World First Traveller & World First Explorer: Policy Wording
World First Traveller & World First Explorer: Policy Wording
World First Traveller & World First Explorer: Policy Wording
WORLD FIRST TRAVEL INSURANCE 66 High Street, Honiton, Devon, EX14 1RT
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. Obtain all appropriate vaccinations and travel advice from your local GP or travel clinic. Online travel health advice: 11. If you are travelling to a country in the European Union, obtain the Health Advice for Travellers booklet from the Post Office. You should arrange to have an EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) issued and carry this with you when you travel. You can apply for an EHIC online at, by telephone on 0845 6062030, or you can collect a form from the Post Office. 12. Take your insurance schedule, policy wording and any endorsement issued by us with you when you travel. 13. Allow sufficient time for your journey from home to your departure point in order to meet the specified check-in time.
The assistance service will confirm whether your treatment or expenses are covered under the terms of your policy and can liaise directly with hospitals regarding your medical requirements and payment of bills. Should you require specialist travel arrangements, the assistance service can make appropriate arrangements, based on medical necessity. In some cases it may be easier to pay minor expenses yourself. If you are in any doubt as to whether these costs will be covered, contact the assistance service for prior authorisation. Keep all receipts and medical reports and submit a claim when you return home.
Call the assistance service if you need to return early for an insured reason.
Legal Expenses
If, on your return home, you will be claiming for legal support in the event of a death or personal injury, it may be advantageous to seek legal advice whilst still travelling. Please call the Legal Helpline on +44 (0) 845 888 6674.
Submit your claim within 28 days of returning home. (In certain cases you may wish to claim whilst still travelling this is possible but you must still adhere to the usual claims requirements). Keep copies of your completed claim form and all supporting documentation (originals must be submitted to the Claims Service). Keep any damaged items that are the subject of a claim. They may be required for salvage/assessment.
Claims Service and Assistance Service details can be found on your policy schedule 24HOUR EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE SERVICE: Tel: +44 (0) 208 865 1653 CLAIMS: Tel: +44 (0) 208 865 1679
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. You must exercise reasonable care to prevent illness, accidental injury, loss or damage and exercise all reasonable care for the safety and supervision of your property, as if uninsured. Original receipts and/or proof of ownership and value must be supplied in the event of a claim. You must take all reasonable steps to recover any lost or stolen article. If we require any medical certificates, information, evidence or receipts, these must be obtained by you, at your expense. If any claim is found to be fraudulent, in amount or in any other respect, this will invalidate your insurance and all claims will be forfeited. This insurance policy does not cover any claim which, but for the existence of this insurance, would be covered under any other insurance policy(ies). This includes any amounts recovered by you from private health insurance, EHIC payments, any reciprocal health agreements, airlines, hotels, home contents insurers or any other recovery by you which is the basis of a claim. If, at the time of making a claim, we decide to settle our liability under our policy and there is another policy covering the same risk, we will be entitled to contact that insurer for a contribution under our rights of subrogation. We may, at any time, pay our full liability under the policy in final settlement. We may, at our own expense, take proceedings in your name to recover compensation or secure an indemnity from any third party, insurance company, reciprocal health agreement, airline or hotel. Any monies so recovered or secured shall belong to us. In the event of a claim, if we require a medical examination you must agree to this. In the event of death, we are entitled to a post-mortem examination. The medical examination and post-mortem would be at our expense.
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10. You must not make any payment, admit liability, offer or promise to make any payment without written consent from us. 11. We are entitled to take over any rights in the defence or settlement of any claim and to take proceedings in your name for our benefit against any other party.
Additional Sports Equipment: Items taken on a trip, which are used exclusively for a sport or activity covered by your policy. The items must be declared to us, shown on your insurance schedule and additional premium paid if required. Assistance Service: the 24 Hour Emergency Medical Assistance Service named in this wording and on the insurance schedule. Biological Weapons: the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of any pathogenic (disease producing) microorganism(s) and/or biologically produced toxin(s) (including genetically modified organisms and chemically synthesised toxins) which are capable of causing incapacitating disablement or death amongst people or animals. Business Equipment: Any equipment you use for your business, trade or profession, as declared to us and used for the sole purpose of your business trip, provided this does not involve manual work of any kind. Cash: Any legal currency. Chemical Weapons: the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of any solid, liquid or gaseous chemical compound which, when suitably distributed, is capable of causing incapacitating disablement or death amongst people or animals. Close Business Associate: Any person whose absence from business for one or more complete days at the same time as your absence prevents the effective continuation of that business. Complications in Pregnancy: Assisted pregnancy, multiple birth, more than one previous miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, pre-eclampsia, abnormal foetal development, uterine or placental abnormality, pregnancy related surgical procedure, termination for medical reasons, birth prior to 36th week of pregnancy or any pregnancy induced condition (e.g. diabetes or hypertension). Country of Residence: The United Kingdom or as stated on your insurance schedule. Curtail/Curtailment: Return home early to your country of residence. Documents: Travel tickets, passports and driving licence held by you for social, domestic and/or pleasure purposes. Endorsement: Any special terms and conditions added to your policy. Excess: An amount deducted per insured person, per policy section, for each incident that results in a claim. Family: Any person that is related to you by blood or marriage. Golf Equipment: Golf clubs, golf bags, golf trolley, waterproof clothing, golf umbrellas and golf shoes, which are used exclusively for playing or practising golf. Home: Your residential address in your country of residence. Immediate Relative: Mother, father, sister, brother, wife, husband, fianc(e), common-law partner, civil law partner, co-habiting partner (same or different sex), daughter, son, grandparent, grandchild, parent-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-inlaw, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, step-parent, step-child, step-brother, step-sister or legal guardian. Legal Costs and Expenses: The professional fees and expenses reasonably, properly and proportionately chargeable by the legal representative and recoverable under the Civil Procedure Rules; and your opponents legal costs if you are ordered by the Court to pay these or any other costs which we agree to pay. Legal Representative(s): The lawyer, or other suitably qualified person, who has been appointed by us under this policy to represent you in the legal proceedings. Medical Condition: Any medical condition, which has been suffered or under investigation or review (routine or otherwise), or for which medication, advice or treatment has been received within the past 12 months (prior to the date your policy is issued or the date the trip is booked whichever is later). This includes longstanding conditions, surgery (including any elective procedures), as well as injuries that may be exacerbated by the activity/trip you propose to undertake and pregnancy where there have been complications in pregnancy with this or a previous pregnancy. Medical Practitioner: A registered practising member of the medical profession who is not related to you or to any person with whom you are travelling or intending to stay. Nuclear Weapons: The use of any explosive nuclear weapon or device or the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of fissile material emitting a level of radioactivity capable of causing incapacitating disablement or death amongst people or animals. Opponent: The individual(s) or other organisation(s) against whom you are bringing the legal proceedings. Outward Journey: the departure flight / sea crossing / coach / train departure from your country of residence to your final destination, where no overnight stay has taken place, but which may include several connections until reaching your destination before the first nights stay at your accommodation.
Period of Insurance: The period of insurance is specified on your insurance schedule. If your return is unavoidably delayed for an insured reason, cover will be extended for the period of the delay. If the period of travel exceeds, or was intended to exceed, the trip limit specified on your insurance schedule, then no cover will apply in respect of the entire period of travel (including the insured period under the policy). a) Single Trip policies: Section 1, Cancellation cover is effective from the time and date of issue of the insurance schedule and terminates on commencement of the planned trip. For all other sections, cover commences when you leave your home or business (whichever is the later) to commence the trip and terminates on whichever occurs first of the following: 1. 2. 3. expiry of the period of cover; your return home as planned, at the end of the trip; your first return home prior to the planned return at the end of the trip (except in the case of Backpacker policies, where if you return to the UK within the planned trip dates, cover will be suspended from the time you arrive in the UK and will only resume once you leave immigration control in the country of your next ticketed destination).
b) Annual Multi-trip policies: Section 1, Cancellation cover for each trip is effective from either the start date on the insurance schedule or the time and date at which each trip is booked (whichever is the later), and terminates on whichever occurs first of the following: 1. 2. the commencement of each trip, or the expiry of the period of cover.
For all other sections, cover commences when you leave your home or business (whichever is the later) to commence each trip and terminates on whichever occurs first of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. the expiry of the period of cover; your return home as planned, at the end of each trip; your first return to your country of residence prior to the planned return at the end of each trip; your period of travel exceeding the trip limit specified in your insurance schedule.
For UK trips: you must have pre-booked accommodation for 2 nights or more. c) One-way trips only: the period of insurance will cease upon whichever occurs first of the following: 1. 2. the expiry of the period of cover, or when you first leave immigration control in the country of your final ticketed and declared destination.
Personal Baggage: Your suitcases (or similar luggage carriers) and contents usually taken on a trip, together with articles worn or carried by you for your individual use during your trip. (Not including any specialised items, medical or otherwise). Pre-booked Accommodation: A hotel, hostel, bed and breakfast, rented holiday home, camping or caravan site, for which an invoice, bill, receipt or voucher can be produced. Public Transport: The following regular scheduled forms of transport: train, coach, taxi, bus, aircraft and sea vessel, on which you are a fare paying passenger. Return Journey: the return flight / sea crossing / coach / train departure from your final accommodation to commence the return journey to your country of residence, where no further overnight stays will take place, but which may include several connections until reaching the arrival point in your country of residence. Terrorism: Any act of any person(s) acting on behalf of or in connection with any organisation whose activities are directed towards the overthrowing, influencing or disruption of any government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear de jure or de facto by use of force or violence and/or the threat of such use. Travelling Companion: The person with whom you have booked to travel on the planned trip. In the case of a tour, travelling companion shall mean the person(s) shown on your booking form. Valuables: Jewellery, watches, cameras, photographic apparatus, binoculars, video equipment, and any audio or audiovisual equipment including (but not limited to): tape recorders, cassettes and players, radios, compact discs and players, minidiscs and players, portable media players, video games and TV sets. Winter Sports: On and off-piste skiing, blading and snowboarding, tobogganing and outdoor ice skating. Winter Sports Equipment: Skis, bindings, ski boots, ski poles, snowboards and specialised clothing.
A) INDEPENDENT TRAVEL Each person named on the insurance schedule is insured separately. B) TERRITORIAL DEFINITIONS You are covered for travel within the geographical region defined on your insurance schedule. C) POLICY EXCESS The policy excess will be deducted in the event of a claim under certain sections of the policy. The excess will be charged per insured person, per policy section, for each incident that results in a claim. D) SPORTS AND ACTIVITIES You are covered to participate in the sports and activities (provided you are not participating on a professional basis) as listed under pages 22 to 26. E) WORKING OVERSEAS You are not covered for manual work overseas unless specified on your insurance schedule. In any event, no cover is provided for Section 11, Personal Liability whilst working overseas. F) DISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL FACTS It is a condition of this insurance that all material facts have been disclosed to us. Failure to do so may invalidate this insurance. A material fact is any fact, medical or otherwise, which poses an increase in risk to us and is likely to influence us in the assessment, acceptance or continuance of your insurance. G) APPLICABLE LAW Both we and you are entitled to choose the law applicable to the insurance policy. We propose English Law and in the absence of any agreement to the contrary, English Law will apply.
We will not pay for any claim arising directly or indirectly as a result of a medical condition (see Definitions Applicable to the Whole Policy) suffered by you, unless declared to us, agreed by us on your insurance schedule and additional premium paid if required. You must notify us immediately you become aware of any change regarding your health. We will not pay additional costs incurred following any change in medical condition, unless this has been declared to and accepted by us in writing. (This means that if you make further payments e.g. book another trip or pay the final balance of a trip previously booked, or if there is an increase in the cancellation charges due to you not contacting us immediately, we are not liable for these additional costs). We will notify you in writing of any amendments to your policy conditions and advise you of any additional premium that may be required. In certain cases we may be unable to offer cover. We reserve the right not to extend this insurance. We cannot extend cover for claims relating to your travelling companion, an immediate relative or close business associate or a person with whom you have arranged to stay. Please refer to Section 1, Cancellation and Section 2, Curtailment for full terms and conditions.
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10. organised sports (except those listed under General Conditions D) or professional sports; 11. sports and activities not described in General Conditions D or declared to and agreed by us and an additional premium paid if required and shown on your insurance schedule; 12. winter sports (unless the appropriate premium has been paid and is shown on your insurance schedule, which covers you under a separate section of the policy), racing, speed or endurance tests or dangerous pursuits; 13. bankruptcy/liquidation of a tour operator, travel agent or transport company; 14. any losses that are not directly associated with the incident that caused you to claim. For example, loss of earnings due to being unable to return to work following injury or illness occurring whilst on a trip, or the cost of replacing locks if keys are lost whilst on a trip; 15. any costs incurred on behalf of other party members who are not specified on the insurance schedule; 16. any costs recoverable from another source; 17. any payment which you would normally have made during your travels, if no claim had arisen; 18. travelling to a specific area against the advice issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office; 19. failure to comply with laws applicable to the country in which you are travelling; 20. air travel (other than as a fare-paying passenger on a regular scheduled airline or licensed charter aircraft); 21. a. ionizing radiation or radioactive contamination from nuclear fuel or nuclear waste or any risk from nuclear equipment b. the radioactive toxic explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof; 22. any consequence whether direct or indirect of war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), any acts of terrorism*, civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, blockade, military or usurped power; 23. any criminal or illegal act committed by you or your travelling companion; 24. any expenses for which you cannot provide original receipts or bills or any loss which has not been proven; 25. any claim covered by an employers insurance for the benefit of an employee. *Terrorism is covered under Section 3: Personal Accident, Section 4: Emergency Medical Expenses/Repatriation and Section 5: Additional Hospital Benefit, but not as the sole result of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons of mass destruction however these may be distributed or combined.
You are covered up to the amount specified on your policy schedule for travel and pre-booked accommodation cancellation costs (including the cost of Timeshare Management Charges under the World First Traveller policy up to the amount specified on your policy schedule) relating only to those people specified on the insurance schedule. (If travel arrangements were paid for by Air Miles or by any other form of redeemable vouchers, reimbursement will be the reinstatement of the Air Miles or redeemable vouchers to their original account. If reinstatement is not possible, we will reimburse the lowest advertised fare by the airline for the flight in question). Cancellation must be necessary and unavoidable and not as a result of disinclination to undertake your planned trip. Cover is only provided due to a cause listed below occurring during the period of insurance: 1. accidental injury, serious illness, death or being subject to quarantine of you, any person with whom you are intending to travel or stay, an immediate relative of yours or of any person with whom you intend to travel or a close business associate of yours; you or your travelling companion discovering that you/they are pregnant after the date of issue of this policy or the date the trip was booked (whichever was later), if the booked return date is within 12 weeks (16 weeks for a multiple birth) of the expected date of delivery, or complications in pregnancy, provided there have been no complications in pregnancy with this or any previous pregnancy; you being called for jury service, attending court as a witness (but not as an expert witness or where your employment would normally require you to attend court); you or any person with whom you have arranged to travel being made redundant where you/they have been employed for two continuous years with the same employer at the time of being made redundant and are under the normal retirement age for someone holding that position;
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your home or place of business being made uninhabitable, within 14 days prior to the date of travel, or the police asking to see you after a theft from your home which occurred within 14 days of travel; prevention of travel by British Government restriction; a government directive prohibiting all travel to the country or area you were planning to visit, as a result of a natural disaster (e.g. earthquake, fire, flood, hurricane) or epidemic; abandonment of your trip as a result of more than 24 hours travel delay on your outward flight, sea crossing, coach or train departure from your country of residence (see Section 9, Travel Delay and Trip Abandonment); it proving impossible for You to Spacebank or Relet Your Timeshare Accommodation during the 12 month period immediately following Your planned holiday date under the World First Traveller policy.
Not Covered
1. 2. 3. The policy excess as specified on your policy schedule, except for Loss of Deposit claims where the policy excess is 20; medically related claims where a certificate has not been obtained from a medical practitioner, confirming that cancellation of the trip is necessary on medical grounds; any claim arising directly or indirectly as a result of a medical condition (see Definitions Applicable to the Whole Policy) suffered by you, unless declared to us, agreed by us on your insurance schedule and additional premium paid if required; medically related claims as a result of your travelling companion, an immediate relative or close business associate of you or the person with whom you have arranged to stay on the trip, having suffered a condition or for which they have received medication, medical advice or treatment within six months prior to the date this policy was issued or the date the trip was booked (whichever is later); complications in pregnancy if there have been complications in pregnancy with this or any previous pregnancy; any claim: a. where at the time of taking out this insurance, the person whose condition gives rise to the claim is an in-patient in (or awaiting admission or booked to be admitted to) a hospital, hospice or nursing home; b. where at the departure date, you or your travelling companion are travelling against the advice of a medical practitioner or travelling for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment; 7. additional cancellation costs incurred as a result of not immediately telling the travel agent, tour operator or provider of transport or accommodation that you need to cancel the trip. We will only pay the cancellation charges that would have applied at the time you knew it was necessary to cancel your trip, if a valid claim exists; any costs incurred on behalf of other party members who are not specified on the insurance schedule; any costs recoverable from another source (e.g. air passenger duty);
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10. any claim arising where you have not been able to receive the necessary inoculations or vaccinations or obtain necessary visas for any reason whatsoever; 11. any claim arising from any circumstances known about at the date of booking the trip or the date the policy was issued, which could reasonably have been expected to give rise to the cancellation of the trip; 12. anything listed in Exclusions Applicable to the Whole Policy.
You are covered up to the amount specified on your policy schedule for: 1. the value of the portion of your travel and pre-booked accommodation expenses, calculated from the date of your return to your home, which have not been used and which were paid for before your departure from your country of residence. 2. reasonable additional travelling expenses (on the same basis as your original booking) authorised by us and incurred by you for returning to your home earlier than planned due to a cause listed below: a. accidental injury to or serious illness or death of you, any person with whom you intend to travel, an immediate relative of yours or of the person with whom you intend to travel or a close business associate; b. complications in pregnancy of you or your travelling companion, provided there have been no complications in pregnancy with this or any previous pregnancy;
c. your home or place of business being made uninhabitable or the police asking to see you after a theft from your home.
1. 2. You must contact the assistance service for assistance/advice if you need to cut short your trip for an insured reason. You must use or revalidate your original ticket for your early return. If this is not possible you must provide evidence that additional costs were necessary. Any refunds due on unused original tickets will be deducted from your claim. If you do not have an original return ticket, you will not be reimbursed for costs incurred for your early return. If you require the assistance service to pay for arrangements, they may first need to contact the relevant medical practitioner to confirm your claim falls within the terms of your cover. If you make your own arrangements you must supply all necessary documentation to substantiate that your claim falls within the terms of cover. This policy does not provide compensation for loss of enjoyment. 24HOUR EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE SERVICE: Tel: +44 (0) 208 865 1653
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Not Covered
1. 2. the policy excess as specified on your policy schedule, except for Loss of Deposit claims where the policy excess is 20; claims that are not confirmed as medically necessary by the assistance service, and where a medical certificate has not been obtained from the attending medical practitioner, confirming the necessity to curtail; any claim arising directly or indirectly as a result of a medical condition (see Definitions Applicable to the Whole Policy) suffered by you, unless declared to us, agreed by us on your insurance schedule and additional premium paid if required; medically related claims as a result of your travel companion, an immediate relative or close business associate of you or the person with whom you have arranged to stay on the trip, having suffered a condition or for which they have received medication, medical advice or treatment within six months prior to the date this policy was issued or the date the trip was booked (whichever is later); complications in pregnancy if there have been complications in pregnancy with this or any previous pregnancy; additional travelling expenses incurred which are not authorised by the assistance service; any claim: a. where at the time of taking out this insurance, the person whose condition gives rise to the claim is an in-patient in (or awaiting admission or booked to be admitted to) a hospital, hospice or nursing home; b. where at the departure date, you or your travelling companion are travelling against the advice of a medical practitioner or travelling for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment. 8. anything listed in Exclusions Applicable to the Whole Policy;
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1. 2. Points 2, 3 and 4 above may be subject to the Continental Scale of Benefits (available on request); if you are aged over 70 at the time of the accident, the death benefit will be limited to funeral and other reasonable costs up to the amount specified on your policy schedule and the permanent total disablement benefit will not apply; No benefits shall be paid for more than one loss suffered; You must agree to examination by our medical and/or vocational advisors.
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Not Covered
Any claims caused as a consequence of: 1. 2. 3. 4. disease or any physical defect or illness; an injury which existed prior to the beginning of the trip/purchase of the policy; terrorism, only as the sole result of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons of mass destruction however these may be distributed or combined; anything listed in Exclusions Applicable to the Whole Policy.
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7. 8. 9. You must contact the assistance service immediately should you be admitted to hospital or require on-going out-patient treatment overseas. All treatment or expenses must be authorised by the assistance service. You must maintain contact with the assistance service until your return to your country of residence or until you no longer require treatment or assistance.
10. If you are travelling to a country in the European Union, you must take an EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) with you. We will waive the policy excess under this Section if you use the EHIC or another reciprocal health agreement to reduce the amount of your claim. 11. If you require medical treatment in Australia, you must register with Medicare via their local office. (Any treatment not available under Medicare must be authorised by the assistance service). 12. In the event of repatriation, if you do not have an original return travel ticket, you may not be covered for costs incurred in your repatriation. Any value remaining in unused original return travel tickets which is recoverable shall be deducted from the amount of the claim. 13. We reserve the right to:
a. repatriate you when, in the opinion of the treating doctor and the assistance service, you are fit to travel; b. avoid further liability in the event that you refuse repatriation when, in the opinion of the treating doctor and the assistance service, you are fit to travel; c. transfer you to the hospital, clinic or location of our choice when, in the opinion of the assistance service, you are fit to be transferred. 24HOUR EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE SERVICE: Tel: +44 (0) 208 865 1653
Not Covered
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. the policy excess as specified on your insurance schedule; any medical or dental treatment costs incurred in the United Kingdom or your country of residence; any medical costs which are foreseen; any transport or accommodation costs incurred in the United Kingdom or your country of residence, unless authorised by the assistance service; any taxi or telephone costs, unless medically necessary and authorised by the assistance service; any costs covered under a reciprocal health arrangement (e.g. EHIC within EU countries, reciprocal cover in Austria, Channel Islands, Eire and New Zealand, Medicare in Australia); any costs recoverable from another source; (e.g. where another insurance may cover the same loss); complications in pregnancy if there have been complications in pregnancy with this or any previous pregnancy; any claim where at the time of taking out this insurance, the person whose condition gives rise to the claim is an in-patient in (or awaiting admission or booked to be admitted to) a hospital, hospice or nursing home;
10. any claim where at the departure date, you or your travel companion are travelling against the advice of a medical practitioner or travelling for the purposes of obtaining medical treatment; 11. any claim arising directly or indirectly as a result of a medical condition (see Definitions Applicable to the Whole Policy) suffered by you, unless declared to us, agreed by us on your insurance schedule and additional premium paid if required; 12. any claim arising directly or indirectly as a result of a change regarding your health (including injury and complications in pregnancy) occurring before the start of your trip, which has not been declared to and accepted by us in writing; 13. any costs for in-patient treatment, on-going out-patient treatment or curtailment of a trip on medical grounds without prior authorisation from the assistance service; 14. any costs for surgery or medical treatment which, in the opinion of the assistance service, can reasonably be delayed until your return to your country of residence; 15. any costs for medication and/or treatment which, at the time of departure, is known to be required or continued outside your country of residence; 16. the cost of any routine or elective (non-emergency) care or treatment, including specialist review or referral, investigations, treatment or surgery, including complications arising from cosmetic or elective surgery that you have received, whether before or during your trip; 17. claims that are not confirmed as medically necessary by the assistance service; 18. additional hospital costs arising from single or private room accommodation, unless medically necessary; 19. further costs you incur if we wish to bring you home early but you refuse (where in the opinion of the treating doctor and the assistance service you are fit to travel); 20. terrorism, only as the sole result of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons of mass destruction however these may be distributed or combined; 21. anything listed in Exclusions Applicable to the Whole Policy.
This section includes cover for claims resulting from terrorism. You are covered up to the amount specified on your policy schedule for: 1. each complete 24 hours you spend in hospital as a result of you being admitted as an in-patient to a registered hospital. This is in addition to any medical expenses incurred under Section 4, Emergency Medical Expenses.
1. 2. This benefit is payable only if the hospital admission has been covered under the terms of Section 4, Emergency Medical Expenses. In the event of a claim you must provide documentation confirming the date and time of admission and discharge.
Not Covered
1. 2. terrorism, only as the sole result of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons of mass destruction however these may be distributed or combined; anything listed in Exclusions Applicable to the Whole Policy.
You are covered up to the amount specified on your policy schedule for the cost of buying emergency necessities if your personal baggage is delayed in reaching you on your outward journey for at least 12 hours and you have a written report from the carrier (e.g. airline, shipping company etc.) or tour representative. Receipts will be required in the event of a claim.
1. 2. Any amount we pay you under B (Delayed Baggage) will be deducted from the final claim settlement if your personal baggage is permanently lost. You must obtain written proof of the incident from the police, within 48 hours of the discovery in the event of loss, burglary or theft of the personal baggage. Failure to do so may result in your claim being turned down. In the event of a claim for damaged items, proof of the damage must be supplied. In the event of a claim for a pair or set of items, we shall be liable only for the value of that part of the pair or set which is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. If the repair cost is more than the value of an item, we will assess the claim as if the item has been lost. Any item, pair or set of items with a value of over 50 must be supported by an original receipt. If original receipts cannot be supplied to support your claim, each item will be limited to 50 and the total amount payable for all such items will be 250.
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. the policy excess as specified on your policy schedule under A (Personal Baggage); if you do not exercise reasonable care for the safety and supervision of your property; personal baggage left unattended by you, unless located in locked accommodation and where an appropriately sized safety deposit box was not available for use by you; personal baggage left in the custody of a person who does not have an official responsibility for the safekeeping of the property; personal baggage stolen from an unattended vehicle: a. unless it was in the locked glove compartment or locked rear boot or luggage area of the vehicle and is covered so as not to be visible from the outside of the vehicle; b. if there is no visible evidence of forcible and violent entry; c. left for any period between the hours of 8pm and 8am (other than motor homes); valuables left in a motor vehicle (other than motor homes, provided the valuables are stored out of view); valuables within checked-in luggage or in luggage compartments/racks not immediately adjacent to you on any form of public transport (other than hand luggage that stays with you at all times); if your personal baggage is lost or delayed in transit and you do not: a. notify the carrier (i.e. airline, shipping company etc) immediately and obtain a written carriers report (or Property Irregularity Report in the case of an airline); or b. follow up in writing within 7 days to obtain a written carriers report (or Property Irregularity Report in the case of an airline) if you are unable to obtain one immediately; loss, destruction, damage or theft of the following property: a. b. c. d.
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mobile telephones, computers and accessories; contact lenses, hearing aids, dentures and prescribed medication; glass, china, pictures, musical instruments, antiques and precious stones; pedal cycles, dinghies, boats and/or ancillary equipment, vehicles or vehicle accessories (other than non-motorised wheelchairs and pushchairs); e. tools of trade; f. perishable items e.g. food; 10. loss, destruction, damage or theft due to: a. confiscation or detention by Customs or other officials or authorities; b. wear and tear, process of cleaning, denting or scratching, staining, moth or vermin; c. transportation by any postal service; 11. electrical or mechanical breakdown or manufacturing fault; 12. breakage of fragile or brittle articles being transported by a carrier, unless the breakage is due to fire or other accident to the vessel, aircraft or vehicle in which they are being carried; 13. any property more specifically insured or recoverable under any other source. Any reimbursement received will be deducted from the amount of your claim under this section; 14. stamps, documents, deeds, samples or merchandise, manuscripts or securities of any kind; 15. winter sports equipment (unless the appropriate premium has been paid and is shown on your insurance schedule, which covers you under a separate section of the policy), or additional sports equipment (unless declared to us, shown on your insurance schedule and additional premium paid if required). There is no cover whatsoever for additional sports equipment whilst in use; 16. anything listed in Exclusions Applicable to the Whole Policy.
1. In the event of a claim for loss of cash you must provide evidence of the initial withdrawal of the cash and also evidence of how you coped financially immediately after the loss (e.g. currency exchange/withdrawal slips, bank/credit card statements).
Not Covered
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. the policy excess as specified on your insurance schedule; if you do not exercise reasonable care in protecting your cash and documents against loss, theft or damage; documents left unattended by you, unless located in locked accommodation and where an appropriately sized safety deposit box was not available for use by you; documents left in the custody of a person who does not have an official responsibility for the safekeeping of the property; documents stolen from an unattended vehicle: a. unless they were in the locked glove compartment or locked rear boot or luggage area of the vehicle and were covered so as not to be visible from the outside of the vehicle; b. if there is no visible evidence of forcible and violent entry; c. left for any period between the hours of 8pm and 8am (other than motor homes); if you do not obtain a written police report within 48 hours of the discovery in the event of loss, burglary or theft of cash and/or documents; any shortages due to error, omission or depreciation in value; any costs claimed under Section 8, Loss of Passport Expenses; anything listed in Exclusions Applicable to the Whole Policy.
6. 7. 8. 9.
1. You must provide receipts for all costs incurred.
Not Covered
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. the policy excess as specified on your insurance schedule; any costs that you would have incurred had you not lost your passport; if you do not exercise reasonable care for the safety or supervision of your passport; costs arising from any loss not covered under Section 7, Cash and Documents; if you do not obtain a written police report within 48 hours of the loss; loss, destruction or damage arising from confiscation or detention by Customs or other officials or authorities; anything listed in Exclusions Applicable to the Whole Policy.
we will pay up to the amounts specified on your policy schedule per insured person for the first complete 12 hours you are delayed. If you incur more than 24 hours delay on your outward flight, sea crossing, coach or train departure from your country of residence, you may abandon your trip and claim under Section 1, Cancellation (less the excess);
If you abandon your trip as a result of your vehicle being involved in an accident or mechanical breakdown en route to your departure point from your country of residence, rendering it impossible for you to undertake your planned itinerary, we will pay up to the limit under Section 1, Cancellation (less the excess).
1. 2. In the event of a claim due to delayed public transport you must provide documentation from the transport company, confirming the period of and the reason for the delay. In the event of a claim due to vehicle breakdown, you must provide a police or roadside assistance report.
Not Covered
1. 2. 3. the policy excess as specified on your insurance schedule as per Section 1, Cancellation if you abandon your trip; where you have not checked in, allowing sufficient time, for your outward or return journey; any claims arising from withdrawal from service temporarily or otherwise of the aircraft, coach, train or sea vessel on the orders or recommendation of the Civil Aviation Authority or a Port Authority or similar body in any country; internal flights which do not form part of your outbound or inbound journey to/from your country of residence; anything listed in Exclusions Applicable to the Whole Policy.
4. 5.
1. 2. In the event of a claim due to vehicle breakdown or a road accident, you must provide a police or roadside assistance report. In the event of a claim due to a major accident on the motorway, please obtain written confirmation of this from the Highways Agency. If the accident occurred on a minor road, please obtain written confirmation from the local council.
In the event of a claim due to delayed public transport you must provide documentation from the transport company, confirming the period of and the reason for the delay.
Not Covered
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. the policy excess as specified on your insurance schedule; if sufficient time has not been allowed for your journey in order to meet the check-in time specified by the transport providers or agent; if you are not proceeding directly to the departure point; any costs claimed under Section 9, Travel Delay and Abandonment, which relate to the same trip; anything listed in Exclusions Applicable to the Whole Policy.
1. 2. 3. No liability shall be admitted and no admission, arrangement, offer, promise or payment shall be made by you without our written consent. We are entitled to take over any rights in the defence or settlement of any claim and to take proceedings in your name for our benefit against any other party. You must, wherever possible, provide all such information and assistance as we require.
Not Covered
1. 2. 3. the policy excess as specified on your insurance schedule; fines imposed by a Court of Law or other relevant bodies; anything caused as a consequence of: a. liability which you incur as a result of an agreement that you made which would not apply in the absence of that agreement; b. injury, loss or damage arising from: i. ownership or use of aircraft, horse-drawn or mechanical/motorised vehicles, bicycles, vessels (other than rowing boats, punts or canoes), animals or firearms; ii. iii. iv. v. 4. 5. 6. the occupation (except temporarily for the purpose of the trip) or ownership of any land or buildings; the carrying out of any trade, profession, manual work or hazardous occupation; racing of any kind; any deliberate or criminal act;
liability as an employer or under any other contract or insurance policy; all forms of pollution and contamination; anything listed in Exclusions Applicable to the Whole Policy.
1. 2. 3. You must obtain as much information as possible, including police reports, witness details and any photographs and contact the Legal Helpline as soon as possible, submitting your request in writing. We shall consider in our absolute discretion whether the claim has reasonable prospects of success. We shall have control over the legal proceedings and the selection, appointment and control of your legal representative. The Insurance Companies (Legal Expenses Insurance) Regulations 1990 gives policyholders the right to choose a lawyer. However, they can only exercise this right after administrative or legal proceedings have started. The Financial Ombudsman Service has considered this issue and stated that where the case does not involve complex or special issues, we are entitled to rely on these policy terms. In the event that you are awarded legal costs as part of any judgement or settlement, we shall be entitled to repayment by you of any sums paid under this Section. In the event that you are awarded compensation (by judgement or settlement), we shall be entitled to recover from you, any sums paid or due to be paid to you or your legal representatives under any Section of this policy on account of the same incident for which compensation is received. If there is more than one insured claiming, we shall apply a maximum limit of double the individual sum insured in respect to all claimants. You must: a. b. c. d. take all reasonable steps to minimise any amount we have to pay under this policy; take all steps to recover any costs we have paid or have to pay under this policy; co-operate fully with the legal representative and follow his/her advice; not refuse to accept an offer (whether made pursuant to the Civil Procedure rules or generally) if the legal representative advises that it is reasonable. In the event of a dispute you and your legal representative may refer the case to an independent barrister for an opinion as to the reasonableness of the offer. In the event of the barrister advising rejection of the offer the barrister's fee shall be met by the legal representative. In the event of the barrister advising acceptance of the offer the cost shall be paid by you. instructing counsel or any expert witness; and discontinuing, abandoning, settling or compromising the legal proceedings in any circumstances where we may be liable for costs. if your opponent or any person acting on his behalf makes an offer to settle your Uninsured Losses claim; if there are no longer reasonable prospects in relation to your claim; of any material developments in relation to your claim; if any costs order, penalty or sanction is made against you by the Court; if the legal representative no longer wishes to act on your behalf.
4. 5.
6. 7.
You and your legal representative must obtain our prior written permission before: a. b.
Legal Helpline: tel: +44 (0) 845 888 6674 Not Covered
1. 2. 3. the policy excess as specified on your insurance schedule, which will be refunded to you if we recover our outlay in full from the settlement received; any claim reported to us more than 30 days after the occurrence of the incident giving rise to the claim; costs incurred in pursuit of any claim against us, our agents, an Insurer underwriting any section of this policy;
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
legal expenses incurred either prior to our written acknowledgement granting our support or obtained without our written consent; any claim where we consider a reasonable settlement is unlikely or where the cost of the action could be more than the settlement; any claim where damages are likely to be less than 1,000; any increased costs, court fines and penalties arising from any delay or default by you which, in our view, affect the conduct of your claim or hinder us; any cost for bringing a legal action in more than one country for the same event; actions between members of the same household or a relative or travelling companion, or actions to enforce a judgement or legally binding decision;
10. any amount deducted in legal fees from your compensation or damages, which has been calculated as a proportion or percentage of those damages; 11. the funding of any appeal costs; 12. travel and accommodation expenses incurred in pursuit of a legal action; 13. any contingent fee arrangement between you and your legal representatives; 14. any legal costs resulting from criminal proceedings; 15. any claim for bodily injury sustained as a result of a medical condition(s) caused or happening as a result of travel or travel conditions, or bodily injury sustained as a result of medical malpractice, any incorrect medical procedure(s) performed or incorrect diagnosis made; 16. anything listed in Exclusions Applicable to the Whole Policy.
A: GOLF MEDICAL The Emergency Medical Expenses/Repatriation section of this policy is extended to cover you whilst you are playing golf. B: GOLF LIABILITY The Personal Liability section of this policy is extended to cover you whilst you are playing golf. C: GOLF EQUIPMENT You are covered up to the amount specified on your policy schedule to repair or replace your own golf equipment (after making proper allowance for wear and tear and depreciation) or hired golf equipment, if they are lost, stolen or damaged during your trip, limited to the single item limit (see Section 6Aa) for any one item. The claim settlement may take into account any discount that would be available to us if we exercise our right to purchase the replacement golf equipment using a supplier which may be determined by us. You can only claim once under either Section 6 A for the value of or repair of your golf equipment.
1. You must obtain written proof of the incident from the police within 48 hours of the discovery in the event of loss, burglary or theft of baggage. Failure to do so will result in your claim being turned down. D: GREEN/CLUB FEES You are covered up to the amount specified on your policy schedule if you are unable to play golf because of sickness or injury.
1. In the event of a claim you must provide proof of prepaid golf fees and a medical certificate from an attending medical practitioner confirming the reason and length of time you were unable to play golf. E: GOLF HIRE You are covered up to the amount specified on your policy schedule for the reasonable cost of hiring golf equipment from a recognised supplier for the rest of your trip or until your own or hired golf equipment has been returned to you, if: a. your equipment is lost, stolen or damaged; or b. your equipment is delayed for more than 12 hours on your outward journey.
1. In the event of a claim, you must provide the following documentation:
a. Loss or theft: report from police, plus receipts showing original and additional hire charges. b. Damage: confirmation from hire company of damage sustained and additional charges incurred. c. Delay: confirmation from airline or transport company that equipment was delayed for over 12 hours on the outward journey plus receipt showing original and additional hire charges. F: HOLE-IN-ONE You are covered up to the amount specified on your policy schedule in respect of customary bar expenses incurred by you as a result of, and immediately subsequent to, achieving a hole-in-one during a competition round.
1. In the event of a claim you must provide a letter from the relevant Golf Club Secretary confirming the competition name and date, a certified copy of your score card, countersigned by your opponent and by the Official Scorer for the competition and an original, dated Golf Club bar receipt.
Not Covered
1. 2. 3. the policy excess as specified on your insurance schedule (except under E: Golf Hire and F: Hole-inOne); anything not covered in Section 6, Baggage; loss or theft of golf equipment from: a. an unattended motor vehicle (other than motor caravans) unless totally concealed in a locked boot or totally concealed under the parcel shelf/manufacturers fitted cover; b. an unattended motor vehicle left for any period between the hours of 8pm and 8am; 4. 5. 6. loss or theft from a vehicle where there is no visible evidence of forcible and violent entry; deliberate damage or gross misuse of the equipment; anything listed in Exclusions Applicable to the Whole Policy.
A: WINTER SPORTS MEDICAL The Emergency Medical Expenses/Repatriation section of this policy is extended to cover you whilst partaking in winter sports.
1. 2. Cover for off-piste skiing/snowboarding is restricted within resort boundaries or with a qualified guide. There is no cover for search and rescue. Each insured must adhere to the International Ski Federation code and any local guidelines and recommendations.
B: WINTER SPORTS LIABILITY The Personal Liability section of this policy is extended to cover you whilst partaking in winter sports.
1. 2. Cover for off-piste skiing/snowboarding is restricted within resort boundaries or with a qualified guide. There is no cover for search and rescue. Each insured must adhere to the International Ski Federation code and any local guidelines and recommendations.
C: WINTER SPORTS EQUIPMENT You are covered up to the amount specified on your policy schedule for the value or repair of your own winter sports equipment (after making proper allowance for wear and tear and depreciation) or the amount specified on your policy schedule for hired winter sports equipment, if they are lost, stolen or damaged during your trip, limited to the single item limit (see Section 6Aa) for any one item. For skis and snowboards over 5 years old the maximum we will pay is 50.
1. In the event of a claim you must provide the following documentation: a. loss or theft: a report from police, resort management or tour operator; plus original receipt or proof of ownership and confirmation of second hand value from a specialist dealer where possible.
b. damage: confirmation from a specialist dealer of the damage sustained and repair costs, or confirmation that damage is beyond economic repair, plus the second hand value prior to damage. D: WINTER SPORTS HIRE You are covered up to the amounts specified on your policy schedule per 24 hours for the reasonable cost of hiring winter sports equipment for the rest of your trip or until your own or hired winter sports equipment has been returned to you, if: a. your equipment is lost, stolen or damaged; or b. your equipment is delayed for more than 12 hours on your outward journey.
1. In the event of a claim you must provide the following documentation: a. loss or theft: report from police, resort management or tour operator plus receipts showing original and additional hire charges. b. damage: confirmation from the hire company of damage sustained and additional charges incurred. c. delay: confirmation from the airline or transport company that your equipment was delayed for over 12 hours on the outward journey plus a receipt showing original and additional hire charges. E: WINTER SPORTS PACK You are covered up to the amounts specified on your policy schedule per 24 hours for the value of the unused portion of your ski school, lift pass and winter sports equipment hire costs if: a. you have an accident or you are ill; b. your lift pass is lost or stolen.
1. In the event of a claim you must provide the following documentation: a. accident or illness: medical report confirming the reason and length of time you were unable to undertake your planned activity plus the original lift pass and evidence of initial cost. b. loss or theft: report from police or resort management plus evidence of initial cost and cost of replacement pass. F: PISTE CLOSURE You are covered up to the amounts specified on your policy schedule per 24 hours if there is a lack of snow or bad weather conditions in your holiday resort and the pistes are closed so preventing you from skiing. Cover is only available during the months that constitute the local regular ski season and where you purchased your policy more than 14 days before your departure date.
1. In the event of a claim you must provide documentation from the resorts management confirming how long the pistes were closed at your resort and the reason.
Not Covered
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. the policy excess as specified on your insurance schedule under Part C: Winter Sports Equipment; if you do not adhere to the International Ski Federation code or the resort regulations; anything not covered in Section 6, Baggage (applicable to Part C above); anything not covered in Section 4, Emergency Medical Expenses (applicable to Part E above); ski jumping, ice hockey, the use of skeletons or bobsleighs, taking part in International and National events, their heats or officially organised practice or training for these events; anything listed in Exclusions Applicable to the Whole Policy.
CHOICE OF ROUTE You must choose your route in such a way that, when coming from behind, you do not endanger others ahead. OVERTAKING Make sure that you leave enough room when overtaking others for any voluntary or involuntary movements that they may make. ENTERING AND STARTING When entering a marked run, or starting again after stopping, make sure that you look both up and down the run to ensure that you can do so without endangering yourself or other skiers. STOPPING ON THE PISTE Unless absolutely necessary, you must avoid stopping on the piste in narrow places or where visibility is restricted CLIMBING AND DESCENDING ON FOOT When climbing or descending on foot, you must keep to the sides of the piste. RESPECT FOR SIGNALS AND MARKINGS You must respect all signals and markings. ASSISTANCE If an accident occurs, every skier is duty bound to assist. IDENTIFICATION Following an accident, every skier and witness, whether responsible or not for causing the accident, must exchange names and addresses.
Sports & Activities Automatically Included in your insurance Handball Helicopter Rides (Only as passenger in licensed aircraft) Hiking / Trekking / Walking / Rambling (below 4,000m) Horse / Mule Trekking Horse / Reindeer Drawn Sleigh Horse Riding (excl. competitions/racing/jumping/hunting) - Must Wear Protective Gear Ice Cricket - No Personal Liability Ice Skating (Indoor only & excl.speed skating/ competitive events) - No Personal Liability Jet Skiing - No Personal Liability Kite Surfing - No Personal Liability or Offshore Search and Rescue Light Aircraft Rides (Passenger only) Martial Arts Training Motor Cycling (Up to 125cc) only for a means of transport - No Personal Liability Netball - No Personal Liability Orienteering Paint balling - No Personal Liability / Eye Protection / Within Organised Guidelines Pigeon Racing Pony Trekking Pool Rambling / Trekking / Hiking / Walking (below 4,000m) Rifle Range Shooting - No Personal Liability Ringos Rounders - No Personal Liability Rugby League - No Personal Liability Rugby Sevens - No Personal Liability Rugby Union - No Personal Liability Running - No Personal Liability / Excluding Competitive Events or Marathon Running Sail Boarding - No Personal Liability or Offshore Search and Rescue Sailing / Yachting Inshore (recreational) ** Sailing / Yachting Offshore (recreational) ** Scuba Diving (up to 30m depth) - Within Organiser's Guidelines Skating Sledging / Tobogganing Snooker Snorkelling Snow Shoeing Soccer Softball Squash / Rackets - No Personal Liability Summer Tobogganing Surfing - No Personal Liability Swimming Swimming with Dolphins Table Tennis Tall Ship Sailing (Passenger only) - No Personal Liability Ten Pin Bowling - No Personal Liability Tennis Touch Football
Sports & Activities Automatically Included in your insurance Trampolining - Supervised Trekking / Hiking / Walking / Rambling (below 4,000m) Tubing Tug-of-War Tumble - Supervised Volleyball Wake Boarding Walking / Hiking / Trekking / Rambling (below 4,000m) Walking Up Sydney Harbour Bridge - Safety Equipment Water Polo Water Skiing Wheelchair Basketball Yoga ** Sailing is only covered within European waters, up to a maximum of 14 days and must include a professional or qualified skipper for the size of the boat in question. Maximum boat length is 55 feet. There is no cover for Offshore Rescue (Offshore means beyond 15km from the shoreline) or Personal Liability Winter Sports Blading - 'Winter Sport' Heli-skiing/boarding - E.U Ski N/C US/Canada - 'Winter Sport' Ice Skating (outdoor & excl.speed skating/ competitive events) - 'Winter Sport' Off Piste Skiing / Snowboarding - Within Local Ski Patrol Guidelines- 'Winter Sport' Skiing - Off-Piste - Winter Sport Skiing - On Piste - 'Winter Sport' Skiing - Snow - Winter Sport Skiing - 'Winter Sport' Skiing Cross Country - 'Winter Sport' Snowboarding - On & off piste - No Personal Liability - Winter Sport Tobogganing - Winter Sport
Additional Sports & Activities Group A Camel Trekking Deep Sea Fishing Elephant Trekking Fan boating - No Personal Liability / Within Organised Guidelines Fencing - No Personal Liability / Within Organised Guidelines Go-Carting (Up to 160cc, within organiser's guidelines, safety equipment / No Personal Liability / Within Organisers Guidelines Gorge Walking Heptathlon Hockey - No Personal Liability Horse Riding (excl. competitions/racing/jumping/hunting) - Must Wear Protective Gear Ice Skating (outdoor & excl.speed skating/ competitive events) - 'Winter Sport' Kayaking (grades 3 & 4 rivers only - If Qualified or Supervised / Safety Equipment Kayaking (up to grade 2 rivers only) - Safety Equipment Korfball - No Personal Liability Lacrosse - Safety Equipment Motor Boating - No Personal Liability River Sledding
Additional Sports & Activities Group A River Tubing Rock Climbing - With ropes, tools & a guide Roller Blading - Wearing Pads & Helmet / Only Recreational Roller Skating - Wearing Pads & Helmet / Only Recreational Rowing - Except Racing Skate Boarding - Wearing Pads & Helmets Street Hockey - Wearing Pads & Helmets White Water Canoeing / Rafting (Up to Grade 2 only) Yachting (if qualified) - No Personal Liability, No Racing / 3mnths Max / No Offshore Rescue
Additional Sports & Activities Group B Abseiling - Within Organiser's Guidelines / Supervision & Safety Equipment Activities Pack - No Personal Liability / Safety Equipment American Football Bigfoot Skiing Blading - 'Winter Sport' BMX riding - stunt/obstacle - No Personal Liability / Supervised or with an Instructor / Safety Equipment Bridgeswinging - Within Organised Guidelines / Supervised By Experienced Person Bungee Jumping - Within Organised Guidelines / Supervised By Experienced Person Climbing (Up to 4,000 metres) - Safety Equipment Cross Country Skiing Cycling - Touring - No Personal Liability Downhill Biking - Body Armour & Full Face Helmet Dry Slope Skiing / Boarding Hydro Speeding Hiking / Trekking / Walking / Rambling (above 4,000m) Kite Snowboarding - No Personal Liability Land Yachting Mono Skiing Parachute Jumping (Not sky diving) - If Qualified or Supervised / Safety Equipment Parascending (over water) - Supervised, Over Water & Behind Boats only Rambling / Trekking / Hiking / Walking (above 4,000m) Reverse Bungee Rock Climbing - solo/freestyle/without ropes over 20ft Rock Climbing without tools Roller Hockey - Wearing Pads & Helmet / Only Recreational Safari - Organised by Bona Fide Tour Operator / With Guns As Protection Only - No Personal Liability/ No Hunting Safari trekking in vehicle - Organised by Bona Fide Tour Operator Safari trekking on foot - Organised by Bona Fide Tour Operator Sand Dune surfing / skiing / Boarding Scrambling Scuba Diving (30 - 50m depth) - Within Organiser's Guidelines Sea Canoeing Sea Kayaking Shark Diving (in cage) Ski Dooing - No Personal Liability Ski Skimming
Additional Sports & Activities Group B Skiing - Off-Piste - Winter Sport Skiing - On Piste - 'Winter Sport' Skiing snow - Winter Sport Skiing - 'Winter Sport' Skiing Cross Country - 'Winter Sport' Small Bore Target Shooting - No Personal Liability Snow Blading Snow Mobiling - No Personal Liability Snowboarding - On & off piste - No Personal Liability - Winter Sport Tobogganing - Winter Sport Tree Bridge Swinging - Within Organised Guidelines / Supervised By Experienced Person Trekking / Hiking / Walking / Rambling (above 4,000m) Walking / Hiking / Trekking / Rambling (above 4,000m) Zorbing
Additional Sports & Activities Group C Dirt Bikes Dune Bashing (Up to 250cc, with safety helmet - No Personal Liability Heli-skiing/boarding - E.U Ski N/C US/Canada - 'Winter Sport' Mountain Biking (recreational, non-touring) - No Personal Liability Mountaineering (over 4,000m) - No Personal Liability Paragliding - No Personal Liability / Supervised or With an Instructor Parapenting - No Personal Liability / Supervised or with an Instructor Parasailing Parascending (over land) Quad Biking - No Personal Liability / Safety Equipment Tandem Paragliding - No Personal Liability Via Ferrata White Water Canoeing/ Rafting (Grade 3 & 4 only / if qualified or supervised )
Water Action Pack Kayaking Motor Boating - No Personal Liability Parascending - Behind boats Rowing - Sea Sea Canoeing / Sea Kayaking White Water Rafting (Grade 3 & 4 only / if qualified or supervised ) Activity Pack Bungee Jumping (2 jumps) Elephant Trekking Kayaking Parascending - Behind boats Sea Canoeing / Sea Kayaking Walking High Altitude White Water Rafting (Grade 3 & 4 only / if qualified or supervised ) Zorbing (2 zorbs)