1) Revolf Of Lakandula and Raha Lakandula and Raha Sulayman After the death of Legazpi (Spanish Governor whom they Due to the help of Filipino priest, Geronimo Marin sent by
Sulayman (1574) had the peace pacted), the successor Governor Lavezaris Governor Lavizaris, to give remedy to their grievance, the war
confiscated patrimonial lands and abuse of Spanish encome- was avoided.
nderos to their people.
2) First Pampanga Revolt (1585) Unnamed Abuse of early encomenderos. The revolt was unsuccessful, the leaders was arrested and
(Brave Pampagueos) executed because a native woman whom was married to a
Spanish authorities warned the authorities.
3) Tondo Conspiracy (1587-1588) Agustin de Legazpi To regain the lost of freedom which their ancestors had Due to a traitor, Antonio Surabao who pretend to support the
Martin Pangan, Magat Salama and enjoyed. rebellion against spaniards. He leaked the secret plan to his
Juan Banal. spanish master resulting to arrest of the revolt leaders, some are
executed and exile to mexico.
4) Magalat Revolt (1596) Magalat Abuses of tribute collectors and corrupt tribute collectors. The death of Magalat whom was assasinated in his house was
the cause of failure of the revolt.
5) Religious Revolt of the gorots gorots Opposed to be christianize. Defeat of gorots by Captain Miranda.
6) Revolt of the rrayas (1621) Gabriel Dayag and Felix Catubay Oprression of vicious Spanish officials. Killed the oppressive encomenderos and officials and burned
their home. Though, father Santo tomas exhorted the leaders
to avoid the fight and remedied their grievance.
7) Religious Revolt of Tamblot Babaylan Tamblot Lead by Tamblot of a religious wisdom to free the boholanos Tamblot and his followers were defeated. The gallant valor of
(1621-1622) from the oppression of spaniards. the Cebuano soldiers gave the victory to Spain.
8) Bankaw's Religious Revolt (1621) Bankaw Bankaw returned to his religious belief to defend their old The Spanish-Filipino forces defeated the bankaw fleet.
gods and religion. Bankaw's head was exhibited ub public as punishment for his
infidelity and apostasy.
9) Revolt of Ladia (1643) Pedro Ladia To rise in arms against Spain Pedro Ladia was arrested and sent to Manila to be executed.
10) Sumoroy's Rebellion ) Sumororoy Enforcing of Spaniards of a cruel order. Sumoroys won several victories over the Spanish-Filipino
(1649-1650) forces. But in July 1650, the combined Spanish-Filipino forces
assaulted his fort. Sumoroy was taken alive and executed.
11) Maniago's Revolt (1660) Francisco Maniago a) Natural love of the Pampagueos for freedom The war was prevented by giving of Francisco Maniago's term
b) the frequent recruitment of the men to cut timber in the and grievances. The spaniards pay P14,000 to the Pampague-
mountain for the construction of Spanish gallens os, general pardon to all rebels and cutting of timber was
c) the hated bandala. continued.
12) Malong's Rebellion (1660-1661) Andres Malong Spanish oppression The Malong's revolt killed several spaniards, including alcalde-
mayor but due to sending of his troops to allied provinces and
weakened his army. He was pursued by the Spanish-Filipino
forces and was caught alive. He was executed in Binalatongan.
13) locos Revolt Pedro Almazan, Juan Magsanop nspired by Malong's revolutionary propaganda. The rebels killed friars and burned the churches. n the end,
and Gaspar Cristobal the revolt was supressed by the Spanish troops, with the help
of many loyal Filipinos.
14) Tapar's Religious Uprising babaylan and sorcerer Tapar Religious revolt to christianity The revolst was supressed by government troops. Tapar and
his leading followers were killed and their corpses were
impaled on stakes.
15) The Zambal Revolt (1681-1683) Tumalang Punishment of Zambals for helping malong. nprisonment of their leader Tumalang
16) Dagohoy Rebellion (1744-1829) Brother of Dagohoy and Dissapointed to a priest, Father Gaspar Morales, because The rebellion lasted more than 85 years with 20 Spanish
Francisco Dagohoy the priest did not give the deadman a Christian burial. Governors fought. n the end on April 1828, the rebellion was
cease led by Captain Manuel Sanz. The 19,420 survivors was
pardoned and permitted to live in the new villages of lowlands.
17) Agrarian Uprising (1745-46) Matienza Usurpation of lands with no legal rights from the filipino Matienza and his lieutenants were shot, and many who surren-
landowners. dered was pardoned. The Case was brought to the king of
Spain of the dispute of land, but in the end the friars won the
case and remained their ownership until the end of Spanish
18) Rebellion of Deigo Silang Deigo Silang Enraged by his brief imprisonment and refusal of Spanish He expelled the alcalde-mayor and other hated Spaniards from
(1762-63) of his demands. Vigan, and proclaimed the abolition of excessive tribute and
force labor. He successfully defend vigan from spanish attacks.
Silang was assasinated by Spanish mestizo and Silang's friend
in his house at Vigan on May 28, 1763.
18)B. Gabriela, locano Joan of Arc Gabriela Silang Death of his husband Diego Silang. Together with his uncle, Nicolas Cario, who temporarily took
command of the rebel forces who Diego Silang left, They fought
the spaniards, gather some forces on the mountains to attack
the spaniards, but later on September 20 1973, the troops of
Gabriela was beaten and was executed at Vigan.
19) The Palaris Revolt Juan de la Cruz Palaris a) Spain's loss of prestige due to the British Occupation Juan de la Cruz Palaris succeeded in driving the Spaniards and
of Manila. friars out of the rebel towns and he was mastet of the province.
b) Excessive tribute But in the end his rebellion was supressed by Don Manuel de
c) Abuses of alcalde-mayor and other officials. Arza, brought 3000 loyal locano Soldiers. He and his army was
put to death.
20) Cagayan Uprising (1763) Dabo and Juan Marayac British colonial and inspired by revolutionary propaganda of The revolts commited various acts of violence on the Spanish
Silang and Palaris. officials and the friars. But the revolt did not last long, for Don
Manuel de Arza and his loyal Filipino troops came and seized
it. The leaders were executed.
21) The Basi Revolt (1807) locanos Prohibiting the locanos to drink their homemade basi by the The revolt won the battle at Badoc, but defeated by the
Spaniards. alcalde-mayor's strong forces at San delfonso.
22) Revolt in Defense of Constitution Simon Tomas Abolishing of Spanish Constitution The locanosrich Spaniards and pro-Spanish natives, looted the
churces and killed some friars and officials. The revolt was
queeled by the superior Spanish Governemnt.
23) Revolt of the Bayot Brothers Manuel, Jose and Joaquin Bayot Dispute between peninsulares and creoles. The conspiracy of the Bayot Brothers was thus aborted, and
in (1822) they were imprisoned after trial.
24) The Novales Mutiny (1823) Andres Novales Racial Decrimination of peninsulares among creoles.