Eie Semester 6 Syllabus Anna
Eie Semester 6 Syllabus Anna
Eie Semester 6 Syllabus Anna
SEMESTER VII (Applicable to the students admitted from the Academic year 2008 2009 onwards) SL. COURSE No. CODE THEORY 1. EI2401 2. EI2402 3. EI2403 4. EI2404 5. 6. PRACTICAL 1. EI2405 2. EI2406 3. EI2407 COURSE TITLE L T P C
Industrial Data Networks Logic and Distributed Control System VLSI Design Fibre Optics and Laser Instruments Elective I Elective II VLSI Lab Instrumentation System Design Laboratory Comprehension TOTAL
3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 18
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 2 8
3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 23
SEMESTER VIII (Applicable to the students admitted from the Academic year 2008 2009 onwards) SL. No. COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE Principles of Management Elective III Elective IV Project Work TOTAL L 3 3 3 0 9 T 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 12 12 C 3 3 3 6 15
B.E ELECTRONICS AND INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING LIST OF ELECTIVES - R 2008 ELECTIVE I SL.NO 1. 2. 3. 4. CODE NO. CS2021 CS2022 CS2023 CS2024 COURSE TITLE Artificial Intelligence Computer Architecture Operating System Visual Programming ELECTIVE II 5. 6. 7. 8. EI2021 EI2022 EI2023 GE2023 Power Plant Instrumentation Instrumentation in Petrochemical Industries Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Fundamental of Nanoscience ELECTIVE III 9. 10. 11. 12. EC2021 EC2022 EC2023 EC2024 Digital Image Processing Advanced Communication Engineering Advanced Digital Signal Processing Robotics and Automation ELECTIVE IV 13. 14. 15. 16. GE2022 GE2021 IC2021 CS2025 Total Quality Management Professional Ethics in Engineering Digital Control System Applied Soft Computing 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 L 3 3 3 3 T 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 3
EI2351 AIM
LTPC 3003
To provide adequate knowkedge in digital instruments, display devices and virtual instrumentation. OBJECTIVES i. To make the students to gain a clear knowledge of the basics of digital instruments and measurement techniques. ii. To have an adequate knowledge in various display and recording devices. iii. To have an elaborate study of communication standards iv. To have a detailed study of virtual instrumentation and its applications. UNIT I DIGITAL INSTRUMENTS 9 Digital voltmeters and multimeters Microprocessor based DMM with auto ranging and self diagnostic features Digital IC tester Frequeny, period, time interval and pulse width measurement. UNIT II DISPLAY AND RECORDING DEVICES 9 Cathode ray oscilloscope General purpose and advanced types Sampling and storage scopes Wave analyzers Signal and function generators Distortion factor meter Q meter Seven segment and dot matrix display X-Y recorders Magnetic tape recorders Digital recording and data loggers. UNIT III RS 232 AND RS 485 9 Modern instrumentation and control systems OSI model EIA 232 Interface standard EIA 485 Interface standard - EIA 422 Interface standard 20 mA current loop Serial Interface converters. UNIT IV VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION 9 Virtual instrumentation Definition, flexibility Block diagram and architecture of virtual instruments Virtual instruments versus traditional instruments Review of software in virtual instrumentation - VI programming techniques VI , sub VI,loops and charts ,arrays, clusters and graphs, case and sequence structures, formula nodes, string and file input / output. UNIT V DATA ACQUISITION CARDS 9 DAQ cards for VI applications Requirements DAQ modules with serial communication Design of digital voltmeters with transducer input Design of ON/OFF controller for temperature control applications. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Chris Nadovich, Synthetic Instruments Concepts and Applications, Elsevier, 2005. 2. Rick Bitter, Taqi Mohiuddin and Matt Nawrocki, Labview Advanced Programming Techniques, CRC Press, Second Edition, 2007. 3. S. Gupta and J.P. Gupta, PC interfacing for data acquisition and process Control, second Edition, Instrument Society of America, 1994. 4. Kalsi H.S., Electronic Instrumentation, Second Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill Company, New Delhi, 2004. 5. Sawhney A.K., A course in Electrical and Electronic Measurement and
Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai and sons, New Delhi, 2003. REFERENCES 1. Rahman Jamal and Herbert Picklik, LabVIEW Applications and Solutions, National Instruments Release ISBN 0130964239.Rah 2. William Buchanan Computer Busses, CRC Press, 2000. 3. Rangan C.S., Sharma G.R., Mani V.S.V., Instrumentation devices and Systems, Tata Mc Graw Hill Company, New Delhi,.2002. 4. Joseph J Carr, Elements of Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement, Third Edition, Pearson Education, 2003. 5. David A. Bell, Electronic Instrumentation and measurements, Second Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003. 6. Gupta J.B., A course in Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation, 12th Edition, Katson Publishing House, 2003.
LTPC 3104
AIM To provide basic knowledge of controllers, find control elements and the processes. OBJECTIVES i. To study the basic characteristics of first order and higher order processes. ii. To get adequate knowledge about the characteristics of various controller modes and methods of tuning of controller. iii. To study about various complex control schemes. iv. To study about the construction, characteristics and application of control valves. v. To study the five selected unit operations and a case study of distillation column control UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Need for process control mathematical model of first order level, pressure and thermal processes higher order process interacting and non-interacting systems continuous and batch processes self-regulation servo and regulator operations. UNIT II CONTROL ACTIONS AND CONTROLLERS 9 Basic control actions characteristics of on-off, proportional, single-speed floating, integral and derivative control modes P+I, P+D and P+I+D control modes pneumatic and electronic controllers to realize various control actions. UNIT III OPTIMUM CONTROLLER SETTINGS 9 Evaluation criteria IAE, ISE, ITAE and decay ratio determination of optimum settings for mathematically described processes using time response and frequency response Tuning Process reaction curve method Ziegler Nichols method Damped oscillation method. UNIT IV MULTILOOP CONTROL 9 Feed-forward control ratio control- cascade control inferential control split-range control introduction to multivariable control examples from distillation column and boiler systems.
UNIT V FINAL CONTROL ELEMENT 9 I/P converter pneumatic and electric actuators valve positioner control valves characteristics of control valves inherent and installed characteristics valve body commercial valve bodies control valve sizing cavitation and flashing selection criteria. L: 45, T: 15, TOTAL= 60 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Stephanopoulis, G, Chemical Process Control, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1990. 2. Eckman. D.P., Automatic Process Control, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1993. REFERENCES 1. Pollard A.Process Control, Heinemann educational books, London, 1971. 2. Harriott. P., Process Control, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 1991.
EI2353 AIM
LTPC 3003
The course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts and design of digital system. OBJECTIVES To introduce the most common digital logic families. To provide introduction to programmable logic devices such as PLA, PAL, FPGA, CPLD etc. To provide introduction to Digital Memories. Such as ROM, RAM, SRAM, etc. To discuss case studies on Digital System design. UNIT I DIGITAL LOGIC FAMILIES 9 TTL, CMOS, NMOS, Dynamic MOS , ECL, I2L, Operating conditions, Parameters, Interpreting data sheets. Power supply grounding considerations for digital ICs, TTL to CMOS Interface, CMOS to TTL interface. UNIT II PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DEVICES 9 Programmable logic Arrays, Programmable array logic, Realizing logic function using Multiplexers, Decoders, ROM, PLA, PAL. Design of sequential Networks using PAL, PLA Programmable Gate arrays FPGA CPLD. UNIT III DIGITAL MEMORIES 9 The role of Memory in a system memory types and terminology ROM types of ROM RAM SRAM DRAM Expanding word size and capacity Applications. UNIT IV DIGITAL SYSTEM DESIGN CASE STUDIES 9 Multiplexing displays Frequency counters Time measurement Digital voltmeter PRBS generator Interfacing with flash memory.
UNIT V DESIGN FOR TESTABILITY 9 Teatability Ad hoc design for testing techniques controllability and observability by means of scan registers Generic scan based designa Board level and system level DFT approaches. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Charles H.Roth, Fundamentals Logic Design, Jaico Publishing, IV edition, 2002. 2. Donald. P. Leach, Albert paul Malvino, Goutam Suha,Digital Principles and Applications Tata McGraw Hill , Sixth edition . 3. Miron Abramonici, Melvin. A. Rrewer, Arthur.D. Friedman,Digital system testing and testable design, Jaico publishing house. REFERENCES 1. Theodore. F. Bogart, Introduction to Digital Circuits, McGraw Hill International edn.1992 2. Ronald J.Tocci, Neal .S. Widmer,Digital System Principles and Applications, Pearson Education, 8th edition, Asia, 2002.
EC2361 AIM
LTPC 3104
To introduce the concept of analyzing discrete time signals & systems in the time and frequency domain. OBJECTIVES To classify signals and systems & their mathematical representation. To analyse the discrete time systems. To study various transformation techniques & their computation. To study about filters and their design for digital implementation. To study about a programmable digital signal processor & quantization effects. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Classification of systems: Continuous, discrete, linear, causal, stable, dynamic, recursive, time variance; classification of signals: continuous and discrete, energy and power; mathematical representation of signals; spectral density; sampling techniques, quantization, quantization error, Nyquist rate, aliasing effect. Digital signal representation. UNIT II DISCRETE TIME SYSTEM ANALYSIS 9 Z-transform and its properties, inverse z-transforms; difference equation Solution by z-transform, application to discrete systems - Stability analysis, frequency response Convolution Fourier transform of discrete sequence Discrete Fourier series. UNIT III DISCRETE FOURIER TRANSFORM & COMPUTATION 9 DFT properties, magnitude and phase representation - Computation of DFT using FFT algorithm DIT & DIF - FFT using radix 2 Butterfly structure.
UNIT IV DESIGN OF DIGITAL FILTERS 9 FIR & IIR filter realization Parallel & cascade forms. FIR design: Windowing Techniques Need and choice of windows Linear phase characteristics. IIR design: Analog filter design - Butterworth and Chebyshev approximations; digital design using impulse invariant and bilinear transformation - Warping, prewarping - Frequency transformation. UNIT V DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS 9 Introduction Architecture Features Addressing Formats Functional modes Introduction to Commercial Processors L: 45, T: 15, TOTAL= 60 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. J.G. Proakis and D.G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and Applications, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2003 / PHI. 2. S.K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing A Computer Based Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2001. REFERENCES 1. Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer and John R. Buck, Discrete Time Signal Processing, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2003. 2. Emmanuel C Ifeachor and Barrie W Jervis ,Digital Signal Processing A Practical approach Pearson Education, Second edition, 2002. 3. Steven W. Smith, The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing, Second Edition, California Technical Publishing San Diego, lifornia.(www.DSPguide.com) 4. B. Venkataramani, M. Bhaskar, Digital Signal Processors, Architecture, Programming and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003.
CS2361 AIM
LTPC 3003
To understand the basic concepts of embedded system design and its applications to various fields. OBJECTIVES To provide a clear understanding of Embedded system terminologies and its devices. Various Embedded software Tools Design and architecture of Memories. Architecture of processor and memory organizations. Input/output interfacing Various processor scheduling algorithms. Basics of Real time operating systems. Introduction to PIC and its applications UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 9 Introduction to embedded real time systems The build process for embedded systems Embedded system design process-Embedded computory applications-Types of memory Memory management methods.
UNIT II EMBEDDED SYSTEM ORGANIZATION 9 Structural units in processor , selection of processor & memory devices DMA I/O devices : timer & counting devices Serial communication using I2C , CAN USB buses Parallel communication using ISA , PCI ,PCI/X buses Device drivers UNIT III PROGRAMMING AND SCHEDULING 9 Intel I/O instructions Synchronization - Transfer rate, latency; interrupt driven input and output - Nonmaskable interrupts, software interrupts, Preventing interrupts overrun - Disability interrupts. Multithreaded programming Context Switching, Preemptive and non-preemptive multitasking, semaphores. Scheduling-thread states, pending threads, context switching UNIT IV REAL-TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS 9 Introduction to basic concepts of RTOS, Unix as a Real Time Operating system Unix based Real Time operating system - Windows as a Real time operating system POSIX RTOS-Interrupt handling - A Survey of contemporary Real time Operating systems:PSOS, VRTX, VxWorks, QNX, C/OS-II, RT Linux Benchmarking Real time systems - Basics, UNIT V PIC MICROCONTROLLER BASED EMBEDDED SYSTEM DESIGN 9 PIC microcontroller MBasic compiler and Development boards The Basic Output and digital input Applications TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Rajkamal, Embedded system-Architecture, Programming, Design, Tatamcgraw Hill, 2003. 2. Daniel W. Lewis, Fundamentals of Embedded Software, Prentice Hall of India, 2004. REFERENCES 1. Jack R Smith Programming the PIC microcontroller with MBasic Elsevier, 2007 2. Tammy Noergaard, Embedded Systems Architecture, Elsevier, 2006 3. Rajib Mall Real-Time systems Theory and Practice Pearson Education 2007 4. Sriram. V.Iyer & Pankaj Gupta, Embedded real time systems Programming, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004. 5. Wayne Wolf, Computer as Components , Pearson Education
LTPC 3003
AIM The course is designed to make the student acquire an adequate knowledge of the physiological systems of the human body and relate them to the parameters that have clinical importance. The fundamental principles of equipment that are actually in use at the present day are introduced. OBJECTIVES i. To provide an acquaintance of the physiology of the heart, lung, blood circulation and circulation respiration. Biomedical applications of different transducers used. ii. To introduce the student to the various sensing and measurement devices of electrical origin. To provide awareness of electrical safety of medical equipments iii. To provide the latest ideas on devices of non-electrical devices. iv. To bring out the important and modern methods of imaging techniques. v. To provide latest knowledge of medical assistance / techniques and therapeutic equipments. UNIT I PHYSIOLOGY AND TRANSDUCERS 9 Cell and its structure Resting and Action Potential Nervous system: Functional organisation of the nervous system Structure of nervous system, neurons - synapse transmitters and neural communication Cardiovascular system respiratory system Basic components of a biomedical system - Transducers selection criteria Piezo electric, ultrasonic transducers - Temperature measurements - Fibre optic temperature sensors. UNIT II ELECTRO PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS 9 Electrodes Limb electrodes floating electrodes pregelled disposable electrodes Micro, needle and surface electrodes Amplifiers: Preamplifiers, differential amplifiers, chopper amplifiers Isolation amplifier. ECG EEG EMG ERG Lead systems and recording methods Typical waveforms. Electrical safety in medical environment: shock hazards leakage current-Instruments for checking safety parameters of biomedical equipments UNIT III NON-ELECTRICAL PARAMETER MEASUREMENTS 9 Measurement of blood pressure Cardiac output Heart rate Heart sound Pulmonary function measurements spirometer Photo Plethysmography, Body Plethysmography Blood Gas analysers : pH of blood measurement of blood pCO2, pO2, finger-tip oxymeter - ESR, GSR measurements . UNIT IV MEDICAL IMAGING 9 Radio graphic and fluoroscopic techniques Computer tomography MRI Ultrasonography Endoscopy Thermography Different types of biotelemetry systems and patient monitoring Introduction to Biometric systems UNIT V ASSISTING AND THERAPEUTIC EQUIPMENTS 9 Pacemakers Defibrillators Ventilators Nerve and muscle stimulators Diathermy Heart Lung machine Audio meters Dialysers Lithotripsy TOTAL: 45 PERIODS
TEXT BOOKS 1. R.S.Khandpur, Hand Book of Bio-Medical instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd., 2003. 2. Leslie Cromwell, Fred J.Weibell, Erich A.Pfeiffer, Bio-Medical Instrumentation and Measurements, II edition, Pearson Education, 2002 / PHI. REFERENCES 1. M.Arumugam, Bio-Medical Instrumentation, Anuradha Agencies, 2003. 2. L.A. Geddes and L.E.Baker, Principles of Applied Bio-Medical Instrumentation, John Wiley & Sons, 1975. 3. J.Webster, Medical Instrumentation, John Wiley & Sons, 1995. 4. C.Rajarao and S.K. Guha, Principles of Medical Electronics and Bio-medical Instrumentation, Universities press (India) Ltd, Orient Longman ltd, 2000.
LT P C 0032
OBJECTIVE To understand the concepts of various modulation techniques and to have an indepth knowledge of various signal processing techniques. 1. Generation and Detection of Amplitude Modulation 2. Generation of Frequency Modulation and its Detection 3. Generation and Detection of PAM 4. Generation of BFSK and its Detection 5. Generation of standard inputs using simulation package 6. Analysis of Linear Systems [with Convolution and Deconvolution Operation] 7. FIR Filter Design (any one Technique) 8. IIR Filter Design (any one Technique) 9. Implementation of FFT algorithm 10 Implementation of Interpolation and Decimation function TOTAL: 45 PERIODS Detailed Syllabus 1. Generation and Detection of Amplitude Modulation Aim: To study the working concept of Amplitude Modulation and detection Objective: 1. To study the modulation of message signal using high frequency carrier 2. To study the detection of message signal from the modulated signal Exercise Modulation 1. Construct a modulation circuit using discrete components. 2. Using signal generators, give message signal and high frequency carrier. 3. Using CRO, observe Emax and Emin of modulated wave and find out modulation index Detection 1. Construct demodulated circuit
2. Give modulated wave as input 3. Measure the amplitude and frequency of modulating signal Equipments Required 1. Signal Generators 2. Power supply 3. CRO 2. Generation of Frequency Modulation and its Detection Aim: To understand the working concept of Frequency Modulation and Detection Objective: 1. To study Frequency Modulation for the given modulated signal 2. To study Frequency Detection from the Frequency Modulated signal Exercise Modulation 1. Construct a Frequency Modulation Circuit 2. Give Modulating Signal and Carrier using Signal Generators 3. Using CRO, Observe Frequency Deviation and calculate Modulation Index Detection 1. Give Frequency Modulated Signal as input to the detector circuit 2. Using CRO, Observe Frequency and Amplitude of modulating signal. Equipments Required 1. Signal Generators 2. CRO 3. Power Supply 3. Generation and Detection of PAM Aim: To study the working concept of PAM and its detection Objective 1. To study PAM for the given Message Signal using Pulse train 2. To study the detection of message signal from the PAM Signal Exercise Modulation 1. Construct a circuit using discrete components 2. Give analog message signal, pulse train carrier using signal generators 3. Using CRO, Observe the amplitude of the pulses of PAM Signal Detection 1. Give PAM Signal to the detection circuit 2. Observe the Amplitude and Frequency of Message signal Equipments Required 1. CRO 2. Signal Generators 3. Power Supply 4. Generation and Detection of BFSK Aim: To study the concept of BFSK Generation and its Detection Objective 1. To study BFSK Concept for the given analog modulating Signal. 2. To Study the retrieved Modulating Signal from the BFSK Signal.
Exercise Modulation 1. Construct BFSK Circuit using discrete components 2. Using Signal Generators, Give Message input Pulse Carrier to the circuit 3. Observe the amplitude and difference frequencies of output pulse train Detection 1. Construct a Detection Circuit 2. Give BFSK Signal to the circuit and observe the amplitude and frequency of output Equipments Required 1. CRO 2. Signal Generators 3. Power supply 5. Generation of standard test inputs using simulate package Aim: To generate different signals (Signals and Sequences) Using MATLAB Objective: 1. To Generate Signals (Sine Wave, Exponential Wave, Sawtooth Wave) 2. To generate sequences (Impulse sequence, Step Sequence) Exercise 1. Generate Signals using Sine, Exponential, Step Functions 2. Generate Sequences such as Impulse Sequences, Step Sequences using Expression Ex. Cos (2*pi*t) Software Required: MATLAB 6. Analysis of Linear System [With Convolution and Deconvolution Operation] Aim: To Study Linear Convolution of two sequences Objective: 1. To analyze Convolution and deconvolution of two sequences using CONV, DECONV Functions Exercise: 1. Generate Convolved Sequences using CONV function 2. Generate Convolved output using FFT. 7. FIR Filter Design Aim: To Design FIR Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass filters using MATLAB Objective: 1. To design FIR Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass filters using Windowing Technique (Rectangular Window) Exercise 1. Get the Passband and Stopband ripples 2. Get the Passband and Stopband edge frequencies 3. Get the sampling Frequency 4. Calculate the order of the filter 5. Find the window coefficients 6. Draw the magnitude and phase responses
MATLAB Functions fir1, freqz 8. IIR Filter Design (any one technique) Aim: To design a IIR Filter Objective To design Butterworth IIR Filter using MATLAB Exercise: 1. Get the Passband and Stopband ripples 2. Get the Passband and Stopband edge Frequencies 3. Get the sampling Frequency 4. Calculate the order of the filter 5. Find the filter coefficients 6. Draw the magnitude and phase responses MATLAB Functions buttord, butter, freqz 9. Implementation of FFT algorithm Aim: To find out FFT of the given sequence Objective 1. To find out FFT of the given Sequence using FFT function Exercise 1. Find out FFT of the sequence using FFT function MATLAB FUNCTION FFT 10 Implementation of Interpolation and Decimation function Aim: To implementation of interpolate and decimate the given Signal Objective To interpolate and decimate the given signal Exercise Find out interpolation and Decimation of given signal using interpolate and decimate function MATLAB FUNCTION Interpolate, Decimate
LTPC 0032
OBJECTIVE To experimentally verify the process control concepts on the selected process control loops. 1. Operation of interacting and non-interacting systems 2. Responses of different order processes with and without transportation lag 3. Response of on-off controller 4. Response of P+I+D controller 5. Characteristics of control valve with and without positioner 6. Operation of on-off controlled thermal process 7. Closed loop response of flow control loop 8. Closed loop response of level control loop 9. Closed loop response of temperature control loop 10. Closed loop response of pressure control loop 11. Tuning of controllers 12. Study of complex control system (ratio / cascade / feed forward) TOTAL = 45 PERIODS 1. Study of interacting and non- interacting systems Aim To study the operation of interacting and non- interacting systems Exercise 1. Connect the two tank system (Level process) in series (as non- interacting system) 2. Check whether level in tank is affected due to changes made in the second tank. 3. Connect the two tank system in series (as interfacing as system). 4. Check whether level in tank 1 is affected due to changes made in the second tank. 5. Determine the transfer function of individual and overall system. Equipment 1. Two tank system with provision for making them as interfacing and noninterfacing. 1 No 2. Level transmitters 1 No 3. Recorder 1 No 2. Response of different order processes with and without transportation delay Aim To determine the transient response of a first order process with and without transportation delay and second order process with and without transportation delay to step change in input.
Exercise 1. Record the transient response to a step change of first order process and second order process (Level or thermal (or) any process) with and without transportation lag. 2.Calculate the process gain, time constant and dead time of the process from the step response. Equipment 1. Two tank system with provision for transportation delay (Non interacting process) 2. Level transmitter 1 No 3. Recorder 1 No 3. Response of P+I+D controller Aim To investigate the operation of an electronic controllers with P, P+I and P+I+D action. Exercise 1. Plot the response of P, P+I, P+D and P+I+D controllers to step and ramp inputs. 2. Determine the calibration of the proportional, Integral and derivative adjustments. Equipment 1. Electronic PID controller 1 No 2. Source for generating step and ramp inputs 1 No 3. Recorder 1 No 4. Digital Multimeter 1 No 4. Characteristics of control valve with and without valve positioner Aim To determine the flow lift characteristics (Internet / Installed) of a control valve equipped with and without valve positioner. Exercise 1. Plot the flow lift characteristics of the given valve without positioner keeping (i) Constant P (ii) Variable P 2. Compute the valve gain at different operating points. 3. Plot the flow lift characteristics of the given with positioner keeping. i. Constant P ii. Variable P 4. Compute the valve gain at different operating points. Equipment 1. Control valve trainer (with position for varying P across the valve) - 1 No 2. Flowmeter - 1No
Aim To obtain the closed loop response of flow control loop for servo and regulator Operation. Exercise 1. Closed loop connection is made in the flow process station. 2. The flow controller (P+I) is tuned using any one of the tuning techniques. 3. The response of the control loop is obtained for changes in the set point. 4. The response of the control loop is obtained for changes in the load variable. 5. The step 3 and 4 are repeated for different controller modes and settings. Equipment 1. Flow process station with all accessories 2. Analog / Digital PID controller 3. Recorder 6. Closed loop response of level control loop Aim To obtain the closed loop response of level control loop for servo and regulator operation. Exercise 1. Closed loop connection is made in the level process station. 2. The level controller (P+I) is tuned using any one of the tuning techniques. 3. The response of the control loop is obtained for changes in the set point. 4. The response of the control loop is obtained for changes in the load variable. 5. The step 3 and step 4 are repeated for different controller modes and settings. Equipment 1. Level process station with all accessories - 1 No 2. Analog / Digital PID controller - 1 No 3. Recorder - 1 No 7. Closed loop response of temperature control loop Aim To obtain the closed loop response of temperature control loop for servo and regulator operation. Exercise 1. Closed-loop connection is made in the temperature process station. 2. The temperature controller (P+I+D) is tuned using any one of the tuning techniques. 3. The response of the control loop is obtained for changes in the set point. 4. The response of the control loop is obtained for changes in the load variable. 5. The step 3 and 4 are repeated for different controller modes and settings.
- 1 No - 1 No - 1 No
Equipment 1. Temperature process station with all accessories - 1 No 2. Analog / Digital PID controller - 1 No 3. Recorder - 1 No 8. Closed loop response of pressure control loop Aim To obtain the closed loop response of pressure control loop for servo and regulator operation. Exercise 1. Closed loop connection is made in the pressure process station. 2. The pressure controller (P+I) is tuned using any one of the tuning techniques. 3. The response of the control loop is obtained for changes in the set point. 4. The response of the control loop is obtained for changes in the load variable. 5. The step 3 and 4 are repeated for different controller modes and settings. Equipment 1. Pressure process station with all accessories - 1 No 2. Analog / Digital PID controller - 1 No 3. Recorder - 1 No 9. Tuning of PID controller Aim To determine the controller settings of a given process using two popular tuning techniques. Exercise 1. Plot the process reaction curve for the given process (higher order process) 2. From the reaction curve, calculate the process gain, time constant and dead time using the above process parameters calculate the Kc, Ti, Td valves using the appropriate thumb rules. 3. Conduct the closed loop test as per Z-N method [continuous cycling method] and determine the ultimate gain (Ku) and ultimate period (Pu), calculate the controller parameters (Kc, Ti, Td) using Ziegler Nichols closed loop tuning approach. Equipment 1. Process control trainer / real time process (level / thermal process) - 1 No 2. Recorder - 1 No 3. PID controller - 1 No 10. Response of cascade control system Aim To determine the closed loop performance of a cascade control system and compare it with that of conventional control system. Exercise 1. The secondary and primary controllers are tuned using any one of the tuning techniques. 2. Obtain the closed loop response of cascade control system with the load variable entering the inner loop.
Obtain the closed loop regulating response with conventional control system. 4. Compare the performance of conventional control system and cascade control system internal of peak overshoot, setting time, I&E etc Equipment 1. Cascade control system with flow as inner variable and liquid level as outer variable with following accessories. 2. Level transmitter - 1 No 3. Flow transmitter - 1 No 4. Control valve - 1 No 5. Analog / Digital PID controller - 1 No 6. Recorder - 1 No
LTPC 0032
1. Creating Virtual Instrumentation for simple applications 2. Programming exercises for loops and charts 3. Programming exercises for clusters and graphs. 4. Programming exercises on case and sequence structures, file Input / Output. 5. Data acquisition through Virtual Instrumentation. 6. Developing voltmeter using DAQ cards. 7. Developing signal generator using DAQ cards. 8. Simulating reactor control using Virtual Instrumentation. 9. Real time temperature control using Virtual Instrumentation. 10. Real time sequential control of any batch process.
LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS FOR BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. Specifications Laboratory Virtual Instrumentaion Engineering Software Package PCI /USB DAQ Boards Temperature Control Test Rig using Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Enginering Software Package and Hardware Models Sequential Control using Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Software Package and Hardware Models. Qty 30 users License 2 Nos. 1 No.
1 No.
LTPC 3003
AIM To learn more about the industrial data communication protocols. OBJECTIVES i. To understand basic data networks ii. To learn the basic of inter networking iii. To have adequate knowledge in various communication protocol. iv. To study industrial data communication. UNIT I DATA NETWORK FUNDAMENTALS 9 Network hierarchy and switching Open System Interconnection model of ISO Data link control protocol: - HDLC Media access protocol Command/response Token passing CSMA/CD, TCP/IP UNIT II INTER NETWORKING 9 Bridges Routers Gateways Standard ETHERNET and ARCNET configurationspecial requirement for networks used for control. UNIT III HART AND FIELDBUS 9 Introduction- Evolution of signal standard HART communication protocol Communication modes HART networks HART commands HART applications. Fieldbus: Introduction General Fieldbus architecture Basic requirements of Field bus standard Fieldbus topology Interoperability Interchangeability Introduction to OLE for process control (OPC). UNIT IV MODBUS and PROFIBUS PA/DP/FMS AND FF 9 MODBUS protocol structure function codes troubleshooting Profibus: Introduction profibus protocol stack profibus communication model communication objects system operation troubleshooting review of foundation field bus. UNIT V INDUSTRIAL ETHERNET AND WIRELESS COMMUNICATION 9 Industrial Ethernet : Introduction 10Mbps Ethernet, 100Mbps Ethernet. Radio and wireless communication : Introduction components of radio link the radio spectrum and frequency allocation radio modems. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Steve Mackay, Edwin Wrijut, Deon Reynders, John Park, Practical Industrial Data networks Design, Installation and Troubleshooting, Newnes publication, Elsevier First edition, 2004. 2. William Buchanan Computer Busses, CRC Press, 2000. REFERENCES 1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. LTD, 2003 2. Theodore S. Rappaport, Wireless communication: Principles & Practice, 2nd Edition, 2001 Prentice Hall of India 3. Willam Stallings, Wireless Communiction & Networks 2nd Edition, 2005, Prentice Hall of India 146
EI2402 AIM
LTPC 3003
To illustrate the concept of programmable logic controllers and distributed control system. OBJECTIVES i. To give an introductory knowledge about PLC and the programming languages. ii. To give adequate knowledge about of application of PLC. iii. To give basic knowledge in the architecture and local control unit of distributed control system. iv. To give adequate information in the interfaces used in DCS. v. To give basic knowledge about Computer Controlled Systems. UNIT I PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER 9 Evolution of PLCs Components of PLC Advantages over relay logic Architecture of PLC Programming devices - Discrete and Analog I/O modules Programming languages Ladder diagram Programming timers and counters Design of PLC. UNIT II APPLICATIONS OF PLC 9 Instructions in PLC Program control instructions, math instructions, sequencer instructions Use of PC as PLC Application of PLC Case study of bottle filling system. UNIT III COMPUTER CONTROLLED SYSTEMS 9 Basic building blocks of Computer controlled systems SCADA data Acquisition System supervisory Control Direct digital Control . UNIT IV DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEM 9
DCS - Architectures Comparison Local control unit Process interfacing issues Communication facilities. UNIT V INTERFACES IN DCS 9 Operator interfaces - Low level and high level operator interfaces Operator displays Engineering interfaces Low level and high level engineering interfaces General purpose computers in DCS. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Petruzella, Industrial Electronics, McGraw Hill, Second edition, 1997. 2. Michael P. Lukas, Distributed Control System, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., Canada, 1986. 3. John. W. Webb Ronald A Reis - Programmable Logic Controllers - Principles and Applications, Fourth edition, Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey, 1998. REFERENCES 1. T. Hughes, Programmable Logic Controllers, ISA press,2007. 2. Krishna Kant Computer based Industrial Control, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 1997.
EI2403 AIM
LTPC 3003
To introduce the technology and concepts of VLSI. OBJECTIVES i. To introduce MOS theory / Manufacturing Technology. ii. To study inverter / counter logic / stick / machine diagram / sequential circuits. iii. To study address / memory / arithmetic circuits. iv. To introduce FPGA architecture / principles / system design. v. To get familiarised with VHDL programming behavioural/Structural/concurrent/ process. UNIT I BASIC MOS TRANSISTOR 9 Enhancement mode and Depletion mode Fabrication (NMOS, PMOS, CMOS, BiCMOS) Technology NMOS transistor current equation Second order effects MOS Transistor Model. UNIT II NMOS AND CMOS INVERTER AND GATES 9 NMOS and CMOS inverter Determination of pull up / pull down ratios Stick diagram lambda based rules Super buffers BiCMOS & steering logic. UNIT III SUB-SYSTEM DESIGN AND LAYOUT 9 Structured design of combinational circuits Dynamic CMOS & clocking Tally circuits (NAND-NAND, NOR-NOR and AOI logic) EXOR structure Multiplexer structures Barrel shifter, high speed adder and multiplier circuits. UNIT IV DESIGN OF COMBINATIONAL ELEMENTS AND REGULAR ARRAY LOGIC 9 NMOS PLA Programmable Logic Devices - Finite State Machine PLA Introduction to FPGA. UNIT V VHDL PROGRAMMING 9 RTL Design simulation and synthesis - Combinational logic Types Operators Packages Sequential circuit Sub-programs Test benches. (Examples: adders, counters, flipflops, FSM, Multiplexers / Demultiplexers). TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. D.A.Pucknell, K.Eshraghian, Basic VLSI Design, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003. 2. Rabey, J.M., Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective, Prentice Hall, 1955 3. Bhasker, J., VHDL Primer, Prentice Hall 1995 REFERENCES 1. Eugene D.Fabricius, Introduction to VLSI Design, Tata McGraw Hill, 1990. 2. N.H.Weste, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design, Pearson Eduction, India, 2002. 3. Zainalatsedin Navabi, VHDL Analysis and Modelling of Digital Systems, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 1998. 4. Douglas Perry, VHDL Programming by example, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2003
EI2404 AIM
LTPC 3003
To contribute to the knowledge of Fibre optics and Laser Instrumentation and its Industrial and Medical Application. OBJECTIVES i. To expose the students to the basic concepts of optical fibres and their properties. ii. To provide adequate knowledge about the Industrial applications of optical fibres. iii. To expose the students to the Laser fundamentals. iv. To provide adequate knowledge about Industrial application of lasers. v. To provide adequate knowledge about holography and Medical applications of Lasers. UNIT I OPTICAL FIBRES AND THEIR PROPERTIES 9 Principles of light propagation through a fibre - Different types of fibres and their properties, fibre characteristics Absorption losses Scattering losses Dispersion Connectors and splicers Fibre termination Optical sources Optical detectors. UNIT II INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION OF OPTICAL FIBRES 9 Fibre optic sensors Fibre optic instrumentation system Different types of modulators Interferometric method of measurement of length Moire fringes Measurement of pressure, temperature, current, voltage, liquid level and strain. UNIT III LASER FUNDAMENTALS 9 Fundamental characteristics of lasers Three level and four level lasers Properties of laser Laser modes Resonator configuration Q-switching and mode locking Cavity damping Types of lasers Gas lasers, solid lasers, liquid lasers, semiconductor lasers. UNIT IV INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION OF LASERS 9 Laser for measurement of distance, length, velocity, acceleration, current, voltage and Atmospheric effect Material processing Laser heating, welding, melting and trimming of material Removal and vaporization. UNIT V HOLOGRAM AND MEDICAL APPLICATIONS 9 Holography Basic principle - Methods Holographic interferometry and application, Holography for non-destructive testing Holographic components Medical applications of lasers, laser and tissue interactive Laser instruments for surgery, removal of tumors of vocal cards, brain surgery, plastic surgery, gynaecology and oncology. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. J.M. Senior, Optical Fibre Communication Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall of India, 1985. 2. J. Wilson and J.F.B. Hawkes, Introduction to Opto Electronics, Prentice Hall of India, 2001.
REFERENCES 1. G. Keiser, Optical Fibre Communication, McGraw Hill, 1995. 2. M. Arumugam, Optical Fibre Communication and Sensors, Anuradha Agencies, 2002. 3. John F. Read, Industrial Applications of Lasers, Academic Press, 1978. 4. Monte Ross, Laser Applications, McGraw Hill, 1968
LTPC 0032
OBJECTIVE To study synthesis, simulation and schematic of various digital combinational circuits using FPGA on Xilink simulator. 1. Study of Synthesis tools Half and full adder. Decoder 2 x 4, 3 x 8 Priority encoder. Ripple adder. 4 Bit ripple counter. Code conversion. All the above synthesis in three modeling styles - data flow, structural and behavioral 2. Study of Simulation using tools Half adder. Multiplexer 2 x 1, 4 x 1 Demultiplexer 1 x 2, 1 x 4 All the above synthesis in three modeling styles - data flow, structural and behavioral 3. Study of Simulation using tools Flipflop D, T Priority encoder. Ripple adder. 4 Bit ripple counter. All the above synthesis in three modeling styles - data flow, structural and behavioral 4. Study of development tool for FPGAs for schematic entry and verilog Full adder, half adder. Demultiplexer 1 x 2, 1 x 4. 5. Design and simulation of pipelined serial and parallel adder to add/ subtract 8 number of size, 12 bits each in 2's complement. 6. Place and Root and Back annotation for FPGAs 7. Design and simulation of back annotated verilog files for multiplying two signed, 8 bit numbers in 2's complement. 8. Study of FPGA board and testing on board LEDs and switches using verilog code. 9. Design a Realtime Clock (2 digits, 7 segments LED displays each for HRS., MTS, and SECS.) and demonstrate its working on the FPGA board. to display binary number on the FPGA. 10. Design of traffic light controller using verilog tools . Movement of vehicles in any direction or pedestrian in any direction.
Detailed Syllabus 1. Study of Synthesis tools Adder/encoder/decoder/counter/converter. Aim To study the synthesis of various combinational circuits on Xilink(ISE9.1) tool usingHardware Descriptive Language(HDL). Exercise Write a HDL program in three modeling styles - data flow, structural and behavioral. using verilog and perform the synthesis of following combinational circuits Half and full adder. Decoder 2 x 4, 3 x 8 Priority encoder. Ripple adder. 4 Bit ripple counter. Code conversion. 2. Study of Simulation using tools Adder/encoder/decoder/counter/multiplexer. Aim To study the simulation of various combinational circuits on Xilink(ISE9.1) tool using Hardware Descriptive Language(HDL). Exercise Write a HDL program in three modeling styles - data flow, structural and behavioral. using verilog and simulate the following combinational circuits Half adder. Multiplexer 2 x 1, 4 x 1 Demultiplexer 1 x 2, 1 x 4 3. Study of Simulation using tools Adder/encoder/decoder/counter/multiplexer. Aim To study the simulation of various combinational circuits on Xilink(ISE9.1) tool using Hardware Descriptive Language(HDL). Exercise Write a HDL program in three modeling styles - data flow, structural and behavioral.using verilog and simulate the following combinational circuits Flipflop D, T Priority encoder. Ripple adder. 4 Bit ripple counter 4. Study of development tool for FPGAs for schematic entry and verilog. Adder /demultiplexer. Aim To draw the schematic and generate the verilog code. Exercise Draw the schematic using Xilink(ISE9.1) tool and generate the verilog code for the
following digital circuits and observe the simulated output a. Full adder, half adder. b. Demultiplexer 1 x 2, 1 x 4. 5. Design and simulation of pipelined serial and parallel adder to add/ subtract 8 number of size, 12 bits each in 2's complement. Aim To design and simulate the pipelined 12 bit serial/parallel adder/subtractor. Exercise 1. Write a verilog code to add/subtract 8 numbers of 12 bits each and verify the result after addition of every 2 numbers 2. Verify the result after adding all 8 numbers and simulate the output. 6. Place and Root and Back annotation for FPGAs Aim To calculate the propagation delay produced by back annotated circuit from the already software designed circuit.. Exercise Write the verilog code and develop the following combinational circuit using s/w in the design layout that is produced. Make the required changes in the rooting as per the required propagation delay. 1. Multiplexer/Demultiplexer 2. Encoder/Decoder. 7. Design and simulation of back annotated verilog files for multiplying two signed, 8 bit numbers in 2's complement. Design must be pipelined and completely RTL compliant Aim To design and simulate back annotated circuit using verilog code. Exercise Write the verilog code and develop the following combinational circuit using s/w in the design layout that is produced. 1. Pipelined structure of multiplication of two signed 8 bit numbers. 2. View RTL model 8. Study of FPGA board and testing on board LEDs and switches using verilog code. Aim To study the FPGA board and testing on-board LEDs and switches using ISE9.1 simulator. Exercise Write the verilog code in three modeling styles - data flow, structural and behavioral to accept the input from switches and display the output in LEDs. Synthesis the program and view RTL model. Download the program into FPGA for testing on board LEDs and switches. 9. Design a Realtime Clock (2 digits, 7 segments LED displays each for HRS., MTS, and SECS.) and demonstrate its working on the FPGA board. An expansion card is required for the displays. c. to display binary number on the FPGA. Aim 152
To design and test the real time clock on FPGA board. Exercise Write the verilog code to display hrs, mts and secs. Synthesis, simulate and download the program on the RTC board. 10. Aim To design and test the traffic light controller using FPGA board. Exercise Write the verilog code to implement different sequences of traffic light. Synthesis, simulate and download the program on the traffic light controller board. REQUIREMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS S.No. 1. Name of the Equipments Software Simulation, Synthesis, back annotation, place & route Xlinx ISE (latest version) Spartan 2E boards Spartan 3 AN boards Add on boards 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Multimeter Real - time clock 2. Traffic light control 3. LED displays with switches 4. I/O boards 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 2 Nos. Quantity 5 User License (minimum) 5 Nos. 1 No. Design of traffic light controller using verilog tools . d. Movement of vehicles in any direction or pedestrian in any direction.
2. 3. 4.
LTPC 0032
OBJECTIVE To have adequate knowledge in design of various signal conditioning circuits. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Design of Instrumentation amplifier. Design of active filters. Design of regulated power supply and design of V/I and I/V converters. Design of linearizing circuits and cold junction compensation circuit for thermocouples. Design of signal conditioning circuit for strain gauge and RTD. Design of orifice plate and rotameter. Control valve sizing. Design of PID controller (using operational amplifier and microprocessor) Piping and Instrumentation Diagram case study. Preparation of documentation of instrumentation project and project scheduling (process flow sheet, instrument index sheet and instrument specifications sheet, job scheduling, installation procedures and safety regulations).
TOTAL: 45 PERIODS Detailed Syllabus 1. Design of instrumentation amplifier Aim To design an instrumentation amplifier based on the three operational amplifier configuration with a differential gain of 100. Exercise 1. Develop the instrumentation amplifier with differential gain of 100 and draw the input Vs output characteristics of the three operational amplifier based instrumentation amplifier and make a comment on the response. 2. Compare the performance characteristics of Instrumentation amplifiers with commercial Monolithic Instrumentation amplifier. Equipment 1. Dual power supply 1 No 2. Digital Multimeters 1 No 3. Resistors 10 No 4. Operational Amplifiers 4 No 5. Any commercial Monolithic Instrumentation amplifier - 2 No 2. Design of Active filters Aim To design an active first order / second order Butterworth type Low Pass / High Pass / Band-pass filter with the following specifications. Low pass filter : Cut off frequency : 1 KHz High pass filter : Cut off frequency : 1 KHz Band pass filter : Cut off frequency : 1 KHz < fc < 5 KHz Exercise 1. Develop an active Butterworth first order (or) second order low pass and / or high pass, band pass filter and determine experimentally the frequency response.
Equipment 1. Dual power supply 2. Operational amplifiers 3. Resistors 4. Capacitors 5. Signal generator 6. C.R.O
3. Design of regulated power supply and design of V/I and I/V converters (a) Aim:To Design a Regulated Power Supply. Equipment 1. Diodes IN4007 2.100 F, 10 F 3. IC 7805 4. Potentiometer 5. Ammeter and Voltmeter Exercise Line Regulation 1. Varying the Input Voltage (0 -15)V. 2. Note down the output voltage Load Regulation 1. Connect a variable Potentiometer across the output of the RPS. 2. Vary the potentiometer and note down the corresponding output current and voltage. (b) Aim To design a voltage to current converter and a current to voltage converter and verify the characteristics experimentally. Objectives 1. To design a voltage to current converter (grounded load) with the following specification Input voltage range : (0 5) V Output current range : (4-20) mA (should be independent of load) 2. To design a current to voltage converter with the following specification Input current range : (4-20) mA Output voltage range : (0-5) V Exercise 1. Determine experimentally the characteristics of voltage and current converter an plot output current versus input voltage and comment on the response. 2. Determine experimentally the characteristics of current to voltage converter and plot output voltageVs input current and comment on the response. Equipment 1. Resistors 2. Operational amplifiers
- 10 No - 5 No
3. 4. 5. 6.
Transistor (NPN / PNP) Dual power supply Digital Multimeters Loop analyzer
- 2 - 1 -2 -1
No No No No
4. Design of linearizing circuit and cold-junction compensation circuit for thermocouple Aim To design a cold junction compensation circuit for thermocouple. Objective To design a automatic reference correction circuit for thermocouple.(A solid state temperature sensor or RTD can be used for the cold function measurement) Exercise 1. Develop the circuit for reference junction compensation. 2. Keep the hot junction temperature at say 4000C. 3. Vary the cold junction temperature from 30 900C and observe the output voltage for with and without cold-junction compensation. 4. Plot the output voltage versus cold-junction temperature and comment on the response. Equipment 1. Thermocouple - 1 Nos 2. Operational amplifier - 3 Nos 3. AD 590 or RTD - 1 Nos 4. Resistors - 10 Nos 5. Dual power supply - 1 No 6. Multimeters - 1 No 5. Design of signal conditioning circuit for strain gauges and RTD (a) Aim: To design Signal Conditioning Circuit for Strain Gauge. Specification as follows 1. Input Range 0 to 1 Kg 2. Output Voltage 0 to 5 V 3. Device -Bourdon Strain Gauge (350 Ohm) Equipment 1. Bonded Strain Gauge 2. Loads (100 gm to 1 Kg) 3. Operational Amplifier 4. RPS 5. Resistors Exercise: Develop Signal Conditioning Circuits for different loads and plot output voltage versus Load. Comment on Linearity (b) Aim To design a signal conditioning circuit to RTD. The specification are as follows Temperature Range : 300 C 1000C (Approximately)
Output voltage : 0 5 V DC Sensor : RTD (Pt 100) Current through RTD : Not to exceed 10mA Equipment 1. RTD (Pt 100) - 1 No 2. Resistors -? 3. Operational amplifiers - 4 Nos 3. Dual power supply - 1 No 4. Temperature bath - 1 No 5. Multimeter - 1 No 6. Trim Pot - 3 Nos Exercise 1. Develop the signal conditioning circuit and plot the output voltage versus temperature and comment on the linearity. 7. Design of Orifice Plate and Rotameter Design of Orifice Plate Aim: To Design an Orifice Plate for the given Specification. Equipment 1. Pump and Reservoir 2. Pipeline with Orifice plate 3. Collecting Tank Exercise: 1. Convert Electrical Signal to Differential Pressure 2. Determine the interval data 3. Calculate D/d 4. Calculate sizing factor Design of Rotameter Aim: To Design a Rotameter for given Specification Equipment 1. Pump and Reservoir 2. Pipeline with Orifice plate 3. Collecting Tank Exercise 1. Swithch On the Motor 2. Adjust the Rotameter to read the required flow rate. 3. Start the Timer 4, After 5 Min Note the Head in the tank. 5. Drain the tank. 6. Repeat the Procedure and Calculate Cd in each case 8. Control Valve Sizing Aim: To design a Control Valve and Study the flow lift Characteristics
Equipment: 1. Linear Control Valve 2. On/OFF Control Valve 3. Air Regulator 4. Rotameter 5. Pump Exercise 1. By varying the inlet pressure note down the stem moment value and the flow rate. 2. Draw the Graph for pressure Vs Flow rate, Stem Moment Vs Flow rate 9. Design of PID Controller Design of PID Controller using Op-Amp Aim: 1.To the study the response of P,PI,PD ,PID Controllers using Op-Amp Equipment 1. Signal Generator 2. IC 741 3. Resistors and Capacitors 4. CRO 5. Bread Board Exercise 1. Design a Analog PID Controller for various values of Kp, Ki, Kd 2. Apply the error Signal from signal Generator (Square, Sine) 3. Note down the response from the CRO. Design of PID Controller using Microprocessor Aim: To the study the response of P, PI, PD ,PID Controllers using Microprocessor. Equipment 1. Signal Generator 2. Microprocessor based kit with ADC and DAC Section 3. CRO Exercise: 1. Enter the PID Algorithm in Microprocessor 2. Give the Error Signal to ADC Section of Microprocessor Kit. 3. Execute the Microprocessor Program 4. Note down the output response of PID Controller in the DAC Section Microprocessor Kit EI 2407 AIM: To encourage the students to comprehend the knowledge acquired from the first Semester to Sixth Semester of B.E Degree Course through periodic exercise. COMPREHENSION LTPC 0021
LTPC 3003 UNIT I OVERVIEW OF MANAGEMENT 9 Definition - Management - Role of managers - Evolution of Management thought Organization and the environmental factors Trends and Challenges of Management in Global Scenario. UNIT II PLANNING 9 Nature and purpose of planning - Planning process - Types of plans Objectives - Managing by objective (MBO) Strategies - Types of strategies - Policies - Decision Making - Types of decision - Decision Making Process - Rational Decision Making Process - Decision Making under different conditions. UNIT III ORGANIZING 9 Nature and purpose of organizing - Organization structure - Formal and informal groups I organization - Line and Staff authority - Departmentation - Span of control Centralization and Decentralization - Delegation of authority - Staffing - Selection and Recruitment - Orientation - Career Development - Career stages Training - Performance Appraisal. UNIT IV DIRECTING 9 Creativity and Innovation - Motivation and Satisfaction - Motivation Theories Leadership Styles - Leadership theories - Communication - Barriers to effective communication - Organization Culture - Elements and types of culture - Managing cultural diversity. UNIT V CONTROLLING 9 Process of controlling - Types of control - Budgetary and non-budgetary control techniques - Managing Productivity - Cost Control - Purchase Control - Maintenance Control - Quality Control - Planning operations. TOTAL= 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS: 1. Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter, 'Management', Prentice Hall of India, 8th edition. 2. Charles W L Hill, Steven L McShane, 'Principles of Management', Mcgraw Hill Education, Special Indian Edition, 2007. REFERENCES: 1. Hellriegel, Slocum & Jackson, ' Management - A Competency Based Approach', Thomson South Western, 10th edition, 2007. 2. Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich and Mark V Cannice, 'Management - A global & Entrepreneurial Perspective', Tata Mcgraw Hill, 12th edition, 2007. 3. Andrew J. Dubrin, 'Essentials of Management', Thomson Southwestern, 7th edition, 2007.
LTPC 3003 UNIT I PROBLEM SOLVING 9 Introduction Agents Problem formulation uninformed search strategies heuristics informed search strategies constraint satisfaction UNIT II KNOWLEDGE AND REASONING 9 Logical agents propositional logic inferences first-order logic inference in firstorder logic forward chaining backward chaining resolution UNIT III PLANNING 9 Planning with state-space search partial-order planning planning graphs planning and acting in the real world UNIT IV UNCERTAIN KNOWLEDGE AND REASONING Uncertainty review of probability - probabilistic Reasoning Bayesian networks inferences in Bayesian networks Temporal models Hidden Markov models UNIT V LEARNING Learning from observation - Inductive learning Decision trees Explanation based learning Statistical Learning methods - Reinforcement Learning 9
TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. S. Russel and P. Norvig, Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach, Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2003. REFERENCES 1. David Poole, Alan Mackworth, Randy Goebel, Computational Intelligence : a logical approach, Oxford University Press, 1998. 2. G. Luger, Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for complex problem solving, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education, 2002. 3. J. Nilsson, Artificial Intelligence: A new Synthesis, Elsevier Publishers, 1998.
LTPC 3003 UNIT I INSTRUCTION SET ARCHITECTURE 9 Introduction to computer architecture - Review of digital design Instructions and addressing procedures and data assembly language programs instruction set variations UNIT II ARITHMETIC/LOGIC UNIT 9 Number representation design of adders design of simple ALUs design of Multipliers and dividers design of floating point arithmetic unit UNIT III DATA PATH AND CONTROL 9 Instruction execution steps control unit synthesis microprogramming pipelining pipeline performance
UNIT IV MEMORY SYSTEM 9 Main Memory concepts types of memory cache memory organization secondary storage virtual memory paging UNIT V I/O AND INTERFACES 9 I/O devices I/O programming polling interrupts DMA buses links interfacing context switching threads and multithreading TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. B. Parhami, Computer Architecture, Oxford University Press, 2005. 2. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic and Safwat Zaky, Computer Organization, Fifth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002. REFERENCES 1. David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software interface, Third Edition, Elsevier, 2004. 2. William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture Designing for Performance, Seventh Edition, Pearson Education, 2006. 3. Miles Murdocca Computers Architecture and Organization An Integrated approach, Wiley India pvt Ltd, 2007 4. John D. Carpinelli, Computer systems organization and Architecture, Pearson Education, 2001.
CS2023 AIM
LTPC 3003
To learn the various aspects of operating systems such as process management, memory management, file systems, and I/O management UNIT I PROCESSES AND THREADS 9 Introduction to operating systems review of computer organization operating system structures system calls system programs system structure virtual machines. Processes: Process concept Process scheduling Operations on processes Cooperating processes Interprocess communication Communication in client-server systems. Case study: IPC in Linux. Threads: Multi-threading models Threading issues. Case Study: Pthreads library UNIT II PROCESS SCHEDULING AND SYNCHRONIZATION 9 CPU Scheduling: Scheduling criteria Scheduling algorithms Multiple-processor scheduling Real time scheduling Algorithm Evaluation. Case study: Process scheduling in Linux. Process Synchronization: The critical-section problem Synchronization hardware Semaphores Classic problems of synchronization critical regions Monitors. Deadlock: System model Deadlock characterization Methods for handling deadlocks Deadlock prevention Deadlock avoidance Deadlock detection Recovery from deadlock.
UNIT III STORAGE MANAGEMENT 9 Memory Management: Background Swapping Contiguous memory allocation Paging Segmentation Segmentation with paging. Virtual Memory: Background Demand paging Process creation Page replacement Allocation of frames Thrashing. Case Study: Memory management in Linux UNIT IV FILE SYSTEMS 9 File-System Interface: File concept Access methods Directory structure File system mounting Protection. File-System Implementation : Directory implementation Allocation methods Free-space management efficiency and performance recovery log-structured file systems. Case studies: File system in Linux file system in Windows XP UNIT V I/O SYSTEMS 9 I/O Systems I/O Hardware Application I/O interface kernel I/O subsystem Streams performance. Mass-Storage Structure: Disk scheduling Disk management Swap-space management RAID disk attachment stable storage tertiary storage. Case study: I/O in Linux TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne, Operating System Concepts, Sixth Edition, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2003. 2. D. M. Dhamdhere, Operating Systems: A concepts based approach, Second Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2006. REFERENCES 1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, Second Edition, Pearson Education/PHI, 2001. 2. Harvey M. Deital, Operating Systems, Third Edition, Pearson Education, 2004.
CS2024 AIM
LTPC 3003
To study the principles and techniques of windows programming using MFC, procedures, resources, controls and database programming through the visual languages, Visual C++ and Visual Basic. OBJECTIVES i. To study about the concepts of windows programming models, MFC applications, drawing with the GDI, getting inputs from Mouse and the Keyboard. ii. To study the concepts of Menu basics, menu magic and classic controls of the windows programming using VC++. iii. To study the concept of Document/View Architecture with single & multiple document interface, toolbars, status bars and File I/O Serialization. iv. To study about the integrated development programming event driven programming, variables, constants, procedures and basic ActiveX controls in visual basic.
v. To understand the database and the database management system, visual data manager, data bound controls and ADO controls in VB. UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS OF WINDOWS AND MFC 9 Messages - Windows programming - SDK style - Hungarian notation and windows data types - SDK programming in perspective.The benefits of C++ and MFC - MFC design philosophy - Document/View architecture - MFC class hierarchy - AFX functions. Application object - Frame window object - Message map. Drawing the lines Curves Ellipse Polygons and other shapes. GDI pens Brushes - GDI fonts - Deleting GDI objects and deselecting GDI objects. Getting input from the mouse: Client & Non-client - Area mouse messages - Mouse wheel - Cursor. Getting input from the keyboard: Input focus - Keystroke messages - Virtual key codes Character & dead key messages. UNIT II RESOURCES AND CONTROLS 9 Creating a menu Loading and displaying a menu Responding to menu commands Command ranges - Updating the items in menu, update ranges Keyboard accelerators. Creating menus programmatically - Modifying menus programmatically The system menu - Owner draw menus Cascading menus - Context menus. The C button class C list box class C static class - The font view application C edit class C combo box class C scrollbar class. Model dialog boxes Modeless dialog boxes. UNIT III DOCUMENT / VIEW ARCHITECTURE 9 The inexistence function revisited Document object View object Frame window object Dynamic object creation. SDI document template - Command routing. Synchronizing multiple views of a document Mid squares application Supporting multiple document types Alternatives to MDI. Splitter Windows: Dynamic splitter window Static splitter windows. Creating & initializing a toolbar - Controlling the toolbars visibility Creating & initializing a status bar - Creating custom status bar panes Status bar support in appwizard. Opening, closing and creating the files - Reading & Writing C file derivatives Serialization basics - Writing serializable classes. UNIT IV FUNDAMENTALS OF VISUAL BASIC 10 Menu bar Tool bar Project explorer Toolbox Properties window Form designer Form layout Intermediate window. Designing the user interface: Aligning the controls Running the application Visual development and event driven programming. Variables: Declaration Types Converting variable types User defined data types Lifetime of a variable. Constants - Arrays Types of arrays. Procedures: Subroutines Functions Calling procedures. Text box controls List box & Combo box controls Scroll bar and slider controls File controls. UNIT V DATABASE PROGRAMMING WITH VB 8 Record sets Data control Data control properties, methods. Visual data manager: Specifying indices with the visual data manager Entering data with the visual data
manager. Data bound list control Data bound combo box Data bound grid control. Mapping databases: Database object Table def object, Query def object. Programming the active database objects ADO object model Establishing a connection - Executing SQL statements Cursor types and locking mechanism Manipulating the record set object Simple record editing and updating. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Jeff Prosise, Programming Windows With MFC, Second Edition, WP Publishers & Distributors [P] Ltd, Reprinted 2002. 2. Evangelos Petroutsos, Mastering Visual Basic 6.0, BPB Publications, 2002. REFENENCES 1. Herbert Schildt, MFC Programming From the Ground Up, Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, reprinted 2002. 2. John Paul Muller, Visual C++ 6 From the Ground Up Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, Reprinted 2002. 3. Curtis Smith & Micheal Amundsen, Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual Basic 6 in 21 days, Techmedia Pub, 1999.
EI2021 AIM
LTPC 3003
The course is designed to familiarize the student with the functions and instrumentation available in a modern power generation plant. OBJECTIVES i. To provide an overview of different methods of power generation with a particular stress on thermal power generation. ii. To bring out the various measurements involved in power generation plants. iii. To provide knowledge about the different types of devices used for analysis. iv. To inpart knowledge about the different types of controls and control loops. v. To familiarize the student with the methods of monitoring different parameters like speed, vibration of turbines and their control UNIT I OVERVIEW OF POWER GENERATION 9 Brief survey of methods of power generation hydro, thermal, nuclear, solar and wind power importance of instrumentation in power generation thermal power plants building blocks details of boiler processes UP&I diagram of boiler cogeneration. UNIT II MEASUREMENTS IN POWER PLANTS 9 Electrical measurements current, voltage, power, frequency, power factor etc. non electrical parameters flow of feed water, fuel, air and steam with correction factor for temperature steam pressure and steam temperature drum level measurement radiation detector smoke density measurement dust monitor. UNIT III ANALYZERS IN POWER PLANTS 9 Flue gas oxygen analyser analysis of impurities in feed water and steam dissolved oxygen analyser chromatography PH meter fuel analyser pollution monitoring instruments.
UNIT IV CONTROL LOOPS IN BOILER 9 Combustion control air/fuel ratio control furnace draft control drum level control main stem and reheat steam temperature control superheater control attemperator deaerator control distributed control system in power plants interlocks in boiler operation. UNIT V TURBINE MONITORING AND CONTROL 9 Speed, vibration, shell temperature monitoring and control steam pressure control lubricant oil temperature control cooling system TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Sam G. Dukelow, The control of Boilers, Instrument Society of America, 1991. 2. Modern Power Station Practice, Vol.6, Instrumentation, Controls and Testing, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1971. REFERENCES 1. Elonka,S.M.and Kohal A.L.Standard Boiler Operations, McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1994. 2. R.K.Jain, Mechanical and industrial Measurements, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1995.
EI2022 AIM
LTPC 3003
To expose the students to the Instrumentation applied in petrochemical industries. OBJECTIVES i. To expose the students to the basic processing in petroleum industry. ii. To provide adequate knowledge about the unit operations. iii. To impart knowledge pertaining to the petroleum products and the chemicals obtained from them. iv. To provide adequate knowledge about the measurement of various parameters in petrochemical industry. v. To expose the students to the various control loops in Petrochemical Industry. UNIT I PETROLEUM PROCESSING 9 Petroleum exploration Recovery techniques Oil Gas separation - Processing wet gases Refining of crude oil. UNIT II OPERATIONS IN PETROLEUM INDUSTRY 9 Thermal cracking Catalytic cracking Catalytic reforming Polymerisation Alkylation Isomerization Production of ethylene, acetylene and propylene from petroleum. UNIT III CHEMICALS FROM PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 9 Chemicals from petroleum Methane derivatives Acetylene derivatives Ethylene derivatives Propylene derivatives Other products.
UNIT IV MEASUREMENTS IN PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 9 Parameters to be measured in refinery and petrochemical industry Selection and maintenance of measuring instruments Intrinsic safety of Instruments. UNIT V CONTROL LOOPS IN PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 9 Process control in refinery and petrochemical industry Control of distillation column Control of catalytic crackers and pyrolysis unit Automatic control of polyethylene production Control of vinyl chloride and PVC production. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. A.L. Waddams, Chemicals from Petroleum, Butter and Janner Ltd., 1968. 2. J.G. Balchan. and K.I. Mumme, Process Control Structures and Applications, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1988. REFERENCES 1. Austin G.T. Shreeves, Chemical Process Industries, McGraw Hill International Student edition, Singapore, 1985. 2. B.G Liptak, Instrumentation in Process Industries, Chilton Book Company, 1994.
EI2023 AIM The course is designed to familiarize the student with the functions and applications of MEMS. OBJECTIVES (i) To study about MEMS and parts of MEMS (ii) To study the design methodalogy of MEMS for various mechanics. (iii) To study about actuators in MEMS. (iv) To study about MEMS based circuits. (v) To study about optical and RF based MEMS. UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO MEMS 9 MEMS and Microsystems, Miniaturization, Typical products, Micro Sensors,Micro actuation, MEMS with micro actuators, Microaccelorometers and Micro fluidics, MEMS materials, Micro Fabrication UNIT II MECHANICS FOR MEMS DESIGN 9 Elasticity, Stress, strain and material properties, Bending of thin plates, Spring configurations, torsional deflection, Mechanical vibration, Resonance, Thermo mechanics actuators, force and response time, Fracture and thin film mechanics, material, physical vapor deposition (PVD), chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) UNIT III ELECTRO STATIC DESIGN 9 Electrostatics: basic theory, electro static instability, Surface tension, gap and finger pull up, Electro static actuators, Comb generators, gap closers, rotary motors, inch worms, Electromagnetic actuators, bistable actuators. MICRO ELECTRO MECHANICAL SYSTEMS LTPC 3003
UNIT IV CIRCUIT AND SYSTEM ISSUES 9 Electronic interfaces, Feed back systems, Noise, Circuit and system issues, Case studies Capacitive accelerometer, Peizo electric pressure sensor, Thermal sensors, radiation sensors, mechanical sensors, bio-chemical sensors Modeling of MEMS systems, CAD for MEMS. UNIT V INTRODUCTION TO OPTICAL AND RF MEMS 9 Optical MEMS, system design basics Gaussian optics, matrix operations, Resolution, Case studies, MEMS scanners and retinal scanning, display, Digital Micro mirror devices, RF Memes design basics, case study Capacitive RF MEMS switch, Performance issues. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Stephen Santeria, Microsystems Design , Kluwer publishers, 2000. 2. James J.Allen, Micro electro mechanical system design, CRC Press published in 2005 REFERENCES 1. Nadim Maluf, An introduction to Micro electro mechanical system design, Artech House, 2000. 2. Mohamed Gad-el-Hak, editor, The MEMS Handbook, CRC press Baco Raton, 2000 3. Tai Ran Hsu, MEMS & Micro systems Design and Manufacture Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2002. 4. Julian w. Gardner, Vijay k. varadan, Osama O.Awadelkarim,Micro sensors MEMS and smart devices, John Wiley & son LTD,2002
LTPC 3003 UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Nanoscale Science and Technology- Implications for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Engineering-Classifications of nanostructured materials- nano particles- quantum dots, nanowires-ultra-thinfilms-multilayered materials. Length Scales involved and effect on properties: Mechanical, Electronic, Optical, Magnetic and Thermal properties. Introduction to properties and motivation for study (qualitative only). UNIT II PREPARATION METHODS 10 Bottom-up Synthesis-Top-down Approach: Precipitation, Mechanical Milling, Colloidal routes, Self-assembly, Vapour phase deposition, MOCVD, Sputtering, Evaporation, Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Atomic Layer Epitaxy, MOMBE. UNIT III PATTERNING AND LITHOGRAPHY FOR NANOSCALE DEVICES 7 Introduction to optical/UV electron beam and X-ray Lithography systems and processes, Wet etching, dry (Plasma /reactive ion) etching, Etch resists-dip pen lithography
UNIT IV PREPARATION ENVIRONMENTS 9 Clean rooms: specifications and design, air and water purity, requirements for particular processes, Vibration free environments: Services and facilities required. Working practices, sample cleaning, Chemical purification, chemical and biological contamination, Safety issues, flammable and toxic hazards, biohazards. UNIT V CHARECTERISATION TECHNIQUES 10 X-ray diffraction technique, Scanning Electron Microscopy - environmental techniques, Transmission Electron Microscopy including high-resolution imaging, Surface Analysis techniques- AFM, SPM, STM, SNOM, ESCA, SIMS-Nanoindentation. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. A.S. Edelstein and R.C. Cammearata, eds., Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications, (Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol and Philadelphia, 1996) 2. N John Dinardo, Nanoscale charecterisation of surfaces & Interfaces, Second edition, Weinheim Cambridge, Wiley-VCH, 2000 REFERENCES 1. G Timp (Editor), Nanotechnology, AIP press/Springer, 1999 2. Akhlesh Lakhtakia (Editor) The Hand Book of Nano Technology, Nanometer Structure, Theory, Modeling and Simulations. Prentice-Hall of India (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 2007. EC2021 AIM To introduce the concept of analyzing the digital image fundamentals and digital image processing. OBJECTIVES i. To study the digital image fundamentals and its applications. ii. To study various filters used in digital image processing. iii. To study about the segmentation & representation schemes. iv. To study about recognition & interpretation methods. v. To study about imagecompression. UNIT I DIGITAL IMAGE FUNDAMENTALS 9 Elements of visual perception, psycho visual model, brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, mach band effect, Color image fundamentals -RGB,HSI models, Image sampling, Quantization, dither, Two-dimensional mathematical formulation. UNIT II IMAGE TRANSFORMS 9 1D DFT, 2D transforms DFT, DCT, Discrete Sine, Walsh, Hadamard, Slant, Haar, KLT, SVD, Wavelet Transform. UNIT III IMAGE ENHANCEMENT AND RESTORATION 9 Histogram modification and specification techniques, Noise distributions, Spatial averaging, Directional Smoothing, Median and filters, Homomorphic filtering, Color image enhancement. Image Restoration degradation model, Inverse filtering removal DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING LTPC 3003
of blur, Wiener filtering, Geometric transformations spatial transformations, Gray-Level interpolation, UNIT IV IMAGE SEGMENTATION AND RECOGNITION 9 Edge detection. Image segmentation by region growing, region splitting and merging, edge linking.. Image Recognition Patterns and pattern classes, Matching by minimum distance classifier, Matching by correlation, Image classification using neural network. UNIT V IMAGE COMPRESSION 9 Need for data compression, Huffman,. Run Length Encoding, Shift codes, Arithmetic coding, Vector Quantization, Block Truncation Coding. Transform Coding DCT and Wavelet. JPEG, MPEG. Standards, principles of Context based Compression. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. William K.Pratt, Digital Image Processing, John Wiley, NewYork,2002. 2. Anil K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall of India, 2002. REFERENCES 1. David Salomon : Data Compression The Complete Reference, Springer Verlag New York Inc., 2nd Edition, 2001 2. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E.Woods, Steven Eddins, Digital Image Processing using MATLAB, Pearson Education, Inc., 2004. 3. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E.Woods, Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education, Inc., Second Edition, 2004 4. Milman Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac, Roger Boyle, Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision, Brooks/Cole, Vikas Publishing House, II ed., 1999. 5. Sid Ahmed, M.A., Image Processing Theory, Algorithms and Architectures, McGraw-Hill, 1995. EC2022 AIM To understand the advanved communication engineering concepts. OBJECTIVES i. To have a detailed knowledge of various spread spectrum techniques. ii. To understand the basic principles of mobile communication and bluetooth technology. iii. To have an exposure towards the high performance communication networks ATM and ISDN iv. To understand the operation of Radar and Navigationational aids. UNIT I SPREAD SPECTRUM COMMUNICATION 9 Spread spectrum techniques-spreading techniques-PN sequences-DSSS, RHSS-use of spread spectrum with CDMA UNIT II MOBILE COMMUNICATION 9 Basic cellular system-performance criteria-operation of cellular system-cell splittinginterference GSM, GPRS, Blue tooth-the link controller, the link manager, the host controller interface, LLCAP, WLL, Multiple access techniques ADVANCED COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING LTPC 3003
UNIT III ATM 9 ATMs position in OSL model-B-ISDN protocol reference model-ATM functions and layers-ATM signaling principles, TM operation and maintenance-ATM protocol stack: lower layers, fibre based networks and its advantages-ATM physical layer media UNIT IV ISDN 9 ISDN standards, ISDN interface and functions-UNI-ISDN proctol architecture, ISDN physical layer, ISDN dataline layer-Network interface UNIT V RADAR AND NAVIGATIONAL AIDS 9 Radar block diagram and operation-Radar range equation-Prediction of range performance-Minimum detectable signal-Pulse repetition frequency and range ambiguities-CW and FM CW radar-Synthetic aperature and air surveillance radar-ECCM and bistatic radar TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. M.I. SKOLNIK, Introduction toRadar-Mc Graw Hill and Edition 2. William C.Y.Lee, Mobile Cellular Telecommunications system-Mc Graw Hill International Ed. 1990 3. Simon Haykin, Digital communications, John Wiley and Sons, 1988 4. William Stallings,ISDN and BISDN Macmillan Publishers, 1995 REFERENCES 1. Jennifer Bray and Charles F. Sturman, Bluetooth, Pearson EducationAsia, 2001.
LTPC 3003 [Review of discrete-time signals and systems- DFT and FFT, Z-Transform, Digital Filters is recommended] AIM To provide adequate knowledge in Random signal processing. OBJECTIVES i. Detail study of time averaging , ensamble averaging & study of power spectral density. ii. Detail study of parametric & non parametric estimation iii. Detail study of adaptive filters & its applications iv. Introduction study of multivariable digital signal processing. UNIT I DISCRETE RANDOM SIGNAL PROCESSING 9 Discrete Random Processes- Ensemble averages, stationary processes, Autocorrelation and Auto covariance matrices. Parseval's Theorem, Wiener-Khintchine Relation- Power Spectral Density-Periodogram Spectral Factorization, Filtering random processes. Low Pass Filtering of White Noise. Parameter estimation: Bias and consistency.
UNIT II SPECTRUM ESTIMATION 9 Estimation of spectra from finite duration signals, Non-Parametric Methods-Correlation Method , Periodogram Estimator, Performance Analysis of Estimators -Unbiased, Consistent Estimators- Modified periodogram, Bartlett and Welch methods, Blackman Tukey method. Parametric Methods - AR, MA, ARMA model based spectral estimation. Parameter Estimation -Yule-Walker equations, solutions using Durbins algorithm UNIT III LINEAR ESTIMATION AND PREDICTION 9 Linear prediction- Forward and backward predictions, Solutions of the Normal equationsLevinson-Durbin algorithms. Least mean squared error criterion -Wiener filter for filtering and prediction , FIR Wiener filter and Wiener IIR filters. UNIT IV ADAPTIVE FILTERS 9 FIR adaptive filters -adaptive filter based on steepest descent method-Widrow-Hoff LMS adaptive algorithm, Normalized LMS. Adaptive channel equalization-Adaptive echo cancellation-Adaptive noise cancellation- Adaptive recursive filters (IIR). UNIT V MULTIRATE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING 9 Mathematical description of change of sampling rate - Interpolation and Decimation , Decimation by an integer factor - Interpolation by an integer factor, Sampling rate conversion by a rational factor, Filter implementation for sampling rate conversion- direct form FIR structures, Polyphase filter structures, time-variant structures. Multistage implementation of multirate system. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Monson H.Hayes, Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Singapore, 2002. 2. John G. Proakis, Dimitris G.Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, Pearson Education, 2002. REFERENCES 1. John G. Proakis et.al.Algorithms for Statistical Signal Processing, Pearson Education, 2002. 2. Dimitris G.Manolakis et.al. Statistical and adaptive signal Processing, McGraw Hill, Newyork, 2000. 3. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E.Woods, Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education, Inc., Second Edition, 2004.( For Wavelet Transform Topic)
EC2024 AIM
LTPC 3003
To provide comprehensive knowledge of robotics in the design, analysis and control point of view. OBJECTIVES i. To study the various parts of robots and fields of robotics. ii. To study the various kinematics and inverse kinematics of robots. iii. To study the Euler, Lagrangian formulation of Robot dynamics. iv. To study the trajectory planning for robot. v. To study the control of robots for some specific applications. UNIT I BASIC CONCEPTS 9 Definition and origin of robotics different types of robotics various generations of robots degrees of freedom Asimovs laws of robotics dynamic stabilization of robots. UNIT II POWER SOURCES AND SENSORS 9 Hydraulic, pneumatic and electric drives determination of HP of motor and gearing ratio variable speed arrangements path determination micro machines in robotics machine vision ranging laser acoustic magnetic, fiber optic and tactile sensors. UNIT III MANIPULATORS, ACTUATORS AND GRIPPERS 9 Construction of manipulators manipulator dynamics and force control electronic and pneumatic manipulator control circuits end effectors U various types of grippers design considerations. UNIT IV KINEMATICS AND PATH PLANNING 9 Solution of inverse kinematics problem multiple solution jacobian work envelop hill climbing techniques robot programming languages UNIT V CASE STUDIES 9 Mutiple robots machine interface robots in manufacturing and non- manufacturing applications robot cell design selection of robot. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Mikell P. Weiss G.M., Nagel R.N., Odraj N.G., Industrial Robotics, McGraw-Hill Singapore, 1996. 2. Ghosh, Control in Robotics and Automation: Sensor Based Integration, Allied Publishers, Chennai, 1998. REFERENCES 1. Deb.S.R., Robotics technology and flexible Automation, John Wiley, USA 1992. 2. Asfahl C.R., Robots and manufacturing Automation, John Wiley, USA 1992. 3. Klafter R.D., Chimielewski T.A., Negin M., Robotic Engineering An integrated approach, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1994. 4. Mc Kerrow P.J. Introduction to Robotics, Addison Wesley, USA, 1991.
LTPC 3003 UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Introduction - Need for quality - Evolution of quality - Definition of quality - Dimensions of manufacturing and service quality - Basic concepts of TQM - Definition of TQM TQM Framework - Contributions of Deming, Juran and Crosby Barriers to TQM. UNIT II TQM PRINCIPLES 9 Leadership Strategic quality planning, Quality statements - Customer focus Customer orientation, Customer satisfaction, Customer complaints, Customer retention Employee involvement Motivation, Empowerment, Team and Teamwork, Recognition and Reward, Performance appraisal - Continuous process improvement PDSA cycle, 5s, Kaizen - Supplier partnership Partnering, Supplier selection, Supplier Rating. UNIT III TQM TOOLS & TECHNIQUES I 9 The seven traditional tools of quality New management tools Six-sigma: Concepts, methodology, applications to manufacturing, service sector including IT Bench marking Reason to bench mark, Bench marking process FMEA Stages, Types. UNIT IV TQM TOOLS & TECHNIQUES II 9 Quality circles Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Taguchi quality loss function TPM Concepts, improvement needs Cost of Quality Performance measures. UNIT V QUALITY SYSTEMS 9 Need for ISO 9000- ISO 9000-2000 Quality System Elements, Documentation, Quality auditing- QS 9000 ISO 14000 Concepts, Requirements and Benefits Case studies of TQM implementation in manufacturing and service sectors including IT. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Dale H.Besterfiled, et at., Total Quality Management, Pearson Education Asia, Third Edition, Indian Reprint (2006). 2. Suganthi,L and Anand Samuel, Total Quality Management, Prentice Hall (India) Pvt. Ltd. (2006) REFERENCES 1. James R. Evans and William M. Lindsay, The Management and Control of Quality, (6th Edition), South-Western (Thomson Learning), 2005. 2. Oakland, J.S. TQM Text with Cases, Butterworth Heinemann Ltd., Oxford, Third Edition (2003). 3. Janakiraman,B and Gopal, R.K, Total Quality Management Text and Cases, Prentice Hall (India) Pvt. Ltd. (2006)
LTPC 3003
UNIT I ENGINEERING ETHICS 9 Senses of Engineering Ethics Variety of moral issues Types of inquiry Moral dilemmas Moral Autonomy Kohlbergs theory Gilligans theory Consensus and Controversy Professions and Professionalism Professional Ideals and Virtues Uses of Ethical Theories UNIT II ENGINEERING AS SOCIAL EXPERIMENTATION 9 Engineering as Experimentation Engineers as responsible Experimenters Research Ethics - Codes of Ethics Industrial Standards - A Balanced Outlook on Law The Challenger Case Study UNIT III ENGINEERS RESPONSIBILITY FOR SAFETY 9 Safety and Risk Assessment of Safety and Risk Risk Benefit Analysis Reducing Risk The Government Regulators Approach to Risk - Chernobyl Case Studies and Bhopal UNIT IV RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS 9 Collegiality and Loyalty Respect for Authority Collective Bargaining Confidentiality Conflicts of Interest Occupational Crime Professional Rights Employee Rights Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) - Discrimination UNIT V GLOBAL ISSUES 9 Multinational Corporations Business Ethics - Environmental Ethics Computer Ethics Role in Technological Development Weapons Development Engineers as Managers Consulting Engineers Engineers as Expert Witnesses and Advisors Honesty Moral Leadership Sample Code of Conduct TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Mike Martin and Roland Schinzinger, Ethics in Engineering, McGraw Hill, New York (2005). 2. Charles E Harris, Michael S Pritchard and Michael J Rabins, Engineering Ethics Concepts and Cases, Thompson Learning, (2000). REFERENCES 1. Charles D Fleddermann, Engineering Ethics, Prentice Hall, New Mexico, (1999). 2. John R Boatright, Ethics and the Conduct of Business, Pearson Education, (2003) 3. Edmund G Seebauer and Robert L Barry, Fundamentals of Ethics for Scientists and Engineers, Oxford University Press, (2001) 4. Prof. (Col) P S Bajaj and Dr. Raj Agrawal, Business Ethics An Indian Perspective, Biztantra, New Delhi, (2004) 5. David Ermann and Michele S Shauf, Computers, Ethics and Society, Oxford University Press, (2003)
LTPC 3003
AIM To provide sound knowledge on the principles of discrete data control system OBJECTIVES i. To study the importance of sample data control system. ii. To give adequate knowledge about signal processing in digital control. iii. To study the importance of modeling of discrete systems and stability analysis of discrete data system. iv. To study the importance of state space representation for discrete data system. v. To introduce the design concept for digital controllers. UNIT I COMPUTER CONTROLLED SYSTEM 9 Configuration of the basic digital control scheme general sampled data system variables signal classifications why use digital control system Advantages disadvantages examples of discrete data and digital control systems. UNIT II SIGNAL PROCESSING IN DIGITAL CONTROL 9 Sampling process Frequency domain analysis ideal samples Shanons sampling theorem generation and solution of process linear difference equations data reconstruction process frequency domain characteristics. UNIT III DISCRETE SYSTEM MODELLING 9 Determination of the transform mapping between s and domains - transform of system equations open loop Hybrid sampled Data Control Systems open loop discrete Input Data Control System closed loop sampled data control system modified transform method response between sampling instants stability on the plane and jurys stability test steady state error analysis for stable systems. UNIT IV STATE VARIABLE ANALYSIS OF DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEMS 9 State descriptions of digital processors conversion of state variable models to transfer functions conversion of transfer functions to canonical state variable models first comparison form second companion form Jordon Canonical form state description of sampled continuous time plants solution of state difference equations closed form solution state transition matrix Caley Hamilton Technique concept of controllability and absorbability loss of controllability and absorbability due to sampling. UNIT V DESIGN OF DIGITAL CONTROL 9 Digital PI, PD and PID Controller Position and velocity forms state regulator design design of state observers dead beat control by state feed back and dead beat observers. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. C.M. Houpis, G.B. Lamount, Digital Control Systems-Theory, Hardware, Software, International Student Edition, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1985. 2. M.Gopal, Digital Control and State Variables Methods, Tata McGraw HILL, 2nd Edition, 2003. REFERENCES 1. B.C. Kuo, Digital control systems, Second Edition, Oxford University press, 1992. 2. P.B. Deshpande and R.H. Ash, Computer Process Control, ISA Publication, USA, 1995. 175
CS2025 AIM
LTPC 3003
To cater the knowledge of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic Control, Genetic Algorithm and Evolutionary Programming and their applications for controlling real time systems. OBJECTIVES i. To expose the concepts of feed forward neural networks. ii. To provide adequate knowledge about feed back neural networks. iii. To teach about the concept of fuzziness involved in various systems. iv. To provide adequate knowledge about fuzzy set theory. v. To expose the ideas of GA and EP in optimization and control. UNIT I ANN - INTRODUCTION 9 Introduction Biological neuron Artificial neuron Neuron modeling Learning rules Single layer Multi layer feed forward network Back propagation Learning factors. UNIT II ANN - ARCHITECTURE AND APPLICATIONS 9 Feedback networks Discrete time Hopfield networks Transient response of continuous time networks Process modeling using ANN- Neuro controller for inverted pendulum. UNIT III FUZZY SYSTEMS 9 Classical sets Fuzzy sets Fuzzy relations Fuzzification - Membership functions Defuzzification Methods of defuzzification Fuzzy rules. UNIT IV FUZZY LOGIC CONTROL 9 Membership function Knowledge base Decision-making logic Optimisation of membership function using neural networks Adaptive fuzzy system.- FLC for inverted pendulum- Home heating system- Introduction to Neuro-fuzzy systems. UNIT V OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES 9 Gradient Search Non-gradient search Genetic Algorithms: Operators, search algorithm, penalty Evolutionary Programming: Operators, Search Algorithms TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Laurance Fausett, Fundamentals of Neural Networks, Pearson Education, 2004. 2. Timothy J. Ross, Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, McGraw Hill, 1997. 3. David Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning, Pearson Education, 2007. REFERENCES 1 J.S.R.Jang, C.T.Sun and E.Mizutani, Neuro- Fuzzy and Soft Computing Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2004 2. Jacek M. Zurada, Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, Jaico Publishing home, 2002. 3. John Yen and Reza Langari, Fuzzy Logic Intelligence, Control and Information, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2003. 4. Robert J.Schalkoff, Artifical Neural Networks, McGraw Hill, 1997.