How To Build A Fuel Cell
How To Build A Fuel Cell
How To Build A Fuel Cell
Electricity Homebrew
The PEM Material
The PEM (proton exchange membrane) material is a
perfluorosulfonic acid polymer film. Several
manufacturers make PEMs in one form or another. We
with Hydrogen used one made by du Pont called Nafion 117. Nafion
117 is a transparent polymer film about 175 microns
(0.007 inches) thick. Dow Chemical Co., Asahi
Walt Pyle, Alan Spivak, Reynaldo Chemical Co., and Chloride Engineers Ltd. make
something similar. A patent describing how one PEM
Cortez, and Jim Healy manufacturer’s film is processed is listed in the
© 1993 Walt Pyle references section at the end of this article.
gas fed battery that never needs
The basic structural unit formula for Nafion 117 is
recharging! This article shown below:
describes a process for building CF2 = CFOCF2CFOCF2CF2SO3H
a fuel cell using tools and techniques \
any skilled hobbyist with a well- Nafion 117 contains fluorine, carbon, oxygen, sulfur,
equipped shop can duplicate. The fuel and hydrogen arranged in repeating polymer
cell that we built can produce direct molecules. The hydrogen atom on the SO3 part of the
molecule can detach from one SO3 site. The free H+
current electricity from stored hydrogen proton can hop from SO3 site to SO3 site through the
and oxygen. We obtained the hydrogen material, to emerge on the other side of the membrane.
This is the reason it is called a proton exchange
for this fuel cell commercially but plan membrane. It can be thought of as solid sulfuric acid,
to produce hydrogen and oxygen from an electrolyte.
a renewable energy system based on The PEM is relatively expensive at this point in time.
solar photovoltaics and water We paid about $100 for a 30.5 centimeter by 30.5
centimeter (12 inch by 12 inch) piece of Nafion 117
electrolyzers. from a chemical supply house. Some manufacturers
want your first born child in exchange for a sample.
Cookbook Approach to Building a Fuel Cell
However, du Pont really is in the PEM business, and
In this article we reveal the process we used to make a
they will sell it to you with no strings attached from their
proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell.
pilot plant production. The price comes down to about
First, we describe what the PEM material is, and where $65 for the same size piece when you buy four times
to get it. Then we cover the steps necessary for as much PEM direct from du Pont. The piece we
preparing the membrane to use it in a fuel cell. bought was large enough to make about six of our
Next, we describe the catalyst and binders used on round fuel cells ($10–$16/cell).
both sides of the PEM and the method of “hot- Punching the PEM Disk from a Sheet of Nafion 117
pressing” them all together to form the single fuel cell We set the sheet of Nafion 117 on a piece of clean
catalyst-PEM-catalyst “sandwich”. acrylic plastic using clean cotton gloves to avoid
Finally, the holder for the catalyzed PEM fuel cell with contaminating the sheet with fingerprints. Then we
its gas supply piping, insulators, and wiring studs is punched out some round PEM disks using a 4.76
shown. centimeter (1 7⁄8 inch) arch punch and a mechanics
hammer filled with lead powder. After one or two tries,
Some PEM fuel cell performance data were obtained
we found that several strikes with the hammer at
using an electrical resistor to provide a variable load.
different angles was best for cutting the disk free from
Two digital multimeters and a shunt resistor were used
the sheet. Striking the punch too hard shattered the
to measure the voltage and current, so we could
acrylic sheet.
calculate the power produced.
piece of ELAT ($60/cell). The cost may have come Next, we coated the heating plates with graphite from a
down by now due to increased production at E-Tek. number two pencil and smoothed it out with a Q-tip to
In the future it may be possible to reduce the cost by make a release and contamination shield layer. The
putting the catalyst coating directly on the PEM with a three layers (catalyst-PEM-catalyst) of the sandwich
platinum-carbon ink, as practiced by Los Alamos were then set on top of the lower heating plate. After
National Laboratory. carefully aligning the layers, so that the smaller catalyst
disks were centered above and below the larger PEM
Preparing the ELAT Catalyst/Binder Layers disk, the upper heating plate was placed on top of the
Two catalyst layer disks were punched from an E-Tek sandwich. At this time the heaters were off and the
ELAT sheet. The sheet was placed on clean acrylic plates were at room temperature.
plastic and the disks were punched with a 3.8
centimeter (1.5 inch) arch punch and the mechanics
The heater plates were opened, and the finished fuel A groove for an “O” ring was machined into each half
cell sandwich was removed using the special tweezers. of the case, to provide a seal to prevent the gases from
We noted that the PEM disk was no longer round, but leaking around the edges of the gas distribution plates.
instead somewhat elliptical. This may be due to Kapton tape was applied to the inside diameter of one
alignment of the film molecules in one preferential case to insulate it from the other. Kapton tape was also
direction. The fuel cell sandwich did not stick to the applied to the outer diameter of the mating case to
aluminum heater plates, so the graphite release insulate the retaining ring and prevent the two cases
coating appeared to be effective. from shorting together. An ohm-meter was used to
Fuel Cell Test Fixture assure that the two cases were well-insulated from one
Our fuel cell test fixture was made from a commercially another.
available membrane filter holder. We spot-welded The PEM sandwich was trimmed with a pair of scissors
electrode studs to the two halves of the fixture case, one until it was round again, and placed between the filter
for the hydrogen side and one for the oxygen (air) side.
Above: Fuel cell disassembled, showing a gas Above: Fuel cell assembled.
distribution plate on the left. Photo by Reynaldo Cortez Photo by Reynaldo Cortez
We made the bubbler out of a 30.5 centimeter (12 PEM Fuel Cell Test Results
inch) length of 5.08 centimeter (2 inch) outside
diameter, 1⁄4 inch wall, acrylic tubing, and two 5.08
centimeter (2 inch) lengths of 7.6 centimeter (3 inch)
diameter acrylic round bar stock. The round bar stock
pieces were then machined to accept the length of
Volts DC
tubing and glued together, using acrylic cement.
Holes were tapped in the center of each piece of bar 0.4
stock to accept 1⁄4 inch NPT pipe, and a Kordon Mist Air
aquarium bubbler was glued into a smaller hole on the 0.2
bottom inside of the bubbler.
First Test Results 0.0
Our first test was made on our fuel cell at the Schatz 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Fuel Cell Laboratory at Humboldt State University
during January 1993. Leak testing was done by setting
the fuel cell test fixture in a container of water. We H2 pressure = 10 psig; Air pressure = atmospheric
applied atmospheric air pressure and hydrogen
pressure (approximately 100 KPa (14.5 psig)) and
on both sides of the cell is a major challenge. On the
found significant leakage of hydrogen around the
hydrogen side, the PEM must be kept damp so it won’t
edges of the sandwich. The open circuit voltage of the
crack, and short or leak. On the oxygen side, water is
fuel cell was almost zero, because the hydrogen was
produced which must be removed so the ELAT catalyst
leaking into the air side. With the help of the Humboldt
won’t “drown” and get starved for oxygen.
State wizards, however, a piece of tubing was inserted
into the air fitting. Blowing air into the tubing flushed We plan to try some experiments with oxygen instead
out the leaking hydrogen through the annulus and of air on the anode side. Wick-like materials will be
provided oxygen. This gave an open circuit voltage of tried for passively absorbing and transporting water to
0.68 Volts, showing us that we had a functional but the PEM and transporting water from the ELAT anode
very leaky cell. catalyst.
If At First You Don’t Succeed.... Ultimately, we’d like to have a 12 Volt or 24 Volt fuel
Following our visit to the Schatz Lab, we went back to cell that could be used in the home to power a 2 kW
the drawing board and added the “O” ring seals to the inverter for supplying 120 Volts, 50/60 Hz alternating
case. In March 1993, the cases were machined to current. Batteries would be eliminated, and solar
accept the “O” rings and we were ready to try again. energy would be stored as hydrogen and oxygen in
Another dip in the water container with 200 KPa (30 tanks until it was needed. Others are dreaming of
psig) hydrogen pressure showed that the leaks in the PEMFC cars, and locomotives. As we go to press,
fuel cell test fixture had been stopped. Ballard Battery Co. in Vancouver B.C. is driving a fuel
cell powered bus around the parking lot!
Another series of tests were run on our shop
resistance load tester. This time, the open circuit Please let us hear from you if you have any
voltage reached 0.95 Volts. Using the Humboldt tubing suggestions for improvements or new experience to
and annulus flushing technique on the air side, we share. We don’t want to squirrel this technology away;
were able to prevent the nitrogen gas from we’d rather set it free!
concentrating inside the cell (as the oxygen was Hydrogen Safety Considerations
consumed from the air). We obtained a short circuit For a more thorough discussion of the safety
current of over 1.5 Amperes for short periods of time consciousness one should develop when working with
(minutes). And then, by varying the load resistance we hydrogen, see our article on “Heatin’ with Hydrogen”
obtained data at different operating voltages and (Home Power #34). The bottom line is:
currents for the cell. Sustained power output was Work with hydrogen out of doors or in a well-
limited, we think, by poor moisture control on the ventilated area.
cathode (too dry) or anode (too wet). A graph of the
Store only pure hydrogen or oxygen, never mixtures
current-voltage response of the cell is shown above.
of gases.
Future Direction Remember the explosive mixture limits are wide and
This saga has only just begun, and we are learning different from other fuels: even very rich hydrogen-
some valuable lessons as we go. Water management air or hydrogen-oxygen mixtures can burn violently.