Macro Chap 05
Macro Chap 05
Macro Chap 05
Macroeconomics is the study of the aggregate economy. The four central issues are:
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Issues of growth are considered in a long-run framework. Business cycles are generally considered in a short-run framework.
Generally the Canadian economy is growing or expanding, at average annual rate of 4 percent over the last 130 years (although about 2.5 3.5 percent recently). The primary measurement of growth is change in real gross domestic product (real GDP) the market value of goods and services stated in the prices of a given year.
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This average annual growth rate is called the secular growth rate. Since an economys population is increasing, a useful measure of growth is change in per capita real output. Per capita real output is real GDP divided by the total population.
The growth trend we now take for granted started at the end of the of the18th century. At about the same time, markets and democracies became the primary organizing structures of society.
Per capita economic growth allows everyone in society, on average to have more. Growth, or predictions of growth, allows governments to avoid hard questions. A growing economy creates jobs.
The costs of growth include pollution, resource exhaustion, and destruction of natural habitat. Since many believe the environmental costs of growth are important, the result is often an environmental-economic growth stalemate.
Business Cycles
The business cycle is the upward and downward movement of economic activity that occurs around the growth trend. There are different policies regarding business cycles:
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Classical economists generally favour laissezfaire or noninterventionist policies. Keynesians generally favour activist policies.
The downturn is the phenomenon of economic activity starting to fall from a peak.
A recession is a decline in output that persists for more than two consecutive quarters in a year. A depression is a deep recession.
Recession Peak
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As total output starts to expand, the economy comes out of the trough into an upturn, which may turn into an expansion. An expansion is an upturn that lasts at least two consecutive quarters of a year.
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Recessions and expansions are caused primarily by the demand side of the economy. A debate exists about whether these fluctuations can and should be reduced. Most economists believe that potential depressions should be offset by economic policy. This general view was built into economic policy after the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Downturns and panics have generally been less severe. The duration of business cycles has increased. The average length of expansions has increased while the average length of contractions has decreased.
Most economists believe that business fluctuations are less severe because of the stronger government role in the economy.
Leading Indicators
Leading Indicators
Leading indicators tell us what's likely to happen 12 to 15 months from now. To be a leading indicator, a variable must reflect economic agents view of the future.
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Average workweek for production workers in manufacturing. Index of housing starts. U.S. composite leading indicators. Money supply (M1) divided by the price index. New orders for durable goods. Retail orders for durable goods. Durable goods sales, excluding furniture and appliances.
The unemployed are people who are willing and able to work but are not working. Cyclical unemployment results from fluctuations in economic activity. Structural unemployment is caused by economic restructuring making some skills obsolete.
The Industrial Revolution created the possibility of cyclical unemployment. What had previously been a family problem, became a social problem.
As capitalism evolved, capitalist societies no longer saw the fear of hunger as an acceptable solution to unemployment. Full employment an economic climate in which everyone who wants a job can have one. The Federal Unemployment Insurance Act of 1940 assigned government the responsibility for providing assistance to the unemployed.
Initially government regarded 3 percent unemployment as full employment. The 3 percent was made up of frictional unemployment which is the unemployment caused by new entrants into the job market and people quitting a job just long enough to look for and find another job.
The target or natural rate of unemployment is the lowest sustainable rate of unemployment that policymakers believe is achievable under existing institutions. Since the 1980s the target rate of unemployment has been between 6 and 8 percent.
The target rate of unemployment has changed over time for the following reasons:
Demographics have changed different age groups have different rates of unemployment. Social and institutional structures have changed. Governmental institutions also changed.
Classical economists believe that individuals are responsible for their own jobs. Classical economists believe the equilibrium wage adjusts to supply and demand imbalances, so anyone not working at the current wage is voluntarily unemployed.
According to Classical economists, a person is unemployed because the equilibrium wage is below his or her reservation wage . Reservation wage is the minimum wage required to induce a person to work.
Keynesian economists believe that if wages do not adjust quickly enough involuntary unemployment may result. Wages are sticky because of
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The unemployment rate is published by Statistics Canada it is the number of unemployed individuals divided by the number of people in the labour force then multiplied by 100.
unemployme rate = nt number unemployed 100 labour force
The labour force those people in an economy who are willing and able to work. The labour force excludes those incapable of working and those not looking for work.
Target rate
1920 1930
1980 1990
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The unemployment rate does not include discouraged workers people who do not look for a job because they feel they do not have a chance of getting one. The unemployment rate counts as employed those who are underemployed part-time workers who would prefer full-time work.
The unemployment rate includes as unemployed, people who say they are looking for a job who are really not. Others may be working off the books. Statistics Canada uses the labour force participation rate and the employment rate to gauge the state of the labour market.
The labour force participation rate measures the labor force as a percentage of the total population at least 15 years old. The employment rate measures the number of people who are working as a percentage of the population at least 15 years old.
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The capacity utilization rate indicates how much capital is available for economic growth.
Potential output output that would be achieved at the target rates of unemployment and of capacity utilization. There is debate about its actual level. There is an inverse relationship between unemployment and actual output.
It is the rate at which factories and machines are operating compared to the maximum sustainable rate at which they could be used.
Inflation is a continual rise in the price level. Since World War II, the Canadian inflation rate has remained positive and relatively stable.
1975 Canada U.S. Japan Germany U.K. Mexico Korea 83.1 74.6 81.4 76.9 81.9 85 86.5
Measurement of Inflation
Inflation is measured with changes in price indexes. Price index a number that summarizes what happens to a weighted composite of prices of a selection of goods over time.
A price index is calculated by dividing the current price of a basket of goods by the price of the basket in a base year then multiplying by 100.
Total Expenditures
Priceindexin 2004 =
Measurement of Inflation
Inflation = CPI t CPI t 1 100 CPI t1
Measurement of Inflation
In the above example, the CPI is 125 in 2004 and 100 in 2003, so we have:
Real-world price indexes include the raw materials price index, the CPI, and the GDP deflator.
The raw materials price index measures the prices of a number of important materials, such as steel. It gives an early indication of which way inflation is headed.
GDP Deflator
The GDP deflator (gross domestic product deflator) is an index of the price level of aggregate output (GDP) relative to a base year. Most economists favour it since it includes the widest number of goods.
The consumer price index (CPI) measures the prices of a fixed "basket" of consumer goods. It is weighed according to each component's share of an average consumer's expenditures. Many economists believe that the CPI as currently constituted, overstates inflation by half a percentage point per year.
Composition of CPI
Substitution bias. Quality improvements bias. New products bias. Discounting bias.
Nominal output is the total amount of goods and services measured at current prices. Real output is the total amount of goods and services produced, adjusted for price level changes.
Expected and unexpected inflation affects behaviour differently. Expected inflation is inflation people expect to occur. Unexpected inflation is inflation that surprises people.
real output =
Costs of Inflation
Expectations of inflation play an important role in the inflation process. Inflationary expectations can accelerate an inflation.
There are two main costs of inflation: redistribution costs and blurring of price information.
Costs of Inflation
Costs of Inflation
Inflation may not make a nation poorer. It can redistribute income from those who do not raise their prices to those who do.
As the nominal incomes may rise, after-tax real incomes can fall as consumers move into higher tax brackets called bracket creep. Inflation is usually accepted by governments as long as it stays at a low level. What worries policymakers is hyperinflation.
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It can reduce the amount of information that prices are supposed to convey.
Costs of Inflation
Hyperinflation exceptionally high levels of inflation of, say, 100 percent or more a year. Canada has not experienced hyperinflation. Hyperinflation tends to break down confidence in the monetary system, the government, and the economy.