Tips For Working Parents: 1. Plan Your Mornings
Tips For Working Parents: 1. Plan Your Mornings
Tips For Working Parents: 1. Plan Your Mornings
The job of a working parent is one of the most difficult jobs in the world. Parents
who plan carefully and have their families cooperate can have an easier time. Here
are some tips that some working moms and dads can use to reduce stress levels
and get everything done.
3. Delegate Chores
There is nothing wrong in asking your kids to help you. Even small children can
learn to set the table for meals, older ones can serve drinks, and everyone can
help bring plates to the table. It will save time if you teach kids to clear the table,
get their own morning cereal, and load the dishwasher. Have children take out the
trash, teach them to use the washing machine, and to fold their clean clothes and
put them away. Award kids by giving points for chores done to show your kids how
much you appreciate their help.
4. Phone Friends and Family
Your friends and family are probably as busy as you are. Make a few quick calls on
the way to work or coming home in order to let people know you are thinking of
them. You will be too busy at home to make those important calls.
I suggest you take in mind these tips really useful for you and the rest of the world.