1 Meaning and Importance of Managerial Economics

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Meaning And Importance Of Managerial Economics

Unit 1

Unit 1
1.1 Introduction Objectives 1.2 Meaning

Meaning And Importance Of Managerial Economics

1.3 Scope of Business economics 1.4 Importance of the study of managerial economics 1.5 Two major functions of a managerial economist 1.6 Summary Terminal Questions Answer to SAQs and TQs

1.1 Introduction
Economics is a growing subject. Many new branches have been developed by various economists from time to time to meet the requirements of the Time. One such new addition is Managerial Economics. It is interesting to study the reasons for the emergence of this new branch of economics. In the last few decades all over the world business has expanded and diversified at a fast rate. Variety of goods and services unheard of so far have been developed. Wideranging changes have taken place both in the scope and the modes of business operation. Government interference in business has become very common in all nations. Side by side, the business world has become increasingly complex, challenging and competitive in recent years. uncertainties and Business

fluctuations have become the order of the day. The traditional micro economic theories have failed to offer solutions to the problems faced by business units today. In order to help the business executives to solve their business and managerial problems, a new branch of economics now popularly known as managerial economics has been developed by modern economists. Learning Objectives: After studying this unit, you should be able to understand the following 1. To understand the background of the emergence of managerial economics. 2. To understand the meaning and special features of the subject. 3. To know the various topics covered under this subject.

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Meaning And Importance Of Managerial Economics

Unit 1

4. To know how the concepts of decision making and forward planning are applied in daytoday business. 5. To know the importance of managerial economics in todays complicated business management.

1.2 Meaning
Managerial economics is a science that deals with the application of various economic theories, principles, concepts and techniques to business management in order to solve business and management problems. It deals with the practical application of economic theory and methodology to decisionmaking problems faced by private, public and nonprofit making organizations. The same idea has been expressed by Spencer and Seigelman in the following words. Managerial Economics is the integration of economic theory with business practice for the purpose of facilitating decision making and forward planning by the management.According to Mc Nair and Meriam, Managerial economics is the use of economic modes of thought to analyze business situation. Brighman and Pappas define managerial economics as, the application of economic theory and methodology to business administration practice.Joel dean is of the opinion that use of economic analysis in formulating business and management policies is known as managerial economics. Managerial economics is a highly specialized and new branch of economics developed in recent years. It highlights on practical application of principles and concepts of economics in to business decision making process in order to find out optimal solutions to managerial problems. It fills up the gap between abstract economic theory and managerial practice. It lies midway between economic theory and business practice and serves as a connecting link between the two. Features of managerial Economics 1. It is a new discipline and of recent origin 2. It is a highly specialized and separate branch by itself. 3. It is basically a branch of microeconomics and as such it studies the problems of only one firm in detail. 4. It is mainly a normative science and as such it is a goal oriented and prescriptive science. 5. It is more realistic, pragmatic and highlights on practical application of various economic theories to solve business and management problems.

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Meaning And Importance Of Managerial Economics

Unit 1

6. It is a science of decisionmaking. It concentrates on decisionmaking process, decision models and decision variables and their relationships. 7. It is both conceptual and metrical and it helps the decisionmaker by providing measurement of various economic variables and their interrelationships. 8. It uses various macro economic concepts like national income, inflation, deflation, trade cycles etc to understand and adjust its policies to the environment in which the firm operates. 9. It also gives importance to the study of noneconomic variables having implications of economic performance of the firm. For example, impact of technology, environmental forces, sociopolitical and cultural factors etc. 10. It uses the services of many other sister sciences like mathematics, statistics, engineering, accounting, operation research and psychology etc to find solutions to business and management problems. It should be clearly remembered that Managerial Economics does not provide readymade solutions to all kinds of problems faced by a firm. It provides only the logic and methodology to find out answers and not the answers themselves. It all depends on the managers ability, experience, expertise and intelligence to use different tools of economic analysis to find out the correct answers to business problems.


The term scope indicates the area of study, boundaries, subject matter and width of a subject. Business economics is comparatively a new and upcoming subject. However, the following topics are covered in this subject. Consequently, there is no unanimity among different economists with respect to the exact scope of business economics.

Profit maximization has been considered as the main objective of a business unit in olden days. But in the context of present day business environment, many new objectives have come to the fore. Today, there are multiple objectives and they are multi dimensional in nature. Some of them are competitive while others are supplementary in nature. A few others are interconnected and a few others are opposing in nature. There are economic, social, organizational, human, and national goals. There are managerial and behavioral theories. All the objectives are determined by various

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Meaning And Importance Of Managerial Economics

Unit 1

factors and forces like corporate environment, socioeconomic conditions, and nature of power in the organization and external constraints under which a firm operates. In the midst of several objectives, the traditional profit maximization objective even today has a very high place. All other policies and programmes of a firm revolve round this objective. However, a firm aims at profit optimization rather than profit maximization today.


A firm is basically a producing unit. It produces different kinds of goods and services. It has to meet the requirements of consumers in the market. The basic problems of what to produce, where to produce, for whom to produce, how to produce, how much to produce and how to distribute them in the market are to be answered by a firm. Hence, it has to study in detail the various determinants of demand, nature, composition and characteristics of demand, elasticity of demand, demand distinctions, demand forecasting and so on. all these points into account. The production plan prepared by a firm should take


Production implies transformation of inputs into outputs. It may be either in physical or monetary terms. The physical production deals with how output is to be produced by a firm by employing different factor inputs in proper proportions. Maximization of output is one of the basic goals of a firm. Production analysis deals with production function, laws of returns, returns to scale, economies of scale, etc. Production cost is concerned with estimation of costs to produce a given quantity of output. Cost controls, cost reduction, cost cutting and cost minimization receive top most priority in production and cost analysis. Maximization of output with minimum cost is the basic slogan of any firm. Cost analysis deals with the study of various cost concepts, their classification, costoutput relationship in the short run and long run.





Pricing decision is related to fixing the prices of goods and services.This depends on the pricing policy and practices adopted by a firm. Price setting is one of the most important policies of a firm. The amount of revenue, the level of income and above all the volume of profits earned by a firm directly depend on its pricing decisions. Hence, we have to study priceoutput determination under

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Meaning And Importance Of Managerial Economics

Unit 1











methods, practices, policies etc. we also study price forecasting, marketing channel, distribution channel, sales promotion policies etc.

A firm is basically a commercial or business unit. Consequently, the success or failure of it is measured in terms of the amount of profit it is able to earn in a competitive market. The management gives top most priority to this aspect. Under profit management, one has to study various theories of profit, emergence of profit, functions of profit, and its measurement, profit policies, techniques, profit planning, profit forecasting and Break Even Point etc.

It is another crucial area of business.Success of any business depends on adequate capital investment and its proper management. Basically one has to study the cost of employing capital and the rate of return expected from each and every project. It is costbenefit analysis. Under capital management, one has to study capital requirement, methods of capital mobilization, capital budgeting, optimal allocation of capital, selection of highly profitable projects, cost of capital, return on capital, planning and control of capital expenditure etc.


The term linear means that the relationships handled are the same as those represented by straight lines and programming implies systematic planning or decisionmaking. It implies maximization or minimization of a linear function of variables subject to a constraint of linear inequalities. It offers actual numerical solution to the problems of making optimum choices. It involves either maximization of profits or minimization of costs. The theory of games basically attempts to explain what is the rational course of action for an individual firm or an entrepreneur who is confronted with the a situation where in the outcome depends not only on his own actions, but also on the actions of others who are also confronted with the same problem of selecting a rational course of action. In short, under the conditions of conflicts and uncertainty, a firm or an individual faces problem similar to that of the player of any game. Both

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Meaning And Importance Of Managerial Economics

Unit 1

these techniques are extensively used in business economics to solve various business and managerial problems.




The knowledge of market structure and conditions existing in various kinds of markets are of great importance in any business. The number of sellers and buyers, the nature, extent and degree of competition etc determines the nature of policies to be adopted by a firm in the market.

It provides a framework on which long term decisions can be made which have an impact on the behavior of the firm. The firm sets certain longterm goals and objectives and selects the strategy to achieve the same. It is now a new addition to the scope of business economics with the emergence of MNCs. The perspective of strategic planning is global. In fact, the integration of business economics and strategic planning has given rise to a new area of study called corporate economics.


1. Macroeconomic management of the country relating to economic system, national income, trade cycles Savings and investments and its impact on the working of a firm. 2. Budgetary operations of the government and its implications on the firm 3. Knowledge and information about various government policies like monetary, fiscal, physical, industrial, labor, foreign trade, foreign capital and technology, MNCs etc and their impact on the working of a firm. 4. Impact of liberalization, globalization, privatization and marketization on the operations of firm. 5. Impact of international changes, role of international financial and trade institutions in formulating domestic polices of a firm. 6. Problems of environmental degradation and pollution and its impact on the policies of a firm. 7. Improvements in the field of science and technology and its impact on a firm etc 8. Sociopolitical, cultural and other external forces and their influence of business operations. Thus it is clear that the scope of managerial economics is expanding with the growth of modern business and business environment.

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Meaning And Importance Of Managerial Economics

Unit 1

1.4 Importance Economics






Managerial Economics does not give importance to the study of theoretical economic concepts. Its main concern is to apply theories to find solutions to day today practical problems faced by a firm. The following points indicate the significance of the study of this subject in its right perspective. 1. It gives guidance for identification of key variables in decisionmaking process. 2. It helps the business executives to understand the various intricacies of business and managerial problems and to take right decision at the right time. 3. It provides the necessary conceptual, technical skills, toolbox of analysis and techniques of thinking and other such most modern tools and instruments like elasticity of demand and supply, cost and revenue, income and expenditure, profit and volume of production etc to solve various business problems. 4. It is both a science and an art. In the context of globalization, privatization, liberalization and marketization and a highly competitive dynamic economy, it helps in identifying various business and managerial problems, their causes and consequence, and suggests various policies and programs to overcome them. 5. It helps the business executives to become much more responsive, realistic and competent to face the ever changing challenges in the modern business world. 6. It helps in the optimum use of scarce resources of a firm to maximize its profits. 7. It also helps in achieving other objectives a firm like attaining industry leadership, market share expansion and social responsibilities etc. 8. It helps a firm in forecasting the most important economic variables like demand, supply, cost, revenue, price, sales and profit etc and formulate sound business polices 9. It also helps in understanding the various external factors and forces which affect the decision making of a firm. Thus, it has become a highly useful and practical discipline in recent years to analyze and find solutions to various kinds of problems in a systematic and rational manner.

1.5. Two major Economist.




A Managerial Economist is a specialist and an expert in analyzing and finding answers to business and managerial problems. He has indepth knowledge of the subject. He is an authority and has total command over his subject.

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Meaning And Importance Of Managerial Economics

Unit 1

A Managerial Economist has to perform several functions in an organization. Among them, decision making and forward planning are described as the two major functions and all other functions are derived from these two basic functions. A detailed description of the two functions is given below for a understanding. 1. Decisionmaking The word decision suggests a deliberate choice made out of several possible alternative courses of action after carefully considering them. The act of choice signifying solution to an economic problem is economic decision making. It involves choices among a set of alternative courses of action. Decisionmaking is essentially a process of selecting the best out of many alternative opportunities or courses of action that are open to a management. Decisionmaking is a management function. Decisionmaking is a routine affair in any business unit. Hence, it is a part of business activity. It is a basic function of a managerial economist. In the day today business, he has to take innumerable decisions. Sometimes the manager takes the decision himself, sometimes in collaboration and consultations with others. Some decisions are taken on the spot and some others are taken after careful thinking. Some decisions are major and complex while others are minor and simple. Some decisions are taken in the absence of any information. Some decisions are taken in the background of decisions are taken in the midst of uncertainties. The choice made by the business executives are difficult, crucial and have farreaching consequences. The basic aim of taking a decision is to select the best course of action which maximizes the economic benefits and minimizes the use of scarce resources of a firm. Hence, each decision involves costbenefit analysis. Any slight error or delay in decision making may cause considerable economic and financial damage to a firm. It is for this reason, management experts are of the opinion that right decision making at the right time is the secret of a successful manager. 2. Forward planning The term planning implies a consciously directed activity with certain predetermined goals and means to carry them out. It is a deliberate activity. It is a programmed action. Basically planning is concerned with tackling future situations in a systematic manner. certainty, known factors and information. Some other

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Meaning And Importance Of Managerial Economics

Unit 1

Forward planning implies planning in advance for the future. It is associated with deciding the future course of action of a firm. It is prepared on the basis of past and current experience of a firm. It is prepared in the background of uncertain and unpredictable environment and guess work. Future events and happenings cannot be predicted accurately. The success or failure of the future plan depends on a number of factors and forces which are unknown in nature. Much of economic activity is forward looking. Every time we build a new factory, add to the stocks of inputs, trucks, computers or improvements in R&D, our intension is to enhance the future productivity of the firm. Growing firms devote a significant share of their current output to net capital formation to bolster future economic output. A business executive must be sufficiently intelligent enough to think in advance, prepare a sound plan and take all possible precautionary measures to meet all types of challenges of the future business. Hence, forward planning has acquired greater significance in business circles.

1.6 Summary
Managerial economics is a new and a highly specialized branch of economics. It brings together economic theory and business practice. It assists in applying various economic theories and principles to find solutions to business and management problems. It is applied economics and makes an attempt to explain how various economic concepts are usefully employed in business management. It is a practical subject. It opens up the mind of a managerial economist to the complex and highly challenging business world. The features of managerial economics throw light on the nature of the emerging subject and the scope gives information about the wide coverage of the subject. The concepts of decision making and forward planning are the two basic functions of a managerial economist. In a way the entire subject matter of managerial economics is to be understood in the background of these two functions

Self Assessment Questions 1

1. Managerial Economics is the integration of__ management problems. 2. Managerial Economics fills up the gap between _ 3. Managerial Economics is mainly a 4. Basic objective a firm to day is
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_ with _ and

_ for solving business and _.

science. _.

Meaning And Importance Of Managerial Economics

Unit 1

5. Managerial Economic is basically a branch of __ economics. 6. Two major function of a Managerial Economic are _ Terminal Questions 1. Define Managerial Economic and explain its main characteristics. 2. Discuss the scope of Managerial Economics 3. Explain the importance of Managerial Economics 4. Discuss the functions of a Managerial Economist Answer to SAQs and TQs Answer for Self Assessment Questions 1 1. Economic theory, Business Practice 2. Economic theory Practice. 3. Prescriptive 4. Profit optimization 5. Micro 6. Decision making Forward Planning Answer to Terminal Questions 1. Refer to unit 1.2 2. Refer to unit 1.3 3. Refer to unit 1.4 4. Refer to unit 1.5 _ and _ _.

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