Project On CRM in Banks
Project On CRM in Banks
Project On CRM in Banks
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Meaning and Definition
1.3 Objective of CRM
1.4 CRM Architecture
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
There are a number of reasons why CRM has become so important in the last 10
years. The competition in the global market has become highly competitive, and it has
become easier for customers to switch companies if they are not happy with the service
they receive. One of the primary goals of CRM is to maintain clients. When it is used
effectively, a company will be able to build a relationship with their customers that can
last a lifetime. Customer relationship management tools will generally come in the form
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
of software. Each software program may vary in the way it approaches CRM. It is
important to realize that CRM is more than just a technology.
It is also important for the CRM system to foster a philosophy that is oriented
towards the customers. While this may sound like common sense, there are a sizeable
number of companies that have failed to do it, and their businesses suffered as a result.
With CRM, the customer is always right, and they are the most important factor in the
success of the company. It is also important for the company to use measures that are
dependent on their customers. This will greatly tip the odds of success in their favor.
While CRM should not be viewed as a technology, it is important to realize that there are
end to end processes that must be created so that customers can be properly served. In
many cases, these processes will use computers and software.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
be tracked so that the company can analyze them from various aspects. It is also
important to understand the architecture of Customer relationship management.
The architecture of CRM can be broken down into three categories, and these are
collaborative, operational, and analytical. The collaborative aspect of CRM deals with
communication between companies and their clients. The operational aspect of the
architecture deals with the concept of making certain processes automated. The analytical
aspect of CRM architecture deals with analyzing customer information and using if for
business intelligence purposes. Each one of these elements are critical for the success of a
CRM system. A company must learn how to use all three properly, and when they do this
proficiently, they will be able to build strong customer relationships and ensure their
profits for a long period of time. As more businesses continue to compete on a global
level, it will become more important for them to use successful Customer relationship
management techniques.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
At the heart of a perfect CRM strategy is the creation of mutual value for all the
parties involved in the business process. It is about creating a sustainable competitive
advantage by being the best at understanding, communicating, and delivering, and
developing existing customer relationships in addition to creating and keeping new
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
2) Increasing Efficiency:
One of the most important goals of CRM is the increase in organization efficiency
and effectiveness. This is almost always adopted by every organization. It is
necessitated by the fact that increase in efficiency is required to boost success.
CRM achieves this through cost reduction and customer retention. Adequate
CRM training achieves this goal.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Operational CRM deals with the automation of certain business processes.
Examples of business processes that are connected to operational CRM are marketing and
sales. When a connection is made to a customer, the information related to this
interaction will be automatically stored in a database, and the company can pull up
specific information on that customer when it is needed.
Operational CRM can further be broken down into three components. These
components are Enterprise marketing automation, Customer service automation, and Sale
force automation. The Enterprise marketing automation will give the company
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
information about the business climate, and it will also provide them with crucial data on
their competitors, as will as trends within the industry and other important variables.
The next important part of CRM architecture is Analytical CRM. As the name
suggests, Analytical CRM deals with analyzing data that is collected by the company.
This data will be analyzed so that the company can enhance its customer service
capabilities. By enhancing its customer service capability, a company will build a
stronger relationship with its customers.
There are a number of common ways that Analytical CRM is used to achieve this.
A number of companies will use the data they've collected and analyzed to cross-sell
products to their customers, as well as retaining customers that may normally switch to
another company.
Analytical CRM can also be used to provide important information to customers
within a short period of time. In addition to building stronger relationships with
customers, Analytical CRM can be an important tool for fraud prevention and detection.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
It can analyze the patterns of sales, inventory, and profits in order to find any patterns that
are not consistent.
The third important aspect of CRM architecture is Collaborative CRM.
Collaborative CRM is important because it places an emphasis on the interactions that a
company will make with its customers. These interactions could be personal, or they
could come through mediums such as the telephone or the Internet. Collaborative CRM
will give companies a powerful form of communication that will utilize multiple
It will also be responsible for providing services over the Internet so that the costs
of the service can be reduced. When interactions are made with customers, Collaborative
CRM will allow the company to provide them with useful information. At the highest
level, CRM should be an important part of all interactions that a company makes with its
When this done, a company can become highly successful. The goal of CRM is to
find out what customers need, and to make sure those needs are filled. Once a company is
making interactions with their customers, they can collect and analyze information. This
information can be used to strengthen interactions.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Objective of CRM in banks
2.3 Need of CRM in banks
2.4 CRM Strategies
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Today, customers have more power in
deciding their bank of choice. Consequently, keeping
existing customers, as well as attracting new ones, is a
critical concern for banks. Customer satisfaction is an
important variable in evaluation and control in a bank
marketing management. Poor customer satisfaction
will lead to a decline in customer loyalty, and given
the extended offerings from the competitors, customers can easily switch banks. Banks
need to leverage effectively on their customer relationships and make better use of
customer information across the institution.
CRM is a powerful management tool that can be used to exploit sales potential
and maximize the value of the customer to the bank. Generally, CRM integrates various
components of a business such as sales, marketing, IT and accounting. This strategy may
not increase a business's profit today or tomorrow, but it will add customer loyalty to the
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In the long term, CRM produces continuous scrutiny of the bank's business
relationship with the customer, thereby increasing the value of the Customer’s business.
Although CRM is known to be a relatively new method in managing customer loyalty, it
has been used previously by retail businesses for many years.
One of the banks' greatest assets is their knowledge of their customers. Banks can
use this asset and turn it into key competitive advantage by retaining those customers
who represent the highest lifetime value and profitability. Banks can develop customer
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
relationships across a broad spectrum of touch points such as at bank branches, kiosks,
ATMs, internet, electronic banking and call centres.
CRM is not a new phenomenon in the industry. Over the years, banks have
invested heavily in CRM, especially in developing call centres, which, in the past, were
designed to improve the process of inbound calls. In future, call centres will evolve to
encompass more than just cost reduction and improved efficiency. According to Gartner
Group, more than 80 per cent of all US banks will develop their call centres as alternative
delivery channels and revenue centres, to be used for the delivery of existing products
and services.But to be successful, a bank needs more than the ability to handle customer
service calls. It needs a comprehensive CRM strategy in which all departments within the
bank are integrated.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
The CRM processes should fully support the basic steps of customer life cycle. The basic
steps are:
• Attracting present and new customers
• Acquiring new customers
• Serving the customers
• Finally, retaining the customers
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
The idea of CRM is that it helps businesses use technology and human resources
gain insight into the behavior of customers and the value of those customers. If it works
as hoped, a business can: provide better customer service, make call centers more
efficient , cross sell products more effectively, help sales staff close deals faster, simplify
marketing and sales processes, discover new customers, and increase customer
revenues .It doesn't happen by simply buying software and installing it. For CRM to be
truly effective, an organization must first decide what kind of customer information it is
looking for and it must decide what it intends to do with that information.
For example, many financial institutions keep track of customers' life stages in
order to market appropriate banking products like mortgages or IRAs to them at the right
time to fit their needs. Next, the organization must look into all of the different ways
information about customers comes into a business, where and how this data is stored and
how it is currently used.
One company, for instance, may interact with customers in a myriad of different
ways including mail campaigns, Web sites, brick-and-mortar stores, call centers, mobile
sales force staff and marketing and advertising efforts. Solid CRM systems link up each
of these points. This collected data flows between operational systems (like sales and
inventory systems) and analytical systems that can help sort through these records for
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patterns. Company analysts can then comb through the data to obtain a holistic view of
each customer and pinpoint areas where better services are needed.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Banks are aiming to increase customer profitability with any customer retention.
This paper deals with the role of CRM in banking sector and the need for it is to increase
customer value by using some analytical methods in CRM applications. It is a sound
business strategy to identify the bank’s most profitable customers and prospects, and
devotes time and attention to expanding account relationships with those customers
through individualized marketing, pricing, discretionary decision making.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
CRM in banking industry entirely different from other sectors, because banking
industry purely related to financial services, which needs to create the trust among the
people. Establishing customer care support during on and off official hours, making
timely information about interest payments, maturity of time deposit, issuing credit and
debit cum ATM card, creating awareness regarding online and e-banking, adopting
mobile request etc are required to keep regular relationship with customers.
The present day CRM includes developing customer base. The bank has to pay
adequate attention to increase customer base by all means, it is possible if the
performance is at satisfactory level, the existing clients can recommend others to have
banking connection with the bank he is operating. Hence asking reference from the
existing customers can develop theirclient base. If the base increased, the profitability is
also increase. Hence the bank has to implement lot of innovative CRM to capture and
retain the customers.
There is a shift from bank centric activities to customer centric activities are
opted. The private sector banks in India deployed much innovative strategies to attract
new customers and to retain existing customers. CRM in banking sector is still in
evolutionary stage, it is the time for taking ideas from customers to enrich its service. The
use of CRM in banking has gained importance with the aggressive strategies for customer
acquisition and retention being employed by the bank in today’s competitive milieu. This
has resulted in the adoption of various CRM initiatives by these banks.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
The following steps minimize the work regarding adoption of CRM strategy. These are:
Identification of proper CRM initiatives
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
This is a new way of thinking for many banks with thousands, even millions of
customers. Managing customer relationships successfully means learning about the habits
and needs of your customers, anticipating future buying patterns and finding new
opportunities to add value to the relationship.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Customer Data
A common problem many organizations share is integrating customer
information. When information is disparate and fragmented, it is difficult to know who
the customers are, and the nature of their associations or relationships. This also makes it
difficult to capitalize on opportunities to increase customer service, loyalty and
profitability. For example, knowing that other family members are also customers
provides an opportunity to up-sell or cross-sell products or services, or knowing that a
customer uses several sources of interaction with a supplier can also provide
opportunities to enhance the relationship.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
business strategy.Building toward a CRM solution and evaluating the use of customer
data requires analysis and alignment of the following core capabilities:
Here are some global banking institutions that have deployed CRM Customer
Relationship Management systems, their CRM strategy and their goals.
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Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Hence the banks devise software, which would mitigate this task of customer
relationship management solution, to take full advantage of their valuable customer data.
It also provides a way to quantify a campaign's success and aids in planning future
marketing strategies, better work flow tracking and management, considerable increase in
the speed of the marketing campaign planning process, greater cost efficiency with
improved ROI, easy monitoring of multiple marketing campaigns and improved
workflow management.
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Importance of CRM in Indian Banks
3.3 Implementation of CRM in Indian Banks
3.4 CRM- A new mantra in Indian banking
3.5 CRM Principles
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Unlike in the past, the banks today are market driven and market responsive. The
top concern in the mind of every bank's CEO is increasing or at least maintaining the
market share in every line of business against the backdrop of heightened competition.
With the entry of new players and multiple channels, customers (both corporate and
retail) have become more discerning and less "loyal" to banks. This makes it imperative
that banks provide best possible products and services to ensure customer satisfaction. To
address the challenge of retention of customers, there have been active efforts in the
banking circles to switch over to customer-centric business model. The success of such a
model depends upon the approach adopted by banks with respect to customer data
management and customer relationship management.
Over the years, Indian banks have expanded to cover a large geographic &
functional area to meet the developmental needs. They have been managing a world of
information about customers - their profiles, location, etc. They have a close relationship
with their customers and a good knowledge of their needs, requirements and cash
positions. Though this offers them a unique advantage, they face a fundamental problem.
During the period of planned economic development, the bank products were bought in
India and not sold. What our banks, especially those in the public sector lack are the
marketing attitude. Marketing is a customer-oriented operation. What is needed is the
effort on their part to improve their service image and exploit their large customer
information base effectively to communicate product availability. Achieving customer
focus requires leveraging existing customer information to gain a deeper insight into the
relationship a customer has with the institution, and improving customer service-related
processes so that the services are quick, error free and convenient for the customers.
Furthermore, banks need to have very strong in-house research and market
intelligence units in order to face the future challenges of competition, especially
customer retention. Marketing is a question of demand (customers) and supply (financial
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
products & services, customer services through various delivery channels). Both demand
and supply have to be understood in the context of geographic locations and competitor
analysis to undertake focused marketing (advertising) efforts. Focusing on region-specific
campaigns rather than national media campaigns would be a better strategy for a diverse
country like India.
As is proved by the experience, banks are now realizing that one of their best
assets for building profitable customer relationships especially in a developing country
like India is the branch-branches are in fact a key channel for customer retention and
profit growth in rural and semi-urban set up. However, to maximize the value of this
resource, our banks need to transform their branches from transaction processing centers
into customer-centric service centers. This transformation would help them achieve
bottom line business benefits by retaining the most profitable customers. Branches could
also be used to inform and educate customers about other, more efficient channels, to
advise on and sell new financial instruments like consumer loans, insurance products,
mutual fund products, etc.
There is a growing realization among Indian banks that it no longer pays to have a
"transaction-based" operating model. There are active efforts to develop a relationship-
oriented model of operations focusing on customer-centric services. The biggest
challenge our banks face today is to establish customer intimacy without which all other
efforts towards operational excellence are meaningless. The banks need to ensure through
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
their services that the customers come back to them. This is because a major chunk of
income for most of the banks comes from existing customers, rather than from new
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
For long, Indian banks had presumed that their operations were customer-centric,
simply because they had customers. These banks ruled the roost, protected by regulations
that did not allow free entry into the sector. And to their credit, when the banking sector
was opened up, they survived by adapting quickly to the new rules of the game. Many
managed to post profits. For them an unexpected bonanza came from government bonds
in which most were hugely invested.
Ironically, the Reserve Bank of India's moves to cut aggressively the interest rates
after 1999, pushed up the prices of bonds. So banks had a windfall doing almost nothing.
The bond profits, like manna from heaven, improved the balance-sheets of all banks
irrespective of their core performance. However, the era of lazy banking is soon to end.
The mesh of rules that propped up the Indian banking industry is now being dismantled
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
CRM would also make Indian bankers realize that the purpose of their business is
to "create and keep a customer" and to "view the entire business process as consisting of
a tightly integrated effort to discover, create, and satisfy customer needs."
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
of banking products and services, are expecting more from banks in terms of customized
offerings, attractive returns, ease of access, and transparency in dealings. Retaining
customers is a major concern for banking institutions which underscores the importance
of CRM. Banks can turn customer relationship into a key competitive advantage through
strategic development across a broad spectrum. This book examines issues related to
changing banking industry in India and the challenges in CRM.
CRM is a simple philosophy that places the customer at the heart of a business
organization’s processes, activities and culture to improve his satisfaction of service and,
in turn, maximize the profits for the organization. A successful CRM strategy aims at
understanding the needs of the customer and integrating them with the organization’s
strategy, people, and technology and business process. Therefore, one of the best ways of
launching a CRM initiative is to start with what the organization is doing now and
working out what should be done to improve its interface with its customers. Then and
only then, should it link to an IT solution.
While this may sound quite straightforward, for large organizations it can be a
mammoth task unless a gradual step-by-step process is adopted. It does not happen
simply by buying the software and installing it. For CRM to be truly effective, it requires
a well-thought-out initiative involving strategy, people, technology, and processes.
Above all, it requires the realization that the CRM philosophy of doing business should
be adopted incrementally with an iterative approach to learn at every stage of
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
There are really very few organizations that are actually optimizing customer
experiences at all points of contacts. It is necessary to understand who customers are and
what they value, select customer carefully, design products and services that deliver the
desired value, design effective sales channels and customer touch points, recruit and
equip employees to deliver and increase customer value, and constantly refine your value
proposition to ensure customer loyalty and retention (Forsytyh 1997 and Goldenberg
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
and less loyal in their behaviour. The development of the Internet is further adding to this
trend and the whole market becomes trans-parent and customers are in a position to move
easily from one bank to another. In such a situation, customer satisfaction is the key to
bank marketing, which aims at retention of the old customers and their bringing in new
CRM system can open up new channels of delivery, which are most cost
effective. We can cite example of the Internet and call centers. According to an estimate,
cost per transac-tion through these modes can be reduced by 90 per cent when compared
to cost of transaction at branch. To offer better and extended services to custom-ers new
technology platforms are being created through huge investment in Information
Technology in banking sector. The recent development in this field is the introduction of
CBS (Core Banking Solutions). A CBS helps in centralizing the transactions of branches
and different banking channels and the customers start banking with the bank instead of
at different branches. This is the only way to offer seamless transactions across different
channels (branches, the Internet, the telephone and Automated Teller Machines or
ATMs). As such nowadays a customer is called a customer of the bank rather than of a
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
The profitability of a bank depends to a large extent on its ability to deploy its
fund in high yielding loan portfolios of their customers. But with the increasing
competition of lowering interest rates by different banks, interest spread is touching the
low ebb every day. The demand for credit from the corporate sector is diminishing due to
more efficient management of working capital, availability of cheaper funds from other
routes etc.
According to the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), during 2000-
01, the working capital cycle of manufacturing companies fell to 21 days compared to 60
days a year ago. In the year 2001- 02, the cycle further reduced to 14 days and became
negative during 2002-03. Taking as a percentage on sales, working capital ratio had
dropped to three per cent from a level of 13 per cent over the last five years in case of
4,000 selected manufacturing industries. The demand for working capital will be in the
declining stage in the years to come. Further, there is lack of investment demand in the
market. These developments have led the banks to go in search of new business
opportunities where they can put their resources and earn a reasonable margin to add to
their bottom lines. After a lot of exercise and considerable thought, they identify the retail
sector and commit for considerable retail lending as a means to serve their ends.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
There are several driving forces to support this move. Firstly, for years together,
the Indian retail market was largely untapped. With retail lending at levels far below
those prevailing in other Asian countries, the opportunities for exploring the possibility of
lending in this segment continues to be immense and all banks, more or less tried to
capture this huge market. Secondly, India, being a poor country, it is a matter of
realization that the bottom 75 per cent of the consumer pyramid basically relates to the
retail sector customers, and if one is looking at a growth opportunity, it must focus its
attention with tailor made products and services to meet their needs. Banking is no
exception to this reality.Thirdly, in an attempt to market tailor-made innovative products,
consumers are being supplied with abundant information through paper advertisement,
TV advertisement, cell phone calls, personal counseling to make them aware of the
facilities and opportunities available in the market. This endeavor on the part of the banks
is leading the customers in their process of information abundance and thereby acting as
customer leader. Customer leadership is a concept to project the product or service of the
firm the benchmark for the market (customers), which visualize all competitive stimuli in
term of benchmark product or service. But there is another side to the coin.
With the entry of several players in the field, particularly foreign banks and
private sector banks, the customers today has a wide array of choices which is increasing
day by day with the rapid and exponential development of communication technology.
With this increased knowledge base and better information they are demanding more and
more satisfaction and choosing to optimize the value of their money for goods and
services. This had added momentum to the competition. Then, of late, there has been a
tremendous improvement in Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) due to introduction of
certain new methodologies such as new foreclosure law, the CDR mechanism, the Debt
Recovery Tribunals and the provision of one time settlement. The establishment of ARC
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Now a clear message has been ventilated in the community that bank loans are not
for charity, but are to be repaid and the bank management is there to recover it. Under the
changed scenario of NPA management, Bank managers are not hesitating in disbursing
new loans. Also, another major force behind this retail revolution is technology involved
in today’s banking. Technology has developed to such an extent that the customers are in
a position to take advantage of “AAA” banking. (Any time, Any where and Any how)
banking through ATM, the Internet, CBS (Centralised Banking Solution) etc. In addition,
there is enough scope in the case of mortgage loan. According to a study, Indian
mortgage market grew from around 15,000 crore in 1997 to 60,000 crore at the end of
2002 or at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 32 per cent. It will not be out of
place to mention here that at the same time China’s mortgage grew by a CAGR of 113
per cent.Further more, retail loans are considered to be safe and according to the
managers of some eminent banks there is less risk involved in managing a fat retail
portfolio. Besides, in the case of small and medium enterprises (SME) and farmers in
many cases such loans have been roped in big companies to back them in default
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
1. Customer focus
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
value, satisfaction, retention and thereby increasing profitability and market share of
the enterprise. Successful CRM focuses on understanding the needs and desires of the
customers and is achieved by placing these needs at the heart of the business by
integrating them with the organization’s strategy, people, technology and business
processes. (Heygate, 1999). There must be total commitment for the enterprise
towards this end.
2. Leadership
(b) Ways and means should be identified and practiced of getting and staying closer to
(c) Proper respect should be extended to the customers. All relevant information
should be collected from them with humble and polite approach. Proper value should
be given to their feedback.
(d) There should be proper re-action to the information and feedback provided by the
customers in designing, developing and providing desired products at afford-able cost.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
3. Process approach
(a) All processes should be de-signed keeping in view the requirements and desires of
the customers, within the policy, resource availability, strategy of the company.
(b) All processes should meet the legal and statutory requirements to perform the
activity or deliver the product or service.
(c) Time involved in processing should be minimum with least waiting time to the
customers. If required delegation of authority and assignment of account-ability at
various executive levels should be addressed, revised and fine-tuned to meet the
(d) All the processes should be properly integrated to meet the goal congruence and
should not function at cross-purpose.
(e) There should be in built control mechanism for ease of measuring, reviewing and
taking corrective action.
4. System approach
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
CRM denotes the management of the entire system and is not confined to only
one or the other sub-systems or functional departments. CRM is based on a system
approach to management. Its primary objective is to increase value to customers on a
continuous basis by designing and improving organizational processes and systems on
a ongoing basis. Meeting Each sub-system may have its own goal but the goal and
objectives of all sub-systems are to be integrated to achieve the overall goal.
5. Involvement of people
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
As an example we can talk of a savings account that’s ‘fixed up’ to give you
more interest. It ensures that any balance in your savings account above a certain
amount, say, Rs 3,000 automatically gets transferred to a fixed deposit to give you
higher returns, which will be swept back into your savings account, when you need it.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Sometimes, other benefits are also extended, such as, free personal accident
insurance coverage along with fixed deposit scheme above a certain amount and above
a certain term. Banks are no more restricting their activities to deposit and advances;
rather they work with the mot-to of offering ‘Integrated Total Package Solutions to all
needs of a customer. Banks have gone to the extent of booking cinema tickets, paying
utility bills, school fees etc. for the ease of their clients who are very busy and do not
find time for such work. Many of such activities are not profitable in terms of time and
efforts spend by the bank. But banks are carrying out such services for mutual
benefits, which pays in the long run.
Wealthy individuals are in the habit of placing all sorts of demands on their
private bankers and a bank has to respond to such requests not merely for income
generation but as a gesture of goodwill and at times such activities add a consider-able
percentage to a bank’s fee based income. According to an estimate, a bank can earn Rs
35,000 to Rs 100,000 per an-num for a good customer. But generally it is found that
earnings start after the first two- three years of dealing with the customer. In a mature
relation-ship, such fee-based income is a regular feature and is very much crucial in
today’s banking where interest spread is getting reduced due to competition and fee
based income can increase the bottom line. But in many instances, the expenses in
terms of time, effort, recognizing individual needs and offering a customized
investment solution are high.
7. Continual improvement
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
cost. Business processes in the areas of finance, system integration, human resource
management etc. are to be automated and optimized with an aim to increase the
efficiency and effectiveness of operations.
(iv) The ability to deliver the increasing levels service demanded by customers.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
● Organization Objectives
Clear cut objectives are essential and they need to be communicated effectively to
the entire organization. Business goals are absolutely essential and need to be clearly
defined. Similarly goals of the CRM implementation and how it supports organization
goals should also be intimated to employees. Let employees know how important CRM
success is to the organization.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
organization. If these items receive a level of focus comparable to the technical system,
CRM implementation stands a better chance of succeeding.
● Implement Change
Most employees tend to stick with their old ways and are reluctant to adapt to
changes, It needs to be understood that the implementation of CRM involves immense
changes and employees need to adapt themselves to it.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
From the very beginning of the implementation employees will have to adopt new
attitudes to help deliver the customer experience properly to customers. Organizations
need to make sure that their employees are provided with sufficient training to ensure that
they handle this aspect of the customer experience adequately and efficiently.
● Ease of Usage
The entire objectives of the CRM process are hampered if the CRM choice is
difficult to use. It is highly essential to ensure that the system speaks of ease of usage and
the ability to be easily customizable. Employees implementing CRM and forming a part
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
of the CRM process range from the mediocre level right to management and to the
employee at the very forefront. It is imperative that the business ensure that the CRM
software chosen is easy to use and implement not only by a few employees but by
everyone using the system. This is a step that needs to be taken at the time of choosing
the CRM technology.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Phased Implementation
Start a pilot project and set goals for the organization. Then go ahead with CRM
implementation in phases to ensure CRM success. Phased implementation is always
easier to implement and the rewards are higher.
Objective Focus
The net result or the ultimate objective of the business process needs to be taken
into consideration while implementing .The ability of the CRM solution to contribute to
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Customer Focus
The CRM process sometimes gains department coordination and success but fails
to focus on the customer. Hence although companies may succeed internally they fail to
achieve customer retention on account of unsatisfied customers.
Data Consolidation
What happens here is that information needs to be corrected before putting it into
the CRM system so that bulk data is assessed, corrected and placed together so as to be
easily assessable.
Change Incorporation
Since change is unavoidable and CRM is a continuous process, information
becomes outdated very quickly. Changes required need to be implemented periodically.
Customer Flexibility
CRM processes need to be suited to the customer needs. Adopting stringent rules
that affect the customer due to its inflexibility will hamper the ability of the organization
to find appropriate solutions for its customers.
Date Assessing
Assessing data quality issues is essential. Companies need to measure data quality
before embarking on a CRM implementation.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Holistic Approach
It is important to create a single holistic view about a customer with the collation
of all the information available about him. This information should be available to every
one in the organization. An integrated view of the customer with entire company access
is absolutely essential.
CRM Consultants
Outside resources need to be brought in if required. The need for outside
resources has to be carefully studied and adopted if essential.
IT's Involvement
Dynamic changes are possible only when sufficient technology is in place. IT
enables this as it facilitates change within the organization and enables it to adapt. Hence
the IT department needs to be incorporated in all respects
Data Cleansing
Since all information needs to be cleansed before it enters the system a data
quality solution must be used from initial analysis to identification, cleansing, and
Cost Restraints
It is imperative to understand the existing problems customers are facing and not
endeavor to find solutions that suit the companies budget alone.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
It is essential to actually collaborate the
IT departments and the other departments. Their
combined efforts are essential for CRM success.
Employee involvement
It is important to get the customer facing employees personally involved in the
activities of the business you can get many online jobs from CRM consultants. It is they
who should initiate this and be involved in all aspects of its implementation. CRM
success is a sure result if this is implemented.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Many CRM projects fail because key people are not involved in the project. They
need to be involved in order to assess business objectives, set CRM strategy, make
corporate policies and issue directives. Basically, they are the people who help engrain
CRM usage into company culture.
Key sponsors need to be able to make financial and time commitments to ensure
success. Potential users and if possible, customers should be involved to some extent to
assess their expectations; surveys, questionnaires and feedback meetings are useful ways
of gathering information on customer expectations. Communicate CRM initiatives to
people in your company via directives, policies and training. If your teams know what is
expected at the executive level then they can better understand and respond to customers.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
tools. It is about using appropriate methods and business processes to help improve your
business relationships with your customers.
First, you should measure key performance metrics in your company; make
comparisons with previous metrics and with competitors if possible. Set goals in key
metrics areas like Sales, Marketing and Customer Support. For example, sales metrics
might be lowering lead to sales time, increasing numbers of customer referrals, increasing
repeat business, reducing sales admin time; Marketing may want to increase leads per
campaign, increase efficiency of lead capture and segmentation; Customer Support may
want to reduce issue resolution time, reduce incoming phone support requests, and so on.
Every department within any organization has its own needs and sense of priority.
For example, Sales Managers may want to get better pipeline and forecasting capabilities,
while Customer Support may want to implement a self-service knowledgebase for
customers to reduce the number of support calls. Combine this with regular business
problems and you can quickly lose focus of the main objective if you do not prioritize
your CRM requirements. You should prioritize those areas which are key process areas
(kpas) or which are causing the most problems, cost and missed opportunities for your
Also, as CRM is based around people, you should consider social and
organizational factors such as company structure, roles / hierarchy and authority, cultural
differences within your organization, politics, resistance to change; understanding all of
these more subtle points will also play a part in a more successful CRM implementation.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Start in areas which will be easiest and which will result in the highest reward for
your business and highest level of buy-in from your users. Other factors to consider are
weaknesses compared with competitors; complexity of each area; and if other systems
require integration.
Once you have a high-level vision from the previous steps and after you have
identified and prioritized the areas which will give the most rewards most quickly, you
should then develop a CRM ‘roadmap’, a master plan, consisting of several mini projects
that will move you toward the corporate CRM goals.
It is useful to identify key people responsible for each project task, assign people
within your company who can liaise with a CRM Consultant and to identify key metrics
and timelines for low risk/high reward areas, which help build momentum and
enthusiasm from users.
Look at the ‘big picture’; determine how, where and when implementing a CRM
tool will integrate/replace other tools/applications/processes. A CRM Consultant will be
able to assist in analyzing your business processes and making recommendations on
where the CRM can integrate or even replace your current systems.
A CRM will eliminate the need for traditional means of reporting Sales status and
activities with Word/Excel ,for example, and you will likely want to integrate/consolidate
your calendaring/contacts system (e.g. Outlook), or maybe your website e-commerce
section or ERP/accounting system.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Learn about potential CRM vendors from their websites, customer references and
publications. Many CRM vendors offer 30-day free trials or limited function/limited user
licenses for free. ‘Software as a Service’ or on-demand CRM is increasingly popular as it
gives a short time to value and is less expensive to set up.
You simply pay a monthly fee and start using it, customizing it as you go to suit
your business. Get an independent perspective from a CRM Consultant - they have the
experience of implementing CRM’s across multiple businesses and will know the sorts
of problems you will face and how to overcome them. With a roadmap in place and your
requirements defined, especially with independent advice from a CRM Consultant, you
will be more able to decide upon worthy CRM software.
CRM software is complex. It needs to be. Don't get sidetracked by the mind
boggling number of features in CRM software. After determining your main business
needs and priorities, use that list and determine which vendor can best meet those needs.
Don’t get a CRM which is a strong call centre oriented CRM if your main issue is in
Sales. A CRM Consultant can also assist in this area as they will be able to advise you
which software on the market matches your business needs.
Communication is critical
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Use the CRM to log tasks, process improvements and feature requests (there will
be plenty) as well as project-related issues. Report on the status on a regular basis.
Analyse CRM usage, get feedback and implement solutions to make sure the CRM
evolves with your business and customer needs.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Despite the fact that in most banks profits sometimes fail, they seldom pay
attention to or adopt any customer strategy. It has long been the misconception that banks
need not pay much attention to customer focus just because they had customers. Some
banks even if they possess good customer relationships are unable to cross sell as they
have not figured out who to target with what product/service. What happens is that
customers are often approached for the wrong products.
However the new millennium has resulted in banks and financial agencies
rethinking their strategies and goals. They have come to understand the importance of
hanging onto the customer and keeping him happy. The rules that once governed the
banking industry have changed. They have realized that adopting a customer centric
strategy is essential and needs to be compulsorily undertaken. The vast majority of banks
now realize they need a customer strategy and are opting for CRM - Customer
Relationship Management.
Banking CRM software serves to increase the market share and boost growth in
the banking industry. What happens in CRM banking solutions is that they change the
way the employees think and mould them into customer conscious people. CRM induces
bankers to know that they are required to maintain good relationships with their
customers and should strive to retain them.
They are made to realize that the business process should consist of efforts to
discover and satisfy customer requirements. Since the banking field now boasts of so
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
much of technological innovations there has been a wide variety of innovations in CRM
banking as well. Statistics show that bankers will spend $7 billion on CRM. The sector
will also evidence an increase in expenditure of 14 percent each year. With such
phenomenal statistics it is but a surety that CRM banking solutions sales will soar in the
coming years.
2. Overall Profitability
CRM enables banks to give employee's better training that helps them face
customers easily. It achieves better infrastructure and ultimately contributes to better
overall performance. The byproducts of CRM banking solutions are customer acquisition,
retention and profitability. Banks that don't implement CRM will undoubtedly find
themselves with lesser profitability coupled with a sharp decline in the number of
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
3. Satisfied Customers
It is important to make a customer feel as if he / she is the only one - this will go a
long way in satisfying and retaining them. Bankers need a return on investment and it has
been proved that increase in customer satisfaction more than contributes a fair share to
ROI. The main value of CRM banking lies in satisfaction and increased retention of
4. Centralized Information
CRM banking solutions manage to clearly integrate people, processes and
technology. CRM banking provides banks with a holistic view of all bank transactions
and customer information as well and stores it in a single data warehouse where it can be
studied later.
5. Customer Segregation
CRM enables a bank to see which customers are costing them and which are
bringing benefits. CRM provides them with the required analytical tools that will help
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
them focus on the importance of segregating these two and doing what is required to
avail of the maximum returns.
After this segregation is done CRM easily enables banks to increase their
communication and cross-selling to their customers effectively and efficiently.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
including telephone, fax, e-mail, the online portals, wireless devices, ATMs, and face-to-
face contacts with bank personnel. It also links these customer touch points to an
operations center and connects the operations center with the relevant internal and
external business partners.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
necessary for banks to intensify the relationship with their customers and offer them the
services they need via the channels they prefer.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
helpfulness of personnel. Thus, CRM, high-quality attributes of the product / service and
differentiation proved to be the most important factors for customers.
► Another study conducted in a European bank shows that with CRM, the bank was able
to focus on profitable clients through efficient segmentation according to individual
behavior. Information about ‘who buys what and how much’ enabled the bank to have a
commercial approach based on the client and not solely on the product. Thus, the bank
was able to better satisfy and retain its customers.
Eventually, CRM results both in higher revenues and lower costs, making
companies more effective and efficient: effective in targeting the right customer base
with the right services via the right channels, and efficient in doing this at the lowest
costs. For example, those banks that are moving transactions from the more expensive
channels to a less costly channel – like the call centre or Internet– are therefore able to
save money.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
► The need to move away from disjointed, standalone, and inconsistent channels to
provide a cohesive, multichannel offering.
► The burden of disconnected legacy systems and disparate databases that store client
financial data.
► The cost and complexity of meeting stringent government regulatory and client
security and privacy requirements.
► The costs associated with retaining customers and developing customer loyalty.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Although CRM can help banking institutions efficiently manage their customers,
many banks fail to meld the concept into the prevailing work culture. But the high
incidence of CRM failure has very little to do with the CRM concept itself. Usually it's a
case of the banks failing to pay attention to customer data they already have.
A lot of banks underestimate the magnitude of CRM. They tend to treat it just like
any other application technology, without realizing that CRM, if done properly, is a
strategic initiative that touches all areas of an organization. According to CRM software
firm People soft, banks need to be aware of three key problems:
A key basic CRM challenge is establishing the measurement method. Banks may
find it hard to build the initial business case justification and then to prove the worth or
success of their investment What makes the latter task even more difficult is the fact that
the metrics that are best used to justify a significant IT investment are not always the
most appropriate for evaluating ongoing success.
Traditionally, banks have determined the success of any project or product mainly
in terms of internal business gauges such as return on investment, units sold asset growth,
or service level agreement measures. One exception to the typical practice of focusing
solely on internal data for gauging success is market share, or market performance.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Interestingly, most CRM practitioners quickly default to marketing and sales measures
when asked about the success of CRM implementations. The tendency to frame the
discussion of CRM measurements in terms of sales and marketing measures is
completely understandable given the phased nature of most CRM projects.
Since the majority of CRM projects are expensive multiphase and multiyear
projects that often involve multiple technologies, the funding for CRM projects is also
often phased. CRM sponsors grant funding to project leaders at the completion of one
phase and start of the next. To ensure that the subsequent phases will get funding, project
leaders typically build into each phase of a CRM project demonstrable business benefits.
2 Customer profitability
Many banks use profitability as a key component in determining how to treat their
customers. But measuring profit in a bank is not an easy task. Many banks allow the use
of an accountant's approach to the measurement process. This means the accounting and
finance people are in charge of the process, resulting in textbook-accurate allocations that
often do not accurately reflect the activities they are intended to measure.
For example, most bank costs are step-fixed. This means they are neither purely
fixed nor purely variable, with the resource able to process only a finite number of
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
transactions before more investment is required. The way the step-fixed resources are
allocated can dramatically affect the resulting measurement of account level profitability.
Most banks make critical pricing decisions based on the so-called 80-20 rule, the
notion that 80 per cent of profits derive from 20 per cent of customers. This may be true,
but the use of incomplete or inaccurate cost information and unproven hypotheses on
customer buying behavior make this rule difficult to apply. One significant problem is
that banks let their customers use the bank's products and services in an unprofitable way.
By providing a lower level of service to these customers, the bank faces the
danger of driving them away to institutions that provide better service. Given the step-
fixed nature of bank costs as discussed, banks should not view losing unprofitable
customers as the way to improved profits.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
It is then vital to get back to the customer within the promised time frame. Banks
can earn more customer goodwill if they respond faster than the imposed deadline. To
handle significant volumes of email, banks need adequate routing technology. Many
banks regard a voice call centre as a cost of doing business, but they don't look at it the
same way with email.
By knowing which offers and incentives to offer to which customers and when,
banks will not annoy customers with unwanted marketing offers, building customer
loyalty along the way. Such goals can be at least as important as realizing cross-sell
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Given that the average call lasts about four minutes, a customer-service
representative can handle 10 to 12 customers per hour using "chat", compared with six to
eight per hour over the telephone. One of chat's important advantages is that it keeps
customers in an online store environment where they remain exposed to merchandise and
Email, telephone support, and chat all involve considerable staffing costs. But to
reduce these expenses a site should anticipate customer needs. Sites that is difficult to
navigate and don't provide needed information chase away some customers and force
those who stay to resort to more expensive channels to satisfy their service needs.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
objective until they can understand precisely how CRM technology will provide those
new revenues.
Many CRM implementations are severely limited because they fail to provide a
complete and meaningful view of the customer. CRM is primarily a business program,
and it requires a genuine partnership between various departments to ensure that both
business and technology issues are managed effectively.
Furthermore, CRM not only takes existing business processes and makes them
more efficient, but it also requires these processes to be modified. For a CRM
implementation to be successful, decision makers within the bank need to make sure that
all the stakeholders understand and support the required process changes.
Traditionally banks have closely associated customers with accounts, to the point
of calling the account the customer and vice versa. Customers will tend to feel alienated
when they are treated like a number instead of a person. A conventional account structure
usually contains very little information about customers and their needs, or their
relationship with competitors or other divisions within the bank.
The way ahead Banks have excellent reasons to adopt comprehensive CRM
strategies to cultivate a lifetime customer relationship. As banks move from transaction-
centric to a relationship-centric business approach, effective leveraging of customer
relationship becomes all the more critical.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
1. Tackling any one competence alone will lead to a dysfunctional business. One
competence does not customer relationship management make.
2. Take pragmatic steps with a clear view on delivery of all the components in the
medium term, rather than piecemeal in the short term.
3. Successful mass customization is crucial to reducing customer acquisition cost and
improving the cross selling capacity.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Banking can be mysterious for consumers and how they interact with their
finances can be a complex matter. The challenges faced by banks and their customers are
many but the trick lies in de-mystifying complex financial relationships.
Technical solutions deployed by banks today are flexible, user-friendly and meant
to facilitate specific workflow and requirements in implementation processes. In order to
simplify lives, banks have begun to implement end-to-end technologies through all
departments with the intention of removing human error from processes. Previously
existing manual environments could not have been adequate for future visions, growth
plans and strategies.
In this day and age, customers enjoy complete luxury in terms of customized
technical solutions and banks use the same to cement long-term, mutually-beneficial
relationships. For a bank to succeed in adopting a CRM philosophy of doing business,
bank management must first understand CRM as a holistic concept that involves
multiple, interlocking disciplines, including market knowledge, strategic planning,
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Turning the business strategy into actionable items is a difficult undertaking. For which
Customer Relationship Management works a magic wand.
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
• Times of India
• Hindustan Times
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
4. How successful are these program in retaining your customers and acquiring new
Customer Relationship Management in Banks
10. What strategy do you follow to acquire more knowledge about the
Customer Relationship Management in Banks