NCP Nursing Care Plans For Aplastic Anemia
NCP Nursing Care Plans For Aplastic Anemia
NCP Nursing Care Plans For Aplastic Anemia
NCP Nursing Care Plans For AplasticAnemia. Aplastic, or hypoplastic, anemia is a bone marrowfailure that
is characterized by a decrease in all formed elements of peripheral blood and its bone marrow. If all
elements are suppressed resulting in loss of production of healthy erythrocytes, platelets, and granulocytes
the condition is known as pancytopenia. Onset is often insidious and may become chronic; however, onset
may be rapid and overwhelming when the cause is a myelotoxin. Aplastic and hypoplastic anemia are
potentially fatal, commonly used interchangeably with other terms for bone marrow failure, aplastic anemia
correctly refer to pancytopenia resulting from the decreased functional capacity of a hypoplastic, fatty bone
marrow. These disorders usually produce fatal bleeding or infection, particularly when they're idiopathic.
• Activity intolerance
• Acute pain
• Fatigue
• Fear
• Impaired oral mucous membrane
• Ineffective thermoregulation
• Risk for deficient fluid volume
• Risk for infection
• State the need to increase activity level gradually and the importance of rest periods.
• Express feelings of comfort and decreased pain.
• Identify measures to prevent or reduce fatigue.
• Verbalize fears and concerns.
• Oral mucous membranes will remain intact.
• Maintain a normal body temperature.
• Maintain adequate fluid balance.
• Free from signs and symptoms of infection