Web Dynpro For ABAP Tips and Tricks V07
Web Dynpro For ABAP Tips and Tricks V07
Web Dynpro For ABAP Tips and Tricks V07
Best Practices
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Web Dynpro for ABAP ......................................................................................................................... 2
Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Tips and tricks ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Where to store business logic? ........................................................................................................... 3
How to simplify context reading/writing? .......................................................................................... 4
Use structure vs fields ......................................................................................................................... 5
Handle DropdownByKey ..................................................................................................................... 6
How to call Smartforms from Web Dynpro? ...................................................................................... 8
How to call Adobe Forms from Web Dynpro? .................................................................................. 10
Appendix ............................................................................................................................................... 12
The helper class ................................................................................................................................. 12
Software components used .............................................................................................................. 18
About the developers ....................................................................................................................... 18
References ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Keywords ........................................................................................................................................... 18
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This is a collection of tips and tricks and some best practices we encountered in our projects using
Web Dynpro for ABAP (WD4A). My goal is not to explain theoretic background, but to give you easy
to use solutions you can spare time with an thus deliver better functionality to your clients.
A few years passed by since the 2006 publishing of “Web Dynpro for ABAP” (Praxisbuch Web
Dynpro for ABAP) from U.Hoffman. As clients really started to use this new development
environment there is room for new experience to be shared.
Web Dynpro for ABAP
This development environment is abreviated often like WD4A, but WDA, WDF4A or WD for ABAP
can be seen as well. According to Wikipedia, it is a proprietary web application user interface
technology developed by SAP AG. It exists in a Java (Web Dynpro for Java, WDJ or WD4J) and an
ABAP flavor. Basically you can develop internet or intranet applications using an IDE fully integrated
into the standard SE80 Object Navigator. In this sense it is similar to Business Server Pages(BSP), but
it is much more robust and has a bigger collection of standard UI elements.
To clearly understand the following text you will need
1. Good understanding of Object Oriented ABAP
2. Basic Web Dynpro concepts like context or hook methods
3. Experience in WD4A development
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Tips and tricks
Where to store business logic?
As a beginner I stored quite much logic in my main component controller. Now I try to separate
reusable logic away from the component to assistance class and to other business classes as seen on
the following illustration.
This way you can use business routines again or even change/copy assitance class for another
Instead of deploying your methods here…
…you put them into the assistance class.
This way you have a good overview in the left browser.
For more information on code “architecture” read WD4A from U.Hoffmann chapter “Model of Layer Separation” p185.
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How to simplify context reading/writing?
About 60% or more of software costs is maintenance (Boehm B. “Software Engineering Economics”).
The more code lines you have, the more maintenance costs appears in your budget. So it makes
sense to minimize the number of code lines. SAP standard developers seemed to ignore this fact by
developing context access for WD4A. This is the standard way using Web Dynpro Code Wizard to
generate code:
DATA lo_nd_user TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
DATA lo_nd_usr01 TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
DATA lo_el_usr01 TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.
DATA ls_usr01 TYPE wd_this‐>element_usr01.
* navigate from <CONTEXT> to <USER> via lead selection
lo_nd_user = wd_context‐>get_child_node( name = wd_this‐>wdctx_user ).
* navigate from <USER> to <USR01> via lead selection
lo_nd_usr01 = lo_nd_user‐>get_child_node( name = wd_this‐>wdctx_usr01 ).
* get element via lead selection
lo_el_usr01 = lo_nd_usr01‐>get_element( ).
* get all declared attributes
static_attributes = ls_usr01 ).
As usually each view method is reading/writing one or more context nodes, you can have hundreds
of – unnecessary – lines in your program and thousands in your system.
Instead of these 14 lines it is possible to read context in two.
DATA ls_usr01 TYPE wd_this‐>element_usr01.
>get_attributes( exporting path = 'USER/USR01' importing values = ls_usr01 ).
Other programmers did try to simplify this code clutter, but the nicest solution is from Marc
Cawood. He had the idea and the first solution of integrating a helper class and using it to
reach the context.
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You have a price for these simplification: you need a helper class, what you need to initialize in the
WDOINIT hook method of your component:
method wddoinit .
create object wd_this‐>o_context_helper exporting context = wd_context.
This helper class you find in the appendix.
Use structure vs fields
This advice may not be new for you, I still find it important to mention it: Instead of using individual
fields it is simpler to use complere structures.
data: lv_bname type xubname,
lv_datfm type xudatfm,
lv_hdest type xuhdest,
lv_menue type xumenue,
lv_langu type xulangu.
wd_assist‐>init_user_fields1( exporting bname = lv_bname
datfm = lv_datfm
hdest = lv_hdest
menue = lv_menue
langu = lv_langu ).
wd_this‐>o_context_helper‐>set_attribute( exporting path = 'USER/USR01/BNAME' value = lv_bname ).
wd_this‐>o_context_helper‐>set_attribute( exporting path = 'USER/USR01/DATFM' value = lv_datfm ).
wd_this‐>o_context_helper‐>set_attribute( exporting path = 'USER/USR01/HDEST' value = lv_hdest ).
wd_this‐>o_context_helper‐>set_attribute( exporting path = 'USER/USR01/MENUE' value = lv_menue ).
wd_this‐>o_context_helper‐>set_attribute( exporting path = 'USER/USR01/LANGU' value = lv_langu ).
This way it takes 15 lines.
data: ls_usr01 type usr01.
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* Call assistance class to init fields
wd_assist‐>init_user_fields2( exporting usr01 = ls_usr01 ).
* Set context
wd_this‐>o_context_helper‐>set_attributes( exporting path = 'USER/USR01' values = ls_usr01 ).
This way the same takes 3 lines.
Handle DropdownByKey
Dropdown list are not advised by usability experts – for example by Jakob Nielsen in “Homepage
Usability” – still it is a standard and widely used tool in WD4A. You will need it for example for
language or country selection.
To our great surprise the WD4A engine is filling dropdown by key for certain domains, for others not.
For domains, that have direct values assigned everything is filled automatically. If a domain has
values indirectly through a table, no values are filled.
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So if you have a dropdown by key field with this domain, no values will be filled automatically. You
have to call well hidden SET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SET of IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE_INFO, what you
find by calling GET_NODE_INFO of the node object.
data: lo_node_info type ref to if_wd_context_node_info.
data lo_nd_t005 type ref to if_wd_context_node.
data: ls_t005t type t005t,
lt_t005t type table of t005t.
data: lt_valueset type wdr_context_attr_value_list,
l_value type wdr_context_attr_value.
" Get node
lo_nd_t005 = wd_context‐>get_child_node( name = wd_this‐>wdctx_t005 ).
lo_node_info = lo_nd_t005‐>get_node_info( ).
" Select country lines
select * from t005t into table lt_t005t
where spras = sy‐langu.
" Put country lines into value set
loop at lt_t005t into ls_t005t.
l_value‐value = ls_t005t‐land1.
l_value‐text = ls_t005t‐landx.
insert l_value into table lt_valueset.
" Assign value set
call method lo_node_info‐>set_attribute_value_set( exporting name = 'LAND1'
value_set = lt_valueset
This code can be further optimized by a “helper” method in ZBITS_WD_CONTEXT_HELPER:
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method set_country_values2.
data: lt_valueset type wdr_context_attr_value_list,
l_value type wdr_context_attr_value.
data: ls_t005t type t005t,
lt_t005t type table of t005t.
" Select country lines
select * from t005t into table lt_t005t
where spras = sy‐langu.
" Put country lines into value set
loop at lt_t005t into ls_t005t.
l_value‐value = ls_t005t‐land1.
l_value‐text = ls_t005t‐landx.
insert l_value into table lt_valueset.
" Assign value set
wd_this‐>o_context_helper‐>set_attribute_value_set( exporting path = 'T005'
name = 'LAND1'
value_set = lt_valueset ).
How to call Smartforms from Web Dynpro?
Adobe Forms is the new technology, but sometimes it is not implemented yet or you just have the
an existing form in Smartforms. This is why I prepared a simple example to call a Smartforms in
WD4A. You will have a button called “Print Form” or something like that pointing onto this method.
The calling action/method looks like this:
data : l_pdfstring type xstring.
" Select for print
wd_assist‐>prepare_smartforms( importing p_pdf = l_pdfstring ).
" Call print
i_filename = 'smartform.pdf'
i_content = l_pdfstring
i_mime_type = 'application/pdf'
i_in_new_window = abap_false
i_inplace = abap_false ).
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There is an assistance class method behind:
method prepare_smartforms.
"### S M A R T F O R M S P D F C A L L
data: lv_buffer type xstring.
data: lv_string type string.
data: lv_fnam type rs38l_fnam.
data: lv_bytecount type i.
data: lt_lines type table of tline.
data: ls_line type tline.
data: l_pdfstring type xstring.
data: l_xline type xstring.
data: ls_ssfctrlop type ssfctrlop. " Control Parameters
data: ls_output_options type ssfcompop. " Output Options
data: ls_job_output_info type ssfcrescl. " Job Output Info
data: ls_job_output_options type ssfcresop. " Job Output Options
" Smartforms customer parameter
data: ls_book type ppftbook.
formname = 'SPPFDEMO_BOOK'
fm_name = lv_fnam.
ls_ssfctrlop‐no_dialog = 'X'.
ls_ssfctrlop‐getotf = 'X'.
ls_ssfctrlop‐preview = 'X'.
ls_output_options‐tdnoprev = 'X'.
ls_output_options‐tdtitle = sy‐title.
ls_output_options‐tdnewid = 'X'.
" Call smartforms
call function lv_fnam
control_parameters = ls_ssfctrlop
output_options = ls_output_options
is_book = ls_book
job_output_info = ls_job_output_info
job_output_options = ls_job_output_options
formatting_error = 1
internal_error = 2
send_error = 3
user_canceled = 4
others = 5.
" Convert to PDF
call function 'CONVERT_OTF'
format = 'PDF'
bin_filesize = lv_bytecount
otf = ls_job_output_info‐otfdata
lines = lt_lines
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err_conv_not_possible = 1
err_bad_otf = 2.
loop at lt_lines into ls_line. "into l_line.
lv_string = ls_line.
export my_data = lv_string to data buffer lv_buffer.
import my_data to l_xline from data buffer lv_buffer in char‐to‐hex mode.
concatenate l_pdfstring l_xline into l_pdfstring in byte mode.
p_pdf = l_pdfstring.
endmethod. "prepare_smartforms
The Smartforms function is called to generate the form in OTF format. Then this OTF is converted to
PDF and stored in parameter p_pdf.
How to call Adobe Forms from Web Dynpro?
You can find many different methods to call an adobe form. If it is enough to have a print form
button, that delivers you a PDF, you can use the following two methods.
The calling action/method looks like this:
data : l_pdfstring type xstring.
" Select for print
wd_assist‐>prepare_adobe_forms( importing p_pdf = l_pdfstring ).
" Call print
i_filename = 'adobe_form.pdf'
i_content = l_pdfstring
i_mime_type = 'application/pdf'
i_in_new_window = abap_false
i_inplace = abap_false ).
The user clicking on the print form button has to have a default printer. (Usually LOCL)
About the developers
Marc Cawood is an experienced SAP developer with references in WD4A field.
Zsolt Balai (zbalai@zbalai.com) – author of this document – is an SAP/Internet technical consultant
and developer working in HR/FI/CO/MM/SD modules. He is currently employed by Bits AG and is
available for projects in Switzerland.
[1] Hoffman Ulli “Web Dynpro for ABAP”, SAP/Galileo Press (2006).
[2] Boehm B. “Software Engineering Economics”, Prentice Hall (1981).
[3] Jakob Nielsen & Marie Tahir “Homepage Usablity“ New Riders (2001).
WD4A, WDA, WDF4A, Web Dynpro for ABAP, tips and tricks, best practices, simple context reading