Online Cinema Booking System Abstract
Online Cinema Booking System Abstract
Online Cinema Booking System Abstract
The system is proposed to have the following modules:
1. (a) Authentication
(b) Staff Administrator
2. Member and Visitor
3. Staff
Authentication is provided to three types of users that
approaches the system. They are the visitor, member and then the staff. The visi
tor is one who visits the website for general awareness of the site or to look i
nto the details of the movie that are currently running with the theatre. If at
all he is interested to reserve tickets for any of the movies currently running
in the theatre then he has to be a registered member to that website. Required A
uthentication is provided to him to get successfully registered with the system.
An unique Id is provided to each of the customers to get registered into the sy
The member is one who is a valid user of the system. The
authentication is provided to him while he logging into the system, i.e. he is
checked for entering the valid UserId and Password.
The third phase of authentication provided is to staff w
hile they login into the system. The authentication provided to staff is require
d, in order that only a valid staff with unique Id and Password logs into the sy
Staff administrator is one who has the whole control on
the staff. He is the sole responsible of the system that accesses the system. S
taff is required in order to make necessary updates with the movie database. Sta
ff administrator is responsible for adding and deleting the staff that access th
e system. He provides each of the staff a unique id and password with which the
staff logs into the system. Also he keep the stuff of personal details of each o
f the staff members into the database which he can retrieve then and there requi
Any user who has registered with the system and has a va
lid user Id and password is said to be a member. The member can avail all the fa
cilities provided by the system through the credit card at their comfort. The fa
cilities that can be availed by the user include booking and cancellation of mov
ie tickets. With the User Id the member can login into the system. With the GUI
used in the system the member can easily access any kind of information related
to the currently running movies and the upcoming movies in the theatre.
The module is developed in such a way that the member ha
s a home page where he can see all the movie related advertisements and clicking
on them the movie description will be provided. This also gives the information
regarding the currently running movies and the upcoming movies in all the scree
ns 2 days in prior. The member is also given with options like
· View profile-Gives details with which he has registered into the system
· Update profile-Helps in changing the personal details if required
· Change Password- Member can have the opportunity to change his password.
· Transaction details-Gives information regarding the previously booked ti
ckets in the theatre for all the movies viewed with that user Id
· Booking-Which gives an opportunity to book movie tickets 2 days before t
he show time and the tickets can be booked for any current movie showing in any
of the available screens (The booking process is exclusively done using credit c
ard only), where after booking the tickets a booking Id and the confirmation mes
sage are given to the member. This he has to produce at the ticket counter in or
der to collect tickets which he has booked online.
· Cancellation-The booked ticket(s) can be cancelled 2 hours prior to the
show timings only on producing the correct booking Id. 70% of the total amount w
ill be credited back into the account provided by the member where as 30% will b
e deducted on behalf of service charges..
· FAQ s-This section helps in guiding the member all through his way right f
rom viewing the movie details, registration process, theatre details including t
he rules and regulations, booking and cancellation processes.
The details about the presently running movies & the upcoming movies are provide
d by the staff .The staff has a provision to view the present details & has ever
y right of making changes as and when required. The home page of this web based
system has two buttons:
· Member
· Staff
After the staff logs in with his/her valid ID & password, the following faciliti
es are provided:
· Settings
· View Movie Details
· Update Movie Details
· View Movie Description
· Update Movie Description
· Logout
If the staff wishes to view his profile, update his profile or change his passwo
rd, then he can perform these actions by clicking on the Settings button.
The description of the movie like the screen number in which it is running , act
ors ,music director & the director can be viewed by just clicking on View Movie
The Movie Description can be changed in Update Movie Descrip
tion .The updates must be very fast as it facilitates both the customer & the st
aff. After performing the required activities, the staff can logout.
Operating System : Windows
Technology : Java and J2EE
Web Technologies : Html, JavaScript, CSS
Web Server : Tomcat 5.5
Database : Oracle 9i
Processor : minimum Pentium IV
RAM : minimum 256 MB