PREFix & Suffix

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a-, an- not, without amoral, anesthetic, apolitical, asocial
ab- away from abduction, abstain, abnormal
ad- to, toward adjoin, adjacent (lying near to)
ambi- both ambidextrous, ambivalent
ana- up, back, again analogy, anatomy, anagram
anti- against antipathy, antiwar, antisocial
apo- from, away from apology, apologize
auto- self autobiography, automobile, autocracy, automaton
bene- good benediction benevolent benefactor
cata-, cat- down, against catastrophe--a turning down
centro, centri- around, center concentric, centrifugal
circum- around circumlocution circumference, circumvent
com- with, together communal, community
con- with, together connect, confide conspire
contra- against contradict, contravene
de- down, away descend, deject (cast down)
dia-, di- through, across diameter, division
dis- apart, not disengage, discord, discomfort
dys- ill, difficult, bad dysfunctional, dysentery
e- out of, from elect (choose out of), eject (throw out)
ecto- on the outside ectoderm--outer skin
en-, em- in empathy--feeling in
endo- within, inside endoscope--instrument for observing inside
epi- upon epitaph epidermis, epicenter
eso- inward, within esoteric--more inward, esophagus
eu- well, good euthanasia--good death
ex- out of, from exhume, exhale, exodus
hetero- other, different heterosexual, heterodoxy, heterodox heterogeneous
homo- same homosexual, homogeneous, homogenized
hyper- over hypertension, hypersensitive, hyperactivity
hypo- under hypotension, hypodermic
il- not illegitimate, illicit, illegal, illegible
im- not imperfect, impolite, impossible
im- into imbibe (drink in, take in)
in- not indiscreet, invisible
in- into incorporate (take into the body)
inter- between intervene (come between), interstate
intra- within intrastate, intramural
ir- not irregular, irrational, irredeemable
macro- large macrocosm, macroeconomics
mal, male- bad, evil malediction malevolent, malnutrition
meta- beyond metaphysical
micro- small microscope, microcosm, microeconomics
mono- one, single monologue, monotheism, monarchy, monogamy
neo- new, recent neologism, neo-liberal, neonatology. neolithic
ob- against object, obstruct (build against)
palin-, pali- back, again palindrome
pan- all, every pantheism, Pan-Hellenic, panorama, pandemic
para- false paramilitary, paralegal, parachute
per- through percolate (flow through) perforate (punch through)
peri- around perimeter, periscope
phil-, philo- like, lover of philosophy, Francophile, bibliophile, philanthropy
poly- many, several polygon, polygamy, polytechnic, polytheism
post- after postgraduate, posthumous postpone
pre- before precede, predict (tell before)
pro- for, forward promote, project
pros- toward, in front prospect—view in front, something coming up
proto- first prototype, protoplasm, protobiology
pseudo false pseudonym, pseudoscience
re- again, back repeat, recede, regress (step back)
retro- back retrogression, retroactive
se- away from seduce (lead away), secede
sub- under submarine, subject, subhuman subterranean
sur-, super- over, above superhuman, superego, superintend, surpass
syn-, sym-, syl-, with, together symphony, synonym, system, syllable
tele- distant, far off telephone, telepathy, television, telegram
trans- across transient, Transatlantic, transport (carry across)



-agog, leader demagogue, pedagogue
-cide kill(ing) patricide, infanticide, herbicide. suicide
-ectomy cutting appendectomy, splenectomy
-ia, -y act, state amnesia, mania, democracy, anarchy
-ic, -tic, -ical, having to do with anthropomorphic, dramatic, biblical,
-ac cardiac
-ics things having to do with optics, physics
-isk, -iscus small asterisk--a little star
-ism the belief in pacifism, terrorism, socialism,
-ist one who believes in pacifist, terrorist, socialist, communist
-ite one connected with meteorite, polite, cosmopolite
-logy study field of biology, geology, etymology, cardiology
-oid resembling, like-shaped asteroid, spheroid
-or, -er one who takes part in doctor, actor, teacher, driver
-phobia exaggerated fear photophobia, claustrophobia,
-sis act, state, condition of analysis

Prefix Meaning of Prefix Words Formed Using the Prefix

re again replay, resend, replace
hyper over hyperactive, hypersensitive, hyperventilate
un not unclear, unsure, undecided
tri three triangle, tricycle, triweekly
pre before prepay, prepackage, predate
mis wrong misconduct, misspell, misunderstand
sub below subway, substandard, submarine

Prefix Meaning
ante before auto self
bi two circum around
equi equal im not
hypo under inter between
neo new omni all
poly many retro backward
semi half trans across

A Handful of Suffixes

Suffix Meaning Examples
able, ible able to be, capable of being pourable, drinkable, readable,
washable, curable, visible, flexible,
performance, reliance, defiance,
ance, ancy state of, process of radiance, acceptance, ascendancy,
discrepancy, infancy
kingdom, freedom, wisdom, sheikdom,
dom condition, office, state
fiefdom, sheikdom
payee, mortgagee, employee,
ee one who receives appointee, abductee, examinee, referee,
driver, hiker, reader, manager, polisher,
er, or one who does [the verb] speaker, counselor, author, creator,
director, sculptor
frightful, delightful, wonderful, cupful,
ful filled with wakeful, bashful, bountiful, beautiful,
cheerful, colorful, dreadful, fateful
ify to make into purify, deify, simplify, clarify, petrify
purification, deification, simplifiction,
ification process of making into
clarification, petrification
Cornish, Irish, bookish, freakish,
ish the nature of, resembling foolish, boorish, selfish, sluggish,
capitalism, heroism, optimism,
doctrine, system,
ism skepticism, realism, patriotism,
characteristic quality
communism, idealism, conservatism
tympanist, cellist, idealist, communist,
one who performs; an
ist realist, moralist, pharamacist,
adherent of an ism
rationalize, normalize, realize,
ize to make into
rationalization, normalization,
ization the process of making into
realization, capitalization
loveless, fearless, worthless, nameless,
less without baseless, bottomless, effortless,
friendless, noiseless, harmless

Suffixes - their importance in spelling

A suffix is simply an ending that's added to a base word

to form a new word.
Let's look at some examples:
Base word Suffix New Word
interest-ing interesting
noise -y noisy
breath -less breathless
popular -ity popularity
drop -let droplet

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