HOI3 - Strategy Guide - US
HOI3 - Strategy Guide - US
HOI3 - Strategy Guide - US
strategy GUIDE
Why A Strategy Guide? and others will just highlight common sense. Either may be valuable to
Hearts of Iron III is designed primarily as a wargame, with the emphasis some players.
on combat and military units. However, any student of history will However, this guide does not focus very heavily on hard figures
tell you there are non-combat aspects to war which are often more because as I write this guide those figures are still changing from one pre-
important than even the combat itself. In HOI 3, these aspects are release beta version to the next. Once the game is released, the “release-
represented through your ability to direct your economy, to manage day patch” is likely to remain the standard for weeks or months, and so it’s
your resources, to pursue diplomatic objectives, set research priorities, possible to perform analyses which will be correct until a new patch comes
etc. It’s all done with the goal of providing a realistic representation of out. I don’t have that power, and so I cannot teach those things.
the challenges and elements faced by the real-life commanders from
the World War II era. First Things First
So, there are two reasons why a Strategy Guide will be useful. First, If my purpose is to tell you how best to play the game, and enjoy it, then
the Hearts of Iron franchise has taken a great leap forward with this largely there’s one most important thing I have to tell you: you must visit
re-designed third installment. Indeed, HOI 3 is an ambitious project – one the Paradox Forum and download the latest software patch!
game reviewer said, “This feels more like HOI 4!” – but at the same time, As I’ve already mentioned, the game will continue to change up to
it incorporates so many advances in automation and user friendliness that the point of its first shipments and store sales. In fact, it will continue to
you don’t have to face everything at once. You can learn at your own pace. change, even beyond that time. Paradox has a well-earned reputation for
But you will certainly benefit from a guide to its complicated functions. continued patch support for its games months, and even years, after their
Think of this Strategy Guide as a companion for, and a supplement to, the release.
existing Manual and In-Game Tutorials. In fact, much of the most important work on a Paradox game takes
Secondly, few HOI 3 players will be professional strategists. One of place in post-release, when countless actual players report bugs and
the advantages of playing a game that is so realistic – a “war simulator” otherwise (good to begin with) contribute to the process of improving the
– is that many of the strategies and tactics you must use in the game game by explaining what they think needs to change, and why.
are real-life strategies and tactics. Most of what I will teach here is not If it’s August 2009, and you’re one of the first gamers to purchase
gamey “how to beat the game” tricks, using quirks in game mechanics and enjoy HOI 3, your first step will be to download and install the “release
to make you superior to other, less experienced gamers. For the most patch,” which will be available at the Paradox Forum. This will fix any little,
part, the strategies I’m going to show you are taught at army staff colleges niggling strangeness that remained when the game CDs were coded. The
around the world. I’m just showing you how to use these strategies to your best strategy for perpetuating your enjoyment of HOI 3 is to keep your
advantage within the framework of the game. patches updated, checking back regularly to make sure you have the
Certainly, there will be opportunities for players that only exist for latest patch which will fix increasingly more things as time goes on. The
those who ignore historical realities. Some of these fall within the realm only caution I can offer is that your savegames may or may not survive
of legitimate alternative history – the exploration of “what might have a new patch. That’s another thing you should ask, first, on the Paradox
been.” Others may be considered manipulations of the game engine, Forum, because other players will quickly explain whether or not they can
and therefore called “gamey.” This guide will leave “gamey strategies” continue playing their old savegames.
to clever players who will soon begin to reveal those strategies on the If you’ve come late to the game, it’s still important for you to
Paradox Forum. check the Forum and download the latest patch, because if HOI 3 was
Partly, my concentration on the application of real-life strategy is good when it was first released, it’s guaranteed to be even better and
because Paradox does not necessarily endorse “gamey” strategies – in more refined weeks, months, and even years later. I have been playing
fact, most of them get “fixed” in later patches. The second reason is Paradox games since the first Hearts of Iron game came out in 2002,
more practical. Soon after the release of Hearts of Iron 3, some players and my experience has been clear: Paradox Interactive puts more
will begin doing mathematical analyses of the facts and figures of HOI energy than anyone I’ve ever seen into keeping their products updated,
3, and will determine strategies based on the mathematics. Some of their bugs fixed, and in listening to their fans on the Forum about what
these strategies will make use of game quirks to win in unrealistic ways, improvements they want to see.
How HOI 3 Has Changed entirely “new frontier” in strategic battlefield gameplay, this really is an
The original Hearts of Iron came out in 2002. Its sequel was produced entirely new game. The flexibility offered by the increased number of
in 2005, and two expansions were released in 2006 and 2007. Paradox provinces is enormous! It’s taking a giant leap from a hyper-strategic
has learned from each new release, and continues to improve upon their game into something a lot more tactical – in other words, something
product. where the player has a lot more control over the choices and tactics used
There are many changes and improvements in HOI 3, most of which by individual divisions (but only if you want that level of control).
are discussed later in this guide. However, the most substantial changes In HOI 2, the western border between Germany and Poland was five
have to do with the number of provinces, and the changes to “scaling” that provinces. You could either attack them all at once, or you could attack
causes, and also the degree to which historical scripting drives the game. one and hope to slip behind one of the defenders. You could choose to
HOI 2 was very tightly scripted to make sure historical events happened, attack the province with two divisions, or the one with six divisions, or the
either forcing the player into one or more options, or sometimes causing one with eight divisions.
things to seem unrealistic because those events were “out-of-place” In HOI 3, that border has three times as many provinces, and you have
in the ahistorical context. HOI 2 allowed a more freeform exploration a lot more control over which divisions you attack, and which ones you can
of ahistorical possibilities, but also admitted some very strange results try to slip behind. No longer are you forced to perform a costly “frontal
because it was inflexible. HOI 3 is more of a simulation of World War II and assault” – now you can make pinprick attacks, and attempt to exploit the
the types of events we should expect within context, according to the way breakthrough and surround the enemy!
your choices change things. Likewise, HOI 3 has changed the nature of combat on the Eastern
For instance, HOI 3 does not pre-determine the start date of wars. Front, because the border with the USSR in 1941 is not just 10 provinces
This means that World War II in Europe could start in May, instead of long. Now it’s 21 provinces, and there are places along the front where
September, or could even happen in 1938 or 1940. This means that every you can choose just one division to directly attack. Of course, this means
country – aggressive countries, or western democracies – may have the the other divisions are hanging around nearby and can hit you along your
opportunity to build up over time. On the other hand, it’s also possible flanks. The number of provinces in HOI 3 completely revolutionizes the
that you will not have as much time as you expected. It’s also impossible means and methods of combat, which is why it’s a lot more important to
to predict with certainty when things like the Spanish Civil War will start, understand true military strategy now.
or even if they will start at all! The increased scale of HOI 3 does not just offer increased battlefield
In terms of the scaling concepts, and the way HOI 3 opens up an fluidity, meaning the ability to envelop and encircle the enemy, but it also
requires the player to adjust his unit management accordingly. We will go J5.1 – An hourglass icon in the land unit interface will show if a unit is
into methods of doing this, later on. under “combat delay,” meaning it’s recently been attacking, and it must
wait to attack again. A tooltip will show how long it must wait.
Updates & Errata From the Manual J5.1 – When you order a land unit to move, its movement is indicated
There have been some changes since the Manual was written, and things on the Land Unit Interface with a green arrow in two locations. If you hover
that may not have been explained fully. These are detailed in the readme. your mouse cursor over the arrow, a tooltip will tell you to which adjacent
txt file, but I’ll also go over them here. province it’s moving, and when it’s due to arrive there. It won’t tell you
A1.1 – Some of the other graphics choices from the Main Menu its final destination. A similar indicator in the top left of the interface will
Options are whether you want to use Counters or Sprites (discussed in indicate other things, such as if the unit is under attack.
A2.3), and whether you want to use “Advanced Water,” which is basically J5.1, J6.2, J7.2 – Disbanding a unit will keep you from having to pay to
how realistic (and graphically intensive) you want the ocean’s water to supply and reinforce that unit, and it will also return its current manpower
look. Set this to off if your computer’s display of the game is slow. strength to the pool. The IC you spent to build it will not be restored,
A2.4 – Now the easiest on-screen method of pausing is to click on the though.
date, which will toggle pause on and off. J5.1, J6.2, J7.2 – In each unit interface (land, air & naval) you may
A3.4, C2.5 – When you produce and deploy new IC, Infrastructure, click on the name of the unit to change the name of the unit. When you
or various other Installations, they may take a few days to gradually come click on it, a cursor will appear, and you can type a new name.
into being. After that time, you will see its effects represented in your J5.2 – Some brigades may have a combat width wider than 1.
statistics. J5.8 – Reserves use less consumer goods during peacetime,
C2.1 – Each successive product in a serial build is a new product, and proportional to their strength, so their need will go up as you change your
so it will reflect any changes in technology which might have made those laws to mobilize for war.
units cheaper. In other words, you are not locking in a more expensive J7.5 – A CAG whose carrier enters combat is automatically assumed
cost by using serial build. to be actively defending the carrier.
C4.0 – Just to clarify, there is a “Mobilize” button at the bottom right K3.0 – Panzer Leader trait adds his combined arms bonus on top of
of the Political Interface which will mobilize your military, and add the last any existing combined arms bonus.
step of mobilization to your reserve units. The other mobilization steps K4.0 – Creating Theatres - Theatre changes will not be automatic for
are controlled through the Laws section of the Political Interface, at the the player, as they may disrupt your plans. Instead you can force updates
bottom left of the same screen. from the production interface.
C5.0 – When newly constructed units are ready for deployment, they K4.5 – Defensive stance may allow some offensive moves against
may be either assigned to an existing unit, or placed directly into a valid targets of opportunity, however the Prepare stance will not allow any
location in your home country. These valid locations will show as green offensive moves.
when you click the deploy alert in the upper left of your screen. L2.0 – Whole divisions enter combat, and if a division has support
D6.1 – Any member of a faction may influence another nation toward brigades they are considered in combat, not in the reserve.
their faction, but only the leader of a faction may invite non-member L4.3 – Shattered units now reappear at their theatre HQ, not at the
countries to join. Likewise, any country wishing to join a faction must ask capital.
the leader of that faction. L5.6 – A unit may dig in by 2% per day, for a maximum of 10 days.
E4.1 – Using units in combat will build your practical knowledge in
related areas. Choices, Choices…
F4.0 – You are automatically de-mobilized when you are at peace, The level of difficulty you use will help determine how hard it will be for you
unless you had previously mobilized while at peace – then you must to win. Many players will want to start at a lesser difficulty until they get
manually decide to de-mobilize. used to the game, and then can play on normal or hard in later games.
F5.2 – Allied troop commitment impacts your Strategic Warfare On Easy difficulty, for instance, the player will have advantages in
score, not your chance for breaking directly, although breaking is partly handling revolt risk, and significant advantages in acquiring manpower, IC,
dependent upon your Strategic Warfare score. resources, repairing ships and transporting supplies. The enemy (the AI)
H4.1 – There’s a higher supply tax for provinces you control but do will play normally, without advantages or disadvantages. This will make it
not own (i.e. occupied land). easier for you to win. Very Easy will make it even easier for you to win.
H8.0 As noted in B3.0, it is the buyer of a resource on the world At Very Hard difficulty, the enemy (the AI) will have significant
market who must transport those goods on his own transport ships if the advantages in manpower, resources, IC, base efficiencies and supply
goods must be transported overseas. throughput, whereas you will have significant disadvantages in return – it
H8.0 – You can only attach escorts to convoys while you’re at war. really stacks things against you, making for a much harder game, which
Otherwise they sit in a pool, waiting. many people enjoy.
J1.3 – If you’re trying to select all the air or naval units in a province, In HOI 3, as in past games, you’ve had the option of using either
you can draw a select box (or “dragbox”) around just the airbase, or just “sprites” (little tanks or men to visually represent the units), or “counters”
the naval base. If the province is too small to select just the base, first (colored squares with symbols & writing to explain more about the unit),
select any of the types of units you’re wanting to select, and then use the and there are always camps of followers for each. Honestly, I haven’t been
select box. It should select only the air or naval units. a “counters” guy, myself – not since the old board wargames which used
cardboard counters. But I must strongly advise you to use counters in HOI Message Settings
3 (at least until you’re used to the game). The counters provide so much There is a great deal of information the game can provide to you, much
information about your units, and the enemy’s units, that it will make it of which will help you in understanding what’s going on. However, too
harder to play without. much information can be more distracting than it is helpful, and so you
If you do decide to use sprites, the tooltips should help you sort things need to decide for yourself what information you need to know about. The
out. But you will still need to click on your units often and pull up the unit message settings options allow you to control this in several ways.
interface in order to see valuable information. If you ask to be informed of everything from every country, you’ll
Most of your other choices will have to do with your graphics. If you spend more time closing windows than playing the game. If you turn
have an older computer, or one that is not optimized for game playing, you everything off, important things will happen without your knowledge, and
may want to turn off some of these extra features, like trees and realistic you’ll be unable to make well-informed decisions. A careful balance needs
(“advanced”) water, so they do not tie up your computer’s processor or to be struck.
graphics cards, and the game will play more smoothly. Rather than go through the long list of options and deciding on
each one, the easiest option may be to set all of them to inform you with
Automation & Ease a popup window, and then you can right-click on that window to hide
HOI 3 is designed so that, if you so desire, you can allow the computer’s those messages if they become too distracting. This allows you to see
Artificial Intelligence (AI) to run everything for you, while you just make the all the types of message in context before you decide how they should be
major decisions. Your style of play will determine whether this is a useful handled. By a couple weeks into the game, you should have the messages
tool for you, or if you would prefer to make your own decisions. You can pared down to a manageable level.
determine your favored degree of micromanagement. Another way of setting these requires a little bit of coding, and is
You can set your major management interfaces to manage described in the Modding section at the end of the Strategy Guide. This
themselves (AI control). By setting the Diplomacy Interface to automatic, procedure involves editing the message settings in a text file, then re-
for instance, it will set up trades for you according to your needs, and save saving it. It must be done carefully, though, so read the cautions in the
you the trouble of having to worry about it. The interfaces you will most modding section before you do this.
likely want to retain control of are Production and Technology, because
that’s where you make choices about what technologies and military units Don’t Panic!
you want to have to fight your war. On the other hand, if you’d rather just From time to time, you will see a “Don’t Panic!” header, which will provide
fight with whatever the computer gives you to fight with, you’re more than tips as to how you can use built-in player aids, special organizational
welcome to set all these interfaces to automatic. methods or certain ways of looking at things to keep from being
The Theatre and HQ command system designed for HOI 3 will help overwhelmed by the complexity of the game.
you to not be overwhelmed by all the lower-level decisions such as which
divisions to attack where exactly. Instead, you can provide a corps, or an First Things First
army group, or even a whole theatre with general instructions, and the AI The first things you will do in any game, especially if you start in 1936,
will control these units according to the guidelines you’ve given. See the the first phase of your game will be setting up your country the way you
Headquarters section for more information about managing your units want it, researching the techs you need, and building the units you need.
with these tools. All of this is best done after a general evaluation of your country and its
It will also make it easier if you understand that most of the lists of strategic situation within the game. The next chapter will explain how to
figures, wherever you see them (Diplomacy country list, Intelligence look at your country and its environment critically. The next chapter will
country list, statistics information, etc.), will be sortable. The interface explain how to set up your laws and ministers the way you want them, and
lists, furthermore, have additional options that allow you to only look prepare your economy for the coming conflict. The next two chapters
at neighbors, at members of certain factions, or at countries on certain will talk about how to set your research and production priorities. Other
continents, etc. chapters will lead on from there into several subjects of a more military
Time and Date How you act in each of these areas will all be driven by your ultimate
Keep an eye on the clock, and on the date. The time of day is important, goals. HOI 3 is designed in such a way that you can set your own goals
but remember the time on the game clock is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT – to be very specific, or to be entirely freeform and reactive to the world
or Zulu), not your local time. Night comes at different clock hours around situation as it’s presented to you.
the world. This is important to keep in mind as you play. If you think it would be useful for you, there is a Quickstart Guide
Each game “turn” is one hour, but because units don’t take turns available for those people who have registered their game on the Paradox
moving (they’re all moving at the same time, if they’re moving at all), HOI Forum (which you have probably already done in order to have access to
3 is not “turn based.” It’s just a method of keeping track of time, and it’s this Strategy Guide). If you can’t find it, ask for assistance on the Paradox
important to recognize that time is passing. Forum to find where the Quickstart Guide is located. At the end of this
The date may also be important, as summer turns to fall, turns to Strategy Guide you will also find a sequence of case studies, charts and
winter, etc. The weather will generally be determined by the season, player aids that should help you to understand things better.
and attrition of your units may also depend on the time of year, because
extremes of hot and cold can make things tough on your troops.
Evaluating Your Country
In A World Context
“My good friends this is the second time in our history that there has come back from Germany to
Downing Street peace with honor. I believe it is peace in our time.”
– Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, September 30, 1938
to you? Determine who is at war, where, and what they’re doing about
Know Your Country it. What countries may pose a threat to you, and who might be your best
First, it’s important to know some things about how to run your country that friends as allies?
are relevant both, during wartime, and at times of peace. Take a few moments In your survey of the world, take note of what countries typically
to look at your country, both on the map and through several Mapmodes and supply certain resources. What’s the distribution?
Interfaces which are important to understanding your own land. You would be wise to check over the region’s terrain, infrastructure map,
Take a look at your economy. The next chapter will explain a lot of and see what the weather is doing. Continue to pay attention to the weather
things about the economy, and some of it may not make sense until you occasionally, so you don’t get surprised. There will be “seasonal weather
get to that chapter. But at least once you get there you’ll have an idea of patterns” you should take into account – start learning what they are.
what it’s talking about. Start building a strategic planning “map” in your mind, or even draw
Check out your provinces. Notice what type of terrain each province one out on paper or digitally. Operations deserve detailed planning, and the
has, and where the rivers run. See where your airbases and naval bases more such long-term planning you can perform, the better able you will be
are. Do you have any other installations, like anti-aircraft or radar? Turn to implement those plans, or to react when other countries challenge you.
on the Victory Point mapmode and see where your country’s victory points Straits can be of massive strategic importance. For instance, if you
are located. Then turn on the Resources mapmode. A green province want to prevent the Royal Navy from attacking your Baltic supply lines, as
indicates you have industry (IC points) there. Little icons will show what Germany, capturing Denmark is a valuable goal, because possessing it cuts
resources are produced inside your country. Hover your mouse cursor off enemy access to the Baltic Sea. All straits have certain advantages.
over them and examine the tooltip to see how much each province Can you imagine how much more difficult it would be to manage a two-
produces, then check the tooltips in your resource stockpiles and see how ocean navy, as the United States, if you did not have access through
much your country produces, total, and how much you’re using. the Panama Canal? Or as the British if you did not have access through
All that gives you an idea of which provinces are most important to Gibraltar or Suez? British control of both Gibraltar and Suez causes the
your country. Now, think back to your country’s terrain and consider Italian Navy to be bottled up in the Mediterranean so she can’t support
where the mountains, forests, marsh/swamps, jungles and rivers are – Germany, and Germany cannot support her.
those terrain types are most helpful in forming defensive lines if you need How is your international trade going to be impacted if you go to war?
them. How would you defend your most important provinces (especially Think… What trade routes might get cut off, how you could defend them,
those where your victory points or IC are located) if you were invaded? how you could do without them if you couldn’t defend them?
Now, add to that an overview of your military forces. Make sure of what Will you have lost trading partners because you’re at war with them?
all your air, land and naval units are, where they are, and you must reorganise Will you have to send extra escort ships with your convoys to protect them?
them the way you want them. Do you need to reposition them to be able to How risky is that trade route, and is it possible to set up an alternative?
defend your country better, if you’re at risk of invasion? The answer to that, What resources might you have to stockpile in order to make it through
largely, depends on what kinds of external threats you face, so… “a cold winter?”
If you expect your trade routes (or colonies!) may be cut off during
Expand Your Horizons wartime, you should consider investing in a stronger navy, as well as in a
Now, take a look around the world and see what’s around you. This is a large number of escorts. You won’t be able to assign escorts until war is
basic “risk assessment.” Where are the major military powers, in relation declared, but as soon as that happens, pause the game and assign them
to all your important convoy routes. If some are more important than You have a certain rating of diplomatic relations with every country
others, consider a higher percentage of escorts on that route, even if it in the game. This will change as you “relate” to that country in positive
leaves others unescorted. and negative ways. One way to improve your relations is to set up trade
If you’re playing a colonial power, or if you’re fighting one, keep in agreements with that country.
mind not just how many resources or IC exist, but where they exist. Take Eventually, these relations may enable you to join in alliances with
the Netherlands, for instance. During peacetime, the Dutch have plenty of these countries, or perhaps to join their factions.
crude oil and rare materials to make use of. However, if war comes, will
they be able to use convoys to transport those resources home so they can Alliances
make use of them? Will the British have access to India? These powers In a volatile world, a good alliance may be the only protection small
will also have to send supplies via convoy in order to maintain any military countries get.
units they have stationed overseas. Colonial powers should always take Alliances will help protect you, but only if your allies are able to support
these things into consideration, and do their best to plan for the day when you on a practical level. This is where Czechoslovakia and Poland learned
they might need to protect their shipping lanes, or else make do without. their lesson. The promises of Britain and France were of little use except as
Their enemies will need to be ready to prey upon the convoy routes. a back-door threat – the British and French lacked both, the will to protect
Now start planning your geopolitical struggle. Don’t assume you’ll them and the proximity to have allowed it. Provided your allies are in a
have to go to war… but also don’t assume you won’t be forced into war! position to support you, their planes and armies become useful to you.
Which countries will you cultivate as allies? Which faction will you try The other difficulty with alliances is that they each carry the possibility
to join, if any? If your intent is conquest, what are your first targets? Who of dragging you into a war you did not want, or were not prepared for.
will become angry with you if you invade? Wars cause threat, and many Requests to join an Alliance have a chance of success which is
countries may wonder if they’re next. Who will go to war with you? If no determined by the country’s relative relations with you, by its National
one, who’s your next target? Will you dare to risk global war, or try to get Unity, its general economic situation (all these being taken together as
what you can before that happens? a “war readiness” value), and its Neutrality value. They can be revoked
If you’re a western power, or a communist country, what can you do to at any time.
control enemy aggression so that it doesn’t build into global war? Can you build
a coalition of major powers to put the world’s aggressive powers in their place? Factions
These are things you must consider at the start of any game, and A faction is like a big alliance – it’s an alliance with at least one major power,
which you should continue to watch as the game progresses. If you start which will hopefully have the staying power to survive in war against their
in some of the later scenarios, after World War II has already begun in enemy.
earnest, many of these questions will already be answered for you, and so But you must be careful who your friends are. Once you join a faction,
what remains to plan is what major offensives or invasions you can mount you’re stuck, and will have to participate in whatever wars they drag you
against the enemy. into, so you should be careful to know who their likely enemies are. Faction
Note to HOI 2 veterans: It’s important to remember this game is warfare in HOI 3 is to the death – to the final victory. Make sure the side
not HOI 2. In the old game, you could always count on various things you join is likely to have a chance at winning. Be prepared to help ensure
happening on a particular date. If you were Germany, you didn’t need to that result, or die trying.
worry about another AI-controlled power declaring war on you until you Faction members are the only countries which may influence a
provoked them. In HOI 3 you have no such assurance! World War II could country’s “drift” on the ideological spectrum, which ranges between
spark at any time circumstances warrant, and it’s possible that Italy or western democracy (the Allies), communism (the Comintern), and
the Soviet Union might start trouble which messes up your own best-laid fascism (the Axis).
plans. Other ahistorical things may create opportunities or problems. You
need to be on guard, and not assume things will always remain as they Influence & Drift
were in previous games. The inability of non-faction members to influence major powers means
any adventuresome minor risks the wrath of a major power anytime he
Using Diplomacy For Victory Or Survival runs afoul of their national interests. Reality is that major powers run
Who needs diplomats when there’s war to be had, right? But for most the world, and they often will step in to stop a minor country from doing
countries, there is advantage to be gained during peace and war through what they themselves feel perfectly free to do. The advantage of this, for
diplomacy. players who have the stomach for it, is that minors are an even greater
Even if you’re anxious to go to war, do not forget the importance of challenge to play.
your Diplomatic tools. First off, most countries are not going to last long Be careful when influencing other countries. You’re actually
in war without a balanced economy fully supplied with Resources. Also, committing to an ongoing investment of Diplomatic Points. Each such
you will want to find allies and maneuver yourself into an advantageous investment will cost approximately 2 diplomatic points per day until you
position before the war starts; both of these important pre-war functions tell it to stop or you run out of points. You need to have a diplomatic points
require the use of Diplomatic Points. Diplomacy continues even after stored up, or else you may run out entirely. This may be a problem if you
war starts, because those same needs persist as you try to bring neutral have other urgent needs, such as for trade deals.
powers onto your side, or at least to get them to supply your war machine However, through careful use of a faction’s influence, it’s possible to
with resources. “tip the balance” in the battle for ideological drift. If you hover your mouse
cursor over a country’s roundel in the diplomatic alignment display, a consumption, partly because whatever reserve units you have will begin
tooltip will show all the different influences on that country’s alignment. consuming more supplies. Basically, your military units begin using less
You may notice a positive value for each faction, based on “relationships consumer goods and more military supplies.
with faction members.” If you can set up trade deals, and begin influencing Increasing your Industrial Mobilization will reduce the amount of
that country, eventually you may no longer have to influence them in order money you produce as you begin converting IC toward military purposes,
for them to continue becoming closer to your faction because they will because there is a reduced demand for consumer goods during times of
have “fallen into your orbit” – they will have close enough relations with war. Your country’s conscription laws may also reduce your ability to
you that those combined influences send them in your direction slowly. make money by taking men out of their productive jobs.
You may still want to “hurry them along” to get them to join your faction
sooner, or to head off other factions who may want to turn them back in Military Mobilization
their direction. Military mobilization is the final step in the process, occurring when you
push the large mobilize button at the lower right of your political interface.
Neutrality & Threat You can do this even before going through any of the steps of economic
If you’re itching to get into a war, or if you’re really concerned about your mobilization, but there’s not really any reason to do so unless you suddenly
neighbor’s aggressive tendencies and you want to begin gearing up for a become concerned war is going to happen before you can economically
war you’re convinced is coming, you need to understand how neutrality mobilize. Some western democracies may face this difficulty, because
and threat interact, and what you can do to manipulate them each. their neutrality may not allow them to undertake some of the steps of
Certain actions, such as changes to mobilization laws, going to war, economic mobilization before war arrives.
and even alliances, are blocked unless you have a neutrality rating below The act of mobilizing early may have a serious impact on relations
a certain level. with a neighboring country because of its perception of threat, but it
You cannot go to war unless your neutrality rating is less than or equal may have a much lower impact on relations with a country across the
to the highest threat your country faces. There is a large offset to this ocean. Because it is isolated by distance, the United States will not be
rule allowed for Axis countries, because they are assumed to be more very strongly influenced by any of these events. If you’re an aggressive
aggressive, and more willing to risk conflict. If you intend to go to war, you country, and you’re presumably trying to “sneak up” on your potential
must take action to reduce your neutrality. Lowering your Neutrality also enemies without allowing them warning before war, you may want to delay
lowers demand for Consumer Goods. this step, which is often recognized as the final step before war.
Certain game events may cause the neutrality of your country to
lessen, and the same may happen to other countries. There may be some The Long and Short of Reserves
decisions you could make that can also reduce your neutrality. Otherwise, Part of the process of preparing for war is to build up your military. Some
you could assign internal spies, and set them to the mission of reducing countries may have an easy time of this, others may not. One option for
your country’s neutrality. countries which don’t have a lot of spare IC – especially countries whose
Because reduced neutrality allows certain actions you may want to consumer goods demands are so heavy there’s not much left for the
take, make sure to keep an eye on the level and respond when you’re able. military – may be to build reserve units which will begin at much reduced
If you’ve just passed 70 percent neutrality, is there a diplomatic action or strength, but which will reinforce and grow in strength as the country
a law you’d like to change, which wasn’t possible before? mobilizes by steps. They can help build your military potential without
quickly increasing the expenses needed to maintain them.
“Lowering your neutrality is handy for declaring wars and joining Of course, once War seems near, you will have to find Money and
alliances, but it can also help you economically by reducing the CG Supplies to Mobilize these Divisions. It is also accepting a calculated
requirement for troops.” risk, because it takes time for these units to develop up to their full useful
– David Ballantyne (Darkrenown), Paisley, Scotland Strength.
Be careful when building a large reserve army to save on costs. Your
Economic Mobilization country may be small enough that, though you can build lots of reserves
Economic mobilization is the process of preparing your reserve military at minimum mobilization, you will have trouble managing them once they
units and your civilian economy for the possibility of war. If you are begin to mobilize. Partially mobilized reserves could quickly bankrupt
politically able to do so, it almost always makes sense for a country to you if you don’t have the supplies or peacetime supply of consumer
move away from a Full Civilian Economy toward a higher economic output. goods they require. Going to war quickly, or rushing the mobilization at
It just opens up so many options for countries that can afford it. How high the last minute before war, may be an economic necessity, and can be a
to turn up the economy depends on political realities, on how much you dangerous, expensive, risky game.
need money and on whether your resource stockpiles can sustain the On the other hand, if you can fake out your neighbor, it’s at least
increased IC. possible that he may go through this same process – fearing your attack,
However, consider – If increasing your IC by 25 percent will run and instead bankrupting himself while you sit by and watch! But that is, at
your resources dry, and you have no way of managing your resources best, a risky game of its own.
through trade to prevent that, then increasing your economic output There will also be a sudden intense draw on your manpower if you
is the last thing you want to do! have a lot of reserve divisions mobilizing, because during peacetime
Peacetime mobilization will also increase your overall supply you’ll have to provide both, consumer goods and funds for reinforcement.
During wartime, you’ll only have to worry about reinforcing these units, Develop a grand strategy for your war. In 1942, the Allies decided that
but if you’re only mobilizing your reserve divisions after war has been it was most important to finish the war in Europe first, as it was felt it would
declared, that’s a problem in itself. be too difficult to fight both wars effectively at once, and Germany was
ultimately the greater threat. You may find an entirely different dynamic
Going To War in your own games. Even small considerations may entirely change the
Once you find yourself at war – whether it’s from your own doing, or analysis.
someone else’s – how do you deal with it? What are your goals? What is the best way to achieve them? There
Application: Training and experience are an important part of combat, and can build up as a determining force over time. If the United States
Army had been landed in France in 1943, as some suggested, they might have fared very poorly. The Operation Torch invasion of North Africa in
November, 1942, prepared the Americans for the kind of combat they would face, and that experience proved very valuable. Before jumping into a
major operation, see if there’s a place where you can test your divisions against the enemy without so much at risk. If you’re still at peace, do you
have an ally who could use an expeditionary force, which would gain experience in that conflict which might benefit you later? Even if you’ve played
a few rounds of HOI 3, your countries’ armies may face entirely different challenges, depending on who they’re fighting. Nations have different
advantages, disadvantages, and strategies, and “getting to know your enemy” may come in handy before you get onto the main battlefront.
will be a variety of country sketches at the end of this Strategy Guide Being a Good Partner In War
which should provide helpful tips about what each country needs to pay Even if you have only a small part in the war, keep an eye on everyone
attention to, but you also need to learn to make your own evaluations. and everything, and keep up on it. You may see areas where you can
When you start your scenario, there will be an immediate economic contribute, or where you must be wary.
strategy which you should adopt. It’s always going to depend on context – Pay attention to what your allies need, too. Even if you’re okay, your
what’s most necessary for your country at that point in history, considering allies may need resources or money to properly support you.
what’s likely to happen? As a small country just as war arrives at their
doorstep, you may not have the luxury of developing your economy before Expeditionary Forces
military action decides your fate. So you might concentrate your IC into If you’re both at war, you have the option of handing your units over as
upgrades or reinforcements. Larger countries, even during war, may have expeditionary forces long enough for your ally to transport the troops to
the opportunity to build their economy, but might instead choose to build where you need them (presuming you don’t have this ability yourself), and
large numbers of divisions and airwings. Major countries will often choose then ask for them back. The AI may still misuse your units briefly, but
a combination of these options. The way you set your Laws, and the way then you take back control and can employ your divisions under your own
you allocate your production and leadership sliders will be driven by your control in the place where your ally left them.
priorities. You should be very careful with the use of expeditionary forces.
Production and research must always be driven by your long-term Remember, first, you’re handing your precious, lovingly crafted divisions,
goals. If you’re Germany, and you desperately need to invade the UK, ships or airwings over to a computer for the AI to handle. Computers are
you’re going to be really sorry if you don’t have some paratroops or not known for their compassion or for handling someone else’s property
marines trained, or transport ships or planes lined up. gently. Besides, you probably have a better idea of how to use your
divisions to help your enemy anyway.
Don’t Panic!
When you start a scenario as a major country at war, with a lot of divisions Puppeting, Annexing & Liberating
either in combat, or along a frontier beside the enemy, don’t panic! It may War often involves conquest, which may involve occupation. The handling
seem overwhelming at first, but there is a system to ease your mind. of occupation policies is handled later, but while we’re discussing
Scout your frontier before you start the game. Check out the diplomacy let’s also talk about how to use diplomatic tools to decide the
surrounding terrain, infrastructure levels, etc. The more spread out your fate of the countries you take over.
empire is – colonies or conquests – the more difficult it will be to maintain Conquering all of a country’s territory may allow the possibility
security of your lands. of annexation. This may be the choice if you just want to take over the
Start at one end of your front or the other. If the one you first look land, along with all of its resources, factories, manpower, etc. It will be
at seems overwhelming, check the other end. If that also looks like too part of your country, and you’ll be responsible for its military security.
much to handle, then pick a spot in the middle of the front where it looks Sadly, you’ll also be responsible for a lot of anger from patriots inside that
a little less complicated. Start there and return to the other half of the country who want to be free, and who are willing to cause trouble and kill
front later. your soldiers as a form of protest. This is the most effective way to utilize
Somewhere, there is likely to be a place where your action is clear. that country’s resources for your own purposes, but only if you’re willing
Once you’ve resolved that, everything else should fall into place, because to put up with a higher level of revolts.
you’ll know what units are and are not able to attack. If you have no units There are times, however, when you may want to have that country
who are practically able to attack, then don’t bother. Dig in and remain in act with relative independence, but still be under your control. In those
a defensive position – let your enemy make the first move, and then you cases, you can puppet them (place a government in power which listens
can respond to the choice he’s committed to. Most choices, in combat, to your wise counsel). They will raise their own armies, and have their
have good points and drawbacks. Figure out what the drawback of his own economy, but their populations will be more likely to support you than
choice is, and exploit it. oppose you because they have their own people telling them what to do
Do this analysis in reverse, too. Look for spots along your line which and how to fight. The fact that you’re there, telling their leaders what to
are vulnerable to enemy attack. Do you have a province where only one do, is less important than the nationality of the guy in charge.
division faces several enemy armoured divisions? It might be time to find As you re-take territory that your enemies had previously conquered,
other divisions to move in there, so the enemy isn’t encouraged to attack. you may have the opportunity to liberate a former ally of yours. This
Never assume your flanks are secure, just because you have neutrals allows them to re-join your war, and to begin helping you again with their
around you. France learned this lesson (twice!) when Germany invaded own resources and soldiers. But before you push that button to liberate
through neutral Belgium in two world wars. Frontiers such as this could a country and invite their government in exile back, you should wait until
either be guarded with fortresses, or with military units who can double you’re sure you can hold the territory in question. Otherwise, you may
as reserves. enter a cycle of back-and-forth liberating, and find you have a Government
This lesson should not be lost on aggressor powers, either. If in Exile on your hands again.
Germany doesn’t conquer Denmark, for instance, the British might violate
their neutrality (like they tried to with Norway) in order to secure their free
passage into the Baltic Sea. Often, neutrality restrictions will make this a
difficult strategy for the Allies, but don’t dismiss it as impossible.
Marshaling Your
Economy For War
“I am confident that if and when production of consumer or luxury goods in certain industries re-
quires the use of machines and raw materials that are essential for defense purposes, then such
production must yield, and will gladly yield, to our primary and compelling purpose. … So I appeal
to the owners of plants, to the managers, to the workers, to our own government employees to put
every ounce of effort into producing these munitions swiftly and without stint. With this appeal I
give you the pledge that all of us who are officers of your government will devote ourselves to the
same whole-hearted extent to the great task that lies ahead.”
– President Franklin D. Roosevelt, December 29, 1940
Don’t get too far ahead of yourself on “day one” of your new administration. throughput, or with reinforcement chance. Decide what you need most at
Before you decide all your production plans, and before you decide which a particular time, and make sure that guy’s in the slot.
economic laws to use, start setting up trade deals and get a feel for how Other than your Head of Government or Head of State – neither of
your economy is running. You may find a limitation in one or two areas which you can change without losing an election or having some other
which you didn’t expect. badness occur – the only minister which can improve your available
IC is the Armaments Minister. The Administrative Genius can even
Ministers improve your IC by 10%, which is pretty useful. Other armaments
You can actually make a substantial impact upon your economy, research minister candidates, if IC isn’t your main concern, can help with
or combat abilities by choosing the right ministers in the politics screen. supply production, reduce consumer goods needs (maybe best during
Each minister has different qualities they can contribute. Some ministers peacetime), or can help with certain technologies. Remember, if you’re
have “qualities” you want to keep far, far away from your government. But short on resources, you might prefer someone who improves supply
others can be very helpful. production over someone who increases IC, because that also increases
The army, air and naval ministers are easy – choose one which your resource consumption.
matches whatever type of unit you want to build the most of – artillery, Your Minister of Security can also help you maintain support for your
cruisers, tactical air, etc. Head of Intelligence is also easy – choose what ruling party, or maintaining national unity, but otherwise can mostly help
type of intelligence is important to you. with killing spies. If you are really having difficulties on the war front, and
Your foreign minister is most useful if you want to align your country you’re concerned your country may surrender because national unity
in a certain direction. Certain ministers are more receptive to one faction is getting low, that’s one time to make sure you have a good minister of
or another. Other foreign minister candidates may be able to increase security who can hopefully help you.
your ruling party’s support so that you don’t have to worry so much about Keep in mind that new ministers appear over time, who may have
losing the next election, or having some disruption break out. better qualities than the ones you currently have in office.
It is possible, over time, to change your country’s ideological Also, your ministers should be “context sensitive” – some ministers
alignment through the use of the Align to Faction diplomatic action, as have traits which are useless during peacetime, or useless during war.
well as the appointment of certain foreign ministers. You may want IC bonuses early in the game, because you’re preparing
The two most powerful minister positions are your Chief of Staff and for war. But later, you may want to switch him out in favor of someone
your Armaments Minister. Your chief of staff helps your military, and may who benefits your immediate war effort more than the IC would. Keeping
assist with organisation regain, with speed of movement, with supply Ministers in, and swapping them out, is always a matter of value judgments
– who creates the most value for you right now, and does the value of one When you enact a new law, make sure to look for other things which
guy outweigh the value of the other guy, all things considered? are affected. Higher IC output, for instance, will need to be allocated, and
you may have changed consumer goods need, etc.
There will be requirements to be met before you can implement Production Sliders
certain laws. Most of these have to do with neutrality levels, national The production sliders are very important, because they’re what keeps
unity, whether a country is at war, or even whether the ruling party is a your whole economy and military machine functioning. There’s a “need”
democratic or authoritarian party. Because of these requirements, there listed by each category, and if you’re not meeting the need, the value of
are some democracies that will never be able to enact some of these laws your funding (displayed on the right) will be shown in red (and there will
(repression, for instance) because unless they become totalitarian, they probably be an alert in the upper left corner of your screen). Otherwise,
probably cannot meet the prerequisites. it will be white.
But generally even the western democracies will be able to enact the While the most critical slider is production, because that’s what
higher mobilization laws by the time war arrives, if not before. Being at builds anything you want to construct, it’s easiest to determine the
war opens options for almost all of these laws. slider locations for the others first – determine how much you have to
Some law categories are incidental. More advanced education laws, use on production by process of elimination. Consumer goods is a fixed
for instance, is always what you would prefer, but only if you can afford amount, and unless you want to raise some extra cash, you’ll always
it. That’s a tradeoff – money for leadership. The same could be said for keep this at the level of need – not more than, and most certainly not
training laws – if you can afford to wait to get your troops and units, you’ll less than. Anytime consumer goods are underfunded, you’ll be gaining
benefit from the extra training. However, if you’re in a desperate situation, dissent, which no one wants.
minimal training may have to do. Editor’s Note: Experience gain is one The next categories to select are upgrades and reinforcements.
of those things that may get tweaked from time to time, so the usefulness As noted below, it’s not a huge problem if you cannot completely fund
of training versus combat experience may vary from patch to patch. reinforcements or upgrades. Either you can come back to these funding
The press laws are generally not very important, and unless you’re categories when your economic situation improves, or you can partially
worried about what enemy spies are doing, or your government has fund them, which will gradually implement the reinforcement or upgrades
become very unstable (perhaps because of spies), it won’t give you much unless you are either researching very quickly (i.e. developing new
advantage to go for more oppressive laws. The civil laws are repressive upgrades) or in heavy combat, requiring continual reinforcement. But
in nature too, yet they do provide some advantages against spies, aid the usually, you will find partial funding just spreads out the cost over a longer
ruling party in maintaining power, and reduce consumer goods need, all period, but accomplishes the same result.
while they increase the likelihood of serious revolts. Both of these can be checked by periodic inspections of the numbers
Your industrial policy impacts things a lot, but the realistic choices to make sure the demand for funding is dropping. This can keep you
for each country will be pretty well scripted. Unless you have high dissent, from overfunding too – alerts will tell you when you’re funding above the
and not enough IC to overspend on consumer goods, there’s not much need, but a careful watch can allow you to shift funding to more important
point to anyone having the Consumer Product Orientation, which is only sliders by reducing the rate at which you’re partially funding upgrades and
available if you’re at peace anyway. reinforcement.
Generally, the choice between Mixed Industry and Heavy Industry Don’t be surprised if you have a slight reinforcement need during
focus is whether you are at war or not, though many players may be fine peacetime. Any land province has some attrition, and so your units
operating with a mixed economy even during war. Basically, the tradeoff will slowly “leak” manpower which must be replaced (due to illness,
for heavy industry requires more consumer goods during wartime in favor retirements, etc.). Any province where the temperature is above 30
of better supply throughput, but CG needs during wartime aren’t very high degrees Celsius, or below -10, your troops will experience additional
anyway, so for the most part it will benefit anyone who’s at war. attrition.
You will always want to increase conscription laws as quickly as Your supplies are an interesting tradeoff – this value will probably
you’re allowed, because in this version of the game there is no negative jockey with your production value as your needs change. Despite what
to any of the levels. the alerts may tell you, there’s never a time when IC spent on supplies is
Obviously, the most important and far reaching of the laws you can wasted, unless you have an enormous stockpile and no one to buy them.
enact are the economic category, which mobilize your economy for war. A good stock of supplies is always good to have for wartime, because it
There are plenty of limits on these, and so you’ll generally be nearer to offers you flexibility, and the comfort of knowing you won’t face a shortage
war before you can enact them. Plus, once you get there, you’ll need the that could bring your military operations to a halt. You can also sell
resources stockpiles to support the increased IC. Provided you have that, supplies during peacetime or wartime, and these sales may be your most
though, you will always want to increase your economic mobilization as viable means of getting the money you need to buy other resources. See
quickly as possible because it opens up so many opportunities to make the economy chapter for more on trading supplies to get money for other
your military better than the other guy’s. The other tradeoff is money things. In any case, a positive rate of supply production is always a good
– if you’re short on it, you may not be wise to increase your economy thing. If this value goes “red” from time to time (i.e. your army is drawing
unless you want to counteract the reduction in money with CG or supply from your stockpile), that’s not necessarily a bad thing so long as you have
spending – a realistic alternative for most countries. More on economic a sufficient stockpile.
mobilization and management in the next chapter… If you do have a serious need for production IC, it’s okay to reduce
your supply production into the red sometimes, so long as you have a effort as you can toward eliminating the dissent, and then you can
plan for how to ensure it won’t eliminate your stockpile in the long run. reallocate once the dissent is gone.
Production is always needed by countries as they prepare for or conduct Events which cause dissent can be very impactful, and so responding
war. Recommendations on how to spend this production IC can be found to them is ever more important.
in the Production chapter. Be warned – you can actually reach a point-of-no-return, where the
Any of these sliders can be changed by clicking and dragging, or by using dissent you’ve caused by underproducing consumer goods reduces the
the “+” or “-“ buttons. A newly added feature “increments” these buttons by a economy to the point where you don’t have enough available IC to meet the
percentage (i.e. they’ll move faster) if you press the “shift” key while clicking. consumer goods demand (even if you stop spending on everything else)
One last caution… Changing economic laws will immediately impact and it will be impossible to turn your dissent level in a positive direction. If
your Consumer Goods need, even if you don’t see the increased IC right you’re locked into a Full Civilian Economy (because you’re not at war, or
away, so make sure you go to your production interface and adjust figures whatever), and you reach 50 percent Dissent, you will have basically zero
on day one, then again on day two once your IC has updated. Otherwise, IC left. In fact, you’ll reach a point of no return long before that, because
people may become dissatisfied with your government and dissent will rise. you’ll lack enough IC to fund a positive Consumer Goods flow.
Both, supplies and consumer goods production can be used to raise
Upgrades more money, which means you have more ability to acquire resources.
It’s always a better bet to upgrade your existing units than to build new Surplus consumer goods are converted to cash directly, whereas many
ones. These will apply all those techs you’ve researched, and give your countries around the world might be willing to give you money in return
units better performance in combat (and sometimes even in peacetime). for supply shipments through trade.
Many scenarios start with some upgrades pending, so quickly decide how Anytime your economy changes, such as going to war or changing
aggressive you want to be in pursuing them. laws, you should take a moment to check your CG spending.
As mentioned before, you can underfund upgrades. During peacetime,
you’ll still want to upgrade to prepare for war. During wartime, you should Refining Oil to Fuel
take upgrading more seriously. Either slightly underfund it, or watch Because any major country will need fuel to keep its tanks, planes and
carefully for the alert telling you your upgrades are complete. Otherwise motorised or mechanised units running, how you acquire fuel is very
you might waste some of your valuable IC on upgrades that don’t exist. important. You can trade for it, of course, but it costs about twice as much
To fully upgrade a unit, through one cycle of upgrades, will take two to purchase fuel on the world market as it does to purchase oil. Unless you
months. It may take another two months to upgrade through a second level have some tremendous fuel consumption, which outstrips your ability to
of techs, if you’re that far behind. You may see some increase, though, in refine your own oil, it’s always going to be preferable to acquire the oil first
the speed of upgrades, if you have more than one level to finish. and refine it at home.
Since crude oil is not a useable resource, but fuel is, there’s no
Reinforcements reason why you would want to prevent your economy from automatically
I’m not aware of any scenarios that start with reinforcement needs, but if converting your crude oil to fuel, which it does at a rate of 10 percent of
you’re at war you’re likely to need reinforcements in large numbers soon. your available IC.
Even if you’re at peace you’ll need to replace “turnover” in your units.
Don’t allocate anything for this in your first budget, because it would be Energy to Oil Conversion
wasted, but take note of how much your need is within the first week or so, It is not wise to let your crude oil stockpiles completely disappear, because
and allocate at least a portion of it. then you have to rely upon energy conversion to produce any oil, and
Underfunding reinforcements is wise, because otherwise you’ll ultimately any fuel, you need. This is an expensive process in the early
always be changing the slider. If you experiment, you may be able to game, and it’s still not cheap even once you’ve researched the right techs
find an “equilibrium” point, unless you’re at war, when you’ll always have to improve the conversion ratios.
fluctuations due to casualties. Don’t get too far behind, or you’ll have to
change things more substantially to catch up. “Better coal to oil tech reduces the amount of coal you need to get the
10 percent, but you never get more oil from conversion unless you get
Consumer Goods more IC. If you have 50 available IC you can convert enough energy to
Consumer good management is critically important because of the get 5 oil per day. At 0 coal to oil tech that’d consume 50 energy per
economic and combat effects of dissent. If your country is experiencing day. At level 5 coal to oil you’d still get 5 oil per day, but it’d only cost
Dissent, whether from events or from an accidental lapse in consumer you 10 energy per day. That’s quite different from how oil to fuel is
goods supply, it’s important to get it down as quickly as possible. Dissent converted. Oil to fuel is 50 percent of your base IC (not available IC),
is an economy killer. It boosts the need for consumer goods, while at the and better oil refining tech increases the amount of fuel your get per
same time removing your access to a portion of your potential (base) IC. oil instead of reducing the amount of oil you use.”
It’s a huge strain. – David Ballantyne (Darkrenown), Paisley, Scotland
Consumer goods are your bread & circuses, which you can use to
keep the people happy. Don’t just provide a slight boost to IC to draw Military Production & Manpower
the dissent down gradually. It’s a cancer, eating away at your combat As with many things in HOI 3, managing your available manpower is always
capability and your economic strength every single day! Put as much a balancing act for some countries. Infantry is an economizing choice
which saves IC, but is very intensive in its use of manpower. Things like air using that IC? Building IC in this manner is a long-term investment, which
units and armoured brigades reduce your need for manpower, while still is always at the cost of less short-term investing. If you can afford to make
having a powerful combat effect. Choose one or the other, depending on long-term investments because you don’t believe there are urgent needs
whether your shortage is in IC or manpower. on the short-term, then economic investment of this type will generally
If you’ve come to a point where your manpower can’t support any new be a good choice. Otherwise, you’ll probably find researching production
construction, and is having trouble keeping up with reinforcement needs technology and efficiency a better return on your investment.
in the field, you’ve come to a point where you need to make some serious
choices. If you’re a minor partner in the war, withdraw from combat Resource Production
and set up defensive lines where hopefully the enemy won’t notice you. You can increase your production of certain resources internally by
Hopefully your manpower situation will turn around once your units are developing the technologies that improve extraction. In HOI 3 you cannot
fully reinforced, and you can start probing forward again. If you’re a major increase production by increasing infrastructure, as in previous games.
power, you probably won’t have this option and you’ll have to take more Obviously, another very efficient method of increasing your resource
drastic measures. output is by conquering the resources of other countries, which has the
If you start to hit a major manpower crunch, there are some steps you added benefit of denying that source of supply to the enemy.
can take. Obviously, you can change your conscription laws to provide
more manpower, if you haven’t already. If you have units which are “out of Economic Improvement
theatre” (i.e. they’re not serving any particular purpose) you can disband Through Conquest
them and return their manpower to the pool. If your outlying units are Especially in a game built around a world war, one of the most obvious
needed, but aren’t in combat right now, you could set them to not receive ways to improve an economy and build your industrial power is to invade
reinforcements, which will cause them gradually to lose strength, but if and conquer other countries, taking over their Resources and IC, or a
you can correct the situation within about a years’ time you’ll be fine. You portion thereof. You can significantly change your available IC, resources,
could always turn off reinforcements in the production sliders, and even even your leadership and manpower, depending on what territory you
gain back the IC you’d spend, but this is a “poor economy” – eventually take, and what type of occupation government you impose.
your units in the field will wither and die. Since harsh occupations reduce your ability to get some of those, but
An interesting method of increasing manpower most people might increase output of others, you must make a choice depending on what
not think of is to change the occupation policies in countries you’ve taken you need. Sometimes, you will prefer to have manpower and leadership
over. This will admit certain sympathetic members of their population into contributed from these lands anyway, rather than IC and resources.
your army. Keep in mind that it may also reduce any IC or resources you
were getting from there, and the increase in manpower won’t happen right Mobilization Effects on Economy
away – it takes some time for the people to adjust to your new policy. The Laws you set will impact how the economy is being “geared” toward
war production levels. Generally, as your policies and laws reflect a
Officer Supply sensed threat of coming war, the economy will become more available for
You control your supply of officers through the leadership sliders, but military use.
otherwise the situation is the same as with manpower. If you face a Building an army earlier allows it to eat up supplies (which is
critical shortage of officers, many of the solutions are the same – laws, or expensive). It’s important that you allow your mobilization to peak on
the reduction of the numbers of units. The quickest way of getting more time, and not too early, which would invite economic disaster, or too late,
officers is to disband HQ units, hopefully by re-shuffling units to other which would invite military disaster.
HQs. If you get to the point where you need to eliminate one stage of HQ
for a unit entirely (i.e. so that it does not have a corps HQ, for instance), Resource Stockpiles
that will begin to harm your combat effectiveness. On the other hand, not Countries are always performing a balancing act, trying to maintain enough
having enough officers does that also. of one stockpile to ensure their security while at the same time trying not
to sacrifice another too badly by trading it away. Because of this, trade
Improving Economy agreements are in constant flux: they may be canceled, or you may find
Through Construction that a country which refused to trade with you a month ago is now willing
Improving your economy through construction of new factories and/ to make the same trade they previously turned down. Fortunately, you
or research of industrial technologies will benefit you on the long term. do not lose diplomatic points on trade offers which are not accepted, so
You’re literally investing your short-term economy to ensure its long-term there’s no reason not to try to conclude a favorable trade with someone.
growth. Because of immediate wartime needs, it’s always better to do this Resource stockpiles are your main concern. Lack of money you can
before the war, not during, but many countries will benefit from a limited deal with. By re-prioritizing your IC, you can devote a percentage of it
production commitment even during the war. Some countries may find toward consumer goods, which should overcome any cash crunch you
this is the only way they can survive a long war against the stronger have unless you really cannot afford to stop building things. If you’re at
economies of their opponents. that point, resources are not your most immediate concern. You can also
However, there is what’s called an “opportunity cost” to doing so – by produce supplies to sell, if you can find buyers, or try to find buyers for
spending 5 IC building a factory, for instance, that’s 5 IC daily which you another resource you have a surplus of.
cannot use on something else for a full year. What else could you have built At the very beginning of your game, you need to examine each of
your resource stockpiles to see how long they will last, which ones you instance, if it’s your intent to build up your supply reserves, but you have
can use for trading, and which ones you need to supplement through a more urgent need for more production money to build new units, then
trading. Remember, also, if you get into a war, you will need to have higher it’s okay to set aside your supply production in favor of unit production.
stockpiles than during wartime, especially if you expect you will be unable Eventually, you will want to go back to supply production, if that’s a valid
to get convoys to your main trading partners. During the deep of wartime, long-term goal.
with your maxed-out IC drawing heavily upon your stockpiles, they can If you find that you misjudged your need for a certain resource, you
dwindle very quickly. can always cancel the trade deal that is shipping it out. Remember you’ll
If you have a deficit in a resource, use a “stockpile calculator” lose whatever money you were getting on the deal, too. Fortunately,
to evaluate each stockpile: (stockpile size / daily usage = # of days most of the economic and trade mistakes players can make can also be
stockpile ) / 365 = years of stockpile. This can easily be automated reversed or canceled if it turns out they were the wrong decision. Don’t let
with a spreadsheet, and surely some kind forum user will make a handy the mistake go too far, though, or you will cause permanent setbacks and
computer program to do it within a week of release. If you want to see how you’ll be really sorry.
trading away a certain quantity will affect things, add the amount you want
to trade to the daily usage and recalculate. If you’re producing a surplus Making Good Deals
in a resource, you will want to trade away what you don’t expect you will You’ve heard the term “tradeoff?” Every trade you make with another
need during your years of war. country is a choice. How well your tradeoffs match what’s best for your
country helps determine your long term success in HOI 3.
In fact, you can turn this into more than just a moneymaking venture.
It can become your means of survival! If you do lack a resource (and very
few countries at war don’t lack something) you can trade your comfortable
surpluses in one or more resource for money, then turn around and use
that money to trade for those resources you most desperately need.
Obviously, if you’re at war and your sources for trade are overseas, you’ll
have to protect your trade routes. But one way or another this is your
way to success in a difficult resource situation. Short of conquering more
Signs of a dying economy: Italy has about 120 days’ worth of energy provinces which produce the resources you need, this may be the only
reserves. The coal to oil tech would help, because much of the drain is way you can make it through your war.
from conversion. Italy will be out of crude oil about 300 days after she Sort the diplomatic list by the commodity you’re wanting. The list
runs out of energy, and out of fuel another hundred days after that. will show you who needs the most (who has the higher deficit) first, with
declining need as you go down the list. Or you can reverse order it for the
Your wartime usage may be quite a bit more than during peacetime – if opposite. A resource shown in red means that country has a deficit of that
your peacetime economy only gives you 50 percent of your IC available, resource. It’s basically a sign saying “I want…,” and you can be the one to
then going to full mobilization may as much as double your daily usage, come to their rescue (and your own, if it’s a tradeoff that benefits you).
and moving to a total war economy plus IC construction over the years When using the country list to determine your trade offers, it’s best
may double it again. If you’re expecting to play a major role in the war, to check tooltips for two figures first – their rate of surplus/deficit of the
you’ll want four times your yearly peacetime usage per year of war. Your resource you want to trade away, and the resource you want back. If
economic needs may prevent you from achieving that, especially if you you’re trading away energy for money, see how much energy they need,
need to trade some away to survive, or to improve other stockpiles. Just and see how much cash surplus they have. You can do a deal to sell things
keep in mind that even if those multi-digit numbers at the top of your to a country that doesn’t have enough cash for it, and they may even agree
screen may look impressive, there’s every potential you will use much or to it, but they may cancel that deal before long, and it becomes a wasted
all of it during a long war. effort. It all depends how desperate you are for that resource, and what
It’s always a good idea to run the Stockpile Calculator on stockpiles you’re willing to put up with to get it.
which are gaining, too (just ignore your daily production, and calculate Every nation begins with a stockpile of fuel and crude oil. But if
from daily usage) – this will give you an idea of how intensively your you don’t expect to have a need for these (smaller countries, reliant on
economy uses that resource, and compare that need to your stockpile. infantry) you could consider trading them to acquire things you do need.
Even if you have a stockpile, and you’re adding to it every day, a change If you can get trade deals with countries you want to be friendly with,
in your situation may prove the stockpile is less durable than you thought. not only do you get to support your friends with your resources, not your
This process will also give you a better idea of how much of each resource potential enemies, but your relations will also improve. In fact, the more
you can trade away. supplies they get from you, not from other suppliers, the more likely they
Set stockpile goals for yourself, and try to meet them. You don’t have will be to join your faction, become allies, etc.
to keep all of them on target all the time, but it’s possible to let one or two Plus, the cost of resources is always lower from countries who
drop while you’re adding to another, and just switch back and forth so that you have good diplomatic relations with. This means trade with these
they all average around your stockpile goals. countries becomes increasingly cheaper over time.
Sometimes you have to give up, temporarily, on your long-term You can make a profit by stockpiling goods from cheap sources (your
resource strategy in order to serve a more important short-term goal. For friends), and selling them to countries which will pay more for them.
Unfortunately, especially during times of war, you may find that upon that trade in times of war. If nothing else, make efforts to build up
you’re forced to end trade agreements where you were getting resources large stockpiles of whatever resource they supply so that you will not be
at a good price, because your stockpiles are getting too low. This may so needful during war.
cut off your source of profit. There’s a way around this. It’s costly in Your diplomatic relations should enter into your considerations on
terms of diplomatic points, but sometimes it’s best to set up smaller trade trade deals in more ways than just finding the cheapest goods. Do you
agreements, even with the same country. If you experience a shortage, really want to be trading with a country which is likely to be your enemy
you can end one of them, but keep the other, maintaining your source of in a few years? Ask yourself if your benefit from the trade is important
cheap resources. enough for you to outweigh the possibility that your resources are fueling
Depending on the market situation, you may find that you need to a future enemy’s production against you. How desperately do you need
issue your requests for trade deals soon after beginning the game, or money? How desperately do they need your resources?
else many of the surpluses may be accounted for and you’ll have more If you want to do some research, you can examine how many other
difficulty finding good deals later on. countries are offering that resource in sufficient quantities to be of use
to them. If there’s a worldwide shortage in that resource, and your
Don’t Panic! country holds the key production provinces for it, you can withhold that
It is possible to “game” the system in a realistic, free market way, in order resource and punish your future enemy with a possible internal shortage,
to gain some leverage against even what seems an impossible situation. conceivably cutting them off from the ability to use their IC to its fullest
The increase in money from one trade may allow you to manage resources potential. Keep in mind, of course, the resource availability varies from
in a way that would prevent running your stockpiles dry, which is why I day to day, and what seemed like a shortage one day may turn out not to
mentioned “managing your resources through trade to prevent that.” If be a week later. You’ve got nearly a month to decide to accept the trade,
you can use the increased IC to increase your consumer goods or supplies so if you really want to be sure of your ground you have time to watch
enough to make money, you can use that money to trade for the resources the market. If there is sufficient supply around the world, and your future
you need, and still come out the other end ahead of where you were in the enemy just happened to have come to you for this resource, some players
amount of IC you can devote to military purposes. You will really just have might be willing to accept their money in place of some other country. The
to test this, because learning how is a skill that’s difficult to teach. It may estimated number of years between the trade offer and your potential war
work in your situation, or it may not, and you may not know until you try may become part of your consideration, too.
it because the world market situation may be completely different for one
country or another, or at one time or another. If it’s not looking good, go Producing & Trading Supplies
back and shut everything down – return to your earlier economic laws, Often, it will be easier and more efficient to meet your supply production
cut consumer goods or supplies back, cancel those trade deals. A failed needs through trade than through producing them yourself. It all depends
experiment in this area can permanently damage your economy! Shut it what you have to trade, and whether your money supply will support your
down before it does. purchases.
Keep in mind that overseas trade is not free! Building more convoy When you are at war, and you receive a trade offer from another
ships costs money, and at least part of a trade structure as described country who is not at war, they get to carry their resources to you without
above will involve you buying other countries’ goods. Trade deals you set being attacked. Please note, though, that this may change in future
up will cost Diplomatic Points, too. These are costs of doing business, and versions, as it is somewhat of an exploit. It’s not much of one, as the
fortunately it’s not a heavy burden, but you have to recognize it before you United States is the most obvious candidate for this sort of thing, and they
start setting up too many trade deals. rarely need to purchase anything.
Make sure to avoid conflicting or unprofitable trade deals. You don’t
normally want one convoy to be shipping supplies out to raise money to Occupation Policies
buy crude oil when another of your convoys is shipping crude oil out. The Once you start to conquer enemy territory, you must set an Occupation
only reason you would do that is if you’re making money on the deal – Policy to govern the provinces you’ve taken. Until you personally address
do the math and figure out if you’re gaining or losing, and don’t forget to this issue, the AI will assume you’ll impose a Collaboration Government,
calculate your “overhead” – the cost of ships you’ve committed to those which is the least restrictive of all the occupation policies. You can set your
convoys. There are times when you can make a profit through trades own according to whether your priority is to draw IC from the territory, in
like this, but if you find you’re losing money on one of these complicated which case you’d want a fairly repressive occupation, or to make use of
trades, shut it down. native manpower or leadership, both of which are more available the less
restrictive you are.
Forward Looking Choices Until you actually capture provinces with towns large enough to supply
Be forward looking when making trades in peacetime. Go back to your some of these materials or resources, there really is no urgent need to
geopolitical considerations. How things might change if war came. What change from the default type. Therefore, why assume the increased risk
countries couldn’t you trade with if you lacked the capability to defend of revolt without a good return in IC? Once you’ve captured something
those trade routes with escorts and naval vessels? Do you have the valuable, it’s important that you set the policy so you get what you want
capability to build sufficient escorts and naval vessels to defend those from the land.
routes? If not, you may lose access to that source of resources, which is
no reason not to trade with that country – it’s a reason, though, to not rely
– What’s Practical,
What’s Necessary
“In the course of the last four months it has been made probable … that it may become possible
to set up a nuclear chain reaction in a large mass of uranium, by which vast amounts of power and
large quantities of new radium-like elements would be generated. … This new phenomenon would
also lead to the construction of bombs. … In view of this situation, you may think it desirable … to
speed up the experimental work. … I understand that Germany has actually stopped the sale of ura-
nium from the Czechoslovakian mines which she has taken over. … Yours very truly, Albert Einstein”
– From a letter delivered to President Franklin Roosevelt, dated August 2, 1939
Leadership Slider Management you’ll need some diplomatic points for trade. Not everyone will
This is where you really get to play. Hopefully. conveniently come to you with exactly what you want. If you have a lot of
Most of the choices with leadership sliders will be obvious. You want diplomatic points at game start, you could research with those points now,
to optimize as much leadership as you can for research without ignoring and just reallocate your points when you need more.
other important needs. Any country which is a member of a faction should keep some flow of
If your officer ratios are at or near 100 percent, you can afford to skimp diplomatic points coming, so you can influence countries if you need to.
on this slider for a little while. However, if you have a massive building Espionage is hard, sometimes. If you really don’t feel you’ll gain
program planned, with lots of divisions due to roll off the lines over the anything from spies, it’s fine to leave this unfunded. Later, if you find
next couple of years, it wouldn’t hurt to stock up on officers. You’ll need you’re the target of enemy spies, you might change your mind. Change
them eventually, and it’s less painful to allocate leadership for them now your mind early enough to counteract whatever they’re trying to do –
rather than cut back on research later on, when you’re really counting on don’t let them boil you slowly.
it. You might think you’d rather get the research done early. But don’t The remainder – hopefully the majority – can be allocated to research.
think that – you’ll never want to give up that research slot later on if you You get to research one tech for every full or partial point allocated, though
don’t want to give it up now! the partial points will take longer to research. See the research chapter for
more information on how to prioritize.
“The recruitment laws effect how many officers you get per leadership Any of these sliders can be changed by clicking and dragging, or by
invested. As such for allied countries it may be worth considering using the “+” or “-“ buttons. A newly added feature “increments” these
putting 0 investment into officers until you can improve your buttons by a percentage (i.e. they’ll move faster) if you press the “shift”
recruitment laws. Instead put the extra leadership into research then key while clicking.
once you have better laws or are at war you can switch round and bulk
up your officer numbers again. (Basically optimize the gain you get Don’t panic!
per leadership) However, there is a fine line as leaving it too late to The Technology Interface, and what’s generally referred to as the “tech
recruit officers means your troops could be caught by surprise and be tree,” may seem like a confusing jumble of interrelated techs with arrows
far more likely to shatter!” – Alan Riddell (Peekee), Canada going this way and that. It is not as daunting as it seems! There are
simple, logical ways of seeing through the complexity and finding clear
Some countries can get along without anything allocated to either paths to researching what you want.
espionage or diplomacy. However, if you have any resource shortages, First, establish how many of your leadership points you’re going to
direct toward research. At first, this will require some guesswork, and Look at the tech tree, and notice there’s an arrow pointing to Mechanised
you’ll probably make some adjustments, based on changing priorities, Infantry from… a grouping of four infantry techs. You’ll basically need
once your game is underway. Pick good slider positions for the other a certain level of each of those grouped infantry techs before you can
categories first, and use what’s left for research. Once you pick your proceed. Plus, if you trace the other arrows from those four techs, you’ll
“must have” techs to research, you may find you want to reduce other find that these techs are also what allow you to build Marine Infantry.
categories in order to meet your research goals. That’s a fringe benefit like you’ll find often in the tech tree.
You have to understand what your country needs – in general – and What else? Motorised Infantry is right above Mechanised. Notice
then decide which of those goals is most important. Make a list in your the stubby little arrow pointing from Motorised Infantry to Mechanised
mind of what your goals must be on the short term, and if you are able which indicates the relationship. But if you don’t already have Motorised
to develop a long-term strategic plan, make a list of those too. For every Infantry researched, you’ll have to get there, first. Which means you must
tech you want, you’ll then need to get an idea of the prerequisites for that reach a certain level of the Cavalry techs – the set of four with the arrow
technology. pointing to Motorised.
There’s never a reason not to place a tech in the queue as a The last prerequisite requires you to look at the techs listed under
“placeholder,” and maybe that’s easier for you than a “mental list” – the Armoured tab. Once you locate Medium Tank Brigade, you’ll see an
basically, “I need this tech eventually, and I don’t want to forget it, so let’s arrow pointing to it from a set of four Light Tank techs, which are the ones
just put it here even though there aren’t enough active slots.” Reminders you’ll have to research if you don’t already have Medium Tank Brigades.
are good, plus if you still forget you’ll start working on at least one Another fringe benefit – once you’ve achieved the Medium Tank Brigade,
necessary tech even without realizing it. Techs will jump to the end of the you may also begin researching Self-Propelled Artillery Brigades, which
list once one level is researched, and so these other techs you’ve placed allows you to build Tank Destroyers.
in the queue will eventually get some attention. On the other hand, if you And that is the whole tree – the “roots” which allow you to build
have a tech you’re researching and you want to immediately start working Mechanised Infantry. All in all, that’s twelve “component techs” – the
on the next level, you’ll need to pay attention and re-order that item in the ones which are grouped together, with each one contributing a component
queue soon after you finished the earlier level. to existing units (most techs you research will improve your unit stats,
Generally, your research priorities will be driven by the kinds of provided you’re funding upgrades), but which all must be researched to
units you have, or the types you want to produce. Longer-term research follow the arrow to the next major tech. Plus, you must also have those
projects can be inserted into this priority list according to your needs. major techs researched – the Medium Tank Brigade and Motorised
Infantry. Finally, you must research the Mechanised Infantry tech, too,
Understanding the Tech Tree which you’re allowed to do once you have all the others researched. Those
It will be good to click through the different category tabs to see what 15 techs might seem like a lot, but so’s the ultimate payoff. Hopefully this
technology projects are covered by each one (categories with direct explanation helps you see the simplicity of how the tree is built.
hardware applications like tanks or planes are on the left, and those which The progress bar for a tech displayed on the main technology
are more theoretical are to the right). Don’t be overwhelmed – all will interface (i.e. not in the research queue) shows its total progress through
become clear, in time. all possible levels. This will give you an idea of how advanced you’ve
Prerequisites are very important to understand – those are the become in that technology area.
gateways which must be achieved before you are even allowed to research Sometimes, you might notice that a tech has a negative effect on
a tech you may want. If a tech isn’t available to be researched, the tooltip your units! For instance, an aircraft engine tech might increase the speed
will show you its prerequisites. If it is available, the tooltip will explain what of your planes, but also reduce their range. Or a tank engine tech might
the tech will do – usually showing what values on which units will improve improve its speed, but reduce its toughness (survivability) in battle. These
once the tech is researched and those units are upgraded. are tradeoffs representing either higher fuel consumption (the planes) or
Take the Infantry tech category as an example. If you know you want increased chance of breakdown (the tanks). Generally, there’s another
to research and eventually build Mechanised Infantry (like the famous tech which will counterbalance the other, and so the combined effect of
PanzerGrenadiers), there are certain easily understood steps to reaching both will make your units appreciably better.
that goal. Hover your mouse cursor over the tech, and the tooltip will show It’s often wise to be researching at least one “doctrine” tech at all
you that you can’t build it yet, but will also show what the prerequisites times. Doctrines are how you shape your military to fight most effectively
for that technology are. The process of getting all those techs may seem using the tactics you prefer to use, and your doctrines may be entirely
mystifying or overwhelming at first, because you may not know where different from your enemy’s. These tabs are all at the far right of the
each exists in the tech tree. Sometimes it’s obvious, other times it’s really technology screen, along the top. The one which adds organisation to
not. But there are easy-to-understand tools built into the Tech screens your units is your likely first choice.
to guide you. Air doctrines are grouped according to type of aircraft – close air
For instance, there should be six techs listed as prerequisites for support, interceptors, bombers, etc. Naval doctrines are in three main
Mechanised Infantry. Motorised Infantry, Medium Tank Brigade, and categories. Land doctrines are divided into four major categories, or
four Infantry Techs – this all makes sense, because Mechanised Infantry “lines of doctrinal thought.” Usually, if your country is more advanced in
is a merging of the traditional Motorised Infantry concept with armoured one grouping, compared to the rest, that’s the doctrinal path most likely
concepts in order to make the combination more fearsome. Here’s our to fit your country’s strengths. But look at the explanations as described
first step toward demystifying the tech tree. Those four infantry techs? in the tooltips, and make your own decision.
you will need eventually – many of these things, in early scenarios, may
Theory and Practical be grayed out because they’re beyond your reach. So check the tooltip,
Another thing you should consider as you plan your research is which follow the arrows backward, and find which techs are prerequisites for the
practical and theoretical knowledge category you both, draw from, and things you need. Research those things.
benefit in. Each technology is made harder or easier to research based Even between broader categories of research fields, hard choices
on your theoretical and practical knowledge in the relevant fields (shown must be made. Break these down, basically, into land, air and naval techs,
by icons on the left of each tech). Continuing to research things using plus industrial techs and land/air/naval doctrines. Secret techs might be
this same category of knowledge will enable you to research more techs in considered another one. Five or six very broad categories. Germany, in
less time. Meanwhile, those techs you successfully research will provide most scenarios, can concentrate on three or four of these, and most major
you with a benefit in a certain theoretical technology (shown by an icon powers can make progress in two or three. But if Germany chooses to
on the right side of the tech), which helps you to research such techs in build a strong navy, she’s going to have to choose another broad category
the future. to ignore – which will it be? These are important questions, and the earlier
As an example, if you build single-engine aircraft, you will develop a in the game you answer them, the more successful your research efforts
higher degree of practical knowledge in Single-Engine Techs (airframe, will ultimately be.
engine, etc.), because your production adds to your practical knowledge. The most obvious technology strategy is to start from the earliest
This practical knowledge will not help you build better four-engine aircraft tech dates and work forward. This will avoid the serious (50 percent)
– only single-engine. However, researching certain aeronautical theories penalty for “ahead-of-time” research. However, some exceptions may be
which you will need to produce single-engine aircraft (such as Basic necessary to meet your personal objectives in time for when you expect
Aircraft Machine Gun) will also make it possible for you to build better they may need to be used.
four-engine aircraft. Go through the tech screens and find which techs have a start date
Plus, production affects technology. The more you produce, the of the current year or before. At each stop, evaluate whether that’s a
better your practical knowledge in that area will be, which will speed your tech you want or not, and then consider whether it’s a need or just a want.
research into other techs in that category, because you learn as you gain This will give you a set of techs to immediately place in the queue, and to
more experience in operating those units or technologies. research in sequence. If your list is longer than your available research
slots, then start researching and wait for the techs to be achieved before
“When researching, do not overlook the Theoretical Advances. They you add more. The techs you’ve researched to the first level will go to the
are a good way to elevate your theory and shorten the research time of end of the list, and you’ll want to see if they’re also at your current start
more difficult techs. Focus your research and keep with it. Decay means year or before to see if you want to continue researching them.
that if you start and stop your research and production, it will end up When you’re improving “resource techs” – those techs which allow
costing you more in the long run. I’ll re-iterate my earlier comment you greater production of a resource – see what you produce the most of.
that focus, and this means a strategy, is very important because of If there’s a high enough demand for that resource on the world market,
the decay. Going in and out of tech areas can greatly increase your such that you can sell it to make a profit, that may be what you want to
overall cost. In general, from what I have seen, you want to get your research first. Obviously, if you’re desperately short of a resource, that’s
tech skill up to about 8, and then keep researching in that area to hold going to be your first choice, unless you somehow think the increase in the
it. You’ll generally get a nice bonus to your research speed and make one resource will allow you to get enough money to correct your shortages
nice steady progress. For most countries you want infantry, artillery, through trade. Researching industrial techs has an opportunity cost, just
mobile, and auto. Mechanised and aviation are also frequently nice.” like committing IC to construct new factories – there are other things
– Tony Cristanelli (PaxMondo), Phoenix, Arizona you could be researching instead. However, there is less potential cost
to researching at least certain industrial techs because the rewards are
Choosing Techs almost always worth the investment of a research slot.
When researching, you cannot do everything unless your country’s Preparing for winter through the research of winter gear can become
leadership pool is remarkably strong. The United States, for instance, and very important. Later on, consider the night vision tech, which may enable
Germany in some scenarios, may have the ability to basically research your troops to fight at a higher effectiveness at night than your enemy –
everything available. not a small advantage!
However, most countries will have to make strategic choices as to If you intend to build a navy – if it’s integral – research early because
what they’ll concentrate on. Do you focus on medium tanks rather than it will take a while to build on the basis of what your research gives you
heavy tanks? On tactical bombers, rather than fighters? Most countries Researching techs which improve morale, such as ground crew
will have to choose one or the other, because they cannot possibly afford training and other doctrine techs, will ultimately improve your repair rate
to effectively research both with the relatively small amounts of leadership so your units will be able to rejoin combat sooner.
points they have to play with.
When choosing which techs to research, go through first and locate What Not to Research
which techs you really know you need to accomplish to benefit the If you’re trying to keep garrisons (militia), cavalry and infantry all updated
strategy you would prefer to use. It may be, after looking at the realities in technology, you may end up spinning your wheels. Unless you have
of the tech world, you will have to change your strategy. Maybe air flotillas tech slots to spare, you should consider specializing. Also, as a major
of strategic bombers are entirely beyond your reach! But pick the things power, there’s no reason to research militia techs unless you have militia
or garrisons, and you’re expecting to need them for defensive purposes.
Keep in mind that researching a new tank gun for medium tanks
may not actually be of any use if you lack the IC to upgrade the units you
have, or if you lack the IC and/or manpower to build the medium tanks in
the first place. Always plan ahead in this respect, and be realistic about
whether your research will actually cause a real improvement to your
military situation, or if there are other things more likely to help you out.
If you find that you do not have the IC or manpower to realistically
make use of the techs that you’d like to research – either you can’t build
the units, or you lack IC to upgrade the ones you have – you can always
place your research priorities on doctrines which will improve almost any
military machine without a cost of IC or manpower.
The Atom Bomb is often beyond the reach of most countries. Don’t
get fixated on it! You may find, in the long run, that what nuclear weapons
could do for you could have been achieved by conventional weapons more
quickly than if you concentrated all your efforts to get “the bomb.” The
sheer amount of research time and mental focus required to get Nuclear
Bombs may well be better focused somewhere else, where it will bear
more fruit. But if you’re serious about it, it’s critically important that you
start working toward it on day one of your campaign, and keep going along
a carefully laid path. The tech tree is very specific as to what you’ll need,
and you need to diagram those things and check each step off as you
complete it. Then you’ll automatically know what your next step is once
you get there.
When to Research
An alert will help you keep track, but don’t research a lot of techs that are
2-5 years beyond your reach.
Pay close attention to the “start year” – the date on each tech which
indicates when it can be researched without penalties to the amount of
time to research (which can be as high as 50 percent!).
For instance, Germany can research Advanced Aircraft Design in
1936, but it’s rated as a 1940 tech, and so Germany will spend more time
and research points on that project than if he’d waited until 1940. On the
other hand, if he does research it, he will be able to achieve it by 1937.
While there are certainly a number of techs which are important
enough that you should consider researching them before their start date,
others will cost you too much of your research effort in the long run, and
it would be more productive for you to concentrate on techs closer within
your reach.
Sometimes, researching ahead may be a wise strategic choice. If
Germany can get ahead of everybody in a field… So two or three “ahead
of time” techs are okay for certain countries, if you’ve got the research
points for them. Five or six is stretching it – there’s other stuff to research
which may be more immediately beneficial.
When you’re evaluating whether to research a tech beyond your
current technology, try to formulate a plan for when you’ll develop that
tech, if not now. If you can’t figure out a good time to develop it, now might
be a great time. If you can fit it into a logical plan for when you’ll have what,
then you’re set.
Producing the
Machines of War
“I want to make it clear that it is the purpose of the nation to build now with all possible speed
every machine, every arsenal, every factory that we need to manufacture our defense material. We
have the men, the skill, the wealth, and above all, the will. … As planes and ships and guns and
shells are produced, your government, with its defense experts, can then determine how best to
use them to defend this hemisphere. The decision as to how much shall be sent abroad and how
much shall remain at home must be made on the basis of our overall military necessities. We must
be the great arsenal of democracy.” – President Franklin D. Roosevelt, December 29, 1940
Understanding the Production Queue styles of division that you’re likely to want to build at some point. When
When evaluating costs, in terms of IC for production, remember the real constructing divisions, it’s important to get a number of balances correct.
cost is the daily point cost multiplied by the amount of time it will take to The first balance is between combat units and support units. Support
finish. For instance, a ship that costs 4 IC per day will actually cost 1460 units like artillery will add to the combat value of a unit without adding to
“IC days” over the course of a full year. Compare that to a light armoured the combat width – the “frontal presence” of the unit. Ideally, because
unit which may cost more daily IC, but only takes 180 days to finish, which of the mathematics involved, it’s best to have divisions with a combat
equals 1240 “IC days.” If you’re short on manpower, you should also width of three, or four, or a paired mixture of four/five (this combination
take into account the manpower needs of each construction. Research is explained later). That allows more divisions on a typical battlefield,
projects can be evaluated the same way, as a project that takes up one whereas other combinations of widths might limit you to less. The division
research slot for 90 days is going to be 3 times “cheaper” than a tech designer allows you to have units with four or even five brigades with the
which takes 270 days. You could actually research three lesser techs in appropriate tech levels.
the same amount of time – is it worth it? It’s important to keep these The other important balance is “combined arms,” which is a measure
“hidden” tradeoffs in mind. of its “softness.” Combined arms provides a bonus if you have enough
You do not always have to finish a unit you have in production. In units with a mixture of armoured and “soft” units like infantry.
fact, sometimes it’s a good idea not to. You can complete most of the You may want to build some standard divisions – infantry, heavy
components (i.e. finish most of its construction time), and then leave it armoured, etc. – and then have other divisions that are more specialized.
incomplete until you know you really need it. This may be considered Say, a division with two infantry brigades, an artillery brigade and an
somewhat “gamey” – and it is, if you take it too far – but there are often engineer brigade. Such a unit might be better suited, for instance, for
situations in government where you will postpone a project until later, and attacking a city. Only specialize if you really know how to use the unit, and
pick up where it left off. Some players may make use of this concept. it’s worth creating for that purpose. You could create one temporarily,
by combining detached specialist brigades, and then take them out once
Division Builder their purpose is done.
The standard number of Brigades you can have in a division is four, Remember, when producing your Divisions in the Division Builder box
although technology can allow you to increase that number. That said, (and even when combining units after the fact), that Paratroop units, in
there is nothing wrong with divisions of two or three brigades, and order to be effectively used in their intended role, must always be kept
depending on your circumstances, it may actually be a better decision. separate from other units. If you have a mixed unit, and you want to do
The minimum number of men (manpower) to make a division is 5,000. a Paradrop, you would have to strip out all the non-Paratroop Brigades in
Set up your production templates before the game begins. Pick different order to do it. It’s more sensible to keep them all together – full Paratroop
Divisions, with 2 or 3 or 4 identical Brigades apiece. If you already have some units around, and you don’t like how they’re
You will need to include at least one combat brigade, or else your constructed, HOI 3 makes it easy for you to reorganise them and mix
whole Division will melt like butter if it’s ever caught in combat (the division and match their brigades so that you have what you want. Send any
builder will not allow you to create a division without at least one, but you brigades you don’t find useful into the interior of your country to act as
may need to remember this if you’re combining detached brigades). garrisons. Obviously, if they’re non-combat brigades, or even in most
cases if they would remain as detached brigades, it’s always a good idea
“There are many factors to consider when designing divisions. You to find or create another combat brigade to pair them with so they have
should keep in mind what you will be using the division for: Divisions the defensive strength of a division structure.
for defending narrow gaps should be different from divisions designed
for large scale blitzkrieg attacks.” What to Concentrate On
– Tuomas Tirronen (Letar), Helsinki, Finland See the chart at the end of this Strategy Guide for comparisons of different
types of brigades over time.
See the chart in the appendix of this guide for more information about how Don’t underestimate infantry – it has its strengths and weaknesses.
different brigade types compare to each other, and how each improves But even if tanks are useful on the steppes of the Soviet Union or on the
over time with technology. deserts of North Africa, you still need infantry for many portions of Russia,
Africa, etc. Infantry is very useful anywhere other more mechanised units
Applying Theory & Practical have difficulty. It’s also very valuable on defense.
Production in an ignored field will be far less efficient than familiar ones An aggressive power fighting intercontinentally needs paratroops at
until your economy reorients toward the new field. Thus, balanced some point unless they have a strong navy.
IC spending will avoid the penalties, and will result in far more efficient
production and research on the long term. Cavalry is useful for spread out and mountainous countries. Light armour
The process of decay occurs relatively fast, and if you don’t keep up could accomplish the same as cavalry, except that it would use fuel, which
in building units which use a certain tech, they may have to re-learn that might not be available in sufficient quantities in some countries. Cavalry
practical knowledge. becomes the fast scouting units of the minors who cannot afford armoured
cars or heavier, or who cannot afford or access fuel for offensive vehicles.
Strategic Timing Look at brigade cost effectiveness – you may be able to construct
Don’t start building level 2 tanks if you’re going to research level 3 soon. a massive division with awesome combat abilities… but can you “feed”
Wait for model improvements and then build. It’s always possible to it? Can you supply it with manpower and/or fuel? Be careful of fuel
upgrade once you’ve researched the new techs, but that actually takes requirements, because lack of fuel can halt these units and basically
longer than simply building from scratch, and it’s a hassle. There are remove them from your arsenal.
circumstances where you’d still want to do that, though, such as when Some brigade types are better off if they’re paired with other
you’re in desperate need for that unit, and it’s more important to you that brigades. For instance, some types of armour are relatively vulnerable
you have a soft attack of 4 or 5, rather than a SA 6 later on. in some ways, such that they will be more effective if they have some
infantry or a different type of armoured brigade together with them in the
Matching Production same division.
To Strategy (& Doctrines)
Build your divisions around your strategy. If your strategic situation is Building Installations
likely to allow battles of maneuver, where speed and encirclements can Both constructing industrial improvements and researching industrial
happen, then you’d be wise to build armoured divisions. However, if your techs are more valuable to your country the earlier they’re done. Building
battles are more likely to take place in jungle, or mountains, armoured a factory in 1942, for instance, benefits you six years’ less productive
units would be at a disadvantage. Infantry would be preferable. capacity than if you’d built it in 1936.
Air and naval strategy works the same way. If you’re going to be Do you want to concentrate your factories in single provinces, where
unable to contest for control of the high seas, it’s not wise to build an strategic bombers can hit them all at once, but where you can also stack a
aircraft carrier, because it would have to be protected by other heavy legion of anti-aircraft batteries? Or will it be better for you to space them
units – it’s not suited for raiding, like submarines are. Light cruisers or out so they take up a great deal of the enemy’s attention to hit them all?
battlecruisers might work, but they would have to operate individually, not Both are valid strategies, depending on the situation. Only concentrate
as a group, or else they would stand too much of a risk of being cornered your IC if you can protect it with AA. Obviously, when you’re building new
while raiding convoys. If your strategy will be primarily to use airpower factories, it’s a good idea to place them in areas where the enemy might
against troops in the field, not against enemy cities, then you should not not have the range to hit. Check your stats for strategic bombers and get
spend a lot of effort on strategic bombers, which are typically most useful an idea of how far the enemy’s can fly from the airbases they have.
en masse. One strategic bomber wing cannot effectively reduce the Everyone wants to have jet planes and nuclear bombs, but what do you
enemy’s industrial capacity, whereas six or twelve could. But are those six have to produce to get there? Do you have the spare industry to spend 30 IC
or twelve airwings of strategic bombers worth the “opportunity cost” of on a rocket test platform, or 75 IC on a nuclear reactor? If you can develop
not building twenty tactical bomber wings instead, which would be more the tech in time, these are great options for building in the pre-war years,
useful on the battlefront? so you can concentrate that block of IC on more military projects during
A German 88mm anti-tank gun guarded the approaches to Rimini, Italy, in September 1944. Picture taken by George Kaye, and used by
permission of the Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, NZ.
Application: As in real life, anti-aircraft brigades in HOI 3 can also be employed in an anti-tank role. If you’re wanting both anti-air and anti-tank
qualities in your division, you can assign an anti-air brigade and get some of both. The anti-aircraft carriage & sights tech will improve anti-aircraft
brigades’ hard attack gradually, which already starts with an anti-tank value. This cannot take the place of dedicated anti-tank brigades, which still
pack a greater punch, and which can be improved far faster through their own techs.
the war, yet you still get the benefit of having these installations around to when you place your first stations. Position them like you might design
enable research and production of these items once you have the tech. a minefield – place them where the enemy is likely to have to cross over
Airbase positioning is important. When you build and deploy an them no matter what route they take to your important cities or targets.
airbase, know the range of the planes you want to base there.
Positioning of new naval bases is important, not because it matters to Air Production
the ships very much, but because by placing a naval base anywhere along If you’re on a budget, and you can’t build both tactical bombers and close
your coast you’re inviting an invasion force to that spot. Can you defend air support, which do you build? Don’t be fooled by the better soft attack
the province where you’re placing it? values of the early tactical bombers. IC cost for IC cost, close air support
Space radar stations out so that they don’t cover the same areas. If is actually the same with soft targets, and better against hard targets,
you intend to build them beyond level one, take this into consideration plus gets better ratings against ships! The limitation on CAS is range,
License-Built Apaches
The airplane most WW II history buffs know as the P-51 Mustang actually started its service with the Royal Air Force as the A-36 Apache. Ordered
and paid for by the RAF, built in the United States and shipped over, these aircraft proved valuable enough that the USAAF ordered some too, and
the rest is history. The model shown above is a later production line, and was probably referred to as a Mustang.
Application: By taking advantage of purchased production licenses, you can build aircraft and other types of units which you don’t have the
technical knowledge to produce yourself, or which are superior models to the ones you have. Because of the costs, be cautious before you decide
this is the way to go, but in a number of circumstances (especially for minor countries) this allows you flexibility that wouldn’t otherwise exist.
Licensing maybe a good idea for smaller countries without the ability or leadership pool to effectively research some techs. You still have to
build the unit yourself, and they’re sometimes fairly expensive, but if you’re in a position where you to need to consider this option, it’s probably
worth it.
where they fall very short. However, they have the benefit of extending Begin building your navy’s ships early, because they will take a long
their range using single-engine techs, so they’ll advance as your fighters time to build. This means researching early, too, so the ships you’re
and interceptors do. If that’s where your focus is, CAS may be your best building are not obsolete.
choice. If you have to reach out to bomb distant targets, then forget it.
Only build naval bombers if you really intend to use them against ships Licensing Foreign Production Models
a lot. The tactical bomber is a much more versatile aircraft. Remember, Licenses don’t give you the technical knowledge directly, but it does build
if you need to, your overall knowledge (having built the item), which may help you to
If you try building a large number of airwings without also increasing develop that tech in the future.
the size or number of airbases may put you in the awkward situation of
not being able to effectively use all your shiny new planes. Increase the Licenses can be costly, plus afterward you’re still without the knowledge
operational size of your airbases in areas where you’re likely to need base to build one yourself. However, having built one, your knowledge
them, and be ready to prepare small “forward airfields” as you advance increases, which may help you develop that tech in the future. Your options
your lines. for what to request may be limited, and your chances of convincing them
to let you build may be even more limited.
Naval Production
In certain circumstances, there may be a cost savings for using a more
obsolete component; after all, the latest Technology may be very
expensive or may take longer to build.
Intelligence &
“The Soviet Union’s most striking intelligence successes during the Great Patriotic War … were
achieved not against its enemies but against its allies in the wartime Grand Alliance: Britain and
the United States.” – KGB Veteran Vasili Mitrokhin, The Sword and the Shield
Intelligence Levels
You will have level 9 intelligence upon all of your provinces, but also on
provinces where you’re attacking.
You have level 3 intelligence on border provinces in enemy or neutral
territory, and moving aircraft or other units through enemy territory will
allow you level 2 intelligence on provinces adjacent to their movement.
Ships offshore will gain level 2 intelligence on provinces bordering
their seazone. You can also improve your intelligence levels by assigning
spies in a country to conduct Military Intelligence. This can tell you what
their force levels are (roughly), and occasionally you may see where a
certain unit is stationed.
Remember, your intelligence from spies, signals, or lower-level The level 5 radar station at Dover can see about 4 or 5 provinces into
observation (level 3, for instance) can be wrong, wrong, wrong! You may German-occupied France and Belgium, providing level 3 intelligence on
think you’re facing just two divisions, and your attack may find five. Or most of it, and level 2 on the periphery. Part of this information is from
the opposite is possible – you might have an easy time against a force you the radar itself, but this also includes information gathered through
thought was much larger. You also don’t know what is behind the lines signals intelligence, which is why you see units (this information can
unless you’re scouting with air units. be wrong, or even manipulated).
Scout out enemy provinces with ships or planes before you send
an invasion force into a landing site, or if you need to know where your
enemy’s units are for any other reason. Reconnaissance By Fire
Remember your combats, if you can. Remember what you faced, There’s a military technique called “reconnaissance by fire,” where a
what special brigades were attached to the units, who the leaders were. small unit moves forward and attempts to draw the enemy’s fire, thereby
These types of information may come in handy later if you face these units exposing what resources the enemy has. This concept works in HOI 3 –
again. Learn from the enemy and use your knowledge to defeat him. Even you may move a single division forward into a brief skirmish.
the computer AI may use different tactics from country to country (and By ordering an attack along the border, which you can stop after
from patch to patch). one hour with little consequence, you will have discovered what enemy
When the enemy starts to move, depending on your level of units are present (you did look at the battle interface before stopping
intelligence, you may see red arrows indicating the approximate direction the combat, didn’t you?), and you will have gained level 9 intelligence on
of their travel. that province. After one hour, you won’t have lost much of your strength,
Intrepid British “Security Coordination” & The Transatlantic Bond
A little known operation of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI-6) took place within the United States, starting
in 1940, where British and American internationalists alike, including President Roosevelt, recognized that the
survival of the British Empire might very well hinge on the willingness of the people of the United States to go to war
against Germany. So was born the British Security Coordination (BSC) – a half-public, half-secret public relations,
propaganda and disinformation effort run by a handful of British associate agents. They mingled at public events
and elite private parties, chatted over drinks with editors and politicians, planted news stories and dropped hints to
influential government leaders, all of which tended to turn the American people and government against Germany, as
well as building respect and sympathy for the United Kingdom.
Some of the more noteworthy agents in this line of work later went on to become famous writers, including William Stephenson, who became
known by his MI-6 codename, Intrepid, the playwright Noel Coward, and Roald Dahl, who popularized a species of mythical gnome-monsters called
“gremlins,” and who also wrote James and the Giant Peach and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (later known in movie form as Willie Wonka
and the Chocolate Factory). Perhaps the best known of these propagandists was Ian Fleming, who went on to write and produce the James Bond
franchise of books and movies.
Application: Placing spies in your own or allied countries may seem silly. But they do provide a valuable counter-intelligence role, catching enemy
spies. They may also be worth their weight in gold by doing things to manipulate your population in order to build support for your policies. Spies in
allied countries can support their ruling parties against enemy interference. Internal spies can support the ruling party (You!), raise national unity,
or they can be used to lower neutrality, which can help you to mobilize in your own defense, or permit your string of glorious conquests to begin!
even if the combat was at outrageous odds. You will have lost your at times to leave them unassigned, as you’ll maybe discover something
entrenchment, which may or may not be important to you. you didn’t know you wanted to know. Obviously, this is more likely to be
useful during peacetime, when you don’t have more urgent missions for
Decide Your Spy Priorities them (and when you probably have more time to pay attention to what
Where you concentrate your spies will be determined by your Risk your spies are finding). A similar alternative would be to switch your spies
Assessment. There’s no reason to have spies in a country you don’t back and forth between different missions during peacetime (this can
care about. But you have to be sure who you should care about (i.e. who work during war too, though you may prefer to watch military information)
potentially poses a threat to you, or even who you wish to pose a threat to). so you can get a broader idea of the selected range of issues. If you have
If spies are at capacity in a country (i.e. at 10), you’re wasting time to micromanage this, it’s actually more effective than setting to
leadership producing more. Shift that leadership into other priorities. “none” because a spy set to none is actually “laying low” and not actively
Sort by the number of spies to see if your spy assignments match your gathering intelligence.
priorities, and drop the assignment priority if it’s too high. If you’re trying to get into a war (for offensive or defensive purposes),
If you have more than one spy in a small country that you’re not ready you can use spies internally to reduce your neutrality or raise your national
to attack, that’s probably enough. Set priority to zero, and check back unity (important for some mobilization steps). Externally, you can use
occasionally to make sure you haven’t lost the guy you had there. You an array of spy missions, including disrupting research or production.
always have the option of changing message settings to notify you when a Supporting rebels is not likely to be useful during peacetime, and neither
spy is caught, but if you’ve got a lot of spies in the field during wartime, this is supporting “our party.” But lowering an enemy’s national unity can be
may start to seem more like spam than useful information. useful in preventing certain necessary steps toward mobilization. It can’t
If you set too many countries as priorities for spy assignments, none absolutely prevent war, but it can help prevent their preparedness for
of them will get much attention. The quickest way to increase the number war by keeping them from getting military or industrial forces completely
of spies in a country is to set them to top priority, and drop everybody else prepared.
to level 1 (red) or zero. Unless you’re intentionally manipulating a country’s political situation,
Remember you can use a quick trick to adjust your spy priority there’s not much point to the political espionage setting, because it’s
settings – use left-click to increase the rate of spies to that country, and merely passive. You may try setting it every once in a while just to see
right-click to reduce. It’s easiest to adjust your priorities if you order the if there’s an opportunity to back a rival party, just to see what havoc that
list according to existing priorities, and decide which ones are set correctly might cause.
and which aren’t. The tech espionage mission allows you to see what their research
priorities are. This is useful as a “one-shot” glimpse, but once you’ve
Missions observed it and assessed what they’re aiming for, they’re not likely to
If no specific Mission is set for Spies in a country, those Spies will perform change priorities entirely. You might look once per year, just to get an
some of each of these types of Missions, randomly. It’s actually preferable idea of their strategic thinking.
Counter-Espionage &
Sometimes it’s as easy to neutralize spies from their home country as
in your own. If one particular enemy is pestering you, set your spies at
home to counter-espionage missions, and also send counter-espionage
missions into their own territory. Double-team them!
If your opponents are doing something clever with their spies (either
to you, or you may be able to detect their “hand” in another country, too),
you can keep them busy at home by massively targeting them in ways they
care about. This is more likely to attract the attention of a multiplayer
opponent than the AI, but it’s worth trying in any case. Try sending spies
to kill their spies (counter-espionage), or to disrupt their production, or
lower national unity, etc. Do something they have to respond to, and they
may have to change the focus of their own spies and try to counter your
moves instead.
Logistics &
“The army is like a peacock. Nearly all tail.” – British Prime Minister Winston Churchill
Logistics are an important part of any major operation. You have to make regain their supply, because units which are sitting still use supplies at a
sure your divisions have enough supplies to begin the offensive efficiently, slower rate than those in combat. Another option would be to open a new
and you must ensure when they get where you sent them, they have source of supply nearby, which uses different the throughput from new
enough supplies and fuel to hold the territory and keep on going. provinces to transport supplies. This might be done by capturing a new
naval base, or even constructing one along a friendly shore.
Infrastructure & Throughput Long term combat strategy requires strong infrastructure channels
Infrastructure is a measure of how “built up” the territory is and, more to through your country which can be used to get your armies where they
the point, how easy it is to transport military forces or supplies through need to go. Invasions of another country are made easier by strong
the province. A simple “line-of-sight” to your supply source does not infrastructure there, as well. On the other hand, you always run the risk of
guarantee a unit will be in supply – there has to be sufficient “throughput” allowing your enemies to use your infrastructure against you if you are on
(which is supported by infrastructure) to allow enough supplies to get the defensive. You should build infrastructure in areas you feel are secure,
through for all the units reliant upon those roads or railways. but where you expect to need to support large numbers of divisions. Once
Yes, you can stack 100 divisions in one province, but if you do they’ll captured enemy territory becomes secure, it would be good to improve
start losing strength because you can only supply a few of them. Units the infrastructure there, too.
which can’t get supplies cannot fight attrition with reinforcements, nor The rate at which your units repair is also dependent partly upon
may they recover organisation, if they’ve recently been in battle. the infrastructure in the province where it is. However, unlike previous
Units in countries which have low infrastructure will constantly be games, the rate of resource production in a province can only be improved
fighting to get enough supplies. On the long-term, the way to improve through technology.
this is by building higher infrastructure, or building higher level naval Be especially careful while using “forward airbases,” where the base
bases if the theatre is overseas. On the short term, more highly skilled is very close to the front lines, because these bases will draw upon the
commanders at the corps level, and higher throughput technology may same supply throughput as the units at the front. You may find your air
help. Sometimes, just letting units in a region rest may allow them to units and your land units are interfering with each others’ supply.
Supply Mapmode (New & Revised!)
The Supply Mapmode has gotten quite a bit more informative since the Manual was written, but some explanation is in order (a great deal of thanks
to Mark Potter, aka Potski, for making this clear)…
Lots of green = good, lots of red = bad. Each province has a supply demand and a supply throughput figure. If the demand is the same as the
throughput then it is green (full supply). If the throughput is zero, then it is red (no supply). If there is some throughput, but less than the demand,
then it is brown (partial supply). If there are supplies in a province, but no demand for them, then it is blue (spare supply). This happens most often
when supplies have been stockpiled at an airbase, then suddenly are all left behind with no airwings requiring them when the wings are rebased.
These slowly recover back into the system, they are not wasted.
Superimposed on this for some provinces is red hatching. This shows where there is some limitation being imposed by the infra level. There is
a complicated formula which I can’t remember off the top of my head which sets a maximum throughput for all provinces based on their infra level,
which can be modified by certain techs and I think Ministers.
For high infra provinces, such as those in East Prussia (Danzig is lvl 10), it is unusual to see the supplies passing through them being limited.
But these may have to go “round the corner” in the Baltic Sea toward Leningrad, so the supply lines tend to all have to bunch up through a small
number of provinces in this area.
You may see an area in Russia/Ukraine where there is red hatching, where supplies are not getting through very well – this is the Pripyat
Marshes. If you flick across in to infra mapmode you see this area clearly.
Supply tax can be a serious drain on your Supply stockpile, so as your range, though, and then move forward.
empire grows or as your armies move into enemy territory, your supply SR reduces the organization of your units, so they will not be
needs will gradually increase. It will get worse if rain or melting snow is as prepared to fight. Because of this it’s a bad idea to use strategic
causing mud along your routes. Supply is easier through provinces you redeployment to carry your units straight into combat. But there’s no rule
own, (i.e. not in occupied territory). against it, and at times it may seem a useful tactic to get your units into
If you’re having systemic supply problems, like armies in Russian combat more quickly.
or Chinese territory often do, attacking only makes the problem worse,
because it increases the draw on supplies. Resolve your supply issues Naval Bases & Supply
first, and then attack. If there’s no way to effectively solve the issue, then The size of the naval base determines how much supply may be shipped
attack sparingly or invest your attack strength into trying to open better in or out, so it may be you will need more than one naval base to supply
supply routes. certain areas.
When you’re expanding onto other continents or across an island
If you’re wandering around behind enemy lines, it’s possible to capture chain, it’s a good idea to produce a number of level 1 naval bases to place
enemy supplies and make use of them yourself. You may collect those along your way. This will enable you to distribute supplies from more than
supplies moving through the province at that moment, or you may even one source, and the supplies can come from different directions, so the
be able to capture an enemy depot. supply lines don’t all conflict with each other in a big traffic jam.
It’s sometimes useful to take just a few days to prepare an army for
a new offensive, because if you’ve just moved forward it’s going to take a
couple of days for the supply lines to adjust and fully prepare you to move
forward unless you are willing to do so without a fully established supply
line. Your units may also need to refill their 30-day reserves, and this
period does well to restore any strength or organisation they may have
fallen behind on, too.
Strategic Redeployment
Land units using strategic redeployment will move at what’s essentially a
speed of 20, modified by the infrastructure level. They will lose 1 point of
organisation every day. Supply costs will be double.
Theoretically, there is an infrastructure-based cap on strategic
redeployment, because these units will still need supply (in fact, they will
need more of it) to travel along their route. However, they will not need
fuel, which may be a useful point.
Consider using strategic redeployment to move your units if you’re
short on fuel. Not only is it faster, but it also costs you supplies, rather
than fuel. You can SR most places, including into combat, though that’s
risky because you also lose organisation. You can come to just within
Organization & Movement:
HQ Management
“Damned if I’m not about ready to quit! If I could just command a battalion, and get into a bullet
battle, it would all be so simple.” – Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower in North Africa, December 17, 1942
Don’t Panic! but they require: 1) Leadership, 100 officers 2) MP and IC to bring
Even the best commander can become overwhelmed – too much them up to full-strength. An HQ requires more IC days than a Brigade
information, conflicting goals, seemingly impossible situations, etc. of Infantry, but their combat stats are not as good, so do not create
more than you need. You can maximize the efficiency of your HQ’s by
Managing HQs arranging your forces with five Divisions in each Corps, and five Corps
Headquarters represent your way to avoid all the micromanagement in each Army.” – Mark Potter (Potski), Durham, UK
presented by the sheer number of units in HOI 3. It’s meant to help you
manage your armies without becoming overloaded. It’s customizable, so Theatres, unlike the Manual says, cannot be created by the player, though
you can take on as much responsibility, or as little, as you want. other HQs can be. However, the player can tell the AI when to re-assess
HQs allow the player to shunt off less important theatres to AI control, which Theatres need to be there, where the boundaries should be, and
freeing you to concentrate on important battles, the management of your which units will be assigned to each. This reallocation is ordered through
economy, or whatever. The AI is no substitute for intelligent control by a buttons at the bottom of the Production Interface.
player, so keep an eye on it and be ready to issue “corrective action.” But
wise and selective use of the HQs under AI command can actually be a Organizing Your Armies & HQs
great benefit to you. In fact, some feedback from beta-testing indicated If you really want to impose control over your units before combat, you’d
players were impressed by how well the HQ intelligence managed a be best advised to start in the 1936 or 1938 scenario before the war starts.
battlefront. This way you can shift your HQ organization and your unit deployment in
You can carefully manage the Theatres, telling them when to attack order to match your style and strategy, as well as building a few units “to
and where, using the stances and the axis of attack commands. Watch taste.” Otherwise, you’re locked into the starting position on the ground
closely, and detach units which are “going off the reservation” so that you when the bullets start flying, and must make the best of it (these are all
don’t allow the AI to make unwise decisions for you. Alternatively, you historical deployments, and you may start at war).
can manage the HQs below Theatre level, and direct individual corps and HOI 3 divisions and brigades – the whole structure, really – is very
armies for more limited goals which you select yourself. modular. You can mix and match just about anything.
The only way for you to exercise “fine control” over how each unit In early games, brigades are often organised three to a division. This
moves is to remove the AI control, and not use your HQs as command allows you to put as many as four divisions into a typical combat, equaling
devices. The HQs still benefit your units by adding combat bonuses 12 combat brigades. If you want to switch brigades from one division to
from your commanders, but you’re controlling their troops from your another, you can split them out of the command using the “reorganise”
commander’s chair, not through the filter of an HQ commander. The HQ button, and put them back in using the “organize” button.
AI command is a tool which you can use, if you want to. It allows you to Divisions, brigades and HQs can also be re-named. Brigades are
move whole armies and corps as a unit, but won’t allow you the freedom to numbered at game start, generally as a way of keeping track of what
make minor adjustments to individual units under that command unless division they’re with. You can re-name them once you switch them into new
you take the AI control off. units. Otherwise, it might start to look really confusing. It’s recommended
that you maintain as much of the original structure as possible, or else this
“HQ’s are not built in the Production Screen, but are instantly created can become a nightmare.
from a button on the unit interface for any unit below Army Group The number of brigades you should have in each division may partly
level which is not already attached to an HQ. They appear to be free, be dictated by your own preferences, and partly by your own limitations
in terms of the amount of territory you must defend, etc. However, if you officer levels to about 120%. For a properly organised army France
expect to have a large number of divisions and brigades in combat along needs at most 3-4 Armies.”
your front, there are some mathematical realities you should consider as – Alan Riddell (Peekee), Edinburgh, Scotland
you construct your divisions.
Some countries, in later games, will acquire the doctrine tech which Unit Management
allows you to have up to five brigades in a division. It’s best to use some There are times when you may want to use the priority buttons on the unit
of these slots for support brigades – throw an engineer or artillery brigade interface to prioritize some units for reinforcement and upgrade, and to
in there, or both. But if you use all five slots for combat brigades, and cause others to become ineligible. Basically, if you’re unable to fully fund
you end up with a divisional combat front of five, then you’ll only have two either reinforcement or upgrade with your available IC (or both), you can
divisions (10 combat brigades) in a typical battle, instead of three or four. exercise control over which units get the benefit of what you have. You
If you alternate paired divisions in 4-brigade, 5-brigade groups (nine may want to set certain units on important parts of the front to priority so
brigades total), then they will allow you to fit a third large division into the they’ll be ready when they’re needed. You may also want to set units in
combat front, with the potential of getting 13 or 14 combat brigades into a “backwater” portions of your empire not to upgrade or reinforce.
typical frontage. Likewise, providing one or more support brigade to the Always make sure to turn these settings off when the need for them
two-division set would allow that third large division to fit. So long as the is no longer present. For instance, if you have a unit that’s set not to
available frontage is 10, your goal should always be to avoid having only reinforce because their theatre is inactive, but later that becomes an
10 combat brigades in there, and using clever organization of divisions to active theatre, you don’t want that unit at 2/3 strength because you’ve
allow you to “shoehorn” extra divisions in there, with extra brigades. You been denying them any reinforcements. Likewise, you don’t want to deny
do the math. these units access to the latest technology if you finally have the IC to
In the Supplement to the Strategy Guide (available on the Paradox make it available. Make a mental note to check on this from time to time
Forum), we’ll discuss what unit types are most effective, and how to – a routine unit survey across your whole empire.
use support brigades to increase the potency of your divisions without
increasing their combat frontage. Assigning & Managing Commanders
If you have brigades which are just not useful to you (or ships), you The computer should default to “auto-assigning” commanders to your
may find it more beneficial to disband them and return the manpower units. However, you can change these assignments at any time (unless
used by those units into your manpower pool. These units also consume the unit is in combat). It may be a good idea to optimize your command
supplies and (during peacetime) consumer goods, so even obsolete units structure, so your most talented leaders are leading your most important
take up resources which may not be in good supply. However, be very units. The auto-assign AI should take the leaders’ traits into account, but
careful as you do this. Upgrading is usually a better option (except for you should make sure the most valuable panzer leaders are in charge of
ships), because it turns your obsolete land or air units into well-equipped the most valuable armoured units. Sometimes, this is most effectively
modern units for an IC cost that is less than building that modern unit from done by spending a few minutes with your Army Leaders page in the
scratch. Even older ships may be upgraded in some ways (AA, ASW, etc.), Statistics tab. Order your commanders by rank/grade, and take note of
and may prove more useful on duty than in the scrap heap. which ones at each level have the highest skill and the best traits. Also
Be careful as you use the “integrate (merge)” and “reorganise” take note of whether they’re already assigned. Then go through your
buttons, because if you begin attaching divisions and corps to higher most important units and make sure they have good commanders – if not,
headquarters commands without regard to geography or mission, or if you’d prefer to have one of your “stars” there, replace the existing
you may soon find that you’ve created a confusing mess that looks like commander with your choice.
spaghetti! A command structure should look ordered, and it should make You can also promote or demote officers (“demotion” doesn’t
sense. You shouldn’t have units under an HQ’s command if they’re too necessarily mean you’re punishing the guy – some commanders were
distant. These should be organised under a different command. You also giving temporary assignments, and could be reduced to their permanent
shouldn’t have any units that have a completely different mission from the grade without it seeming like punishment – Gen. Eisenhower’s permanent
main headquarters – that is, units which are designed to move and attack grade for much of the war was Lieutenant Colonel!). It’s important to have
should have a different headquarters from units which are meant to act as enough generals at each level to command your different levels of HQ,
defensive reserves or partisan-suppressing garrisons. because each assignment requires a particular rank.
Sometimes, you will want to promote your most experienced
How Many HQs? commanders to a higher level, as these are the officers most likely to
Keep in mind that every HQ you have soaks up a portion of your officers succeed at a higher level. You may sometimes find they perform badly at
from your leadership pool. This can imbalance your units, and make it higher levels, and you may want to place them back where they were.
more “expensive” in terms of leadership points which you could otherwise Officers have a “historic promotion date,” where they traditionally
have used to fund research, etc. Don’t overdo HQs. Disbanding them assumed that command level. If you promote a historic officer too quickly,
can regain these officers for redistribution into your units, which may be it’s possible he may never live up to his historical legend.
handy if your officer levels fall too low.
“Leaders do not lose skill when promoted or demoted, although their
“Playing as any country in 36 you should probably totally reorganize experience is reset, so you are free to adjust ranks to put your generals
the army structure. Disbanding excess HQs you can normally get your whereever you want. Remember traits when setting up chains of
command. Trait effects are halved for each level away from divisional Best practice is probably to keep them a province away from the
command, but leaders’ effects add to each other. If you have a leader fighting, but this is not always necessary. Higher-level HQs, with longer
with the same trait at every level in the chain the combined bonus radio ranges, should always be behind the front line by one or more
will be 194.25%. If you want to cut down on supply usage consider provinces, because there’s absolutely no reason to have them close to the
stacking logistics wizards, or pile on offensive generals for large fighting.
attack bonuses.” HQs do have the advantage of being fast, which makes them useful.
– David Ballantyne (Darkrenown), Paisley, Scotland They can move out of the way quickly, if they’re threatened. On the
other hand, they can also be used to block an enemy move, or to occupy
You can “cultivate” highly skilled commanders, so that they become more territory. This is a very dangerous tactic, though, and you should only use
valuable to you over time, by placing them in command of units which are them this way if you’re sure you can protect them in time, or if you have no
going into battle. Remember that even corps and army commanders (and other choice. HQs shatter very easily.
group and theatre commanders) receive a portion of the experience from HQs can be used to pin an enemy unit, but it’s very risky. Be ready to
battles taking place within their range of command. Make use of these pull them back as soon as they start getting close to the point where they
tactics to improve your generals’ skills. would shatter. It may be that you won’t have achieved your purpose by
then, but that’s part of the risk too.
Setting HQ Priorities
Whether on AI control or not, an HQ only benefits the units under its Moving a Corps and Army Effectively
command if it is within “radio range” to them. Technology can improve A well-played game will demonstrate how a corps works together as a unit
this range. It’s indicated by a little HQ icon in the upper right of the HQ’s over the space of two or more provinces, naturally flanking and enveloping
unit interface, which should show you a tooltip with its range. The units the enemy as a part of its fluidic function. Think of a military unit as a
themselves will indicate through a similar icon whether they’re in range or balloon. As it presses against the enemy (some hard object), it stops only
not (green is, brown is not). You should try to keep the HQs within range at the point of contact. The rest of the balloon wraps around the “enemy,”
of their units if you’re managing them manually. partially enveloping it. That’s what military units do in the field, and that’s
A blue dot indicates what portions of the front each Corps HQ or what group- and corps-level units should do in HOI 3.
higher has responsibility for. That HQ’s provinces will have a bright blue You should regularly check your units’ arrival times, to see how close
dot, whereas other HQs’ dots show as a faded blue. they are to moving forward and reaching their objective. Sometimes, in
An HQ under AI control is defined as being on Attack or Defense combat, you’ll notice these indicators are not quite correct – a unit which
(two stances for each), which you can set in the HQ Interface. Blitzing advances in combat may occupy the enemy held province before the
is the most aggressive stance, and the HQ will attack anytime it thinks it indicator says it will, because the combat throws indicators off. Tooltips
has a chance. Attack is the next most aggressive. On Defense stance, it will show you the destination. If you want to see the ultimate destination
will mostly prepare to defend against attacks, but it may attack if it sees (at the end of its movement orders) you can click on the unit. Multiple
good odds. Only on Prepare stance will an HQ never attack, and will only units can be selected with a select box to see each of their destinations
prepare to meet an enemy attack. together.
When a unit is under AI control you can set its objectives to either
defend or attack (according to stance). If you set fewer objectives, you
should choose only major targets so as not to confuse the AI. To exercise
more fine control on where it will launch its attacks (on offense) you can
shift-rightclick to set their axis of advance. This tells them what path to
take (in general) to reach their objective.
Whether you’re in AI control or manual, you should only set one mission
for any one corps. No corps should be split between two missions, such
as attacking an objective on the one hand, and defending a position on the
other – the AI has enough trouble interpreting your orders as it is. Even
under manual control, it is wise to keep the corps together so the HQ doesn’t
have to decide between staying on one side or the other of a breach.
HQs In Combat
Generally, you will not want to involve your HQs in combat. They are all but
worthless, as combat units, plus they’re very vulnerable to damage and
shattering. Keep them close enough to support your combats, but don’t An illustration of how corps are assigned responsibilities (the yellow lines
send them in with the divisions they’re with. show divisions between HQs), as well as an exaggerated demonstration
The HQ should be ready to move after their divisions if they advance, of how they might move in concert with one another (green arrows), each
though they should be wary of following into a narrow breakthrough where division covering one approach toward a target. Ultimately, the three
they might be caught. Radio range will normally reach units that have divisions would border the target province on three sides, but would
broken through a province or two into enemy territory. attack together.
Try to maintain a relatively coherent front line – not something Using Transport Ships
jagged, which makes it hard to defend. If one unit is getting too far Some areas just have such low infrastructure, or such adverse terrain, that
ahead, you might consider slowing it down to let the other units catch it’s easier and more time effective to keep a transport nearby and move
up. Sometimes, if the left-behind units are no longer moving forward, you them by ship. It may seem like it would take more time to do the whole
might even consider withdrawing a unit one province if it’s too far forward, loading process, and then moving by sea, but if you test it you’ll often find
which exposes it to attack. it takes much longer to move overland through certain provinces. This
Forming a line of units from province to province – a linked defensive process is complicated by the need for a naval base to load your units onto
line – is called “tying in.” a transport. Your units will have to get to the naval base, and will need to
When moving your units, think ahead. Where do you want your troops move along the coast to the next naval base, unless you’re moving into
in a week? In a month? Make sure your estimates are realistic, but be enemy territory.
prepared to adjust if things don’t go as planned. Planning ahead is very
important for Headquarters, because if they fall behind your advancing “Through careful use of the AI-assist feature regarding HQs you can
troops, they may not get the benefit they need from HQ support. achieve a great degree of control while letting the computer do most
Combat maps historically would show the boundary of responsibility of the actual work for you. Take the example of Germany in 1936. The
between one corps and the next, and between one army and the next, etc. Bitburg HQ has responsibility for the defense of the western half of
HOI 3 does not show this with a line, but you can see the responsibility Germany. By automating + giving objectives to HQs below the theatre
areas by selecting the HQ and seeing which units pulse with a bright blue level (instead of at theatre level) you can achieve force ratio and set
border. Using this feature, you can “see” the corps and army boundaries up plans for individual (but unequal) forces while still enjoying all the
in your mind’s eye. bonuses that a full corps-army-army group-theater command chain
gives. In this example, you could have an army of 25 divisions guarding
Managing Unit Movement the French border, a smaller army of 12 divisions guarding the Dutch
Pay attention to the speeds of land, air and naval unit types which might border, a small corps watching Belgium/Luxembourg, and a corps on
be mixed in with your divisions or groups. The speed (and other attributes Denmark. The sub-HQs can also have air and naval assets assigned to
also) of your least capable unit will determine the speed (and other them. A good example would be fighter support for the French border
factors) for the whole unit. If you need a fleet or land unit to move at high army and CAS and naval forces for the corps assigned to Denmark. In
speed, detach any units which will slow it down (and find another home for this way you can make sure that forces are not simply divided evenly
them – don’t just leave detached brigades hanging around). along an entire border, but that forces are set as you would like, and
If you’ve used a Select Box, however, the units you’ve selected may appropriately to the task YOU feel that they face.”
have different top speeds. In those cases, your units will each move at their – Jeff Barkhauer Sr., (Barkhauer), Norwalk, Connecticut
Divisional top speed. Take this into account if you’re trying to coordinate
the arrival of units. It may be more exact (though more time consuming)
to assign each unit a time to arrive in combat. Using Mapmodes, Outliner and
Statistics Pages
Regrouping In the Supplement to the Strategy Guide I will have a detailed appendix
You’ve heard the term “fall back and regroup?” When units become on how to use the Mapmodes, Outliner and Statistics pages to get a good
separated in the confusion of combat, they lose their ability to work grasp on what’s going on in your game, and to prevent confusion. These
together effectively. When you get a chance, it’s important to attempt tools can help you manage all your resources – I just don’t have room here
to regroup – get your divisions together in the same vicinity with their to go into it.
proper corps, get your corps sequenced properly so one corps doesn’t
overlap with another, etc. In this way, you restore your ability to perform
combined actions as a united corps, and you remain able to assign only
one task to the units of one corps.
Alternatively, if your units are too much of a mess to sort out, or if
they’re all locked in combat and can’t regroup, you can re-assign their
commands so that corps trade divisions with each other until all a corps’
newly assigned units are together.
Dispersed Battlefields
If you’ve got an open frontier, without a solid front line, movements are
more fluid. Sometimes, intercepting land units with other land units isn’t
much different from making a “deflection shot” in air combat. You must
make an educated guess of where the enemy unit is heading, and how long
it will take him to get there, then plot your course to arrive where you think
he’s going so you’ll be in his way once he gets there.
Terrain &
“Those who do not know the conditions of mountains and forests, hazardous defiles, marshes and
swamps, cannot conduct the march of an army.” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Using Terrain Properly Bombing will be more difficult in windy conditions, or if there is a lot of
Always look to “defensible” terrain. This may normally be a tactical cloud cover. Rain will make bombing very ineffective. Obviously, combine
consideration, but it can work as well at a strategic level by choosing the worst of these conditions with nighttime modifiers, and your planes
the right provinces. Finding defensible positions is more complicated will be essentially useless, even without stacking penalties.
than just stringing units together into an uninterrupted front line. Rivers Mud will slow units down considerably. Periodically (weekly or
and forests, and especially mountain ranges, may provide the kind of biweekly) spot check a variety of provinces to find out whether mud exists
defensible terrain you need to prevent a breakthrough. But also have in any great quantities. If you see a province with mud, check other nearby
an eye toward “exposure” of provinces along your defense line, which is provinces. It’s like with termites – if you see one, there’s probably more.
explained more in a coming chapter. If there’s a lot of mud, it can seriously put a damper (no pun intended) on
Terrain can be useful for more than just combat in a province. Terrain your mobility. Otherwise, take note of where it is and avoid it, checking
which slows movement can be used as a buffer against attack, and special every few hours to make sure more mud hasn’t come into being that could
terrain like large lakes can entirely prevent attack from one direction. block your movement.
Lakes also block supply, which must go around.
Terrain drives strategy in certain regions. For instance, the steppes
and the swamps in the Ukraine may end up having very different types of
combat between themselves, but certainly both will be very different from
combat in the mountains of Norway, or the jungles of the Netherlands
East Indies. For Norway’s part, its geography displays yet another facet
of this, by highlighting how strategic considerations are constrained by
the narrow width of the country, compared with the Ukraine’s wide open
Use infantry in areas where tanks have a disadvantage, such as
swamps. Always check the terrain you’re operating on. Don’t just rush in
with your tanks – make sure you’re not putting them in a bad situation.
“The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy’s not coming, but on our own
readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have
made our position unassailable. … Hence that general is skillful in attack whose opponent does not
know what to defend; and he is skillful in defense whose opponent does not know what to attack.”
– Sun Tzu, The Art of War
you will also know how to best position your defenses.
If you’re defending a coastline, and you don’t have enough units to
cover every coastal province, try covering every 3rd province, focusing on
naval bases first. Though this is a very thin line, it allows this net of units
to be within one province of wherever someone might invade. Once every
other province improves this defensive network. Any invasion coming
ashore may be engaged by any unit in an adjacent province to hold it, and
then other units may come to its assistance.
Occupied Territory
Suppression of rebels is an art. You need to space out your units which
have a suppression value, and keep an eye on the Revoltrisk Mapmode to
see where you may need to station units, or send them to ward off a spike
in rebel activity. If a rebellion actually does break out, respond quickly,
because these rebels aren’t kidding.
The presence of an actual rebellion should draw response from all
nearby units, because the reality of one rebellion outweighs the possibility
of others. As soon as it’s defeated, move your units back to their stations
so they can continue suppression efforts.
Nationalism is always going to be present in an occupied province
unless it’s a core for you. You will always have to worry about the
possibility of partisan uprisings, though you can counter this or increase
The deployment shown above should work to defend a coastline if you’re this risk according to your occupation policies. Keeping some forces to
short on divisions. You could split out detached brigades if you wanted, add suppression and to be ready to defeat partisans is wise. The higher
and place one in every coastal province, but that dilutes your strength even the revolt risk, the more forces you should ideally hold back.
more – this is better. The gaps in the line are covered by the adjacent units A brigade of Military Police actually has the best chance of preventing
on either side, though this allows the enemy to actually land first, rather a revolt (i.e. suppression). However, if/when the revolt breaks out, it’s an
than being kept at sea where the invasion can be intercepted by your navy. individual detached brigade without much combat power, and so it’s wise
This pattern could be used on a land border too, but would be vulnerable to team it up with another brigade.
to pinning, which would allow the enemy to slip through your holes. Keep Garrisons have limited suppression power, and they can be used
in mind that there’s only one place shown above where a wise opponent instead of military police, or in concert with them (say, one of each?).
would invade, and that’s the port. Anyplace else, he’s going to be stuck Infantry and cavalry both have some limited suppression capability,
trying to place a level 1 naval base for supply while you’re busy pounding plus they are more effective in combat. If you can spare a limited amount
his invasion. Is this an excuse to leave the coastline completely undefended of either for garrison duty (cavalry is best, as it’s faster), place one division
and concentrate on defending the city? That depends how quickly a strong centrally so that it can respond quickly to the site of a rebellion. It doesn’t
reserve force can get to a coastal invasion spot to oppose it. need to be adjacent, just near enough to come running.
provinces is very exposed, because it’s possible to attack it from multiple Surviving Battlefield Defeat
directions, adding to both, the combat front, and the negative defensive In the chapter entitled Tactics for Success, we will discuss how to come
modifiers. Check your line for locations like this and make sure you have a back from a major battlefield defeat. Don’t panic! Don’t give up. There
defensive plan (stronger units?) for these sites. are ways to deal with failure, and even to come back and win the game.
There are no designated “beaches” in HOI 3, so this might seem to indicate
you can be invaded anywhere, which would greatly complicate your job of
defending long coastlines. Some locations, obviously, will be bad choices
– Gallipoli, in World War I, was famously miscast as a landing site. No, you
no longer have a guarantee that some provinces cannot be invaded. But
there are certain rules which must be followed by an invader, and these
rules can guide your defensive dispositions along a coastline.
The enemy can really only supply a small landing force by placing
a “temporary” port there – a one-point pre-prepared naval base which
they can place once the invasion has succeeded in taking the province.
Otherwise, they will need to invade at or near a naval base, which they
would need to supply a larger invasion once it’s captured. Knowing this,
Key Military
“The main tasks of motorised supporting infantry are to follow up at speed behind the tank attacks,
and exploit and complete their successes without delay. … Tanks are unable by themselves to meet
all the combat tasks which come their way; the other arms will be needed as well, for example
to deal with difficult terrain, artificial obstacles, or anti-tank weapons sited in ‘tank-prohibited’
ground. In this requirement the tanks differ in no respect from the other arms, and inter-arm co-
operation is therefore a matter of fundamental importance.”
– Maj. Gen. Heinz Guderian, in Achtung-Panzer!, published in 1937.
Concentration of Force of your offensive or defensive strategy. This means not leaving any units
It’s important not to get your forces too separated. If the enemy is unemployed or without a job to do. If you have units sitting on defense on
advancing in the south, it may be necessary to pull units in the north a frontier that is not active, and is not likely to be active, this is a waste of
back so that they don’t become dangerously exposed. As they turn your their power. Of course, this is difficult to know with certainty – therefore
“strategic flank,” as it were, units which were expected only to have to the best “economy of force” is an estimate, and failures in correctly
guard one direction will increasingly have to watch a second direction also. estimating this can result in disaster.
To prevent opening gaps in your line, pulling back may be necessary as
you “turn your flank” to prevent the enemy getting past. Force Projection
If you have your units spread out all over, it’s often best to try to pool The ability to make your military presence felt at a location away from your
them and gain a “united front.” Together, they may be able to win battles borders. The Battle of Britain, the German convoy raiders, Pearl Harbour,
and accomplish goals they could not if they were operating entirely on the Doolittle Raid and carrier operations in general are all examples of this.
their own. Colonial powers, especially, must have the ability to project power in
Since concentration of force is a desired situation, for attacker and order to protect their colonies. Conquering powers have this same need,
defender alike, consider the effect upon an enemy as it retreats toward its if they’re conquering abroad.
homeland – as the empire shrinks, the front narrows, and their “lines of Technically, raiders like KMS Graf Spee or Bismarck are not good
communication” shorten, both of which are desirable for defensive moves. examples of force projection, because they cannot maintain their presence
They may even get to fall back upon prepared fortifications. Conquering in the face of enemy force projection. Raiders can’t protect, they can only
an enemy often becomes harder as you near their capital, for a great many predate, harass and strangle, then run. Nevertheless, they do represent a
reasons. On the other hand, every bit of territory you capture takes away temporary projection of power.
potential manpower and IC, along with other resources.
Combined Arms
Economy of Force The concept of “combined arms” means having a mixture of mutually-
A corollary to the concentration of force is an economy of force, because supporting types of units. For instance, on the battlefield infantry likes to
in the effort to pool all necessary resources, you’ll often have to strip them have tanks because of the extra firepower they provide, and it’s even nice
from other areas. to travel behind a tank so you can use it like a moving wall. The tanks like
The concept of “economy of force” is basically making the best use having infantry nearby because if an enemy soldier is hiding nearby with
you can with the forces at your disposal. Ideally, you want to draw all the an anti-tank rifle, the infantry can respond more quickly and effectively
forces you can possibly spare into your main operation, or into the support than the limited anti-personnel weapons on a tank. Either infantry or
The Czech defensive perimeter defending the Sudetenland from Germany.
Cheb is the most exposed province, because it can be attacked from 4
directions! Most is next most. Chomutov is in good shape, because it
can only be attacked from one direction unless one of its neighboring
provinces falls.
Sometimes it’s useful to only have two or three divisions on the front
line. Rather than having your reserves actually in the same province,
ready to move forward if and when one of the front line units shatters, you
could have your reserves positioned one province back from the front line.
This way, any units which are losing may pull back after having sapped the
enemy strength. By falling back upon the reserve positions, it defeats the
momentum the enemy has built up. It also prevents encirclement, and
preserves your units to fight another day.
The enemy is trying to break through your lines. If you have multiple
With defensive depth, a one-province breakthrough just faces another wall. lines to break through, the enemy’s job is going to be much harder. It
becomes a constant battle of attrition for the enemy, and unless he
has really committed sufficient forces to keep going through all of your
armour is more vulnerable, and less versatile on the whole, without the defensive lines, his breakthrough attempt will stall. You have the added
other present to contribute to what each does best. advantage that unless he’s scouting with aircraft or radar (sigint), he may
HOI 3 represents this combined arms factor as a combat modifier, not know how many defensive lines you have.
given to units which have a mixture of approximately 1/3 of one type of A “poor man’s” defensive depth is like what I described earlier –
unit or the other (i.e. hard or soft). This is represented as a “softness” rather than having units positioned one behind the other, pull back your
value – anything between 66 and 33 percent is considered to have troops before they’re too badly damaged. This is not going to work for
combined arms. long, though, because eventually these units will be ground to dust and
The combined arms bonus is not a small factor – it’s one of the most bypassed.
substantial positive modifiers for combat. If you can bring these diverse
units into combat, it will be worth it. Either build your units with this in Exposure
mind, assign them to HQs in sets, or have them travel together so they go A “salient” is a “bulge” which extends out from the front line (hence, the
into combat together. Keep in mind different travel speeds may make this Battle of the Bulge). It often exists because of unevenly advancing armies,
difficult for HQs or yourself to manage. or because of a recent offensive or counteroffensive. Any salient is
“exposed” because it can be attacked from more than just one direction.
Defense In Depth Defenders who are in a “spur” (a small salient, or minor projection
There’s no great advantage to piling all of your units up along the border, from the front line) are exposed and vulnerable because they can be
especially when you consider the limitations imposed by stacking penalties attacked from three or four provinces instead of just one or two.
and combat frontage. If you have room for four divisions along the combat Spurs and salients exist naturally along many country borders, too,
front, and might like to have another couple of divisions as reserves, any which means they will be the places attacked when an enemy comes to
additional divisions are just in the way. invade.
Partly, this is a conceptual shift from HOI 2, where provinces were
bigger, and could contain more units effectively. In HOI 2, you would lose Objectives
if you didn’t stack as much power as you could into the attacking province. War and battle objectives are more than just the objectives you set for
By contrast, in HOI 3, it’s important to make use of the space and freedom your HQs, although those certainly qualify. If you do not fully identify
you’re given – use the full depth of territory built into the system. short-term and long-term objectives in your war – defensive or offensive
– then you will be spinning your wheels in much of what you do. Pinning (Fixing) The Enemy
Objectives are like goals, except that they are generally territorial. You When you launch an attack at one point along the front, you can expect
set an objective to reach – to defend or capture – and you work to meet that the enemy will attempt to hit you along your flanks from adjacent
that goal. Historically, the USA’s Pacific War was a series of objectives provinces. The more exposed your attack is (i.e. the more successful your
– first, stop the enemy advance, then capture the Solomon Islands, then thrust is in penetrating the enemy lines), the more vulnerable your main
the Philippines (with short-term waypoints along the way), then Iwo Jima, thrust will be to being flanked.
then Okinawa, etc. See the Strategic Thinking chapter for more on this.
Mutual Support
Normally, a province will be adjacent to more than one province on
your side of the border. The more flanks you can open up (i.e. the more
provinces you can attack from), the better your combat modifiers will
be. So units in adjacent provinces can and should support each other
in attacks unless there’s another mission that’s more important for the
neighboring units.
When you are attacking a province that has multiple exposures, you
have the opportunity to increase the combat modifiers yet further.
The expansion in scope of the HOI 3 map opens new opportunities
for mutual support. If you examine the graphic provided in the next
section, you will notice an attack going forward, but the units in adjacent
provinces are supporting the attack not by joining in the same attack, but
by providing mutual support in the form of “pinning” or “fixing” the enemy
units in neighboring provinces which otherwise could interfere with the
first stack’s attack. Therefore, they are offering mutual support without
even attacking the same province. This is why you should always attempt to “pin” or “fix” the flanks of your
Sometimes (in rare circumstances) it’s worth using “non-combatant” main thrust by attacking, which has the effect of preventing that unit from
HQs to engage a mostly surrounded unit from a new direction, just so moving in another direction. In HOI 3, once you declare your intentions,
you open up a wider combat front and allow more units to engage. The the enemy may react as quickly as one hour later, so your opportunity to
encirclement penalties of being attacked from a new direction, even if it’s pin the enemy comes at the same time as the main attack, or else they
by a toothless unit, can win the battle more quickly. may already come into combat with your main thrust.
Sometimes, this may be your intention. It has the result of sacrificing
Feints & Probes your main thrust by allowing it to be flanked, but there is a certain logic
Probing is the “reconnaissance by fire” mentioned earlier (Intelligence to allowing the enemy to attack and then attacking his flank. If you truly
chapter). Test the enemy with a brief skirmish, or “probe,” then back off wanted to develop your initial attack into a breakthrough attempt, you
if the odds are not favorable, or if you judge it is not the right time to press would never want to do this.
that attack. Sometimes, if you find the enemy’s defenses are weak, you The pinning attack does not have to be strong, nor even intended to
will want to “develop” your probe into a real assault and thrust. defeat the enemy. All you’re trying to do is keep him from moving for a
There is also the concept of a “feint” – a move to confuse or mislead period of time. Once pinning has achieved its purpose, you can let go.
the enemy, and throw them off balance so that the primary attack can be
more successful. You make the enemy think your main attack is coming Sustained Pressure
in one place, and wait for him to start shifting his defenses in that The concept of sustained pressure – continuing an attack, and not letting
direction. Then you throw the rest of your offensive into gear, with the up – has the advantage of not allowing the enemy to recover properly
main blow hitting a place which you’re hoping the enemy just weakened from previous attack. If a unit is allowed to “break contact” and move
in order to protect the place where you attacked first! Thankfully, HOI to an area where it’s not in combat, then it has the opportunity to repair
3 is flexible enough to do this, with its large number of provinces per its losses, especially its organisation. By continuing to attack, perhaps
battlefield front. by using your own units which have not been also exhausted by combat
A feint must contain sufficient strength to be credible – so that the (assuming you have enough to spare), you will eventually wear the enemy
enemy will really think it is the main attack. down by attrition.
A form of reverse psychology follows from the concept of the feint.
In June of 1944, the Germans had been so convinced that the real attack Penetration & Envelopment
would come upon the beaches of Calais that they believed the invasion at This was dealt with some in the section on defense in depth, and will be
Normandy must be a feint. Therefore, they were slow to react. If you set approached in more detail in the Breakthrough chapter, but “penetration”
up an expectation that you will launch feints prior to the real attack, then is where your attack – your “spearhead” – pierces the enemy’s defensive
at some later time you may actually take advantage of their assumption lines, and you’re allowed to push your thrust through the “breach” in the
that your first attack is just a feint. enemy lines.
This is the single most effective means of permanently destroying
enemy combat force, because it allows you to “envelop” and encircle the
enemy units. Hopefully, they will be unable to escape your encirclement,
and will be forced to surrender, permanently removing them from the
enemy order of battle, and decreasing the number of enemy divisions
you’ll have to face in the future.
The most effective form of envelopment is the “double envelopment”
or “pincer movement,” where you successfully penetrate the enemy lines
at two nearby points (but not too nearby, as that lessens the number of
units you can surround) in an effort to completely encircle them. The
dual nature of this attack lessens the amount of time you would need
to invest in order to complete your encirclement, which is meaningful
because the more time the enemy has to react to your move, the less likely
you’ll succeed in cutting them off before they either halt your thrust or
escape the pocket. The pincer has the advantage of allowing a successful
envelopment even if one thrust is stopped.
Turning Flanks
There’s a reason the “front” is called a front. Your goal is to have to
face, and defend, in only one direction. Otherwise, you run the risk of Here, the Soviets have turned the flank of the division to the north, and
being “flanked” – having the enemy come at you from a side where your he should be considering a strategic withdrawal. It may already be too
defenses are not really prepared to repel an attack. late for the mountain division to the south, as he’s already lost two facing
When enemy action captures a province to one side or the other of provinces and has been entirely outflanked and undermined. His best
a unit’s position, that unit is becoming more exposed, and needs to re- action would be to fall back to the south. (Thanks to Singleton Mosby for
assess its defensive position. This may be as simple as adding more use of his image!)
defensive resources in the direction which has become exposed – a
shifting, or “turning” of the front.
Strategic Withdrawal You can also draw the enemy into exposed positions, which you can then
In more extreme situations, where a unit’s flank has been turned and take advantage of. One tactic would be to withdraw from a position, which
its increased exposure puts it at risk of being encircled, the unit should might invite the enemy to advance. Then you could hit his unprepared
consider making a strategic withdrawal into a position where it is less advance with a flanking attack, hoping to encircle him or at least defeat
exposed. Sometimes this means surrendering territory, but that is often him using his uncertain position (he will have no entrenchment, plus you’ve
preferable to surrendering the unit itself! increased the number of flanks you can hit, so he may have envelopment
Sometimes, if the front line is turned over a larger geographical penalties).
area, a strategic withdrawal of units from exposed provinces will need to
be pulled back in order to shorten the line. The increased scope of HOI Exploitation
3’s province map allows things such as this to be represented either in Once you’ve breached the enemy lines, you’ve completed the first part
single provinces, or even in whole regions which can themselves become of your project, which was difficult enough in itself. But now begins the
exposed. process of “exploitation” – making use of your position behind the lines to
Also, if you’re fighting a losing battle, it is permissible to pull back and gain maximum effect.
“regroup.” This depends on your strategic situation, of course. If you’re Some of the things that you may be able to do include capturing
playing Denmark, there’s not a lot of room to fall back to. But strategic enemy supplies or supply depots (you might check supply mapmode,
withdrawals are an important strategy which may preserve your units and see if anything is visible), cutting off enemy units from supply, and
to fight another day, perhaps on more favorable terrain or in a more perhaps even raiding enemy airfields!
preferable combat situation. Depending on the degree to which the enemy has defense in depth
The idea of strategic withdrawal is to trade land for strategic or a strategic reserve, your chances to exploit may be limited, or could
advantage, but can also be used to gain time. Sometimes, time is required be great. It’s important to make as much use of your time as you can.
to prepare a new defensive line (if, for instance, the previous line has been See the Breakthrough chapter for more advice on how to handle such
breached). Constructing a new defensive line does require some time – situations, and when to bring the “free run” to an end and create a new
time to get the units in position, as well as to allow them to dig in. By defensive line.
making a strategic withdrawal to a new defensive line further from the
old front, these units not only maintain “separation” from the enemy, so Choke Points
that they are not under sustained combat pressure, but they also fall back There are certain points where naval and maritime traffic has no choice
upon the new line and join it to add to its strength. but to funnel through a small area. These areas are primary targets for
offensive and defensive naval operations. of your faction members, and they will even kindly provide the supplies
The Suez and Panama Canals are obvious examples of choke points. your fleet will need. If the UK controls Gibraltar then they will close the
All other “straits” in the game qualify as well. However, not every choke Straits of Gibraltar to all enemy ships once the UK is at war. The UK
point must be a designated strait. Anyplace where all traffic must squeeze also controls the Suez Canal at the start of the war and will close that,
into a single seazone en route to its destination qualifies as a choke point. so Axis shipping will not be able to enter or leave the Mediterranean.
There are many of these in the South Pacific, as it meets with the Indian If you are playing as Germany and anticipate that you might want to
Ocean. send units to North Africa to help the Italians, then rebase a small fleet
of transport ships with escorts to an Italian naval base, before war
breaks out. Venezia would be a fairly safe choice where your ships are
unlikely to be sunk by Allied port strikes. You can then transport your
troops across the Mediterranean when you need to, without relying on
the Italians. To minimise the danger of your fleet being sunk with the
troops on board, first move them to a naval base such as Tirane in
Albania (if you control it) or Taranto in Italy. Then make a dash across
the Mediterranean to Banghazi in Libya at night. Your chances of being
detected by Allied fleets are much lower in the dark. Remember to use
the Rebase mission for your fleet, otherwise it will drop off the troops,
then return across the Mediterranean during the day.”
The Gulf of Aden is where many British convoys emerge from the Red Sea, – Mark Potter (potski), Durham, UK
coming from Suez, and scatter to the distant British colonial possessions,
or return to or from the ports of many trading partners.
Decisive Victory
“Certain straits between seas/oceans can be closed by the It’s always best to eliminate your enemy, and not just push him back. If
controller of an adjoining province. If you anticipate that you will need you push him back without destroying him, you get to fight him again once
ships in a sea which will be closed to you once war begins then you can he’s recovered, plus whoever else he brings in to support him.
move a fleet there before war breaks out, but remember you may never Shattering units, or causing them to surrender, brings you closer to a
get them back out. You have to base them somewhere within the sea decisive victory, because it takes the enemy’s warmaking power out of the
where they can be supplied, but you are allowed to use the naval bases field of battle where it needs to be.
Effective Attacks
“The principle of the Objective – the true objective being that point at which the enemy may be
most decisively defeated; generally this point is to be found along the line of least resistance. The
principle of Mass – that is, concentration of strength and effort at the decisive point. The principle
of the Offensive; the principles of Security, Surprise and Movement (i.e. rapidity).”
– Maj. Gen. J.F.C. Fuller’s “Six Principles of Warfare” (Fuller was the architect of the first mechanised offensive in history, at Cambrai, 1917)
You may have all the strength you could want, or all the money, and all that The Right Divisions
combined won’t matter if your warmaking is not effective. If you have a large stack of land units, don’t send them all in at once.
They’ll get in each others’ way, causing increased stacking penalties, and
The Right Conditions won’t be able to fit along the combat front anyway. The total number of
In order to effectively attack, you need to ensure the conditions are right units involved on each side is not as important as who has the stronger
for your success. If you have reason to fear an enemy counterattack, either units and which of them are able to reach the combat front. Any side with
on the same front, or elsewhere, you must ensure that your positions are stacks of divisions is only using a portion of them to attack or defend. The
secure. You must have a proper objective – a realistic one, against which rest are locked out and only contribute to the stacking penalty.
you feel you can prevail. It’s in your interest to do what you can to make sure the right units
Probes should be able to tell you if you’ve correctly assessed it as are on the combat front. Send in your best four or five divisions. Ensure at
an assailable target, but such tests may simultaneously betray your least some of them have a combined arms bonus, if you’re able. Hopefully
purpose. this will fill your line, plus allow one unit to remain in reserve so that it can
An alternative to probing is to hold a highly mobile reserve back, and move forward if there’s a combat event that widens the front.
attack at various points along the front, trying to find the softest point. Choose who you want to have on the combat frontage by sending
This is similar to what B.H. Liddel Hart describes as a disruption strategy, in just your strongest divisions first (with attention to combined arms,
which in his theory will develop an “expanding torrent” of confusion and though). Then, send in additional units an hour or so later – enough to
uncertainty throughout the enemy defensive lines. There is a chance that take advantage of opportunities to fill extra width during combat events,
might work against either, AI or multiplayer opponents. But the twist I but not enough that you’ll handicap your attack with stacking penalties.
would then recommend would be to throw your mobile reserve against If divisions get tired and their organisation dips too low, you can send
that weakest point, and try to develop it into a breakthrough. more units from your “ready reserve” to enter combat and take the place
It’s always preferable to have at least a small reserve force ready, of units you decide to withdraw and move back to rest. This is called
in case your offensive fails. If you’ve exhausted your front line troops in combat “rotation.”
an unsuccessful attack, that’s when the enemy would be best advised to The stacking penalty means that there is incentive not to use huge,
employ his own reserve in a counteroffensive, which you will then need to heavy divisions. Even if it’s often useful to have a good mixture of combat
deal with. If you don’t have a reserve, the enemy may blow through your and non-combat units in a large division, and you’ll get a very strong
weakened line and into your rear area. combat effectiveness from it, the combined number of brigades on the
There’s no reason why every unit on the line, or even any units along line – three or four divisions’ worth – will increase the stacking penalty,
a stretch of the line, must be used to attack. They may be best used just which may reduce your overall effectiveness.
sitting there, adding to their entrenchment values and keeping the enemy
from having any useful places to attack.
The Right Amount of Force proper specialties, lined up with units that most need their skills. Good
Use overwhelming force where you can. Sometimes, you can beat an leaders at all levels, combining their traits, can really rack up the combat
enemy division or corps with even odds, but it’s not likely and will take a modifiers in your favor.
long time in any case. Increasing your odds to double, triple, or even more
will not only make winning more certain, but will make victory come more Ensuring Supply
quickly, which allows these units to advance and outflank other units, Infrastructure suffers some as you engage in combat, so moving quickly
develop into breakthroughs, etc. Rapid combat, and rapid advancement, after major combat is also limited by supply lines, as your rate of resupply
are key to the sorts of warfare used in World War II. This is more difficult is either going to be limited by the damaged infrastructure, or you will
to do because of the stacking penalty. need to wait until the infrastructure recovers.
It’s worth remembering, on the other hand, that it may not always be Remember that units which are out of supply cannot claim territory,
in your interests to place all of your strong combat units in the front line and they’re effectively “in trouble” because of a lot of other limitations.
when combat first begins. You might need that “second wind” provided Ensuring the enemy doesn’t put you out of supply is a basic component
by a strong combat unit moving to the front later, either when the enemy of effective attacks.
is tired and you need to renew your offensive, or when the enemy is
threatening to win the engagement, and you need a strong reserve. Reading the Battlefield
How to read a battlefield to understand what’s likely to happen and who
The Difference Between Night and Day is in a good or bad situation. Tooltips for each province’s units can be
Nighttime penalties to attack are pretty serious, and it might be desired helpful. Sometimes you’ll need to click on the unit interfaces, or on the
that the initial blow be delivered during the daytime. On the other hand, battle interface, to get a clearer picture of what’s going on. You can waste
you may decide that since HOI 3 battles last for a while, and won’t generally time on this too – balance the amount of time you spend on specifics, as
be decided during one 12 or 24-hour period, it’s not so important for land opposed to using the tooltips.
battles as nighttime conditions are for aerial combat. In surveying a battlefront, you need to locate places – preferably just
Attacking at night gets turned on its head once you’ve achieved the a few, if you’re aiming for a breakthrough – where the balance favors you.
night fighting technology. Then, it becomes your advantage to attack at Once you’ve identified the spot, move your divisions into position and then
night, when the enemy has penalties, and you have less. take advantage of that soft spot.
For these reasons, it’s important to keep in mind that all time in the
game is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), otherwise known as “Zulu.” This Soviet Winter Offensive, 1941 (AAR)
means don’t freak out when you observe a battle in the South Pacific There may be a huge number of units opposing you at a place along the
which says it’s occurring at night, and you look at the clock and see “1100” front, but remember not all of them can engage you at once. You don’t
– that’s because the game clock is not showing local time. You must necessarily have to fear enormous stacks. Only those divisions whose
always keep this in the back of your mind, to avoid being surprised, and to combat width will fit can engage – there’s a chance that when you’ve
use this knowledge to plan your attacks. shattered some units, or forced them to withdraw, that fresh divisions
may surge forward. Or even when a combat event widens the front,
Timing Attacks briefly. But if you have sufficient strength to make a good showing against
There may be times when the front is static – nothing is going on. If this is just those divisions that will fit along the front, do not completely discount
the case, you may use the quiet to carefully plan an attack. that battle, even if it looks like you’re attacking a huge concentration of
Use the time clocks on the Orders Interface to plan attacks. This the enemy.
is normally not necessary for land battles, because instead of having to By looking at relative strengths and possible movement options, you
travel forward to the front before attacking, these units enter combat can figure out the likelihood of an attack at different points along your
immediately. There are times when it may be useful. It may be more front, and the likely avenues of attack. Just put yourself in the enemy’s
necessary to sequence Air Missions, especially, because of the difference shoes, and analyze your own line as if you’re wanting to attack it.
between day/night modifiers, and stacking effects.
Achieving Goals
Effective Combat Odds Any battle that fails to achieve your goals may well be a strategic loss. If it
Evaluate as best you can whether you’re going to be facing soft or hard achieves part of your goals, then it may be a strategic draw.
targets in the province where you’re attacking. You can optimize your There are two possible goals on most battlefields. Either capturing/
attacking units according to this, adding up the highest totals against that defending objectives, or destroying the enemy. Which goal you should
type of target. pursue at any one time will be determined by your situation.
The more your own divisions’ proper hard/soft attack value (modified In many cases, your goal will be to achieve a breakthrough, but
by effectiveness modifiers) outnumbers the enemy units’ defensiveness, because that is really an enormous topic of its own, it also has its own
the more quickly you will inflict damage upon the enemy. Make sure you chapter, later on.
have good toughness in your attacking units, or else you may also see
heavy casualties on your own side. This is why some units are best suited
to attacking, and others should be kept on defense.
It’s important to have your best commanders at each level, with the
At the start of the Dec. 1941 scenario, the Germans have exhausted themselves after months of campaigning, and winter has set in. This is the Soviets’
chance. German forces near Moskva are still too strong to effectively attack, but in the region surrounding Ostaskov (6) their units are weak and thinly
spaced, and the balance favors the Soviets. The German unit at (1) is exposed, and can be attacked from 3 directions. I’m only attacking from two,
because the third province must attack in a different direction. Points (2), (3), and (4) are a general broad front of advance where only one German
division protects each province. In attack (2) its exposure is to only one province. Attack (4) was exposed to 3 provinces, which I could have taken
advantage of, but I’m betting all three provinces will fall quickly. Don’t be fooled by the low percentages shown in the attack bubbles. Once the battles
get rolling, those numbers will go up quickly, especially with the application of airpower from Moskva and Leningrad (at extreme range – some shorter
ranged air units will have to be stripped out of units and left to other missions closer to home). The attack at (5) is not necessary, except to pin that large
number of units so they can’t flank the attack upon (2). The single motorised division at (7) is not much of a threat, nor is the one infantry division at
(8) – if he attacks, it will be of little consequence to the attack upon (2). I’ve chosen to have all my units committed to win at (2) than to strip one division
out and pin (8), though that might be a mistake. The strategic reserve at (6) can move forward as the southwestern attacks develop. The division at (9)
could have been attacked or pinned, but I preferred to combine all forces to make (4) fall more quickly (which it did). At that time, (9) will be outflanked,
but I should then attack there to prevent him trying to outflank me. It’s not easily noticed at first glance, but (10) also has a short border to the north, and
could have interfered, but I didn’t pin it for the same reasons as noted for (9).
Tactics For
“Again, speed in action must be cultivated; the power to think quickly in an emergency is one of the
greatest assets both of the boxer and the commander; and the power to move quickly often gives
to a body of troops, as to a boxer, the advantage of surprise.” – Field Marshal Archibald Percival Wavell
Remember that as you move, you’ll have to attack any enemies that stand divisions are having a rough time of it, and their organisation or strength is
in your way. This goes for the other side, too – if you’re advancing, and getting dangerously low, pay enough attention to know when to pull them
you end up in a province where the enemy is trying to move also, they will out of the line. At the right time, manually select them to retreat to the
attack you (often at bad odds, since they weren’t necessarily expecting to rear. The other units will continue the combat, with slightly diminished
mount an attack). This might be called a “meeting engagement.” effectiveness, but soon if you have reserves they may move up. In fact, if
If you’re in a generalized process of advancement, and the enemy you do have strong reserves, it is probably a good idea to pull fought-out
attacks you before you have the opportunity to attack him, it’s called a units back sooner. The exception would be if you really need to hold, and
“spoiling attack.” These can be frustrating, because they choose the you’re already losing. In those cases, you’ll face a choice between fighting
terms of the combat, not you. Hopefully, you can flank their attack and as hard as you can with all your units, or pulling some back and hoping
gain an advantage. Otherwise, you must wait for it to resolve itself, they’ll have time to recover before the next defence line must stand.
presumably in your favor (or else it would be considered a counterattack The easiest way to keep track of your units is to check unit tooltips
or counteroffensive!). on the map every day or so. This way, you don’t even have to enter
any interface, unless you need more detail on a battle to gain more
Entrenchment information.
If you’re not dug in yet, and you don’t think the enemy will wait for you to
dig in, you can use one unit to attack along every front where the enemy Stalling & Gridlock
has units. Keep them busy until your other units have dug in. There’s no Sometimes, you will become mired in a sort of “gridlock” along your
way to use this same tactic again to allow the rest to dig in, because they’d battlefronts. It may be frustrating, because you have a series of endless
have to leave their entrenchment which defeats the purpose. You could battles where your forces hold a moderate advantage, but none of which
use adjacent units to keep the enemy busy, but in most cases you’d want seem likely to turn into a breakthrough. In these cases, sometimes it’s
those units to be entrenching too. This at least allows you to get a portion best to try to “shake up” the situation. For instance, can you withdraw one
of your force deeply dug in. After 10 days, you can stop the attack and division from a battle, and have them circle around to a flanking position?
your other units will have as long to dig in as it takes the enemy to attack. The unit will suffer a “delay” penalty after battle, which may prevent them
from moving right away, but it’s okay because otherwise they would
Watching the Front still have been locked in combat anyway. Once they can move, opening
Even once you’ve already committed your armies to attack in certain a second front on the enemy’s flank will increase the combat penalties
places, keep an eye on the front like a hawk. If you’re being prudent, and against the defender, and may give you the edge you need to win the battle
you’re only attacking in places where your odds seem the very best, you more quickly.
will have strong forces just sitting along other parts of the front. As your This concept can be expanded. Withdraw a certain proportion of
attacks proceed, the enemy will begin shifting his armies to respond, your front line without weakening any point enough that your units will
which may weaken parts of his defensive line. If you see a hole opening, lose the battle. Have them wait out their delay period and recover their
where your odds are suddenly better than they were just a day before, organisation (and a little of their strength), and then send them against
seize the opportunity, and dive on in! a likely point in the line – new troops, fresh and restored! As you do this,
If you have a combat that is generally going well, but one or more pull out the tired units already in combat there – withdraw them to the
Wise Choice of Attack Locations
Some places along the front are obvious places to attack, others are obvious places to defend. Other places are not so clear.
Danzig (1) should be an easy decision, because of its port, its airbase, and its connection to East Prussia. It’s also undefended. Suwalki (10), in
the extreme east, is another target we’d love to take because of its airbase (Germany needs it), but it’s complicated by being opposed by only an
infantry division and a detached brigade – it’s doubtful they can take the Polish cavalry plus reinforcements without additional help, and the infantry
division may be required to pin Polish defenders in (9) unless you’re willing to use the division in Johannisburg to pin (9) instead of advancing
against (8). The rest of the attack might concentrate on where the Poles are weakest – (3), (4), & (8). However, Polish defenders in other provinces
should be pinned, or else they will launch flanking attacks, spoiling your advance. A workable alternative might be a combined attack upon the
exposed province at (7), which guards the gateway to Warsaw, immediately south. Germans in Marienburg would need to pin (3) and hold off a
flank from (2) until relief could come from Danzig several hours later. The divisions at Rosenberg would need to pin (4) and (5), while the HQ unit
could cautiously open a 2nd front against (3). One division from Allenstein would need to pin (6) while the rest hit (7) in coordination with units from
Sensberg and Johannisburg (the division from Johannisburg would have to deal with a flanking attack from (8) also). The units further east would
have to pin the units opposite them. This would be a risky strategy, balancing the possibility of a quick victory against the possibility of eating up all
of East Prussia’s supplies before then. German units in East Prussia in the ’39 setup are weak and badly positioned, not to mention poorly supplied.
The German-Polish frontier in the west will more probably be where the first major gains happen. Once supply is established through Danzig, things
in Prussia will improve.
rear – and your fresh units will soon appear on the front line against the in doubt use supply map mode and the province tooltip will tell you
exhausted enemy. Ideally, this will result in a breakthrough. If not, you’ll where your forces are getting supplied from.” - Mark Potter (Potski),
soon have yet more troops ready (the ones you just pulled off the line) who Durham, UK
can try this in another location.
When Enemy “Victories” Don’t Matter
Maintaining Your Units Don’t let secondary considerations distract you from your main goal. If the
It is true that a shattered unit will retain what proportion of experience enemy is driving into your territory, but it’s mostly land which lacks value, let
survived the battle (this was noted in a developer’s diary). But better yet, them have it while you pursue their valuable prizes and win the war.
if you don’t let your unit be shattered in the first place, it will retain more This is especially true of warfare with more than one front, or theatre.
experience because it doesn’t have to go through that tragedy. If Italy, or Britain, for instance, sends the vast majority of their forces
If your units do get shattered, they will withdraw to the theatre supply into another theatre, but leaves only a skeleton crew at home, that’s the
point (not either the national capital, or the theatre HQ, both of which were best opportunity to try to invade their homeland. Naturally, this will be
mentioned previously). guarded against in most cases, but certainly not always. If a country’s
“The theatre supply point should be the capital in the theatre main offensive causes them to remove troops from their jobs of guarding
area(s) covering your homeland, or the supply depot for overseas. If important targets, this can be taken advantage of.
Combat Reserves & Strategic Reserves All combat on one front takes place as one battle, although a new
There are three types of “reserves” in HOI 3, two of which are officially flanking attack may create a multiple combat. Damage to each division
called reserves – your reserve divisions, and your combat reserves (the divided between brigades, including support brigades. Each shot does
ones shown in the combat interface who aren’t on the actual frontage) – damage to a single division, chosen randomly.
but there’s another type of reserve. When you keep divisions one or two At most times, during battle, the value you must watch is your
provinces back from the front line, those are your strategic reserve. units’ organisation, not their strength. Strength is important, of course,
If you are attacked from the flank, additional units may be called upon but most units which are forced to retreat still have significant strength
to defend that flank, but it’s to your advantage if there are units not already remaining, but have lost most of their organisation. If a unit which has lost
involved in combat. That saves you the powerful negatives of fighting on organisation can be moved back before it shatters, it can spend several
two frontiers at once. hours or a couple of days recovering organisation and will then be almost
as combat ready as it was before (absent a relatively small percentage of
Multiple Combats its strength – whatever was destroyed in the earlier combat).
If you are attacked from another direction, in a new combat, you will suffer Obviously, when a unit is greatly outnumbered, it is at a disadvantage
a serious combat penalty. It may be best to end the main attack, but don’t because all damage is concentrated on fewer divisions, not spread out
do so automatically. If you had left some units out of the main combat, between them. The combat front concept limits this, thankfully, in a more
these might have been enough to field the new front, and your main attack realistic way. But a single unit, or a couple, cannot hope to hold out forever
may not suffer. while being pummeled by several units, absorbing all the hits they can deal
Multiple combat penalties only apply to one of the two battles, but out. Factors such as entrenchment, fortification, good defensive values,
which one is important to keep in mind. etc. may help on the defense, and make a seemingly hopeless battle
Combat Rounds & Damage Single brigades are ineffective due to their small attack value, which
When attacking, the higher a unit’s modified hard or soft attack value is, the gets washed out by the defensive values of the enemy. Theoretically,
more likely it is to be able to shoot at and damage the enemy. The higher single brigades fighting each other would have a better chance, but this
a target unit’s defensiveness (or toughness, if attacking), the more likely it is unlikely to ever happen.
is to be able to defend against the shot, and avoid damage. Basically, this
means that if the combined total of the attacker’s modified values along Unit Management
the combat front are higher than the combined total of the defender’s If you start building up a lot of shattered units at your theatre supply
modified values along the combat front, the chances are good that points, you may be better off setting them to not reinforce. It will take
significant damage will be inflicted upon the target (usually organisation, a long time for them to come back up to a decent combat strength,
but some strength). Therefore, being outnumbered or outclassed (i.e. the and it may be that those reinforcements are more needed on the front
enemy’s unit values are stronger than yours) is very dangerous, and will lines, rather than several provinces away. If your front line units are in
probably result in eventual defeat. This is why numerical superiority is so good shape, you can set them to start reinforcing again. On the other
important, as is supremacy of technology, which will increase unit values. hand, if they reappear near to ongoing combat, you may want them
to reinforce so that they’re not vulnerable to destruction if the enemy hoping to eventually win victory by causing more attrition to the enemy
breaks through. than they would take themselves. This is usually a gamble. Countries with
a huge supply of manpower to “bet” on such a strategy may actually prefer
Supply this costly method to a more mobile war of breakthrough and maneuver.
Supply can’t go through lakes or other large bodies of water (except for This strategy requires vast numbers of divisions, staged one province
straits, unless they’re blocked by enemy naval units), so large lakes can behind the other, ready to move forward when the first rank is exhausted
be useful terrain features if you’re trying to isolate or constrict supply to or expended.
a group of enemy units. Examine the infrastructure map to see which Two can play the attrition game, at least for a short time. Pull your
provinces are obvious routes for supply, and use your divisions and disorganised units back, and let your other divisions hold the line until
airpower to try to cut off those routes. they’ve recovered their organization and can move forward into the
province again.
Know When To Retreat While countries using the Human Wave Doctrine is most likely to
If you’re caught in an unwinnable battle, and you have an option to retreat, employ this sort of strategy, those countries which use the Grand Battle
it’s usually best to do so unless there’s some important objective you’re Plan Doctrine or Superior Firepower doctrines may utilize a smarter
needing to hold for some reason. By withdrawing from combat, you alternative. Clever concentration of combined arms units with good
preserve your forces, you may be able to regain your organisation, and attack and toughness values and a wise rotation strategy may actually
you can hopefully reposition for a more defensible battle line. Hold, then succeed in costing the enemy more attrition along a broad front than they
retreat. themselves take, even if their manpower reserves are not strong enough
Keep a close eye on your combat units which are engaged in long for typical human wave tactics.
battles. If you see that some of them are losing organisation to a dangerous
degree, where they might soon shatter or be forced to withdraw, it is Aggressiveness and Surprise
almost always preferable to command them to retreat and save their Aggressive countries can invade their targets before they have a chance
combat strength for another day. Careful which ones you pull out, though, to mobilize if their moves toward war are carefully managed.
because the remaining units will have to take on the added burden. Be bold, not foolhardy. Aggressive decisions are often rewarded in
This will probably give them time to recover their organisation, so that battle, but there’s a limit imposed by common sense and memories of
when they next enter combat their strength can be employed sustainably. George Armstrong Custer.
These units have been run ragged, and need to be retreated and rested if If you see your enemy moving his divisions, that means he’s given
possible. If they’re in supply, they will regain their organisation, and if IC up his entrenchment (though not any fortress protection they have in
is applied (and if you’ve not set them to not reinforce) they will also regain that province) and so you may consider attacking there instead of the
their strength slowly. entrenched position you had in mind to attack.
The primary reason why you might not want to remove a unit from Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em. If you’re likely to lose your units – airpower,
combat, despite its dwindling organisation, is if the unit is performing a if you can’t fly it to a safer base, or other units in certain circumstances –
duty of the utmost importance. you might as well use them. There’s no purpose to “saving” a doomed unit
Remember the land combat version of the “Rensslaer Paradigm” as long as possible, unless you’re fighting a delaying action. On the other
(noted in the Naval chapter) – if you’re in combat and about to be forced hand, there’s no reason to intentionally put them out there, either. This is
to retreat, but there’s an enemy division that’s closer to shattering than mainly a lesson for small powers which are facing clear defeat. You might
you are, it’s in your interest to continue the battle until the enemy breaks as well do all you can to inflict damage upon your enemy, even if there’s
first, then you run as quickly as you can. Make the enemy shatter – don’t really no hope.
wait around to watch the consequences and have it happen to you too. Take advantage and initiative. Some players may even be tempted
to use their units’ 30 day reserve if they are confident they can get some
Flanking Attacks benefit out of the action and not lose the unit to encirclement.
When the enemy attacks your troops, and you’re vulnerable, it’s Not only will you sometimes find an unexpected opportunity, because
sometimes worth distracting them by attacking from another province, you made an unanticipated choice, but you may throw the enemy into
even at unfavorable odds. This will give the enemy a -50 multiple combat a panic. This is one of those few areas where you’re as likely to cause
penalty in the first combat (the one you were worried about), and will a human, multiplayer opponent to make a mistake as you are to cause
contribute to the wearing down of the enemy. Their attack may end up confusion for the AI.
being less successful, or they may even decide to stop the first attack in
order to deal better with your second. In a perfect world, you could then Make Up Your Mind!
stop your second attack – the one at unfavorable odds – and things return Indecision in command can be as costly in HOI 3 as it is in real combat.
to the way they were before the enemy first threatened you! They can For instance, any change in the direction of movement wastes whatever
always try again, but then again so could you. movement had already been ordered for that unit. Certainly, there are
times when such changes are warranted, by the importance of unexpected
Broad Front Attacks needs, but always consider what the cost will be if you change your mind.
Many commanders throughout history, right up until World War I and Sometimes, even if there’s a new need, it’s better just to allow the unit to
beyond, have tended to prefer broad front attacks along the entire line, move as it was ordered. In fact, there are times when the unit will be in a
had a chance to dig in, or to make any other defensive preparations.
They’re most vulnerable to a counterattack, and there’s a possibility you
may succeed in reversing the situation.
If not, or if you judge there is no likelihood of rescuing your surrounded
divisions, leave them. Forget them. They’re no longer part of your army
– the best thing they can do is cause your enemy to have to expend their
energy defeating them once and for all. You have more important things
to worry about.
Ideally, the enemy breakthrough is not all that significant. They have
several divisions on your side of the line, but you have plenty of reserves
– strategic reserves or otherwise – which you can use to keep them from
coming much further. Your job now is to delay them. This isn’t much
different from preventing their first breakthrough attempt. Just keep
them from moving, so that they lose momentum, and then hit them hard
with a counterattack.
What if they’ve really, really broken through? Pull back. Pull back
This Finnish unit has opened a hole in his line, presumably so he can attack your units to some defensive line. Your development of a new defensive
in greater force against your HQs. This demonstrates a choice for your line is critical, because without it, the enemy will just keep going. If the
infantry division. You could move your unit defensively, and follow the enemy’s breakthrough is significant, you may have to pull back quite a
enemy, protecting your HQs. Or, instead, sometimes the best defense is ways to find a good defensive position. Anything right there where they
a good offense. You could take advantage of the hole he’s opened, and are will immediately be under attack, and that’s not what you need. Units
threaten his rear area. He’s in a bad situation now, whether he attacks at the front should flee. This is a major strategic withdrawal – most of
or not, because you have taken the initiative rather than reacting. This your units should keep away from combat with the enemy, and don’t get
is a defensive lesson too, as you should not open such opportunities for delayed.
your enemy. The rest? If the enemy is pursuing your units quickly, you may have to
use some of your divisions to fight “delaying actions.” A few divisions will
sacrifice themselves for the good of the many, so the rest of your units can
better position to do what you need if you allow it to finish moving into a get away and have time to form that new defensive line.
new province than if you stopped it and started it anew. Meanwhile, units from behind the lines need to “coalesce.” Pull
The “attack delay” function, which prevents your units from attacking everything you have together, and try to construct a new front line. Use
again for a number of hours after breaking off an earlier attack, must be defensible terrain, as best you can. Your new line should be in defensible
considered when you’re changing your mind about orders. You must keep terrain as far toward the front as possible – no sense giving up territory
yourself from thinking you can stop a unit’s attack, and immediately send unnecessarily – without being in immediate danger of being engaged. This
the unit into a different combat. That’s not possible, and the only result new line must have time, though, to dig in, which means a couple of days at
would be that your unit will sit idly for a couple of days, confounding both, least. The more, the better. Delaying actions buy you time to do this.
your initial orders and your new ones! Take time considering your options Those units you left behind will pull back when they’re nearing defeat.
before issuing commands, and be just as careful before you change your Don’t let them get shattered – you still need their strength. Have them fall
commands. back upon your defensive line, and join it. If they’re really badly damaged,
have them keep going – these will form your reserve behind the new
Recovering From Battlefield Defeat defensive line, once they’ve had a chance to rest a while.
In the chapter on Breakthroughs, you will see how disastrous a successful At the first sign of real trouble – when you recognize you’re about
military campaign of envelopment can be. What do you do if your enemy to lose, and lose big, and that you’ll have to form a new defensive line,
has just demonstrated how good they are at the tactic? you may need to change your production priorities. If you have any doubt
Don’t panic – there are things you can do! you have enough units to hold that new line, start building a bunch of
Your first step is to get your divisions out of harm’s way. If you have garrison or militia units – whatever units have the lowest (or almost the
units which are about to be encircled, pull them out as quickly as you can. lowest) build-time, start building them, and prioritize them to the top of
Once they are surrounded, it’s going to be hard to get them out, because the production queue. You may desperately need them soon.
they’re less able to assist in their own defense. Then, stand. Stand and hold, and hope it’s enough. Once you’ve
Actual breakout attempts are rare, and even more rarely successful. succeeded, start planning your comeback, in the form of a new
Usually, you’re going to have to go get them. Considering that you’ve just counteroffensive.
been defeated in such a way that they got surrounded in the first place,
that’s likely to be difficult. But not impossible. Grab your reserves, if you Paradrops
have them, and take whatever resources you have, and attempt a “reverse Paratroops must be handled carefully, or else they will be destroyed or
breakthrough” – try to defeat the enemy’s divisions which have just broken run ragged. When landed, they have a -30% combat penalty applied. This
through. This may be easier because they just got there – they haven’t is in addition to whatever other penalties they might face, due to terrain,
nighttime (don’t land paratroops into combat at night – just don’t!), etc.
It is always best to land paratroops into an unoccupied province
behind or beside the enemy positions. This way, they don’t have to suffer
a combat penalty for being paradropped. They will take a bit to regain
their bearings, and then can attack.
Sometimes, the enemy will attack the paratroops before they have
the opportunity to attack as they intended. Plan for this. It becomes
important to break through to where they’ve landed, or else paratroops
can easily find themselves in danger for being out of supply for too long.
Consider airdropping supplies, if you can protect the transports.
Definitely have an exit strategy (presumably an advance strategy)
to get to the paratroops and keep them from being overwhelmed behind
enemy lines.
Armoured Units
Tanks are very dependent upon the terrain and the weather. Maybe don’t
keep them on the front all the time – bring them in when conditions are
favorable. Isolated pushes… Don’t let them get worn down in everyday
combat, as tempting as it may be to use them in every battle.
Tanks are “slippery” because they’re fast. You must use your units
to pin them, or else they will show up in places where you won’t like them,
and didn’t expect them.
Some armies are content to push forward as a line and force the
enemy back one province at a time. This is largely the strategy used in
World War I, because they lacked fast units who could move forward before
the enemy could close any break in their line. The generals gambled that
they could overwhelm the enemy troops assigned to a limited front, and
could push forward more than one province, but this still resulted in only
a few provinces changing hands in a region. It would take many of these
gradual advances to change the course of the war.
The alternative use of armoured divisions is discussed in the next
“The art of concentrating strength at one point, forcing a breakthrough, rolling up and securing the
flanks on either side, and then penetrating like lightning deep into his rear, before the enemy has
time to react.” – Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
Cavalry often lacks punch, but can be used to exploit a breakthrough once achieved. If too many units move forward, the most important units may
infantry creates a hole (which is somewhat backward – instead of armour lose their access to supplies because any breakthrough is also a narrow
creating a hole, and punching through with infantry following, the cavalry channel for supplies, which has a limited throughput.
will hold back until infantry succeeds, and then will rush forward as the Whenever there’s a critical encirclement battle underway, that’s
armour would, and infantry would follow). Mechanised or motorised where your airpower should be employed – making sure your side wins.
infantry are also potentially useful. Contrary to common belief, Poland
and France fell largely at the hands of motorised troops with armoured Second Steps
car support, rather than to columns of German tanks, though it was tanks When you break through the lines, you may have two or more seemingly
which served as the point of the spear. empty provinces you could choose to move into. But if any enemy units
Your fastest land units – cavalry or light armour – can be used as survived your combat, they will retreat into one of these provinces. If you
“scouts” to find out what’s in front of you, and to grab provinces quickly fight them again, they will be easy to beat. But if you want to avoid them,
to cut off the enemy. Envelopments are much harder without fast units to keep them from slowing you down, it’s best if you go around them. You
like these. can test where they’re going by pausing and checking the colour of the
Armour is the only thing with the strength, speed and power to really movement arrows into each province. The one that’s red is where he’s
contest a breakthrough, so it’s very important that you pin these units retreating.
with supporting attacks. If you don’t they’ll rush in and defeat your plan. Once you’ve achieved a breakthrough, it’s very important that you
The advantage of self-propelled artillery is that it has the speed to have infantry forces ready to move forward and backfill the pathway, as
follow along on breakthroughs to provide support for armoured divisions. well as the province where the armoured forces (or whatever they were)
moved forward from. The next, related, step is to use these infantry
Support divisions to widen the breakthrough point, if possible.
Efforts to encircle often carry with them a related risk of becoming
encircled yourself. When trying, it’s important to pin down any forces Counterattacking Against
which might move to intercept you with other units just outside of the Breakthrough Attempts
breakthrough point, even if it means attacking at seriously bad odds. If Careful when moving through gaps created by breakthroughs. You may find
you can achieve a breakthrough without anyone intercepting you, the more resistance from reserves, or anti-tank units behind the front lines.
sacrifice will have been worth it. If you’re expecting a breakthrough, you may wish to position anti-tank
This is where you can use the advanced movement orders accessed brigades in positions behind the line in order to move forward and plug the
through control-rightclick (see L1.1 in the Manual) to select adjacent units breakthrough before it fully develops. Assuming the enemy breakthrough
to “support” the attack without moving forward when a breakthrough is is led by tanks (a good bet), your anti-tank units may be more useful
behind the front than on it, because the enemy may become aware of
where they are if they’re on the line, and avoid those locations. But a good
anti-tank reserve behind the line can remain undetected, may have more
time to react, and can be ready to stop the armoured breakthrough. You
normally will not have enough anti-tank units to spread them all along the
front. This strategy allows you to make the most of what you do have so
that they’re there when it counts.
If you’ve invested heavily in anti-tank units, you may intersperse them resources to bring everything to bear against that point. This is why a
in a defensive attempt to avoid breakthroughs and envelopment attempts. coordinated pincer movement is often necessary – plan two breakthrough
Or you may use them in an offensive role to defend a breakthrough attempts to work together, dividing the enemy defenses. If one thrust
attempt, because the enemy will generally use his armoured units to gets stopped, hopefully the second can come through and support the
respond to any breakthroughs and attempt to prevent encirclement. other from behind the lines. In any case, even if only one succeeds, it will
Draw the enemy armour into battle, and cut them to pieces with your anti- start to pinch off supply to the closed-in pocket. Make sure to protect your
tank and armoured units. line of supply, or the same can happen to you!
A well-played counteroffensive can turn a breakthrough on its head Don’t worry about giving up your spot along the frontier if you’ve just
and achieve the opposite result than intended by the attacker. Because of broken through. You’re probably going to have a new frontier very soon,
this danger, some players are too cautious to go too far in the direction of anyway, if your offensive is truly successful. Keep your eye on the goal.
mounting breakthrough attempts. This has historically been true of many Make sure you’re not in danger of being cut off yourself. Allow the enemy
generals, also. to move forward into your non-vital provinces if he likes, because that only
When the enemy has successfully broken through your lines, that’s puts him deeper into the bag when you close it.
when you need to bring pressure upon the base of the spearhead. If If you have a steady stream of divisions to funnel into a breakthrough
the enemy makes a mistake, and fails to guard the thrust with sufficient location, you don’t have to garrison all the provinces along the path. The
infantry or other units, it’s possible you could turn the enemy breakthrough traveling units will defend the route if it’s attacked. Otherwise, you will
into an encirclement of his own units, which would be ideal for you. need to ensure some infantry or other defensive units are left behind in
your wake as you move forward, so you don’t get surrounded. Plan ahead,
and have these units ready to move in when it’s time.
Even before you completely encircle a unit, you may actually cut off
or impair its line of supply. By reducing the routes for supply to reach
the enemy unit, and by forcing supply to travel through only one or two
provinces with limited throughput, you may cause the unit to go out of
supply eventually. It may at least be forced to draw down its 30-day
reserve of supplies, and it it’s not replenished it will eventually be out of
supply anyway.
In HOI 3 it’s not always necessary for you to completely surround
an enemy for him to be suffering serious supply shortages that may
effectively put him out of supply. If you can constrict his lines – a “near”
isolation, even if there’s one province still open – then all of his units
within that pocket will have to rely upon that one province to send all
their supplies. The more units inside the pocket, the more trouble he’ll
have supplying them, especially if you have any way of directing airstrikes
against his infrastructure there.
When it seems likely you will break through, the enemy AI will begin
shifting defenses to cover the hole. This process may, helpfully, open up
new holes!
If you’re in the process of breaking through, but the enemy attacks
your flank as you’re trying to move into the rear, sometimes there will be an
unoccupied province in enemy territory where you can “retreat” to! Just
select it as movement, and as with any other battle, you will retreat from
A nearly successful counteroffensive. The Germans are desperately the battle in the direction you choose. This effectively allows you to avoid
concentrating their armour on the constriction from both directions, but being pinned, though you accept certain limitations for having retreated.
they may be too late. In reality you’re “breaking the engagement” in order to continue deeper
into enemy territory to continue your breakthrough.
If you attempt a breakthrough and it gets stopped, it’s not always stopped HQs
for good. If you’re channeling a lot of divisions through that initial hole, As you break through, verify what HQ structures need to follow, and at
even if the enemy is rushing its own divisions to oppose you, there’s a what rates. You don’t want to get your divisions in a perfect blitzkrieg
chance you can still exploit the attempt. A well-prepared breakthrough position, only to have it lose the combat benefits provided by a nearby
attempt is a little like a water hose – if you block the flow, the pressure HQ. The HQ should follow into the rear areas at the extent of its range, as
builds, and it’s possible it still may build enough pressure to break through, the path is secured. The HQ combat penalties are insufficient, though, to
or even to burst out in another direction. justify risking loss of the HQ just to keep it within range (then you’d really
Resistance will tend to build at a breakthrough location if reserves lose the HQ combat bonus!). Use your judgment.
exist. You’ll start to punch through, and the enemy will manage his
Operation Citadel and the Failure At Kursk
The year 1943 was a time of dramatic reversals along the Eastern Front
of Germany’s war. In February, the surrounded German 6th Army had
surrendered 91,000 soldiers into the hands of the Russians. Then, after
a Soviet counteroffensive which overreached itself into the Donets region
near Kharkov, Field Marshal Erich von Manstein led a move to cut off their
spearhead, and the Kharkov campaign (sometimes known as the Third
Battle of Kharkov) cost the USSR more than 50 divisions of men and
materiel destroyed by the end of March. Then, in the summer of 1943,
Field Marshal Gunther von Kluge’s Army Group Center and Manstein’s
Army Group South combined in an operation intended to cut off and
destroy the “Kursk Salient” – the bulge around the city of Kursk which
the Soviets had pressed into the German lines. The problem was that
Kursk was an obvious target, and numerous delays meant that any German Tiger tanks move forward into combat.
element of surprise had been lost. The Soviets had moved a tremendous
amount of anti-tank weapons into the area, and had prepared defensive
fortifications to meet the expected attack. Spies confirmed their
suspicions and kept them informed, and over the course of four months
of German delays they strengthened their defenses. Three full Soviet
army groups, or “fronts,” had been moved into the pocket – Bryansk,
Center and Voronezh. When the blow struck, at the beginning of July, the
Soviets were ready for it, and fought with stiffening resistance. It turned
into the largest tank battle in history, and some even claim it as the
largest air battle, too. Much of the battle, as fought by the Germans, was
recognized as a failure of combined arms – German armour was superior Soviet infantry riding into combat on the backs of tanks.
to the Soviets’ tanks except at close range, but could not cope against the
Soviet infantry without its own infantry support, and the Russians were heavily fortified with light anti-tank weapons. The campaign was marked
by sharp and massive aerial battles, with the situation on the ground largely impacted by close air support provided primarily by, on the German
side, the Ju-87 Stuka, and on the Soviet side the IL-2 Sturmovik. While the most intense phase of the battle was over within two weeks, operations
on both sides continued well into August. Losses on both sides were very high – statistics vary impossibly, but German losses in aircraft and tanks
were several hundred each, while the Soviets lost more than 1,000 aircraft and at least a few thousand tanks. However, its ultimate effects were
perhaps most profound upon the attitudes of the combatants. It was the first time a major German offensive had failed to break through the Soviet
lines, and it proved to be the decisive end of German initiative on the Eastern Front. Also, the Germans did not have the ability to recoup their losses
on an industrial or manpower level, whereas the USSR did.
Application: Have massive numbers of land and air units available for successful offensives or counteroffensives, and hit the exposed
portions of the salient. The less time you take preparing your massive army, the less time your enemy has to recognize what you’re doing and
prepare. Attacking a prepared enemy is dangerous work. Better to surprise them by attacking where they don’t expect it.
A Breakthrough Case Study
Sometimes you just find a “situation” and you have to do your
duty even if it seems suicidal. A single division has just become
the first to arrive in a newly captured province, and he’s spotted
several divisions of German armour, infantry and panzergrenadiers
(mechanised infantry) at Kursk to the south. He’s being followed
by four more Soviet divisions, and the opportunity is there to drive
north and cut off two or three German corps (maybe 10-15 divisions)
in the Orel pocket. Sadly, that is not this Major General’s job. He’ll
have to leave it for the follow-on divisions, because if he hesitates
and allows the Germans to react first, the Germans will attack his
province and become a blocking force which will draw any oncoming
Soviet units into the battle. This division’s duty must be to attack –
to force the combat to occur in Kursk, not where he is – even though
the battle will be at impossible odds and his division may ultimately
Once the breaches have isolated the enemy in pockets, they can be be destroyed. This allows his comrades to slip behind his back and
bypassed with relative security. Leave a few units behind to pin them if complete their important mission of encirclement to the north. Will
they try to move, because some of these units may still have a 30-day they be able to spare one or two divisions to help him out against
reserve of supplies. The rest of your units should rush forward and exploit the Germans? That’s a strategic decision for the commander – you.
the breaches, because you may not have another opportunity to run wild. You may need all those divisions to the north (note that the other
divisions which might stop them are already being pinned). On the
to prevent these bypassed divisions from cutting off your advance from other hand, they may all be at risk of encirclement themselves if the
behind, and if you can more or less ensure the enemy will not be able to Germans can push forward out of Kursk.
break them out of their encirclement, then it should be safe to leave these
units for later destruction. Eventually, you will want to get rid of them,
preferably after they’ve run out of their supply reserves, so that your
screening forces are free to return to the active battlefront.
Remember also that any damage you inflict upon isolated units
cannot be repaired by them unless they can somehow get supply again. If
you attack at first, trying to reduce them, and then stop after a while to rest
your units, you will come back to the attack and find them not recovered.
When To Stop
Breakthrough strategy is not a guarantee. You might not succeed in
breaking through. You might stall before you can punch through all the
way. Worse, breakthrough attempts require you to expose your units in
some ways, placing them in danger of being cut off themselves. Such
failures can actually set you up for disaster, and your war could instead
turn foreverafter into a battle of static warfare and attrition. It could even
put you on the defensive. Be ready for the consequences of failure so that
you can avoid the worst possibilities.
Once you’ve made an advance and are done with immediate needs
of capitalizing on a breakthrough, it’s time to stabilize the line by placing
units in defensive positions.
Plan ahead. When you start to sense opposition, and enemy reserves
from far behind the lines begin to arrive in your vicinity, your free run is
over. That’s when you need to start setting up defensive lines.
Effective Use
of Airpower
“A country which cannot defend itself from aerial attack will find its air bases, its munitions cen-
tres, its military depots, its shipyards, and its great cities subjected to a devastating rain of bombs
within a few hours of the declaration of hostilities.” – Brig. Gen. P.R.C. Groves, RAF, in 1922.
Advantages of Airpower of your airbases in areas where you’re likely to need them, and be ready to
Air units decide battles, because they are far more mobile, which means prepare “forward airfields” as you advance your lines.
they can be more selective in where they attack. Short range aircraft are not useful if you lack the IC to build forward
Airpower can respond quickly to emerging threats and even to airfields near where you need to use them.
surprises, hoeping to blunt attacks. Air units operating near their base (within radio range) have a combat
Airpower has a long range, relative to land units, and so it can be used bonus.
to hit a wide variety of targets at will, provided they’re within range of their After a major air battle check capacities at your airbases before
airbase. By picking and choosing their targets, and not being locked into sending damaged units there. Rebase quickly to somewhere they can
one combat with a delay for breaking it off, airpower can be the decisive repair, if the damage is that bad.
element in a variety of battles.
Managing Units Commanders of higher grade/rank can extend their traits and skill bonuses to
There are competing schools of thought on air unit composition. Do you more units before hitting their capacity limit and being “disqualified.” Every
split into formations of like-kind air wings which can all perform the same level of commander adds four to the number of units they can command. So
mission, or do you combine fighters and bombers so the bombers have a Major General can command four airwings and still pass on his bonus, while
some protection? a Lieutenant General would be able to command eight, and so on.
You should prefer to create air units of three airwings apiece, as that There’s a temptation to promote all of your commanders to higher
is a useful number in combat which doesn’t get a huge stacking penalty. positions, but those commanders will earn experience much more slowly.
Alternatively, you could organize two-airwing units, and have the flexibility
of using them individually or sending two two-wing air units against the Operational Considerations
same target without too much of a stacking penalty. Before using them, you need to ensure that your air units are in supply, or
Don’t use too many air units in the same place, even if it’s a really else they may be less effective and vulnerable.
critical battle. Most battles have supporting units nearby which contribute If you need to take an air unit out of combat to recover, or for whatever
to the battle by their presence, even if they’re not actually in combat – send reason, rebase them to their own airbase (or to another). There’s no “end
some of your planes to attack them and avoid the stacking penalties. mission” command, other than this.
When assigning missions for air units, you have a choice between four
Airbases different types of “mission areas.” Select “province” for specific combat
A small airbase – even a level 1 base – can support the operation of multiple air support missions, or installation strikes, where you know exactly where
airwings. But they won’t be able to recover losses or regain organisation, you want to send your units. If there’s a multi-province region where you’d
and so that’s not a practical situation for long. love to hit all those units, you can use the “region” setting, though that
Building a large number of airwings without also increasing the size or potentially dilutes your airstrike effectiveness. Air superiority and intercept
number of airbases may put you in the awkward situation of not being able missions can be set to a specific “region” (usually not just a province) to
to effectively use all your shiny new planes. Increase the operational size protect within that zone. Or they can be set to an “area” (circle) or “cone.”
The “area” is useful for setting a centrepoint which covers all of your units
in attack, but don’t set the range too high or else they’ll spend half their
time outside of the zone where you want them. “Cones” are very useful
for pointing at enemy airbases, where their missions will be coming from.
Use intercept if you’re able to see these units in time (using radar, or
whatever), or air superiority if you can’t. Keep in mind that, by using the
angle, range and width settings, you can turn a “cone” into a semicircle or
even wider – basically half of an “area” assignment, which eliminates the
disadvantages of using a full circle.
If you select an air unit for a mission, you will see a mixture of shading
and colouration superimposed over the map. This shows you what the
selected air unit’s range is, which means which targets it can hit. This will
also be a good guide to where you may face shortages of airbases, which
you can correct if you have enough time.
If you find that a certain air unit does not have quite enough range to
hit a certain target, look at the composition of your unit. If you have two
tactical bombers, and a multi-role airwing combined into the same air unit,
you could reorganise it and see if the tac bombers have the range to get
there by themselves. Then you can send the MR unit somewhere else.
It’s possible to set your message settings to advise you when an air
wing has made its strike, and what its results were. You can check the
target, see how it’s been damaged, and decide whether to keep those
airstrikes going, or switch the unit to another target. On the other hand,
you may not want to be bothered by constant reports of air missions.
If you consider these reports distracting “spam,” then turn them off,
and simply remember to cycle through your air units periodically using
the Outliner. Unless your memory is really good, you may waste some
airstrikes on targets that are already destroyed, but at least you won’t
have to deal with all those popups.
Keep in mind that, when setting zones of action, the planes must be
spread out to cover the area you give them. The larger the area, the less
able they will be able to thoroughly cover the whole area.
Let your air units rest if they start to lose too much organisation, or
if they need to rebuild strength. Move them to a rear area, if you need to,
so they won’t face unexpected combat. This is where the “reserve” air
mission is useful, if you have enough units to manage it. This mission will
automatically swap out units in need of rest, replacing them with fresh
units from your reserve unit.
I don’t generally recommend using aircraft to attack at night, because
of the penalties if you don’t have appropriate technology for night That’s an impressive amount of airpower – the equivalent of 900 strategic
operations, but if you have just one main target, and enough airwings that bombers! Too bad their effectiveness is limited by the stacking penalty,
you would otherwise have a serious stacking penalty, set some of your so that the combat effect is the same as barely 100 bombers (one airwing)
airwings to attack during the day, and the rest to attack at night. The by themselves. Two or three airwings would have been a better choice –
ones attacking at night have a penalty that won’t be much more than the then they could hit 3 or 4 provinces with better total effect in each.
stacking penalty if they’d joined during the day, but the planes that attack
during the day avoid the stacking penalty, and their attacks are made
more effective. Avoiding Stacking Penalties
Air units can be assigned as reserve airwings. This allows them to Especially if you find two of your formations joined into the same combat
take the place of well-worn units that have been in operation for a while, – such as your interceptors responding to an attack upon your bombers –
keeping them from running themselves completely ragged. Obviously, the added number of planes may combine to ruin all of your planes combat
this dilutes your regular level of airpower – it’s a tradeoff you must decide, effectiveness. The solution would be to remove the least effective airwings
between short-term and long-term benefit. from the fight. Hopefully, your bombers, for instance, have done much
Radio technology which increases range is something that not only of what they came for, and you can leave the fighters to battle between
extends the range of your HQs, but it also aids your air units, which need themselves by retreating your bombers back to base. Remember to give
to keep in touch with their own base. them new orders, after breaking off combat.
Protecting Your Air Assets Because runway cratering missions (and others, perhaps) may
It’s always a really good idea to send fighters to protect your bombers, accomplish everything you need very quickly (within 2-3 strikes), you
whether they’re combined into the same air unit or sent alongside. But should consider launching individual raids, not using the “continuous”
if the enemy isn’t opposing your bombers, get the fighters out of there checkbox. It’s all reliant upon how much you can remember, and how
and give them something better to do. Otherwise, they will contribute much micromanagement you’re willing to do.
to a stacking penalty, and make the bombings less effective. Using the On the other hand, remember that airbases are repairable, and so
Air Intercept order may be preferable, since they will only “come when even a destroyed airbase may still be able to operate again within several
called.” But make sure their airbase is near enough they can respond hours’ time. Take this into consideration before sending your units on a
before it’s too late. suicide mission. It may not matter at all in the whole calculation, but you
After naval or air combat is complete, you should always doublecheck should consider your options.
your units to make sure they are not badly damaged. If they are, you Even with concentrated air attacks, it is unlikely that airpower alone
should take steps to preserve and protect them, if you can at all afford can completely destroy a land unit, or even cause it to retreat, unless the
to do so. attacks are combined with an underway ground attack. However, it’s
If you need to send air units to a rear-area airbase, you should certainly possible to use airpower “soften up” the enemy units before
consider doing that. If your local airbase is secure (i.e. not being bombed an attack. It’s also a lot more useful if the enemy is having manpower
often), you could just let them sit there and rest, regaining organisation shortages or if they’re out of supply, because in those cases any damage
and strength. Remember that air units’ ability to repair and reinforce you inflict is more likely to remain permanent.
is dependent on its level. If more units at a base are in urgent need of If the enemy has a “salient” into your line (a pocket of troops that
reinforcement and repair than the level of the airbase, they will not get bulges out from their main line), you can bomb his infrastructure behind the
the help they need until after others are repaired. In this case, if you have line and cut him off from supply without permanently hurting your ability
other airbases with capacity you should send them there. to get supply as you move forward – your supplies just travel around the
Unless their assigned to an intercept mission, planes at your bases bombed-out area, whereas his supplies have no choice but to go through
will not respond to an attacking enemy – this is where they can catch you the narrow passageway because your units cut off supply from any other
and destroy you on the ground. Have some units, at least, set to intercept direction. In most other cases, you must balance your immediate need to
so this doesn’t happen without opposition. cut the enemy off from his supplies against your future need to use those
same provinces to support your offensive into his territory.
Missions Patrols over the sea may uncover attempted invasions, or targets
When you’re employing airpower against enemy troops, attacks upon of opportunity. When you need to use naval bombers or other air units
larger stacks will have the most overall impact – you will kill more of to patrol over the ocean, you can set them to air superiority mission
the enemy, and reduce his strength more – but you may have a more (not intercept) and they will fly at that location until redirected by you
significant impact against a single unit or a smaller stack that’s in combat, or forced to return. Yes, use air superiority even for bombers if they’re
because your reduction of enemy strength in a smaller battle may equal flying patrol – setting them to naval strike will send them there, and they’ll
a larger percentage of the whole. That is, you will be more likely to cause come back right away if they don’t find anything. On the other hand, if
the enemy to shatter and run, which may be a more important goal, even you want your naval bombers to bomb anything they find, then you may
though you kill fewer enemy troops. prefer to send them on naval strike missions – this just may require more
Would it be better to hit infrastructure next to the capital, or next to micromanagement. Be sure not to leave any airwings “hanging” on
the units you’re trying to place out of supply? Hitting next to the units patrol, in case you need them for other duties, or they don’t automatically
allows you to select the units affected, whereas hitting near the capital return.
simply allows random units to go out of supply. On the other hand, hitting Setting fighters and interceptors to fighter missions depends on
provinces near the capital may have a longer-lasting and more far-reaching what you want to do. If you’d rather they not spend fuel and waste
effect. Determine your tactics depending on what you most need. organisation flying constant missions, you can set them to air intercept.
Systematic bombing of enemy airfields may give you a reprieve from They will arrive soon after enemy units are detected (though not right
constant air attack, but you will have to keep it up over time to overcome away – keep this in mind if the range is distant, or if you want immediate
the repair rate which makes these airfields operational again quickly. The action). However, you must be able to detect the enemy first, and so
strategy cannot be to completely destroy the enemy’s ability to base his air intercept does not work over enemy territory unless you have radar
units, which technically is not possible, but instead to make it impossible covering that area.
for the enemy to repair his units because his airbases lack the capacity Air superiority sends your aircraft on “fighter sweeps,” looking for
(because they’ve been bombed to levels lower than the number of aircraft enemy fighters or bombers. This is often ordered over enemy territory,
they must support). but doesn’t have to be. Air superiority missions fly constantly (depending
Don’t put too much effort into destroying runways if you’re about to on your night/day orders), and so can run into enemy air units that weren’t
conquer the province it’s in. You might find that undestroyed airfield very previously spotted. But this also means they fly a pattern across whatever
useful! Generally, judge how quickly the airfield is repairing damage, and region (or cone, or area, etc.) you assign them to. If they’re on the far
estimate how long before you might capture it. You don’t have to have a end of their patrol pattern, and your enemy flies a mission where they just
fully operational runway, but at least one undamaged level will be most were, they may not be able to come back in time to catch them. Each
useful to you. mission has certain limitations, as noted.
Use Logistics Bombing mostly to cut off or reduce supply lines (in crowded areas, reducing may be enough). Bomb green provinces (using supply
mapmode), forcing supply to go through lower infrastructure provinces, as seen (the strategic bomber over the green province near the Baltic). Notice
there’s a fleet there, also, to block any attempted supply by sea (note that they’ll need to be assigned to convoy raiding in order to accomplish such a
blockade). The presence of the lake geography helps.
Paratroops (Paradrop mission) sometimes are your only way to hard and fast rule. Learn what works, in which situations.
access some territory, especially if the option of amphibious invasion is Set mission goals for yourself in air combat, but if it doesn’t work
blocked by enemy naval superiority. out as expected consider whether the goal is worth pursuing or not. For
Strategic bombers are most useful if IC or whatever is concentrated instance, if it’s your intent to destroy an island’s airbases and naval base to
in certain provinces. If the IC is more dispersed, you’ll have to pay more keep them from being used to oppose your invasion, think about whether
attention to re-assigning your missions (or turn it over to an HQ). Strategic it’s best to give up and try something else or if it’s worth continuing the
bombers are your primary way of affecting enemy IC and resource mission for a longer period. Determination can accomplish seemingly
production without having to conquer territory. impossible goals, but don’t let determination turn into stubbornness,
which can be counterproductive.
Where and When to Use Airpower On that subject, do you really want to attack the enemy naval base on
Air Units need to concentrate on your most important battles – the ones that shoreline you’re invading? Even if it’s not the port you’re invading,
you either need to win most, or the ones you need to win quickly (which the base could potentially be more important to you, as a base of supply
is an important, and sometimes overlooked point). Sometimes there will once you capture it, than it would be for the enemy in the intervening time.
be battles which are not necessarily the most important, but it would be All in all, since it does not prevent use, only usefulness, reducing a naval
very beneficial for your strategy, or for getting troops to where you want base is not very impactful in harming enemy strategy except on the long
them, if you could win the battle quickly. For instance, a battle against slim term. Your efforts would be better directed against enemy ships, unless
resistance, rated at maybe 94% in your favor, may briefly become more they’re sheltering in the port and the only way you can get to them is to
important than a fierce, massive battle nearby, because once your armies attack it.
win the 94% battle they can move forward, join the massive battle and tip
the scales. Therefore, it would become more important to concentrate The Importance of Air Superiority
your airpower on the smaller battle with good odds in order to bring it to Having “air superiority” (the condition, not the mission, though the
a successful conclusion quickly, which frees up your divisions for more mission is how you accomplish the condition) is important for the safe
important work elsewhere. This will always be a judgment call – there’s no conclusion of other important air strategies. In fact, if you cannot establish
air superiority, you may not be able to use your airpower in other ways. Carrier Air Groups (CAGs)
Air superiority involves reducing the enemy fighter (and interceptor) air CAGs are a special type of air unit which is considered to be a mixture
strength so seriously that he cannot effectively oppose your bombing of all specialties – fighters, bombers, naval strike, etc. They have quite
missions. Your losses in terms of tactical, strategic or ground support a capability, but only relative to the proportion of each type, so that a
aircraft may be directly proportional to the degree to which you can CAG might be able to bomb, but might be only 1/2 or 1/3 as effective as a
silence enemy fighters. This may be achieved through a combination of similar-sized land-based unit. This is reflected in their unit stats, but it’s
fighter vs. fighter victories and runway cratering missions. important to keep in mind so you don’t wonder why technology doesn’t
If you lack air superiority, you may have to avoid the most important improve their stats as quickly as for land-based units.
battles because the enemy may have too much airpower there to contest A CAG also has the unique ability to use carriers, which means they
you. Remember, your most important, “must-win” battles are usually the have a moveable base which can approach the enemy and then flee. This
enemy’s most important battles too, where they will concentrate their can be quite useful if you know how to use it. It’s always best to approach
airpower. In these cases, you will want to send your airpower to other during cover of darkness, so it limits the carrier’s vulnerability as it
important battles where the enemy is not concentrating airpower. You’ll approaches, but allows the CAG to attack during the day.
have to “sneak in” to avoid enemy fighters, and hope to get away before Remember a CAG can operate from a land airbase as easily as from
they can respond to your presence. a carrier. Also, remember CAGs produce separately from the carriers in
Remember also that you can have “regional air superiority” if you the production queue. In fact, it might not take as long to produce. You
can’t manage total superiority. Either you or the enemy may shift can either deploy the CAG to a land airbase until the carrier is ready, then
fighters into an area where they haven’t been previously, and one rebase it. Or you could choose to delay production of the CAG by leaving
side may have superior numbers in that area, even though the other it unfunded at the end of your queue.
side has more overall. Countries with less airpower may be able to
seize air superiority over a portion of the front using this tactic, which Process of Air Combat
will continue to work until the enemy responds by moving their own As with land combat, your goal is to have a higher combined total of
airpower. Obviously, shifting units out of one area into another leaves modified air attack (anti-air) values that are higher than the combined
the former area open and more vulnerable. But air superiority leaves total of modified air defense values of the enemy. These may not be
the “underdog” in such a bad position anyway that you would probably apparent in the interface, so you may just have to try combat with various
be best advised to move your units rather than enter combat at a enemy aircraft types and remember how each type fares against you.
disadvantage. Otherwise, you may just be squandering your units in Keep in mind that, as with land combat, the units’ relative effectiveness
combats they cannot win. may greatly modify their relative ability to fight each other. A completely
inferior air unit, for instance, may have an advantage because of its
Choose Your Battles effectiveness, whether this is because of stacking penalties, or whatever.
You must use judgment as to when to fight, when to retreat, when to attack, Don’t stick around long enough to seriously deplete your combat
etc. This concept is especially important with airpower. Ships sometimes strength. You spent a lot of hard earned money on these planes – if your
have a chance to succeed even though they’re outnumbered. Land units, enemy destroys a whole airwing in combat, you’ve permanently lost an
in many circumstances, may have the ability to defend against vastly important part of your warmaking ability.
superior numbers, and sometimes even a sacrificial defense will benefit
your country’s overall strategy. None of this holds true for airpower. In
almost every circumstance, you will lose airpower in combat with superior
numbers of the enemy unless you have a serious technological advantage
over them. Why squander what little airpower you have in hopeless battles
where your planes will just be destroyed?
Sometimes a valid answer to the question above is that you have
nothing to lose. If your air units are so outnumbered they cannot survive,
and airbases will be bombed out of existence and you’ll have nowhere to
land, there’s little sense in “preserving” your air units rather than sending
them into hopeless battles, hoping they might do some good. If you have
a hope of rebuilding, or finding a good defensive line where the enemy can
be held or turned back, you may need those air units later. You can use
them to gain regional air superiority, or to make pinprick attacks along
areas of the front where they still might do some good. You won’t have
this option if you’ve already lost your planes.
This can’t be repeated enough – when things look desperate, there’s
a temptation to send all the airpower you have to try to help out. But if
you have too many airwings in one combat, the stacking penalty will kill
your effectiveness, and it will be worse than if you only had half the planes
you have.
Ruling the
“The island of Oahu, with its military depots, both naval and land, its airdromes, water supplies, the
city of Honolulu with its wharves and supply points, forms an easy compact and convenient object
for air attack… I believe therefore, that should Japan decide upon the reduction and seizure of the
Hawaiian Islands… the attack will be launched on Ford’s Island at 7.30 a.m.”
– Prediction by Brig. Gen. William Mitchell, published in a memorandum for the U.S. Army Chief of Staff in 1924.
Naval Bases perform in combat, and therefore how they are best used.
As with airbases, naval bases can only repair a number of ships, allowing HOI 2 players devised a “cruizerg” strategy which made use of
them to regain strength and organisation, up to the level of the base. If your peculiarities within the game to overwhelm the enemy. It remains to be
fleet has taken serious damage, send them to the nearest naval base with seen whether a similar strategy will either work, or be necessary in HOI 3.
capacity to help, regardless of where their home base is. If the fleet needs to The supplement will address this.
stay where it is, you can detach only those ships in need of repair, perhaps Fleets should always have at least as many “screens” (destroyers
with an escort of one or two ships to protect it from attack on the way. and light cruisers) as capital ships and other vessels like carriers and
Only the first level of any base (air or naval) may be purchased in the transports that need to be protected.
production interface. Any improvements upon that initial base must be If you’re used to HOI 2, where aircraft carriers had their CAGs
ordered through the province interface. integrated into their unit, don’t make the mistake of thinking a carrier can
defend itself even a little. Always have a good number of screens around
Watching Your Coastlines to keep distance between the carrier and any attacker, and always have
By definition, any country which has a navy also has a coastline to defend. some heavier firepower to ward off heavier enemies.
Be mindful of when you need to move your navy out of port in order to
protect your shores. You don’t want to be surprised by an enemy landing Specialised Task Forces
force inside your country. Sometimes, it’s necessary and practical to have You can specialize task forces. Some possibilities are listed here, though
your navy patrolling your shores at all times. However, some countries you may come up with your own:
either lack the numbers to do this, or the staying power to avoid getting • Carrier Strike Force – A carrier (obviously) or several, as many
them sunk before the enemy even starts to mount an invasion. screens as you can spare, plus ideally a number of capital ships to
Submarines and destroyers can be used as pickets to watch for fight off enemy capitals who might encounter you. If you lack capital
enemy fleets. The advantage of using submarines for this is that they may ships, at least try to find some light cruisers, which will have better
have an opportunity to strike the first blow against this enemy fleet, even staying power than destroyer flotillas.
as it’s warning you that it’s there. If you mean to use this tactic, make sure • Battle Task Force – A balanced number of capital ships and screens,
your message settings will alert you when a fleet goes into combat. preferably all of approximately matching speeds. If you have a variety
Even aircraft on patrol can warn you of an approaching enemy fleet – of speeds between your capital ships, divide them by speed into
have something out there! different task forces. This fleet can be used for protection of assets,
patrol of choke points, or as an aggressive force meant to seek out
Fleet Composition the enemy in his home waters.
This Strategy Guide will have a supplement, published closer to the time • Screening/Scouting Force – A fleet made up primarily of destroyer
of release, and containing information that is not completely available flotillas or submarine subrons, with perhaps a light cruiser in the mix.
before release because the game will not be 100% balanced until then. This task force’s purpose is to find the enemy, or warn of their approach.
This supplement will contain more details on how ships and fleets actually Pay attention to relative speeds of the different units – faster is better.
• ASW Task Force – Like the Screening Force, except without the across islands, and so geography dictates that convoys must come
submarines. Light cruisers and destroyers are the only ships effective through these passages.
at anti-submarine warfare. Use these either as screens (as above), or To prevent their being detected and possibly destroyed, your best bet
as “hunter-killer” groups, which go out and seek enemy submarines. is to keep your submarines and surface raiders away from enemy airbases
These might be effectively used assigned as escorts along convoy and naval bases. There is a detection range which makes it more likely for
routes. An alternative composition might include a light aircraft units to be spotted near these installations.
carrier, though this may be risky. Convoy raiders follow a certain method of operation. They will want to
• Invasion Force – An escorted fleet of transport ships (presumably avoid enemy naval units, while at the same time seeking enemy convoys.
carrying troops), along with destroyers and light cruisers to screen. This often requires a bit of “sneakiness.” Select routes which cannot easily
Since this is a high-value force, it’s best to have some capital ships be predicted by the enemy. Approach choke points, but you may not want
along to ward off enemy capitals. Either add another fleet of capitals to actually go into these possibly protected seazones. Be unpredictable.
to travel alongside, or include more capital ships in order to provide The enemy may have a hunter-killer group looking for you.
shore bombardment. A second fleet, sent along the same route, is Composition varies – it could include a couple of capital ships
more useful, because then it can be detached to screen on either side. operating together for strength, or multiple capital ships operating
Make sure to keep some heavy units with your main force, or else it independently in order to maximize fear and disruption, and lessen the
might be surprised. chance of all the raiders being found and engaged. However, even light
cruisers, destroyer flotillas or (obviously) submarines can be used for
When you have high value fleets in operation, which must get through these missions.
to their targets, it’s best to have long-range screens, in addition to the
screens within each fleet. The “screening/scouting force” mentioned Process of Naval Combat
above and/or a battle task force, or even a carrier strike force, may be As in land and naval combat, your goal is to have a higher Sea Defense
sent ahead of the “must arrive” fleet in order to intercept potential enemy value than the targeting ships have in Sea Attack values. The more your
attempts to sink them. Send them ahead of the fleet you’re protecting, numbers outnumber his, the better your chances of not taking damage.
and perhaps even to each side also. This depends, obviously, on how Naval critical hits can take ships down lots faster than normal combat,
many ships you have to work with. which means you can never predict with certainty that a superior force
Any of the first four types of fleet noted above could be sent along a will come away the victor. Of course you will have difficulty taking on an
convoy route as a means of clearing the route of enemy surface raiders. overwhelming force for the reasons cited in the previous paragraph. But
Clearing a route of submarines would require an ASW task force. small or even medium disadvantages may sometimes be overcome by
luck. Critical hits occur about 5 or 10 percent of the time, and dramatically
Chokepoints increase the damage done by the hit.
Naval units are often most effective when they’re placed at “choke points”
where enemy fleets and convoys must pass, or along known shipping Helping Yourself to Victory
routes where you’re likely to meet the enemy. Most ships – even yours Testing has seemed to indicate that your commander’s skill has a strong
– will generally follow an obvious route when you set their destination. bearing on the advantages which determine success in battle. You would
This route is relatively predictable, and this foreknowledge can help you be wise to make sure you have commanders both, with high skill levels,
intercept enemy fleets and convoys. You’ll find these concentrations and the grade/rank capacity to command all the ships in your fleet. If your
along the tips of continents – like the Cape of Good Hope and the Straits fleet is likely to be combined with another in some naval action, you’ll want
of Magellan – as well as at choke points like the Strait of Malacca where one of those fleets to have a commander capable of handling all of the
you’re likely to run into any fleet ordered from the Pacific Ocean toward ships involved.
India. There are other routes, certainly, but is the enemy likely to go to Two of the things apparently affected by leader skill is initial distance
the trouble to take the long way around? Often not, especially if you’re (positioning) in combat, which is a key factor, and targeting, which is
fighting the AI. another key factor which helps determine effectiveness in combat.
This strategy can be used in reverse, to protect your own fleets from Weather conditions in the seazone also have an important impact
attack. The AI, and even human opponents, will send their fleets to hunt upon positioning, distance and targeting.
for you in obvious places. If you intentionally select routes which do not
pass these choke points or obvious shipping routes, you’re likely to be The “Rensslaer Paradigm”
able to slip past the enemy altogether. This is complicated somewhat by In my Victoria Story/After Action Report, “Fire Warms the Northern Lands,”
the “patrol” assignment, which sends a fleet to an area, where it wanders I developed and used a naval strategy which allowed me to gradually turn
around. But by using the advanced movement orders (shift-rightclick) a serious deficit in numbers of capital ships into an advantage. It was
you can choose a route carefully calculated to avoid the enemy patrols. adopted by some players as a standard, and the strategy should work in
any Paradox game.
Convoy Raiding The plan is to attack with multiple ships, so the chances of either a
Use the aforementioned chokepoints as the focus of your convoy raiding. critical hit or the effect of combined firepower are made much higher,
If there’s more than one chokepoint the enemy convoys can use, try to even though the overall fleet composition is inferior to what they will
cover them all. But the laws of physics dictate that ships cannot travel face in battle. Alternatively, find battles where you have “regional naval
supremacy” – where your ships outnumber the enemy’s in that seazone, provide at least some assistance, as can regular destroyer flotillas. Only
even if the enemy outnumbers you globally. light cruisers and destroyers will be effective against submarines, but
If the enemy starts to inflict serious damage on your fleet, retreat surface raiders will be wise to avoid a battleship.
so as to avoid losing any ships. Preserve them, repair them, then send Convoy routes that are experiencing raids from submarines or
them out again. If you do achieve a lucky hit against one of the enemy surface raiders will change their route, hoping to avoid the enemy. This
capital ships, even if you’re taking serious damage yourself, hang on like a may only make the enemy’s job more difficult, but at least you will not be
junkyard dog so long as it appears he will suffer the first loss. As soon as a predictable target.
his capital ship sinks, disengage so you don’t lose your own ships. If you’re
doing better than expected, you can stick around to try to sink a second Decisive Battles
capital ship. On the whole, this achieves a combat loss for his side which For many years, fleet admirals dreamed of bringing their battlewagon
is greater than your own. fleets (their battleships and battlecruisers) into a “decisive engagement”
The key is to wait until you get a lucky break, and to press your with the enemy fleet, much like the Battle of Jutland from World War I,
advantage when you do. Repeated applications of this can wear down where the opposing main battle fleets met and fought. This was the basis
even a vastly superior enemy through the gradual attrition of small of War Plan Orange – a 1930s strategy meant by the US Navy to destroy
engagements. the Japanese fleet in case of war. The Japanese had a large contingent of
admirals who thought the same would bring victory for Japan.
After Battle Later, once the value and potential of aircraft carriers was explored,
Once you’ve won a naval engagement, you should make every effort to the same was thought of carrier battles – victory would come through a
pursue the enemy fleet and win a decisive victory if you have the strength decisive engagement.
to do so. Sometimes, other mission priorities may prevent you from doing In HOI 3, it is possible that a meeting of two opposing main fleets could
this. Don’t leave a critical fleet, like an invasion fleet, or a carrier, in danger provide a significant victory for either side, especially in the early years of
because you want to go “haring off” after a good target. the game, before aircraft carriers become available in large numbers, and
Since the primary goal of a fleet is to sink the enemy, your best take over as the dominant force.
bet is to follow the enemy after your victory. If you won the first round, So, too, can you have decisive carrier battles. In fact, the Japanese
you’re likely to beat him again if you encounter him where he’s fleeing, tried and failed to have just such a decisive engagement at in the Coral
and your chances are reasonably good of sinking a crippled enemy ship. Sea, and the survival of key US carriers from that battle played a large part
Decisiveness is the watchword – pursue them until they sink, or else they’ll in the decisive victory the US achieved at the Battle of Midway. After that
come back later and fight you at full strength. point, the Imperial Japanese Navy was never the same again, and largely
lacked the capability to make decisive moves of its own.
Convoy Management Wars of attrition may be fought on the high seas, and may actually
If you set your “auto convoys” on, the computer will set up all your trade result in victory. But you, as a player, will find it much more useful to
and supply convoys automatically, trying to meet the transport need for pursue decisive battles on the high seas.
all the resources you have access to, all the trade deals you agree to, and
all the supplies which units away from the homeland need. If you lack
enough convoy ships to meet this total need, some of your convoys will be
coloured red in the production screen, rather than green, indicating they
are “inefficient.”
If you want to manage your own convoys, there is a “create convoy”
button, and you can arrange for everything but the trade convoys, which
will still need to be automatic. However, this is not a necessary manual
process – your best bet is to leave the convoys to automatic, and make
adjustments if you see a need to.
Convoy efficiency is a measure of what percentage of the needed
resources are able to be shipped. This could be impacted either by the
supply of resources or the supply of transports needed for convoys. If
convoy raiding losses have reduced the number of convoy ships assigned,
and there’s nothing left in the pool to replace them, the goods are just not
going to go through. These inefficient convoys will show up as red. If the
number before the slash (“/”) matches the one after, the convoy is idle
because there’s nothing to ship.
Even if you’re at peace, it might be nice to have some convoy escorts
around before war starts, in case of unexpected declarations. You’ll have
to wait until you’re at war to assign escorts to a convoy route. Escorts will
sit in a pool until then. If you lack escorts, it can be helpful to assign regular
navy ships to escort duty, as cruisers, battleships and aircraft carriers can
Amphibious Warfare
& Island Hopping
“In landing operations, retreat is impossible, to surrender is as ignoble as it is foolish. Above all
else remember that we as attackers have the initiative, we know exactly what we are going to do,
while the enemy is ignorant of our intentions and can only parry our blows. We must retain this
tremendous advantage by always attacking rapidly, ruthlessly, viciously, and without rest.”
– Lt. Gen. George S. Patton, Jr., orders to the 7th Army before landing in Sicily, 27 June, 1943
You might think, now that invasion forces aren’t specifically limited to your best bet is to use marine brigades (preferably whole divisions of
invading beach provinces, that you have free rein and can put your troops marines, maybe with some engineers). Small, one-province islands are
ashore anywhere. Technically, this is true, and yet entirely beside the always going to have an amphibious attack penalty, no matter who’s
point. You are basically limited to landing supportable invasions against attacking. The less the penalty is for the types of units you’re using, the
ports. Otherwise, your troops will be stuck where they are, and cannot more likely your attack will succeed.
effectively move beyond where they landed. There are some minor Obviously, there’s no sense in building a more expensive “land”
exceptions to this rule, which we’ll discuss. fortress on an island. Any coastal fortress will cover all approaches.
could be disastrous, because your combat modifiers are already severely will be able to figure out by hit or miss, if you can’t tell exactly. Be wary of
reduced. Use the calendar and clock on the Naval Orders Interface to these threats to your fleets.
decide what time the invasion should begin. But it is also important to capture bases where you can place land-
Don’t invade near a large enemy force which can quickly respond based bombers which can patrol and strike against enemy fleets, as well
to your invasion. Remember, if you land adjacent to the enemy, he can as enemy land-bases and ground forces within their range. You can also
immediately pin you so you can’t move. base strategic bombers on islands, which may have the range to hit enemy
When you’re invading, it is critically important that you capture a port industrial centres.
on your targeted land mass first. If, for instance, you want the oil province Land-based fighters are important, of course, to protect these bases.
in Sarawak (near Brunei) in Borneo, you will first need to capture the port You may have to settle for re-basing CAGs at these bases until your
just a few provinces to the southeast along the coast. Otherwise, your fighters have the range to actually rebase to these island locations.
amphibious invasion have captured an oilfield you can do nothing with! These strategies are most important in the Pacific Ocean, but actually
You can’t ship those resources out without a Naval Base. Moreover, your remain important in any theatre. The bases the Allied acquired in North
unit will be stuck there, because you have no way of landing supplies for it. Africa in 1942 and 1943 played a huge role in the invasion of Italy and the
Its only source for supplies must be the nearby Naval Base. eventual defeat of Germany.
Supply to Beachheads
Before any invasion, look to your logistics plan. Capturing a Naval Base
does no good if you do not have the convoy ships to transport supplies
there, or if those convoys will be unable to reach the port because you
lack local naval superiority. Lacking one or both of these needs, it is still
possible to manage in dire circumstances, but it will be very difficult and
frustratingly inefficient.
The rules allow you to deploy a level one Naval Base to a province
which you have just captured. Have one produced and on standby, ready
to deploy, if you’re expecting to mount an invasion into a province which
doesn’t already have a Naval Base. Keep in mind, though, that’s a very
tentative lifeline! You’re only going to be able to supply a small force
through that port, and the rest will be using up their 30-day reserve until
you can find or capture another means of supply.
“When playing Japan it’s a good idea to create some Corps HQs
and attach your divisions to them rather than keeping the historical
divisions attached directly to armies setup they start with.”
– David Ballantyne (Darkrenown), Paisley, Scotland
Island Hopping
While the United States’ strategy in the beginning of the Pacific War was
intended to re-take territory that had been lost to Japan, it was eventually
decided it would be more useful to either destroy bases that Japan could
use to fight against the Allies, or to capture key islands which could provide
bases for the Allied war against Japan.
It is critically important to keep the range of land-based airpower in
mind as you venture into enemy-held seas. Concentrated airpower has
the potential to sink ships, and even fleets, that come too near. Aircraft
carriers are a problem, too, and are perhaps even more dangerous. But
land-based airpower is something you can know how to avoid, because
you know where their airbases are. Each airbase has a range, which you
Thinking Strategically:
Total War
“Every possible means, both normal and abnormal, must be devoted to putting the U-boat arm in a
state which will enable it to fulfill its primary function, namely the military defeat of Britain.”
– From a recommendation provided by Kommodore Karl Dönitz, commander of German U-Boat forces, September 1939.
Strategic Objectives because they were relatively secure from a counterattack. Likewise, once
Pushing armies and navies across a map is all well and fine, but unless you all enemy resistance on Guadalcanal was silenced, the Allies could look
actually make progress in destroying either the enemy’s ability or will to forward to a period of rest and planning before they undertook the next
fight, you have accomplished nothing. This is where strategic warfare and major phase.
strategic planning comes in. And phases – steps – are important in your strategic planning. The
There is a balance present at all times in the game – who (which Allied reconquest of Europe required several steps (which may be useful
faction) has the most resources, industry and military power at its for you to replicate): 1) the invasion of North Africa, which acquired air
disposal? Most of the chapters you’ve read have dealt with defeating the and naval bases required to invade Sicily, 2) the invasion of Sicily, which
enemy’s military. But to finally achieve victory, you will have to defeat the allowed bases to invade Italy, 3) the invasion of northern and southern
enemy’s industrial capacity (IC) so that it can no longer build a military. France, which was made possible by the elimination of enemy resistance
This balance is represented roughly as Victory Points. Basically, if in the Mediterranean (i.e. the conquest of Italy).
your total useable IC is growing faster than your enemy’s, you can be seen When you’re planning your conquests or re-conquests, you must
as winning the war. Eventually, if you continue to build, conquer or repair think in terms of what you must ultimately achieve, and then separate that
your own IC faster than the enemy gains his, you are very likely to win at from the various steps which must be accomplished first in order to make
some point, because you can build the bigger armies, bigger air forces and your ultimate goal possible.
bigger navies that will bring victory. By doggedly pursuing these military objectives, you will be better able
As you pursue your strategic planning, keep this industrial balance to use your warmaking capacity to achieve final victory.
in mind.
Strategic Warfare
Strategic Planning Strategic bombing is one of the key ways to impact not just the enemy’s
There is a reason why the study of history focuses on “campaigns” – industrial capacity (IC) and resources, but also her will to fight. Besides
phases of warfare which are geographically separated from each other. the tangible destruction of industrial targets, strategic bombing impacts
We study the “Italian Campaign” and the “Island Hopping Campaign,” or your relative strategic warfare score.
the “Invasion of France.” This is because it’s important to set strategic Another key way to impact the enemy’s industry and strategic warfare
military objectives which are distinct from each other, and achieve them. score (i.e. will to fight) is through sinking convoys, through convoy raiding,
It’s usually necessary to attain these goals one by one. submarine attacks or airplane attacks. These will also lose the resources or
A campaign is usually limited geographically because once the goal is supplies being carried by those convoys (or at least the portion you sunk).
met, you have achieved some degree of defensible borders. Once you’ve Keep in mind that units other than strategic bombers have some
“narrowed the frontier” you can prevent enemy counterattacks with fewer strategic bombing value. Tactical bombers, for the most part, carried
divisions, or with the same number of divisions deployed in such a way to out the London Blitz (and the bombing of other British industrial and
pose a serious obstacle to the enemy. population centres) virtually by themselves.
After achieving a defensible position, it’s possible to rest, or feel The amount of assistance your allies provide to you – and its nearness
more secure, for a short time. After the invasion of Normandy, the to actual combat – will also affect your score.
Allies eventually came to the Rhine River, and could rest before crossing An extension upon your strategic bombing ability may come in the
form of rocket bombs, once you develop the appropriate technologies and
build the units. These become a form of strategic bomber, and operate
in much the same way. In order to develop them, you will first have to
have constructed a Rocket Test Platform (at least one), which will allow
research to go forward. This is somewhat of an investment, but the higher
your level of test platforms, the faster your research and production will
go forward.
Atomic and nuclear technologies are much the same – you must
construct an atomic reactor (at 75 IC per level!), and then may proceed
with research that will allow you to develop a bomb.
Near the very end of the game, you may have been able to successfully
research nuclear technologies, and to build an atomic bomb. A-Bombs
must be employed smartly. You will have a limited supply, and the effect
will be to relatively permanently eliminate certain IC, resources, etc. from
the area where you bomb (so make sure you don’t want the territory
before you do so!). These detonations will have a definite impact on
strategic warfare scores, though, and will affect the willingness of the
enemy to continue the war.
Strategic warfare score aside, even if you don’t make a meaningful
impact upon the enemy’s will to fight, strategic warfare means destroying
the enemy’s industry, which may bring her to her knees anyway.
Hearts of iron III Paradox Interactive:
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Magnus Palm, Shervin Patel, Christian A. Pedersen, Maxime Penen, Mark Authors thanks: I would like to offer special thanks to TheLand, Safferli,
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Andy Smith, Rick Stewart, Albert Söderqvist, Frederic Alexandre Tauxe, for your extra help in understanding the details of the game, and for all
Lars Thomsen, Mark Kvistgaard Thomsen the work the rest of the Beta and Paradox Teams have put into making
Tuomas Tirronen, Russell Venaska, Andrew Sydney Welsh, Patrick this work as well as possible! Extra special thanks to Darkrenown for
Wegerle, Taylor White, Luke Whitehorn, Gene Whitmore, Mark Leslie going over the Manual with a fine-toothed comb! Thanks to my family for
Williams, Roger Wincek Jr., Thomas Wintersig, Dan Wright, Ivan Zec understanding as I spent many hours working away at this. I would also
like to remind players that some of the people who participated in the
Special thanks to all our forum members, partners and massive conflict we know as World War II are still alive in virtually every
supporters, who are integral for our success. country of the world, though fewer and fewer every year. Please make
the effort to reach out to them, make sure they’re cared for, and learn
from them! They’re real people, and once they’re gone, all we will have is
this game and their legacy.
FORZA DJURGÅR’N! – Sincerely, Ed Hanks (Rensslaer on the Paradox Forum)
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