1. This document provides a cheat sheet of logical processing order and syntax examples for various T-SQL constructs such as SELECT statements, CTEs, recursive CTEs, EXCEPT/INTERSECT, MERGE statements, and XML tricks.
2. Syntax examples are given for logical processing order in a SELECT statement, common table expressions (CTEs), recursive CTEs, SET operations like EXCEPT and INTERSECT, MERGE statements, and using XML to concatenate multiple rows into a comma separated list.
3. The document is intended as a quick reference for SQL Server developers and includes attribution to the original author and license.
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Forgotten T-SQL Cheat Sheet: L P O Select XML T: L D
1. This document provides a cheat sheet of logical processing order and syntax examples for various T-SQL constructs such as SELECT statements, CTEs, recursive CTEs, EXCEPT/INTERSECT, MERGE statements, and XML tricks.
2. Syntax examples are given for logical processing order in a SELECT statement, common table expressions (CTEs), recursive CTEs, SET operations like EXCEPT and INTERSECT, MERGE statements, and using XML to concatenate multiple rows into a comma separated list.
3. The document is intended as a quick reference for SQL Server developers and includes attribution to the original author and license.
1. This document provides a cheat sheet of logical processing order and syntax examples for various T-SQL constructs such as SELECT statements, CTEs, recursive CTEs, EXCEPT/INTERSECT, MERGE statements, and XML tricks.
2. Syntax examples are given for logical processing order in a SELECT statement, common table expressions (CTEs), recursive CTEs, SET operations like EXCEPT and INTERSECT, MERGE statements, and using XML to concatenate multiple rows into a comma separated list.
3. The document is intended as a quick reference for SQL Server developers and includes attribution to the original author and license.
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Forgotten T-SQL Cheat Sheet: L P O Select XML T: L D
1. This document provides a cheat sheet of logical processing order and syntax examples for various T-SQL constructs such as SELECT statements, CTEs, recursive CTEs, EXCEPT/INTERSECT, MERGE statements, and XML tricks.
2. Syntax examples are given for logical processing order in a SELECT statement, common table expressions (CTEs), recursive CTEs, SET operations like EXCEPT and INTERSECT, MERGE statements, and using XML to concatenate multiple rows into a comma separated list.
3. The document is intended as a quick reference for SQL Server developers and includes attribution to the original author and license.
Attribution Non-Commercial (BY-NC)
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Forgotten T-SQL Cheat Sheet
1. FROM table /* Table2 holds detail 2. ON join condition rows for Table1; e.g., order details to 3. JOIN table order headers. */ 4. WHERE clauses 5. GROUP BY columns SELECT columns, 6. WITH CUBE / WITH ROLLUP colname = STUFF( 7. HAVING condition ( SELECT ',' 8. SELECT columns + Name 9. DISTINCT FROM Table2 10.ORDER BY columns WHERE Table1.ID = Table2.ID 11.TOP % or number ORDER BY Name FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, '') CTES FROM Table2 ; WITH cteName ( columnList ) AS ( SELECT statement ) EXCEPT/INTERSECT SELECT columns FROM cteName SELECT col1, col2 FROM Table1 INNER JOIN table ON condition EXCEPT SELECT col3, col4 FROM Table2 RECURSIVE CTES SELECT col1, col2 FROM Table1 ; WITH cteName ( columnList ) INTERSECT AS ( -- Anchor statement: SELECT col3, col4 FROM Table2 SELECT columns FROM table… UNION ALL MERGE -- Recursion statement: SELECT columns FROM table… DECLARE @Changes INNER JOIN cteName ON … TABLE(Change VARCHAR(20)) ) SELECT columns ; MERGE INTO DestTable FROM cteName USING ( SELECT from sourceTable ) AS Source ( columnList ) OVER AND PARTITION BY ON DestTable.ID = Source.ID /* Aggregate functions include COUNT, MIN, MAX, AVG, ROW_COUNT(), etc. */ WHEN MATCHED THEN Action on destination SELECT /* E.g., UPDATE SET col1 = 1 */ agg_func(col1) OVER(), agg_func(col1) WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET|SOURCE OVER(PARTITION BY col2), Action on destination columns /* E.g., INSERT (col1) VALUES(1) */ FROM table… OUTPUT $action INTO @Changes
SELECT * FROM @Changes
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