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KRP Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Islampur All female candidates in the merit list seeking admission for M.Sc.(Computer Science) Part-I course are here by informed to attend the counselling-cum-Admission round to be conducted on 16th August, 2011. The Round will be conducted as per following criteria. Day and Date : Tuesday, 16th August, 2011. Time:- 11.00 A.M. Venue : Department of Computer Science Shivaji University, Kolhapur 1. Only female candidates as per the general merit numbers as well as category merit numbers will be considered for counselling-cum-admission for admission at Smt. Kusumtai Rajarambapu Patil Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Islampur. No separate intimation will be sent to the candidates. 2. Only those candidates who are personally present on the day and time specified above will be considered for admission. The candidates should note that the admission will be offered on merit and will be subject to availability of seats and their fulfilling the eligibility criteria. 3. The candidates will have to produce the receipt of payment of the fees for the Entrance Examination. Those who have not paid the Entrance Examination fees will not be considered for admission. 4. Those candidates who are offered admission will have to submit original relevant certificates (including mark sheet) along with attested xerox copies and collect their admission letter on the same day. The OBC/NT(C)/NT(D) candidates will also have to submit Non Creamy layer certificate. They will have to make payment of the fees as prescribed in prospectus immediately thereafter. 5. The admissions for the General Category seats will be made first, followed by admission for the reserve category seats. 6. Inter conversion of reserved category seats and final conversation of any seats remaining vacant in any of the reserved category into General category will be done immediately, as per Govt./University Rules. 7. Other university seats will be filled during the same round.
Kolhapur Date:-10-08-2011