Dragon Age - Action & Stunt Reference Sheet

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Aim: If your next action is a melee attack or ranged attack, you gain a +1

Actions: bonus on your attack roll.

Guard Up: Add +1 or +2 (your choice) to your Defense until the end of
You can take a major action and a minor action or two this round. You suffer the Defense bonus as a penalty to all tests you
minor actions on your turn. make for the remainder of the current round. If you choose this minor
action, you must do it before any major action you take this turn.
Major Actions Move: Move up to your Speed in yards. Or, you can go prone, stand up,
or mount a horse or vehicle, combined (as appropriate) with a half-Speed
All-out Attack: Reckless melee attack. Do +1 damage if you hit. Suffer –1 move (round down).
to your Defense until your next turn.
Prepare: Pick one major action that you prepare to execute and then
Charge: Move up to half your Speed (round down) in yards, and then end your turn. Any time until your next turn, you can interrupt another
make a melee attack against an adjacent enemy. Gain a +1 bonus on character and take your prepared action immediately. If you don’t use it
your attack roll. by your next turn, the action is lost. You cannot take the prepared action
Defend: Until the beginning of your next turn, you gain a +2 bonus to if you’ve already taken a major action on your turn.
your Defense. Press the Attack: Declare an adjacent enemy combatant. Until the
Heal: Make a TN 11 Cunning (Healing) test. If successful, your target beginning of your next turn, if that enemy moves, you can move up to
recovers Health equal to your Dragon Die + Cunning. A character cannot your Speed in yards in pursuit. This occurs immediately after your foe’s
benefit from another heal action until he takes additional damage. You movement, before he can do anything else. You can only do this to an
must be adjacent to your ally and you must have bandages ready. enemy you have melee attacked this turn. You may forego some or all of
this movement when your enemy triggers it.
Melee Attack: Attack one adjacent enemy (within 2 yards) in hand-to-
hand combat. Ready: Unsheathe a weapon, pull out a potion, or otherwise ready an
item that is stowed. As part of this action, you can stow something
Ranged Attack: You may fire or throw a missile weapon at one visible already in hand. You could thus put away your bow and a draw a sword,
enemy within range. for example.
Run: Move up to double your Speed in yards. You (obviously) cannot take
this action if you are prone. Stand Firm: Until the beginning of your next turn, any enemy who uses
the Skirmish or Knock Prone stunts on you must win an opposed test

Minor Actions pitting their Strength (Might) against your Strength (Might) or Dexterity
(Acrobatics) (your choice) in order to move you or knock you prone. Win
or lose, this test can only be attempted after the relevant stunt points
Activate: This action allows you to start using certain powers or items,
are spent. A Skirmishing opponent need only make a single opposed test
such as fighting styles and potions.
to determine success, regardless of how far they intend to move you.

Exploration Stunts (Research, etc.)

SP Cost
1-3 Advantageous Positioning – You make your discovery from an advantageous position of your choice; up to 2 yards away from the place that
would normally lead to your discovery with respect to the object of your test. You may wait until the GM describes what you’ve found
before choosing your position. Each stunt point spent increases the ‘distance’ by 2 yards.
2 Efficient Search - If resources are typically consumed by this test, you use half as much as normal.
2 Speedy Search – You complete your test in half the time it would otherwise take.
3 That Makes Me Wonder – You may immediately make another Perception test at no additional cost in time or resources to discover more
information about the object of your first test. This bonus test must use a different focus and does not give stunt points. The two tests
transpire simultaneously. If there is nothing additional to discover, the stunt is wasted.
3 The Object of your Attention – You receive a +1 bonus to further tests to examine or perceive additional aspects of the object of your test
until the time or venue changes.
4 The Upper Hand – If your discoveries immediately lead to combat, you receive a +3 bonus on to initiative.
4 Resources at Hand – Choose a focus that you don’t have, that falls under the same ability as the test you’re making. You are considered to
have that focus until the time or venue changes. The GM may require that you explain how this bonus arises from the environment.
4 With a Flourish – The manner of your success is impressive to those who are nearby to watch you. You have a +1 bonus to opposed tests
against those who witnesses your brilliance until the time or venue changes.

Magic Stunts
SP Cost
1-3 Puissant Casting: Increase the Spellpower of your spell by 1 per stunt point spent, to a maximum of 3.
2 Skillful Casting: Reduce the mana cost of the spell by 1. This can reduce the mana cost to 0.
2 Mighty Spell: If the spell does damage, one target of the spell of your choice takes an extra 1d6 damage.
3 Mana Shield: You use the residual mana of the spell casting to set up a temporary protective shield. You gain a +2 bonus to Defense until the
beginning of your next turn.
4 Fast Casting: After you resolve this spell, you can immediately cast another spell. The second spell must have a casting time of a major
action or a minor action. If you roll doubles on this casting roll, you do not get any more stunt points.
4 Imposing Spell: The effect of the spell is much more dramatic than usual. Until the beginning of your next turn, anyone attempting to make
a melee attack against you must make a successful Willpower (Courage) test. The target number (TN) is 10 + your Magic ability. Those who
fail must take a move or defend action instead.
Combat Stunts
SP Cost
1+ Skirmish: You can move yourself or the target of your attack 2 yards in any direction for each 1 SP spent.
1 Rapid Reload: You can immediately reload a missile weapon.
1 Stay Aware: You take a moment to make sure you’re mindful of everything that’s happening around you. Make a TN 11 Perception test with
the focus of your choice. If you succeed, the GM may either make you aware of some battlefield situation that has escaped your notice or
give you a +1 bonus to the next test you make. This bonus may not stack with any other bonus other than a focus, must be used on the very
next test you make, and expires at the end of your next turn if you haven’t used it by then.
2 Knock Prone: You knock your enemy prone. Anyone melee attacking a prone foe gains +1 on the attack roll.
2 Defensive Stance: You gain a +2 bonus to Defense until the beginning of your next turn.
2 Disarm: You and your opponent make a opposed attack rolls. (These rolls do not generate stunt points.) If you win the test, you knock your
enemy’s weapon 1d6 + Strength yards away in a direction you choose.
2 Mighty Blow: You inflict an extra 1d6 damage on your attack.

2 Pierce Armor: Your target’s armor rating is halved (rounded down) vs. this attack.

2 Taunt: You insult or distract one opponent of your choice within 10 yards of you. Make an opposed Communication (Deception) vs. Willpower
(Self-Discipline) test. If you win, the target suffers a –1 penalty on attack and casting rolls on his next turn. Taunt penalty effects may not

2 Threaten: You challenging an opponent of your choice within 10 yards of you. Make an opposed Strength (Intimidate) vs. Willpower (Self-
Discipline) test. If you win, the target must attack you in some way (melee, missile, spell, etc.) on his next turn. Threatened effects may not

3 Lightning Attack: You can make a second attack versus any enemy within range and in sight. You must have a loaded missile weapon to
make a ranged attack. The second attack does not generate stunt points.

4 Dual Strike: Your attack is so strong it affects two targets. Pick a secondary target. He must be adjacent to you if you are using a melee
weapon or within 6 yards of your primary target if at range. Apply the test result of your original attack roll to the secondary target to see if
it would hit. If you hit the secondary target, inflict your normal damage on him as well.
4 Seize the Initiative: You move to the top of the initiative order and may get another turn before some of the combatants get to act.
5 Lethal Blow: You inflict +2d6 damage on your attack. Cannot be combined with Mighty Blow.

Social Stunts
SP Cost
1 Bon Mot – You tag the perfect witty remark onto the end of your action, affecting all those who hear it that much more deeply. If you can’t
think of one, the rest of the players and GM quickly brainstorm options, and you choose among them. Word of your wit is likely to spread,
for good or ill.
1 And Another Thing – You manage to weave a second thrust of conversation into the primary interaction that called for the test, if your
description supports it. If relevant, you may make an additional test as part of your action, before anyone else has a chance to respond or
make any tests or arguments of their own.
2 Sway the Crowd – Your interpersonal efforts are so effective that they spill over onto others in the area, and you affect one additional
person of your choice past the original target. You may use this stunt multiple times on the same roll. However, if the test that gave rise to
this stunt was an opposed test you may not expand the effect to anyone who has a higher ability + focus total than the original target.
2 Stunned Silence – You are so impressive that you leave all those who witness your display completely dumbfounded and unable to speak for
at least a full round. Outside combat, this lasts, at the very least, for long enough for your character to begin to do something else.
3 Flirt – Choose one character who’s present and immediately make an opposed Communications (Seduction) vs. Willpower (Self-Discipline)
test. If you win, that character becomes enamored with yours. What exactly this means in the moment and how it might play out (or fall
apart) in the long run depend on how you continue to act and the events in play, but if you’re successful, you’ve created an opening
for romantic opportunities.
3 Impress - (the androgynous version of flirt) Choose one character who’s present and immediately make an opposed Communications (??) vs.
Willpower (Self-Discipline) test. If you win, that character becomes impressed with yours. What exactly this means in the moment and how
it might play out (or fall apart) in the long run depend on how you continue to act and the events in play, but if you’re successful, you’ve
created an opening for social opportunities.
3 Jest - You turn a phrase, twist your expression, or make some other comic motion that leads those nearby to laugh, or at the very least,
stifle their snorts. Any NPC who wishes to avoid laughing must make a TN 11 Willpower (Self-Discipline) test, with the exception—at the GM’s
discretion—of any NPC(s) who you’ve made the butt of your joke.
4 Tower of Will - Your success gives you a sense of your own brilliance and strength of character. For the rest of the current roleplaying
exchange, you will have a +1 bonus to any opposed tests where an opponent tries to put you at an emotional disadvantage, such as by
intimidating you, impressing you, bargaining with you, and so on.
5 Enrage – You twist the knife, delivering a provocation or insult in such a way that a single NPC you designate must choose between either
attacking you or storming away from the scene. If they choose to attack, the assault need not be deadly (although that option is certainly
open to the enraged character). A slap or the throwing of a gauntlet may stand in as an “attack” just as easily.

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