Summer Event Schedule
Summer Event Schedule
Summer Event Schedule
Please note: These activities are suggestions for you and your family. All activities must be attended by at least one parent per family. Plant Dewi but cannot guarantee that they will be able to attend all of the events listed. Watch our Facebook page for the latest info on attendance and transport. Transport places are limited. Date Week 1 Wednesday 20.07.11 Wednesday 20.07.11 Wednesday 20.07.11 Week 4 Tuesday 09.08.11 Tuesday 09.08.11 Tuesday 09.08.11 10.30 12.30 10am to 11.30 12-3pm Play in the National Park Rough n tumble Free swim TBC Pembroke Leisure Centre Pembroke Leisure centre All 0-4 All restrictions Free 3.00 per child Free Y Y Y Time Activity Location Ages Cost Minibus
Thursday 11.08.11 Thursday 11.08.11 Thursday 11.08.11 Week 5 Monday 15.08.11 Monday 15.08.11 Monday 15.08.11 Week 7 Thursday 01.09.11 Thursday 01.09.11 Thursday 01.09.11 FIND US ON
Thanks to Pembrokeshire County Council and the National trust and Pembrokeshire Coast National Park for organizing the above events. Please note if you want to attend these events on your own all activities are running on each day listed, every week throughout the holidays.