Weight Training Final Project
Weight Training Final Project
Weight Training Final Project
it fitnessgoal. Writehowyou planto achieve and : Choose personal a goal. (BodyBuilding, Toningor you this whattypeof program will needto useto achieve or Endurance, Strength Power.(10 pts.)
you warmupactivity prepare for lifting.Be to Wafm Up: Write 5 to 10minute a do from we fun do detailed creative, something or different what normally inclass.Tell & (10 whatyouaregoing do andhowlong. pts.) to exactly needs any lf yourprogram
put please theseon pagethis page. extrainstructions
program Page 2 weexs otyour 1-4 Page 3 program Weeks ofyour 5-8
yourprogram Weight Training Principles: mustshowthesefollowing Remember in Eachgroupof 4 weeksmustincrease 1. Progression: EachSet mustincrease intensity. in intensity well. as groups first,thengo ontoisolating 2. Sequencing: program Your mustliftmajormuscle musdes. musdes smaller and goal. mustcoveryourentirebodyand meetyourfitness 3. Yourprogram