Five Quantitative Physics Experiments
Five Quantitative Physics Experiments
Five Quantitative Physics Experiments
Experiments (Almost)
Without Special Apparatus
James L. Hunt, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada
here are situations in which physics students
would profit from the performance of real
quantitative experiments but the equipment is
lacking, expensive, or too bulky. One such situatuation
is in distance education courses, where the desire to
have students perform real experiments is outweighed
by cost and/or logistics. The result often is a resort to
simulated experiments, or incurring the expense of
bringing students to a central location for a marathon
session of lab exercises, many of which are done out of
sequence. I describe here five quantitative experiments
designed for an introductory DE course in physics,
that require almost nothing in the way of equipment
except a computer and items commonly found in the
Fig. 1. The equilibrium of three forces using “soda straw
home. pulleys.” The weights (in jumbo paper clips) are from
The physics department of the University of left to right 3, 2, 4.
Guelph, in common with others, has for many years
offered an introductory physics course as a make-up it mildly, has not been a success, with drop-out and
for those entering the university in science studies but failure rates running to 80%, while the lecture version
without the senior course in high school physics. The has fulfilled its objectives. It was decided, therefore, as
objective of this noncalculus course, therefore, is to a last chance, to make the effort to mount this course
establish a sufficient base of largely classical physics as an interactive web-based course.
and permit the students to progress to the university Initially it was thought that the laboratory section
physics course with some confidence and assurance of would have to be entirely in the form of simulated
success. experiments, of which there are many available. How-
About 10 years ago it was also decided to offer this ever, further consideration suggested that there might
course through distance education, and a study guide be meaningful experiments that could be done with
was written for this purpose. As the students could simple apparatus and the simulated exercises kept to a
not attend the university, a rather elaborate and costly minimum. The challenge became to find a way of do-
lab kit was assembled with written and videotaped ing meaningful quantitative experiments in elementary
instructions. physics using mostly materials that the student could
It has to be acknowledged that this course, to put reasonably find in the normal household or purchase
412 DOI: 10.1119/1.2060634 THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 43, October 2005
easily and cheaply. I interpret the contents of a “nor- system. Close to the edge, however, produces just
mal household” in the broadest sense and include a enough motion to largely eliminate the friction. This
computer in the list. latter point can be verified by moving the equilibrium
The exercise proved to be an illuminating one, point away and plucking the straws again. The equi-
and several good lessons were developed although the librium point will move back to its former position.
stricture of “no special apparatus” was relaxed a bit in Once the frictionless position has been achieved,
one case where the exercise was impossible without it. the string assembly can be carefully pushed back
It is also interesting that certain branches of elemen- against the paper, the configuration traced, and the
tary physics seem to me to be intractable to this usual analysis carried out. Careful elimination of the
approach. friction can produce a vector sum correct to within
Of course this topic has been addressed previously a few percent. It should be noted that plastic soda
in various articles, even in this journal. Many elegant straws work best. The waxed ones are too sticky.
ideas are collected in that excellent book String and
Sticky Tape Experiments.1 However most of those ex- Centripetal Force
periments require considerable construction on the This basic experiment is well known (see experi-
part of the student and I wished to avoid that. In what ment 1.32 of Ref. 1) and in this discussion only a few
follows, I will describe several experiments that were refinements will be mentioned as well as the problem
designed or adapted, which more or less conform to of timing. The apparatus consists of a thin tube with
the stated criteria. Some approaches are, I think, new a thread (white is best) running through it with a
and others are slight variations of old favorites. small mass on the upper end and a larger one on the
lower. By moving the tube rhythmically in a small
Equilibrium of Forces (Addition of circle, the small mass can be made to swing in a large,
Vectors) nearly horizontal circle, and equilibrium is established
An experiment to add three or more force vectors is between the swinging mass and weights hanging on
common in elementary physics courses. The usual the lower end of the string.2 It turns out that there are
apparatus is a vertical board upon which drawing many household items that can be used for the tube,
paper is pinned and, with the aid of pulleys and string, most commonly the plastic cap from a ballpoint pen.
a point is placed in equilibrium. The only “uncom- If the closed end of the cap is cut off with a knife, then
mon” parts of this apparatus are the pulleys, whose the molded ridge at the other end is sufficiently fric-
purpose is to eliminate friction; a simple substitute for tionless to allow equilibrium to be established easily.3
these was easy to find. Again jumbo paper clips are used as weights, and
Figure 1 is a photograph of the apparatus that was typically one would be used for the moving mass and
decided upon. In place of the pulleys, two plastic soda several for the centripetal force. To keep the radius
straws are used. They are taped to the top of a table constant it is much easier for a student to observe a
and extend about 8 or 10 cm from the edge; they are stationary marker than a moving one. Therefore, it is
placed about 15 cm apart. Also taped to the edge of best to make a black mark on the white thread at the
the table and hanging vertically is a sheet of ordinary bottom of the plastic tube rather than at the top.
note paper. Jumbo paper clips are used for the hang- If a student has an assistant, then the timing can be
ing weights and common sewing thread for string done with a wristwatch that has a sweep second hand.
(black is best). The string and weight assembly is hung However, the experiment can also be performed alone
about 1 to 2 cm in front of the note paper. using a stopwatch program available on the computer.
To eliminate friction it is only necessary to gently, There are several of these on the web, but most of
and simultaneously, pluck the ends of the soda straws them are useless for a student working alone because
two or three times; the equilibrium point will move to the START and STOP buttons on the screen are far
a final resting place. If the string is placed too far out too small to be used while concentrating on some-
on the straws, the amplitude of the plucking motion thing else. We have commissioned one in which the
produces too much disturbance of the equilibrium whole screen is the START and STOP area. It is at