PREFix & Suffix
PREFix & Suffix
PREFix & Suffix
Prefix Meaning
ante before auto self
bi two circum around
equi equal im not
hypo under inter between
neo new omni all
poly many retro backward
semi half trans across
A Handful of Suffixes
Suffix Meaning Examples
able, ible able to be, capable of being pourable, drinkable, readable,
washable, curable, visible, flexible,
performance, reliance, defiance,
ance, ancy state of, process of radiance, acceptance, ascendancy,
discrepancy, infancy
kingdom, freedom, wisdom, sheikdom,
dom condition, office, state
fiefdom, sheikdom
payee, mortgagee, employee,
ee one who receives appointee, abductee, examinee, referee,
driver, hiker, reader, manager, polisher,
er, or one who does [the verb] speaker, counselor, author, creator,
director, sculptor
frightful, delightful, wonderful, cupful,
ful filled with wakeful, bashful, bountiful, beautiful,
cheerful, colorful, dreadful, fateful
ify to make into purify, deify, simplify, clarify, petrify
purification, deification, simplifiction,
ification process of making into
clarification, petrification
Cornish, Irish, bookish, freakish,
ish the nature of, resembling foolish, boorish, selfish, sluggish,
capitalism, heroism, optimism,
doctrine, system,
ism skepticism, realism, patriotism,
characteristic quality
communism, idealism, conservatism
tympanist, cellist, idealist, communist,
one who performs; an
ist realist, moralist, pharamacist,
adherent of an ism
rationalize, normalize, realize,
ize to make into
rationalization, normalization,
ization the process of making into
realization, capitalization
loveless, fearless, worthless, nameless,
less without baseless, bottomless, effortless,
friendless, noiseless, harmless