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22 Spring–Summer, 2011 DESTINATION NEWTOWN


Strings for Spring giving away promotional items and engag- Tyler Tasting
May 14, 7:30 p.m. ing in friendly family games and activities, June 4, 7-10 p.m.
The Newtown Chamber Orchestra pres- including pony rides, hayrides, inflatables, The annual Tyler Tasting Party takes place
ents “Strings for Spring” on Saturday, food court with local restaurant tastes, and at the Bucks County Community College,
May 14 beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the much more. Intertwined with the business Swamp Road, Newtown.
Bucks County Community College, booths will be many of the region’s art- For information and tickets,
Newtown. The concert will feature ists and crafters, showcasing and selling call 215-968-8224 or e-mail
Jenkins’ Palladio; W.F. Bac’s Sinfonia in their hand-made specialties. The event foundation@bucks.edu.
F Major; Parry’s Suite in F Major (Lady is hosted by the Newtown Business and
Radnor); Albinoni’s Concerto No. 7, Op 5 Professional Association.
in D minor. Young Musicians Competition Visit http://www.newtownbpa.org/
winner will perform. Mastersingers concert
For information, call 215-968-2005. May 25, 7:30 p.m.
The Mastersingers of Council Rock High
School North present a free concert on
Wednesday, May 25 beginning at 7:30
p.m. The concert is free but a free will
offering will be collected to benefit the
music program at Council Rock North.
The concert takes place at Newtown
Presbyterian Church, 25 N. Chancellor
For information, call 215-968-3861 or
visit www.newtownpres.org

Newtown Uncorked Container Gardening

May 21, 12-5 p.m. May 26, 7 p.m.
The wine tasting and food pairing event The Newtown Library Company’s Spring Strawberry Festival
will be held underneath tents on the Gardening Series continues on Thursday, June 4, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
grounds of the Newtown Swim Club. May 26 at 7 p.m. with a presentation A Strawberry Festival will be held on the
For details, visit on container gardening. The Newtown grounds of the historic Olde Newtown
www.allaboutnewtown.org. Library is located at 114 East Centre Church on Sycamore Street. Event fea-
Avenue. tures fresh strawberries, strawberry short-
Village Fair For information, call 215-968-7659 cake, hot dogs and beverages, cheddar
May 21, 10 a.m. — 3 p.m. cheese imported from Lancaster County
A Village Fair for the benefit of Friends
and homemade baked goods. Other fea-
Home & Village will include educational
tures: gently used books, plants, a flea
session on ‘Going Green’, live music, flea
market, musical entertainment and tours of
market and bake sale. Tickets will be sold
the historic church.
for fair events, such as pony rides, moon
bounce, face painting and lunch. The event Takin’ it to the Street
takes place at Friends Home & Village, June 4, 4-9 p.m.
331 Lower Dolington Road. The street fair takes place on Sycamore
Call 215-968-9222 Street between Durham and Silo roads.
Event includes sidewalk sales, entertain-
Welcome Day Memorial Day Parade ment, carriage rides, face painting and
May 22, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. May 30 games for the kids, strawberry-themed
The 12th Annual Welcome Day, being Newtown pays tribute to its veterans with drinks for adults and plenty of food.
held rain or shine on Sunday, May 22 a Memorial Day Parade and solemn cer- The event is presented by the Sycamore
from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. will take place emonies presented by American Legion Street Civic Association.
on Sycamore Street. This one day event Post. The parade forms at 9 a.m. at the
draws 8,000 to 10,000 people annually. Newtown Commons.
The street will be filled with businesses
showcasing their products and services,
DESTINATION NEWTOWN Spring–Summer, 2011 23


Run Over Cancer muscle cars dating from 1900 to 1984.
July 2, 9 a.m. The rain date is July 24.
The 2nd annual Run Over Cancer steps For information, visit
off at 8 a.m. at the Newtown Middle NewtownBPA.org.
School, 116 Richboro Road, Newtown.
Newtown MusicFest
Check-in is at 8 a.m. followed by the race
at 9 a.m. There will be prizes for the top August 12–14
three male and female finishers and top Shady Brook Farm in Lower Makefield
three fundrasiers. For information, call Watch for details at www.allabout-
Rob Ciervo at 215-932-3200 or e-mail newtown.org
History Walking Tour robert@fundacure.com. Registration is
June 10, 6:30 p.m. $30 prior to June 28 and $35 (day
The Newtown Historic Association will of race).
hold a Historic Walking Tour of one of
the historic areas of Newtown to be held Newtown’s First Fourth
June 10 at 6:30 p.m. weather permitting. July 2
The tour will begin at the Half-Moon A celebration of the nation’s birthday
Inn, Court Street and Centre Avenue, tentatively includes a First Fourth Parade,
Newtown (one block east of Starbucks bicycle decorating contest and fireworks.
zand the Gap) and will be led by Jeffrey For information, visit www.allabout-
Marshall of the Heritage Conservancy. newtown.org Middletown Grange Fair
The tour will feature architecturally sig- Aug. 17-21
nificant Newtown buildings on North The community agricultural show fea-
Chancellor Street and North Lincoln tures fun, good food, entertainment
Avenue. Admission is free. and more than 4,200 exhibits ranging
from cows to quilts at the Middletown
Harvey Grange Fairgrounds, Penns Park Road,
June 23-29 Wrightstown.
The Newtown Theatre Company presents
“Harvey” June 23 to 29 at the Newtown Our Miss Brooks
Theatre, 120 North State Street, August 25-31
Newtown. Showtimes are June 23, 7:30 Antique & Classic Car Show The Newtown Theatre Company presents
p.m., June 24 and 25, 8 p.m., June 26 July 17, 10 a.m. — 3 p.m. “Our Miss Brooks” Aug. 25 — 31 at the
at 3 p.m. and June 28 and 29, 7:30 p.m. The Newtown Business and Professional Newtown Theatre, 120 N. State Street,
Tickets: $14-$19. Association will hold its Antique and Newtown.
For details, visit Classic Auto Show in Newtown. The For tickets and information, visit
www.newtownartscompany.com. event draws 200 antique and classic www.NewtownArtsCompany.com.
autos, trucks, sports, street rods and

Sycamore Street Festival Welcome Day Entertainers

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