Advtfor Recruitment 1 2011
Advtfor Recruitment 1 2011
Advtfor Recruitment 1 2011
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts for
appointment in Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration & Research (AMD):-
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4. Name of the post Technical Officer-C (Mechanical/Drilling)
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8. Name of the post Scientific Assistant-B (Mine Survey)
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11. Name of the Post Technician-B (Physics)
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14. Name of the Post Stenographer (Grade-II)
Qualifications Essential:
(1) A Degree in Arts, Science or Commerce of a
recognised University or equivalent with an
aggregate of 50% marks
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17. Name of the Post Driver (Ordinary Grade)
Maximum age limit is 37 years for Technical Officer/E post indicated at Sl.No.1.
Maximum age limit is 27 years for Technical Officer/C, Steno Gr.II & Gr.III, UDC and
Driver (Ordinary Grade) posts indicated at Sl. No. 2 to 6, 14 to 17.
Maximum age limit is 30 years for Scientific Assistant/B post indicated at Sl.No.7& 8.
Maximum age limit is 25 years for Technician-B posts indicated at Sl. No. 9 to 13.
- Upper age limit indicated will be relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years
for OBC candidates for reserved posts.
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- For Departmental candidates with 3 years continuous service, age
relaxation is admissible as per rules.
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The selected candidates will be governed by the new restructured defined
Contribution Pension Scheme, which has come into force with effect from 1.1.2004
vide Ministry of Finance Notification No.5/7/2003-ECB & PR dated 22.12.2003 and
the provisions thereunder, by contributing monthly an amount of 10 per cent of the
Pay and Dearness Allowances with matching contribution from Government.
Travelling Allowance:
Outstation candidates called for interview for the post of Technical Officers,
who are not working under any Central/State Govt./Public Sector
Undertaking/Corporation/Local Government/Panchayat etc. are eligible for
reimbursement of Second Class Rail fare or bus fare from the place of normal
residence to Hyderabad and back by the shortest route as per rules on production of
Ticket/Tickets and Un-employment Certificate duly signed by MP/MLA/Gazetted
Officer. If concessional tickets are available, reimbursement will be limited to the
concessional fare only.
The candidates belonging to only SC/ST called for interview from outstation and
those who are not employed in Central / State Government / Public Sector
Undertaking /Corporation /Local Government / Panchayats etc. are eligible for
reimbursement of II Class Rail fare or Bus fare to the place of interview and back
by the shortest route as admissible under the rules subject to production of
Ticket/Tickets and un-employment Certificate from MLA/MP/Gazetted Officer. If
concessional tickets are available, reimbursement will be limited to the concessional
fare only.
How to apply:
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5. Application should accompany copies of following certificates (relevant
only) duly attested by a Gazette Officer
(a) Educational and Technical qualifications and all marks sheets for all
the years of study of the qualifying examination.
General Conditions:
1. Persons who are applying for more than one post should submit separate
applications for each category.
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Engineering will not be considered for the post of Technician-B. Hence,
such candidates need not apply.
AMD reserves the right to fill up all the posts or alter the number of
posts or even cancel the whole process of recruitment and change the
Centre of examination without any notice.
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