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Doctor : Hello, Good morning!

Patient : Good Morning.
Doctor : Sit down, please!
Patient : Oh, thank you.
Doctor : Yes, How can I help you?
Patient : I want to check up.
Doctor : Certainly. First we will have to fill out a few forms. Could I have your name, please?
Patient : It’s Sutryani, Sutryani Lumatauw.
Doctor : Thank you. Next, is it Miss, Mrs., or Ms?
Patient : I prefer Miss.
Doctor : Fine. Now, Could I have your address, please?
Patient : I live in Kakas
Doctor : OK. Next, when were you born?
Patient : I was born on
Doctor : Well, Do you have a partner?
Patient : No, I’m single.
Doctor : Ok. Now, what is your occupation?
Patient : I’m a nurse student.
Doctor : Well, Miss Sutry,How are you doing today?
Patient : Well, it’s really bad. I have a fever.
Doctor : When did you begin feeling feverish, Miss Sutryani?
Patient : For one week.
Doctor : Good, can you open your mouth, please?
Patient : No problem.
Doctor : Now, I’ll put this thermometer in your mouth and under your tongue. You’ll need to hold
it there for at least there minutes.
After three minutes.
Patient : So…..how is my temperature, nurse?
Doctor : Well, Miss Sutryani, your temperature is 400 C. That’s above normal. Have you any other
problems to the pain?
Patient : I have headaches and dizziness. In addition, bowel movements, I also dilute.
Doctor : If you are also often cough?
Patient : Yes.
Doctor : Are you taking any medication at the moment?
Patient : Yes, I take the medicine a fever and a headache, which I bought from a pharmacy.
Doctor : How many times a day?
Patient : Three times a day
Doctor : Of existing symptoms, you may be exposed to the disease typhus.
Patient : Maybe you are right, Doctor. Because I was a child in boarding house and often
consuming instant noodles.
Doctor : To ensure that you should make a laboratory examination after the results come out
then I will give you medicine to drink.
Patient : Thank you, Doctor.
Doctor : You’re welcome.

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