USA Green Card Interview Questions: Rights, Liberty, and Democracy of The United States

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USA Green Card Interview Questions

• What are the colors of the American flag?White and Blue
• What do the stars on the American flag epitomize? Rights, liberty, and Democracy
of the United States

• The Union comprises of how many states?

• What does the date 4th of July signify? Independence day
• Name the first President of the United States? Dwight Eisenhower
• Who is the present President of the United States?Barak obama
• Name the current vice-president of the United States? Joe Biden.
• Who has the power to elect the President of the United States?
• Describe about Martin Luther King, Jr.?
• Explain one benefit as to why you would like to become a citizen of the United States.
• What is the United States Capitol?
• What is the White House?
• Describe the location of the White House.
• What is the President's official home called?
• Give the names of the 2 major political parties in the U.S. today?

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