Geophysics Manual
Geophysics Manual
Geophysics Manual
Engineer Manual
Department of the Army
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Washington, DC 20314-1000
EM 1110-1-1802
31 August 1995
Engineering and Design
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EM 1110-1-1802
31 August 1995
US Army Corps
of Engineers
Geophysical Exploration
for Engineering and
Environmental Investigations
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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
CECW-EG Washington, DC 20314-1000
No. 1110-1-1802 31 August 1995
Engineering and Design
1. Purpose. This manual provides an introduction to geophysical exploration for engineering,
geological, and environmental (to include Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste (HTRW))
investigations. Descriptions and guidance are provided for the geophysical methods typically used in
these investigations.
2. Applicability. This manual applies to HQUSACE elements, major subordinate commands, districts,
laboratories, and field operating activities having responsibilities for civil works and/or military
Colonel, Corps of Engineers
Chief of Staff
This manual supersedes EM 1110-1-1802, dated 31 May 1979.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
CECW-EG Washington, DC 20314-1000
No. 1110-1-1802 31 August 1995
Engineering and Design
Table of Contents
Subject Paragraph Page Subject Paragraph Page
Chapter 1
Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1-1
Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 1-1
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 1-1
Worker and Environmental Safety . . 1-4 1-1
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 1-1
Proponent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 1-1
Chapter 2
Geophysical Methodology
Uses of Geophysical Surveys . . . . . . 2-1 2-1
Responsibilities of the Project
Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 2-5
Chapter 3
Seismic Procedures
General Seismic Methods . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3-1
Seismic Refraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 3-4
Shallow Seismic Reflection . . . . . . . . 3-3 3-19
Surface Wave Methods . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 3-23
Subbottom Profiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 3-26
Chapter 4
Electrical and Electromagnetic
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4-1
Self-Potential Method . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 4-3
Equipotential and
Mise-a-la-Masse Methods . . . . . . . . 4-3 4-6
Resistivity Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 4-8
Induced Polarization . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 4-24
Time-Domain Electromagnetic
Techniques for Resistivity
Sounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 4-30
Frequency-Domain Electro-
magnetic Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 4-40
Terrain Conductivity . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 4-42
Metal Detector Surveys . . . . . . . . . 4-9 4-47
Ground-Penetrating Radar . . . . . . . . 4-10 4-51
Very Low-Frequency EM
Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 4-55
Chapter 5
Gravity Techniques
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 5-1
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 5-1
Noise Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 5-2
Rock Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 5-3
Field Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 5-4
Chapter 6
Magnetic Methods
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 6-1
Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 6-1
Field Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 6-2
Chapter 7
Subsurface Geophysical
General In-hole Logging
Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 7-1
EM 1110-1-1802
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Subject Paragraph Page Subject Paragraph Page
General Crosshole Procedures . . . . . . 7-2 7-50
Surface to Borehole Procedures . . . . . 7-3 7-60
Chapter 8
Airborne Geophysical Methods
Scope of Airborne Investigations . . . . 8-1 8-1
Airborne Geophysical Measures . . . . 8-2 8-1
Contracting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3 8-2
Chapter 9
Remote Sensing
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1 9-1
Capabilities of Remote Sensor . . . . . 9-2 9-1
Characteristics of Various
Remote Sensor Data . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3 9-3
Sources and Characteristics of
Available and Historic Data . . . . . . 9-4 9-7
Data Set Procurement and Merging . . 9-5 9-9
Presentation of Data . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6 9-11
Remote Sensing
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7 9-11
Chapter 10
Engineering Vibration
Earthquake-Resistant Design . . . . . . 10-1 10-1
Vibration Concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2 10-1
Acoustic Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3 10-2
Nondestructive Testing . . . . . . . . . . 10-4 10-3
Appendix A
Appendix B
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31 Aug 95
Chapter 1
1-1. Purpose
This manual provides an introduction to geophysical
exploration for engineering, geological, and environmental
(to include Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste)
investigations. Descriptions and guidance are provided
for geophysical methods typically used in these
investigations. The manual furnishes a broad overview of
geophysical applications to common engineering,
environmental and geological problems. Descriptions of
the most commonly conducted geophysical procedures are
given. These contents are not proposed to explicitly
develop field procedures and data reduction techniques for
geophysical surveys. Chapter 2 develops the procedural
evaluation, use, and deployment of the generalized
geophysical approach. Subsequent chapters address
particular geophysical methodologies.
1-2. Applicability
This manual applies to Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers elements, major subordinate commands,
districts, laboratories, and field operating activities having
responsibilities for civil works and/or military programs.
1-3. References
References are listed in Appendix A.
1-4. Worker and Environmental Safety
This manual does not purport to address the safety risks
associated with geophysical exploration. Geophysical
surveys have their own associated hazards, particularly
with active energy sources. Some active sources are:
shallow explosions for seismic methods; applied electrical
current with resistivity methods; and, pulsed
electromagnetic fields for ground-penetrating radar.
These hazards are addressed regularly by the geophysical
survey crew during planning and field deployment. The
addition of environmental site hazards (such as
unexploded ordnance) may compound the risks of
geophysical exploration. Every instance of compounded
hazard cannot be uniquely addressed in this manual.
Geophysical personnel and the survey customer must have
a continuous dialogue and flexible plan to consider and
accommodate the aspects of environmental hazards. In
addition, that plan should incorporate health and safety
practices in accordance with applicable regulations and
expert guidance.
1-5. Glossary
Appendix B is a list of terms used in seismic processing
and well-logging.
1-6. Proponent
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proponent for this
manual is the Geotechnical and Materials Branch,
Engineering Division, Directorate of Civil Works (CECW-
EG). Any comments or questions regarding the content
of this Engineer Manual should be directed to the
proponent at the following address.
Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
20 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20314-1000
EM 1110-1-1802
31 Aug 95
Chapter 2
Geophysical Methodology
2-1. Uses of Geophysical Surveys
a. Objectives.
(1) Three classes of objectives are addressed by
geophysical surveys: the measurement of geologic fea-
tures, the in situ determination of engineering properties,
and the detection of hidden cultural features. Geologic
features may include faults, bedrock lows, discontinuities
and voids, and groundwater. Engineering properties that
can be determined in situ include elastic moduli, electrical
resistivity and, to a lesser degree, magnetic and density
properties. Hidden cultural features available for geo-
physical detection and characterization include buried
underground tanks and pipes, contaminant plumes, and
landfill boundaries.
(2) Applied geophysics can contribute to the solution
of most geotechnical engineering and environmental prob-
lems. The geophysical technique does not often directly
measure the parameter needed to solve the problem under
consideration. Each geophysical procedure measures a
contrast. A few problems of interest in engineering may
be developed directly from the measured contrast, i.e.
finding the resistivity for design of a grounding mat of an
electrical power grid. The vast majority of objectives are
inferred from the known geologic data and the measured
geophysical contrast. Some surveyed contrasts that pro-
vide indirect hypotheses are:
(a) Media velocities from seismic methods to deter-
mine the top of rock.
(b) Streaming potentials from the self-potential tech-
nique to locate a flowing reservoir conduit in a dam
(c) High conductivities measured with a terrain con-
ductivity meter to locate an inorganic plume on the
groundwater surface.
(d) High apparent conductivity assessed with a metal
detector which infers a large metallic cache of possibly
buried drums.
(e) Low density contrast measured with a gravimeter
due to a suspected abandoned shallow coal mine.
b. General observations. Several general observa-
tions should be kept in mind when considering applica-
tions of geophysical methods.
(1) Resolution, that is the ability of the geophysical
measurements to differentiate between two similar geo-
logic situations, varies widely between geophysical
methods. Resolution is a function of time and effort
expended and may be improved up to a limit, usually far
in excess of the resources available to conduct the study.
Ambiguity usually indicates a practical limit on geophys-
ical results before the lack of resolution becomes a factor.
(2) Most geophysical methods do not directly mea-
sure the parameter desired by the project manager, geolo-
gist or engineer. Resistivity and acoustic bursts (for
acoustic emissions) are exceptions. The correlation of
measured geophysical contrasts with geologic inferences
most often is empirical and certainly is dependent on the
quality of both the results and the hypotheses. Usually an
inverse solution is determined in geophysical exploration.
Inversion implies that a cause was inferred from an effect.
The physical property, the cause, is inferred from the field
survey readings, the effects. Inverse resolutions are not
unique conclusions, and provide a most likely solution
selected from numerous possibilities. Forward solutions
proceed from cause to effect and are unique determina-
tions. Forward analyses are often preliminary evaluations
to predict amplitudes and relations from possible physical
conditions. Forward solutions may be used subsequent to
field surveys to assess hypothesis variants among geologic
(3) The interpretation of geophysical contrasts is
based on geologic assumptions. Ambiguity is inherent in
the geophysical interpretation process. Preparation of
geophysical models almost always assumes the following:
(a) Earth materials have distinct subsurface
(b) A material is homogeneous (having the same
properties throughout).
(c) The unit is isotropic (properties are independent
of direction).
These assumptions are, in many cases, at variance with
the reality of geologic occurrences. Units may grade
from one material type to another with no distinct surface
between two materials. At some scale, inhomogeneities
EM 1110-1-1802
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exist in practically all units. Properties may occasionally
vary greatly in magnitude with direction, such as in
shales. Ambiguity, however, can be summarized as an
equivalence of geometry/size and a materials properties.
Structure may be reevaluated by changing physical param-
eters. Ambiguity applies to all geophysical methods, and
is most conveniently resolved by understanding geologic
reality in the interpretation. The extent to which these
presumptions are valid or the magnitude that the assump-
tions are in error will have a direct bearing on the
(4) It is important to differentiate between accuracy
and precision in geophysical results. Geophysical mea-
surements are very precise. The measurements can be
repeated to a remarkable degree on another day, even by
another field crew. If accuracy is evaluated as the con-
vergence of the geophysical interpretation with measured
geologic data, then geophysical results are not particularly
accurate by themselves. However, when appropriate
subsurface investigations are integrated with geophysical
measurements, large volumes of material can be explored
both accurately and cost-effectively.
(5) There is no substitute for specific geologic or
engineering observations (such as borings, test pits,
trenches, geophysical well logging, and cross-hole tests),
because of the empirical correlation between results and
the inferred objective solution. These borings or other
tests are used to validate and calibrate the geophysical
results, and ultimately to improve the accuracy of the
integrated conclusions. Except where accuracy consider-
ations are not important, some form of external calibration
of the empirical geophysical assumptions is required.
(6) Interpretation is a continuous process throughout
geophysical investigations. The adequacy of the field data
to achieve the project objectives is interpreted on the spot
by the field geophysicists. Data processing, the steps of
preparing the field data for geophysical interpretation,
often includes judgements and observations based on the
experience of the processor. Implementation of a geo-
physical model, which satisfactorily accounts for the
geophysical observations, fits only the narrowest defini-
tion of interpretation. Correlation of the geophysical
model with available ground truth can be a laborious
interpretative process, especially since iterations of both
the geophysical models and the geologic model are usu-
ally required. Production of the final product in a form
useful to the customer (engineer or geologist) is the most
necessary interpretative step.
(7) Applied geophysics is only one step in a phased,
sequential approach in performing a geologically based
task. Any goal requires basic data, a problem statement,
investigation of the problem and solution development.
Problems in geological, geotechnical or environmental
projects require some basic geological information prior to
use of geophysical techniques. The determined geophysi-
cal contrasts are evaluated and a solution inferred for the
likely environment. This hypothesis itself may require
geologic assessment with borings or other field explora-
tion. The planning of the phased, sequential solution will
provide the best solution at the lowest cost.
c. Geophysical methods. Geophysical methods can
be classified as active or passive techniques. Active
techniques impart some energy or effect into the earth and
measure the earth materials response. Passive measure-
ments record the strengths of various natural fields which
are continuous in existence. Active techniques generally
produce more accurate results or more detailed solutions
due to the ability to control the size and location of the
active source.
(1) There are scores of geophysical techniques which
have demonstrated commercial success. In addition,
innumerable variations of well-known techniques have
been applied in special cases. This manual cites many
surface, subsurface, and airborne geophysical methods.
The included procedures have been utilized most often or
have significant applicability to engineering, environmen-
tal, and geologic problems.
(a) Classified by physical effect measured, the fol-
lowing surficial techniques are considered herein:
Seismic (sonic) methods, Chapter 3.
Electrical and electromagnetic procedures, Chap-
ter 4, with natural electrical fields (self-potential),
resistivity (AC and DC fields), and dielectric
constant (radar) theory.
Gravitational field techniques, Chapter 5.
Magnetic field methods, Chapter 6.
(b) Geophysical measures can also be applied in the
subsurface (Chapter 7) and above the earths surface
(Chapters 8 and 9). Down-hole application of geophysics
provides in situ measurements adjacent to the borehole or
across the medium to the surface. Subsurface applied
EM 1110-1-1802
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geophysics gains detailed insight into the adjoining earth
materials. Airborne geophysics is usually not as detailed
as surface procedures but offers the distinct advantages of
rapid coverage without surface contact.
(c) Vibration theory is considered in Chapter 10.
Consideration of earthquake problems, blasting and
machine foundations, acoustic emission theory, and non-
destructive testing are sections of Chapter 10. These
topics are unified under vibration theory, but are accom-
plished by differing program approaches.
(2) The number of geologic issues considered are
limited to the problems most commonly encountered in an
engineering or environmental context, since the number of
geologic problems is vastly larger than the number of
geophysical methods. The accompanying matrix of
Table 2-1 displays the cited methods versus the problem
types, and evaluates the applicability of the method. One
cannot rely blindly on the applicability of this table,
because geology is the most important ingredient of the
selection of method. This matrix will suggest potential
geophysical techniques for particular needs. Geologic
input, rock property estimates, modeling, interference
effects, and budgetary constraints are co-determining
factors of method selection. In an attempt to reduce the
impact of geology, the evaluation assumes that a moderate
degree of geologic knowledge is known before the matrix
is consulted.
d. Contracting considerations. Most geophysical
work is done by geophysical contractors. Even in-house
work is usually done by specialists and the following
discussion applies to internal, as well as external,
(1) The most important part of the contracting pro-
cess is the preparation of a set of written objectives. The
primary pitfall is the tendency of geophysicists to focus
on what can be measured, and not on the needs of the
customer. If siting monitoring wells on bedrock lows is
the objective, detailed bedrock lithology is probably unim-
portant. The action of writing down the explicit desired
final results will often radically change the approach to
the problem.
(2) The scope of work also requires a common
understanding between contractor and purchaser. How-
ever, undue restrictions in the scope of work may prevent
an alteration of parameters, quantities, techniques, or
methods. Such alterations are common on geophysical
projects. Because of the close cooperation required
between the customer and the producer, daily reports
(including preliminary results) are almost always required.
(3) Less important, but critical factors subject to
negotiation, are: standby time, inclement weather pay-
ments, contents of field reports, liability, terms of
payment, rights-of entry, responsibility for locating under-
ground utilities, deadlines, and rates. Geophysical daily
rates are usually straightforward. The productivity of
field crews, however, is dependent on some or all of the
following factors: terrain, vegetation, hazardous waste,
insects and other biohazards, weather (particularly sea-
son), logistics, commute time or access to the field loca-
tion, third-party observers, experience and resourcefulness
of field crew, and interference with geophysical measure-
ments (noise, often related to industrial or urban location).
(4) The geophysicist(s) must have access to all rele-
vant information concerning the site. This data includes:
site geology, site maps, boring logs, sources and contami-
nant types that are known or presumed, hazards and
safety conditions impacting field work, etc. The develop-
ment of field work and the hypotheses from the processed
geophysical material depend upon validation of the known
conditions. Field safety and hazard avoidance may only
occur when the field crew has knowledge of all field
conditions. Significant liability reverts to the government
when all known information is not shared with the geo-
physical crew.
(5) A site visit is recommended and should be under-
taken by an experienced estimator of geophysical costs.
Many geophysical contracts are let on a line-mile, per-
station, or lump-sum basis. However, if the common
objective is neither the bankruptcy of the contractor nor
the overcharging of the customer, usually a method can
be found to share the misery on difficult projects.
There is no substitute for experience and trust to
supplement written documents purporting to cover all
(6) A field-release clause may be a useful vehicle for
both the customer and the geophysical contractor. This
clause allows contract termination, if the contractors
ability to assess the objective after a short field evaluation
is unlikely. Careful scrutiny of the field results near a
ground truth area allows the contract to be site-justified,
the objective revised, or the contract to be ended. The
contract is modified by the consequences of the field-
release evaluation.
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EM 1110-1-1802
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(7) Effectively written contracts provide the clear
objective of the geophysical work and the minimum
reporting requirements.
2-2. Responsibilities of the Project Team
The objective of any investigation is maintained by
exchange of information between the customer and the
geophysical contractor. The customer directs the inquiry,
but is rarely a specialist in the application of particular
a. Interdisciplinary team. Geophysical exploration is
a highly specialized field. Few geophysicists are equally
adept at all facets of geophysics. The project manager,
the technical specialist (usually an engineer or geologist),
and the geophysicist(s) form an interdisciplinary team to
meet the objective.
b. Stated objective. The project manager is required
to have a known and written objective. The technical
specialist correlates the site information and identifies
tasks to be completed to reach project goals. Engineering
and geologic requirements are evaluated by the specialist
and the role of geophysics in satisfying those require-
ments in detail. A phased approach including preliminary
geologic investigations, geophysical contracting, and final
engineering evaluation is developed. The geophysical
contractor accomplishes the objective established by the
manager, as developed from phased site information
directed by the specialist.
c. Geophysical sequence. The geophysical explora-
tion should be considered early in the development of site
characterization. Monetary and time efficiency will be
greatest when the geophysical surveys are part of a
phased program, especially at large and/or geologically
complex sites. Early geophysical exploration allows some
subsequent geologic, engineering, or environmental verifi-
cation. Problems studied late in the field assessment may
have little funding for their resolution remaining in bud-
gets to perform necessary work. Further, there will be
little advantage from geophysics performed late in explo-
ration programs, as compared to early geophysical appli-
cation where subsequent investigations may be revised in
location and detail.
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Chapter 3
Seismic Procedures
3-1. General Seismic Methods
Seismic methods are the most commonly conducted
geophysical surveys for engineering investigations. Most
students of geophysics learn the analogies of optical laws
to seismic wave propagation. Seismic refraction provides
engineers and geologists with the most basic of geologic
data via simple procedures with common equipment.
a. Seismic waves. Any mechanical vibration sensed
by personal perception is initiated from a source and
travels to the location where the vibration is noted. The
vibration is merely a change in the stress state due to
some input disturbance. The vibration emanates in all
directions that support displacement. The vibration
readily passes from one medium to another, and from
solids to liquids or gasses and in reverse. A vacuum
cannot support mechanical vibratory waves, while electro-
magnetic waves transit through a vacuum. The direction
of travel is called the ray, ray vector, or raypath. A
source produces motion in all directions and the locus of
first disturbances will form a spherical shell or wave front
in a uniform material. There are two major classes of
seismic waves: body waves, which pass through the vol-
ume of a material; and, surface waves, that exist only near
a boundary.
(1) Body waves.
(a) The fastest traveling of all seismic waves is the
compressional or pressure or primary wave (P-wave).
The particle motion of P-waves is extension (dilation) and
compression along the propagating direction. P-waves
travel through all media that support seismic waves; air
waves or noise in gasses, including the atmosphere, are
P-waves. Compressional waves in fluids, e.g. water and
air, are commonly referred to as acoustic waves.
(b) The second wave type to reach a point through a
body is the secondary or transverse or shear wave
(S-wave). S-waves travel slightly slower than P-waves in
solids. S-waves have particle motion perpendicular to the
propagating direction, like the obvious movement of a
rope as a displacement speeds along its length. These
transverse waves can only transit material that has shear
strength. S-waves do not exist in liquids and gasses, as
these media have no shear strength.
(c) S-waves may be produced by a traction source or
by conversion of P-waves at boundaries. The dominant
particle displacement is vertical for SV-waves traveling in
a horizontal plane. Particle displacements are horizontal
for SH-waves traveling in the vertical plane. SH-waves
are often generated for S-wave refraction evaluations of
engineering sites.
(d) Elastic body waves passing through homoge-
neous, isotropic media have well-defined equations of
motion. Most geophysical texts, including Grant and
West (1965), include displacement potential and wave
equations. Utilizing these equations, computations for the
wave speed may be uniquely determined. Field surveys
can readily obtain wave velocities, V
and V
; velocities
are in units of length per time, usually meters/second
(m/s). A homogeneous, isotropic mediums engineering
properties of Youngs or elastic modulus (E) and shear
modulus (G) and either density (p
) OR Poissons ratio
() can be determined, if V
and V
are known. The
units of these measures are: moduli in pressure, usually
pascals (Pa); density in mass per volume, grams/cubic
meter (g/m
= 10
); and, , dimensionless. Mani-
pulation of equations from Grant and West (1965) yields
= [(V
-1]} (3-1)
E = p
(1-2)(1+)/(1-) (3-2)
G = E/[2(1+)] (3-3)
= G/V
Note that these are not independent equations. Knowing
two velocities uniquely determines only TWO unknowns
of p
, , or E. Shear modulus is dependent on two other
values. Poissons ratio must be from 0.0 to a value less
than 0.5 from Equations 3-1 and 3-2. For units at the
surface, p
can be determined from samples or for the
subsurface from boring samples or downhole logging (see
paragraph 7-1k(11)). Estimates may be assumed for by
material type. Usually the possible range of p
called unit mass) is approximated and is estimated.
Equations 3-1 through 3-4 may be compared to the
approximate values with some judgement applied; a simi-
lar downhole logging technique is developed in paragraph
7-1k(15)(b). Table 3-1 provides some typical values
selected from: Hempen and Hatheway (1992) for V
; Das
(1994) for dry p
of soils; Blake (1975) for p
of rock;
and Prakash (1981) for . Other estimates of p
contained in Table 5-1 for gravity methods. Blake (1975)
EM 1110-1-1802
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Table 3-1
Typical/Representative Field Values of V
, p
and for
Various Materials
Air 330
Damp loam 300-750
Dry sand 450-900 1.6-2.0 0.3-0.35
Clay 900-1,800 1.3-1.8 0.5
Fresh, shallow
water 1,430-1,490 1.0
Saturated, loose
sand 1,500
lodgement till 1,700-2,300 2.3
Rock 0.15-0.25
igneous and
metamorphic rock 450-3,700
Weathered sedimen-
tary rock 600-3,000
Shale 800-3,700
Sandstone 2,200-4,000 1.9-2.7
rock 2,400-6,000
basalt 2,600-4,300 2.2-3.0
Dolostone and
limestone 4,300-6,700 2.5-3.0
granite 4,800-6,700 2.6-3.1
Steel 6,000
offers laboratory values of all these parameters, but field
values will vary considerably from the lab estimates.
(2) Surface waves. Two recognized disturbances
which exist only at surfaces or interfaces are Love and
Rayleigh waves. Traveling only at the boundary, these
waves attenuate rapidly with distance from the surface.
Surface waves travel slower than body waves. Love
waves travel along the surfaces of layered media, and are
most often faster than Rayleigh waves. Love waves have
particle displacement similar to SH-waves. Rayleigh
waves exhibit vertical and horizontal displacement in the
vertical plane of raypath. A point in the path of a Ray-
leigh wave moves back, down, forward, and up repeti-
tively in an ellipse like ocean waves.
(a) Rayleigh waves are developed by harmonic oscil-
lators, as steady-state motion is achieved around the
oscillators block foundation. The phase measurement of
the wave allows determination of the wavelengths for
differing frequencies of the oscillator. A procedure exists
for G to be computed from these measurements.
(b) Surface waves are produced by surface impacts,
explosions and wave form changes at boundaries. Love
and Rayleigh waves are also portions of the surface wave
train in earthquakes. These surface waves may carry
greater energy content than body waves. These wave
types arrive last, following the body waves, but can pro-
duce larger horizontal displacements in surface structures.
Therefore surface waves may cause more damage from
earthquake vibrations.
b. Wave theory. A seismic disturbance moves away
from a source location; the locus of points defining the
expanding disturbance is termed the wavefront. At any
point on a wavefront, the vibration acts as a new source
and causes displacements in surrounding positions. The
vector normal to the wavefront is the raypath through that
point, and is the direction of propagation.
(1) Upon striking a boundary between differing mate-
rial properties, wave energy is transmitted, reflected, and
converted. The properties of the two media and the angle
at which the incident raypath strikes will determine the
amount of energy: reflected off the surface, refracted into
the adjoining material, lost as heat, and changed to other
wave types.
(2) An S-wave in rock approaching a boundary of a
lake will have an S-wave reflection, a P-wave reflection,
and a likely P-wave refraction into the lake water
(depending on the properties and incident angle). Since
the rock-water boundary will displace, energy will pass
into the lake, but the water cannot support an S-wave.
The reflected S-wave departs from the boundary at the
same angle normal to the boundary as the arriving S-wave
(3) In the case of a P-wave incident on a boundary
between two rock types (of differing elastic properties)
there may be little conversion to S-waves. Snells Law
provides the angles of reflection and refraction for both
the P- and S-waves. [Zoeppritzs equations provide the
energy conversion for the body wave forms.] In the rock
on the source side (No. 1), the velocities are V
and V
the second rock material (No. 2) has properties of V
. Then for the incident P-wave (P1i), Snells Law
provides the angles of reflections in rock No. 1 and
refraction in rock No. 2 as
EM 1110-1-1802
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(a) The second and third terms of Equation 3-5 are
reflections within material No. 1; the fourth and fifth
terms are refractions into medium No. 2. Note that none
of the angles can exceed 90 deg, since none of the sine
terms can be over 1.0, and
(b) Two important considerations develop from
understanding Equation 3-5. First is the concept of criti-
cal refraction. If rock No. 1 has a lower velocity than
rock No. 2 or V
< V
, then from Equation 3-5 sin
> sin
and the refracted
, the incident
angle. Yet sin
cannot exceed 1.00. The critical inci-
dent angle causes the refraction to occur right along the
boundary at 90 deg from the normal to the surface. The
critical angle is that particular incident angle such that sin
= 1.0 and
= 90 deg, or
= sin
Secondly, any incident angle >
from the normal
will cause total reflection back into the source-side mate-
rial, since sin
1.0. For the latter case, all the
P-wave energy will be retained in medium No. 1.
(4) Other wave phenomena occur in the subsurface.
Diffractions develop at the end of sharp boundaries.
Scattering occurs due to inhomogeneities within the medi-
um. As individual objects shrink in size, their effect on
scatter is reduced. Objects with mean dimension smaller
than one fourth of the wavelength will have little effect
on the wave. Losses of energy or attenuation occur with
distance of wave passage. Higher frequency waves lose
energy more rapidly than waves of lower frequencies, in
(5) The wave travels outward from the source in all
directions supporting displacements. Energy dissipation is
a function of the distance traveled, as the wave propagates
away from the source. At boundaries the disturbance
passes into other media. If a wave can pass from a par-
ticular point A to another point B, Fermats principle
indicates that the raypath taken is the one taking the mini-
mum amount of time. Stated otherwise, the first arrival
between two points occurs on the path of least time. In
crossing boundaries of media with different properties, the
path will not be the shortest distance (a straight line) due
to refractions. The actual raypath will have the shortest
travel time. Recall that every point on a wavefront is a
new source; thus, azimuths other than that of the fastest
arrival will follow paths to other locations for the ever-
expanding wave.
c. Seismic equipment. Digital electronics have con-
tinued to allow the production of better seismic equip-
ment. Newer equipment is hardier, more productive, and
able to store greater amounts of data. The choice of
seismograph, sensors called geophones, storage medium,
and source of the seismic wave depend on the survey
being undertaken. The sophistication of the survey, in
part, governs the choice of the equipment and the field
crew size necessary to obtain the measurements. Cost
rises as more elaborate equipment is used. However,
there are efficiencies to be gained in proper choice of
source, number of geophone emplacements for each line,
crew size, channel capacity of the seismograph, and
requirements of the field in terrain type and cultural noise.
(1) Sources.
(a) The seismic source may be a hammer repetitively
striking an aluminum plate or weighted plank, drop
weights of varying sizes, a rifle shot, a harmonic oscilla-
tor, waterborne mechanisms, or explosives. The energy
disturbance for seismic work is most often called the
shot, an archaic term from petroleum seismic explora-
tion. Reference to the shot does not necessarily mean
an explosive or rifle source was used. The type of survey
dictates some source parameters. Smaller mass, higher
frequency sources are preferable. Higher frequencies give
shorter wavelengths and more precision in choosing arriv-
als and estimating depths. Yet sufficient energy needs to
be entered to obtain a strong return at the end of the
survey line.
(b) The type of source for a particular survey is
usually known prior to going into the field. A geophysi-
cal contractor normally should be given latitude in select-
ing or changing the source necessary for the task. The
client should not hesitate in placing limits on the con-
tractors indiscriminate use of some sources. In residen-
tial or industrial areas perhaps the maximum explosive
charge should be limited. The depth of drilling shot holes
for explosives or rifle shots may need to be limited; con-
tractors should be cautious not to exceed requirements of
permits, utility easements, and contract agreements.
(2) Geophones. The sensor receiving seismic energy
is the geophone (hydrophone in waterborne surveys) or
phone. These sensors are either accelerometers or veloci-
ty transducers, and convert ground shaking into a voltage
response. Typically, the amplification of the ground is
EM 1110-1-1802
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many orders of magnitude, but accomplished on a relative
basis. The absolute value of particle acceleration cannot
be determined, unless the geophones are calibrated.
(a) Most geophones are vertical, single-axis sensors
to receive the incoming wave form from beneath the
surface. Some geophones have horizontal-axis response
for S-wave or surface wave assessments. Triaxial phones,
capable of measuring absolute response, are used in spe-
cialized surveys. Geophones are chosen for their fre-
quency band response.
(b) The line, spread, or string of phones may contain
one to scores of sensors depending on the type of survey.
The individual channel of recording normally will have a
single phone. Multiple phones per channel may aid in
reducing wind noise or airblast or in amplifying deep
(c) The type, location and number of phones in the
spread is invariably left to the field geophysicists to
select, modify and adjust. There is rarely any need for
the survey purchaser to be involved with decisions con-
cerning the geophones.
(3) Seismographs.
(a) The equipment that records input geophone volt-
ages in a timed sequence is the seismograph. Current
practice uses seismographs that store the channels signals
as digital data in discrete time units. Earlier seismographs
would record directly to paper or photographic film.
Stacking, inputting, and processing the vast volumes of
data and archiving the information for the client virtually
require digital seismographs.
(b) The seismograph system may be an elaborate
amalgam of equipment to trigger or sense the source,
digitize geophone signals, store multichannel data, and
provide some level of processing display. Sophisticated
seismograph equipment is not normally required for engi-
neering and environmental surveys. One major exception
is the equipment for subbottom surveys.
(c) The seismic client will have little to do with
selection of the appropriate seismograph. The client
should state in the contract an acceptable form of provid-
ing the field work data. The submitted field information
is usually in an electronic form often with a paper graphic
(4) Processing. Data processing of seismic informa-
tion can be as simple as tabular equations for seismic
refraction. Processing is normally the most substantial
matter the geophysicists will resolve, except for the
(a) The client should not require any particular type
of seismic processing. The client normally would be
advised to know prior to contracting whether the geophys-
icists will be using off-the-shelf software or privately
developed algorithms. Avoid the use of proprietary pro-
cessing that is not available to the client.
(b) The processing output and interpretation display
is a subject of negotiation. The contract should normally
specify the minimum level of performance desired by the
3-2. Seismic Refraction
a. Introduction. In a homogeneous medium a bundle
of seismic energy travels in a straight line. Upon striking
a boundary (between two media of differing seismic prop-
erties) at an angle, the direction of travel is changed as it
is in the refraction of light at the surface of a pond. Seis-
mic refraction uses this change of direction to derive
subsurface information. The path of the energy is
denoted by arrows or rays in Figure 3-1. The method of
seismic refraction consists of the recording of the time of
arrival of the first impulses from a shot at a set of detec-
tors distributed on the surface. On Figure 3-1, a particu-
lar set of raypaths are of interest. Those raypaths go
downward to the boundary and are refracted along the
boundary and return to the surface to impact the detectors.
The first arrivals near the shot will have paths directly
from the shot to the detector. If the lower material has a
higher velocity (V
> V
in Figure 3-1), rays traveling
along the boundary will be the first to arrive at receivers
away from the shot. If the time of arrival is plotted on a
time-distance curve such as Figure 3-2, the rate of change
of arrival times between detectors is seen to be propor-
tional to V
, the velocity of the lower material beyond the
point identified as X
in Figure 3-2.
b. Theory.
(1) Crossover distance X
is defined from a plot of
the first arrivals versus distance (Figure 3-2) as the point
where the slope of the arrival time curve changes. For
the idealized case shown, the curve representing the direct
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 3-1. Schematic of seismic refraction survey
Figure 3-2. Time-versus-distance plot for seismic
refraction survey of Figure 3-1
wave is a straight line with a slope equal to the reciprocal
of the velocity of the surface layer V
. For those raypaths
refracted through the second layer, Figure 3-3 demon-
strates that the distance traveled in the surface layer is the
same for all geophones. Therefore, the travel-time differ-
ence from one geophone to the next is the time required
for the wave to travel in the lower layer along a horizon-
tal path whose length is the same as the distance between
the two geophones. The portion of the curve representing
the refracted wave is thus a straight line with a slope
equal to the reciprocal of the velocity of the wave in the
second layer. The crossover distance is the point at
which the slope changes and represents the point where
the first arrival is made up of refracted energy.
Figure 3-3. Simple two-layer case with plane, parallel
boundaries, and corresponding time-distance curve
(Redpath 1973)
(2) By consideration of Figure 3-3 two important
equations can be identified, one for the intercept time and
one for the crossover distance. The expression for travel
EM 1110-1-1802
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time in the refracted layer for the case of the plane layer
parallel to the surface is given by
= (1/V
) D
+ 2D
- V
/ (V
= time to travel from source to receiver
(beyond the crossover distance)
= distance from source to receiver
1 or 2
= velocity of layer 1 or 2
= depth to first, flat lying interface
By analogy with a straight line whose equation is
y = mx + b, the intercept time is the second term in the
above equation:
= 2D
- V
= (T
/2) (V
- V
= intercept time
These equations assume knowledge of V
which is easily
derived from the travel time curve for this case of flat,
plane layers only. V
is the inverse of the slope of the
travel-time curve beyond the crossover distance (see Fig-
ure 3-3). Equation 3-6 can be used for a rudimentary
form of interpretation and depth estimation as is discussed
below in Section 3-2d.
(3) The other equation of interest is that for the
crossover distance:
= (X
/2) {(V
- V
+ V
= crossover distance
= depth to a horizontal refracting interface
and the other variables are defined above.
Equation 3-7 is most useful for survey design. Note that
information about the lower layer is derived from arrivals
beyond the crossover distance. Thus, the length of the
refraction line must be longer than the X
indicated by
this equation.
(4) Figure 3-4 is a plot of velocity ratio (V
) ver-
sus crossover distance to depth ratio (X
). From that
plot, if V
is 1,500 m/s and V
is 3,000 m/s, the crossover
distance will be about 3.4 times the depth. Thus if the
boundary under investigation averages 10 m of depth, data
about the depth to the second layer would be recorded
beyond 35 m (3.4 times 10 m) from the shot. A refrac-
tion line longer than 35 m (70 to 100 m is suggested)
would be required to investigate the properties of the
second layer.
c. Interpretational methods. Interpretational methods
for refraction can be broadly grouped into the following
three classes:
Figure 3-4. Plot of ratio of crossover distance to depth
of first layer as a function of velocity contrast (Redpath
(1) Intercept-time methods.
(2) Reciprocal or delay-time methods.
(3) Ray-tracing.
The level of computation required becomes progressively
larger from method to method. Intercept-time methods
can be done with pencil and calculator (or at most a
spreadsheet computer program). Reciprocal time methods
vary from a simple version (given below) to a generalized
EM 1110-1-1802
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version, which taxes most personal computers. Ray-
tracing methods, in their most elaborate form, require
significant computational resources.
d. Time-intercept methods. The basic equation for
the time-intercept method is given above in para-
graph 3-2b(2). It is interesting to note that Equation 3-7
for the crossover distance can also be solved for depth.
This equation can be used to interpret data when, for
some reason, the shot initiation time was not recorded
(unknown cap delay, etc.).
(1) Single-dipping layer case. Incorporation of dip,
as in Figure 3-5, yields several complications:
Figure 3-5. Example of dipping interface and concepts
of reverse shooting and apparent velocity (Redpath
(a) Observed velocities of the lower layer are appar-
ent velocities (corresponding to V
and V
in Figure 3-5)
and vary significantly with dip (higher than the true ve-
locity for up-dip, lower for down-dip).
(b) Depths, if determined from intercept times, are
slant depths (corresponding to D
and D
in Figure 3-5)
and not depths beneath the shotpoint.
(c) Reversed shots are required, as shots in only one
direction measure an apparent velocity (V
or V
) for the
second layer.
Equations for the slant depths are:
= V
/(2 cos )
= V
/(2 cos )
= slant depth under the up-dip shot
= slant depth under the down-dip shot
= velocity of the surface material
= up-dip intercept time
= down-dip intercept time
cos = (V
- V
A useful approximation for V
(which cannot be measured
directly from the travel time curves) is
= (2V
+ V
) cos (3-9)
= approximation to the velocity of the lower
= apparent velocity of the lower medium
measured up-dip
= apparent velocity of the lower medium
measured down-dip
= the approximate angle of dip of the section
An equation for is
= (1/2)(sin
) - sin
Often the cosine of is approximated as 1.0, thus imply-
ing low dips. It should be stressed that the primary
assumption in the use of intercept-time methods is that
assumption allows us to use information derived from
observations (arrivals) beyond the crossover distance to
derive a depth which is assigned to the vicinity of the
EM 1110-1-1802
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shot point. Nevertheless, these methods are useful for a
pencil and paper estimate of depths and for a reality
check on the more esoteric interpretational techniques.
(2) Multilayer cases. A multilayer case is illustrated
in Figure 3-6 for flat-lying layers. Because of the
ubiquity of a water layer, most shallow engineering sur-
veys are three-layer cases. The principles of GRM
remain the same, with overlap (arrivals from both direc-
tions) for all layers necessary. For flat-lying layers, the
following time travel equations are useful for modeling
purposes. The thickness D
of the first layer is found by
using the two-layer case and either the intercept time T
of the second line segment or the critical distance X
determined from the first two line segments. This thick-
ness is used in computing that of the next lower layer D
as follows:
Figure 3-6. Schematic of multiple-layer case and corre-
sponding time-distance curve (Redpath 1973)
2 V
= velocity of the nth layer
= nth intercept time
The equivalent of the above equation, in terms of critical
distance, is:
= depth to the nth refractor
= nth crossover distance
The computations can be extended to deeper layers by use
of either of the general equations:
in 1
n 1
2 V
n 1
n 1
n 1
n 1
cn 1
n 1
n 1
n 1
n 1
n 1
n 1
Because the equations in this form contain the thicknesses
of shallower layers, the computation begins with the first
layer and progresses downward. Note that these equations
do not incorporate dip. The equations for dipping plane
layers are found in Palmer (1980).
e. Reciprocal methods. Reciprocal methods include
more than 20 methods of interpretation, including those
EM 1110-1-1802
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lumped under the heading of delay-time methods (which
may or may not require the measurement of a reciprocal
time). The definition of reciprocal time is the travel time
along the refractor from one shotpoint to another
(1) Simple reciprocal method. Figure 3-7 illustrates
one version of the method. From the figure it can be
seen that T
+ T
- T
is equal to the sum of the slant
times plus a small time corresponding to travel between
the two points where the raypaths emerge from the refrac-
tor. For flay-lying, near-plane refractors, these times can
be converted to a distance by the equation
Figure 3-7. Development of simple reciprocal-time
method equations
/cos )(T
+ T
- T
= distance to the refractor from the geophone G
= travel time from shotpoint A to shotpoint B
= travel time from shotpoint A to geophone G
= travel time from shotpoint B to geophone G
= velocity of the upper layer
cos is given by (V
- V
Note that the calculation of cos requires the value of
. As above, a satisfactory approximation is given by
Equation 3-9. The angle is an approximation of the dip
for the whole line.
(2) Calculations of depths using this method can
easily be completed using a calculator and pencil and
paper. Two caveats are in order for this version of
reciprocal time methods. One is that Tab must be the
time on the same refractor from shotpoint to shotpoint. In
the presence of deeper refractors, care must be exercised
that the reciprocal time is accurate. Secondly, note that
the approximations are based on low dip. Generally
10-15 deg is an acceptable range.
(3) The distance obtained is measured from the loca-
tion of the geophone in three dimensions. Thus, there is
no requirement for a datum as the distance (depth) is
measured from the geophone elevation. Note that the
direction is not specified, thus an arc of acceptable points
on the refractor is actually defined by this distance. It is
instructive to prepare a display of the loci of acceptable
solutions for an irregular refractor which is made up of
the arcs for all of the geophones along a line (Figure 3-8).
Figure 3-8. Illustration of loci of time depths
(4) Generalized reciprocal method (GRM). Detailed
consideration of the above simplified method reveals two
major problems when it is applied to extreme topography
on the ground surface or subsurface interfaces. First in
the determination of V
, the above method utilized an
average V
over a large section of the travel-time curve.
Secondly, in the derivation, the segment on the refractor
(segment 3-5 in Figure 3-7) was ignored. The generalized
reciprocal method or GRM (Palmer 1980) was developed
to overcome these and other shortcomings of simpler
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(5) Palmers method derives two functions: the
velocity analysis function and the time-depth analysis
function. One facet of the method is the use of arrivals at
geophone points on either side of the geophone being
considered (positions X and Y in Figure 3-9).
Figure 3-9. Spatial relationships in the GRM methods
(6) Velocity analysis function. Figure 3-10 indicates
the derivation of the velocity analysis function. Following
the previous nomenclature, this function is formed for T
- T
- T
. From Figure 3-10, it is seen that this time
represents travel time from the shot A to a point on the
refractor. If this time is plotted versus geophone position,
an accurate V
, irrespective of dip or refractor topography
can be derived (Figure 3-10). One variable of this
arrangement is XY. Figure 3-11 depicts how this factor
affects the calculation of V
. If XY is chosen so that the
exit point on the refractor is common, the travel time, and
thus the calculation of V
, is dependent only on the mate-
rial itself. If an incorrect XY such as XY is chosen,
structure of arbitrary shape is incorporated in the travel
time and thus in the velocity calculation.
(7) Most computer programs performing a GRM
prepare an estimate of the travel time given above as a
function of XY. Under the assumption that V
is constant
or slowly varying, inspection of these curves will indicate
which XY is correct. The XY showing maximum smooth-
ness (less structure) will conform to the geophysical
assumption that is valid for most geology. This part of
the process has a twofold purpose, to map V
across the
spread, and to estimate XY, an important factor to be used
in the next section.
(8) Time-depth analysis function. Figure 3-12 indi-
cates the definition of the time-depth analysis function
= T
+ T
- T
- XY/V
Figure 3-10. Definition of the velocity analysis function
Figure 3-11. Illustration of error in determination of
velocity analysis function
where the variables are defined above.
(9) From the analysis in Figure 3-13, it is seen that
represents the two travel times for the slant depths and
a correction factor for the distance traveled at V
(4-5 in
Figure 3-13). This time-depth is analogous to the one
developed in the simpler reciprocal method given above
but one which can be converted to a depth with a more
robust approximation. Before attacking that problem,
consider the effects of XY on the calculation of T
. Fig-
ure 3-14 indicates that if XY is chosen so that the exit
points are the same in both directions, the effects of any
propagation at V
are minimized and the actual structure is
mapped. If XY is chosen, a smoothing of consecutive
time-depths will occur.
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Figure 3-12. Definition of time-depth analysis function
Figure 3-13. Relationships in the time-depth
Figure 3-14. Illustration of error in determination of
time-depth analysis function
(10) Most computer programs calculate the time
depths for several sets of XYs. Under the assumption
that the structure is irregular, the set of time depths with
maximum roughness is chosen. Thus another estimate
of XY is obtained in addition to the one obtained from the
velocity analysis function.
(11) Optimum XY. If a model is completely defined;
that is, depths and velocities are given, the best XY; that
is, the XY with a common exit point on the refractor, can
be calculated for flat-lying layers. Figure 3-15 indicates a
simple derivation of XY for the flat-lying case. This value
of XY, the third in the series, is called the optimum XY.
A consistent, complete interpretation will produce a near
equal set of XYs. Hidden layers and velocity inversions
(both defined later) will manifest themselves as variations
in the appropriate XYs.
Figure 3-15. Definition of optimum XY
(12) As before, the conversion of time-depths to
actual depths requires a velocity corresponding to the
slant-distance travel in the upper layer. Palmer gives an
acceptable approximation as
= T
- V
which is a sound approximation for low dip angles (up to
about 15 deg). As in the previous derivation, this
distance is independent of direction and determines only a
loci of possible refractor locations (see Figure 3-8).
(13) A full GRM interpretation requires the following
(a) An arrival time from the same refractor from
both directions at each geophone.
(b) A reciprocal time for energy traveling on that
(c) A closely spaced set of geophones so that a vari-
ety of XYs can be calculated.
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(14) These requirements imply a significant increase
in the field effort. Geophone spacings of one fourth to
one eighth of the depth to the refractor may be required.
The number of shots is determined by requirement 1
above, arrival times from both directions on the same
refractor. Shot-to-shot distances longer than twice the
crossover distance for the first refractor are required. If
deeper refractors are present, the shot-to-shot distances
must be less than the crossover distance of the deeper
refractor. For poorly expressed (almost hidden) and
thin layers, the number of shots required may be
f. Ray-tracing methods. Ray-tracing programs
usually derive some first approximation of a model based
on one of the methods described above. A calculation of
the expected arrival time at a geophone based on the
starting model is then calculated. This calculation
becomes quite involved as the complexity of the model
increases. As there is no closed form solution for the
calculations, iterative methods of generating raypaths are
used and convergence must sometimes be forced as the
models become more complex.
(1) After the model times have been calculated for
the arrivals at the geophones, some form of model adjust-
ment is made which will cause the calculated times to
become closer to the observed times. Once the adjust-
ment is made, the process starts over again with cal-
culation of travel times based on the adjusted model.
This process is a form of geophysical inversion, i.e.,
production of a geophysical model which accounts for the
observations by calculation of the responses of a model
and adjustment of that model. Successful geophysical
inversions have several general properties:
(a) The number of observations is generally several
times larger than the number of parameters to be deter-
mined (that is, the number of shots and observed travel
times is far larger than the number of velocities, layers,
and inflection points on the layers).
(b) The geophysical model is substantially similar to
the geological model being measured (i.e. the approxi-
mately flat-lying, low-dip geophysical model is not forced
on a geological model of vertical bedding with significant
horizontal velocity changes between geophones).
(2) Ray-tracing programs using the appropriate
approximations necessary for computation on personal
computers are available and are stiff competition for
programs based on generalized reciprocal methods.
g. Models. A pitfall of the reciprocal time methods
is that they do not lend themselves to the generation of a
forward model. Calculations based on Equation 3-6 are
often sufficient and will be illustrated here.
(1) A geophysical investigation is proposed based on
a geological model consisting of:
(a) An alluvial layer 5 to 8 m thick.
(b) Basalt bedrock.
(c) Groundwater 3 to 9 m from the surface.
The problem is to map low spots in the bedrock for siting
monitoring wells.
(2) The problem is first converted to a geophysical
Thickness (m) Velocity (m/s)
Min Max Min Max
First layer
above the
3 8 450 750
0 5 1,500 1,700
Third layer
-- -- 3,000 4,300
(a) The following subtle assumptions are implicit in
this geophysical model:
Alluvium (above the groundwater surface) is fairly
dense, thus potentially higher velocities of 450 to
750 m/s are postulated.
Where saturated (possibly as shallow as 3-m
depth), the alluvium will have a velocity near that
of water, 1,500 m/s (the second layer may be
absent (0-m thickness), when the water surface is
beneath the basalts depth - as shallow as 5-m
The top of the basalt is not weathered and the
basalt is generally homogeneous (thus velocities
EM 1110-1-1802
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between 3,000 and 4,300 m/s are indicated, inde-
pendent of the groundwater surface level).
Depth and velocity values larger or smaller than those
given are tested to define the limits of the investigation
(b) Four cases are considered:
Models 1a and 1b: Dry models (layer 2 absent)
with alluvial thicknesses of 3 and 8 m. Variation
in the bedrock velocity is accounted. Travel time
curves for Model 1 are illustrated in Figure 3-16.
Models 2a and 2b: Wet (layer 2 present) models
with 8 m of alluvium, 5 m of it saturated, and the
upper 3 m unsaturated. The bottom layer velocity
is held at 3,000 m/s and the surface layers veloci-
ties of 450 and 750 m/s are considered. Travel
time curves for Model 2 are found on the bottom
of Figure 3-16.
(c) Given these model travel-time curves, the follow-
ing generalizations can be derived:
Arrivals from the surface layer are only present
within 9 m of the shotpoint (3-m geophone spac-
ings are barely small enough to get enough data
on the velocity of the surface layer).
Only a small portion of the travel-time curve is
due to refraction from the water layer (thus
geophone spacings of 3 m would probably not be
small enough to resolve the layer).
(3) Based on the modeling, the following programs
could be proposed:
(a) If the layers are flat, contiguous, no faults are
suspected, and any bedrock lows are thought to be broad
swales (wavelengths greater than 60 m), then a shooting
plan based on time-intercept interpretations is possible.
(Because of the narrow window available for both surface
and water-layer arrivals, geophone intervals of less than
3 m are recommended. As data will be obtained at each
shotpoint, shotpoint spacing and line spacing are functions
of the data density required. A typical setup might be
2.5-m or smaller geophone spacings, 24-channel recording
and shots at both ends and in the middle of each spread
of 24 receivers. Note that reversed shots are required (dip
is expected) and that arrivals from the water layers may
be present on only some of the travel-time curves (see
next section on blind layers).
Figure 3-16. Models of travel-time curves. Time in ms;
distance in units of ft (0.3 m = 1.0 ft)
(b) If the geologic model includes channels cut into
the basalt and if the surface of the basalt can exhibit
significant structure (say 2- to 3-m elevation changes of
channel banks), then a full GRM approach should be
taken. The GRM approach to this problem includes the
EM 1110-1-1802
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Geophone spacings of 1.5 m are chosen (to gener-
ate a representative set of XY values, a small inter-
val is necessary).
One pair of shotpoints offset from the ends of the
spread by at least 25 m (thus each geophone will
have an arrival from both directions from the
high-velocity layer).
Several sets of shotpoints about 20 m apart.
Water arrivals are not present over a very wide
range of distances (7 to 12 m in the best case in
the models). Thus, shot pairs at these spacings
will have to be repeated at least three or four
times per spread to get adequate data about the
water-bearing layer (see paragraph 3-2i(2)(a) on
blind layers).
Thus, a minimum of 10 source locations into a 24-channel
spread of 35-m length will be required to generate data
adequate for a GRM interpretation. Note that a careful
monitoring of the field data is required as the velocities
and depths are not usually constant across basaltic terrain.
h. Field work. For routine engineering-scale surveys,
two to four persons are engaged on a seismic refraction
crew. A crew of two will be considerably slower than a
crew of three; a crew of four marginally faster than a
crew of three unless extensive shothole preparation is
necessary. Several fine points of field work to be consid-
ered are:
(1) In addition to surveying of the relative locations
of shotpoints and geophones to a few percent of the
geophone interval, the absolute location of the line should
be tied to permanent fiducials at several points. How
much error is significant depends on the scale of the
problem and the velocities involved. One millisecond
(ms) represents 60 cm of travel at 600 m/s, but 3 m at
3,000 m/s. A 30-cm survey error similarly contributes 1/2
to 1/10 ms of time error. The scale of the problem is
important. Where closely spaced geophones (3 m or less)
and high-frequency signals are used, a 30-cm error is not
acceptable. For crustal-scale problems, 30-cm survey
error is insignificant.
(2) Electrical noise, usually 60 Hz (cycles per sec-
ond) in the United States, may be dealt with by the use of
internal filters in the seismograph. All filters, analog or
digital, cause some time delay of the seismic impulse.
Thus, filters should not be adjusted in the course of a
survey except in the most unusual circumstance. If not
adjusted, the filter delay becomes part of the accuracy
problem, not a precision problem.
(3) Source strength can be adjusted by a variety of
techniques; more explosives should be the last technique
implemented. Improved coupling for hammer plates or
shots (usually by digging a shallow hole), selection of an
alternate shot point, more hammer blows, bigger ham-
mers, and other techniques which will occur to the
resourceful geophysicist should be tried first. Note that
the theoretical variance of random noise due to an
increased number of hammer blows decreases as the
square root of the number of blows. Thus, unless the
shotpoint is particularly important or the cost of physical
labor negligible, a practical maximum number of blows is
between 10 and 25.
(4) Wet weather causes productivity problems for
equipment and personnel. Most geophone-to-cable con-
nections are not waterproof and it is easy to develop a
geophone-to-geophone ground loop. The direct impact of
raindrops on geophones is easily recorded.
(5) Frozen ground can contribute a high-speed, near-
surface path which will obscure the contribution of deeper
layers. The P-wave velocity of ice is near 3,800 m/s.
(6) Wind effects can be minimized by putting
geophone cables flat down on the ground, anchoring
geophone wires, and removing measuring tapes, which
flutter in the wind. Geophone burial is a labor-intensive
but moderately effective method of dealing with the wind
if the wind is not coupled to the ground by nearby vegeta-
tion. Sometimes filters will assist in the removal of high-
frequency wind or water noise, but paragraph 3-2h(2)
above should be considered when using filters.
(7) While human errors cannot be eliminated, the
consequences of carelessly placed geophones, improperly
recorded locations, and generally sloppy work should be
impressed on the entire field crew so that the results
produced will be meaningful.
(8) The acoustic wave transmitted through the air
may be the first arrival in cases where very low-velocity
alluvium is present. In shear-wave work, velocities are
often below the velocity of sound in air (345 m/s at stan-
dard conditions). Geophone burial and recognition of the
acoustic wave when picking the records are mitigation for
this source of noise. The air arrival will often cause a
first-break of opposite polarity to that caused by transmis-
sion through earth materials.
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i. Interpretation.
(1) Evaluation of programs. While the geophysical
capabilities of commercially available interpretation pro-
grams are an obviously important part of any buying
decision, the ease of use and applicability of the so-called
front-end and back-end of the program should be
carefully considered. Specifically:
(a) Refraction field efforts, even of moderate size,
generate enormous amounts of data.
(b) Post-analysis output may be the most important
part of the project.
It is imperative to minimize the manual handling of the
data. The geometry is entered in the seismograph in the
field, a picking program is used to find the first breaks,
and these data streams converge in the analysis program.
Convenient editing and correction facilities, graphical
displays to confirm the correctness of the data entry, and
seamless integration are important. A wide variety of
printers and plotters for post-analyses should be sup-
ported, including the generic digital graphics interchange
formats. No matter how good the plate output of the
program looks in demonstration, eventually the user will
have to do CAD work to get information in the desired
(2) Pitfalls. The two most difficult geologic condi-
tions for accurate refraction work are the existence of a
thin water-saturated zone just above the bedrock and the
existence of a weathered zone at the top of bedrock.
These two difficult problems are members of the class of
blind zone and hidden layer problems.
(a) Blind zone. The model of paragraph 3-2g is
redrawn in Figure 3-17 to emphasize the area immediately
above the refractor (shaded). This area is known as the
blind zone. Calculation reveals that depending on thick-
ness and velocity, no information (arrivals) will be
received from this shaded layer. For velocities lower than
, clearly no refraction will occur. For velocities greater
than V
but less than V
, the travel time curves for a thin
zone are shown in Figure 3-18. As thickness or velocity
increases, the solid line in Figure 3-18 occurs at earlier
times until first arrival information (however sparse) is
received from the shaded area. All refractors have a blind
zone whose size depends on the depth and velocity
Figure 3-17. Illustration of locating blind zones
Figure 3-18. Travel-time curves for the hidden-zone
problem (0.3 m = 1.0 ft)
(b) Hidden layer. Within all blind zones, there may
be a hidden layer of water or weathered bedrock which
cannot be detected by the refraction work. Obviously, if
the velocity in the blind zone is equal to V
, there is no
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problem and the interpretation proceeds without error.
Other hidden layer issues are the following:
Water is particularly troublesome, because it often
increases the velocity of poorly indurated alluvium
to an intermediate velocity between that of unsatu-
rated alluvium (usually 300 to 900 m/s) and bed-
rock (usually above 2,000 m/s). (The acoustic
velocity for water at standard conditions is about
1,500 m/s.)
Weathered bedrock can act similar to saturated
soil. The potential for very rapid lateral changes
in the thickness of the weathered layer makes
refraction work in saprolitic and similar terrains a
difficult proposition. Careful planning and added
drilling work could be required.
(c) Two-dimensional assumption. The assumption in
the interpretation methods discussed above is that the
problem is two-dimensional, i.e., there is no variation of
the rock properties or geometry perpendicular to the line.
However, the dips measured along lines are apparent dips
and a correction is needed to recover true dip.
(d) Inhomogeneity. Some materials, especially
glacial deposits or thick man-made layers of uncompacted
sediments, will exhibit a continuous increase in velocity
with depth. Travel-time curves with a continuous curve
or change of slope are an indicator of this situation.
Where an approximation of this type of travel-time curve
by straight line segments is unsatisfactory, methodology
does exist to derive velocity functions of the form of a
linear increase with depth or with two-way travel time
from the curved travel-time curves (Duska 1963; Hollister
(3) Case examples. Several common geologic situa-
tions which can produce confusing travel-time curves are
illustrated in Figures 3-19 to 3-23. Note that other, per-
haps less geologically plausible, models could be derived
to fit the travel-time curves shown.
(a) Figure 3-19 indicates a simple change in dip.
Note that three velocities are recorded, but only two
materials are present. Figure 3-20 represents one-half of
a buried stream channel and, perhaps in the context of
Figure 3-19, is not hard to understand. However, note
that four velocities are present. Because the opposite
bank of the stream may be present, perhaps on the same
spread, the picture can get very complicated.
Figure 3-19. Change in dip of refractor surface
Figure 3-20. Subsurface stream channel
(b) Figures 3-21 and 3-22 indicate another set of
models for travel-time curves. Figure 3-22 models a
discontinuity in the rock surface and the resultant travel-
time curves. Note that the discontinuity causes a delay in
both directions while the fault both advances and delays
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Figure 3-21. Subsurface cliff
the trend of the travel-time curves. One warning about
the attempted detection of voids or discontinuities is in
order. Fermats principle says that the discontinuity must
extend significantly perpendicular to the profile in order
that no fast path detour is present that will minimize the
observed delays.
(c) Figure 3-23 is a common setup where a single
spread spans a channel. Three velocities are recorded
(two of them apparent), if shots are fired only at the ends.
When doing cross-channel work, a center shot is usually
required to derive the true velocities and geometry from
the data recorded.
g. Shear waves.
(1) Shear wave (S-wave) measurements have several
advantages in engineering and environmental work.
(a) The engineer can relate S-wave velocities more
easily to shear moduli and other properties used in engi-
neering calculations. If both compressional (P-wave) and
S-wave velocities are measured, Poissons ratio and other
engineering constants can be derived.
(b) In saturated, unconsolidated materials, P-wave
velocities are often controlled by water velocity. As
S-wave propagation is generally unaffected by the pres-
ence of a liquid, S-wave studies are not complicated by
Figure 3-22. Offset in time-distance plot due to discon-
tinuity in rock surface
the location of the water surface. A difficult three-layer
P-wave case can become a routine two-layer S-wave case.
(c) As the S-wave measurement by its nature
includes a large volume of in situ material, the bulk
velocity measurement may be more relevant to the perfor-
mance of engineered materials than point samples.
(d) S-wave studies are interpreted in the same way as
P-wave studies. Differences consist mostly of field tech-
nique and some data display methods which will be dis-
cussed below.
(2) S-Wave Field Work and Data Recording.
S-wave sources have one advantage and one disadvantage
which merit discussion. In general, S-wave sources are
not as energetic as P-wave sources-there is no more
explosives alternative to turn to in S-wave work. While
large mechanical contraptions have been designed to
impart an impressive traction to the ground, their signal
strength and reliability remain suspect. The advantage
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Figure 3-23. Cross-channel travel-time schematic
that S-wave sources have is that they have two polarities,
both of which can be stacked together to produce record
(3) SH-waves, the waves that have particle motion
perpendicular to the line of geophones (see Figure 3-24),
are preferred for shallow refraction work. This choice
minimizes the conversion of S-waves to P-waves at any
interface encountered. Thus, a source which produces a
traction perpendicular to the line and parallel to the sur-
face is specified (see Figure 3-24). A truck-weighted
plank struck on the end with a hammer is the classical
source. Portable versions of this type of source and other
energetic mechanical sources are available.
(a) Receivers with their sensitive axis oriented per-
pendicular to the line are also used. Horizontal axis geo-
phones are required, and leveling of each geophone is
generally necessary. The geophone axis should be care-
fully aligned perpendicular to the line and with common
polarity (direction).
(b) To utilize the switchable polarity of the source,
one field technique is as follows:
Figure 3-24. Source and geophone directions for SH
Shoot (hit) the source in the direction of the polar-
ity of the geophones (stack enough hits to produce
reasonable first-breaks with an apparent velocity
expected for the known geology of the area.
Pitfalls in this stage are the prominent air-blast
(345 m/s) and a P-wave water refraction (about
1,600 m/s). Neither of these is the target but
either may be the most prominent portion of the
record. This first shot is recorded (saved to disk
on most modern seismographs) and is called the
positive-source-positive-spread record).
Without erasing the seismographs contents, move
to the other side of the source (this move changes
the polarity of the source. Also change the
recording polarity of the spread (in most seismo-
graphs, this change is accomplished by turning a
convenient software switch). To the extent possi-
ble, the number of hits and source signature are
repeated with the reversed polarity source stacking
the data onto the positive-positive record. Save
this record as the stacked record).
Clear the seismograph and record the same record
(negative source only) as in the previous step.
(This record is called the negative-source negative-
spread record and is also saved.)
Thus, three records are recorded for each shotpoint. The
stacked records enhance the S-wave information and
suppress the P-wave information. This suppression takes
place because the reversal of the polarity of the source
and receivers amplifies the S-wave, but any P-wave
energy which has constant polarity is subtracted due to
the polarity change. This procedure is illustrated in
Figure 3-25.
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Figure 3-25. Multiple S-wave recordings
(c) If the stacked record is of good quality, only
cursory examination of the other two records is necessary.
However, it is often necessary to use the other records to
positively identify the S-wave arrivals if P-wave inter-
ference is present. A dual-trace presentation is used to
confirm the S-wave arrival.
(4) A sample dual-trace presentation is shown in
Figure 3-26. The negative-negative record has been
plotted with reversed (again) polarity. Thus any P-wave
energy should cause the two traces to move together
but any S-wave energy should cause the two traces to
diverge. Where the two traces diverge, positive confirma-
tion of S-wave energy is attained. Each shot record may
have to be played out in this format to attain positive
identification of the S-wave energy.
(5) Additional Considerations. Two fine points of
S-wave work are:
(a) Considerable noise suppression of the air-blast
and other converted waves can be realized by covering
the geophones with some dirt.
(b) Efforts to couple the traction plank or other
device to the ground are worthwhile. In soft farmland,
the coupling is generally good, but on a rutted gravel road
the amount of S-wave energy generated may be small
without some shovel work.
Figure 3-26. Dual-trace display
(6) Shear-wave example. A common record in
S-wave studies is indicated in Figure 3-27. Arrivals as
picked are plotted and the velocity of sound in air is
shown for reference. Obviously, sound is going to be a
problem at two points on the record.
Figure 3-27. Example of shear-wave record. Expanded
trace identifies S and P energy confirmed by dual
trace plots
3-3. Shallow Seismic Reflection
A portion of the seismic energy striking an interface
between two differing materials will be reflected from the
interface. The ratio of the reflected energy to incident
energy is called the reflection coefficient. The reflection
coefficient is defined in terms of the densities and seismic
velocities of the two materials as:
R = (p
- p
+ p
) (3-14)
R = reflection coefficient
= densities of the first and second layers,
EM 1110-1-1802
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= seismic velocities of the first and second
layers, respectively
Modern reflection methods can ordinarily detect isolated
interfaces whose reflection coefficients are as small as
a. Reflection principles.
(1) The physical process of reflection is illustrated in
Figure 3-28, where the raypaths from the successive
layers are shown. As in Figure 3-28, there are commonly
several layers beneath the earths surface which contribute
reflections to a single seismogram. Thus, seismic reflec-
tion data are more complex than refraction data because it
is these later arrivals that yield information about the
deeper layers. At later times in the record, more noise is
present thus making the reflections difficult to extract
from the unprocessed record.
(2) Figure 3-29 indicates the paths of arrivals that
would be recorded on a multichannel seismograph. Note
that Figure 3-29 indicates that the subsurface coverage is
exactly one half of the surface distance across the
geophone spread. The subsurface sampling interval is one
half of the distance between geophones on the surface.
(3) Another important feature of modern reflection-
data acquisition is illustrated by Figure 3-30. If multiple
shots, S1 and S2, are recorded by multiple receivers, R1
and R2, and the geometry is as shown in the figure, the
reflector point for both rays is the same. However, the
raypaths are not the same length, thus the reflection will
occur at different times on the two traces. This time
delay, whose magnitude is indicative of the subsurface
velocities, is called normal-moveout. With an appropriate
time shift, called the normal-moveout correction, the two
traces (S1 to R2 and S2 to R1) can be summed, greatly
enhancing the reflected energy and canceling spurious
(a) This method is called the common reflection
point, common midpoint, or common depth point (CDP)
method. If all receiver locations are used as shot points,
the multiplicity of data on one subsurface point (called
CDP fold) is equal to one half of the number of recording
channels. Thus, a 24-channel seismograph will record
12-fold data if a shot corresponding to every receiver
position is shot into a full spread. Thus, for 12-fold data
every subsurface point will have 12 separate traces added,
after appropriate time shifting, to represent that point.
Figure 3-28. Schematic of seismic reflection method
Figure 3-29. Multi-channel recordings for seismic
Figure 3-30. Illustration of common-depth point
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(b) Arrivals on a seismic reflection record can be
seen in Figure 3-31. The receivers are arranged to one
side of a shot which is 15 m from the first geophone.
Various arrivals are identified on Figure 3-31. Note that
the gain is increased down the trace to maintain the sig-
nals at about the same size by a process known as auto-
matic gain control (AGC). One side of the traces is
shaded to enhance the continuity between traces.
Figure 3-31. Sample seismic reflection record
(4) The ultimate product of a seismic reflection job
is a corrected cross section with reflection events in their
true subsurface positions. Though more than 60 years of
development have gone into the seismic reflection method
in the search for petroleum, the use of reflection for the
shallow subsurface (less than 50 m) remains an art. This
manual cannot give every detail of the acquisition and
processing of shallow seismic reflection data. Thus the
difference between deep petroleum-oriented reflection and
shallow reflection work suitable for engineering and envi-
ronmental applications will be stressed.
(5) Cost and frequency bandwidth are the principal
differences between the two applications of seismic reflec-
tion. One measure of the nominal frequency content of a
pulse is the inverse of the time between successive peaks.
In the shallow subsurface the exploration objectives are
often at depths of 15 to 45 m. At 450 m/s, a wave with
10 ms peak to peak (nominal frequency of 100 Hz) is
45 m long. To detect (much less differentiate between)
shallow, closely spaced layers, pulses with nominal fre-
quencies at or above 200 Hz may be required. A value of
1,500 m/s is used as a representative velocity
corresponding to saturated, unconsolidated materials
because without saturated sediments, both attenuation and
lateral variability make reflection generally difficult.
b. Common offset reflection methods. A technique
for obtaining onefold reflection data is called the com-
mon-offset method or common-offset gather (COG). It is
instructive to review the method, but it has fallen into
disuse because of the decreased cost of CDP surveys and
the difficulty of quantitative interpretation in most cases.
(1) Figure 3-32 illustrates time-distance curves for
the seismic waves which can be recorded. In the opti-
mum offset distance range, the reflected and refracted
arrivals will be isolated in time. Note that no quantitative
scales are shown as the distances, velocities, and wave
modes are distinct at each site. Thus testing is necessary
to establish the existence and location of the optimum
offset window.
(2) Figure 3-33 illustrates the COG method. After
the optimum offset distance is selected, the source and
receiver are moved across the surface. Note that the
subsurface coverage is one-fold and there is no provision
for noise cancellation. Figure 3-34 is a set of data pre-
sented as common offset data. The offset between
geophone and shot is 14 m (45 ft). Note that the acoustic
wave (visible as an arrival near 40 ms) is attenuated (the
shot was buried for this record). Note the prominent
reflection near 225 ms that splits into two arrivals near
line distance 610 m. Such qualitative changes are the
usual interpretative result of a common offset survey. No
depth scale is furnished.
c. Field techniques. A shallow seismic reflection
crew consists of three to five persons. The equipment
used allows two to three times the number of active
receivers to be distributed along the line. A switch
(called a roll-along switch) allows the seismograph opera-
tor to select the particular set of geophones required for a
particular shot from a much larger set of geophones that
have been previously laid out. The operator can then
switch the active array down the line as the position of
the shot progresses. Often the time for a repeat cycle of
the source and the archiving time of the seismograph are
the determining factors in the production rates. With
enough equipment, one or two persons can be continually
moving equipment forward on the line while a shooter
and an observer are sequencing through the available
(1) If the requirements for relative and absolute
surveying are taken care of at a separate time, excellent
production rates, in terms of number of shotpoints per
day, can be achieved. Rates of 1/min or 400-500/normal
field day can be achieved. Note that the spacing of these
shot points may be only 0.6 to 1.2 m, so the linear prog-
ress may be only about 300 m of line for very shallow
surveys. Also note that the amount of data acquired is
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Figure 3-32. Optimum offset distance determination for
the common-offset method
Figure 3-33. Common-offset method schematic
enormous. A 24-channel record sampled every 1/8 ms
that is 200 ms long consists of nearly 60,000 thirty-two-
bit numbers or upwards of 240 KB/record. Three hun-
dred records may represent more than 75 MB of data for
1 day of shooting.
Figure 3-34. Sample common-offset record
(2) Field data acquisition parameters are highly site
specific. Up to a full day of testing with a knowledgeable
consultant experienced in shallow seismic work may be
required. The objective of these tests is identifiable,
demonstrable reflections on the raw records. If arrivals
consistent with reflections from the zone of interest can-
not be seen, the chances that processing will recover
useful data are slim.
(3) One useful testing technique is the walkaway
noise test. A closely spaced set of receivers is set out
with a geophone interval equal to 1 or 2 percent of the
depth of interest - often as little as 30 or 60 cm for engi-
neering applications. By firing shots at different distances
from this spread, a well-sampled long-offset spread can be
generated. Variables can include geophone arrays, shot
patterns, high and low-cut filters, and AGC windows,
among others.
(4) Because one objective is to preserve frequency
content, Table 3-2 is offered as a comparison between
petroleum-oriented and engineering-oriented data acquisi-
tion. The remarks column indicates the reason for the
d. Processing. Processing is typically done by pro-
fessionals using special purpose computers. These tech-
niques are expensive but technically robust and excellent
results can be achieved. Exposition of all the processing
variables is well beyond the scope of this manual. How-
ever a close association of the geophysicist, the processor,
EM 1110-1-1802
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Table 3-2
Seismic Reflection Use Differences by Methodology
Petroleum Engineering Remarks
Explosive seismic source 10-25 kg or more in a distri-
buted pattern in deep holes
20 to 50 g, single shot To increase frequency content
Mechanical seismic source 1-7 vibrators
5-15,000 kg peak force
10-100 Hz sweep
Hammer and Plats, guns
Cost, increased frequency
Geophones Arrays of 12-48 phones; 25-
40 Hz fundamental frequency;
3-20 m spacing
Single or 3-5 geophones
50-100 Hz fundamental
frequency; 1-3 m spacing
To preserve frequency content
Recorders Instantaneous floating point,
48-1,000 channels
Instantaneous floating point,
24-96 channels
Passband analog filters 10-110 Hz 100-500 Hz To increase frequency content
Sample interval 1-2 ms 1/4-1/8 ms Higher frequencies
High-frequency vibrators are becoming available in 1994.
and the consumer is absolutely essential if the results are
to be useful. Well logs, known depths, results from ancil-
lary methods, and the expected results should be furnished
to the processor. At least one iteration of the results
should be used to ensure that the final outcome is
(1) One important conclusion of the processing is a
true depth section. The production of depth sections
requires conversion of the times of the reflections to
depths by derivation of a velocity profile. Well logs and
check shots are often necessary to confirm the accuracy of
this conversion.
(2) These warnings are important because powerful
processing algorithms can produce very appealing but
erroneous results. Most data processors are oriented to
petroleum exploration and volume production. The effort
and cooperation required by both the geophysicist and the
processor are beyond that normal in exploration scenarios.
e. General conclusions-seismic reflection.
(1) It is possible to obtain seismic reflections from
very shallow depths, perhaps as shallow as 3 to 5 m.
(2) Variations in field techniques are required
depending on depth.
(3) Containment of the air-blast is essential in shal-
low reflection work.
(4) Success is greatly increased if shots and phones
are near or in the saturated zone.
(5) Severe low-cut filters and arrays of a small num-
ber (1-5) of geophones are required.
(6) Generally, reflections should be visible on the
field records after all recording parameters are optimized.
(7) Data processing should be guided by the appear-
ance of the field records and extreme care should be used
not to stack refractions or other unwanted artifacts as
3-4. Surface Wave Methods
a. Rayleigh wave methods. A wide variety of seis-
mic waves propagate along the surface of the earth. They
are called surface waves because their amplitude
decreases exponentially with increasing depth. The Ray-
leigh wave is important in engineering studies because of
its simplicity and because of the close relationship of its
velocity to the shear-wave velocity for earth materials.
As most earth materials have Poissons ratios in the range
of 0.25 to 0.48, the approximation of Rayleigh wave
velocities as shear-wave velocities causes less than a
10-percent error.
(1) Rayleigh wave studies for engineering purposes
have most often been made in the past by direct observa-
tion of the Rayleigh wave velocities. One method con-
sists of excitation of a monochromatic wave train and the
direct observation of the travel time of this wave train
between two points. As the frequency is known, the
wavelength is determined by dividing the velocity by the
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(2) The assumption that the depth of investigation is
equal to one-half of the wavelength can be used to gener-
ate a velocity profile with depth. This last assumption is
somewhat supported by surface wave theory, but more
modern and comprehensive methods are available for
inversion of Rayleigh-wave observations. Similar data
can be obtained from impulsive sources if the recording is
made at sufficient distance such that the surface wave-
train has separated into its separate frequency
b. Spectral analysis of surface waves (SASW). The
promise, both theoretical and observational, of surface
wave methods has resulted in significant applications of
technology to their exploitation. The problem is twofold:
(1) To determine, as a function of frequency, the
velocity of surface waves traveling along the surface (this
curve, often presented as wavelength versus phase veloc-
ity, is called a dispersion curve).
(2) From the dispersion curve, determine an earth
structure that would exhibit such dispersion. This inver-
sion, which is ordinarily done by forward modeling, has
been automated with varying degrees of success.
c. Measurement of phase velocity. Spectral analysis,
via the Fourier transform, can break down any time-
domain function into its constituent frequencies. Cross-
spectral analysis yields two valuable outputs from the
simultaneous spectral analysis of two time functions. One
output is the phase difference between the two time func-
tions as a function of frequency. This phase difference
spectrum can be converted to a time difference (as a
function of frequency) by use of the relationship:
t(f) = (f)/2f
t(f) = frequency-dependent time difference
(f) = cross-spectral phase at frequency f
f = frequency to which the time difference applies
(1) If the two time functions analyzed are the seismic
signals recorded at two geophones a distance d apart, then
the velocity, as a function of frequency, is given by:
V(f) = d/t(f)
d = distance between geophones
t(f) = term determined from the cross-spectral phase
If the wavelength () is required, it is given by
(f) = V(f)/f
(2) As these mathematical operations are carried out
for a variety of frequencies, an extensive dispersion curve
is generated. The second output of the cross-spectral
analysis that is useful in this work is the coherence func-
tion. This output measures the similarity of the two
inputs as a function of frequency. Normalized to lie
between 0 and 1, a coherency of greater than 0.9 is often
required for effective phase difference estimates.
(a) Once the dispersion curve is in hand, the calcula-
tion-intensive inversion process can proceed. While the
assumption given above of depth equal to one half the
wavelength may be adequate if relatively few data are
available, the direct calculation of a sample dispersion
curve from a layered model is necessary to account for
the abundance of data that can be recorded by a modern
seismic system. Whether or not the inversion is auto-
mated, the requirements for a good geophysical inversion
should be followed and more observations than parame-
ters should be selected.
(b) Calculation methods for the inversion are beyond
the scope of this manual. The model used is a set of flat-
lying layers made up of thicknesses and shear-wave
velocities. More layers are typically used than are sus-
pected to be present and one useful iteration is to
consolidate the model layers into a geologically consistent
model and repeat the inversion for the velocities only.
(3) The advantages of this method are:
(a) High frequencies (1-300 Hz) can be used, result-
ing in definition of very thin layers.
(b) The refraction requirement of increasing veloci-
ties with depth is not present; thus, velocities which
decrease with depth are detectable.
By using both of these advantages, this method has been
used to investigate pavement substrate strength. An
example of typical data obtained by an SASW experiment
is shown in Figure 3-35. The scatter of these data is
smaller than typical SASW data. Models obtained by two
different inversion schemes are shown in Figure 3-36
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 3-35. Typical SASW data
along with some crosshole data for comparison. Note that
the agreement is excellent above 20 m of depth.
d. Field work. To date (1994) no commercial SASW
equipment has been offered for sale. Most crews are
equipped with a two- or four-channel spectrum analyzer,
which provides the cross-spectral phase and coherence
information. The degree of automation of the subsequent
processing varies widely from laborious manual entry of
the phase velocities into an analysis program to automated
acquisition and preliminary processing. The inversion
process similarly can be based on forward modeling with
lots of human interaction or true inversion by computer
after some manual smoothing.
(1) A typical SASW crew consists of two persons,
one to operate and coordinate the source and one to moni-
tor the quality of the results. Typical field procedures are
to place two (or four) geophones or accelerometers close
together and to turn on the source. The source may be
any mechanical source of high-frequency energy; moving
bulldozers, dirt whackers, hammer blows, and vibrators
have been used. Some discretion is advised as the source
must operate for long periods of time and the physics of
what is happening are important. Rayleigh waves have
Figure 3-36. Inversion results of typical SASW data
predominantly vertical motion; thus, a source whose
impedance is matched to the soil and whose energy is
concentrated in the direction and frequency band of inter-
est will be more successful.
(2) Phase velocities are determined for waves with
wavelength from 0.5 to 3 times the distance between the
geophones. Then the phones are moved apart, usually
increasing the separation by a factor of two. Thus, over-
lapping data are acquired and the validity of the process is
checked. This process continues until the wavelength
being measured is equal to the required depth of investi-
gation. Then the apparatus is moved to the next station
where a sounding is required. After processing, a vertical
profile of the shear-wave velocities is produced.
e. Pitfalls.
(1) The assumption of plane layers from the source
to the recording point may not be accurate.
(2) Higher modes of the Rayleigh wave may be
recorded. The usual processing assumption is that the
fundamental mode has been measured.
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(3) Spreading the geophones across a lateral inhomo-
geneity will produce complications beyond the scope of
the method.
(4) Very high frequencies may be difficult to gener-
ate and record.
3-5. Subbottom Profiling
A variant of seismic reflection used at the surface of
water bodies is subbottom profiling or imaging. The
advantage of this technique is the ability to tow the seis-
mic source on a sled or catamaran and to tow the line
of hydrophones. This procedure makes rapid, continuous
reflection soundings of the units below the bottom of the
water body, in other words, the subbottom. This
method and significant processing requirements have been
recently developed by Ballard et al. (1993) of the
U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
(WES). The equipment, acquisition, and processing
system reduce the need for overwater boring programs.
The developed WES imaging procedure resolves material
type, density, and thickness (Ballard et al. 1993).
a. Theory and use. The acoustic impedance method
may be exploited with other forms of Equations 3-2 and
3-14 to determine parameters of the soft aqueous materi-
als. The acoustic impedance z for a unit is the product of
its p
and V
. The reflection coefficient R from a par-
ticular horizon is
R = (E
= [(z
- z
+ z
)] (3-15)
= energy reflected at the i-j unit boundary
= incident energy at the i-j unit boundary
= acoustic impedance of the i (lower) material
= acoustic impedance of the j (upper) medium
At the highest boundary, the water-bottom interface,
is known to be 1.5 10
s). Since the
can be determined and E
and z
known, z
may be determined. V
may be assessed
from the depth of the 2-3 boundary and thus
may be
resolved. The material properties of lower units can be
found in succession from the reflections of deeper layers.
(1) A variety of different strength sources are avail-
able for waterborne use. By increasing strength, these
sources are: pingers, boomers, sparkers, and airguns.
While there is some strength overlap among these
sources, in general, as energy increases, the waves domi-
nant period increases. For the larger source strength,
therefore, the ability to resolve detail is impaired as peri-
od and wavelength become larger. The resolving accu-
racy of the system may change by more than an order of
magnitude from <0.2 m for a pinger to >1.0 m for an
(a) The WES Subbottoming System has two sources:
a 3.5-and 7.0-kHz pinger and a 0.5- to 2.5-kHz broad
spectrum boomer. The pinger can attain resolutions to
0.2 m, while the boomer has a resolution on the order of
1/2 m.
(b) The conflicting impact of energy sources is the
energy available for penetration and deeper reflections.
The boomers greater energy content and broad spectrum
allow significantly greater depth returns. Some near-
bottom sediments contain organic material that readily
absorbs energy. Higher energy sources may allow pene-
tration of these materials.
(2) Data collection is enormous with a towed subbot-
toming system. Graphic displays print real-time reflector
returns to the hydrophone set. Recording systems retrieve
the data for later processing. The field recorders graph
time of source firing versus time of arrival returns. Fig-
ure 3-37 provides the field print for Oakland Harbor (Bal-
lard, McGee, and Whalin 1992).
(a) Office processing of the field data determines the
subbottoming properties empirically. The empiricisms are
reduced when more sampling (boring) data are available
to assess unit and loss parameters for modeling. The
processing imposes the Global Positioning System (GPS)
locations upon the time of firing records to approximately
locate the individual shot along the towed boat path.
The seismic evaluation resolves the layer V
and unit
depths. From the firing surface locations and unit depths,
the field graphs are correlated to tow path distance versus
reflector depths. Figure 3-38 shows cross sections of the
Gulfport Ship Channel, Mississippi. These are fence
diagrams of depth and material types once all parallel and
crossing surveys are resolved.
(b) WES processing capabilities now allow
3-dimensional surfaces to be mathematically appraised
from the fence diagrams. These computer volumetric
depictions are convenient for visualizing the subsurface
deposition. More importantly, direct volume estimates
and project development can be created.
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 3-37. Reflected subbottoming signal amplitude
cross section-3.5 kHz in Oakland Harbor, California
(Ballard, McGee, and Whalin 1992)
b. Availability. Research at the U.S. Army Engineer
Waterways Experiment Station (WES) has developed oil
exploration techniques for engineering projects.
(1) The original research interest was dredging mate-
rial properties. The current system has been combined
with GPS to locate the continuous ship positions for
knowing the source/hydrophone locations.
(2) WES has a Subbottom Imaging System to pro-
vide data for engineering projects in coastal, river and
lake environments. The WES Subbottoming System is
ship-mounted, so that it can be shipped overland to differ-
ing marine environments.
(3) The subbottoming technique can be applied to a
large variety of water bodies. Saltwater harbors and
shipping channels and river waterways were the original
objective for the dredging research. The developed
system has broad applicability to locks and dams, reser-
voir projects, and engineering projects such as location of
Figure 3-38. Density cross sections in Gulfport Ship Channel, Mississippi (Ballard, McGee, and Whalin 1992)
EM 1110-1-1802
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Chapter 4
Electrical and Electromagnetic Methods
4-1. Introduction
Electrical geophysical prospecting methods detect the
surface effects produced by electric current flow in the
ground. Using electrical methods, one may measure
potentials, currents, and electromagnetic fields which
occur naturally or are introduced artificially in the ground.
In addition, the measurements can be made in a variety of
ways to determine a variety of results. There is a much
greater variety of electrical and electromagnetic tech-
niques available than in the other prospecting methods,
where only a single field of force or anomalous property
is used. Basically, however, it is the enormous variation
in electrical resistivity found in different rocks and miner-
als which makes these techniques possible (Telford et al.
a. Electrical properties of rocks. All materials,
including soil and rock, have an intrinsic property, resis-
tivity, that governs the relation between the current dens-
ity and the gradient of the electrical potential. Variations
in the resistivity of earth materials, either vertically or
laterally, produce variations in the relations between the
applied current and the potential distribution as measured
on the surface, and thereby reveal something about the
composition, extent, and physical properties of the subsur-
face materials. The various electrical geophysical tech-
niques distinguish materials through whatever contrast
exists in their electrical properties. Materials that differ
geologically, such as described in a lithologic log from a
drill hole, may or may not differ electrically, and there-
fore may or may not be distinguished by an electrical
resistivity survey. Properties that affect the resistivity of
a soil or rock include porosity, water content, composition
(clay mineral and metal content), salinity of the pore
water, and grain size distribution.
(1) In an electrically conductive body that lends itself
to description as a one-dimensional body, such as an
ordinary wire, the relationship between the current and
potential distribution is described by Ohms law:
V = IR (4-1)
V = difference of potential between two points on the
I = current through the wire
R = resistance measured between the same two points
as the difference of potential
The resistance (R) of a length of wire is given by
R =
= resistivity of the medium composing the wire
L = length
A = area of the conducting cross section
Note that if R is expressed in ohms () the resistivity has
the dimensions of ohms multiplied by a unit of length. It
is commonly expressed in m but may be given in -cm
or -ft. The conductivity () of a material is defined as
the reciprocal of its resistivity (). Resistivity is thus
seen to be an intrinsic property of a material, in the same
sense that density and elastic moduli are intrinsic
(2) In most earth materials, the conduction of electric
current takes place virtually entirely in the water occupy-
ing the pore spaces or joint openings, since most soil- and
rock-forming minerals are essentially nonconductive.
Clays and a few other minerals, notably magnetite, specu-
lar hematite, carbon, pyrite, and other metallic sulfides,
may be found in sufficient concentration to contribute
measurably to the conductivity of the soil or rock.
(3) Water, in a pure state, is virtually nonconductive
but forms a conductive electrolyte with the presence of
chemical salts in solution, and the conductivity is propor-
tional to the salinity. The effect of increasing temperature
is to increase the conductivity of the electrolyte. When
the pore water freezes, there is an increase in resistivity,
perhaps by a factor of 10
or 10
, depending on the salin-
ity. However, in soil or rock this effect is diminished by
the fact that the pore water does not all freeze at the same
time, and there is usually some unfrozen water present
even at temperatures considerably below freezing. The
presence of dissolved salts and the adsorption of water on
grain surfaces act to reduce the freezing temperature.
Even so, electrical resistivity surveys made on frozen
ground are likely to encounter difficulties because of the
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high resistivity of the frozen surface layer and high con-
tact resistance at the electrodes. On the other hand, the
effect of freezing on resistivity makes the resistivity
method very useful in determining the depth of the frozen
layer. It is very helpful in the interpretation of such sur-
veys to have comparison data obtained when the ground
is unfrozen.
(4) Since the conduction of current in soil and rock
is through the electrolyte contained in the pores, resistivity
is governed largely by the porosity, or void ratio, of the
material and the geometry of the pores. Pore space may
be in the form of intergranular voids, joint or fracture
openings, and blind pores, such as bubbles or vugs. Only
the interconnected pores effectively contribute to conduc-
tivity, and the geometry of the interconnections, or the
tortuosity of current pathways, further affects it. The
resistivity of a saturated porous material can be
expressed as
= F
F = formation factor
= resistivity of pore water
The formation factor is a function only of the properties
of the porous medium, primarily the porosity and pore
geometry. An empirical relation, Archies Law, is
sometimes used to describe this relationship:
F = a
a and m = empirical constants that depend on the
geometry of the pores
= porosity of the material
Values of a in the range of 0.47 to 2.3 can be found in
the literature. The value of m is generally considered to
be a function of the kind of cementation present and is
reported to vary from 1.3 for completely uncemented soils
or sediments to 2.6 for highly cemented rocks, such as
dense limestones. Equations 4-3 and 4-4 are not usually
useful for quantitative interpretation of data from surface
electrical surveys but are offered here to help clarify the
role of the pore spaces in controlling resistivity.
(5) Bodies of clay or shale generally have lower
resistivity than soils or rocks composed of bulky mineral
grains. Although the clay particles themselves are non-
conductive when dry, the conductivity of pore water in
clays is increased by the desorption of exchangeable
cations from the clay particle surfaces.
(6) Table 4-1 shows some typical ranges of resist-
ivity values for manmade materials and natural minerals
and rocks, similar to numerous tables found in the litera-
ture (van Blaricon 1980; Telford et al. 1976; Keller and
Frischknecht 1966). The ranges of values shown are
those commonly encountered but do not represent extreme
values. It may be inferred from the values listed that the
user would expect to find in a typical resistivity survey
low resistivities for the soil layers, with underlying bed-
rock producing higher resistivities. Usually, this will be
the case, but the particular conditions of a site may
change the resistivity relationships. For example, coarse
sand or gravel, if it is dry, may have a resistivity like that
of igneous rocks, while a layer of weathered rock may be
more conductive than the soil overlying it. In any attempt
to interpret resistivities in terms of soil types or lithology,
consideration should be given to the various factors that
affect resistivity.
Table 4-1
Typical Electrical Resistivities of Earth Materials
Material Resistivity (m)
Clay 1-20
Sand, wet to moist 20-200
Shale 1-500
Porous limestone 100-1,000
Dense limestone 1,000-1,000,000
Metamorphic rocks 50-1,000,000
Igneous rocks 100-1,000,000
b. Classification.
(1) The number of electrical methods used since the
first application around 1830 (Parasnis 1962) is truly
large; they include self-potential (SP), telluric currents and
magnetotellurics, resistivity, equipotential and mise--la-
masse, electromagnetic (EM), and induced polarization
(IP). Because of the large number of methods, there are
many ways of classifying them for discussion. One com-
mon method is by the type of energy source involved, that
is, natural or artificial. Of the methods listed above, the
first two are grouped under natural sources and the rest as
artificial. Another classification, which will be used here,
is to group by whether the data are measured in the time
domain or the frequency domain. Only techniques in
EM 1110-1-1802
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common use today for solving engineering, geotechnical,
and environmental problems will be treated in this discus-
sion, thus omitting telluric current techniques, magnetotel-
lurics, and many of the EM methods.
(2) Time domain methods (often abbreviated as
TDEM or TEM) are those in which the magnitude only or
magnitude and shape of the received signal is measured.
The techniques in this class are discussed under the head-
ings DC resistivity, induced polarization, time-domain
electromagnetics, and self-potential. Frequency domain
methods (often abbreviated as FDEM or FEM) are those
in which the frequency content of the received signal is
measured. Generally FDEM methods are continuous
source methods, and measurements are made while the
source is on. The measurement is of magnitude at a
given frequency. Techniques in this class are discussed
under the headings of VLF, terrain conductivity, and
metal detectors.
c. Resistivity methods versus electromagnetic
methods. Before discussing the individual methods it is
useful to outline the main differences between the resistiv-
ity (including induced polarization) methods and the elec-
tromagnetic methods. With resistivity methods, the
source consists of electrical current injected into the
ground through two electrodes. The transmitted current
wave form may be DC, low frequency sinusoidal (up to
about 20 Hz), or rectangular, as in induced polarization
surveys with a frequency of about 0.1 Hz. The energizer,
therefore, is the electrical current injected into the ground
through current electrodes.
(1) With electromagnetic methods, the source most
commonly consists of a closed loop of wire in which AC
current flows. It can be a small, portable transmitter coil
up to 1 m in diameter, in which case there are many turns
of wire. Alternately, the source can be a large transmitter
loop on the ground, as large as 1 km in diameter. The
frequency of the transmitter current can range from about
0.1 to about 10,000 Hz. Instruments commonly used for
engineering applications (such as the EM-31, EM-34, and
EM-38) use the small, multiturn type of coil and frequen-
cies above 2,500 Hz. Electric current in the transmitter
loop generates a magnetic field. The magnetic field is the
energizer in electromagnetic methods as compared with
electric current in resistivity methods.
(2) In terms of response, with resistivity methods,
anomalies result from resistivity contrasts. For example,
if a target with a resistivity of 10 m is in a host rock
with a resistivity of 100 m, the same anomaly results
as if the target had a resistivity of 100 m in a host rock
with a resistivity of 1,000 m. In both cases, there is a
resistivity contrast of 10. This example holds as long as
the transmitter frequency is low enough that there is no
appreciable electromagnetic induction in the rocks. With
electromagnetic methods, anomalies are due more to
absolute resistivity rather than resistivity contrasts. The
two examples mentioned previously for resistivity meth-
ods would not produce the same anomalies with electro-
magnetic methods (Klein and Lajoie 1980).
4-2. Self-Potential Method
a. General. Various potentials are produced in
native ground or within the subsurface altered by our
actions. Natural potentials occur about dissimilar materi-
als, near varying concentrations of electrolytic solutions,
and due to the flow of fluids. Sulfide ore bodies have
been sought by the self potential generated by ore bodies
acting as batteries. Other occurrences produce spontane-
ous potentials, which may be mapped to determine the
information about the subsurface. Spontaneous potentials
can be produced by mineralization differences, electro-
chemical action, geothermal activity, and bioelectric gen-
eration of vegetation.
(1) Four different electrical potentials are recognized.
Electrokinetic, or streaming, potential is due to the flow
of a fluid with certain electrical properties passing through
a pipe or porous medium with different electrical proper-
ties (Figure 4-1). Liquid-junction, or diffusion, potential
is caused by the displacement of ionic solutions of dissim-
ilar concentrations. Mineralization, or electrolytic contact,
potential is produced at the surface of a conductor with
another medium. Nernst, or shale, potential occurs when
similar conductors have a solution of differing concentra-
tions about them. Telford, Geldart and Sheriff (1990)
provide equations for differing potentials. Generally, the
SP method is qualitative and does not attempt to quantify
the anomalous volume size, owing to the unknown volu-
metric shapes, concentration/density of various masses,
and electrical properties of the sought causative media.
(2) Recognition of different spontaneous-potential
sources is important to eliminate noise, the low back-
ground voltages. Some engineering and environmental
occurrences may be mapped by contouring surficial volt-
ages between base/reference electrode(s) and the mobile
electrodes. Flow of gasses and fluids in pipes, leakage of
a reservoir within the foundation or abutment of a dam,
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Figure 4-1. Schematic of flow-induced negative
streaming potentials (Erchul and Slifer 1989)
movement of ionic fluids to or within the groundwater,
flow of geothermal fluids, and movement of water into or
through a karst system can be the origin of streaming
potentials. These potentials may exceed the background
voltage variation of a site.
b. Equipment and procedures. A simple SP survey
consists of a base electrode position and a roving elec-
trode to determine potential differences on a gridded
survey or along profile lines. The required equipment
merely includes electrodes, wire and a precise millivolt
(1) Nonpolarizing electrodes. The electrodes in
contact with the ground surface should be the nonpolariz-
ing type, also called porous pots. Porous pots are metal
electrodes suspended in a supersaturated solution of their
own salts (such as a copper electrode suspended in copper
sulfate) within a porous container. These pots produce
very low electrolytic contact potential, such that the back-
ground voltage is as small as possible. Tinker and Rasor
manufacture models of porcelain nonpolarizing electrodes
that are reliable and sealed to avoid evaporation of the
salt solution.
(a) Sealed pots can keep their supersaturated solu-
tions for more than a week, even in arid locales. Refill-
ing of the pots solution must occur before a days work
due to the possible contact potential change while per-
forming a measurement set. A useful procedure is to mix
remaining fluids from pots in a single container, add new
solution to the pots mixture, and use the mixed solution
to fill the pots. Then all pots contain the same solution
(b) Multiple pots are purchased such that breakage
and cleaning may be accomplished readily in the field.
Only one set of a base and mobile electrode are used at
any one measurement loop/grid. Base station pots are
usually larger in size to assure constant electrical contact
through the time of use of that station. Mobile or travel-
ing pots are often smaller in volume of salt solution and
(c) Copper-clad steel electrodes are used in a variety
of electrical surveys. Steel electrodes should be avoided
in SP investigations. Contact potential of these electrodes
is quite high and variable in the soil at various stations of
the survey.
(2) Survey wire.
(a) The wire used in SP surveys must be strong,
hardy, and of low resistance. Wire needs to have suffi-
cient tensile strength to be able to withstand long-term
pulls of survey work for multiple sites. For some field
use, heavy twine or light rope may need to be twisted and
knotted to long lengths of wire to add strength. Survey
wire must have abrasion-resistant insulator wrapping.
Pulling the wire over roadway surfaces can expose bare
wire. Usually random bare wire positions will not fully
ground to the soil, and the effects will be variable as
differing lengths of wire are unreeled and occupy differ-
ing positions for the survey. This error will only modify
the signal by a few to tens of millivolts (mV). Twisted
two-conductor, 18-gauge, multistrand (not solid conduc-
tor) copper wire has been found to be strong and abrasion
(b) Resistance will be constant for survey wire
between stations, if the wire for a reading set is not per-
manently stretched in length, does not develop insulator
leaks and is not repaired. Repairs to wire should be made
when needed because of bare wire or severe plastic
stretching of the wire. Repairs and addition of wire to
lengthen the survey use should only be made between
measurement loops/grids. No changes to the wire may be
EM 1110-1-1802
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made during a loop or grid of readings without reoccupa-
tion of those positions. Wire accidentally severed requires
a remeasurement of that complete set of circuit stations.
(3) Millivolt meter.
(a) An inexpensive, high-input-impedance voltmeter
is used to read the potential in the millivolt range. Actual
field voltage will be in error when the source potential is
within an order of magnitude of the meters input imped-
ance. The meter uses a bias current to measure the
desired potential. The input impedance should exceed
50 M. Higher input impedances are desirable due to the
impedance reduction of airs moisture. The resolution of
the meter should be 0.1 or 1.0 mV.
(b) Several useful options on meters are available.
Digital voltmeters are more easily read. Water-resistant
or sealed meters are extremely beneficial in field use.
Notch filters about 60 Hz will reduce stray alternating
current (AC) potentials in industrial areas or near power
b. Field deployment. Background potentials for these
surveys may be at a level of a few tens of millivolts.
Source self-potentials must exceed the background to be
apparent. Potentials exceeding 1.0 V have occurred for
shallow or downhole measurements of large sources.
When large potentials are expected or have been found at
the site with nonpolarizing electrodes, the easier to use
copper-clad steel electrodes have been substituted for
porous pots, but steel electrodes are not recommended.
Contact potentials of the steel electrodes and reversing
electrode positions are required systematically for steel
electrodes. Large errors may develop from the use of
steel electrodes (Corwin 1989).
(1) Measurements with the electrodes may require a
system of reversing the electrode position to resolve con-
tact potentials at the electrodes. Previously measured
locations may need to be remeasured on a systematic or
periodic basis. Reoccupation of stations is necessary
when very accurate surveys are being conducted and for
sites with temporal potential changes or spatial variations
of electrode potential.
(2) Changes temporally in the electrodes or due to
the fields self potential require the survey to be con-
ducted in a gridded or loop array. Loops should have
closure voltages of zero or only a few milli-volts. High
closure potential requires remeasuring several to all of the
loop stations. Station reoccupation should be in the same
exact position of the earlier reading(s). Unclosed lines
should be avoided. Reoccupation of particular station
intervals should be made when closed loops are not
(a) The traveling electrode should periodically
remeasure the base location to observe contact potential,
dirty electrodes, or other system changes. Reversing the
survey electrodes or changing the wire polarity should
only change the voltage polarity.
(b) Electrodes may have contact differences due to
varying soil types, chemical variations, or soil moisture.
Temporal and temperature variations are also possible,
which may require the reoccupation of some of the survey
positions on some arranged loop configuration. Electrode
potentials have minor shifts with temperature changes
(Ewing 1939).
(c) Variation in the flow of fluid due to rainfall,
reservoir elevation changes, channelization of flow, or
change of surface elevation where measurements are
obtained are sources of variation of streaming potential.
Self potentials may have temporal or spatial changes due
to thunderstorm cloud passage, dissemination of mineral-
ization or electrolytic concentration, and in the ground-
water flow conduits and location. High telluric potential
variations may require the SP survey to be delayed for a
(3) Some simple procedures are required to perform
accurate and precise SP surveys. Good maintenance of
porous pots, wires, and voltmeters must be observed
through the survey.
(a) The traveling pot needs to be kept clean of soil
with each position. Contact with moist soil, or more
elaborate measures for good electrical contact with road-
ways or rock, must be assured. A water vessel or skin
may be carried to moisten the soil hole and clean the
porcelain surface.
(b) Wire reels speed the pulling of cable and wire
recovery for changing loops, and lessen wear on the
cable. Reversing the wire polarity for some measure-
ments and reoccupation of adjacent stations assures the
cable has not been grounded or stripped. Repair and
checking of the wire must be made between loops and is
easily done when rewinding the cable reel.
(c) Quality assurance in the field is conducted by
reoccupation of loop closure points with the same base
position. Repeated and reversed readings of particular
EM 1110-1-1802
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loop-end stations and checking base locations provide
statistics for the assessment of measurement quality.
(4) Grid surveys offer some advantages in planning
SP surveys. Changes in elevation (changing the distance
to the potential source) and cognizance of cultural effects
can be minimized with planning survey grids or loops.
AC power lines, metal fences, and underground utilities
are cultural features that affect the potential field extrane-
ous to the normal sources of interest.
c. Interpretation. Most SP investigations use a quali-
tative evaluation of the profile amplitudes or grid contours
to evaluate self- and streaming-potential anomalies. Flow
sources produce potentials in the direction of flow: fluid
inflow produces negative relative potentials, as would
greater distance from the flow tube; outflow of the fluid
results in positive potentials.
(1) Quantitative interpretations for a dam embank-
ment with possible underseepage would be determined
from the profiles across the crest. Negative anomalies
may be indicative of flow from the reservoir at some
depth. The width of the half-amplitude provides a depth
estimate. Outflow at the toe of an embankment or at
shallow depths beneath the toe would produce positive,
narrow anomalies. Mineral or cultural utilities produce
varying surface potentials depending on the source.
(2) Semiquantitative, forward solutions may be esti-
mated by equations or programs (Corwin 1989, Wilt and
Butler 1990) for sphere, line, and plate potential configu-
rations. These solutions of potential configurations aid in
evaluation of the corrected field readings, but are solu-
tions of the data set taken.
d. Sample field surveys.
(1) Geothermal use of the SP method is documented
in Corwin and Hoover (1979). Erchul and Slifer (1989)
provide the included example for karst surveys. The
leakage of water from a reservoir (Butler et al. 1989,
Llopis and Butler 1988) through an abutment and the
movement of rainfall into and through a karst system
produce streaming potentials. High reservoir leakage
through rock or soil forms the greatest streaming potential
when confined flow conduits develop instead of diffuse
flow through pore space. SP surveys have been recom-
mended for grouting location, split spacing and effective-
The self-potential due to water flow is a direct
Personal Communication, September 1992, David G.
Taylor, Strata Services, St. Charles, MO.
parameter for the grouting remediation of reservoir
(2) SP methods can be very useful for karst ground-
water regimes in quick surveys of a site or in long-term
surveys during a rainy season. Sinkholes can be path-
ways of surface water flow. The subsurface flow in karst
can be erratic. Figure 4-2 shows the ability of an SP
survey to resolve groundwater flow. Note the grid
approach used in the survey for this site. There can be a
qualitative evaluation of the flow volume in different
subsurface routes if the ground surface may be assumed
parallel to the surface through the irregular flow paths.
Figure 4-2. Electrode configurations at the Harris-
Hunter sinkhole site, showing groundwater flowpaths
inferred by SP anomalies (Erchul and Slifer 1989)
4-3. Equipotential and Mise-a-la-masse Methods
a. Introduction.
(1) According to Parasnis (1973), the equipotential
method was one of the first electrical methods and was
used as far back as 1912 by Schlumberger. As explained
elsewhere in this volume, when electric energy is applied
to two points at the ground surface, an electric current
will flow between them because of their difference in
EM 1110-1-1802
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potential. If the medium between the two electrodes is
homogeneous, the current and potential distribution is
regular and may be calculated. When good or poor
conductors are imbedded in this homogeneous medium, a
distortion of the electrical field occurs. Good conductors
have a tendency to attract the current lines toward them
while poor conductors force current flow away. Theoreti-
cally, it should be possible to detect bodies of different
conductivity by measuring the geometric pattern of these
current lines. In practice this cannot be done with suffi-
cient accuracy; it is necessary to determine the direction
in which no current flows by locating points which have
no potential difference (Heiland 1940). The lines of
identical potential, called equipotential lines, are at right
angles to the current lines. The equipotentials are circles
in the immediate vicinity of the electrodes.
(2) In the past, equipotentials were traced individu-
ally in the field by using a null galvanometer, but such a
procedure was tedious and time-consuming. The modern
practice is to measure the electric voltage at each observa-
tion point with respect to a fixed point, plot the results,
and draw contours. The equipotential method was used
extensively in the early days of geophysics, but has been
almost completely replaced by modern resistivity and
electromagnetic methods. When the method is used, it is
usually in a reconnaissance mode and quantitative inter-
pretation of equipotential surveys is rarely attempted.
b. Mise-a-la-masse. One variant of the method,
called mise-a-la-masse, is still used in mining exploration
and occasionally in geotechnical applications. The name,
which may be translated as excitation of the mass,
describes an electrode array which uses the conductive
mass under investigation as one of the current electrodes.
In mining, the conductive mass is a mineral body exposed
in a pit or drill hole. In geotechnical applications the
object under investigation might be one end of an aban-
doned metal waste pipe. The second current electrode is
placed a large distance away. Large usually means five
or ten times the size of the mass being investigated. The
potential distribution from these two current electrodes
will, to some extent, reflect the geometry of the conduc-
tive mass and would be expected to yield some infor-
mation concerning the shape and extent of the body. The
left-hand part of Figure 4-3 (Parasnis 1973) shows the
equipotentials around a subsurface point electrode in a
homogeneous isotropic earth. The right-hand part shows
Figure 4-3. Principle of the mise-a-la-masse method. Right side of figure shows the distortion of the equipotential
lines due to a conductive ore body (Parasnis 1973; copyright permission granted by Elsevier Science)
EM 1110-1-1802
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(schematically) the distribution of potentials such as might
be expected when the point current electrode is placed in
a conducting body situated in an otherwise homogeneous
earth of lesser conductivity. In this case, the
equipotentials tend to follow the ore body and on the
ground surface the centroid of the equipotential map does
not coincide with the point on the ground vertically above
the electrode in the borehole.
(1) Example 1 - buried ammunition magazine.
While classic equipotential surveys have all but been
replaced by the mise-a-la-masse variant, there are occa-
sions when passing an electric current directly through the
mass under investigation might be ill-advised. Such a
case is shown in Figure 4-4, in which Heiland (1940)
shows the results of a classic equipotential survey over an
abandoned ammunition magazine. Distortion of the equi-
potential lines clearly outlines the magazine, and shows
that expensive and/or sophisticated techniques are not
always necessary.
Figure 4-4. Location of a buried ammunition magazine
by equipotential methods (Heiland 1940)
(2) Example 2 - advance of groundwater from an
infiltration pit. Only one example of mise-a-la-masse
used for groundwater investigations was found in the
literature. Cahyna, Mazac, and Vendhodova (1990) claim
mise-a-la-masse survey was successfully used to deter-
mine the prevailing direction of groundwater leaving an
infiltration pit, but unfortunately no figures are included.
(3) Example 3 - partially exposed buried conductors.
The need sometimes arises in hazardous-waste site
restoration to trace the extent of buried metal objects such
as pipes, cables, and tanks. Often electromagnetic and/or
magnetic methods are used to trace these objects, but a
special opportunity arises for surveying by mise-a-la-
masse when part of the object under investigation has
been partially exposed at the surface or in a drill hole.
Although no geotechnical examples were found in the
literature, one of the numerous mining examples will be
used, as the results should be similar. Hallof (1980)
shows the results of a mise-a-la-masse survey at York
Harbour, Newfoundland, where sulfides were exposed in
underground workings. The objective was to find where
the ore most closely approached the surface and if the
H-1 zone and the H-2 zone were the lower portions of a
single zone near the surface. Figure 4-5 shows the equip-
otential pattern for the near current electrode located at
depth but NOT in one of the ore zones. The patten pat-
tern is nearly circular and its center is immediately above
the current electrode at depth. This was not the case
when the current electrode was placed first in the H-1
zone (Figure 4-6) and then in the H-2 zone (not shown).
In both cases the center of the surface potential distribu-
tion is considerably to the east of the underground posi-
tion of the mineralization. Further, since almost exactly
the same potential distribution was measured for both
locations for the current electrode at depth, both zone H-1
and zone H-2 are probably part of a single mineralization
that has its most shallow position beneath the center of
the surface potential pattern.
4-4. Resistivity Methods
a. Introduction. Surface electrical resistivity survey-
ing is based on the principle that the distribution of elec-
trical potential in the ground around a current-carrying
electrode depends on the electrical resistivities and distri-
bution of the surrounding soils and rocks. The usual
practice in the field is to apply an electrical direct current
(DC) between two electrodes implanted in the ground and
to measure the difference of potential between two addi-
tional electrodes that do not carry current. Usually, the
potential electrodes are in line between the current elec-
trodes, but in principle, they can be located anywhere.
The current used is either direct current, commutated
direct current (i.e., a square-wave alternating current), AC
of low frequency (typically about 20 Hz). All analysis
and interpretation are done on the basis of direct currents.
The distribution of potential can be related theoretically to
ground resistivities and their distribution for some simple
cases; notably, the case of a horizontally stratified ground
and the case of homogeneous masses separated by vertical
planes (e.g., a vertical fault with a large throw or a
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 4-5. Potential pattern from current source in
test position (modified from Hallof (1980))
Figure 4-6. Potential pattern from current source in
H-1 zone (modified from Hallof (1980))
vertical dike). For other kinds of resistivity distributions,
interpretation is usually done by qualitative comparison of
observed response with that of idealized hypothetical
models or on the basis of empirical methods.
(1) Mineral grains composing soils and rocks are
essentially nonconductive, except in some exotic materials
such as metallic ores, so the resistivity of soils and rocks
is governed primarily by the amount of pore water, its
resistivity, and the arrangement of the pores. To the
extent that differences of lithology are accompanied by
differences of resistivity, resistivity surveys can be useful
in detecting bodies of anomalous materials or in estimat-
ing the depths of bedrock surfaces. In coarse granular
soils, the groundwater surface is generally marked by an
abrupt change in water saturation and thus by a change of
resistivity. In fine-grained soils, however, there may be
no such resistivity change coinciding with a piezometric
surface. Generally, since the resistivity of a soil or rock
is controlled primarily by the pore water conditions, there
are wide ranges in resistivity for any particular soil or
rock type, and resistivity values cannot be directly
interpreted in terms of soil type or lithology. Commonly,
however, zones of distinctive resistivity can be associated
with specific soil or rock units on the basis of local field
or drill hole information, and resistivity surveys can be
used profitably to extend field investigations into areas
with very limited or nonexistent data. Also, resistivity
surveys may be used as a reconnaissance method, to
detect anomalies that can be further investigated by com-
plementary geophysical methods and/or drill holes.
(2) The electrical resistivity method has some inher-
ent limitations that affect the resolution and accuracy that
may be expected from it. Like all methods using mea-
surements of a potential field, the value of a measurement
obtained at any location represents a weighted average of
the effects produced over a large volume of material, with
the nearby portions contributing most heavily. This tends
to produce smooth curves, which do not lend themselves
to high resolution for interpretations. There is another
feature common to all potential field geophysical
methods; a particular distribution of potential at the
ground surface does not generally have a unique interpre-
tation. While these limitations should be recognized, the
non-uniqueness or ambiguity of the resistivity method is
scarcely less than with the other geophysical methods.
For these reasons, it is always advisable to use several
complementary geophysical methods in an integrated
exploration program rather than relying on a single explo-
ration method.
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b. Theory.
(1) Data from resistivity surveys are customarily
presented and interpreted in the form of values of appar-
ent resistivity
. Apparent resistivity is defined as the
resistivity of an electrically homogeneous and isotropic
half-space that would yield the measured relationship
between the applied current and the potential difference
for a particular arrangement and spacing of electrodes.
An equation giving the apparent resistivity in terms of
applied current, distribution of potential, and arrangement
of electrodes can be arrived at through an examination of
the potential distribution due to a single current electrode.
The effect of an electrode pair (or any other combination)
can be found by superposition. Consider a single point
electrode, located on the boundary of a semi-infinite,
electrically homogeneous medium, which represents a
fictitious homogeneous earth. If the electrode carries a
current I, measured in amperes (a), the potential at any
point in the medium or on the boundary is given by
U =
U = potential, in V
= resistivity of the medium
r = distance from the electrode
The mathematical demonstration for the derivation of the
equation may be found in textbooks on geophysics, such
as Keller and Frischknecht (1966).
(a) For an electrode pair with current I at electrode
A, and -I at electrode B (Figure 4-7), the potential at a
point is given by the algebraic sum of the individual
U =
and r
= distances from the point to electrodes
A and B
Figure 4-7 illustrates the electric field around the two
electrodes in terms of equipotentials and current lines.
Figure 4-7. Equipotentials and current lines for a pair
of current electrodes A and B on a homogeneous
The equipotentials represent imagery shells, or bowls,
surrounding the current electrodes, and on any one of
which the electrical potential is everywhere equal. The
current lines represent a sampling of the infinitely many
paths followed by the current, paths that are defined by
the condition that they must be everywhere normal to the
equipotential surfaces.
(b) In addition to current electrodes A and B, Fig-
ure 4-7 shows a pair of electrodes M and N, which carry
no current, but between which the potential difference V
may be measured. Following the previous equation, the
potential difference V may be written
V = U
and U
= potentials at M and N
AM = distance between electrodes A and M,
These distances are always the actual distances between
the respective electrodes, whether or not they lie on a
line. The quantity inside the brackets is a function only
of the various electrode spacings. The quantity is denoted
1/K, which allows rewriting the equation as
EM 1110-1-1802
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V =
K = array geometric factor
Equation 4-8 can be solved for to obtain
= 2K
The resistivity of the medium can be found from meas-
ured values of V, I, and K, the geometric factor. K is a
function only of the geometry of the electrode
(2) Apparent resistivity.
(a) Wherever these measurements are made over a
real heterogeneous earth, as distinguished from the ficti-
tious homogeneous half-space, the symbol is replaced
for apparent resistivity. The resistivity surveying
problem is, reduced to its essence, the use of apparent
resistivity values from field observations at various loca-
tions and with various electrode configurations to estimate
the true resistivities of the several earth materials present
at a site and to locate their boundaries spatially below the
surface of the site.
(b) An electrode array with constant spacing is used
to investigate lateral changes in apparent resistivity
reflecting lateral geologic variability or localized anoma-
lous features. To investigate changes in resistivity with
depth, the size of the electrode array is varied. The
apparent resistivity is affected by material at increasingly
greater depths (hence larger volume) as the electrode
spacing is increased. Because of this effect, a plot of
apparent resistivity against electrode spacing can be used
to indicate vertical variations in resistivity.
(3) The types of electrode arrays that are most com-
monly used (Schlumberger, Wenner, and dipole-dipole)
are illustrated in Figure 4-8. There are other electrode
configurations which are used experimentally or for non-
geotechnical problems or are not in wide popularity today.
Some of these include the Lee, half-Schlumberger, polar
dipole, bipole dipole, and gradient arrays. In any case,
the geometric factor for any four-electrode system can be
found from Equation 4-7 and can be developed for more
Figure 4-8. Electrode (array) configurations for resis-
tivity measurements
complicated systems by using the rule illustrated by Equa-
tion 4-6. It can also be seen from Equation 4-7 that the
current and potential electrodes can be interchanged with-
out affecting the results; this property is called reciprocity.
(a) Schlumberger array (Figure 4-8a). For this array,
in the limit as a approaches zero, the quantity V/a
approaches the value of the potential gradient at the mid-
point of the array. In practice, the sensitivity of the
instruments limits the ratio of s to a and usually keeps it
within the limits of about 3 to 30. Therefore, it is typical
practice to use a finite electrode spacing and Equation 4-7
to compute the geometric factor (Keller and Frischknecht
1966). The apparent resistivity is:
EM 1110-1-1802
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= a
In usual field operations, the inner (potential) electrodes
remain fixed, while the outer (current) electrodes are
adjusted to vary the distance s. The spacing a is adjusted
when it is needed because of decreasing sensitivity of
measurement. The spacing a must never be larger than
0.4s or the potential gradient assumption is no longer
valid. Also, the a spacing may sometimes be adjusted
with s held constant in order to detect the presence of
local inhomogeneities or lateral changes in the neighbor-
hood of the potential electrodes.
(b) Wenner array. This array (Figure 4-8b) consists
of four electrodes in line, separated by equal intervals,
denoted a. Applying Equation 4-7, the user will find that
the geometric factor K is equal to a , so the apparent
resistivity is given by
= 2a
While the Schlumberger array has always been the
favored array in Europe, until recently, the Wenner array
was used more extensively than the Schlumberger array in
the United States. In a survey with varying electrode
spacing, field operations with the Schlumberger array are
faster, because all four electrodes of the Wenner array are
moved between successive observations, but with the
Schlumberger array, only the outer ones need to be
moved. The Schlumberger array also is said to be super-
ior in distinguishing lateral from vertical variations in
resistivity. On the other hand, the Wenner array demands
less instrument sensitivity, and reduction of data is mar-
ginally easier.
(4) Dipole-dipole array. The dipole-dipole array
(Figure 4-8c) is one member of a family of arrays using
dipoles (closely spaced electrode pairs) to measure the
curvature of the potential field. If the separation between
both pairs of electrodes is the same a and the separation
between the centers of the dipoles is restricted to a(n+1),
the apparent resistivity is given by
= a n(n 1)(n 2)
This array is especially useful for measuring lateral resis-
tivity changes and has been increasingly used in
geotechnical applications.
c. Depth of investigation. To illustrate the major
features of the relationship between apparent resistivity
and electrode spacing, Figure 4-9 shows a hypothetical
earth model and some hypothetical apparent resistivity
curves. The earth model has a surface layer of resistivity
and a basement layer of resistivity
that extends
downward to infinity. There may be intermediate layers
of arbitrary thicknesses and resistivities. The electrode
spacing may be either the Wenner spacing a or the
Schlumberger spacing a; curves of apparent resistivity
versus spacing will have the same general shape for both
arrays, although they will not generally coincide.
Figure 4-9. Asymptotic behavior of the apparent resis-
tivity curves at very small and very large electrode
(1) For small electrode spacings, the apparent resis-
tivity is close to the surface layer resistivity, while at
large electrode spacings, it approaches the resistivity of
the basement layer. Every apparent resistivity curve thus
has two asymptotes, the horizontal lines
, that it approaches at extreme values of electrode
EM 1110-1-1802
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spacing. This is true whether
is greater than
, as
shown in Figure 4-9b, or the reverse. The behavior of the
curve between the regions where it approaches the asymp-
totes depends on the distribution of resistivities in the
intermediate layers. Curve A represents a case in which
there is an intermediate layer with a resistivity greater
. The behavior of curve B resembles that for the
two-layer case or a case where resistivities increase from
the surface down to the basement. The curve might look
like curve C if there were an intermediate layer with
resistivity lower than
. Unfortunately for the inter-
preter, neither the maximum of curve A nor the minimum
of curve C reach the true resistivity values for the inter-
mediate layers, though they may be close if the layers are
very thick.
(2) There is no simple relationship between the elec-
trode spacing at which features of the apparent resistivity
curve are located and the depths to the interfaces between
layers. The depth of investigation will ALWAYS be less
than the electrode spacing. Typically, a maximum elec-
trode spacing of three or more times the depth of interest
is necessary to assure that sufficient data have been
obtained. The best general guide to use in the field is to
plot the apparent resistivity curve (Figure 4-9b) as the
survey progresses, so that it can be judged whether the
asymptotic phase of the curve has been reached.
d. Instruments and measurements. The theory and
field methods used for resistivity surveys are based on the
use of direct current, because it allows greater depth of
investigation than alternating current and because it avoids
the complexities caused by effects of ground inductance
and capacitance and resulting frequency dependence of
resistivity. However, in practice, actual direct current is
infrequently used for two reasons: (1) direct current elec-
trodes produce polarized ionization fields in the electro-
lytes around them, and these fields produce additional
electromotive forces that cause the current and potentials
in the ground to be different from those in the electrodes;
and (2) natural earth currents (telluric currents) and spon-
taneous potentials, which are essentially unidirectional or
slowly time-varying, induce potentials in addition to those
caused by the applied current. The effects of these
phenomena, as well as any others that produce unidirec-
tional components of current or potential gradients, are
reduced by the use of alternating current, because the
polarized ionization fields do not have sufficient time to
develop in a half-cycle, and the alternating component of
the response can be measured independently of any super-
imposed direct currents. The frequencies used are very
low, typically below 20 Hz, so that the measured
resistivity is essentially the same as the direct current
(1) In concept, a direct current (I), or an alternating
current of low frequency, is applied to the current elec-
trodes, and the current is measured with an ammeter.
Independently, a potential difference V is measured across
the potential electrodes, and ideally there should be no
current flowing between the potential electrodes. This is
accomplished either with a null-balancing galvanometer
(old technology) or very high input impedance operational
amplifiers. A few resistivity instruments have separate
sending and receiving units for current and potential;
but in usual practice, the potential measuring circuit is
derived from the same source as the potential across the
current electrodes, so that variations in the supply voltage
affect both equally and do not affect the balance point.
(2) Power is usually supplied by dry cell batteries in
the smaller instruments and motor generators in the larger
instruments. From 90 V up to several hundred volts may
be used across the current electrodes in surveys for
engineering purposes. In the battery-powered units, the
current usually is small and is applied only for very short
times while the potential is being measured, so battery
consumption is low. Care should be taken to NEVER
energize the electrodes while they are being handled,
because with applied potentials of hundreds of volts,
could be caused.
(3) Current electrodes used with alternating current
(or commutated direct current) instruments commonly are
stakes of bronze, copper, steel with bronze jackets, or,
less desirably, steel, about 50 cm in length. They must be
driven into the ground far enough to make good electrical
contact. If there is difficulty because of high contact
resistance between electrodes and soil, it can sometimes
be alleviated by pouring salt water around the electrodes.
Many resistivity instruments include an ammeter to verify
that the current between the current electrodes is at an
acceptable level, a desirable feature. Other instruments
simply output the required potential difference to drive a
selected current into the current electrodes. Typical cur-
rents in instruments used for engineering applications
range from 2 mA to 500 mA. If the current is too small,
the sensitivity of measurement is degraded. The problem
may be corrected by improving the electrical contacts at
the electrodes. However, if the problem is due to a com-
bination of high earth resistivity and large electrode spac-
ing, the remedy is to increase the voltage across the
current electrodes. Where the ground is too hard or rocky
EM 1110-1-1802
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to drive stakes, a common alternative is sheets of alumi-
num foil buried in shallow depressions or within small
mounds of earth and wetted.
(4) One advantage of the four-electrode method is
that measurements are not sensitive to contact resistance
at the potential electrodes so long as it is low enough that
a measurement can be made, because observations are
made with the system adjusted so that there is no current
in the potential electrodes. With zero current, the actual
value of contact resistance is immaterial, since it does not
affect the potential. On the current electrodes, also, the
actual value of contact resistance does not affect the mea-
surement, so long as it is small enough that a satisfactory
current is obtained, and so long as there is no gross dif-
ference between the two electrodes. Contact resistance
affects the relationship between the current and the poten-
tials on the electrodes, but because only the measured
value of current is used, the potentials on these electrodes
do not figure in the theory or interpretation.
(5) When direct current is used, special provisions
must be made to eliminate the effects of electrode polar-
ization and telluric currents. A nonpolarizing electrode is
available in the form of a porous, unglazed ceramic pot,
which contains a central metallic electrode, usually
copper, and is filled with a liquid electrolyte that is a
saturated solution of a salt of the same metal (copper
sulphate is used with copper). The central electrode is
connected to the instrument, and electrical contact with
the ground is made through the electrolyte in the pores of
the ceramic pot. This type of electrode may be advantag-
eous for use on rock surfaces where driving rod-type
electrodes is difficult. Good contact of the pot with the
ground can be aided by clearing away grass and leaves
beneath it, embedding it slightly in the soil, and if the
ground is dry, pouring a small amount of water on the
surface before placing the pot. The pots must be filled
with electrolyte several hours before they are used to
allow the electrolyte to penetrate the fine pores of the
ceramic. The porous pot electrodes should be checked
every several hours during the field day to verify the
electrolyte level and the presence of the solid salt to
maintain the saturated solution.
(6) Telluric currents are naturally occurring electric
fields that are widespread, some being of global scale.
They are usually of small magnitude, but may be very
large during solar flares or if supplemented by currents of
artificial origin. Spontaneous potentials in the earth may
be generated by galvanic phenomena around electrochemi-
cally active materials, such as pipes, conduits, buried
scrap materials, cinders, and ore deposits. They may also
occur as streaming potentials generated by groundwater
movement. (Electric fields associated with groundwater
movement will have the greatest amplitude where ground-
water flow rates are high, such as through subsurface
open-channel flow. Groundwater movement in karst areas
can exhibit rapid flow through dissolved channels within
the rock. Springs and subsurface flow may be the cause
of telluric sources, which may obscure resistivity meas-
urements.) Telluric currents and spontaneous potential
effects can be compensated by applying a bias potential to
balance the potential electrodes before energizing the
current electrodes. Because telluric currents generally
vary with time, frequent adjustments to the bias potential
may be necessary in the course of making an observation.
If the instrument lacks a provision for applying a bias
potential, a less satisfactory alternative is to use a polarity
reversing switch to make readings with alternately
reversed current directions in the current electrodes. The
average values of V and I for the forward and reverse
current directions are then used to compute the apparent
(7) Layout of electrodes should be done with non-
conducting measuring tapes, since tapes of conducting
materials, if left on the ground during measurement, can
influence apparent resistivity values. Resistivity measure-
ments can also be affected by metallic fences, rails, pipes,
or other conductors, which may induce spontaneous
potentials and in addition provide short-circuit paths for
the current. The effects of such linear conductors as these
can be minimized, but not eliminated, by laying out the
electrode array on a line perpendicular to the conductor;
but in some locations, such as some urban areas, there
may be so many conductive bodies in the vicinity that this
cannot be done. Also, electrical noise from power lines,
cables, or other sources may interfere with measurements.
Because of the nearly ubiquitous noise from 60-Hz power
sources in the United States, the use of 60 Hz or its har-
monics in resistivity instruments is not advisable. In
some cases, the quality of data affected by electrical noise
can be improved by averaging values obtained from a
number of observations; sometimes electrical noise comes
from temporary sources, so better measurements can be
obtained by waiting until conditions improve. Occasion-
ally, ambient electrical noise and other disturbing factors
at a site may make resistivity surveying infeasible. Mod-
ern resistivity instruments have capability for data averag-
ing or stacking; this allows resistivity surveys to proceed
in spite of most noisy site conditions and to improve
signal-to-noise ratio for weak signals.
e. Field procedures. Resistivity surveys are made to
satisfy the needs of two distinctly different kinds of
EM 1110-1-1802
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interpretation problems: (1) the variation of resistivity
with depth, reflecting more or less horizontal stratification
of earth materials; and (2) lateral variations in resistivity
that may indicate soil lenses, isolated ore bodies, faults, or
cavities. For the first kind of problem, measurements of
apparent resistivity are made at a single location (or
around a single center point) with systematically varying
electrode spacings. This procedure is sometimes called
vertical electrical sounding (VES), or vertical profiling.
Surveys of lateral variations may be made at spot or grid
locations or along definite lines of traverse, a procedure
sometimes called horizontal profiling.
(1) Vertical electrical sounding (VES). Either the
Schlumberger or, less effectively, the Wenner array is
used for sounding, since all commonly available interpre-
tation methods and interpretation aids for sounding are
based on these two arrays. In the use of either method,
the center point of the array is kept at a fixed location,
while the electrode locations are varied around it. The
apparent resistivity values, and layer depths interpreted
from them, are referred to the center point.
(a) In the Wenner array, the electrodes are located at
distances of a/2 and 3a/2 from the center point. The most
convenient way to locate the electrode stations is to use
two measuring tapes, pinned with their zero ends at the
center point and extending away from the center in oppo-
site directions. After each reading, each potential elec-
trode is moved out by half the increment in electrode
spacing, and each current electrode is moved out by
1.5 times the increment. The increment to be used
depends on the interpretation methods that will be applied.
In most interpretation methods, the curves are sampled at
logarithmically spaced points. The ratio between succes-
sive spacings can be obtained from the relation
i 1
= 10
n = number of points to be plotted in each logarithmic
For example, if six points are wanted for each cycle of
the logarithmic plot, then each spacing a will be equal to
1.47 times the previous spacing. The sequence starting at
10 m would then be 10, 14.7, 21.5, 31.6, 46.4, 68.2,
which for convenience in layout and plotting could be
rounded to 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 70. In the next cycle, the
spacings would be 100, 150, 200, and so on. Six points
per cycle is the minimum recommended; 10, 12, or even
more per cycle may be necessary in noisy areas.
(b) VES surveys with the Schlumberger array are
also made with a fixed center point. An initial spacing s
(the distance from the center of the array to either of the
current electrodes) is chosen, and the current electrodes
are moved outward with the potential electrodes fixed.
According to Van Nostrand and Cook (1966) errors in
apparent resistivity are within 2 to 3 percent if the dis-
tance between the potential electrodes does not exceed
2s/5. Potential electrode spacing is therefore determined
by the minimum value of s. As s is increased, the sensi-
tivity of the potential measurement decreases; therefore, at
some point, if s becomes large enough, it will be neces-
sary to increase the potential electrode spacing. The
increments in s should normally be logarithmic and can
be chosen in the same way as described for the Wenner
(c) For either type of electrode array, minimum and
maximum spacings are governed by the need to define the
asymptotic phases of the apparent resistivity curve and the
needed depth of investigation. Frequently, the maximum
useful electrode spacing is limited by available time, site
topography, or lateral variations in resistivity. For the
purpose of planning the survey, a maximum electrode
spacing of a least three times the depth of interest may be
used, but the apparent resistivity curve should be plotted
as the survey progresses in order to judge whether suffi-
cient data have been obtained. Also, the progressive plot
can be used to detect errors in readings or spurious resis-
tivity values due to local effects. Sample field data sheets
are shown in Figures 4-10 through 4-12.
(2) In a normal series of observations, the total
resistance, R = V/I, decreases with increasing electrode
spacing. Occasionally, the normal relationship may be
reversed for one or a few readings. If these reversals are
not a result of errors in reading, they are caused by some
type of lateral or local changes in resistivity of the soil or
rock. Such an effect can be caused by one current elec-
trode being placed in a material of much higher resistivity
than that around the other; for instance, in a pocket of dry
gravel, in contact with a boulder of highly resistive rock,
or close to an empty cavity. Systematic reversals might
be caused by thinning of a surface conductive stratum
where an underlying resistant stratum approaches the
surface because it dips steeply or because of surface
topography. In hilly terrains, the line of electrodes should
be laid out along a contour if possible. Where beds are
known to dip steeply (more than about 10 deg), the line
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 4-10. Data sheet for Schlumberger vertical sounding
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Figure 4-11. Data sheet for Wenner array
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Figure 4-12. Data sheet for dipole-dipole array
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should be laid out along the strike. Electrodes should not
be placed in close proximity to boulders, so it may some-
times be necessary to displace individual electrodes away
from the line. The theoretically correct method of dis-
placing one electrode, e.g., the current electrode A, would
be to place it at a new position A such that the geometric
factor K is unchanged. This condition would be satisfied
(see Equation 4-7) if
If the electrode spacing is large as compared with the
amount of shift, it is satisfactory to shift the electrode on
a line perpendicular to the array. For large shifts, a
reasonable approximation is to move the electrode along
an arc centered on the nearest potential electrode, so long
as it is not moved more than about 45 deg off the line.
(3) The plot of apparent resistivity versus spacing is
always a smooth curve where it is governed only by verti-
cal variation in resistivity. Reversals in resistance and
irregularities in the apparent resistivity curve, if not due to
errors, both indicate lateral changes and should be further
investigated. With the Wenner array, the Lee modifica-
tion may be used to detect differences from one side of
the array to the other, and a further check can be made by
taking a second set of readings at the same location but
on a perpendicular line. Where the Schlumberger array is
used, changing the spacing of the potential electrodes may
produce an offset in the apparent resistivity curve as a
result of lateral inhomogeneity. Such an offset may occur
as an overall shift of the curve without much change in its
shape (Zohdy 1968). Under such conditions, the cause of
the offset can often be determined by repeating portions
of the sounding with different potential electrode spacing.
(4) Horizontal profiling. Surveys of lateral variations
in resistivity can be useful for the investigation of any
geological features that can be expected to offer resistivity
contrasts with their surroundings. Deposits of gravel,
particularly if unsaturated, have high resistivity and have
been successfully prospected for by resistivity methods.
Steeply dipping faults may be located by resistivity
traverses crossing the suspected fault line, if there is suffi-
cient resistivity contrast between the rocks on the two
sides of the fault. Solution cavities or joint openings may
be detected as a high resistivity anomaly, if they are open,
or low resistivity anomaly if they are filled with soil or
(a) Resistivity surveys for the investigation of areal
geology are made with a fixed electrode spacing, by mov-
ing the array between successive measurements. Horizon-
tal profiling, per se, means moving the array along a line
of traverse, although horizontal variations may also be
investigated by individual measurements made at the
points of a grid. If a symmetrical array, such as the
Schlumberger or Wenner array, is used, the resistivity
value obtained is associated with the location of the
center of the array. Normally, a vertical survey would be
made first to determine the best electrode spacing. Any
available geological information, such as the depth of the
features of interest, should also be considered in making
this decision, which governs the effective depth of investi-
gation. The spacing of adjacent resistivity stations, or the
fineness of the grid, governs the resolution of detail that
may be obtained. This is very much influenced by the
depths of the features, and the achievable resolution
diminishes with depth. As a general rule, the spacing
between resistivity stations should be smaller than the
width of the smallest feature to be detected, or smaller
than the required resolution in the location of lateral
(b) Field data may be plotted in the form of profiles
or as contours on a map of the surveyed area. For a
contour map, resistivity data obtained at grid points are
preferable to those obtained from profile lines, unless the
lines are closely spaced, because the alignment of data
along profiles tends to distort the contour map and gives
it an artificial grain that is distracting and interferes
with interpretation of the map. The best method of data
collection for a contour map is to use a square grid, or at
least a set of stations with uniform coverage of the area,
and without directional bias.
(c) Occasionally, a combination of vertical and hori-
zontal methods may be used. Where mapping of the
depth to bedrock is desired, a vertical sounding may be
done at each of a set of grid points. However, before a
commitment is made to a comprehensive survey of this
type, the results of resistivity surveys at a few stations
should be compared with the drill hole logs. If the com-
parison indicates that reliable quantitative interpretation of
the resistivity can be made, the survey can be extended
over the area of interest.
(d) When profiling is done with the Wenner array, it
is convenient to use a spacing between stations equal to
the electrode spacing, if this is compatible with the spac-
ing requirements of the problem and the site conditions.
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In moving the array, the rearmost electrode need only be
moved a step ahead of the forward electrode, by a
distance equal to the electrode spacing. The cables are
then reconnected to the proper electrodes and the next
reading is made. With the Schlumberger array, however,
the whole set of electrodes must be moved between
(5) Detection of cavities. Subsurface cavities most
commonly occur as solution cavities in carbonate rocks.
They may be empty or filled with soil or water. In favor-
able circumstances, either type may offer a good resist-
ivity contrast with the surrounding rock since carbonate
rocks, unless porous and saturated, usually have high
resistivities, while soil or water fillings are usually con-
ductive, and the air in an empty cavity is essentially non-
conductive. Wenner or Schlumberger arrays may be used
with horizontal profiling to detect the resistivity anomalies
produced by cavities, although reports in the literature
indicate mixed success. The probability of success by
this method depends on the site conditions and on the use
of the optimum combination of electrode spacing and
interval between successive stations. Many of the unsuc-
cessful surveys are done with an interval too large to
resolve the anomalies sought.
f. Interpretation of vertical electrical sounding data.
The interpretation problem for VES data is to use the
curve of apparent resistivity versus electrode spacing,
plotted from field measurements, to obtain the parameters
of the geoelectrical section: the layer resistivities and
thicknesses. From a given set of layer parameters, it is
always possible to compute the apparent resistivity as a
function of electrode spacing (the VES curve); but unfor-
tunately, for the converse of that problem, it is not gener-
ally possible to obtain a unique solution. There is an
interplay between thickness and resistivity; there may be
anisotropy of resistivity in some strata; large differences
in geoelectrical section, particularly at depth, produce
small differences in apparent resistivity; and accuracy of
field measurements is limited by the natural variability of
surface soil and rock and by instrument capabilities. As a
result, different sections may be electrically equivalent
within the practical accuracy limits of the field
(1) To deal with the problem of ambiguity, the inter-
preter should check all interpretations by computing the
theoretical VES curve for the interpreted section and
comparing it with the field curve. The test of geological
reasonableness should be applied. In particular, inter-
preted thin beds with unreasonably high resistivity con-
trasts are likely to be artifacts of interpretation rather than
real features. Adjustments to the interpreted values may
be made on the basis of the computed VES curves and
checked by computing the new curves. Because of the
accuracy limitations caused by instrumental and geologi-
cal factors, effort should not be wasted on excessive
refinement of the interpretation. As an example, suppose
a set of field data and a three-layer theoretical curve agree
within 10 percent. Adding several thin layers to achieve a
fit of 2 percent is rarely a better geologic fit.
(2) All of the direct interpretation methods, except
some empirical and semi-empirical methods such as the
Moore cumulative method and the Barnes layer method
which should be avoided, rely on curve-matching, in some
form, to obtain the layer parameters. Because the theoret-
ical curves are always smooth, the field curves should be
smoothed before their interpretation is begun, to remove
obvious observational errors and effects of lateral varia-
bility. Isolated one-point spikes in resistivity are
removed rather than interpolated. The curves should be
inspected for apparent distortion due to effects of lateral
variations. Comparison with theoretical multilayer curves
is helpful in detecting such distortion. The site conditions
should be considered; excessive dip of subsurface strata
along the survey line (more than about 10 percent), unfa-
vorable topography, or known high lateral variability in
soil or rock properties may be reasons to reject field data
as unsuitable for interpretation in terms of simple vertical
variation of resistivity.
(a) The simplest multilayer case is that of a single
layer of finite thickness overlying a homogeneous half-
space of different resistivity. The VES curves for this
case vary in a relatively simple way, and a complete set
of reference curves can be plotted on a single sheet of
paper. Standard two-layer curves for the Schlumberger
array are included in Figure 4-13. The curves are plotted
on a logarithmic scale, both horizontally and vertically,
and are normalized by plotting the ratio of apparent resis-
tivity to the first layer resistivity (
) against the ratio
of electrode spacing to the first layer thickness (a/d
Each curve of the family represents one value of the
parameter k, which is defined by
k =
Because the apparent resistivity for small electrode spac-
ings approaches
and for large spacings approaches
these curves begin at
= 1, and asymptotically
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(b) Any two-layer curve for a particular value of k,
or for a particular ratio of layer resistivities, must have
the same shape on the logarithmic plot as the correspond-
ing standard curve. It differs only by horizontal and
vertical shifts, which are equal to the logarithms of the
thickness and resistivity of the first layer. The early (i.e.,
corresponding to the smaller electrode spacings) portion
of more complex multiple-layer curves can also be fitted
to two-layer curves to obtain the first layer parameters
and d
and the resistivity
of layer 2. The extreme
curves in Figure 4-13 correspond to values of k equal to
1.0 and -1.0; these values represent infinitely great resis-
tivity contrasts between the upper and lower layers. The
first case represents a layer 2 that is a perfect insulator;
the second, a layer 2 that is a perfect conductor. The next
nearest curves in both cases represent a ratio of 19 in the
layer resistivities. Evidently, where the resistivity contrast
is more than about 20 to 1, fine resolution of the layer 2
resistivity cannot be expected. Loss of resolution is not
merely an effect of the way the curves are plotted, but is
representative of the basic physics of the problem and
leads to ambiguity in the interpretation of VES curves.
(c) Where three or more strata of contrasting resistiv-
ity are present, the VES curves are more complex than
the two-layer curves. For three layers, there are four
possible types of VES curves, as shown in Figure 4-14,
depending on the nature of the successive resistivity con-
trasts. The classification of these curves is found in the
literature with the notations H, K, A, and Q. These sym-
bols correspond respectively to bowl-type curves, which
occur with an intermediate layer of lower resistivity than
layers 1 or 3; bell-type curves, where the intermediate
layer is of higher resistivity; ascending curves, where
resistivities successively increase; and descending curves,
where resistivities successively decrease. With four lay-
ers, another curve segment is present, so that 16 curve
types can be identified: HK for a bowl-bell curve, AA
for a monotonically ascending curve, and so on.
(d) Before the availability of personal computers, the
curve matching process was done graphically by plotting
the field data plotted on transparent log-log graph paper at
the same scale of catalogs of two- and three-layer stan-
dard curves. The use of standard curves requires an iden-
tification of the curve type followed by a comparison with
standard curves of that type to obtain the best match.
Two-layer and three-layer curves can be used for com-
plete interpretation of VES curves of more layers by the
Auxiliary Point Method, which requires the use of a small
set of auxiliary curves and some constructions. Discus-
sions and step-by-step examples of this method are given
by Zohdy (1965), Orellana and Mooney (1966), and
Keller and Frischknecht (1966). Sets of standard curves
have been developed by several workers. Orellana and
Mooney (1966) published a set of 1,417 two-, three-, and
four-layer Schlumberger curves, accompanied by a set of
auxiliary curves, and tabulated values for both Schlum-
berger and Wenner curves. Apparent resistivity values for
102 three-layer Wenner curves were published by Wetzel
and McMurray (1937). A collection of 2,400 two-, three-,
and four-layer curves was published by Mooney and
Wetzel (1956). Most, if not all, of these publications are
out of print, but copies may be available in libraries.
(3) Ghosh (1971a, 1971b) and Johansen (1975) used
linear filter theory to develop a fast numerical method for
computing apparent resistivity values from the resistivity
transforms, and vice versa. With these methods, new
standard curves or trial VES curves can be computed as
needed, with a digital computer or a calculator, either to
match the curves or to check the validity of an interpreta-
tion of the field data. Thus, trial-and-error interpretation
of VES data is feasible. Trial values of the layer parame-
ters can be guessed, checked with a computed apparent
resistivity curve, and adjusted to make the field and com-
puted curves agree. The process will be much faster, of
course, if the initial guess is guided by a semiquantitative
comparison with two- and three-layer curves. Computer
programs have been written by Zohdy (1973, 1974a,
1975), Zohdy and Bisdorf (1975), and several commercial
software companies for the use of this method to obtain
the layer parameters automatically by iteration, starting
with an initial estimate obtained by an approximate
method. Most computer programs require a user-supplied
initial estimate (model), while some programs can option-
ally generate the initial mode. After a suite of sounding
curves have been individually interpreted in this manner, a
second pass can be made where certain layer thicknesses
and/or resistivities can be fixed to give a more consistent
project-wide interpretation.
g. Interpretation of horizontal profiling data. Data
obtained from horizontal profiling, for engineering appli-
cations, are normally interpreted qualitatively. Apparent
resistivity values are plotted and contoured on maps, or
plotted as profiles, and areas displaying anomalously high
or low values, or anomalous patterns, are identified.
Interpretation of the data, as well as the planning of the
survey, must be guided by the available knowledge of the
local geology. The interpreter normally knows what he is
looking for in terms of geological features and their
expected influence on apparent resistivity, because the
resistivity survey is motivated by geological evidence of a
particular kind of exploration problem (e.g., karst terrain).
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Figure 4-13. Two-layer master set of sounding curves for the Schlumberger array (Zohdy 1974a, 1974b)
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The survey is then executed in a way that is expected to
be most responsive to the kinds of geological or hydro-
geological features sought. A pitfall inherent in this
approach is that the interpreter may be misled by his
preconceptions if he is not sufficiently alert to the possi-
bility of the unexpected occurring. Alternative interpreta-
tions should be considered, and evidence from as many
independent sources as possible should be applied to the
interpretation. One way to help plan the survey is to
construct model VES sounding curves for the expected
models, vary each model parameter separately by say
20 percent and then choose electrode separations that will
best resolve the expected resistivity/depth variations.
Most investigators then perform a number of VES
soundings to verify and refine the model results before
commencing horizontal profiling.
(1) The construction of theoretical profiles is feasible
for certain kinds of idealized models, and the study of
such profiles is very helpful in understanding the signifi-
cance of field profiles. Van Nostrand and Cook (1966)
give a comprehensive discussion of the theory of electri-
cal resistivity interpretation and numerous examples of
resistivity profiles over idealized models of faults, dikes,
filled sinks, and cavities.
(2) Figure 4-15 illustrates a theoretical Wenner pro-
file crossing a fault, a situation that can be thought of
more generally as a survey line crossing any kind of
abrupt transition between areas of different resistivity.
The figure compares a theoretical curve, representing
continuous variation of apparent resistivity with location
of the center of the electrode array, and a theoretical field
curve that would be obtained with an interval of a/2
between stations. More commonly, an interval equal to
the electrode spacing would be used; various theoretical
field curves for that case can be drawn by connecting
points on the continuous curve at intervals of a. These
curves would fail to reveal much of the detail of the con-
tinuous curve and could look quite different from one
another. Figure 4-16 illustrates a profile across a shale-
filled sink (i.e., a body of relatively low resistivity) and
compares it with the theoretical continuous curve and a
theoretical field curve. The theoretical curves are for a
conductive body exposed at the surface, while the field
case has a thin cover of alluvium, but the curves are very
similar. Figure 4-17a shows a number of theoretical
continuous profiles across buried perfectly insulating
cylinders. This model would closely approximate a sub-
surface tunnel and less closely an elongated cavern. A
spherical cavern would produce a similar response but
with less pronounced maxima and minima. Figure 4-17b
Figure 4-15. Wenner horizontal resistivity profile over
a vertical fault; typical field curve (solid line), theoreti-
cal curve (dashed line) (Van Nostrand and Cook 1966)
shows a set of similar curves for cylinders of various
resistivity contrasts.
4-5. Induced Polarization
a. Introduction. Conrad Schlumberger (Dobrin 1960)
probably was first to report the induced polarization
phenomenon, which he called provoked polarization.
While making conventional resistivity measurements, he
noted that the potential difference, measured between the
potential electrodes, often did not drop instantaneously to
zero when the current was turned off. Instead, the poten-
tial difference dropped sharply at first, then gradually
decayed to zero after a given interval of time. Certain
layers in the ground can become electrically polarized,
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Figure 4-16. Wenner horizontal resistivity profiles over a filled sink: (a) continuous theoretical curve over hemi-
spherical sink, (b) observed field curve with geologic cross section, (c) theoretical field plot over hemispherical
sink (Van Nostrand and Cook 1966)
forming a battery when energized with an electric current.
Upon turning off the polarizing current, the ground gradu-
ally discharges and returns to equilibrium.
(1) The study of the decaying potential difference as
a function of time is now known as the study of induced
polarization (IP) in the time domain. In this method the
geophysicist looks for portions of the earth where current
flow is maintained for a short time after the applied cur-
rent is terminated. Another technique is to study the
effect of alternating currents on the measured value of
resistivity, which is called IP in the frequency domain.
In this method the geophysicist tries to locate portions of
the earth where resistivity decreases as the frequency of
applied current is increased. The induced electrical polar-
ization method is widely used in exploration for ore
bodies, principally of disseminated sulfides. Use of IP in
geotechnical and engineering applications has been
limited, and has been mainly for groundwater exploration.
Groundwater IP studies generally have been made with
time-domain IP.
(2) General theory of the IP effect. The origin of
induced electrical polarization is complex and is not well
understood. This is primarily because several physio-
chemical phenomena and conditions are likely responsible
for its occurrence. Only a fairly simple discussion will be
given here. According to Seigel (1970), when a metal
electrode is immersed in a solution of ions of a certain
concentration and valence, a potential difference is estab-
lished between the metal and the solution sides of the
interface. This difference in potential is an explicit func-
tion of the ion concentration, valence, etc. When an
external voltage is applied across the interface, a current
is caused to flow and the potential drop across the inter-
face changes from its initial value. The change in inter-
face voltage is called the overvoltage or polarization
potential of the electrode. Overvoltages are due to an
accumulation of ions on the electrolyte side of the inter-
face, waiting to be discharged. The time constant of
buildup and decay is typically several tenths of a second.
(a) Overvoltage is therefore established whenever
current is caused to flow across an interface between ionic
and electronic conduction. In normal rocks the current
which flows under the action of an applied emf does so
by ionic conduction in the electrolyte in the pores of the
rock. There are, however, certain minerals which have a
measure of electronic conduction (almost all the metallic
sulfides (except sphalerite) such as pyrite, graphite, some
coals, magnetite, pyrolusite, native metals, some arsen-
ides, and other minerals with a metallic lustre).
Figure 4-18 is a simplified representation of how over-
voltages are formed on an electronic conducting particle
in an electrolyte under the influence of current flow.
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Figure 4-17. Theoretical Wenner profiles across a buried circular cylinder: (a) perfectly insulating cylinders at dif-
ferent depths, (b) cylinders of different resistivity contrasts (Van Nostrand and Cook 1966)
Figure 4-18. Overvoltage on a metallic particle in elec-
trolyte (Seigel 1970; copyright permission granted by
Geological Survey of Canada)
(b) The most important sources of nonmetallic IP in
rocks are certain types of clay minerals (Vacquier 1957,
Seigel 1970). These effects are believed to be related to
electrodialysis of the clay particles. This is only one type
of phenomenon which can cause ion-sorting or
membrane effects. For example, Figure 4-19 shows a
cation-selective membrane zone in which the mobility of
the cation is increased relative to that of the anion,
causing ionic concentration gradients and therefore
Figure 4-19. Nonmetallic induced polarization agent
(Seigel 1970; copyright permission granted by Geologi-
cal Survey of Canada)
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A second group of phenomena includes electrokinetic
effects which produce voltage gradients through the
streaming potential phenomenon. These voltage gradi-
ents will have the same external appearance as polariza-
tion effects due to separation of charge. Electrokinetic
effects seem less important than membrane effects in the
overall polarization picture.
(c) In time-domain IP, several indices have been
used to define the polarizability of the medium. Seigel
(1959) defined chargeability (in seconds) as the ratio of
the area under the decay curve (in millivolt-seconds,
mV-s) to the potential difference (in mV) measured before
switching the current off. Komarov et al. (1966) define
polarizability as the ratio of the potential difference
after a given time from switching the current off to the
potential difference before switching the current off.
Polarizability is expressed as a percentage.
(d) Seigel (1959) showed that over a heterogeneous
medium comprised of n different materials, apparent
is approximately related to apparent
resistivity by
= chargeability of the ith material
= resistivity of the ith material
Seigel provided the validity of
= 1
Equations 4-16 and 4-17 yield the useful formula:
= 1
If the theoretical expression for apparent resistivity
known, then the corresponding expression for the reduced
apparent chargeability
can be derived.
b. Sounding and profiling. The techniques of sound-
ing and profiling, used in resistivity measurements, are
also used in the IP method. IP soundings are most
commonly made using the Schlumberger array, pole-
dipole array, or Wenner array, and usually in the time
domain. The apparent chargeability
versus the elec-
trode spacing a is plotted on logarithmic coordinates. The
IP sounding curve is an interpreted curve matching proce-
dures, either graphically, using sets of IP sounding master
curves, or by computer. At present, only a few two-layer
master curves (for the Wenner array) have been published
in the United States (Seigel 1959; Frische and von Buttlar
1957). Three- and four-layer curves have been published
in the Soviet Union.
(1) An IP sounding curve can be of significant value
in complementing a resistivity sounding curve. For exam-
ple, the resistivity and IP sounding curves for the
following four-layer geoelectric section are shown in
Figure 4-20:
1 10 10 1
2 10 160 1
3 5 40 10
4 1
Figure 4-20. Apparent resistivity and apparent charge-
ability (IP) sounding curves for a four-layer model
(Zohdy 1974a, 1974b)
It is obvious that layer 3 cannot be distinguished on the
four-layer resistivity curve (which resembles a two- or
three-layer curve). But layer 3 is characterized by a dif-
ferent chargeability from the surrounding layers and its
presence is indicated clearly by the IP sounding curve.
(2) When profiling, the pole-dipole or dipole-dipole
(see Figure 4-21) arrays are used almost exclusively. It
can be easily employed in the field using short lengths of
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Figure 4-21. Dipole-dipole plotting method
wire or multi-conductor cables allowing several values of
the spacing multiplier (n) to be measured from one cur-
rent dipole location. For one or two values of n, the IP
and resistivity results are plotted as profiles. For more
than two values of n, the profile method of presentation
becomes confusing. A two-dimensional (usually called
pseudosection) format has been developed to present the
data (Figure 4-21). This form of presentation helps the
interpreter separate the effects of IP and resistivity varia-
tions along the line from vertical variations. The 45-deg
angle used to plot the data is entirely arbitrary. The pseu-
dosection plots are contoured, and the resulting anomalous
patterns can be recognized as being caused by a particular
source geometry and/or correlated from line to line.
However, the contoured data are MOST EMPHATI-
CALLY NOT meant to represent sections of the electrical
parameters of the subsurface (Hallof 1980). The pseudo-
section data plots are merely a convenient method for
showing all of the data along one given line in one pre-
sentation. It cannot be overemphasized that PSEUDO-
Although several commercial IP and resistivity modeling
programs are available, trying to model every variation in
a pseudosection is not recommended.
(3) Examples.
(a) Example 1 - Groundwater exploration. The
majority of published case histories using IP surveys have
been for mining exploration, but those treating ground-
water exploration is growing: Vacquier et al. (1957),
Kuzmina and Ogilvi (1965), Bodmer et al. (1968), and
Sternberg et al. (1990). Kuzmina and Ogilvi reported on
work done near the Sauk-Soo River in Crimea and in the
Kalinino region of Armenia. In Crimea the IP work
consisted essentially of IP sounding (time domain) using
the Wenner array. The alluvial deposits in the studied
area were poorly differentiated by their resistivities, but
three horizons were clearly distinguished by their polariz-
abilities (Figure 4-22). The section consisted of a top
layer of weak polarizability (h1 = 2-4 m; 1 = 0.8-1.5%),
which represents a dry loamy layer; a second layer of
strong polarizability (h2 = 18-20 m; 2 = 3-5%), which
represented a clayey sand layer saturated with fresh water;
and a third layer of weak polarizability (h3 very thick;
3 = 1%) which represents impervious siltstones. The
survey in this area demonstrates that the IP work provided
more complete information about the groundwater occur-
rence than did the resistivity soundings alone.
(b) Example 2 - detection of metal pipes and cables.
Zhang and Luo (1990) show model experiments and ana-
lytical results which show that, in certain circumstances, a
buried metal pipe or armored cable can introduce anoma-
lies in IP (and apparent resistivity) with large amplitude
and wide range. These results are important for two
reasons. The first is that such man-made features have
the potential to cause noise or errors in electrical sur-
veys. The general rule of thumb when planning a survey
is to orient soundings and profiles as nearly perpendicular
to any known buried pipes or cables as the field condi-
tions allow. The obvious second reason for the impor-
tance of this paper is that the IP may be used to locate a
pipe or cable. Figure 4-23 (Zhang and Luo 1990) shows
results of an IP survey using the gradient array in Baima,
China. An
anomaly of 10 to 3 percent with a width
of more than 200 m was obtained near the road (the dot-
and-dash lines on the figure). This anomaly can be traced
for 4 km along the road. The trend of the anomalies is
basically consistent with road and independent of the
stratum strike or structural direction within the prospect
area. Apparently, it results from a buried communication
cable along the highway rather than geological features.
The apparent resistivity profiles (the dot-and-double-dash
lines on the figure) also appear to correlate with the cable,
but with much less consistency or amplitude.
(c) Example 3 - mapping soil and groundwater con-
tamination. Cahyna, Mazac, and Vendhodova (1990)
show a valuable IP example used to determine the slag-
type material containing cyanide complexes which have
contaminated groundwater in Czechoslovakia. Fig-
ure 4-24 shows contours of
(percent) obtained from a
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 4-22. Geoelectric section, VES and IP sounding curves of alluvial deposits (Zohdy 1974b)
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 4-23. Plan profiles for a and a using the gradient array in Baima, China, over a buried cable (Zhang and
Luo 1990; copyright permission granted by Society of Exploration Geophysicists)
10-m grid of profiles. The largest IP anomaly (a =
2.44 percent) directly adjoined the area of the outcrop of
the contaminant (labeled A). The hatched region exhibits
polarizability over 1.5 percent and probably represents the
maximum concentration of the contaminant. The region
exhibiting polarizability of less than 0.75 percent was
interpreted as ground free of any slag-type contaminant.
4-6. Time-Domain Electromagnetic Techniques
for Resistivity Sounding
a. General. Conventional DC resistivity techniques
(Section 4-4) have been applied for many years to a
variety of geotechnical applications. More recently, elec-
tromagnetic techniques, with different advantages (and
disadvantages) compared with conventional DC, have
been used effectively to measure the resistivity (or its
reciprocal, the conductivity) of the earth.
(1) Electromagnetic techniques can be broadly
divided into two groups. In frequency-domain instrumen-
tation (FDEM), the transmitter current varies sinusoidally
with time at a fixed frequency which is selected on the
basis of the desired depth of exploration of the measure-
ment (high frequencies result in shallower depths).
FDEM instrumentation is described in Sections 4-7
through 4-11. In most time-domain (TDEM) instrumenta-
tion, on the other hand, the transmitter current, while still
periodic, is a modified symmetrical square wave, as
shown in Figure 4-25. It is seen that after every second
quarter-period the transmitter current is abruptly reduced
to zero for one quarter period, whereupon it flows in the
opposite direction.
(2) A typical TDEM resistivity sounding survey
configuration is shown in Figure 4-26, where it is seen
that the transmitter is connected to a square (usually sin-
gle turn) loop of wire laid on the ground. The side length
of the loop is approximately equal to the desired depth of
exploration except that, for shallow depths (less than
40 m) the length can be as small as 5 to 10 m in rela-
tively resistive ground. A multi-turn receiver coil, located
at the center of the transmitter loop, is connected to the
receiver through a short length of cable.
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 4-24. Network of SRP-IP profiles with the con-
tours of IP values
(percent) and the extent of the
contaminant interpreted on the basis of the geophysi-
cal survey; location A is the known outcrop of the
slag-type contaminant and the position of the VES-IP
measurement (Cahyna, Mazac, and Vendhodova 1990;
copyright permission granted by Society of Exploration
Figure 4-25. Transmitter current wave form
Figure 4-26. Central loop sounding configuration
(3) The principles of TDEM resistivity sounding are
relatively easily understood. The process of abruptly
reducing the transmitter current to zero induces, in accord
with Faradays law, a short-duration voltage pulse in the
ground, which causes a loop of current to flow in the
immediate vicinity of the transmitter wire, as shown in
Figure 4-27. In fact, immediately after transmitter current
is turned off, the current loop can be thought of as an
image in the ground of the transmitter loop. However,
because of finite ground resistivity, the amplitude of the
current starts to decay immediately. This decaying cur-
rent similarly induces a voltage pulse which causes more
current to flow, but now at a larger distance from the
transmitter loop, and also at greater depth, as shown in
Figure 4-27. This deeper current flow also decays due to
finite resistivity of the ground, inducing even deeper
current flow and so on. The amplitude of the current
flow as a function of time is measured by measuring its
decaying magnetic field using a small multi-turn receiver
coil usually located at the center of the transmitter loop.
From the above it is evident that, by making measurement
of the voltage out of the receiver coil at successively later
Figure 4-27. Transient current flow in the ground
EM 1110-1-1802
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times, measurement is made of the current flow and thus
also of the electrical resistivity of the earth at successively
greater depths. This process forms the basis of central
loop resistivity sounding in the time domain.
(4) The output voltage of the receiver coil is shown
schematically (along with the transmitter current) in Fig-
ure 4-28. To accurately measure the decay characteristics
of this voltage the receiver contains 20 narrow time gates
(indicated in Figure 4-29), each opening sequentially to
measure (and record) the amplitude of the decaying volt-
age at 20 successive times. Note that, to minimize distor-
tion in measurement of the transient voltage, the early
time gates, which are located where the transient voltage
is changing rapidly with time, are very narrow, whereas
the later gates, situated where the transient is varying
more slowly, are much broader. This technique is desir-
able since wider gates enhance the signal-to-noise ratio,
which becomes smaller as the amplitude of the transient
decays at later times. It will be noted from Figure 4-28
that there are four receiver voltage transients generated
during each complete period (one positive pulse plus one
negative pulse) of transmitter current flow. However,
measurement is made only of those two transients that
occur when the transmitter current has just been shut off,
since in this case accuracy of the measurement is not
affected by small errors in location of the receiver coil.
This feature offers a very significant advantage over
FDEM measurements, which are generally very sensitive
to variations in the transmitter coil/receiver coil spacing
since the FDEM receiver measures while the transmitter
current is flowing. Finally, particularly for shallower
sounding, where it is not necessary to measure the
transient characteristics out to very late times, the period
is typically of the order of 1 msec or less, which means
Figure 4-28. Receiver output wave form
Figure 4-29. Receiver gate locations
that in a total measurement time of a few seconds,mea-
surement can be made and stacked on several thousand
transient responses. This is important since the transient
response from one pulse is exceedingly small and it is
necessary to improve the signal-to-noise ratio by adding
the responses from a large number of pulses.
b. Apparent resistivity in TDEM soundings.
(1) Figure 4-29 shows, schematically, a linear plot of
typical transient response from the earth. It is useful to
examine this response when plotted logarithmically
against the logarithm of time, particularly if the earth is
homogeneous (i.e. the resistivity does not vary with either
lateral distance or depth). Such a plot is shown in Fig-
ure 4-30, which suggests that the response can be divided
into an early stage (where the response is constant with
time), an intermediate stage (response shape continually
varying with time), and a late stage (response is now a
straight line on the log-log plot). The response is gen-
erally a mathematically complex function of conductivity
and time; however, during the late stage, the mathematics
simplifies considerably and it can be shown that during
this time the response varies quite simply with time and
conductivity as
e(t) =
e(t) = output voltage from a single-turn receiver coil
of area 1 m
= a constant
M = product of Tx current x area (a-m
= terrain conductivity (siemens/m = S/m = 1/m)
t = time (s)
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 4-30. Log plot-receiver output voltage versus
time (one transient)
(2) Unlike the case for conventional resistivity mea-
surement, where the measured voltage varies linearly with
terrain resistivity, for TDEM, the measured voltage e(t)
varies as
, so it is intrinsically more sensitive to small
variations in the conductivity than conventional resistivity.
Note that during the late stage, the measured voltage is
decaying at the rate t
, which is very rapidly with time.
Eventually the signal disappears into the system noise and
further measurement is impossible. This is the maximum
depth of exploration for the particular system.
(3) With conventional DC resistivity methods, for
example the commonly used Wenner array, the measured
voltage over a uniform earth from Equation 4-8 can be
shown to be
V(a) = I/2a (4-20)
a = interelectrode spacing (m)
= terrain resistivity (m)
I = current into the outer electrodes
V(a) = voltage measured across the inner electrodes
for the specific value of a
In order to obtain the resistivity of the ground, Equa-
tion 4-20 is rearranged (inverted) to give Equation 4-11:
= 2a V(a)/I
If ground resistivity is uniform as the interelectrode
spacing (a) is increased, the measured voltage increases
directly with a so that the right-hand side of Equa-
tion 4-11 stays constant, and the equation gives the true
resistivity. Suppose now that the ground is horizontally
layered (i.e. that the resistivity varies with depth); for
example it might consist of an upper layer of thickness h
and resistivity
, overlying a more resistive basement of
, (this is called a two-layered earth). At
very short interelectrode spacing (a<<h) virtually no cur-
rent penetrates into the more resistive basement and resis-
tivity calculation from Equation 4-11 will give the value
. As interelectrode spacing is increased, the current (I)
is forced to flow to greater and greater depths. Suppose
that, at large values of a (a>>h), the effect of the near
surface material of resistivity
will be negligible, and
resistivity calculated from Equation 4-11 will give the
, which is indeed what happens. At intermediate
values of a (a h) the resistivity given by Equation 4-11
will lie somewhere between
(4) Equation 4-11 is, in the general case, used to
define an apparent resistivity
(a) which is a function of
a. The variation of a
(a) with a
(a) = 2a V(a)/I (4-21)
is descriptive of the variation of resistivity with depth.
The behavior of the apparent resistivity
(a) for a
Wenner array for the two-layered earth above is shown
schematically in Figure 4-31. It is clear that in conven-
tional resistivity sounding, to increase the depth of explor-
ation, the interelectrode spacing must be increased.
(5) In the case of TDEM sounding, on the other
hand, it was observed earlier that as time increased, the
depth to the current loops increased, and this phenomenon
is used to perform the sounding of resistivity with depth.
Thus, in analogy with Equation 4-21, Equation 4-19 is
inverted to read (since = 1/)
(t) =
(a) Suppose once again that terrain resistivity does
not vary with depth (i.e. a uniform half-space) and is of
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 4-31. Wenner array: apparent resistivity, two-
layer curve
. For this case, a plot of
(t) against time
would be as shown in Figure 4-32. Note that at late time
the apparent resistivity
(t) is equal to
, but at early
(t) is much larger than
. The reason for this is
that the definition of apparent resistivity is based (as seen
from Figure 4-30) on the time behavior of the receiver
coil output voltage at late time when it decays as t
. At
earlier and intermediate time, Figure 4-30 shows that the
receiver voltage is too low (the dashed line indicates the
voltage given by the late stage approximation) and thus,
from Equation 4-22, the apparent resistivity will be too
high. For this reason, there will always be, as shown on
Figure 4-32, a descending branch at early time where
the apparent resistivity is higher than the half-space resis-
tivity (or, as will be seen later, is higher than the upper
layer resistivity in a horizontally layered earth). This is
not a problem, but it is an artifact of which we must be
(b) Suppose that once again, we let the earth be two-
layered, of upper layer resistivity
, and thickness h, and
basement resistivity
). At early time when the
currents are entirely in the upper layer of resistivity
decay curve will look like that of Figure 4-30, and the
apparent resistivity curve will look like Figure 4-32.
However, later on the currents will lie in both layers, and
at much later time they will be located entirely in the
basement, of resistivity
. Since
, Equation 4-22
shows that, as indicated in Figure 4-33a, the measured
voltage will now be less than it should have been for the
homogeneous half-space of resistivity
. The effect on
the apparent resistivity curve is shown in Figure 4-34a;
since at late times all the currents are in the basement, the
apparent resistivity
(t) becomes equal to
, completely
Figure 4-32. TDEM: apparent resistivity, homogenous
in analogy for Figure 4-31 for conventional resistivity
measurements. In the event that
, the inverse
behavior is also as expected, i.e. at late times the
measured voltage response, shown in Figure 4-33, is
greater than that from a homogeneous half-space of resis-
, and the apparent resistivity curve correspond-
ingly becomes that of Figure 4-34b, becoming equal to
the new value of
at late time. Note that, for the case
of a (relatively) conductive basement there is a region of
intermediate time (shown as t*), where the voltage
response temporarily falls before continuing on to adopt
the value appropriate to
. This behavior, which is a
Figure 4-33. TDEM: receiver output voltage, two-
layered earth
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 4-34. TDEM: apparent resistivity, two-layered
characteristic of TDEM, is again not a problem, as long
as it is recognized. The resultant influence of the anoma-
lous behavior on the apparent resistivity is also shown on
Figure 4-34b at t*.
(c) To summarize, except for the early-time descend-
ing branch and the intermediate-time anomalous region
described above, the sounding behavior of TDEM is anal-
ogous to that of conventional DC resistivity if the passage
of time is allowed to achieve the increasing depth of
exploration rather than increasing interelectrode spacing.
(6) Curves of apparent resistivity such as Figure 4-34
tend to disguise the fact, that, at very late times, there is
simply no signal, as is evident from Figure 4-33. In fact
in the TDEM central loop sounding method it is unusual
to see, in practical data, the curve of apparent resistivity
actually asymptote to the basement resistivity, due to loss
of measurable signal. Fortunately, both theoretically and
in practice, the information about the behavior of the
apparent resistivity curve at early time and in the transi-
tion region is generally sufficient to allow the interpreta-
tion to determine relatively accurately the resistivity of the
basement without use of the full resistivity sounding
c. Measurement procedures. As stated in Section 1 a
common survey configuration consists of a square single
turn loop with a horizontal receiver coil located at the
center. Data from a resistivity sounding consist of a
series of values of receiver output voltage at each of a
succession of gate times. These gates are located in time
typically from a few microseconds up to tens or even
hundreds of milliseconds after the transmitter current has
been turned off, depending on the desired depth of explo-
ration. The receiver coil measures the time rate of change
of the magnetic field e(t)=dB/dt, as a function of time
during the transient. Properly calibrated, the units of e(t)
are V/m
of receiver coil area; however, since the
measured signals are extremely small it is common to use
, and measured decays typically range from many
thousands of nV/m
at early times to less than 0.1 nV/m
at late times. Modern receivers are calibrated in nV/m
. To check the calibration, a Q-coil, which is a
small short-circuited multi-turn coil laid on the ground at
an accurate distance from the receiver coil is often used,
so as to provide a transient signal of known amplitude.
(1) The two main questions in carrying out a resistiv-
ity sounding are (a) how large should the side lengths of
the (usually single-turn) transmitter be, and (b) how much
current should the loop carry? Both questions are easily
answered by using one of the commercially available
forward layered-earth computer modelling programs. A
reasonable guess as to the possible geoelectric section (i.e.
the number of layers, and the resistivity and thickness of
each) is made. These data are then fed into the program,
along with the proposed loop size and current, and the
transient voltage is calculated as a function of time. For
example, assume that it is suspected that a clay aquitard
may exist at a depth of 20 m in an otherwise clay-free
sand. Resistivity of the sand might be 100 m, and that
of the clay layer 15 m. Desired information includes
the minimum thickness of the clay layer that is detectable,
and the accuracy with which this thickness can be meas-
ured. The depth of exploration is of the order of the loop
edge size, so 10 m 10 m represents a reasonable guess
for model calculation, along with a loop current of 3 A,
which is characteristic of a low-power, shallow-depth
transmitter. Before doing the calculations, one feature
regarding the use of small (i.e. less than 60 m 60 m)
transmitter loops for shallow sounding should be noted.
In these small loops the inducing primary magnetic field
at the center of the loop is very high, and the presence of
any metal, such as the receiver box, or indeed the shield-
ing on the receiver coil itself, can cause sufficient tran-
sient response to seriously distort the measured signal
from the ground. This effect is greatly reduced by plac-
ing the receiver coil (and receiver) a distance of about
10 m outside the nearest transmitter edge. As shown
later, the consequence of this on the data is relatively
(a) The first task is to attempt to resolve the differ-
ence between, for example, a clay layer 0 m thick (no
clay) and 1 m thick. Results of the forward layered-earth
calculation, shown in Figure 4-35, indicate that the appar-
ent resistivity curves from these two cases are well sepa-
rated (difference in calculated apparent resistivity is about
10 percent) over the time range from about 8 s to
100 s, as would be expected from the relatively shallow
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 4-35. Forward layered-earth calculations
depths. Note that, to use this early time information, a
receiver is required that has many narrow early time gates
in order to resolve the curve, and also has a wide band-
width so as not to distort the early portions of the
transient decay. Note from the figure that resolving thick-
nesses from 1 to 4 m and greater will present no problem.
(b) Having ascertained that the physics of TDEM
sounding will allow detection of this thin layer, the next
test is to make sure that the 10- by 10-m transmitter run-
ning at 3 A will provide sufficient signal-to-noise over the
time range of interest (8 to 100 s). The same forward
layered-earth calculation also outputs the actual measured
voltages that would be measured from the receiver coil.
These are listed (for the case of thickness of 0 m, which
will produce the lowest voltage at late times) in
Table 4-2. Focus attention on the first column (which
gives the time, in seconds) and the third column (which
gives the receiver output as a function of time, in V/m
Now the typical system noise level (almost invariably
caused by external noise sources, see Section 4) for gates
around 100 to 1,000 s is about 0.5 nV/m
or 5 x 10
. From columns 1 and 3 see that, for the model cho-
sen, the signal falls to 5 x 10
at a time of about
630 s and is much greater than this for the early times
when the apparent resistivity curves are well-resolved, so
it is learned that the 10-m by 10-m transmitter at 3 A is
entirely adequate. In fact, if a 5-m by 5-m transmitter
was used, the dipole moment (product of transmitter cur-
rent and area) would fall by 4, as would the measured
signals, and the signal-to-noise ratio would still be excel-
lent over the time range of interest. Thus assured, assum-
ing that the model realistically represents the actual condi-
tions of resistivity, the procedure will be able to detect the
thin clay layer. Before proceeding with the actual mea-
surement it would be wise to vary some of the model
parameters, such as the matrix and clay resistivities, to see
under what other conditions the clay will be detectable.
The importance of carrying out such calculations cannot
be overstated. The theory of TDEM resistivity sounding
is well understood, and the value of such modelling,
which is inexpensive and fast, is very high.
(c) It was stated above that offsetting the receiver
coil from the center of the transmitter loop would not
greatly affect the shape of the apparent resistivity curves.
The reason for this is that the vertical magnetic field
arising from a large loop of current (such as that shown in
the ground at late time in Figure 4-27) changes very
slowly in moving around the loop center. Thus, at late
time, when the current loop radius is significantly larger
than the transmitter loop radius, it would be expected that
moving the receiver from the center of the transmitter
loop to outside the loop would not produce a large differ-
ence, whereas at earlier times when the current loop
radius is approximately the same as the transmitter radius,
such offset will have a larger effect. This behavior is
illustrated in Figure 4-36, which shows the apparent resis-
tivity curves for the receiver at the center and offset by
15 m from the center of the 10- by 10-m transmitter loop.
At late time the curves are virtually identical.
(d) How closely spaced should the soundings be?
One of the big advantages of TDEM geoelectric sounding
over conventional DC sounding is that for TDEM the
overall width of the measuring array is usually much less
than the depth of exploration, whereas for conventional
DC sounding the array dimension is typically (Wenner
array) of the order of 3 times the exploration depth.
Thus, in the usual event that the terrain resistivity is vary-
ing laterally, TDEM sounding will generally indicate
those variations much more accurately. If the variations
are very closely spaced one might even take measure-
ments at a station spacing of every transmitter loop
length. It should be noted that most of the time spent
doing a sounding (especially deeper ones where the trans-
mitter loop is large) is utilized in laying out the transmit-
ter loop. In this case, it can be much more efficient to
have one or even two groups laying out loops in advance
of the survey party, who then follow along with the actual
transmitter, receiver, and receiver coil to make the sound-
ing in a matter of minutes, again very favorable compared
with DC sounding. A further advantage of TDEM geo-
electric sounding is that, if a geoelectric interface is not
EM 1110-1-1802
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horizontal, but is dipping, the TDEM still gives a reason-
Table 4-2
Forward Response Calculation
1. Title :
2. Number of layers :
3&4. Thickness & Resistivity :
6. Point of receiver (XO,YO) :
7. Current in transmitter :
8. Induction numbers :
9. Real time [sec] :
10. Field component :
11. On output file :
12. Output file name :
13. Turn off time :
14. Runon correction :
15. Low pass filter correct. :
16. Asymptotic approximation :
Thickness [m] Resistivity [Ohmm]
INFINITE .100000E+03
10.00 10.00
.000E+00, .150E+02
3.00 [A]
TO= .1000E-05 NT= 5 TM= .1000E-02
X.DAT record 1
1 [us]
TAS= .00000E+00
Real Time Tau dBz/dt App. Res. Tau/H1 App./R01
ably accurate average depth to the interface. Similarly
TDEM sounding is much less sensitive (especially at later
times) to varying surface topography.
(e) It was explained above that, particularly at later
times, the shape of the apparent resistivity curve is rela-
tively insensitive to the location of the receiver coil. This
feature is rather useful when the ground might be suffi-
ciently inhomogeneous to invalidate a sounding (in the
worst case, for example, due to a buried metallic pipe).
In this case a useful and quick procedure is to take
several measurements at different receiver locations, as
shown in Figure 4-37. Curve 5 is obviously anomalous,
and must be rejected. Curves 1-4 can all be used in the
inversion process, which handles both central and offset
receiver coils. Another useful way to ensure, especially
for deep soundings, that the measurement is free from
errors caused by lateral inhomogeneities (perhaps a nearby
fault structure) is to use a three- component receiver coil,
which measures, in addition to the usual vertical compo-
nent of the decaying magnetic field, both horizontal com-
ponents. When the ground is uniform or horizontally
layered, the two horizontal components are both essen-
tially equal to zero, as long as the measurement is made
near the transmitter loop center (which is why the
technique is particularly relative to deep sounding).
Departures from zero are a sure indication of lateral
inhomogeneities which might invalidate the sounding.
(f) Finally, most receivers, particularly those designed
for shallower sounding, have an adjustable base frequency
EM 1110-1-1802
31 Aug 95
Figure 4-36. Forward layered earth calculations,
(a) central loop sounding, (b) offset sounding
Figure 4-37. Offset Rx locations to check lateral homo-
geneity, position 5 is near lateral inhomogeneity
to permit changing the length of the measurement time.
With reference to Figures 4-25 and 4-28, changing the
base frequency f
will change the period T (T=1/f
), and
thus the measurement duration T/4. For transients which
decay quickly, such as shallow sounding, the measure-
ment period, which should be of the order of duration of
the transient, should be short, and thus the base frequency
high. This has the advantage that, for a given total inte-
gration time of, say 5 s, more transient responses will be
stacked, to improve the signal-to-noise ratio and allow the
use of smaller, more mobile, transmitter loops, increasing
survey speed. On the other hand, for deep sounding,
where the response must be measured out to very long
time, it is clear that the measurement period must be
greatly extended so that the transient response does not
run on to the next primary field cycle or indeed the next
transient response, and thus the base frequency must be
significantly reduced. The signal-to-noise ratio will
deteriorate due to fewer transients being stacked, and
must be increased by either using a larger transmitter loop
and transmitter current (to increase the transmitter dipole)
and/or integrating the data for a longer stacking time,
perhaps for 30 s or even a minute. It should be noted
that should such run-on occur because too high a base
frequency was employed, it can still be corrected for in
modern data inversion programs; however, in extreme
cases, accuracy and resolution of the inversion will start
to deteriorate.
(2) Finally, both in Figure 4-28 and in this discus-
sion, it was assumed that the transmitter current is turned
off instantaneously. To actually accomplish this with a
large loop of transmitter wire is impossible, and modern
transmitters shut the current down using a very fast linear
ramp. The duration of this ramp is maintained as short as
possible (it can be shown to have an effect similar to that
of broadening the measurement gate widths) particularly
for shallow sounding where the transient decays very
rapidly at early times. The duration of the transmitter
turn-off ramp (which can also be included in modern
inversion programs) is usually controlled by transmitter
loop size and/or loop current.
d. Sources of noise.
(1) Noise sources for TDEM soundings can be
divided into four categories:
(a) Circuit noise (usually so low in modern receivers
as to rarely cause a problem).
(b) Radiated and induced noise.
(c) Presence of nearby metallic structures.
(d) Soi l el ect rochemi cal effect s (i nduced
(2) Radiated noise consists of signals generated by
radio and radar transmitters and also from thunderstorm
lightning activity. The first two are not usually a prob-
lem; however, on summer days when there is extensive
local thunderstorm activity the electrical noise from light-
ning strikes (similar to the noise heard on AM car radios)
can cause problems and it may be necessary to increase
the integration (stacking) time or, in severe cases, to
discontinue the survey until the storms have passed by or
(3) The most important source of induced noise
consists of the intense magnetic fields from 50- to 60-Hz
EM 1110-1-1802
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power lines. The large signals induced in the receiver
from these fields (which fall off more or less linearly with
distance from the powerline) can overload the receiver if
the receiver gain is set to be too high, and thus cause
serious errors. The remedy is to reduce the receiver gain
so that overload does not occur, although in some cases
this may result in less accurate measurement of the
transient since the available dynamic range of the receiver
is not being fully utilized. Another alternative is to move
the measurement array further from the power line.
(4) The response from metallic structures can be very
large compared with the response from the ground. Inter-
estingly, the power lines referred to above can often also
be detected as metallic structures, as well as sources of
induced noise. In this case they exhibit an oscillating
response (the response from all other targets, including
the earth, decays monotonically to zero). Since the fre-
quency of oscillation is unrelated to the receiver base
frequency, the effect of power line structural response is
to render the transient noisy as shown in Figure 4-38.
Since these oscillations arise from response to eddy cur-
rents actually induced in the power line by the TDEM
transmitter, repeating the measurement will produce an
identical response, which is one way that these oscillators
are identified. Another way is to take a measurement
with the transmitter turned off. If the noise disappears
it is a good indication that power-line response is the
problem. The only remedy is to move the transmitter
further from the power line.
Figure 4-38. Oscillations induced in receiver response
by power line
(5) Other metallic responses, such as those from
buried metallic trash, or pipes, can also present a problem,
a solution for which was discussed in the previous section
(multiple receiver sites, as shown in Figure 4-37). If the
response is very large, another sounding site must be
selected. Application of another instrument such as a
metal detector or ground conductivity meter to quickly
survey the site for pipes can often prove useful.
(6) A rather rare effect, but one which can occur,
particularly in clayey soils, is that of induced polarization.
Rapid termination of the transmitter current can charge up
the minute electrical capacitors in the soil interfaces
(induced polarization). These capacitors subsequently
discharge, producing current flow similar to that shown in
Figure 4-27, but in the opposite direction. The net effect
is to reduce the amplitude of the transient response (thus
increasing the apparent resistivity) or even, where the
effect is very severe, to cause the transient response to
become negative over some range of the measurement
time. Since these sources of reverse current are localized
near the transmitter loop, using the offset configuration
usually reduces the errors caused by them to small values.
(7) In summary, it should be noted that in TDEM
soundings the signal-to-noise ratio is usually very good
over most of the time range. However, in general the
transient response is decaying extremely rapidly (of the
order of t
, or by a factor of about 300 for a factor of 10
increase in time). The result is that towards the end of
the transient the signal-to-noise ratio suddenly deteriorates
completely and the data become exceedingly noisy. The
transient is over!
e. Data reduction and interpretation.
(1) In the early days of TDEM sounding, particularly
in Russia where the technique was developed (Kaufman
and Keller 1983) extensive use was made of numerically
calculated apparent resistivity curves for a variety of
layered earth geometrics. Field data would be compared
with a selection of curves, from which the actual geo-
electric section would be determined.
(2) More recently the advent of relatively fast com-
puter inversion programs allows field transient data to be
automatically inverted to a layered earth geometry in a
matter of minutes. An inversion program offers an addi-
tional significant advantage. All electrical sounding tech-
niques (conventional DC, magneto-telluric, TDEM) suffer
to a greater or less extent from equivalence, which
EM 1110-1-1802
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basically states that, to within a given signal-to-noise ratio
in the measured data, more than one specific geoelectric
model will fit the measured data. This problem, which is
seldom addressed in conventional DC soundings, is one of
which the interpreter must be aware, and the advantage of
the inversion program is that, given an estimate of the
signal-to-noise ratio in the measured data, the program
could calculate a selection of equivalent geoelectric sec-
tions that will also fit the measured data, immediately
allowing the interpreter to decide exactly how unique his
solution really is. Equivalence is a fact of life, and must
be included in any interpretation.
f. Summary. The advantages of TDEM geoelectric
sounding over conventional DC resistivity sounding are
significant. They include the following:
(1) Improved speed of operation.
(2) Improved lateral resolution.
(3) Improved resolution of conductive electrical
(4) No problems injecting current into a resistive
surface layer.
The disadvantages of TDEM techniques are as follows:
(5) Do not work well in very resistive material.
(6) Interpretational material for TDEM on, for exam-
ple, 3D structures is still under development.
(7) TDEM equipment tends to be somewhat more
costly due to its greater complexity.
As mentioned above, the advantages are significant, and
TDEM is becoming a widely used tool for geoelectrical
4-7. Frequency-Domain Electromagnetic Methods
a. The electromagnetic induction process.
(1) The electromagnetic induction process is concep-
tually summarized in Figure 4-39 from Klein and Lajoie
(1980). An EM transmitter outputs a time-varying elec-
tric current into a transmitter coil. The current in the
transmitter coil generates a magnetic field of the same
frequency and phase. Lines of force of this magnetic
field penetrate the earth and may penetrate a conductive
Figure 4-39. Generalized picture of electromagnetic
induction prospecting (Klein and Lajoie 1980; copyright
permission granted by Northwest Mining Association
and Klein)
body. When this occurs, an electromotive force or volt-
age is set up within the conductor, according to Faradays
= M
= electromotive force or voltage in the
= mutual inductance between the transmitter
and the conductive body in the ground
(a complex number)
/dt = time rate of change (derivative) of the
current (I
) in the transmitter loop
(2) Current will flow in the conductor in response to
the induced electromotive force. These currents will
usually flow through the conductor in planes
EM 1110-1-1802
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perpendicular to lines of magnetic field of force from the
transmitter, unless restricted by the conductors geometry.
Current flow within the conductor generates a secondary
magnetic field whose lines of force, at the conductor, are
such that they oppose those of the primary magnetic field.
The receiver coil, at some distance from the transmitter
coil, is therefore energized by two fields: from the trans-
mitter and from the induced currents in the ground.
(3) From Faradays Law, the EMF induced in the
receiver may be expressed as
= M
= EMF induced in the receiver
= mutual inductance between the receiver
(R) and transmitter (T)
= mutual inductance between the receiver
(R) and conductor (C) in the ground,
a complex number
/dt or dI
/dt = time derivative of the current
induced in the conductor (C) or
transmitter (T)
or I
= current induced in the conductor (C) or
transmitter (T)
(4) Note that the induced currents occur throughout
the subsurface, and that the magnitude and distribution are
functions of the transmitter frequency, power, and geome-
try and the distribution of all electrical properties in the
subsurface, i.e., everything (not just an isolated conduc-
tor). The above discussion simplifies the problem by
assuming the presence of only one conductor embedded in
a much less conducting medium.
b. Frequency domain EM method. In the frequency
domain method, the transmitter emits a sinusoidally vary-
ing current at a specific frequency. For example, at a
frequency of 100 Hz the magnetic field amplitude at the
receiver will be that shown in the top part of Figure 4-40.
Because the mutual inductance between the transmitter
and conductor is a complex quantity, the electromagnetic
force induced in the conductor will be shifted in phase
with respect to the primary field, similar to the illustration
Figure 4-40. Generalized picture of the frequency
domain EM method (Klein and Lajoie 1980; copyright
permission granted by Northwest Mining Association
and Klein)
in the lower part of Figure 4-40. At the receiver, the
secondary field generated by the currents in the conductor
will also be shifted in phase by the same amount. There
are three methods of measuring and describing the secon-
dary field.
(1) Amplitude and phase. The amplitude of the
secondary field can be measured and is usually expressed
as a percentage of the theoretical primary field at the
receiver. Phase shift, the time delay in the received field
by a fraction of the period, can also be measured and
(2) In phase and out-of-phase components. The
second method of presentation is to electronically separate
the received field into two components, as shown in the
lower part of Figure 4-40.
(a) The first component is in phase with the
transmitted field while the second component is exactly
90 deg out-of-phase with the transmitted field. The
in-phase component is sometimes called the real compo-
nent, and the out-of-phase component is sometimes called
the quadrature or imaginary component.
(b) Both of the above measurements require some
kind of phase link between transmitter and receiver to
establish a time or phase reference. This is commonly
done with a direct wire link, sometimes with a radio link,
EM 1110-1-1802
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or through the use of highly accurate, synchronized crystal
clocks in both transmitter and receiver.
(3) Tilt angle systems. The simpler frequency
domain EM systems are tilt angle systems which have no
reference link between the transmitter and receiver coils.
The receiver simply measures the total field irrespective
of phase, and the receiver coil is tilted to find the direc-
tion of maximum or minimum magnetic field strength.
As shown conceptually in Figure 4-39, at any point the
secondary magnetic field may be in a direction different
from the primary field. With tilt angle systems, therefore,
the objective is to measure deviations from the normal in-
field direction and to interpret these in terms of geological
(4) The response parameter of a conductor is defined
as the product of conductivity-thickness (t), permeability
(), angular frequency ( = 2f), and the square of some
mean dimension of the target (a
). The response parame-
ter is a dimensionless quantity. In MKS units, a poor
conductor will have a response parameter of less than
about 1, whereas an excellent conductor will have a
response value greater than 1,000. The relative ampli-
tudes of in-phase and quadrature components as a func-
tion of response parameter are given in Figure 4-41 for
the particular case of the sphere model in a uniform alter-
nating magnetic field. For low values of the response
parameter (< 1), the sphere will generally produce a low-
amplitude out-of-phase anomaly; at moderate values of
the response parameter (10-100), the response will be a
moderate-amplitude in-phase and out-of-phase anomaly,
whereas for high values of the response parameter
(>1,000), the response will usually be in the in-phase
component. Although Figure 4-41 shows the response
Figure 4-41. In-phase and out-of-phase response of a
sphere in a uniform alternating magnetic field (Klein
and Lajoie 1980; copyright permission granted by
Northwest Mining Association and Klein)
only for the particular case of a sphere in a uniform field,
the response functions for other models are similar.
(5) In frequency domain EM, depth and size of the
conductor primarily affect the amplitude of the secondary
field. The quality of the conductor (higher conductivity
means higher quality) mainly affects the ratio of in-phase
to out-of-phase amplitudes (A
), a good conductor
having a higher ratio (left side of Figure 4-41) and a
poorer conductor having a lower ratio (right side of
Figure 4-41).
(6) Of the large number of electrical methods, many
of them are in the frequency domain electromagnetic
(FDEM) category and are not often used in geotechnical
and environmental problems. Most used for these prob-
lems are the so-called terrain conductivity methods, VLF
(very low frequency EM method), and a case of instru-
ments called metal detectors.
c. Interpretation procedures.
(1) Interpretation of electromagnetic surveys follows
basic steps. Most of the common EM systems have
nomograms associated with them. Nomograms are dia-
grams on which the measured parameters, e.g., in-phase
and out-of-phase components, are plotted for varying
model conductivity and one or more geometrical factors,
e.g., depth to top, thickness, etc. The model responses
available for most electromagnetic methods are those of
the long, thin dike (to model thin tabular bodies), a homo-
geneous earth, and a horizontal layer for simulating con-
ductive overburden.
(2) The first step is to attempt to determine from the
shape of the anomaly a simple model geometry which can
be thought to approximate the cause of the anomaly. The
second step is to measure characteristics of the anomaly
such as in-phase and out-of-phase amplitudes, and to plot
these at the scale of the appropriate nomograms. From
the nomogram and the shape of the anomaly, estimates
generally can be made for: quality of the conductor, depth
to top of the conductor, conductor thickness, dip, strike,
and strike length.
4-8. Terrain Conductivity
a. Introduction. Terrain conductivity EM systems
are frequency domain electromagnetic instruments which
use two loops or coils. To perform a survey, one person
generally carries a small transmitter coil, while a second
person carries a second coil which receives the primary
and secondary magnetic fields. Such devices can allow a
EM 1110-1-1802
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rapid determination of the average conductivity of the
ground because they do not require electrical contact with
the ground as is required with DC resistivity techniques.
The disadvantage is that unless several (usually three)
intercoil spacings for at least two coil geometries are
measured at each location, minimal vertical sounding
information is obtained. If the geology to the depth being
explored is fairly homogeneous or slowly varying, then
the lack of information about vertical variations may not
be a problem, and horizontal profiling with one coil orien-
tation and spacing is often useful. This technique is usu-
ally calibrated with a limited number of DC resistivity
soundings. Horizontal profiling with the terrain conduc-
tivity meter is then used to effectively extend the resistiv-
ity information away from the DC sounding locations.
(1) McNeill (1990) gives an excellent review and
tutorial of electromagnetic methods and much of his dis-
cussion on the terrain conductivity meter is excerpted here
(see also Butler (1986)). He lists three significant differ-
ences between terrain conductivity meters and the tradi-
tional HLEM (horizontal loop electromagnetic) method
usually used in mining applications. Perhaps the most
important is that the operating frequency is low enough at
each of the intercoil spacings that the electrical skin depth
in the ground is always significantly greater than the
intercoil spacing. Under this condition (known as oper-
ating at low induction numbers) virtually all response
from the ground is in the quadrature phase component of
the received signal. With these constraints, the second-
ary magnetic field can be represented as
= secondary magnetic field at the receiver coil
= primary magnetic field at the receiver coil
= 2f
f = frequency in Hz
= permeability of free space
= ground conductivity in S/m (mho/m)
s = intercoil spacing in m
i = (-1)
, denoting that the secondary field is
90 deg out of phase with the primary field
(a) Thus, for low and moderate conductivities, the
quadrature phase component is linearly proportional to
ground conductivity, so the instruments read conductivity
directly (McNeill 1980). Given H
, the apparent con-
ductivity indicated by the instrument is defined as
= 4
The low induction number condition also implies that the
measured signals are of extremely low amplitude.
Because of the low amplitude signals, terrain conductivity
meters must have detection electronics which are an order
of magnitude more sensitive than conventional HLEM
(b) The second difference is that terrain conductivity
instruments are designed so that the quadrature phase zero
level stays constant with time, temperature, etc., to within
about 1 millisiemen/meter (or mS/m). The stability of
this zero level means that at moderate ground conductiv-
ity, these devices give an accurate measurement of bulk
conductivity of the ground. These devices, like the con-
ventional HLEM system, do not indicate conductivity
accurately in high resistivity ground, because the zero
error becomes significant at low values of conductivity.
(c) The third difference is that operation at low
induction numbers means that changing the frequency
proportionately changes the quadrature phase response. In
principle and in general, either intercoil spacing or fre-
quency can be varied to determine variation of conductiv-
ity with depth. However, in the EM-31, EM-34, and
EM-38 systems, frequency is varied as the intercoil
spacing is varied. Terrain conductivity meters are oper-
ated in both the horizontal and vertical dipole modes.
These terms describe the orientation of the transmitter and
receiver coils to each other and the ground, and each
mode gives a significantly different response with depth
as shown in Figure 4-42. Figure 4-43 shows the cumula-
tive response curves for both vertical dipoles and horizon-
tal dipoles. These curves show the relative contribution to
the secondary magnetic field (and hence apparent conduc-
tivity) from all material below a given depth. As an
example, this figure shows that for vertical dipoles, all
material below a depth of two intercoil spacings yields a
EM 1110-1-1802
31 Aug 95
Figure 4-42. Terrain conductivity meter response over
conductive dike (McNeill 1990; copyright permission
granted by Society of Exploration Geophysicists)
Figure 4-43. Cumulative response curves for both ver-
tical coplanar and horizontal coplanar dipoles. z is
actually depth/intercoil spacing (McNeill 1980; copy-
right permission granted by Geonics Limited)
relative contribution of approximately 0.25 (25 percent) to
the response, i.e. the conductivity measurement. Thus,
effective exploration depth in a layered earth geometry is
approximately 0.25 to 0.75 times the intercoil spacing for
the horizontal dipole mode and 0.5 to 1.5 for the vertical
dipole mode. The commonly used systems use intercoil
spacings of 1 m, 3.66 m, 10 m, 20 m, and 40 m.
(d) Terrain conductivity meters have shallower explo-
ration depths than conventional HLEM, because maximum
intercoil spacing is 40 m for the commonly used instru-
ments. However, terrain conductivity meters are being
widely used in geotechnical and environmental investiga-
tions. Of particular interest is the fact that when used in
the vertical dipole mode the instruments are more sensi-
tive to the presence of relatively conductive, steeply dip-
ping structures, whereas in the horizontal dipole mode the
instruments are quite insensitive to this type of structure
and can give accurate measurement of ground conductiv-
ity in close proximity to them.
(2) Phase and other information is obtained in real
time by linking the transmitter and receiver with a con-
necting cable. The intercoil spacing is determined by
measuring the primary magnetic field with the receiver
coil and adjusting the intercoil spacing so that it is the
correct value for the appropriate distance. In the vertical
dipole mode, the instruments are relatively sensitive to
intercoil alignment, but much less so in the horizontal
dipole mode. Terrain conductivity is displayed on the
instrument in mS/m. (A conductivity of 1 mS/m corre-
sponds to a resistivity of 1 km or 1,000 m.)
b. Interpretation. Because terrain conductivity
meters read directly in apparent conductivity and most
surveys using the instrument are done in the profile mode,
interpretation is usually qualitative and of the anomaly
finding nature. That is, the area of interest is surveyed
with a series of profiles with a station spacing dictated by
the required resolution and time/economics consideration.
Typical station spacings are one-third to one-half the
intercoil spacing. Any anomalous areas are investigated
further with one or more of the following: other types of
EM, resistivity sounding, other geophysical techniques,
and drilling. Limited information about the variation of
conductivity with depth can be obtained by measuring two
or more coil orientations and/or intercoil separations and
using one of several commercially available computer
programs. The maximum number of geoelectric
parameters, such as layer thicknesses and resistivities,
which can be determined, is less than the number of inde-
pendent observations. The most common instrument uses
three standard intercoil distances (10, 20, and 40 m) and
two intercoil orientations, which results in a maximum of
six observations. Without other constraints, a two-layer
model is the optimum.
EM 1110-1-1802
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(1) Example 1 - mapping industrial groundwater
(a) Non-organic (ionic) groundwater contamination
usually results in an increase in the conductivity of the
groundwater. For example, in a sandy soil the addition of
25 ppm of ionic material to groundwater increases ground
conductivity by approximately 1 mS/m. The problem is
to detect and map the extent of the contamination in the
presence of conductivity variations caused by other
parameters such as changing lithology. Organic contami-
nants are generally insulators and so tend to reduce the
ground conductivity, although with much less effect than
an equivalent percentage of ionic contaminant. Fortun-
ately, in many cases where toxic organic substances are
present, there are ionic materials as well, and the plume is
mapped on the theory that the spatial distribution of both
organic and ionic substances is essentially the same, a fact
which must be verified by subsequent sampling from
monitoring wells installed on the basis of the conductivity
(b) McNeill (1990) summarizes a case history by
Ladwig (1982) which uses a terrain conductivity meter to
map the extent of acid mine drainage in a rehabilitated
surface coal mine in Appalachia. Measurements were
taken with an EM ground conductivity meter in the hori-
zontal dipole mode at both 10- and 20-m intercoil spac-
ings (10-m data are shown in Figure 4-44). Ten survey
lines, at a spacing of 25 m, resulted in 200 data points for
each spacing; the survey took 2 days to complete. In
general, conductivity values of the order of 6-10 mS/m
Figure 4-44. Contours of apparent resistivity for an acid mine dump site in Appalachia from terrain conductivity
meter (Ladwig (1982) in McNeill (1990); copyright permission granted by Society of Exploration Geophysicists)
EM 1110-1-1802
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are consistent with a porous granular material reasonably
well-drained or containing nonmineralized groundwater.
Superimposed on this background are two steep peaks
(one complex) where conductivities rise above 20 mS/m.
Wells F, G, and X were the only wells to encounter
buried refuse (well W was not completed), and all three
are at or near the center of the high conductivity zones.
The water surface at well F is about 3 m below the sur-
face, and at well X is 16.2 m below the surface. In fact,
the only region where the water surface is within 10 m of
the surface is at the southern end of the area; the small
lobe near well D corresponds to the direction of ground-
water flow to the seep (as the result of placement of a
permeability barrier just to the west of the well). It thus
appears that in the area of wells X and W, where depth to
water surface is large, the shape and values of apparent
conductivity highs are due to vertically draining areas of
acidity. Further to the south the conductivity high is
probably reflecting both increased acidity and proximity
of the water surface.
(2) Examples 2 and 3 - mapping soil and ground-
water salinity.
(a) EM techniques are well suited for mapping soil
salinity to depths useful for the agriculturalist (the root
zone, approximately 1 m) and many salinity surveys have
been carried out with EM ground conductivity meters
(McNeill 1990). In arid areas where the water surface is
near the surface (within a meter or so), rapid transport of
water to the surface as a result of capillary action and
evaporation takes place, with the consequence that dis-
solved salts are left behind to hinder plant growth
(McNeill 1986).
(b) An EM terrain conductivity meter with short
intercoil spacing (a few meters or less) is necessary to
measure shallow salinity. Fortunately the values of con-
ductivity which result from agriculturally damaging salin-
ity levels are relatively high and interfering effects from
varying soil structure, clay content, etc. can usually be
ignored. Equally important, because salt is hygroscopic,
those areas which are highly salinized seem to retain
enough soil moisture to keep the conductivity at measur-
able levels even when the soil itself is relatively dry.
(c) McNeill (1990) summarizes the results of a high-
resolution survey of soil salinity carried out by Wood
(1987) over dry farm land in Alberta, Canada (Fig-
ure 4-45). For this survey an EM terrain conductivity
meter with an intercoil spacing of 3.7 m was mounted in
the vertical dipole mode on a trailer which was in turn
towed behind a small four-wheeled, all-terrain vehicle.
The surveyed area is 1,600 m long by 750 m wide. The
16 survey lines were spaced 50 m apart resulting in a
total survey of 25 line km, which was surveyed in about
7 hr at an average speed of 3.5 km/hour. Data were
collected automatically every 5.5 m by triggering a digital
data logger from a magnet mounted on one of the trailer
(d) Survey data are contoured directly in apparent
conductivity at a contour interval of 20 mS/m. The com-
plexity and serious extent of the salinity is quite obvious.
The apparent conductivity ranges from a low of 58 mS/m,
typical of unsalinized Prairie soils, up to 300 mS/m, a
value indicating extreme salinity. Approximately 25 per-
cent of the total area is over 160 mS/m, a value indicating
a high level of salinity. The survey revealed and mapped
extensive subsurface salinity, not apparent by surface
expression, and identified the areas most immediately
(e) An example of a deeper penetrating survey to
measure groundwater salinity was conducted by Barker
(1990). The survey illustrates the cost-effective use of
electromagnetic techniques in the delineation of the lateral
extent of areas of coastal saltwater intrusion near Dungen-
ess, England. As with most EM profiling surveys, a
number of resistivity soundings were first made at the
sites of several drill holes to help design the EM survey.
In Figure 4-46, a typical sounding and interpretation
shows a three-layer case in which the low resistivity third
layer appears to correlate with the conductivity of water
samples from the drill holes and the formation clay/sand
lithology. To achieve adequate depth of investigation so
that changes in water conductivity within the sands would
be clearly identified, large coil spacings of 20 and 40 m
were employed. The area is easily accessible and meas-
urements can be made rapidly but to reduce errors of coil
alignment over some undulating gravel ridges, a vertical
coil configuration was employed. This configuration is
also preferred as the assumption of low induction numbers
for horizontal coils breaks down quickly in areas of high
conductivity. The extent of saline groundwater is best
seen on Figure 4-47, which shows the contoured ground
conductivity in mS/m for the 40-m coil spacing. This
map is smoother and less affected by near-surface features
than measurements made with the 20-m coil spacing, and
shows that the saline intrusion generally occurs along a
coastal strip about 0.5 km wide. However, flooding of
inland gravel pits by the sea during storms has allowed
marine incursion in the west, leaving an isolated body of
fresh water below Dungeness.
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 4-45. Contours of apparent conductivity measured with ground conductivity meter over dry farm land,
Alberta, Canada (Wood (1987) in McNeill (1990); copyright permission granted by Society of Exploration
Figure 4-46. Typical resistivity sounding and interpre-
tation, Dungeness, England (Barker 1990; copyright
permission granted by Society of Exploration
(3) Example 4 - subsurface structure. Dodds and
Ivic (1990) describe a terrain conductivity meter survey to
investigate the depth to basement in southeast Australia.
During the first part of the survey, time domain EM and
resistivity soundings were used to detect a basement high
which impedes the flow of saline groundwater. In the
second part of the survey, a terrain conductivity meter
was used to map the extent of the basement high as far
and as economically as possible. The largest coil separa-
tion available with the instrument, 40 m, was used to get
the deepest penetration with horizontal coil orientation. A
very limited amount of surveying, using short traverses,
successfully mapped out a high-resistivity feature (Fig-
ure 4-48). This zone is confirmed by the plotted drilling
4-9. Metal Detector Surveys
The term metal detector (MD) generally refers to some
type of electromagnetic induction instrument, although
traditional magnetometers are often used to find buried
metal. The disadvantage of magnetometers is that they
can be used only for locating ferrous metals. MD instru-
ments in geotechnical and hazardous-waste site investiga-
tions have several uses:
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 4-47. Contours of ground conductivity in mS/m,
Dungeness, England (Barker 1990; copyright permis-
sion granted by Society of Exploration Geophysicists)
Location of shallow metal drums, canisters, cables,
and pipes.
Progress assessment during metal object removal and
location of additional objects.
Avoidance of old buried metal objects during new
construction, remediation, or well placement.
a. MD use.
(1) In the smaller terrain conductivity meters, the
transmitter and receiver coils are rigidly connected, allow-
ing the in-phase response to be measured in addition to
the quadrature response (McNeill 1990). Some basic
equations are given in Section 4-7, Frequency-Domain
EM Methods. This feature allows systems such as the
Figure 4-48. Apparent resistivity contours in m from
a terrain conductivity meter in southern Australia
(Dodds and Ivic 1990; copyright permission granted by
Society of Exploration Geophysicists)
EM-31 and EM-38 to function as MDs. Several coil
arrangements are favored by different commercial manu-
facturers. The smallest units have coil diameters of as
little as 0.2 m and use a vertical-axis, concentric coil
arrangement. These instruments are the coin and jewelry
treasure finders used on every tourist beach in the
world; they have very limited depth of investigation for
geotechnical targets (Figure 4-49 from Benson, Glaccum,
and Noel (1983)). One of the newest and most sophisti-
cated MD uses three vertical-axis, 1-m
coils: one trans-
mitter coil, one main receiving coil coincident with the
transmitter, and one focussing coil 0.4 m above the
main coil. This instrument continuously records the data
and has sophisticated computer software which can yield
depth of the object and other properties. In a third, and
very common, coil arrangement, the transmitter loop is
horizontal and the receiver loop is perpendicular in the
vertical plane (Figure 4-50 from Benson, Glaccum, and
Noel (1983)).
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 4-49. Approximate metal detector (MD) detec-
tion depths for various targets with two coil sizes
(Benson, Glaccum, and Noel 1983)
(2) Another method of classifying MD instruments is
by typical application: hobby and treasure finding
equipment, sensitive to very shallow and smaller surface
area targets; utility-location and military instruments,
sensitive to deeper and larger objects, but usually without
data recording and post-processing provisions; and,
specialized instruments with large coils, possibly
vehicle-mounted with continuous data recording and
(a) The two most important target properties which
increase the secondary field (and thus optimize detection)
are increased surface area within the target mass and
decreased depth of burial. Overall target mass is rela-
tively unimportant; response is proportional to surface
area cubed (Hempen and Hatheway 1992). Signal
response is proportional to depth; so, depths of detection
rarely exceed 10 to 15 m even for sizable conductors.
Often of great importance, and unlike magnetometers, MD
produce a response from nonferrous objects such as alu-
minum, copper, brass, or conductive foil.
Figure 4-50. Block diagram of one MD coil arrange-
ment and associated electronics (Benson, Glaccum,
and Noel 1983)
(b) The main advantages of MD instruments are:
both ferrous and nonferrous metals may be detected; the
surface area of the target is more important that its mass;
and surveys are rapid and detailed and inexpensive. The
main disadvantages are: depth of investigation is very
limited with most instruments; and metallic litter and
urban noise can severely disrupt MD at some sites.
b. MD example. Figure 4-51 shows a test survey
made with one of the new generation of sophisticated MD
over a variety of buried metal objects and compared with
a magnetic gradiometer (Geonics 1993). Both instruments
appear to have detected all of the buried objects but the
quality of spatial resolution is quite different. Spatial
resolution is judged by how tightly the response of an
instrument fits the target. The magnetometer resolves the
single barrels very well. Spurious dipolar-lows become
evident for the barrel clusters, and complex responses are
recorded around the pipes and sheets. The MD responses
fit all the targets very well, regardless of shape, orien-
tation, or depth. This particular MD also shows the value
of a second receiver coil to help distinguish between near
surface and deeper targets.
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Figure 4-51. Test survey using a metal detector and a magnetic gradiometer (Geonics (1993); copyright permission
granted by Geonics Limited)
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4-10. Ground-Penetrating Radar
a. Introduction. Ground-penetrating radar (GPR)
uses a high-frequency (80 to 1,000 MHz) EM pulse trans-
mitted from a radar antenna to probe the earth. The
transmitted radar pulses are reflected from various inter-
faces within the ground and this return is detected by the
radar receiver. Reflecting interfaces may be soil horizons,
the groundwater surface, soil/rock interfaces, man-made
objects, or any other interface possessing a contrast in
dielectric properties. The dielectric properties of materials
correlate with many of the mechanical and geologic
parameters of materials.
(1) The radar signal is imparted to the ground by an
antenna that is in close proximity to the ground. The
reflected signals can be detected by the transmitting
antenna or by a second, separate receiving antenna. The
received signals are processed and displayed on a graphic
recorder. As the antenna (or antenna pair) is moved
along the surface, the graphic recorder displays results in
a cross-section record or radar image of the earth. As
GPR has short wavelengths in most earth materials, reso-
lution of interfaces and discrete objects is very good.
However, the attenuation of the signals in earth materials
is high and depths of penetration seldom exceed 10 m.
Water and clay soils increase the attenuation, decreasing
(2) The objective of GPR surveys is to map near-
surface interfaces. For many surveys, the location of
objects such as tanks or pipes in the subsurface is the
objective. Dielectric properties of materials are not mea-
sured directly. The method is most useful for detecting
changes in the geometry of subsurface interfaces.
(3) Geologic problems conducive to solution by GPR
methods are numerous and include the following: bedrock
configuration, location of pipes and tanks, location of the
groundwater surface, borrow investigations, and others.
Geologic and geophysical objectives determine the spe-
cific field parameters and techniques. Delineation of the
objectives and the envelope of acceptable parameters are
specified in advance. However, as the results cannot be
foreseen from the office, considerable latitude is given to
the field geophysicist to incorporate changes in methods
and techniques.
(4) The following questions are important consider-
ations in advance of a GPR survey.
(a) What is the target depth? Though target
detection has been reported under unusually favorable
circumstances at depths of 100 m or more, a careful
feasibility evaluation is necessary if the investigation
depths need to exceed 10 m.
(b) What is the target geometry? Size, orientation,
and composition are important.
(c) What are the electrical properties of the target?
As with all geophysical methods, a contrast in physical
properties must be present. Dielectric constant and elec-
trical conductivity are the important parameters. Conduc-
tivity is most likely to be known or easily estimated.
(d) What are the electrical properties of the host
material? Both the electrical properties and homogeneity
of the host must be evaluated. Attenuation of the signal
is dependent on the electrical properties and on the num-
ber of minor interfaces which will scatter the signal.
(e) Are there any possible interfering effects? Radio
frequency transmitters, extensive metal structures (includ-
ing cars) and power poles are probable interfering effects
for GPR.
(f) Electromagnetic wave propagation. The physics
of electromagnetic wave propagation are beyond the scope
of this manual. However, there are two physical parame-
ters of materials which are important in wave propagation
at GPR frequencies. One property is conductivity (), the
inverse of electrical resistivity (). The relationships of
earth material properties to conductivity, measured in
mS/m (1/1,000 m), are given in Table 4-1 on
(g) The other physical property of importance at
GPR frequencies is the dielectric constant (), which is
dimensionless. This property is related to how a material
reacts to a steady-state electric field; that is, conditions
where a potential difference exists but no charge is flow-
ing. Such a condition exists between the plates of a
charged capacitor. A vacuum has the lowest and the
performance of other materials is related to that of a
vacuum. Materials made up of polar molecules, such as
water, have a high . Physically, a great deal of the
energy in an EM field is consumed in interaction with the
molecules of water or other polarizable materials. Thus
waves propagating through such a material both go slower
and are subject to more attenuation. To complicate mat-
ters, water, of course, plays a large role in determining
the conductivity (resistivity) of earth materials.
b. Earth material properties. The roles of two earth
materials, which cause important variations in the EM
EM 1110-1-1802
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response in a GPR survey, need to be appreciated. The
ubiquitous component of earth materials is water; the
other material is clay. At GPR frequencies the polar
nature of the water molecule causes it to contribute
disproportionately to the displacement currents which
dominate the current flow at GPR frequencies. Thus, if
significant amounts of water are present, the will be
high and the velocity of propagation of the electro-
magnetic wave will be lowered. Clay materials with their
trapped ions behave similarly. Additionally, many clay
minerals also retain water.
(1) The physical parameters in Table 4-3 are typical
for the characterization of earth materials. The range for
each parameter is large; thus the application of these
parameters for field use is not elementary.
Simplified equations for attenuation and velocity (at low
loss) are:
V = (3x10
a = 1.69/
V = velocity in m/s
= dielectric constant (dimensionless)
a = attenuation in decibels/m (db/m)
= electrical conductivity in mS/m
A common evaluation parameter is dynamic range or
performance figure for the specific GPR system. The
performance figure represents the total attenuation loss
during the two-way transit of the EM wave that allows
reception; greater losses will not be recorded. As sample
calculations, consider a conductive material ( =
100 mS/m) with some water content (=20). The above
equations indicate a velocity of 0.07 m per nanosecond
(m/ns) and an attenuation of 38 db/m. A GPR system
with 100 db of dynamic range used for this material will
cause the signal to become undetectable in 2.6 m of
travel. The transit time for 2.6 m of travel would be 37
to 38 ns. This case might correspond geologically to a
clay material with some water saturation. Alternatively,
consider a dry material (=5) with low conductivity ( =
5 mS/m). The calculated velocity is 0.13 m/ns and the
attenuation is 3.8 db/m, corresponding to a distance of
26-27 m for 100 db of attenuation and a travel time of
200 ns or more. This example might correspond to dry
sedimentary rocks.
(2) These large variations in velocity and especially
attenuation are the cause of success (target detection) and
failure (insufficient penetration) for surveys in apparently
similar geologic settings. As exhaustive catalogs of the
properties of specific earth materials are not readily avail-
able, most GPR work is based on trial and error and
empirical findings.
c. Modes of operation.
(1) The useful item of interest recorded by the GPR
receiver is the train of reflected pulses. The seismic
Table 4-3
Electromagnetic Properties of Earth Materials
Conductivity Velocity Attenuation
Material (mS/m) (m/ns) (db/m)
Air 1 0 .3 0
Distilled Water 80 .01 .033 .002
Fresh Water 80 .5 .033 .1
Sea Water 80 3,000 .01 1,000
Dry Sand 3-5 .01 .15 .01
Wet Sand 20-30 .1-1 .06 .03-.3
Limestone 4-8 .5-2 .12 .4-1
Shales 5-15 1-100 .09 1-100
Silts 5-30 1-100 .07 1-100
Clays 5-40 2-1,000 .06 1-300
Granite 4-6 .01-1 .13 .01-1
Dry Salt 5-6 .01-1 .13 .01-1
Ice 3-4 .01 .16 .01
EM 1110-1-1802
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reflection analogy is appropriate. The two reflection
methods used in seismic reflection (common offset and
common midpoint) are also used in GPR. Figure 4-52
illustrates these two modes. A transillumination mode is
also illustrated in the figure which is useful in certain
types of nondestructive testing. The typical mode of
operation is the common-offset mode where the receiver
and transmitter are maintained at a fixed distance and
moved along a line to produce a profile. Figure 4-53
illustrates the procedure. Note that as in seismic reflec-
tion, the energy does not necessarily propagate only
downwards and a reflection will be received from objects
off to the side. An added complication with GPR is the
fact that some of the energy is radiated into the air and, if
reflected off nearby objects like buildings or support
vehicles, will appear on the record as arrivals.
Figure 4-52. Common offset and common midpoint
acquisition modes (Annan (1992))
(2) GPR records can be recorded digitally and repro-
duced as wiggle trace or variable area record sections.
Figure 4-54 illustrates the presentation used when a
graphic recorder is used to record analog data. Both
Figure 4-53. Schematic illustration of common-offset
single-fold profiling
Figure 4-54. GPR received signal and graphic profile
display (Benson, Glaccum, and Noel 1983)
negative and positive excursions in excess of the thresh-
old appear as blackened portions of the record. This
presentation is adequate for most tasks where target detec-
tion is the object and post-survey processing is not antici-
pated. Wide variations in the appearance of the record are
possible, depending on the gain settings used.
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d. Field work.
(1) A GPR crew consists nominally of two persons.
One crew person moves the antenna or antenna pair along
the profiles and the other operates the recorder and anno-
tates the record so that the antenna position or midpoint
can be recovered.
(2) The site-to-site variation in velocity, attenuation,
and surface conditions is so large, that seldom can the
results be predicted before field work begins. Addition-
ally, the instrument operation is a matter of empirical trial
and error in manipulating the appearance of the record.
Thus, the following steps are recommended for most field
(a) Unpack and set up the instrument and verify
internal operation.
(b) Verify external operation (one method is to point
the antenna at a car or wall and slowly walk towards it.
The reflection pattern should be evident on the record).
(c) Calibrate the internal timing by use of a
(d) Calibrate the performance by surveying over a
known target at a depth and configuration similar to the
objective of the survey (considerable adjustment of the
parameters may be necessary to enhance the appearance
of the known target on the record).
(e) Begin surveying the area of unknown targets with
careful attention to surface conditions, position recovery,
and changes in record character.
Often a line will be done twice to be sure that all the
features on the record are caused by the subsurface.
e. Interpretation methods. Because of the strong
analogy between seismic reflection and GPR, the applica-
tion of seismic processing methods to GPR data is a
fertile field of current research. Such investigations are
beyond the scope of this manual. The focus herein is on
the most frequent type of GPR survey, location of specific
(1) GPR surveys will not achieve the desired results
without careful evaluation of site conditions for both
geologic or stratigraphic tasks and target-specific interests.
If the objectives of a survey are poorly drawn, often the
results of the GPR survey will be excellent records which
do not have any straightforward interpretation. It is
possible to tune a GPR system such that exceptional sub-
surface detail is visible on the record. The geologic eval-
uation problem is that, except in special circumstances
(like the foreset beds inside of sand dunes), there is no
ready interpretation. The record reveals very detailed
stratigraphy, but there is no way to verify which piece of
the record corresponds to which thin interbedding of
alluvium or small moisture variation. GPR surveys are
much more successful when a calibration target is avail-
able. GPR can be useful in stratigraphic studies; how-
ever, a calibrated response (determined perhaps from
backhoe trenching) is required for geologic work.
(2) Figure 4-55 indicates that localized objects will
produce a hyperbola on the record. The hyperbolic shape
is due to reflection returns of the EM pulse before and
after the antenna system is vertically above the target.
The shortest two-way travel distance is when the antenna
(or center of the antennae pair) is on the ground surface
directly above the object. All other arrivals are at greater
distances along a different hypotenuse with each varying
horizontal antenna location.
Figure 4-55. Format of a GPR reflection section with
radar events shown for features depicted in Figure 4-53
(3) Figure 4-56 is the schematic of a set of targets
surveyed by GPR. The record section of Figure 4-57
indicates the excellent detection of the targets.
f. GPR case histories. GPR has been widely used
and reports on its effectiveness are available both in
government and professional documents. Some useful
references are:
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Figure 4-56. Schematic of a set of targets surveyed by
(1) Butler (1992), which is the proceedings of a GPR
workshop and includes a tutorial and a collection of case
(2) Butler, Simms, and Cook (1994), which provides
an archaeological site evaluation.
(3) Sharp, Yule, and Butler (1990), which reports the
GPR assessment of an HTRW site.
4-11. Very Low-Frequency EM Procedures
a. General methodology.
(1) The VLF (very low-frequency) method uses
powerful remote radio transmitters set up in different parts
of the world for military communications (Klein and
Lajoie 1980). In radio communications terminology, VLF
means very low-frequency, about 15 to 25 kHz. Relative
to frequencies generally used in geophysical exploration,
these are actually very high frequencies. The radiated
field from a remote VLF transmitter, propagating over a
uniform or horizontally layered earth and measured on the
earths surface, consists of a vertical electric field compo-
nent and a horizontal magnetic field component each
perpendicular to the direction of propagation.
(2) These radio transmitters are very powerful and
induce electric currents in conductive bodies thousands of
kilometers away. Under normal conditions, the fields
produced are relatively uniform in the far field at a large
distance (hundreds of kilometers) from the transmitters.
The induced currents produce secondary magnetic fields
which can be detected at the surface through deviation of
the normal radiated field.
Figure 4-57. Actual GPR record over a culvert, pipe, and two tunnels showing the hyperbolic shape of the
reflected/diffracted energy (Annan (1992))
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(3) The VLF method uses relatively simple instru-
ments and can be a useful reconnaissance tool. Potential
targets include tabular conductors in a resistive host rock
like faults in limestone or igneous terrain. The depth of
exploration is limited to about 60 to 70 percent of the
skin depth of the surrounding rock or soil. Therefore, the
high frequency of the VLF transmitters means that in
more conductive environments the exploration depth is
quite shallow; for example, the depth of exploration might
be 10-12 m in 25-m material. Additionally, the presence
of conductive overburden seriously suppresses response
from basement conductors while relatively small varia-
tions in overburden conductivity or thickness can them-
selves generate significant VLF anomalies. For this rea-
son, VLF is more effective in areas where the host rock is
resistive and the overburden is thin.
b. VLF interpretation.
(1) VLF response is a maximum when the target
strikes in the direction of the transmitter, falling off
roughly as the cosine of the strike angle for other direc-
tions. However, there are a number of transmitters world-
wide and seldom is the selection of an appropriate
transmitter a problem. Because of the rudimentary nature
of VLF measurements, simple interpretational techniques
suffice for most practical purposes. The conductor is
located horizontally at the inflection point marking the
crossover from positive tilt to negative tilt and the maxi-
mum in field strength. A rule-of-thumb depth estimate
can be made from the distance between the positive and
negative peaks in the tilt angle profile.
(2) One cannot make reliable estimates of conductor
quality, however. Finally, the major disadvantage of the
VLF method is that the high frequency results in a multi-
tude of anomalies from unwanted sources such as swamp
edges, creeks and topographic highs. A VLF receiver
measures the field tilt and hence the tilt profile shown in
Figure 4-58 (Klein and Lajoie 1980). Figure 4-58 also
shows schematically how the secondary field from the
conductor is added to the primary field vector so that the
resultant field is tilted up on one side of the conductor
and down on the other side. Some receivers measure
other parameters such as the relative amplitude of the
total field or any component and the phase between any
two components. Figure 4-59 (Klein and Lajoie 1980)
shows a comparison of the main types of measurements
made with different VLF receivers. A variant of VLF
measures the electric field with a pair of electrodes simul-
taneously with the tilt measurement.
Figure 4-58. Tilt of the VLF field vector over a conduc-
tor (Klein and Lajoie 1980; copyright permission
granted by Northwest Mining Association and Klein)
Figure 4-59. Comparison of VLF instruments (Klein
and Lajoie 1980; copyright permission granted by
Northwest Mining Association and Klein)
c. VLF examples.
(1) Groundwater study. Figure 4-60 presents VLF
results taken over granite terrain in Burkina Faso, Africa
(Wright (1988), after Palacky, Ritsema, and De Jong
(1981)). The objective of the survey was to locate
depressions in the granite bedrock which could serve as
catchments for groundwater. Depressions in the very
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 4-60. VLF profile, Burkina Faso, Africa (Wright
1988; copyright permission granted by Scintrex)
resistive bedrock beneath poorly conductive overburden
(100 to 300 m at this site) likely produce VLF
responses as a result of galvanic current flow. That is,
the large current sheet flowing in the overburden, as a
result of the primary electric field, is channelled along
these bedrock depressions and appears as a line of anoma-
lous current. The conductor axis is centered near sta-
tion 70 to 75. A water well was drilled at station 70 and
encountered bedrock beneath approximately 20 m of
overburden and flowed at a rate of 1.0 m
(2) Detection of buried cables. Figure 4-61 presents
VLF measurements along a profile crossing a buried
telephone line (Wright 1988). A classic crossover is
observed which places the line beneath station -2.5.
However, this curve is a good example of a poorly sam-
pled response, because the exact peaks on the profile are
probably not determined. One possible model is pre-
sented on Figure 4-61 for a line current at a depth of
1.25 m and station -2.5. The fit is only fair, which could
be the result of poor station control, inapplicability of the
line current model, or distortion of the measured profile
by adjacent responses.
Figure 4-61. VLF profile over buried telephone line
(Wright 1988; copyright permission granted by
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Chapter 5
Gravity Techniques
5-1. Introduction
Lateral density changes in the subsurface cause a change
in the force of gravity at the surface. The intensity of the
force of gravity due to a buried mass difference (concen-
tration or void) is superimposed on the larger force of
gravity due to the total mass of the earth. Thus, two
components of gravity forces are measured at the earths
surface: first, a general and relatively uniform component
due to the total earth, and second, a component of much
smaller size which varies due to lateral density changes
(the gravity anomaly). By very precise measurement of
gravity and by careful correction for variations in the
larger component due to the whole earth, a gravity survey
can sometimes detect natural or man-made voids, varia-
tions in the depth to bedrock, and geologic structures of
engineering interest.
5-2. Applications
For engineering and environmental applications, the scale
of the problem is generally small (targets are often from
1-10 m in size). Therefore, conventional gravity measure-
ments, such as those made in petroleum exploration, are
inadequate. Station spacings are typically in the range of
1-10 m. Even a new name, microgravity, was invented to
describe the work. Microgravity requires preserving all of
the precision possible in the measurements and analysis so
that small objects can be detected.
a. Gravity surveys are limited by ambiguity and
the assumption of homogeneity discussed in
paragraph 2-1b(3).
(1) A distribution of small masses at a shallow depth
can produce the same effect as a large mass at depth.
External control of the density contrast or the specific
geometry is required to resolve ambiguity questions. This
external control may be in the form of geologic plausibil-
ity, drill-hole information, or measured densities.
(2) The first question to ask when considering a
gravity survey is For the current subsurface model, can
the resultant gravity anomaly be detected?. Inputs
required are the probable geometry of the anomalous
region, its depth of burial, and its density contrast. A
generalized rule of thumb is that a body must be almost
as big as it is deep. To explore this question Figure 5-1
Figure 5-1. Normalized peak vertical attraction versus
depth-to-diameter ratio for a spherical body. Values
are for a 10-m sphere with a 1.0-g/cc density contrast.
was prepared. The body under consideration is a sphere.
The vertical axis is normalized to the attraction of a
sphere whose center is at a depth equal to its diameter.
For illustration, the plotted values give the actual gravity
values for a sphere 10 m in diameter with a 1,000 kg/m
(1.0 g/cc) density contrast. The horizontal axis is the
ratio of depth to diameter. The rapid decrease in value
with depth of burial is evident. At a ratio of depth to
diameter greater than 2.0, the example sphere falls below
the practical noise level for most surveys as will be dis-
cussed below.
(2) A second guideline or rule of thumb is that
unless you are very close to the body its exact shape is
not important. Thus, a rectangular-shaped horizontal
tunnel can be modeled by a horizontal circular cylinder
and a horizontal cylinder sometimes can be modeled by a
horizontal line source. Odd-shaped rooms can be
modeled by disks and where close to the surface, even
infinite or semi-infinite slabs.
b. Among the many useful nomograms and charts
that are available, Figure 5-2 (which is adapted from
Arzi (1975)), is very practical. The gravity anomaly is
linear with density contrast so other density contrasts can
be evaluated by scaling the given curves. For cylinders
of finite length very little correction is needed unless the
cylinder length is less than four times its width. Net-
tleton (1971) gives the correction formula for finite length
of cylinders. A useful simple formula is the one for an
infinite slab. This formula is:
= 2 G t p
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 5-2. Gravity anomalies for long horizontal
cylindrical cavities as a function of depth, size, and
distance from peak
= vertical attraction, m/s
(1 m/s
= 10
= 10
cm/s = 10
gal = 10
G = 0.668x10
, Universal Gravitational Constant
in {m
t = thickness, m
= density contrast, kg/m
As an example, consider a 1-m-thick sheet with a density
contrast with its surroundings twice that of water. From
Equation 5-1, the calculation would be A
)(1.0)(2,000) m/s
= 0.84 m/s
c. A surprising result from potential theory is that
there is no distance term in this formula. The intuitive
objections can be quelled by focusing on the fact that the
slab is infinite in all directions. The usefulness of this
formula increases if one recognizes that the attraction of a
semi-infinite slab is given by one-half of the above for-
mula at the edge of the slab. Thus near the edge of a
fault or slab-like body, the anomaly will change from zero
far away from the body to (2Gtp
) at a point over the
body and far away from the edge (above the edge the
value is Gtp
). This simple formula can be used to
quickly estimate the maximum response from a slab-type
anomaly. If the maximum due to the infinite sheet is not
detectable then complicated calculations with finite bodies
are not justified. Nettleton (1971) is a good source of
formulas that can be used to approximate actual mass
d. Items which should not be overlooked in estimat-
ing the probable density contrast are:
(1) Variability (1,000 to 3,500 kg/m
) of the density
of rocks and soils.
(2) Possibility of fractures and weathering in rocks.
(3) Probability of water filling in voids.
Each of these items should be individually considered
before a density contrast is set. The effects of upward-
propagating fractures, which can move a mass deficiency
nearer the surface, and the presence or absence of air
pockets usually cannot be evaluated if one is after subsur-
face mass deficiencies. However, these effects will
increase the amplitude of the anomaly, sometimes by a
factor of two or more.
5-3. Noise Evaluation
Usually more important in a feasibility study than the
anomaly evaluation is the estimation of the noise sources
expected. This section will discuss the larger contribu-
tions to noise and evaluate each.
a. Modern instruments have a least-significant scale
reading of 0.01 m/s
. However, repeated readings
including moving the meter, releveling, and unclamping
the beam several times indicate an irreducible meter read-
ing error of about 0.05 m/s
. New electronically aug-
mented versions of these meters consistently repeat to
0.02-0.03 m/s
. Some surveys may do slightly better,
but one should be prepared to do worse. Factors which
may significantly increase this type of error are soft foot-
ing for the gravimeter plate (surveys have been done on
snow), wind, and ground movement (trucks, etc.) in the
frequency range of the meter. Again, the special versions
of these meters which filter the data appropriately can
compensate for some of these effects. A pessimist, with
all of the above factors in action, may allow 0.08 to
0.1 m/s
for reading error.
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b. Gravity measurements, even at a single location,
change with time due to earth tides, meter drift, and tares.
These time variations can be dealt with by good field
procedure. The earth tide may cause changes of
2.4 m/s
in the worst case but it has period of about
12.5 hr; it is well approximated as a straight line over
intervals of 1-2 hr or it can be calculated and removed.
Drift is also well eliminated by linear correction. Detec-
tion of tares and blunders (human inattention) is also a
matter of good field technique and repeated readings.
One might ascribe 10-20 nm/s
to these error sources,
when these errors are estimated.
(1) Additional errors can occur during the data cor-
rection process. Three major contributions to the gravity
field at a station are corrected by processing. Details of
the free air, Bouguer slab and terrain corrections will not
be expressed here (see Blizkovsky (1979)), but the for-
mula will be given.
(a) The smooth latitude dependence of gravity is
given by the following equation:
g = 9.780318 m/s
(1 0.0053024 sin
0.0000059 sin
g = acceleration of gravity in m/s
= latitude in decimal degrees
Calculations will show that if the stations are located with
less than 0.5 to 1.0 m of error, the error in the latitude
variation is negligible. In fact, for surveys of less than
100 m north to south, this variation is often considered
part of the regional and removed in the interpretation step.
Where larger surveys are considered, the above formula
gives the appropriate correction.
(b) The free-air and the Bouguer-slab are corrected
to a datum by the following formula (the datum is an
arbitrary plane of constant elevation to which all the
measurements are referenced):
= G
[1 + (3.086 - 0.000421p
) h] (5-3)
= simple Bouguer corrected gravity value
measured in m/s
= observed gravity value in m/s
= near-surface density of the rock in kg/m
h = elevation difference between the station
and datum in m
(c) If these formulae were analyzed, see that the
elevation correction is about 20 nm/s
per cm. It is
impractical in the field to require better than 1-1.5 cm
leveling across a large site, so 30-40 nm/s
of error is
possible due to uncertainty in the relative height of the
stations and the meter at each station.
(d) The formula for free air and Bouguer corrections
contains a surface density value in the formulas. If this
value is uncertain by 10 percent, its multiplication times
h can lead to error. Obviously, the size of the error
depends on h, the amount of altitude change necessary
to bring all stations to a common level. The size of the
h for each station is dependent on surface topography.
For a topographic variation of 1 m (a very flat site!) the
10-percent error in the near surface density corresponds to
60 nm/s
. For a 10-m site, the error is 0.6 m/s
. All
of these estimates are based on a mistaken estimate of the
near surface-density, not the point-to-point variability in
density, which also may add to the error term.
(2) The terrain effect (basically due to undulations in
the surface near the station) has two components of error.
One error is based on the estimate of the amount of mate-
rial present above and absent below an assumed flat sur-
face through the station. This estimate must be made
quite accurately near the station; farther away some
approximation is possible. In addition to the creation of
the geometric model, a density estimate is also necessary
for terrain correction. The general size of the terrain
corrections for stations on a near flat (3-m) site the size
of tens of acres might be 1 m/s
. A 10-percent error in
the density and the terrain model might produce
0.1 m/s
of error. This estimate does not include ter-
rain density variations. Even if known, such variations
are difficult to apply as corrections.
c. To summarize, a site unsuited for microgravity
work (which contains variable surface topography and
variable near-surface densities) might produce 0.25-
0.86 m/s
of difficult-to-reduce error.
5-4. Rock Properties
Values for the density of shallow materials (also note
Table 3-1) are determined from laboratory tests of boring
EM 1110-1-1802
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and bag samples. Density estimates may also be obtained
from geophysical well logging (see paragraph 7-1k(11)).
Table 5-1 lists the densities of representative rocks.
Densities of a specific rock type on a specific site will not
have more than a few percent variability as a rule (vuggy
limestones being one exception). However, unconsoli-
dated materials such as alluvium and stream channel
materials may have significant variation in density.
5-5. Field Work
a. General.
(1) Up to 50 percent of the work in a microgravity
survey is consumed in the surveying. For the very pre-
cise work described above, relative elevations for all
stations need to be established to 1 to 2 cm. A firmly
fixed stake or mark should be used to allow the gravity
meter reader to recover the exact elevation. Position in
plan is less critical, but relative position to 50-100 cm or
10 percent of the station spacing (whichever is smaller) is
usually sufficient. Satellite surveying, GPS, can achieve
the required accuracy, especially the vertical accuracy,
only with the best equipment under ideal conditions.
(2) High station densities are often required. It is not
unusual for intervals of 1-3 m to be required to map
anomalous masses whose maximum dimension is 10 m.
Because the number of stations in a grid goes up as the
square of the number of stations on one side, profiles are
often used where the attitude of the longest dimension of
the sought body can be established before the survey
(3) After elevation and position surveying, actual
measurement of the gravity readings is often accom-
plished by one person in areas where solo work is
allowed. Because of short-term variations in gravimeter
readings caused by less than perfect elasticity of the mov-
ing parts of the suspension, by uncompensated environ-
mental effects, and by the human operator, it is necessary
to improve the precision of the station readings by repeti-
tion. The most commonly used survey technique is to
choose one of the stations as a base and to reoccupy that
base periodically throughout the working day. The
observed base station gravity readings are then plotted
versus time, and a line is fitted to them to provide time
rates of drift for the correction of the remainder of the
observations. Typically eight to ten measurements can be
made between base station occupations; the time between
base readings should be on the order of 1-2 hr. Where
higher precision is required, each station must be reoccu-
pied at least once during the survey.
Table 5-1
Density Approximations for Representative Rock Types
Rock Type
Number of
Igneous Rocks
Quartz Diorite
Gabbro (olivine)
Rhyolite obsidian
Basalt glass
Sedimentary Rocks
Glen Rose
Black River
Marl (Green River)
Silt (loess)
Very fine
Hudson River
Metamorphic Rocks
Gneiss (Vermont)
Granite Gneiss
Gneiss (New York)
Slate (Taconic)
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(a) If even higher precision is desired or if instru-
mental drift is large in comparison with the expected
gravity anomaly, then a leapfrogging of stations can be
used. For example, if the stations are in an order given
by a,b,c,d,e,f,... then the station occupations might be in
the sequence ab, abc, abcd, bcde, cdef, defg, etc. In this
way, each station would be occupied four times. Numeri-
cal adjustments, such as least squares minimization of
deviations, may be applied to reoccupation data sets. This
procedure allows data quality to be monitored and con-
trolled and distributes any systematic errors throughout
the grid.
(b) If base reoccupations are done approximately
every hour, known errors such as the earth tide are well
approximated by the removal of a drift correction that is
linear with time. Even if the theoretical earth tide is
calculated and removed, any residual effects are removed
along with instrumental drift by frequent base station
b. Analysis. Once the basic free-air, Bouguer, ter-
rain, and latitude corrections are made, an important step
in the analysis remains. This step, called regional-residual
separation, is one of the most critical. In most surveys,
and in particular those engineering applications in which
very small anomalies are of greatest interest, there are
gravity anomaly trends of many sizes. The larger sized
anomalies will tend to behave as regional variations and
the desired smaller magnitude local anomalies will be
superimposed on them. A simple method of separating
residual anomalies from microregional variations is simply
to visually smooth contour lines or profiles and subtract
this smoother representation from the reduced data. The
remainder will be a residual anomaly representation.
However, this method can sometimes produce misleading
or erroneous results.
(1) Several automatic versions of this smoothing
procedure are available including polynomial surface
fitting and band-pass filtering. The process requires con-
siderable judgement and whichever method is used should
be applied by an experienced interpreter.
(2) Note that certain unavoidable errors in the reduc-
tion steps may be removed by this process. Any error
which is slowly varying over the entire site, such a distant
terrain or erroneous density estimates, may be partially
compensated by this step. The objective is to isolate the
anomalies of interest. Small wavelength (about 10 m)
anomalies may be riding on equally anomalous measure-
ments with wavelengths of 100 or 1,000 m. The scale of
the problem guides the regional-residual separation.
c. Interpretation.
(1) Software packages for the interpretation of grav-
ity data are plentiful and powerful. The ease of use as
determined by the user interface may be the most impor-
tant part of any package. The usual inputs are the resid-
ual gravity values along a profile or traverse. The
traverse may be selected from a grid of values along an
orientation perpendicular to the strike of the suspected
anomalous body. Some of the programs allow one addi-
tional chance for residual isolation. The interpreter then
constructs a subsurface polygonal-shaped model and
assigns a density contrast to it. When the trial body has
been drawn, the computer calculates the gravity effect of
the trial body and shows a graphical display of the
observed data, the calculated data due to the trial body
and often the difference. The geophysicist can then begin
varying parameters in order to bring the calculated and
observed values closer together. Parameters usually avail-
able for variation are the vertices of the polygon, the
length of the body perpendicular to the traverse, and the
density contrast. Most programs also allow multiple
(2) Because recalculation is done quickly (many
programs work instantaneously as far as humans are con-
cerned), the interpreter can rapidly vary the parameters
until an acceptable fit is achieved. Additionally, the
effects of density variations can be explored and the
impact of ambiguity evaluated.
d. Case study. In order to illustrate the practical
results of the above theoretical evaluations, two examples
were prepared. The geologic section modeled is a coal
bed of density 2,000 kg/m
and 2 m thickness. This bed, 9
m below the surface, is surrounded by country rock of
density 2,200 kg/m
. A water-filled cutout 25 m long and
an air-filled cutout 12 m long are present. The cutouts
are assumed infinite perpendicular to the cross-section
shown at the bottom of Figure 5-3. The top of Figure 5-3
illustrates the theoretical gravity curve over this geologic
section. The middle curve is a simulation of a measured
field curve. Twenty-two hundredths of a m/s
of random
noise have been added to the values from the top curve as
an illustration of the effect of various error sources. The
anomalies are visible but quantitative separation from the
noise might be difficult.
(1) Figure 5-4 is the same geologic section but the
depth of the coal workings is 31 m. The anomalies are
far more subtle (note scale change) and, when the noise is
added, the anomalies disappear.
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Figure 5-3. Geological model (bottom) including water
and air-filled voids; theoretical gravity anomaly (top)
due to model; and possible observed gravity (middle),
if 22 microgals (0.22 m/s
) of noise is present. Depth
of layer is 10 m
Figure 5-4. Geological model (bottom) including water
and air-filled voids, theoretical gravity anomaly (top)
due to model; and possible observed gravity (middle),
if 22 microgals (0.22 m/s
) of noise is present. Depth
of layer is 31 m
(2) For the two cases given, Figure 5-3 represents a
clearly marginal case. Several points need to be
discussed. The noise added represents a compromise
value. In a hilly eastern coal field on a rainy day,
0.22 m/s
of error is optimistic. On a paved parking lot
or level tank bottom, the same error estimate is too high.
Note that the example uses random noise, while the errors
discussed above (soil thickness variations, etc.) will be
correlated over short distances.
(3) Another point is the idea of fracture migration or
a halo effect. Some subsidence usually occurs over voids,
or, in the natural case, the rock near caves may be
reduced in density (Butler 1984). The closer to the gravi-
meter these effects occur, the more likely is detection.
(4) Figure 5-5 illustrates a high precision survey over
a proposed reservoir site. The large size of the fault and
its proximity to the surface made the anomaly large
enough to be detected without the more rigorous approach
of microgravity. The area to the east is shown to be free
of faulting (at least at the scale of tens of meters of
throw) and potentially suitable as a reservoir site.
Figure 5-5. Gravity traverses and interpreted models
e. Conclusions.
In addition to anomaly evaluation, the source and size
of the irreducible field errors must be considered. Under
the proper conditions of large enough anomalies, good
surface conditions, and some knowledge of densities,
microgravity can be an effective tool for engineering
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Chapter 6
Magnetic Methods
6-1. Introduction
a. The earth possesses a magnetic field caused pri-
marily by sources in the core. The form of the field is
roughly the same as would be caused by a dipole or bar
magnet located near the earths center and aligned sub-
parallel to the geographic axis. The intensity of the
earths field is customarily expressed in S.I. units as
nanoteslas (nT) or in an older unit, gamma (): 1 = 1 nT
= 10
T. Except for local perturbations, the intensity of
the earths field varies between about 25 and 80 T over
the coterminous United States.
b. Many rocks and minerals are weakly magnetic or
are magnetized by induction in the earths field, and cause
spatial perturbations or anomalies in the earths main
field. Man-made objects containing iron or steel are often
highly magnetized and locally can cause large anomalies
up to several thousands of nT. Magnetic methods are
generally used to map the location and size of ferrous
objects. Determination of the applicability of the magnet-
ics method should be done by an experienced engineering
geophysicist. Modeling and incorporation of auxiliary
information may be necessary to produce an adequate
work plan.
6-2. Theory
The earths magnetic field dominates most measurements
on the surface of the earth. The earths total field intens-
ity varies considerably by location over the surface of the
earth. Most materials except for permanent magnets,
exhibit an induced magnetic field due to the behavior of
the material when the material is in a strong field such as
the earths. Induced magnetization (sometimes called
magnetic polarization) refers to the action of the field on
the material wherein the ambient field is enhanced caus-
ing the material itself to act as a magnet. The field
caused by such a material is directly proportional to the
intensity of the ambient field and to the ability of the
material to enhance the local field, a property called mag-
netic susceptibility. The induced magnetization is equal
to the product of the volume magnetic susceptibility and
the inducing field of the earth:
I = k F (6-1)
k = volume magnetic susceptibility (unitless)
I = induced magnetization per unit volume
F = field intensity in tesla (T)
a. For most materials k is much less than 1 and, in
fact, is usually of the order of 10
for most rock mate-
rials. The most important exception is magnetite whose
susceptibility is about 0.3. From a geologic standpoint,
magnetite and its distribution determine the magnetic
properties of most rocks. There are other important mag-
netic minerals in mining prospecting, but the amount and
form of magnetite within a rock determines how most
rocks respond to an inducing field. Iron, steel, and other
ferromagnetic alloys have susceptibilities one to several
orders of magnitude larger than magnetite. The exception
is stainless steel, which has a small susceptibility.
b. The importance of magnetite cannot be exag-
gerated. Some tests on rock materials have shown that a
rock containing 1 percent magnetite may have a suscepti-
bility as large as 10
, or 1,000 times larger than most
rock materials. Table 6-1 provides some typical values
for rock materials. Note that the range of values given
for each sample generally depends on the amount of mag-
netite in the rock.
Table 6-1
Approximate Magnetic Susceptibility of Representative
Rock Types
Rock Type Susceptibility (k)
Altered ultra basics
Metamorphic rocks
Most sedimentary rocks
Limestone and chert
to 10
to 10
to 10
to 10
to 10
to 10
to 10
c. Thus it can be seen that in most engineering and
environmental scale investigations, the sedimentary and
alluvial sections will not show sufficient contrast such that
magnetic measurements will be of use in mapping the
geology. However, the presence of ferrous materials in
ordinary municipal trash and in most industrial waste does
allow the magnetometer to be effective in direct detection
of landfills. Other ferrous objects which may be detected
include pipelines, underground storage tanks, and some
EM 1110-1-1802
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6-3. Field Work
Ground magnetic measurements are usually made with
portable instruments at regular intervals along more or
less straight and parallel lines which cover the survey
area. Often the interval between measurement locations
(stations) along the lines is less than the spacing between
a. The magnetometer is a sensitive instrument which
is used to map spatial variations in the earths magnetic
field. In the proton magnetometer, a magnetic field which
is not parallel to the earths field is applied to a fluid rich
in protons causing them to partly align with this artificial
field. When the controlled field is removed, the protons
precess toward realignment with the earths field at a
frequency which depends on the intensity of the earths
field. By measuring this precession frequency, the total
intensity of the field can be determined. The physical
basis for several other magnetometers, such as the cesium
or rubidium-vapor magnetometers, is similarly founded in
a fundamental physical constant. The optically pumped
magnetometers have increased sensitivity and shorter
cycle times (as small as 0.04 s) making them particularly
useful in airborne applications.
(1) The incorporation of computers and non-volatile
memory in magnetometers has greatly increased the ease
of use and data handling capability of magnetometers.
The instruments typically will keep track of position,
prompt for inputs, and internally store the data for an
entire day of work. Downloading the information to a
personal computer is straightforward and plots of the
days work can be prepared each night.
(2) To make accurate anomaly maps, temporal
changes in the earths field during the period of the sur-
vey must be considered. Normal changes during a day,
sometimes called diurnal drift, are a few tens of nT but
changes of hundreds or thousands of nT may occur over a
few hours during magnetic storms. During severe mag-
netic storms, which occur infrequently, magnetic surveys
should not be made. The correction for diurnal drift can
be made by repeat measurements of a base station at
frequent intervals. The measurements at field stations are
then corrected for temporal variations by assuming a
linear change of the field between repeat base station
readings. Continuously recording magnetometers can also
be used at fixed base sites to monitor the temporal
changes. If time is accurately recorded at both base site
and field location, the field data can be corrected by sub-
traction of the variations at the base site.
(3) The base-station memory magnetometer, when
used, is set up every day prior to collection of the mag-
netic data. The base station ideally is placed at least
100 m from any large metal objects or travelled roads and
at least 500 m from any power lines when feasible. The
base station location must be very well described in the
field book as others may have to locate it based on the
written description.
(4) Some QC/QA procedures require that several
field-type stations be occupied at the start and end of each
days work. This procedure indicates that the instrument
is operating consistently. Where it is important to be able
to reproduce the actual measurements on a site exactly
(such as in certain forensic matters) an additional proce-
dure is required. The value of the magnetic field at the
base station must be asserted (usually a value close to its
reading on the first day) and each days data corrected for
the difference between the asserted value and the base
value read at the beginning of the day. As the base may
vary by 10-25 nT or more from day to day, this correc-
tion ensures that another person using the SAME base
station and the SAME asserted value will get the same
readings at a field point to within the accuracy of the
instrument. This procedure is always good technique but
is often neglected by persons interested in only very large
anomalies (> 500 nT, etc.).
b. Intense fields from man-made electromagnetic
sources can be a problem in magnetic surveys. Most
magnetometers are designed to operate in fairly intense
60-Hz and radio frequency fields. However extremely
low frequency fields caused by equipment using direct
current or the switching of large alternating currents can
be a problem. Pipelines carrying direct current for cath-
odic protection can be particularly troublesome. Although
some modern ground magnetometers have a sensitivity of
0.1 nT, sources of cultural and geologic noise usually
prevent full use of this sensitivity in ground
(1) After all corrections have been made, magnetic
survey data are usually displayed as individual profiles or
as contour maps. Identification of anomalies caused by
cultural features, such as railroads, pipelines, and bridges
is commonly made using field observations and maps
showing such features.
(2) For some purposes a close approximation of the
gradient of the field is determined by measuring the
difference in the total field between two closely spaced
EM 1110-1-1802
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sensors. The quantity measured most commonly is the
vertical gradient of the total field.
(3) The magnetometer is operated by a single person.
However, grid layout, surveying, or the buddy system
may require the use of another technician. If two mag-
netometers are available production is usually doubled as
the ordinary operation of the instrument itself is straight-
c. Distortion.
(1) Steel and other ferrous metals in the vicinity of a
magnetometer can distort the data. Large belt buckles,
etc., must be removed when operating the unit. A com-
pass should be more than 3 m away from the magnet-
ometer when measuring the field. A final test is to
immobilize the magnetometer and take readings while the
operator moves around the sensor. If the readings do not
change by more than 1 or 2 nT, the operator is magneti-
cally clean. Zippers, watches, eyeglass frames, boot
Grommets, room keys, and mechanical pencils, can all
contain steel or iron. On very precise surveys, the opera-
tor effect must be held under 1 nT.
(2) To obtain a representative reading, the sensor
should be operated well above the ground. This proce-
dure is done because of the probability of collections of
soil magnetite disturbing the reading near the ground. In
rocky terrain where the rocks have some percentage of
magnetite, sensor heights of up to 4 m have been used to
remove near-surface effects. One obvious exception to
this is some types of ordnance detection where the objec-
tive is to detect near-surface objects. Often a rapid-
reading magnetometer is used (cycle time less than 1/4 s)
and the magnetometer is used to sweep across an area
near the ground. Small ferrous objects can be detected,
and spurious collections of soil magnetite can be recog-
nized by their lower amplitude and dispersion. Ordnance
detection requires not only training in the recognition of
dangerous objects, but experience in separating small,
intense, and interesting anomalies from more dispersed
geologic noise.
d. Data recording methods will vary with the purpose
of the survey and the amount of noise present. Methods
include: taking three readings and averaging the results,
taking three readings within a meter of the station and
either recording each or recording the average. Some
magnetometers can apply either of these methods and
even do the averaging internally. An experienced field
geophysicist will specify which technique is required for a
given survey. In either case, the time of the reading is
also recorded unless the magnetometer stores the readings
and times internally.
(1) Sheet-metal barns, power lines, and other poten-
tially magnetic objects will occasionally be encountered
during a magnetic survey. When taking a magnetic read-
ing in the vicinity of such items, describe the interfering
object and note the distance from it to the magnetic sta-
tion in your field book.
(2) Items to be recorded in the field book for
(a) Station location, including locations of lines with
respect to permanent landmarks or surveyed points.
(b) Magnetic field and/or gradient reading.
(c) Time.
(d) Nearby sources of potential interference.
(3) The experienced magnetics operator will be alert
for the possible occurrence of the following conditions:
(a) Excessive gradients may be beyond the magneto-
meters ability to make a stable measurement. Modern
magnetometers give a quality factor for the reading.
Multiple measurements at a station, minor adjustments of
the station location and other adjustments of technique
may be necessary to produce repeatable, representative
(b) Nearby metal objects may cause interference.
Some items, such as automobiles, are obvious, but some
subtle interference will be recognized only by the imagi-
native and observant magnetics operator. Old buried
curbs and foundations, buried cans and bottles, power
lines, fences, and other hidden factors can greatly affect
magnetic readings.
e. Interpretation. Total magnetic disturbances or
anomalies are highly variable in shape and amplitude;
they are almost always asymmetrical, sometimes appear
complex even from simple sources, and usually portray
the combined effects of several sources. An infinite num-
ber of possible sources can produce a given anomaly,
giving rise to the term ambiguity.
Optional depending on use of memory magnetometers
which record these parameters and the station number.
EM 1110-1-1802
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(1) One confusing issue is the fact that most magne-
tometers used measure the total field of the earth: no
oriented system is recorded for the total field amplitude.
The consequence of this fact is that only the component
of an anomalous field in the direction of earths main
field is measured. Figure 6-1 illustrates this consequence
of the measurement system. Anomalous fields that are
nearly perpendicular to the earths field are undetectable.
Figure 6-1. Magnetic field vector examples for two
anomalous targets
(2) Additionally, the induced nature of the measured
field makes even large bodies act as dipoles; that is, like a
large bar magnet. If the (usual) dipolar nature of the
anomalous field is combined with the measurement sys-
tem that measures only the component in the direction of
the earths field, the confusing nature of most magnetic
interpretations can be appreciated.
(3) To achieve a qualitative understanding of what is
occurring, consider Figure 6-2. Within the contiguous
United States, the magnetic inclination, that is the angle
the main field makes with the surface, varies from 55-
70 deg. The figure illustrates the field associated with the
main field, the anomalous field induced in a narrow body
oriented parallel to that field, and the combined field that
will be measured by the total-field magnetometer. The
scalar values which would be measured on the surface
above the body are listed. From this figure, one can see
how the total-field magnetometer records only the compo-
nents of the anomalous field.
Figure 6-2. Actual and measured fields due to
magnetic inclination
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Chapter 7
Subsurface Geophysical Methods
7-1. General In-hole Logging Procedures
a. Introduction. Borehole geophysics, as defined
here, is the science of recording and analyzing measure-
ments in boreholes or wells, for determining physical and
chemical properties of soils and rocks. The purpose of
this section is to provide the basic information necessary
to apply the most useful geophysical well logs for the
solution of problems in groundwater, the environmental
field, and for engineering applications. Some of the
objectives of geophysical well logging are:
(1) Identification of lithology and stratigraphic
(2) Measuring porosity, permeability, bulk density,
and elastic properties.
(3) Characterizing fractures and secondary porosity.
(4) Determining water quality.
(5) Identifying contaminant plumes.
(6) Verifying well construction.
Space limitations prevent a comprehensive discussion of
the various logging techniques; references are included for
those who need further information on specific techniques
(Keys 1990). Although the U.S. Government and some
private industry have been converting to the metric system
for logging equipment and log measuring units, the inch-
pound (IP) system is still standard in the United States.
In this manual, the IP system is used where IP is the
standard for presently used equipment.
b. Benefits of logging. The main objective of bore-
hole geophysics is to obtain more information about the
subsurface than can be obtained from drilling, sampling,
and testing. Although drilling a test hole or well is an
expensive procedure, it provides access to the subsurface
where vertical profiles or records of many different kinds
of data can be acquired.
(1) Geophysical logs provide continuous analog or
digital records of in situ properties of soils and rocks,
their contained fluids, and well construction. Logs may
be interpreted in terms of: lithology, thickness, and con-
tinuity of aquifers and confining beds; permeability,
porosity, bulk density, resistivity, moisture content, and
specific yield; and the source, movement, chemical and
physical characteristics of groundwater and the integrity
of well construction. Log data are repeatable over a long
period of time, and comparable, even when measured with
different equipment. Repeatability and comparability
provide the basis for measuring changes in a groundwater
system with time. Changes in an aquifer matrix, such as
in porosity by plugging, or changes in water quality, such
as in salinity or temperature, may be recorded. Thus, logs
may be used to establish baseline-aquifer characteristics to
determine how substantial future changes may be or what
degradation may have already occurred. Logs that are
digitized in the field or later in the office may be cor-
rected rapidly, collated, and analyzed with computers.
(2) Some borehole geophysical tools sample or
investigate a volume of rock many times larger than core
or cuttings that may have been extracted from the bore-
hole. Some probes record data from rock beyond that
disturbed by the drilling process. Samples provide point
data from laboratory analysis. In contrast, borehole logs
usually are continuous data, and can be analyzed in real
time at the well site to guide completion or testing proce-
dures. Unlike descriptive logs written by a driller or
geologist, which are limited by their authors experience
and purpose and are highly subjective, geophysical logs
may provide information on some characteristic not recog-
nized at the time of geophysical logging. Data from
geophysical logs are useful in the development of digital
models of aquifers and in the design of groundwater
supply, recharge, or disposal systems. A log analyst with
the proper background data on the area being studied can
provide reasonable estimates of hydraulic properties
needed for these purposes. Stratigraphic correlation is a
common use of geophysical logs; logs also permit the
lateral extrapolation of quantitative data from test or core
holes. Using logs, a data point in a well can be extended
in three dimensions to increase its value greatly. Many
techniques used in surface geophysics are related closely
to techniques in borehole geophysics, and the two are
considered together when setting up comprehensive
groundwater, environmental, or engineering investigations.
Geophysical logs, such as acoustic-velocity and resistivity,
can provide detailed profiles of data that are useful in
interpreting surface surveys, such as seismic and resistiv-
ity surveys.
c. Limitations of logging.
(1) Geophysical logging cannot replace sampling
completely, because some information is needed on each
new area to aid log analysis. A log analyst cannot
EM 1110-1-1802
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evaluate a suite of logs properly without information on
the local geology. Logs do not have a unique response;
for example, high gamma radiation from shale is indis-
tinguishable from that produced by granite. To maximize
results from logs, at least one core hole should be drilled
in each depositional basin or unique aquifer system. If
coring the entire interval of interest is too expensive, then
intervals for coring and laboratory analysis can be
selected on the basis of geophysical logs of a nearby hole.
Laboratory analysis of core is essential either for direct
calibration of logs or for checking calibration carried out
by other means. Calibration of logs carried out in one
rock type may not be valid in other rock types because of
the effect of chemical composition of the rock matrix.
(2) In spite of the existence of many equations for
log interpretation and charts that provide values like
porosity, log analysis still is affected by many variables
that are not completely understood. Correct interpretation
of logs is based on a thorough understanding of the prin-
ciples of each technique. For this reason, interpretation of
logs in the petroleum industry largely is done by profes-
sional log analysts. In contrast, very few log analysts are
working in the environmental and engineering fields so
interpretation of logs for these applications often is carried
out by those conducting the investigation.
(3) A thorough understanding of the theory and
principles of operation of logging equipment is essential
for both logging operators and log analysts. An equip-
ment operator needs to know enough about how each
system works to be able to recognize and correct prob-
lems in the field and to select the proper equipment con-
figuration for each new logging environment. A log
analyst needs to be able to recognize malfunctions on logs
and logs that were not run properly. The maximum bene-
fit is usually derived from a logging operation where
operators and analysts work together in the truck to select
the most effective adjustments for each log.
d. Cost of logging. Cost of logging can be reduced
significantly by running only those logs that offer the best
possibility of providing the answers sought. Further
reductions in cost can be achieved by logging only those
wells that are properly located and constructed to maxi-
mize results from logging. In contrast, more money needs
to be spent on log analysis. More time may be required
to analyze a suite of logs for maximum return than to run
the logs; too often this time is not budgeted when the
project is planned.
e. Planning a logging program.
(1) A logging program must be properly planned to
be of maximum benefit. Borehole geophysics is fre-
quently applied to environmental investigations, such as
hydrogeology to aid site selection, monitoring, determin-
ing well construction, and planning remediation. In plan-
ning a logging program for environmental applications,
one of the most difficult questions to answer is what
geophysical logs will provide the most information for the
funds available. There are several important steps in the
decision-making process.
(a) What are the project objectives?
(b) What is the hydrogeology of the site?
(c) How will test holes be drilled and wells
(d) Who will do the logging and log analysis?
(e) What are the financial limitations and how else
might some of this data be obtained?
The log selection process needs to start at the time of the
initial work plan.
(2) In addition to selecting the general types of logs
to be run, many varieties of some logging tools exist (e.g.,
resistivity, flowmeter, and caliper). The basic information
needed to simplify the selection process among the more
commonly used logs is provided in Table 7-1 (Keys,
Crowder, and Henrich 1993). Decisions on what logs to
be run should not be based on this table alone. Table 7-1
should only be used to select logs that should be investi-
gated further. The logs selected should meet specific
project objectives, provide the necessary information in
the rock units to be drilled, and consider the planned well
f. Log analysis.
(1) In recent years, computer techniques have domi-
nated log analysis; however, this development has not
changed the basic requirements for getting the most infor-
mation from logs. First, background information on each
new hydrogeologic environment is essential where logs
are to be used. The amount and kind of background data
needed are functions of the objectives of the program.
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Second, the suite of logs to be run should not only be
based on project objectives but also on knowledge of the
synergistic nature of logs. Two logs may provide answers
that may not be possible with either log separately, and
each additional log may add much more to a total under-
standing of the system. Third, logs need to be selected,
run, and analyzed on the basis of a thorough understand-
ing of the principles of each log, even if the final results
come out of a computer. The process of log analysis can
be simplified into several steps, as follows:
(a) Data processing, which includes depth matching,
merging all logs and other data from a single well, and
editing and smoothing the data set.
(b) Correction of borehole effects and other errors.
(c) Conversion of log measurements to hydro-
geologic and engineering parameters of interest, such as
(d) Combining logs and other data from all wells on
a project so the data can be extrapolated laterally in sec-
tions or on maps.
(2) Qualitative analysis. Logs were first used for the
identification of rock and fluid types, their lateral corre-
lation, and the selection of likely producing intervals for
well completion; these uses are still vital today in many
fields. Qualitative log analysis is based mostly on knowl-
edge of the local geology and hydrology, rather than on
log-response charts or computer plots. Examination of
outcrops, core, and cuttings, coupled with an understand-
ing of log response, will permit the identification and
correlation of known aquifers and confining beds.
(a) Lithologic interpretation of logs needs to be
checked against data from other sources, because geo-
physical logs do not have a unique response. This
requirement is also true of stratigraphic correlation, where
gross errors can be made by just matching the wiggles.
Correlation by matching log character can be done with-
out understanding the response to lithology, but this
approach can lead to erroneous results. Even within one
depositional basin, the response of one type of log may
shift from lateral facies changes. For example, the feld-
spar content of a sandstone may increase toward a granitic
source area, which probably would cause an increase in
the radioactivity measured by gamma logs. This meas-
urement might be interpreted mistakenly as an increase in
clay content unless other logs or data were available. For
this reason, the synergism of composite-log interpretation
is stressed in this manual. Logs should be interpreted as
an assemblage of data, not singly, to increase the accuracy
of analysis.
(b) Accuracy of qualitative interpretation usually
improves with an increase in the number of wells that are
logged in an area and the amount of available sample
data. A gradual change in log response across a deposi-
tional basin may indicate a facies change. One anomalous
log caused by unusual hole conditions may be identifiable
when compared with a number of logs with consistent
response; such errors are not likely to repeat. Continuous
core or a large number of core samples from one test hole
is more useful than a few nonrepresentative samples scat-
tered throughout the section. If continuous coring of one
hole cannot be funded, then geophysical logs of a nearby
hole can be used to select representative intervals for
(3) Quantitative analysis. Obtaining quantitative data
on aquifers or rocks under dam sites is an important
objective of many environmental and engineering logging
programs; however, the proper steps to ensure reasonable
accuracy of the data often are not followed. The scales
on logs in physical units, such as percent porosity and
bulk density, in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cc), or
resistivity, in m, must be determined. Even if the pro-
cedures described under log calibration and standardiza-
tion are followed carefully, corroborating data for the
particular rocks and wells logged are needed.
Repeatability is ensured by logging selected depth inter-
vals a second time; equipment drift is indicated by
changes in response as a function of time or temperature.
Because of the effect of rock matrix or specific rock type,
calibration in one rock type may not ensure accurate
parameter scales in another rock type. For this reason, if
the rocks being logged are not the same as those in which
the equipment was calibrated, core analyses are needed to
check values on the logs. Before any log data are used
quantitatively, they must be checked for extraneous
effects, such as hole diameter or bed thickness.
(a) Data are of questionable value where hole diame-
ter is significantly greater than bit size, or from intervals
where bed thickness is equal to, or less than, the vertical
dimension of the volume of investigation for the probe.
The volume of investigation is defined for the purposes of
this manual as that part of the borehole and surrounding
rocks that contributes 90 percent of the signal that is
recorded as a log. The radius of investigation is the dis-
tance from the sensor out to the 90 percent boundary.
These terms do not mean that the volume of investigation
is spherical or that the boundary is a sharp cutoff.
Instead, a gradual decrease in contribution to the signal
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occurs with increasing distance from the borehole. The
size and shape of the volume of investigation changes in
response to varying borehole conditions, the physical
properties and geometry of boundaries in the rock matrix
and the source to detector spacing. Bed-thickness effects
on log response can be best explained using the concept
of volume of investigation and its relation to source-to-
detector spacing. If a bed is thinner than the vertical
dimension of the volume of investigation or thinner than
the spacing, the log seldom provides accurate measure-
ment of the thickness or physical properties of that bed
because, under these conditions, the volume of investiga-
tion includes some of the adjacent beds. From the stand-
point of quantitative-log analysis, the best procedure is to
eliminate from consideration those depth intervals that
demonstrate diameter changes that are significant with
respect to the hole diameter response of the logging tool.
(b) Both vertical and horizontal scales on logs need
to be selected on the basis of the resolution and accuracy
of the data required. Logs obtained by large commercial
logging service companies generally have vertical scales
of 20 or 50 ft/in., which is not adequate for the detail
required in many engineering and environmental studies,
where the wells may be only about 100 m deep. Simi-
larly, the horizontal scales on many service-company logs
are compressed, to avoid off-scale deflections. Logs
digitized in the field will overcome many of these prob-
lems and this subject is discussed in detail later. Some
logs may be run too fast for the accuracy and thin bed
resolution required. When the detector is centered on the
contact between two beds of sufficient thickness, half the
signal will be derived from one unit, and half from the
other; selection of contacts at half amplitude for nuclear
logs is based on this fact. If a nuclear or other slow
responding log is run too fast, contacts will be hard to
pick and will be displaced vertically.
(c) Few logs measure the quantity shown on the
horizontal scale directly; for example, the neutron log
does not measure porosity; it responds chiefly to hydrogen
content. The difference between porosity and hydrogen
content can lead to a large porosity error where bound
water or hydrocarbons are present. Thus, a knowledge of
the principles of log-measuring systems is prerequisite to
the accurate quantitative analysis of logs.
(4) Synergistic analysis. Multiple log analysis takes
advantage of the synergistic nature of many logs; usually
much more can be learned from a suite of logs than from
the sum of the logs individually. For example, gypsum
cannot be distinguished from anhydrite with either gamma
or neutron logs alone, but the two logs together are
diagnostic in areas where gypsum and anhydrite are
known to exist. They are both very low in radioactive
elements, but gypsum has a significant amount of water
of crystallization, so it appears as high porosity on the
neutron log. In contrast, anhydrite appears as very low
porosity on neutron logs. Both minerals will be logged as
high resistivity. Computer analysis of logs can be very
helpful in identifying such relationships because shading
to emphasize differences between logs is easily
(a) Examining a suite of logs from a distance is good
practice, so that significant trends and shifts in response
become more obvious, in contrast to the detail seen up
close. Thus replotting logs at different vertical or hori-
zontal scales, using a computer, may bring out features
not previously obvious. The suite of logs needs to be
examined for similarities and differences, and explana-
tions need to be sought for log response that departs from
that anticipated, based on the available background geo-
logic data. When searching for explanations for anoma-
lous log response, first examine the caliper log to deter-
mine if an increase in borehole diameter offers a possible
reason. Although many logs are titled borehole-
compensated or borehole-corrected, almost all logs are
affected to some degree by significant changes in bore-
hole diameter. All drill holes, except those drilled in very
hard rocks like granite, have thin intervals where hole
diameter exceeds bit size sufficiently to cause anomalous
log response. Logs usually can be corrected for average
borehole diameter, but thin zones of different diameter
spanned by the logging tool are difficult to correct. Drill-
ing technique can have a major effect on variations in
borehole diameter.
(b) Well construction information also may explain
anomalous response, as may information on the mineral
or chemical composition of the rock. Casing, cement, and
gravel pack have substantial effects on log character.
Some logs are designed specifically to provide informa-
tion on the location and character of casing and cement.
These logs are described in the section on well-
completion logging.
(5) Computer analysis. Computer analysis of geo-
physical well logs is now used widely, and if done prop-
erly, can contribute significantly to results from log
interpretation. The very large amount of data in a suite of
well logs cannot easily be collated or condensed in the
human mind so that all interrelations can be isolated and
used; computer analysis makes this possible. All of the
major commercial well-logging service companies offer
digitized logs and computer interpretation. Software
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packages for log editing and analysis are available that
will run on microcomputers with sufficient memory, data
storage, and graphics capability. Although the spread-
sheet was not designed for log analysis, someone who
understands logs can manipulate the data and plot the
results (Keys 1986). They do not, however, offer all of
the features and flexibility of a program written specifi-
cally for log analysis. Programs written for the analysis
of oil well logs have many features not needed for envi-
ronmental and engineering applications and are often
more expensive.
(a) Computer analysis of logs offers a number of
advantages over other methods used in the past: a large
mass of data can be collated and displayed; logs can be
corrected and replotted; scales can be changed; smoothing
and filtering operations can be carried out; cross-plots can
be made between different kinds of logs, and between
logs and core data; calibration curves, correlation func-
tions, and ratios can be plotted, as well as cross-section
and isopach maps. Finally, these results can be plotted as
publication-quality figures at a cost lower than hand plot-
ting. Although all of these manipulations can be carried
out by hand, the large quantity of data present in a suite
of logs, or in the logs of all wells penetrating an aquifer
system, is ideally suited for computer analysis. Fig-
ure 7-1 is a computer-generated cross section of three test
holes in the Chicago area. The lithology was entered with
key terms capitalized so that a column with lithologic
symbols could be automatically generated. The correla-
tion lines were sketched using the program and shading
between logs can also be added, as in Figure 7-2.
(b) Changing the vertical and horizontal scales of
logs independently was almost impossible before com-
puter processing was available; now replotting to produce
scales best suited for the intended purpose is a simple
matter. Correcting for nonlinear response or changing
from a linear to a logarithmic scale are also relatively
simple procedures. Most probes output a pulse frequency
or a voltage that is related to the desired parameter by an
equation which can easily be solved using a computer.
Data from probe calibration can be entered in the com-
puter to produce a log in the appropriate environmental
units. For example, most neutron logs are recorded in
pulses per second, which can be converted to porosity, if
proper calibration and standardization data are available.
Other logs that might be computed from raw digital data
are: differential temperature, acoustic velocity from tran-
sit time, and acoustic reflectivity or acoustic caliper.
(c) A computer is suited ideally for correcting logs
and plotting them with calibrated scales. Depth correction
is required on a large number of logs, and it can be car-
ried out at the same time the computer is being used to
make the first plot of digitized data. The most common
correction needed is a consistent depth shift for the entire
log to make it correlate with other logs of the same well
or with core data, but stretching of part of a log can also
be carried out.
(d) Another important technique for log analysis is
the computer plotting of data obtained from logs against
data from other logs, core analyses, or tests. The tech-
nique most used is the cross plot, which compares the
response of two different logs. A cross plot of transit
time from the acoustic-velocity log versus porosity from
the neutron log, calibrated for limestone, is given in Fig-
ure 7-3. Data were plotted from digitized commercial
logs of Madison test well No. 1 drilled by the U.S. Geo-
logical Survey in Wyoming. The calibration lines labeled
sandstone, limestone, and dolomite were obtained from a
plot in a book of log-interpretation charts provided by the
company that did the logging. These two logs indicate
that two major rock types are in the interval plotted:
limestone and dolomite. The group of points to the right
of the dolomite line indicates secondary porosity in the
dolomite. Another kind of cross-plot that can be made
using a computer is illustrated in Figure 7-4. The plot
shows a third log variable plotted on the Z axis as a func-
tion of the neutron log response. This is the same rock
sequence shown in Figures 7-1 and 7-2. When the figure
is plotted in color or displayed on a color monitor, the
bars in the center track are the same color as the areas on
the cross plot representing various lithologic units and the
neutron log response is shown by colors. The numerical
values in the plot represent the neutron log values.
(6) Digitizing logs. Geophysical logs may be digi-
tized at the well while they are being run or subsequently
from the analog record. Onsite digitizing is the most
accurate and least expensive; with computers now on
some logging trucks, real-time processing of the data may
be carried out. Onsite digitizing also provides backup for
recovery of data that are lost on the analog recorder
because of incorrect selection of scales. Off-scale deflec-
tions lost from the analog recorder will be available from
the digital record. Some systems permit immediate play-
back of the digital record to the analog recorder with
adjustment of both horizontal and vertical scales. Some
probes transmit digital information to the surface and
others transmit analog data which are digitized at the
surface. There are advantages and disadvantages to both
systems but regardless of which is used, logs should be
digitized while being run. For most logs it is
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Figure 7-1. Computer plot of gamma and neutron logs of three test holes in the Chicago area, showing strati-
graphic correlation based on logs and lithology
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Figure 7-2. Cross section of four test holes in the Chicago area showing correlation enhanced by computer shad-
ing between gamma and induction logs
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Figure 7-3. Cross plot of acoustic transit times versus
neutron porosity, Madison limestone test well No. 1,
recommended that the data files be made available imme-
diately to the user in ASCII format because it can be read
and reformatted easily by most computers. Some log
data, such as acoustic wave forms and televiewer logs, are
digitized in other formats.
(a) Sample interval and sample time need to be
correctly selected for onsite digitizing of logs. Sample
intervals of 0.15 m are used widely in both the petroleum
industry and in groundwater hydrology; however, for
detailed engineering and environmental investigations,
intervals as small as 0.03 m are often used. If too many
samples of the data are recorded, some samples can later
be erased, and they can be averaged or smoothed; if not
enough samples are recorded, needed information may be
lost. Sample time is the duration of time over which a
single sample is recorded. Sample time may be milli-
seconds (ms) or less for analog voltages but may be 1 s
or longer for pulse signals from a nuclear-logging probe.
Digital data may be printed, plotted, or displayed on a
computer monitor while the log is being run. An analog
display in real time is needed because watching a log
develop is one of the best ways to avoid major errors in
logging and to optimize probe and data output
Figure 7-4. Three-dimensional Z-plot of gamma, density, and neutron log response of a test hole in the Chicago
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(b) Information on the digital record should be listed
on the log heading of the analog plot. This information
includes the label on the recording medium, file number,
sample interval, time, depth interval recorded, and any
calibration information pertinent to the digital record.
(c) Although office digitizing of analog records is
expensive and time-consuming, no other choice may exist
for old logs. Because of the training needed to digitize
logs correctly, particularly multicurve-commercial logs,
better and less expensive results usually are obtained from
a company specializing in digitizing geophysical logs. To
have logs digitized commercially, certain specifications or
instructions must be provided to the company with the
purchase order. The types of logs to be digitized must be
listed, along with the specific curve on each log, the depth
interval, the sample interval, and vertical and horizontal
scales. If editing of logs is to be done, it must be speci-
fied but usually this should be done by the user. In addi-
tion to specifying the computer-compatible recording
medium, the user can request a printout of all digital data
and check plots of the logs. If the check plots are on the
same scale as the original, they can be overlaid to verify
the accuracy of digitizing.
g. Borehole effects.
(1) The manner in which a test hole or well is
drilled, completed, and tested has a significant effect on
geophysical logs made in that well (Hodges and Teasdale
1991). One of the objectives of logging is to obtain
undisturbed values for such rock properties as porosity,
bulk density, acoustic velocity, and resistivity, but the
drilling process disturbs the rock near the drill hole to
varying degrees. Although a number of different types of
logging probes are called borehole compensated or bore-
hole corrected, all probes are affected by the borehole to
some degree. Borehole effects on geophysical logs can
be divided into those produced by the drilling fluids, mud
cake, borehole diameter, and well-construction techniques.
All these procedures can be controlled to produce better
logs, if that is a high-priority objective. In some situa-
tions, it may be cost effective to drill two holes close
together -- the first designed to optimize logging and the
second cored in the depth intervals suggested by those
logs. Even if drilling and completion techniques are
beyond control, their effect on log response can be
reduced by proper probe selection and an understanding
of borehole effects.
(2) All drill holes, except those drilled in very hard
rocks like granite, have thin intervals where hole diameter
exceeds bit size sufficiently to cause anomalous log
response. From the standpoint of quantitative-log analy-
sis, the best procedure is to eliminate from consideration
those depth intervals that demonstrate diameter changes
that are significant with respect to the hole diameter
response of the logging tool.
(3) The difference between a rotary-drilled hole and
a nearby core hole in an area where the sedimentary rocks
change very little over great distances is shown in Fig-
ure 7-5. The core hole was drilled very slowly, with
considerable circulation of drilling mud to maximize core
recovery. Core recovery was close to 100 percent in
these well-cemented mudstones, sandstones, anhydrite,
and dolomite. The coring procedure caused significant
variations in borehole diameter, partly because of solution
Figure 7-5. Effect of drilling technique on hole diame-
ter. Holes are close together in an area of persistent
lithology, Upper Brazos River basin, Texas
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of halite cement and veins during the lengthy drilling
process, which included numerous trips with the core
barrel. The core hole produced some very poor quality
logs. The rotary hole was drilled very rapidly to mini-
mize hole-diameter changes. Although increases in hole
diameter occurred at the same depths in both holes, the
range of diameter was much greater in the core hole.
Stratigraphic correlation can be done with caliper logs in
this area because hole-diameter changes are closely
related to rock type. The very sharp deflections just
above 60 m are the result of the solution of halite veins.
The very rugose interval below 90 m probably is the
result of thin-bedded layers of anhydrite and mudstone.
(4) The hydrostatic pressure of the fluid column is an
important factor in preventing caving in poorly consoli-
dated materials. This same pressure can cause invasion of
an aquifer by the mud filtrate and the development of a
filter cake or mud cake on the wall of the hole. Mud
cake may reduce permeability and, thus, change results
obtained from various flow-logging devices. The thick-
ness of mud cake often is related to the permeability and
porosity of the rocks penetrated. Invasion by drilling
fluids may change the conductivity of the pore water and
reduce porosity and permeability in the vicinity of the
drill hole. Hydraulic fractures can be induced in hard
rocks by overpressure during drilling. One technique that
is available for determining the extent of alteration of
rock and fluid properties adjacent to the borehole is the
use of different spacing between source and detector in
acoustic or nuclear probes or between electrodes in resis-
tivity probes. Longer spacing usually increases the vol-
ume of investigation or increases the percentage of the
signal that is derived from material farther from the drill
hole. The casing, cement, and gravel pack also have
substantial effects on log character. Well completion logs
are designed specifically to provide information on the
location and character of casing and annular materials.
h. Operation of logging equipment. If maximum
benefit is to be obtained from an in-house logger that is
purchased or rented on a long-term basis, an operator
needs to be trained and assigned sole responsibility for the
maintenance and repair of that unit. Logging equipment
used by a number of people without adequate training and
experience will have higher repair costs and more down-
time than equipment assigned to one experienced person.
(1) The larger logging service companies are based
almost entirely on oil-well operations; smaller companies
rely mostly on environmental, engineering, water-wells or
mineral exploration holes. Oil-well logging equipment is
larger, and, therefore, more expensive, so that the costs
per meter of log are much higher. Oil-well logging
probes may be too large for some environmental or engi-
neering test holes, and a large drill rig is needed on the
hole to suspend the upper logging sheave. A number of
smaller local companies specialize in logging shallower,
smaller diameter test holes or wells; some drillers own
their own logging equipment. The smaller equipment
owned by these companies may not include all the log-
ging techniques available from the commercial service
companies. Depth charges, standby time, and mileage
costs will be lower for these small companies, but they
may not have the calibration facilities common to the
larger companies. The low bidder may not provide qual-
ity data so proof of ability to perform should be required
and a written quality assurance and quality control pro-
gram should be followed.
(2) The total cost of commercial logging may be
difficult for the inexperienced to calculate from price lists,
because of the various unit costs involved. Depth and
operation charges usually are listed per foot, and a mini-
mum depth is specified. Mileage charges usually prevail
over 250 km (150 miles) per round trip. The price of
logging on environmental projects may be based on the
(a) Daily service charge.
(b) Footage charges.
(c) Mobilization.
(d) Need for special health and safety measures or
(e) Equipment decontamination.
(f) Probe and cable loss insurance.
(g) Crew per diem.
(h) Any reports, special processing, or data process-
ing required.
The well needs to be ready for logging when the equip-
ment arrives because standby charges are relatively high.
The customer is required to sign an agreement before any
logging is done, stating that he assumes full responsibility
for the cost of any probes that are lost, the cost of all
fishing operations for lost probes, and the cost of any
damage to the well. If a radioactive source is lost, fishing
is required by law, and the well must be cemented up if
the source is not recovered. The use of radioactive
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sources requires a written agreement which must be
addressed in the logging contract.
i. Log-quality control.
(1) Control of the quality of geophysical logs
recorded at the well site is the responsibility of all con-
cerned, from the organization providing the logs to the
analyst interpreting them; the ultimate responsibility lies
with the professional who ordered and accepted the logs.
No widely accepted standard or guidelines for log quality
control exist at present; however, ASTM is presently
working on a set of guidelines. Neither private logging
companies nor government logging organizations accept
responsibility for the accuracy of the data recorded.
Agreements signed prior to logging by commercial com-
panies usually include a disclaimer regarding the accuracy
of the log data; therefore, the customer needs to assure
that the best practices are followed. To obtain the most
useful data, the logging program needs to be discussed
early in the planning process with a local representative of
the organization that will do the logging.
(2) A geoscientist who understands the project objec-
tives and the local geohydrology needs to be in the log-
ging truck during the entire operation. The observer first
will specify the order in which the logs will be run.
Usually fluid logs will be run first, if the fluid in the well
has had time to reach equilibrium. Nuclear logs always
will be run last, or through drill stem if necessary, to
reduce the possibility of losing a radioactive source. The
observer usually makes preliminary interpretations of the
logs as they come off the recorder. Based on immediate
analysis, reruns can be requested if problems on the logs
can be demonstrated. So many factors must be remem-
bered by the observer to help control the quality of logs
that many major oil companies provide a quality-control
checklist. Log headings that have blanks for a complete
set of well and log data also can serve as partial quality-
control checklists. Incomplete log headings may prevent
quantitative analysis of logs and make qualitative analysis
much more difficult. Copies of digital data and field
prints of all logs, including repeat runs, and field calibra-
tion or standardization should be left with the project
manager before the logging equipment leaves the site.
This data should be checked by a qualified person to
determine if it is complete and without obvious problems
before the logging equipment leaves.
(3) Log headings may be divided into two basic
sections: information on the well and data pertaining to
the logging equipment and operations. The completed
heading needs to be attached to the analog record in the
field. A short reference to the log-heading information
entered on the digital recording of each log enables the
two records to be related. This reference will include the
following information, as a minimum: hole number, date,
log type, run number. The format of a log heading is not
important; the information is essential.
(4) The well-information section of the heading must
contain all of the following, if available:
(a) Well name and number.
(b) Location - township, range, section, distance from
nearest town, etc.
(c) Owner.
(d) Driller, when drilled, drilling technique, and
drilled depth.
(e) Elevation of land surface.
(f) Height of casing above land surface.
(g) Depth reference.
(h) Complete description of all casing, type, size, and
depth intervals.
(i) Location of cement, bentonite, perforations, and
(j) Drilled size(s) (or bit size) and depth intervals.
(k) Fluid type, level, resistivity, and temperature.
(5) The log information section of a heading will
contain different information for each type of log,
although the same heading can be used for similar logs.
The following information is needed on the heading for
each log:
(a) Type of log, run (___ of ___), date.
(b) Number or description of logging truck.
(c) Logging operator(s), observers.
(d) Probe number and description -- including diame-
ter, type, detector(s), spacing, centralized or decentralized,
source type and size, etc.
(e) Logging speed.
EM 1110-1-1802
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(f) Logging scales - vertical (depth) and horizontal,
including all changes and depths at which they were
(g) Recorder scales - millivolts (span) and
(h) Module or panel settings - scale, span, position,
time constant, discrimination.
(i) Power supply - voltage, current.
(j) Calibration and standardization data - pre- and
post-log digital values recorded on heading and analog
positions on logs.
(6) List all other logs of the well run on the same
date. Also briefly describe all problems or any unusual
response during logging; mark at the appropriate depth on
the log.
j. Calibration and standardization of logs.
(1) Logs need to be properly calibrated and standard-
ized, if logs are to be used for any type of quantitative
analysis or used to measure changes in a groundwater
system with time. Calibration is considered to be the
process of establishing environmental values for log
response in a semi-infinite model that closely simulates
natural conditions. Environmental units are related to the
physical properties of the rock, such as porosity or acous-
tic velocity. Probe output may be recorded in units, such
as pulses per second, that can be converted to environ-
mental units with calibration data. Calibration pits or
models are maintained by the larger commercial service
companies; these are not readily available for use by other
groups. The American Petroleum Institute maintains a
limestone-calibration pit for neutron probes and a simu-
lated shale pit for calibrating gamma probes, and a pit for
calibrating gamma spectral probes at the University of
Houston; these have been accepted internationally as the
standards for oil-well logging. Boreholes that have been
carefully cored, where the cores have been analyzed quan-
titatively, also may be used to calibrate logging probes.
To reduce depth errors, core recovery in calibration holes
needs to approach 100 percent for the intervals cored, and
log response can be used to elect samples for laboratory
analyses. Because of the possibility of depth errors in
both core and logs, and of bed-thickness errors, samples
need to be selected in thicker units, where log response
does not vary much. It is advisable to have a well for
periodic logging to determine if log response is consistent.
A core hole is excellent for this purpose.
(2) Standardization is the process of checking
response of the logging probes in the field, usually before
and after logging. Standardization uses some type of a
portable field standard that usually is not infinite and may
not simulate environmental conditions. Frequent standard-
ization of probes provides the basis for correcting for
system drift in output with time and for recognizing other
equipment problems. The frequency of log standardiza-
tion should be related to project objectives - if accurate
data are needed, standardization should be more frequent.
k. Logging techniques/tools.
(1) Spontaneous potential logging.
(a) Principles. Spontaneous potential (SP) is one of
the oldest logging techniques. It employs very simple
equipment to produce a log whose interpretation may be
quite complex, particularly in freshwater aquifers. This
complexity has led to misuse and misinterpretation of
spontaneous potential (SP) logs for groundwater applica-
tions. The spontaneous potential log (incorrectly called
self potential) is a record of potentials or voltages that
develop at the contacts between shale or clay beds and a
sand aquifer, where they are penetrated by a drill hole.
The natural flow of current and the SP curve or log that
would be produced under the salinity conditions given are
shown in Figure 7-6. The SP measuring equipment con-
sists of a lead or stainless steel electrode in the well con-
nected through a millivolt meter or comparably sensitive
recorder channel to a second electrode that is grounded at
the surface (Figure 7-7). The SP electrode usually is
incorporated in a probe that makes other types of electric
logs simultaneously so it is usually recorded at no
Figure 7-6. Flow of current at typical bed contacts and
the resulting spontaneous-potential curve and static
EM 1110-1-1802
31 Aug 95
Figure 7-7. System used to make conventional single-
point resistance and spontaneous-potential logs
additional cost. Spontaneous potential is a function of the
chemical activities of fluids in the borehole and adjacent
rocks, the temperature, and the type and amount of clay
present; it is not directly related to porosity and perme-
ability. The chief sources of spontaneous potential in a
drill hole are electrochemical, electrokinetic, or streaming
potentials and redox effects. When the fluid column is
fresher than the formation water, current flow and the SP
log are as illustrated in Figure 7-6; if the fluid column is
more saline than water in the aquifer, current flow and the
log will be reversed. Streaming potentials are caused by
the movement of an electrolyte through permeable media.
In water wells, streaming potential may be significant at
depth intervals where water is moving in or out of the
hole. These permeable intervals frequently are indicated
by rapid oscillations on an otherwise smooth curve.
Spontaneous potential logs are recorded in millivolts per
unit of chart paper or full scale on the recorder. Any type
of accurate millivolt source may be connected across the
SP electrodes to provide calibration or standardization at
the well. The volume of investigation of an SP sonde is
highly variable, because it depends on the resistivity and
cross-sectional area of beds intersected by the borehole.
Spontaneous potential logs are more affected by stray
electrical currents and equipment problems than most
other logs. These extraneous effects produce both noise
and anomalous deflections on the logs. An increase in
borehole diameter or depth of invasion decreases the
magnitude of the SP recorded. Obviously, changes in
depth of invasion with time will cause changes in periodic
SP logs. Because the SP is largely a function of the
relation between the salinity of the borehole fluid and the
formation water, any changes in either will cause the log
to change.
(b) Interpretation and applications. Spontaneous
potential logs have been used widely in the petroleum
industry for determining lithology, bed thickness, and the
salinity of formation water. SP is one of the oldest types
of logs, and is still a standard curve included in the left
track of most electric logs. The chief limitation that has
reduced the application of SP logs to groundwater studies
has been the wide range of response characteristics in
freshwater environments. As shown in Figure 7-6, if the
borehole fluid is fresher than the native interstitial water,
a negative SP occurs opposite sand beds; this is the
so-called standard response typically found in oil wells.
If the salinities are reversed, then the SP response also
will be reversed, which will produce a positive SP oppo-
site sand beds. Thus, the range of response possibilities is
very large and includes zero SP (straight line), when the
salinity of the borehole and interstitial fluids are the same.
Lithologic contacts are located on SP logs at the point of
curve inflection, where current density is maximum.
When the response is typical, a line can be drawn through
the positive SP-curve values recorded in shale beds, and a
parallel line may be drawn through negative values that
represent intervals of clean sand. A typical response of
an SP log in a shallow-water well, where the drilling mud
was fresher than the water in the aquifers, is shown in
Figure 7-8. The maximum positive SP deflections repre-
sent intervals of fine-grained material, mostly clay and
silt; the maximum negative SP deflections represent
coarser sediments. The gradational change from silty clay
to fine sand near the bottom of the well is shown by a
gradual change on the SP log. The similarity in the char-
acter of an SP log and a gamma log under the right salin-
ity conditions also is shown in this figure. Under these
conditions, the two types of logs can be used interchange-
ably for stratigraphic correlation between wells where
either the gamma or the SP might not be available in
some wells. The similarity between SP and gamma logs
also can be used to identify wells where salinity relation-
ships are different from those shown in Figure 7-8.
Spontaneous-potential logs have been used widely for
determining formation-water resistivity (R
) in oil wells,
but this application is limited in fresh groundwater
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 7-8. Caliper, gamma, spontaneous-potential, normal-resistivity, single-point resistance, and neutron logs
compared to lithology; Kipling, Saskatchewan, Canada
systems. In sodium chloride type saline water, the fol-
lowing relation is used to calculate R
SP = K log (R
SP = log deflection, in mV
K = 60 + 0.133T
T = borehole temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit
(metric and IP units are mixed for equation
= resistivity of borehole fluid, in m
= resistivity of formation water, in m
The SP deflection is read from a log at a thick sand bed;
is measured with a mud-cell or fluid-conductivity log.
Temperature may be obtained from a log, but it also can
be estimated, particularly if bottom-hole temperature is
available. The unreliability of determining R
of fresh
water using the SP equation has been discussed by Patten
and Bennett (1963) and Guyod (1966). Several conditions
must be met if the equation is to be used for groundwater
investigations. These conditions are not satisfied in most
freshwater wells. The conditions are as follows: Both
borehole fluids and formation water need to be sodium
chloride solutions. The borehole fluid needs to be quite
fresh, with a much higher resistivity than the combined
resistivity of the sand and shale; this requirement usually
means that the formation or interstitial water must be
quite saline. The shales need to be ideal ion-selective
membranes, and the sands need to be relatively free of
clay. No contribution can be made to the SP from such
sources as streaming potential.
(2) Single-point resistance logging.
(a) Principles. The single-point resistance log has
been one of the most widely used in non-petroleum log-
ging in the past; it is still useful, in spite of the increased
EM 1110-1-1802
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application of more sophisticated techniques. Single-point
logs cannot be used for quantitative interpretation, but
they are excellent for lithologic information. The equip-
ment to make single-point logs usually is available on
most small water-well loggers, but it is almost never
available on the larger units used for oil-well logging.
The resistance of any medium depends not only on its
composition, but also on the cross-sectional area and
length of the path through that medium. Single-point
resistance systems measure the resistance, in , between
an electrode in the well and an electrode at the surface or
between two electrodes in the well. Because no provision
exists for determining the length or cross-sectional area of
the travel path of the current, the measurement is not an
intrinsic characteristic of the material between the elec-
trodes. Therefore, single-point resistance logs cannot be
related quantitatively to porosity, or to the salinity of
water in those pore spaces, even though these two param-
eters do control the flow of electric current. A schematic
diagram of the equipment used to make conventional
single-point resistance and spontaneous potential logs is
shown in Figure 7-7. The two curves can be recorded
simultaneously if a two-channel recorder is available.
The same ground and down-hole electrodes (A and B) are
used for both logs. Each electrode serves as a current and
as a potential sensing electrode for single-point logs. The
single-point equipment on the right side of the figure
actually measures a potential in volts (V) or mV which
can be converted to resistance by use of Ohms law,
because a constant current is maintained in the system.
For the best single-point logs, the electrode in the well
needs to have a relatively large diameter, with respect to
the hole diameter, because the radius of investigation is a
function of electrode diameter. The differential system,
with both current and potential electrodes in the probe,
which are separated by a thin insulating section, provides
much higher resolution logs than the conventional system
but is not available on many loggers. Scales on single-
point resistance logs are calibrated in per inch of span
on the recorder. The volume of investigation of single-
point resistance sonde is small, approximately 5 to 10
times the electrode diameter. Single-point logs are greatly
affected by changes in well diameter, partly because of
the relatively small volume of investigation.
(b) Interpretation and applications. Single-point
resistance logs are useful for obtaining information on
lithology; the interpretation is straightforward, with the
exception of the extraneous effects described previously.
Single-point logs have a significant advantage over multi-
electrode logs; they do not exhibit reversals as a result of
bed-thickness effects. Single-point logs deflect in the
proper direction in response to the resistivity of materials
adjacent to the electrode, regardless of bed thickness;
thus, they have a very high vertical resolution. The
response of both differential and conventional single-point
logs to fractures is illustrated in Figure 7-9. In this fig-
ure, at least one of the logging systems was not properly
calibrated, because the scales differ by an order of magni-
tude. Hole enlargements shown on the caliper log are
almost entirely caused by fractures in the crystalline rocks
penetrated by this hole. The differential single-point log
defines the fractures with much greater resolution than the
log made with the conventional system.
Figure 7-9. Caliper, differential, and conventional
single-point resistance logs in a well in fractured crys-
talline rocks
(3) Normal-resistivity logging.
(a) Principles. Among the various multi-electrode
resistivity-logging techniques, normal resistivity is proba-
bly the most widely used in groundwater hydrology, even
though the long normal log has become rather obsolete in
the oil industry. Normal-resistivity logs can be interpreted
quantitatively when they are properly calibrated in terms
of m. Log measurements are converted to apparent
resistivity, which may need to be corrected for mud resis-
tivity, bed thickness, borehole diameter, mudcake, and
invasion, to arrive at true resistivity. Charts for making
EM 1110-1-1802
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these corrections are available in old logging manuals.
Figure 7-10 is an example of one of these charts that is
used to correct 16-in. normal curves for borehole diameter
and mud resistivity. The arrows on this chart show exam-
ples of corrections for borehole size and mud resistivity
). If the resistivity from a 16-in. normal curve divided
by the mud resistivity is 50 in a 10-in. borehole, the ratio
will be 60 in an 8-in. borehole. If the apparent resistivity
on a 16-in. normal log is 60 m and the R
is 0.5 m in
a 9-in. well, the ratio on the X-axis is 195. The corrected
log value is 97.5 m at formation temperature. Tempera-
ture corrections and conversion to conductivity and to
equivalent sodium chloride concentrations can be made
using Figure 7-11. To make corrections, the user should
follow along isosalinity lines because only resistivity, or
its inverse, conductivity, changes as a function of temper-
ature, not ionic concentrations.
Figure 7-10. Borehole correction chart for 16-in. nor-
mal resistivity log (copyright permission granted by
(b) Definition. By definition, resistivity is a function
of the dimensions of the material being measured; there-
fore, it is an intrinsic property of that material. Resistiv-
ity is defined by the formula:
R = rS/L = ( m m/m)
= ( m) = (m)
R = resistivity, in m
Figure 7-11. Electrically equivalent sodium chloride
solution plotted as a function of conductivity or resis-
tivity and temperature
r = resistance, in
S = cross section, in square meters
L = length, in m
The principles of measuring resistivity are illustrated in
Figure 7-12. If 1 amp of current from a 10-V battery is
passed through a 1-m
block of material, and the drop in
potential is 10 V, the resistivity of that material is 10 m.
The current is passed between electrodes A and B, and
the voltage drop is measured between potential electrodes
M and N, which, in the example, are located 0.1 m apart
so that 1 V is measured rather than 10 V. The current is
maintained constant, so that the higher the resistivity
between M and N, the greater the voltage drop will be. A
commutated DC current is used to avoid polarization of
the electrodes that would be caused by the use of direct
(c) AM spacing. For normal-resistivity logging,
electrodes A and M are located in the well relatively close
together, and electrodes B and N are distant from AM and
from each other, as shown in Figure 7-13. Electrode
configuration may vary in equipment produced by differ-
ent manufacturers. The electrode spacing, from which the
normal curves derive their name, is the distance between
A and M, and the depth reference is at the midpoint of
this distance. The most common AM spacings are 16 and
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 7-12. Principles of measuring resistivity in m.
Example is 10 m
Figure 7-13. System used to make 16- and 64-in.
normal-resistivity logs. Shaded areas indicate relative
size of volumes of investigation
64 in.; however, some loggers have other spacings avail-
able, such as 4, 8, 16, and 32 in. The distance to the
B electrode, which is usually on the cable, is approxi-
mately 15 m ; it is separated from the AM pair by an
insulated section of cable. The N electrode usually is
located at the surface, but in some equipment, the loca-
tions of the B and N electrodes may be reversed. Con-
stant current is maintained between an electrode at the
bottom of the sonde and a remote-current electrode. The
voltage for the long normal (64-in.) and the short normal
(16-in.) is measured between a potential electrode for
each, located on the sonde, and a remote potential elec-
trode. The SP electrode is located between the short
normal electrodes. The relative difference between the
volumes of material investigated by the two normal sys-
tems also is illustrated in Figure 7-13. The volume of
investigation of the normal resistivity devices is consid-
ered to be a sphere, with a radius approximately twice the
AM spacing. This volume changes as a function of the
resistivity, so that its size and shape are changing as the
well is being logged.
(d) Depth of invasion. Although the depth of inva-
sion is a factor, short normal (16 in. or less) devices are
considered to investigate only the invaded zone, and long
normal (64-in.) devices are considered to investigate both
the invaded zone and the zone where native formation
water is found. These phenomena are illustrated in Fig-
ure 7-8. In this figure, the area between a 32-in. curve on
the left and a 4-in. curve on the right is shaded. The
longer spaced curve indicates a lower resistivity farther
back in the aquifers than in the invaded zone near the
borehole wall, which suggests that the formation water is
relatively saline with respect to the borehole fluid.
(e) Calibration. Normal-resistivity logging systems
may be calibrated at the surface by placing fixed resistors
between the electrodes. The formula used to calculate the
resistor values to be substituted in the calibration network
shown in Figure 7-14 is given in Keys (1990).
(f) Interpretation. Long normal response is affected
significantly by bed thickness; this problem can make the
logs quite difficult to interpret. The bed-thickness effect
is a function of electrode spacing, as illustrated in Fig-
ure 7-15. The theoretical resistivity curve (solid line) and
the actual log (dashed line) for a resistive bed, with a
thickness six times the AM spacing, is shown in the top
part of the figure. Resistivity of the limestone is assumed
to be six times that of the shale, which is of infinite
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 7-14. System for calibrating normal-resistivity
thickness. With a bed thickness six times AM, the
recorded resistivity approaches, but does not reach, the
true resistivity (R
); the bed is logged as being one AM
spacing thinner than it actually is. The actual logged
curve is a rounded version of the theoretical curve, in part
because of the effects of the borehole. The log response
when the bed thickness is equal to or less than the AM
spacing is illustrated in the lower half of Figure 7-15.
The curve reverses, and the high-resistivity bed actually
appears to have a lower value than the surrounding mate-
rial. The log does not indicate the correct bed thickness,
and high-resistivity anomalies occur both above and
below the limestone. Although increasing the spacing to
achieve a greater volume of investigation would be desir-
able, bed-thickness effects would reduce the usefulness of
the logs except in very thick lithologic units.
(g) Applications. An important application of normal
resistivity logs and other multi-electrode logs is for deter-
mining water quality. Normal logs measure apparent
resistivity; if true resistivity is to be obtained from these
logs they must be corrected with the appropriate charts or
departure curves. A summary of these techniques is
found in The Art of Ancient Log Analysis, compiled
Figure 7-15. Relation of bed thickness to electrode
spacing for normal devices at two thicknesses
by the Society of Professional Well Log Analysts (1979).
A practical method is based on establishing field-forma-
tion resistivity factors (F) for aquifers within a limited
area, using electric logs and water analyses. After a
consistent formation factor is established, the long normal
curve, or any other resistivity log that provides a reason-
ably correct R
can be used to calculate R
from the rela-
tionship: F = R
. Under these conditions R
the resis-
tivity of a rock 100 percent saturated with water, is as-
sumed to approximate R
, after the appropriate corrections
have been made. Resistivities from logs can be converted
to standard temperature using Figure 7-11, and the factors
listed in Keys (1990) can be used to convert water con-
taining other ions to the electrically equivalent sodium
chloride solution. The formation resistivity factor (F) also
defines the relation between porosity () and
EM 1110-1-1802
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resistivity as follows: F = a/
= R
, where m is the
cementation exponent (Archies formula). See Jorgensen
(1989) for a more complete description of these relations.
Using porosity derived from a neutron, gamma-gamma, or
acoustic velocity log and R
from a deep investigating
resistivity log, one can determine the resistivity of the
formation water in granular sediments. The relation
between resistivity from normal logs and the concentra-
tion of dissolved solids in groundwater is only valid if the
porosity and clay content are relatively uniform. The
method does not apply to rocks with a high clay content
or with randomly distributed solution openings or frac-
tures. Surface conduction in clay also tends to reduce the
resistivity measured. The resistivity logs in Figure 7-8
were used to calculate the quality of the water in aquifers
at the Kipling well site in Saskatchewan, Canada. The
left trace of the two normal resistivity logs shown is the
32-in. normal, which was used to calculate R
for three of
the shallower aquifers intersected. These aquifers are
described as coarse pebbly sand based on side-wall core
samples. The 32-in. normal was selected because many
of the beds in this area are too thin for longer spacing.
Wyllie (1963) describes a method for estimating F from
the ratio R
; where R
is the resistivity of the invaded
zone from a short normal log like the 4-in.; and R
is the
measured resistivity of the drilling mud. On the basis of
the 4-in. curve, F was estimated to be 2.5 for the upper
aquifer and 1.8 for the lower two. The true resistivities
for the three aquifers obtained from departure curves are
30, 20, and 17 m at depths of 130, 250, and 295 ft,
respectively. A formation factor of 3.2 provided good
agreement with water quality calculated from SP logs and
from laboratory analyses. Using an F of 3.2, R
calculated to be 9.4, 6.2, and 5.3 m at 4C for the three
aquifers. The drilling mud measured 13 m at borehole
temperature. The separation of the two normal curves
and the SP log response substantiated the fact that the
water in the aquifers was more saline than the drilling
(4) Lateral resistivity logging. Lateral logs are made
with four electrodes like the normal logs but with a differ-
ent configuration of the electrodes. The potential elec-
trodes M and N are located 0.8 m apart; the current
electrode A is located 5.7 m above the center (O) of the
MN spacing in the most common petroleum tool, and
1.8 m in tools used in groundwater. Lateral logs are
designed to measure resistivity beyond the invaded zone,
which is achieved by using a long electrode spacing.
They have several limitations that have restricted their use
in environmental and engineering applications. Best
results are obtained when bed thickness is greater than
twice AO, or more than 12 m for the standard spacing.
Although correction charts are available, the logs are
difficult to interpret. Anomalies are asymmetrical about a
bed, and the amount of distortion is related to bed thick-
ness and the effect of adjacent beds. For these reasons
the lateral log is not recommended for most engineering
and environmental applications.
(5) Focused-resistivity logging.
(a) Focused-resistivity systems were designed to
measure the resistivity of thin beds or high-resistivity
rocks in wells containing highly conductive fluids. A
number of different types of focused-resistivity systems
are used commercially; the names guard or laterolog
are applied to two of these. Focused or guard logs can
provide high resolution and great penetration under condi-
tions where other resistivity systems may fail. Focused-
resistivity devices use guard electrodes above and below
the current electrode to force the current to flow out into
the rocks surrounding the well. The depth of investigation
is considered to be about three times the length of one
guard, so a 6-ft guard should investigate material as far as
5.5 m from the borehole. The sheetlike current pattern of
the focused devices increases the resolution and decreases
the effect of adjacent beds in comparison with the normal
(b) Microfocused devices include all the focusing and
measuring electrodes on a small pad; they have a depth of
investigation of only several centimeters. Because the
geometric factor, which is related to the electrode spacing,
is difficult to calculate for focused devices, calibration
usually is carried out in a test well or pit where resistivi-
ties are known. When this is done, the voltage recorded
can be calibrated directly in terms of resistivity. Zero
resistivity can be checked when the entire electrode
assembly is within a steel-cased interval of a well that is
filled with water.
(c) Correction for bed thickness (h) is only required
if h is less than the length of M, which is 6 in. on some
common tools. Resistivities on guard logs will approach
, and corrections usually will not be required if the
following conditions are met: R
/ R
< 5, R
/ R
> 50,
and invasion is shallow. If these conditions are not met,
correction charts and empirical equations are available for
obtaining R
(Pirson 1963).
(6) Microresistivity logging. A large number of
microresistivity devices exist, but all employ short elec-
trode spacing so that they have a shallow depth of investi-
gation. They can be divided into two general groups:
focused and non-focused. Both groups employ pads or
EM 1110-1-1802
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some kind of contact electrodes to reduce the effect of the
borehole fluid. Non-focused sondes are designed mainly
to determine the presence or absence of mud cake, but
they also can provide very high-resolution lithologic
detail. Names used for these logs include microlog, mini-
log, contact log, and micro-survey log. Focused micro-
resistivity devices also use small electrodes mounted on a
rubber-covered pad forced to contact the wall of the hole
hydraulically or with heavy spring pressure. The elec-
trodes are a series of concentric rings less than 1 in. apart
that function in a manner analogous to a laterolog system.
The radius of investigation is from 76 to 127 mm (3 to
5 in.), which provides excellent lithologic detail beyond
the mudcake, but probably is still within the invaded
(7) Dipmeter logging.
(a) The dipmeter includes a variety of wall-contact
microresistivity devices that are widely used in oil explor-
ation to provide data on the strike and dip of bedding
planes. The most advanced dipmeters employ four pads
located 90 deg apart, oriented with respect to magnetic
north by a magnetometer in the sonde. Older dipmeters
used three pads, 120 deg apart. The modern dipmeter
provides a large amount of information from a complex
tool, so it is an expensive log to run. Furthermore,
because of the amount and complexity of the data, the
maximum benefit is derived from computer analysis and
plotting of the results. Interpretation is based on the
correlation of resistivity anomalies detected by the indi-
vidual arms, and the calculation of the true depth at which
those anomalies occur. The log from a four-arm tool has
four resistivity curves and two caliper traces, which are
recorded between opposite arms, so that the ellipticity of
the hole can be determined. The Formation Microscanner
is related to the dipmeter. It uses arrays of small elec-
trodes to provide oriented conductance images of seg-
ments of the borehole wall scanned by the pads. These
images are similar to an acoustic televiewer log but they
do not include the entire borehole wall. The microscanner
may be preferable in heavy muds or deviated holes.
(b) Although strike and dip can be determined from
the analog record at the well using a stereo net, complete
analysis is only possible with a computer. A computer
program can make all necessary orientation and depth
corrections and search for correlation between curves with
a selected search interval. Computer output usually con-
sists of a graphic plot and a listing of results. The
graphic plot displays the depth, true-dip angle, and direc-
tion of dip by means of a symbol called a tadpole or an
arrow. The angle and direction of the tool also is
displayed. Linear polar plots and cylindrical plots of the
data also are available. A printout that lists all the inter-
preted data points, as well as the quality of the correlation
between curves, also is provided.
(c) The dipmeter is a good source of information on
the location and orientation of primary sedimentary struc-
tures over a wide variety of hole conditions. The acoustic
televiewer can provide similar information under the
proper conditions. The dipmeter also has been advertised
widely as a fracture finder; however, it has some of the
same limitations as the single-point resistance log when
used for this purpose. Computer programs used to derive
fracture locations and orientations from dipmeter logs are
not as successful as those designed for bedding. Fractures
usually are more irregular, with many intersections, and
may have a wider range of dip angles within a short depth
interval. The acoustic televiewer provides more accurate
fracture information under most conditions.
(8) Induction logging.
(a) Principles. Induction-logging devices originally
were designed to solve the problem of making resistivity
measurements in oil-based drilling mud, where no con-
ductive medium occurred between the tool and the forma-
tion. The basic induction-logging system is shown in
Figure 7-16. A simple version of an induction probe
contains two coils: one for transmitting an AC current,
typically 20-40 Khz, into the surrounding rocks and a
second for receiving the returning signal. The transmitted
AC generates a time-varying primary magnetic field
which induces a flow of eddy currents in conductive rocks
penetrated by the drill hole. These eddy currents set up
secondary magnetic fields which induce a voltage in the
receiving coil. That signal is amplified and converted to
DC before being transmitted up the cable. Magnitude of
the received current is proportional to the electrical con-
ductivity of the rocks. Induction logs measure conduc-
tivity, which is the reciprocal of resistivity. Additional
coils usually are included to focus the current in a manner
similar to that used in guard systems. Induction devices
provide resistivity measurements regardless of whether the
fluid in the well is air, mud, or water, and excellent
results are obtained through plastic casing. The measure-
ment of conductivity usually is inverted to provide curves
of both resistivity and conductivity. The unit of measure-
ment for conductivity is usually millisiemens per meter
(mS/m), but millimhos per meter and micromhos per
centimeter are also used. One mS/m is equal to
1,000 m. Calibration is checked by suspending the
sonde in air, where the humidity is low, in order to obtain
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 7-16. System used to make induction logs
a zero conductivity. A copper hoop is suspended around
the sonde while it is in the air to simulate known resis-
tivity values. The volume of investigation is a function of
coil spacing, which varies among the sondes provided by
different service companies. For most tools, the diameter
of material investigated is 1.0 to 1.5 m (40 to 60 in.); for
some tools, the signal produced by material closer to the
probe is minimized. Figure 7-17 shows the relative
response of a small-diameter, high-frequency, induction
tool as a function of distance from the borehole axis.
These smaller diameter tools, used for monitoring in the
environmental field, can measure resistivities up to
1,000 m.
(c) Interpretation and applications. Induction logs
are becoming widely used on environmental projects for
monitoring saline contaminant plumes by logging small-
diameter, PVC- or fiberglass-cased wells. They also
provide high-resolution information on lithology through
casing and are excellent for this purpose when combined
Figure 7-17. Relative response of an induction probe
with radial distance from borehole axis (copyright
permission granted by Geonics Limited)
with gamma logs. The response curve in Figure 7-17 is
for a tool that can be used in 2-in.-diam casing. Fig-
ure 7-18 is a comparison of induction resistivity logs in
an open and cased well with a 16-in. normal resistivity
log. The open hole was 9 in. and drilled with a mud
rotary system. The well was completed to a depth of
56 m with 4-in. Schedule 80 PVC casing and neat cement,
bentonite seal, and gravel pack. Even in such a large
diameter well with varying completion materials, the
differences in resistivity are not significant.
(9) Nuclear logging.
(a) Principles. Nuclear logging includes all tech-
niques that either detect the presence of unstable isotopes,
or that create such isotopes in the vicinity of a borehole.
Nuclear logs are unique because the penetrating capability
of the particles and photons permits their detection
through casing and annular materials, and they can be
used regardless of the type of fluid in the borehole.
Nuclear-logging techniques described in this manual
include gamma, gamma spectrometry, gamma-gamma,
and several different kinds of neutron logs. Radioactivity
is measured by converting the particles or photons to
electronic pulses, which then can be counted and sorted as
a function of their energy. The detection of radiation is
based on ionization that is directly or indirectly produced
in the medium through which it passes. Three types of
detectors presently are used for nuclear logging:
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 7-18. Comparison of open-hole induction log
with 16-in. normal log and induction log made after
casing was installed (copyright permission granted by
Colog, Inc.)
scintillation crystals, Geiger-Mueller tubes, and propor-
tional counters. Scintillation detectors are laboratory-
grown crystals that produce a flash of light or scintillation
when traversed by radiation. The scintillations are ampli-
fied in a photomultiplier tube to which the crystal is opti-
cally coupled, and the output is a pulse with amplitude
proportional to that of the impinging radiation. This
output can be used for spectral logging. The pulses out-
put from a photomultiplier tube are small enough that
they require additional amplification before they can be
transmitted to the surface and counted. The number of
pulses detected in a given radiation field is approximately
proportional to the volume of the crystal, so probe sensi-
tivity can be varied by changing crystal size. Scintillation
crystals probably are the most widely used detectors for
nuclear-well logging. Sodium-iodide crystals are used for
gamma logging, and lithium-iodide crystals and Helium 3
gas-filled tubes are used for many types of neutron logs.
(b) Interpretation and applications. The statistical
nature of radioactive decay must be considered when
running or interpreting nuclear logs. Half-life is the
amount of time required for one half the atoms in a radio-
active source to decay to a lower energy state. Half-life
of different radioisotopes varies from fractions of a sec-
ond to millions of years, and it has been accurately mea-
sured. In contrast, it is impossible to predict how many
atoms will decay or gamma photons will be emitted
within the short periods of time, in the range of seconds,
that commonly are used for logging measurements. Pho-
ton emission follows a Poisson distribution; the standard
deviation is equal to the square root of the number of
disintegrations recorded. The accuracy of measurement is
greater at high count rates and for a long measuring per-
iod. Time constant is an important adjustment on all
analog nuclear-recording equipment. Time constant is the
time, in seconds, over which the pulses are averaged.
Time constant (t
) is defined as the time for the recorded
signal level to rise to 63 percent of the total increase that
occurred, or to fall to 37 percent of the total decrease that
occurred. The true value in any radiation field is
approached after five time constants, if the probe is still
in the same bed that long. If the probe is moving too
fast, or if the time constant is too long in thin-bedded
materials, the true value never will be recorded before the
probe moves out of the layer of interest. The logging
speed, count rate being measured, vertical resolution
required, and equipment variations have a significant
effect on the selection of time constant so specific values
cannot be recommended.
(c) Analog versus digital recording. The difference
between an analog recording with a time constant of 1 sec
and a digital recording with a sample time of 1 sec is
shown in Figure 7-19. Digital recording is gradually
replacing analog but some systems that digitize at the
surface still use a time constant circuit to drive an analog
recorder. Average or mean radioactivity is shown as the
heavier line in Figure 7-19. Note that the digital system
changes more rapidly because the time window used does
not have a memory like the RC circuit used for time
constant in analog measurements. Note also that the
analog measurement did not reach the mean value for
short time periods. Some commercial logs are recorded at
a low sensitivity, long time constant, and high logging
speed, so that real changes are small. This results in a
smoother curve and thin beds may not be detected. Bed
thickness and lag are additional factors related to the
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 7-19. Comparison of a digital recording of a
gamma signal with 1-s samples, to an analog recording
with a 1-s time constant
speed at which nuclear logs are run. Lag (L), in feet, is
defined as the distance the detector moves during one
time constant:
L = (St
S = logging speed, feet per minute
= time constant, seconds
(d) Lithologic contacts. The contacts between litho-
logic units on a nuclear log are shifted approximately the
amount of lag. Furthermore, beds that are thinner than L
are not defined. The general practice for locating litho-
logic contacts on nuclear logs is to place them at one-half
of the maximum log amplitude for a given bed. Thus, if
the average count rate for a gamma log in a sandstone
was 100 pulses per second (PPS), and the average count
rate for a shale was 200 PPS, the contact would be placed
at 150 PPS, using the half-amplitude rule. The true depth
of the contact would be deeper by the amount of lag. See
Figure 7-20 for an illustration of the relation of bed thick-
ness, volume of investigation, and location of contacts for
a neutron log. The principles are the same for other types
of nuclear logs.
Figure 7-20. Theoretical response of a neutron probe
to changes in porosity and bed thickness. The shaded
area represents the volume of investigation at different
probe positions
(e) Regulation. Use and transportation of radioactive
materials is regulated by both Federal and State govern-
ment agencies. Because of the numerous agencies
involved and the frequent changes in regulations, specific
information on the subject cannot be provided in this
manual. A potential user must consult the appropriate
government agency for regulations that apply to the spe-
cific type and area of use. The loss of most probes can
be prevented if the proper logging procedures are fol-
lowed. Probes containing radioactive sources need to be
the last to be run in an uncased well; they never are run if
other probes encounter problems.
(10) Gamma logging.
(a) Principles. Gamma logs, also called gamma-ray
logs or natural-gamma logs, are the most widely used
EM 1110-1-1802
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nuclear logs for most applications. The most common
use is for identification of lithology and stratigraphic
correlation, and for this reason gamma detectors are often
included in multi-parameter logging tools. Gamma logs
provide a record of total gamma radiation detected in a
borehole and are useful over a very wide range of bore-
hole conditions. The petroleum industry has adopted the
American Petroleum Institute (API) gamma ray unit as the
standard for scales on gamma logs. The API gamma-ray
unit is defined as 1/200 of the difference in deflection of
a gamma log between an interval of very low activity in
the calibration pit and the interval that contains the same
relative concentrations of radioisotopes as an average
shale, but approximately twice the total activity. The API
gamma calibration pit is located at the University of
Houston. The API values of field standards can be deter-
mined when that pit is used so that reference values are
available when logging. The volume of material investi-
gated by a gamma probe is related to the energy of the
radiation measured, the density of the material through
which that radiation must pass, and the design of the
probe. Under most conditions, 90 percent of the gamma
radiation detected probably originates from material
within 150 to 300 mm (6 to 12 in.) of the borehole wall.
(b) Interpretation and applications. In rocks that are
not contaminated by artificial radioisotopes, the most
significant naturally occurring gamma-emitting radio-
isotopes are potassium-40 and daughter products of the
uranium- and thorium-decay series. If gamma-emitting
artificial radioisotopes have been introduced by man into
the groundwater system, they will produce part of the
radiation measured, but they cannot be identified unless
gamma spectral-logging equipment is used. Average
concentrations in 200 shale samples from different loca-
tions in the United States indicate that 19 percent of the
radioactivity of shale comes from Potassium-40, 47 per-
cent from the Uranium series, and 34 percent from the
Thorium series, but these ratios can vary significantly.
Only gamma spectral logging can provide the identifica-
tion and relative concentrations of the natural and man-
made radioisotopes that produce the total radioactivity
measured by a gamma log. Borehole-gamma spectrome-
try has considerable application to the monitoring of
radioactive waste migration and it also can provide more
diagnostic information on lithology, particularly the identi-
fication of clay minerals. Uranium and thorium are
concentrated in clay by the processes of adsorption and
ion exchange. Some clays are rich in potassium. Fine-
grained detrital sediments that contain abundant clay tend
to be more radioactive than quartz sands and carbonates,
although numerous exceptions to this norm occur. Rocks
can be characterized according to their usual gamma
intensity, but knowledge of the local geology is needed to
identify the numerous exceptions to the classification
shown in Figure 7-21. Coal, limestone, and dolomite
usually are less radioactive than shale; however, all these
rocks can contain deposits of uranium and can be quite
radioactive. Basic igneous rocks usually are less radio-
active than silicic igneous rocks, but exceptions are
known. Several reasons exist for the considerable vari-
ability in the radioactivity of rocks. Uranium and thorium
are trace elements and are not important in the genesis of
rocks. Uranium also is soluble in groundwater under
some conditions; so solution, migration, and precipitation
may cause redistribution at any time.
Figure 7-21. Relative radioactivity of some common
(c) Background information. Because of frequent
variations from the typical response of gamma logs to
lithology, some background information on each new area
is needed to reduce the possibility of errors in interpreta-
tion. Gamma logs are used for correlation of rock units;
however, this approach can lead to significant errors with-
out an understanding of their response within the area
being studied. For example, gradual lateral change in
grain size or increase in arkosic materials in a sandstone
may change the response of gamma logs. In igneous
rocks, gamma intensity is greater in the silicic rocks, such
as granite, than in basic rocks, such as andesite. Ortho-
clase and biotite are two minerals that contain radio-
isotopes in igneous rocks; they can contribute to the
radioactivity of sedimentary rocks if chemical decomposi-
tion has not been too great. Gamma logs are used widely
in the petroleum industry to establish the clay or shale
content of reservoir rocks. This application also is valid
in groundwater studies where laboratory data support such
a relation. Figure 7-2 is a computer-plotted cross section
of four test holes in the Chicago area. The shading
emphasizes the relation between the induction resistivity
and gamma logs which aided in drawing the correlation
lines using the computer program. The increase in
radioactivity below a depth of 300 ft (91 m) is caused by
an increase in shale or clay content. Above that depth
EM 1110-1-1802
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most of the rocks are dolostones. In this area it was
found that gamma log response was quantitatively related
to clay content and that the gamma logs could be used to
correct porosity calculated from gamma-gamma density
logs. See Figure 7-1 for a description of the rocks pene-
trated by these test holes.
(d) Amplitude. The amplitude of gamma-log deflec-
tions is changed by any borehole conditions that alter the
density of the material through which the gamma photons
must pass or the length of the travel path. Thus, casing
and cement will reduce the recorded radiation, as will
large diameter wells. The correction factor for water in a
borehole as compared to the same borehole filled with air
is 1.024 for a 2.25-in.-diam hole and 1.115, 1.205 and
1.296 for 4.5-, 6.5- and 8.5-in. boreholes, respectively.
Correction for steel casing wall thickness varies almost
linearly from 1.141 for 0.0625 in thickness to 1.891 for
0.375 in thickness. The type of borehole fluid has a very
minor effect, unless the hole is very large in diameter or
the mud contains radioactive clay or sylvite.
(e) Probe position. The position of a probe in the
borehole can have an effect on a gamma log. Most
probes are naturally decentralized, or running along the
borehole wall, because of borehole deviation but if the
probe moves to a centralized position, an error is intro-
duced. Changes in gamma-log response over a period of
time are not rare. Changes in gamma response in 1 year,
that apparently were caused by migration of uranium
daughter products along fractures, have been reported
(Keys 1984).
(11) Gamma-gamma logging.
(a) Principles. Gamma-gamma logs, also called
density logs, are records of the radiation from a gamma
source in the probe, after it is attenuated and backscat-
tered in the borehole and surrounding rocks. The logs
can be calibrated in terms of bulk density under the
proper conditions and converted to porosity if grain and
fluid density are known. Gamma-gamma probes contain
a source of gamma radiation, usually cesium-137 in newer
probes, and one or two gamma detectors. Detectors in a
gamma-gamma probe are shielded from direct radiation
from the source by heavy metal, often lead or a tungsten
alloy. Single detector probes, termed 4 pi, are not
focused and thus are more affected by borehole parame-
ters. Modern gamma-gamma probes are decentralized and
side-collimated with two detectors. Side collimation with
heavy metal tends to focus the radiation from the source
and to limit the detected radiation to that part of the wall
of the hole in contact with the source and detectors. The
decentralizing caliper arm also provides a log of hole
diameter. Modern tools are called borehole-compensated
or borehole-corrected, but they still exhibit some borehole
diameter effects. The ratio of the count rates for the near
and far detectors is plotted against bulk density, either in
the logging equipment, or preferably later so that algo-
rithms can be changed (Scott 1977). This ratio reduces
borehole diameter effects because the near detector has a
smaller radius of investigation than the far detector and is
thus more affected by changes in diameter. Gamma-
gamma logging is based on the principle that the attenua-
tion of gamma radiation, as it passes through the borehole
and surrounding rocks, is related to the electron density of
those rocks. If a probe detects only radiation resulting
from Compton scattering, the count rate will be inversely
proportional to the electron density of the material
through which the radiation passes. Electron density is
approximately proportional to bulk density for most mate-
rials that are logged. A correction for the Z To A ratio
needs to be applied for any minerals that do not have the
same ratio of atomic number to atomic mass as the cali-
bration environment. The electron density of water is
1.11 g/cc versus a bulk density of 1 g/cc and some com-
panies may make this correction. Like other logging
systems, calibration of gamma-gamma response is best
done in pits designed for that purpose. Calibration can be
done in porosity pits like the American Petroleum Insti-
tute neutron pit in Houston or in pits maintained by
commercial-service companies. A set of bulk-density pits
is available for free use by anyone at the Denver Federal
Center. Onsite standardization of probe response usually
is done with large blocks of aluminum, magnesium, or
lucite that are machined with a groove that tightly fits the
source and detector section of the probe. The blocks need
to be large enough that effects of the environment are
minimized, and they need to be located off the ground
and away from a logging truck that may contain radioac-
tive sources.
(b) Volume of investigation. The volume of investi-
gation of a gamma-gamma probe probably has an average
radius of 127 to 152 mm (5 to 6 in.); 90 percent of the
pulses recorded originate from within this distance. How-
ever, the volume of investigation is a function of many
factors. The density of the material being logged and any
casing, cement, or mud through which the radiation must
pass have a significant effect on the distance gamma
photons will travel before being stopped. Within limits,
the greater the spacing between source and detector, the
larger the volume of investigation. Standoff error is
caused when a side-collimated, decentralized probe or
skid is separated from the borehole wall by mudcake or
wall roughness. According to Scott (1977), standoff
EM 1110-1-1802
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errors of 10 mm (0.4 in.) or more may be corrected accu-
rately using the algorithms he developed.
(c) Interpretation and applications. Gamma-gamma
logs may be used to distinguish lithologic units and to
determine well construction, in addition to determining
bulk density, porosity, and moisture content, when
properly calibrated. The chief use of gamma-gamma logs
has been for determining bulk density that can be con-
verted to porosity. Gamma-gamma logs conventionally
are recorded with bulk density increasing to the right,
which means that porosity increases to the left as it does
on conventionally plotted neutron and acoustic velocity
logs. Although commercial gamma-gamma logs often
have a scale in porosity, the log response is related
directly to electron density, which may be related to bulk
density by calibration and correction for Z-A errors. The
accuracy of bulk-density determinations with these logs is
reported by various authors to be from 0.03 to 0.05 g/cc.
Figure 7-22 is a plot of bulk density from laboratory
analyses of core versus density log values from a study in
Canada (Hoffman, Fenton, and Pawlowica 1991). It shows
how accurate density logs can be under the right condi-
tions. The best results are obtained with gamma-gamma
logs in rocks of low-bulk density or high porosity. Bulk
density can be converted to porosity by the following
equation: porosity = grain density minus bulk density
divided by grain density minus fluid density. Bulk dens-
ity may be derived from a calibrated and corrected log.
Figure 7-22. Plot of laboratory measurements of bulk
density versus gamma-gamma density log response in
the same borehole (Hoffman, Fenton, and
Pawlowicz 1991; copyright permission granted by
Alberta Research Council)
Fluid density is 1 g/cc for most non-petroleum applica-
tions, where the rock is saturated. Grain or mineral dens-
ity may be obtained from most mineralogy texts; grain
density is 2.65 g/cc for quartz; 2.71 g/cc commonly is
used for limestone, and 2.87 g/cc commonly is used for
dolomite. At the Chicago site shown in Figures 7-1 and
8-3, gamma log response was used to correct the grain
density entered in the porosity equation. Low gamma
response indicated mostly dolomite, and higher gamma
response indicated an increase in clay with a lower grain
density than dolomite. At many sites gamma-gamma logs
provide more accurate porosity data than neutron and
acoustic velocity logs. Figure 7-23 is an example of a
comparison of data from the three types of porosity sens-
ing logs versus core data at a Superfund site in Oklahoma
(Keys 1993). Because moisture content affects the bulk
density of rocks, gamma-gamma logs can be used to
record changes in moisture above the water surface. Thus
they can be used in the same way as neutron logs to mon-
itor the downward migration of water from waste disposal
or artificial recharge ponds.
(d) Well construction. The effect of well construc-
tion on gamma-gamma logs can be used to locate cement
tops, gravel-pack fill-up, or one string of casing outside of
another. Gamma-gamma logs for this application are
discussed in the section of this manual on well-completion
(12) Neutron logging.
(a) Principles. Neutron logs are made with a source
of neutrons in the probe and detectors that provide a
record of the interactions that occur in the vicinity of the
borehole. Most of these neutron interactions are related
to the amount of hydrogen present, which, in groundwater
environments, is largely a function of the water content of
the rocks penetrated by the drill hole. Neutron probes
contain a source that emits high-energy neutrons. The
most common neutron source used in porosity logging
tools is americium-beryllium, in sizes that range from
approximately 1 to 25 Curies. Moisture tools may use a
source as small as 100 millicuries. Two different
neutron-logging techniques are used in groundwater
studies: Neutron probes with a large source and long
spacing are used for measuring saturated porosity and
moisture content in a wide range of borehole diameters;
and second, probes with a small source and short spacing
are used for measuring moisture content in small diameter
monitoring wells. Three general types of neutron-porosity
logs exist: Neutron-epithermal neutron, neutron-thermal
neutron, and neutron-gamma. Cadmium foil may be used
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 7-23. Comparison of laboratory measurements
of porosity versus acoustic, neutron, and density log
response in the same borehole
to shield crystal or Helium-3 detectors from thermal
neutrons. Neutron- epithermal neutron logs are least
affected by the chemical composition of the rocks logged.
Two or more detectors are used in modern neutron tools,
and they may be collimated and decentralized by a caliper
arm. The ratio of the near to the far detector provides
logs that are less affected by borehole parameters than
single-detector logs.
(b) Moderating neutrons. Fast neutrons, emitted by a
source, undergo three basic types of reactions with matter
in and adjacent to the borehole as they lose energy and
ultimately are captured: inelastic scatter, elastic scatter,
and absorption or capture. In elastic scatter, the mass of
the scattering element controls the loss of energy by the
neutron. Light elements are most effective in moderating,
or slowing neutrons, whereas heavy elements have little
effect on neutron velocity or energy. Hydrogen is the
element most effective in moderating neutrons because it
has the same mass as a neutron. Because hydrogen is the
most effective moderating element, the cloud of epi-
thermal and thermal neutrons occurs closer to the source
in rocks with a large hydrogen content than in rocks with
a small hydrogen or water content. The moderating and
capture processes result in the number of epithermal and
thermal neutrons and capture gamma photons being
inversely related to the hydrogen content of the rocks, at
source-to-detector spacing greater than approximately
300 mm (11.8 in.). If detectors are located closer than
300 mm from the source, as in moisture probes, the num-
ber of moderated and captured neutrons increases with
increasing hydrogen content.
(c) Volume of investigation. The volume of investi-
gation of a neutron probe is related closely to the content
of hydrogen or other strong neutron absorbers in the
material surrounding the probe, the spacing between the
source and detector, and the energy of the neutrons. In
sand with a saturated porosity of 35 percent, three differ-
ent types of neutron probes received 90 percent of the
recorded signal within 170, 236, and 262 mm of the bore-
hole wall. In dry rocks the radius of investigation may be
several meters. The reference depth, or point of measure-
ment, on a probe may change somewhat if significant
differences in water content are logged. Increasing the
source-to-detector spacing increases the volume of investi-
gation in the vertical direction as well as in the horizontal
direction, into the rock. This increased volume decreases
thin-bed resolution as demonstrated in Figure 7-20. The
hypothetical volume of investigation is shown by shading
in the figure. Note that size and shape of this volume are
shown to change as a function of the porosity as the
probe moves up the hole. The log only gives an approxi-
mately correct value for porosity and thickness when the
volume of investigation is entirely within the bed being
logged. Thus, in Figure 7-20, the upper thin limestone
bed with 3.3 percent porosity is indicated by the log to
have a much higher porosity and greater apparent thick-
ness than the lower bed with a porosity of 3.3 percent.
The usual technique for determining bed thickness from
any type of nuclear log is to make the measurement at
one-half the maximum amplitude of the deflection that
represents that bed, as shown on the figure.
(d) Calibration. Calibration of all neutron-logging
systems used in the petroleum industry is based on the
API calibration pit in Houston, Texas. The pit contains
quarried limestone blocks that have average porosities of
EM 1110-1-1802
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1.884, 19.23, and 26.63 percent. These values have been
rounded by the American Petroleum Institute to 1.9, 19,
and 26 percent, and the 19-percent block has been
assigned the value of 1,000 API neutron units (Belknap
et al. 1959). Figure 7-24 shows calibration data for a
compensated neutron probe in the API pit (Keys 1990).
Although the API pit is the widely accepted primary
standard, it is only valid for limestone, so that most large
logging companies maintain their own calibration facilities
for other rock types, like dolomite and sandstone. Careful
evaluation of laboratory analyses of core samples may
lead to a valid calibration, but scatter of data points is to
be expected. Regardless of how primary calibration is
carried out, field standardization must be done at the time
of calibration and frequently during logging operations.
The most practical field standards permit the checking of
probe response with the source installed in a reproducible
environment that has a high hydrogen content. Although
a plastic sleeve may be used, it must be quite heavy to be
large enough to cover both source and detectors and thick
enough to reduce outside effects.
Figure 7-24. Calibration data for a compensated
neutron-porosity probe in the API limestone pit
(e) Interpretation. In many rocks, the hydrogen
content is related to the amount of water in the pore
spaces. This relation is affected by the chemical
composition of the water, hydrogen in some minerals and
bound water in shales. Neutron logs are affected by
many of the same borehole parameters that affect gamma-
gamma logs, although usually to a lesser degree. These
extraneous effects include borehole diameter, mud cake or
stand off, salinity of the borehole and interstitial fluids,
mud weight, thickness of casing and cement, temperature
and pressure, and elemental composition of the rock
matrix. Matrix effects are considered part of the interpre-
tation process and may be analyzed by cross-plotting
techniques, as illustrated in Figure 7-3. Casing does not
cause a major shift on most neutron logs, as it typically
does on a gamma-gamma log. Neutron logs run through
drill stem do not show the location of collars as a gamma-
gamma log does. Plastic pipe of constant thickness
merely causes a shift in log response similar to, but of
lower magnitude than, that caused by the water level in a
small-diameter well. The short spacing used in moisture
probes reduces the volume of investigation, so that bore-
hole effects are increased. For this reason, boreholes to
be used for logging with a moisture probe need to be
drilled as small as possible. The annular space between
casing and borehole wall also needs to be small, and the
probe needs to fit the casing tightly. Neutron logs are
most suitable for detecting small changes in porosity at
low porosities; gamma-gamma logs are more sensitive to
small changes at high porosities. Although the interpreta-
tion of neutron logs for porosity and moisture content are
stressed as primary applications, much use has been made
of the logs for determining lithology. Like gamma logs,
they can be used for lithology and stratigraphic correlation
over a wide range of borehole conditions. Figure 7-1
shows how neutron and gamma logs relate to the strati-
graphic units in a test hole near Chicago.
(f) Applications. Neutron-activation logging has
potential for application to groundwater quality problems,
because this technique permits the remote identification of
elements present in the borehole and adjacent rocks under
a wide variety of borehole conditions. Neutron activation
produces radioisotopes from stable isotopes; the parent or
stable isotope may be identified by the energy of the
gamma radiation emitted and its half-life, using a gamma
spectral probe (Keys and Boulogne 1969).
(13) Acoustic logging. Acoustic logging includes
those techniques that use a transducer to transmit an acou-
stic wave through the fluid in the well and surrounding
elastic materials. Several different types of acoustic logs
are used, based on the frequencies used, the way the
signal is recorded, and the purpose of the log. All these
logs require fluid in the well to couple the signal to the
surrounding rocks. Four types will be described here:
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acoustic velocity, acoustic wave form, cement bond, and
acoustic televiewer.
(14) Acoustic-velocity logging.
(a) Principles. Acoustic-velocity logs, also called
sonic logs or transit-time logs, are a record of the travel
time of an acoustic wave from one or more transmitters to
receivers in the probe. Acoustic energy travels through
the fluid in the well and through surrounding materials at
a velocity that is related to the lithology and porosity of
the rocks. Most acoustic-velocity probes employ magnet-
orestrictive or piezoelectric transducers that convert elec-
trical energy to acoustic energy. Most of the transducers
are pulsed from 2 to 10 or more times per second, and the
acoustic energy emitted has a frequency in the range of
20 to 35 kHz. Probes are constructed of low-velocity
materials, producing the shortest travel path for the acous-
tic pulse through the borehole fluid and the adjacent
rocks, which have a velocity faster than that of the fluid.
Acoustic probes are centralized with bow springs or rub-
ber fingers so the travel path to and from the rock will be
of consistent length. Some of the energy moving through
the rock is refracted back to the receivers. The receivers
reconvert the acoustic energy to an electrical signal, which
is transmitted up the cable. At the surface, the entire
signal may be recorded digitally for acoustic wave-form
logging, or the transit time between two receivers may be
recorded for velocity logging. Amplitude of portions of
the acoustic wave also may be recorded; that technique is
described later under wave-form logging.
(b) Acoustic energy components. Acoustic energy
transmitted in the borehole and adjacent rocks is divided
into several components; the most important for this dis-
cussion are compressional (P) and shear wave (S) compo-
nents. Standard acoustic-velocity logs are based on the
arrival of the compressional wave. Compressional and
shear waves at near and far receivers, along with the fluid
waves that are transmitted through the borehole, are
shown in Figure 7-25 (Paillet and White 1982). Most
acoustic-velocity probes have paired receivers located a
foot apart; some probes have several pairs of receivers
with different spacing that may be selected from the sur-
face. P-waves have a higher velocity and lower ampli-
tude than shear waves, or S-waves. S-waves have a
velocity about one half that of P-waves and are character-
ized by particle movement perpendicular to the direction
of wave propagation.
(c) Tracking circuits. Acoustic-velocity logging
modules contain a tracking circuit that detects the arrival
Figure 7-25. Acoustic wave forms for a two-receiver
of the P-wave using a threshold amplitude or algorithm
selected by the operator. If the wave form is digitized in
the field it is frequently possible to improve acoustic
velocity logs by modifying the technique used to pick the
first arrival. Amplitude of the transmitted signal and the
received signal may be controlled from the surface, along
with the height of the detection threshold. A circuit is
employed to convert the difference in time of arrival at
the two detectors to transit time (t) in s/ft. Acoustic-
velocity logs are recorded with interval transit time
increasing from right to left; porosity also will increase to
the left, as it does on conventionally plotted neutron and
gamma-gamma logs.
(d) Interpretation and applications. For rocks with
uniformly distributed, intergranular pore spaces, porosity
usually is derived from the Wyllie time-average equation.
This equation is based on the theory that the path of an
acoustic wave through saturated rock consists of two
velocities in series, the velocity in the fluid V
and the
velocity in the rock matrix V
. The length of the path in
the fluid is equal to the porosity (); the length of the
path in the rock matrix is equal to 1-. The time-average
equation can be expressed as:
= t = /V
(1 )/V
= velocity of the rock from a log
EM 1110-1-1802
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For calculation of porosity, the time-average equation is
converted to the form:
= (t
) / (t
= transit time from the log
= transit time of the wave in the matrix
= transit time in the fluid
Velocities and transit times for some common rocks and
fluids are provided in Table 7-2. Note that the range can
be very large, so laboratory measurements or background
experience in specific rocks may be needed to calculate
accurate porosities. The interval transit-time scale usually
is accurate within 1 s/ft on most acoustic-velocity logs;
however, it should be checked, if possible. The dif-
ference in arrival of the P-wave at two receivers can be
read directly from a calibrated oscilloscope, which is an
essential part of any acoustic-logging system unless the
wave form is digitized in the tool. In this case a com-
puter can be used to observe the wave forms. Calibration
also can be accomplished using core samples analyzed in
the laboratory for acoustic velocity and porosity. The
response of a velocity probe can be checked onsite with a
piece of steel pipe cut in half lengthwise. The tool can be
laid in the pipe and dams made at both ends with flexible
caulking, so that half of the transmitters and receivers can
be covered with water. Steel has a velocity ranging from
Table 7-2
Compressional-Wave Velocity and Transit Time in Some Com-
mon Rocks and Fluids [Single values are averages]
Rock or
Fluid Type
(m/s) (ft/s)
Fresh water 1,500 5,000 200.0
Brine 1,600 5,300 189.0
Shale 1,800-4,900 6,000-16,000 62.5-167.0
Limestone 5,800-6,400 19,000-21,000+ 47.6-52.6
Dolomite 6,400-7,300 21,000-24,000 42.0-47.6
Anhydrite 6,100 20,000 50.0
Granite 5,800-6,100 19,000-20,000 50.0-52.5
Gabbro 7,200 23,600 42.4
17,000 to 20,000 ft/s, which can be used to check the
calibration of the sonde. It is possible to make the same
check in a drill hole that contains free-hanging steel pipe.
(e) Radius of investigation. The radius of investiga-
tion of an acoustic-velocity probe is reported to be
approximately three times the wavelength (Pirson 1963).
The wavelength is equal to the velocity divided by the
frequency. At a frequency of 20,000 Hz, the radius of
investigation theoretically is about 0.23 m (0.75 ft) for
unconsolidated rocks with a velocity of 1,500 m/s
(5,000 ft/s), and 1.1 m (3.65 ft) for very hard rocks with a
velocity of 7,600 m/s (25,000 ft/s). A lower transmitter
frequency will increase the volume of investigation, but it
will decrease the resolution of small features, such as
(f) Cycle skipping. One of the most obvious prob-
lems on acoustic-velocity logs is cycle skipping, caused
by the amplitude of the first compressional cycle being
too low for detection, or by pre-arrival noise of sufficient
amplitude to be detected. If the first cycle is detected at
the near receiver and the second cycle is detected at the
far receiver, the resulting transit time will be much too
long, and the log will show a very sharp deflection.
Often signal amplitude will vary above and below detec-
tion level, which causes rapid fluctuations in the log trace,
which can be recognized as cycle skips. Cycle skipping
frequently is blamed on gas in the well; however, any
condition that causes the compressional wave to drop
below detection level will produce cycle skipping on the
log. Causes include improper adjustment of signal or
detection level, fractures or washouts, high-attenuation
rocks, and gas in the fluid. Cycle skipping can be used to
locate fractures in some wells, but corroborating evidence
is necessary.
(g) Lithologic factors. Acoustic velocity in porous
media is dependent on such lithologic factors as: the type
of matrix; density; size, distribution, and type of grains
and pore spaces; degree of cementation; and the elastic
properties of the interstitial fluids. The widely used time
average equation does not account for most of these fac-
tors, but it has been found to produce reasonably correct
porosity values under most conditions. Figure 7-26 is a
plot of porosity values measured on core versus transit
time from an acoustic-velocity log, for a sequence of
basin-fill sedimentary and volcanic rocks in Idaho. The
correlation coefficient for the core and log data from this
well is 0.87, even though a wide range of rock types with
different matrix velocities were logged. Acoustic-velocity
logs are very useful for providing information on
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 7-26. Relation of acoustic-transit time to poros-
ity for tuff, sandstone, and siltstone, Raft River geo-
thermal reservoir, Idaho
lithology and porosity under a fairly wide range of condi-
tions. They usually are limited to consolidated materials
penetrated by uncased, fluid-filled wells; however, litho-
logic information can be obtained when casing is well
bonded to the rocks. Resolution of thin beds is good
when 1-ft receiver spacing is used; contacts usually are
marked by sharp deflections.
(h) Secondary porosity. In some geohydrologic
environments, such as carbonates, porosity from an
acoustic-velocity log and from a neutron log or core can
be cross-plotted to identify intervals of secondary poros-
ity. Acoustic-velocity logs do not detect most nonuni-
formly distributed secondary porosity, whereas neutron
logs respond to all water-filled pore spaces. This is dem-
onstrated in Figure 7-3, computer-generated cross plot of
the neutron log versus acoustic-velocity log for Madison
limestone test well No. 1 (Keys 1986). In the permeable
intervals identified on flowmeter logs, many acoustic-log
porosities were lower than the corresponding neutron-log
and core values because of secondary porosity
(Figure 7-3).
(15) Acoustic wave-form logging.
(a) Principles. Considerable information on lithology
and structure is available through analyses of the various
components of a received acoustic signal. Analyses may
include amplitude changes, ratios of the velocities of
various components of the wave train, and frequency-
dependent effects. Hearst and Nelson (1985) present a
broad discussion on acoustic logging and the propagation
of waves in geologic media. There are two main cate-
gories of waves in a borehole: (a) refracted waves, and
(b) guided waves. Refracted waves travel from the trans-
mitter through the fluid and are refracted at the borehole
wall, where they travel through the rock until refracted
again through the fluid to the receivers. Guided waves
travel in the borehole fluid or at the borehole wall/fluid
interface. Cement-bond logs are included in this section,
because wave-form data are needed to increase the accu-
racy of interpretation of these logs. Acoustic wave forms
can be recorded digitally, pictures can be made of the
display on an oscilloscope, or a variable-density log can
be made. The variable-density log (VDL) or
3-dimensional (3-D) velocity log is recorded photographi-
cally, so that variations in darkness of the record are
related to changes in amplitude of cycles in the wave
form. Figure 7-27 includes a VDL display. The banded
display on the right is the VDL, which is a representation
of the wave train in time from transmitter pulse. Fre-
quency of the waves is related to the width of the black
and white or grey bands. The grey scale scheme in this
VDL is such that white represents high-amplitude nega-
tive wave pulses, grey the low-amplitude waves, and
black represents high-amplitude positive pulses. A digi-
tized wave form log is the most useful type of record,
because data can be analyzed quantitatively. Velocities
and amplitudes of all parts of the recorded wave form can
be measured from a digital record. Furthermore, digitized
wave form data enable acoustic velocity or transit time
logs to be corrected later where the algorithm that
detected the first arrival was not functioning properly.
(b) Interpretation and applications. Elastic properties
of rocks can be calculated from the velocities of P- and
S-waves and from corrected bulk density from a
gamma-gamma log. [Also see the discussion in para-
graph 3-1a(1)(d).] The elastic properties or constants that
can be determined are shear modulus, Poissons ratio,
Youngs modulus, and bulk modulus (Yearsley and
Crowder 1990). The shear modulus is defined in terms of
density and S-wave velocity, as given in the following
G = p
G = shear modulus
= bulk, mass density
= shear-wave velocity
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EM 1110-1-1802
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Poissons ratio is the ratio between strain in the direc-
tion of principal stress and strain in either transverse
direction, and is defined in terms of P- and S-wave veloc-
ities by the following [also Equation 3-1]:
= (a
2) / [2(a
= Poissons ratio
a = V
= P-wave velocity
Youngs modulus is the factor of proportionality between
stress and strain and is fundamentally related to the mate-
rial constants given above by the following equation:
E = 2G(1 )
E = Youngs modulus
It should be noted that the above relationships were
derived for homogeneous, isotropic conditions, which do
not exist in the geologic environment. Still, in practice
these expressions provide useful engineering estimates for
the elastic properties of rocks, and an analytical overview
of the interrelationships among density, velocity, and
moduli. For example, Equation 7-4 reveals that the shear
modulus varies directly with density, but with the square
of shear velocity, indicating the strong dependency of the
shear modulus on transverse velocity. It is interesting to
note from Equation 7-5 that Poissons ratio is not physi-
cally meaningful for compression/shear velocity (V
ratios less than 1.42 (Poissons ratio becomes negative).
In general, higher Poissons ratios indicate less competent
rock. Ice, which is more deformable than most rock, has
a V
ratio of approximately 2.0, which corresponds to a
Poissons ratio of 0.33. The result of this type of analysis
is the engineering properties log shown in Figure 7-28.
Competent rock below 44 m stands out clearly in Fig-
ure 7-28 with moduli of nearly twice the weathered rock
and five times the fractured rock. However, note the
minor fracture zones in evidence in the competent rock
mass, indicated by excursions to the left on both the
moduli curves and velocity curve. The major fracture
zones in the overlying rock are shown by extremely low
shear moduli of less than 14 gigapascals (two million psi).
The core-derived rock quality determination plotted in
Figure 7-28 grossly indicates the difference between the
competent rock mass and the overlying weathered and
fractured rock in this core hole.
(c) Tube waves. Paillet (1980 and 1981) describes
the characterization of fractures by various acoustic tech-
niques. A significant finding was that a semiquantitative
correlation exists between the attenuation of tube-wave
amplitude in small-diameter drill holes in crystalline rocks
and the permeability of fractures determined by packer-
isolation tests. Thus, tube-wave amplitude logging has
the potential for predicting the relative flow through frac-
tures in hard rocks. The tube wave is part of the fluid
wave propagated along the borehole wall under certain
conditions; it apparently is attenuated where water in the
borehole is free to move in and out of fractures. Fig-
ure 7-29 shows the correlation between a tube wave
amplitude log calculated from digitized acoustic wave
form data and fracture aperture or permeability from
straddle packer tests (Davison, Keys, and Paillet 1982).
Figure 7-27 is a composite log including shear and tube
wave amplitude, temperature, single point resistance, and
VDL. VDL indicates fractures as the low-velocity zones.
The single point resistance is primarily controlled by the
presence or absence of fractures. Natural flow in or out
of the borehole through fractures affects the thermal
gradient of the borehole fluid so that changes noted on the
temperature log by arrows indicate natural fracture flow.
The amplitude logs in Figure 7-27 were computed by
calculating the root mean square amplitude within speci-
fied time windows. Two additional fracture zones evident
on the VDL, and as low-amplitude excursions on the
amplitude logs at 146-148 and 170 ft (44.5-45 and 52 m),
are not obvious on the temperature log.
(16) Cement-bond logging. Cement-bond logging
usually employs a single receiver to obtain information on
the quality of the bond between casing and cement and
between cement and borehole wall. Most cement-bond
logs are a measurement only of the amplitude of the early
arriving casing signal, but to improve the accuracy of
interpretation, the full acoustic wave form is needed for
study. Although a small amount of the total acoustic
energy may be received from the rock when the casing is
free to vibrate, the formation signal usually is not detect-
able. The detection of channeling through cement in the
annular space is one of the main objectives of cement-
bond logging; yet, even an expert in the analysis of
cement-bond logs probably will not locate all channels
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 7-28. Engineering properties calculated from geophysical logs of a core hole compared with rock quality
determination (RQD) from the core (Yearsley and Crowder 1990; copyright permission granted by Colog, Inc.)
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Figure 7-29. Plot showing a comparison of tube wave
amplitude calculated from acoustic wave form data and
hydraulic fracture aperture calculated from straddle
packer tests
(17) Acoustic-televiewer logging.
(a) Principles. An acoustic televiewer (ATV) is a
logging device that can provide high-resolution informa-
tion on the location and character of secondary porosity,
such as fractures and solution openings. It also can pro-
vide the strike and dip of planar features, such as frac-
tures and bedding planes. An ATV also is called the
borehole televiewer but this term occasionally causes it to
be confused with borehole television. An ATV employs a
rotating high-frequency transducer that functions as both
transmitter and receiver (Zemanek et al. 1969). The
piezoelectric transducer is rotated at three or more revolu-
tions per second and is pulsed approximately 1,200 times
per second. High-frequency acoustic energy is reflected
from, but does not penetrate, the borehole wall. A trigger
pulse is transmitted to the surface equipment from a flux-
gate magnetometer each time the transducer rotates past
magnetic north. This pulse triggers the sweep of an oscil-
loscope or graphic recorder, so that each sweep represents
a 360-deg scan of the borehole wall. The brightness of
the oscilloscope trace is proportional to the amplitude of
the reflected acoustic signal, somewhat analogous to a
rotating depth finder in a boat.
(b) Procedure. The probe must be centralized accu-
rately with bow springs, so the signal path will be the
same length in all directions. As the probe moves up the
hole, a signal is generated that moves the sweeps across
the oscilloscope or other type of graphic recorder to pro-
duce a continuous record of the acoustic reflectivity of the
borehole wall. The received signal may also be recorded
in analog format on standard VHS tape for later playback
and enhancement of the graphic record. The signal from
the ATV probe may be digitized in new generation probes
or subsequently from the VHS analog tape from older
systems. The digital data file may then be enhanced,
analyzed, and displayed in various color formats using a
computer program. This program, and similar programs
developed by logging companies, produces three-
dimensional plots, calculates the aperture and strike and
dip of fractures, the orientation of breakouts, borehole
diameter, acoustic reflectivity, stress field, etc. The ATV
log is a cylinder that has been opened along the north side
and flattened, as illustrated in Figure 7-30. In this figure,
an open fracture dipping to magnetic south is shown inter-
secting a drill hole in a three-dimensional drawing on the
left. The hypothetical televiewer log on the right shows
the fracture as it might appear, as a dark sinusoid, with
the low point oriented toward magnetic south. The trans-
ducer rotates clockwise, as viewed looking down the well;
hence, compass directions are in the order shown at the
bottom of the log. Fractures and other openings in the
borehole wall or in casing appear as dark areas for several
reasons. Increasing well diameter means the acoustic
signal must travel farther, and that it will be more attenu-
ated by the fluid in the borehole. In addition, part of the
surface of fractures and other openings is not at right
angles to the incident acoustic signal, so that it is not
reflected back to the transducer.
Figure 7-30. Three-dimensional view of a fracture and
appearance of the same fracture on an acoustic-
televiewer log. D is borehole diameter and h is the
length of the fracture intercept in the borehole
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(c) Acoustic-caliper log. Modifications to ATV
equipment permit recording an acoustic-caliper log, which
consists of four high-resolution traces. Use of a lower
frequency transducer provides better penetration of casing,
and the tool can be used to examine cement in the annular
space. Broding (1984) demonstrated the ability of a
lower frequency probe to locate voids and channels in
cement that were not detected by other logging methods.
Acoustic televiewer logs, made in steel casing or in the
presence of large concentrations of magnetic minerals, are
not oriented, because the magnetometer will not work
under these conditions. A switch in the tool can be used
for triggering the sweep instead of the magnetometer; as a
result, compass orientation of the edge of the log will
rotate as the tool is brought up the hole.
(d) Quantitative output. Two quantitative outputs of
the acoustic televiewer occur that may require calibration
and occasional standardization onsite. The magnetometer
needs to be checked with a compass to determine if it
triggers on magnetic north within a degree, if possible;
this can be accomplished by using a narrow reflective
object in a plastic bucket filled with water. The lower set
of centralizers usually are removed for this procedure. If
an acoustic-caliper log is to be run, hole-diameter
response needs to be checked.
(e) Volume of investigation. The concept of volume
of investigation does not apply to the televiewer in a strict
sense because, with the typical high-frequency transducer,
most of the signal is received from the wall of the bore-
hole. Even if the frequency is reduced to half the usual
value, rock penetration is small. However, acoustic-
televiewer probes have mechanical and electronic limits to
the diameter of the well that can be logged. The oper-
ating range of borehole diameter for most tools is from 76
to 400 mm (3 to 16 in.).
(f) Interpretation. An acoustic televiewer provides a
record of the location, character, and orientation of any
features in the casing or borehole wall that alter the
reflectivity of the acoustic signal. These include diameter
and shape of the drill hole, wall roughness that may be
caused by drilling procedures or lithology, differences in
rock hardness, and structural features like bedding, frac-
tures, and solution openings. The smallest feature that
can be resolved on an ATV log depends on a number of
factors; among them are hole diameter and wall rough-
ness. Under the right conditions, features as small as
1 mm, or possibly even smaller, can be identified. Fig-
ure 7-31 is a comparison of fractures detected by borehole
television, detailed core description, and by the acoustic
televiewer at a reactor site in Canada (Davison, Keys, and
Paillet 1982). The first two are diagrammatic
reconstructions of the fractures, and the ATV log is a
copy of the field log. The ATV shows all of the open
fractures that are likely to be capable of transmitting
water. Borehole television or video missed some of these
fractures and some of the fractures shown as dashed on
the core log are actually only visible with a hand lens.
Paillet (1994) discusses the televiewer and other tech-
niques used to characterize flow in fractured rocks.
(g) Applications. A televiewer log of a fracture-
producing zone in a geothermal well at Roosevelt Hot
Springs, Utah, is shown in Figure 7-32. Acoustic- and
mechanical-caliper logs of this zone are shown in Fig-
ure 7-33. These logs were made at temperatures as high
as 260C (Keys 1979). The fracture-producing interval
shown in Figure 7-32 is approximately 1.2 m thick; it
apparently is the result of alteration and solution, along a
series of subparallel fractures, seen as black sinusoids in
the figure. The fracture at the top of the interval appears
to be about 150 mm (6 in.) wide, based on the log; it is
probably much less. Fractures tend to be broken out
during drilling, and the broken edges further increase the
apparent thickness on the log by refracting the acoustic
signal. This is particularly evident at the top and bottom
of the sinusoid on steeply dipping fractures, as illustrated
in Figure 7-30. The open fracture in the fracture-
producing zone is paralleled by one relatively tight frac-
ture above, and probably six fractures below, which
produced a brecciated, and probably altered, permeable
zone. The effect of drilling technique and lithology on the
interpretation of fracture character from ATV logs is
discussed by Paillet, Keys, and Hess (1985). Log quality
generally is not as good where the wall of the hole is
rough, or where rocks are soft.
(h) Strike and dip. To calculate the strike and dip of
fractures or bedding, the following information is needed:
the vertical intercept distance on the ATV log H as shown
in Figure 7-30; the direction of dip from the ATV log;
and, the hole diameter D from a caliper log. The same
measuring units must be used for H and D. The angle of
dip, in degrees, is equal to the arc tangent of H/D. If the
average H for the fractures in Figure 7-30 is 12 in. and
the hole diameter is 6 in., the dip would be 63 deg; if the
hole diameter is 12 in., the dip would be 45 deg. Direc-
tion of dip usually can be measured to the nearest 5 deg,
using a 360-deg scale constructed to fit the width of the
ATV log. The average direction of dip of the fractures in
Figure 7-32 is slightly south of west.
(i) Orientation of stress field. Orientation of the
stress field may be determined from an analysis of ATV
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 7-31. Diagram showing comparison of reconstructed fracture data from borehole television, and a detailed
core log, with a copy of an acoustic televiewer log
logs made in wells where fractures have been induced
hydraulically, either intentionally or accidentally, by drill-
ing (Wolff et al. 1974, Keys et al. 1979). Hydraulic
fractures are oriented perpendicular to the direction of
least principal stress. Hydraulic fractures accidently
induced during drilling may provide permeable pathways
for waste migration at environmental sites. Breakouts are
increases in borehole diameter oriented at right angles to
the maximum, principal, horizontal stress. They are
easily recognized on ATV logs and have been discussed
in detail by Paillet and Kim (1985). Breakouts appear as
two vertical dark bands with irregular margins located
approximately 180 deg apart on the log.
(j) Additional applications. The acoustic televiewer
can also be used to examine casing for holes and to locate
joints in pipe and well screens; borehole television might
be better for these purposes if the water is clear and the
walls are clean. Above the water level, television needs
to be used because the ATV will not operate.
(k) Extraneous effects. Interpretation of televiewer
logs is complicated by a number of extraneous effects.
Most significant are poor centralization, incorrect gain
settings, errors from borehole deviation, and aberrations in
the magnetic field. Significant deviation from vertical is
common in deep drill holes, which introduces several
errors on ATV logs. In addition to the obvious error in
the measured vertical depth, corrections must be made to
dip and strike calculated from ATV logs in deviated
holes. Boreholes are not usually round, and this produces
vertical black bands on ATV logs. Poor tool centraliza-
tion in deviated wells produces similar features on the
logs. Choosing the proper gain setting for the tool is a
matter of operator experience and is quite important in
producing high quality logs.
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Figure 7-32. Acoustic-televiewer log of fracture-pro-
ducing zone A in a geothermal well, Roosevelt Hot
Springs, Utah
Figure 7-33. Mechanical- and acoustic-caliper logs of
fracture-producing zone A in a geothermal well, Roose-
velt Hot Springs, Utah
(18) Caliper logging.
(a) Principles. Caliper logs provide a continuous
record of borehole diameter and are used widely for
groundwater applications. Changes in borehole diameter
may be related to both drilling technique and lithology.
Caliper logs are essential to guide the interpretation of
other logs, because most of them are affected by changes
in well diameter. They also are useful in providing infor-
mation on well construction, lithology, and secondary
porosity, such as fractures and solution openings. Many
different types of caliper probes are described in detail by
Hilchie (1968). The most common type of probe used for
logging water wells has three arms approximately the
diameter of a pencil, spaced 120 deg apart. Arms of
different lengths can be attached to this type of tool to
optimize sensitivity over the hole-diameter range
expected. Mechanical caliper probes have been used that
will measure to a maximum hole diameter of 1 m
(42 in.). The typical water-well caliper employs arms that
are connected to move a linear potentiometer; so changes
in resistance, transmitted to the surface as voltage
changes, are proportional to average hole diameter.
Single-arm calipers commonly are used to provide a
record of hole diameter while running another type of log.
The single arm also may be used to decentralize a probe,
such as a side-collimated gamma-gamma tool, but logs
made with this type of probe are usually not high resolu-
tion. High-resolution caliper-logging devices usually
employ three or four independent arms, and they are
compass oriented in some tools. The difference in resolu-
tion between logs made with a four-arm device and the
more common types is shown in Figure 7-34. The high-
resolution logs on the left were made with four indepen-
dent arms. The three-arm averaging tool is typical of that
used in engineering and environmental applications, and
the single arm log on the right was recorded during the
running of a compensated gamma-gamma log. The
apparent erratic response on the four- arm caliper logs in
part of the well is repeatable and is caused by solution
openings in the carbonate rock. Digital sample interval
should be close spaced, such as 0.03 m (0.1 ft), if high-
resolution logs are desired. Acoustic calipers may use the
time-of-travel data from an acoustic televiewer to provide
compass-oriented, high-resolution traces.
(b) Calibration. Calibration of calipers is carried out
most accurately in cylinders of different diameters. Large
cylinders occupy a considerable amount of room in a
logging truck, so it is common practice to use a metal
plate for onsite standardization of three-arm averaging or
single-arm probes. The plate is drilled and marked every
inch or two and machined to fit over the body of the
probe and accept one caliper arm in the holes. Because
values obtained with a calibration plate are not as accurate
as those obtained with a cylinder, usually log scale is
checked using casing of known diameter in the well.
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 7-34. Caliper logs from probes having four
independent arms, three averaging arms, and a single
arm, Madison limestone test well No. 1, Wyoming
(c) Interpretation. A valid caliper log is essential to
guide the interpretation of the many different types of
logs that are affected by changes in hole diameter, even
those that are labeled borehole compensated. Differences
in hole diameter are related to drilling technique and
lithology and structure of the rocks penetrated. The shal-
lower part of a hole is usually larger diameter than the
deeper part, because it has been exposed to more drilling
activities. Couplings, welds, and screens may be located
on a high-resolution caliper log.
(d) Applications. Caliper logs have been used to
correlate major producing aquifers in the Snake River
Plain in Idaho (Jones 1961). Vesicular and scoriaceous
tops of basalt flows, cinder beds, and caving sediments
were identified with three-arm caliper logs. In the Snake
River, basalt caliper logs also were used to locate the
optimum depth for cementing monitoring wells and to
estimate the volume of cement that might be required to
achieve fill of the annulus to a preselected depth (Keys
1963). Similarly, a caliper log can be used to calculate
the volume of gravel pack needed and to determine the
size of casing that can be set to a selected depth. Caliper
logs are particularly useful for selecting the depths for
inflating packers. Packers can be set only over a narrow
specified range of hole diameters and may be damaged if
they are set in rough or irregular parts of a well. Packers
set under these conditions may explode; if they are set on
a fracture, they may implode or be bypassed by flow.
Caliper logs are useful for determining what other logs
can be run and what range of diameters will be accepted
by centralizers or decentralizers. Hole-diameter informa-
tion is essential for the calculation of volumetric rate from
many types of flowmeter logs. Because of the usefulness
of a caliper log to the interpretation of other logs, it needs
to be run before casing is installed in a hole that is in
danger of caving. When hole conditions are questionable,
the first log run is usually the single-point resistance log,
because it will provide some lithologic information; if it is
lost, the tool is relatively inexpensive to replace. If no
serious caving problems are detected during the single-
point log, a caliper log needs to be run before casing is
installed so it can be used to aid the analysis of nuclear
logs made through the casing. Very rough intervals of a
drill hole, with changes in hole diameter of several inches,
cannot be corrected based on caliper logs, and they need
to be eliminated from quantitative analysis.
(e) Lithology and secondary porosity. Caliper logs
can provide information on lithology and secondary
porosity. Hard rocks like limestone will show on the log
as a smaller diameter than adjacent shales. Shales may
produce an irregular caliper trace, caused by thin bedding.
See Figure 7-8 for an example of this response. Second-
ary porosity, such as fractures and solution openings, may
be obvious on a caliper log, although the character will
not be uniquely defined as it would be on an acoustic-
televiewer log. Four traces from an acoustic-caliper log
and a mechanical-caliper log for a fracture-producing zone
in a geothermal well at Roosevelt Hot Springs, Utah, are
included in Figure 7-33. The oriented traces of the acous-
tic caliper clearly show the apparent openness of the
fractures and the direction of dip of the larger fracture at
the top of the zone. These traces also demonstrate that
the drill hole is not symmetrical or round, which is a
typical condition. Open fractures are detected readily by
three-arm averaging calipers but the true character of the
fractures may not be correctly interpreted from a caliper
log. If an open fracture is dipping at a sufficient angle so
that the three arms enter the opening at different depths,
EM 1110-1-1802
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the separate anomalies produced will indicate three frac-
tures rather than one.
(19) Fluid logging. Fluid logging includes those
techniques that measure characteristics of the fluid column
in the well; no direct signal is derived from the surround-
ing rocks and their contained fluids. The fluid logs that
are described here are temperature, electrical conductivity,
and flow. Fluid logs are unique in that the recorded
characteristics of the fluid column may change rapidly
with time and may be altered by the logging process.
(20) Temperature logging.
(a) Principles. Temperature probes used in ground-
water and environmental studies employ a glass-bead
thermistor, solid-state IC device or platinum sensor
mounted in a tube that is open at both ends to protect it
from damage and to channel water flow past the sensor.
The sensor may be enclosed in a protective cover, but it
must be made of materials with a high thermal conductiv-
ity and small mass to permit fast response time. Therm-
istor probes used by the U.S. Geological Survey have an
accuracy, repeatability, and sensitivity on the order of
0.02C. They also are very stable over long periods of
time, but they have the disadvantage of a nonlinear tem-
perature response. For high-temperature logging in geo-
thermal wells, platinum sensors may be used that have an
accurate, stable, and linear response. Two general types
of temperature logs are in common use: the standard log
is a record of temperature versus depth; and the
differential-temperature log is a record of the rate of
change in temperature versus depth. The differential-
temperature log can afford greater sensitivity in locating
changes in gradient. The differential-temperature log can
be considered to be the first derivative of the temperature;
it can be obtained with a probe with two sensors located
from 0.3 to 1.0 m apart or by computer calculation from a
temperature log. A differential log has no scale and log
deflections indicate changes from a reference gradient.
(b) Calibration. Calibration of temperature probes
needs to be carried out in a constant temperature bath,
using highly accurate mercury thermometers. The bath
and probe need to reach equilibrium before a calibration
value is established. Onsite standardization cannot be
carried out with great accuracy because no portable sub-
stitute exists for a constant-temperature bath. The only
temperature that can be achieved and maintained for suffi-
cient time to permit a valid calibration is 0C, in an ice
(c) Interpretation. Temperature logs can provide
very useful information on the movement of water
through a well, including the location of depth intervals
that produce or accept water; thus, they provide informa-
tion related to permeability. Temperature logs can be
used to trace the movement of injected water or waste and
to locate cement behind casing. Although the temperature
sensor only responds to water or air in the immediate
vicinity, recorded temperatures may indicate the tempera-
tures of adjacent rocks and their contained fluids if no
flow exists in the well.
(d) Applications. Temperature logs can aid in the
solution of a number of groundwater problems if they are
properly run under suitable conditions and if interpretation
is not oversimplified. If there is no flow in, or adjacent
to, a well, the temperature gradually will increase with
depth, as a function of the geothermal gradient. Typical
geothermal gradients range between 0.47 and 0.6C per
30 m of depth; they are related to the thermal conductiv-
ity or resistivity of the rocks adjacent to the borehole and
the heat flow from below. The geothermal gradient may
be steeper in rocks with low intrinsic permeability than in
rocks with high intrinsic permeability.
(e) Thermal gradient. The sensor in a temperature
probe only responds to the fluid in its immediate vicinity.
Therefore, in a flowing interval, measured temperature
may be different from the temperature in adjacent rocks.
Under these conditions, a thermal gradient will exist from
the well outward. Only in a well where no flow has
occurred for sufficient time to permit thermal equilibrium
to be established, does a temperature log reflect the geo-
thermal gradient in the rocks. If vertical flow occurs in a
well at a high rate, the temperature log through that inter-
val will show little change. Vertical flow, up or down, is
very common in wells that are completed through several
aquifers or fractures that have different hydraulic head,
although the flow rate is seldom high enough to produce
an isothermal log. Movement of a logging probe disturbs
the thermal profile in the fluid column. Unless rapid flow
is occurring, each temperature log will be different.
High-logging speed and large-diameter probes will cause
the greatest disturbance. The most accurate temperature
log is made before any other log, and it is recorded while
moving slowly down the hole. Convection is a major
problem in the interpretation of temperature logs, particu-
larly in large-diameter wells and in areas of high-thermal
gradient. Convective cells in large-diameter wells can
cause major temperature anomalies unrelated to ground-
water movement (Krige 1939).
EM 1110-1-1802
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(f) Example. Identification of fractures producing
groundwater from Triassic sedimentary rocks is illustrated
in Figure 7-35. The temperature log on the left shows
several changes in gradient that are clearly defined by the
computer-derived differential-temperature log. The cali-
per log suggests that water production may come from
fractures; this interpretation is substantiated by the
acoustic-televiewer logs, on the right.
(g) Additional applications. Temperature logs can be
used to trace the movement of injected water (Keys and
Brown 1978). A sampling of several hundred temperature
logs run during a 7-day recharge test in the high plains of
Texas is shown in Figure 7-36. Water from a playa lake
was injected into an irrigation well, and logging was used
to determine the movement of the recharge water and the
extent of plugging of the Ogallala aquifer. Several moni-
toring holes were drilled and completed with 2-in. steel
pipe, capped on the bottom and filled with water. The
logs in Figure 7-36 were of a monitoring hole located
12 m from the injection well. Most of the time, the water
in the playa lake was warmer than the groundwater, and
the lake temperature fluctuated several degrees each day.
The passing of a cold front caused a marked decrease in
temperature of the lake water. The first warm water was
detected in the monitoring hole less than 4 hr after
recharge started. The temperature logs indicated that the
interval of highest permeability was located at a depth of
approximately 50 m (160 ft). Water did not arrive at a
depth of 55 m (180 ft) until the third day. Diurnal tem-
perature fluctuations and buildup of a recharge cone can
be observed in Figure 7-36. Data plotted in Figure 7-37
were calculated from temperature logs of the same bore-
hole; however, logs from other holes gave similar results.
The solid line in the upper half of Figure 7-37 shows the
diurnal-temperature fluctuations of the recharge water
obtained from a continuous recorder on the recharge line.
The other three lines represent fluctuations at three depths
in the monitoring well, as obtained from temperature logs.
The points shown by symbols represent the calculated
center of the thermal waves. Travel times of the centers
of the waves did not decrease during the life of the test,
except possibly at the end. Test results show that the
aquifer was not plugged by recharging water with a high
content of suspended solids and entrained air, and the well
yield was greatly increased. Temperature logs can be
used to trace the movement of water that has been
injected from a tank that has been allowed to heat in the
sun. In a similar fashion, temperature logs can be used to
locate plumes of wastewater that result from injection in
Figure 7-35. Temperature, differential-temperature, caliper, and acoustic-televiewer logs of Sears test well No. 1,
near Raleigh, NC
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 7-36. Selected temperature logs of a monitoring hole 39 ft from a recharge well, high plains of Texas
Figure 7-37. Diurnal-temperature cycles and travel
times, based on temperature logs of a monitoring hole
39 ft from a recharge well
wells or seepage from ponds, if the wastewater tempera-
ture is sufficiently different from the groundwater. Tem-
perature logs also can be used to determine the location of
cement grout outside of casing. The casing is filled with
water, and the log usually is run within 24 hr of grout
injection; however, anomalous temperatures may persist
for several days.
(21) Conductivity logging.
(a) Principles. Logs of fluid electrical conductivity,
which is the reciprocal of fluid resistivity, provide data
related to the concentration of dissolved solids in the fluid
column. Although the fluid column may not reflect the
quality of adjacent interstitial fluids, the information can
be useful when combined with other logs. Fluid-
conductivity or resistivity logs are records of the capacity
of the borehole fluid that enters the probe to transmit
electrical current. The probe should not be affected by
changes in the conductivity of adjacent fluids or solid
materials because it is constructed with the electrodes
inside a housing. Ring electrodes are installed on the
inside of a steel tube that is open at both ends, so water
will flow through as the probe moves down the well. The
electrodes are usually gold or silver to reduce changes in
contact resistance caused by chemical reactions, and they
are insulated from the steel housing. Conductivity is
recorded in mho/cm or S/cm, which is equal to 10,000
divided by the resistivity in m. Both units are used for
fluid logging, and they can be converted to standard tem-
perature by use of Figure 7-11 or a similar chart. Spe-
cific conductance is measured at the standard temperature
of 25C. Calibration usually is done empirically in solu-
tions of known sodium chloride concentration, because
most charts are based on this salt, and conversion factors
are available to correct for the presence of other ions.
The salinity of the calibration solution may be calculated
by adding a known amount of salt to distilled water and
converting to conductivity, or by measuring with an accu-
rate laboratory conductivity meter. Temperature of the
calibration solution is recorded while the measurement is
being made, and it needs to be uniform and stable.
Onsite standardization may be carried out using several
fluids of known concentration in plastic bottles suffi-
ciently large to allow submersion of all electrodes in the
probe. A laboratory conductivity cell or a less accurate
mud resistivity kit also can be used. Disturbance of the
fluid column in the borehole can make fluid-conductivity
logs difficult to interpret. Disturbance of an equilibrium-
salinity profile can be caused by the movement of logging
EM 1110-1-1802
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probes or by convective flow cells. Because of the possi-
bility of disturbance by logging, the most accurate fluid-
conductivity log is made on the first trip down the well.
This recommendation also pertains to temperature logs, so
an ideal probe is capable of making simultaneous
fluid-conductivity and temperature logs.
(b) Interpretation. The interpretation of fluid-
conductivity logs is complicated by the flow regime in a
well. Unless the flow system is understood, analysis of
the conductivity profile is subject to considerable error.
Information on the construction of the well, flowmeter
logs, and temperature logs are useful in the interpretation
of conductivity logs. When both fluid conductivity and
temperature are known, the sodium chloride concentration
can be determined from Figure 7-11. Water samples must
be analyzed to determine the concentrations of the various
ions so corrections can be made.
(c) Applications. Regional patterns of groundwater
flow and recharge areas may be recognized from fluid-
conductivity logs of the wells in an area. Fluid-
conductivity data can be used to map and monitor areas
of saltwater encroachment. Similarly, the logs can be
used to monitor plumes of contaminated groundwater
from waste-disposal operations. Commonly, chemical
waste or leachate from solid-waste-disposal operations
produces groundwater with a higher than normal conduc-
tivity. Conductivity logs provide the basis for selecting
depths from which to collect water samples for chemical
analyses. Fluid-conductivity logging equipment can be
used to trace the movement of groundwater by injecting
saline water or deionized water as a tracer. Small
amounts of saline water may be injected at selected
depths, and conductivity logs may be used to measure
vertical flow in a single well, or larger amounts may be
detected in nearby wells. Another important use for
fluid-conductivity logs is to aid in the interpretation of
electric logs. Spontaneous potential, single-point resis-
tance, and many types of multi-electrode-resistivity logs
are affected by the salinity of the fluid in the well.
(22) Flow logging.
(a) Principles. The measurement of flow within and
between wells is one of the most useful well-logging
methods available to interpret the movement of ground-
water and contaminants. Flow measurement with logging
probes includes mechanical methods, such as impellers,
chemical and radioactive tracer methods, and thermal
methods (Crowder, Paillet, and Hess 1994). Their pri-
mary application is to measure vertical flow within a
single well, but lateral flow through a single well or flow
between wells also may be recorded by borehole-
geophysical methods.
(b) Impeller flowmeter. The most common logging
probe used at the present time for measuring vertical fluid
movement in water wells is the impeller flowmeter, which
is a relatively inexpensive and reliable instrument. Most
impeller flowmeters incorporate a lightweight three- or
four-bladed impeller that rotates a magnet mounted on the
same shaft. The magnet actuates a sealed microswitch, so
that one or more pulses are impressed on low-voltage
direct current that is connected across the switch. The
impeller is protected from damage by a basket or housing,
and the probe is centralized with bow springs, or similar
devices, for best results. Baskets and impellers of differ-
ent diameters are available and are easily changed, so the
maximum size for a well can be used to increase sensitiv-
ity. Continuous logs of flow rate may be made at a con-
stant logging speed and supplemented by more accurate
stationary measurements at selected depths. The main
shortcoming of impeller-type flowmeters is the lack of
sensitivity to low-velocity flow. The most commonly
used impeller flowmeters usually stall at vertical velocities
of 1.2 to 1.5 m/min (4 to 5 ft/min), although it is possible
to measure velocities as low as one half those velocities
under some conditions. The addition of a packer or other
flange-like device to divert most of the flow through the
basket will improve sensitivity to low velocity, particu-
larly in large-diameter wells.
(c) Tracer techniques. Tracer methods have been
used in groundwater for many years, but only those that
employ logging equipment are described here. Tracer
techniques are useful at much lower velocities than impel-
ler flowmeters; rates of about 1 m/day may be detected.
The most commonly employed methods use a probe to
follow the vertical movement of a chemical or radioactive
tracer injected at selected depths in a well. An extension
of this method may permit the detection of arrival of the
tracer by logging adjacent wells. Radioactive tracers can
be detected at lower concentrations than chemical tracers;
most of them can be detected through casing. The diffi-
culties in obtaining the permits necessary for using radio-
active tracers has restricted their application. Temperature
and fluid conductivity logs can also be used to measure
flow rates between wells.
(d) Heat-pulse flowmeters. A heat-pulse flowmeter
originally was developed in England (Dudgeon, Green,
and Smedmor 1975). Its design was modified extens-
ively, and a new probe was built by A. E. Hess of the
U.S. Geological Survey (Hess 1982). The modified ver-
sion works reliably and has been used in wells to measure
EM 1110-1-1802
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very low velocities, as described in paragraph 7-1j(22)(g)
Interpretation and Applications. The logging system is
shown schematically in Figure 7-38, modified from Hess
(1982). The wire heat grid, located between two thermis-
tors, is heated by a 1-ms pulse of electric current which is
triggered from the surface. The heated sheet of water
moves toward one of the thermistors under the influence
of the vertical component of flow in the well. The arrival
of the heat pulse is plotted on a chart recorder running on
time drive, as illustrated in Figure 7-39. A deflection of
the recorder trace to the right indicates upward flow, and
to the left, downward flow. The system is calibrated in
flow columns of various sizes for flow in each direction,
because the tendency for heated water to rise and the
asymmetry of the probe produce slightly different calibra-
tion curves in the two directions. The USGS heat-pulse
flowmeter can be used to measure vertical-water velocities
from 30 mm/min or less to 12 m/min or greater (0.1 to
40 ft/min), and it has advantages over both impeller flow-
meters and tracer logging. An inflatable packer or flexi-
ble diverter can be attached to a flowmeter to force all
flow through the probe and, thus, improve the perfor-
mance of the heat-pulse flowmeter. A similar heat pulse
flowmeter is now available commercially. A number of
techniques have been tried for measuring horizontal flow
in wells without much success or wide use. The tech-
nique may not provide an accurate estimate of average
direction and velocity of flow in the aquifer, because of
the perturbations in the flow system caused by the well.
A heat-pulse logging system has been developed for
measuring horizontal flow (Kerfoot 1982); it employs a
series of paired thermistors located circumferentially
Figure 7-38. Equipment for making heat-pulse flow-
meter logs (Hess 1982)
Figure 7-39. Analog record of a heat pulse from a ther-
mal flowmeter (Hess 1982)
around a heat emitter, and it is based on thermal transmis-
sion through an enclosing porous matrix of glass beads.
(e) Calibration. Calibration of flow-measuring
probes is done best in laboratory facilities designed for
this purpose. Subsequent calibration checks and standard-
ization may be carried out in a well under the proper
conditions. The U.S. Geological Survey has designed and
built a facility that is used for calibrating their flow-
measuring probes (Hess 1982). The test facility consists
of clear plastic columns with inside diameters of 2, 4,
and 6 in. connected to a pump that can circulate water in
either direction, at velocities from 21 mm to 15 m/min
(0.07 to 50 ft/min), depending on column size. Onsite
standardization or calibration can be performed by moving
the flowmeter up or down a cased portion of a well at
carefully controlled logging speeds. Calibration by this
method is only valid at the casing diameter logged. An
example of this type of calibration is shown in Fig-
ure 7-40, where the pulses per unit time are plotted
against the logging speed. The two lines with different
slopes represent opposite directions of impeller rotation.
The range of tool speeds near this intersection represents
the stall zone where the velocity is too low to turn the
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 7-40. Calibration data for an impeller flowmeter,
developed by moving the probe in a well
impeller. Theoretically, this intersection represents the
velocity at which water was flowing up the well.
(f) Hydrophysical logging. Fluid replacement and
fluid-column conductivity logging, known by the trade
name Hydrophysical logging (Pedler et al. 1990; Pedler,
Head, and Williams 1992; Tsang, Hufschmied, and Hale
1990) involves fluid column conductivity logging over
time after the fluid column has been diluted or replaced
with environmentally safe deionized water. Hydrophys-
ical logging results are independent of borehole diameter
and the method does not require a flow concentrating
diverter or packer. The logging probe involves relatively
simple and readily available technology and has a small
diameter allowing it to be run through an access pipe
below a pump. Hydrophysical logging is used to deter-
mine flow magnitude and direction during pumping and
under ambient conditions, and to identify hydraulically
conductive intervals to within one wellbore diameter.
Figure 7-41 is a schematic drawing of the equipment used
to replace the borehole fluid with deionized water and to
subsequently run a series of fluid conductivity logs to
record the inflow of formation fluids.
(g) Interpretation and applications. Interpretation of
flowmeter logs is simple if the probe has been properly
calibrated and if all the essential information on hole
diameter and construction is available. Vertical flow is
common in most wells that are open to more than one
aquifer and flow can be induced by pumping or injecting
water. The heat-pulse flowmeter developed by Hess
(1982) was used first in the field to identify fractures
producing and accepting water in granitic rocks (Keys
1984). A caliper log and data from the heat-pulse flow-
meter are shown in Figure 7-42. Data from the heat-pulse
Figure 7-41. Schematic drawing of equipment used for
hydrophysical logging after injection of deionized
water; and time series of fluid conductivity logs
(Vernon et al. 1993; copyright permission granted by
Colog, Inc.)
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 7-42. Single-arm caliper log on the right and
data from heat pulse flowmeter showing zones of water
entry and exit
flowmeter were quite reproducible over a period of
2 weeks, even though pumping and injection tests being
conducted in a well approximately 300 m from the logged
well caused short-term changes. The flowmeter logs and
acoustic-televiewer logs at this site enabled the
characterization of permeable fractures. In Figure 7-42,
the upper fracture zone, at a depth of approximately
300 ft (90 m), and the lower zone, at a depth of approxi-
mately 940 ft (290 m), both contain thin, discrete
fractures that are transmitting much of the water, rather
than thicker, complex fractures within each zone. Note
that slightly less than half of the flow from the upper
zone originates in the fracture at a depth of 308 ft (94 m),
although that fracture appears to be the widest on the
caliper log. Similarly, the fracture that appears to be the
largest in the lower zone is accepting only a small per-
centage of the flow. Acoustic televiewer logs indicated
that the same two fracture zones were intersected in other
wells in the area and appear to constitute major aquifers.
Paillet, Crowder, and Hess (1994) present a detailed
description of how the heat pulse flowmeter, in combina-
tion with acoustic televiewer logs, can be used to charac-
terize the hydraulic properties of fracture systems that
intersect multiple drill holes.
(h) Finite difference modeling software. A critical
element in the application of hydrophysical logging com-
pared to established conductive tracer technology is the
development of finite difference modeling software
routines to simulate the data obtained in the field. This
software also permits the calculation of permeability. The
method can also be expanded to measure other properties
such as water temperature and pH, in order to determine
the properties of the formation water entering the bore-
hole. Therefore, fluid replacement logging can indicate the
quality and physical properties of water entering the bore-
hole along with the magnitude and direction of flow. In
theory, there are no upper or lower limits to the magni-
tude of flow that can be detected. Published field studies
demonstrate that the technique has achieved better low-
flow resolution than that reported with other flow mea-
surement techniques (Vernon et al. 1993).
(23) Well-completion logging. Logging to determine
the construction of a well is useful for the planning of
cementing operations, installation of casing and screens,
hydraulic testing, and guiding the interpretation of other
logs. Most of the logs described in other sections of this
manual can provide information on well construction
under some conditions. They will be listed briefly here
so the reader can refer to the detailed descriptions of these
logs in the appropriate sections of this manual.
(24) Casing logging.
(a) A number of different types of logs can be used
to locate cased intervals in wells. Most electric logs will
show a sharp deflection at the bottom of a string of steel
casing. Resistivity-logging systems that are operating
properly will record zero resistivity when all the
electrodes are in the casing. Gamma-gamma logs com-
monly demonstrate a sharp deflection at the bottom of the
EM 1110-1-1802
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casing and may shift at depths where a second string of
casing is located outside the first; however, such shifts
may be difficult to distinguish from changes in hole diam-
eter. High-resolution caliper logs are excellent for locat-
ing the bottom of the inside string of casing and for locat-
ing threaded couplings. If small arms are used, they also
may provide data on casing corrosion and the location of
screens and perforations. Care must be taken to assure
that the arms do not get caught in screens or perforations.
(b) The acoustic televiewer is one of the highest
resolution devices for obtaining information on casing and
screens, but it may be too expensive for some operations.
The televiewer must be operated on the mark switch in
steel casing, rather than magnetometer, to avoid distortion
of the log caused by random triggering. Televiewer logs
can provide clear images and accurate locations of
screens, perforations, couplings, and damaged casing.
Features as small as 1 mm can be resolved under the right
conditions. Borehole television can provide some of the
same data, but a hard copy of the log is not available for
examination at any time. The water in the well also must
be clear to allow light transmission.
(c) The casing-collar locator (CCL) is a useful and
relatively inexpensive device that can be operated on any
logging equipment. The simplest CCL probe contains a
permanent magnet wrapped with a coil of wire. Changes
in the magnetic properties of material cutting the magnetic
lines of flux cause a small DC current to flow, which can
be used to drive a recorder channel. The standard mode
of operation is to record event marks along the margin of
other logs to represent the location of collars in the cas-
ing. The event marker is adjusted so that it is triggered
when the DC voltage exceeds a certain level. A
continuous-collar log can be interpreted in terms of the
location of perforations and screens. Corroded casing
sometimes can be located by a high-resolution caliper log;
spontaneous-potential logs have been used to locate depth
intervals where active corrosion is taking place (Kendall
1965). Commercial-logging services are available for
detecting corroded casing. An electromagnetic casing-
inspection log measures changes in the mass of metal
between two coils; loss of mass may be due to corrosion
(Edwards and Stroud 1964). A pipe-analysis survey is
run with a centralized probe that employs several coils
(Bradshaw 1976). This survey is reported to provide
information on the thickness of casing penetrated by cor-
rosion, whether the damage is internal or external, and
isolated or circumferential. The electromagnetic-thickness
survey measures the average casing thickness over an
interval of about 0.6 m and can be used to monitor
changes in thickness with time. Casing-inspection logging
methods are summarized by Nielsen and Aller (1984).
(25) Logging annular materials.
(a) The location of cement, bentonite, and gravel
pack in the annular space outside of casing can be accom-
plished with several logs, but the interpretation may be
ambiguous. A caliper log made before the casing is
installed is important to planning cementing or installation
of gravel pack. Caliper logs also are useful in interpret-
ing logs run for the purpose of locating annular material,
because they indicate the thickness that would be present.
(b) Temperature logs can be used to locate cement
grout while it is still warm from setup reactions.
Cement-bond logs can be used to locate cement after it
has cured, and they may provide information on the
quality of the bond between casing and cement and
between cement and rock. Uncompensated, short-spaced
gamma-gamma logs can indicate the location of cured
cement or gravel pack, if a gamma-gamma log was run
after installing the casing and prior to filling the annular
space; the difference between the two logs may show the
filled interval clearly. The pre-cementing gamma-gamma
log may resemble the reversed caliper log made prior to
installation of the casing. The location of bentonite often
is indicated by an increase in radioactivity on gamma
logs; however, all bentonite is not more radioactive than
the various background materials that might be present.
(c) Acoustic cement bond logging was developed for
annular cement evaluation in oil and gas production wells
(Bateman 1985). The interpretation of cement bond logs
involves the analysis of the amplitude of the compression
wave arrival, and the full wave form display. Where
pipe, cement, and formation are well bonded, the full
wave form display indicates that the acoustic energy from
the logging probe is being transmitted to the formation (a
formation response is evident). Furthermore, for the case
of continuous cement in the annular space with no voids
or channels, the compression wave amplitude is a mini-
mum, increasing where the cement is discontinuous.
(d) A quantitative method employing gamma-gamma
density logs calibrated for backfill materials is shown in
Figure 7-43 (Yearsley, Crowder, and Irons 1991). Below
the water surface the saturated sand pack is indicated by a
far detector measurement of 1.9 g/cc, and a near detector
measurement of 1.7 g/cc, values that were confirmed by
physical modeling. The difference in densities between
the near and far detectors is due to the greater effect of
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 7-43. Dual-spaced and 4 density logs in a cased monitoring well showing completion as interpreted from
the logs (Yearsley, Crowder, and Irons 1991; copyright permission granted by Colog, Inc.)
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the low-density PVC on the near detector. The bentonite
slurry seal is less dense than the sand pack, and is readily
recognized on the geophysical log, but appears to be 12 ft
(3-2/3 m) thick rather than the 5 ft (1-1/2 m) specified on
the completion schedule. The water surface is identified
by an increase in the 4 count rate above a depth of
130 ft (40 m). Also note at the water surface the low
densities registered by the near and far detectors and high
count rate anomaly on the 4 log, which indicate a wash-
out at that depth. The cement/bentonite grout below the
water surface may be indicated by far detector densities
greater than 2.0 g/cc, and near detector densities of
approximately 1.8 g/cc. The distinct density contrasts
above the water surface in Figure 7-43 result from the
density differences among grout, unsaturated alluvium,
and air voids. Air voids behind pipe on this log are iden-
tified by densities of approximately 1.0 g/cc for both the
near and far detectors. Grout above the groundwater
surface is interpreted for far detector densities ranging
between 1.6 and 2.0 g/cc. The range in density is due
primarily to variations in grout thickness. Unsaturated
alluvium is indicated by far detector densities between 1.4
and 1.6 g/cc. On the left of Figure 7-43 is a 4 grout
line, which indicates the expected 4 count rate in a
4-in. PVC air-filled pipe with 6:2 cement:bentonite grout
behind the pipe.
(26) Borehole-deviation logging.
(a) Deviation of drill holes and wells from the verti-
cal is common; it affects proper completion of the well
for its intended use, and it may prevent testing and log-
ging. Casing and pumps may be impossible to install in a
well that is highly deviated, and centralized logging
probes may not function properly in such a well. The
deviation seldom is consistent, so that both the angle from
the vertical and direction may change rapidly along the
borehole. Even auger holes less than 30 m deep have
deviated enough that transmittance logs between the holes
are adversely affected. Information on borehole deviation
is needed to calculate the true vertical depth to features of
interest and to correct the strike and dip of fractures or
bedding obtained from such logs as the acoustic
(b) Continuous logs of hole deviation usually are run
by companies that specialize in this technique. Hole-
deviation data usually are not recorded by standard log-
ging equipment, except modern dipmeters, which rarely
are included on small loggers. A dipmeter log usually
includes a continuous record in the left track of the azi-
muth (magnetic north) and the amount of deviation.
Some hole-deviation services provide a printout of
azimuth and deviation at predetermined depth intervals,
and there are several methods to mathematically describe
the path of the deviated hole from these measurements
(Craig and Randall 1976).
7-2. General Crosshole Procedures
a. Introduction. The primary purpose of obtaining
crosshole data is to obtain the most detailed in situ seis-
mic-wave velocity profile for site-specific investigations
and material characterization. Crosshole velocity data are
valuable for assessing man-made materials, soil deposits,
or rock formations.
(1) The seismic technique determines the compres-
sional (P-) and/or shear (S-) wave velocity of materials at
depths of engineering and environmental concern where
the data can be used in problems related to soil mechan-
ics, rock mechanics, foundation studies, and earthquake
engineering. Crosshole geophysical testing is generally
conducted in the near surface (upper hundred meters) for
site-specific engineering applications (Sirles and Viksne
1990). All of a materials dynamic elastic moduli can be
determined from knowledge of the in situ density, P-, and
S-wave velocity. Therefore, since procedures to deter-
mine material densities are standardized, acquiring
detailed seismic data yields the required information to
analytically assess a site. Low-strain material damping
and inelastic attenuation values can also be obtained from
crosshole surveys. However, the most robust application
of crosshole testing is the ability to define in situ shear-
wave velocity profiles for engineering investigations asso-
ciated with earthquake engineering (Mooney 1984).
(2) The objective of acquiring crosshole data can be
multipurpose; that is, the seismic velocity results obtained
may be used for evaluation of lateral and vertical material
continuity, liquefaction analyses, deformation studies, or
investigations concerning amplification or attenuation of
strong ground motion. Typically, crosshole surveys are a
geophysical tool for performing explorations during what
are considered phase two field investigations (where phase
one field investigations include surface geophysical sur-
veys, follow-up drilling, trenching, and sampling of the in
situ materials). During phase two field exploration, the
information gathered is more critical to the analytical site-
specific characterization. Although both phase one and
phase two results are important, the two independent sets
of data must be integrated into the final analysis.
(3) Crosshole techniques are most useful when phase
one site explorations indicate horizontal and particularly
vertical variability of material properties. When layers of
EM 1110-1-1802
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alternating density or stiffness are either known to exist or
are encountered during phase one field investigations, then
crosshole seismic tests are recommended to define the in
situ velocities within each layer. Acquiring crosshole
seismic data resolves hidden layer velocity anomalies
which cannot be detected with conventional surface meth-
ods, allows both final interpretation of other surface geo-
physical data (seismic or electrical), and permits both
empirical and theoretical correlation with other
geotechnical material parameters.
(4) In order to have quantitative and quality assured
results, crosshole tests performed for either engineering or
environmental problems should be conducted in accor-
dance with procedures established by the American Soci-
ety for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Crosshole
seismic test procedures are outlined in ASTM test desig-
nation D4428 M-84 (1984). The ASTM procedures pro-
vide specific guidelines for borehole preparation, data
acquisition, and data reduction/interpretation. Based on
ten years of experience, since the inception of the ASTM
standard in 1984, crosshole geophysical surveys have
become more widely used and accepted for engineering as
well as environmental applications. Coupling detailed site
information obtained from the crosshole tests with the
overall acceptance of the validity of the velocity data,
these standards use both empirical correlations for lique-
faction and specific input parameters for deformation or
ground motion analyses (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
b. Theory and equipment.
(1) Crosshole testing takes advantage of generating
and recording (seismic) body waves, both the P- and
S-waves, at selected depth intervals where the source and
receiver(s) are maintained at equal elevations for each
measurement. Figure 7-44 illustrates a general field setup
for the crosshole seismic test method. Using source-
receiver systems with preferential orientations in tandem
(i.e., axial orientations, which compliment the generated
and received wave type/signal) allows maximum effi-
ciency for measurement of in situ P- or S-wave velocity
depending on the axial orientation. Due to the different
particle motions along the seismic raypath it is crucial to
use optimal source-receiver systems in order to best
record crosshole P- or S-waves (Hoar 1982). Because
only body waves are generated in the source borehole
during crosshole tests, surface waves (ground roll) are not
generated and do not interfere with the recorded body-
wave seismic signals.
(2) Stokoe (1980) demonstrated that particle motions
generated with different seismic source types used during
crosshole testing are three-directional. Therefore, three-
component geophones with orthogonal orientations yield
optimal results when acquiring crosshole P- and/or
S-wave seismic signals. With three-component geophones
there is one vertically oriented geophone and there are
two horizontal geophones. For crosshole tests one hori-
zontal geophone remains oriented parallel to the axis
between the boreholes (radial orientation) and the other
one remains oriented perpendicular to the borehole axis
(transverse orientation). In this case, the two horizontal
axis geophones must remain oriented, radially and trans-
versely, throughout the survey. This is accomplished with
loading poles or with geophones that can be electronically
(3) P-waves are generated with a sparker or small
explosive device (one that will not damage the PVC cas-
ing) such that along the assumed straight-ray propagation
path the seismic impulse compresses and rarefies the
materials radially toward the receiver borehole(s). Experi-
ence has proven that for optimal measurement of the P-
wave signal, a hydrophone has the greatest pressure-pulse
sensitivity for compressional-wave energy. Also, hydro-
phones do not need to be clamped against the borehole
wall; however, water must be present in the receiver
borehole in order to couple the hydrophone to the casing/
(4) For either surface or crosshole seismic testing in
unconsolidated materials, P-wave velocity measurements
are greatly affected by the moisture content or percent
saturation (Allen, Richart, and Woods 1980). In crosshole
testing the seismic measurements encroach closer to the
water surface with each successive depth interval. As the
vadose zone and water surface are encountered, P-wave
velocities become dependent upon the percent saturation
and the Poissons ratio is no longer a valid representation
of the formation characteristics (e.g., Poissons ratio
increases to 0.48-0.49 in 100 percent saturated soils).
Hence, below the water surface the P-wave is commonly
termed the fluid wave, because its propagation velocity is
governed by the pore fluid(s); not the formation density.
Fluid-wave velocities in fresh water range from 1,400 to
1,700 m/s, depending upon water temperature and salt
(5) S-waves generated in crosshole testing may be
split into two wave types, each with different particle
motions; SV- and SH-waves, vertical or horizontal
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Figure 7-44. Schematic of crosshole seismic method
particle motions, respectively. Shear waves have the
unique capability of polarization, which means that
impacting the material to be tested in two directions (up
or down, left or right) yields S-wave signals which are
180 deg out of phase. A seismic source with reversible
impact directions is the key factor for quality crosshole
S-wave data acquisition and interpretation. Figure 7-45
shows a series of crosshole SV-waves with reversed
polarity (note the low amplitude of the P-wave energy
compared to the S-wave energy) received at both receiver
(6) Typically, the S-wave generated in most cross-
hole testing is the SV-wave, which is a vertically polar-
ized horizontally propagating shear wave. That is, the
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 7-45. Crosshole SV-wave paired-borehole
records at five depths
raypath is horizontal but the (shear) particle motion along
the raypath is in the vertical plane. These SV-waves are
easiest to generate because of commercially available
borehole impact hammers which have reversible impact
directions (up or down) and they are also the easiest to
record because only one vertically oriented geophone is
required in each receiver borehole. Alternatively, SH-
waves can be generated and recorded in crosshole testing.
SH-waves also propagate horizontally, but their (shear)
particle motion is in the horizontal plane (i.e., horizontally
polarized horizontally propagating S-waves). Therefore,
in order to generate and record SH-wave signals
horizontal impacts and geophones are required; also, the
orientation of the source and receiver must be parallel
while their respective orientation remains perpendicular to
the axis of the boreholes (transverse orientation).
(7) Theoretically, there is no difference in the body
wave velocity for SV- and SH-waves, which justifies use
of the uncomplicated vertical source for generation of
SV-waves, and vertically oriented geophones for signal
detection. There are studies, however, which indicate
significant velocity dependence of the SV- and SH-waves
due to anisotropic states of stress in either the horizontal
or vertical stress field (particularly in soil deposits;
Redpath et al. (1982)) or fractured rock formations (White
(8) The requirement for multiple drill holes in cross-
hole testing means that care must be taken when complet-
ing each borehole with casing and grout. ASTM
procedures call for PVC casing and a grout mix that
closely matches the formation density. Basically, bore-
hole preparation and completion procedures are the suc-
cess or failure of crosshole seismic testing. Poor coupling
between the casing and the formation yields delayed
arrival times and attenuated signal amplitudes, particularly
for (higher frequency) P-waves. Matching the formation
density with a grout mix is not too difficult, but in open
coarse-grained soils, problems arise during grout comple-
tion with losses into the formation. Even small grout
takes begin to affect the velocity measured between two
closely spaced drill holes. Several techniques to plug the
porosity of the surrounding formation are commercially
available (e.g., cotton-seed hulls, crushed walnut shells, or
increased bentonite concentration in the grout mix). It
should be recognized that increasing the ratio of
bentonite/cement within the grout mix does affect density,
but so long as the mix sets and hardens between the cas-
ing and in situ formation, quality crosshole seismic signals
will be obtained.
(9) Another critical element of crosshole testing,
which is often ignored, is the requirement for borehole
directional surveys. There are several very good direc-
tional survey tools available which yield detailed deviation
logs of each borehole used at a crosshole site. Borehole
verticality and direction (azimuth) measurements should
be performed at every depth interval that seismic data are
acquired. With the deviation logs, corrected crosshole
distances between each borehole may be computed and
used in the velocity analysis. Since seismic wave travel
times should be measured to the nearest tenth of a
millisecond, relative borehole positions should be known
to within a tenth of a foot. Assuming that the boreholes
are vertical and plumb leads to computational inaccuracies
and ultimately to data which cannot be quality assured.
(10) Recording instruments used in crosshole testing
vary considerably, but there are no standard requirements
other than exact synchronization of the source pulse and
instrument trigger for each recording. Crosshole
EM 1110-1-1802
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measurements rely considerably on the premise that the
trigger time is precisely known as well as recorded. The
recorded trigger signal from zero-time geophones or
accelerometers mounted on the downhole impact hammer
allows accurate timing for the first arrival at each drill
hole. This becomes uniquely critical when only two drill
holes are used (i.e., source and one receiver) because
there is no capability of using interval travel times; in this
case, the velocity is simply determined through distance
traveled divided by direct travel time. Utilizing digital
recording equipment affords the operator the ability to
store the data on magnetic media for analysis at a later
date; but more importantly, digital data can be filtered,
smoothed, and time-shifted during analysis. Also, digital
signal processing may be directly performed for coher-
ence, frequency-dependent attenuation, and spectral
(11) Numerous studies have shown that the effects
on crosshole measurements by the choice of geophone is
not critical to the results (e.g., Hoar (1982)). There are
only two requirements for the receivers: the receiver
(velocity transducer) must have a flat or uniform output
response over the frequency range of crosshole seismic
waves (25 to 300 Hz); and, a clamping device must force
the receiver against the borehole wall such that it is not
free-hanging. The clamping device should not affect the
mechanical response of the geophone (i.e., resonance), nor
should the uphole signal wire. If an SH-wave source is
selected, then horizontal geophones must be used, and
oriented as previously described, to detect the SH-wave
arrivals. It is paramount that the polarity of each
geophone be known prior to data acquisition because the
direct arrivals of S-waves with reversed polarity can be
easily misinterpreted. Hoar (1982) provides an excellent
description of picking P- and S-wave arrivals off recorded
crosshole signals. Hoars dissertation shows that with
proper borehole completion, digital recording equipment,
and a preferential source-receiver system, clean reversed
polarized and interpretable S-wave signals are relatively
easy to acquire.
c. Interpretation.
(1) For interpretation of direct raypath travel times
between two or three boreholes the Bureau of Reclama-
tion (Sirles, Custer, and McKisson 1993) has published a
computer program which is designed specifically for
reducing crosshole seismic data. Furthermore, the pro-
gram was fashioned around the ASTM conventions and
test procedures outlined for crosshole seismic testing.
The program CROSSIT (Version 2.0) is intended to be a
step-by-step program that allows the user to:
(a) Input lithologic information obtained from geo-
logic drill hole logs.
(b) Input deviation survey data for each drill hole.
(c) Input travel times for P- and/or S-wave arrivals at
one or two receiver holes.
(d) Enter site-specific information (location, surface
elevation, etc.).
(e) Map each borehole utilizing deviation survey
(f) Determine corrected crosshole distances between
the respective drill hole pairs: source/receiver 1,
source/receiver 2, and receiver 1/receiver 2.
(g) Compute direct P- and S-wave velocities from
travel time data.
(h) Tabulate and/or graph (to hard copy or disk file):
Borehole directional survey data and plots.
P- and S-wave velocity depth profiles from each
drill hole pair.
(i) Interactively edit input or graphical files and
combine data sets.
(j) Post-process seismic data and/or plots for alter-
nate uses.
(2) CROSSIT is built for compatibility with laptop or
desktop computers and dot-matrix or laser-jet printers
such that data reduction could be performed in the field as
geophysical data are being acquired. The logic and
flowchart for this interpretation and data presentation
program are designed to follow the typical field data
acquisition process (i.e., geologic information, borehole
information, travel-time information) to permit interactive
computer analysis during data collection. This technique
of reducing data in the field has proven its value because
of the ability to determine optimal testing intervals and
adjust the program as necessary to address the site-
specific problem.
(3) Unlike surface seismic techniques, crosshole
testing requires a more careful interpretation of the wave
forms acquired at each depth. For example, in crosshole
testing, the first arrival is not always the time of arrival of
the direct raypath. As illustrated schematically in Fig-
ure 7-46, when the source and receivers are located within
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 7-46. Illustration of refracted raypath geometries in crosshole seismic tests where V
> V
< V
and V
< V
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a layer that has a lower velocity than either the layer
above or below it (this is termed a hidden layer in refrac-
tion testing), refracted waves can be the first arrivals.
Both the source/receiver distance above or below the
high velocity layer and the velocity contrast (V
: V
across the seismic interface determine if the refracted
wave will arrive before the direct wave. Due to the effect
refracted waves have on crosshole data sets, ASTM pro-
cedures require a three-borehole array because velocity
corrections can be made for refracted arrivals. Also,
depending upon the velocity contrast across layer bound-
aries, direct arrivals through low-velocity layers are gener-
ally larger amplitude and thereby recognizable. This
permits timing direct arrivals directly off the wave form.
Figure 7-47 shows an example of (SV-) direct-wave arriv-
als and refracted-wave arrivals where the arrival time of
the direct wave (slower) can be picked later in the wave
form behind the low-amplitude refracted-wave arrival. In
this example, refractions occur in a situation similar to
that depicted in Figure 7-46; that is, refractions occur
from high-velocity materials either above or below the
low-velocity layer.
(4) When approaching seismic interfaces, refracted-
wave arrivals begin to be timed as the first arrival which
could (easily) be misinterpreted as direct-wave arrival.
Therefore, the following sequence of eight steps (equa-
tions) will confirm detection of refracted-wave travel time
or direct-wave travel time at each recording depth (ASTM
Compute i
: sin i
= V
Compute hypotenuse distance H
: H
= H
= H
Z/cos i
Compute abscissa distance Y
: Y
= Y
= Y
= Ztan i
Compute travel times through both materials:
= 2H
/ V
= (D1 - 2Y
) / V
and V
are known from measurement above
and below the seismic interface.]
Compute total refracted travel time: T
= t
+ t
Compute total direct travel time: T
= D
/ V
Retrieve measured crosshole travel time: T
Figure 7-47. Crosshole SV-waves showing direct (D)
and refracted (R) arrivals
Compare T
with T
and T
THEN: True V
< T
THEN: Apparent V
(refracted velocity)
(5) Comparing both sets of direct-wave velocities;
that is, source to receiver No. 1 (V
) and source to re-
ceiver No. 2 (V
), with the interval velocity (V
) com-
puted from the following:
Interval velocity V
meas R2
meas R1
EM 1110-1-1802
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allows easy identification of boundaries with velocity
contrasts. When V
is much greater than the two com-
puted direct-wave velocities, then refracted-wave arrivals
are being timed as first arrivals at the second receiver
borehole. Therefore, a systematic comparison of mea-
sured travel times, computed direct velocities, and interval
velocities at each recording depth enables interpretation of
true in situ velocity at all measurement depths. For cross-
hole tests, Butler et al. (1978) developed a computer
program which performs this comparison of the respective
computed velocities determined at every depth. Based on
this discussion, to ensure that true in situ velocities are
presented, crosshole measurements should be performed a
minimum of four measurement intervals below the zone
of concern to adequately define the velocity profile.
(6) The comparative technique for defining the
refractor velocities outlined above assumes that the veloci-
ties are constant within each layer; however, occasionally
this is an oversimplification. Some deposits have linearly
increasing velocity with depth, primarily due to vertical
pressures, where the apparent velocity for each depth can
be computed with
(z) = V
In these cases V
is a function of depth (z), V
is the
initial velocity at zero depth, and K is the increase in
velocity per unit depth. Direct-wave velocities computed
for the far receiver (R2) at each depth will always be
slightly higher than the near receiver (R1); hence, the
interval velocity will be even higher. Increasing velocity
with depth implies the seismic raypath is nearly circular
between source and receiver thereby sensing deeper
(higher velocity) material as the source-receiver separation
increases. The effect of increasing velocity with depth is
greatest within thick homogeneous soil deposits. In these
soil conditions, computing an average velocity from the
two direct velocities (i.e., V
= (V
+ V
)/2) is
often the best estimate for presenting the in situ velocity
d. Modelling and data processing.
(1) Typically, either forward or inverse modeling for
cross-borehole seismic investigations consists of comput-
ing synthetic travel times to test the raypath coverage and
resolution of either unknown or identified velocity anoma-
lies, respectively. For engineering applications there is
not much advantage in determining (via modeling) the ray
coverage or residual velocity resolution because crosshole
testing at the engineering scale utilizes a simple horizon-
tal, straight-raypath geometry to determine average
velocity. Also, lithologic information such as stratigraphy
and material type are determined from the drilling and
sampling program prior to seismic data acquisition; this
allows reliable constraints, or boundary conditions, to be
placed on the field data along the boundaries of the mate-
rial between the boreholes.
(2) For engineering applications, digital signal pro-
cessing in crosshole seismic tests is, similar to modeling,
of minimal value. This, of course, assumes field data are
acquired properly and no analog filtering or digital alias-
ing was performed prior to recording seismic data from
each depth. There are a number of digital signal process-
ing techniques useful for determining material properties
other than P- or S-wave velocity, as well as confirming
the computed crosshole velocity profile, such as:
(a) Spectral analysis for determination of inelastic
constants (attenuation and/or material damping).
(b) Frequency analysis for correlation of phase and
group velocity.
(c) Cross-correlation of recorded seismic signals
from one receiver to another receiver borehole, or source
to receiver coupling for signal coherence.
(3) Sophisticated processing is rarely required in
(engineering) crosshole testing and the straightforward
distance/travel time relationship for velocity computations
is considered functional and effective.
e. Advantages/disadvantages.
(1) Crosshole seismic testing has the unique advan-
tage of sampling a limited volume of material at each test
depth. Thus, the final result is a significantly more
detailed and accurate in situ seismic (P- and/or S-wave)
velocity profile. Crosshole tests are not unique in the use
of preferential source/receiver configurations; however,
there is the distinctive opportunity to generate and record
only body wave energy, as well as preferentially excite
particle motion in three directions with respect to the
vertical borehole wall. Because of this, the crosshole test
permits much easier interpretation of direct arrivals in the
recorded wave forms. Because boreholes are required
there is the opportunity to obtain more site-specific
geotechnical information which, when integrated with the
seismic data, yields the best assessment for the engineer-
ing application (liquefaction, deformation, or strong
motion characterization). Also, because each drill hole
was cased for the crosshole tests, additional geophysical
surveys should be conducted. Typically, geophysical
borehole logging will be conducted in each drill hole for
EM 1110-1-1802
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the purpose of defining lithologic and stratigraphic conti-
nuity of the deposits.
(2) Crosshole seismic testing has the definitive
advantage of assessing a complex layered velocity struc-
ture with alternating high and low relative velocities.
Other surface techniques such as spectral analysis of
surface waves can theoretically evaluate the high/low
layered velocity structure, but due to a number of inherent
assumptions associated with surface geophysical methods
several non-unique velocity profiles may be derived (from
inverse modeling) without specific information about the
subsurface layering at the site. Since considerable confi-
dence can be placed on engineering scale crosshole seis-
mic data, computation of in situ low-strain elastic
constants (Shear and Youngs modulus, Poissons ratio,
etc.) permits dependable assessment of geotechnical
parameters for the site-specific evaluation. Recently, sites
of particular concern for obtaining P- and S-wave veloci-
ties are liquefaction studies where the subsurface contains
considerable unconsolidated coarse-grained material and
standard geotechnical test procedures (blow counts and
material sampling) cannot effectively evaluate in situ
properties. For successful engineering analysis of coarse-
grained materials, crosshole testing is one of the most
acceptable geophysical techniques available.
(3) The primary detriments or obstacles encountered
during crosshole testing are typically related to the place-
ment and completion of multiple drill holes. Sites where
noninvasive techniques are required due to hazardous
subsurface conditions, crosshole seismic tests are not
applicable because of tight regulatory procedures regard-
ing drilling, sampling, and decontamination. However, at
sites where detailed in situ P- and S-wave velocities are
required, drill hole completion must follow ASTM proce-
dures, and when unusual conditions exist (e.g., open-work
gravels) specialized techniques for borehole completion
should be employed. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
has encountered numerous sites in the western United
States where loose, liquefiable sand and gravel deposits
needed to be investigated and crosshole testing effectively
evaluated the in situ material density and stiffness with P-
and S-wave velocities, respectively; but considerable care
and caution were used for completion of each borehole
(U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 1992).
(4) Seismic data for crosshole testing need consider-
ably more wave form interpretation because refraction
events from high-velocity layers either above or below a
low-velocity layer must be identified and the first-arrival
velocity corrected. Direct-wave arrivals are easily
recognized (even with low-amplitude refracted arrivals) as
long as the previously described field equipment is uti-
lized for preferential generation of P-waves or polarized
SV or SH-waves. The ASTM requirement of three drill
holes seems costly to a project budget; however, the nec-
essary source/receiver configurations and borehole separa-
tion allow optimal correction and evaluation of in situ
P- and S-wave velocities for each material layer at depth.
f. Sample problem.
(1) To illustrate the effect of a high S-wave velocity
layer overlying a low S-wave velocity layer on crosshole
wave forms, the following sample problem is presented
using data acquired at a site in central Utah. Figure 7-48
shows a portion of the wave forms collected over the
depth interval 17.5 to 32.0 m, as well as the entire
S-wave velocity profile obtained at this site. Only one
polarity of the S-waves obtained is plotted over this depth
interval (unlike the opposite polarity data shown in Fig-
ure 7-47), but the arrival of the S-wave is clearly distin-
guished from the lower-amplitude and higher-frequency
P-wave arrival.
(2) The objective of this investigation was to deter-
mine if a low-velocity alluvial layer exists beneath the
embankment, which was constructed in 1943. Data are
then used to determine the liquefaction potential of the
foundation alluvial deposits. As clearly shown on the
sample problem figure, directly beneath the embankment
the velocities decrease to less than 240 m/s in a layer of
lean clay, which is not considered liquefiable; however,
within the silty sand alluvial deposits, the wave forms
show considerable increase in the S-wave travel times,
and the computed velocities indicate potentially liquefiable
deposits with S-wave velocities less than 180 m/s
(600 ft/s). Beneath approximately 30 m (90 ft) the
S-wave velocities gradually increase to greater than
240 m/s.
(3) This sample problem, or example data set, illus-
trates three distinct advantages that crosshole testing has
over conventional surface geophysical testing for these
types of investigations:
(a) Ease of identification of direct arrival S-waves.
(b) Ability to determine the presence of low-velocity
materials (alluvium) directly beneath high-velocity mate-
rials (embankment).
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(c) Direct and fairly straightforward computation of
the S-wave velocity profile, which is correlated with the
liquefaction potential of both the materials and depth
intervals of engineering concern for the safety of the
7-3. Surface to Borehole Procedures
a. Overview of borehole seismic methods. There are
fundamental physical reasons why borehole seismic tech-
niques can provide potentially better answers than conven-
tional surface seismic techniques. There is a progression
in both complexity and benefits from check shot and
synthetic seismogram to vertical seismic profiles (VSP),
three-component VSP, offset VSP, and extrapolation and
description of lithologic parameters into the geologic
formations surrounding the borehole. Presently VSPs are
run in wells to aid in the correlation of surface seismic
data. Borehole velocity surveys, commonly called check
shot surveys, are often expanded into VSPs since addi-
tional acquisition costs are relatively small.
(1) Synthetic seismograms. Synthetic seismograms
have traditionally been used to correlate surface seismic
sections. Like all theoretical models, synthetic seismo-
grams suffer from the simplifying assumptions that go
into the model. An approximate fit to surface seismic
lines is often obtainable. However, synthetic seismograms
offer an important link in trying to understand the seismic
tie to the well log. An example of a synthetic seismo-
gram is shown in Figure 7-49.
(2) Velocity surveys. Velocity or check shot surveys
are well established in the geophysical community.
Sources and receivers are distributed to obtain vertical
travel paths through the formation of interest. Receivers
are placed at or near geological horizons of interest. On
the recorded seismic trace, only the information from the
first arrival is used. A velocity survey field setup and
recorded field data are illustrated in Figure 7-50.
(3) Time-depth plots. Seismic first arrivals are con-
verted to vertical travel times and plotted on time-depth
graphs. The time-depth information is used to calculate
average, root-mean-square, and interval velocities.
(4) Sonic log calibration. Sonic log calibration is
one of the applications of velocity surveys. Velocity
obtained from sonic logs can be affected by a variety of
borehole effects. Integrated sonic logs are subsequently
distorted by these borehole effects. The resultant discrep-
ancy between seismic and sonic measurements, called
drift, must be corrected prior to the construction of
synthetic seismograms to prevent the shifting in time of
the seismic reflections or the introduction of
(5) Vertical seismic profiles. In vertical seismic
profiling full use is made of the entire recorded seismic
trace, in addition to the first break. Receivers are spaced
at close intervals throughout most of the wellbore in order
to obtain a seismic section of the wellbore. The seismic
wave itself and the effects on it, as it propagates through
the earth, are measured as a function of depth. Receivers
are now close to reflectors. In addition, both upgoing and
downgoing wavefields are recorded at each receiver. The
downgoing wavelet with its reverberant wave train is
observed as a function of depth and can be used to design
deconvolution filters. Signal changes in terms of band-
width and energy loss can be measured. In general, the
VSP also provides better spatial and temporal resolution.
Figure 7-50 illustrates the generation and travel paths of
direct arrivals, reflected primaries, and examples of
upgoing and downgoing multiples.
(a) Vertical seismic profiling permits correlation of
the actual seismic event inclusive of all the changes it
undergoes, multiples, attenuation, etc., at the actual
recorded depth. This leads to a great deal more confi-
dence in correlating surface seismic profiling. An exam-
ple of correlation between VSP and surface seismic profil-
ing is shown in Figure 7-51.
(b) Resolution in vertical seismic profiling is
generally much improved over that obtainable with con-
ventional surface seismic profiling. This is largely the
result of the shorter travel path. With VSPs, high-
resolution mapping of, for example, a reservoir can be
accomplished. Better estimates of rock properties, includ-
ing below the bit, can be obtained.
(c) The information from the VSP about multiples
and signature attenuation can be used to upgrade the
processing of surface seismic profiling. In fact, it is
anticipated that reprocessing of surface seismic profiling
will be done routinely when good VSP data are available.
(d) The inversion of seismic traces from VSP data to
predict impedance changes below the drill bit has been
demonstrated with remarkable success. This is largely
because careful matching of impedances in the known
portion of the drillhole has led to increased reliability
when predicting below the bit. A popular application is
that of predicting overpressure zones. Details of the
technique will be discussed under VSP applications.
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Figure 7-50. Recording of a vertical seismic profile;
direct arrivals, reflected primaries, and examples of
downgoing and upgoing multiples are shown on the
Figure 7-51. Example of correlation between VSP and
surface seismic profiling; the VSP data stack is shown
at the proper well location with respect to the seismic
(e) Offset VSPs were developed to illuminate struc-
ture away from the wellbore. Applications are primarily
to find faults and pinchouts. An example of an offset
VSP is shown in Figure 7-52. The top left shows a fault
model. The top right shows a synthetic VSP with the
typical break in the upgoing primary reflection due to
Figure 7-52. Model of fault structure
(f) Multiple offset or walkaway VSPs were devel-
oped to supply high-resolution seismic structural detail or
provide seismic data in areas where interference from
shallow layers all but renders surface seismic profiling
useless. Notable improvements have been observed in
some no-record seismic areas. Lateral extension of struc-
tural and stratigraphic detail around the wellbore is made
possible with this type of survey.
(g) VSPs can be obtained around each well in a
multiwell project to help map the geology. Careful corre-
lation can be accomplished with existing 2-D and 3-D
surface seismic profiling. Finally, the entire sequence of
formations of interest may be mapped in terms of poros-
ity, saturation, permeability, etc., by carefully calibrating
VSP data with well log data.
(6) Downhole sources. Downhole sources such as
explosives, implosive devices, airguns, and sparkers are
economically desirable, and a great deal of research has
gone into making them successful. Downhole sources
suffer from a bad reputation concerning wellbore
damage. Data from a number of experiments show that
borehole-generated events associated with downhole sour-
ces tend to overwhelm data quality to the point of turning
this technology into an interpretational problem.
(7) Downhole receiver arrays. Downhole receiver
arrays of only a few geophone receiver elements have
been used successfully and have greatly reduced acquisi-
tion costs in borehole seismics. Downhole hydrophone
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arrays have been used commercially to measure perma-
frost thickness. An interesting application of hydrophone
arrays was the successful measurement of tube waves
generated by permeable fracture zones in granite.
b. Velocity surveys.
(1) Introduction. Velocity surveys in well bores are
a well established technology in the geophysical industry.
An accurate measurement of the travel time and depth
location, in combination with a knowledge of travel path,
will provide the geophysicist with the necessary velocities
to convert the seismic time sections to depth and also to
migrate the data properly.
(a) Sonic logs provide this data also; however, sonic
logs are usually run only to surface casing. Tying the
information from the sonic log to the surface requires a
velocity or check shot survey. Usually, enough levels are
obtained in the wellbore to provide sufficient detail to
forego the data obtained from the sonic log.
(b) In the section on overview of borehole seismic
techniques some problems that can affect sonic log data
accuracy were discussed briefly. Seismic travel times are
considered accurate within the limitations of sample rate
and first break picking accuracy, and sonic times must be
adjusted to fit the seismic data.
(2) Field technology. Sources for data acquisition
must be carefully chosen for the given desired depth
penetration. These sources may include explosives, air-
guns, or water guns in containers, or vibrators. Source
and acquisition parameters often tend to match those used
during acquisition of surface seismic data.
(a) Receivers are downhole geophones. A more
detailed discussion of source and receiver characteristics
will follow in the section on vertical seismic profiling.
(b) In locating the source, an attempt is made to
obtain a travel path that minimizes refractive bending
through the formations. For the case of horizontal layer-
ing and a vertical well, that would imply placing the
source close to the well bore. For a deviated well, the
source is frequently moved above the receiver in the
well. This, of course, requires information from a well
deviation survey prior to the check shot survey. Dipping
layers can also introduce sizeable changes in travel time
because of refraction along bed boundaries.
(c) When working with surface sources such as
vibrators, it is advisable to obtain some shallow levels in
order to get some information on velocities in the weath-
ered zone. The limitation in this case is the source loca-
tion, since the drilling platform itself may take up a size-
able space. In addition, refracted arrivals from the top of
the subweathering zone or casing may interfere with
direct arrival through weathering.
(d) When working with explosives, an uphole
high-velocity geophone is needed to obtain the uphole
times. Proper shot depth with the uphole time can pro-
vide the information on weathering velocities. Shot holes
are generally located some distance from the wellbore to
prevent wellbore damage. Therefore, in this case shallow
levels in the borehole may not add much to the survey.
(e) Some comments are in order concerning the
placements of geophones in the borehole. Often geolo-
gists pick recording depths corresponding to formation
tops obtained from logs. If acoustic boundaries of suffi-
cient contrast are in that vicinity, interference between
direct and reflected arrivals may lead to errors in first
arrival times. Better receiver locations can sometimes be
picked below the horizon of interest from existing sonic
logs. Another effect may include the gradual polarity
reversal of the first break.
(f) If receiver spacing is too close, there may be
sizeable errors in computed interval velocities. In this
case the picking of the first break is rarely more accurate
than 1 ms. With a receiver spacing of, for example, 30 m
and a velocity of 3,000 m/s, a 1-ms error would amount
to a 10-percent error in the computation of velocities.
(3) Data reduction. When converting travel times to
vertical travel times, a straight line path is normally
assumed. This is shown in Figure 7-53. Refinement of
the results can be obtained by modeling and using the
initial straight raypath as a first guess. For a vertical well
the horizontal distance from the source to the well and the
vertical distance from the source to the geophone in the
well are used. For the deviated well, the horizontal dis-
tance from the energy source to the geophone is used in
addition to the vertical distance. The azimuth of the
energy source is required when corrections for deviations
are required. For offset or walkaway shooting, where the
source is moved, the coordinates must be known for every
(a) All computations are corrected to the seismic
reference datum (SRD). These corrections are summa-
rized in Figure 7-54. Finally, the corrected computations
are displayed in the familiar time-depth plot shown in
Figure 7-55. This graph also provides an opportunity for
EM 1110-1-1802
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Figure 7-53. Travel path used for converting total
travel time to vertical travel time
Figure 7-54. Summary of possible corrections to tie
velocity survey to surface seismic data
quality control. Points deviating greatly from the trend
may require a more detailed evaluation.
(b) Results of the velocity or check shot survey are
used to tie time to depth and calculate average, interval,
and RMS velocities (see Figure 7-56). These velocities
are used to study normal moveout (NMO) in data migra-
tion and are often used to correct sonic logs prior to the
computation of a synthetic seismogram.
Figure 7-55. Vertical time-depth plot corrected to SRD
Figure 7-56. Example of final display from velocity sur-
vey shown with sonic log
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c. Vertical incidence VSP.
(1) Introduction. Vertical seismic profiling has been
one of the more rapidly developing technologies in geo-
physics in recent years. It is perhaps surprising that the
information following the first breaks on the seismic trace
routinely recorded in velocity surveys was simply disre-
garded. Acquisition in the field for VSPs consisted then
merely of the addition of a sufficient number of geophone
depth levels in a routine velocity survey. The additional
rig time was perhaps the major deterrent to the wide-
spread use of VSPs in the industry.
(a) The geophysicist had also settled for the use of
check shot surveys and synthetic seismograms to provide
him with a more or less accurate nexus between surface
seismic profiling and the well bore. This meant accepting
all the assumptions of plane acoustic waves striking a
horizontally layered medium at normal incidence to obtain
a model of a seismic trace arriving at the surface.
Another shortcoming was the lack of knowledge of the
makeup of the seismic wavelet.
(b) The VSP permits the actual measurement of
seismic energy as a function of depth. The surface
geophone measures only the upgoing wave. The down-
hole geophone measures the downgoing wave field in
addition to the upgoing wave field. Effects of reflection,
transmission, multiples, and attenuation can be traced as a
function of depth. The increase in resolution resulting
from retention of higher frequencies (due to the decrease
in travel path to the downhole geophone compared to a
surface geophone) permits more confident measurement of
lithological effects than ever before from surface seismic
profiling. The advent of shear-wave seismic technology
has brought with it the difficulty of resolving both P- and
S-waves to the same lithologic boundary. Again, the VSP
can provide an accurate tie between these two events.
Finally, the VSP is one of the more effective means to
provide quality control for both surface seismic profiling
and the generation of a reasonable synthetic seismogram.
As the geophysicist gains experience with VSP acquisi-
tion, processing, and interpretation, this relatively new
technology will become an integral part of exploration
(2) Principles. Simultaneous recording of both upgo-
ing and downgoing wave fields by the downhole geo-
phone requires some discussion of the principles
involved. In Figure 7-57(b), examples of some possible
upgoing and downgoing events are displayed. For con-
venience and clarity, upgoing events are to the left of the
Figure 7-57. Basic concept of upgoing and downgoing
wave fields, (a) Impedance model, (b) Ray geometry,
(c) VSP
well, downgoing are to the right. Furthermore, only two
geophone locations are shown, again separated for con-
venience in illustrating the concept. In reality more
events than those shown are possible. Figure 7-57(a) is
the simple impedance model for this hypothetical well.
Figure 7-57(c) shows the VSP generated from this model
as a function of the depth of the well versus one-way
(a) The upgoing events shown consist of two simple
primary reflections and one multiple. The downgoing
events shown consist of the direct arrival and one down-
going multiple. In Figure 7-57(c), the first arrivals are on
the left-most line increasing in time with depth; i.e., from
upper left to lower right. Changes in slope on this line
indicate changes in velocity in the subsurface. Primary
upgoing events (P1,P2 in Figure 7-57b) intersect this line
of first arrivals and proceed towards the upper right on
the graph.
(b) In zero-offset VSPs, the primary events are
symmetric to the first arrivals and together with the first
arrivals have typically a V shape. Primary reflection P1
illustrates the time-depth tie necessary for correlation.
(c) The diagram shows the important fact that
upward-travelling multiple events cease as soon as the
geophone is located below the last reflector involved in its
generation. The primary reflection and all the multiples
in its tail have their last bounce on that reflector; hence,
when the geophone is below that reflector, primary and
upgoing multiple reflections in the tail can no longer be
recorded. This multiple, or reverberant, is henceforth
only present in the downgoing wave below this point.
Upgoing events that terminate within the data permit the
recognition of the origin of a multiple.
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(d) A real VSP is shown in Figure 7-58. Data have
been corrected for amplitude losses. The traces are
arranged with depth increasing from top to bottom and
time increasing to the right; hence, longer travel times to
the first arrival are seen with increasing depth. One
should note the sparsity of strong upgoing events and the
usual predominance of downgoing multiple events from
near surface highly reverberant systems. When lowering
the geophone, a downgoing multiple event will be delayed
by the same additional amount as the primary event. As
a result, in the case of horizontal layering, the whole
family of multiples follows but remains parallel to the
first arrival alignment. This fact will subsequently be
exploited in the processing of the vertical incidence VSP.
The first arrivals then draw the time-depth curve. As the
geophone moves further from the source, it moves closer
to the reflector; hence, the additional delay from source to
receiver is equivalent to an identical loss in travel time
from reflector to receiver in horizontal layering. As a
result, reflected arrivals slope in the opposite direction
from first arrivals.
Figure 7-58. Example of a VSP recording in one-way
time with gain correction applied
(3) Synthetic VSPs. The synthetic VSP is rapidly
becoming a valuable aid in studying the behavior of upgo-
ing and downgoing wave fields with acoustic impedances
obtained from borehole logging. Whereas the synthetic
seismogram models a layered earth as seen from the
surface, the synthetic VSP is a study of seismic events as
a function of depth. It also allows the interpreter of
VSPs to gain a better understanding of the complexities
of interacting wave fields and gives more confidence in
(a) In calculating synthetic VSPs, one should incor-
porate the various multiple events. Upward-travelling
multiples are reflected an odd number of times,
downward-traveling multiples are reflected an even num-
ber of times (see Figure 7-57). For upward traveling
multiples, a so-called first order multiple would have been
reflected three times, a second order multiple five times,
etc. By analogy, a first-order multiple for downgoing
waves has been reflected twice, etc. (see Figure 7-57).
(b) For a synthetic VSP, the earth model is divided
into equal travel time layers. The total seismic response
for the layered system can be computed from the individ-
ual contributions of upgoing and downgoing waves at the
individual interfaces for all the layers in the model. Mul-
tiples up to a given order can be included with overall
attenuation as a function of reflection losses. The proper
choice of input wavelet again becomes important if one
attempts to match a synthetic with a real VSP. It is noted
that the real VSP may be contaminated by random and
coherent noise, difficult to reproduce with a synthetic. In
order to illustrate the principles and the effects illustrated
above, a simple model and the synthetic VSP calculated
from it are shown in Figure 7-59 (Wyatt 1981). The
velocity contrasts in the model are rather large in order to
accentuate the effects discussed above. Velocities are
seen to range from 1,500 to 6,100 m/s (5,000 ft/s to
20,000 ft/s). Density was held constant.
(c) Real VSPs rarely show multiple events that
clearly. The first arrival slopes in this model show the
velocity changes clearly. Amplitudes of primary events
give a good indication of the impedance contrast at the
boundaries. Amplitudes also show how a shallow rever-
berant system gives rise to many strong multiples. The
origin of multiples is also clearly visible on this synthetic
VSP. An excellent example of a comparison between a
synthetic and a real VSP is shown in Figure 7-60. Coher-
ent noise interference for the example is seen between
5,500 and 6,000 ft on the real VSP. Differences in pri-
mary and multiple amplitudes are also very much appar-
ent. Synthetics then become a valuable aid (but not a
replacement) for measuring true wave forms in the earth.
(4) Survey sources and equipment. Selecting a
source for a VSP survey is largely a function of what was
used in obtaining surface seismic data. For improved
matching of VSP and surface seismic data, the same
sources are desirable for both surveys. To date the major-
ity of seismic data are collected with vibrators, airguns,
and explosives. However, a number of other devices have
appeared on the market and some familiarity with signal
strengths and source characteristics is desirable. A great
deal of care must go into the choice of sensors and
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Figure 7-59. Simple synthetic VSP illustrating effects
of multiples
Figure 7-60. Comparison of real and synthetic VSPs
recording equipment. In VSP work, demands on record-
ing equipment and the number of sensors employed are
much smaller than in surface seismic operations. Record-
ing equipment may have as few as two channels for sin-
gle-axis tools. Downhole sensors may have only a single
geophone per axis with three-axis tools. Downhole
geophone tools require a clamping mechanism. Data for
VSPs and check shots have been collected both with
geophones and hydrophones in the downhole environment
for specific applications.
(5) State-of-the-art technology.
(a) State-of-the-art geophones may be used in down-
hole seismic data acquisition. A variety of choices are
available in the marketplace. As a starting point in down-
hole tool evaluation the geophysicist should know the
amplitude and phase response of each type of geophone
used in the tool. This is of increased importance when
considering the differing response characteristics of verti-
cal and horizontal geophones used in the three-axis tools.
(b) Additional complications are introduced by
geophone-to-ground or formation coupling. Seismic phase
and amplitude are highly distorted upon approaching
resonant frequencies. The useable seismic frequency band
must then remain well below the frequency peaks intro-
duced by coupling to the formation. These formation
coupling effects do exist in the borehole. Here the
geophone becomes part of the larger downhole tool,
which can, in combination with the formation, give rise to
formation coupling resonances. In practice this is mostly
experienced with horizontally oriented geophones. With
presently available commercial tool designs, coupling
resonances have been observed to fall into a frequency
range as low as 18 to 30 Hz.
(6) Borehole seismic operations.
(a) For borehole seismic operations, conventional
surface seismic systems are more than adequate for most
applications. The requirement of only a few channels
simplifies the field acquisition. Adjustable fixed
downhole gain is most certainly desirable to prevent over-
driving of the surface amplifiers by direct arrival.
(b) With continued interest in shear-wave data from
three-axis VSPs and large S-wave sources, shear-wave
attenuation rates amount to twice the decibel loss of that
experienced by compressional waves. Adding attenuation
losses from spherical divergence, scattering, and transmis-
sion losses would quickly tax the dynamic range of most
recording equipment except for rather low frequencies.
(7) Planning. From the preceding sections it has
become apparent that more than casual job planning is
required to obtain good field data. A variety of additional
field parameters are to be determined prior to venturing
out into the field. Rig time and source expense often lead
to a series of compromises concerning sources, and num-
ber of levels obtained in the well. Source offset may be a
function of desirable noise suppression of tube waves.
Shallow levels are often noisy.
(8) Quality control.
(a) Quality control must extend to the borehole envi-
ronment. Poor tool coupling may lead to tool creep or
slippage. Improved clamping pressure, or perhaps instal-
lation of clamping arms or a more suitable length for a
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given borehole, will usually solve creep and slippage
problems with their attendant noise bursts. Slacking off
the cable eliminates cable waves in addition to reducing
surface noises traveling down the cable. Tool resonance
associated with poor coupling at a given location is solved
by moving the tool to a different location. Both caliper
and sonic logs may become helpful in relocating the tool.
(b) The effects of casing may lead to additional
phenomena in VSP acquisition. Refracted casing arrivals
may precede direct arrivals. Unbonded casing may lead
to casing ring. Cased hole VSPs can be obtained after
the rig has moved off the site. This leads to a sizable
savings in rig time during acquisition.
(c) The effect of tube waves in VSP recording is that
of coherent noise. Tube waves can be generated by body
waves impinging on the borehole or by surface waves
crossing the borehole. Tube wave velocities typically
come in at velocities of about 1,450 m/s . There are a
number of field approaches to reduce tube waves.
Improved clamping can greatly reduce tube waves.
Another approach to reducing tube waves is source offset
from the borehole. This is illustrated in Figure 7-61.
Different sources give rise to sizeable differences in tube
wave energy.
Figure 7-61. Tube wave amplitudes as a function of
source offset
(d) With increasing experience in both data acquisi-
tion and processing, VSP can supply the additional refine-
ments in seismic exploration that heretofore were elusive
with surface methods. Data from the VSP can now help
to solve a number of exploration problems and give the
additional confidence often needed to solve interpre-
tational ambiguities.
(e) In the past, direct correlation of synthetic seismo-
grams with surface seismic profiling, however successful
in some areas, led to a great number of unresolvable
errors between well logs and surface seismic profiling.
The synthetic seismogram, after all, is a theoretically
calculated response based on some rather simple assump-
tions and as applied to logging data, is subject to all the
various restrictions discussed in earlier sections. With the
VSP one finally has a measured response of the earth to
the actual source wavefield as it progresses with depth. A
connection can now be established directly between seis-
mic analysis and wellbore information. The synthetic
then becomes a means to model and study seismic signal
interaction with the details of formations rather than
serving explicitly as a link to the well. A synthetic log is
then relegated to serve to some degree as quality control
in the design of VSP data acquisition in conjunction with
ray trace modeling and synthetic VSP computations. A
well tie that serves both the geologist and the geophysicist
will typically include the display of time-scaled logs,
synthetic log, corridor or sum stack, the VSP itself, and
the surface seismic section. In addition, a VSP converted
to an equivalent section by summing corridors of traces
along equal offset distances from the wellbore may be
included. A variety of displays can now aid the inter-
preter. Figure 7-62 shows the correlation from time-
scaled logs to VSP to surface seismic. Shown from left
to right are caliper, gamma ray, bulk density, sonic,
reflectivity, synthetic log, corridor stack, VSP-CDP, and
surface seismic data.
(9) Conclusions and examples.
(a) From the previous discussions on vertical VSP
applications there are many benefits obtainable. Careful
calibration of logs with VSPs and calibration of VSPs
with surface seismic profiling can lead to much
refinement in the interpretive process. Correlation of
log-derived lithologic facies can be directly correlated
with the results of seismic studies. To establish better
communication between geologist, log analyst, and geo-
physicist, displays such as that shown in Figure 7-63 were
developed. Additional calibration with logs and seismic
profiling can be achieved by comparing data from seismic
events to those obtained from logs. Amplitudes of reflec-
tion coefficients and seismic events may be correlated
with more confidence to porosity, pore fluids, saturation,
and lithology after proper calibration with logs.
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Figure 7-62. Correlation of time-scaled logs with VSP
and surface seismic section. Shown from left to right:
caliper, gamma ray, bulk density, sonic, reflectivity,
synthetic seismogram, sum stack of near traces of
VSP-CDP, VSP-CDP, surface seismic section
Figure 7-63. Example of tying a VSP to a Facio*log;
i.e., a log-derived lithofacies analysis
(b) An example of how a VSP is correlated with
existing log information is also shown in Figure 7-64. In
this example from the petroleum industry, the repeated
sum stack trace is correlated to a time-scaled, log-derived
section of the borehole showing lithology, porosity, and
hydrocarbon saturation. The lithologic column indicates
the volumetric percentage of the major constituent litholo-
gies of the formation. Note that the peak of the seismic
reflector yields an excellent fit with the top of the carbon-
ate section (top of the reservoir). Hydrocarbon saturation,
shown on the far left, is seen to increase at the top of the
Figure 7-64. Tying the sum stack to log-derived
volumetric analysis of lithology, porosity, and hydro-
carbon saturation
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Chapter 8
Airborne Geophysical Methods
8-1. Scope of Airborne Investigations
Airborne geophysical procedures have had an important
impact on the mineral recovery industry. Several
advancements in geophysical equipment, types of airborne
platforms and global positioning systems (GPS) have
provided application to particular engineering and envi-
ronmental problems. In general, airborne platforms will
not often be sufficiently detailed and economic for these
latter two topic areas. Airborne methods may be quite
reasonable for some specific projects of large area with
targets of ample anomaly strength.
a. Scale. Scale is an important consideration for
airborne procedures to be cost-effective. Sizeable costs
are associated with the platform to fly the geophysical
equipment. Towing a geophysical bird, flight path
surveying, and more sophisticated equipment are usually
necessary for airborne measurements. For small area
sites, where surficial geophysics may be applied, the great
cost addition and the reduction of available methods
would normally eliminate airborne geophysics. The less-
ened field strength and the broadening of the anomalous
shape as distance increases for potential field methods
(gravity and magnetics) normally are counter to the
greater detail requirements for engineering and environ-
mental studies. When airborne methods are appropriate,
lower and slower flying platforms will be more beneficial
for engineering and environmental uses. Helicopters will
normally provide more coverage, due to their slower
flight speeds and potential for tighter flight paths, than
fixed wing transport. Helicopter may also be able to fly
at lower altitudes, providing better measurement quality.
b. Dimensions. The dimensions of a site may be so
great that some airborne geophysical reconnaissance may
be prudent prior to other studies. A large site with poten-
tial radiometric contamination would be a particular prob-
lem type with beneficial airborne geophysical approaches.
Moderately sized sites where the surface is hazardous (or
extremely expensive) for personnel entry, or is unavail-
able for personnel access to the site, may be assessed to
some extent by airborne geophysical methods.
c. Purpose. A studys purpose will be an aspect to
resolve the most appropriate geophysical means. Geo-
logic characterization objectives for a site with significant
rock variations may be more likely to employ airborne
measures than a site with objectives to delineate large
organic plumes. The anomalous contrast of the objective
is the key in resolving whether a geophysical procedure is
worthy of a given purpose.
8-2. Airborne Geophysical Measures
The three chief airborne procedures are magnetic, electro-
magnetic, and radioactive methods. Airborne magnetome-
try (aeromag) is quite common and aeromag maps are
available for most of the United States. Aeromag map-
ping is very useful for mineral exploration and geological
studies of magnetic rocks. Airborne electromagnetic
methods are used in both the frequency and time domains.
Ore body exploration is the chief use of airborne EM
methods. Airborne radioactive measurements of gamma
rays may be used for uranium and thorium exploration.
a. Magnetics.
(1) Engineering and environmental surveys could
have a varying purpose in which aeromag would provide
useful information. Two alternative targets might be
considered: site characterization of locale with magnetic
rocks or ferrous man-made objects. The differing pur-
poses and targets would necessitate differing flight param-
eters for the aeromag surveys. Aeromag can be flown for
regional geologic structure, which may aid site character-
ization. Few sites would exist with massive, buried fer-
rous objects in a region of little magnetic mineralization.
Searches for buried ferrous objects would require low-
altitude flights in search of local anomalies relative to
aeromag for structural investigations.
(2) There are several possible uses of aeromag
(a) One hypothetical situation to illustrate the poten-
tial of aeromag use might be the search for buried steel
transmission casing over a large site. The horizontal steel
pipe would produce a small, broad anomaly near the axis
of the pipe. In the case of determining the route of a
1-m-diam, horizontal steel pipe in a sparsely populated
region, a magnetometer slung from a helicopter might be
able to follow the anomaly route (the pipelines unknown
path) by survey initiation at a known origin and heading
of the pipeline. The search would cross perpendicular to
the last observed azimuth following the anomaly using a
GPS location.
(b) A short length of vertical, steel well-casing
buried below the soil surface would likely produce a
sharp, large magnetic anomaly. An aeromag search for
unknown, short (< 20 m length) abandoned wells may not
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be productive, because the diameter of the anomaly would
be so confined that an airborne flight path would be
unlikely to pass sufficiently close to the well axis. The
separation distance between economically feasible aero-
mag flight paths would most likely be too large for the
well-head search to be successful.
(c) Searches for long lengths (> 50 m) of buried
steel casing produce large, broad magnetic anomalies.
Properly planned flight paths of aeromag surveys would
be likely to encounter the casings magnetic signature.
(d) The target anomaly, linear but small in the first
case, enables the method to be useful for the horizontal
transmission lines. The second target of short, abandoned
well casing has an anomaly of narrow dimensions and is
biased against aeromag discovery. The last case of long,
deep casings usually has broad, large anomalies and aero-
mag surveys should be effective.
b. Airborne EM.
(1) The benefit of airborne EM (AEM) procedures is
the search for conductors; conductors need not be ferrous
objects. Further, air as a medium does not attenuate an
EM field. The secondary field from the target, albeit
small, is less affected by distance above the surface than
(2) There are several different AEM methods in use
since the 1960s. Telford, Geldart, and Sheriff (1990)
describe the VLF procedure of AEM as follows: simple,
cheap compared to other air surveys, and provides limited
data for shallow depths. No one AEM technique would
be preferred for different problems.
(3) AEM might provide a better definition of the
transmission pipeline example above than aeromag. How-
ever, AEM would be much preferred if the pipeline was
not a ferrous metal. The target anomaly due to the engi-
neering or environmental problem would suggest whether
AEM was an appropriate technique.
c. Radioactive searches.
(1) Airborne radioactive searches are obviously
limited by the type of source target. These measures
would be used infrequently compared to aeromag and
AEM work.
(2) Radioactive detectors may be flown for a search
of buried radioactive waste containers. As a hypothetical
consideration, an airborne exploration for a 1-m-diam,
20-m-long, horizontal lead pipe filled with low-level
radioactive waste would be a possible solution.
d. Complementary airborne surveys.
(1) Once the platform for one type of survey is
selected another method is often added as a comparator
for the data taken. Hempen and Hatheway (1992) recom-
mend that complementary methods be utilized to reduce
ambiguity and to lessen the number of solution models for
the measurements. The increased cost of a second
method is small compared to the expense of the airborne
platform, its flight path and the labor to conduct the
(2) Aeromag and AEM would be very appropriate
complements to locate the steel transmission pipeline in
the example above, given that an airborne survey was
selected. Airborne radioactive detection and AEM would
be supportive of a search for the radioactive waste-filled,
lead pipe cited; aeromag would not be acceptable, as a
ferrous metal was not involved.
8-3. Contracting
a. Airborne geophysical surveys are specialized pro-
cedures. The nature, scope, and cost of these methods
dictates that specialized contractors should provide these
services. The cost of airborne geophysical contracts will
normally be tens of thousands of dollars. The production
by length or area of airborne surveys will compete with
surficial geophysics because of the large dimensions
covered by airborne platforms.
b. Selection of airborne geophysical contractors will
be analogous to other geophysical services. The airborne
geophysical contractor must have experience, equipment,
and documented results from prior airborne services.
Preferably the cited work should not only be of the same
methodology, but the previous services should resolve a
similar problem. Flying AEM for mineral exploration
will not be similar in scope to obtaining AEM for engi-
neering purposes. Avoid contracts for services without
interpretation. No matter how well another geophysicist
can evaluate airborne geophysics, the most prudent con-
tract will pay for useful interpreted results. Flying spe-
cialized equipment with complex data streams does not
guarantee that the measurements have any application to
the purpose for the work. Pay for results, not data.
c. Hempen and Hatheway (1992) suggest that client
lists be requested of specialty contractors. The cited
clients would then be contacted concerning reliability,
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timeliness, accuracy, and cost experience with the
contractor. Normally, airborne geophysics will be con-
ducted via architect/engineer services with proposal
submissions and evaluation of the proposals. It may be
wise to have a government geophysicist on the proposal
evaluation team.
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Chapter 9
Remote Sensing
9-1. Introduction
a. Reasons for development. There are many reasons
for the development of a historic land-use profile of sites
as a tool for thorough evaluation of the site. Among
these are: simple site characterization for project planning,
soil conditions, water-land conditions, vegetation analysis,
and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) require-
ments such as Superfund activities. In addition, good
common sense and best practice engineering require a
thorough knowledge of the site characteristics, including
both its historic use and the geotechnical properties of
surficial materials. Current site-use parameter studies are
comprised of these characteristics, along with indicators
and interpretations of historic site development and use.
Information recorded in the form of aerial photographs,
airborne multispectral scanner imagery, and satellite-borne
multispectral scanner imagery provides most of the avail-
able, useful, and reliable sources of this historic site
development and use data when such data and interpreta-
tions are plotted on site base maps.
b. Requirements. Requirements for site characteriza-
tion include such items as (a) site inspections, (b) site
investigation, (c) remedial investigations, (d) cultural
studies, (e) resource evaluations -- particularly soils,
(f) habitat and vegetation studies, and (g) feasibility stud-
ies. Clearly, before such actions can be undertaken, the
historic use of the site must be known. Valid historic
land-use characterization and site descriptions are best
developed where aerial photographs or scanner images
have been recorded during previous site use. Ground-
borne site characterization efforts can then be cost-
effectively allocated to those portions of the site
containing the greatest interest or concerns, while histori-
cally undisturbed portions or portions of little concern
may be excluded from such detailed efforts, or verified as
areas suitable for limited field exploratory and sampling
9-2. Capabilities of Remote Sensor Data
a. General.
(1) A well-constructed historic site characterization
becomes the driving control for the nature, area, and
extent of any newly planned land use or development at a
site. Sub-areas of the site can be classified as needed.
Surficial material properties (geotechnical properties) can
be inferred from signatures interpreted from this remote
sensor data.
(2) Aerial photography provides a cost-effective base
map of the site. Photogrammetric topographic mapping is
so relatively cheap in terms of other expenditures (e.g.
environmental remediation work, which might cost from
several hundred thousand to millions of dollars per site, in
1993 U.S. dollars), that this technique should always be
considered. Most modern U.S. Geological Survey
(USGS) topographic maps (1:24,000) are of insufficient
scale and contour interval (3 and 6 m, 10 and 20 ft) to be
of use in detailed site engineering analysis, design, and
(3) An approximate chronology of site activities is
the first characterization step. Activity types and previous
land use may be identified by photographic or image
clues, such as open trenches, burning debris piles, ground
and water discoloration, grading scars, vehicle tracks, and
structure remains. The sequence of the disturbance and
initiation and termination of activities at the site and at
specific points on the site may be established within the
time frames of the available sequential data sets. Such
time frames range from 2 to 3 years up to 5 to 7 years,
depending upon local land-use history and past and pre-
sent development trends.
(4) Specific site activities can now be identified,
within time periods, and located on the site base map as a
direct guide to field investigation planning for detailed
site exploration and sampling. The remains of buildings
and other structures may be traced through time modifica-
tions and use modifications. Equipment used, material
handling methods, and site preparation and abandonment
procedures may be identified and evaluated. Changes in
these parameters may be noted and many of the daily
operational procedures can be interpreted from the evi-
dence recorded on aerial photography.
(5) Offsite impacts of site development and use will
be observable on the remote sensor data. However, the
exact relationship between site activities and attendant
changes adjacent to the site may be difficult to evaluate.
b. Data requirements for site characterization.
(1) Historic site use and general, surficial
geotechnical characterization require a high degree of
detail that is generally well within the normal resolving
power of aerial photography collected under normal con-
ditions. These resolution values of about 1 m (or, in the
case of large-scale photography flown at low flying
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heights, a fraction of a meter) are more than adequate for
identification of features and identification of boundaries
between material types. The scale of the photographs,
images, and of existing maps requires careful consider-
ation. Data collected at a common scale are most desir-
able. When portions of a data set must be enlarged to
match scales of other data with the set, the resolution and
detail of the enlarged data set are not equivalent to that of
the larger-scale data.
(2) Since 1935, many improvements have been made
in aerial photographic collection tools: cameras, lenses,
and films. Thus, the data user must recognize the corre-
sponding shortcomings in detail and quality when using
historic aerial photography. Photographic data and elec-
tromechanical, multispectral scanner data must be mixed
with the understanding that film data and scanner data are
quite different in recorded spectral information, resolution,
and detectability, and different in scale and geometry.
Scale selection and data set merging (interpreted thematic
maps at photograph and image scales and available or
constructed maps) must be carefully considered. Notes
and explanations must appear on the thematic maps, iden-
tifying ages and scales of the original data, and methods
of change in scale, as well as the estimated accuracy of
any finished product, with respect to actual field condi-
tions. It is of utmost importance that no overrepresenta-
tion of quality be created by scale changes.
c. Limitation of remote sensor data.
(1) Remote sensor data record only those conditions
at or near the terrain surface which influence electromag-
netic spectral response. In particular, most historic data
have been collected in the blue-visible wavelength
(0.4 m) to the reflective infrared (1.1 m). Some
expanded bands of collection have been made available
with the development of electromechanical sensors, the
multispectral scanner (MSS), since 1965. However, most
of the available, easily accessed, and useful data for his-
toric characterizations are film plate, visible spectrum, and
reflective IR data. Although these data record only the
details of the terrain surface or surface cover, proper
interpretation of tones, patterns, textures, and vegetation
provides primary information on geologic and other con-
ditions at some limited depth.
(2) The groundwater regime is one of the most
important site characteristics. Remote sensor data have
limited application for this type of evaluation of the site,
aside from the interpretation of moisture variations based
on tone or vegetative response. Some interpretations may
be made with respect to the vegetation response or stress
where ground examination of vegetation and soil and
water conditions are confirmed to be related to the vegeta-
tive stress. Aside from such an indirect means of correla-
tion, groundwater quality and quantity are not particularly
extractable from remote sensor data.
(3) Use of remote sensor data for the identification
of waste bodies or caches, leachate, or slightly polluted
water on the site requires ground-truth verification. Phys-
ical facilities, vegetative types, machinery, stock piles, and
other items which possess specific shape, pattern, form,
erosional features, and so forth, are easily and reliably
identified, but more detailed identification of nondescript
features without ground examination is risky at best.
(4) Infrequent historic remote sensor coverage over
the site, using comparable systems and recording media,
may be either limiting or desirable, depending upon the
exact study requirements. Historic photography collected
for the purpose of topographic map construction will have
been collected during leaf-down, nongrowing season
conditions, thus yielding minimal information about the
vegetative cover and its growth vigor, but allowing for
maximum observation of the actual terrain surface condi-
tions. Color-infrared (CIR) photography is generally
collected during the peak of the growing season and is
most useful for identification of disturbed areas, water/
land boundaries, and vegetative characteristics.
(5) The user is clearly limited by having only that
site information available on the specific date of the expo-
sure and by the specific weather, vegetative growth, soil
moisture, and other conditions at that time. These factors
influence terrain contrast, as do atmospheric effects at the
flight time and must be considered when evaluating the
available photography or imagery. Ground checking of
interpreted information from recently or currently acquired
remote sensor data is absolutely necessary. Joyce (1978),
although a bit dated, provides guidelines for this proce-
dure using Landsat MSS data; these guidelines apply to
other types of remote sensor data.
(6) The scales, system, film-resolving properties, and
instantaneous field of view of a scanner and its flight line
height are factors which control the amount of available
detail on a given data set. These factors control the use
of data and must be evaluated with respect to all available
materials and the scale at which interpreted information is
to be displayed as a final thematic map or other product.
The problem of implied resolution or detectability that
exceeds the capability of the data collection system must
always be addressed in any interpretive reports. Lillisand
and Kiefer (1994) provide a thorough explanation of how
EM 1110-1-1802
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to calculate resolving and detecting capabilities for remote
sensing data.
9-3. Characteristics of Various Remote Sensor
The remote sensing literature is filled with extensive
listings of the characteristics and capabilities of various
data sets--both aerial photography and scanner collected.
Table 9-1 (Eastman Kodak 1982, 1983) summarizes film
sensor capabilities for characterization of historic land-use
and geotechnical evaluation.
a. Aerial photographycamera-film systems.
Camera-film systems have many similar characteristics
regardless of film type. Different film types enable the
same camera system to capture a different set of spectral
data. The three common aerial films are panchromatic
(black and white), commonly called pan, natural color,
and CIR.
(1) Panchromatic film.
(a) Panchromatic films are most frequently used.
These films are sensitive to the visible spectrum; how-
ever, in order to eliminate effects of haze and blue scatter
from the atmosphere, these films are usually filter
exposed only to the visible green and red light wave-
lengths, that is, minus-blue exposure. This enables the
film to record the tonal variations of soil and rock, as
well as limited information regarding vegetation. The
film is reliable for identification of land forms, erosional
and depositional features, water/land boundaries, disturbed
land, and all kinds of man-made features.
(b) Historic pan photography frequently has resolu-
tion and interpretability similar to that of modern photog-
raphy, but requires consideration of the effect of exposure
conditions in terms of weather, soil moisture, and vegeta-
tive conditions at the time of exposure. These conditions
have significant impact on terrain contrast, resolution, and
the contrast of film prints. Historic climatological data for
most U.S. locations are available from the National
Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
(2) Color-infrared film.
(a) Color-infrared (CIR) films have been increasingly
used since the 1960s for land-use mapping and evaluation
of vegetation types and growth characteristics. CIR films
are generally sensitive to visible blue through the reflec-
tive infrared wavelengths (about 0.4 to 1.2 m). These
films are used with an orange filter, thus eliminating
collection of information at wavelengths shorter than the
visible green in order to minimize atmospheric effects and
to make available a false color reproduction scheme for
the reflective IR spectral response.
(b) The major advantage of CIR film processing is
that atmospheric effects are reduced by complete elimina-
tion of blue light and haze leaving the reflective IR radia-
tion enhanced so as to show the degree of growth vigor or
vegetation stress. The reproduction of the terrain
observed is normally made in a false color manner: the
visible green response is reproduced in blue tones, the
visible red response is reproduced in green tones, and the
reflective IR response is reproduced in red tones.
(c) Many notable terrain features are easily inter-
preted from this film or its products. CIR film resolution
is adequate to evaluate and identify features critical to site
characterization, such as the following: presence and
quality of vegetative growth; identification of land/water
boundaries and recognition of turbid water, variations in
soil, rock, or granular materials; and moisture content
variations in exposed soil and rock.
(d) Transport of some waterborne contaminants, as
noted by stressed vegetation, is most interpretable from
CIR photography. Inventories of vegetative species and
habitat are also most easily accomplished using CIR
photography. In addition, the advantages of color tones
over gray tones (or pan photography) enable the human
interpreter to consistently distinguish and identify many
more tones.
(3) Natural color film.
(a) Natural color films have the sensitivity to collect
data in the visible spectrum and to produce a latent
recording exactly as the human eye would view the site
over the range of the visible spectrum. Only haze filter-
ing is used in the exposure of these films. This filtering
is done to provide maximum contrast without the clouding
of the film due to the blue light scatter of the atmosphere.
(b) However, the fact that natural color films are
exposed to the blue wavelength range of light severely
limits the length of the atmospheric path through which
the terrain-reflected radiation can travel and adequately
create a high-contrast exposure. In comparison with
minus-blue exposures, pan film, and CIR film, natural
color film is limited from the standpoint of quality of data
recorded and flying height for the mission. The principal
result is that natural color film must be exposed under
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only ideal sky or atmospheric conditions and at low-flying
heights (say, less than 1,000 m) or large scales. A large
scale increases interpretation problems because of paral-
lactic distortion by the camera lens system.
(c) Potential uses of natural color film include identi-
fication of water bodies, tone variations in water bodies,
dense vegetation versus disturbed areas, evaluation of
man-made features, and site layout or siting studies
particularly useful at public hearings.
b. Electromechanical scanner system imagery. Elec-
tromechanical scanner systems have been used to collect
radiation reflected and radiated from terrain. These sys-
tems have been borne by both aircraft and satellites. The
EPA Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory air-
craft MSS is a well-known example of one of these sys-
tems. Recently the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) has successfully orbited the the-
matic mapper (TM) scanner system on Landsat V. The
basic specifications of these electromechanical systems are
summarized in Table 9-2.
(1) All electromechanical scanner systems have the
same basic operational and data display characteristics.
Essentially, the scanner system receives radiation from
scan lines, oriented perpendicular to the flight path.
These data are electronically chopped into small units
usually of a length approximately equal to the scan line
width. Radiation from these small units, called picture
elements or pixels, is divided into wavelength bands, and
the average intensity of the radiation received for each
band is measured by a detector. This magnitude is, via
electronics, converted into a digital value and recorded.
The pixel size is thus a function of the optical system of
the scanner and the flying height. Radiation intensity
values are averaged over the entire pixel and then
(2) Detectability applies to the detection and identifi-
cation of individual targets, in terms of their dimensions
and spectral characteristics. This feature of scanner data
is significantly impacted by many terrain factors [for
example, contrast, reflectivity, moisture content, and pixel
composition (what exists within the pixel area on the
terrain)], as well as atmospheric transmission of the
energy, and the operational condition of the sensor. It is
generally accepted that features 2 to 3 pixels in size and
homogeneous in composition and spectral characteristics
may be reliably and repeatedly identified. Spectral reflec-
tions of certain small features or targets with great con-
trast will also be recorded by a scanner. This brighter
target frequently is misrepresented by the mechanism of
data collection. For example, 8-m-wide graveled road-
beds in Iowas cornfields frequently reflect such large
quantities of radiation that the Landsat MSS data will
record 57- by 79-m pixels of road signature. Scanner
data are often limited by loss of detail when highly reflec-
tive terrain materials obscure less-reflective terrain mate-
rials in the pixel area.
(3) The nature of multispectral data makes them
attractive for land-use and surface character analysis. By
selectively evaluating responses; in particular, spectral
bands of scanner data, interaction of responses in various
bands, or other processing techniques, the interpreter can
select and study the spectral responses in a unique fashion
for any site. Such unique spectral responses are not
easily studied from film-plate data. Spectral enhancement
techniques enable the interpreter to analyze rather unusual
spectral characteristics and study features or spectral
responses which are otherwise overlooked or never
detected on film-plate data.
(4) A major limitation of multispectral image inter-
pretation is the requirement for a computer system to
process the scanner data. Software must be tailored to
processing exact types of multispectral data. Landsat
MSS data manipulation requires digital techniques con-
ceptually similar to aircraft MSS data, but the exact
manipulation is quite different.
(5) A major advantage of Landsat MSS and TM data
lies in its repeated (as frequently as 8- or 9-day intervals)
coverage of any site. MSS data have been available
worldwide since 1973. Other sources of satellite-acquired
data, such as SPOT, fall into this group. The availability
of this coverage provides an opportunity to view the spec-
tral characteristics as they change with seasonal conditions
and as the site has historically evolved. This advantage is
complicated, though, by 2- to 3-acre detectability and the
problem of data absence for possibly critical time periods.
Also, MSS data come in large packets; an entire 185- by
185-km (115- by 115-mile) frame is the minimum pur-
chase quantity.
c. Base maps. The process of developing a site use
or geotechnical characterization starts with selection or
construction of a base map, which includes not only the
site but also such adjacent terrain as may be influenced by
offsite effects and potential site remediation activities.
(1) The most abundant supply of available maps with
measured accuracy is the various series of USGS topo-
graphic maps. These maps are constructed to meet
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Table 9-2
Spectral Sensing Characteristics of Various Platforms (modified from ASTM (1988))
Spectral Range
General Applications Wavelength (m) Color
Landsat Multispectral Scanner (element size is 57 x 79 m)
4 0.5 to 0.6 Green Greatest potential for water penetration; shows some contrast
between vegetation and soil
5 0.6 to 0.7 Lower red Best for showing topographic and overall land-use recognition, espe-
cially cultural features, such as roads and cities, bare soil, and dis-
turbed land
6 0.7 to 0.8 Upper red to
lower infrared
Tonal contrasts reflect various land-use practices; also gives good
land/water contrast
7 0.8 to 1.1 Near infrared Best for land/water discrimination
Landsat Thematic Mapper Scanner (element size is 30 x 30 m)
1 0.45 to 0.52 Blue Designated for water body penetration, making it useful for coastal
water mapping. Also useful for differentiation of soil from vegetation,
and deciduous from coniferous flora
2 0.52 to 0.60 Green Designed to measure the visible green reflectance peak of vegeta-
tion for vigor assessment
3 0.63 to 0.69 Red Chlorophyll absorption band important for vegetation discrimination
4 0.76 to 0.90 Reflected
infrared (IR)
Useful for determining biomass content and for delineation of water
5 1.55 to 1.75 Reflected IR Indicative of vegetation moisture content and soil moisture. Also
useful for differentiation of snow from clouds
6 10.40 to 12.50 Thermal
(emitted) IR
Thermal infrared band of use in vegetation stress analysis, soil mois-
ture discrimination, and thermal mapping
7 2.08 to 2.35 Reflected IR Band selected for its potential for discriminating rock types and for
hydrothermal mapping
EPA Airborne Multispectral Scanner System IFOV of 1.5 mrad (element size is height- and IFOV range- dependent)
1 0.38 to 0.44 Violet See information above: TM bands and these bands have the same
2 0.44 to 0.47 Blue
3 0.495 to 0.535 Cyan to green
4 0.54 to 0.58 Green to yellow
5 0.58 to 0.62 Yellow to orange
6 0.62 to 0.66 Orange to red
7 0.66 to 0.70 Red
8 0.70 to 0.74 Far to near infrared
9 0.76 to 0.86 Reflected IR
10 0.97 to 1.06 Reflected IR
11 9.50 to 13.50 Thermal (emitted) IR
National Map Accuracy Standards and are field checked
to assure compliance. The use of these maps is severely
limited for waste-site-specific studies because of scale and
contour interval demands. The largest scale USGS topo-
graphic map available in a standard series is the 7-1/2-min
series at a scale of 1:24,000 (1 in. to 2,000 ft). Contour
intervals vary with relief on the map sheet but are seldom
less than 3 m (10 ft) and may be as large as 13 m (40 ft).
(2) Scales and contour-interval limitations become
significant when studying a typically small site of only 4
to 6.5 ha (10 to 40 acres). Methods that might be used to
EM 1110-1-1802
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provide larger scale maps include site surveys, photo-
grammetric map-making from specific flight-line
photography, and enlargement of existing maps. Photo-
grammetric base maps can be compiled in a matter of
weeks, at relatively low cost in comparison with site
survey mapping. Photographic interpretation and mapping
at existing large-scale photographic scales serve as means
of construction of an uncontrolled base map, which must
be carefully field checked if it is to be a basis for meas-
urements and calculations or designs.
(3) Enlargement of existing maps which meet
National Map Accuracy Standards may be accomplished
by many methods: through photographs; through the use
of enlarging equipment and drafting, such as Map-o-
Graph and zoom transfer scope; or, by grid or slave plot-
ting procedures. The recommended upper scale limit for
such enlargements has been determined by the USGS
Mid-Continent Mapping Center to be two times, that is,
1:24,000 to 1:12,000; an enlargement of two times is
recommended only when it is accomplished in a quality-
controlled fashion by means of large-format photographic
methods. Without any added information, such as addi-
tional contour lines or boundaries, this enlargement will
have the integrity of the original map. Enlargements
greater than two times require field verification of all
information presented. Enlargements of orthophotography
and other scale-controlled photography for map produc-
tion must be made and executed with equal accuracy and
9-4. Sources and Characteristics of Available
and Historic Data
Many federal, state, and local government agencies have
sponsored aerial photographic surveys over the past
50 years. Earlier photography was collected primarily for
topographic mapping or agricultural land-use acreage esti-
mates. Since about 1960, much more wide-ranging rea-
sons for photographic surveillance of the terrain have
motivated the use of different types of film for
environmental quality analysis and monitoring. The
development of MSS systems and satellite platforms,
beginning about 1965, has added greatly to both the
amount and quality of remote sensor terrain data. The
following paragraphs summarize the most easily accessed,
public domain sources of remote sensor data, the types of
data available, and their general capabilities for problem
solving with respect to site studies.
a. U.S. aerial photography. The USGS began its
program of mapping photography in the 1930s. The vast
amount of this historic photography is pan photography at
good scale and with good exposure reliability. Flight
lines were completed with contract specifications of
60 percent forward frame-to-frame overlap and 30 percent
flight-line side-lap. These specifications make USGS
photography an excellent source of scaled data for use as
uncontrolled base map drawings and for identification of
the changes in the site layout boundaries and in distur-
bances through time.
(1) The specified flight and exposure conditions
required by USGS for mapping photography make it
consistently the best-quality photography available. Cloud
cover is not allowable during mapping photography acqui-
sition; flights must be made during clear, minimum-haze
conditions. Terrain conditions must be at least leaf-down
conditions, without snow or floods. As a result of these
requirements, the photography is of high quality, and
interpretation of it is straightforward. The only real limi-
tations are that successive missions are years apart, along
with those mentioned above in the discussion of pan
(2) USGS mapping photography is well indexed, and
a search to determine what is available for a given loca-
tion is a cost-free service of the USGS and ESIC office.
Available photography may be previewed at ESIC offices
around the nation, or photo index sheets may be pur-
chased for preview purposes. Contact prints of the 9- by
9-in. photograph negatives are available at the cost of
production. Details for searching, examination, and order-
ing photographs are discussed later in this manual.
Appendix II, Sources of Remotely Sensed Data, in
ASTM (1988), identifies sources of photography and
(3) Since 1980, a group of federal agencies has
jointly operated the National High-Altitude Photography
(NHAP) Program with the objective of acquiring quality
CIR and pan photography over the conterminous
48 states. This photography is of excellent quality, with a
CIR scale of 1:57,000 and a pan scale of 1:80,000. This
photography was flown during growing conditions, and
the CIR capability of recording vegetative growth-
signature data makes it a particularly valuable source of
recent site history. The first complete coverage, done
under leaf-down conditions, was finished in 1986; the
second coverage, done under growing-season conditions,
was subsequently started; and has been completed.
b. U.S. Department of Agriculture aerial photogra-
phy. Various US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
agencies have acquired aerial photography dating from
the 1930s. Most of this coverage is on a 7-year cycle,
EM 1110-1-1802
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particularly where agricultural activities are the basis for
the local economy.
(1) USDA photography is nearly all panchromatic,
acquired for the purpose of crop-acreage measurements.
Most of the missions are flown for stereo coverage, but
not with the strict specifications used by USGS. How-
ever, the resulting bare soil/growing season pan photogra-
phy at scales of 1:20,000 to 1:40,000 (with some as small
as 1:85,000) is quite usable for following time-related site
(2) Availability of the photography does not match
that of USGS photography. Search of the Aerial Photog-
raphy Summary Records System may be made at ESIC
offices to determine what coverage is readily available.
However, it has been the authors experience that contact
with the county Agricultural Stabilization and Conserva-
tion Service (ASCS) or Soil Conservation Service office
is much more productive. In fact, these offices frequently
have on file a time series of county photography in their
offices which may cover the past 20 to 40 years.
c. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
photography and imagery. NASA has collected CIR and
pan photography, and MSS and TM imagery since about
1965. NASA CIR photography is generally exposed at
high altitude (1:60,000 to 1:120,000 scale) and during the
growing season. An example is Mission 289 (flown in
1974), which covers much of the Mississippi River sys-
tem and was collected during the early 1970s. This pho-
tography is high-resolution stereo coverage and would be
quite useful for studies requiring the 1970s site-history
coverage. Much of the NASA photography is related to a
specific mission objective at the time of its collection.
NASA photography is indexed at the EROS Data Center,
in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and will appear on ESIC
(1) Flight plans and conditions of exposure vary
considerably. These variations require utility evaluation
for each site set of NASA photography. The photography
generally has good utility without resolution limitations.
(2) NASA has recently collected high-resolution
natural-color, CIR, and pan photography from a satellite-
borne camera, a large-format camera aboard the Space
Shuttle. The photography, in addition to 70-mm photog-
raphy collected during the earlier Skylab and Apollo
missions, provides some usable data, but all photographs
are limited to small-area coverage, existing atmospheric
conditions, and flight schedules with respect to terrain and
growing conditions.
(3) Satellite-borne multispectral scanners have been
the major NASA data collection systems since the suc-
cessful orbit of Landsat I in 1972. Frames of MSS data
are available for the entire 48 states and the rest of the
world during all seasons of the year. In many cases,
repeated coverage of historic MSS data on an 8- to 19-
day basis is available. These data are subject to cloud or
terrain condition limitation, but this source remains the
single most frequent remotely sensed data available.
Some of these frames of MSS data are supplemented by
return-beam vidicon data, which is of better detail, much
like a high-altitude photograph. Such information is
collected over the entire visible spectrum.
(4) Satellite MSS and TM imagery is amenable to
map-accurate reproduction. Hard-copy MSS image repro-
ductions at 1:250,000 scale meet National Map Accuracy
Standards. Other hard-copy data forms have similar capa-
bilities. These products may be interpreted in a fashion
similar to that for CIR and pan photographs. Digital-
format data computer-compatible tape (CCT) may be
computer processed or enhanced.
(5) Care must be exercised in selection of MSS and
TM data. Atmospheric and terrain conditions at the time
of imaging must be carefully evaluated in order to deter-
mine the value of individual frames. Detectability of
specific spectral signatures must be assured by evaluation
of terrain conditions since they have an impact on the
contrast and spectral response at the time of imaging.
Cloud cover, growing season, crop calendar, and moisture
content of soils are influential to the image value. If such
an evaluation indicates that a particular MSS or TM frame
will provide needed data, a search by ESIC will yield a
listing of available scenes with the quality of the imaged
spectral band, the cloud cover, and the geographic loca-
tion shown on the printout. The scenes may be previewed
at an ESIC office. Alternatively, a single, red-visible
band, 1:1,000,000 scale (approximately 9 by 9 in.) is
recommended. A hard-copy, photograph type of product
should be ordered for preview.
d. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
photography and imagery. In 1974, the U.S. EPA estab-
lished a remote sensing branch, which has more recently
become known as the Environmental Monitoring Systems
Laboratory (EMSL), located at Las Vegas, NV. Through
activities of the laboratory and the use of contractors,
copious aerial photography and aircraft imagery have been
collected over hundreds of known and potential sites of
interest to the EPA. EMSL capabilities include pan,
natural color, and CIR photography, as well as aircraft-
borne multispectral scanner imagery.
EM 1110-1-1802
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(1) EPA/EMSL flight plans and films are mission-
specific and quite variable in scales and coverage. Avail-
ability of the data for studies is limited to those locations
where no current legal action is pending, unless the data
user is a member of the enforcement team. In addition,
indexing and library storage of these data are not
(2) Much of the EMSL photography is affected by
atmospheric, climatic, or terrain conditions which were
present at the scheduled mission time. This often renders
the data marginal for use in general site characterization
from a historic standpoint. EMSL photography flown at
various times is not commonly scale-compatible or equiv-
alent to scales used by other agencies, thus requiring scale
(3) EMSL multispectral scanner data have been
collected under much the same conditions as the photog-
raphy; however, when these data are processed by com-
puter, they are quite usable. Some MSS imagery is flown
close enough to the terrain surface to produce small
enough pixels for identification of rather small features of
interest. Computer processing is required, but this service
may be contracted with institutions or agencies which
have laboratories with such capability.
e. Other agencies. Other federal, state, and local
agencies frequently contract for aerial photography for
planning or study purposes. The U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, state geological or resource survey agencies,
and regional and local planning agencies hold a large
amount of uncatalogued photography available only
through the office that specified the project. However,
such data sets are valuable as a historic record and should
be evaluated for use in a site history characterization.
From these data sets, local aerial survey firms may be
identified and contacted for information regarding
photography available from their corporate files. The
authors have found that such photography is the best
available source of time-sequenced, large-scale, base map
capability data. A variety of film types and scales are
identified in these sources. Difficulty in securing print or
negative copies should be anticipated, as many of the
collections are poorly archived. Novel arrangements to
gain access for interpretation must be considered where
the photography is unique or protected by agency require-
ments and not releasable on an unrestricted basis.
9-5. Data Set Procurement and Merging
a. Sequence of procurement procedures. This chap-
ter has identified the most reliable data collections utilized
by the author for site characterization. Appendix II,
Sources of Remotely Sensed Data, in ASTM (1988)
summarizes the addresses of these sources and indicates,
to some extent, how to access the sources. However, it is
important to understand the usual sequence of the pro-
curement and evaluation procedures, and that library
locations and methods of access to collections are con-
stantly changing situations.
(1) The initial step in procurement of any data is the
identification of available photography or imagery. The
ESIC offices access only select repositories; those of the
EROS Data Center and Aerial Photo Summary Records
System (APSRS). These repositories include a very large
percentage of USGS mapping photography, NASA pho-
tography and imagery, USDA agency photography, avail-
able NHAP photography, and other federal, state, and
local planning agencies which have chosen to list their
data with APSRS or the EROS Data Center.
(2) A search is initiated by contact with the nearest
ESIC office or with the EROS Data Center (User Services
Section). The basic information required to implement a
search is the site location, type of photography or imagery
of interest, data quality, data format, and dates of
coverage. The search is a cost-free service and yields
printout listings of all available photography or imagery
with the quality, geographic coverage, date of collection,
cloud cover, and other information for each individual
data item.
(3) Evaluation of the search output will require con-
sideration of the weather, soil, vegetation, possible site
conditions, and so forth, at the date of each available data
set. Reference to National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration climatological data for the site at the time
of data collection will indicate many of the environmental
conditions at the collection time. USDA Agricultural
Crop Reporting Service information will assist in
evaluation of the condition of the land vegetative cover
and soil moisture at the time of data collection. Evalua-
tion of these data and inspection of the search printout
will usually lead to identification of those data sets that
will be potentially most usable.
(4) Selection of the most usable data sets is essential
to ensure that the order will indeed provide the required
site characterization information. Microfilm is available
at ESIC offices for previewing most products listed on a
search printout. In cases where a trip to the office is not
practical to search for photographic coverage, the investi-
gator should order a photo index, as an inexpensive means
of previewing the photography. A pan 1:1,000,000 scale
EM 1110-1-1802
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print of the visible red band of MSS or TM data also
serves as an ideal preview sheet. Delivery lead times for
USGS, NASA, and NHAP data are 6 to 8 weeks at coun-
ter prices. For twice counter price, 1-week delivery is
assured. For other sources, such as USDA, longer deliv-
ery times should be anticipated.
(5) Discovering historic photography in other source
libraries presents a considerably more difficult task. Most
local agencies have a means of inventory that will allow
quick examination of the available data, but this requires a
trip to the agency office. Larger state and federal agen-
cies frequently do not have accessible inventories of pho-
tography. It has been found that the best access method
is an employee who is familiar with the scope of the
collection. Contact with commercial aerial survey con-
tractors is usually profitable and will quickly indicate
what has been flown over a site. However, some of this
coverage will require permission from contracting agen-
cies to receive prints. In nearly all of the above situa-
tions, it has been the experience of the authors that these
methods are time-consuming and costly when compared
to acquiring USGS or USDA photography, but the same
sources should not be overlooked as potentially valuable
to the site characterization, starting from the EMSL com-
pilation, and progressing to other sources.
b. Guidelines for data evaluation, interpretation, and
merging. A number of quality control parameters must be
evaluated on each data set in order to assure that the
whole database assembled for a site is of equal reliability.
These parameters include the reliability of each set of
photographs or images, the reliability of the interpretation
of each set, the scale quality of each set, and the relation-
ship of the set to selected base maps.
(1) Data interpretation involves photograph interpre-
tation techniques. Clues such as access roads and their
landscape scars, disturbed terrain, interpretations of the
natural vegetative cover, and spots of bare soil or rock
may be the first indications of waste-disposal activities.
More subtle indicators will be found during detailed
examination of the data. Lillisand and Keifer (1994),
Avery and Berlin 1985, Loelkes et al. (1983), and Johann-
sen and Sanders (1982) contain valuable information and
examples of interpretation techniques.
(2) A few more important considerations relate to the
total database in order to ensure integrity and maximize
the returns in terms of site-use history.
(a) Resolution or detection properties of the data
must be clearly identified with each set, in order to ensure
that no misleading detail is implied. Ideally, all sets of
like data should be interpreted with the largest ground
resolution capability representing the smallest identifiable
(b) Degree of organization and accessibility for each
data set collection must be indicated.
(c) The original data scale must be identified; a
means of scale modification to reach the common study
base map scale must be described. Alternatively, inter-
preted thematic maps may be displayed at the original
photograph/image scales, without common-scale conver-
sion. However, this does not provide a basis for compari-
son of mapped data.
(d) The impact of improved technology of photogra-
phy and image collection over the period of coverage
must be indicated.
(e) Geographic positioning of interpreted features
from one time frame to another must be carefully moni-
tored. A good-quality scale-compatible base map will
serve to minimize this problem.
(f) Quality control on drafting procedures, the use of
stable base materials, and careful workmanship are abso-
lutely necessary.
(3) Equipment requirements are relatively simple and
have been discussed in detail in Elifrits et al. (1979),
Hudson (1976), and Hudson, Elifrits, and Barr (1976). In
summary, the laboratory must be well-lighted, preferably
by natural light, must have stereo-viewing equipment, and
must have a quality engineering graphics capability.
(4) Digital-format data require a computer system
(PC-type or larger) designed to operate image-processing
software to enable the investigator to analyze digital data.
Output may be in the form of tabular data from the sta-
tistical processing routines or in the form of images pro-
duced via CRT imaging of the data, or both forms, for
visual evaluation and recording by photography or via
printer-plotter mechanism.
c. Geographic information systems - GIS.
(1) Recent developments in the ability to use geo-
graphically registered data sets in what is known as
geographic information systems, or GIS, enable the inves-
tigator to carefully study combinations of many varieties
of data for a given site. Digital format data such as topo-
graphic maps and scanner-type remotely sensed data lend
EM 1110-1-1802
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themselves to rapid and easy entry into such computer-
contained record systems.
(2) A digitizing capability for entry of maps or other
site data that are not initially recorded in digital form is
desirable for database-type merging. Digitizing of
mapped data may be accomplished by a variety of meth-
ods. USGS map products are currently being digitized by
the agency for marketing as computer compatible tapes
which can be used directly in computer-contained data-
bases. Newly created and revised USGS maps are pro-
duced in digital form. Other line maps may be scanned
for digitization.
(3) A variety of software and hardware systems for
the construction of geographic databases is available.
Most systems have the common characteristic of storing
information in rows and columns with geographically
registered cells assigned values for each theme or file of
information. Many advantages of database information
management are apparent. Among these are the rapid
retrieval of data, the merging and interaction of data files,
the mathematical manipulation of files for area or other
computational activities, and the capability of addressing
the variations in scales of the input data.
9-6. Presentation of Data
a. Presentation format. Information that has been
interpreted from available remote sensor data must be
presented in scale-accurate, easily understood form. The
most desirable presentation format is that of a base map
with various single-thematic overlays which align with
base map boundaries, either in hard copy or as files in a
computer-contained database. Thematic maps may be
constructed at photographic scale, on an acetate overlay,
and then scale-adjusted to the base map scale by using a
reducer-enlarger. Cultural features (such as levees and
roads) may be used for control of the scale adjustment.
b. Engineering geologic map. In addition to the
presentation of the site historic land-use data and other
thematic data taken from remote sensor sources, the final
product report should contain an engineering geologic
map portraying site exploration efforts, such as water and
soil sampling locations, holes, backhoe pits, and geophysi-
cal traverses.
9-7. Remote Sensing Recommendations
a. Resource availability. Readily available, historic
remote sensor data are found in a variety of aerial photo-
graphs, MSS imagery, and satellite-collected MSS or TM
imagery. This is a powerful source for developing site
chronologies and inventory of geotechnical parameters.
Proper selection and interpretation of remotely sensed data
enable the investigator to develop the most accurate eval-
uation of historic activity and conditions at the site. The
impact of site operations on vegetation, soil, surface
water, and groundwater may be monitored through time.
Bare-soil conditions are especially helpful in evaluating
material properties and other geotechnical parameters
through photograph interpretation methods. Base maps
may be constructed to exhibit these interpreted details.
b. Quality. The value of remote sensor data is
limited by only a few important factors which must be
taken into consideration in any site characterization.
Central to this concern is the fact that bits of information
can be used to interpret the composition of materials and
hydrogeologic parameters. The conditions under which
data are collected and the dates of collection control the
quality and quantity of information available.
c. Standardization. Standardizing the uses of the
data will improve outcomes. Examples include the
(1) Vegetation evaluation using CIR photography.
(2) Appropriate selection of data with respect to col-
lection date and weather and growing conditions, and
selection of the terrain conditions which would enable the
desired information to be recorded.
(3) Consideration of the resolution or detection capa-
bilities which would provide the anticipated details.
(4) Consideration of the scale and comparison of
scales which would allow reliable representation of all
data, both interpreted and mapped.
An important and common standard for all presentation of
data includes proper and sufficient notation on maps indi-
cating the data sources, data interpretation and preparation
methods, and their geographic integrity.
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Chapter 10
Engineering Vibration Investigations
10-1. Earthquake-Resistant Design
Many Corps projects could potentially be impacted by
earthquakes. HQUSACE is conducting Corps-directed
research for particular concerns with dam and reservoir
projects. This effort, the Civil Works - Earthquake Engi-
neering Research Program, should provide valuable tools
to design resistant structures under earthquake loading.
Vast resources of research, publications, and designs for
earthquake studies are available in government and public
a. Guidance. Several present engineering manuals
and engineering regulations provide guidance for consid-
ering earthquake impacts on Corps projects. Several
documents are under current revision or review. As the
Earthquake Engineering Research Program and other
study advances become available, HQUSACE will update
its provisions for design and rehabilitation.
b. Earthquake and project studies. The provided
guidance can only be applied with knowledge of the
regional seismicity, regional geologic regime, geologic
structure and faulting in the vicinity of the project, the
geology of the site, and the site foundations engineering
(1) Interdisciplinary team. Districts undertaking
studies to provide the geophysical, geological, and
geotechnical data for a project should consider interdis-
ciplinary teams. A study manager would normally lead
the assembled group with some or all the following types
of experience:
(a) Engineering seismology.
(b) Strong-motion geophysics.
(c) Structural geology.
(d) Engineering geology.
(e) Foundation/geotechnical engineering.
(f) Hydraulics engineering.
(g) Structural engineering.
The diverse interests and differing technical language of
these team members require close coordination to main-
tain the projects objective. Team members may not all
be within the Districts staff or even government service.
A cohesive body can establish specific products in
harmony with the use of the product in achieving the
project goal. The individual study components will more
likely suit the following user of the product, if the inter-
disciplinary team acts as a body requesting information
with explicitly stated goals.
(2) Geophysical investigations. Many of this
manuals procedures will provide important data to the
solution of particular objectives. Some possible resolu-
tions might be as follows:
(a) Location of faults.
(b) Crosshole shear velocities of the foundation and
embankment on built structures.
(c) Downhole logging of borings for soil or rock
properties or unit contacts.
10-2. Vibration Concerns
Blasting programs and vibrating machine foundations
compose a set of problems that will not employ proce-
dures from this manual. The sole exception might be
S-wave refraction or surface wave studies to determine
the damping of founding soil material for a machine
a. Blasting programs. Rock removal and rock
quarrying or blast demolition at projects produce three
general hazards: ground vibrations, airblast, and projec-
tiles. Thrown ejecta from explosions are solely resolved
by the blasting contractor and the risk only occurs near
the blasting area. Airblast or noise causes public objec-
tions and may break windows. Airblast abatement will be
enhanced by proper stemming (granular fill of the blast
hole) and avoiding shots during adverse weather or day-
time hours. Ground vibrations (and damage to structures)
increase with increased explosive weight, reduction of
distance to important locations, and adverse geologic
(1) Reduction of blast vibration.
(a) The charge weight per delay is the most impor-
tant factor within the contractors control to limit ground
motion. Better specifications require that the scaled
EM 1110-1-1802
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distance be limited for the initial shots of the program.
Scaled distance is the straight line distance from the shot
point of a blast to the closest structure or measurement
point divided by the square root of the charge weight per
significant delay. Delays are significant when they
exceed the longer of 9 ms or 10 percent of the total delay
period. Scaled distances above 50 ft/square root of
pounds will normally cause no damage to a structure with
a substantial safety factor. As the contract progresses, the
contractor should be allowed to lower the production
scaled distance as long as no damage has occurred.
(b) The distance from the area of shooting and the
site geology are not within the contractors control. The
contractor, upon recognizing a difficult condition can
carefully select how to progress with the work, at mini-
mum, to approach from a favorable direction. Other
controlled blasting measures, such as line drilling and
cushion or presplit blasting, may need to be considered
with adverse geometry or geology.
(2) Efficient blasting programs. Corps projects may
either direct or be affected by other blasting uses. The
use of blast-motion seismographs is recommended when
there are concerns on government property from the blast-
ing of others. Directed blasting contracts by the Corps
may have unforeseen outcomes, if the programs are not
carefully considered. The art of blasting has developed
significantly in recent decades. Buildings, chimneys, and
bridges have been safely removed without damaging
adjacent structures.
(a) Government-directed blasting contracts will nor-
mally be more expensive and not as likely to achieve
quality results. Performance contracts for blasting with
specific contract safety limitations secure better produc-
tion at lower costs. The contractor would have a speci-
fied goal in a performance contract. The contractor may
use any cost-effective method to secure the goal within
the limitation of the contract. Contract limitations would
be as follows:
Worker safety.
Avoiding structural damage.
Maximum ground vibrations at provided locations.
Limiting airblast and flyrock.
(b) Performance contracts have another important
benefit besides quality results. Performance contracts
reduce the governments liability while blasting is being
accomplished. The contractor is choosing the method to
perform the goal without government approval. The
specification should provide that required information be
submitted to the government before each shot without the
approval of the shooting program.
b. Machine vibrations. Design of large vibrating
machines is normally undertaken by structural engineers.
Vibrating machinery that develops harmful oscillations
will normally have expensive remediation. Structural
engineers may request geotechnical foundation designs to
rehabilitate or install large machinery. Base isolation,
adjusting the block foundations frequency, or assessing
the foundations damping may need surface wave tech-
niques to provide effective solutions.
10-3. Acoustic Emissions
a. Monitoring. The monitoring of acoustic emissions
or microseismic activity has been used to isolate dis-
tressed portions of engineering structures as load is
increased. In earth materials, it has been used to predict
failure of landslides and other unstable natural structures.
Progressive or alternate loading can result in local struc-
tural failures at points where the stress concentration
exceeds the strength of the material. Due to the inherent
inhomogeneity of most materials, each failure in turn
alters the natural strength of the adjacent material. As the
stresses (and resultant strains) are redistributed in the
structure, stress (seismic) waves are emitted contributing
to the phenomenon of spontaneous stress-wave emissions,
known as acoustic emissions.
(1) Individual acoustic emissions are frequent, spon-
taneous, and normal in most structures coming under load.
The monitoring of the signals is thus complicated by the
requirement of recognizing what is a normal response to
loading, and what is a signal of incipient failure. As
individual events are not ordinarily important in and of
themselves, the instrumentation is usually set up to count
only events stronger than a certain background and to
normalize the count of these events over time. Thus,
number of events per minute is the typical monitoring
parameter. The amount and type of monitoring is
adjusted to the expected load profile and to the expected
failure time horizon. Thus, sheet piles under river loads
may be monitored only for an hour once a day to get a
representative number and then monitored continuously
under flood conditions to measure pile performance and/or
long-term variation in response to similar loads. Land-
slides may be similarly monitored on a weekly basis
during the dry season, and at some daily rate when water
is present and failure more likely.
EM 1110-1-1802
31 Aug 95
(2) Equipment must also be fitted to the scale of the
problem. As recording fidelity is not important, often the
transducer is mounted so as to achieve some mechanical
amplification of the signal. Steel rods driven to bedrock
with accelerometers mounted within a meter above the
surface have been used in landslide investigations, while
pipes welded to piles have been used to mount velocity
transducers in other studies. Specialized instrumentation
is available which will report the number of events per
minute, the average number of counts per minute, and the
number of counts per event. Obviously there is substan-
tial latitude in defining what is an event and what is a
count. Additionally, mechanical amplification will accen-
tuate the effect of any external noise impacting the
b. Acoustic emission recordings.
(1) Failure-prone underground mines have used simi-
lar monitoring systems with one important difference. By
using an array of detectors and a real-time processor,
locations of events within an active mine have been
obtained on a daily basis. When presented as a map, this
information can be of economic benefit to mine operators.
(2) One problem with acoustic emission analysis is
the determination of success. The intent of the analysis
should be to define in advance an adverse occurrence by
its distinctive emission rate. If the pattern of acoustic
emissions leading to failure is recognized only after the
failure, the program has not been a success. Any program
should undergo a thorough evaluation before it starts and
satisfactory answers to the following questions should be
accepted by all participants, including the consumer of the
(a) What phenomena are being directly monitored?
(b) What properties are being inferred from the mea-
surement (attempted to be resolved)?
(c) What horizon of prediction is being investigated,
and are the events sufficiently detailed or numerous that
success or failure can be measured?
(d) What constitutes success or failure?
(e) Considerable empirical adaptation of these meth-
ods to each site-specific area is required.
10-4. Nondestructive Testing
a. System types. Nondestructive testing is available
through a variety of sources. Systems may be based upon
electromagnetic, seismic, thermal, and x-ray evaluations.
Tests do not harm the evaluated feature and are consid-
ered diagnostic of each element tested. Better systems
offer real-time evaluation of the feature.
b. Seismic deployment. Most seismic versions of
nondestructive testing methods as applied on construction
sites rely on the measurement of the impulse response of
a column, beam, or similar structure. A calibrated ham-
mer is used to strike the structure and the resulting
response is measured by a well-calibrated accelerometer
or other transducer. A spectrum analyzer is used to
remove the variations in the input signal and the impulse
response is displayed in either spectral or time-domain
form. If sufficient ingenuity is used to place the source
and receiver, the results can be very diagnostic.
c. Procedure. A testing method is most useful when
distinguishing between good units and bad structures.
The method is calibrated on the known good structures
and then the rest can be tested for major differences from
the good ones. Obviously, the amount of change neces-
sary to condemn a column and the range of acceptability
should be decided by an experienced specialist in this
field. As all structures are different and have significantly
different responses, considerable engineering judgement is
necessary to successfully apply nondestructive testing.
EM 1110-1-1802
31 Aug 95
Appendix A
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EM 1110-1-1802
31 Aug 95
Appendix B
Most geophysical terms used in the manual have been
defined where the terms were introduced. Additional
terminology routinely used in seismic processing and well
logging is presented in this glossary.
B-1. Seismic Processing Terms
The following guide to terminology is given to assist the
nonspecialist in communicating with the processing geo-
physicist. Processing generally consists of a series of
steps with frequent iterations of earlier steps. The experi-
ence of the processor is crucial to guiding the number and
timing of these iterations. The list of terms given below
is not necessarily in the order used in processing, and
alternative jargon with similar meanings is given.
Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
A process for increasing the amplitude of a trace with
time, thus making all events on the trace appear to be of
approximately the same amplitude. Note that this process
will expand the amplitudes even if no data are present.
Various window lengths are used; the appearance of the
data may be greatly affected by the window used in the
Brute stack
A common midpoint stack with only preliminary static
corrections (often none) and preliminary normal-moveout
corrections (often constant velocity). This stack is often
done by field computers to verify the existence of actual
A data processing technique applied to seismic reflection
data for the purpose of improving the recognizability and
resolution of reflected events. The process reverses the
effect of linear filtering processes (convolution) that have
been applied to the data by recording instruments or other
Depth section
A cross section to which a velocity function has been
applied, thus converting arrival times of reflections to
F-K filtering
As frequency filtering removes components of a signal
with particular time variations (low-frequency cut, etc.),
F-K filtering removes components of seismic records with
particular variations in both time (frequency) and space
(K or wave number). As an example, ground roll will
often be of low frequency and, due to the low velocity,
have short wavelengths (high wave number). Thus, a
low-frequency, high-wave number cut filter will attenuate
ground roll.
A rearrangement of interpreted seismic data so that reflec-
tions are restored to their true location on a two-
dimensional cross section. Apparent dips are restored to
true dips to the extent possible.
Change in the amplitude of all or part of a trace before
additional processing. Noisy or clearly erroneous traces
are given zero amplitude. Data before the first break and
the known refraction arrivals are also often reduced to
zero amplitude.
Normal moveout corrections
Time shift corrections to reflection arrivals because of
variation in shotpoint-to-geophone distance (offset). The
amount of shift depends on 1) the length of the raypath
from shot to reflection point to receiver, and 2) the veloc-
ity of the material traversed. Deeper reflections are cor-
rected using velocities indicative of the deeper section.
Data in shot record form are sorted for display as com-
mon offset records, common shot records, common
receiver records, or common depth point records.
Time shift corrections to individual traces to compensate
for the effects of variations in elevation, surface layer
thickness or velocity, or datum references.
Velocity panels
A set of stacked test sections with a progression of
assumed normal-moveout velocities applied. A powerful
method for determining velocities if distinct reflection
events are present, as the reflections will be coherent
where the velocities are correct and be degraded in
appearance at higher or lower NMO velocities.
B-2. Common Well-logging Terms
Acoustic log
Also called sonic log; a record of changes in the character
of sound waves as they are transmitted through liquid-
filled rock; a record of the transit time (t) is the most
EM 1110-1-1802
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common; amplitude and the full acoustic-wave form also
are recorded.
Acoustic televiewer log
A record of the amplitude of high-frequency acoustic
pulses reflected by the borehole wall; provides location
and orientation of bedding, fractures, and cavities.
Acoustic wave
A sound wave transmitted through material by elastic
Activation log
Also called neutron-activation logs; a record of radiation
from radionuclides that are produced in the vicinity of a
well by irradiation with neutrons; the short half-life radio-
isotopes usually are identified by the energy of their
gamma radiation or decay time.
A electrode
One of the current-emitting electrodes of a resistivity-
logging system (A); the current return electrode is
labelled B.
Analog recording
Data are represented as a continuous record of physical
variables instead of discrete values, as in digital recording.
The space between the drill pipe or casing and the wall of
the drill hole; in rocks saturated with hydrocarbons, the
annulus is the transition interval between the invaded zone
and the uncontaminated zone.
API unit
The American Petroleum Institute (API) has established
test pits for calibrating neutron and gamma logs. The API
neutron unit is defined as 1/1,000 of the difference
between electrical zero and the logged value opposite the
Indiana limestone in the calibration pit that has an average
porosity of 19 percent. The API gamma unit is defined
as 1/200 of the deflection between intervals of high and
low radioactivity in the calibration pit.
Apparent resistivity
Resistivity on a log that deviates from the true value,
because of the effects of the borehole, invaded zone, or
other extraneous effects (Ra); the term apparent also is
used for other logs that might need correction to provide
true values.
Atomic number (Z)
The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom equal to
the number of electrons in a neutral atom.
Atomic weight
The total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus
of an atom.
Back-up curve
A curve on the analog record that displays log data on a
new scale when deflections on the main curve exceed the
width of the paper; usually displayed with a different
pattern or color.
Bottom-hole temperature
The bottom-hole temperature (BHT) usually is measured
with maximum recording thermometers attached to a
logging probe.
Probes designed to reduce the extraneous effects of the
borehole and of probe position are called
Borehole television or video
A downhole television camera; see acoustic-televiewer
Bulk density
Bulk density is the mass of material per unit volume; in
logging, it is the density, in grams per cubic centimeter,
of the rock with pore volume filled with fluid.
Determination of the log values that correspond to envi-
ronmental units, such as porosity or bulk density; calibra-
tion usually is carried out in pits or by comparison with
laboratory analyses of core.
Caliper log
A continuous record of hole diameter, usually made with
a mechanical probe having from one to six arms.
Casing-collar locator
An electromagnetic device (CCL) that usually is run with
other logs to record the location of collars or other
changes in casing or pipe.
EM 1110-1-1802
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Cementation factor
The cementation exponent (m) in Archies equation relat-
ing formation-resistivity factor and porosity; cementation
factor as relates to many aspects of pore and grain geome-
try that affect permeability.
Cement bond log
An acoustic amplitude log that is used to determine the
location of cement behind the casing and, under some
conditions, the quality of the bonding to casing and rock.
A device designed to maintain a probe in the center of a
The technique for forcing radiation, like gamma photons,
into a beam.
Compressional wave
Compressional acoustic waves (P) are propagated in the
same direction as particle displacement; they are faster
than shear waves and are used for measuring acoustic
velocity or transit time.
Compton scattering
The inelastic scattering of gamma photons by orbital
electrons; Compton scattering is related to electron density
and is a significant process in gamma-gamma (density)
Determination of the position of stratigraphically equiva-
lent rock units in different wells, often done by matching
the character of geophysical logs; also the matching of
variables, such as log response and core analyses.
A term used in log analysis for a plot of one parameter
versus another, usually two different types of logs. Use-
ful for the identification of lithology.
The quantity of any radionuclide that produces 3.70 x 10
disintegrations per second.
Cycle skip
In acoustic-velocity logging, cycle skips are caused by
only one of a pair of receivers being triggered by an
arriving wave, which causes sharp deflections on the log.
Dead time
In nuclear logging, dead time is the amount of time
required for the system to be ready to count the next
pulse; pulses occurring during dead time are not counted.
In nuclear physics, the process of disintegration of an
unstable radioisotope by the spontaneous emission of
charged particles or photons.
Forcing a logging probe against one side of the drill hole.
Density log
Also called gamma-gamma log; gamma photons from a
radioactive source in the sonde are backscattered to a
detector; the backscattering is related to the bulk density
of the material around the sonde.
Departure curves
Graphs that show the correction that may be made to logs
for some extraneous effects, such as hole diameter, bed
thickness, temperature, etc.
Depth reference or datum
Zero reference for logs of a well; kelly bushing may be
used if the rig is still on the well; ground level or top of
casing is frequently used.
Depth of invasion
Radial distance from the wall of the hole to which mud
filtrate has invaded.
Depth of investigation
See volume of investigation, also called radius or
diameter of investigation.
Can be any kind of a sensor used to detect a form of
energy, but usually refers to nuclear detectors, such as
scintillation crystals.
The departure in degrees between the drill hole or probe
axis and vertical.
Differential log
A log that records the rate of change of some logged
value as a function of depth; the differential log is sensi-
tive to very small changes in absolute value.
EM 1110-1-1802
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Digital log
A log recorded as a series of discrete numerical values;
(compare analog recording).
A multielectrode, contact-resistivity probe that provides
data from which the strike and dip of bedding can be
Directional survey
A log that provides data on the azimuth and deviation of
a borehole from the vertical.
Dual laterolog
A focused resistivity log with both shallow and deep
investigation; usually gamma, SP, and microfocused logs
are run simultaneously.
Effective porosity
Interconnected pore space that contributes to permeability.
Electric log
Generic term usually referring to the resistivity log that
consists of long normal, short normal, lateral, and SP
curves, but also used for other types of resistivity logs.
Electromagnetic-casing inspection log
The effects of eddy currents on a magnetic field are used
to provide a record of the thickness of the casing wall.
Electron volt
The energy acquired by an electron passing through a
potential difference of one volt (eV); used for measuring
the energy of nuclear radiation and particles, usually
expressed as million electron volts (MeV).
Epithermal neutron
A neutron source emits fast neutrons that are slowed by
moderation to an energy level just above thermal equi-
librium, where they are available for capture; most
modern neutron probes measure epithermal neutrons,
because they are less affected by chemical composition
than thermal neutrons.
Field print
A copy of a log obtained at the time of logging that has
not been edited or corrected.
First reading
The depth at which logging began at the bottom of the
A logging device designed to measure the rate, and
usually the direction, of fluid movement in a well; most
are designed to measure vertical flow.
Fluid sampler
An electronically controlled device that can be run on a
logging cable to take water samples at selected depths in
the well.
Flushed zone
The zone in the borehole wall behind the mudcake that is
considered to have had all mobile native fluids flushed
from it.
Focused log
A resistivity log that employs electrodes designed to focus
the current into a sheet that provides greater penetration
and vertical resolution than unfocused logs.
Used in well-logging literature in a general sense to refer
to all material penetrated by a drill hole without regard to
its lithology or structure; used in a stratigraphic sense,
formation refers to a named body of rock strata with
unifying lithologic features.
Formation-resistivity factor
Formation factor (F) is the ratio of the electrical resistivity
of a rock 100 percent saturated with water (R
) to the
resistivity of the water with which it is saturated (R
): F
= R
Gamma log
Also called gamma-ray log or natural-gamma log; log of
the natural radioactivity of the rocks penetrated by a drill
hole; also will detect gamma-emitting artificial radioiso-
topes (see spectral-gamma log).
Gamma ray
A photon that has neither mass nor electrical charge that
is emitted by the nucleus of an atom; measured in gamma
logging and output from a source used in gamma-gamma
Grain density
Also called matrix density; the density of a unit volume
of rock matrix at zero porosity, in grams per cubic
EM 1110-1-1802
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Ground electrode
A surface electrode used for SP and resistivity logging.
Guard log
A type of focused resistivity log that derives its name
from guard electrodes that are designed to focus the flow
of current.
The time required for a radioisotope to lose one half of its
radioactivity from decay.
Induction log
A method for measuring resistivity or conductivity that
uses an electromagnetic technique to induce a flow of
current in the rocks around a borehole; can be used in
nonconductive-borehole fluids.
Interval transit time
The time required for a compressional acoustic wave to
travel a unit distance (t); transit time usually is measured
by acoustic or sonic logs, in microseconds per foot, and is
the reciprocal of velocity.
Invaded zone
The annular interval of material around a drill hole where
drilling fluid has replaced all or part of the native intersti-
tial fluids.
Atoms of the same element that have the same atomic
number, but a different mass number; unstable isotopes
are radioactive and decay to become stable isotopes.
The distance a nuclear logging probe moves during one
time constant.
Last reading
The depth of the shallowest value recorded on a log.
Lateral log
A multielectrode, resistivity-logging technique that has a
much greater radius of investigation than the normal tech-
niques, but requires thick beds and produces an unsym-
metrical curve.
A focused-resistivity logging technique; see also guard
Long normal log
A resistivity log with AM spacing usually 64 in.; see
normal logs.
The solid framework of rock or mineral grains that sur-
rounds the pore spaces.
M electrode
The potential electrode nearest to the A electrode in a
resistivity device.
A unit of electrical conductance that is the reciprocal of
Microresistivity log
Refers to a group of short-spaced resistivity logs that are
used to make measurements of the mud cake and invaded
Mud cake
Also called filter cake; the layer of mud particles that
builds up on the wall of a rotary-drilled hole as mud
filtrate is lost to the formation.
Mud filtrate
The liquid effluent of drilling mud that penetrates the wall
of the hole.
N electrode
The potential electrode distant from the A electrode in a
resistivity device.
An elementary particle of the nucleus of an atom that has
the same mass as a proton (1) but no charge; a neutron
source is required to make neutron logs.
Neutron log
Neutrons from an isotopic source are measured at one or
several detectors after they migrate through material in,
and adjacent to, the borehole. Log response primarily
results from hydrogen content, but it can be related to
saturated porosity and moisture content.
A general term used for spurious or erratic log response
not related to the property being logged; noise logs use an
EM 1110-1-1802
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acoustic receiver to detect sound caused by rapid fluid
movement in the hole.
Normal log
A quantitative-resistivity log, made with four electrodes,
that employs spacings between 4 and 64 in. to investigate
different volumes of material around the borehole; see
also long-normal log and short-normal log.
Nuclear log
Well logs using nuclear reactions either measuring
response to radiation from sources in the probe or measur-
ing natural radioactivity present in the rocks.
Ohm ()
The unit of electrical resistance through which 1 amp of
current will flow when the potential difference is 1 V.
Ohm-meter (m)
Unit of electrical resistivity; the resistivity of 1 m
material, which has a resistance of 1 ohm when electrical
current flows between opposite faces; the standard unit of
measurement for resistivity logs.
Open hole
Uncased intervals of a drill hole.
The ratio of the void volume of a porous rock to the total
volume, usually expressed as a percentage.
Also called sonde or tool; downhole well-logging instru-
ment package.
The nucleus of a hydrogen atom; a positively charged
nuclear particle with a mass of one; see neutron.
Energy emitted as particles or rays during the decay of an
unstable isotope to a stable isotope.
Repeat section
A short interval of log that is run a second time to estab-
lish repeatability and stability.
Resistivity logs
Any of a large group of logs that are designed to make
quantitative measurements of the specific resistance of a
material to the flow of electric current; calibrated in
A typical distortion of normal-resistivity logs opposite
beds that are thinner than the AM spacing; the effect is an
apparent decrease in resistivity in the center of a resistive
The irregularity or roughness of the wall of a borehole.
The percentage of the pore space occupied by a fluid,
usually water in hydrologic applications.
Scintillation detector
An efficient detector used in nuclear-logging equipment;
radiation causes flashes of light that are amplified and
output in a crystal as electronic pulses by a photo-
multiplier tube to which it is coupled.
Secondary porosity
Porosity developed in a rock after its deposition as a
result of fracturing or solution; usually not uniformly
Shale base line
A line drawn through the SP log deflections that represent
shale; a similar technique can be used on gamma logs and
can represent the average log response of sand.
Shear wave
An acoustic wave with direction of propagation at right
angles to the direction of particle vibration (S wave).
Short-normal log
One of a group of normal-resistivity logs usually with
AM spacing of 16 in. or less.
Single-point resistance log
A single electrode device used to make measurements of
resistance that cannot be used quantitatively.
The distance between sources or transmitters and detectors
or receivers on a logging probe.
Spectral-gamma log
A log of gamma radiation as a function of its energy that
permits the identification of the radioisotopes present.
Spine and ribs plot
A plot of long-spaced detector output versus short-spaced
EM 1110-1-1802
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detector output for a dual detector gamma-gamma probe;
permits correction for some extraneous effects.
Spinner survey
A log made with an impeller flowmeter.
Spontaneous-potential log
A log of the difference in DC voltage between an elec-
trode in a well and one at the surface; most of the voltage
results from electrochemical potentials that develop
between dissimilar borehole and formation fluids.
Distance separating a probe from the wall of a borehole.
Oil-industry term used for the performance or result of a
well-logging operation.
Temperature log
A log of the temperature of the fluids in the borehole; a
differential temperature log records the rate of change in
temperature with depth and is sensitive to very small
Thermal neutron
A neutron that is in equilibrium with the surrounding
medium such that it will not change energy (average
0.025 eV) until it is captured.
Time constant
The time in seconds required for an analog system to
record 63 percent of the change that actually occurred
from one signal level to another.
Tracer log
Also called tracejector log; a log made for the purpose of
measuring fluid movement in a well by means of follow-
ing a tracer injected into the well bore; tracers can be
radioactive or chemical.
Term used for the areas in the American Petroleum Insti-
tute log grid that are standard for most large well-logging
companies; track 1 is to the left of the depth column, and
tracks 2 and 3 are to the right of the depth column, but
are not separated.
Any device that converts an input signal to an output
signal of a different form; it can be a transmitter or
receiver in a logging probe.
Variable-density log (VDL)
Also called 3-dimensional log; a log of the acoustic wave
train that is recorded photographically, so that variations
in darkness are related to the relative amplitude of the
Z/A effect
Ratio of the atomic number (Z) to the atomic weight (A),
which affects the relation between the response of
gamma-gamma logs and bulk density.