Hurdles Drills

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100m Hurdle Workouts & Drills

Doug Plunkett, Asst. Track & Field Coach Downers Grove South High School

Background: 20 years coaching experience USATF Level I, II & III schools USOC Emerging Elite coaching school

Key Resources that I use a lot (books & videos): The Science of Hurdling and Speed 4th Ed. by Brent McFarlane USA Track & Field Coaching Manual Strength Training for Track & Field by John Cissik Come to Hurdle Practice with Wayne Clark (video) Drills for Teaching the Hurdles with Mike Poehlein (video)

At DGS: Hurdlers train with sprinters. All sprinters (including hurdlers) train for the 400m. Most of our hurdlers also compete in several field events. Mon-Wed-Sat: workout days. Tue-Thu-Fri: technique days. Hurdles are ALWAYS set lower and closer than regulation.

Early Season (Jan-March): General strength and conditioning. Acceleration & speed development. Hurdle drills! (all 55-100m hurdle work). Mid Season (March-April): Repetition and Speed Endurance workouts 100m/300m hurdle event specific drills! Late Season (May): Technical problem solving Speed!

Downers Grove South Girls Track & Field

Hurdle Drills
Dynamic Flexibility Drills. Various leg swings using the support of the wall or a hurdle. These drills involve fast movements which can be designed to simulate any desired part of the hurdle action. These drills are designed to help the athlete feel the correct motion of hurdling while becoming more flexible and comfortable with hurdling at the same time. Lead Leg Wall Drill. The athlete places a hurdle against a solid wall and stands three walking steps from the hurdle. The athlete walks up to the hurdle and simulates take off with the lead leg. Athlete places his/her foot just above the hurdle board. Emphasize leading with the knee, not the foot. The leg should be bent slightly and not straight. Standing Trail Leg Wall Drill. The athlete places a hurdle 3 to 4 feet from a wall. They will stand next to the hurdle with the lead foot on the ground in front of the hurdle with their hand on the wall for balance. The trail leg should start fully extended with the toe cocked. The athlete will simulate the trail leg action (keeping the knee high) and step down even with the other foot. Emphasize keeping the trail leg as close to the body as possible and drive the knee into the chest. Do not let the athlete extend the trail leg after they have cleared the hurdle. The foot should come down to the track UNDER the knee. Trail Leg Resistance Drill. The drill is the same as above with the addition of a partner holding the foot of the trail leg and giving resistance. Emphasize the same correct form as above. Do not let the athlete swivel their hips towards the hurdle as the trail leg comes up or down. Rhythm Drill. This drill uses no hurdles. From a light jog on a line, the athlete drives his/her lead leg into the chest followed by the trail leg knee to the chest. The lead leg lands first on the line followed by the trail leg. Repeat this four to five times. You may also add a knee slap to this drill. Emphasize on the high knee action and driving the knees to the chest. Hurdle Rhythm Drill. Place 3-4 hurdles or barriers that are 12 inches high and placed about 10 yds apart. The athlete will run slowly over the hurdles while working on the two high knee actions like the rhythm drill. Athlete may start to build speed after the technique becomes better. Emphasize on the high knee action and driving the knees to the chest.

Downers Grove South Girls Track & Field

Hurdle Drills
0-1-2 Step Drill. The athlete will stand next to one hurdle with the lead leg placed ahead of the hurdle. The 0 step drill consists of the athlete pulling their trail leg over the hurdle. After 10 repetitions, take one step back with the lead leg. The 1 step drill consists of stepping once with the lead leg, driving the lead leg to the chest and stepping down past the hurdle and then performing the trail leg action over the hurdle. Again after 10 reps, take two steps back with the lead leg. The 2 step drill begins with a marching step with the trail leg, followed by the lead leg and then pulling the trail leg over the hurdle. Emphasize high knees with the lead leg (steps 1 and 2) and good arm action. Trail Leg Hop. Place the thigh of the lead leg on the hurdle. The goal is to get both legs quickly down on the ground. Emphasize getting the trail leg down FAST. Angled Hurdle Trail Leg Drill. Lower one side of the hurdle. Face the direction that the hurdle elevates to. Place the lead leg on the support bar and place the knee and ankle (instep) of the trail leg on the hurdle. Pull the trail leg through and drive the arm back. Emphasize keeping the knee above the ankle as it exits the hurdle board. Hurdle Walk Overs. Place 5 hurdles end to end. The athlete walks over each hurdle alternating legs. Try to keep the trail leg knee as high as possible. This works on the athletes flexibility and range of motion in the hips. Hurdle Over and Unders. Place 5 hurdles end to end. Hurdles 2 and 4 should be placed at the highest setting. The athlete will walk over the first hurdle and step through and under the second hurdle (drop hips, dont bend). They will then walk over the third and step through and under the fourth and then walk over the fifth. This works on the athletes flexibility and range of motion in the hips. All Trail Leg Drill. Place 5-7 hurdles together. The athlete will go over the middle, starting with the lead leg on the first hurdle, but then only using the trail leg action to cross the remaining hurdles. The trail leg will alternate sides. Emphasize keeping the trail leg as close to the body as possible and drive the knee into the chest. Do not let the athlete extend the trail leg after they have cleared the hurdle. The foot should come down to the track UNDER the knee.

Downers Grove South Girls Track & Field

Hurdle Drills
A skips over Hurdles. Place 5 hurdles three walking strides apart. The athlete will perform a A skip over the hurdle with the lead leg. The athlete will skip in between each hurdle. The athlete must lead with the knee, not with the foot. Make sure the athlete is using the arms during this drill. This works on the knee drive of the lead leg. It also develops a rhythm pattern. B Skips over Hurdles. Place 5 hurdles three walking strides apart. The athlete will perform a B skip over the hurdle with the lead leg. The athlete will skip in between each hurdle. The athlete must lead with the knee and once the knee is over the hurdle the athlete will extend the leg and snap down or paw back at the same time. Make sure the athlete is using the arms during this drill. The works on the knee drive of the lead leg. It also works on the snapping or pawing action the athlete should feel when he or she is running full speed over the hurdle. Walking Trail Leg Drill. Place 5 hurdles three walking strides apart. The athlete walks next to the hurdle with the lead leg to the outside. As the athlete approaches the hurdle they should drive the lead leg to the chest and step down past the hurdle. The athlete will then perform the trail leg action over the hurdle. Start at a low height and as the athlete gains flexibility raise the hurdle. Emphasize keeping the trail leg as close to the body as possible and drive the knee into chest. Do not let the athlete extend the trail leg after they have cleared the hurdle. The foot should come down to the track under the knee (step down on the lane line to check if foot is going straight ahead.)

Starting block drill variations: Starts to the 1st hurdle. Emphasize acceleration and steps to the first hurdle. Starts to the 1st 2-4 hurdles. Emphasize total technique. Starts to hurdles 1, 3, and 5. Emphasize speed between hurdles. Magic hurdles. Speed, speed, speed!

Downers Grove South Girls Track & Field

Micorcycle: Week 1 Mesocycle: General Prep (Medium Intensity) Dates: Jan. 22-27 Day Monday Training Details Dynamic Warm-up 10x30m flys 1min rest 400m jog, stretching & Weights (find maxs) Dynamic Warm-up 6x200m @ 33-36 (fastest group), 37-42, 43-48 sec w/ 3min rest 3x15sec partner resistance runs 2x20x(Abs: crunches, sides, lying leg raises, bicycles, fold-ups) Weights (find maxs)

Micorcycle: Week 2 Mesocycle: General Prep (Medium Intensity) Dates: Jan. 29 Feb. 3 Day Monday Training Details Dynamic Warm-up 8x200m @ 33-36 (fastest group), 37-42, 43-48 sec w/ 3min rest 2x25x(Abs: crunches, sides, lying leg raises, bicycles, fold-ups) Dynamic Warm-up 2x10x30m flys 1min rest 400m jog, stretching HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK Weights



Wednesday Dynamic Warm-up HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 2x20x(Abs: crunches, sides, lying leg raises, bicycles, fold-ups) 400m jog, stretching & Weights (find maxs) Thursday Dynamic Warm-up 2x600m @ 1:50 (74/400m pace) 10min rest 3x200m @ 40-39-38sec walk 200m rest 8x10sec jump rope & Weights (find maxs) Dynamic Warm-up 5xAcceleration Sticks 14-3-5-74-10-13-164-20-24-284 3x200m fast and loose w/ 4 min rest HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK Weights 10min jog, stretching Hills 5x(5sec,10sec,15sec) 15sec rest 5min jog, stretching

Wednesday Dynamic Warm-up HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 2x25x(Abs: crunches, sides, lying leg raises, bicycles, fold-ups) 400m jog, stretching Thursday Dynamic Warm-up 2x600m @ 1:50 (74/400m pace) 10min rest 3x200m @ 40-39-38sec walk 200m rest 8x10sec jump rope & Weights Dynamic Warm-up HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 2x25x(Abs: crunches, sides, lying leg raises, bicycles, fold-ups) 400m jog, stretching & Weights 10min jog, stretching Hills(8-10x) 10min jog, stretching



Saturday Saturday

Downers Grove South Girls Track & Field

Micorcycle: Week 3 Mesocycle: General Prep (Hard Intensity) Dates: Feb. 5-10 Day Monday Training Details Dynamic Warm-up 10x200m @ 33-36 (fastest group), 37-42, 43-48 sec w/ 3min rest 5x15sec partner resistance runs & Weights Dynamic Warm-up 2x10x30m flys 1min rest HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 2x30x(Abs: crunches, sides, lying leg raises, bicycles, fold-ups) 400m jog, stretching

Micorcycle: Week 4 Mesocycle: General Prep (Hard Intensity) Dates: Feb. 12-17 Day Monday Training Details Dynamic Warm-up 12x200m @ 33-36 (fastest group), 37-42, 43-48 sec w/ 3min rest 6x15sec partner resistance runs & Weights Dynamic Warm-up 2x10x30m flys 1min rest HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 2x30x(Abs: crunches, sides, lying leg raises, bicycles, fold-ups) 400m jog, stretching



Wednesday Dynamic Warm-up 2x600m @ 1:50 (74/400m pace) 10min rest 3x200m @ 40-39-38sec walk 200m rest 10x10sec jump rope & Weights Thursday Dynamic Warm-up HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 2x30x(Abs: crunches, sides, lying leg raises, bicycles, fold-ups) 400m jog, stretching Dynamic Warm-up 5xAcceleration Sticks 14-3-5-74-10-13-164-20-24-284 3x200m fast and loose w/ 4 min rest HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK Weights Meet at Hinsdale Central w/Naperville North

Wednesday Dynamic Warm-up 2x600m @ 1:50 (74/400m pace) 10min rest 4x200m @ 40-39-38-37 sec walk 200m rest Weights Thursday Dynamic Warm-up HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 2x30x(Abs: crunches, sides, lying leg raises, bicycles, fold-ups) 400m jog, stretching Dynamic Warm-up 2x10x30m flys 1min rest HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 2x30x(Abs: crunches, sides, lying leg raises, bicycles, fold-ups) 400m jog, stretching 10min jog, stretching Hills(8-10x), 10min jog, stretching Weights





Downers Grove South Girls Track & Field

Micorcycle: Week 5 Mesocycle: General Prep (Recovery Intensity) Dates: Feb. 19-24 Day Monday Training Details Dynamic Warm-up 6x150m Hill 2x20x(Abs: crunches,sides,lying leg raises, bicycles, fold-ups) 400m jog, stretching & Weights Dynamic Warm-up HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK Hurdler Drills: wall drills, walk thrus, 5x starts to 1st hurdle 3x20m, 3x30m, 2x40m block starts & Weights

Micorcycle: Week 6 Mesocycle: Specific Prep (Light Intensity) Dates: Feb. 26 Mar. 3 Day Monday Training Details Dynamic Warm-up 2x500m @95% (10min rest) 4x40m @95% (30sec/3min) 3x200m @70% (2min rest) Weights Dynamic Warm-up 4-6x40m block starts (3min. rest) 4-6x30m flying sprints (working on finishing at tape) (3min rest) HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 3x25xAbs, Cool down/stretch



Wednesday Meet at Home vs. Naperville Central Thursday Dynamic Warm-up Stick Drill Running 5x(20sticks-4apart emphasis-frequency) HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK Dynamic Warm-up Stick drill running 5x(20sticks-4apart emphasis-frequency) 3x200m fast and loose w/ 4 min rest Weights Meet at Plainfield South Friday

Wednesday Dynamic Warm-up 4x300m @90% (8 min. rest) 20min run Weights Thursday Dynamic Warm-up Stick drill (5x20 sticks at 4ft.6in. apart) 4x80m relaxation strides (easy pace, focus on good form) HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 3x25xAbs, Cool down/stretch Dynamic Warm-up Stick drill (5x20 sticks at 4ft.6in. apart) 10 x resistance running x 60m HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK Meet at Argo Invite




Downers Grove South Girls Track & Field

Micorcycle: Week 7 Mesocycle: Specific Prep (Medium Intensity) Dates: Mar. 5-10 Day Monday Training Details Dynamic Warm-up 2x500m @95% (10min rest) 4x40m @95% (30sec/3min) 3x200m @70% (2min rest) Weights (find new maxs and adjust) Dynamic Warm-up Stick drill (5x20 sticks at 4ft.6in. apart) 4x80m relaxation strides (easy pace, focus on good form) HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 3x25xAbs, Cool down/stretch

Micorcycle: Week 8 Mesocycle: Specific Prep (Medium Intensity) Dates: Mar. 12-17 Day Monday Training Details 3x300m @90% (8min rest) 6x100m Hill (start further up) Weights Dynamic Warm-up 6x40m block starts (3min. rest) 6x30m flying sprints (working on finishing at tape) (3min rest) HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 4x80m relaxation strides (easy pace, focus on good form)



Wednesday Meet at Mustang Relays Thursday Dynamic Warm-up Stick drill (5x20 sticks at 4ft.6in. apart) 4-6x40m block starts (3min. rest) 4-6x30m flying sprints (working on finishing at tape) (3min rest) HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK Weights (find new maxs and adjust) Meet at Glenbard North Invite

Wednesday Dynamic Warm-up 4x200m @90% (8min rest) 3x25xAbs, Cool down/stretch Weights Thursday Dynamic Warm-up 3x200m @ 32 sec. (4 min recovery) HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK Weights Meet at Hinsdale South (West Suburban Gold Conference Championship) 30 min. run on your own & 3 sets of sit ups

Friday Friday Saturday Saturday 30 min. run on your own & 3 sets of sit ups

Downers Grove South Girls Track & Field

Micorcycle: Week 9 Mesocycle: Specific Prep (Hard Intensity) Dates: Mar. 19-24 Day Monday Training Details Dynamic Warm-up 2x500m @95% (10min rest) 4x40m @95% (30sec/3min) 3x200m @70% (2min rest) Weights Dynamic Warm-up Stick drill (5x20 sticks at 5ft. apart) 6x40m block starts (3min. rest) 6x30m flying sprints (working on finishing at tape) (3min rest) HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 3x30xAbs, Cool down/stretch

Micorcycle: Week 10 Mesocycle: Specific Prep (Hard Intensity) Dates: Mar. 26-31 (SPRING BREAK WEEK) Day Monday Tuesday Training Details 30min on your own & 3 sets of sit-ups 30min on your own & 3 sets of sit-ups


Wednesday Dynamic Warm-up 2x500m @95% (10min rest) 4x40m @95% (30sec/3min) 3x200m @70% (2min rest) Weights Thursday Dynamic Warm-up Stick drill (5x20 sticks at 5ft. apart) 3x200m 32-31-30sec (walk 200m rest) HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 3x30xAbs, Cool down/stretch 4x80m relaxation strides (easy pace, focus on good form) IPTT Qualfiers: HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK All Others Dynamic Warm-up 4x300m @90% (8 min. rest) 8x100m Hill Weights Leave for IPTT Meet after practice Meet at Illinois Prep Top Times (Bloomington)

Wednesday Dynamic Warm-up 4x300m @90% (8 min. rest) 8x100m Hill Weights Friday Thursday Dynamic Warm-up 3x200m 32-31-30sec (walk 200m rest) HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 3x30xAbs, Cool down/stretch 4x80m relaxation strides (easy pace, focus on good form) 20min Warm-up 6x400m Hill 20min Cool-down & Stretch 30min on your own & 3 sets of sit-ups Saturday



Downers Grove South Girls Track & Field

Micorcycle: Week 11 Mesocycle: Specific Prep (Recovery Intensity) Dates: Apr. 2-7 Day Monday Training Details Dynamic Warm-up 2x450m@85% Speed: 80sec (70sec/400m pace) 15min rest 3x200m Speed: 36-35-34 sec Rest: 3 min Weights Outdoor Track 101 Dynamic Warm-up Stick drill (5x20 sticks at 5ft. apart) 6x40m block starts HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 4x100m relaxation strides (easy pace, focus on good form)

Micorcycle: Week 12 Mesocycle: Competition (Light Intensity) Dates: Apr. 9-14 Day Monday Tuesday Training Details Home meet vs. Oak Park Dynamic Warm-up 10x10sec fast jump ropes HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK Hurdlers 6x6 hurdles at 8.5m or 6xH4,5,6 3x20xAbs


Wednesday Meet at Downers Grove North w/York Thursday Dynamic Warm-up Stick drill (5x20 sticks at 5ft. apart) HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 4x200m @60-70% (90sec walk 200m rest) 4x100m relaxation strides (easy pace, focus on good form) Weights 30min on your own & 3 sets of sit-ups (No School - Good Friday) Meet at Home DGS Invitational

Wednesday Dynamic Warm-up 2x450m@85% Speed: 80sec (70sec/400m pace) 15min rest 3x200m Speed: 36-35-34 sec Rest: 3 min 4x100m relaxation strides (easy pace, focus on good form) Weights Thursday Dynamic Warm-up Stick drill (5x20 sticks at 5ft. apart) HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 4x200m @60-70% (90sec walk 200m rest) 4x100m relaxation strides (easy pace, focus on good form) Weights 15min warm up jog, stretching HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK Meet at WWS Invitational





Downers Grove South Girls Track & Field

Micorcycle: Week 13 Mesocycle: Competition (Medium Intensity) Dates: Apr. 16-21 Day Monday Training Details Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Flexibilty 3x300m (1st 5 hurdles plus sprint to finish) Hard w/ full recovery (goal: 15-15-15 seconds ea. 100m) Weights Dynamic Warm-up 10x10sec fast jump ropes HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 6x6 hurdles at 8.5m or 6xH4,5,6 3x20xAbs

Micorcycle: Week 14 Mesocycle: Competition (Medium Intensity) Dates: Apr. 23-28 Day Monday Training Details Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Flexibilty 3x300m (1st 5 hurdles plus sprint to finish) Hard w/ full recovery (goal: 15-15-15 seconds ea. 100m) Weights Dynamic Warm-up 10x10sec fast jump ropes HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 100h: 4xStarts over 5 hurdles (1ft.closer) (3min rest) 300h: 3 starts over 1st 4 hurdles (5 min rest) 3x20xAbs



Wednesday Meet at York Wednesday Meet at Home vs. Willowbrook, Leyden & Addison Thursday Dynamic Warm-up HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 100h: 4xStarts over 5 hurdles, 3x120m w/11 hurdles (1ft.closer) 300h: 3 starts over 1st 4 hurdles 5 min rest Weights 15min warm up jog, stretching HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK Meet at Glenbard West Invitational Thursday Dynamic Warm-up 3xSpeedmakers (50m-all out, 50m-stride, 50m jog) HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK Weights Meet at WWS Tiger Invitational Potential State Meet Saturday Qualifiers: Simulated Day 2 Race(s) w/ full recovery


Friday Saturday


Downers Grove South Girls Track & Field

Micorcycle: Week 15 Mesocycle: Competition (Hard Intensity) Dates: Apr.30 May 5 Day Monday Training Details Warm-up & Stretch 1x320m Fast (w/400 strategy-fast80,stride80,pickup80,kick80) 15min rest, Hurdle Flexibility 3x8 hurdles (ea.moved in) plus sprint to 150m Weights Warm-up & Stretch 3xSpeedmakers (50m-all out, 50m-stride, 50m jog) HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 6x6 magic 100m hurdles or 6x 300m H4,5,6

Micorcycle: Mesocycle: Dates: Day Monday


Week 16 Competition (Hard Intensity) May 7-12 Training Details JV Meet at Naperville Central Hurdle Flexibility 3x8 hurdles (ea.moved in) plus sprint to 150m Weights Tuesday Dynamic Warm-up HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK Wednesday Dynamic Warm-up 4x30m Block Starts or Flys HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK & Weights Thursday 15min warm up jog, stretching Friday Meet at Downers North IHSA Sectional Saturday Potential State Meet Saturday Qualifiers: Simulated Day 2 Race(s) w/ full recovery Micorcycle: Mesocycle: Dates: Day Monday

Wednesday Warm-up & Stretch 1x450 Speed:75sec (66sec/400m pace) Rest: 15min 3x200m Speed: 34-33-32 sec Rest: walk 200m Weights` Thursday Warm-up & Stretch 3xSpeedmakers (50m-all out, 50m-stride, 50m jog) HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 6x6 magic 100m hurdles or 4x 300m H4,5,6 Meet at WSC Gold Conference Championships at Hinsdale South Potential State Meet Saturday Qualifiers: Simulated Day 2 Race(s) w/ full recovery

Friday Saturday

Week 17 Competition (Recovery Intensity) May 14-19 Training Details Warm-up & Stretch 1x320m Fast (w/400 strategy-fast80,stride80,pickup80,kick80) 15min rest, Hurdle Flexibility Block starts to the 1st 3 hurdles & Weights Tuesday Dynamic Warm-up HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 4x 300m H4,5,6 Wednesday Warm-up & Stretch HURDLE TECHNIQUE WORK 6x6 magic 100m hurdles Thursday Block starts to 1st 3 100m hurdles, 1st 2 300m hurdles Friday Meet at EIU IHSA State Saturday Meet at EIU IHSA State

Downers Grove South Girls Track & Field

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