
Classifications Indications References Contraindications 5. Advice patient to contact
physician if vaginal
Anti-infectives Treatment of PPD’s Nursing Drug Guide 2nd edition Hypersensitivity to itching, loose-foul
respiratory tract macrolides. Liver and smelling stools and furry
infections such kidney damage. tongue is observed.
as pneumonia,
bronchits etc.
Generic Name Dosage Mechanism of Action Side Effects/ Adverse Nursing Considerations

Budesonide 1 NEB t NSS Controls the rate of protein synthesis; • Headache, erythema,
2ml rash, vomiting, asthma,
depresses the migration of
polymorphonuclear leukocytes, • Chest pain, edema,
fibroblasts; reverses capillary flushing, hypertension,
Brand Name Timing permeability and lysosomal palpitation, syncope,
stabilization at the cellular level to tachycardia.
Asmavent 2 times a day
prevent or control inflammation. Has
Pulmoneb • Dizziness,
potent glucocorticoid activity and weak
dysphonia, emotional
mineralocorticoid activity.
lability, fatigue, fever
Classifications Indications References Contraindications

Anti-asthmatics Bronchial PPD’s Nursing Drug Guide 2nd edition Not intended for rapid
asthma relief of acute episodes of
asthma where an inhaled
bronchodilator is

Generic Name Dosage Mechanism of Action Side Effects/ Adverse Nursing Considerations

Prednisone 6 ml Glucocorticoids are naturally occurring 1.Assess patient’s condition

• Fluid and electrolyte before therapy and regularly
hormones that prevent or suppress
disturbances thereafter to monitor drug
inflammation and immune responses effectiveness.
• Visual disturbances
when administered at pharmacological • Growth retardation 2.Obtain baseline weight, blood
Brand Name Timing doses. At a molecular level, unbound pressure and electrolyte levels.
• Hyperglycemia
glucocorticoids readily cross cell 3.assess for potassium depletion.
• Skin atrophy
Pred ID Daily 1.Assess patient and his family’s
membranes and bind with high affinity
suspension Post breakfast knowledge on drug therapy.
to specific cytoplasmic receptors. This • 4.. Assess for signs and symptom
binding induces a response by of infection.
modifying transcription and, ultimately 5.Assess for adrenal function for
protein synthesis to achieve the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
axis suppression.
steroid’s intended action. Such actions
6. Give with food or milk to
may include: inhibition of leukocyte decrease Gi symptom
infiltration at the site of inflammation, 7. Instruct patient not to stop
interference in the function of medication without medical
mediators of inflammatory response, advice because it can result to
and suppression of humoral immune adrenal crisis.
8. Do not attempt toverdose.
Classifications Indications References Contraindications

Hormone related Allergic and PPD’s Nursing Drug Guide 2nd edition Gastric and duodenal
drugs inflammation disorders, systemic
conditions fungal, glaucoma and

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