Bosch Automotive Handbook - 8th Edition - Table of Contents
Bosch Automotive Handbook - 8th Edition - Table of Contents
Bosch Automotive Handbook - 8th Edition - Table of Contents
Contents Electronics
Basic principles of semiconductor
technology 80
Basic principles of physics Discrete semiconductor devices 83
Quantities and units 22 Monolithic integrated circuits 95
SI units 22 Microprocessors in the ECU 96
Legal units 24 Electrochemistry 99
Further units 30 Electrolytic conduction and
Natural constants 33 electrolysis 99
Basic equations used in mechanics 34 Applications 100
Rectilinear and rotary motion 34
Transmission of force 34 Mathematics and methods
Friction 37 Mathematics 104
Vibrations and oscillations 40 Number systems 104
Terms 40 Functions 104
Equations 42 Equations in the plane triangle 106
Vibration reduction 43 Complex numbers 107
Modal analysis 44 Mathematical signs and symbols 107
Acoustics 46 Greek alphabet 107
General terminology 46 Finite-element method 108
Measured quantities for noise Applications 108
emissions 48 FEM examples 111
Measured quantities for noise Control engineering 116
immissions (noise protection) 49 Terms and definitions 116
Perceived sound levels 50 Control-engineering transfer
Hydrostatics 52 elements 117
Density and pressure 52 Designing a control task 118
Buoyancy 52 Adaptive controllers 120
Fluid mechanics 53
Basic principles 53 Materials
Basic equations of Chemical elements 122
fluid mechanics 54 Designations 122
Discharge from a pressure vessel 54 Periodic table of elements 125
Resistance of bodies submerged Substances 126
in a fluid flow 55 Substance terminology 126
Thermodynamics 56 Substance parameters 126
Enthalpy (heat content) 56 Properties of solids 128
Laws of thermodynamics 58 Properties of liquids 132
Changes of state for gases 59 Properties of water vapor 133
Electrical engineering 60 Properties of gases 134
Electromagnetic fields 60 Materials 135
Electric field 60 Material groups 135
Direct current and direct voltage 62 EN metallurgy standards 139
Time-dependent current 65 Properties of metallic materials 144
Magnetic field 66 Casting and steel materials 144
Magnetic field and electric current 70 Nonferrous metals, heavy metals 149
Wave propagation 74 Nonferrous metals, light alloys 150
Electric effects in metallic Sintered metals 151
conductors 77 Magnetic materials 154
Solders and filler materials 163
Electrical properties of materials 166
Contents 9
S test cycles
U Mixture formation 559
(passenger cars/ Basic principles 559
light commercial vehicles) 503 Mixture-formation systems 560
European test cycle Intake-manifold injection 561
(passenger cars/ Gasoline direct injection 563
light commercial vehicles) 505 Mixture-formation components 565
Japanese test cycle Ignition 570
(passenger cars/ Basic principles 570
light commercial vehicles) 506 Moment of ignition 571
Test cycles for heavy Ignition systems 575
commercial vehicles 507 Ignition coil 577
Exhaust-gas measuring techniques 510 Spark plug 581
Exhaust-gas test on chassis Catalytic exhaust-gas treatment 586
dynamometers 510 Catalytic converter 586
Exhaust-gas measuring devices 513 λ control 590
Diesel smoke-emission test 516
Evaporative-emissions test 518 Alternative gasoline-engine
Diagnostics 520 operation
Introduction 520 LPG operation 592
Monitoring in driving mode 520 Applications 592
On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) 522 Design 592
OBD functions 526 LPG systems 594
OBD requirements for Engines fueled by natural gas 596
heavy commercial vehicles 529 Applications 596
Workshop diagnostics 531 Design 596
ECU diagnostics and Components 599
Service Information System 533
Management for diesel engines
Management for Management for diesel engines 602
spark-ignition engines Description of the engine
Management for management system 602
spark-ignition engines 534 Electronic Diesel Control 603
Description of the engine Fuel supply system
management system 534 (low-pressure stage) 606
System overview 535 Fuel supply and delivery 606
Versions of Motronic 539 Fuel filtering 610
Cylinder charge 542 Common-rail injection system 612
Component parts 542 System overview 612
Controlling the air charge 543 Injectors 616
Fuel supply 546 High-pressure pumps 621
Fuel supply and delivery with Rail 625
manifold injection 546 Time-controlled single-cylinder
Fuel supply and delivery with pump system 626
gasoline direct injection 547 Unit-injector system for
Evaporative-emissions passenger cars 626
control system 549 Unit-injector system for
Fuel filter 550 commercial vehicles 627
Electric fuel pump 551 Unit-pump system for
High-pressure pumps for commercial vehicles 628
gasoline direct injection 553 Components 629
Fuel rail 557
Fuel-pressure regulator 558
Fuel-pressure attenuator 558
12 Contents
User interfaces, telematics and
Display and control 1184
Interaction channels 1184
Instrumentation 1185
Radio and TV reception in
motor vehicles 1192
Wireless signal transmission 1192
Radio tuners 1195
Traffic telematics 1199
EU recording equipment 1200
Legal regulations 1200
Design variations 1200
Driver-assistance systems
Driver-assistance systems 1202
Parking systems 1206
Parking aid with ultrasonic
sensors 1206
Parking aid assistant 1209
Vehicle navigation 1210
Navigation systems 1210
Functions of navigation 1210
Digital map 1213
Adaptive Cruise Control 1214
Function 1214
Design and function 1214
Control algorithms 1216
Area of application and further
development 1217
Predictive emergency-braking
systems 1220
Video-based driver-assistance
systems 1222
Lane departure warning
and lane keeping support 1222
Road-sign recognition 1223
Night-vision systems 1224
Applications 1224
Far-infrared systems 1224
Near-infrared systems 1225
Technical terms 1228
Abbreviations 1258
Revised &
established 1950
Automotive Reference™