Hanuman Stavan is a prayer dedicated to Hanuman praising his infinite strength and devotion. The prayer describes Hanuman's self-glowing body, his destruction of Lanka by helping Lord Rama rescue Sita, and how reciting Rama's name will result in Hanuman's help and guidance. It contains 10 verses highlighting Hanuman's superhuman strength and qualities like being the symbol of wisdom for sages and the beloved devotee of Lord Rama.
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Hanuman Stavan is a prayer dedicated to Hanuman praising his infinite strength and devotion. The prayer describes Hanuman's self-glowing body, his destruction of Lanka by helping Lord Rama rescue Sita, and how reciting Rama's name will result in Hanuman's help and guidance. It contains 10 verses highlighting Hanuman's superhuman strength and qualities like being the symbol of wisdom for sages and the beloved devotee of Lord Rama.
Hanuman Stavan is a prayer dedicated to Hanuman praising his infinite strength and devotion. The prayer describes Hanuman's self-glowing body, his destruction of Lanka by helping Lord Rama rescue Sita, and how reciting Rama's name will result in Hanuman's help and guidance. It contains 10 verses highlighting Hanuman's superhuman strength and qualities like being the symbol of wisdom for sages and the beloved devotee of Lord Rama.
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Hanuman Stavan is a prayer dedicated to Hanuman praising his infinite strength and devotion. The prayer describes Hanuman's self-glowing body, his destruction of Lanka by helping Lord Rama rescue Sita, and how reciting Rama's name will result in Hanuman's help and guidance. It contains 10 verses highlighting Hanuman's superhuman strength and qualities like being the symbol of wisdom for sages and the beloved devotee of Lord Rama.
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Hanuman Stavan
The literal meaning of Stavan is praise or being praiseworthy of worship. The Ha
numan Stavan is such a prayer of praise which is dedicated to Hanuman.Hanuman is the symbol of infinite strength and devotion. This prayer describes in ten verses the infinite strength of Hanuman, his self g lowing body, and his infinite wisdom. How the demons and evil forces shiver at t he very mention of his name. The prayer describes how he destroyed Lanka and hel ped Shri.Rama rescue Sita.The prayer always says that whenever one takes the nam e of Shri.Rama one will always find Hanuman there to help and guide you. Sortha Pranavaoon Pavankumar Khal Ban Paavak Gyandhan l Jaasu Hraday Aagaar Basahin Raam Sar Chaap Dhar ll Atulitbaldhaam, Hemshailaabhdeham l Danujvankrashaanum Gyaaninaamagraganyam ll Sakalgunnidhaanam Vaanaraanaamdheesham l Raghupatipriybhakta Vaatjaata Namaami ll Goshpadikratvaareesham Masakikratrakshasam l Ramayana Mahamalaratnam Vandenila atmajam ll Anjananandanam Veeram Janakishoknaashanam l Kapeesamakshahantaaram Vande Lankabhayankaram ll Mahavyakaranaambhodhimanthamaansamandaram l Kavayantam Ramkeertya Hanumantmupasamahe ll Ullanghasy Sindho Salilam Saleelam Yah Shok Vanhim Janak Aathmajaayaah l Aadaay Te Naiv Dadaah Lankaam Namami Tam Pranjalir Aanjaneyam ll Manojavam Maaruttulyavegam Jitendriyam Buddhimataam Varishtham l Vaataatmajam Va naryoothmukhyam Shri Ram Dootam Sharan Prapadhe ll Aanjaneymatipaatalaananam Kanchanaadri Kamaneeyvigraham l Paarijaattarumool vaas inam Bhaavyaami Pavamaannandanam ll Yatra-Yatra Raghunathkeertanam Tatra Tatra Kratmastakaanjalim l Baashpvaariparipoornlochanam Marutinamat Rakshasaantakam ll