Worksheet On Joint and Combined Variation
Worksheet On Joint and Combined Variation
Worksheet On Joint and Combined Variation
Io|nt and Comb|ned Var|at|on
A JlLe an equaLlon of Lhe followlna elaLlonshlps use as Lhe consLanL of valaLlon
1 r vales dlecLlv wlLh J and lnveselv wlLh Lhe squae of
2 vales [olnLlv wlLh e and Lhe cube of
3 vales [olnLlv wlLh and and lnveselv wlLh Lhe squae of
4 vales dlecLlv wlLh Lhe squae ooL of n and lnveselv wlLh Lhe cube of p
3 @he amounL of heaL (H% puL ouL bv an elecLlcal appllance vales [olnLlv as Llme (% eslsLance (%ln Lhe Lhe
clculL and Lhe squae of Lhe cuenL (H%
6 @he volume of a cone (% vales [olnLlv wlLh lLs helahL (% and Lhe squae of (r% of lLs base
7 @he maxlmum safe load (H% fo a holzonLal beam vales [olnLlv wlLh lLs wldLh (% and Lhe squae of lLs
helahL (% and lnveselv wlLh lLs lenaLh (%
8 @he cephallc lndex (I% vales dlecLlv wlLh Lhe wldLh (% of Lhe head and lnveselv wlLh Lhe lenaLh (H% of Lhe
9 @he wo (% done bv a foce ln movlna an ob[ecL vales [olnLlv wlLh Lhe mass(% of Lhe ob[ecL and Lhe
dlsLance (% LhaL lL ls moved
10 @he numbe of Lelephone calls (% made beLween Lwo clLles vales [olnLlv wlLh Lhe populaLlons (
% and (
of Lhe clLles and lnveselv wlLh Lhe dlsLance (% beLween Lhem
8 JlLe an equaLlon fo each of Lhe followlna elaLlonshlps llnd Lhe consLanL of valaLlon (% and Lhen solve Lhe
equaLlon fo Lhe lndlcaLed valable
11 vales [olnLlv wlLh H and when = H = and = llnd whenH = and =
12 I vales [olnLlv wlLh I I and when I = 8 I = I = and = llnd I when I = - I = and
= -
13 ls vales dlecLlv wlLh and lnveselv wlLh when = = and = llnd when = and =
14 I ls dlecLlv [olnLlv wlLh I and I and lnveselv wlLh Lhe poducL of and when I = I = I = 9
= and = llnd when I = I = I = and = 8
13 ls dlecLlv [olnLlv wlLh and and lnveselv wlLh Lhe squae of L lf = = = = and
= flnd when = = = and =
C Solve fo Lhe followlna poblems ovlde a compleLe soluLlon bv applvlna Lhe pocedue llSS
l lomulaLe Lhe equaLlon
l ldenLlfv Lhe alven and mlsslna values
S Solve fo consLanL of valaLlon
S Solve fo Lhe mlsslna values
16 Chm's law sLaLes LhaL Lhe cuenL (H% ln a wle
vales dlecLlv wlLh Lhe elecLomoLlve foce (% and
lnveselv wlLh Lhe eslsLance (% lf H = ampees
when = volLs and = ohms flnd lf
= volLs and H = ampees ?
17 @he aea of a hombus vales [olnLlv as Lhe
lenaLhs of Lhe Lwo dlaaonals lf a hombus whose
dlaaonals ae 10 cm and 8 cm lona has an aea of 40
flnd Lhe aea of Lhe hombus whose dlaaonals
ae 11cm and 13cm?
18 @he lneLlc eneav of a movlna ob[ecL vales [olnLlv
as Lhe mass of Lhe ob[ecL and Lhe squae of lLs veloclLv
wlLh whlch lL ls movlna lf lneLlc eneav of a a
ob[ecL movlna aL a veloclLv of 4m/sec ls 24 [oules aL
whaL veloclLv musL a a ob[ecL move ln ode Lo
acqule a lneLlc eneav of 23 [oules?
19 @he slmple lnLeesL eaned bv a ceLaln amounL
of monev vales [olnLlv as Lhe aLe of lnLeesL and Lhe
Llme (ln veas% LhaL Lhe monev ls lnvesLed lf 140 ls
eaned fo a ceLaln amounL of monev lnvesLed aL
7 fo 3 veas how much ls eaned lf Lhe same
amounL ls lnvesLed aL 8 fo 3 veas?
20 @he numbe of hous LhaL lL Laes men Lo
assemble machlnes vales dlecLlv as Lhe numbe of
machlnes and lnveselv as Lhe numbe of men lf fou
men can assemble12 machlnes ln fou hous how
manv men ae needed Lo assemble 36 machlnes ln
elahL hous?
@he sLenaLh of a ecLanaula beam vales [olnLlv
as lLs wldLh and Lhe squae of lLs depLh lf Lhe
sLenaLh of a beam 2 lnches wlde bv 10 lnches deep
ls 1000 pounds pe squae lnch whaL ls Lhe sLenaLh
of a beam 4 lnches wlde and 8 lnches deep?
22 ?ou bodv mass lndex (8Ml% vales dlecLlv as vou
welahL and lnveselv as Lhe squae of vou helahL lf a
peson 60 lnches Lall welahs 131 pounds has a 8Ml of
23 llnd Lhe 8Ml of somebodv 6 feeL Lall who welahs
190 pounds
23 lf flve capenLes can flnlsh 30 Lables ln 2 davs
how lona wlll lL Lae 8 capenLes Lo flnlsh 100
2423 ln plannlna a Llp vou musL now LhaL Lhe dlsLance vou Lavel vales [olnLlv wlLh Lhe Llme and aLe of
speed ulanna Cace musL Lavel 396 mlles ln 8 hous Lo meeL a pospecLlve cllenL She Lavels 6 hous aL 33
mph She sLops fo an half hou Lo esL and eaL lunch JhaL ls Lhe mlnlmum speed aL whlch she musL Lavel Lo
meeL he appolnLmenL?
(CeaLe vou own sLaLeav Lo solve Lhls poblem r =
whee r = rI o Jp = JInI and
= %
!olnL and Comblned valaLlon
1 10 Answes ae noL avallable because soluLlon ls noL equled
11 =
12 =
13 =
14 =
13 =
16 = ohms
. =
or . cm
8. = m/sec
19 9600
20 @hev wlll need slx men
21 @he sLenaLh of Lhe beam ls 1280 pounds
22 8Ml 2318
2423 r = mph