The Co-Op Rules 2004
The Co-Op Rules 2004
The Co-Op Rules 2004
(2) Every entry in the register shall be made by, or under the
direction of, the Commissioner and shall be signed by him and every
alteration, interlineation or erasure shall be initialed by the
4. An application for the registration of a society under Section 6 of the Application for
Act shall be made to the Commissioner in Form 1 in the schedule to
these Rules and shall be accompanied by an appraisal in writing of
the viability of the society and a non-refundable fee of five hundred
5. Upon registration of a society and payment of a fee of three thousand Certificate of
shillings, the Commissioner shall forward to the society the
(b) a copy of the by-laws of the society as registered by him and
certified under his hand as having been registered by him;
following matters:-
(m) the appointment, suspension and removal of members of the
committee and officers and the powers and duties of the
committee and officers;
8. (1) When in pursuance to the provisions of section 8(1) of the Act a Amendment of
co-operative society amends its by-laws, such amendments shall
be made by a resolution of the members at a general meeting in
respect of which at least fifteen clear days notification of the
proposed amendment shall have been given to the members of
the society.
Provided that when written votes are used the following
conditions shall apply:-
(4) When for any reason other than death, a member of a co-
operative society registered with limited liability holding
deposit from non-members ceases to be a member, he may,
subject to section 20 of the Act, transfer his share or shares in
such society to another member, or to a proposed member
approved by such society, but he shall not be entitled to
repayment from the society of any money paid by him in
respect of such share or shares.
11. Subject to the provisions of the Act, these rules and the Rights of a Member
12. No society shall operate without a budget approved by a general Approval of budget
13. (1) A co-operative society shall keep up-to-date and in proper Books to be kept by
a registered society
businesslike manner such accounts and such books as the
Commissioner may from time to time direct either generally or
in respect of any particular society or class of societies.
(h) a stock control ledger;
Act, shall be in Form IVA in the schedule to these Rules and shall
be filed with the Commissioner within four months after the closure
of the financial year.
15. Every co-operative society shall cause its audited accounts to be Displaying Audited
displayed in a conspicuous place of its registered office and branches
at least two weeks before presentation of the accounts to its
members in the general meeting.
16. (1) A person qualified as an auditor under the Accountants Act Approval of
Auditors to audit
wishing to be considered to audit co-operative societies shall Societies
make an application in writing to the Commissioner and shall
pay a fee of three thousand shillings and such application may
be made annually.
disclosed under current liabilities;
(vii) a detailed schedule of depreciation of fixed assets
under “notes to account”;
(viii) details of all investments disclosed under “notes to
(ix) stocks and cash balances stated indicating whether
verified or otherwise;
(x) the balance sheet signed by the chairman and two
other committee members;
(xi) separate accounts prepared in respect of each activity;
(xii) no material amount written off except with a
resolution of the general meeting of the society
accompanied by satisfactory explanation.
(2) The Commissioner shall administer the Fund and the balance of
the Management Fund shall be kept with the accounting officer
who shall be authorized to accept receipts and to make
payments in accordance with the provisions of these Rules.
Provided that the accounting officer shall not make any payment
from the Fund unless he holds a cash balance on behalf of the
Fund sufficient to cover the payment.
(b) ten per centum of the audit fees paid by the society to the
auditor in respect of the annual accounts and balance in
question; and
20. (1) The quorum of general meetings of a co-operative society shall Quorum at general
be as laid down in the by-laws:
21. (1) At all general meetings of a co-operative society the Chairman
or in his absence the vice chairman or such other person as provided
for in the by-laws shall preside and in their absence any person
elected by a majority of those present shall preside.
22. (1) Unless otherwise provided for in the Act, these Rules or by- Voting at general
laws of a co-operative society, any question referred to the
members present at a meeting shall be decided by majority
(3) The Chairman shall have one vote only and no casting vote.
23. (1) The committee of a society shall be elected for a term of three The Committee of a
years and no member shall be elected to the committee for more
than two consecutive terms.
(2) The majority members of the committee may for good cause
suspend a committee member subject to ratification by a general
(6) The quorum at a committee meeting shall be as laid down in the
24. (1) Every co-operative union and apex society shall have a Board Board of
of Representatives consisting of at least one delegate from
each affiliated society elected at its annual general meeting.
(3) A chairman shall be chosen for each meeting from amongst the
representatives in attendance at the meeting.
(4) Every representative shall hold office until the next annual
general meeting after his election but shall be eligible for re-
(6) The quorum at board meetings shall be two thirds of the total
number of representatives.
25. The board shall be empowered to give directions in regard to the Duties and powers
of the Board
business of a co-operative society to the extent that it shall
have authority to convene a special general meeting of the
society when in disagreement with its committee.
26. (1) The board may hold a regular quarter yearly meeting at which Meetings of the
the minutes of the previous meeting shall be considered and
Board meetings.
(4) The Board shall send to the committee of the registered society
agenda and notice specifying date, hour and place of board meetings
and may require the attendance of the committee or any officer of
the co-operative society at such meeting.
28. (1) Every society shall have a Supervisory Committee consisting of Supervisory
three members each elected at a general meeting for a period of
three years and one member of the supervisory committee shall
retire annually.
iii) Submission of its reports to the commissioner;
29. (1) Every committee member shall, pursuant to Section 27(6) of Committee
members to file
the Act, file an indemnity in Form V in the schedule to these indemnity.
Rules whose amount shall be determined by the general
meeting and which shall be lodged with the commissioner
within fourteen days upon election to the committee.
30. Where a society intends to exercise its rights of set-off under Society to
have first
section 34 of the Act, the society shall give fourteen days’ notice of charge
such intention to the members or past member concerned.
31. Pursuant to Section 35(1) of the Act, every - Authorization of
32. (1) Every member of the society may appoint his nominee or Appointment of
nominees for the purposes of section 39 of the Act.
(5) Every appointment of nominee shall be acknowledged by the
(7) Where the deceased member is in credit with the society, any
nominee under this rule may be paid all dues on evidence of
death being produced without awaiting lawful administration
of the estate.
(9) If for any reason on the death of a member a nominee does not
exist, the society may pay any money due to the deceased
member to the personal representative or recognized heirs of
that deceased member.
33. For the purpose of Section 40 of the Act a copy of an entry in any Copies of entries
34. (1) A co-operative society which under its by-laws has power to Limitation of
borrowing powers
borrow money shall from time to time at a general meeting fix
the maximum liability which it may incur in loans or deposits
from non members.
(4) Any member of the society may appeal against the decision of the
Commissioner made under sub-rule (3) to the Minister within
thirty days of such decision.
35. A Co-operative society other than a society with authorization Restriction on
under these Rules to operate front office services, may receive
deposits and loans from persons who are not members if -
(e) the general meeting has given specific approval for the
deposit or loan.
36. Where the society invests in real estate other than for its own Investment of
society funds
accommodation, it shall not hold more than twenty per cent of the
equity in the investment or expend a sum exceeding twenty five
percent of its share capital in such a venture.
37. (1) Every co-operative society shall pay into the reserve fund Duty to maintain
reserve fund
maintained in pursuance to the provisions of Section 47 of the
Act, one-fifth of any net surplus resulting from the operations
of the society during a financial year.
(6) The society shall cause an annual audit of the reserve fund
the liabilities of the society.
(2) Any assets that may remain after discharging the liabilities of the
society, including repayment of share capital representing a
balance of the reserve fund, may be applied to some object of
local or public utility as may be selected by a general meeting of
the society; Provided that: -
39. No loan shall be made to a member of a co-operative society save in Loans to Members
accordance with the conditions laid down for the making of such
loans in the society’s by-law.
40. The particulars of charge required to be filed pursuant to Section 51 Form of particulars
of charge
of the Act shall be in Form IX set out in the Schedule to these Rules
and shall be accompanied by the instrument creating the charge or a
copy thereof, certified to be a true copy under the seal of the society
or under the hand of some person interested therein otherwise than
on behalf of the society.
41. The register and chronological index required to be kept pursuant to Register of
chronological index
Section 52(4) of the Act shall be in Form XA and XB respectivelyset
out in the schedule to these Rules.
42. Upon registration of a charge, the society shall be issued with a Certificate of
registration of
certificate of registration of a charge as prescribed in form XI in the charges
schedule to these rules; upon payment of a fee of two thousand five
hundred shillings.
45. (1) The by-laws, annual returns, audited accounts and balance sheets Inspection of
of every co-operative society and the register of charges shall be
open to the public for inspection at the office of the
Commissioner, on payment of a fee for one thousand shillings
for each inspection.
(2) For every inspection made pursuant to section 57(1) of the Act
the fee payable shall be one thousand shillings.
46. (1) Any inquiry held pursuant to Section 58 of the Act shall not be Inquiry by the
conducted continuously for a period lasting more than sixty.
47. Where the Commissioner exercises powers pursuant to section 60A Impromptu
of the Act, a report of the inspection shall be filed with the
management committee within fourteen days of the conclusion of
the inspection and the committee shall act in accordance with the
recommendations, if any.
48. A liquidator appointed under section 65 of the Act shall publish in Publication of
notice requiring
the Gazette and in at least one daily newspaper circulating in the claims to be
area in which the society whose registration has been cancelled, submitted to the
operates, a notice requiring claims against such society to be
submitted to him within two months from the date of such
49. (1) There is hereby established an account to be known as the “Co- Liquidation Account
(2) The following shall be paid into the Account:-
50. No co-operative society shall invest its funds in non-core business, Investment in non
core business
except in consultation with the commissioner and approval by the
general meeting through a special resolution.
51. (1) Where upon inspection or inquiry the Commissioner considers Suspension of
that a co-operative society accepting deposits from its members
is bankrupt or insolvent, or that it has willfully violated the Act,
or is operating in an unsafe or unsound manner, the
Commissioner may issue an order temporarily suspending these
operations for up to thirty days.
(4) The committee may request for a hearing and may present its
proposal to remedy the situation in order to resume operations
of taking deposits from members..
(f) security;
(d) Make provisions for bad and doubtful debts before any
surplus is declared;
(e) Ensure that the provision for bad and doubtful debts made
under paragraph (d) of this sub-rule complies with such
guidelines as may be prescribed by the Commissioner.
53. (1) The Commissioner may of his own accord, and, shall if so Inspections of Front
directed by the Minister, cause a Front Office Operation to be
inspected by any person authorized by him, in writing, on any
co-operative Society and of its books, accounts and records.
(4) The person carrying out inspection shall submit his report to the
Commissioner; and the report shall draw attention to any breach
or non-observance of the requirements of the Act, Rules and by-
laws made thereunder; any irregularity in the manner of conduct
of the business of the Co-operative society inspected; any
apparent mismanagement of the business or lack of management
skills in that Society and any matter revealed or discovered in
the course of the inspection warranting, in the opinion of the
person making the inspection, remedial action or further
54. (1) If, at any time, the Commissioner has reason to believe that the Corrective measures
interests of its members, the Commissioner may;
55. The Co-operative Societies Rules, 1998 are hereby revoked. Revocation of
FORM 1 r. 4
FORM II A (r. 5(a))
I hereby certify that the Co-operative Society under the name of
and its by-laws have this day been provisionally registered by me in the Register of Co-operative
Societies, in pursuance to the provisions of the Act and the Rule made thereunder.
Given under my hand at Nairobi, this ………………………………………
day of …………………………………… 20………
Commissioner for Co-operative Development
I hereby certify that the Co-operative Society under the name of
and its by-laws have this day been registered by me in the Register of Co-operative Societies, in
pursuance to the provisions of the Act and the Rule made thereunder.
Given under my hand at Nairobi, this ………………………………………….
day of …………………………………… 20………
Commissioner for Co-operative Development
FORM III ( r. 8(3)
(ii) that on that date there were ……………………….. number of members’ in the society register of whom
……………………….. were present in the meeting;
(iv) that proper notice of the meeting and the proposed amendment were issued to all members of the society;
++(vi) that the amendment had received the prior approval of the Commissioner for Co-operative Development.
+ To be deleted in all cases except those in which voting papers have been used by a society of limited
FORM IVA S.25 r. 15
10. The total indebtedness of the society secured by registered charges is Kshs……….
11. The date the last annual general meeting was held ……………………………….
12. Particulars of offices for the financial year from ………………. to ……………. are as
Committee members
(a) ……………………………. ……………………………………
(b) ……………………………. ……………………………………
(c) …….………………………. ……………………………………
13. A certified true copy of the audited accounts and balance sheet is filed herewith.
(Signed) ………………….
*Delete as necessary.
FORM V (r. 29 (1))
(a) Agree to keep you indemnified against all actions, proceedings, liability, claims, losses,
damages, costs and expenses arising from action and omissions as a consequence of my
role in the mismanagement of the resources of the co-operative society in my capacity as
a member of the committee/board.
(b) Irrevocably authorise you to offset the liability, losses, damages, costs and expenses by
attaching my shares, deposits, personal property and other personal assets without prior
reference to me;
(c) Irrevocably authorise you to make any payments and comply with any demands which
may be claimed from or made upon you under the said indemnity without any further
reference to or further authority from me and agree that it shall not be incumbent upon
you to inquire whether or not any dispute exists between myself and the beneficiary of
the said indemnity and further agree that any payment in accordance or purporting to be
in accordance with the said indemnity shall be binding on me and shall be accepted by
me as conclusive evidence, that you were liable to make such payments or comply with
such demands and further that you may at any time determine the said indemnity.
(i) debit my share/deposit account with Kshs. …………… and to hold this amount as
security margin against your liability under the said indemnity until such time as
the same may discharge;
(ii) and/or agree to undertake to deposit with you upon request made by you at any
time until the same indemnity shall have been released such or other securities as
may be acceptable to you in full or part of your liability under the same
Before ………………………………………………………………………..
Commissioner for Oaths.
FORM VIA (r. 31(a))
TO: ………………………………
……………………………… (Employer)
Date ……………….
Cc: Chairman
………………………… Co-operative Society Ltd.
P.O. Box ……………….
FORM VIB (r. 31(b))
FORM VII (r. 32 (4))
Witnessed by:-
1. ………………………….…………. I/D No………………M/No. ………… Address
…………………… Signature ……………………………..
2. …………………………………….. I/D No……………… M/No. ………… Address
…………………… Signature ……………………………..
Given under my hand this …………………………day of …………….……. 20……
FORM VIII (r.34(2))
“That the maximum liability which the society may incur in loans or deposits from non members
shall be shillings (in words) ………………..
On the date of the annual general meeting members the society had …………. Fully paid
members and there were ……………. members present at the meeting of whom ………….
voted in favour of the resolution and …….. against.
Signed ……………………
Date ……………………………………………
FORM IX (r. 40)
FORM XA (r. 41)
FORM XB (r. 41)
Serial No …………………………………………………………………..
Register of Charges folio No. ……………………………………………..
Date charged ………………………………………………………………
Amount of charge …………………………………………………………
Particulars of charge ………………………………………………………
Person entitled to charge …………………………………………………..
Name of society creating the charge ………………………………………
Date of registration ………………………………………………………..
FORM XI (r. 42)
TO: ---------------------------------------
FORM XII (r. 43)
Commissioner for Co-operative Development
Minister for Co-operative
Development and Marketing.