Eumig MarkS802 Manual
Eumig MarkS802 Manual
Eumig MarkS802 Manual
:10"'-:""2""" D'"
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IIIUIIII£I-" 81-' 1.11111I1E- 8··i 1(l1I"lln nB'IJ'~' 11,£'11118- ~:
iiIJ ' r'(;1 'Iiiill '1/'111, .'.'11, -- I I,,!to' U"IU ri i."J;",U '.. '. '
- .. ~. -
....... -
I m;a,g,e siz e . Fo.tHH~!,
Fi!l',a m tEll I il;:nie ,eD.II'I!:U'O ~
01 Connect the projector to the metns supply First check the IC'IO r re let vel ta Q e ·an d' fre q U Ie n C.Y"
81 S;wI~ng u p the rea i arms. Place 'the' re'e! with S: u per -18 0 r ,S'ingil~e ... ,a. 'filrm (slBe [paige fi far ~S,' andard-B) oln the 'fro r1Il't re e iI, arm. Put the unlversal reel ,s,up~plilhed' on the, rear arm.
,S;'w]tc'h on the mains switch ('IN h ere 'fi'tt's d) ,
II Ml,O v'le the rotary s,e!II'9"C:tO,n'" swltc h '~O 'the' threadlnq posttton,
ID Preas ,ch),w'n the' threadl ng key" S Feed the film into the siot. Keep 'the threadlnq key depressed U' nti I the f lrn ru ns onto the takeup reel,
o Turn 'the sa lector switch to. forward' projection.
, 1._.
' .
9 '10
• 1
151 '116
.. :.
o· R"e'at' ree i alrm
8 e It I)
81 CJ IFra,m,e ill:in,e adJus:tm:en-t
CD Fllm trimmer
QiJ M,a.i ns sUPP Ily' lead
m lIB
Il Carr,Y~:W1ig hialnd 1'8
- 's '·11.··.1 L- ~I:~ rd soeaken
'iii ,U LiII ." _ ~ ~I'Y ~I ~~ ..
_I M'i~~I'ed :inc:hi:ng knob
~ Scr ,I':;iIW-- :'if" n f L... a: ck ,;("100'" v:'~ iif"
'til? ',_" ~ '~"" GIl ~ IU._ ~ :: ~l '~"':_ UI;
Catch I-~ 'f': - -~··-··-.··I~ ,- 'r--' ,. ._- .. '~, ,'Y J I 0,1 ree ~ au m,
II) Sm a II )tty pe ~ ~ S,'~~' s p ro eke t 8' Sprocket guard
1 .... · .. -,_1-.,-·. l.ens W' Jii;;,~: I 1,.;,;1
fJ ,Au '~O m,aot'~ c threadl ng: ke y 18 F'i!,ml pressure pad
fit! T'Y'poe ~'~',Si,j 'F~i~lm track
I) Larg:e! 'type "S" sprocket e IRunri,Uil~J spee,d adjustment 18 Lamphouse cover
.- E ~1'~'VI~~~I"ncn~ co n trol
'f4:I - . ~ - """,,,II, '","" . , u ~ III ~ '';,;."I
tJ) A.ud~o'! radlo and mlcrnphone i'npu~
·8: :', - - .: -'.. - o!"'> 10' -, of '~-o: U'1i"!! dl I il nlt ..... ". - ... '-' -
__:~e,cur,1 ng screw oi souno I!;,J I!;~ I:, COVfU"
F~,Cug'ing- [knob
.. !~ :.:_l __ , _'_I_ I_:·~.. .. '_> __ ' • .:.:_ .::.'
Front Im,ell arm
Loc:a'~ing~' ho~e·'S for davl loht rno nltor I(:ac'c~'s'solr\i)-~'
. I _- _. • I;.~.: -.". l ", "_". -'.I It.: -, .. "_.' ,,J" _ tJ I l "-:'_ .• _".:.. . ....::_ '.' .:-r_ . 1 :" _J I .>
'M ixJ !1i'g centro II Leve i I," n: ,i"jl eon tro I
_'1;.0' ~ __ ~"g 1l;"I;~ _
Rlec:ordl~n'~' k~,V'
,:::; l~
Iii Me i ns swi"bch (0 n speclal model)
,A ~YI~u~"~ I'S~'~ steeve fer take-n p shaft
B S'OI 'IU nd C·, t..j ~ ~11r.1;O n'VO, r s w i jt:r>'~ fo 'Ir ~ ha n ":g-' ;~ I"""g" g'" .. au ,n.a 'e;'
_," '_ j ~ 'I . ~_ .. Ii il u,~ IL;:, 'W-' v '_ \'I~,,_ _:_ j i~ _' _ !.5y! ~ I .. .. ~ .,g, "_';. ~!' 111'~' __ I~._ U _ qI/~ I~I
C. AJte:IF'nalh/,e 'fi I m track fro r S:tan,dard ... ,B 'fl'l m, f tlt~td i' n lamphouse OOV€!'F
D·',··,--·'· So, - - -
.I:~."tarag,e panel for Super-B sprockets and' 'fo;r ty:pe ~I~,S.'~~
,~~ ,Ii"~£::!i; ... ~ ;-p-; I~.J,!,,:~ f' 't-' ~'I-,JdI; ~'''-.i~ . -
I~~f.\.,.~ u ",' ~l':lg_ -, 1~_u~"i"Iy;
" Mlcrophone .. . _ . . ~ ~ _ ~ ~ . . 1 fu.s'e
'1 Mains supply ~'ea:d
'1' [Universal AS 18 fNm :r,ee~ ~ .. . . ,. " .' . ., (can be lUEH3d as automatic take-up reed and 6tO' ra.,g e ns~'e"~)
P'-U·H-·III·nlg' en 'a" ~'h'-:-D::-'W'--' a nd b u' 1.1 Id· riling·
I . _:_ _ i" ._ , . 'j _ ' al _ _ , '_ i 'I~' '~_ : ,II ~'_, . . . .••
as'ou'-'dt"'r"'-"'k- ··!IItht-h··· E .... iii ..
. ,~~ .. -:.l,n,··: i,,lc'.:Wl.·i.' a, _'le '_" umllg
MI[srk S BO[2[ Ms[rk: S 802 D' sound IPlro,[jecl'[or
Paige '3
908' .. 1111/" .
. _, ':c ',~" .• ~I '1_ .' 2
1 ~nstrH,ctJ on rnanua I 1 Guarantee card
1! Film ree~ [w,~th Super-B film
190. 03~20/'· 5
4 ,5
6 7
9 ,9
'10 10
111 12 ... ··
. _ ~I _
11 2 15
79~: 0.··· .,03'; 6:::.'4:: ,'_. "'l"
•• ",'1 .• , .,y
11 a
20 2'1i'~:2S 26
C-ap,su~el dSfn:,rlp,tio,n Accesso rw[eLS: ,luJP:piii ad
B·o,fore ;p[~UI.ggl[iln!g in yOlur projector ..... Che'nging the [film gao'Q[e
Automs·tfc: 'rhireiadlI1ng'
S',~~,e'nt and sound proj'eictfon Addi,n:Q sound to :yolur mO'Vlfres ,S'o,und .. ,tlraC',k' bu ndl~ng] R'O'corcUng Wlith: the, mtcrophone Cubbi'ng
Transttlona be't~tee' n rnu s~lc,a~ se J eetto ns V'o,i'ce-'over
IConnect'jflQI of ,e~terna:\~ loudspeaker E .. U'MI Gi,S: untversal ln~icord~:nQ'-rCab~ie a.:,~ semb I:y-
R,e'p~ac~ngl the ,projection tamp
f1;epl~ ac:~'ng the {u,s,a
Car in 91 for yo u r pte Je eta r T aeh nilc~Ed data
'C lrcu I't: d,iaIQlra"m
A'CC9,s's'or!9S 'tha~t are. nice to have BiluUding a sound track in [EJj rartsheU
The ' a n d 'fre,qillJe 'n cy '0 f yo U r pro J e etor m U S t m ate h the! da ta in d i eated 10. n yo u F' mains. supply meter.
a] Voltafge
'11'f the mains voltaqe does not match that set on '~he pr,ojeCbJiri unscrew the seeurtnq screws ,Ai remove 'tjhe back, pu II off the Fe d p~u g [8 to the· left and atl'Bch ~t 'to the correct terminal,
Some :suplpl'y sy·ste.m.s are li';8Ibh! to carry' temporary overvottaqes which can lead to premature pnJljecbo'n lamp 'fa~ll:urH~ 'W'lhtu'"le this artses. adjust the: prcjector tOr 'the- next hH;g'~er voltaqe setting (rELg. 230 vOIHs instead ,of, 2:20 'V(~ lts). This ;a lso extends the burn i n9 II ~fe o .. f the lamp vtl'hile slirglhtiy' n~duc'lf:ng the light. output.
b), If Ire' qll8 n C')!'
The frequency settingl can be chanqed only on spacial verslons of the projector. To do thts, :pull! ·off the b~,U8 p~IUgl C, and attach !lit 'to the! correct termin,al Mlove: the- lever DI tc the 'top r~"ght so that the appropriate 'freQuen,cy ~ndi,cation appears horlznnta .
"he u',an'sport lock. For saf'e·ty in transport, the motor is secured i n ~lits; ce ntral po si,'ti 0 n by two rleta.i n~; "11g we d 916:8 (EJ a, 8e f'ore you fr~ rst co. nne et the p rojs C,~rQ r to th e mal Wins, sup p ~ y ~ re m 0 ve th es'e
'wedges (unless your photo dealers has already donie tms for YU'U)T
INID')e,~: Certatn spectal model s of the projector are equipped with iaJ mains s;w~tcih ;at '~iiS lenft of
the b 0';' d· 'u' '-lr'h- . ~,~ I" ~ ,n, iIl-re' 'r'lo;' 'liE"'; k· '., ,.i':'ii, d w- " ~'~h:"" t-j'lJ.,. e' IF o " .... a" .ry," '.',:
I~;fl" , .. ~ 'I' • _Ij~ I~' IJil!l~.-.!~. -H D ',' ' __ ' __ 111~_ _ J~j'"' II ylL·
selector switch. You can operate' the malns s,'witch only w'hen the selector sw~tcn ~s Ilr11 the · 'stop' ~ posttto n-cD·
,A,MPl.mFlrER: ~~-i!1- ·16, 'V
IP-·ID.n J EC"T' I 0" N' (
"··"~Y%. ! ': [I .... : ... _
--+---~"".".._,[O ........_~~===::::::::::::~2- 4' 'V' '
. _'"
_. I.
~-------- ........ 12 V
Chang.jlnlQ the' film gOlulge
Nlornlal'ly EU'MIIG: muln-qauoe prOJ'€l ctors are 5up.:pllled set. for projecting Super-B f'j~m- They are however easily converted b) pro J'I~ ctll rlg Sta nda rd-B 'Fill m. Pro clee dI 12U3 fa ~ I D·W$,:
e :Remave the larnphouse cover.
fI Open. the sprocket .gLJards~ :P lU off the type ··S·· Super-B sprocke sand close both Spl' ocket Ig.Ui3lrds_
e Turn the milled irlchl'ng knob to bn r'j,g 'he whrte drat to the top (Th,I~S retracts th.le' claw '0 protect It arQ'alnst 1''- ama'ge,,]
e Move' the 'lens fully '-tH"l~rJa:rdwtth . h-s 'focusing knob. pass t e 'fl! m oressu re pad 8::r1 d fill m tra ci toqethe r 'towards the lens a nd pull out The same 'flllnl pressure pad is 'Used for a I B rnrn, film g,Cllu,es,
o Beplace the film tract by the alternative track Ie In the lamphouse. Push the Flllm track and f'illm pp",e;:.S;sure pad !logl8ther 'fully
mto the projector and then press 'to the 'left 'to engage the gu II de'
0. Fit the. adapter ~sleeve over the reel shaft when project~ng! SUiper-S and! Singlle-8. fUm,
F:i [~ml p,r,eS'SIUFie Pi a dI Ior 81 ~ 118m m, 9, a ug es :: 7·'18.145!Ol4
A.II'e,,rln,a'ti'v~e cempo nen ts 'fu r S ta n d a rd 03\8· 'pnl)je ct.iIQ,n:.
6 SWltc.h over the sound chanqeover switch when ehanqrnq gauges.
- ·8'-'" pe -8"':' . ·-··,d; S':-' ····1-_'0
-_ . , uc:.·:r '. ,an ..' ... llng,1 e 0'
l.arge type "'S !, 'f~~lm aprocket Srnal] type ··SO! "film sprocket Type '··S:'· fi! m tre ck
Type ,,' S·· slise:ve for reel shaf
7'118~ 1 - 7'5/8 71 a 1 ~ 8918 1" B 1147" /' 72.5,;,,57'10/2
Au'tom,u:liilc tlhlrls'a,dlilnlg
The ~Hm threads itself automattcally ~hnJuglh to the take-up ree:l~ core. iAn in,g€nious, :l9!ts,te'm iauut'Olm,at~caill~'y sets tj~!e correct p ~ 'c't~ re'/sO,nUt; dI :98, pea, ra tio n ('1!8 fra rnes '['0 r S, u pe ,r~,8; :13. nd S iii1flQ I~ e ..:8, i 56, frame S 'fa r :S ta n d all rtl-8l.
A fe'w P()~ nts a re ho'w€ ver lilm,p 0 rtant fc r perfect op e rat ion of the, 8UtO"M ati c rhre,adh1g syste m :
The sprocket g'ua.rds must be' closed, all splices must be perfe,c'1t. a,nd th~ fUm should have, a leader about 50 em, (20' inches) long. The end of ~h~s leader should bel curved slr~glh~~~y rnwards [c hl'CKW;~ se ;8119, seen 'rWlo rn the reJle I S: i'de .0 f 'the' Pi ro je eta rl., c ~ e a n ~ly trim rned ia, n dl = speera II ~I'y ~ rnpo rta nt = 'rrre t9, fro rn ere as el s.
Use the 'fUm trtrnmer ib~J~II!t· mto the projector, Pu~~ about 3; ern, (a, IUtie over '~ inch) o'r' the ft~m ~,'f!lto the slot a.'~, the ~~~ddle and press the k:e.,y'" The cut should ~IIO·t run ·th.rOlq;~I'n a, perf'orat]onl hole, 'You can eaSliily avold this 'i'~' you push ifll Standard-B f~:~m6 ln such a wa:y' that· a perforation hoi'e 1'S: in li n €I with th e e dig e 0 if the slot, Pu sh m S U i,:H:lT-·B "frH m s o th;at' the EHj g:e elf ttl e ~S lot '~B, b etwee n two pe r fa ra tro n ho lie :s:"
FILJdI1y- dep'l1"e:s,s. the 'tnreadrtll'9 k,ey'", Feed' fn the, film onl~l w~th the selector swnc'h 9!9t to ~lIlf1re··Cl:d,"" ~:n,g,!i ~
,Si~enl and sound PI~Di:,ect:1lo'n
01 Connectingr the plr'I01EN::tOtr to the mains supply (or :SiWftlc:.nfng Ion the rnatns '~w~tch where 'fitooJd) li'mme,di'atell'y starts pr,B.hs',i3lthl,g the IliCl,mp 'for' m.(j:ximun'n 01pe~rCiltingl ltfe.
18 Erect the re,e'~ arms and mount the: reels. The fu.~11 tre1le'~ QlOl18S an the front 'arm, the, e:mp[y' one on the rear arm. Whe'fiiJ :,O'UI hJo,lk. tow,D,rdr:s ,the sereen flF'IlJ!R1 ,behii'nd 'tine' pro'J;~u;lor'~ tine, fihm Iperfor:m,'tion5i mlUst b,e ,at tlhlli rrg:ht ,~. ii,.!e'i' tuward:s y~ou as '!lOU thread Ull'e 'fiifml 'f'rom ,th,e :5,idel~,
IIi 'W'hen U,S] rng a. ',60 metre. (600 f:oGI"~) reel, for ln stan c,e the u n i~·ve' I AS :21 reel ,! ralse 'the catch and 's'wing the reel ,ann to lts ce ntral e ngl,~,gerf1,e~nt potnt, ,F u 111,y 8'W ii' n 91 U~) 'the: ~ r~m' i f neeessa r)t' to clea r the m ,I;! II e d' ~ n c;h:r n gl kina b '"
.. Mn;~;I'a the selector i5W· -1'iI:" ..... h 't- '0"· ,~" ""Ii!,.. i"',@ "'5i d--'ill0ig'~'i '·I~r" D~ 01 n .. ··. I~'~ t~.h-· .. r ead w_..:_ It_' h the
tiP . 'V Y ~ I J'~I~, '~i~ ~'L...!, _. '. ,~. -.-: 1J1~, I . ,"', lJJr~lllj ~~I , ~ I!: 11.>' r J ~. 'G1 ~ <:. ," ~_ II U IIJ. ~ g
selector ,swilb:lh ~ n 'the !, 'fo rW,E) rd prDjie~ticul" ~e;' pOs~Eli,(~ln a,
A 0 q.ln r!l§ IO:,~ ,j;,b ~ th ri~ ~; d. - ~ n'- g.... ii!::,'~"~/ "'n r>.~ n '('!':~ ~ h .,.tJj f ~ m· t"', Ik. ,'P' n n· . ,o@!,1
v ~ f-"'Ij ~.~ 41' .!J.J ~~ .J". ~L~,. 'I~, _ ~> ~~ 7 l,!&;.l uA ua~ :t. I ~ IJ _ ~lIr ~~ !Il! ~ I
CI 'Then fee~d the fii I m leader lrtto the sprocket,
ImIPo:t1:anil': IKee'IP 'the ,thlrte'atdilflgi k:ey' de'p.n1U;J'se,d unt:ill ,the, fii'lnl runs lonl,Q the
t 'l:liJII~e-·' -u p. re-a I
·g,~,.··1 Y _'._ ~ .... ~ !!,
1", 'T u rr~ ,t'he se II B eto r sw ~ tc h to i ~ fa f"¥V',CI. rd ,p raj e eti 0 n i' 'i -9"
1 m p 0 rta nt';: W' he n ru ,n rI"ii 1m 01 I hie, p I'Oljile, ctor don Q t o:ib s tru et 't.n I!: alr s'tr,e',a m em e',-o i n,t;] ;f'rlol m ths 'vle'n-t,j I a tio n s I 011,:8' ,.
if du e to perfora t.r on dar rna ge 0 r othe r causes the i rrlage appea r s u nstea dy or the P FO je eta f' rattles (0 r berth) i b rlefly dep ress the threa.d,i n g, k:8'Y dut,fn,g pro]e clio n.. I f this, does not h.e," p, switch b r i e f!y from fa rwa rd to r€'ve rse projectlon or V~Ge versa.
Films vary appreciebly tn their handr~n:g,ch8frac,mristics· . specially wah thin filrn bases. lf such films should 'f,aU to 6::rllg:8!gS: in, the take-up real, gu~de the, film leader onto the r8'el! core by' hand.
Once the lil'lm is threaded and the projector runninq: 01 Adjust the projected imiag!e' size by turnlnq '1t~le! zoorninq ringl.
8, F 0 cu S the ~ mag'€! sharply by turn ~ngl the ftne 'fCH;'LJ'S.J ng: knob.
e Ad,just the frame 11i'n:e control if parts or MO frames . appear UI~I the
SCrSHr1 w~,th the frame ~~ne bet\Nee'r1 them
G ,A,d] ust the' elevation control.
18, Level the projector.
o For n~ verse ,pro.1re:c'l,li an tu rn the selector switch "Ito ,j" reve rse" 'EJ I the fH rn now ru ns baekwa rod,s. 'Whe~ flJ you en at ng,i~ the, runn in 9 dl~ rectlo n, the Trame Irne may neec readjustment,
" Haprd rewind: ,After the filrn has run througih~ attach the! end dli'ree-tl'11' to the front reel over the' top of the projector and turn the' main switch to "rewind' ·CSJ·
When pr'oj,ectiI1.Q souoo f]J,m,s' turn the volume control 81 to the riqht to
the requ tred ,9·0 U nd vo I ume. .
A't the @:na of ev'ery sho,'w' ,ah!!\I'iilY'S 'tlJf,n (h,e :$·e:l!uctor' sw,~,tch I:u~:u:k, bOI ';'!,S,'tIOI:p1'" ~crl '"
, I
. , I
'1~ ,01
24· lB
nllp'@irtan't": B·e'fore, changirlg the runn~ng: speed always 'turn the selector switch tOI "stop" ·tb~ ._ Co n ne ct the pTO jeeto r to. the rnai ns au pply ~ A,ft!B r s'w I"tC h~ olg Tr()m 24 to, 1 8 'f'p S _ walt for about 1 minute before projectron to' a,I'I,Q'w the 'vl!ywhe'e! speed to steb: lise.
RII! P I' a c:i in gl t hie, :1 amp (D i aeon tlHS~ ct ,th e ma iins, ~e',ad 'f~ r,S:t)1
Hequ i red la un p type ]:2 vo It l' 00 'watt! rUJ ng ste n-hal og:f2i'n 'with di athe rrni c reflecto r, 0 rder 'No" 9,31 ,.OD4 /~l, Not eve n the, be st. II amp il'a sts for eve r. ~ 'W: it 'faj ls, you ce ti' 8 as i Iy chanqe it you raelf:
1" Hernove the larnphouse cover,
fl Pre 5,S down 'the: lamp retai ~[~ ng Slpti ngl and d i Se'lrlig,a,g.[e by swin 9 i ng to the II eft, the n remove the lamp.
e Pu~1 off 'the lamp P:ll~,g 'from the rear. Take care not to move the' coils on the sound cha ng eove r switch for filrrr ga uqe .swlteh~ ng.
4., W:n,IBn ffn~ng the 'flew lamp, never touch the bulb or '~!lV~:J'dB of the! reflector w;j'th bare, f nqers, Ilof you teu ch thenll acel dental ~.Y ~ clea n wI t.~ a leohol or rnethylated sptrlt. P'hJlg the lamp Into the lamp pl:ug., Ra~;se the retalnlnq 5pr~n,g and insert 'the lamp in the I~a,mp fitt~'ng,. The, c!ent[Br~:ng iu~g 0" thi~ lamp must erlga~ge the' cut-out provided for ~t.
,5" Pn9 S s dow rm tIFM&. III a mp rete Ii If1 i n 9 ,s p rl n!9 and pus hit to the rl gl h t to e r.l: g ,aJQe, It M a: ks S: U re that the sprung arm is; in "he, C'or'F'B'C't p'os,itjo'tli. Subsequent -Denter,fnfi of: the [lamp Is not nec·e ssa ry,
6" R;e, Pi I a: ee the I: amp he use ~:;'Q; ve r.
'The 'fuse- rarely needs cha.ngliJng;~ but here ls wh,i3:t you must krHJW about it: The fuse protects the ampllfter ag!,ains't overloadlnq, but does not protect the projector aglarnst d,amage if connected to the, ir1'COfF'8C't mains voltaqe. R·'8":move, the back
LJ![J 'Ie: r:: . The' 'f1;J. s'e ts th e n a ece S S ,j b ,Ii e at the ~ e 'ft: [0 f the ~I rn pi i 'f~,e IF c ~ fa u j t b o a, rd _, ~
Ca,rtr,fdge: fuse 5 x 2,0 rnrn: 1 arnps, StJlrgl'€:'-'fle's~st~ngi., Order No. 790,,03.05/9 For U,S,A,::' ICa.rtFid.g,e fuse 1 amps, cr,der' No 1'9·~l03;O'6/0
C f'-h- ., d [h II -
'&:"r;'8'-;-:- 0":"- t re p r:·o··-··'J-!IB<C"O···r· a n .. g'-Ie',-',n' e--:'r'"a"~ -1'lln"lt'5~'
I ' .. ' ~.-, ' .. '.. ' .. '_ '''' .. ~ . .'._ .. II.,.:_) I "-" ·.··::.1:· ". I .
EIUM~G sound projectora gener,aHy need nOI malntenance, ,~U:~ all mov~n'g parts are permanently lubricated. The, onl1y sensi'Uve pol nts 'are the film track and gate: which collect dust and f~III,m debris. Hemove thts w~th ,a soft rag or ,8 sable brush, or by scraplng w'ith is wooden stick ~f nBcessett)f u The fllm gate' elements are ie.asiliy n:~rnoV'red for' clearunq.
Turn 'the milh~d inchi rllg knob 115r ._ see page .2 .. ~ to b.r~'rnl.g the w~fte dot to the top .. This w~th"" draws the claw to protect it ie;'gal!nst damage-
!Ol Move, the lens fully forward by" turniing the 'focusing knob.
e :Push the' 'fUm oressure pad and fil1llml track towards the liens and wlthdraw.
Illmpofl"ta·nt: 'The, I'ems I:Si ·fUl.~y· "e:mo'vable' on .sUighdy pullilliing out, the 'fa',cu~dlng, 'klnofband 'w'itbdrarwin,g t'hrO! ~ens '&OIQ1 the carrier tu!b-e. The le'ns. can 'ni:):w' a'll:sioi be clIEUJneH~t B,e"io're Il1'eplar,cing~, c.he'rc1k th:Q,t the e'ngiJrfJ·em8lfrl't groor'v'[e ,0": t:liU~!' liens f,D'ce,s yOiU (':see iUus:tf'altion)~ :No>w pulll 'Ulut ,the focur:silng klnoib aga~ln, pu:slhtlu!l lens ~n.o Iih'e' carr,irer tube ,an,di hert if~: eng:lge ..
Varlous fUm preservatives are ra .. va~[~ablle' 'from photo dealers: use them for periodic tr'!Sor'tme'!nt of your fHm,s .. 'The' best. il/f'i!ay Is to run the 'fUlmr throuqh a soft cloth soaked with the (:h:H~n'ijing 9igent FHms to be striped sJU]ruijld oln~.Y be cleaned With a soft and f~·u'ffless., linen cloth dampened 'with ,sufigic;al aplrtt.
'Im!pOrblnt note,s for' gC)Ord seund qu,anty· ·w.ith :str'iped fnmil
As 'w~'~h any' h:ligh qtUilJtry sound 'r'ec.ording and reproducing system, sound quaUty depends on the specificatlona 0'1 your :recOlrd'ing unlit and the COrrndition of the' smped ·fri:lm.
1 , Cheek that :s:p,lirce:s are neat and preferably 'wit.h~n the ftlrn thickness.
2, 'T"D avoid no·m'su~· interference rat. splices ,ed,ge stripe the film only' after [editing" UiSre .8, high quality stripe, for instance
A.gfa. FS~
3. 10'0 not us.e' :any antlstatlc a.rgent before str]pilng.~ as. this. can Impalr adheston of the stripe. 4,. Store' fHms protectad a'ga~nst dust, preferably in film cans with hurntdrfter added.
5, In order to take maximum advantage of the pcaslbi] itij:,es of the projector yO!U should use only hJglih quallty audio eources.
5. For' playback connect an external speaker.
S d f'·' T 'h Iii' I dl t
I,Q,-:"U-:- n '::':, II,,::S'C,: 10·':' ,n ii e'__',c~'I' mear e B" a:'
- ',,' I.." .. ,_ " " ~" ." " '. ' ,II ~, __ , _' , .' "
M,ic:rophone I np ut:
0- ,I]c~,' 01 m-:IV',,:',: I'I':""J'~""" 4, 1:' k-ch rn ,r::!;
II J ',' J U tl t;!iJ.l 'Il J • • ~ _ ,_ ~
(ter'lmlinalsi 2 and 3)
'40 'V" 2 V" '-'. . 47'0' k It...
,:~,: ,m:, to 1.,:/~f I nto ~I':' ,'''Oii 'j rns
(terrnlnals 1 end '2)
,81'gni2'iil:-to-no'is,e ratio '! A'mp I i'fie-r output:
3 WI __ ,,:,' mu I~I-''''' 'P'fii"-"'ee, r
't, y ',:-.,~ ~ _·:u,,~··_~, I
2 I:' W'; R':'M-' "'S,·~'I
JtlU~ : ~. 1",'" :~ •••••
4 .. tneh spe a ke,r to
Cornbtned re,cordlp[~a,yba[c,k/erase hea.d .. :R,ep~laCe[albih3. 'Rt;r~o,rd i~nd erase 'bias. fraquency, .50 kl-iz
Compeneatea recordtnq-level vartattons up to 4S dB,., R:es'rJo nse ti me: l' ~O rna,
Holding tlrne :8j,9: a function of i'nput level! up 'to 50 sec'
ML,8,;r:k IS: 802 '1' 6 frames (standard)
Ma,rk S; [802 ID ,Au to rna ti' caJ ~ y sWI'tcnes over to appre . prla b13. p tc ture/sou n d . se p ,a ra Uon ('18 frames with Super-B or .56.: 'frames with stan'da'Fd-,8)
P:i cture/so-und 'se paratic n ( s ta n d ard) ':
I Mark S 8020 J
i --,. "",,,,,,,,, ;'!,1 ib1 '" L..!r'_"""
.:,.",.....nnung€lFi be'! ~ Nl~IC
bitoges, lOt I~J:~f'.G T;'Ef1~0M 0, m FI ~ISIE DE SON
[:::1 ,~nFiurrgt"J"J b@i W ~t(eE, , 0.1 o.g~ Cl!t Pl~ - B Aek
ffl5iions Q 10 E,CTU,~
1Ohn-~ ~ g~55en g~re[1i MOl'ss.em~ Ins;" _ ,mifi'l"it R,I'- Kln'.Ooo Ohm I V
'mrosuF@o, ',0 go'WndI21 'WVth 0A4t 5~~ voll::m@t~ Ri c 10.00-000 Ohm f VO'l'~
'esure' '5I<J moss~ '_ '50 ~1gJl1(1j,
iJQ ~nie.l I Ri =: lOa, [I).'X} O~i11 J Volt
• ':J _ ~
.----~' -ffB
'~, 10'
,~-=~--~~--~--~--~~-~'~~'- ,.~j~~~~-----,
"~ iii 1,;; ~~ I' IT I~';H: ~~ U IC 1; jO l:'II ~j :Jli ~, !r ,~
, B :~ '~ lJ I '~i' ~~, !'~ I~ 'il, :u :iI:~~ !l!ii N :a'il :h :iJ1! -.I!-'! ~
:~' ,it,=. ..... ·~I s:§ 1;1. ~:;; lE ~ .. ';t'. :311 l!!i :=l
c ~I I l~, '. ~, ~: .", II ii!!l; ttl ~, it" Jg
20 ... ... ",
'The DlaY'~igdllt: Viewer dtsplays even in broad da''y'lll gih tab ri 9 ht, h rgl h .. ·co ntrast plctu Fie 0 n a small '9 rO'1LJI nd-ql a s·s screen.
Just snap lt on for ,e preview of youlr fUm' or a sereentnq under dayliqht cortdltlons before a smBIU audience.,
You 'w[U find It extremleLy Ihelpful lin 'fHlm editi'flilg land sound-track bui~ding, too ..
[Blu~illd~nlg ,8 sound track i:n a nutshell
Plng ln Ute projector and ,10.8'0 It w'Hh rnaqnetically striped film.
C·;_· '.-.' /- . " " ..... 'if." '-tu'" ,-'. '.--.-.-. -" " .. " '--' '.:' ,'. '_-',
'.- .. anne!!,..-I!., .·r I.e' rnuslc ,~.OIJ:rce-
f:? c ?"~ ~>£1I,t*,~ recorder 0 r
l ~.~ . "_,~ ill gl~ Jlu u.~ G· 'Lr-U l_ U I. "_"
record player, for i n sta rl ce) to the, projector,
Tu rn the rn ix;j ngl co ntrol tOI the
extreme ciockwl . ·.s"[ti'Qr11~
Pri€:SS the ref I r'iscord'rng key and turr11 the s e I e eto r sw ~ teh a! I the w,ay to
I i fo rward ,- 'P" rnje ('>,:J!.,I':n I"'j;" ~ Ii. ! 'i!'V D,. . . [ u !O:i' ""' ,~., U II I ,.
- - - - -- - t - - - -
At the end of the rnuslc reccrdinq 'turn the 'S~ lecto r swltch to "atop' 11~
Afte r f'le~i~ nd i rIl'g; II the 'ri'l m ls re a dy 'fa r ml ~ xi n 9 ~ n
t b,G, ~'pc.~, e ilf"'-I~, n r- '1- ""'I r- j" m·' - m- . ,iEi!' d·" I! ";I; 'hi!2li, ~ ~r~';C!i; I'"'i; ;I~ [Fi in 'LAd!' i t ~,~! _~'l~ OJ ::.:_.~,._.,i~·~·1 ~ _ III v. _ _ I _ ~'"<':_ I. Q Ib.¥ ~u' G~!l IIJ I 11;:jl ·,11' ~ I~ I ~,
.~. (':11
,S e fo re sta rt t n g [0 S pea k, tu r n th el rrnxlnq centro I' clockwtse.
(With the knob ;j n the: 0 posltlon,
UlO voice ls recorded and the music ~I Sc" r't;f'!il'~ ~ i: rb d Ii .I ~..J! "Ii
-e- - ~ 1'Ir! Ilr. '~'~i ... :_.: ~ ~ U.if: J
l.eft half cf SG,a le .=: m:usdc ~',s attenuated sl~gl htly.
Right half of scale ".,.;; music lis, attenuated
grB,a,trily, ..,
" .
Hepeat th ~,9 fade-l n/fa de-out procedu re wheneve r :y.c~ LI jf"ij troduee narration. ~
At the end of the vo ice-over, tu rn the n11)rJlr1lg control back to the, 0 position.