100 Surfaces: Algor Torture Tests How Many Surfaces Can Algor Handle On One Object? - in Fempro and Superview?

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Algor Torture Tests How many surfaces can Algor handle on one object? - In Fempro and Superview?

100 Surfaces

Rhinoceros / nPower Booleans Test Shape - 100 surfaces, 1 object (model 6)

Imported to Algor - Pressurized Shell Model - 99 surfaces 331 Surfaces

Model split with a series of cut planes - Front View - then joined (model 7) - 331 surfaces

Model 7 in Algor - Shaded with Features - Mesh Not Shown 694 Surfaces

Model 8 - Split in the other direction - Right View - 694 surfaces

Crashes first attempt to mesh - not enough retries available (mesh at 100% size) Increase number of retries to 20 and try again... Successfully meshes.

Model 8 Mesh Detail - surface numbers showing

Superdraw cannot handle more than 256 surfaces per object - surfaces above 256 become less than 256...

Surface numbers have changed in Superdraw - maximum surface number is 255.

Stress Results with displacement. 892 Surfaces

100% Mesh size crashes first try - Algor restarted, maximum retries increased to 20x. Some surfaces not displayed when imported (holes in upper loop).

892 Surfaces - Full mesh is generated, in spite of some surfaces not showing when imported.

2381 Surfaces

Model 10 - Split in 6 directions on the diagonal - many more surfaces created. Rhino does not sucessfully split all surfaces (some feature lines are missing).

2381 Surfaces in Algor (yes it took a few minutes to open...) Algor is not happy meshing the surfaces (too many weird shapes) - set the retry reduction factor to 0.995 and the number of retries to 100, size to 200% and give it time to work. Algor Crashes first time while meshing - use same settings and try again Algor crashes second time at 101 of 100 retries (cause was not noticed during first try) - increase the number of retries to 1000, all other setting the same and try again. Meshing continues at retry 316... Meshing stopped after 1 hour because it was taking to long. Meshing was stuck at surface 46.

Surface 46 - way to small to get mesh on - Algor got stuck on this surface trying to get a small enough mesh size to fit the surface - mission impossible. (Again some surfaces are not displaying). Conclusions: More than 2381 surfaces per object can be imported in Fempro, however, if the analysis will be done in Superview, then the limit is 255 surfaces. Algor might crash when loading or meshing the model. Try again, and increase the maximum number of retries before meshing. Small surfaces can cause big problems! Done

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