Evaluation First Part
Evaluation First Part
Evaluation First Part
This also helps the text stand out more and attract
attention to the reader as the main star is the
most important part of the magazine.
The pose on my magazine was influenced by the pose Justin Bieber
takes on the front of this Top of the Pops as I liked the way he was turnt
to the side with direct address to the audience completely drawing
them in to buy the magazine. Also with the main model smiling
immediately makes the audience feel comfortable with the magazine,
making them feel happy about buying it.
This is my contents page
on the left, it shows
similar connotations to
the Top of the Pops
contents page on the
right. I followed the same
theme of colours and
layout as the original
contents page as it is quite
simple and straight
forward letting the reader
know exactly what page
each article is on.
I used this simple banner layout from the Top of the
Pops magazine as I felt it really helped create the
page and let the readers know what it was all about.
I used the tag line ‘a lot to boast about’ as I felt this
linked in well with the name of the magazine and
continued the theme throughout the magazine so
that the reader would remember the magazine
I really liked the way Top of
the Pops magazine laid out
their contents pages by
putting each article into
boxes and columns with
titles letting the audience
know exactly where to look
for each article.