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70-215 Microsoft Windows 2000 Server

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Copyright© 2000 by Microsoft Corporation

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Microsoft Press
A Division of Microsoft C orporation
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any means without the written permission of the publisher.

Library of C ongress C ataloging-in-Publication Data

MC SE Training Kit--Microsoft Windows 2000 Server / Microsoft C orporation.

p. cm.

Includes index.

ISBN 1-57231-903-8

1. Electronic data processing personnel--C ertification 2. Microsoft

software--Examinations--Study guides. 3. Microsoft Windows 2000 server I. Microsoft

C orporation.

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Program Manager: Jeff Madden

Project Editor: Lynn Finnel

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About This Book

Welcome to MCSE Training Kit–Microsoft Windows 2000 Server.

The training kit teaches you how to install and configure Microsoft Windows 2000 Server. After a brief
introduction to the features in all editions of Windows 2000, you will learn how to install Windows 2000 Server
through manual and automated installation routines. After installation, you will learn about the various file
systems and disk management functions available in Windows 2000 Server. Administering the operating
system and Active Directory services is explored because these are integral to your understanding of
Windows 2000. In addition, you will learn about network protocols, routing and remote access, and other
application server functions such as Terminal Services. Additionally, you will be introduced to monitoring and
optimizing Windows 2000 Server.

For more information on becoming a Microsoft C ertified Systems Engineer, see the section titled "The
Microsoft C ertified Professional Program" later in this chapter.
Each chapter in this book is divided into lessons. Many lessons include hands-on procedures that allow you to
practice or demonstrate a particular concept or skill. Each chapter ends with a short summary of all chapter
lessons and a set of review questions to test your knowledge of the chapter material.

The "Getting Started" section of this chapter provides important setup instructions that describe the hardware
and software requirements to complete the procedures in this course. It also provides information about the
networking configuration necessary to complete some of the hands-on procedures. Read this section
thoroughly before you start the lessons.

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Intended Audience
This book was developed for information technology (IT) professionals who need to design, plan, implement,
and support Windows 2000 Server or who plan to take the related Microsoft C ertified Professional exam Exam
70-215: Installing, C onfiguring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server.

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This course requires that students meet the following prerequisites:

 Knowledge of the fundamentals of current networking technology

 Ability to navigate the Windows operating system interface (preferably, the Windows 95, Windows 98,
Windows NT, or Windows 2000 interface)
 At least six months of experience supporting a network, or successful completion of the Networking
Essentials, Hands-On Self-Paced Training for Supporting Local and Wide Area Networks course is
 Experience with basic internal and external operating system commands like C D, Dir, Fdisk, and
 A practical knowledge of accessing and changing PC computer BIOS settings
 Previous training or knowledge of Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
 Previous training or knowledge of Windows NT Server is not required but will facilitate the learning

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Reference Materials
You might find the following reference materials useful:

 MCP Magazine Online. Available online at http://www.mcpmag.com.

 Microsoft Web site (http://www.microsoft.com) and Microsoft TechNet Technical Plus available
monthly on C D-ROM and the Microsoft Web site.
 Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit. Microsoft Press, 1999.
 MCSE Training Kit-Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional. Microsoft Press, 2000.
 MCSE Training Kit-Networking Essentials Plus, 3rd ed. Microsoft press, 1999.
 Silberschatz A and P. Galvin. Operating System Concepts, 5th ed. Addison-Wesley Publishing
C ompany, 1998. This is just one of many good text books that explores operating systems
 Windows NT Magazine (soon to be renamed Windows 2000 Magazine). This online magazine can be
found at http://www.winntmag.com and is published by Duke C ommunications.
 Sysinternals Freeware Web site:http://www.sysinternals.com.

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About the CD-ROM

The Supplemental C ourse Materials C D-ROM contains a variety of informational aids that may be used
throughout this book. This includes supplemental articles and files used in hands-on exercises. These files can
be used directly from the C D-ROM or copied onto your hard drive. For more information regarding the
contents and use of the Supplemental C ourse Materials C D-ROM, see the README.txt on the C D.

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Features of This Book

Each chapter opens with a "Before You Begin" section, which prepares you for completing the chapter.
 The chapters are then broken down into lessons. Many of the lessons contain exercises that give you an
opportunity to use the skills presented or explore the part of the application described. All exercises offer
step-by-step procedures that are identified with a symbol like the one to the left of this paragraph.
The "Review" section at the end of each chapter allows you to test what you have learned in the chapter's

Appendix A, "Questions and Answers" contains all of the book's questions and corresponding answers.


Several types of Notes appear throughout the lessons.

 Notes marked Tip contain explanations of possible results or alternative methods.

 Notes marked Important contain information that is essential to completing a task.
 Notes marked Note contain supplemental information.
 Notes marked Caution contain warnings about possible loss of data.


The following conventions are used throughout this book.

Notational Conventions
 C haracters or commands that you type appear in bold type.
 Italic in syntax statements indicates placeholders for variable information. Italic is also used for book
titles and URLs.
 Names of files and folders appear in Title C aps, except when you are to type them directly. Unless
otherwise indicated, you can use all lowercase letters when you type a file name in a dialog box or at
a command prompt.
 File name extensions appear in all lowercase.
 Acronyms appear in all uppercase.
 Monospace type represents code samples, examples of screen text, or entries that you might type
at a command prompt or in initialization files.
 Angle brackets < > are used in syntax statements to enclose optional items. For example, <filename
> in command syntax indicates that you can choose to type a file name with the command. Type only
the information within the brackets, not the brackets themselves.
 Icons represent specific sections in the book as described in the following table.
Icon Represents

A file contained on the C D-ROM. Some files are needed to complete a hands-on
practice; others contain supplemental information about the topic being discussed.
The purpose of the file and its location are described in the accompanying text.

A hands-on exercise. You should perform the exercise to give yourself an

opportunity to use the skills presented in the lesson.

C hapter review questions. These questions at the end of each chapter allow you
to test what you have learned in the lessons. You will find the answers to the
review questions in the Questions and Answers appendix at the end of the book.

Keyboard Conventions
 A plus sign (+) between two key names means that you must press those keys at the same time. For
example, "Press Alt+Tab" means that you hold down Alt while you press Tab.
 A comma ( , ) between two or more key names means that you must press each of the keys
consecutively, not together. For example, "Press Alt, F, X" means that you press and release each
key in sequence. "Press Alt+W, L" means that you first press Alt and W together, and then release
them and press L.
 You can choose menu commands with the keyboard. Press the Alt key to activate the menu bar, and
then sequentially press the keys that correspond to the highlighted or underlined letter of the menu
name and the command name. For some commands, you can also press a key combination listed in
the menu.

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 You can select or clear check boxes or option buttons in dialog boxes with the keyboard. Press the Alt
key, and then press the key that corresponds to the underlined letter of the option name. Alternately,
you can press Tab until the option is highlighted, and then press the spacebar to select or clear the
check box or option button.
 You can cancel the display of a dialog box by pressing the Esc key.

Chapter and Appendix Overview

This self-paced training course combines descriptive text, notes, hands-on procedures, and review questions
to teach you to install and configure Windows 2000 Server. It is designed to be completed from beginning to
end, but you can choose a customized track and complete only the sections that interest you. (See the next
section, "Finding the Best Starting Point for You" for more information.) If you choose the customized track
option, see the "Before You Begin" section in each chapter. Any hands-on procedures that require preliminary
work from preceding chapters refer to the appropriate chapters.

The book is divided into the following chapters:

 The "About This Book" section contains a self-paced training overview and introduces the components
of this training. Read this section thoroughly to get the greatest educational value from this
self-paced training and to plan which lessons you will complete. Following the setup information
outlined in "About This Book" is critical to the successful completion of the exercises in this training
 C hapter 1, "Introduction to Microsoft Windows 2000," summarizes Windows 2000 features, operating
system architecture, and Windows 2000 directory services.
 C hapter 2, "Installing and C onfiguring Microsoft Windows 2000 Server," covers how to prepare,
install, upgrade, and troubleshoot a Windows 2000 Server installation.
 C hapter 3, "Unattended Installations of Microsoft Windows 2000 Server," covers how to prepare for
and automate the installation of Windows 2000 Server and server applications.
 C hapter 4, "Microsoft Windows 2000 File Systems," explores disk management basics, Windows 2000
file systems, and file system security.
 C hapter 5, "Advanced File Systems," explores the Distributed File System and the File Replication
 C hapter 6, "Active Directory Services," describes how to plan, implement, and administer Active
Directory services.
 C hapter 7, "Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server," covers how to use the MMC , administer
user and group accounts, and implement group policies.
 C hapter 8, "Administering Print Services," provides an overview of Windows 2000 printing, including
how to install, administer, and connect a network printer. The chapter also explores the relationship
between Active Directory services and printing.
 C hapter 9, "Network Protocols and Services," introduces network protocols, and provides details
about TC P/IP, DHC P, WINS, and DNS.
 C hapter 10, "Routing and Remote Access Service," covers routing and remote access features,
including how to install RAS and VPN and use RRAS tools.
 C hapter 11, "Microsoft Windows 2000 Security," explores PKI, public key technologies, and Kerberos
in Windows 2000. The chapter also covers security configuration tools and implementing auditing in
Windows 2000.
 C hapter 12, "Reliability and Availability," discusses how to manage hardware devices and drivers,
implement Windows 2000 backup, build a disaster protection strategy, and recover from a disaster.
 C hapter 13, "Monitoring and Optimization," describes monitoring and optimizing Windows 2000
performance, provides an overview of SNMP, and discusses how to use Performance C onsole,
Network Monitor, and Task Manager.
 C hapter 14, "Microsoft Windows 2000 Application Servers," discusses how to install and configure
Internet Information Services 5.0, Telnet services, and Terminal Services.
 Appendix A, "Questions and Answers," lists all the review questions from the book showing the page
number where the question appears and the suggested answer.
 Appendix B, "Sample Answer Files for Unattended Setup," provides information about creating an
unattended setup file.
 Appendix C , "Installing Service Packs," provides information about installing and administering
service packs in Windows 2000.

Finding the Best Starting Point For You

Because this book is self-paced, you can skip some lessons and visit them later. Note, however, that in many
cases you must complete exercises in each chapter before completing exercises in later chapters. Use the
following table to find the best starting point for you.

If you F ollow this learning path

Are preparing to take the Microsoft C ertified Read the "Getting Started" section. Then work
Professional exam Exam70-215: Installing, through C hapters 1 and 2. Work through the
C onfiguring, and Administering Microsoft Windows remaining chapters in any order. C arefully read

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2000 Server the "Before You Begin" of each chapter to

determine exercise dependencies from previous

Are reviewing information about specific topics Use the "Where to Find Specific Skills in This
from the exam Book" section that follows this table.

Where to Find Specific Skills in This Book

The following tables provide a list of the skills measured on certification exam Exam 70-215: Installing,
C onfiguring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server. The table lists the skill, and where in this
book you will find the lesson relating to that skill.

Skills required for exams are subject to change without prior notice and at the sole discretion of Microsoft.
Installing Windows 2000 Serv er

Location in Book

Skills Being Measured Chapter Lesson

Perform an attended installation of Windows 2000 Server. 2 1-2

Perform an unattended installation of Windows 2000 Server. 3 1-3

 C reate unattended answer files by using Setup Manager 3 1-3

to automate the installation of Windows 2000 Server.

 C reate and configure automated methods for 3 1-3

installation of Windows 2000.

Upgrade a server from Microsoft Windows NT 4.0. 2 3

Deploy service packs. 12 1

Troubleshoot failed installations. 2 4

Installing, Configuring, and Troubleshooting Access to Resources

Location in Book

Skills Being Measured Chapter Lesson

Install and configure network services for interoperability. 14 1-4

9 3-5

Monitor, configure, troubleshoot, and control access to 8 2-5


Monitor, configure, troubleshoot, and control access to files, 4 1-4

folders, and shared folders.

5 1-2

14 1-2

C onfigure, manage, and troubleshoot a stand-alone 5 1

Distributed file system (Dfs).

C onfigure, manage, and troubleshoot a domain-based 5 1

Distributed file system (Dfs).

6 3

Monitor, configure, troubleshoot, and control local security 4 4

on files and folders.

Monitor, configure, troubleshoot, and control access to files 4 4

and folders in a shared folder.

Monitor, configure, troubleshoot, and control access to files 14 1-2

and folders via Web services.

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Monitor, configure, troubleshoot, and control access to Web 14 1-2


Configuring and Troubleshooting Hardware Devices and Drivers

Location in Book

Skills Being Measured Chapter Lesson

C onfigure hardware devices. 12 1

C onfigure driver signing options. 12 1

Update device drivers. 12 1

Troubleshoot problems with hardware. 12 1

Managing, Monitoring, and Optimizing System Performance, Reliability, and Av ailability

Location in Book

Skills Being Measured Chapter Lesson

Monitor and optimize usage of system resources. 13 2-5

Manage processes. 13 5

 Set priorities, and start and stop processes. 13 5

Optimize disk performance. 13 1

Manage and optimize availability of system state data and user 12 1-4

Recover systems and user data. 12 2, 4

 Recover systems and user data by using Windows 12 2, 4


 Troubleshoot system restoration by using Safe Mode. 12 4

 Recover systems and user data by using the Recovery 12 4

C onsole.

Managing, Configuring, and Troubleshooting Storage Use

Location in Book

Skills Being Measured Chapter Lesson

C onfigure and manage user profiles. 7 2

Monitor, configure, and troubleshoot disks and volumes. 12 3

13 1

C onfigure data compression. 13 1

Monitor and configure disk quotas. 13 1

Recover from disk failures. 12 4

Configuring and Troubleshooting Windows 2000 Network Connections

Location in Book

Skills Being Measured Chapter Lesson

Install, configure, and troubleshoot shared access. 4 4

Install, configure, and troubleshoot a virtual private 10 4

network (VPN).

Install, configure, and troubleshoot network protocols. 9 1, 2

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Install and configure network services. 9 3-5

13 4

C onfigure, monitor, and troubleshoot remote access. 10 1-3, 5

 C onfigure inbound connections. 10 1-3

 C reate a remote access policy. 10 3

 C onfigure a remote access profile. 10 1-3

Install, configure, monitor, and troubleshoot Terminal Services. 14 4

 Remotely administer servers by using Terminal 14 4


 C onfigure Terminal Services for application sharing. 14 4

 C onfigure applications for use with Terminal Services. 14 4

C onfigure the properties of a connection. 2 2

9 2-5

10 3, 4

Install, configure, and troubleshoot network adapters and 2 1, 2


9 2

12 1

Implementing, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting Security

Location in Book

Skills Being Measured Chapter Lesson

Encrypt data on a hard disk by using Encrypting File 11 2

System (EFS).

Implement, configure, manage, and troubleshoot policies in a 7 4

Windows 2000 environment.

 Implement, configure, manage, and troubleshoot Local 7 4

Policy in a Windows 2000 environment.

 Implement, configure, manage, and troubleshoot 7 4

System Policy in a Windows 2000 environment.

Implement, configure, manage, and troubleshoot auditing. 11 5

Implement, configure, manage, and troubleshoot local accounts. 7 2

Implement, configure, manage, and troubleshoot Account 7 2, 4


Implement, configure, manage, and troubleshoot security by 11 4

using the Security C onfiguration Tool Set.

Getting Started

This self-paced training course contains hands-on procedures to help you learn about Windows 2000 Server.

To complete some of these procedures, you must have two networked computers or be connected to a larger
network. Ideally, the network used for the exercises in this kit should not be an isolated network. Both
computers must be capable of running Windows 2000 Server.

Several exercises may require you to make changes to your servers. This may have undesirable results if
you are connected to a larger network. C heck with your network administrator before attempting these

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The first computer will be designated as C omputer 1 with a computer name of Server01. The second
computer will be designated as C omputer 2 with a computer name of Server02. Both computers must be
capable of running Windows 2000 Server. If you have only one computer, read the steps and familiarize
yourself with the procedures as best you can. C omputer 1 and C omputer 2 are described in more detail in the
"Setup Instructions" section of this document.

Exercises and explanations of procedures in the text use drop-down menus to demonstrate how to navigate
through Windows interface elements, like the Microsoft Management C onsole (MMC ). Many objects appearing
in the Windows interface can also be accessed through C ontext menus. If you use right-handed mouse
settings, the C ontext menus are accessed by pointing at an object and right-clicking the mouse. If you use
left handed mouse settings, the C ontext menus are accessed by pointing at an object and left-clicking the

Hardware Requirements

Each computer must have the following minimum configuration. All hardware should be on the Microsoft
Windows 2000 Server Hardware C ompatibility List (HC L).

 Pentium 133
 64 MB of RAM
 2 GB free space for the boot partition (the partition containing the operating system files) and other
files created through exercises in this course.
 500 MB of unallocated space on the computer that will become Server01 through exercises in this kit
(The unallocated space will be partitioned in C hapter 4 exercises.)
 12X C D-ROM drive
 VGA monitor (800 x 600 resolution or better recommended)
 Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device
 A modem in C omputer 1 and a modem in C omputer 2
 Optional: Internet access
There are a number of methods for determining whether your hardware is on the HC L. The following list
shows some of these methods:

 C heck \Support\Hcl.txt on the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM.

 Review the most up-to-date list of supported hardware at the Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality
Labs Web site at http://www.microsoft.com/hcl/default.asp.
 If this URL fails, go to the Microsoft homepage at http://www.microsoft.com and perform a search
using the keyword "HC L."

Software Requirements

The following software is required to complete the procedures in this course:

 The Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM

 Windows 2000 Server (120-day evaluation version) and instructions on how to download the
software, which can be found at the following Microsoft Web site:
 A Windows 32-bit operating system (Windows 9x, Windows NT 3.51, or Windows NT 4.0) running on
C omputer 2

Setup Instructions

Set up your computer according to the manufacturer's instructions.

For the exercises that require networked computers, you need to make sure the computers can communicate
with each other. The first computer (C omputer 1) will be designated as a domain controller, and will be
assigned the computer account name Server01 and the domain name microsoft.com. This computer will act
as a domain controller in microsoft.com.

The second computer (C omputer 2) will be assigned the computer account name of Server02 and the domain
name of microsoft.com. It will act as a member server for most of the optional exercises in this course.

Preparing for Windows 2000 Serv er Training

The installation of Windows 2000 Server is part of this kit and is covered in C hapters 2 and 3. To reduce the
possibility of difficulty in completing these exercises, your computers should contain only HC L-approved
equipment, exceed the minimum hardware requirements, and be networked together in an isolated network.
Ideally, each computer should have 3 GB of disk capacity and 128 MB of RAM available for the operating
system and contain only software that is part of this training.

Throughout this kit you will see references to the following environment variables:

 %systemroot% points to the directory containing the Windows 2000 operating system files. Typically,

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%systemroot% will resolve to C :\winnt.

 %windir% points to the same location as %systemroot% and is also used in Windows 95 and
Windows 98.
 %systemdrive% points to the root of the boot partition. If you installed Windows 2000 in C :\winnt
then this environment variable points to C :.

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The Microsoft Certified Professional Program

The Microsoft C ertified Professional (MC P) program is the best method to prove your command of current
Microsoft products and technologies. Microsoft, an industry leader in certification, is on the forefront of testing
methodology. Our exams and corresponding certifications are developed to validate your mastery of critical
competencies as you design and develop, or implement and support, solutions with Microsoft products and
technologies. C omputer professionals who become Microsoft certified are recognized as experts

The Microsoft C ertified Professional program offers eight certifications, based on specific areas of technical

 Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). Demonstrated in-depth knowledge of at least one Microsoft
operating system. C andidates may pass additional Microsoft certification exams to further qualify
their skills with Microsoft BackOffice products, development tools, or desktop programs.
 Microsoft Certified Professional + Internet. MC Ps with a specialty in the Internet are qualified to plan
security, install and configure server products, manage server resources, extend servers to run
scripts, monitor and analyze performance, and troubleshoot problems.
 Microsoft Certified Professional + Site Building. Demonstrated what it takes to plan, build, maintain,
and manage Web sites using Microsoft technologies and products.
 Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE). Qualified to effectively plan, implement, maintain, and
support information systems in a wide range of computing environments with Microsoft Windows NT
Server and the Microsoft BackOffice integrated family of server software.
 Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer + Internet. MC SEs with an advanced qualification to enhance,
deploy, and manage sophisticated intranet and Internet solutions that include a browser, proxy
server, host servers, database, and messaging and commerce components. In addition, an
MC SE+Internet-certified professional is able to manage and analyze Web sites.
 Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA). Individuals who derive physical database
designs, develop logical data models, create physical databases, create data services by using
Transact-SQL, manage and maintain databases, configure and manage security, monitor and
optimize databases, and install and configure Microsoft SQL Server.
 Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD). Qualified to design and develop custom business
solutions with Microsoft development tools, technologies, and platforms, including Microsoft Office and
Microsoft BackOffice.
 Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT). Instructionally and technically qualified to deliver Microsoft Official
C urriculum through a Microsoft C ertified Technical Education C enter (C TEC ).

Microsoft Certification Benefits

Microsoft certification, one of the most comprehensive certification programs available for assessing and
maintaining software-related skills, is a valuable measure of an individual's knowledge and expertise.
Microsoft certification is awarded to individuals who have successfully demonstrated their ability to perform
specific tasks and implement solutions with Microsoft products. Not only does this provide an objective
measure for employers to consider, it provides guidance for what an individual should know to be proficient.
And as with any skills-assessment and benchmarking measure, certification brings a variety of benefits: to
the individual, to employers, and to organizations.

Microsoft Certification Benefits for Individuals

As a Microsoft C ertified Professional, you receive many benefits:

 Industry recognition of your knowledge and proficiency with Microsoft products and technologies
 Access to technical and product information directly from Microsoft through a secured area of the
MC P Web Site
 MSDN Online C ertified Membership that helps you tap into the best technical resources, connect to
the MC P community, and gain access to valuable resources and services. (Some MSDN Online
benefits may be available in English only or may not be available in all countries.) See the MSDN
Web site for a growing list of certified member benefits
 Logos to enable you to identify your Microsoft C ertified Professional status to colleagues or clients
 Invitations to Microsoft conferences, technical training sessions, and special events
 A Microsoft C ertified Professional certificate
 Subscription to Microsoft C ertified Professional Magazine (North America only), a career and
professional development magazine
Additional benefits, depending on your certification and location, include:

 A complimentary one-year subscription to the Microsoft TechNet Technical Plus, providing valuable
information on monthly C D-ROMs
 A one-year subscription to the Microsoft Beta Evaluation program. This benefit provides you with up
to 12 free monthly C D-ROMs containing beta software (English only) for many of Microsoft's newest
software products.

Microsoft Certification Benefits for Employers and Organizations

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Through certification, computer professionals can maximize the return on investment in Microsoft technology.
Research shows that Microsoft certification provides organizations with:

 Excellent return on training and certification investments by providing a standard method of

determining training needs and measuring results
 Increased customer satisfaction and decreased support costs through improved service, increased
productivity and greater technical self-sufficiency
 Reliable benchmark for hiring, promoting and career planning
 Recognition and rewards for productive employees by validating their expertise
 Retraining options for existing employees so they can work effectively with new technologies
 Assurance of quality when outsourcing computer services
To learn more about how certification can help your company, see the following backgrounders, white papers,
and case studies available on http://www.microsoft.com/mcp/mktg/bus_bene.htm.

 Financial Benefits to Supporters of Microsoft Professional C ertification, IDC white paper

(1998wpidc.doc 1,608 K)
 Prudential C ase Study (prudentl.exe 70 K self-extracting file)
 The Microsoft C ertified Professional Program C orporate Backgrounder (mcpback.exe 50 K)
 White paper (mcsdwp.doc 158 K) that evaluates the Microsoft C ertified Solution Developer
 White paper (mcsestud.doc 161 K) that evaluates the Microsoft C ertified Systems Engineer
 Jackson Hole High School C ase Study (jhhs.doc 180 K)
 Lyondel C ase Study (lyondel.doc 21 K)
 Stellcom C ase Study (stellcom.doc 132 K)

Requirements for Becoming a Microsoft Certified Professional

The certification requirements differ for each certification and are specific to the products and job functions
addressed by the certification.

To become a Microsoft C ertified Professional, you must pass rigorous certification exams that provide a valid
and reliable measure of technical proficiency and expertise. These exams are designed to test your expertise
and ability to perform a role or task with a product, and are developed with the input of professionals in the
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Chapter 1
Introduction to Microsoft Windows 2000
About This Chapter

This chapter introduces you to the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system. It describes the various editions
of Windows 2000 and provides an overview of the operating system architecture. This chapter also discusses
the concept of directory services and introduces you to Active Directory services, the centralized directory
service included in Windows 2000 Server, Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server.

Before You Begin

There are no special requirements to complete the lessons in this chapter, although a working knowledge of
Microsoft Windows NT is helpful.

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Lesson 1: Overview of Windows 2000

This lesson introduces you to the family of Windows 2000 products, which includes Windows 2000
Professional, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server.
The lesson goes on to describe the features and benefits of Windows 2000, with a focus on features specific to
Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 2000 Server.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Describe the key features of the four editions of Windows 2000 and
identify how these editions differ from one another
Estimated lesson time: 15 minutes

Editions of Windows 2000

Windows 2000 is a multipurpose operating system with integrated support for client/server and peer-to-peer
networks. The Windows 2000 family of products has been designed to increase reliability, deliver higher
levels of system availability, and provide for scalability from a small network to a large enterprise network.
Windows 2000 incorporates technologies that reduce the total cost of ownership by allowing organizations to
increase the value of their existing investments while lowering overall computing costs. In addition, Windows
2000 incorporates comprehensive Internet and applications support, building on the success of Windows NT
Server 4.0 as an Internet-aware, application-enabled server operating system.

Microsoft has released four editions of Windows 2000: Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server,
Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server. These products support an advanced
PC -based, client/server infrastructure that lowers costs and allows an organization to adapt quickly to change.
The Windows 2000 platform provides administrators with more control over their networks and client/server
infrastructure, maximizing flexibility while supporting the kind of centralized control typically associated with a
mainframe/terminal model.

Windows 2000 Professional

Windows 2000 Professional is the main Microsoft desktop operating system for businesses of all sizes. It is a
high-performance, secure-network client computer and corporate desktop operating system that incorporates
the best business features of Windows 98 and builds in the traditional strengths of Windows NT Workstation.
Windows 2000 Professional includes a simplified user interface, plug and play capabilities, enhanced power
management, and support for a broad range of hardware devices. In addition, Windows 2000 Professional
significantly extends the manageability, reliability, and security of Windows NT because of its new file
encryption system and application management tools.

Windows 2000 Server

Windows 2000 Server is a file, print, and application server, as well as a Web-server platform, and contains
all the features of Windows 2000 Professional plus many new server-specific functions. At the core of
Windows 2000 is a complete set of infrastructure services based on Active Directory services. Active
Directory services centralizes the management of users, groups, security services, and network resources.
Windows 2000 Server supports uniprocessor systems to four-way symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) systems
with up to 4 gigabytes (GB) of physical memory. It includes the multipurpose capabilities required for
workgroups and branch offices as well as for departmental deployments of file and print servers, application
servers, Web servers, and communication servers. Windows 2000 Server is ideal for small-to-medium sized
enterprise application deployments.

Windows 2000 Advanced Server

Windows 2000 Advanced Server is a more powerful departmental and application server operating system
that includes the full feature set of Windows 2000 Server and adds the advanced high availability and
improved scalability required for enterprise and larger departmental solutions. Windows 2000 Advanced
Server supports eight-way SMP and integrates high-availability two-way clustering, and it is ideal for
database-intensive work. Hardware that is designed around the Intel Physical Address Extensions (PAEs)
allows Windows 2000 Advanced Server to take advantage of more physical memory.

Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

Windows 2000 Datacenter Server is a specialized high-end version of Windows 2000 Server designed for
large-scale enterprise solutions. Windows 2000 Datacenter Server is optimized for large data warehouses,
econometric analysis, large-scale simulations in science and engineering, online transaction processing
(OLTP), and server consolidation projects. It is also ideal for large-scale Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
and Web site hosting. Windows 2000 Datacenter Server includes the full feature set of Windows 2000
Advanced Server, providing load balancing services and enhancing clustering services by supporting four-way
clustering. It is a specialized high-end version of Windows 2000 Server that supports up to 16-way SMP and
up to 32-way SMP through original equipment manufacturer (OEM) operating system enhancements.

Features of Windows 2000

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The following table describes the features and benefits of Windows 2000. The table includes information
specific to Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 2000 Server.

Feature Benefit

Lower total cost of Reduces the cost of running and administering a network by providing
ownership automatic installation and upgrading of applications, and by simplifying the
setup and configuration of client computers.
Reduces the number of calls to support by providing the familiar Microsoft
Windows interface for users and administrators, including wizards and
interactive help.

Reduces the need for administrators to travel to desktop computers to

upgrade the operating system.

Security Authenticates users before they gain access to resources or data on a

computer or the network.
Provides local and network security and auditing for files, folders, printers,
and other resources.

Supports the Kerberos protocol and public key infrastructure (PKI) security.

Directory services Stores information about network resources, such as user accounts,
applications, print resources, and security information.
Provides the services that permit users to gain access to resources throughout
the entire Windows 2000 network and to locate users, computers, and other
resources. Also enables administrators to manage and secure these

Windows 2000 Server Stores and manages Active Directory services

information in the directory, which is the database that stores information
about network resources, such as computers and printers. Active Directory
services makes this information available to users and applications. It also
enables administrators to control access to resources.

Performance and Supports SMP on computers that are configured with multiple
scalability microprocessors. Also supports multitasking for system processes and
Windows 2000 Server Supports up to four microprocessors. Windows 2000
Server computers are typically configured as a file and print server or
application server, such as Terminal Services.

Windows 2000 Professional Supports up to two microprocessors.

Networking and Provides built-in support for the most popular network protocols, including
communication TC P/IP and IPX/SPX.
Provides connectivity with Novell NetWare, UNIX, and AppleTalk.

Provides dial-up networking, which lets mobile users connect to a computer

running Windows 2000.

Windows 2000 Server Supports 256 simultaneous inbound dial-up sessions.

Windows 2000 Professional Supports one inbound dial-up networking


Internet integration Integrates users' desktops with the Internet, thereby removing the distinction
between the local computer and the Internet. Users can securely browse the
network, intranet, and Internet for resources, as well as send and receive
e-mail messages.
Windows 2000 Server Includes Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS),
which is a secure Web-server platform used to host Internet and intranet Web
sites on network servers.

Windows 2000 Professional Provides a personal Web server, which

enables users to host personal Web sites.

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Integrated Provides the means to create customized tools to manage local and remote
administration tools computers with a single standard interface.
Provides the means to incorporate third-party administrative tools into the
standard interface.

Supports universal serial bus (USB), an external bus standard that eliminates
Hardware support
many constraints of earlier computer peripherals.
Supports Plug and Play hardware, which Windows 2000 automatically detects,
installs, and configures.

Lesson Summary

Windows 2000 consists of a family of four products: Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server,
Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server. Windows 2000 Professional is a
desktop operating system with integrated support for client/server and peer-to-peer networks. Windows 2000
Server contains all the features of Windows 2000 Professional plus many new server-specific functions.
Windows 2000 Server is well suited as a file and print server or application server, such as a Web-server
platform. Windows 2000 Advanced Server is a more powerful departmental and application server operating
system that builds on Windows 2000 Server by providing two-way clustering and load balancing. Windows
2000 Datacenter Server includes all the features of Windows 2000 Advanced Server, but supports four-way
clustering, more processors, and more than 10,000 simultaneous users. It is the most powerful server
operating system ever offered by Microsoft for large-scale enterprise solutions.

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Lesson 2: Operating System Architecture

Windows 2000 is an object-based system. In other words, it is a modular operating system made up of small,
self-contained software components that work together to perform operating system tasks. Each component
provides a set of functions that act as an interface to the rest of the system.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Identify the main components of the Windows 2000 operating system
 Distinguish those components in the user mode layer from those in the
kernel mode layer
 Identify the characteristics of kernel mode drivers, including Windows
Driver Model (WDM) drivers
Estimated lesson time: 45 minutes

Windows 2000 Architectural Overview

Windows 2000 is a portable operating system designed to run on C omplex Instruction Set C omputing
(C ISC )-based and Reduced Instruction Set C omputing (RISC )-based computers. Because of this, devices and
their drivers are both hardware-configurable and software-configurable. Windows 2000 is always preemptible
and always interruptible, and it is designed to run uniformly on uniprocessor and SMP platforms, ensuring that
code being executed on one processor does not simultaneously access and modify data being accessed and
modified from another processor. Windows 2000 supports packet-driven input/output (I/O) with reusable I/O
request packets (IRPs) and asynchronous I/O so that the originator of an I/O request can continue to be
executed, rather than waiting for its I/O request to be completed. To support the various functionality,
Windows 2000 is designed to be a modular system made up of a set of objects that can be broken into two
major layers: user mode and kernel mode.

Figure 1.1 provides an overview of the Windows 2000 operating system architecture. Like all operating
systems, Windows 2000 contains many lines of code designed to make computer hardware available to
applications. Figure 1.1 merely provides a conceptual framework for understanding how the code fits
together. Therefore, diagrams from different sources may vary from this one.

Figure 1.1 Overview of the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system architecture

User Mode

The user mode layer of Windows 2000 is made up of a set of components referred to as subsystems. A
subsystem passes I/O requests to the appropriate kernel mode driver through the I/O systems services. The
subsystem insulates its end users and applications from having to know anything about kernel mode
components. The user mode layer is made up of two kinds of subsystems: environment subsystems and
integral subsystems.

Environment Subsystems

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Environment subsystems allow Windows 2000 to run applications written for different operating systems.
These subsystems emulate different operating systems by presenting the application programming interfaces
(APIs) that the applications need to be available. The environment subsystems accept the API calls made by
the application, convert the API calls into a format understood by Windows 2000, and then pass the converted
API to Executive components running in kernel mode.

The following table describes the environment subsystems in Windows 2000.

Env ironment subsystem F unction

Win32 C ontrols Win32-based applications and provides

an environment for Win16 and Microsoft
MS-DOS-based applications.

POSIX Provides APIs for POSIX-based applications.

POSIX refers to the portable operating system
interface standard developed by the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) to
ensure portability of applications across different

The environment subsystems and the applications that run within them have no direct access to hardware or
device drivers. They are limited to an assigned address space. Environment subsystems are forced to use
hard disk space as virtual memory whenever the system needs memory. In addition, these subsystems run
at a lower priority than kernel mode processes. C onsequently, they have less access to C PU cycles than
processes that run in kernel mode.

Microsoft Enterprise Memory Architecture (EMA), part of Windows 2000 Advanced Server and Windows 2000
Datacenter Server, can make larger amounts of physical RAM available to applications, thereby improving
their performance.

Integral Subsystems

Integral subsystems perform essential operating system functions. The following table describes some of the
important integral subsystems.

Integral subsystem F unction

Security C reates security tokens and tracks rights and

permissions associated with user accounts. The
subsystem accepts user logon requests and
initiates logon authentication. The Security
subsystem also tracks which system resources
are audited.

Workstation service A networking integral subsystem that provides an

API to access the network redirector. The
Workstation service allows a Windows 2000
computer to access the network.

Server service A networking integral subsystem that provides an

API to access the network server. The Server
service allows a Windows 2000 computer to
provide network resources.

Kernel Mode

The kernel mode layer of the Windows 2000 architecture has access to system data and hardware. Kernel
mode provides direct access to memory and is executed in a protected memory area. It determines when a
particular sequence of code is run by following prioritizing criteria. Every thread has an associated priority
attribute. The kernel mode also prioritizes hardware and software interrupts so that some kernel mode code
runs at higher interrupt request levels (IRQLs). The kernel mode consists of several components with
well-defined functionality isolated in each component: the Executive, the Hardware Abstraction Level (HAL),
and the set of kernel mode drivers.

Windows 2000 Executive

The Executive performs most of the I/O and object management, including security. Various components
within the Executive, such as the Virtual Memory Manager (VMM) and the I/O Manager, define one or more
object types. These components provide system services and internal routines. System services are available
to both the user mode subsystems and to other Executive components. Internal routines are available only to

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other components within the Executive. No component is allowed to access any instance of another
component's object types directly. The component must call the exported support routines in order to use
another component's objects. Each component exports kernel-only support routines that manipulate instances
of its object types when these routines are called. If the underlying implementation of a support routine
changes over time, its caller remains portable because the interface to the defining component does not

The following table includes the kernel mode components contained in the Executive.

Component F unction

I/O Manager Provides core services for device drivers and

translates user-mode read and write commands
into read or write IRPs. It manages all the other
main operating system IRPs. The I/O Manager
manages input from and the delivery of output to
different devices. The I/O Manager includes the
following components:
F ile systems Accept the oriented I/O requests
and translate them into device-specific calls. The
network redirector and the network server are
both implemented as file system drivers.

Dev ice driv ers Low-level drivers that directly

manipulate hardware to accept input or to write

Cache Manager Improves disk I/O by storing

disk reads in system memory. C ache Manager
also improves write performance by caching
writes to disk in the background.

Security reference monitor Enforces security policies on the local computer.

Interprocess C ommunication (IPC ) Manager Manages communication between clients and

servers. The IPC Manager manages
communication between environmental
subsystems and the Executive. The subsystem
acts like a client requesting information, and the
Executive acts like a server to satisfy the request
for information. The IPC Manager includes the
following two components:
Local Procedure Call (LPC) facility Manages
communication when clients and servers exist on
the same computer.

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) facility

Manages communication when clients and servers
exist on separate computers.

Virtual Memory Manager (VMM) Implements and controls virtual memory, a

memory management that provides a private
address space for each process and protects that
address space. The VMM allows the operating
system to use peripheral hard disk storage as if it
is actually part of the physical memory. Virtual
memory uses both physical memory and disk
storage. The VMM also controls demand for
paging, allowing the use of disk space as a
storage area to move code and data in and out of
physical RAM.

Process Manager C reates and terminates processes and threads. A

process is a program or part of a program, and a
thread is a specific set of commands within a
program. The Process Manager also suspends
and resumes threads, and stores and retrieves
information about processes and threads.

Plug and Play (PnP) Manager Maintains central control of the Plug and Play
process. The PnP Manager supports boot-time
Plug and Play activity and interfaces with HAL, the

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Executive, and device drivers. It maintains

central control, directing bus drivers to perform
enumeration and configuration and directing
device drivers to add and start devices. The PnP
Manager coordinates with the user mode PnP
counterpart to pause or remove devices as

Power Manager C ontrols power management APIs, coordinates

power events, and generates power management
IRPs. For example, when several devices request
to be turned off, the Power Manager collects
those requests, determines which requests must
be serialized, and then generates appropriate
power management IRPs.

Window Manager and graphical device interface Manages the display system. These two
(GDI) components, implemented as a single device
driver named Win32k.sys, perform the following
Window Manager C ontrols window displays and
manages screen output. Window Manager is also
responsible for receiving input from devices such
as the keyboard and the mouse and then passing
messages to applications that are receiving input.

GDI C ontains the functions that are required for

drawing and manipulating graphics.

Object Manager C reates, manages, and deletes objects that

represent operating system resources, such as
processes, threads, and data structures.

Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)

The HAL virtualizes, or hides, the hardware interface details, making Windows 2000 more portable across
different hardware architectures. The HAL contains the hardware-specific code that handles I/O interfaces,
interrupt controllers, and multiprocessor communication mechanisms. This layer was originally designed to
allow Windows 2000 to run on both Intel-based and other platforms, such as Alpha-based systems, without
having to maintain two separate versions of the Windows 2000 Executive.


Support for Alpha-based hardware was discontinued after Windows 2000 Release C andidate One. See the
Supplemental C ourse Materials C D-ROM (\chapt01\articles\compaq.html) that accompanies this book.
The HAL is implemented as a dynamic-link library and is responsible for all hardware-level, platform-specific
support needed by every component in the system. The HAL exports support routines that hide
platform-specific hardware details about caches, I/O buses, and interrupt controllers; and provides an
interface between the platform's hardware and the system's software components.

Kernel Mode Drivers

Like the Windows 2000 operating system, kernel mode drivers are implemented as discrete, modular
components with a well-defined set of required functionality. All kernel mode drivers, including Windows
Driver Model (WDM) drivers, include a set of system-defined standard driver routines and some internal
routines, depending on individual device requirements. To all other components in the system, including user
mode code, a connection to a device is represented as an open operation of a file object in I/O Manager.
However, within the I/O system, the logical, virtual, and physical devices for each driver are represented as
device objects. Each driver's load image is represented as a driver object within I/O Manager. I/O Manager
defines the object types for file objects, device objects, and driver objects. Drivers use objects by calling
kernel mode support routines exported by I/O Manager and other system components.

Kernel mode drivers share many of the design goals of Windows 2000, including all of the following:

 Portability from one platform to another

 C onfigurability of hardware and software
 Always preemptible and always interruptible

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 Multiprocessor-safe on multiprocessor platforms

 Object-based
 Packet-driven I/O with reusable IRPs
 Support for asynchronous I/O
There are three basic types of kernel mode drivers: highest-level drivers, intermediate drivers, and
lowest-level drivers, as shown in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2 The three types of kernel mode drivers

Each type of kernel mode driver has a slightly different structure and quite different functionality. The
following table provides an overview of each type of driver. Note that Windows Driver Model (WDM) drivers
are included in the intermediate level.

Driv er type Description

Highest-level drivers Includes such files system drivers (FSDs) as the

system-supplied file allocation table (FAT), NT file
system (NTFS), and C ompact Disk File System
(C DFS) drivers. Highest-level drivers always
depend on support from underlying lower-level
drivers. Although an FSD may or may not get
support from one or more intermediate drivers,
every FSD depends on support from one or more
underlying peripheral device drivers.

Intermediate drivers Includes such drivers as a virtual disk, mirror, or

device-type-specific class driver. Intermediate
drivers depend on support from underlying
lower-level drivers. Intermediate drivers also
include the following drivers:
PnP function drivers that control specific
peripheral devices on an I/O controlled by a PnP
hardware bus driver;

PnP filter drivers that insert themselves above or

below PnP function drivers in the driver stack for
a peripheral device;

Any system-supplied class driver that exports a

system-defined WDM class/miniport interface;

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PnP software bus drivers that present a set of

child devices to which higher-level class, function,
or filter drivers can attach themselves;

WDM software bus drivers.

Lowest-level drivers Includes such drivers as PnP hardware bus

drivers that control an I/O bus on which some
number of peripheral devices are connected.
Lowest-level drivers do not depend on lower-level
drivers but control physical peripheral devices
such as buses. Lowest-level drivers also include
legacy Windows NT device drivers that control a
physical peripheral device directly, such as the
small computer system interface (SC SI) host bus
adapter driver.

Windows Driv er Model (WDM)

Some Windows 2000 kernel model drivers are also WDM drivers. WDM drivers are a subset of the
intermediate level of kernel mode drivers. The WDM specification defines the architecture for hardware
drivers and interfaces to the operating system. Devices that conform to WDM device driver architecture
benefit from a common set of WDM I/O services and a planned binary compatibility between Windows 2000
and Windows 98 operating systems.

To help decrease the effort necessary for hardware vendors to support all Windows platforms, WDM enables
devices designed for either Windows 2000 or Windows 98 to be installed and used with computers running
under either operating system.

This driver model is based on a class/miniport structure that provides modular, extensible architectures for
device support. WDM is a core technology for the Simply Interactive PC (SIPC ) and Zero Administration
initiatives and for new PnP device support for USB, IEEE 1394, and the OnNow power management initiative.

Each WDM class abstracts many of the common details involved in controlling similar devices. For example,
consider five separate devices attached to a USB. If each driver for each device separately contained all the
code needed to talk to its device over the USB, there would be five very large drivers, consisting mainly of
the same code, to deal with USB communications issues. With WDM, driver developers write the generally
smaller code pieces (miniports) that talk to their hardware directly and call the appropriate class driver to do
the bulk of the common tasks. Another significant advantage of writing miniports is that it decreases the
likelihood of introducing bugs into device driver code.

WDM Layered Architecture

WDM is a multiple-layer driver architecture that uses special class drivers to provide cross-platform support.
Driver classes are layers of abstraction that allow WDM drivers to be used in both Windows 2000 and
Windows 98. There are four different classes of drivers:

 Miniport drivers
 C lass drivers
 OS services
 Virtualization drivers
For each bus class and hardware device class supported by WDM, Windows 2000 provides a class driver.
Because Microsoft provides all platform-specific integration support for WDM, only miniports are required to
be written for all hardware devices whose classes are supported by Microsoft.

Miniport Driv ers Miniport drivers are already implemented in Windows 2000 in the classes of SC SI and
network adapters. With Windows 2000, the concept of miniport drivers has been widened to include the USB
support. Miniport drivers have the following attributes:

 Indirect control of hardware through a specific bus class driver

 Source and binary compatibility across Windows platforms
 Dynamic loading and unloading
 Hardware-specific functionality only
 C apacity to expose multiple class interfaces
Class Drivers A class driver is best conceptualized as a driver for drivers. C lass drivers provide interfaces
between different layers of the WDM architecture. The lower layer of a class driver communicates with the
class-specific interface exposed by a miniport driver. The upper edge of top-level class drivers is operating
system-specific. C lass drivers also have the following capabilities:

 C lass-specific functions, not hardware-specific or bus-specific, except for bus-type class drivers
 Dynamic loading and unloading

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 C lass-specific functions only (such as enumeration)

 C apacity to expose a single class-specific interface to multiple client layers
OS Serv ices The OS services layer is always specific to the operating system. This layer abstracts all the
operating system specific functionality from the miniport layers beneath it. This functionality includes:

 Thread management
 Heap management
 Event services
Virtualization Driv ers Virtualization drivers have been a part of Microsoft Windows since the release of
version 3.0. They are the familiar .vxd files in Windows 95 and the .386 files in earlier versions of Windows.
Virtualization drivers under WDM have some very specific functions. The functions virtualize the interfaces of
legacy hardware and send class-specific commands to the appropriate device. For instance, an MS-DOS game
running under Windows would use the virtualization driver to work with a USB-based joystick.

These drivers do not access hardware directly but act as go-betweens so that legacy software or hardware
can work correctly under the new architecture.

The WDM driver support for Windows 2000 includes:

 Stream class driver to support kernel-mode streaming of data for video capture, MPEG decoders,
audio, DVD-ROM, and broadcast architectures
 Human Interface Devices (HID) class driver to support input devices
 USB class driver
 IEEE 1394 bus class driver

Lesson Summary

Windows 2000 is a modular operating system made up of small, self-contained software components that
work together to perform operating system tasks. Windows 2000 consists of a set of objects that can be
broken into two major layers: user mode and kernel mode. The main components of the user mode layer are
a set of subsystems that insulate end users and applications from having to know anything about kernel mode
components. There are two kinds of subsystems: environment and integral. The main components of the
kernel mode layer are the Executive, the HAL, and the kernel mode drivers. The Executive performs most of
the I/O and object management, including security. The HAL hides the hardware interface details and handles
I/O interfaces, interrupt controllers, and multiprocessor communication mechanisms. Kernel mode drivers are
implemented as discrete, modular components with a well-defined set of required functionality. There are
three types of kernel mode drivers: highest-level drivers, intermediate drivers, and lowest-level drivers.
Windows Driver Model (WDM) drivers are a subset of intermediate kernel mode drivers.

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Lesson 3: Windows 2000 Directory Services

A directory is a stored collection of information about objects that are all related to one another in some way.
You can compare a network directory to a telephone directory, which stores the names, addresses and phone
numbers of individuals and businesses. The telephone directory is a collection of attributes (names and
addresses) that can be used as search properties to locate information about objects (phone numbers) that
are stored in the directory. In much the same way, a directory service uniquely identifies users and resources
on a network and provides a way to organize and access those users and resources.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Describe the functions of a directory service
 Identify the differences between workgroups and domains
 Describe Active Directory services and its functions and identify the
components of the Active Directory structure
Estimated lesson time: 45 minutes

Introduction to Directory Services

In a distributed computing system or a public computer network such as the Internet, many objects are
necessary to support that system, such as users, file servers, printers, fax servers, applications, and
databases. Users want to easily and efficiently locate and use these objects. Administrators want to manage
how these objects are used. If all the information needed to use and manage these objects is stored in a
centralized location, the process of locating and managing these resources can be vastly simplified. This is
when a directory service becomes useful.

The terms directory and directory service refer to the directories found in public and private networks. A
directory is a database of network objects that can be referenced in many different ways. It stores
information related to the network resources to facilitate locating and managing these resources. A directory
service differs from a directory in that it is both the source of the directory information and the services
making the information available to the users.

A directory service provides the means to organize and simplify access to resources of a networked computer
system. It makes it possible to find an object based on one or more of its attributes. For example,
administrators may not know the exact name of an object, but chances are they know one or more of the
attributes of that object. With a directory service, they can query the directory to get a list of objects that
match the known attributes. For instance, they could query the directory for all color printer objects that are
associated with the third floor attribute (or maybe a location attribute that has been set to "third floor").

You can use a directory service to perform a number of functions:

 Enforce security to protect the objects in its database from outside intruders or from internal users
who do not have permission to access those objects
 Replicate a directory to other computers in the network to make it available to more users and make
it resistant to failure
 Partition a directory into multiple stores that are located on different computers across the network.
This makes more space available to the directory as a whole and allows the storage of a large
numbers of objects
A directory service is both an administration tool and an end-user tool. The larger a network becomes, the
more resources there are to manage. As the number of resource objects in a network grows, the more
necessary the directory service becomes.

Workgroups and Domains

As stated earlier, a directory service provides a way to organize and simplify access to network resources.
However, to facilitate that access, Windows 2000 supports two types of networks: workgroups and domains.

Windows 2000 Workgroups

A workgroup is a logical grouping of networked computers that share resources, such as files and printers. A
domain is a logical grouping of network computers that share a central directory database that contains user
accounts and security information for the domain. A workgroup is sometimes referred to as a peer-to-peer
network because all computers in the workgroup can share resources as equals, without a dedicated server,
as shown in Figure 1.3. Each Windows 2000 Server computer and Windows 2000 Professional computer in the
workgroup maintains a local security database, which contains a list of user accounts and resource security
information for that computer.

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Figure 1.3 A Windows 2000 workgroup

Because each computer in the workgroup maintains a local security database, the administration of user
accounts and resource security is decentralized. A user must have a user account on each computer that the
user needs to access. Any changes to user accounts, such as changing a password or adding a new account,
must be made on each computer. If you forget to add a new user account to one of the computers, the new
user will not be able to log on to that computer and will not be able to access resources on it.

Windows 2000 workgroups provide the following advantages:

 A workgroup does not require a computer running Windows 2000 Server to hold centralized security
 A workgroup is simple to design and implement; it does not require the extensive planning and
administration that a domain requires.
 A workgroup is convenient for a limited number of computers in close proximity, although a
workgroup becomes impractical in environments with more than 10 computers.
 A workgroup is well suited to small groups of technical users who do not require central

In a workgroup, a computer running Windows 2000 Server is called a stand-alone server.

Windows 2000 Domains

A Windows 2000 domain is a logical grouping of network computers that share a central directory database. A
directory database contains user accounts and security information for the domain. In Windows 2000, the
directory database is known as the directory and is the database portion of Active Directory services, which is
the Windows 2000 directory service. In a domain, the directory resides on computers that are configured as
domain controllers (Figure 1.4). A domain controller is a server that manages all security-related user/domain
interactions and centralizes administration.

In Windows NT domains, domain controllers are either backup domain controllers (BDC s) or primary domain
controllers (PDC s). In Windows 2000 domains, there is only one type of domain controller. All domain
controllers are peers.

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Figure 1.4 A Windows 2000 domain

A domain does not refer to a single location or a specific type of network configuration. The computers in a
domain can share physical proximity on a small local area network (LAN) or can be located in different
corners of the world, communicating over various kinds of connections, including analog connections,
Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDNs), or Digital Subscriber Lines (DSLs). Domains are discussed in
more detail in the following section, "Windows 2000 Active Directory Services."

Windows 2000 domains provide the following advantages:

 A domain provides centralized administration because all user information is stored centrally.
 A domain provides a single logon process for users to gain access to network resources, such as file,
print, and application resources for which they have permissions. A user can log on to one computer
and access resources on another computer in the network as long as that user has appropriate
permissions to the resource.
 A domain provides scalability so that you can create very large networks.

Windows 2000 Active Directory Services

Active Directory services is the directory service included in Windows 2000. Active Directory services
provides a single point of network management, allowing you to add, remove, and relocate users and
resources easily.

Active Directory services includes the directory, which stores information about network resources, as well as
all the services that make the information available and useful. The resources stored in the directory, such as
user data, printers, servers, databases, groups, computers, and security policies, are known as objects.

Active Directory Features

Active Directory services organizes resources hierarchically in domains. A domain is a logical grouping of
servers and other network resources under a single domain name. The domain is the basic unit of replication
and security in a Windows 2000 network.

Each domain includes one or more domain controllers. A domain controller is a Windows 2000 Server
computer that stores a complete replica of the domain directory. To simplify administration, all domain
controllers in Active Directory services are peers, so you can make changes to any domain controller and the
updates are replicated to all other domain controllers in the domain.


In Active Directory services, the directory stores information by using partitions, which are logical dividers
that organize the directory into sections and permit storage of a large number of objects. Therefore, the
directory can expand as an organization grows, allowing you to scale from a small installation with a few
hundred objects to a large installation with millions of objects.

Open Standards Support

Active Directory services integrates the Internet concept of a namespace with Windows NT directory services.
This integration allows you to unify and manage the multiple namespaces that now exist in the heterogeneous
software and hardware environments of corporate networks. Active Directory services uses the Domain
Name System (DNS) for its name system and can exchange information with any application or directory that

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uses Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). Active Directory services also shares information with
other directory services that support LDAP versions 2 and 3, such as Novell Directory Services (NDS).

The Domain Name System (DNS)

Because Active Directory services uses DNS as its domain naming and location service, Windows 2000
domain names are also DNS names. Windows 2000 Server uses dynamic DNS, which enables client
computers with dynamically assigned addresses to register directly with the DNS server and update the DNS
table dynamically. Dynamic DNS can eliminate the need for other Internet naming services, such as Windows
Internet Naming Service (WINS).

For Active Directory services and associated client software to function correctly, you must have installed and
configured the DNS service.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Active Directory services further embraces Internet standards by directly supporting LDAP. LDAP is an
Internet standard (RFC 1777) for accessing directory services. It was developed as a simpler alternative to
the X.500 Directory Access Protocol (DAP). X.500 is a set of standards defining a distributed directory
service, developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO). Active Directory services supports
both LDAP versions 2 and 3. Active Directory uses LDAP to exchange information between directories and


RFC 1777 is located on the Supplemental C ourse Materials C D-ROM (\chapt01\articles\RFC 1777.txt) that
accompanies this book.
Support for Standard Name F ormats

Active Directory services supports several common name formats. As a result, users and applications can
access Active Directory services by using the format they are most familiar with. The following table
describes some standard name formats supported by Active Directory services.

F ormat Description

RFC 822 RFC 822 names are in the form

username@domainname and are familiar to most
users as Internet e-mail addresses.

LDAP URLs and X.500 LDAP names use X.500's attributed naming. An
LDAP URL specifies the server holding Active
Directory services and the attributed name of the
object. For example:
LDAP://servername.myco.com/C N=jimsmith,OU
OU=product,OU=division,O=myco,C =US.

Universal Naming C onvention (UNC ) Active Directory services supports the UNC used
in Windows 2000-based networks to refer to
shared volumes, printers, and files. For example:

At any time, the interface determines the name standard that may be used. Sometimes any of the naming
standards may be used (for example, during logon), while at other times a particular standard will be
required. (For instance, the LDP utility, an Active Directory support tool, requires the LDAP naming

The Active Directory Structure

Windows 2000 Active Directory services provides a method for designing a directory structure tailored to the
needs of your organization. Therefore, you should examine your organization's business structure and
operations before installing Active Directory services.

Active Directory services separates the network into two structures: logical and physical.

Logical Structure

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In Active Directory services, you organize resources in a logical structure. Grouping resources logically
enables you to find a resource by its name rather than its physical location.


An object is a distinct named set of attributes that represents a network resource. Object attributes are
characteristics of objects in the directory. For example, the attributes of a user might include the user's first
and last names, department, and e-mail address.

In Active Directory services, you can organize objects in classes, which are logical groupings of objects. For
example, a class of objects might be users, groups, computers, domains, or organizational units.

C ontainer objects are objects that can contain other objects. For example, a domain is a container object.
Organizational Units

An organizational unit (OU) is a container object that you use to organize objects within a domain into logical
administrative groups. An OU can contain objects such as user accounts, groups, computers, printers,
applications, file shares, and other OUs. The OU hierarchy within a domain is independent of the structure of
other domains—each domain can implement its own OU hierarchy.


The core unit of the logical structure in Active Directory services is the domain. Grouping objects into one or
more domains allows you to reflect your company's organization within your network.

All network objects exist within a domain, and each domain stores information only about the objects it
contains. Theoretically, a domain directory can contain up to 10 million objects, but one million objects per
domain is the supported (tested) limit.

A domain is a security boundary. Access to domain objects is controlled by Access C ontrol Lists (AC Ls), which
are populated with Access C ontrol Entries (AC Es). All security polices and settings, such as administrative
rights, security policies, and AC Ls, do not cross from one domain to another. The domain administrator has
absolute rights to set policies only within that domain.

A domain is called a partition of Active Directory services. All domains within a forest make up Active
Directory services. (Forests are described later in this section.)
A typical domain will have the following types of computers:

 Domain controllers running Windows 2000 Serv er Each domain controller stores and maintains
a copy of the directory. Domain controllers are discussed in more detail later in this section.
 Member servers running Windows 2000 Serv er A member server is one that is not configured
as a domain controller. A member server does not store directory information and cannot
authenticate users. Member servers provide shared resources such as shared folders or printers.
 Client computers running Windows 2000 Professional C lient computers run a user's desktop
environment and allow the user to gain access to resources in the domain.

A tree is a grouping or hierarchical arrangement of one or more Windows 2000 domains that allows global
resource sharing. A tree can consist of a single Windows 2000 domain. However, you can create a larger
contiguous namespace by joining multiple domains in a hierarchical structure.

The following illustration (Figure 1.5) provides an example of a parent domain (microsoft.com) and two child
domains (dev.microsoft.com and product.microsoft.com).

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Figure 1.5 A domain tree

All domains in a tree share information and resources to function as a single unit. There is only one directory
in a domain tree, but each domain maintains a portion of the directory that contains the user account
information for the users in that domain. Within a tree, a user who logs on in one domain can use resources
in another domain, as long as the user has the appropriate permissions.

Windows 2000 combines the directory information from all domains into a single directory, which makes the
information of each domain globally accessible. In addition, each domain automatically provides a subset of
its domain information in Active Directory services to an index, which resides on domain controllers. Users
search this index to locate other users, computers, resources, and applications throughout the domain tree.
All domains within a single tree share a common schema, which is a formal definition of all object types you
can store in an Active Directory deployment. In addition, all domains within a single tree share a common
global catalog, which is the central repository of information about objects in a tree or forest.

All domains within a single tree also share a common namespace and a hierarchical naming structure. A
namespace is a set of naming rules that provides the hierarchical structure, or path, of the tree. Following
DNS standards, the domain name of a child domain is the relative name of that child domain appended with
the name of the parent domain. A domain tree name should map to a company's registered Internet name.

In Active Directory services, a tree is defined by:

 A hierarchy of domains
 A contiguous namespace
 Kerberos transitive trust relationships between the domains
 A common schema
 A global catalog capable of listing any object in the tree

A forest is a grouping of one or more trees. Forests allow organizations to group divisions (or two
organizations to combine their networks) that do not use the same naming scheme, operate independently,
yet need to communicate with the entire organization.

The trees in the forest share the same schema and rules on how objects work together. All domains in a
forest have the same global catalog and configuration container.

A forest is defined by:

 One or more sets of trees

 Disjointed namespaces between these trees
 Kerberos transitive trust relationships between the trees
 A common schema

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 A global catalog capable of listing any object in the forest

The objects of the domain trees that make up a forest are available to all user objects in the forest. However,
when accessing objects in the forest but in different trees, the user must know the fully qualified domain
name or must at least become comfortable with viewing multiple fully qualified domain names when browsing
the internal network for resources.

Trust Relationships

The domains in a tree are joined together transparently through two-way, Kerberos transitive trust
relationships. A Kerberos transitive trust simply means that if Domain A trusts Domain B, and Domain B
trusts Domain C , then Domain A trusts Domain C . Therefore, a domain joining a tree immediately has trust
relationships established with every domain in the tree. These trust relationships make all the objects in all
the domains of the tree available to all other domains in the tree.

A trust relationship is a link between at least two domains in which the trusting domain honors the logon
authentication of the trusted domain. User accounts and groups defined in a trusted domain can be given
rights and resource permissions in a trusting domain, even though those accounts do not exist in the trusting
domain's directory database. Figure 1.6 shows the difference between Windows NT two-way trusts and the
simplified model of transitive trusts in Windows 2000.

Figure 1.6 Trust relationships among Windows NT domains and Windows 2000 domains

In Windows NT 4.0 and earlier versions, inter-domain trust relationships are defined by one-way trusted
domain accounts between domain controllers. Each trust must be established and managed individually.
Management of explicit one-way trust relationships between domains on a large network is a complex task.

Transitiv e Trust Relationships The network administrator can define explicit one-way trust accounts for
specific domains when a two-way trust is not appropriate. This capability is provided to support connections to
existing Windows NT 4.0 and earlier domains, and to allow the configuration of trust relationships with
domains in other forests.

Windows 2000 Trust Relationships When a domain is joined to a Windows 2000 domain tree, a trust
relationship is automatically established between the new domain and the root or parent domain of the tree.
Transitive trust is a feature of the Kerberos system, which provides the distributed authentication and
authorization in Windows 2000 computers.

You can define explicit one-way trust relationships as necessary through the domain properties in the Site
Manager snap-in. A snap-in is a type of tool that you can add to a console supported by Microsoft

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Management C onsole (MMC ). MMC and snap-ins are discussed in detail in C hapter 6, "Administering Microsoft
Windows 2000 Server."
Physical Structure

The physical structure of Active Directory services affects the efficiency of replication among the domain

Domain Controllers

A domain controller is a Windows 2000 Server computer that stores a replica of the directory partition (local
domain database). All domain controllers in a domain have a complete replica of the domain's portion of the
directory. When you perform an action that results in an update to the directory, Windows 2000 automatically
replicates the update to all other domain controllers in the domain. C ertain important updates, such as a
password change or a user account being locked out, are replicated immediately throughout the domain.

In a domain, you create a user account once, which Windows 2000 records in the directory. When a user logs
on to a computer in the domain, a domain controller checks the directory for the user name, password, and
logon restrictions to authenticate the user. When there are multiple domain controllers, they periodically
replicate their directory information. Only computers running Windows 2000 Server, Advanced Server, or
Datacenter Server can be designated as domain controllers.


The concept of a site has become familiar in the implementation of Microsoft BackOffice family of products.
This concept is included in the implementation of Active Directory services; however, it is different than the
site concept in some BackOffice products, such as Microsoft Exchange. In Windows 2000 Active Directory
services, the site concept uses existing Internet Protocol (IP) subnets to determine site boundaries for
replication traffic considerations. The basic difference between sites in Active Directory services and other
BackOffice products is that in Active Directory sites are defined as a range of IP subnets. In BackOffice
products such as Microsoft Exchange Server, a site is a logical grouping of servers that can be specified
without regard to physical location of the servers themselves.

Basically, an Active Directory site is a collection of IP subnet ranges. For example, a site can be defined as
the subnet ranges to Another site on the other side of a WAN link can be to However, both sites can be part of the same Windows 2000 domain.

The /24 nomenclature used in the previous example represents 24 bits enabled from left to right, or A /22 nomenclature would represent, or 22 bits enabled from left to right.
One of the benefits of Active Directory services is that domains can span geography with different topologies
connected by WAN links and still remain transparent to the user. However, available WAN bandwidth is always
a consideration. By defining groups of local subnets as sites, administrators can control the replication traffic
between subnets, and therefore between sites. The result is reduced replication traffic over WAN links.

The idea of a site is also used for a client locating a domain controller to validate logon credentials. A user
from one site could be sitting at a workstation in another site. For the user to get validated, a domain
controller in the user's site might need to be located. C omparing the site of the user and the site of the
workstation (i.e., comparing the subnets) will help locate an appropriate domain controller.

Lesson Summary

A directory service provides the means to organize and simplify access to resources of a networked computer
system. Windows 2000 supports secure network environments in which users are able to share common
resources, regardless of network size. Windows 2000 supports two types of networks: workgroups and
domains. Windows 2000 includes Active Directory services, a directory service that provides a single point of
network management. Active Directory services allows you to add, remove, and relocate users and resources
easily. It completely separates the logical structure of the domain hierarchy from the physical structure. The
logical structure is made up of objects, OUs, domains, trees, and forests. When a domain is joined to a
Windows 2000 domain tree, a Kerberos transitive trust relationship is automatically established between the
new domain and the root or parent domain of the tree. The physical structure of the domain hierarchy is
made up of domain controllers and sites.

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The following questions are intended to reinforce key information presented in this chapter. If you are unable
to answer a question, review the appropriate lesson and then try the question again. Answers to the questions
can be found in Appendix A, "Questions and Answers."
1. A client has asked you to recommend the appropriate server edition(s) of Windows 2000 for his
environment. Your recommendation is based on the following characteristics:
 All remote offices are connected to the corporate headquarters and data center by
high-speed (greater than 10 Mbps) connections.
 All 10,000 users run Windows 2000 Professional or Windows 98.
And the following functional requirements:

 All sites will access a high-availability server cluster running a Microsoft SQL Server 7.0
database. A two-server cluster with six processors per computer is adequate, and there are
no plans to upgrade the cluster.
 All other servers will run an edition of Windows 2000 to provide Active Directory services,
basic file and print services, and dial-in access to the network.
 These servers will run anywhere from one to four processors. Processor sizing will be based
on the number of users supported at each site. For example, a small remote site will contain
a single processor server while all servers in the corporate site will contain four processors.
For simplicity, one server edition of Windows 2000 will be selected for all computers serving
this role.
 Each domain in Active Directory services will support 2500 users.
2. Why is a WDM driver preferred over legacy Windows NT drivers?
3. How does Windows 2000 protect Executive services from user mode applications?
4. What component of the Executive makes Windows 2000 preemptible?
5. What is the primary difference between a workgroup and a domain?
6. What is the structure and purpose of a directory service?

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Chapter 2
Installing and Configuring Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
About This Chapter

This chapter prepares you for running a Windows 2000 Server installation. It outlines the type of information
you should gather to prepare for your installation and describes the steps you should take before you begin.
The chapter then takes you through the phases of a normal installation and continues with a discussion of
upgrading to Windows 2000 Server. The chapter finishes with a lesson on troubleshooting the Windows 2000
Server installation.

Before You Begin

To complete the lessons in this chapter, you must have

 A computer that meets the minimum hardware requirements as outlined in "About This Book."
 A copy of the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM.

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Lesson 1: Preparing to Install Windows 2000 Server

Before you can begin to install Windows 2000 Server, you must prepare for the installation by gathering
information and making decisions about how you want to install the software. This lesson gives you the
foundation you need to install Windows 2000 Server. It describes the tasks that you should complete before
moving on to the installation.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Prepare to install Windows 2000 Server by completing preinstallation
tasks such as identifying hardware requirements and gathering the
necessary installation information
Estimated lesson time: 90 minutes

Preparing for Installation

During installation, the Windows 2000 Setup program asks you to provide information about how to install and
configure Windows 2000. You should gather all the necessary information. Good preparation helps you avoid
problems during and after the installation.

Before you begin the Windows 2000 installation process, review the list of tasks outlined in the table below.
Each task is discussed in greater detail in the sections that follow. Initially, you should complete only the first
two tasks in this table—verifying that your computer meets the minimum hardware requirements and
checking hardware compatibility. The remaining tasks are completed during the actual installation of Windows
2000 Server, which you will perform in the exercises later in this chapter. This table is meant only to prepare
you for the installation so that you can install Windows 2000 Server without any unnecessary delays.


Verify that your computer meets the minimum hardware requirements. For example, your hard
disk should meet the minimum space requirements and preferably have a minimum of 2
gigabytes (GB) of free disk space.

C heck all hardware (network adapters, video drivers, sound cards, C D-ROM drives, PC cards,
and so on) for compatibility by checking the Windows 2000 Hardware C ompatibility List (HC L).

Identify how you want to partition the hard disk drive on which you are going to install Windows
2000 Server.

C hoose a file system that meets your requirements and provides the services you need.
C hoose NTFS unless you need to run more than one operating system on your computer.

Select a licensing mode. You can switch to per-seat from per-server mode after installation, but
not to per-server from per-seat.

C hoose the type of network group (workgroup or domain) your computer will join. If you are
joining a domain, you need additional information such as the domain name and the computer
account name created for you. With an administrator account and password in the domain, you
can create a computer account in the domain.

Determine whether to perform a new installation or upgrade an existing version of Windows NT

Server. Windows NT Workstation and Windows 9x cannot be upgraded to Windows 2000

Select an installation method: Setup boot disks, C D-ROM, or over-the-network.

C hoose which components you need to install, such as Networking Services or Microsoft
Indexing Service.

In addition to the tasks in the checklist, you should perform the following tasks to prepare for installation and
to eliminate potential problems.

Working with Domain Name System (DNS)

When you create a Windows 2000 domain, the DNS service must be running and configured. If you are
joining a domain, you must know the DNS name of the domain that your computer is joining. If DNS is not
running, it is installed automatically when you create a domain controller or when you promote a server to a
domain controller.

Recording Information

You should write down the following information: previous operating system (if any), name of the computer (if
on a network), name of the workgroup or domain (if on a network), and the IP address (if there is no
Dynamic Host C onfiguration Protocol [DHC P] server or an existing DHC P server will not be used for dynamic
IP addressing).

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Backing Up Files

Before you install Windows 2000 Server, you should back up the files that you want to preserve. You can
back up files to a disk, a tape drive, or another computer on the network.

Uncompressing the Driv e

Uncompress any DriveSpace or DoubleSpace volumes before installing Windows 2000. You should not install
Windows 2000 on a compressed drive unless the drive was compressed with the NTFS compression utility.
DriveSpace or DoubleSpace volumes are created in Windows 9x. Windows 9x cannot be upgraded to
Windows 2000 Server but can coexist on the same computer running Windows 2000 Server.

Disabling Disk Mirroring

If you are installing a clean copy of Windows 2000 and you have Windows NT disk mirroring installed on your
target computer, disable it before running Setup. You can re-enable disk mirroring after completing the
installation. If you are upgrading to Windows 2000, you can leave Windows NT mirroring enabled during

Disabling hardware level disk mirroring to complete a new installation of Windows 2000 is not necessary since
the operating system is unaware of redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID) implemented in hardware.
Disconnecting UPS Dev ices

If you have UPS equipment connected to your target computer, disconnect the connecting serial cable before
running Setup. Windows 2000 Setup attempts to automatically detect devices connected to serial ports, and
UPS equipment can cause problems with the detection process.

Reviewing Applications

Before starting the Windows 2000 Server Setup program, be sure to read Readme.doc (in the root directory
of the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM) for information regarding applications that need to be
disabled or removed before running Setup. You may need to remove virus-scanning software, third-party
network services, or client software before running the Windows 2000 Server installation.

Checking the Boot Sector for Viruses

A boot sector virus will cause the installation of Windows 2000 to fail. To verify that the boot sector is not
infected with a virus, run the Makedisk.bat file in the \Valueadd\3rdparty\C A_antiv directory on the Windows
2000 Server installation C D-ROM. The Makedisk.bat utility creates a diskette that is used to check the boot
sector. After creating this diskette, boot the computer with the diskette inserted. This will run a boot sector
virus check. After the utility has run, remove the diskette and proceed to the next preinstallation step.

Gathering Materials

Gather the following materials to prepare for the Windows 2000 installation:

 Read any documentation pertaining to installing Windows 2000 for updated installation information.
Review the pertinent .txt and .doc files located on the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM.
 Make sure you have all device driver disks and configuration settings for third-party hardware,
including any third-party device driver disks and documentation.
 Have the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM or a network share with the Windows 2000
Server files available.
 Format three 3.5-inch 1.44 MB floppy disks (if creating optional Setup Startup disks).

Windows NT 4.0 Setup disks are not compatible with Windows 2000.

Minimum Hardware Requirements

You should be familiar with the minimum hardware requirements necessary to install and operate Windows
2000 Server so that you can determine whether your system meets these requirements. The minimum
installation requirements for Windows 2000 are listed in the following table.

Component Minimum requirement

Processor 32-bit Pentium 133 MHz.

Free hard disk space One or more hard disks where %systemroot%
(C :\WINNT by default) is located on a partition
with at least 671 MB of free space (2 GB is

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Memory 64 MB for networking with one to five client

computers; 128 MB minimum is recommended
for most network environments.

Display VGA monitor capable of 640 x 480 (1024 x 768


C D-ROM drive 12x or faster recommended; not required for

network installations.

Additional drives High-density 3.5-inch disk drive, unless your

C D-ROM is bootable and supports starting the
Setup program from a C D-ROM.

Optional components Mouse or other pointing device.

For network installation: a network adapter and
an MS-DOS-based network operating system that
permits connection to a server containing the
Windows 2000 Setup files.

Hardware Compatibility

Windows 2000 Setup automatically checks your hardware and software and reports any potential conflicts.
However, to ensure a successful installation, you should make sure that your computer hardware is
compatible with Windows 2000 Server before starting the setup process. To do this, verify that your hardware
is on the HC L. The HC L is included on your Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM in the Support folder in
Hcl.txt. The HC L lists each hardware model that has passed the Hardware C ompatibility Tests (HC Ts). The list
also indicates which devices Windows 2000 Server supports. Testing is conducted by Windows Hardware
Quality Labs (WHQL) and by some hardware vendors. Installing Windows 2000 Server on a computer that
does not have hardware listed in the HC L might not be successful.

Microsoft releases an updated HC L on a regular basis. Review the most up-to-date list of supported hardware
at the Microsoft WHQL Web site, http://www.microsoft.com/hwtest/hcl. If this URL fails, try
http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=Win2000HCL& pver=1 . This URL should direct you to the WHQL
Web site. If it doesn't display the WHQL Web site, search http://www.microsoft.com by using the keyword
"HC L."
A hardware model is "supported" if it is listed on the HC L and you are using a Microsoft-supplied driver to
control that hardware. The term "unsupported" does not imply anything about the relative quality of hardware
or of third-party drivers. Many unsupported computers and devices work correctly with Windows 2000.
However, the Windows 2000 support staff at Microsoft does not offer a full range of support services for
problems specific to unsupported hardware or drivers.

Microsoft supports only those devices on the HC L. If one of the computer's devices is not on the HC L, contact
the device manufacturer to request a Windows 2000 driver, if it exists.

Disk Partitions

The Windows 2000 Server Setup program allows you to install Windows 2000 Server onto an existing partition
or to create a partition and then install Windows 2000 onto the new one. During installation, the Setup
program examines the hard disk. Depending on the state of the disk, you will be provided with some or all of
the following partitioning options during the installation:

 If the entire hard disk is unpartitioned, you must create and size the installation partition.
 If the disk has partitions, but there is enough unpartitioned disk space, you can create and size the
installation partition by using that unpartitioned space.
 If there is an existing partition that is large enough, you can install Windows 2000 Server onto that
 If the hard disk has an existing partition, you can delete it to create more unpartitioned disk space
and then use that unpartitioned space to create the Windows 2000 partition.
 If you specify any action that will cause information to be erased, you will be prompted to confirm
your choice. If you delete an existing partition, you will cause any data on that partition to be erased.
Performing a new installation of Windows 2000 on a partition that contains another operating system
will cause that operating system to be overwritten.
Although you can use the Windows 2000 Setup program to create other partitions, you should create and size
only the installation partition. After Windows 2000 is installed, use the Disk Management tool to partition any
remaining unpartitioned space on the hard disk.

Sizing the Installation Partition

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The Windows 2000 Server Setup program requires a boot partition of at least 671 MB of free space to install
all Windows 2000 operating system files. However, it is recommended that you create a boot partition of at
least 2 GB to allow for future installations of files and programs, such as the Windows 2000 paging file,
operating system tools, and operating system updates. The boot partition holds the core operating system

The system partition is the partition that holds the files needed to begin the initial load of Windows 2000. On
an x86-based computer, the operating system starts from the system partition. This means that Windows
2000 looks for certain files, such as Ntldr, Ntdetect.com, and Boot.ini in the root directory, usually the C :
drive (Disk 0) when the computer is started. The operating system cannot start unless the system partition is
marked active.

The boot partition is where Windows 2000 Server is installed. It contains the operating system parent
directory (Winnt, by default), the \System32 subdirectory, the Windows 2000 kernel, and all other files
required to run the operating system. If Windows 2000 Server is installed on the active partition, it is both the
boot and system partition.

The disk partition where you store Windows 2000 files must be on a permanent hard disk and must have
enough unused disk space to hold all the files. This partition must be formatted either with the NTFS (NTFS 4.0
or NTFS 5.0) or with the FAT16 or FAT32 file systems. However, you cannot install Windows 2000 to a FAT16
or FAT32 partition that has implemented disk compression, such as Microsoft DriveSpace.

In Windows 2000, if you choose to format NTFS during the installation, it will format the partition directly to
NTFS. In previous versions, the partition was formatted FAT and then converted to NTFS. This new process
allows you to create partitions larger than 4 GB, although a limit of 7.8 GB still exists on the PC architecture.
Winnt.exe and Winnt32.exe, the Setup executable files, report an error if they are unable to find a drive with
enough free disk space available (greater than 671 MB), or if the drive specified with the /t: or /tempdrive:
switch has insufficient free disk space. If such an error occurs, you must free some disk space and then run
Winnt or Winnt32 again.

Windows 2000 looks for certain files in the root directory of the active partition when you start your
computer; however, the Windows 2000 operating system may be installed on another drive, such as drive D,
as long as the drive is configured with a supported file system. If you want to dual-boot your computer to
operating systems that do not support NTFS, such as Windows 98, drive C must be FAT16 or FAT32.

If a system's hard disk contains basic input/output system (BIOS) controlled partitions, other file systems
such as network file system (NFS), stripe sets, volume sets, or mirrors, those elements appear on the Setup
screen as partitions of an unknown type. To avoid deleting elements inadvertently, do not use Setup to delete
partitions that are displayed as unknown.

If you are installing a new copy of Windows 2000 on a partition mirrored in software, you must disable
mirroring before running Setup and then reestablish mirroring after installation is complete. However, if you
are upgrading Windows NT Server versions 3.51 or 4.0 or Windows 2000 Server, you can leave mirroring
enabled during Setup.

Do not install Windows 2000 or upgrade to Windows 2000 on a compressed drive unless the drive was
compressed with the NTFS file system compression utility. Uncompress a Windows 9x DriveSpace or
DoubleSpace volume before running Windows 2000 Setup on it.

If you are setting up a dual-boot configuration of Windows 2000 with another operating system such as
MS-DOS, Windows 3.0, Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT, install Windows 2000 onto its own partition.
Although it is possible to install Windows 2000 onto the same partition as an existing operating system, it is
highly recommended that you install Windows 2000 onto a separate partition, because the Windows 2000
Setup program can overwrite files in the Program Files folder installed by other operating systems.

File Systems

When you are installing Windows 2000 Setup onto unpartitioned disk space, you are prompted to select the
file system that should be used to format the partition. You should decide which file system to use before
installing Windows 2000 Server. Windows 2000 supports NTFS and the FAT file system. There are two FAT file
systems: FAT16 and FAT32.


Windows 2000 supports NTFS, a file system with all the basic capabilities of FAT, plus advanced storage
features such as security, compression, and better scalability to large volumes. Windows 2000 and
Windows NT are the only operating systems designed to access data on a local hard disk that is formatted
with NTFS.

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There are third-party utilities designed to provide access to NTFS partitions from MS-DOS and other operating
systems; however, these utilities are not supported by Microsoft.
Windows 2000 includes a new version of NTFS: NTFS version 5.0. NTFS version 5.0 offers many performance
enhancements and a host of new features including per-user disk quotas, file encryption, and reparse points.
Reparse points are used to extend file system features. Applications can trap open operations against file
system objects and execute their own code before returning file data. (Reparse points are discussed in more
detail in C hapter 4, "Microsoft Windows 2000 File Systems.") You can also add disk space to NTFS version 5.0
volumes without rebooting.

NTFS requires Windows 2000 or Windows NT. If the computer is booted under a different operating system,
that operating system is not able to access the NTFS partitions.

You should use NTFS when the Windows 2000 partition requires any of the following features:

 File-lev el and directory-level local security NTFS allows you to control access to files and
directories regardless of whether access is local or over the network.
 Disk compression NTFS compresses files to store more data on the partition.
 Disk quotas NTFS allows you to control disk usage on a per-user basis.
 Encryption NTFS allows you to encrypt file data on the physical hard disk.
NTFS is generally the recommended file system. It is the only one that supports Active Directory services,
which includes many important features such as domains and domain-based security. However, in certain
cases it might be necessary to use a FAT16 or FAT32 partition in certain dual-boot situations. If you plan to
promote a server to a domain controller, format the installation partition with NTFS.

FAT16 and FAT32

The FAT16 and FAT32 file systems allow access by, and compatibility with, more than one operating system.
To boot between Windows 2000 and another operating system, the Windows 2000 system partition must be
formatted either with the FAT16 or the FAT32 file system. If you select FAT and the partition is smaller than
2048 MB, Setup formats the hard drive as FAT16. On partitions larger than 2 GB, Setup automatically formats
the hard drive as FAT32.

Windows 2000 supports FAT32 volumes of any size created by Windows 95 OSR2 or Windows 98. However,
Windows 2000 formats FAT32 volumes only up to 32 GB in size. This limitation stems from memory
constraints in recovery utilities such as Autochk.
FAT16 and FAT32 do not offer many of the features supported by NTFS, such as file-level security. Therefore,
in most situations, you should format the hard disk with NTFS. The only reason to use FAT16 or FAT32 is for
dual booting. If you are setting up a computer for dual booting, you would have to format only the system
partition as FAT16 or FAT32. For example, if drive C is the system partition, you could format drive C as
FAT16 or FAT32 and format drive D as NTFS. However, Microsoft does not recommend dual booting a server.

File System Considerations

If the system and boot partitions are different partitions, Windows 2000 Setup will format only the boot
partition by default. You must take additional steps during setup to format the system partition. Use the
following guidelines and the table below to help you decide which file system format to use for your boot

 You may use an existing partition that is already formatted. The default option keeps the existing file
system intact, preserving all files on that partition.
 You can convert an existing partition to NTFS to make use of Windows 2000 security and other file
system enhancements. This option preserves existing files, but only Windows 2000 has access to that
 You can reformat an existing partition either to NTFS or to the FAT file system, which erases all
existing files on that partition. If you choose to reformat the partition as NTFS, remember that only
Windows 2000 and Windows NT has access to that partition.
 You should choose the FAT option if your boot partition is smaller than 2 GB and you want to gain
access to that partition when running MS-DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98, or OS/2 on
this computer. Setup formats the disk with FAT.
 You should choose the FAT option if you are dual-booting with the OSR2 release of Windows 95,
Windows 98, or Windows NT and you have a boot partition larger than 2 GB. Setup formats the disk
with FAT32.
 You should choose the NTFS option if you are running Windows 2000 and you want to take advantage
of the features in NTFS. (See the following table.) Setup formats the boot partition with NTFS version

You cannot convert FAT16 volumes to FAT32 in Windows 2000.

The following table compares the different features of the three file systems supported by Windows 2000:

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Operating system F AT16 F AT32 NTF S

Overall compatibility Recognized by Recognized only by Recognized only by

MS-DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows 95 OSR2, Windows NT and
Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000. When
Windows 98, Windows NT and the computer is running
Windows NT, Windows Windows 2000. another operating
2000, and OS/2. system (such as
MS-DOS, Windows 95,
Windows 98, or OS/2),
that operating system
cannot gain access to
files on an NTFS
volume on the same

Supported by MS-DOS Yes No No

and Windows 3.x

Supported by Windows Yes No No

95 pre-OSR2 releases

Supported by Windows Yes Yes No

95 OSR2 and Windows

Supported by Windows Yes No Yes, but Windows NT

NT 3.51 3.51 does not support
NTFS version 5.0.

Supported by Windows Yes No Yes. Windows NT 4.0

NT 4.0 supports NTFS version
5.0 with Service Pack 4
or later installed.

Supported by Windows Yes Yes Yes



Windows 2000 Server supports two licensing modes: Per Server and Per Seat. In Per Server mode, C lient
Access Licenses (C ALs) are assigned to a server. In Per Seat mode, each computer that accesses the
Windows 2000 Server computer requires a separate C AL.

Per-Server Licensing

With Per Server licensing, C ALs are assigned to a particular server. Each C AL allows one connection per client
computer to the server for basic network services. You must have at least as many C ALs that are dedicated
to the server as the maximum number of client computers that could be used to connect concurrently to that

Per Server licensing is preferred by small companies with only one computer running Windows 2000 Server.
It is also useful for Internet or remote-access servers where client computers might not be licensed as
Windows 2000 network client computers. In this situation, Per Server licensing allows you to specify a
maximum number of concurrent server connections and reject any additional logon attempts.

If you are unsure which licensing mode to use, choose Per Server because you can change, only once, from
Per Server to Per Seat licensing at no additional cost (by double-clicking the Licensing icon in the C ontrol
Panel). It is not necessary to notify Microsoft to make this change. This is a one-way conversion; you cannot
convert from Per Seat to Per Server.

Per-Seat Licensing

The Per Seat licensing mode requires a separate C AL for each client computer used to access Windows 2000
Server for basic network services. After a client computer has a C AL, it can be used to access any computer
running Windows 2000 Server on the enterprise network. Per Seat licensing is often more economical for
large networks in which client computers will be used to connect to more than one server.

With Terminal Services, the licensing mode is usually Per Seat, except with the Terminal Services Internet
C onnector license, where the mode would always be Per Server. If you plan to use Terminal Services, you
need to install two components: Terminal Services and Terminal Services Licensing.

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Client Access License (CAL)

A C AL gives client computers the right to connect to computers running Windows 2000 Server so that the
client computers can connect to network services, shared folders, and print resources. When you install
Windows 2000 Server, you must choose a C AL mode: Per Seat or Per Server.

The following services do not require C ALs:

 Anonymous or authenticated access to Windows 2000 Server with Microsoft Internet Information
Services (IIS) version 4.0 or a Web-server application that provides Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP) sharing of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) files
 Telnet and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) connections

If your company uses Microsoft BackOffice products, you must also have licenses for the BackOffice products.
A Windows 2000 license does not cover BackOffice products.

Workgroups and Domains

During installation, you must choose the type of network you want the computer to join. A computer running
Windows 2000 can join one of two types of networks: workgroup or domain.

Joining a Workgroup

When joining a workgroup, assign a workgroup name to the computer. The workgroup name assigned can be
the name of an existing workgroup or the name of a workgroup created during installation. Whether assigning
a new workgroup name or using an existing one, the computer appears as a member of that workgroup when
other computer users in the network browse for network resources.

A domain and a workgroup can share the same name. However, consider the following:

 The workgroup computers are not members of the domain and are not included in domain
 The workgroup computers appear with the domain computers in Windows 2000 Explorer.

Joining a Domain

During installation, the Windows 2000 Setup wizard provides access to join an existing domain. The wizard
stops for the DNS name of the domain.

Before a computer running Windows NT or Windows 2000 can join a domain, a computer account must be
created in or added to the domain database. Only users who have the Join A C omputer To The Domain
permission can create a computer account. Members of the Administrators, Domain Administrators, or
Account Operators groups have this user right by default.

When joining a domain, create a computer account for that computer in advance, or create it during the
installation process by selecting the check box C reate A C omputer Account In The Domain. Next, supply a
user account and password that have the authority to add computer accounts in the domain. By default, this
must be an Administrator account.

When joining a domain, even if the computer account has been previously created, domain credentials must
be supplied.
At least one domain controller and one DNS server must be online when installing a computer in the domain.
If you install Windows 2000 Server as a stand-alone server without joining a domain, you can join a domain
later by using the Network Identification tab in the System Properties dialog box, as shown in Figure 2.1.

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Figure 2.1 The Network Identification tab in the System Properties dialog box

Upgrade or New Installation

Before running Windows 2000 Server Setup, you need to determine whether to upgrade your existing
installation of Windows NT or to perform a new installation.

Upgrading is the process of installing Windows 2000 Server in a directory that currently contains certain
versions of Windows NT. An upgrade automatically installs Windows 2000 Server into the same directory as
the currently installed operating system. The versions of Windows NT from which you can upgrade are:

 Windows NT Server 3.51

 Windows NT Server 4.0 Server or Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server
If you have Windows NT 4.0 Server Enterprise Edition, you can upgrade to Windows 2000 Advanced Server,
but not to Windows 2000 Server. If you have a version of Windows NT Server earlier than 3.51, you cannot
upgrade directly to Windows 2000 Server; you must first upgrade to Windows NT Server 3.51 or 4.0.
Additionally, Windows NT Workstation and Windows 2000 Professional cannot be upgraded to Windows 2000

Installing, in contrast with upgrading, is the process of placing the operating system in a new directory, wiping
out the previous operating system at setup, or installing Windows 2000 Server on a disk or disk partition with
no previous operating system. If you want to perform a new installation on a disk partition that contains
applications you want to keep, you will need to back them up and reinstall them after installing Windows 2000

If you want to perform a new installation of Windows 2000 Server on a partition that previously contained
Windows 2000 Server, and you have documents under My Documents that you want to save, back up the
documents in the Documents and Settings directory and copy the documents back into the folder after
completing the installation. My Documents points to subdirectories below the Documents and Settings

Installation Methods

There are three methods available to install Windows 2000 Server on the Intel platform:

 Setup boot disk

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 Over-the-network

Setup Boot Disks

Windows 2000 Server is distributed on a C D-ROM and includes four setup floppy disks. These Setup boot
disks are required if you are installing Windows 2000 Server on an x86-based computer that is not running
MS-DOS or a Windows operating system and does not support the bootable C D-ROM format. These disks also
let you start Windows 2000 later, when it might not be able to start on its own because of a computer error,
and to initiate an emergency repair.

You can create a set of Setup Boot disks by running Makeboot.exe or Makebt32.exe from the \Bootdisk
directory on the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM. Makeboot.exe is a 16-bit DOS application that
runs on MS-DOS, 16-bit operating systems like Windows 3.11, and Windows 9x. Makebt32.exe is a 32-bit
application that runs on Windows NT and Windows 2000.

After the initial setup load process, Windows 2000 starts and the remainder of setup runs under Windows
2000, which is helpful for troubleshooting. For example, the install process displays a standard Windows 2000
error check code if an error occurs during setup.

To start an installation of Windows 2000 Server by using the Setup Boot disks, you should first turn off the
computer, insert the disk labeled Windows 2000 Setup Boot Disk into drive A, and then turn on your
computer. Setup starts automatically.

If you are installing Windows 2000 Server on a computer with no previous operating system, and you are
using an MS-DOS boot floppy disk (performing an over-the-network setup), you have to format the drive
first. However, if you are using the Windows 2000 Setup disks to start Setup, you can format the drive during
During loading from the Setup boot floppies, the bar at the bottom of the screen displays the Windows 2000
components being loaded. These components are described in the following sections.

Setup Disk One

The Setupldr.bin file starts the Setup. The computer is inspected and machine identification data is collected.
If a driver is not found for the fixed disk that contains the boot partition, you might need to load a third-party
driver. Follow the instructions in Setup to load a third-party SC SI or RAID controller driver. The text mode
portion of Windows 2000 Setup is loaded. The Ntkrnlmp.exe file loads the Windows 2000 Executive.

Setup Disk Two

This disk loads the HAL, configuration tools, fonts, locale-specific data, drivers, and controllers. Windows 2000
Setup continues to run in text mode.

Setup Disk Three

This disk loads the C ompaq drive array and disk controller drivers. During this process, Setup detects the
appropriate drivers for the system and loads the dynamic volume support (dmboot1). Windows 2000 Setup
continues to run in Text mode.

Setup Disk Four

This disk loads the floppy disk drivers; SC SI C D-ROM, floppy, and fixed drive drivers; and file system drivers
(FAT, NTFS, and C DFS). Windows 2000 is loaded and takes over the setup process. The Welcome screen
appears, and you can choose whether to set up Windows 2000, repair an existing version of Windows 2000,
or quit Setup. At this point, the C D-ROM drive is accessed. Setup searches for previous versions of Windows
and any existing partitions. You can delete existing partitions and create new ones. After configuring the
partitions, you must choose a file system (NTFS or FAT). The partition is then formatted. When formatting is
complete, file copy begins. After the files are copied, the system reboots. Remove any floppy disks before the

Beyond Disk F our

After the system reboots, Windows 2000 Setup starts in GUI mode. C D-ROM files continue to be copied to the
hard disk. Setup detects and installs devices and then prompts for user information. You must then choose
which components to install. From there, choose the type of network installation (typical or custom) and the
type of network (workgroup or domain) to join. Setup builds the file list and installs and configures the

Bootable CD-ROM

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If your Windows 2000 Server installation files are on compact disc and your computer's BIOS supports the
Bootable C D-ROM (no-emulation mode) format, insert the Windows 2000 Server compact disc into the
C D-ROM drive and then turn off your computer. When you turn your computer back on, Setup starts

When Setup requests that you remove the C D-ROM from the C D-ROM drive, do so on bootable C D-ROM
systems. Otherwise, Setup starts again on the following boot.

Although your system might support bootable C D-ROMs, you might have to modify your system BIOS to boot
to the C D-ROM.
If your computer is running an operating system such as Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT and you
insert the Windows 2000 installation C D-ROM while the computer is running, the Windows 2000 Setup Wizard
dialog box appears (provided you haven't turned off AutoPlay).

Over-the-Network (Server-Based)

The Windows 2000 Server system files must be available over the network. C opy the Windows 2000
installation C D-ROM, or at a minimum, the source directory (\I386), to a directory on the hard disk of a
network server and share the directory. C reating a distribution folder is discussed in more detail in C hapter 3,
"Performing an Unattended Installation of Microsoft Windows 2000 Server."

Upgrading Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT

If your computer is currently running Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT, connect to the system files
over the network and run (double-click) Winnt32.exe, located in the I386 directory. Only Windows NT Server
can be upgraded to Windows 2000 Server. None of the other Windows operating systems can be upgraded to
Windows 2000 Server. If you are installing Windows 2000 Server on a Windows NT Server computer, you are
prompted to select Upgrade to Windows 2000 Server or Install Windows 2000 Server. In all other cases, you
are prompted to Install Windows 2000 Server.

Upgrading Windows NT Server retains most system settings, preferences, and application installations. If you
prefer a dual-boot configuration, choose the Install Windows 2000 Server option. Press Enter or click Next to

Installing New or Upgrading Current Version

If you do not have Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT installed, you need to run MS-DOS and an
MS-DOS network client to establish your connection to the shared network folder containing the Setup files.

Running the MS-DOS network client, connect to the system files over the network and run Winnt.exe, which is
located on the network share.

The MS-DOS computer needs 500 KB of free conventional memory to run the setup routine successfully.
Make sure you have loaded Emm386.exe and are loading all device drivers high.

To free some memory, run LoadHigh Winnt.exe to load portions of Winnt.exe high.
You should be running Smartdrv.exe or your installation will be slow, lasting from 4 to 12 hours.

Choosing Which Components to Install

Windows 2000 Server includes a wide variety of core components, including a number of administrative tools,
which are automatically installed by Setup. In addition, you can choose from a number of components that
extend the functionality of Windows 2000 Server. These components can be installed at Setup time or added
afterward (through the Add/Remove Windows C omponents option within C ontrol Panel's Add/Remove
Programs application).

C hoosing more of these components means providing more capabilities on the server. However, you should
choose only the components you need, since each component requires additional disk space. The following
table will help you choose the components you need in your installation.

Possible Serv er F unction Optional Components to Consider Installing

DHC P, DNS, or WINS server (in a TC P/IP Dynamic Host C onfiguration Protocol (DHC P),
network) DNS, or Windows Internet Name Service (WINS)
—all part of Networking Services

C entralized administration of networks Management and Monitoring Tools Remote

Installation Services

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Authentication and secure communication Internet Authentication Services (part of

Networking Services)
C ertificate Services

File access Microsoft Indexing Service

Remote Storage
Other Network File and Print Services (support for
NetWare, Macintosh, and UNIX). NetWare client
computers are supported through Gateway
Services for NetWare (GSNW). The Directory
Service Migration Tool installs GSNW if NetWare
Directory Service (NDS) is not installed.

Print access Other Network File and Print Services (support for
NetWare, Macintosh, and UNIX)

Terminal services Terminal Services

Terminal Services Licensing

Application support Message Queuing Services

Quality of Service (QoS) Admission C ontrol
Service (part of Networking Services)

Internet (Web) infrastructure Internet Information Services (IIS)

Site Server and Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (part of Networking Services)

Phone and fax support C onnection Manager Administration Kit and

C onnection Point Services (part of Management
and Monitoring Tools)

Multimedia communications Windows Media Services

Support for a variety of client operating systems Other Network File and Print Services (support for
NetWare, Macintosh, and UNIX)

The following table describes each of the optional components and is designed to work with the previous table
to help you choose appropriate components to install.

Optional Component Description

C ertificate Services Provides authentication support, including secure

e-mail, Web-based authentication, and smart
card authentication.

Internet Information Services (IIS) Provides support for Web site creation,
configuration, and management, along with
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP), FTP, and
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).

Management and Monitoring Tools Provides tools for network management and
monitoring, specifically Network Monitor, a packet
analyzer. Also includes the Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP).
Other management tools include support for
client dialing and updating client phone books,
and a utility for migrating from NDS to the
Windows 2000 Active Directory services.

Message Queuing Services Provides services that support the messaging

needed by distributed applications, allowing these
applications to function reliably in heterogeneous
networks or when a computer is temporarily

Microsoft Indexing Service Provides indexing functions for documents stored

on disk, allowing users to search for specific
document text or properties.

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Microsoft Script Debugger Provides support for script development.

Networking Services Provides important support for networking,

including the items in the following list:
COM Internet Services Proxy Supports
distributed applications that use HTTP to
communicate through IIS.

Domain Name System (DNS) Provides name

resolution for clients running Windows 2000. With
name resolution, users can access servers by
name, instead of having to use IP addresses that
are difficult to recognize and remember.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

(DHCP) Gives a server the ability to provide IP
addresses dynamically to other servers on the
network. With DHC P, you do not need to set and
maintain static IP addresses on any intranet
servers except for those providing DHC P, DNS,
or WINS.

Internet Authentication Service Provides

authentiction for dial-in users.

QoS Admission Control Serv ice Allows you to

control how applications are allotted network
bandwidth. Important applications can be given
more bandwidth, less important applications less

Simple TCP/IP Services Supports C haracter

Generator, Daytime Discard, Echo, and Quote of
the Day.

Site Serv er ILS Service Supports telephony

applications, which help users access features
such as caller ID, conference calls, video
conferencing, and faxing. This support depends
on IIS.

Windows Internet Naming Service Provides

NetBIOS over TC P/IP name resolution for clients
running Windows NT and earlier versions of
Microsoft operating systems. With name
resolution, users can access servers by name,
instead of having to use IP addresses that are
difficult to recognize and remember.

Note The C lients directory on the Windows 2000

Server installation C D-ROM contains two
subdirectories. The WIN9X directory contains the
directory service client for Windows 9x clients.
The WIN9XIPP.C LI directory contains the Internet
Printing client for Windows 9x. These services
remove the WINS requirement from Windows 9x
client computers.

Other Network File and Print Services Provides file and print services for Macintosh, as
well as print services for UNIX.

Remote Installation Services Provides services that allow you to set up new
client computers remotely without having to visit
each client. The target clients must support
remote booting. On the server, a separate
partition will be needed for Remote Installation

Remote Storage Provides an extension to your disk space by

making removable media, such as tapes, more
accessible. Infrequently used data can

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automatically be transferred to tape and

retrieved when needed.

Terminal Services Provides the ability to run client applications on

the server so that client computers can function
as terminals rather than independent systems.
The server provides a multisession environment
and runs the Windows-based programs being
used on the clients. If you install Terminal
Services, you must also install Terminal Services
Licensing (to license Terminal Services' clients).
However, temporary licenses can be issued for
clients that allow you to use Terminal servers for
up to 90 days.

Terminal Services Licensing Provides the ability to register and track licenses
for Terminal Services' clients. If you install
Terminal Services, you must also install Terminal
Services Licensing (to license Terminal Services'
clients). However, temporary licenses can be
issued for clients that allow you to use Terminal
servers for up to 90 days.

Windows Media Services Provides multimedia support, allowing you to

deliver content using Advanced Streaming Format
over an intranet or the Internet.

Lesson Summary

Before you begin to install Windows 2000 Server, you should gather any materials that you need, ensure that
your hardware can support Windows 2000, and make decisions about how Windows 2000 Server should be
installed. For example, you must ensure that your hardware meets the minimum hardware requirements and
check all your hardware for compatibility with Windows 2000. You must identify how you want to partition
your hard disk and what file system you should use for that partition. You must select a licensing mode, the
type of network in which to participate, and the type of installation. You must also decide which optional
components should be installed. Taking these steps can help to prepare you for the installation and to
eliminate potential problems.

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Lesson 2: Installing Windows 2000 Server

Once you have performed all the necessary steps to prepare for a Windows 2000 Server installation, you are
ready to begin the Windows 2000 Setup process. This lesson focuses on performing a new installation of
Windows 2000 Server. It begins with a discussion of the various installation programs and then describes the
phases of the installation process.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Determine which setup program you should use to install Windows 2000
 Describe the three stages of the installation process
 Perform a new installation of Windows 2000 Server
Estimated lesson time: 30 minutes

Windows 2000 Server Setup Programs

Regardless of which method you use to install Windows 2000 Server, you must execute either Winnt.exe or
Winnt32.exe. You can use the Setup.exe program to launch Winnt.exe or Winnt32.exe, or you can execute
Winnt32.exe or Winnt.exe directly. For a clean installation on a computer running MS-DOS or Windows 3.x,
run Winnt.exe from the MS-DOS command line. For a clean installation from Windows 95, Windows 98, or
Windows NT Workstation, run Winnt32.exe. For a clean installation or upgrade from Windows NT Server 3.51
or 4.0, run Winnt32.exe. Several switches can be used with Winnt.exe and Winnt32.exe to customize how
Windows 2000 Server is installed on your computer.

Windows 2000 Setup Program

The Windows 2000 Setup program, Setup.exe, is located in the root directory of the Windows 2000 Server
installation C D-ROM. When you execute Setup.exe, the Microsoft Windows 2000 C D screen appears. From
there, you can choose to install Windows 2000 Server, install add-on components, browse the C D, or exit the
Setup program. If you select the Install Windows 2000 option, the Winnt.exe or the Winnt32.exe program
runs, depending on which operating system you are currently running.

If Autorun is enabled on your system, the Windows 2000 C D screen will appear when you insert the Windows
2000 Server installation C D-ROM into your C D-ROM drive. Autorun calls Setup.exe, which checks the
operating system. If Setup determines that the computer is running Windows NT Server 3.51, Windows NT
Server 4.0, or an earlier version of Windows 2000 Server, you are prompted either to upgrade or install
Windows 2000. If a newer version of Windows 2000 Server is installed on the computer, Setup.exe will not
allow the installation of Windows 2000 Server to continue.

Winnt.exe Setup Program

Winnt.exe is commonly used for over-the-network installations that use an MS-DOS network client. Winnt.exe
performs the following steps:
1. C reates a $WIN_NT$.~BT temporary directory on the system partition and copies Setup boot files
into this directory.
2. C reates a $WIN_NT$.~LS temporary directory and copies the Windows 2000 files from the server
into this directory.
3. Prompts users to restart their systems. After the computer restarts, the boot menu appears and
installation continues.
Winnt.exe installs Windows 2000 Server and can be executed from an MS-DOS or a Windows 16-bit operating
system command prompt.

Winnt.exe Switches

You can use the following switches to modify the behavior of the Winnt.exe Setup program:

WINNT [/s[:sourcepath]] [/t[:tempdrive]] [/u[:answer_file]]

[/udf:id[,UDF_file]][/r:folder] [/rx:folder] [/e:command] [/a]

These switches are described in detail in the following table:

Switch Description

/s[:sourcepath] Specifies the source location of the Windows 2000 files. The location must be a
full path of the form x:[path] or a valid UNC .

/t[:tempdrive] Directs Setup to place temporary files on the specified drive and to install
Windows 2000 on that drive. If you do not specify a location, Setup attempts to
locate a drive for you.

/u[:answer file] Performs an unattended Setup using an answer file (requires /s). The answer

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file provides answers to some or all of the prompts that the end user normally
responds to during Setup.

/udf:id[,UDF_file] Indicates an identifier (id) that Setup uses to specify how a Uniqueness
Database File (UDF) modifies an answer file (see /u). The /udf parameter
overrides values in the answer file, and the identifier determines which values in
the UDF file are used. If no UDF_file is specified, Setup prompts you to insert a
disk that contains the $Unique$.udb file.

/r[:folder] Specifies an optional folder to be installed. The folder remains after Setup

/rx[:folder] Specifies an optional folder to be copied. The folder is deleted after Setup

/e Specifies a command to be executed at the end of GUI-mode Setup.

/a Enables accessibility options.

Winnt32.exe Setup Program

Winnt32.exe is used to install Windows 2000 Server from an existing Windows 95, Windows 98, or
Windows NT computer. It can be executed by double-clicking Winnt32.exe in the root of the source folder
(such as \i386) on the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM or in a network share location for
over-the-network installations. You can also execute Winnt32.exe by using the run command from the Start
Menu, which allows switches to be specified. In addition, the Winnt32 command can be run from a Windows
95, Windows 98, or Windows NT (all Windows 32-bit operating systems) command prompt.

If the Windows 2000 Server installation is initiated over the network, Winnt32.exe creates a $WIN_NT$.~LS
temporary directory and copies the Windows 2000 Server files from the server into this directory. The
temporary directory is created on the first partition that is large enough, unless otherwise specified by the /t
switch. This is known as the Pre-C opy Phase.

WINNT32.EXE Switches

You can use the following switches to modify the behavior of the Winnt32.exe Setup program:

winnt32 [/s:sourcepath] [/tempdrive:drive_letter]

[answer_file]] [/copydir:folder_name]
[/cmd:command_line] [/debug[level]:[filename]]
[/syspart:drive_letter] [/checkupgradeonly] [/cmdcons]
[/makelocalsource] [/noreboot]

These switches are described in detail in the following table:

Switch Description

/s:sourcepath Specifies the source location of the Windows 2000

files. To simultaneously copy files from multiple
servers, specify multiple /s sources. If you use
multiple /s switches, the first specified server
must be available or Setup will fail.

/tempdrive:drive_letter Directs Setup to place temporary files on the

specified partition and to install Windows 2000 on
that partition.

/Unattend or /u Upgrades your previous version of Windows 2000

in unattended Setup mode. All user settings are
taken from the previous installation, so no user
intervention is required during Setup.
Using the /unattend switch to automate Setup
affirms that you have read and accepted the

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End-User License Agreement (EULA) for Windows

2000. Before using this switch to install Windows
2000 on behalf of an organization other than your
own, you must confirm that the end user has
received, read, and accepted the terms of the
Windows 2000 EULA. OEMs may not specify this
key on machines being sold to end users.

/unattend[num][:answer_file] Performs a fresh installation in unattended Setup

mode. The answer file provides Setup with your
custom specifications. Num is the number of
seconds between the time that Setup finishes
copying the files and when it restarts your
computer. You can use num on any computer
running Windows NT or Windows 2000. The
answer_file placeholder is the name of the
answer file.

/copydir:folder_name C reates an additional folder within the folder in

which the Windows 2000 files are installed. For
example, if the source folder contains a folder
called Private_drivers that has modifications just
for your site, you can type
/copydir:Private_drivers to have Setup copy
that folder to your installed Windows 2000 folder.
So then the new folder location would be
%systemroot%\Private_drivers. You can use
/copydir to create as many additional folders as
you want.

/copysource:folder_name C reates a temporary additional folder within the

folder in which the Windows 2000 files are
installed. For example, if the source folder
contains a folder called Private_drivers that has
modifications just for your site, you can type
/copysource:Priv ate_drivers to have Setup
copy that folder to your installed Windows 2000
folder and use its files during Setup. So then the
temporary folder location would be
%systemroot%\Private_drivers. Unlike the
folders /copydir creates, /copysource folders are
deleted after Setup completes.

/cmd:command_line Instructs Setup to carry out a specific command

before the final phase of Setup. This would occur
after your computer has restarted twice and after
Setup has collected the necessary configuration
information, but before Setup is complete.

/debug[level][:filename] C reates a debug log at the level specified, for

example, /debug4:C :\ Win2000.log. The default
log file is %systemroot%\Winnt32.log, with the
debug level set to 2. The log levels are as
follows: 0-severe errors, 1-errors, 2-warnings,
3-information, and 4-detailed information for
debugging. Each level includes the levels below

/udf:id[,UDF_file] Indicates an identifier (id) that Setup uses to

specify how a Uniqueness Database File (UDF)
modifies an answer file (see the /unattend entry).
The UDF overrides values in the answer file, and
the identifier determines which values in the UDF
are used. For example, /udf:RAS_user,
Our_company.udb overrides settings specified for
the identifier RAS_user in the Our_company.udb
file. If no UDF is specified, Setup prompts the
user to insert a disk that contains the
$Unique$.udb file.

/syspart:drive_letter Specifies that you can copy Setup startup files to

a hard disk, mark the disk as active, and then
install the disk into another computer. When you

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start that computer, it automatically starts with

the next phase of the Setup. You must always
use the /tempdrive parameter with the /syspart
The /syspart switch for Winnt32.exe runs only
from a computer that already has Windows NT
3.51, Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 2000 installed
on it. It cannot be run from Windows 9x.

/checkupgradeonly C hecks your computer for upgrade compatibility

with Windows 2000. For Windows 95 or Windows
98 upgrades, Setup creates a report named
Upgrade.txt in the Windows installation folder. For
Windows NT 3.51 or 4.0 upgrades, it saves the
report to the Winnt32.log in the installation

/cmdcons Adds a Recovery C onsole option to the operating

system selection screen for repairing a failed
installation. It is only used post-Setup.

/m:folder_name Specifies that Setup copies replacement files

from an alternate location. Instructs Setup to look
in the alternate location first, and if files are
present, use them instead of the files from the
default location.

/makelocalsource Instructs Setup to copy all installation source files

to your local hard disk. Use /makelocalsource
when installing from a C D to provide installation
files when the C D is not available later in the

/noreboot Instructs Setup not to restart the computer after

the file copy phase of winnt32 is completed so
that you can execute another command.

The Installation Process

The Windows 2000 Server installation process includes three phases: the Pre-C opy Phase, Text mode, and
GUI mode.

Pre-Copy Phase

During the Pre-C opy Phase, all of the files needed for the installation are copied to temporary directories on
the local hard drive. When you use the Winnt.exe or Winnt32.exe command to initiate an installation over the
network, all the files needed to complete the installation are copied over the network to a temporary directory
named $WIN_NT$.~LS. Setup then continues, as it would if you were performing the installation from a local
drive, moving on to the Text mode phase of the installation process and then to the GUI mode phase.

You can choose not to create the boot floppies by selecting the check box C opy All Setup Files From The
Setup C D To The Hard Drive. The check box is under the Advanced Options button. When you select this
option, a $WIN_NT$.~BT directory is created on the disk. This directory contains the files that would have
been on the four boot floppies.

While the files are being copied into the $WIN_NT$.~LS directory, Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT is
still running. This means there is less down time during the upgrade.

Text Mode

In Text mode setup, Setup prompts you for information needed to complete the installation. After you accept
the license agreement, you specify or create an installation partition and choose a file system. All files
required for installation are copied from the temporary directory (or the C D-ROM) into the installation
directory on the hard disk of the target computer.

Windows 2000 Server Licensing Agreement

The Windows 2000 Server Licensing Agreement takes up several pages. Use the Page Down key to move
through the agreement, and then press F8 to agree. This appears before Text mode if you use Winnt32 or
Autorun to start your setup.

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Existing Installations

If Setup detects any existing Windows 2000 installations, it displays them in a list. You can select an
installation and press R to repair it, or press Esc to continue.


Setup displays all existing partitions and free space on the system. Using the Up and Down arrow keys you
can select where you want to install Windows 2000 Server. At this point you can create and delete partitions.
Press Enter to continue.

File Systems

Setup gives you the option of keeping the current file system intact or allows you to convert it to NTFS. If you
do not want to change it, select the Leave C urrent File System Intact option, which is the default, and press
Enter to continue.

Setup examines your hard disks and copies the files it needs for installation from the temporary directory to
the installation directory. (Winnt is the default directory.)

GUI Mode

After completing the Text mode portion of Setup, the computer restarts and GUI mode begins. This phase
allows you to select which optional components to install and allows you to select the administrator password.

GUI mode consists of three distinct stages:

1. Gathering Information About Your C omputer
2. Installing Windows 2000 Server Networking
3. C ompleting Setup
Gathering Information About Your Computer

The Gathering Information About Your C omputer stage is a series of dialog boxes that Windows 2000 uses to
collect configuration information for setting up your system. During this stage, Windows 2000 security
features are installed and devices are installed and configured.

Regional Settings

Windows 2000 displays the current (default) regional settings. You can add support for additional languages,
change your location settings for the system, and configure the user account default settings as well.

Personalize Your Software

When configuring your system, you must enter the name that Windows 2000 Server is registered to. In
addition, you can add the name of the organization, although this is optional.

Licensing Mode

You must select the Per Server or Per Seat licensing method. If you select Per Server, you must enter the
number of Per Server licenses.

Computer Name and Administrator Password

You must enter a computer name (NetBIOS name of up to 15 characters) when you install Windows 2000.
Note that the autogenerated name is 15 characters long. The name you enter must be different from other
computer, workgroup, or domain names on the network. A default computer name is displayed. You can
access the default name or type in a computer name.

You can also enter an Administrator password for the local Administrator user account. This password can be
up to 127 characters long, or it can be left blank.

Optional Component Manager

The Optional C omponent Manager allows you to add or remove additional components during and after
installation. For details about each of these components, see "Lesson 1: Preparing to Install Windows 2000

Date and Time Settings

During the installation process, you must select the appropriate time zone and adjust the date and time
settings, if necessary, including automatic adjustments for daylight savings time.

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Installing Windows 2000 Serv er Networking

When Setup completes the Gathering Information About Your C omputer stage, it returns to the Windows 2000
Setup screen. Setup then examines the computer to detect installed network adapters. This can take several

Networking Settings

The Windows 2000 networking setup begins with a dialog box offering a choice between Typical settings
(default) or C ustom settings. Typical settings configure the system with the all the defaults: C lient for
Microsoft Networks, File and Print Sharing for Microsoft Networks, and Internet Protocol (TC P/IP) configured
as a DHC P client.

C ustom settings allows the configuration of the following three items:

 Clients The default client is C lient For Microsoft Networks. You can add Gateway (and C lient)
Services for NetWare.
 Serv ices The default service is File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks. You can add SAP
Agent and QoS Packet Scheduler. You can modify the settings for File and Printer Sharing for
Microsoft Networks by highlighting the service and clicking Properties. This allows you to optimize
server service settings and provide server service compatibility for LAN Manager 2.x clients.
 Protocols The default protocol is Internet Protocol (TC P/IP). You can add additional protocols,
including NWLink IPX/SPX, NetBEUI, DLC , AppleTalk, Network Monitor Driver, and others. You can
also modify the settings for a protocol (if applicable) by highlighting the protocol and clicking
Completing Setup

The C ompleting Setup stage performs the following actions and requires no user interaction. The following
table provides an overview of the tasks performed by Setup during this stage.

Task Description

C opying files Setup copies any remaining files necessary to the

installation directory such as accessories and

C onfiguring the computer Setup creates your start menu, program groups,
sets up the print spooler, printers, services, the
administrator account, fonts, the Pagefile, and the
registration of many dynamic-link libraries

Saving the configuration Setup saves your configuration to the registry,

creates the repair directory, and resets the

Removing temporary files Setup removes the temporary files and

directories created and used during installation,
such as the $WIN_NT$.~LS directory, and also
compacts the system hives in the registry.

Exercise 1: Installing Windows 2000 Server

In this exercise, you install Windows 2000 Server on a computer with no formatted partitions. During
installation, you use the Windows 2000 Server Setup program to create a partition on your hard disk, on
which you install Windows 2000 Server as a stand-alone server in a workgroup.
 Procedure 1: Creating Windows 2000 Server Setup diskettes
C omplete this procedure on a computer running MS-DOS or any version of Windows with access to the
Bootdisk directory on the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM.

If your computer is configured with a bootable C D-ROM drive, you can install Windows 2000 without using the
Setup disks. To complete this exercise as outlined, bootable C D-ROM support must be disabled in the BIOS.

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This procedure requires four formatted 1.44-MB disks. If you use diskettes that contain data, the data will be
overwritten without warning.
1. Label the four blank, formatted 1.44-MB diskettes as follows:

Windows 2000 Server Setup Disk #1

Windows 2000 Server Setup Disk #2

Windows 2000 Server Setup Disk #3

Windows 2000 Server Setup Disk #4

2. Insert the Microsoft Windows 2000 Server C D-ROM into the C D-ROM drive.
3. If the Windows 2000 C D-ROM dialog box appears prompting you to install or upgrade to Windows
2000, click Exit.
4. Open a command prompt.
5. At the command prompt, change to your C D-ROM drive. For example, if your C D-ROM drive name is
E, type E: and press Enter.
6. At the command prompt, change to the Bootdisk directory by typing cd bootdisk and pressing
7. If you are creating the setup boot diskettes from a computer running MS-DOS, a Windows 16-bit
operating system or Windows 9x, type makeboot a: (where a: is the name of your floppy disk
drive) and then press enter. If you are creating the setup boot diskettes from a computer running
Windows NT or Windows 2000, type makebt32 a: (where a: is the name of your floppy disk drive)
and then press Enter.
Windows 2000 displays a message indicating that this program creates the four setup disks for
installing Windows 2000. It also indicates that four blank formatted high-density floppy disks are
8. Press any key to continue.
Windows 2000 displays a message prompting you to insert the disk that will become the Windows
2000 Setup Boot Disk.
9. Insert the blank formatted diskette labeled Windows 2000 Server Setup Disk #1 into the floppy disk
drive, and then press any key to continue.
After Windows 2000 creates the disk image, it displays a message prompting you to insert the
diskette labeled Windows 2000 Server Setup Disk #2.
10. Remove Disk #1, insert the blank formatted diskette labeled Windows 2000 Server Setup Disk #2
into the floppy disk drive, and then press any key to continue.
After Windows 2000 creates the disk image, it displays a message prompting you to insert the
diskette labeled Windows 2000 Server Setup Disk #3.
11. Remove Disk #2, insert the blank formatted diskette labeled Windows 2000 Server Setup Disk #3
into the floppy disk drive, and then press any key to continue.
After Windows 2000 creates the disk image, it displays a message prompting you to insert the disk
labeled Disk #4.
12. Remove Disk #3, insert the blank formatted diskette labeled Windows 2000 Server Setup Disk #4
into the floppy disk drive, and then press any key to continue.
After Windows 2000 creates the disk image, it displays a message indicating that the imaging process
is done.
13. At the command prompt, type exit and then press Enter.
14. Remove the disk from the floppy disk drive and the C D-ROM from the C D-ROM drive.
 Procedure 2: Running the Windows 2000 Server Pre-Copy and Text mode Setup routine
This procedure is completed on C omputer 1. It is assumed for this procedure that C omputer 1 has no
operating system installed, the disk is not partitioned, and bootable C D-ROM support, if available, is disabled.
To verify that C omputer 1 meets all pre-installation requirements, please review "About This Book."
1. Insert the disk labeled Windows 2000 Server Setup Disk #1 into the floppy disk drive, insert the
Windows 2000 Server C D-ROM into the C D-ROM drive, and restart C omputer 1.
After the computer starts, Windows 2000 Setup displays a brief message that your system
configuration is being checked, and then the Windows 2000 Setup screen appears.

Notice that the gray bar at the bottom of the screen indicates that the computer is being inspected
and that the Windows 2000 Executive is loading, which is a minimal version of the Windows 2000
2. When prompted, insert Setup Disk #2 into the floppy disk drive, and then press Enter.
Notice that Setup indicates that it is loading the HAL, fonts, local specific data, bus drivers, and other
software components to support your computer's motherboard, bus, and other hardware. Setup also

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loads the Windows 2000 Setup program files.

3. When prompted, insert Setup Disk #3 into the floppy disk drive, and then press Enter.
Notice that Setup indicates that it is loading disk drive controller drivers. After the drive controllers
load, the setup program initializes drivers appropriate to support access to your disk drives. Setup
might pause several times during this process.
4. When prompted, insert Setup Disk #4 into the floppy disk drive, and then press Enter.
Setup loads peripheral support drivers, like the floppy disk driver and file systems, and then it
initializes the Windows 2000 Executive and loads the rest of the Windows 2000 Setup program.

If you are installing the evaluation version of Windows 2000, a Setup notification screen appears
informing you that you are about to install an evaluation version of Windows 2000.
5. Read the Setup Notification message, and then press Enter to continue.
Setup displays the Welcome To Setup screen.

Notice that, in addition to the initial installation of Windows 2000, you can use Windows 2000 Setup to
repair or recover a damaged Windows 2000 installation.
6. Read the Welcome To Setup message, and then press Enter to begin the installation phase of
Windows 2000 Setup.
Setup displays the License Agreement screen.
7. Read the license agreement, pressing Page Down to scroll to the bottom of the screen.
8. Select I Accept The Agreement by pressing F8.
Setup displays the Windows 2000 Server Setup screen, prompting you to select an area of free space
or an existing partition on which to install Windows 2000. This stage of setup provides a way for you
to create and delete partitions on your hard disk.

If C omputer 1 does not contain any disk partitions (as required for this exercise), you will notice that
the hard disk listed on the screen contains an existing unformatted partition.
9. Make sure that the Unpartitioned space partition is highlighted, and then type C .
Setup displays the Windows 2000 Setup screen, confirming that you've chosen to create a new
partition in the unpartitioned space and informing you of the minimum and maximum sizes of the
partition you might create.
10. Specify the size of the partition you want to create (2048 MB), and then press Enter to continue.

Although you can create additional partitions from the remaining unpartitioned space during setup, it is
recommended that you perform additional partitioning tasks after you install Windows 2000. To partition hard
disks after installation, use the Disk Management snap-in.
Setup displays the Windows 2000 Setup screen, showing the new partition as C : New (Unformatted).
11. Make sure the new partition is highlighted, and press Enter.

You are prompted to select a file system for the partition.

11. Use the arrow keys to select Format The Partition Using The NTFS File System, and then press Enter.

The Setup program formats the partition with NTFS. After it formats the partition, Setup examines the
hard disk for physical errors that might cause Setup to fail and then copies files to the hard disk. This
process will take several minutes.

Eventually, Setup displays the Windows 2000 Server Setup screen. A red status bar counts down for
15 seconds before Setup restarts the computer.
11. Remove the Setup disk from the floppy disk drive.

If your computer supports booting from the C D-ROM drive, and this feature was not disabled in the BIOS, the
computer will boot from the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM after Windows 2000 Setup restarts.
This will cause Setup to start again from the beginning. If this happens, remove the C D-ROM and then restart
the computer.
14. Setup copies additional files and then restarts your machine and loads the Windows 2000 Setup
 Procedure 3: Running the GUI-mode and gathering information phase of Windows 2000 Serv er
This procedure begins the graphical portion of setup on C omputer 1.
1. On the Welcome to the Windows 2000 Setup Wizard screen, click Next to begin gathering information
about your computer.

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Setup configures NTFS folder and file permissions for the operating system files, detects the
hardware devices in the computer, and then installs and configures device drivers to support the
detected hardware. This process takes several minutes.
2. On the Regional Settings page, make sure that the system locale, user locale, and keyboard layout
are correct for your language and location, and then click Next.

You can modify regional settings after you install Windows 2000 by using Regional Options in C ontrol Panel.
Setup displays the Personalize Your Software page, prompting you for your name and organization
name. Setup uses your organization name to generate the default computer name. Many applications
that you install later will use this information for product registration and document identification.
3. In the Name field, type your name; in the Organization field, type the name of an organization; and
then click Next.

If the Your Product Key screen appears, enter the product key provided with Windows 2000 Server and then
click Next.
Setup displays the Licensing Modes screen, prompting you to select a licensing mode. By default, the
Per Server licensing mode is selected. Setup prompts you to enter the number of licenses you have
purchased for this server.
4.Select the Per Server Number of concurrent connections radio button, type 5 for the number of
concurrent connections, and then click Next.

Per Server number of concurrent connections and 5 concurrent connections are suggested values to be used
to complete your self-study. You should use a legal number of concurrent connections based on the actual
licenses that you own. You can also choose to use Per Seat instead of Per Server.
Setup displays the C omputer Name And Administrator Password screen.

Notice that Setup uses your organization name to generate a suggested name for the computer.
5. In the C omputer Name field, type Serv er01 .
Windows 2000 displays the computer name in all capital letters regardless of how it is entered.

To complete this exercise, your computer cannot be connected to a network.

Throughout the rest of this self-paced training kit, the labs will refer to Server01. If you do not name
your computer Server01, everywhere the materials reference Server01, you will have to substitute
the name of your server.
6. In the Administrator Password field and the C onfirm Password field, type password (all lower case)
and then click Next. Passwords are case-sensitive, so make sure you type password in all lowercase
For the labs in this self-paced training kit, you will use password for the Administrator account. In a
production environment, you should always use a complex password for the Administrator account
(one that others cannot easily guess). Microsoft recommends mixing uppercase and lowercase
letters, numbers, and symbols (for example, Lp6*g9).

Setup displays the Windows 2000 C omponents screen, indicating which Windows 2000 system
components Setup will install.

You can install additional components after you install Windows 2000 by using Add/Remove Programs
in C ontrol Panel. Make sure to install only the components selected by default during setup. Later in
your training, you will be installing additional components.
6. C lick Next.
If a modem is detected in the computer during setup, Setup displays the Modem Dialing Information
6. If the Modem Dialing Information screen appears, enter an area code or city code and click Next.
The Date and Time Settings screen appears.

Windows 2000 services perform many tasks whose successful completion depends on the computer's time
and date settings. Be sure to select the correct time zone for your location to avoid problems in later labs.
9. Enter the correct date and time and time zone settings, and then click Next.

The Network Settings screen appears and Setup installs networking components.

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 Procedure 4: Completing the installing Windows Networking Components phase of Windows

2000 Server Setup
Networking is an integral part of Windows 2000 Server. There are many selections and configurations
available. In this procedure, basic networking is configured. In a later exercise, you will install additional
network components.
1. On the Networking Settings screen, make sure that Typical Settings is selected, and then click Next to
begin installing Windows networking components.
This setting installs networking components that are used to gain access to and share resources on a
network and configures TC P/IP to automatically obtain an IP address from a DHC P server on the

Setup displays the Workgroup or C omputer Domain screen, prompting you to join either a workgroup
or a domain.
2. On the Workgroup Or C omputer Domain screen, make sure that the radio button No, This C omputer
Is Not On A Network Or Is On A Network Without A Domain is selected, and that the workgroup name
is WORKGROUP, and then click Next.
Setup displays the Installing C omponents screen, displaying the status as Setup installs and
configures the remaining operating system components according to the options you specified. This
will take several minutes.

Setup then displays the Performing Final Tasks screen, which show the status as Setup finishes
copying files, making and saving configuration changes, and deleting temporary files. C omputers that
do not exceed the minimum hardware requirements might take 30 minutes or more to complete this
phase of installation.

Setup then displays the C ompleting the Windows 2000 Setup Wizard screen.
3. Remove the Windows 2000 Server C D-ROM from the C D-ROM drive, and click Finish.

If your computer supports booting from the C D-ROM drive and you did not remove the installation C D-ROM,
and if you disable this feature in the BIOS, the computer will run setup again soon after Setup restarts the
computer. If this happens, remove the C D-ROM and then restart the computer.
Windows 2000 restarts and runs the newly installed version of Windows 2000 Server.
 Procedure 5: Completing the hardware installation phase of Windows 2000 Serv er Setup
During this final phase of installation, any Plug and Play hardware not detected in the previous phases of
setup will be detected.
1. At the completion of the startup phase, log on by pressing C trl+Alt+Delete.
2. In the Enter Password dialog box, type Administrator in the User Name field, and type password
in the Password field.
3. C lick OK.
If Windows 2000 detects hardware that was not detected during Setup, the Found New Hardware
Wizard screen displays, indicating that Windows 2000 is installing the appropriate drivers.
4. If the Found New Hardware Wizard screen appears, verify that the Restart The C omputer When I
C lick Finish check box is cleared and then click Finish to complete the Found New Hardware wizard.
Windows 2000 displays the Microsoft Windows 2000 C onfigure Your Server dialog box. From this
dialog box, you can configure a variety of advanced options and services.
5. Select the I Will C onfigure This Server Later radio button, and click Next.
6. From the next screen that appears, clear the Show This Screen At Startup check box.
7. C lose the C onfigure Your Server screen.
 Procedure 6: Adjusting the display settings
Setup selects a default resolution that is compatible with the video adapter that Setup has detected. You can
change the default settings now or at any time after you install Windows 2000.

If you do not know the refresh frequency that your monitor supports with the color palette and screen area
you selected, do not change the default setting. Setting the refresh frequency too high might damage your
1. If you wish to adjust your display settings to show more colors or a higher screen resolution, run
C ontrol Panel and select Display.
The Display Properties dialog box appears.
2. Select the Settings tab to adjust your screen area and colors, and click OK.
A Display Properties message box appears warning you that your settings will be applied and that if
you don't respond to the message box that appears after the display settings are adjusted, the

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original display settings will be restored.

3. C lick OK.
If the display settings are valid, a Monitor Settings message box will appear.
4. C lick Yes to make the changes permanent.
You have now completed the Windows 2000 Server installation and are logged on as Administrator.
5. C lose C ontrol Panel.

To properly shutdown Windows NT Server, click the Start button, choose shutdown, and then follow the
directions that appear.

Lesson Summary

To install Windows 2000 Server, you must run either Winnt.exe or Winnt32.exe. Winnt.exe is used on
computers running MS-DOS or Windows 16-bit operating systems. Winnt32.exe is used on computers running
Windows 32-bit operating systems (Windows 9x, Windows NT, or Windows 2000). You can use a number of
parameters with Winnt.exe and Winnt32.exe to customize how Windows 2000 Server is installed on your
computer. Once one of the Setup files is launched, the Windows 2000 Server installation begins. This process
includes three phases: the Pre-C opy Phase, Text mode, and GUI mode. During the Pre-C opy Phase, all of the
files needed for the installation are copied to temporary directories on the local hard drive. In Text mode
setup, Setup prompts the user for information needed to complete the installation. The GUI mode allows you
to select which optional components to install and to select the administrator password.

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Lesson 3: Upgrading to Windows 2000 Server

The process for upgrading existing servers from Windows NT Server to Windows 2000 Server is primarily
automated. During the upgrade, Windows 2000 Setup migrates the current settings of the operating system
while requiring little administrator input during the process. This lesson focuses on three aspects of the
upgrade process: upgrading to the Windows 2000 Server operating system, upgrading Windows NT domains,
and consolidating domains.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Upgrade a Windows NT computer to Windows 2000 Server
Estimated lesson time: 30 minutes

Upgrading to Windows 2000 Server

There is just one basic process for upgrading a member server. Once you begin the installation process, the
Setup wizard will guide you through the upgrade. When prompted, select the Upgrade To Windows 2000
option. During the final stages of installation, Windows 2000 Server Setup will gather information, using
preexisting settings from the previous operating system.

There are several reasons to choose to upgrade, assuming that your previous operating system is a version
that allows upgrading. C onfiguration is simpler; your existing users, settings, groups, rights, and permissions
are retained. In addition, files and applications do not need to be recopied to the disk after installation. (As
with any major changes to the hard disk, however, you should plan on backing up the disk before running

If you want to upgrade and then use the same applications as before, review the Windows 2000 C ompatibility
Guide at http://www.microsoft.com and read the Read1st.txt file and the Relnotes.doc file (in the root
directory of the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM). You can also install the Windows 2000 Support
Tools, which are located in the \Support\Tools directory of the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM. The
Support Tools include the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit Deployment Planning Guide. Review the
"Testing Applications for C ompatibility with Microsoft Windows 2000" chapter.

When you upgrade, you must consider whether to convert the file system on any FAT16 or FAT32 partitions
that you might have to the NTFS file system. It is possible to install Windows 2000 Server and also allow the
computer to sometimes run another operating system by setting up the computer as a dual-boot system.
Using dual booting, however, presents complexities because of file system issues.

Upgrading Servers

Windows 2000 Server supports upgrades from Windows NT 3.51 Server, Windows NT Server 4.0, and earlier
versions of Windows 2000 Server. If a computer is running versions of Windows NT older than Windows NT
3.51, upgrade to Windows NT Server 4.0 before upgrading to Windows 2000 Server.

Windows 2000 supports all service packs for Windows NT 3.51 and Windows NT 4.0. The upgrade of installed
applications varies with the system.
Upgrade Methods

The easiest way to upgrade Windows NT Server is to insert the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM
into the computer's C D-ROM drive. You can also run Winnt32 from the C D-ROM.

Setup cannot upgrade the operating system from the boot floppies or from booting the C D-ROM. Winnt32 or
Autorun must be used to upgrade Windows NT Server. Also, you can upgrade your system by running
Winnt32.exe over the network.

Finding Windows NT Installations to Upgrade

To find Windows NT Server installations on the system, the C :\Boot.ini file is examined on x86-based

Windows 2000 does not support RISC -based systems.

The setup process attempts to access the partition indicated by the Advanced RISC C omputing (ARC ) path in
<active partition>:\Boot.ini for each installation it finds. The active partition is usually C :, so references to the
drive containing Boot.ini will be C :. If setup can access the partition, it then examines the root directory by
searching for the following items:

 Directories The setup process searches for System32, System32\Drivers, and System32\C onfig
 Files Under the System32 subfolders, the setup process searches for Ntoskrnl.exe and Ntdll.dll.
After searching for directories and files, the setup process attempts to load portions of the registry to

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determine whether an attempt has been made to upgrade this installation and has failed. Setup also
determines the type of the current Windows NT installation and finds the edition (Server or Workstation),
version number of the Windows NT installation (either 3.1, 3.5, 3.51, or 4.0), and build number.

The system's current version and build number must be less than or equal to the version number to which the
system will be upgraded. Also, the edition must be Server. Therefore, the Windows 2000 Server upgrade
process upgrades only Windows NT Server 3.51 and Windows NT Server 4.0 systems.

Once each installation in C :\Boot.ini has been found and each entry has met the above criteria, setup
presents a menu that lists the installations on the system that can be upgraded.

If a Windows NT Server installation does not appear in the list of possible installations to upgrade, it probably
did not meet one of the above checks. At this point, it is possible to press F3 to exit from the upgrade and still
boot into any version of Windows NT installed on the system to ensure that the installation meets the criteria.

If there are multiple C :\Boot.ini entries that point to the same Windows NT installation, the installation is listed
in the upgrade selection menu only once.

Upgrading a Windows NT Domain

A critical task in upgrading your network to Windows 2000 Server is upgrading the Windows NT Server
domain. Domains are an important feature of both Windows NT Server and Windows 2000 Server. A domain
is a grouping of accounts and network resources under a single domain name and security boundary. It is
necessary to have one or more domains if you want to use domain-based user accounts and other domain
security features in Windows 2000 Server. (This was true for Windows NT Server as well.)

With Windows 2000, servers can have one of three roles in relation to domains: domain controllers, which
contain matching copies of the user accounts and other Active Directory services data in a given domain;
member servers, which belong to a domain but do not contain a copy of Active Directory services data; and
stand-alone servers, which do not belong to a domain and instead belong to a workgroup. A domain must
have at least one domain controller, and it should generally have multiple domain controllers, each one
backing up the user accounts and other Active Directory services data for the others and helping provide
logon support to users.

You should plan the roles that your servers will have within domains in Windows 2000 before running Setup;
however, if adjustments are necessary to these roles, they can still be made after Setup.

There are several important points to remember about upgrading an existing Windows NT domain to Windows
2000 domain:

 You must use the NTFS file system on domain controllers.

 Any servers that have any partition formatted with FAT16 or FAT32 will lack local security. On FAT16
or FAT32 partitions, shared folders can be protected only with permissions set on the directories, not
on individual files, and there is no access protection against local access to the partition.
 When upgrading the domain controllers in a Windows NT domain to Windows 2000, you must upgrade
the PDC first.
The roles of the servers in a domain are named somewhat differently with Windows 2000 Server as
compared to Windows NT Server. With Windows NT Server, the possible roles were PDC (limited to one per
domain), BDC , member server, or stand-alone server. Windows 2000 has only one kind of domain controller
(without a "primary" or "backup" designation) and also includes the roles of member server and stand-alone
server. The following table illustrates how Windows 2000 Setup assigns server roles when you upgrade:

Role in Windows NT Domain Role in Windows 2000 Domain

Primary domain controller Domain controller

Backup domain controller Your choice of domain controller or member


Member server Your choice of member server or stand-alone


Stand-alone server Your choice of member server (if a Windows

2000 domain exists) or stand-alone server

Upgrading a Windows NT domain involves several stages:

1. Planning for a Windows NT domain upgrade
2. Preparing for a Windows NT domain upgrade
3. Upgrading the PDC
4. Upgrading the BDC s
5. Upgrading member servers

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Planning for a Windows NT Domain Upgrade

The main features to consider as part of a Windows 2000 upgrade planning are the following:

 DNS domain name organization Develop DNS structure for the root domain of an enterprise tree
or multiple trees in a forest of disjointed DNS domain names. Once the root DNS domain is created,
other subdomains can be added to build the tree. For example, microsoft.com is a root domain, and
dev.microsoft.com and mktg.microsoft.com are subdomains.
 Name space organization within large account domains Determine how to use OUs to
structure the people and project resources.
 Domain consolidation Rebalance administration and control of centrally managed and distributed
network services by merging resource domains into a smaller number of Windows 2000 domains.
 New machine accounts added for long-term organization Determine the location of computer
accounts in Windows 2000 OUs. This is an important part of deploying Windows 2000 computer
security policies.
 Deployment of adv anced technologies Deploy new advanced technologies such as PKI security
for smart card logon and remote access authentication or IP security for secure data transfer over
private intranet and public Internet communications.

For more information, see the "Windows 2000 Support Tools' Deployment and Planning Guide." The
installation program for this guide and other support tools is located in the \support\tools directory on the
Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM.

Preparing for a Windows NT Domain Upgrade

Whenever you make any major changes to the contents of the hard disks on your servers, you should back
up the hard disks before upgrading any of them. Before upgrading, you should also consider disconnecting
the network cable of a BDC in your existing Windows NT network. After upgrading your PDC to Windows 2000
Server, this disconnected system is available for promotion to a Windows NT PDC if needed. (In the course of
an uneventful upgrade, you would not promote the Windows NT BDC to PDC , but instead continue the
upgrade process, eventually reconnecting the disconnected server and upgrading it.)

In addition, for any computer that will be a domain controller in the Windows 2000 domain, you should make
sure there is plenty of room on the disk, beyond the space needed for the operating system itself. When the
user accounts database is upgraded to the format used by Windows 2000 Server, it can expand significantly.

Preparing to Upgrade the Domain Controller

Before upgrading a domain controller, there are a number of tasks that must be completed:

 Disable WINS by using the Services option in C ontrol Panel in Windows NT Server 4.0 so that the
WINS database can be converted during the upgrade process.
 Disable DHC P by using the Services option in C ontrol Panel in Windows NT Server 4.0 so that the
DHC P database can be converted during the upgrade process.
 Set up a test environment by creating test user accounts so that you can test the upgrade once it is
complete. C reate users and groups that are consistent with your implementation of Windows NT
Server 4.0.
The following table describes items you might want to include in a test environment and how to implement

Item Implementation

User and Group policies Include both user and group policies that are
easy to verify after the upgrade. An example is
removing the Run command from the Start

User profiles Set up individual user profiles for the test users
that are obvious and easy to verify, such as
different background wallpaper.

Logon scripts Use logon script commands that are easy to

verify after the upgrade, such as mapping
network drives with the net use command.

It is always a good idea to test any upgrade in a lab environment before implementing it in a production
environment. To that end you may remove a BDC from the network and promote it to be a PDC in a private
network. Then you can upgrade the PDC to Windows 2000 Server. If that is successful, you can bring that
computer back to the production environment.

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Upgrading the Primary Domain Controller

The first domain controller to be upgraded in a Windows NT domain must be the PDC . As you upgrade this
server, you will be given the choices of creating a new domain or a child domain, and creating a new forest or
a domain tree in an existing forest. For upgrading a domain of three to five servers, create a new domain and
a new forest. You should also define the domain name space to set up the top-level name space for the
organization. Other domains can be added to the tree as child domains.

During the upgrade, you have the opportunity to choose the location of three important files: the database
containing user accounts and other Active Directory data, the log file, and the system volume file (SYSVOL).
The database and the log file can be on any type of partition (FAT16, FAT32, or NTFS); the previous SAM
database can expand significantly from the size it had with Windows NT Server, so allow plenty of room for it.
(Initially, the log file will take up very little space.) The system volume file must be on an NTFS partition.

After the first server is upgraded to a Windows 2000 domain controller, it will be fully backward compatible.
This means that in a multiple-server environment the domain controller appears as a Windows 2000 domain
controller to Windows 2000 servers and clients but emulates a Windows NT 4.0 PDC to other servers and

Upgrading the Backup Domain Controllers

After upgrading your PDC and ensuring that it is functioning to your satisfaction, upgrade any BDC s next. (If
possible, it is best to begin the upgrades soon, rather than allowing a long delay.) Be sure that the first server
upgraded (the former PDC ) is running and available on the network as you upgrade other domain controllers.
This server is used as a template for the other domain controllers to copy as they are upgraded.

Upgrade the BDC s one at a time, and ensure that each is backed up before upgrading. Start and test each
server on the network to ensure that it is functioning to your satisfaction before upgrading another BDC .

When you have completely upgraded all servers to Windows 2000 domain controllers, you have the option of
changing the domain from Mixed mode (where Windows NT domain controllers can exist in the domain) to
Native mode (where only Windows 2000 domain controllers can exist in the domain). This is an important
decision, because you cannot revert to Mixed mode after changing to native mode. Figure 2.2 shows the
transition from a Windows NT domain to a Windows 2000 native mode domain.

Figure 2.2 Transition from Windows NT domain to Windows 2000 Native mode domain

Mixed Mode

Mixed mode refers to a domain that contains both Windows 2000 and Windows NT 3.51/4.0 domain
controllers. In Mixed mode the PDC is upgraded to Windows 2000 Server and one or more BDC s remain at
version Windows NT Server 3.51/4.0. The Windows 2000 domain controller that was the PDC uses the Active
Directory store to save objects. It is still fully backward compatible because it exposes the data as a flat store
to down-level computers.

The PDC appears as a Windows 2000 domain controller to other Windows 2000 computers, and as a
Windows NT 3.51/4.0 domain controller to computers that are not yet upgraded.

The domain still uses a single master replication with a Windows 2000 PDC ; it is recognized as the domain
master by the Windows NT Server 3.51/4.0 BDC s.

In Mixed mode the domain is limited by the functionality of the Windows NT 4.0 domain controllers. Some of
the limitations on Windows 2000 operating in Mixed mode include the following:

 No group nesting is available.

 Non-Windows 2000 clients cannot benefit from transitive trust; they are limited to the limitations of
pre-Windows 2000 trust relationships for access to resources.
Mixed mode is the default mode and is generally an interim step in the implementation of Windows 2000.

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Nativ e Mode

Once all domain controllers in a domain are upgraded, the domain can be moved from Mixed mode to Native
mode. In Native mode all clients make use of Windows 2000 transitive trust. This means that a user can
connect to any resource in the enterprise. Native mode also allows group nesting.

Moving to Native mode is a one-way move; once in Native mode, it is not possible to move the domain back
to Mixed mode.

Upgrading Member Servers

Upgrade the member servers. Member servers in the domain can be upgraded in any order.

Domain Consolidation

Domain consolidation is a planning process for organizing domain resources to take advantage of new
advanced features of the Windows 2000 Active Directory services. Domain reconfiguration is optional; it is not
a requirement for deploying Windows 2000. Domain reconfiguration can take place over time as individual
machines are upgraded and moved to different domains. Reconfiguration is also a fairly intensive and
time-consuming administrator operation, as computers are moved to new domains and access control is
verified or updated as needed.

There are two general ways to consolidate domains:

 Move user accounts from one domain to another to form a single larger domain.
 Move server computers from one resource domain into the OU of another domain.
One advantage to domain consolidation is that the number of master account domains can be reduced
because each domain can be scaled to handle a much larger number of user, group, and computer accounts.
C ombining master account domains can reduce the number of server computers and interdomain trust
accounts. However, moving users from one domain to another requires the creation of a new temporary
password for the user account in the new domain. User passwords are not preserved when a user account is
moved from one domain to another, although the SID for the user is.

Another advantage to domain consolidation is that the number of resource domains can be reduced by
moving servers from many small domains into a combined resource domain. The domain controllers of the
resource domains become member servers in the larger combined domain. This reduces the number of
interdomain trust relationships between resource domains and account domains, saving system resources on
domain controllers. Domain consolidation also makes it easier to redeploy server computers from one project
or department to another.

Windows 2000 includes the following features that enable domain reconfiguration:

 Users and groups can be moved across domain boundaries and preserve security identity. The SID
history is kept with the user account, and access tokens will contain both the new and the old SID to
preserve access rights.
 Domain controllers can be demoted to a member server and moved to another domain.
 Security policies can be defined centrally and applied to many systems. These policies can grow in
scope and change over time. They are used to deploy new technology, such as public key security
and IP security. As new computers join a domain, they can automatically pick up the security policy
in effect for the new domain.
 C omputers can be moved to different domains by using remote administration tools.
 Access rights can be updated to reflect changes in organization or philosophy.

Lesson Summary

Upgrading from Windows NT Server to Windows 2000 Server is, for the most part, an automated process. The
easiest way to upgrade Windows NT Server is to insert the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM into the
computer's C D-ROM drive. The Setup wizard will then guide you through the upgrade. However, an important
aspect of upgrading to Windows 2000 is upgrading the domain, which involves a number of stages. First you
must plan how you will upgrade the domain, including determining a domain name organization and deploying
new technologies. Next you must prepare for that upgrade by completing such tasks as backing up files and
disconnecting network cables. In addition, you must prepare to upgrade the domain controllers. The next step
in upgrading the domain is to upgrade the PDC . This is followed by upgrading the BDC s and the member
servers. When you've completed these steps, you should then consider consolidating your domain to take
advantage of the new advanced features of the Windows 2000 Active Directory services.

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Lesson 4: Troubleshooting a Windows 2000 Server Installation

Your installation of Windows 2000 Server should run to completion without any problems. However, this
lesson covers some common issues that you might encounter during installation.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Troubleshoot Windows 2000 installations
Estimated lesson time: 15 minutes

Troubleshooting Windows 2000 Server

When installing Windows 2000 Server, you might encounter problems caused by, for example, bad media or
incompatible hardware. The following table lists some of these common installation problems and offers
solutions to resolve them.

Problem Solution

Media errors If you are installing from a C D-ROM, use a different C D-ROM drive. If you still
receive media errors, request a replacement C D by contacting Microsoft or
your vendor.

Unsupported C D-ROM Replace the C D-ROM drive with one that is supported, or if that is not
drive possible, try another method of installation, such as installing over the
network. After you have completed the installation, you can add the driver for
the C D-ROM drive if it is available.

Insufficient disk Use the Setup program to create a partition by using existing free space on
space the hard disk.
Delete and create partitions as needed to create a partition that is large
enough for installation.

Reformat an existing partition to create more space.

Failure of Use the Windows 2000 Setup wizard, and return to the Network Settings
dependency service dialog box and verify that you installed the correct protocol and network
to start adapter. Verify that the network adapter has the proper configuration
settings, such as transceiver type, and that the local computer name is unique
on the network.

Inability to connect to Verify that the domain name is correct.

the domain
Verify that the server running the DNS service and the domain controller are
both running and online. If you cannot locate a domain controller, install into
a workgroup and then join the domain after installation.

Verify that the network adapter card and protocol settings are set correctly.

If you are reinstalling Windows 2000 and using the same computer name,
delete and then recreate the computer account.

Failure of Windows Verify that Windows 2000 is detecting all of the hardware and that all of the
2000 Server to install hardware is on the HC L.
or start

Lesson Summary

This lesson provides an overview of some of the common problems that can be encountered when installing
Windows 2000 Server. Installation problems can be caused by bad media or incompatible hardware. In
addition, there may not be enough room on any of the partitions to install Windows 2000 Server because you
did not complete the preinstallation tasks. Other problems that might arise are the inability to connect to the
domain controller or Windows 2000 Server might not install or start.

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The following questions are intended to reinforce key information presented in this chapter. If you are unable
to answer a question, review the appropriate lesson and then try the question again. Answers to the questions
can be found in Appendix A, "Questions and Answers."
1. If you are installing Microsoft Windows NT, in a dual-boot configuration on the same computer, which
file system should you choose? Why?
2. Which licensing mode should you select if users in your organization require frequent access to
multiple servers? Why?
3. You are installing Windows 2000 Server on a computer that will be a member server in an existing
Windows 2000 domain. You want to add the computer to the domain during installation. What
information do you need, and what computers must be available on the network, before you run the
Setup program?
4. You are using a C D-ROM to install Windows 2000 Server on a computer that was previously running
another operating system. There is not enough space on the hard disk to run both operating systems,
so you have decided to repartition the hard disk and install a clean copy of Windows 2000 Server.
Name two methods for repartitioning the hard disk.
5. You are installing Windows 2000 over the network. Before you install to a client computer, what must
you do?
6. A client is running Windows NT 3.5 Server and is interested in upgrading to Windows 2000. From the
list of choices, choose all possible upgrade paths:
Upgrade to Windows NT 3.51 Workstation and then to Windows 2000 Server.

Upgrade to Windows NT 4.0 Server and then to Windows 2000 Server.

Upgrade directly to Windows 2000 Server.

Run C onvert.exe to modify any NTFS partitions for file system compatibility with Windows 2000, and
then upgrade to Windows 2000 Server.

Upgrade to Windows NT 3.51 Server and then to Windows 2000 Server.

7. In your current network environment, user disk space utilization has been a major issue. Describe
three services in Windows 2000 Server to help you manage this issue.

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Chapter 3
Unattended Installations of Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
About This Chapter

To simplify the process of setting up Windows 2000 Server on multiple computers, you can automate your
installations of the operating system and other server applications. To do this, you must create and use an
answer file, which is a customized script that automatically answers the questions raised by Setup during
installation. Once this file is created, you can run Setup from a command line, using the appropriate options
for an unattended installation. This will allow you to install not only the Windows 2000 Server operating
system, but server applications as well.

Before You Begin

To complete the lessons in this chapter, you must have

 Windows 2000 Server installed and running on Server01 as described in C hapter 2, Exercise 1.
 C omputer 2 networked to Server01 and running a 32-bit version of Windows, either Windows 9x or
Windows NT 3.51 or 4.0.
 C hecked that C omputer 2 meets the minimum hardware requirements as outlined in "About This
 The Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM.

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Lesson 1: Preparing for an Unattended Installation of Windows 2000

When you perform an unattended installation of Windows 2000 Server, you create an answer file that supplies
information to the setup routine. In addition, if you are going to install Windows 2000 Server on multiple
computers over a network, you must create at least one set of distribution folders. This lesson describes the
process of creating an answer file and setting up the distribution files necessary for a network installation.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 C reate a customized answer file for an unattended installation
 Set up your distribution directory for a network installation of Windows
2000 Server
Estimated lesson time: 45 minutes

Creating the Answer File

The answer file is a customized script (usually saved as a .txt file) that allows you to run an unattended
installation of Windows 2000 Server. The file, sometimes called the unattend file or the unattend script file,
answers the questions that Setup normally prompts you for during installation. The \i386 directory of the
Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM contains a sample answer file, Unattend.txt, that you can edit and
use in your unattended installation. You can leave the name of the answer file as is, or you can change it
according to the needs of your organization. For example, C omp1.txt, Install.txt, and Setup.txt are all valid
names for an answer file, as long as those names are correctly specified in the Setup command. Being able
to use different names allows you to build and use multiple answer files if you need to maintain different
scripted installations for different parts of your organization.

Note that other programs, such as the Sysprep tool, which is used to facilitate the creation of a disk image of
your Windows 2000 Server installation, also use answer files. (Sysprep is discussed in detail in Lesson 2.) The
following table describes how the answer file can be named and when it is used:

Filename When the file is used

<filename>.txt When performing an unattended installation. You can use any name for the .txt
file. Unattend.txt is the name of the sample answer file included with Windows
2000 Server.

Winnt.sif When installing Windows 2000 Server from a bootable C D-ROM drive.

Sysprep.inf When using the Sysprep tool to create a disk image of your Windows 2000 Server

The same format that is used in Unattend.txt is used for the files shown in the preceding table. The answer
file contains multiple optional sections that you modify to supply information about your installation
requirements. The file supplies Setup with answers to all the questions you are asked when you install
Windows 2000 Server manually. In addition, the answer file tells Setup how to interact with the distribution
folders and files that you have created. For example, in the [Unattended] section there is an original
equipment manufacturer (OEM) Preinstall entry that tells Setup whether to copy the $OEM$ subfolders from
the distribution folders to the target computer.

Answer File Format

An answer file consists of section headers, keys, and the values for each key. Most of the section headers are
predefined, but some can be user defined. The following information is included in the Unattend.txt file. You
can copy this file from the C D-ROM to writeable media, like a fixed disk, and then edit the file as necessary to
meet the needs of your unattended installation. You can also rename the file.

Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced Server and

(c) 1994 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Sample Unattended Setup Answer File

This file contains information about how to automate the

or upgrade of Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 2000
Server so the

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Setup program runs without requiring user input.

Unattendmode = FullUnattended
OemPreinstall = NO
TargetPath = WINNT
Filesystem = LeaveAlone

FullName = "Your User Name"
OrgName = "Your Organization Name"
ComputerName = "COMPUTER_NAME"

Sets the Timezone to the Pacific Northwest
Sets the Admin Password to NULL
Turn AutoLogon ON and login once
TimeZone = "004"
AdminPassword = *
AutoLogon = Yes
AutoLogonCount = 1

For Server installs

AutoMode = "PerServer"
AutoUsers = "5"

List the programs that you want to launch when the machine is logged on
to for the first time

BitsPerPel = 8
XResolution = 800
YResolution = 600
VRefresh = 70

When set to YES, setup will install default networking components. The
components to be set are
TCP/IP, File and Print Sharing, and the Client for Microsoft Networks.
InstallDefaultComponents = YES

JoinWorkgroup = Workgroup

You do not need to specify all the possible keys in an answer file if the installation does not require them.
Invalid key values generate errors or can cause incorrect behavior after setup.

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The answer file is broken into sections. A section name is enclosed in brackets, as in the following example:


Sections contain keys and the corresponding values for those keys. Each key and value are separated by a
space, an equal sign, and a space:

BitsPerPel = 8

Values that have spaces in them require double quotes around them:

OrgName = "Microsoft Corporation"

Some sections have no keys and merely contain a list of values:


C omment lines start with a semicolon:

;Setup program runs without requiring user input.

Answer File Keys and Values

Every key in an answer file must have a value assigned to it; however, some keys are optional, and some
keys have default values that are used if the key is omitted. Key values are strings of text, unless numeric is
specified. If numeric is specified, the value is decimal unless otherwise noted.

Keys are not case sensitive; they can be uppercase or lowercase.

The Unattend.doc file has detailed information about the answer file keys and values. You can find
Unattend.doc in the Deploy.cab file on the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM, under the
\Support\Tools folder. To extract or view the contents of the Deploy.cab file, use Windows Explorer. For more
details about opening the Unattend.doc file, see the Sreadme.doc file on the Windows 2000 Server installation

Running Setup.exe or 2000rkst.msi from the \Support\Tools folder installs the Windows 2000 Support Tools in
Support.cab, but it does not extract the Unattend.doc file or any of the other compressed files in Deploy.cab.

Methods for Creating an Answer File

You can create an answer file by using Setup Manager or by creating the file manually.

Creating the Answer File by Using Setup Manager

To help you create or modify the answer file, an application called Setup Manager is available on the
Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM in the Support\Tools\Deploy.cab file.

You can use Setup Manager to perform the following tasks:

 To specify the platform for the answer file (Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server,
Remote Operating System Installation, or Sysprep).
 To specify the level of automation for unattended Setup mode (Provide Defaults, Fully Automated,
Hide Pages, Read Only, and GUI mode attended Setup).
 To specify default user name and organization information.
 To define one computer name or many computer names to support multiple unattended installations.
 To configure up to 99 automatic administrator logons to complete the setup process.
 To configure display settings.
 To configure network settings.

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 To configure joining a workgroup or domain and automatically add a computer account to the
 To create distribution folders.
 To add a custom logo and background files.
 To add files to the distribution folders.
 To add commands to the [GuiRunOnce] section of the answer file.
 To create C mdlines.txt files.
 To specify code pages and other language-specific settings.
 To specify regional settings.
 To specify a time zone.
 To specify Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) information.
 To customize browser and shell settings.
 To define the installation folder name. The boot partition (the partition containing the operating
system files) is specified with the /t: or /tempdrive: switch.
 To add printers.
 To add mass storage device drivers and a custom HAL to be used during an unattended installation.
 To create a distribution folder and share for the distribution or specify that the unattended installation
will run from the Windows 2000 Server C D-ROM.
With Setup Manager, you can add consistency to the process of creating or updating the answer file.
However, you cannot use Setup Manager to specify all answer file settings, optional components, create
Txtsetup.oem files, or create subfolders in the distribution folder.

After you use Setup Manager to create an answer file, add more settings by using a text editor. Refer to
Unattend.doc and Readme.txt included in the Deploy.cab for a comprehensive list of available settings.

The following table describes the most commonly used Setup Manager specifications.

Parameter Purpose

Upgrade option Specifies whether to install Windows 2000

Professional or Windows 2000 Server.

Target computer name Specifies the user name, organization name, and
computer names to apply to the target

Product ID Specifies the product license number obtained

from the product documentation.

Workgroup or domain Specifies the name of the workgroup or domain

to which the computer should be added.

Time zone Specifies the time zone for the computer.

Network configuration information Specifies the network adapter type and

configuration information, including network

Creating the Answer File Manually

To create the answer file manually, you can use a text editor such as Notepad. In general, an answer file
consists of section headers, parameters, and values for those parameters. Although most of the section
headers are predefined, you can also define additional section headers. Note that it is not necessary to
specify all the possible parameters in the answer file if the installation does not require them.

Appendix B, "Sample Answer Files for Unattended Setup," includes sample answer files that are appropriate
for common installation configurations. You can customize the default answer file (Unattend.txt) that comes
with Windows 2000 or write a new one based on the samples provided in this appendix.

Creating the Distribution Folders

To install Windows 2000 Server on multiple computers over a network, you must create at least one set of
distribution folders. The distribution folders typically reside on a server to which the destination computers
can connect. This allows users to install Windows 2000 Server by running Winnt.exe or Winnt32.exe on those
computers. You can use one set of distribution folders and multiple answer files for different system
implementations. Even if you intend to use disk imaging as your installation method, starting with distribution
folders will help to provide consistent implementations for a variety of system types. In addition, distribution
folders allow you to update future images by editing the files in the distribution folders to generate updated
images without having to start from the beginning.

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To help load balance the servers and to make the file-copy phase of Windows 2000 Setup faster, you can
create distribution folders on multiple servers to support the installation process on computers that are
running Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, or Windows 2000. You can run Winnt32.exe with up to eight
sets of distribution folders. Each set of distribution folders contains the Windows 2000 Server installation files
as well as any device drivers and other files needed for installation.

To create a distribution folder manually, connect to the network server on which you want to create the
distribution folder, and create a \W2kdist folder on the network share. To help differentiate between multiple
distribution shares for the different editions of Windows 2000 (Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000
Server, and Windows 2000 Advanced Server), choose different names for each folder. If you need localized
language versions of Windows 2000 to meet requirements for international branches of your organization,
you can create separate distribution shares for each localized version. For each edition of Windows 2000,
copy the contents of the \i386 folder to the distribution share created for it. For instance, if you are preparing
a distribution for Windows 2000 Server, create and share a folder named \W2kdists and copy the \i386
directory on the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM to it.

The distribution share to support a default installation of Windows 2000 Server requires approximately 313
megabytes (MB) of disk space.
You can also use Setup Manager to automatically create and share a distribution folder.

Structuring the Distribution Folder

This section provides detailed information about the folders and subfolders that make up the set of
distribution folders. Figure 3.1 illustrates how these folders should be structured.

Figure 3.1 Example of a structure for the distribution folders

\i386 (On Windows 2000 Installation CD-ROM Copied to Distribution Share)

This is the primary distribution folder. It contains all the files required to install Windows 2000 Server. You

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copy the contents of this folder from the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM to the root of the
distribution share.

\$OEM$ (On Distribution Share and Copied to $WIN_NT$.~LS)

The \$OEM$ subfolder is located directly beneath the primary distribution folder. During Setup you can
automatically copy directories, standard Microsoft format 8.3 files, and any tools needed for your automated
installation process to \$OEM$. Note that if you use the OEMFILESPATH key in the answer file, you can create
the \$OEM$ subfolder outside of the distribution folder.

\$OEM$ provides the necessary folder structure for supplemental files to be copied to the target computer
during Setup. These files include drivers, utilities, applications, and any other files required to deploy
Windows 2000 Server within your organization.

\$OEM$ can contain the optional file C mdlines.txt, which contains a list of commands to be run during the GUI
mode phase of Setup. These commands can be used to install optional components, such as tools and
utilities. C ommands contained in C mdlines.txt are run before the computer is logged on to the network.

As long as Setup finds \$OEM$ in the root of the distribution point, it will copy all the files found in this
directory to the $WIN_NT$.~LS temporary directory created during the Text mode phase of Setup. During
Setup, subfolders of \$OEM$ are copied to the corresponding location on the target computer. At Setup
completion, $OEM$ and all subfolders are deleted along with $WIN_NT$.~LS.

All folders described next are located on the distribution share below \$OEM$ and are copied to various
locations on the computer running Setup.
\$OEM$\textmode (Copied to $WIN_NT$.~BT)

The \$OEM$\textmode subfolder contains new or updated files for installing mass storage device drivers and
HALs. These files can include oem HALs, drivers for SC SI devices, and the Txtsetup.oem file, which directs
the loading and installing of these components.

All files placed in the \$OEM$\textmode subfolder (HALs and drivers) must be listed in the [OEMBootFiles]
section of the answer file.

\$OEM$\$$ (Copied to %windir% and Subfolders of %windir%)

The \$OEM$\$$ subfolder corresponds to the contents of the %windir% environment variable. The subfolder
contains the operating system files (either new files or replacements for retail files) that are copied to the
various subfolders when Windows 2000 is installed. The structure of this subfolder must match the structure
of a standard Windows 2000 installation, where \$OEM$\$$ matches %windir%, \$OEM$\$$\System32
matches %windir%\System32, and so on. Each subfolder needs to contain the files that will be copied to the
corresponding operating system folder on the target computer.

In Windows 2000, %systemroot% is equivalent to %windir%.

\$OEM$\$1 (Copied to $systemdrive$)

The \$OEM$\$1 subfolder, which is new for Windows 2000, points to the drive on which Windows 2000 is
installed. $1 is equivalent to the %systemdrive% environment variable. For example, if you are installing
Windows 2000 on the D: drive, \$OEM$\$1 points to the D: drive. This makes it possible to install
Windows 2000 to drives other than the C : drive.

\$OEM$\$1\Drivers (Copied to $systemdrive$\Driv ers and Subfolders of

$systemdrive$\Driv ers)

The \$OEM$\$1\Drivers subfolder, which is new for Windows 2000, allows you to place new or updated Plug
and Play device drivers and their supporting files (catalog files and .INF installation files) in and below the
Drivers subfolder. These folders and their contents are copied to the %systemdrive%\Drivers folder on the
target computer. Adding the OemPnPDriversPath parameter to your answer file will tell Windows 2000 where
to look for the new or updated Plug and Play drivers. When searching for appropriate Plug and Play device
drivers to install during Setup or afterward, Windows 2000 looks at the files in the folders you created as well
as those originally included with the system. Note that you can replace Drivers with a name of your own
choosing that follows the 8.3 MS-DOS naming convention.

The \$OEM$\$1\Drivers subfolder replaces the \Display and \Net subfolders used in Windows NT installation.
\$OEM$\$1\Sysprep (Copied to %systemdrive%\Sysprep)

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The \$OEM$\$1\Sysprep subfolder contains the files needed to run the Sysprep utility. Sysprep.exe and
Sysprepcl.exe must be in %systemdrive%\Sysprep folder for Sysprep to function properly.

Add Sysprep.inf (created by Setup Manager or written manually) to the \$OEM$\$1\Sysprep directory on the
distribution share. Otherwise, a floppy disk containing the Sysprep.inf file is necessary to complete a Sysprep
\$OEM$\driv e_letter

During Text mode, the structure of each \$OEM$\drive_letter subfolder is copied to the root of the
corresponding drive in the target computer. For example, files that you place in the \$OEM$\D subfolder are
copied to the root of the D: drive. You can also create subfolders within these subfolders. For example,
\$OEM$\E\Misc causes Setup to create a \Misc subfolder on the E: drive.

Files that have to be renamed must be listed in the $$Rename.txt file. Note that the files in the distribution
folders must have short file names (format 8.3).

Exercise 1: Preparing and Running an Automated Installation

In this exercise, you create and run an automated installation of Windows 2000 Server on C omputer 2. To
prepare for the automated installation, you use the Windows 2000 Server Setup Manager to create an answer
file and a distribution share on Server01.

Do not customize the desktop or any of the Windows 2000 applications on Server01. If you do, the steps in
this exercise may not work. For example, this exercise is designed for the double-click behavior of the default
 Procedure 1: Running Setup Manager
C omplete this procedure on a Server01 with the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM inserted.
1. C reate a folder named Deploy underneath C :\Program Files.
2. Using Windows Explorer, locate the \Support\Tools folder on the windows 2000 server installation
3. Select the TOOLS folder in the Folders pane and then double-click the DEPLOY file in the right pane.
The contents of the DEPLOY cab file appears.
4. From the Edit menu, choose Select All.
5. From the File menu, choose Extract.
A Browse For Folder window appears.
6. C lick on the + sign to the left of Local Disk (C :) to expand the C : drive.
7. C lick on the + sign to the left of Program Files to expand the Program Files folder.
8. C lick on the Deploy folder.
The Deploy folder opens.
9. C lick OK.
A C opying message box appears momentarily as the files in the DEPLOY cab file are extracted to
C :\Program Files\Deploy.
10. From the C :\Program Files\Deploy folder, double-click setupmgr.

Setup Manager starts, and the Windows 2000 Setup Manager Wizard appears.
11. Read the descriptive text, and then click Next.

The New Or Existing Answer File screen appears, and the C reate A New Answer File radio button is
12. C lick Next.

The Product To Install screen appears, and the Windows 2000 Unattended Installation radio button is
13. C lick Next.

The Platform screen appears, and the Windows 2000 Professional radio button is selected.

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14. Select the Windows 2000 Server radio button, and click Next.

The User Interaction Level screen appears, and the Provide Defaults radio button is selected.
15. Select the Fully Automated radio button, read the Description text, and then click Next.

The License Agreement screen appears.

16. Read the text on this screen, select the I Accept The Terms Of The License Agreement check box,
and then click Next.
The C ustomize The Software screen appears.
17. In the Name text box, type your name and press the Tab key.
18. In the Organization text box, type your organization name or MSPress Self-Study and click Next.

The Licensing Mode screen appears, and the Per Server radio button is selected.
19. Select the Per Seat radio button, and click Next.

The C omputer Names screen appears.

20. Insert the Windows 2000 Training Supplemental C D-ROM into Server01, and click Import.

The Open window appears.

21. In the File Name drop-down list box, type <CD-ROM_driv e:>\chapt03\ ex1\computer
names.txt and then click open.
The C omputer Names screen appears showing a list of computers to be installed.
22. C lick Next.

The Administrator Password screen appears.

23. In the password text boxes, type password, and select the check box named When The C omputer
Starts, Automatically Log On As Administrator.
The Number of times to Auto Logon is set to 1.
24. C lick Next.

The Display Settings screen appears.

25. Leave all text box values set to Use Windows Default, and click Next.

The Network Settings screen appears, and the Typical Settings radio button is selected.
26. C lick Next.

The Workgroup or Domain screen appears and the Workgroup radio button is selected.

Server01 is currently configured as a member of a workgroup named WORKGROUP. Therefore, do

not change the values appearing on the Workgroup or Domain screen. When the automated
installation is run on C omputer 2, it will become a member of the same workgroup. Later in your
training, Server01 will become a domain controller and the computer you are preparing an answer
file for will join that domain.

The answer file you are preparing now can be modified later to automatically join a domain and create
computer accounts in the domain. These modifications are made by using either Setup Manager or a text
27. C lick Next.

The Time Zone screen appears.

27. From the Time Zone drop-down list box, select your time zone and click next.

The Additional Settings screen appears, and the Yes, Edit The Additional Settings radio button is
27. C lick Next.

The Telephony screen appears.

27. You may enter your country/region, area code or city code, and any other settings you require to dial
out. If C omputer 2 does not have dial-out access, you can ignore this screen and continue.
27. C lick Next.

The Regional Settings screen appears, and the Use The Default Regional Settings For The Windows
Version You Are Installing radio button is selected.

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27. C lick Next.

The Languages screen appears.

27. Select any additional language support you want to have available for the operation of Windows 2000
Server, and then click Next.
The Browser and Shell Settings screen appears, and the Use Default Internet Explorer Settings radio
button is selected.
27. C lick Next.

The Installation Folder screen appears, and the A Folder Named Winnt radio button is selected.
27. C lick Next.

The Install Printers screen appears.

27. C lick Next.

The Run Once screen appears.

27. In the C ommand To Run text box, type Notepad.exe and click Add.

Typically, the C ommand To Run text box would contain a script or other executable program to
further configure the user's environment. For the purpose of training, running Notepad is sufficient.
Notice that if you added a printer on the previous screen, the AddPrinter command runs to add your
printer to the list of installed printers.
27. C lick Next.

The Distribution Folder screen appears.

27. Select the Yes, C reate Or Modify A Distribution Folder radio button, and click Next.

The Distribution Folder Name screen appears, and the C reate A New

Distribution Folder radio button is selected.

The Distribution folder text box contains C :\win2000dist, and the Share As Text box contains
27. C lick Next.

The Additional Mass Storage Drivers screen appears.

27. Read the screen, and click Next.

The Hardware Abstraction Layer screen appears.

27. Read the screen, and click Next.

The Additional C ommands screen appears.

27. Read the screen, and click Next.

C ommands entered here are written to C mdlines.txt. This file is created under the distribution folder
in the $OEM$ subfolder.

The OEM Branding screen appears.

27. C lick Next.

The Additional Files Or Folders screen appears.

27. Browse the folders by clicking on them and reading the information that appears under Description.

C lick Next.

The Answer File Name screen appears showing a path and file name located on the C D-ROM in the
Location And File Name text box.
27. Verify that the path and file name to C:\Win2000dist\Unattend.txt, and click next.

The Location Of Setup Files screen appears, and the C opy The Files From C D radio button is selected.
27. Remove the Windows 2000 Server Training Supplemental C D-ROM, and insert the Windows 2000
Server installation C D-ROM.
After the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM is read, the Microsoft Windows 2000 C D screen
27. C lose the Microsoft Windows 2000 C D screen.
27. C lick Next on the Location Of Setup Files screen.

The C opying Files screen appears as the files are copied from the \i386 directory on the installation
C D-ROM to C :\Win2000Dist.

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27. Allow the file copy to complete before continuing to the next procedure.

At the completion of Setup Manager's tasks, a C ompleting The Windows 2000 Setup Manager Wizard
screen appears.
27. Read the screen, and then click Finish.
 Procedure 2: Inspecting the distribution folder created by Setup Manager
In this procedure you will inspect the folder structure created by Setup Manager, answer file (Unattend.txt),
UDF file (Unattend.udf), and batch file (Unattend.bat).
1. C lick Start and then Run.
The Run dialog box appears.
2. In the Open text box, type C:\Win2000dist and click OK.
The Win2000dist window appears.
3. Open another window to the following directory on the Windows 2000 installation C D-ROM: <cd-rom
The i386 window appears.
4. Arrange the windows so that you can see both the win2000dist window and the i386 window.
5. What folder appears directly under the Win2000dist folder that does not appear in the i386 folder?
6. Examine the directory structure below $oem$, and review Figure 3.1 in the text. You will be asked a
question about this structure in the "Review" section of this chapter.
7. Return to the Win2000dist folder, and locate the three Unattend files.
Notice that two of the Unattend files do not appear with extensions.
8. To show file extensions for all files, select Tools and choose Folder Options.
The Folder Options dialog box appears.
9. C lick the View tab.
10. From the Advanced Settings box, clear the Hide File Extensions For Known File Types check box, and
click OK.
11. Locate the Unattend files again.

The Unattend files appear with their file extensions showing.

Select Unattend.txt, and from the File menu, choose Open.

Unattend.txt appears in Notepad.

12. Locate the [User Data] section and add an additional line named ProductID+<your_product_key>.
For the value of ProductID, type the Product Key provided with your copy of Windows 2000 Server.
13. Save and close Unattend.txt.
14. For an explanation of any sections in this file, refer to Unattend.doc located in the C :\Program
Files\Deploy folder you created at the start of this exercise. Unattend.doc can be opened in Microsoft
Wordpad, Microsoft Word, or any word processor capable of reading Microsoft Word files.
15. C lose Unattend.doc.
16. From the Win2000dist window, select Unattend.udf; and from the File menu choose Open With.

The Open With dialog box appears.

17. Select Notepad from the C hoose The Program You Want To Use box, and click OK.

Notice that the 12 computer names imported during the operation of Setup Manager appear here.
18. What is the purpose of the UDF file?

19. C lose the UDF file.
20. From the Win2000dist window, select Unattend.bat; and from the File menu, choose Edit.

The contents of the batch file appear in Notepad.

21. Notice that the batch file sets variables, and then the variables are used to run Winnt32 with switches.
Notice also that you must specify the computer name when calling the batch file since a UDF file is
involved in the setup routine.
22. C lose the Unattend.bat window.
 Procedure 3: Running an unattended setup of Windows 2000 Serv er from Computer 2
C omputer 2 must already be running a Windows 32-bit operating system, such as Windows 95 or Windows
NT. In addition, Server01 must be connected to the same network as C omputer 2. All requirements for the
exercises are outlined in About This Book.

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If C omputer 2 is running Windows NT, the boot partition is C :\ and the operating system directory is Winnt,
change the name of the installation directory in Unattend.txt. The directory name listed in Unattend.txt is
found under the Unattended section, and the valuename is TargetPath. For example, change the value so that
1. From C omputer 2, connect a drive letter (H: will be used throughout this exercise), to
\\Server01\WIN2000dist. You can connect to Server01 by using the Administrator username and the
password of "password."

If you are running Windows 9x and are having trouble connecting to Server01, make sure the computer is a
member of WORKGROUP and logon as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. Open a command prompt and type cdh: .

If you have upgraded from Windows 9x, you might find that Setup can't find the .udf file. If this happens,
open Unattend.txt on Server01 and specify the full path to the .udf file.
3. From the command prompt, type H:\Unattend Serv er02 .
3. The C opying Installation Files screen appears as Windows 2000 Server runs an automated installation
over the network.
At the conclusion of this phase, a warning screen will inform you that the computer will be restarted.

This pre-text mode phase of Setup can be completed using the \syspart switch with Winnt32.exe.
5. Allow the computer to restart.

Upon reboot, the Windows 2000 boot menu appears and Microsoft Windows 2000 Server setup
continues to Text mode.

The computer reboots again, and the boot menu appears showing Windows 2000 Server.

Windows 2000 installation continues the graphical portion of setup. The Installing Devices And
Installing C omponents screens take time to complete. The Performing Final Tasks screen appears
where Windows 2000 Server completes the setup routine. When setup is completed, the Windows
2000 Setup screen announces that the computer will restart.
5. After the computer restarts, notice that it automatically logs on as Administrator as specified in Setup
Manager. In this stage, the printer is installed and Notepad.exe runs.
5. C lose Notepad.
The Windows 2000 C onfigure Your Server screen appears.
5. Select the I Will C onfigure This Server Later radio button, and click Next.
The C onfigure Your Server screen appears.
5. C lear the Show This Screen At Startup check box, and close the screen.

If you are upgrading from Windows 9x, check to see if your partition is NTFS. If not, you will need to convert
it. You can do this by typing convert c: /fs:ntfs at the command prompt.

Lesson Summary

Before you can perform an unattended installation of Windows 2000 Server, you must create an answer file,
which is a customized script file that contains multiple optional sections that you modify to supply information
about your installation requirements. The file supplies Setup with answers to all the questions you are asked
when you install Windows 2000 Server manually. In addition, the answer file tells Setup how to interact with
the distribution folders and files that you have created. You must create at least one set of distribution folders
to install Windows 2000 Server over a network. Using Setup Manager can create a distribution folder and an
answer file manually or automatically. To further customize the answer file, refer to the Unattend.doc file
located on the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM.

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Lesson 2: Automating the Installation of Windows 2000 Server

Automated installations of Windows 2000 Server involve running Setup with an answer file. You can perform
automated installations on multiple computers so that Setup can take place in an unattended fashion. The
following installations can be automated:

 The core Windows 2000 Server operating system

 Any application that does not run as a service
 Additional language support for Windows 2000 Server through the installation of various language
 Service packs for Windows 2000 Server
This lesson focuses on unattended installations of the Windows 2000 Server operating system. To learn about
unattended installations of other applications, see Lesson 3, "Automating the Installation of Server
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Perform an unattended installation of the Windows 2000 Server operating
Estimated lesson time: 45 minutes

Performing an Unattended Installation

To perform an unattended installation of Windows 2000 Server, you must specify the answer file when you
run Setup. There are three basic types of unattended installations that you can use to set up Windows 2000
Server: the bootable C D-ROM method, the Winnt.exe method, or the Winnt32.exe method.

Bootable CD-ROM

To start Windows 2000 Setup in unattended mode from the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM, the
following conditions must be met:

 The computer must support the El Torito Bootable C D-ROM (no emulation mode) format to boot from
the C D-ROM drive.
 The answer file must be named Winnt.sif and be placed on a floppy disk to be inserted into the floppy
drive as soon as the computer boots from the C D-ROM.
 The answer file must contain a [Data] section with the required keys specified.

Winnt.exe or Winnt32.exe

The following Winnt.exe command provides an example for implementing an unattended installation:

Winnt /s:Z:\i386 /u:Z:\unattend.txt /t:c

Note the use of the /u: command line switch, which indicates an unattended installation. The /t: switch
indicates which drive Setup will copy the source files to continue the installation. Z:\i386 is the network
location containing the Windows 2000 installation source files. The local computer must map the Z: drive to
the network share containing the i386 subfolder before this example command line will work.

The following Winnt32.exe command provides an example similar to the previous Winnt example for
implementing an unattended installation:

Winnt32 /s:Z:\i386 /unattend 10:Z:\unattend.txt /tempdrive:C

Winnt32.exe uses /unattend: rather then /u: for running an unattended setup. The number following the
/unattend: switch indicates to the setup routine how long it should wait after copying files to automatically
reboot the computer and continue setup. The num command works on Windows NT or Windows 2000 but is
ignored on computers running Windows 9x.

Figure 3.2 shows the steps necessary to run the example unattended installation commands listed previously.

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Figure 3.2 Initiating an unattended installation on computers running 16-bit and 32-bit operating systems

Automating the Installation of Windows 2000 Server

Several methods are available for creating an automated installation of Windows 2000 Server. The method
you choose depends on the desired outcome. In certain situations, installation methods can be combined. For
example, Syspart and Sysprep can be used together in certain setup installation scenarios.

In addition to the basic installation methods described above, you can use the following methods to perform
automated installations of Windows 2000 Server:

 The Winnt32.exe Setup program along with the /syspart parameter

 The System Preparation Tool (Sysprep)
 Systems Management Server (SMS)
 Bootable C D-ROM
 Remote Installation Service (RIS)
These methods either build on or replace the over-the-network unattended installation method described
above. The following table provides details about when to use each installation method:

Installation Method Use Upgrade Clean Installation

Syspart Use Syspart for clean No Yes

installations to
computers that have
dissimilar hardware.

Sysprep Use Sysprep when the No Yes

master computer and
the target computers
have identical or nearly
identical hardware,
including the HAL and
mass storage devices.

SMS Use SMS to perform Yes Yes

managed upgrades of
Windows 2000 Server
to multiple systems,
especially those that
are geographically

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Bootable C D-ROM Use the bootable No Yes

C D-ROM method with a
computer whose BIOS
allows it to boot from
the C D-ROM.

RIS (Remote Use RIS with a Yes Yes

Installation Service) computer that supports
PXE or a bootable RIS
diskette. Either method
allows the computer to
connect to a networked
RIS Server during the
initial boot process and
receive an installation
of Windows 2000
Professional. Pre-Boot
Execution Environment
(PXE) allows a
computer that contains
a PXE ROM to boot to
the network server.
The PXE ROM is either
coded into the system
BIOS or is located on a
NIC as an option ROM.

As of the writing of this kit, RIS can roll out automated installations of Windows 2000 Professional only. It
does not support automated installations of Windows 2000 Server. Future enhancement to RIS might allow
roll-outs of Windows 2000 Server and other operating systems.
The preceding table also shows which installation methods can be used to perform upgrades or clean
installations. Before you can automate the installation of Windows 2000 Server, you must decide if the
installation will be an upgrade from Windows NT Server or a clean installation.

If you do perform a clean installation, note that because an automated installation is unattended, a clean
installation can replace existing partitions or files on existing partitions. Application files and data files can still
remain on partitions, although applications should be reinstalled to reregister them with the new operating
system installation.

Using Syspart

Syspart is executed by including it as a parameter of the Winnt32.exe Setup program. Winnt32 with the
Syspart switch is run on a reference computer to complete the first phase of installation. If the reference
computer and the computers on which you will complete the installation of Windows 2000 Server do not have
similar hardware, you can use the Syspart method. This method reduces deployment time by completing the
file-copy phase of setup on the reference computer, thereby eliminating this step on the computers targeted
or installation.

Syspart requires that you use two physical disks, with a primary partition on the target hard disk. However,
the target hard disk does not need to be located in the master computer. It can be in another computer on a
network, as long as it is a clean disk with no operating systems installed.

If you require a similar installation and operating system configuration on hardware types in which the HALs
or mass storage controllers differ, you can use Syspart to create a master set of files with the necessary
configuration information and driver support. This file set can then be used on dissimilar systems to properly
detect the hardware and consistently configure the base operating system.

After the reference computer is running, connect to the distribution folder and run Setup by executing the
Winnt32.exe program from the command prompt:

winnt32 /unattend:unattend.txt /s:install_source /

syspart:install_target /tempdrive:install_target /noreboot

After running the previous command where install_target equals D, the following structure is created on the
D: drive (Figure 3.3):

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Figure 3.3 The contents of the target computer's D: drive and Boot.ini after running Syspart

The following information provides more details about the parameters and values used when running the
Win32.exe Setup program:

 The Unattend.txt value is the answer file used for an unattended setup. it provides answers to some
or all of the prompts the end user normally responds to during setup. using an answer file is optional
when creating the master file set.
 The install_source value is the location of the Windows 2000 Server files. Specify multiple /s
command line switches if you want to install from multiple sources simultaneously. Figure 3.4 shows a
file copy occurring from two sources. The first source is a network drive, the second source is a local
C D-ROM drive. As the figure shows, up to eight install sources can be specified.

Figure 3.4 The Copy Installation Files screen showing two sources for file copy

 The /syspart and /tempdrive parameters must point to the same partition of a secondary hard disk.
The Windows 2000 Server installation must take place on a primary partition of that secondary hard
disk. Syspart will set the partition to active so that it is bootable.
 The /tempdrive parameter must be used for the Syspart installation to be successful. When you use
the /tempdrive command line switch, make sure you have sufficient free disk space on your second
partition to install both Windows 2000 Server and the installation files it places in $WIN_NT$.~LS.
 The install_drive value is the partition that contains the preinstallation of Windows 2000 Server. The
files on this drive are shown in Figure 3-3.

Syspart will automatically mark the drive as active in preparation for moving it to the target computer.

Using Sysprep

Sysprep is a tool that facilitates creating a disk image of your Windows 2000 Server installation. Disk
duplication is a good choice if you need to install an identical configuration on multiple computers. To use the

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Sysprep tool, you should install Windows 2000 Server on a reference computer. You should also install any
other applications on the reference computer that you want installed on the target computers. Then run
Sysprep followed by a third-party disk imaging utility. Sysprep prepares the hard disk on the master
computer so that the disk imaging utility can transfer an image of the hard disk to the other computers. This
method decreases deployment time dramatically compared to standard or scripted installations.

C reate a C D-ROM containing the disk image or move the image to a network location so that the image can
be used to rapidly set up many identical or nearly identical computers.
To use Sysprep, the master computer and target computers must have identical HALs, Advanced
C onfiguration and Power Interface (AC PI) support, and mass storage devices. Windows 2000 automatically
detects plug and play devices, and Sysprep redetects and re-enumerates the devices on the system when the
computer is turned on after Sysprep has run. This means the plug and play devices, such as network cards,
modems, video adapters, and sound cards, do not have to be the same on the master and target computers.
The major advantage of Sysprep installation is speed. The image can be packaged and compressed and only
the files required for the given configuration are created as part of the image. Additional plug and play drivers
that might be needed on other systems are also created. The image can also be copied to a C D-ROM to be
distributed to remote sites that have slow links.

Because the master and target computers must have identical HALs, AC PI support, and mass storage
devices, you might need to maintain multiple images for your environment.
Sysprep allows you to configure a master image containing the necessary components for a member server
and then later configure the server and optionally promote it to a domain controller. This can be done
manually or by running the commands in the [GuiRunOnce] section of the Sysprep.inf file. For more
information about Sysprep.inf, see the Sysprep Files section later in this chapter.

If your environment includes multiple types of hardware-dependent systems, you can use Syspart in
conjunction with Sysprep to create a master for each type. To do this, you install Windows 2000 on one
computer of each type, and then use the Sysprep utility to help create images to be used on the remaining
computers of each type. For more information about Sysprep, see the "Using Sysprep to Extend Disk
Partitions" section later in this lesson.

Before you begin, choose a computer to use as a reference computer. The reference computer must have
Windows NT Server or Windows 2000 Server installed.

Sysprep can also be used to create installations of Windows 2000 Professional.

The Sysprep Process

The following information provides an overview of the process of building a source computer to use for
Sysprep duplication.

Installing Windows 2000 Windows 2000 Server should be installed on a computer with hardware
similar to the intended target computers. The computer should not be joined to a domain while it is
being built. In addition, the local administrator password should be kept blank.
 Configuring the computer You should be logged on as the administrator when you install and
customize Windows 2000 Server and the associated applications. You might include IIS or install and
configure other services.
 Validating the image You should run a client audit, based on your criteria, to verify that the image
configuration is correct. Remove residual information, including anything left behind from audit and
event logs.
 Preparing the image for duplication Once you are confident the computer is configured exactly
the way you want, the system can be prepared for duplication. This is accomplished by running
Sysprep with the optional Sysprep.inf file, which is described later in this section. When Sysprep has
completed running, the computer will shut down automatically or will indicate that it is safe to be shut
 Duplicating the installation At this point, the computer hard disk is prepared to run plug and play
detection, create a unique SID, and run the Mini-Setup wizard the next time the system is started.
Before continuing the next stage of installation, the system is duplicated by using a third-party
imaging utility such as Norton Utilities Ghost or PowerQuest Drive Image Pro 3.0. The next time
Windows 2000 Server is booted from this hard disk, or from any duplicated hard disk created from
this image, the system will detect and re-enumerate the plug and play devices, create a unique SID,
and run the Mini-Setup wizard to complete the installation and configuration on the target computer.

C omponents that depend on the Active Directory services cannot be duplicated. Local users and groups
should not be created on the member server because new SIDs will not be assigned to these user and group

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Sysprep F iles

To use Sysprep, run Sysprep.exe manually or configure Setup to run Sysprep.exe automatically by using the
[GuiRunOnce] section of the answer file. To run Sysprep, the files Sysprep.exe and Setupcl.exe must be
located in a Sysprep folder at the root of the system drive (%systemdrive%\Sysprep\). To place the files in
the correct location through Setup, you must add these files to your distribution folders under the
$OEM$\$1\Sysprep\ subfolder.

The Sysprep files prepare the operating system for cloning and start the MiniSetup wizard. An optional answer
file, Sysprep.inf, can be included in the Sysprep folder. Sysprep.inf contains default parameters that can be
used to provide consistent responses where appropriate. This limits the requirement for user input, thereby
reducing potential user errors. Sysprep.inf can also be placed on a floppy disk to be placed in the floppy drive
after the boot loader dialog appears. This provides more customized responses and further reduces the initial
boot requirement for the end user. When the MiniSetup wizard has successfully completed its tasks, the
system will reboot one last time, the Sysprep folder and all its contents will be deleted, and the system will be
ready for the user to log on.

The Sysprep files are defined in the following sections:

Sysrep.exe Sysprep.exe has three optional parameters, which are described in the following table.

Parameter Description

-quiet Runs Sysprep without displaying onscreen


-nosidgen Runs Sysprep without regenerating SIDs that are

already on the system. This is useful if you do not
intend to clone the computer on which you are
running Sysprep.

-reboot Automatically reboots the computer after Sysprep

shuts it down, eliminating the need for you to
manually turn the computer back on. In addition,
the -reboot parameter forces a system reboot
after disk duplication is completed so that
MiniSetup (the version of Setup that runs when
there is a duplicated image on the hard disk) will
run automatically. The only time you will want to
use this switch is if you are auditing the Sysprep
process and want to make sure the MiniSetup
wizard is working properly.

Sysrep.inf The Sysprep.inf file is an answer file used during the cloning process to provide unique
configuration information for each of the target computers. It uses the same .ini-like file syntax and key
names (for supported keys) as the Setup answer file (unattend.txt). Sysprep.inf needs to be placed in the
%systemdrive%\Sysprep\ folder or on a floppy disk. If you use a floppy disk, immediately after the system
boots and the boot loader appears, place the floppy disk in the drive; the system will look for an updated
Sysprep.inf on a floppy disk drive. Note that if you do not include Sysprep.inf when running Sysprep, the
MiniSetup wizard will display all the available dialogs listed in the MiniSetup wizard section later in this lesson.

If you use Sysprep.inf when creating the master computer and when running Sysprep, use the floppy disk
method to provide an alternate Sysprep.inf. Locations specified for system files needed during MiniSetup,
such as OEMPnPDriversPath and InstallFilesPath, must remain the same for Sysprep.inf in the distribution
folder and for Sysprep.inf on the floppy disk.

The following script is a sample of a Sysprep.inf file:

;Prompt the user to accept the End Use License Agreement (EULA).
;Use Sysprep's default and regenerate the page file for the system
;to accommodate potential differences in available RAM.
;Provide the location for additional language support files that
;may be needed in a global organization.

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;Specify a non-null administrator password.
;Any password supplied here will take effect only if the original source
;for the image (master computer) specified a non-null password.
;Otherwise, the password used on the master computer will be
;the password used on this computer. This can be changed only by
;logging on as Local Administrator and manually changing the password.
;Set the time zone
;Skip the Welcome screen when the system boots
;Do not skip the regional options dialog so that the user can indicate
;which regional options apply to her or him.

;Prepopulate user information for the system
FullName="Authorized User"
OrgName="Organization Name"

;Promote this computer to a Domain Controller on reboot

;Join the computer to the domain ITDOMAIN

;Bind the default protocols and services to the network card(s) used
;in this computer.

You can change the administrative password by using Sysprep.inf only if the existing administrative password
is null. This is also true if you want to change the administrator password through the Sysprep GUI. For more
information about the answer file sections and commands used with Sysprep.inf, see Appendix B, "Sample
Answer Files for Unattended Setup."

Setupcl.exe The Setupcl.exe file processes Sysprep.inf to determine pages for the MiniSetup wizard and
starts the MiniSetup wizard.

The combination of Sysprep.exe and Setupcl.exe can be used to replace the Rollback.exe tool used in
previous versions of Windows NT.
Mini-Setup Wizard

The MiniSetup wizard starts the first time a computer boots from a disk that has been duplicated by using the
Sysprep tool. The wizard gathers any information needed to further customize the target computer. If you do
not use Sysprep.inf or if you leave some sections of the file blank, the MiniSetup wizard will display screens

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for which no answers were provided in Sysprep.inf.

The screens that the MiniSetup wizard can display include the following:

 Regional options
 User name and company
 C omputer name and administrator password
 Network settings
 Server licensing
 Time zone selection
 Finish/Restart
If you want to bypass these screens, you can specify certain parameters within the Sysprep.inf file. These
parameters are listed in the following table.

Parameter Value

EULA [Unattended]

Regional options [RegionalSettings]



User name and company [UserData]

FullName="User Name"

OrgName="Organization Name"

C omputer name and administrator password [UserData]

C omputerName=W2B32054



Network settings [Networking]

InstallDefaultC omponents=Yes

TAPI settings [TapiLocation]

AreaC ode=425

Time zone selection OEMSkipRegional=1


Finish/Restart NA

Because Setup detects optimal settings for display devices, Display Settings is no longer a screen seen during
Setup or during the MiniSetup wizard. You can specify display settings either in the answer file used to create
the master computer or in the Sysprep.inf file that will be used on the target computer. If the display settings
are in the answer file used on the master computer, Sysprep will retain those settings unless Sysprep.inf
contains different settings or a different video adapter or monitor type is detected that requires different
settings from the master computer.

By using OemSkipEula = Yes, you are accepting the responsibility for agreeing to all licensing stipulations
within the EULA on behalf of the user.

If you run Setup from the network and intend to use Sysprep, you need to configure your network adapters
differently than how it is done by the InstallDefaultC omponents option. You must provide the specific
networking information in Sysprep.inf. If enabling DHC P on all adapters is sufficient and installing Microsoft
C lient for Microsoft Networks, TC P/IP, and File and Print Sharing for Microsoft Networks on all adapters is
sufficient, there is nothing additional you need to specify in Sysprep.inf.

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Running Sysprep

There are two ways to run the Sysprep utility: manually or automatically.

Running Sysprep Manually

After you install Windows 2000 Server, you can use Sysprep to prepare the system for transfer to other
similarly configured computers. To run Sysprep manually, you must first install Windows 2000 Server,
configure the system, and install the applications. Then run Sysprep without the -reboot command line switch.
After the system shuts down, clone the image of the drive to the similarly configured computers.

You can find the Sysprep utility in Deploy.cab, which is located in the \Support\Tools directory of the Windows
2000 Server installation C D-ROM.
When users start up their cloned computers for the first time, the MiniSetup wizard will run, allowing the users
to customize their systems. You can also preassign all or part of the Sysprep configuration parameters by
using Sysprep.inf. The Sysprep folder (which contains Sysprep.exe and Setupcl.exe) is automatically deleted
after Sysprep MiniSetup completes.

The following information provides an overview of how to prepare a Windows 2000 Server installation for

 Preparing the Sysprep folder A Sysprep folder must be created at the root of the drive. The
Sysprep.exe, the Setupcl.exe, and if applicable, the Sysprep.inf files should be copied to the Sysprep
 Running the Sysprep utility The Sysprep utility should be run from a command prompt within the
Sysprep folder. One of the following commands should be used:

Sysprep -reboot
Sysprep /<optional parameter>
Sysprep /<optional parameter> -reboot
Sysprep /<optional parameter 1>…/<optional parameter X>
Sysprep /<optional parameter 1>…/<optional parameter X>
 Running Sysprep without the -reboot switch When a message appears saying that the computer
should be shut down, select the Shut Down command from the Start menu. A third-party
disk-imaging utility can now be used to create an image of the installation.
 Running Sysprep with the -reboot switch The computer reboots automatically and the MiniSetup
wizard runs. The wizard's prompts should be verified. In addition, the system and other applications
can be audited. When auditing is completed, Sysprep should be run again, without the -reboot
command line switch. When a message appears saying that the computer should be shut down,
select the Shut Down command from the Start menu. A third-party disk-imaging utility can now be
used to create an image of the installation.

You can add a C mdlines.txt file to the Sysprep folder to be processed by Setup. This file will run postSetup
commands, including those required for application installation.
Running Sysprep Automatically

The [GuiRunOnce] section of the answer file contains commands to be executed after Setup completes.
You can use the [GuiRunOnce] section to create an installation that completes Setup, automatically logs on
to the computer, runs Sysprep in quiet mode, and then shuts down the computer.

To run Sysprep automatically, the Sysprep files should be added to the distribution folders under
$OEM$\$1\Sysprep\. This will ensure that the files are copied to the correct location on the system drive. In
addition, the last command in the [GuiRunOnce] section of the answer file should be as follows:

%systemdrive%\Sysprep\Sysprep.exe -quiet

If multiple reboots are required, this command should be added as the last item run in the last
[GuiRunOnce] section used.

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If the computer has Advanced Power Management (APM) or AC PI support, Sysprep will automatically shut
down the computer once this process has completed.

Using Sysprep to Extend Disk Partitions

Windows 2000 is designed to extend a partition in GUI mode. This new functionality allows you to create
images that can be extended to take full advantage of hard disks that might have more space than the
original hard disk on the master computer. In addition, it provides a way to reduce the image size needed by
not requiring that the image take up a full hard disk. This maximizes the amount of hard disk space that can
be used. Because Sysprep uses GUI mode, it can take advantage of this functionality.

If your imaging tools allow you to edit the image, you can delete the Pagefile.sys, Setupapi.log, and the
Hyberfil.sys (if applicable) because these files will be re-created when the MiniSetup wizard runs on the target
computer. You must not delete these files on an active system because doing so can cause the system to
function improperly. These files should be deleted, if desired, from the image only.

To extend a hard disk partition when using a third-party imaging product that supports NTFS, you should first
configure the partition on the master computer hard disk to the minimum size required to install Windows
2000 Server with all the desired components and applications. This will help to reduce your overall image size
requirements. You must also modify the answer file used to create the master image by including the
FileSystem = C onvertNTFS option in the [Unattended] section. You should not include ExtendOemPartition
here because you want to maintain the smallest possible image size. Then you can install Windows 2000
Server to the master computer and create an image of the drive. From there, you should place the image on
the target computer where the target computer has the same size system partition as the master computer.
After you reboot the target computer, the MiniSetup wizard will begin and the partition will be extended
almost instantaneously.

Using Systems Management Server

You can use Systems Management Server (SMS) to perform managed upgrades of Windows 2000 Server to
multiple systems, especially those that are geographically dispersed. Note that SMS is used only for
installations to computers that contain a previously installed operating system and are running the SMS client
agent responsible for receiving software installation instructions. Before you use SMS to perform an upgrade,
you should assess your existing network infrastructure, including bandwidth, hardware, and geographical
constraints. The primary advantage of using SMS to upgrade is that you can maintain centralized control of
the upgrade process. For example, you can control when upgrades take place (such as during or after
training, after hardware verification, and after user data is backed up), which computers will be upgraded,
and how you will apply network constraints.

SMS 2.0 contains package definition files (with an .sms extension) that allow you to import Windows 2000
Server installation routines into SMS 2.0 Package and Program settings. After importing the package
definition, provide SMS with a data source for the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM or an accessible
network location containing the Windows 2000 Server distribution files.

Using a Bootable CD-ROM

You can use the bootable C D-ROM method to install Windows 2000 Server on a computer whose BIOS allows
it to boot from a C D-ROM. This method is useful for computers at remote sites with slow links and no local
information technology (IT) department. The bootable C D-ROM method runs Winnt32.exe, which allows for a
fast installation.

You can use the bootable C D-ROM method only for clean installations. To perform upgrades, you must run
Winnt32.exe from within the existing operating system.
To ensure maximum flexibility for setting up Windows 2000 Server, set the boot order in the BIOS as follows:

 Network Adapter for PXE-compliant read-only memory (ROM), this option can be used to support
operating system installation from a ris server.
 CD-ROM for bootable C D-ROM operating system installation.
 Hard Disk for Sysprep or Syspart prepared local disk-based operating system installation.
 Floppy Disk for floppy disk based operating system installation.
To use a bootable C D-ROM for a fully automated operating system installation, the following criteria must be

 Your computer's BIOS must support the El Torito Bootable C D-ROM (no emulation mode) format.
 The answer file must contain a [Data] section with the required keys.
 The answer file must be called Winnt.sif and be located on a floppy disk.
The following information provides an overview of how to install Windows 2000 Server by using a bootable
C D-ROM drive:

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 Booting the system After the Windows 2000 Server C D has been inserted into the C D-ROM drive,
the system should be rebooted.
 Loading the Winnt.sif file After the system reboots, the blue Text mode screen for Windows 2000
Setup appears. The floppy disk that contains the Winnt.sif file should be inserted into the floppy drive.
Once the computer reads the floppy drive, the floppy disk should be removed. Setup will now run
from the C D-ROM drive as specified by the Winnt.sif file.

The bootable C D-ROM method requires that all necessary files be on the C D-ROM. Uniqueness Database Files
(UDFs) cannot be used with this method. UDFs are not usable because a unique identifier is called for each
installation when specifying a UDF file from Winnt.exe or Winnt32.exe.

Lesson Summary

There are four methods available for automating the installation of Windows 2000 Server. The first method is
to run the Winnt32.exe command along with the Syspart parameter. This is the method you should use if the
hardware on the target computers is not similar to the hardware on the master computer. If the hardware is
similar, you can use the Sysprep utility to perform an unattended installation. Sysprep is a tool that facilitates
creating a disk image of your Windows 2000 Server installation. A third option for automating installations is
to use SMS to perform managed upgrades of Windows 2000 Server to multiple systems, especially those that
are geographically dispersed. SMS is used only for installations to computers that contain a previously
installed operating system and the appropriate SMS agent. Finally, one other method available for automated
installations is the bootable C D-ROM. This method is useful for computers at remote sites with slow links and
no local IT department.

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Lesson 3: Automating the Installation of Server Applications

In addition to automating the installation of the Windows 2000 Server operating system, you can automate
the installation of other applications that will reside on your target computers. You can use two methods to
automate the installation of server applications: using the C mdlines.txt file or using the answer file. The
C mdlines.txt file contains a list of commands that are executed during the GUI mode phase of the Windows
2000 installation. The answer file, which allows you to run an unattended installation of Windows 2000 Server,
includes the [GuiRunOnce] section. You can add an application installation program or a batch file to this
section to facilitate automated installation of server applications.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Use the C mdlines.txt file to perform an automated installation of server
 Use the [GuiRunOnce] section of the answer file to perform an
automated installation of server applications
Estimated lesson time: 35 minutes

Using the Cmdlines.txt File

The C mdlines.txt file contains the commands that are executed during the GUI mode phase of the installation
process. Setup executes these commands when installing optional components, such as applications that need
to be installed immediately after Windows 2000 Server is installed. If you plan to use C mdlines.txt, you need
to place the file in the \$OEM$ subfolder of the distribution folder. If you are using Sysprep, place
C mdlines.txt in the \$OEM$\$1\Sysprep subfolder.

You should use the C mdlines.txt file in the following circumstances:

 When you are installing components from the \$OEM$ subfolder of the distribution folders
 When the application you are installing does not configure itself for multiple users, such as Microsoft
Office 95, or it is designed to be installed by one user and to replicate user-specific information
 When you want to log on as a service and you want your changes replicated to all users
The syntax for the C mdlines.txt file is as follows:


The <command_1>, <command_2>, and <command_x> parameters are placeholders for the commands
you want to run and in the order you want them to run when Setup is in the GUI mode and calls C mdlines.txt.
Note that all commands must be in quotation marks.

The C mdlines.txt file runs as a service rather than as a logged-on user with network capability. Therefore,
user-specific information is written to the default user registry, and all subsequently created users also get
that information. In addition, C mdlines.txt requires that you place the files necessary to run an application or
utility in the distribution folders.

Using the Answer File

The [GuiRunOnce] section of the answer file contains a list of commands that are executed the first time a
user logs on to the computer after Setup runs. For example, you would add the following command to the
[GuiRunOnce] section to run Sysprep automatically and in quiet mode:

Command()="%systemdrive%\Sysprep\Sysprep _ quiet"

You need to run Sysprep from [GuiRunOnce] so that you replicate settings to all users.

A new capability of [GuiRunOnce] is to use environment variables, as illustrated in the example above.
Fully qualified paths still work as well.

When using [GuiRunOnce] to initiate an installation, be aware that, if the application forces a reboot, you
need to suppress the reboot. This is important because any time the system reboots, all previous RunOnce
entries are lost. If the system reboots before completing entries previously listed in the RunOnce section, the

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remaining items will not be run.

If there is no way within the application to suppress a reboot, you can try repackaging the application into an
MSI package or an SMS Installer package. VERITAS WinINSTALL LE is included with Windows 2000 Server,
and the SMS Installer is included with SMS 2.0.

Another alternative is to place a command for a tool or application that forces a reboot at the end of a set of
RunOnce commands. This also requires that before rebooting you add additional RunOnce entries to the
registry so that after the reboot, Windows 2000 processes the next set of commands. You can have the first
command that RunOnce executes be a registry edit command:

regedit /s <filename.reg>

The <filename.reg> placeholder is a registry file that is named or enumerated as needed to accomplish what
is desired through multiple reboots. If multiple reboots are required, each <filename.reg> file should include
as the first item a command to load the next set of RunOnce registry entries, until the final set of entries are

You can set the AutoAdminLogonC ount parameter to log on automatically as administrator to the computer.
An automatic logon supports the multiple reboots that might be required. (Up to 99 reboots are supported.) In
addition, a local administrator password (AdminPassword) must be included in the answer file used to install
Windows 2000.

If you are installing an application to multiple localized language versions of Windows 2000, it is
recommended that you test the repackaged application on the localized versions to ensure it copies files to
the correct locations and writes the required registry entries appropriately.
If an application requires a Microsoft Windows Explorer shell in order to be installed, you cannot use the
[GuiRunOnce] section because the shell is not loaded when the Run and RunOnce commands are executed.
C heck with the application vendors to determine if they have an update or patch that can address this for the
application setup. If not, you can repackage the application as an MSI package or use another means of

Applications that use the same type of installation mechanism might not run properly if a /wait command is
not used. This happens when an application installation is running and starts another process. Although the
setup routine is still running by initiating another process and closing an active one, the next routine listed in
the RunOnce registry entries might start. Because more than one instance of the installation mechanism is
running, the second application will usually fail.

Installing Applications

You can use two methods to install applications through the [GuiRunOnce] section of the answer file: using
application installation programs and using a batch file.

Using Application Installation Programs

The preferred method for preinstalling an application is to use the installation routine supplied with the
application. You can do this if the application you are preinstalling is able to run in quiet mode (without user
intervention). Quiet mode usually requires a /q or /s command line switch. See the application help file or
documentation for a list of command-line parameters supported by the installation mechanism.

The following command is an example of a line that you can place in the [GuiRunOnce] section to initiate
the unattended installation of an application. Note that this command uses its own installation program:

<path to setup>\Setup.exe /q

Setup parameters vary between applications. For example, the /l parameter included in some applications is
useful when you want to create a log file to monitor the installation. Some applications have commands that
can keep them from rebooting automatically. This is useful in helping to control application installations with a
minimal number of reboots.

Be sure that you check with the application vendor for information, instructions, tools, and best practices
before you preinstall any application.

You must meet the licensing requirements for any application you install, regardless of how you install it.
Using a Batch F ile to Control How Multiple Applications Are Installed

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If you want to control how multiple applications are installed, you can create a batch file that contains the
individual installation commands and uses the Windows 2000 Start command with the /wait command line
switch. The batch file can be run from the [GuiRunOnce] section of the answer file. Using a batch file
ensures that your applications install sequentially and that each application is fully installed before the next
application begins its installation routine.

The following information provides an overview of how to create the batch file, install the application, and
then remove all references to the batch file after installation is complete:

 Creating the batch file The batch file should contain command lines similar to the following

Start /wait <path>\<setup file> <command line parameters>

Start /wait <path>\<setup file> <command line parameters>


 The <path> placeholder is the path to the executable file that starts the installation. This path
must be available during Setup.
 The <setup file> placeholder is the name of the executable file that starts the installation.
 The <command line parameters> placeholders are any available quiet-mode parameters
appropriate for the application you want to install.
 Copying the batch file The batch file should be copied to the distribution folder or to another
location that can be accessed during installation. If you intend to run Sysprep on the computer to
which you are installing Windows 2000, you can copy the batch file to the Sysprep folder of your
distribution folders. This will make the batch file local to the computer being installed. When the
computer is powered on after Sysprep has been run and the MiniSetup wizard has completed, the
Sysprep folder and all its contents will be deleted. You do not have to delete the batch file through
another process.
 Adding the batch file to the answer file An entry for the batch file should be added to the
[GuiRunOnce] section of the answer file.
 Copying the .lnk file to the source computer The .lnk file should be copied from the source
computer to the $OEM$\$1\documents and settings\all users\start menu\programs\startup folder.
When the computer is restarted and runs in GUI mode, the application is installed and the .lnk file is
deleted from the Startup Group.

Lesson Summary

You can use two methods to automate the installation of server applications. The first is to use the
C mdlines.txt file, which contains the commands that are executed during the GUI mode phase of the
installation process. Setup executes these commands when installing optional components. The second is to
modify the [GuiRunOnce] section of the answer file. This section contains a list of commands that are
executed the first time a user logs on to the computer after Setup runs. If you plan to use the answer file to
install applications, you can use the installation routine supplied with the application, or you can create a
batch file that contains the individual installation commands.

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The following questions are intended to reinforce key information presented in this chapter. If you are unable
to answer a question, review the appropriate lesson and then try the question again. Answers to the questions
can be found in Appendix A, "Questions and Answers."
1. What is the purpose of using the /tempdrive: or /t: installation switches with Winnt32.exe or
Winnt.exe, respectively?
2. You are asked to develop a strategy for rapidly installing Windows 2000 Server for one of your
clients. You have assessed their environment and have determined that the following three
categories of computers require Windows 2000 Server:
 There are 30 unidentical computerconfigurations currently running Windows NT Server 4.0
that need to be upgraded to Windows 2000 server.
 There are 20 identical computers that need a new installation of Windows 2000 Server.
 Remote sites will run a clean installation of Windows 2000 Server. You want to make sure
that they install a standard image of Windows 2000 Server that is consistent with your local
configuration of the operating system. You will provide them with hard disks that they will
install in their servers.
What are the steps for your installation strategy?
3. What is the purpose of the $OEM$ folder and the subfolders created beneath it by Setup Manager?
4. How does C mdlines.txt differ from [GuiRunOnce]?
5. How does Syspart differ from Sysprep?

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Chapter 4
Microsoft Windows 2000 File Systems
About This Chapter

Windows 2000 supports the NT File System (NTFS) and two file allocation table (FAT) file systems, FAT16 and
FAT32, for read and write data storage. Read-only support is provided by the C D-ROM File System (C DFS)
and the Universal Disk Format (UDF). This chapter focuses on the Windows 2000 writable file systems.

The way volumes are structured and files are organized in NTFS is significantly different from FAT. NTFS
version 5.0, the version of NTFS used by Windows 2000, includes several features that support the new
functionality within Windows 2000, functionality that is not supported by FAT and only partially supported by
NTFS in Windows NT 4.0. This chapter introduces you to the basics of disk management and then goes on to
describe FAT and NTFS. The chapter also discusses file and folder security and how it is implemented in a FAT
and NTFS environment.

Before You Begin

To complete the lessons in this chapter, you must have

 Met the requirements as outlined in "About This Book" so that C omputer 1 contains 500 MB of
unallocated (unpartitioned) disk space on the first disk (Disk 0).
 C ompleted the exercises in C hapter 2 and C hapter 3 so that both computers are running Windows
2000 Server and are configured as outlined in the exercises.

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Lesson 1: Disk Management Basics

Before you can install Windows 2000 Server on a hard disk, the portion of the disk that Windows 2000 will use
must be initialized with a storage type, partitioned, and formatted. If the system and boot partition will be
separate, both the disk area to contain the system files and the disk area to contain the operating system
must be partitioned and formatted. This lesson provides an overview of how to configure storage media and
provides information about specific disk maintenance tasks.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Describe disk management concepts
 Identify common disk management tasks
 C reate and configure a dynamic disk
Estimated lesson time: 60 minutes

Setting Up a Hard Disk

Whether you are setting up the remaining free space on a hard disk on which you installed Windows 2000 or
setting up a new hard disk, there are several tasks that must be performed to prepare the disk:

 Initializing the disk with a storage type Initialization defines the fundamental structure of a hard
disk. Windows 2000 supports two types of disk storage structures: basic storage and dynamic
 Creating partitions or volumes You must create partitions on a basic disk or create volumes on a
dynamic disk.
 Formatting the disk After you create a partition or volume, you must format it with a specific file
system—NTFS or one of the two FAT file systems: FAT16 or FAT32. The file system you choose
affects disk operations. This includes how you control user access to data, how data is stored, hard
disk capacity, and which operating systems can gain access to the data on the hard disk.

Storage, Partition, and Volume Types

Before you can decide how to perform the tasks for setting up a hard disk, you must understand the storage
types, partition types, and volume types available in Windows 2000.

Storage Types

Windows 2000 supports two types of disk storage: basic storage and dynamic storage. A physical disk must
be either basic or dynamic; you cannot use both storage types on one disk. You can, however, use both types
of disk storage in a multidisk system, as shown in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1 Basic and dynamic storage types


Windows 2000 storage types are distinct from hardware-level disk array configurations. A disk array is more
commonly known as a redundant array of independent disks (RAID). Hardware-level RAID initially appears to
Windows 2000 as unallocated space. This space is configured by Windows 2000 as either a basic or dynamic
storage type.
Basic Storage

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The traditional industry standard is basic storage. It dictates the division of a hard disk into partitions. A
partition is a portion of the disk that functions as a physically separate unit of storage. Windows 2000
recognizes primary and extended partitions. A disk that is initialized for basic storage is called a basic disk. A
basic disk can contain primary partitions, extended partitions, and logical drives. New disks added to a
computer running Windows 2000 are basic disks.

Since basic storage is the traditional industry standard, MS-DOS, all versions of Microsoft Windows, Windows
NT, and Windows 2000 support basic storage. For Windows 2000, basic storage is the default, so all disks are
basic disks until you convert them to dynamic storage.

A basic disk is backward compatible with Windows NT volume sets, striped sets (RAID-0), mirrored volumes
(RAID-1), and disk striping with parity (RAID-5).

Dynamic Storage

Only Windows 2000 supports dynamic storage. To support dynamic storage, a single partition is created that
includes the entire disk. A disk that you initialize for dynamic storage is a dynamic disk.

Dynamic disks are divided into volumes, which can consist of a portion or portions of one or more physical
disks. A dynamic disk can contain simple volumes, spanned volumes, striped volumes (RAID-0), mirrored
volumes (RAID-1), and striped with parity volumes (RAID-5). You create a dynamic disk by upgrading a basic

Dynamic storage does not have the restrictions of basic storage; for example, you can size and resize a
dynamic disk without restarting Windows 2000.

Removable storage devices contain primary partitions only. You cannot create extended partitions, logical
drives, or dynamic volumes on removable storage devices. You cannot mark a primary partition on a
removable storage device active.
Partition Types (Basic Disks)

You can divide a basic disk into primary and extended partitions. Partitions function as physically separate
storage units. This allows you to separate different types of information, such as user data on one partition
and applications on another. A basic disk can contain up to four primary partitions, or up to three primary
partitions and one extended partition, for a maximum of four partitions. Only one partition can be an
extended partition, as shown in Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2 Partition types

Primary Partitions

Windows 2000 uses primary partitions to start the computer. One of these primary partitions is marked as the
active partition. An active partition is where the hardware looks for the boot files to start the operating
system. Only one partition on a single hard disk can be active at a time. Multiple primary partitions allow you
to isolate different operating systems or types of data. To dual boot Windows 2000 with Microsoft Windows 95
or MS-DOS, the active partition must be formatted as FAT16 because Windows 95 cannot read a partition
formatted as FAT32 or NTFS. To dual boot with Microsoft Windows 95 OSR2 (a later release of Windows 95
that contained enhancements, such as the ability to read partitions formatted with FAT32) or with Windows 98,
the active partition must be formatted as FAT16 or FAT32.

If the active partition is formatted with NTFS, Windows 9x can be started from a floppy diskette. The diskette
contains a pointer to the FAT partition containing Windows 9x.

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The Windows 2000 system partition (also called a system volume in Windows 2000 documentation) is the
active partition that contains the hardware-specific files required to load the operating system. The Windows
2000 boot partition is the primary partition or logical drive where the operating system files are installed. The
boot partition and the system partition can be the same partition. However, the system partition must be on
the active partition, typically drive C , while the boot partition could be on another primary partition or on an
extended partition.

Extended Partitions

An extended partition is created from free space. There can be only one extended partition on a hard disk, so
it is important to include all remaining free space in the extended partition. Unlike primary partitions, you do
not format extended partitions or assign drive letters to them. You divide extended partitions into segments.
Each segment is a logical drive. You assign a drive letter to each logical drive and format it with a file system.

Volume Types (Dynamic Disks)

You can upgrade basic disks to dynamic storage and then create Windows 2000 volumes. C onsider which
volume type best suits your needs for efficient use of disk space, performance, and fault tolerance. Fault
tolerance is the ability of a computer or operating system to respond to a catastrophic event without loss of
data. In Windows 2000, RAID-1 and RAID-5 volumes are fault tolerant.

Simple Volume

A simple volume contains disk space from a single disk and is not fault tolerant. Simple volumes can be
extended onto multiple regions (up to 32 regions) of the same disk. Simple volumes cannot provide fault
tolerance. In fact, they become less fault tolerant than a nonextended disk because extending a simple
volume increases the points of failure on the disk.

Spanned Volume

A spanned volume includes disk space from multiple disks (up to 32). Windows 2000 writes data to a spanned
volume on the first disk, completely filling the space, and continues in this manner through each disk that you
include in the spanned volume. A spanned volume is not fault tolerant. If any disk in a spanned volume fails,
the data in the entire volume is lost.

Mirrored Volume

A mirrored volume consists of two identical copies of a simple volume, each on a separate hard disk. Mirrored
volumes provide fault tolerance in the event of hard disk failure.

Striped Volume

A striped volume (RAID-0) combines areas of free space from multiple hard disks (up to 32) into one logical
volume. In a striped volume, Windows 2000 optimizes performance by adding data to all disks at the same
rate. If a disk in a striped volume fails, the data in the entire volume is lost. Therefore, like extending a
simple volume or creating a spanned volume, RAID-0 is not fault tolerant.

RAID-5 Volume

A RAID-5 volume is a fault-tolerant striped volume. Windows 2000 adds a parity-information stripe to each
disk partition in the volume. Windows 2000 uses the parity-information stripe to reconstruct data when a
physical disk fails. A minimum of three hard disks is required in a RAID-5 volume.

Dynamic Disk and Dynamic Volume Limitations

Dynamic disks that are less fault tolerant than the simple volume, extended simple volume, spanned volume,
or striped volume cannot contain the boot or system partition. This feature is built into Windows 2000 to
provide a baseline of fault tolerance for partitions containing operating system files. Dynamic disks can be
read only by computers running Windows 2000. Thus, dynamic disks cannot be used if you need to dual-boot
another operating system that requires access to the disks configured for dynamic storage. Dynamic volumes
are not supported on portable computers like laptop and notebook computers. Fault-tolerant configurations
(RAID-1 and RAID-5) cannot be created locally on computers running Windows 2000 Professional.

File Systems

Windows 2000 provides read and write support for the NTFS, FAT16, and FAT32 file systems. Although NTFS
and FAT partitions support basic and dynamic disks, you should use NTFS when you require a partition to
have file-level and folder-level security, disk compression, disk quotas, or encryption. Only Windows 2000
and Windows NT can access data on a local hard disk that is formatted with NTFS. If you plan to promote a
server to a domain controller, format the installation partition with NTFS. This is important because NTFS
supports important server-based features such as the Active Directory services and RIS.

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FAT16 and FAT32 allow access by, and compatibility with, other operating systems. To dual boot Windows
2000 and another operating system, format the system partition with either FAT16 or FAT32. FAT does not
offer many of the features that are supported by NTFS, such as file-level security. Therefore, in most
situations, you should format the hard disk with NTFS. The only reason to use FAT16 or FAT32 is for dual
booting. Lesson 2 and Lesson 3 provide more information about FAT and NTFS.

Common Disk Management Tasks

The Disk Management snap-in (Figure 4.3) provides a central location for disk information and management
tasks, such as creating and deleting partitions and volumes. With the proper permissions, you can manage
disks locally and on remote computers.

Figure 4.3 The Disk Management snap-in

You can create a custom MMC and add the Disk Management snap-in to it. The Disk Management snap-in is
also included in the preconfigured C omputer Management MMC on the Administrative Tools menu. The Disk
Management snap-in provides shortcut menus to show you which tasks you can perform on the selected
object, and it includes wizards to guide you through creating partitions and volumes and upgrading disks.

Use the Disk Management snap-in to configure and manage your network storage space. The Disk
Management snap-in can display your storage system in either a graphical view or a list view. You can modify
the display to suit your preferences by using the commands on the View menu.

In addition to monitoring disk information, other disk management tasks that you might need to perform
include adding and removing hard disks and changing the disk storage type. Upgrading a disk to the dynamic
storage type is shown in Figure 4.4.

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Figure 4.4 Upgrading a disk from basic to dynamic storage

Working with Simple Volumes

A simple volume contains disk space from a single disk. You can extend a simple volume to include
unallocated space on the same disk. A simple volume is not fault tolerant; however, you can set up two
simple volumes that are mirrored to one another. You can format a simple volume with NTFS, FAT16, or
FAT32, but you can extend that volume only if it is formatted with NTFS.

You can create a simple volume by selecting Disk Management in the storage section of the C omputer
Management snap-in. On the dynamic disk where you want to create the volume, right-click the unallocated
space and then click C reate Volume. This launches the C reate Volume wizard. The wizard walks you through
the steps necessary to create a simple volume.

To extend an NTFS simple volume, right-click the simple volume you want to extend and click Extend Volume.
This launches the Extend Volume wizard. Follow the instructions on your screen to use unallocated space on
any dynamic disk to extend the existing volume. When you extend a simple volume to another disk, it
becomes a spanned volume.

Working with Spanned Volumes

A spanned volume consists of disk space from multiple disks; spanned volumes enable you to use the total
unallocated space on multiple disks more effectively. You can create spanned volumes only on dynamic disks,
and you need at least two dynamic disks to create a spanned volume. Spanned volumes cannot be part of a
mirror volume or striped volume and are not fault tolerant.

Combining Free Space to Create a Spanned Volume

You create spanned volumes by combining variously sized areas of free space from 2 to 32 disks into one
large logical volume. The areas of free space that make up a spanned volume can be different sizes.
Windows 2000 organizes spanned volumes so that data is stored in the space on one disk until it is full, and
then, starting at the beginning of the next disk, data is stored in the space on the second disk. Windows 2000
continues this process in the same way on each subsequent disk up to a maximum of 32 disks.

By deleting smaller volumes and combining them into one spanned volume, you can free drive letters for
other uses and create a large volume for file system use.

All dynamic disk configurations available in Windows 2000 can be configured to use different technology,
manufacturer, or model controllers in a computer. For example, one dynamic disk in a spanned volume could
be connected to an Integrated Device Electronics (IDE) controller while the other disk is connected to a small
computer system interface (SC SI) controller.
Extending and Deleting

You can extend existing spanned volumes formatted with NTFS by adding free space. Disk Management
formats the new area without affecting any existing files on the original volume. You cannot extend volumes
formatted with FAT16 or FAT32.

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You can extend spanned volumes on dynamic disks onto a maximum of 32 dynamic disks. After a volume is
extended onto multiple disks (spanned), it cannot be part of a mirror volume or a striped volume. After a
spanned volume is extended, no portion of it can be deleted without deleting the entire spanned volume. You
cannot extend a system volume or a boot volume.

Working with Striped Volumes

Striped volumes offer the best performance of all the Windows 2000 Server disk management strategies. In a
striped volume, data is written evenly across all physical disks in 64-kilobyte (KB) units. Because all the hard
disks that belong to the striped volume perform the same functions as a single hard disk, Windows 2000 can
issue and process concurrent I/O commands on all hard disks simultaneously. In this way, striped volumes
can increase the speed of system I/O.

You create striped volumes by combining areas of free space from multiple disks (from 2 to 32) into one
logical volume. With a striped volume, Windows 2000 writes data to multiple disks, similar to spanned
volumes. However, on a striped volume, the operating system writes files across all disks so that data is
added to all disks at the same rate. Like spanned volumes, striped volumes do not provide fault tolerance. If
a disk in a striped volume fails, the data in the entire volume is lost.

You need at least two dynamic disks to create a striped volume, and you can create the striped volume onto
a maximum of 32 disks. However, you cannot extend or mirror striped volumes. The Disk Management
snap-in can be used to create a striped volume. On the dynamic disk where you want to create the striped
volume, right-click the unallocated space and then click C reate Volume. This launches the C reate Volume
wizard. The wizard will walk you through the process of creating a striped volume.

Adding Disks

When you install new disks in a computer running Windows 2000, they are added as basic storage.

Adding New Disks

To add a new disk, install or attach the new physical disk (or disks) and then click Rescan Disks on the Action
menu of the Disk Management snap-in. You must use Rescan Disks every time that you remove or add disks
to a computer. It should not be necessary to restart the computer when you add a new disk to your
computer. However, you might need to restart the computer if Disk Management does not detect the new disk
after you run Rescan Disks.

Adding a Disk That You Remov ed from Another Computer

The process of removing a disk from one computer and installing it into another computer is different from
simply adding a new disk. After you remove the disk from the original computer and install it into the new
computer, use Disk Management to add the disk. To do this, right-click the added disk and then click Import
Foreign Disk. A wizard provides on-screen instructions.

Adding Multiple Disks That You Remov ed from Another Computer

The process of removing multiple disks from one computer and installing them into another computer is much
the same as doing it for a single disk. To add multiple inherited disks, you must remove the disks from the
original computer and install them in the new computer. Then use Disk Management to specify the disks from
the group that you want to add.

When you move a dynamic disk to your computer from another computer running Windows 2000, you can
see and use any existing volumes on that disk. However, if a volume on a foreign disk extends to multiple
disks and you do not move all the disks for that volume, Disk Management will not show the portion of the
volume that resides on the foreign disk.

Changing Storage Type

You can upgrade a disk from basic storage to dynamic storage at any time, with no loss of data. When you
upgrade a basic disk to a dynamic disk, any existing partitions on the basic disk become simple volumes. Any
existing mirrored, striped, or spanned volume sets created with Windows NT 4.0 become dynamic mirrored,
striped, or spanned volumes, respectively. A Windows NT 4.0 stripe set with parity converts to a RAID-5

Any disks to be upgraded must contain at least 1 MB of unallocated space for the upgrade to succeed. Before
you upgrade disks, close any programs that are running on those disks. The following table shows the results
of converting a disk from basic storage to dynamic storage.

Basic disk organization Dynamic disk organization

System partition Simple volume (cannot be extended)

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Boot partition Simple volume (cannot be extended)

Primary partition Simple volume

Extended partition Simple volume for each logical drive and any
remaining unallocated space

Logical drive Simple volume

Volume set Spanned volume

Stripe set Striped volume

Mirror set Mirrored volume

Stripe set with parity RAID-5 volume


You should always back up the data on a disk before converting the storage type.
Upgrading Basic Disks to Dynamic Disks

To upgrade a basic disk to a dynamic disk, right-click the basic disk that you want to upgrade and then click
Upgrade To Dynamic Disk. A wizard provides on-screen instructions. The upgrade process requires that you
restart your computer.

After you upgrade a basic disk to a dynamic disk, you can create volumes with improved capabilities on the
disk, but the disk cannot contain primary or extended partitions. Only Windows 2000 can access dynamic

Reverting to a Basic Disk from a Dynamic Disk

You must remove all volumes from the dynamic disk, so that the entire disk is unallocated space, before you
can change it back to a basic disk. To change a dynamic disk back to a basic disk, right-click the dynamic
disk (all unallocated space) that you want to change back to a basic disk and then click Revert To Basic Disk.

C onverting a dynamic disk to a basic disk causes all data to be lost.

Viewing and Updating Information

The Properties dialog box for a selected disk or volume provides a concise view of all the pertinent

Disk Properties

To view disk properties in Disk Management, right-click the name of a disk in the Graphical View window
(don't click one of its volumes) and then click Properties. Figure 4.5 shows the disk properties screen.

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Figure 4.5 The properties of disk 0 appearing in the Disk Management snap-in

The following table describes the information displayed in the Properties dialog box for a disk.

Category Description

Disk The number for the disk in the system, for

example, Disk 0, Disk 1, Disk 2, and so on

Type Type of storage (basic, dynamic, or removable)

Status Online, offline, foreign, or unknown

C apacity The total capacity for the disk

Unallocated Space The amount of available unused space on the

disk. This does not show free space on basic disk
partitions or dynamic disk volumes.

Device Type IDE, SC SI, or enhanced IDE (EIDE). Also shows

the IDE channel (primary or secondary) on which
an IDE disk resides and the port, target ID, and
LUN number for SC SI disk identification

Hardware Vendor The hardware vendor for the disk and the disk

Adapter Name The type of controller to which the disk is


Volumes contained on this disk The volumes that exist on the disk and their total

Volume Properties

To view volume properties in Disk Management, right-click a volume in the Graphical View window or in the
Volume List window and then click Properties. Figure 4.6 shows the Properties dialog box for the local volume.

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Figure 4.6 The Properties dialog box for the local volume

The following table describes the tabs in the Properties dialog box for a volume.

Tab Description

General Lists the volume label, type, file system, and

used and free space. C lick Disk C leanup to delete
unnecessary files. NTFS volumes list two options:
(1) C ompress drive to save disk space and (2)
Allow Indexing Service to index this drive for fast
file searching.

Tools Provides a single location from which you can

perform volume error checking, backup, and
defragmentation tasks.

Web Sharing Used to share specified folders through Internet

Information Services (IIS). This tab appears only
if IIS is installed on Windows 2000 Server or if
Personal Web Server is installed on Windows
2000 Professional.

Sharing Used to set network-shared volume parameters

and permissions.

Hardware Used to check properties of the physical disks

installed on the system and to troubleshoot them.

Security Used to set NTFS access permissions. This tab is

available only for NTFS version 4.0 and 5.0
volumes. (Windows 2000 uses NTFS version 5.0.)

Quota Used to set user quotas for NTFS 5.0 volumes.

Refresh and Rescan

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When you are working with Disk Management, you might need to update the information in the display. The
two commands for updating the display are Refresh and Rescan.

Refresh updates drive letter, file system, volume, and removable media information and determines whether
unreadable volumes are now readable. To update drive letter, file system, and volume information, click
Action and then click Refresh.

Rescan Disks updates hardware information. When Disk Management rescans disks, it scans all attached
disks for disk configuration changes. It also updates information on removable media, C D-ROM drives, basic
volumes, file systems, and drive letters. Rescanning disks can take several minutes, depending on the
number of hardware devices installed. To update disk information, click Action and then click Rescan Disks.

If you are running the C omputer Management snap-in, select the Disk Management node or any object within
this node to start a refresh or rescan operation.

Managing Disks on a Remote Computer

As a member of the Administrators group or the Server Operators group, you can manage disks on a
computer running Windows 2000 that is a member of the same workgroup, domain, or a trusted domain from
any other computer running Windows 2000 in the network.

To manage one computer from another computer—remote management—create a Microsoft Management

C onsole (MMC ) that is focused on the remote computer. MMC is discussed in more detail in C hapter 5,
"Administration and Management Tools."

Exercise 1: Configuring a Simple Disk and Converting It to a Dynamic Disk

This exercise requires that Windows 2000 Server has been installed as outlined in C hapter 2 and that
unallocated disk space is available on Server01 as specified in "About This Book."
 Procedure 1: Installing F TP
On Server01, you will install FTP Server in order to complete steps in Procedure 2. See C hapter 14, Lesson 2:
Administering a Web Environment, for details on this server service.
1. Insert the Windows 2000 Server C D-ROM into the C D-ROM drive.
2. C lick the Start button, point to Settings, and then click C ontrol Panel.
C ontrol Panel appears.
3. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
The Add/Remove Programs window appears.
4. In the left pane, click Add/Remove Windows C omponents.
The Windows C omponents wizard appears.
5. In the C omponents box, click once on the Internet Information Services (IIS) and then click the
Details button.
The Internet Information Services (IIS) dialog box appears.
6. In the Subcomponents of Internet Information Services (IIS) box, select the File Transfer Protocol
(FTP) Server check box.
7. C lick OK.
The Windows C omponents wizard appears.
8. C lick Next.
The C onfiguring C omponents screen appears as the configuration changes you requested are made.
After a few minutes, the C ompleteing the Windows C omponents Wizard screen appears.
9. C lick Finish.
The Add/Remove Programs window appears.
10. C lick C lose.

C ontrol Panel appears.

11. C lose C ontrol Panel.

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 Procedure 2: Using the Disk Management snap-in

On Server01, you create multiple primary partitions and an extended partition in the unallocated portion of
Disk 0. To begin this procedure, log on to Server01 as Administrator with a password of "password."
1. C lick the Start button, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click C omputer
The C omputer Management snap-in appears.
2. From the left pane, expand the Storage node and then select Disk management.
The Volume List window (top) and the Graphical View window (bottom) appear in the right pane.
Notice that Disk 0 displays a C : primary partition and the remainder of disk space unallocated.
3. C lick on the unallocated space in the Graphical View.
4. On the Action menu, click All Tasks and then select C reate Partition.
The C reate Partition wizard appears.
5. Read the information on the Welcome To The C reate Partition wizard, and then click Next.
6. From the Select Partition Type screen, verify that the Primary Partition radio button is selected and
then click Next.
7. From the Specify Partition Size screen, change the Amount Of Disk Space To Use value to 50 and
click Next.
8. From the Assign Drive Letter Or Path screen, change the Assign a: drive letter to H: and click Next.
9. From the Format Partition screen, verify that Format This Partition With The Following Settings radio
button is selected, click the Perform A Quick Format check box, and then click Next.
10. Review the information appearing on the C ompleting The C reate Partition Wizard screen, and then
click Finish.
After Windows 2000 Server has completed the create partition request, an H: partition will appear in
the Graphical View window.
11. If a System C hange message box appears asking you to restart your computer, click Yes to restart
the computer. Once the restart is complete, log on to the computer again as Administrator with a
password of "password."
12. Following the previous steps in this procedure, create the following disk configurations in the
unallocated disk space on Disk0. Use the table to replace values in the previous procedure:
Partition type Size (MB) Disk driv e F ormat

Primary 100 I FAT32

Extended Remaining unallocated N/A N/A

13. Review the settings for drives H: and I: in the Volume View window. Notice that the free space
appearing in the Graphical View window does not contain any drive letters. This area is the extended
partition in which you will assign logical drives.
14. From the Graphical View window, click on the Free Space box in the extended partition.
15. On the Action menu, select All Tasks and then choose C reate Logical Drive.

The C reate Partition wizard appears.

16. Read the information on the Welcome To The C reate Partition Wizard screen, and then click Next.
17. From the Select Partition Type screen, verify that the Logical Drive radio button is selected and then
click Next.
18. On the Specify Partition Size screen, change the Amount Of Disk Space To Use value to 150 and then
click Next.
19. On the Assign Drive Letter or Path screen, select the Mount This Volume At An Empty Folder That
Supports Drive Paths radio button and then click Browse.
The Browse For Drive Path dialog box appears.
20. Expand the C :\ drive and then expand Inetpub.
21. C lick on the ftproot subfolder, and then click OK.

The Mount This Volume At An Empty Folder That Supports Drive Paths radio button shows the path:
C :\Inetpub\ftproot.
22. C lick Next.
23. From the Format Partition screen, quick format the partition for NTFS, change the volume label to
FTPVol, and enable file and folder compression.
24. C lick Next.
25. Review the information on the C ompleting The C reate Partition Wizard screen, and then click Finish.

Notice that because this procedure did not ask that you specify volume names, the I: and J:
partitions show the volume names of NEW VOLUME (H:) and NEW VOLUME (I:) respectively.
26. To change the volume names, click on NEW VOLUME (H:) in the Volume View or Graphic View

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27. From the Action menu, choose All Tasks and then Properties.

The New Volume (H:) Properties dialog box appears.

28. In the Label text box, delete New Volume and then click OK.
29. Repeat the last three steps on NEW VOLUME (I:).

Your disk configuration for Disk0 should now be:

Driv e/Path F ormat Type Purpose

C: NTFS Primary System (also the Boot

partition, although this
does not appear in the
Disk Management MMC

H: NTFS Primary Unused

I: FAT32 Primary Unused

C :\InetPub\ftproot NTFS Extended Files saved to

c:\InetPub\ftproot are
redirected to this disk

N/A N/A Extended Free space. (The

amount of free space
will vary based on the
size of Disk0.)
30. To check that FTPVol is a partition available to C :\Inetpub\ftproot, open the Windows Explorer.
31. Expand My C omputer from the left pane, and then expand C :\Inetpub.

Notice that ftproot appears as a drive icon. Any files stored on C :\Inetpub\ftproot are redirected to
the FTPVol in the extended partition.
32. C lose the Windows Explorer and close the C omputer Management snap-in.

Lesson Summary

Before you can store data on a new hard disk, the disk must be initialized with a storage type, partitioned,
and formatted. Windows 2000 supports basic storage and dynamic storage. A basic disk can contain primary
partitions, extended partitions, and logical drives in the extended partition. For Windows 2000, basic storage
is the default, so all disks are basic disks until you convert them to dynamic disks. Dynamic storage creates a
single partition that includes the entire disk. You divide dynamic disks into volumes, which can consist of a
portion or portions of one or more physical disks. The Disk Management snap-in provides a central location
for disk information and management tasks, such as creating and deleting partitions and volumes. With the
proper permissions, you can manage disks locally or on remote computers. In addition to monitoring disk
information, other disk management tasks you might need to perform include adding and removing hard
disks and changing the disk storage type.

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Lesson 2: File Allocation Table (FAT)

Windows 2000 supports two versions of the FAT file system: FAT16 and FAT32. This lesson provides an
overview of both file system versions and their use within the Windows 2000 operating system.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Describe the Windows 2000 FAT16 file system
 Describe the Windows 2000 FAT32 file system
Estimated lesson time: 25 minutes

Introduction to the FAT File System

The FAT file system was designed when disks were smaller and folder structures were simple. To protect the
file system, two copies of the file allocation table are stored on the volume. In the event that one copy of the
table is corrupted, the other table is used. The file allocation table is stored in a specified byte offset so that
the files needed to start the system can be located.

FAT16 works the same in Windows 2000 as it does in MS-DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows 95, and Windows 98.
FAT32 works the same in Windows 2000 as it does in Windows 95 OSR2 and Windows 98. You can install
Windows 2000 on an existing FAT primary partition or logical drive. When running Windows 2000, you can
move or copy files between FAT and NTFS volumes.

You cannot use Windows 2000 with any compression or partitioning software that requires disk drivers to be
loaded by MS-DOS. Therefore, you cannot use MS-DOS 6.0 DoubleSpace or MS-DOS 6.22 DiskSpace on a
FAT primary partition or logical drive that you want to access when running Windows 2000.

The FAT16 File System

The FAT disk format is organized into sectors. Each sector can store 512 bytes of data. This is the smallest
unit that is used when reading or writing to or from the disk.

Although the sector is the smallest unit used when transferring data to and from a FAT partition, the cluster
(also called an allocation unit) is the smallest unit the operating system uses when allocating file storage
space on a FAT partition. The size of the cluster varies from drive to drive, depending on the size of the
partition. The default cluster size is determined by the partition size and can be as large as 64 KB.

The file allocation table identifies each cluster in the partition as one of the following:

 Unused
 C luster in use by a file
 Bad cluster
 Last cluster in a file

Volumes less than 16 MB will usually be formatted for 12-bit FAT, but the exact size depends on the disk
geometry. FAT12 was the original implementation of FAT. It is intended for very small media. By taking less
space for each FAT entry, the space consumed by the FAT itself is smaller. Therefore, more space is available
for data as opposed to on-disk file system structures. C urrently, users might see FAT12 on very small or old
media. For example, 3.5-inch floppies are FAT16, whereas 5.25-inch floppies are FAT12.
Figure 4.7 illustrates the structure of a FAT16 volume. The root folder contains an entry for each file and
folder on the volume. The only difference between the root folder and other folders is that the root folder is
on a specified location on the disk and has a fixed size of 512 table entries per disk drive. The number of
entries on a floppy disk depends on the size of the disk.

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Figure 4.7 Structure of a FAT16 volume

Folders have a 32-byte entry for each file and folder contained in the folder. The following table lists the
components of the file and folder entries:

Entry component Bits

Name 8.3 format

Attribute 8

C reate time 24

C reate date 16

Last access date 16

Last modified time 16

Last modified date 16

Starting cluster number in FAT 16

File size 32

There is no organization to the FAT folder structure. Files are given the first available location on the volume.
The starting cluster number is the address of the first cluster used by the file. Each cluster contains a pointer
to the next cluster in the file or a hex indicator (0xFFFF) that this cluster is the end of the file.

The information in the folder is used by all operating systems that support the FAT file system. Windows NT
operating systems can store additional time stamps in a FAT folder entry. These time stamps show when the
file was created or last accessed; they are used principally by portable operating system interface standard
(POSIX) applications.

Because all entries in a folder are the same size, the attribute byte for each entry in a folder describes what
kind of entry it is. For example, one bit indicates that the entry is for a subfolder, and another bit marks the
entry as a volume label. Normally, only the operating system controls the settings of these bits.

The attribute byte includes four bits that can be turned on or off by the user:

 Archive file
 System file
 Hidden file
 Read-only file
The FAT16 file system is included in Windows 2000 to support backward compatibility with previous Windows
products. In addition, FAT16 offers widespread compatibility with many other non-Microsoft operating

As in previous versions, the maximum FAT16 partition size in Windows 2000 is 4 gigabytes (GB). The default
cluster size is determined by the size of the partition. The following table shows the default cluster sizes for
FAT16 volumes:

Partition size Sectors per cluster Cluster size

0 MB-32 MB 1 512 bytes (equivalent to the

partition sector size)

33 MB-64 MB 2 1024 bytes

65 MB-128 MB 4 2048 bytes

129 MB-256 MB 8 4096 bytes

256 MB-512 MB 16 8192 bytes

512 MB-1024 MB 32 16 KB

1024 MB-2048 MB 64 32 KB

2048 MB-4096 MB 128 64 KB

You can specify a different cluster size if you use the Format utility with the /a:size switch from the command
prompt to format the partition. However, default settings are strongly recommended for general use.

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Disks that can support sector sizes greater than 512 bytes can create 128 KB and 256 KB clusters. However,
the larger the cluster size the greater the potential for wasting disk space. Large cluster sizes are ideal for
very large files like databases.

The FAT32 File System

The main benefit of FAT32 is its ability to support partitions larger than those handled by FAT16. FAT16
supports partitions up to 4 GB in size, while FAT32 supports partitions up to 2047 GB. However, Windows 2000
FAT32 implementations are limited to creating 32-GB volumes, although existing FAT32 volumes greater than
32 GB can be mounted. Except for this partition-formatting limit, the FAT32 on-disk format and features are
the same on Windows 2000 as they are on Windows 95 OSR2 and Windows 98.

To maintain the greatest compatibility possible with existing programs, networks, and device drivers, FAT32 is
implemented with as little change as possible to existing FAT16 architecture, internal data structures,
application programming interfaces (APIs), and on-disk format.

However, because 4 bytes are now required in the table to store cluster values, many internal and on-disk
data structures and published APIs have been revised or expanded. In some cases, existing APIs have been
disabled to prevent legacy disk utilities from damaging the FAT32 drive. However, most programs will be
unaffected by these changes. Existing FAT tools and drivers should continue to work on FAT32 partitions.
MS-DOS operating system disk tools must be revised to support FAT32 drives.

FAT32 Partition Structure

The major benefit of FAT32 over FAT16 is the larger partition sizes it can support. FAT32 breaks the 4-GB
partition limit by extending partition capacity. If you format a partition with FAT16, you have to specify at
least a 32-KB cluster to support a 4-GB or larger partition.

The largest possible file for a FAT32 drive is 4 GB minus 2 bytes. FAT32 includes 4 bytes per cluster within the
file allocation table. This differs from the FAT16 file system, which contains 2 bytes per cluster.

A FAT32 partition must have at least 65,527 clusters, and the partition cluster size cannot be increased. Figure
4.8 illustrates the structure of a FAT32 partition.

Figure 4.8 Structure of a FAT32 volume

FAT16 and FAT32 file systems do not scale well. As the volume gets bigger, the file allocation table gets
bigger. One disadvantage of a large file allocation table is that it dramatically increases the amount of time it
takes the operating system to compute how much free space is on the boot volume upon reboot.

The file allocation table is a packed list of 32-bit entries that have a one-to-one mapping with the data
clusters. The folder structure of FAT32 is used in the same way that Windows 95 implements long file names.
The only difference is the addition of the cluster high-word field in directory entries that access cluster

File System Limits

The maximum size of a FAT32 volume is limited by the maximum number of FAT entries, the number of
sectors per cluster, and the 32-bit sector count in the partition record. (Sectors of 512 bytes each are

The following table maps the maximum partition size possible per cluster size:

Cluster size Maximum v olume size

512 bytes 127.9 GB

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1 KB 255.9 GB

2 KB 511.9 GB

4 KB 1023.9 GB or 1 Terabyte (TB)

8 KB 2047 GB (2 TB)

16 KB 2047 GB (2 TB)

32 KB 2047 GB (2 TB)

Keep in mind that Windows 2000 limits partition size to 32 GB but will mount larger FAT32 partitions created in
other operating systems such as Windows 98.

Lesson Summary

The FAT file system was designed for small disks and simple folder structures. Windows 2000 supports two
versions of the FAT file system: FAT16 and FAT32. A partition formatted with FAT16 is divided into 512 byte
sectors and files are written to the disk in clusters, also known as allocation units. The default cluster size is
determined by the partition size, and it can be as small as 4 KB, or 8 sectors, or as large as 64 KB, or 128
sectors. The main benefit of FAT32 is its ability to support partitions larger than those handled by FAT16.
FAT16 supports partitions up to 4 GB in size, while FAT32 can handle partitions as large as 2047 GB in size.
Windows 2000 will format a partition with FAT32 only up to 32 GB in size, but it can mount FAT32 partitions
that are 2047 GB in size. FAT32 was implemented with as little change as possible to existing FAT16
architecture, internal data structures, application programming interfaces (APIs), and on-disk format.

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Lesson 3: NT File System (NTFS)

Windows 2000 comes with a new version of NTFS. This newest version, NTFS version 5.0, provides
performance, reliability, and compatibility not found in FAT. The NTFS data structures allow you to take
advantage of new features in Windows 2000, such as Active Directory services, management software, and
the storage features based on reparse points. NTFS includes security features required for file servers and
high-end personal computers in a corporate environment, and it also includes data access control and
ownership privileges important for data integrity.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Describe the Windows 2000 NTFS file system
Estimated lesson time: 45 minutes

Introduction to NTFS

Microsoft recommends that you format all Windows 2000 partitions with NTFS, except multiple-boot
configurations where non-Windows 2000 and non-Windows NT operating systems are necessary. Formatting
your Windows 2000 partitions with NTFS instead of FAT allows you to use features available only on NTFS,
including recoverability and compression. The recoverability designed into NTFS is such that a user should
seldom have to run a disk repair program on an NTFS volume. NTFS guarantees the consistency of the
volume by using standard transaction logging and recovery techniques. In addition, Windows 2000 supports
compression on a folder or individual file basis for NTFS partitions. Files compressed on an NTFS partition can
be read and written by any application running in Windows 2000 without first being decompressed by another

NTFS supports all Windows 2000 operating system features. It provides faster access speed than FAT and
minimizes the number of disk accesses required to find a file. In addition, NTFS allows you to set local
permissions on files and folders that specify which groups and users have access to them. This includes
setting the level of access that is permitted. NTFS file and folder permissions apply both to users working at
the computer where the file is stored and to users accessing the file over the network when the file is in a
shared folder. With NTFS you can also set share rights that operate on shared folders in combination with file
and folder permissions. FAT only supports share rights.

Do not configure share folder rights on NTFS partitions. Instead, configure local NTFS permissions.

Features of Windows 2000

All the new features and enhancements in Windows 2000 are supported by the NTFS file system. This section
outlines many of these features and how they relate to NTFS.

Reparse Points

Reparse points are new file system objects in NTFS used in Windows 2000. A reparse point is a file or a
directory that has user-controlled data stored in the system-administered reparse attribute. The reparse
attribute is used by file system filters to enhance the normal behavior of files or directories present in the
underlying file system. Thus, a file or a directory that contains a reparse point acquires additional behavior
not present in the underlying file system.

Reparse points enable layered file system filters to add user-controlled behavior to a file or to a directory.
The underlying mechanism in a reparse point modifies the typical filename parsing process, forcing its restart
with a new, user-controlled context. If the reparse point contains private reparse data, this reparse data is
returned in an appropriate buffer and made available to all file system filters in the system.

Reparse tags are used to differentiate reparse points. When a file system object with a reparse point attribute
is encountered during pathname resolution, it is passed back up the file system driver stack for an I/O
reparse. The file system filter handles the I/O reparse, which includes identifying the reparse tag. File system
drivers execute specific I/O functionality. These drivers use the reparse tag and a globally unique identifier
(GUID) to identify I/O calls they are responsible for. Although the reparse tag itself is unique, the GUID
provides additional identification.

When a user accesses a directory that has a directory junction reparse point attribute associated with it, a
series of actions occur:
1. A user opens Windows 2000 Explorer and double-clicks on an NTFS directory in a Windows 2000
2. The call goes from User mode to Kernel mode where it reaches the file system object and encounters
the matching reparse point attribute.
3. Each installable file system filter driver in the Windows 2000 I/O stack examines the tag associated
with the reparse point. If there is a match, the associated file system filter driver intercepts the call.
File system filters examine calls both inbound and outbound.
4. The NTFS directory junction filter driver intercepts the call and executes the enhanced functionality
associated with the reparse point. In the case of a directory junction, the driver mounts another

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5. The file system driver returns the call to the calling application. The file system driver mounts
another namespace and returns a handle to the calling function.

If the directory junction is removed, the reparse point will not be present. Therefore, the call to open a
directory will not be intercepted by one of the file system filter drivers in the I/O stack, resulting in normal
Windows 2000 allows the relative order of the file system stack to be altered. Using information stored in the
registry, a filter can be placed above or below another filter. NTFS is always placed below the file system
filters that require NTFS as a service and above the device drivers that are used by NTFS.

The Windows 2000 I/O subsystem builds the appropriate data structures to service requests and orchestrates
the calling of the layers in turn. After a function has been processed by the stack, the Windows 2000 I/O
subsystem examines the result of the operation and either issues further work requests or fails work requests
that have been executing normally.

Two of the file system enhancements that reparse points provide include the following:

 Hierarchical storage management Unused files are automatically archived to less expensive
media like tape or removable drive. When a user attempts to access a file that has been archived,
the reparse point assists the operating system in locating the file on alternative media. To the user,
the file does not appear to be archived.
 Volume mount point Allows the user to view multiple disk volumes as a single drive.

Native Structured Storage

Native Structured Storage (NSS) is a new function of Windows 2000. NSS allows ActiveX documents to be
physically stored in the same multistream format that ActiveX uses to logically process structured storage.
The NSS file system filter makes a file on the disk look like an OLE-structured storage file. The result is
improved efficiency in the physical storage of ActiveX compound documents. Each of the embedded object's
data now resides in its own stream within a file. Updating an object means that a new stream is created for
the new object and that the original stream for the object is destroyed, causing the file system to reclaim the
disk space. The NSS file system filter makes all of this appear transparent to an application. The NSS filter
also allows an NSS file to be copied to a floppy, converting the file to the old file format and vice versa.

Windows 2000 requires a reparse point be placed on any file that uses NSS. A reparse point in a file performs
the following functions:

 Indicates that the file has multiple streams

 Instructs a file system filter driver to translate the multiple streams into a single stream when the file
is migrated to file systems that do not support NSS

Disk Quotas

Administrators can now limit the amount of disk space users can consume on a server. Disk Quotas is a
powerful tool used to monitor and constrain disk space usage. Administrators can manage storage growth in
distributed environments. Disk quotas, which are implemented in NTFS, are used in Windows 2000 on a per
partition basis. Disk quotas are described in more detail in C hapter 13, "Monitoring and Optimization."

Sparse File Support

Sparse files allow programs to create very large files but to consume disk space only as needed. NTFS
deallocates sparse data streams and maintains only non-sparse data as allocated. When a program accesses
a sparse file, the file system yields allocated data as actual data and deallocated data as zeros.

A user-controlled file system attribute can be set to take advantage of the sparse file function in NTFS. With
the sparse file attribute set, the file system can deallocate data from anywhere in the file and, when an
application calls, yield the zero data by range instead of storing and returning the actual data. File system
APIs allow for the file to be copied or backed as actual bits and sparse stream ranges. The net result is
efficiency in file system storage and access.

A sparse file contains an attribute that causes the I/O subsystem to interpret the file's data based on allocated
ranges. All meaningful or non-zero data is allocated, whereas all nonmeaningful data (large strings of data
composed of zeros) is simply not allocated. When a sparse file is read, allocated data is returned as stored,
and nonallocated data is returned, by default, as zeros in accordance with the C 2 security requirement

Sparse F ile Utilization

NTFS includes full sparse file support for both compressed and uncompressed files. Disk allocation is required
for specified ranges only. NTFS handles read operations on sparse files by returning allocated data and
sparse data defined by file map ranges. It is possible to read a sparse file as allocated data and range data
without having to retrieve the entire data set. This is desirable for applications that want to efficiently handle

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sparse files in their operations. By default, NTFS returns the entire data set.

Data streams with an NTFS sparse attribute set have two allocation definitions. The first is the virtual
AllocatedLength, which is rounded up to a cluster boundary greater than or equal to the size of the stream.
The second is TotalAllocatedLength, which represents the actual disk clusters allocated to the stream.
TotalAllocatedLength will always be less than or equal to the AllocatedLength.

An example of sparse file utilization is a scientific application that might require 1 TB of storage for data used
in a matrix. Actual meaningful data in the matrix might account for only 1 MB. With the sparse file attribute
set, the file system can deallocate from anywhere in the file and yield the zero data to calling applications by
range, instead of storing and returning the actual data. The result is that file access requests are satisfied with
the correct bits and disk space is managed efficiently. File system APIs allow the file to be copied or backed
up as actual bits and sparse stream ranges. The net result is efficiency in file system storage and access.

Link Tracking and Object Identifiers

Windows 2000 provides a service that enables client applications to track link sources that have been moved
locally or within a domain. C lients that subscribe to the link tracking service can maintain the integrity of their
references, because the referenced objects can be moved transparently. Link tracking stores a file object
identifier as part of its tracking information. This feature allows shortcuts to resolve the correct path of a
folder or file after it has been moved.

The distributed link tracking service maintains file links if the link source file is moved from one NTFS version
5.0 volume to another within the same domain. File links are also maintained if the name of the machine that
holds the link source is renamed, the network shares on the link source machine are changed, or the volume
holding the link source file is moved to another machine within the same domain.

Change Journal

The Change Journal is a sparse stream that creates a persistent log to track file information about additions,
deletions, and modifications for each NTFS volume. This is useful for applications that need to know what has
occurred on a particular volume. File system indexing, replication managers, remote storage, and incremental
backup applications are a few examples of applications that can benefit from the C hange Journal.

With the C hange Journal, only a small active range of the file uses any disk allocation. The active range
initially begins at offset 0 in the stream and moves forward through the file. The Unique Sequence Number
(USN) of a particular record represents its virtual offset in the stream. As the active range moves forward
through the stream, earlier records are deallocated and become unavailable. The size of the active range in a
sparse file can be adjusted.

The C hange Journal is much more efficient than time stamps or file notifications for determining changes in a
given namespace. A system administrator can view volume changes without resorting to namespace

Change Journal Awareness

The C hange Journal will not affect a storage application unless it is specifically used by that application. The
C hange Journal operates in a bounded space. It is based on a sparse data stream that allows for deallocation
from the front of a file. Therefore, change entries can be removed and any application that depends on these
entries must be prepared to deal with this event. The C hange Journal records data on a per volume basis. It
is applicable only to NTFS used in Windows 2000 volumes.

Unique Sequence Number

The USN Journal provides a persistent log of all changes made to files on the volume. Applications can consult
the USN Journal for information about the modifications made to a set of files. The USN Journal is more
efficient than checking time stamps or registering for file notifications.

When a user, an administrator, or another domain controller updates a directory object, the directory object's
controller assigns that change a USN. Each controller maintains its own update sequence numbers and applies
each one incrementally to each directory change made to that controller's directory. In addition, each domain
controller maintains a table of USNs it has received from every other controller in the domain.

When the domain controller writes the change into the directory, it also writes the USN of the change with the
property. This is an atomic operation (a procedure that is considered one indivisible process), so when the
controller writes the property change and the change's USN, it will either succeed completely or fail

CD and DVD Support

Windows 2000 supports C DFS, UDF, and digital video disc (DVD) storage devices.

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CD-ROM F ile System

Windows 2000 continues to provide read-only support for C DFS, which is ISO 9660 compliant. Windows 2000
also supports long filenames as listed in the ISO 9660 level two standards.

When creating a C D-ROM to be used under Windows 2000, the following standards must be followed:

 All directory names and filenames must be less than 32 characters.

 All directory names and filenames must be in capital letters.
 The directory tree cannot exceed eight levels from the root.
 File extensions are not mandatory.

C DFS does not support lowercase filenames. When an attempt to access a lowercase filename or directory on
a C D-ROM is made, the error message "File Not Found" appears.
Universal Disk Format

The UDF, which is new for Windows 2000, is a file system designed for interchanging data on DVD and C D.
The primary intention of UDF is to support read-only DVD-ROM media. UDF is a standards-based file system
that is ISO 13346 compliant.

The following table outlines the restrictions and requirements defined in the UDF specification:

Item Requirement

Logical/Physical Sector Size The logical and physical sector size for a specific
volume will be the same.

Logical Block Size The logical block size for a logical volume should
be set to the logical sector size of the volume.

Volume Set Physical Sector Size The physical sector size within all media of the
same volume set should have the same physical
sector size.

With UDF, multivolume support and multipartition support are optional. Media support is limited to rewrite,
overwrite, and write once, read many (WORM) media only. Windows 2000 provides native read-only support
for UDF. Rewrite, overwrite, and WORM capability must be provided by third-party applications.

DVD Support

One of the new storage devices that Windows 2000 supports is DVD. DVD has a capacity nearly 20 times that
of a regular C D, so a user can store several video demos for a client presentation and still have room for
other material.

Support for DVD from Microsoft is not limited to a new device driver to support DVDROM drives. Since DVD
encompasses such a broad range of uses and technologies, DVD must be viewed in the context of the whole
computer. DVD-ROM discs and devices provide cost-effective storage for large data files. In the future, DVD
will allow for writeable devices, allowing a larger range of options.

The Microsoft Solution Developer Network (MSDN) library is now available on DVD-ROM.
On most PC s that have Microsoft DVD support, DVD will work as a storage device and, if the proper decoding
hardware is present, will support full DVD playback.

Some components in the architecture will change based on advances in other hardware technologies, such as
the advent of Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) or improvements in the PC I bus. The only components that will
always be present are the DVD-ROM driver, the UDF file system, the Windows Driver Model (WDM) Streaming
class driver, and the DVD Splitter/Navigator.

DVD-ROM Class Driv er

DVD-ROM has its own industry-defined command set. Support for this command set is provided in Windows
98 by an updated C D-ROM class driver. In Windows 2000, support is provided in a new WDM DVDROM device
driver. The Windows 2000 driver provides the ability to read data sectors from a DVD-ROM drive.

Support for UDF is provided to ensure support for UDF-formatted DVD discs. Windows 2000 will provide UDF
installable file systems similar to FAT16 and FAT32.

Copyright Protection

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C opyright protection for DVD is provided by encrypting important sectors on a disc and then decrypting those
sectors prior to decoding them. Microsoft will provide support for both software and hardware decrypters by
using a software module that will enable authentication between the decoders and the DVD-ROM drives in a
PC .


As part of the copyright protection scheme used for DVD, six worldwide regions have been set up by the DVD
C onsortium. Discs are playable on DVD devices in some or all of the regions according to regional codes set
by the creators of the content. Microsoft will provide software that responds to the regional codes as required
by the DVD C onsortium and as part of the decryption licenses.

Structure of NTFS

This section discusses the main components of the NTFS structure: NTFS volume structure, Windows 2000
boot sector, Windows 2000 Master File Table and Metadata, and NTFS file attributes.

NTFS Volume Structure

NTFS uses clusters (also known as allocation units) made up of one or many sectors as the fundamental unit
of disk allocation. However, the default cluster size depends on the partition size. In the Disk Management
snap-in, a user can specify a cluster size up to 4 KB (4096 bytes). If the Format.exe program is used to
format the NTFS volume through the C ommand prompt, a user can specify any of the default cluster sizes
shown in the following table.

NTFS compression is not supported for cluster sizes greater than 4 KB.
The cluster sizes in this table are only recommendations. The sizes can be changed if necessary. However,
changing disk cluster size requires that a partition be reformatted.

Volume size Sectors per cluster Cluster size

512 MB or less 1 512 bytes

513 MB-1024 MB 2 1 KB

1025 MB-2048 MB 4 2 KB

2049 MB-4096 MB 8 4 KB

4097 MB-8192 MB 16 8 KB

8193 MB-16,384 MB 32 16 KB

16,385 MB-32,768 MB 64 32 KB

> 32,768 MB 128 64 KB

Windows 2000 Boot Sector

The first information found on an NTFS volume is the boot sector. The boot sector starts at sector 0 and can
be up to 16 sectors long. It consists of two structures:

 The BIOS Parameter Block, which contains information on the volume layout and file system
 C ode that describes how to find and load the startup files for the operating system being loaded. For
Windows 2000 on x86-based computers, this code loads the file Ntldr.

Windows 2000 Master File Table and Metadata

When a volume is formatted with NTFS, a Master File Table (MFT) and Metadata are created.

NTFS uses MFT entries to define the files they correspond to. All information about a file, including its size,
time and date stamps, permissions, and data content, is stored either within MFT entries or in space external
to the MFT but described by the MFT entries.

NTFS creates a file record for each file and a directory record for each directory created on an NTFS volume.
The MFT includes a separate file record for the MFT itself. These file and directory records are stored on the
MFT. NTFS allocates space for each MFT record based on the cluster size of the file. The attributes of the file
are written to the allocated space in the MFT. Besides file attributes, each file record contains information
about the position of the file record in the MFT.

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Each file usually has one file record. However, if a file has a large number of attributes or becomes highly
fragmented, it might need more than one file record. If this is the case, the first record for the file (the base
file record) stores the location of the other file records required by the file. Small files and directories
(typically 1500 bytes or smaller) are contained entirely within the file's MFT record.

Metadata are the files NTFS uses to implement the file system structure. NTFS reserves the first 16 records of
the MFT for Metadata (approximately 1 MB). The remaining records of the MFT contain the file and directory
records for each file and directory on the partition.

If the first MFT record is corrupted, NTFS reads the second record to find the MFT mirror file. The data
segment locations for both $Mft and $MftMirr are recorded in the boot sector. A duplicate of the boot sector is
located at the end of the partition.

NTFS File Attributes

Every allocated sector on an NTFS partition belongs to a file. Even the file system Metadata is part of a file.
NTFS views each file (or folder) as a set of file attributes. Elements such as the file's name, its security
information, and even its data are all file attributes.

An attribute type code and, optionally, an attribute name identify each attribute. When a file's attributes can
fit within the MFT file record for that file, they are called resident attributes. Filename and time stamp
information is always a resident attribute. When the information for a file is too large to fit in its MFT file
record, some of the file attributes are nonresident. Nonresident attributes are allocated one or more clusters
of disk space elsewhere in the volume. NTFS creates an Attribute List attribute to describe the location of all
the attribute records.

Implementation of NTFS

When implementing NTFS, several factors should be taken into consideration: upgrading to Windows 2000,
multibooting Windows 2000, and NTFS compatibility issues.

Upgrading to Windows 2000

An upgrade from Windows NT to Windows 2000 (when not multiple booting) results in the following:

 All volumes formatted with an earlier version of NTFS are upgraded to the NTFS version 5.0.
 All boot/system volumes formatted with FAT16 are converted to NTFS version 5.0.
 All volumes formatted with FAT16 that are not boot/system volumes are not converted.
Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 or Later Conversion

When Windows 2000 is installed on a computer running Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack (SP) 4 or later, the
NTFS volumes are upgraded to NTFS version 5.0 the first time the new operating system is booted. Setup
then installs a new NTFS driver so that all volumes can be accessed.

FAT Volume Conversion

C onversions from FAT to NTFS version 5.0 take place only if the user confirms it. Winnt32.exe started in
attended mode will display a file system conversion page providing users an option to convert their existing
FAT file system to NTFS. Installations or upgrades started with Winnt32.exe in unattended mode will convert
or leave the file system alone, based on the value of the FileSystem value name in the answer file.
C onversion will occur automatically if FileSystem = C onvertNTFS and will not be converted if FileSystem =
LeaveAlone. When installing Windows 2000 Server, the option to convert FAT to NTFS will default to Yes. If
the FileSystem value name does not exist, Setup will leave the file system alone.

If a user runs Setup by using Winnt.exe, boot floppies, or C D-ROM boot, the Text mode of the installation
process allows the user to choose the file system.

This table outlines file system conversion information:

System F AT to NTFS NTF S to NTF S v ersion 5.0

Windows NT 3.51 Workstation Winnt32.exe will display the All mounted NTFS volumes will
wizard page with the No option be upgraded to NTFS version
selected. 5.0. A warning will be displayed,
and the user can cancel Setup
or proceed.

Windows NT 3.51 Server Winnt32.exe will display the All mounted NTFS volumes will
(stand-alone/domain controller) wizard page with the Yes option be upgraded to NTFS version
selected. 5.0. A warning will be displayed,
and the user can cancel Setup

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or proceed.

Windows NT 4.0 Workstation Winnt32.exe will display the All mounted NTFS volumes will
(pre-SP3) wizard page with the No option be upgraded to NTFS version
selected. 5.0. A warning will be displayed,
and the user can cancel Setup
or proceed.

Windows NT 4.0 Workstation Winnt32.exe will display the All mounted NTFS volumes will
(SP3) wizard page with the No option be upgraded to NTFS version
selected. 5.0. A warning will be displayed,
and the user can cancel Setup
or proceed.

Windows NT 4.0 Workstation Winnt32.exe will display the All mounted NTFS volumes will
(SP4 or later) wizard page with the No option be upgraded to NTFS version
selected. 5.0.

Windows NT 4.0 Server Winnt32.exe will display the All mounted NTFS volumes will
(pre-SP3—stand-alone/domain wizard page with the Yes option be upgraded to NTFS used in
controller) selected. Windows 2000. A warning will be
displayed, and the user can
cancel Setup or proceed.

Windows NT 4.0 Server (SP3— Winnt32.exe will display the All mounted NTFS volumes will
stand-alone/domain controller) wizard page with the Yes option be upgraded to NTFS version
selected. 5.0. A warning will be displayed,
and the user can cancel Setup
or proceed.

Windows NT 4.0 Server (SP4 or Winnt32.exe will display the All mounted NTFS volumes will
later—stand-alone/domain wizard page with the Yes option be upgraded to NTFS version
controller) selected. 5.0.

Windows 95 No conversion will take place. N/A

The file system will be left

Windows 95 OSR2 No conversion will take place. N/A

The file system will be left

Windows 98 No conversion will take place. N/A

The file system will be left

Multibooting Windows 2000

The ability to access NTFS volumes when a user multiple boots Windows 2000 with earlier versions of
Windows NT depends on which version of Windows NT is used. Network accessible NTFS volumes on file or
print servers are not converted as a result of client computer upgrades to Windows 2000.

If a user multiple boots Windows 2000 and Windows NT 4.0 SP4, any basic (nondynamic) volumes formatted
with NTFS used in Windows 2000 can be read.

If a user multiple boots Windows 2000 and a version of Windows NT that was released before Windows NT 4.0
SP4, the user cannot access the NTFS volumes with the earlier version of Windows NT. C onfigurations
affected by this scenario include the following:

 Volumes on removable media

 Volumes used with multiple boot configurations
 Volumes shared within clustered configurations

NTFS Compatibility

If a user is running Windows NT 4.0 SP4, any basic (nondynamic) volumes formatted with NTFS used in
Windows 2000 can be read.

The Windows NT 4.0 SP4 NTFS driver allows Windows NT 4.0 users to mount volumes formatted with NTFS
5.0. However, Windows NT 4.0 users cannot use any of the NTFS 5.0 features.

If another operating system is used in addition to Windows NT, the files on the NTFS volumes can be accessed
only from Windows NT. A file system other than NTFS must be used for the system and boot partitions of the
other operating system.

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Ntfs.sys File System Driver

The new Ntfs.sys Windows NT 4.0 file system driver provides support for mounting volumes and dual-boot
systems in mixed Windows NT environments. Because of these compatibility issues, dual booting between
Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 is not recommended. The Windows NT 4.0 SP4 NTFS driver is provided
only to assist in evaluating and upgrading to Windows 2000.

Mounting Volumes

Windows NT 4.0 systems are not able to mount NTFS 5.0 volumes. Windows 2000 automatically upgrades
NTFS 4.0 volumes to NTFS version 5.0. When mounting an NTFS 5.0 volume under Windows NT 4.0 SP4, NTFS
5.0 features are unavailable.

Dual-Boot Systems

The new NTFS file system driver allows you to dual-boot between Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000
systems. To dual-boot Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000, install Windows NT 4.0 SP4 on the systems.
However, since the on-disk NTFS data structures are different under Windows 2000, the Windows NT 4.0 disk
utilities such as C HKDSK and AUTOC HK will not work. These utilities check the version stamp on the file
system before performing their tasks. After installing Windows 2000, users must run the Windows 2000
version of the disk utilities.

Although the features are unavailable when mounting an NTFS 5.0 volume under Windows NT 4.0 SP4, most
read and write operations can be done as normal if the operations do not make use of any NTFS 5.0 features.

Since files can be read and written on NTFS 5.0 volumes under Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 might need to
perform clean-up operations on the volume after it was mounted on Windows NT 4.0. These clean-up
operations ensure that the NTFS 5.0 data structures are consistent after a Windows NT 4.0 mount operation.

Disk Quotas

When running Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 disk quotas are ignored. This means that users can allocate
more disk space than is allowed by their Windows 2000 quota.

If users violate their quotas under Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 will fail further disk allocations by those
users. Users can still read and write data to existing files, but they cannot increase the size of the file. They
can, however, delete files and shrink the size of files. This behavior lasts until the users reduce disk
consumption below the assigned quotas. Once they are below quota, normal quota behavior resumes.

This is normal quota behavior any time the quota system is taken from a nontracking or tracking state to an
enforced state. The same behavior will manifest itself when a system is upgraded from Windows NT 4.0 to
Windows 2000 with quota enforcement.

No operations, including open, read, write, copy and delete, can be done on encrypted files under
Windows NT 4.0. Since encrypted files cannot be accessed on Windows NT 4.0, no clean-up operations are
necessary under Windows 2000.

Sparse files

No operations, including open, read, write, copy and delete, can be done on sparse files under
Windows NT 4.0. Since sparse files cannot be accessed on Windows NT 4.0, no clean-up operations are
necessary under Windows 2000.

Object IDs

Full access to the object is available under Windows NT 4.0. Objects can be opened, read, written, copied, and
deleted. If the user has deleted a file with an object ID on it, Windows 2000 must scan and clean up the
orphaned entry in the index.

USN Journal

The USN Journal is ignored under Windows NT 4.0. No entries are logged when files are accessed.

Since the USN Journal is ignored under Windows NT 4.0, not all file changes are logged in the USN Journal.
When Windows 2000 boots, the USN Journal parameters are reset to indicate that the Journal history is
incomplete. Applications that use the USN Journal must respond appropriately to incomplete Journals. All
further accesses under Windows 2000 will be logged, and the Journal can be trusted after the volume is
mounted by Windows 2000. Note that a Journal query for valid USN ranges can be performed.

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Reparse Points

No operations, including open, read, write, copy and delete, can be done on reparse points under
Windows NT 4.0. Since reparse points cannot be accessed on Windows NT 4.0, no clean-up operations are
necessary under Windows 2000.

Lesson Summary

NTFS 5.0 supports all Windows 2000 operating system features, including reparse points, NSS, and disk
quotas. NTFS also supports the C DFS, the UDF, and DVD storage devices. NTFS uses clusters made up of
multiple sectors as the fundamental unit of disk allocation. However, with NTFS, the default cluster size
depends on the partition size. The first information found on an NTFS partition is the boot sector. The boot
sector starts at sector 0 and can be up to 16 sectors long. When a volume is formatted with NTFS, an MFT and
Metadata are created. Every allocated sector on an NTFS volume belongs to a file. Even the file system
Metadata is part of a file. NTFS views each file (or folder) as a set of file attributes. When implementing NTFS,
several factors should be taken into consideration: upgrading to Windows 2000, multibooting Windows 2000,
and NTFS compatibility issues.

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Lesson 4: File System Security

Sharing folders is the only way to make folders and their contents available over the network. Shared folders
provide a way to secure file resources; they can be used on FAT16 and FAT32 partitions, as well as on NTFS
partitions. But NTFS supports more than just shared folders. NTFS permissions can be used to specify which
users and groups can gain access to files and folders and what they can do with their content. However, NTFS
permissions are not available on volumes that are formatted with FAT.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Share folders and assign permissions to those shares
 Assign NTFS permissions to files and folders
Estimated lesson time: 35 minutes

Shared Folders

Shared folders are used to provide network users with access to file resources. When a folder is shared,
users can connect to the folder over the network and gain access to the files it contains. However, to gain
access to the files, users must have permissions to access the shared folders.

Shared Folder Permissions

A shared folder can contain applications, data, or users' personal data (called home folders). Each type of
data can require different shared folder permissions.

Shared folder permissions have the following characteristics in common:

 Shared folder permissions apply to folders, not individual files. Since you can apply shared folder
permissions only to the entire shared folder and not to individual files or subfolders in the shared
folder, shared folder permissions provide less detailed security than NTFS permissions.
 Shared folder permissions do not restrict access to users who gain access to the folder at the
computer where the folder is stored. They apply only to users who connect to the folder over the
 Shared folder permissions are the only way to secure network resources on a FAT volume. NTFS
permissions are not available on FAT volumes.
 The default shared folder permission is Full C ontrol, and it is assigned to the Everyone group when
you share the folder.
A shared folder appears in Microsoft Windows Explorer as an icon of a hand holding the shared folder (Figure

Figure 4.9 Shared folders in Windows Explorer

To control how users gain access to a shared folder, you must assign shared folder permissions. The following
table explains what each of the shared folder permissions allows a user to do. The permissions are presented
from most restrictive to least restrictive.

Permission Description

Read Users can display folder names, filenames, file data and attributes; run program files;
and change folders within the shared folder.

C hange Users can create folders, add files to folders, change data in files, append data to
files, change file attributes, delete folders and files, and perform actions permitted by
the Read permission.

Full C ontrol Users can change file permissions, take ownership of files, and perform all tasks
permitted by the C hange permission.

You can allow or deny shared folder permissions to individual users or to user groups. Generally, it is best to
assign permissions to a group rather than to individual users. You should deny permissions only when it is
necessary to override permissions that are otherwise applied. For example, it might be necessary to deny
permissions to a specific user who belongs to a group that has been granted permissions. If you deny a
shared folder permission to a user, the user will not have that permission.

Applying Shared Folder Permissions

Applying shared permissions to user accounts and groups affects access to a shared folder. Denying

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permission takes precedence over the permissions that you allow.

Multiple Permissions

A user can be a member of multiple groups, each with different permissions that provide different levels of
access to a shared folder. When you assign a permission to a user for a shared folder and that user is a
member of a group to which you assigned a different permission, the user's effective permissions are the
combination of the user and group permissions. For example, if a user has Read permission and is a member
of a group with C hange permission, the user's effective permission is C hange, which includes Read.

Deny Ov errides Other Permissions

Denied permissions take precedence over any permissions that you otherwise allow for user accounts and
groups. If you deny a shared folder permission to a user, the user will not have that permission, even if you
allow the permission for a group of which the user is a member.

NTFS Permissions

Shared folder permissions are sufficient to gain access to files and folders on a FAT volume but are not the
best solution for NTFS partition. On a FAT partition, users can gain access to a shared folder in which they
have permissions, as well as to all of the folder's contents. When users gain access to a shared folder on an
NTFS partition, you should use either share rights or NTFS permissions but not both. NTFS permissions are
preferred since permissions can be set on both files and folders. If share rights are configured for a folder
and NTFS permissions are configured for folder or files within a folder, the most restrictive rights will become
the user's effective rights to the resource. This significantly increases the complexity of resolving access
permissions for network resources.

Copying or Moving Shared F olders

When you copy a shared folder, the original shared folder is still shared, but the copy is not shared. When
you move a shared folder, it is no longer shared.

Guidelines for Shared Folder Permissions

The following list provides some general guidelines for managing your shared folders and assigning shared
folder permissions:

 Determine which groups need access to each resource and the level of access they require.
Document the groups and their permissions for each resource.
 Assign permissions to groups instead of user accounts to simplify access administration.
 Assign to a resource the most restrictive permissions that still allow users to perform required tasks.
For example, if users need only to read information in a folder, and they will never delete or create
files, assign the Read permission.
 Organize resources so that folders with the same security requirements are located within a folder.
For example, if users require Read permission for several application folders, store the application
folders within the same folder. Then share this folder instead of sharing each individual application
 Use intuitive share names so that users can easily recognize and locate resources, and use share
names that all client operating systems can use.

MS-DOS, Windows 3.x, and WFW clients read up to 8.3 format share names; consequently, longer share
names are not advisable in mixed environments.
Microsoft Windows 2000 provides 8.3-character equivalent names, but the resulting names might not be
intuitive to users. For example, a Windows 2000 folder named Accountants Database would appear as
Account~1 on client computers running MS-DOS, Windows 3.x, and Windows for Workgroups.

Sharing Folders

You can share resources with others by sharing folders containing those resources. To share a folder, you
must be a member of one of several privileged groups, depending on the role of the computer where the
shared folder resides. When you share a folder you can control access to the folder by limiting the number of
users who can simultaneously gain access to it. You can also control access to the folder and its contents by
assigning permissions to selected users and groups. Once you have shared a folder, users must connect to
the shared folder and must have the appropriate permissions to gain access to it. After you have shared a
folder, you may want to modify it. You can stop sharing it, change its share name, and change user and
group permissions to gain access to it.

Requirements for Sharing Folders

In Windows 2000, members of the built-in Administrators, Server Operators, and Power Users groups are

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able to share folders. Which groups can share folders on which machines depends on whether the computers
belong to workgroups or domains and on the type of computers on which the shared folders reside:

 In a Windows 2000 domain, the Administrators group and Server Operators group can share folders
residing on any machines in the domain. The Power Users group is a local group and can only share
folders residing on the stand-alone server or on the computer running Windows 2000 Professional
where the group is located.
 In a Windows 2000 workgroup, the Administrators group and Power Users group can share folders on
the Windows 2000 Server stand-alone server or the computer running Windows 2000 Professional on
which the group exists.
 Users that are granted the C reate Permanent Shared Objects user right can also create shares on
the computer where this right is assigned.

If the folder to be shared resides on an NTFS volume, users must also have at least the Read permission for
that folder.

Administrative Shared Folders

Windows 2000 automatically shares folders for administrative purposes. These shares are appended with a
dollar sign ($). The $ hides the shared folder from users who browse the computer. The root of each volume,
the system root folder, and the location of the printer drivers are all hidden shared folders that you can gain
access to across the network.

The following table describes the purpose of the administrative shared folders that Windows 2000
automatically generates:

Share Purpose

C $, D$, E$, and so on The root of each volume on a fixed disk is

automatically shared, and the share name is the
drive letter appended with a dollar sign ($). When
you connect to this folder, you have access to the
entire volume. You use the administrative shares
to connect remotely to the computer to perform
administrative tasks. Windows 2000 assigns the
Full C ontrol permission to the Administrators
group. Removable drives like C D-ROM drives are
not assigned the hidden share drive letter.

Admin$ The system root folder, which is C :\Winnt by

default, is shared as Admin$. Administrators can
gain access to this shared folder to administer
Windows 2000 without knowing which folder it is
installed in. Only members of Administrators
have access to this share. Windows 2000 assigns
the Full C ontrol permission to the Administrators

Print$ When you install the first shared printer, the

%systemroot%\System32\Spool\Drivers folder is
shared as Print$. This folder provides access to
printer driver files for clients. Only members of
Administrators, Server Operators, and Print
Operators have the Full C ontrol permission. The
Everyone group has the Read permission.

Hidden shared folders are not limited to those that the system automatically creates. You can share additional
folders and append a $ to the share name. Only users who know the folder name can gain access to it, if they
have also been granted the proper permissions.

Sharing a Folder

When you share a folder, you can give it a share name, provide comments to describe the folder and its
content, limit the number of users who have access to the folder, assign permissions, and share the same
folder multiple times. To share a folder, right-click the folder you want to share and then click Properties. The
share properties are set on the Sharing tab of the Properties dialog box (Figure 4.10).

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Figure 4.10 Sharing tab of a folder's Properties dialog box

The following table provides a description of the options on the Sharing tab:

Option Description

Do Not Share This Folder The option you should select if you do not want to
share this folder. When this option is selected, all
other options are grayed out.

Share This Folder The option you should select if you want to share
this folder. When this option is selected, all other
options are active.

Share Name The name that users from remote locations use
to make a connection to the shared folder. You
must enter a share name.

C omment An optional description for the share name. The

comment appears in addition to the share name
when users at client computers browse the server
for shared folders. This comment can be used to
identify contents of the shared folder.

User Limit The number of users who can concurrently

connect to the shared folder. The Maximum
Allowed option allows Windows 2000 Server to
support an unlimited number of connections.
However, the number of C lient Access Licenses
(C ALs) that you purchased limits the connections.

Permissions The shared folder permissions that apply only

when the folder is accessed over the network. By
default, the Everyone group is assigned Full
C ontrol for all new shared folders.

C aching The settings to configure if and how files within

the shared folder are cached locally when
accessed by others.

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New Share The option that allows you to create a new share.

Remove Share The option that allows you to remove a share.

This option appears only after the folder has been
shared more than once.

After you share a folder, the next step is to specify which users have access to the shared folder. This is done
by assigning shared folder permissions to selected user accounts and groups. You can assign permissions by
clicking the Permission button on the Sharing tab of the shared folder's Properties dialog box. From there, you
can select the user accounts and groups to which you want to assign permissions.

Modifying Shared Folders

You can modify the properties of a shared folder. For example, you can stop sharing a folder, modify the
share name, or modify shared folder permissions. To modify a shared folder, open the Properties dialog box
for that folder. The following table provides the steps you should take to perform specific modifications:

Modification Action

Stop sharing a folder C lick the option Do Not Share This Folder.

Modify the share name First, stop sharing the folder by clicking the option
Do Not Share This Folder. C lick the Apply button
to apply the change, and then click the option
Share This Folder. Enter the new share name in
the Share Name text box.

Modify shared folder permissions C lick the Permissions button. In the Permissions
dialog box, click Add or Remove. To add a group
or user account, select that group or use in the
Select Users, C omputers, Or Groups dialog box,
which opens when you click Add.

Share folder multiple times C lick the New Share button to share a folder with
an additional shared folder name. Do so to
consolidate multiple shared folders into one while
allowing users to continue to use the same
shared folder name that they used before you
consolidated the folders.

Remove a share name C lick the Remove Share button. This option
appears only after the folder has been shared
more than once.

If you stop sharing a folder while a user has a file open, the user might lose data. If you click the Do Not
Share This Folder option and a user has a connection to the shared folder, Windows 2000 displays a dialog
box notifying you that a user has a connection to the shared folder.

NTFS Permissions

NTFS permissions are a set of standard permissions that allow or deny access for each user or group. They
provide security for resources by allowing administrators and users to control who can gain access to
individual files and folders and to specify the kind of access users can gain. NTFS security is effective whether
a file or folder is accessed interactively at a computer or over a network.

Windows NT provides the following standard NTFS permissions:

 NTFS folder permissions Use these permissions to secure access to individual folders on NTFS
formatted volumes.
 NTFS file permissions Use these permissions to secure access to individual files on NTFS formatted

Assigning NTFS Permissions

When new files and folders are created, rules and priorities are associated with the ways permissions are
assigned, combined, and inherited.

NTFS Full Control Permission

The Full C ontrol permission grants all permissions to access a resource. It is assigned as follows by default:

 When a user creates a file or folder, he or she becomes the C reator Owner and is assigned the Full
C ontrol permission.

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 When a volume is formatted with NTFS, Full C ontrol is assigned to the Everyone group at the root of
the drive.
 When a FAT16 or FAT32 partition is converted to NTFS, Full C ontrol is assigned to the Everyone group
on all resources on that volume.
Multiple NTF S Permissions

Permissions to files and folders can be assigned to users and groups. It is possible for users to have multiple
permissions assigned to them: those assigned to his or her user account and those assigned to groups the
user is a member of. A user's effective permissions are the combination of NTFS permissions assigned to the
individual user and the NTFS permissions assigned to all the groups the user belongs to. For example, if a
user has Write permission to a folder and is also a member of a group with Read permission to the same
folder, the user has both Read and Write permission for that folder.

NTFS file permissions take priority over NTFS folder permissions. For example, if a user is assigned the Write
permission to a folder and the Modify permission to a file in that folder, the user can both write to and modify
the file. This is also true when a user has not been assigned access to a folder. A user can always gain access
to the files for which he or she has permissions by using the full universal naming convention (UNC ) or path
to open the file from its application. For example, a user has no permissions for a folder that contains a file
for which the user has C hange permission. The user can open the file from the file's appropriate application
by typing the full UNC or path to the file.

Denying a permission for a user or group blocks that permission from the user, even if the permission has
been granted to a group the user belongs to. For example, the Everyone group is assigned Full C ontrol
permission for a file for which a user has been denied Delete permission. The user will be able to read and
modify the file, but will not be able to delete it.

Permission Inheritance

There are rules associated with the priority of file and folder permissions as you move down a directory tree
from the parent folder to the subfolder and files. By default, permissions assigned to the parent folder are
inherited and propagate to subfolders and files contained within the parent folder. However, inheritance can
be prevented. When NTFS permissions are assigned or changed for a folder, permissions are assigned for the
folder itself, for any existing files and subfolders, as well as for any new files and subfolders that might be
created in the folder. A file or folder can be prevented from inheriting permissions from the parent folder, and
permissions can be assigned explicitly to the file or folder. Also, permissions that have been inherited can be
changed or removed.

Guidelines for Assigning NTFS Permissions

Administrators and the owner of a file or folder control which users and groups have permissions to the file or
folder and what the permissions are. Use the following guidelines when assigning NTFS permissions:

 To simplify administration, group resources into application, data, and home folders. Doing so
provides three benefits:
 Permissions are assigned only to folders, not to individual files.
 Backup is less complex because it is typically a lower priority to backup application files.
 All home folders are in one location.
 Use NTFS permissions to control access to files and folders. Assign the minimum level of permission
required. This reduces the possibility of users accidentally modifying or deleting important documents
and application files.
 Whenever possible, assign permissions to groups rather than individual user accounts. C reate groups
according to the access they require for resources, and then assign the appropriate permissions to
the group. Only when necessary, assign permissions to individual user accounts.
 When assigning permissions to home folders, centralize home folders on a network volume separate
from applications and the operating system to streamline backing up data and administration.
 When assigning permissions to working data or application folders, remove the default Full C ontrol
permission from the Everyone group. Assign Read & Execute permission to the Users and
Administrators groups. This prevents application files from being accidentally deleted or damaged by
users or viruses. Administrators and users responsible for upgrading troubleshooting application
software can be assigned Full C ontrol permission, can complete their tasks, and then be assigned
Read & Execute again.
 When assigning permission to public data folders, assign Add and Read & Execute to the Users group,
and Full C ontrol to C reator Owner. This gives users the ability to delete and modify only the files and
folders they create, as well as the ability to read documents created by other users.
 In general, it is better not to assign permissions than to deny permissions. Deny permissions only
when it is essential to deny specific access to a specific user account or group.
 Encourage and educate users to assign permissions to the files and folders they create and own.
Provide them with guidelines for assigning appropriate permissions to the resources they control.

Configuring NTFS Permissions

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The owners of files and folders can assign permissions to user accounts and groups. Administrators can also
assign permissions to these resources.

To assign or modify NTFS permissions for a file or folder, open the Properties dialog box for that file or folder.
NTFS permissions are configured on the Security tab of the Properties dialog box. The following table provides
a description of the options on the Security tab:

Option Description

Name Lists the user accounts and groups with

permissions for the file or folder. C lick the user
account or group to assign or change
permissions, or to remove from the list.

Permissions The permissions that you can allow or deny for

the user account or group: Select the Allow check
box to allow permission. Select the Deny check
box to deny permission.

Add C lick this button to open the Select Users,

Groups, or C omputers dialog box where you can
select user accounts and groups to add to the
Name list.

Remove C lick this button to remove the selected user

account or group and the associated permissions
from the file or folder.

Allow Inheritable Permissions From Parent To By default, this option is not selected for folders,
Propagate To This Object which means subfolders do not inherit
permissions assigned to their parent folder. Files
are assigned this option, which means that files
within a folder automatically receive the
permissions assigned to their parent folder.

Advanced Opens the Access C ontrol Settings dialog box.

From here you can configure special access
permissions, auditing capability, and ownership
control for files and folders.

Assigning Special Access Permissions

In general, the standard NTFS permissions provide all the permissions necessary to secure data. However,
there are instances where the standard permissions do not provide the special access that might be needed.
To create special access, use special NTFS permissions. Like standard permissions, special access
permissions are either allowed or denied.

When special access permissions are assigned to a user or group, the permissions are indicated as Special on
the Access C ontrol Settings dialog box.
Special access permissions provide a finer degree of control for assigning access to resources. There are 13
special access permissions that, when combined, constitute the standard NTFS permissions, such as Read &
Execute, Modify, and Full C ontrol. For example, the standard NTFS Read permission includes the Read data,
Read attributes, and Read extended attributes permissions.

Assigning special access permissions to folders and files requires three tasks:

 C onfiguring more granular permissions

 Transferring ownership
 Auditing access
Changing Permissions

File and folder owners and other users with Full C ontrol permissions can assign or change permissions. You
can grant network administrators the ability to change permissions on a file or folder without giving them Full
C ontrol over the file or folder. In this way, the administrator can assign permissions but not have permission
to delete a file or folder or write to it. To give network administrators the ability to change permissions, grant
the C hange Permissions special access permission on the file or folder to the network administrators' group

If a member of the Administrators group takes ownership, the Administrators group becomes the owner and
any member can access and change the permissions for the file or folder.

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Transferring Ownership

In addition to changing permissions, ownership can be transferred. There are several way to transfer

 The current owner can assign the Full C ontrol standard permission or the Take Ownership special
access permission to other users, allowing those users to take ownership.
 An administrator can take ownership of any folder or file under his or her administrative control. For
example, if an employee leaves the company, an administrator can take ownership of the
employee's files and change the permissions so that others can access the files or folders.
 When assigned to a volume or folder, special access permissions are initially applied only where
specified in the Apply Onto drop-down menu, which is discussed in more detail later in this lesson.
To transfer or take ownership of a file or folder, click the Owner tab in the Access C ontrol Settings dialog box.
The current owner of the file or folder is shown in the C urrent Owner Of This Item text box. You can select a
new owner from the C hange Owner To list. You can also select the Replace Owner On Subdirectories And
Objects check box to change ownership for all subfolders and files contained within the folder.

Setting Special Access Permissions

To set special access permissions, access the Properties dialog box for a file or folder and click Advanced on
the Security tab. In the Access C ontrol Settings dialog box, click the Permissions tab, and then click Add to
add a new user or group and modify the special access rights. C lick View/Edit to modify the special access
rights of an existing user or group. From here you can configure the options that allow you to set special
access permissions. These options are described in the following table:

Option Description

Name The user account or group name. To select a

different user account or group, click C hange.

Apply Onto The level of the folder hierarchy at which the

special NTFS permissions are inherited. The
default is This Folder, Subfolders, and Files.

Permissions The individual special access permissions. To

allow or deny an individual NTFS permission,
select the Allow or Deny check box, respectively.

Apply These Permissions To Objects And/Or This check box is available to folders and
C ontainers Within This C ontainer Only subfolders.
Folders that are lower in the folder hierarchy can
inherit the modified individual NTFS permissions
from this folder. This option does not apply to

C lick to clear this check box to prevent

permissions inheritance.

Select this check box to propagate the modified

individual NTFS permissions down the folder

Reset Permission On All C hild Objects And Enable This check box is only available to the partition.
Propagation Of Inheritable permissions
From a partition, permissions on all folders,
subfolders, and files can be reset.

Select this check box to reset all permissions for

folders and files located on the partition to the
settings designated for the partition. This option
also enables the Apply These Permissions To
Objects And/or C ontainers Within This C ontainer
Only check box. This check box is described in
the previous row.

C lear all C lear all selected permissions and the level of

folder hierarchy selected to inherit permissions.

The following table provides an overview of the options available in the Apply Onto drop-down menu:

Option Objects that permissions apply to

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This Folder Only Only to the folder.

This Folder, Subfolders, And Files The folder, subfolder, and files. New files and
folders created in this folder will inherit the

This Folder And Subfolders The folder and subfolders. New files and folders
created in this folder and subfolder will inherit the

This Folder And Files The folder and files. New files and folders created
in this folder will inherit the permissions.

Subfolders And Files Only The subfolders and files. New files and folders
created in the subfolder will inherit the

Subfolders Only The subfolders. New folders created in the

subfolder will inherit the permissions.

Files Only Only to the files.

Copying and Moving Files and Folders

NTFS allows you to copy and move files and folders.

Copying F iles and Folders

To copy files and folders within or between NTFS volumes, a user must have been granted Add permission for
the destination folder. The user who performs the copy will become the owner of the new file or folder.

When files or folders are copied, permissions will be inherited or lost, depending on where the file or folder is
copied to:

 When a folder or file is moved within an NTFS partition, the folder or file retains its permissions.
 When a folder or file is copied within or between NTFS partitions, or moved to another partition, the
folder or file inherits the permissions of the destination folder.
 When folders or files are copied to FAT16 or FAT32 volumes, the folders and files lose their NTFS
permissions because FAT16 and FAT32 volumes do not support NTFS permissions.
Moving Files and Folders

To move files and folders between NTFS partitions requires the Add permission for the destination folder or
file and the Delete permission for the source folder or file. The Delete permission is required to move a folder
or file because the folder or file is deleted from the source folder after it is moved to the destination folder.
When a folder or file is moved to another partition, the user who performed the move will become C reator

Moving folders or files within and between NTFS volumes can affect the original permissions. The following
table describes the results of what can occur when moving a file or folder:

Action Result

Intra-volume move (within the same volume) The folder or file retains the original permissions
that are set for folder or file.

Inter-volume move (across different volumes) The folder or file inherits the permissions that are
set for the destination folder.

When folders or files are moved to FAT16 or FAT32 volumes, the folders and files lose their NTFS permissions
because FAT16 and FAT32 volumes do not support NTFS permissions.

After you learn how to create users and groups in a later chapter, you will apply share rights and NTFS
permissions to the users and groups you created.

Troubleshooting NTFS Permissions

The following table describes common permission problems and provides solutions:

Problem Solution

A user cannot gain access to a file or folder. C heck the permissions assigned to the user
account and to groups the user is a member of. If

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the user or a group that the user is a member of

has been denied access to the file or folder, the
user has no access to the resource. If the file or
folder was copied within an NTFS partition, or
copied or moved to another NTFS partition, the
permissions may have changed by inheriting new
permissions from the destination folder. If both
share rights and NTFS permissions are configured
for a folder, the most restrictive rights apply.
Therefore, set the share rights to Everyone Full
C ontrol and control access exclusively through
NTFS permissions.

A user account is added to a group to give that An access token is created every time a user logs
user access to a file or folder, but the user still on and is authenticated by a computer running
cannot gain access to the file or folder. Windows NT or Windows 2000. The access token
contains information about the groups the user
belongs to. For the access token to be updated to
include the new group, the user must log off and
then log on again, or close all connections to the
computer and then make new connections.

A user deletes a file, although that user does not Assign all permissions at the folder level, not at
have permission to delete the file. the file level. To deny users access, group files in
a separate folder and then assign that folder
restricted access. If this problem is unavoidable,
do not assign Full C ontrol permission for a folder.
Instead, assign all the permissions, that is,
Modify, Read & Execute, List Folder C ontents,
Read, and Write. This assigns all the abilities for
the Full C ontrol permission for the folder and its
contents, except that users cannot delete files in
the folder.

Lesson Summary

Folders can be shared so that users can connect to a folder over the network and gain access to the files it
contains. However, to gain access to the files, users must have permissions to access the shared folders.
Shared folder permissions apply to folders, not individual files. When you share a folder, you can give it a
share name, provide comments to describe the folder and its content, limit the number of users who have
access to the folder, assign permissions, and share the same folder multiple times. Shared folder permissions
are the only way to secure network resources on a FAT partition. NTFS permissions are not available on FAT
volumes. NTFS permissions are a set of standard permissions that allow or deny access for each user or
group. By default, permissions assigned to the partition and parent folder are not inherited and do not
propagate to subfolders and files contained within the parent folder. The owner of a file or folder and
administrators control which users and groups have permissions to the file or folder and what the permissions
are. The owners of files and folders can assign permissions to user accounts and groups. Administrators can
also assign permissions to these resources.

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The following questions are intended to reinforce key information presented in this chapter. If you are unable
to answer a question, review the appropriate lesson and then try the question again. Answers to the questions
can be found in Appendix A, "Questions and Answers."
1. You install a new 10-GB disk drive that you want to divide into five equal 2-GB sections. What are
your options?
2. You are trying to create a striped volume on your Windows 2000 Server to improve performance.
You confirm that you have enough unallocated disk space on two disks in your computer, but when
you right-click an area of unallocated space on a disk, your only option is to create a partition. What
is the problem, and how would you resolve it?
3. You dual boot your computer with Windows 98 and Windows 2000. You upgrade Disk 1, which you
are using to archive files, from basic storage to dynamic storage. The next time you try to access
your files on Disk 1 from Windows 98, you are unable to read the files. Why?
4. What is the default permission when a partition is formatted with NTFS? Who has access to the
5. If a user has Write permission for a folder and is also a member of a group with Read permission for
the folder, what are the user's effective permissions for the folder?
6. What happens to permissions that are assigned to a file when the file is moved from one folder to
another folder on the same NTFS partition? What happens when the file is moved to a folder on
another NTFS partition?
7. If an employee leaves the company, what must you do to transfer ownership of his or her files and
folders to another employee?
8. What is the best way to secure files and folders that you share on NTFS partitions?

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Chapter 5
Advanced File Systems
About This Chapter

This chapter introduces you to the distributed file system (Dfs) and the File Replication Service (FRS). Dfs
allows system administrators to make it easier for users to access and manage files that are physically
distributed across a network. With Dfs, you can make files distributed across multiple servers appear to users
as if they reside in one place on the network. Users no longer need to know and specify the actual physical
location of files in order to access them. Dfs uses FRS to automatically synchronize content between assigned
replicas. The Microsoft Active Directory Sites And Services snap-in uses FRS to replicate topology and global
catalog information across domain controllers.

Before You Begin

To complete the lessons in this chapter, you must have

 C ompleted all previous exercises so that both computers are running Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
and are configured as outlined in the exercises.

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Lesson 1: Distributed File System

Dfs for Windows 2000 Server provides users with convenient access to shared folders that are distributed
throughout a network. A single Dfs shared folder serves as an access point to other shared folders in the
After this lesson, you will be able to
 C onfigure a stand-alone Dfs root
 C onfigure a Dfs link
 C onfigure a fault tolerant Dfs root
Estimated lesson time: 35 minutes

Dfs Overview

Dfs is a single, logical, hierarchical file system. It organizes shared folders on different computers in a
network to provide a logical tree structure for file system resources. Figure 5.1 shows how Dfs can organize
resources that reside on different components of a network.

Figure 5.1 An example of a Dfs share

Because the Dfs tree is a single point of reference, regardless of the actual location of the underlying
resources, users can easily gain access to network resources. As Figure 5.1 demonstrates, accounting file
system resources from multiple servers are organized in one logical Dfs root named Accounting.

A user who navigates a Dfs-managed shared folder does not need to know the name of the server on which
the folder is shared. This simplifies network access because users no longer need to locate the server where
a specific resource resides. After connecting to a Dfs root, users can browse and gain access to all resources
below the root, regardless of the location of the server on which the resource resides. In the example above,
users needing access to accounting file resources would be able to find them in this one location.

A Dfs share uses a tree structure containing a root and Dfs links. To create a Dfs share, you must first create
a Dfs root. Each Dfs root can have multiple Dfs links beneath it, each of which points to a shared folder on the
network. The Dfs links of the Dfs root represent shared folders (<computer_name>\ <share_name>) that
can be physically located on different file servers.

The following table describes the advantages of using Dfs:

Function Adv antages

Network Dfs simplifies network administration. If a server fails, you can move a Dfs
administration link from one server to another without users being aware of the change. All
that is required to move a Dfs link is to modify the Dfs folder to refer to the
new server location of the shared folders. Users continue to use the same Dfs
path for the Dfs link.

Namespace C lients access file resources by using a single namespace (the Dfs root), as
opposed to mapping logical drive letters throughout the enterprise.

Memory overhead Windows 2000 and Windows NT 4.0 clients use no additional memory because
Dfs support is integrated with the Microsoft client redirector for both Windows
2000 and Windows NT 4.0. The Dfs Service for Microsoft Network C lient must
be installed on top of the Windows 9x-based Microsoft client redirector for this

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Windows 32-bit client to access a Dfs share. Without this service installed,
Windows 9x clients can access standard shares that are Dfs links of a Dfs root

Server replacement Administrators can replace file servers without affecting the namespace used
by network clients simply by updating the path for the new server in the
Distributed File System snap-in.

Load balancing and Dfs provides a level of load balancing and fault tolerance since clients
fault tolerance randomly select a physical server to connect to from the list of alternates
returned by the Dfs server.

Extensibility The Dfs namespace can be extended at any time to incorporate additional
disk space or new business requirements.

Network permissions Dfs preserves network permissions. No additional permissions or security are
required because Dfs volumes use existing Windows 2000 file and directory
permissions. AC Ls on Windows 2000 fault tolerant replicas are replicated.

C lient caching Dfs clients cache frequently used network resources without experiencing
delays locating servers. The first access to a new area of the Dfs tree will
incur a slight performance loss (analogous to performing a Net Use
command). C aching this data eliminates any performance penalty for
subsequent accesses until the client is rebooted or the cache expires.

Internet Information Dfs works with IIS. Links made to other pages stored in Dfs will not have to
Services (IIS) be updated if the initial page is physically moved from one server to another,
integration provided an administrator reconfigures Dfs accordingly. If the server hosting
an Internet page is removed and the page is republished someplace else, the
links on that page will not have to be reconfigured.

Limits of Dfs

The following table details the limitations of Dfs:

Description Limit

Maximum number of characters per file path 260

Maximum number of alternates per volume 32

Maximum number of Dfs roots per server 1

Maximum number of Dfs roots per domain Unlimited

Maximum number of volumes hosted in a domain Limited by system resources. Six thousand have
or enterprise been successfully tested in stand-alone roots.


The white paper "Distributed File System: A Logical View of Physical Storage" includes details about
alternatives and other aspects of Dfs. See the Supplemental C ourse Materials C D (\chapt05\articles\Dfs
New.doc) that accompanies this book.

Types of Dfs Roots

The Dfs Service is auto-installed with the installation of Windows 2000 Server. The service can be paused,
stopped, and started but not removed from the operating system.

Two types of Dfs roots can be configured on Windows 2000 Servers: stand-alone Dfs roots and domain Dfs
roots (sometimes called fault tolerant Dfs roots).

Stand-Alone Dfs Roots

The following characteristics are common to stand-alone Dfs roots:

 Stand-alone Dfs information is stored in the local registry.

 A stand-alone Dfs root permits a single level of Dfs links.
 When using the Distributed File System snap-in to connect to existing stand-alone Dfs roots, all
servers known to the browse list are retrieved since there is no unique NetBIOS name registered by

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Dfs-enabled servers.
 Stand-alone Dfs roots can be located on all supported file systems, although locating resources on
ntfs formatted partitions is recommended.
 Stand-alone Dfs roots offer no replication or backup; consequently, the Dfs root represents a single
point of failure. You can create a replica from a stand-alone Dfs root; however, file replication
services are not available.

Domain Dfs Roots

The following characteristics are common to Dfs fault-tolerant roots:

 In a domain Dfs root, multiple servers hand out referrals for the Dfs namespace. Fault tolerant Dfs
roots use Active Directory services to store Dfs tree topology and remove the root as a single point
of failure.
 A fault tolerant Dfs root is stored in Active Directory services and replicated to every participating Dfs
root server. C hanges to a Dfs tree are automatically synchronized with Active Directory services.
This ensures that you can always restore a Dfs tree topology if the Dfs root is offline for any reason.
You can also implement fault tolerance at the file and content level by assigning alternate resources
to a Dfs volume. Any branch node on the Dfs tree can be serviced by a set of replicated resources. If
a client connection to one alternate resource fails for any reason, the Dfs client attempts to connect
to another. The Dfs client cycles through the alternates until an available one is found.
 Fault-tolerant roots must be located on NTFS version 5.0 formatted partitions.
 The list of domains and servers is populated by querying the global catalog for all fault-tolerant Dfs
roots (ObjectC lass = ftDfs).
 Dfs replication topology uses the existing Active Directory replication topology.

Configuring Dfs

Windows 2000 allows you to configure stand-alone Dfs roots, Dfs links, and domain Dfs roots.

Configuring a Stand-Alone Dfs Root

Stand-alone Dfs stores the Dfs topology on a single computer. This type of Dfs provides no fault tolerance if
the computer that stores the Dfs topology or any of the shared folders that Dfs uses fails.

A stand-alone Dfs root is physically located on the server users initially connect to. The first step in setting up
stand-alone Dfs is to create the Dfs root.

To create a stand-alone Dfs root, use the Distributed File System snap-in to start the New Dfs Root wizard.
Figure 5.2 shows the Select The Dfs Root Type screen with the C reate A Stand-Alone Dfs Root radio button

Figure 5.2 Creating a stand-alone Dfs root from the Distributed File System snap-in

The following table describes the screens within the wizard and what actions you can take to configure the
new Dfs root:

Screen Actions

Select The Dfs Root Type Select the C reate A Stand-Alone Dfs Root option
(Figure 5.2).

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Specify The Host Server For The Dfs Root Enter the initial connection point for all resources
in the Dfs tree. You can create a Dfs root on any
computer running Windows 2000 Server.

Specify The Dfs Share Enter a shared folder to host the Dfs root. You
can choose an existing shared folder or create a
new share.

Name The Dfs Root Enter a descriptive name in the C omment text
box for the Dfs root.

C ompleting The New Root wizard Review the settings for the Host Server, Root
Share, and Root Name text boxes. C lick Back if
changes are necessary or click Finish to complete
the setup process.

Configuring a Domain Dfs Root

Domain Dfs writes the Dfs topology to the Active Directory store. This type of Dfs allows Dfs links to point to
multiple identical shared folders (also called replicas) for fault tolerance. In addition, it supports DNS, multiple
levels of child volumes, and file replication.

To create a fault-tolerant Dfs root, use the Distributed File System tool to start the New Dfs Root wizard.

Configuring New Dfs Links

Users can browse folders under a Dfs root without knowing where the referenced resources are physically
located. After you create a Dfs root, you can create Dfs links (also known as child nodes).

To create a Dfs link, open the Distributed File System snap-in, and click the Dfs root to which you will attach a
Dfs link. On the Action menu, click New Dfs Link. The C reate A New Dfs Link dialog box appears, as shown in
Figure 5.3.

Figure 5.3 Creating a New Dfs Link off a public Dfs root for a human resources share

The following table describes the option in the dialog box:

Option Description

Link Name The name below the Dfs root that users will see
when they connect to Dfs.

Send the user to this shared folder The UNC name for the actual location of the
shared folder the Dfs link refers to. Note that the
Dfs host server must be able to access any
shared folders referred to in a Dfs link.

C omment Additional information (optional) to help keep

track of the shared folder (for example, the
actual name of the shared folder).

C lients cache this Dfs referral for x seconds Length of time for which clients cache a referral

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to a Dfs link. After the referral time expires, a

client queries the Dfs server about the location of
the Dfs link, even if the client has previously
established a connection with the Dfs link.

The Dfs link will appear below the Dfs root volume in the Distributed File System tool and will appear to a Dfs
enabled client as a folder below the Dfs root. Figure 5.4 shows the appearance of a Dfs root named
\\Server02\Public and a Dfs link on another server.

Figure 5.4 A Dfs root and Dfs link as they appear in the Distributed File System snap-in and how they appear
on a Dfs-enabled client

Exercise 1: Creating a Dfs Root and Dfs Link

In this practice, you configure shares, create a stand-alone Dfs root, and then create Dfs links.
 Procedure 1: Creating directories and shares
In this procedure, you will create or use existing folders and create shares for the folders. You can use any
method you prefer to create folders and shares or follow the steps in procedure 1.
1. Log on to Server01 as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. Open My C omputer on the desktop.
The My C omputer window appears.
3. Open Local Disk (H:).
4. From the File menu, select New and then Folder.
A folder named New Folder appears in the Local Disk (H:) window, and the blinking cursor appears
inside the New Folder box.
5. Rename the folder "Public."
6. Select the Public folder, and from the File menu choose Sharing.
The Public Properties dialog box appears.
7. Select the Share This Folder radio button, and in the C omment text box, type Dfs root share .
8. C lick OK.
The Public folder appears with a hand underneath the folder.
9. Repeat the last seven steps to create the folders and shares listed in the following table, using default

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Be aware that in some cases, the folders will be created on drive letters other than H:, and in one
case a share will be created on Server02 to a folder that already exists.

Computer name Driv e F older Share name

Server02 C: \Inetpub\wwwroot internal Internal Web


Server01 H: \Press Press C urrent press


Server01 C: \Inetpub\ftproot ftproot FTP root directory

mapped partition

Server01 I: \dev\TechDocs TechDocs Technical

documents area

Server01 C: \Public\Press PressRepl C urrent press

releases replica
 Procedure 2: Creating a stand-alone Dfs root on Server01
In this procedure, you create a stand-alone Dfs root to host the shares created in procedure 1.
1. C lick the Start button, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Distributed File
The Distributed File System snap-in appears.
2. Read the message displayed in the right pane.
3. On the Action menu, click New Dfs Root.
The New Dfs Root Wizard appears.
4. Read the information on the Welcome To The New Dfs Root Wizard, and then click Next.
5. On the Select The Dfs Root Type screen, notice that there are two types of Dfs you can create:
A domain Dfs root that writes the Dfs tree topology to the Active Directory store and supports DNS,
and file replication.

A stand-alone Dfs root that does not use Active Directory services and does not support automatic
file replication.

Because you have not configured a domain controller at this point in your training, you will create a
stand-alone Dfs root.
6. Select the C reate A Stand-Alone Dfs Root radio button, and then click next.
7. On the Specify The Host Server For The Dfs Root screen, confirm that SERVER01 is displayed, and
then click Next.
On the Specify The Dfs Root Share screen, you will specify a share you created in procedure 1.

Notice that you can use an existing share for the Dfs root, or the wizard can create a new shared
folder for you.
8. Verify that the Use An Existing Share radio button is selected, and then from the drop-down menu,
select Public.
9. C lick Next.
10. In the C omment text box appearing on the Name The Dfs Root screen, type Public access share
and then click Next.
11. Review the settings appearing on the C ompleting The New Dfs Root Wizard screen, and then click
The Distributed File system snap-in appears and the Dfs root is configured on SERVER01 to Public.
 Procedure 3: Creating Dfs links
In the following procedure, you will create Dfs links below the \\SERVER01\Public Dfs root.
1. In the left pane of the Distributed File System snap-in, select \\SERVER01\Public.
2. C lick on the Action menu, and notice that New Root Replica and replication policy are not available.
3. C lick New Dfs Link.
The C reate A New Dfs Link dialog box appears.
4. In the Link Name text box, type intranet .
5. C lick Browse.
The Browse For Folder window appears.

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6. Expand the + sign to the left of C omputers Near Me.

7. Expand the + sign to the left of Server02, and then click internal and click OK.
The Send The User To This Shared Folder text box contains \\Server02\internal.
8. In the C omment text box, type Internal Web content and click OK.
9. Always begin this step by clicking on \\SERVER01\Public in the Distributed File System snap-in, and
then repeat steps 3-8 to create new Dfs links using information in the following table:
Send the user to this shared
Link name Comment

news \\Server01\Press C urrent Press Releases

ftp \\Server01\ftproot FTP Root Directory

tech \\Server01\TechDocs Technical Documents Area


Rather than browsing for a share, you can enter the server and share name using standard UNC syntax.
 Procedure 4: Creating a Dfs Replica
In the following procedure, you will create a replica of the News Dfs link. This Dfs link points to the H:\Press
folder shared as Press, and the replica will be stored on C :\Public\Press folder, which is shared as PressRepl.

Because you created a stand-alone Dfs link, files must be manually copied or synchronized between the two
folders. File replication services are not available for replicas created on a stand-alone Dfs link.
1. Select the News link in the left pane of the Distributed File System snap-in.
2. On the Action menu, click New Replica.

The Add A New Replica dialog box appears.

3. In the Send The User To This Shared Folder text box, type \\SERVER01\PressRepl . Notice that no
replication policy can be configured for this replica.
4. C lick OK.
In the right pane both the \\SERVER01\Press and \\SERVER01\PressRepl shares appear.
 Procedure 5: Accessing the Dfs on Server01
In this procedure, you will use the batch file provided with this course to copy files to Dfs links created in the
previous procedures. After the files are copied, you will access the files through Windows Explorer.

The batch file included with this course will work properly only if both servers are running, the shares are
created exactly as specified in this exercise, and the Administrator account password is "password" on both

1. Insert the Windows 2000 Server Training Supplemental C D-ROM into the C D-ROM drive in Server01.
2. Open the C D-ROM drive from My C omputer.
3. Open the \chapt05\ex1 folder
4. C lick on the ex1copy.bat file, and from the File menu click Open.
A command window will open as files are copied to the Dfs links, and then the command window will

C omplete all of the remaining steps in this procedure from Server02.

5. To access the stand-alone Dfs root on Server01 from Server02, open My Network Places and then
open C omputers Near Me.
The C omputers Near Me windows appears showing all computers in the workgroup.
6. C lick on Server01, and from the File menu click Open.
All shares and the Dfs root (Public) appear along with other objects on Server01. Notice that the
Public folder appears like any share on Server01.
7. C lick on the Public folder, and from the File menu click Open.
The four Dfs links created in a previous procedure appear.
8. Open each folder and verify that the following files are present:
F older F ile(s)

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ftp dirmap.htm, dirmap.txt

intranet Q240126 - Best Practices for Using Sysprep with

NTFS Volumes.htm

news press.wri

tech Dfsnew.doc, RFS 1777.txt

Note that the intranet folder will contain additional files since this folder points to a directory created
during the installation of Windows 2000 Server.
9. Which folder represents a location on a server other than Server01?
10. Which folder represents a mounted drive to a previously empty folder?
11. Earlier in this exercise, you created a replica of the Press Dfs link. The name of that replica is
\\SERVER01\PressRepl. This Dfs link is a shared folder by the name of PressRepl and is located in
C :\Public\Press. If you examine the contents of this directory, you will notice that it is empty.
However, when you view the News Dfs link, you will notice that there is a file named Press.wri. Why
is the PressRepl Dfs replica empty?

You can use the Distributed File System snap-in to check the status of the Dfs links and to open a window to
the contents of the link.

Lesson Summary

Dfs provides a convenient way for users to access shared folders that are distributed throughout a network. A
single Dfs shared folder, called a Dfs root, serves as an access point to other shared folders in the network,
called Dfs links. Dfs organizes shared folders on different computers in a network into a single, logical,
hierarchical file system. Dfs facilitates network navigation and administration while preserving network
permissions. Two types of Dfs roots can be configured on Windows 2000 Servers: stand-alone Dfs roots and
domain Dfs roots. Stand-alone Dfs stores the Dfs topology on a single computer. This type of Dfs provides no
fault tolerance if the computer that stores the Dfs topology or any of the shared folders that Dfs uses fail.
Domain Dfs writes the Dfs topology to the Active Directory store. This type of Dfs allows Dfs links to point to
multiple identical shared folders and supports file replication for fault tolerance. In addition, it supports DNS
and multiple levels of Dfs links. Dfs uses the FRS to replicate data in domain Dfs roots and domain Dfs links.
When changes are made to a Dfs link that is part of a domain Dfs root, the changes are automatically
replicated to other replica members.

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Lesson 2: File Replication Service

FRS is the file replication service in Windows 2000 Server. It is used to copy and maintain files on multiple
servers simultaneously and to replicate the Windows 2000 system volume (SYSVOL) on all domain
controllers. In addition it can be configured to replicate data for domain Dfs roots.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Describe what data can be replicated by FRS
 C onfigure replication for domain Dfs roots
 Describe the replication process in the Active Directory services and FRS
Estimated lesson time: 25 minutes

FRS Replication

FRS is installed automatically on all Windows 2000 Servers. It is configured to start automatically on all
domain controllers and manually on all stand-alone and member servers. Although Active Directory
replication and the FRS are independent of each other, they share a common replication topology,
terminology, and methodology. In fact, the Active Directory store uses FRS to synchronize the directory
among all domain controllers.

Each Windows 2000 domain has one or more servers that serve as domain controllers. Each domain
controller stores a complete copy of Active Directory store for its domain and is involved in managing
changes and updates to the directory.

Within a site, Active Directory services automatically generates a ring topology for replication among domain
controllers in the same domain. The topology defines the path for directory updates to flow from one domain
controller to another until all domain controllers receive the directory updates.

The ring structure ensures that there are at least two replication paths from one domain controller to another;
if one domain controller is down temporarily, replication still continues to all other domain controllers.

Active Directory services uses multimaster replication, in which no one domain controller is the master;
instead, all domain controllers within a domain are equivalent.

Active Directory services periodically analyzes the replication topology within a site to ensure that it is still
efficient. If you add or remove a domain controller from the network or a site, Active Directory services
reconfigures the topology to reflect the change.

Sites and Replication

A site is made up of one or more IP subnets that identify a group of well-connected computers. Only those
subnets that share fast and reliable network connections of at least 512 kilobits per second (Kbps) should be

Domain structure and site structure are maintained separately in Active Directory services. A single domain
can include multiple sites, and a single site can include multiple domains or parts of multiple domains, as
shown in Figure 5.5.

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Figure 5.5 A single domain with a single site, a single domain with multiple sites, and multiple sites with
multiple domains

There are two types of replication: intra-site replication and inter-site replication.

Intra-Site Replication

Intra-site replication has the following characteristics:

 Intra-site replication occurs between domain controllers within a site.

 Replicated data is not compressed.
 The default replication interval is 5 minutes.
 Replication is trigger-based, that is, notification and pull.
Inter-Site Replication

Inter-site replication has the following characteristics:

 Inter-site replication occurs between domain controllers in different sites.

 You can specify the time when inter-site replication should occur. The default replication interval is 3
 You can specify the network transport for use in inter-site replication.
 Inter-site replication is compressed, regardless of the transport used.
 Inter-site replication compression reduces the data on the network by 88 to 90 percent.
One disadvantage to inter-site replication is that it is not configured automatically; it must be configured by an

Knowledge Consistency Checker

Within a site, a process called the Knowledge C onsistency C hecker (KC C ) generates a ring topology for
replication among domain controllers in the same domain. The generated topology defines paths for directory
updates to flow from one domain controller to another until all domain controllers have received the directory

This ring structure guarantees that there are at least two replication paths from one domain controller to
another, ensuring that if one domain controller is temporarily down, replication will continue to all other

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domain controllers. In addition, the ring structure is created such that an update takes, at most, three "hops"
from the domain controller where it originates to any other domain controller in the site.

The KC C periodically analyzes the replication topology within a site to ensure that the replication topology is
efficient. If a domain controller is added or removed from the network or a site, the KC C reconfigures the
topology to reflect the change.

Administrators can make modifications to the replication topology, including changing the schedule for
inter-site replication, to meet the requirements of an organization.

Unique Sequence Numbers

When a directory object is updated at a domain controller, either through a change that a user or
administrator makes or by replication from another domain controller, the domain controller assigns the
change a Unique Sequence Number (USN). Each domain controller maintains its own USNs and applies USNs
incrementally to each directory change made at the domain controller.

When the domain controller writes the change into the directory, it also writes the USN of the change with the

Each domain controller maintains a table of the USNs that it receives from every other domain controller in
the domain, and the table lists the highest USN that is received from each domain controller. Each domain
controller then periodically notifies the other domain controllers in the domain that it has received changes
and sends its current USN. Each domain controller that receives this message checks its USN table for the last
USN that it received from the sending domain controller. If there are changes and the domain controller has
not received them, it requests that only the changes be sent.

Using USNs eliminates the need for precise timestamps for changes and for time to be synchronized precisely
among domain controllers within a domain. However, timestamps are still applied to directory changes for tie

The use of USNs also simplifies recovery after a failure. When a domain controller is running again after a
failure, it restarts replication by asking each of the other domain controllers for changed USNs greater than
the last USN in the table for that domain controller. Because the table is updated automatically as the change
is applied, interrupted replication cycles pick up exactly where they left off, with no loss or duplication of

Implementing FRS

Implementation of FRS consists of several phases: replicating SYSVOL, replicating domain Dfs roots, and
configuring FRS for inter-site replication.

Replicating SYSVOL

C hanges to the %systemroot%\SYSVOL directory on any domain controller are automatically replicated to
the other domain controllers within the site. The replication topology and process is separate but identical to
Active Directory replication. When an administrator adds, removes, or modifies the contents of
%systemroot%\SYSVOL folder on any domain controller, those changes will be replicated to the other domain
controllers within the site automatically.

The default folder structure is as follows:

 %systemroot%\SYSVOL\Sysvol\domain_name\Policies
 %systemroot%\SYSVOL\Sysvol\domain_name\Scripts
Any files and folders added to %systemroot%\SYSVOL\Sysvol\domain_name are automatically replicated.

Replicating Dfs Fault Tolerant Roots

Dfs uses FRS to replicate data in domain Dfs links. When changes are made to a domain Dfs link that is part
of a domain Dfs root, the changes are automatically replicated to other replica members.

Dfs and file replication support the following features:

 Multimaster replication replicates modified files and modified AC Ls when a file is closed.
 Files can be modified on any replica member.
 Only Windows 2000 NTFS volumes have the potential to replicate. Other shares can be published as
alternates, but no replication occurs.
 Replication is journal based.
 Replication is Remote Procedure C all (RPC ) based.
 FRS topology follows Active Directory replication topology.

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The process of Dfs replication consists of a number of steps:

1. A file changes. This is noted when a user closes a file.
2. NTFS makes an entry in the NTFS C hange Log.
3. FRS monitors the NTFS journal for changes to Dfs links.
4. FRS makes an entry into its own journal.
5. FRS generates a staging file of the file change.
6. FRS holds on to changes until scheduled to replicate.
7. The destination pulls the staging file and applies the new files.
Adding Replica Dfs Root Serv ers

Each Dfs root or link can reference a replicated set of shared resources. Dfs clients will automatically select
the nearest replica based on site topology information.

To add Dfs replica servers to a Dfs domain root or link, right-click the Dfs root in the Distributed File System
Manager tool, click New, and then click Root Replica. Enter the UNC path for the replica server and share.

Enabling Dfs Replication

Dfs replication is disabled by default. To enable replication, right-click the Dfs root or Dfs link in the
Distributed File System snap-in, and then select Replication Policy. Highlight every server in the replica set
that you want to participate in FRS replication, and click the Enable button. Servers that do not participate in
replication will have to be synchronized manually.

Configuring FRS for Inter-Site Replication

You can configure inter-site replication by using the Active Directory Sites and Services snap-in. To configure
the FRS settings, you must create a new site link for the inter-site transport protocol listed in the console tree.
Once you've created the site link, right-click the site link object and click Properties. The Properties dialog box
opens. You can now configure the inter-site replication as necessary.

Lesson Summary

FRS is the automatic file replication service in Windows 2000 Server. It copies and maintains files on multiple
servers. There are two types of replication: intra-site replication and inter-site replication. Sites are defined
as one or more subnets that identify a group of well-connected computers. Within a site, a process called
KC C automatically generates a ring topology for replication among domain controllers in the same domain.
Implementing FRS consists of several phases, including replicating SYSVOL, replicating domain Dfs roots, and
configuring FRS.

Domain Dfs roots and FRS will be installed in the next chapter after Active Directory services are running.

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The following questions are intended to reinforce key information presented in this chapter. If you are unable
to answer a question, review the appropriate lesson and then try the question again. Answers to the questions
can be found in Appendix A, "Questions and Answers."
1. How does a mounted drive to an empty folder differ from a Dfs root?
2. In Exercise 1, you were asked to notice that New Root Replica and Replication Policy were not
available options in the Distributed File System snap-in. Explain why these options are not available.
3. Why doesn't Dfs directly provide a security infrastructure?
4. How is the KC C involved in maintaining Active Directory store synchronization between domain
5. What data does the FRS replicate?

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Chapter 6
Active Directory Services
About This Chapter

In C hapter 1, "Introduction to Microsoft Windows 2000," you were introduced to the basic concepts of
Microsoft Active Directory services. This included a discussion of several Active Directory features, such as
scalability and open standards support, and continued with a discussion of the logical and physical structures
of the Active Directory store. C hapter 6 provides more details about Active Directory concepts and Active
Directory architecture. The chapter then describes how to plan for the implementation of Active Directory
services in your Microsoft Windows 2000 environment and how to perform that implementation. Finally, the
chapter discusses the administration of Active Directory services once it has been implemented in a Windows
2000 environment.

Before You Begin

To complete the lessons in this chapter, you must have

 Windows 2000 Server installed and running on Server01 as described in C hapter 2, Exercise 1.
 C omputer 2 networked to Server01 and be running Windows 2000 Server, as described in C hapter 3,
Exercise 1.
 The Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM.

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Lesson 1: Overview of Active Directory Services

Active Directory services is the directory service included with Windows 2000 Server. It extends the
functionality of previous Windows-based directory services and adds new features. Active Directory services
is secure, distributed, partitioned, and replicated. It is designed to work well in any size installation, from a
single server with a few hundred objects to thousands of servers with millions of objects. Active Directory
services adds many new features that make it easy to navigate and manage large amounts of information,
saving time for both administrators and end users.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Describe the concepts and architecture of Active Directory services
Estimated lesson time: 40 minutes

Introduction to Active Directory Services

Active Directory services is completely integrated with Windows 2000 Server and offers the hierarchical view,
extensibility, scalability, and distributed security required by all business customers. Active Directory services
allows administrators, developers, and end users to gain access to a directory service that is seamlessly
integrated with both Internet and intranet environments. Active Directory services is a critical part of the
distributed system. It allows administrators and end users to use the directory service as a source of
information as well as an administrative service.

Active Directory services integrates the Internet concept of namespace with the operating system's directory
service. A namespace is a structured collection of information in which names can be used to symbolically
represent another type of information, such as a host name representing an IP address, and in which specific
rules are established that determine how names can be created and used. The integration of the concept of
namespace with the directory services allows enterprises to unify and manage the multiple namespaces that
now exist in the heterogeneous software and hardware environments of corporate networks. Active Directory
services uses the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) as its core protocol and can work across
operating system boundaries, integrating multiple namespaces. It can manage application-specific directories,
as well as other NOS-based directories, to provide a general-purpose directory that can reduce the
administrative burden and costs associated with maintaining multiple namespaces.

Active Directory services is not an X.500 directory. Instead, it uses LDAP as the access protocol and supports
the X.500 information model without requiring systems to host the entire X.500 overhead. The result is a high
level of interoperability that supports real-world heterogeneous networks.


For information on how LDAP uses X.500, see the Supplemental C ourse Materials C D-ROM
(\chapt01\articles\RFC 1777.txt) that accompanies this book.
Active Directory services allows a single point of administration for all published resources, such as files,
peripheral devices, host connections, databases, Web access, users, services, and other objects. It uses the
Internet Domain Name System (DNS) as its locator service, organizes objects in domains into a hierarchy of
organizational units (OUs), and allows multiple domains to be connected to a tree structure. Administration is
further simplified because there is no primary domain controller (PDC )/backup domain controller (BDC )
structure, as was implemented in Windows NT Server. Instead, Active Directory services uses domain
controllers only, and all domain controllers are peers. An administrator can make changes to any domain
controller, and the updates will be replicated to all other domain controllers.


For further information about Active Directory features, concepts, and architecture, see the Supplemental
C ourse Materials C D-ROM that accompanies this book. The \chapt06\articles folder includes three articles that
expand on this material: Managing the Active Directory.doc, Active_Directory_Technical_Summary.doc, and

Understanding Active Directory Concepts

There are several new concepts introduced with Active Directory services. Some of these concepts might be
familiar, while others have meanings that differ from traditional usage. This section describes several of these
concepts, including extensible schema, the global catalog, namespace, and naming conventions.

Extensible Schema

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The Active Directory schema contains a formal definition of the contents and structure of the Active Directory
store, including all attributes, classes, and class properties. For each object class, the schema defines what
attributes an instance of the class must have, what additional attributes it can have, and what object class can
be a parent of the current object class.

Installing Active Directory services on the first domain controller in a network creates a default schema. The
default schema contains definitions of commonly used objects and properties, such as users, computers,
printers, and groups. The default schema also contains definitions of objects and properties that Active
Directory services uses internally to function.

The Active Directory schema is extensible, which means that you can define new directory object types and
attributes and new attributes for existing objects. The schema is implemented and stored within the Active
Directory store itself (in the global catalog) and can be updated dynamically. Therefore, an application can
extend the schema with new attributes and classes, and it can use the extensions immediately.

Extending the Schema

Extending the Active Directory schema is an advanced operation intended to be performed by experienced
programmers and system administrators. Before modifying the schema, see Windows 2000 Server Help and
the Active Directory Programmer's Guide at
http://msdn.microsoft.com/developer/windows2000/adsi/actdirguide.asp. If this URL doesn't access the Active
Directory Programmer's Guide, visit http://msdn.microsoft.com and search for the title Active Directory
Programmer's Guide. The Active Directory Programmer's Guide includes detailed information about each
method of extending Active Directory schema as well as sample scripts and examples of programming code.

Extending the schema is a highly sensitive operation, with implications potentially throughout your network.
Schema extension is best handled programmatically and only when absolutely necessary. Improper schema
modifications can impair or disable Windows 2000 Server and possibly your entire network.

Global Catalog

The global catalog is the central repository of information about objects in a domain tree (a collection of
domains that form a domain hierarchy) or forest (a collection of domain trees that are part of different
hierarchies). Active Directory services generates the contents of the global catalog from the domains that are
part of the directory via the normal replication process. The Active Directory replication system automatically
builds the global catalog and generates the replication topology.

The global catalog is a service as well as a physical storage location that contains a replica of selected
attributes of every object in the Active Directory store. The process of partial replication allows many
common queries to be resolved from the global catalog without requiring a lookup in the source domain. By
default, the attributes stored in the global catalog are those most frequently used in search operations (such
as a user's first and last names, login name, and so forth) and those necessary to locate a full replica of the
object. C onsequently, you can use the global catalog to locate objects anywhere in the network without
replicating all domain information between domain controllers.

You can use the Active Directory Schema snap-in to define which attributes are included in the global catalog
replication process. This snap-in is contained in %systemroot%\system32 and is named Schmmgmt.msc.
C aution should be exercised when using this tool. Only experienced programmers or advanced administrators
who understand the schema and how it functions should use this tool.
When you are installing Active Directory services on the first domain controller, that domain controller is, by
default, a global catalog server. A global catalog server is a domain controller that stores a copy of the global
catalog. The configuration of the initial global catalog server should have the capacity to support several
hundred thousand to one million objects, with the potential for growth.

Additional domain controllers can also be designated as global catalog servers by using the Active Directory
Sites and Services snap-in. When considering which domain controllers to designate as global catalog
servers, you should base the decision on the ability of the network structure to handle replication and query
traffic. The more global catalog servers, the greater the replication traffic. However, the availability of
additional servers can provide quicker responses to user inquiries. It is recommended that every major site
in the enterprise have a global catalog server.


Active Directory services, like all directory services, is primarily a namespace. A namespace is any bounded
area in which a name can be resolved. Name resolution is the process of translating a name into some object
or information that the name represents. The Active Directory namespace is based on the DNS naming
scheme, which allows for interoperability with Internet technologies. An example namespace is shown in
Figure 6.1.

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Figure 6.1 Namespace diagram of a sample domain

Using a common namespace allows you to unify and manage multiple hardware and software environments in
your network. There are two types of namespaces:

 Contiguous namespace The name of the child object in an object hierarchy always contains the
name of the parent domain. A tree is a contiguous namespace.
 Disjointed namespace The names of a parent object and a child of the same parent object are not
directly related to each other. A forest is a disjointed namespace.

Naming Conventions

Every object in the Active Directory store is identified with a name. Active Directory services uses a variety of
naming conventions: distinguished names, relative distinguished names, globally unique identifiers, and user
principal names. Active Directory services is an LDAP-compliant directory service, which means that all
access to directory objects occurs through LDAP. LDAP requires that names of directory objects are Request
for C omments (RFC )-compliant, which defines the standard for object names in an LDAP directory service.

Distinguished Name

Objects are located within Active Directory domains according to a hierarchical path, which includes the labels
of the Active Directory domain name and each level of container objects. Every object in the Active Directory
store has a distinguished name (DN). The DN uniquely identifies an object and contains sufficient information
for a client to retrieve the object from the directory. The DN includes the name of the domain that holds the
object, as well as the complete path through the container hierarchy to the object.

The following example is a DN that identifies the James Smith user object in the microsoft.com domain:
DC =C OM/DC =Microsoft/C N=Users/C N=James Smith
The delimiters and values used in the DN for James Smith are identified in the following table:

LDAP Delimiter Value Represents

DC C OM Domain component

DC Microsoft Domain component

CN Users C ommon name

CN James Smith C ommon name

Note that the Active Directory snap-in tools do not display the LDAP abbreviations (O=, DC =, C N=). These
abbreviations are shown only to illustrate how LDAP recognizes the portions of the distinguished name. Some
of the naming attributes described in the RFC s, such as O= for Organization Name and C = for C ountry Name,
are not used in Active Directory services, although they are recognized by LDAP.


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To read more about distinguished names, see the Supplemental C ourse Materials C D-ROM
(\chapt06\articles\rfc1779.txt) that accompanies this book.
Relative Distinguished Name

In Active Directory services, you can search for an object even if you don't know the exact DN or if the DN
has changed. This can be accomplished by querying an object's attributes. One of an object's attributes is its
relative distinguished name (RDN), which is a part of the full DN name. In the preceding example, the RDN of
the James Smith user object is C N=James Smith. The RDN of the parent object is C N=Users.

Active Directory services allows duplicate RDNs for objects, but no two objects with the same RDN can exist
within the same OU. For example, if the Users OU contains a James Smith user account, you could not add
another James Smith user to it. However, if the Users OU contains two smaller OUs, such as Managers and
Sales, the Managers OU can contain a James Smith user account and the Sales OU can contain a James Smith
user account because each of these accounts would have a different DN.

Globally Unique Identifier

In addition to its distinguished name, every object in the Active Directory store has a unique identity. Objects
might be moved or renamed, but their identity never changes. The identity of an object is defined by a
globally unique identifier (GUID), a 128-bit number that is assigned by the Directory System Agent (DSA)
when the object is created. Unlike a distinguished name or a relative distinguished name, a GUID never
changes, even if you move or rename the object. Applications can store the GUID of an object and be
assured of retrieving that object regardless of its current DN.

In Windows NT, domain resources were associated to a security identifier (SID), which was generated within
the domain. This meant that the SID was guaranteed to be unique only within the domain. A GUID is unique
across all domains; you can move objects from domain to domain, and they will still have a unique identifier.

The GUID is stored in an attribute, objectGUID, that is present on every object. The objectGUID attribute is
protected so that it cannot be altered or removed. When you store a reference to an Active Directory object
in an external store (for example, a Microsoft SQL Server database), the objectGUID value should be used.
Figure 6.2 shows the properties of the objectGUID attribute.

Figure 6.2 The objectGUID attribute as it appears in the Active Directory Schema Management snap-in

User Principal Name

A user principal name (UPN) is a friendly name that is shorter than the DN and easier to remember. The UPN
consists of a shorthand name that represents the user and usually the DNS name of the domain where the
user object resides. The UPN format is the user name, the "@" character, plus a user principal name suffix.
For example, user James Smith in the microsoft.com tree might have a UPN of username@microsoft.com. The
user principal name is independent of the distinguished name of the user object, so a user object can be
moved or renamed without affecting the user logon name. The user principal name is an attribute
(userPrincipalName) of the security principal object.

Active Directory Architecture

The structure of Active Directory services can be broken into several primary architectural components: the

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data model, schema, security model, and administration model.

Data Model

The Active Directory data model is derived from the X.500 data model. The directory holds objects that
represent various components of the network, and each of the objects is described by attributes. The
collection of objects that can be stored in the directory is defined in the schema.


The Active Directory schema is implemented as a set of object class instances stored in the directory. The
schema can be updated dynamically. That is, an application can extend the schema with new attributes and
classes and can use the extensions immediately. Schema updates are accomplished by creating or modifying
the schema objects stored in the directory. Like every object in the Active Directory store, schema objects
are protected by access control lists (AC Ls), so only authorized users may alter the schema.

Security Model

The directory is part of the Windows 2000 Trusted C omputing Base and is a full participant in the Windows
2000 security infrastructure. The Trusted Computing Base is the set of operating system components
responsible for enforcing the security policies of the operating system. AC Ls protect all objects in the Active
Directory store. The Windows 2000 access validation routines use the AC L to validate any attempt to access
an object or attribute in the Active Directory store.

Administration Model

Authorized users perform administration in Active Directory services. A user is authorized by a higher
authority to perform a specified set of actions on a specified set of object instances and object classes in
some identified subtree of the directory. This is called delegated administration. Delegated administration
allows granular control over who can do what and enables delegation of authority without granting elevated

The DSA is the process that manages the directory's physical storage. C lients use one of the supported
interfaces to connect to the DSA and then search for read and write directory objects and their attributes. The
DSA provides client isolation from the physical storage format of the directory data. This provides convenient
access while enhancing system security.

Access to Active Directory services

Access to Active Directory services is via wire protocols. Wire protocols define the formats of messages and
interactions of client and server. Various application programming interfaces (APIs) give developers access to
these protocols.

Protocol Support

Active Directory services supports the following protocols:

 LDAP The Active Directory core protocol is the LDAP. LDAP version 2 and version 3 are supported.
 MAPI-RPC Active Directory services supports the remote procedure call (RPC ) interfaces supporting
the Messaging Application Program Interface (MAPI) interfaces.
 X.500 The Active Directory information model is derived from the X.500 information model. X.500
defines several wire protocols that Active Directory services does not implement, in part because of
their dependence on the OSI network protocol:
 Directory Access Protocol (DAP)
 Directory System Protocol (DSP)
 Directory Information Shadowing Protocol (DISP)
 Directory Operational Binding Management Protocol (DOP)
Application Programming Interfaces

Active Directory services provides powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use APIs. The availability of a rich set of
APIs for the directory service encourages the development of applications and tools that make use of the
directory's services.

Activ e Directory Service Interfaces

To make it easier to write directory-enabled applications that access Active Directory services and other
LDAP-enabled directories, Microsoft developed Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI). ADSI is a set of
extensible, easy-to-use programming interfaces that can be used to write applications to access and manage
the following:

 Active Directory services

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 Any LDAP-based directory

 Other directory services in a customer's network, including Novell Directory Services (NDS)
ADSI is part of the Open Directory Services Interfaces (ODSI) and Windows Open Services Architecture
(WOSA). ADSI objects are available for Windows NT 4.0, Novell NetWare 3.x and 4.x, and Active Directory
services, as well as any other directory service that supports the LDAP protocol.

ADSI extracts the capabilities of directory services from different network providers to present a single set of
directory service interfaces for managing network resources. This greatly simplifies the development of
distributed applications as well as the administration of distributed systems. Developers and administrators
use this single set of directory service interfaces to enumerate and manage the resources in a directory
service, no matter which network environment contains the resource. Thus, ADSI makes it easier to perform
common administrative tasks, such as adding new users, managing printers, and locating resources
throughout the distributed computing environment. ADSI also makes it easy for developers to make their
applications directory-enabled.

ADSI objects are designed to meet the needs of three main audiences:

 Developers Typically, this audience will use ADSI with a compiled language such as C ++, although
Microsoft Visual Basic can be used for prototyping the application. For example, a developer could
write an application to manage multiple directories, network printing, back up databases, and so on.
 System administrators Typically, this audience will access ADSI through a scripting language,
such as Microsoft Visual Basic, although C /C ++ can also be used to enhance performance. For
example, with Active Directory services an administrator could write a script to add 100 new users to
the system and establish them as members of selected security groups.
 Users Like the system administrators, this audience will access ADSI through a scripting language.
For example, a user might write a script to locate all print jobs in a group of print queues and display
the status of each.

The LDAP C API provides a lowest common denominator solution for developers who need their applications
to work on many different client types. Similarly, existing LDAP applications will run against Active Directory
services with little or no modification beyond extending the application to support object types unique to
Active Directory services. Developers of LDAP applications are encouraged to migrate to ADSI, which
supports any LDAP-enabled directory services.

Windows Messaging API

Active Directory services provides support for MAPI so that legacy MAPI applications will continue to work
with Active Directory services. However, developers of new applications are encouraged to use ADSI to build
their directory-enabled applications.

Virtual Containers

Active Directory services supports virtual containers, which allow any LDAP-compliant directory to be
accessed transparently via Active Directory services. The virtual container is implemented via location
information stored in the Active Directory store. The location information describes where in the Active
Directory store the foreign directory should appear and contains the DNS name of a server holding a copy of
the actual directory and the DN at which to begin search operations in the foreign DS.

Directory Service Architecture

Active Directory functionality can be illustrated as a layered architecture in which the layers represent the
server processes that provide directory services to client applications (see Figure 6.3). The Active Directory
architecture consists of three service layers and several interfaces and protocols that work together to
provide directory services. The three service layers (DSA, Database Layer, and Extensible Storage Engine)
accommodate the different types of information that are required to locate records in the directory database.
Above the service layers in this architecture are the protocols and APIs that enable communication between
clients and the directory service.

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Figure 6.3 Active Directory services architecture

Active Directory services architecture includes the following key service components:

 Directory System Agent (DSA) Builds a hierarchy from the parent-child relationships stored in the
directory. Provides APIs for directory access calls.
 Database Layer Provides an abstraction layer between applications and the database. C alls from
applications are never made directly to the database; they go through the database layer.
 Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) C ommunicates directly with individual records in the directory
data store on the basis of the object's RDN attribute.
 Data store (the database file Ntds.dit) This file is manipulated only by the Extensible Storage
Engine (ESE) database engine. You can administer the file by using the Ntdsutil tool.

Ntdsutil.exe is installed in %systemroot%\system32 when Windows 2000 Server is installed.

The Interfaces

C lients obtain access to Active Directory services by using mechanisms that are supported by the DSA. The
following table provides a description of each of these mechanisms:

Interface Description

LDAP Provides the API for LDAP clients and exposes

the ADSI so that additional applications can be
written that can talk to the Active Directory
services. C lients that support LDAP use it to
connect to the directory system agent. Active
Directory services supports LDAP version 3 and
LDAP version 2. Windows 2000 clients, as well as
Windows 9x clients that have the Active Directory
client components installed, use LDAP version 3
to connect to the DSA. ADSI is a means of
abstracting the LDAP API; however, only LDAP is
used by Active Directory services.

REPL Used by the replication service to facilitate Active

Directory replication via RPC over IP or Simple
Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP), a part of the
TC P/IP protocol suite. SMTP can be used only for
intersite replication (between sites); RPC over IP
replication is used for both intrasite and intersite

SAM Provides down-level compatibility to facilitate

communication between Windows 2000 and
Windows NT 4.0 domains. Windows clients that
use Windows NT 4.0 or earlier use the SAM
interface to connect to the DSA. Replication from
backup domain controllers in a mixed-mode
domain goes through the SAM interface as well.

MAPI Legacy MAPI clients, such as Microsoft Outlook

messaging and collaboration client, connect to the
DSA by using the MAPI RPC address book
provider interface.

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Directory System Agent

The DSA is the Active Directory process that runs on each domain controller and manages all the directory
service functions. This process manages the directory's physical storage. C lients use one of the supported
interfaces to connect to the DSA and then search for read and write directory objects and their attributes. The
DSA provides client isolation from the physical storage format of the directory data.

The DSA provides access to the store, which is the database file containing directory information located on a
hard disk. DSA is an X.500 term that describes the server-side process that creates an instance of a directory
service, that is, applications binding to a DSA.

The DSA layer exposes interfaces to support the following set of core operations:

Object Identification

Every object in the Active Directory store has a permanent GUID associated with a string form of the object
name. The object name is not permanent; it can be changed. All permanent references to the object are kept
in terms of the GUID; the object name is used for hierarchy navigation and for display. The DSA maintains
the GUID association with an object when the object's DN changes.

Transaction Processing

Transactions are processed automatically. A write request either commits, and all of its effects are durable, or
it fails before completion and has no effect. Transactions are written synchronously to the transaction log file
and then to the database.

Schema Enforcement of Updates

The duplication and synchronization of directory information is known as multimaster replication. In a

multimaster system, a change to a schema object in one replica might conflict with existing objects in that
replica and also with objects in other replicas. The schema is a formal definition of every object class that can
be created in the directory, the attributes of each object class, and the possible parents for every object
class. In Windows 2000, schema change is a single-master operation, which means that any change you
make on the master is updated on all other replicas. Replicated updates do not perform any schema checks.
Making the replicas of an object consistent with one another is the primary goal; making them consistent with
a changing schema is secondary.

Access Control Enforcement

The DSA enforces security limitations in the directory. The DSA layer reads SIDs on the access token.

Support for Replication

The DSA contains the hooks for replication notifications. All object updates ultimately must go through the
appropriate function for the directory service to work properly.


DSA manages the directory hierarchy information (referred to as knowledge), that it receives from the
database layer. DSA is responsible for cross-references of Active Directory domain objects up and down the
hierarchy and also out to other domain hierarchies.

Database Layer

The database layer provides an object view of database information by applying schema semantics to
database records, thereby isolating the upper layers of the directory service from the underlying database
system. The database layer is an internal interface that is not exposed to the public. No database access calls
are made directly to the ESE; instead, all database access is routed through the database layer.

Active Directory services provides a hierarchical namespace. Each object is uniquely identified in the
database by its individual naming attribute, called the RDN. The RDN and the chain of successive parent
object names make up the object's DN. The database stores the RDN for each object as well as a reference
to the parent object. The database layer follows these parent references and concatenates the successive
RDNs to form DNs.

A major function of the database layer is to translate each DN into an integer structure called the DN tag,
which is used for all internal accesses. The database layer guarantees the uniqueness of the DN tag for each
database record.

All data that describes an object is held as a set of attributes, which are stored as columns in the database.
The database layer is responsible for the creation, retrieval, and deletion of individual records, attributes
within records, and values within attributes. To carry out these functions, the database layer uses the schema

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cache (an in-memory structure in the DSA) to get information about the attributes that it needs.

Extensible Storage Engine

Active Directory services is implemented on top of an Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) table
manager. An earlier version of this table manager, called the JET database, is used by Microsoft Exchange
Server version 5.5 client-server messaging and groupware, the File Replication Service, the security
configuration editor, the certificate server, Windows Internet Name Service (WINS), and various other
Windows components. Windows 2000 has a new and improved version of the JET database, the ESE.

The ESE (Esent.dll) implements a transacted database system that uses log files to ensure that committed
transactions are indeed safe. Thus, the directory service uses both data files (Ntds.dit) and log files. By
default, Esent.dll and Ntds.dit are stored in the %systemroot%\system32 folder.

The ESE stores all Active Directory objects. The ESE can support a database of up to 16 TB in size, which can
theoretically hold many millions of objects per domain.

The ESE is well suited to the storage needs of Active Directory services:

 The ESE update operations are transacted for stability and integrity across system failures.
 The ESE handles sparse rows well, that is, rows in which many of the properties do not have values.
Active Directory services comes with a predefined schema that defines all the attributes required and allowed
for a given object. The ESE reserves storage only for the space used—that is, only for the attributes assigned
to an object, not for all possible attributes. For example, if a user object already has 50 attributes defined in
the schema and you create a user with only four attributes; storage space is allocated only for those four
attributes. If more attributes are added later, more storage is allocated for them.

Also, the ESE is able to store attributes that can have multiple values. For example, the database can store
multiple phone numbers for a single user without requiring a different phone number attribute for each phone

Active Directory services is a functional superset of the Exchange Server directory service; it offers additional
functionality, such as rename-safe objects, a dynamically extensible schema, and per-attribute replication
and reconciliation. Esent.dll implements the search and retrieval functionality of the underlying database.

Lesson Summary

Active Directory services offers the hierarchical view, extensibility, scalability, and distributed security
required by all business customers. Active Directory services integrates the Internet concept of namespace
with the operating system's directory service. It uses the LDAP as its core protocol and can work across
operating system boundaries, integrating multiple namespaces. The Active Directory schema contains a
formal definition of the contents and structure of the Active Directory store, including all attributes, classes,
and class properties. The global catalog, which is the central repository of information about objects in a tree
or a forest, is a service and a physical storage location that contains a replica of selected attributes of every
object in the Active Directory store. Active Directory services, like all directory services, is primarily a
namespace, and every object in the Active Directory store is identified with a name. The structure of Active
Directory services can be broken into several primary architectural components, namely the data model,
schema, security model, and administration model. Access to Active Directory services is via wire protocols
that define the formats of messages and interactions of client and server. Active Directory architecture
consists of three service layers and several interfaces and protocols that work together to provide directory

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Lesson 2: Planning Active Directory Implementation

Before you implement a Windows 2000 network environment, you should first consider how to implement
Active Directory services. Your planning should take into account the business structure and operation of your
organization, such as physical office locations, future growth and reorganization, and access to network
resources. There are several aspects of the Active Directory implementation that are part of the planning
process. First, you must plan the DNS namespace. The namespace includes a domain hierarchy, the global
catalog, trust relationships, and replication. In addition, the namespace includes OUs, which must also be
considered in the planning process. In a single domain, users and resources can be organized by using a
hierarchy of OUs to reflect the structure of the company. Finally, the planning process for the Active Directory
implementation must include a plan to establish sites that can effectively facilitate the management of
replication and logon traffic over links in your enterprise.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Plan a namespace, a site, and organizational units in preparation for an
Active Directory implementation
Estimated lesson time: 75 minutes

Planning a Namespace

Similar to DNS, the Active Directory namespace is the top-level fully qualified domain name for a company
consisting of Windows 2000 domains, domain controllers, OUs, trust relationships, and domain trees. One of
the decisions you will need to make when implementing Active Directory services is whether the internal
namespace (inside the firewall) or the external namespace (outside the firewall) will be the same or separate.
Simply put, will the Active Directory namespace match the DNS namespace (typically the Internet domain
name) that might already be defined for your organization?

For example, the existing, external DNS namespace for your company might be microsoft.com. You can
choose an Active Directory namespace that matches microsoft.com, or you can choose a different internal
namespace. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, as will be discussed later in this lesson.

This is not to say that DNS is an external namespace only. The point is that, if the namespaces are separate,
Active Directory services will be administered separately from the external namespace.

Internal and External Namespaces

A namespace is the top-level Active Directory domain name for an organization. To implement Active
Directory services, there are primarily two choices for namespace design. The Active Directory namespace
can be either the same or separate from the established, registered external DNS namespace.

This section provides two scenarios, one in which the namespaces are the same and another in which they
are different. In the first scenario, where the internal and external namespaces are the same, the same
top-level domain appears on both sides of the firewall. Private users of the corporate network and public
users of the Internet see microsoft.com. In the second scenario, in which the internal and external
namespaces are separate, the top-level domain name inside the firewall is different from the top-level
registered DNS domain name seen by the Internet. The internal namespace is expedia.com, and the external
namespace is microsoft.com.

Scenario 1: Same Internal and External Namespaces

In this scenario, the company uses the same name for the internal and external namespaces. microsoft.com
is used both inside and outside the company. To implement this scenario, the following requirements must be

 C lients on the company's internal, private network must be able to access both internal and external
servers (both sides of the firewall).
 C lients accessing resources from the outside must not be able to access internal company resources
or resolve names.
For this scenario to work, two separate DNS zones must exist. One zone will exist outside the firewall,
providing name resolution for public resources. This zone is not configured to resolve internal resources,
thereby making internal company resources unreachable to external clients.

The challenge in this configuration is making publicly available resources accessible to internal clients, since
the external DNS zone is not configured to resolve internal resources. One suggestion is to duplicate the
external zone on an internal DNS for internal clients to resolve resources. If a proxy is being used, the proxy
client should be configured to treat microsoft.com as an internal resource.


Using the same name for an internal and external namespace has the following advantages:

 The tree name, microsoft.com, is consistent both on the private network and on the public Internet.
 This scenario extends the idea of a single logon name to the public Internet, allowing users to use the

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same logon name both internally and externally. For example, username@microsoft.com would serve
as both the logon and e-mail ID.

Using the same name for an internal and external namespace has the following disadvantages:

 The configuration is more complex. Proxy clients must be configured to know the difference between
internal and external resources.
 C are must be taken not to publish internal resources on the public Internet.
 There will be duplication of efforts in managing resources. For example, maintaining duplicate zone
records for internal and external name resolution.
 Even though the namespace is the same, users will get a different view of internal and external
Scenario 2: Separate Internal and External Namespaces

In this scenario, the company uses separate internal and external namespaces. As a result, the names are
different on either side of the firewall. Separate names are used inside and outside the corporation.
microsoft.com is the name that the Internet community sees and uses. expedia.com is the name that the
private network sees and uses. The two namespaces must be registered with the Internet DNS. Registering
both names prevents duplication of the internal name by another public network. If the internal name is not
reserved and is used by another organization, internal clients cannot distinguish between the internal name
and the publicly registered DNS namespace.

Two zones will be established. One zone will resolve microsoft.com and the other zone will resolve
expedia.com. C lients can clearly distinguish between internal and external resources.


Using the separate names for internal and external namespaces has the following advantages:

 Based on different domain names, the difference between internal and external resources is clear.
 There is no overlap or duplication of effort, resulting in a more easily managed environment.
 C onfiguration of proxy clients is simpler since exclusion lists need to contain only expedia.com when
identifying external resources.

Using the separate names for internal and external namespaces has the following disadvantages:

 Logon names are different from e-mail names. For example, if someone logs on as
username@microsoft.com but his e-mail address is username@expedia.com, he must remember and
maintain separate user names.
 Multiple names must be registered with an Internet DNS.

In this scenario, logon names are different by default. An administrator can use the Microsoft Management
C onsole (MMC ) to change the UPN suffix properties of users so that the user logon will match the email
address of the user.

Defining a Namespace Architecture

In addition to determining whether or not to use similar or separate internal and external namespaces, other
variables will affect the overall namespace architecture. Of major consideration is the impact that replication
traffic will have over wide area network (WAN) links. Additionally, organizations and their structure change
constantly. Besides having the ability to create a Windows 2000 forest, administrators must be able to change
the namespace structure without great expense and by being as unobtrusive as possible. The goal is to have
a namespace architecture that is scalable, can adapt to change, can distinguish between internal and external
resources, and can protect company data at the same time.

The namespace architecture should represent the structure of the organization but simultaneously provide the
administrative granularity required to manage an enterprise-wide, global network based on Active Directory
services. Additionally, the design must be scalable and extensible to accommodate organizational changes
and shifts in management.

One way to accomplish this is to have three layers of domains:

 Root domain
 First-layer domain
 Second-layer domain
This structure provides a granular replication topology and the ability to limit the scope of administrators as

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Root Domain

A root domain is the first domain in the namespace, like expedia.com. The root domain in Active Directory
services maps to the company namespace. All internal domains are a part of this domain, creating a
contiguous, jointed namespace in the form of a domain tree. Additionally, servers containing the namespace
root will not exist on the public side of the firewall and therefore will not be visible to the Internet.

First-Layer Domains

The objective at this layer in the model is to create domain names that don't change, even in the event of
internal company reorganization. The easiest way to do this is to name domains at this level based on
continental, geographical, or political boundaries, for example, noamer.expedia.com or
europe.microsoft.com. Additionally, this will help minimize direct service replication, since a user in North
America does not have to exist in Active Directory services of a server located in Europe. However, global
catalog servers still make it possible for a user in North America to find a resource in Europe as needed.

The trust relationships between the root and all first-layer domains make resources available to all branches
of the domain tree. Therefore, a user in noamer.expedia.com can access a resource in europe.microsoft.com.

Domain names at this layer should be at least three characters long so that they do not conflict with the ISO
3166 standard. This is the standard that specifies two-character country codes for second-layer domains and


For a review of ISO 3166 two-letter country codes, see the Supplemental C ourse Materials C D-ROM
(\chapt06\articles\ iso3166.txt) that accompanies this book.For the most current information on country
codes, access an Internet search engine and enter the keyword ISO3166 or ISO +3166.
The assumption is that the first-layer domain is stable and does not change.

The following table provides suggested naming conventions:

Domain Definition

C ORPIT C ompany IT Headquarters

NOAMER United States of America and C anada

SOAMER Mexico, C entral America, and South America

NOPAC Hong Kong and sites north of Hong Kong (Japan,

C hina, Korea, Taiwan)

SOPAC Sites south of Hong Kong, including the India

subcontinent over to but not including Afghanistan

EUROPE Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, C zech Republic,

Denmark, Spain, Finland, Greece, C roatia,
Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Holland, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Slovakia,

MEAST United Arab Emirates, Israel, Saudi Arabia,


AFRIC A Africa

PARTNERS Business partners and companies to which work

is outsourced

JVT Joint ventures


These naming conventions are merely suggestions that do not conflict with the ISO 3166 naming standard.
Organizations can choose any naming convention that suits their policies and needs.
Second-Layer Domains

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Ideally, domains at this layer should be countries only and branch off of their corresponding first-layer
domains. The benefit of this method is that child-level domains can be created below the second-layer

Use the same naming convention when creating OUs within a domain. This allows an OU to be promoted to a
domain, if necessary, with minimal user impact.

When naming sites internal to the United States, the ISO 3166 standard is not used. Instead use the
two-letter postal codes when naming locations. The only exception to this rule is C alifornia, which conflicts
with the ISO code for C anada. So, use C ALIF when creating domains for C alifornia.

For example, usa.noamer.microsoft.com is a second-layer domain, and ny.usa.noamer.microsoft.com is a

child-level domain.

Planning Organizational Units

OUs should reflect the details of the organization's business structure. C reate OUs to delegate administrative
control over smaller groups of users, groups, and resources. The administrative control granted can be
complete (creating users, changing passwords, managing account policies, and so on) or limited (as minor as
maintaining print queues). Because top-level OUs can hold additional levels of OUs, one can extend the level
of detail as far as necessary. Organize these objects into a logical structure that maps to the way you work
and organize your business.

OUs eliminate the need to provide users with administrative access at the domain level to perform tasks such
as creating computer accounts and setting passwords. One can now give users administrative control at the
OU level, thereby freeing domain administrators from these tasks. OUs add a level of security by allowing
restricted visibility (through the use of AC Ls) of published resources; users can view only those objects they
have been granted access to.

OUs inherit security policies from the parent domain and parent OU unless they are specifically disabled.

Creating the OU Structure

It is a good idea to begin your OU design by creating an OU structure for the first domain in the namespace.
Use that domain and OU structure as a model for any domains added to the enterprise. Additionally, the OU
structure created should be able to facilitate future reorganizations with minimal object movement.

Any time an OU is created, it is important to determine who will be able to view and control certain objects
and what level of administration each administrator will have over the objects. In addition, it is necessary to
determine which administrators will be granted global access to certain OUs and objects, which administrators
will be restricted, and what will be the extent of that restriction.

OU Design Guidelines

Use the following guidelines when creating OUs for your enterprise:

 C reate OUs to delegate administration.

 C reate a logical and meaningful OU structure that allows OU administrators to complete their tasks
 C reate OUs to apply security policies.
 C reate OUs to provide or restrict visibility of published resources from certain users.
 C reate OU structures that are relatively static. OUs also give the namespace flexibility to adapt to
changing needs of the enterprise.
 Avoid allocating too many child objects to any OU.
As you begin to design the OU structure, remember to create OU and object names that are hierarchical,
uniform, static, and general enough to use in any domain in the enterprise. Try to keep any OU from having
too many child objects, because it could cause bottlenecks during search and navigation queries.

One method to creating the OU structure for the first domain is to name the top-level OUs, which become
headers that define the more detailed OUs and objects beneath them. Another approach to creating a
consistent OU structure is to start by determining the natural hierarchy of the objects. Once you have the
detailed objects separated hierarchically into groups, they can be labeled with appropriate top-level OU

If there are multiple domains in the design, determine whether the OU structure can be used across all
domains. If not, rethink the design.

Structure the OU Hierarchy

It is crucial to determine what concept will be used as a base for the OU hierarchy. Many organizations base

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their domain structure on a model that mirrors their business. The following categories provide different ways
to classify your OU hierarchy.

Administration or Object-Based OUs

When the OU structure is based on the administrative model, this benefits all administrators who own the
OUs. In Active Directory services, you can create OUs based on objects, such as users, computers,
applications, groups, printers, security policies, and more. When administration-based OUs are created in a
logical and meaningful manner, it helps administrators do their jobs quickly and easily. Under most
circumstances, this would be the best way to organize OUs because it will ensure the least number of

Geographical-Based OUs

You can create OUs that contain all business functions in each geographical location. Again, this will tend to be
a stable structure over time. However, if you envision major changes in the company's organizational
structure, consider a different basis for an OU design.

Business Function-Based OUs

If it makes sense for the organization, OUs can be created that are based on various business functions within
the organization, such as marketing, IT, and operations. These functions are likely to be stable even if the
specific organizations that perform them are not.

Department-Based OUs

Another approach is to create OUs that mirror a department's cost center association. This method will map to
the current organization but will tend to be quite unstable as the enterprise undergoes reorganizations.

Project-Based OUs

Use this type of OU model to align a cost center with a project rather than with a department. Some
organizations' business is project-driven, for example, software developers, the airline industry, and more.
This is why an organization might want to create project-based OUs. This is not typically a recommended OU
structure because it is not considered static. Typically, this type of OU will be a child of other more stable
OUs. Remember to determine who will administer this OU.

Planning a Site

Up to this point in the lesson, you have considered the logical structure of the domain and OU. Attention to the
physical design is also critical to a successful implementation of a Windows 2000 Server network supporting
Active Directory services. The physical design of a Windows 2000 Server-based network is demarcated by
site. A site is a combination of one or more IP subnets connected by a high-speed link. Often, a site has the
same boundaries as a local area network (LAN) or a very high-bandwidth WAN like an OC 3 SONET (155
Mbps) or T3 (45 Mbps) WAN.

The Active Directory replication engine allows you to differentiate between replication that takes place over a
local network connection and replication that takes place over a low-bandwidth WAN connection. Network
traffic within a site will generally be greater than traffic between sites. How you set up your sites affects
Windows 2000 in two key ways:

 Workstation logon When a user logs on, Active Directory services-enabled clients will try to find a
domain controller in the same site as the user's computer to service the user's logon request and
subsequent requests for network information.
 Directory replication The schedule and path for replication of a domain's directory can be
configured differently for intersite replication, as opposed to replication within a site. Generally, set
replication between sites tends to be less frequent than replication within a site.
In Active Directory services, sites are not part of the namespace. When browsing the logical namespace, you
will see computers and users grouped into domains and OUs—not sites. The site structure is kept in a
separate part of the directory. Sites contain only computer objects and connection objects used to configure
intersite replication.

Properly planned sites ensure that network links are not saturated by replication traffic, that Active Directory
services stays current, and that client computers access resources which are closest to them.

When planning how to group subnets into sites, consider the connection speed between the subnets. Use the
following guidelines when planning to combine subnets into sites:

 C ombine only those subnets that share fast, inexpensive, and reliable network connections. "Fast"
network connections have at least 512 Kbps of unused bandwidth that can be dedicated to replication
traffic. It is prudent to consider much higher bandwidth connections only for a single site.
 C onfigure your sites so that replication occurs at times that will not interfere with network

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Domain structure and site structure are maintained separately in Active Directory services. A single domain
can span multiple sites, and a single site can include multiple domains or parts of multiple domains (Figure

Figure 6.4 A single domain with a single site, a single domain with multiple sites, and multiple sites with
multiple domains

Optimizing Workstation Logon Traffic

When planning sites, consider which domain controllers that workstations on each subnet should use. To have
a particular workstation log on to a specific set of domain controllers, define the sites so that only those
domain controllers are in the same site as that workstation.

Optimizing Directory Replication

When planning sites, consider where the domain controllers will be located. Because each domain controller
must participate in directory replication with the other domain controllers in its domain, you must configure
sites so that replication occurs at times or intervals that will not interfere with network performance.

The following table shows when to implement sites in branch offices based on the size of the branch office.

Workstations Create a Site? Notes

One to five No Users are authenticated across

a slow link. The slow link will not
be subjected to domain
replication traffic.

More than five Yes Locate domain controllers locally

to speed up authentication of
users in the local site.
Replication traffic can be set to
occur on slow links at off peak
times and at less frequent

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Lesson Summary

When preparing for the implementation of Active Directory services, you should carefully plan how you will
structure the namespace, the OUs, and the sites. You will need to determine if the internal namespace and
the external namespace will be the same or separate. If the namespace is the same, the same top-level
domain name appears on both sides of the firewall. If the namespaces are different, the top-level domain
name inside the firewall is different from the top-level domain name outside the firewall. In addition to the
namespace, you must plan your OUs. The OUs should reflect the details of the organization's business
structure and map to the way you work and organize your business. Your sites must also be carefully planned
before you implement Active Directory services. When planning a site, combine only those subnets that share
high-bandwidth, inexpensive, and reliable network connections. Sites should be configured so that replication
occurs at times that will not interfere with network performance.

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Lesson 3: Implementing Active Directory Services

This lesson covers information about installing Active Directory services onto a Windows 2000 Server
computer. This includes a review of the Active Directory Installation wizard. In addition, the lesson discusses
the database and shared system volume created during the installation of Active Directory services. Finally,
the lesson describes the Ntds.dit file and domain modes.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Install Active Directory services on a Windows 2000 Server computer
Estimated lesson time: 30 minutes

The Active Directory Installation Wizard

The Active Directory Installation wizard is used to perform the following tasks:

 Adding a domain controller to an existing domain

 C reating the first domain controller of a new domain
 C reating a new child domain
 C reating a new domain tree
To launch the Active Directory Installation wizard, run C onfigure Your Server, which is located on the
Administrative Tools menu of the Start menu, and then select the Active Directory link. From there you can
run the Active Directory Installation wizard. You can also start the wizard by running the dcpromo.exe utility
from the Run window or from a command prompt. Either of these procedures will run the Active Directory
Installation wizard on a stand-alone server and step you through the process of installing Active Directory
services on the computer and creating a new domain controller.

As you install Active Directory services, you can choose either to add the new domain controller to an existing
domain or create the first domain controller for a new domain (Figure 6.5).

Figure 6.5 The Domain Controller Type screen in the Active Directory Installation wizard

Adding a Domain Controller to an Existing Domain

If you choose to add a domain controller to an existing domain, you create a peer domain controller. Peer
domain controllers are created for redundancy and to reduce the load on the existing domain controllers.

Creating the First Domain Controller for a New Domain

If you choose to create the first domain controller for a new domain, not only will you be creating a new
domain controller, but also a new domain. Domains should be created to partition information, which enables
you to scale Active Directory services to meet the needs of very large organizations.

When you create a new domain, you can select whether to create a new child domain or a new domain tree.
When you create a child domain, the new domain is added as a child domain in an existing domain. When you
create a new domain tree, the new domain is not part of an existing domain. At this point, you can create a
new forest of domain trees or join an existing forest.

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Figure 6.6 A graphical representation of the different domain controller type.


Running dcpromo.exe on a domain controller allows you to remove Active Directory services from the domain
controller and demote it to a stand-alone server. If you remove Active Directory services from all domain
controllers in a domain, you also delete the directory database for the domain, and the domain no longer

The Database and Shared System Volume

When you install Active Directory services, the database, the database log files, and the shared system
volume are automatically created.

The Active Directory Database

The database is the directory for the new domain. The default location for the database and database log files
is %systemroot%\Ntds. However, you can specify a different location during the Active Directory installation.
For best performance, place the database and the log file on separate hard disks. C onsider placing the
database on a hardware-level redundant array of independent disks (RAID) implementation such as RAID-5
or RAID-10 (mirrored and striped disks) for fault tolerance and performance.

The directory database is actually stored in a file named Ntds.dit. The Ntds.dit file contains all of the
information stored in the Active Directory store. It is an ESE database that contains the entire schema, the
global catalog, and all the objects stored on that domain controller. During the promotion process, Ntds.dit is
copied from the %systemroot%\System32 directory into the designated directory. Active Directory services is
then started from the new copy of the file, and if there are other domain controllers present, the replication
process updates this file from other domain controllers.

The Shared System Volume

The shared system volume is a folder structure that exists on all Windows 2000 domain controllers. It stores
scripts and some of the group policy objects for the current domain as well as the enterprise. The default
location for the shared system volume is %systemroot%\Sysvol. The shared system volume must be located

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on a partition or volume formatted with NTFS 5.0.

Replication of the shared system volume occurs on the same schedule as Active Directory replication. As a
result, you may not notice file replication to or from the newly created system volume until two replication
periods have elapsed (typically, 10 minutes). This is because the first file replication period updates the
configuration of other system volumes so that they are aware of the newly created system volume.

Domain Modes

There are two domain modes: Mixed mode and Native mode.

Mixed Mode

When you first install or upgrade a domain controller to Windows 2000 Server, the domain controller runs in
Mixed mode. Mixed mode allows the domain controller to interact with any domain controllers in the domain
that are running Windows NT 3.51 or 4.0 (down-level domain controllers). In addition, any clients using NTLM
and the directory service in Windows NT 3.51 and Windows NT 4.0 need Mixed mode to authenticate to the
network. They also need WINS for name resolution. These down-level clients will usually authenticate to the
Windows 2000 Server computers before a down-level Windows NT Server computer answers their logon
request. Also, a Windows 2000 Server computer always wins an election to become the master browser. This
combined behavior places additional stress on the Windows 2000 Server domain controllers.

Native Mode

When all the domain controllers in the domain run Windows 2000 Server, and you do not plan to add any
more down-level domain controllers to the domain, you can switch the domain from Mixed mode to Native

Several things happen during the conversion from Mixed mode to Native mode:

 Support for down-level replication ceases. Since down-level replication is gone, you can no longer
have any domain controllers in your domain that are not running Windows 2000 Server.
 You can no longer add new down-level domain controllers to the domain.
 The server that served as the primary domain controller during migration is no longer the domain
master; all domain controllers begin acting as peers.

The change from Mixed mode to Native mode is one way only; you cannot change from Native mode to Mixed

Exercise 1: Installing Active Directory services

In this exercise, you will make your stand-alone server, Server01 into the first domain controller in an Active
Directory tree. The installation will install and configure DNS to support name resolution. In a later chapter,
you will learn more about DNS and other network services, such as the Dynamic Host C onfiguration Protocol
(DHC P). C omplete all procedures in this exercise on Server01.
 Procedure 1: Promoting a stand-alone server to a domain controller
In this exercise, you run dcpromo.exe to install Active Directory services and DNS on your stand-alone
server (Server01), making it a domain controller and a DNS server in a new domain.
1. Start Server01 and log on as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. If the Windows 2000 C onfigure Server page opens, close it because the dcpromo.exe program will be
used instead to accomplish the tasks in this procedure.
3. Insert the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM in Server01.
The installation C D-ROM is required to install the DNS service during the operation of dcpromo.exe.
4. If the Windows 2000 C D wizard appears, click Exit to close the screen.
5. C lick Start and then click Run.
6. In the Run dialog box, type dcpromo.exe and click OK.
The Active Directory Installation wizard appears.
7. C lick Next.
The Domain C ontroller Type screen appears.

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8. Select Domain C ontroller For A New Domain, and then click Next.
The C reate Tree Or C hild Domain screen appears.
9. Verify that the C reate A New Domain Tree radio button is selected, and then click Next.
The C reate Or Join Forest screen appears.
10. Select the C reate A New Forest Of Domain Trees radio button, and then click Next.

The New Domain Name screen appears.

11. In the Full DNS Name For The New Domain box, type microsoft.com, and click Next.

After a few moments, the NetBIOS Domain Name screen appears.

12. Verify that MIC ROSOFT appears in the Domain NetBIOS Name text box, and then click Next.

The Database And Log Locations screen appears.

13. Verify that C :\Winnt\Ntds is the location of both the database and the log, and then click Next.

The Shared System Volume screen appears.

14. Read the information on the Shared System Volume screen, and then verify that the SYSVOL location
15. C lick Next.

An Active Directory Installation Wizard message box appears, stating that a DNS for microsoft.com
could not be found.
16. C lick OK.

Dcpromo did not find an available DNS for microsoft.com, so the C onfigure DNS screen appears.
17. Verify that the Yes, Install And C onfigure DNS On The C omputer (Recommended) radio button is
selected, and click Next.
The Permissions screen appears.
18. Initially, the domain controller will be run in Mixed mode, so verify that the Permissions C ompatible
With Pre-Windows 2000 Servers radio button is selected, and click Next.
The Directory Services Restore Mode Administrator Password screen appears.
19. Read this screen, then type password in both text boxes, and click Next.

The Summary screen appears, listing the options you selected.

20. Review the contents of the Summary screen, and then click Next.

The C onfiguring Active Directory progress indicator appears as Active Directory services is installed
on the server.

This process will take several minutes. While you are waiting, verify that you have inserted the
Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM into Server01 in preparation for the DNS service
21. When the C ompleting The Active Directory Installation Wizard screen appears, remove the C D-ROM,
click Finish and then click Restart Now.
It will take longer for windows 2000 server to start the first time as a domain controller.
 Procedure 2: Viewing your domain
In this procedure, you view your domain.
1. Log on to Server01 as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. Double-click My Network Places.
The My Network Places window appears.
3. Double-click Entire Network, and then click the link on the left side of the window that says, You May
Also View The Entire C ontents Of The Network.
4. Double-click Microsoft Windows Network.
Notice that the network Microsoft appears.
5. C lose My Network Places.
 Procedure 3: Using Active Directory Manager
In this procedure, you use Active Directory Users And C omputers to view your domain.
1. C lick Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Active Directory Users
And C omputers.
The Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in appears.
2. In the console tree, click on the + sign to the left of microsoft.com.

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3. Examine each of the containers below microsoft.com. Do not modify any information that you see in
these nodes.
What selections are listed under microsoft.com and what is their purpose? Hint, choose the properties
of each container in the console tree to view their purpose.

4. C lose Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in.

Exercise 2: Joining Server02 to the Domain

In this exercise, Server02 will join the microsoft.com domain. Because DHC P is not in use at this point in your
training, you will manually configure IP address information on Server01 and Server02. When Server02 joins
the domain, a computer account in the domain will be created for Server02. This computer account will
appear in the Active Directory store. Both computers will be used to complete this exercise.
 Procedure 1: Manually configuring IP addressing and joining Serv er02 to the micorosft.com
1. On Server01 and Server02, log on as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. On Server01, click Start, point to Settings and then click Network And Dial-Up C onnections.

The Network And Dial-Up C onnections window appears.

3. C lick Local Area C onnection and from the File menu, click Properties.
The Local Area C onnection Properties dialog box appears.
4. In the C omponents C hecked Are Used By This C onnection box, click Internet Protocol (TC P/IP).
5. C lick Properties.
The Internet Protocol (TC P/IP) Properties dialog box appears.
6. C lick the Use The Following IP Address radio button.
7. In the IP Address box, type
8. In the Subnet Mask box, verify that appears.
9. C lick the Use The Following DNS Server Addresses radio button.
10. In the preferred DNS Server box, type
11. C lick OK.
12. The Local Area C onnection Properties dialog box appears.
13. C lick OK.
14. On Server02, click Start, point to Settings and then click Network And Dial-Up C onnections.
15. The Network And Dial-Up C onnections window appears.
16. C lick Local Area C onnection and from the File menu, click Properties.
The Local Area C onnection Properties dialog box appears.
17. In the C omponents C hecked Are Used By This C onnection box, click Internet Protocol (TC P/IP).
18. C lick Properties.

The Internet Protocol (TC P/IP) Properties dialog box appears.

19. C lick the Use The Following IP Address radio button.
20. In the IP Address box, type
21. In the Subnet Mask box, verify that appears.
22. C lick the Use The Following DNS Server Addresses radio button.
23. In the Preferred DNS Server box, type
24. C lick OK.
The Local Area C onnection Properties dialog box appears.
25. C lick OK.
26. Open C ontrol Panel on Server02.
27. C lick the Network Identification tab, and then click Properties.

The Identification C hanges dialog box appears.

28. Select the Domain radio button, type microsoft, and then click OK.

The Domain Username And Password dialog box appears.

29. In the Name text box, type administrator, and in the Password text box, type password. Then
click OK.

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After a few moments, a Network Identification message box will appear, welcoming you to the
30. C lick OK.

The Network Identification message box will state that the computer must be restarted for the
changes to take effect.
31. C lick OK.

The System Properties dialog box appears.

32. C lick OK.

The System Settings C hange message box will state the computer must be restarted for the changes
to take effect.
33. C lick Yes to restart Server02.
34. From Server02, log on to the microsoft.com domain as Administrator with a password of "password."
35. If the C onfigure Your Server screen appears, clear the Show This Screen At Startup check box and
close the screen.

Exercise 3: Installing and Examining the Contents of Adminpak.msi

In this exercise, you will first list the tools installed under the Administrative Tools group and then you will
install Adminpak.msi to determine the additional tools installed by this administrative tools installation routine.
C omplete all procedures in this exercise on Server01.
 Procedure 1: Adjusting start menu settings and reviewing new tools installed under
Administrative tools
In this procedure you will disable the feature that shows only the most used menu items under the Start
1. On Server01, log on as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. C lick the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Taskbar And start menu.
The Taskbar And Start Menu Properties dialog box appears.
3. C lear the Use Personalized Menus check box, and then click OK.
4. C lick the Start button, point to Programs, and then point to Administrative Tools.
Notice that all installed Administrative Tools applications appear under Administrative Tools rather
than just the most recently used applications.

When Server01 was a stand-alone server, all the applications appeared under Administrative Tools
except those specific to Active Directory services, domain, and DNS maintenance. Using your mouse,
point to each of the applications listed below to see the screen hint, and then write a description in
the space provided.

Active Directory Domains and Trusts

Active Directory Sites and Services

Active Directory Users and C omputers


 Procedure 2: Installing additional administration tools
In this procedure you will install the Windows 2000 Administrative Pack on Server01. These tools can also be
installed on Windows 2000 Professional to facilitate remote administration of Windows 2000 Servers.
1. C lick the Start menu, and then click Run.
The Run dialog box appears.
2. Type adminpak.msi.
Adminpak.msi is located in C :\WINNT\system32, which is in the search path. Therefore, there is no
need to type the path to this Microsoft installer file.
3. C lick OK.

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After a moment, the Windows 2000 Administration Tools Setup wizard appears.
4. Read the information on the screen, and then click Next.
The Setup Options screen appears.
5. C lick the Install All Of The Administrative Tools radio button, and then click Next.
The Installation Progress screen appears as the administrative tools are installed.
6. When the C ompleting The Windows 2000 Administration Tools Setup Wizard screen appears, click
Finish to complete the installation.
7. Notice the additional tools installed under Administrative Tools. To determine the purpose of each
tool, place the mouse pointer over each new tool and a tool hint will appear.

Exercise 4: Changing from Stand-Alone Dfs to Domain Dfs

In C hapter 3, you installed stand-alone Microsoft distributed file system (Dfs). In this exercise, you will delete
the stand-alone Dfs, create a domain Dfs, and create a Dfs root replica since you are now running a domain
controller. You will use Server01 and Server02 to complete the procedures in this exercise.
 Procedure 1: Deleting the stand-alone Dfs root
Only one Dfs root can exist on a server. Therefore the stand-alone Dfs must first be deleted on Server01.
1. C lick the Start button, point to Programs, and then point to Administrative Tools.
2. From the Administrative tools group, click Distributed File System.
The Distributed File System snap-in appears.
3. In the console tree, click \\SERVER01\Public.
4. C lick the Action menu, and then click Delete Dfs Root.
A Distributed File System message box appears stating that deleting the Dfs root disables the ability
to access the Dfs again. This procedure does not delete the shares that were linked to the Dfs root.
5. C lick Yes.
 Procedure 2: Creating a domain Dfs
The domain Dfs will be configured similarly to the stand-alone Dfs, but it will provide file replication to the Dfs
link replicas. C omplete this procedure on Server01.
1. In the console tree of the Distributed File System snap-in, click Distributed File System.
2. C lick the Action menu, and then click New Dfs Root.
The New Dfs Root wizard appears.
3. C lick Next.
The Select The Dfs Root Type screen appears.
4. Select the C reate A Domain Dfs Root radio button, and then click Next.
The Select The Host Domain For The Dfs Root screen appears, and microsoft.com appears in the
Domain Name text box and in the Trusting Domains box.
5. C lick Next.
The Specify The Host Server For The Dfs Root Screen appears.
6. Notice that server01.microsoft.com is shown in the Server Name text box.
If Server01 was still hosting the stand-alone Dfs, its name would not be written in the Server Name
text box. This is intentional because a server can only host a single Dfs root.
7. C lick Next.
The Specify The Dfs Root Share screen appears.
8. Verify that the Use An Existing Share radio button is selected, and then from the drop-down list box,
select Public.
9. C lick Next.
10. In the C omment text box appearing on the Name The Dfs Root screen, type Public access share
and then click Next.
11. Review the settings appearing on the C ompleting The New Dfs Root Wizard screen. Notice that the
host server is SERVER01.microsoft.com. When you created a stand-alone Dfs root, the host server
name was SERVER01.

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12. C lick Finish.

The Distributed File System Manager snap-in appears, and the Dfs root is configured on
Server01.microsoft.com and appears as \\microsoft.com\Public.
 Procedure 3: Creating a Dfs root replica
In the following procedure, you will create a Dfs root replica of \\SERVER01\Public on Server02. Server02
was made part of the microsoft.com domain in Exercise 2.
1. On Server01, select \\microsoft.com\Public from the console tree of the Distributed File System
The \\SERVER01\Public Dfs root appears in the right pane.
2. C lick the Action menu, and then click New Root Replica.
The Specify The Host Server For The Dfs Root screen appears.
3. In the Server Name text box, type Serv er02 and then click Next.
A Domain Dfs root can be replicated to another server (domain controller or member server) in the

The Specify The Dfs Root Share screen appears.

4. Select the Use An Existing Share radio button.
5. In the drop-down list box, select pubrepl.
6. C lick Finish.
The distributed file system message box appears stating that \\Server02\c$\publicrepl does not exist.
7. C lick Yes to create the folder.
 Procedure 4: Enabling FRS for the Dfs root replica
In this procedure you will enable a replication policy so that the Dfs root is automatically synchronized with its
1. On Server01, select \\microsoft.com\Public from the console tree of the Distributed File System
The \\SERVER01\Public Dfs root and the \\SERVER02\pubrepl appear in the right pane.
2. C lick the Action menu, and then click Replication Policy.
The Replication Policy dialog box appears.
3. C lick \\SERVER01\Public, and then click Set Master.
4. C lick \\SERVER02\pubrepl, and then click Enable to enable replication.
5. C lick OK to close the Replication Policy dialog box.
 Procedure 5: Creating Dfs links
In this procedure you will recreate the Dfs links that you created in C hapter 3, Exercise 1, Procedure 3.
1. On Server01, select \\microsoft.com\Public from the console tree of the Distributed File System
The \\SERVER01\Public Dfs root and the \\SERVER02\pubrepl appear in the right pane.
2. C lick the Action menu, and then click New Dfs Link.
The C reate A New Dfs Link dialog box appears.
3. In the Link Name text box, type intranet.
4. In the Send The User To This Shared Folder text box, type \\Serv er02\internal.
5. In the C omment text box, type Internal web content and click OK.
6. Repeat steps 3-8 to create new Dfs links using information in the following table:
Send the user to this shared
Link name Comment

news \\Server01\Press C urrent Press Releases

ftp \\Server01\ftproot FTP Root Directory

tech \\Server01\TechDocs Technical Documents Area

7. On Server02, open C :\Publicrepl (the Dfs root replica) and you will see new folder replicas appearing
below the Dfs root.

Lesson Summary

The Active Directory Installation wizard is used to install Active Directory services onto a Windows 2000
Server computer. The Active Directory Installation wizard is also used to add a domain control to an existing

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domain, create the first domain controller in a new domain, create a new child domain, or create a new
domain tree. When you install Active Directory services, the database, the database log files, and the shared
system volume are automatically created. The directory database is stored in a file named Ntds.dit. The
Ntds.dit file contains the Active Directory store. The shared system volume is a folder structure that exists on
all Windows 2000 domain controllers. It stores scripts and some of the group policy objects for both the
current domain as well as the enterprise. There are two domain modes: Mixed mode and Native mode. When
you first install or upgrade a domain controller to Windows 2000 Server, the domain controller runs in Mixed
mode. When all the domain controllers in the domain run Windows 2000 Server, and you do not plan to add
any more down-level domain controllers to the domain, you can switch the domain from Mixed mode to
Native mode.

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Lesson 4: Administering Active Directory Services

Once you have installed Active Directory services, you are ready to create and manage the objects that are
stored within the directory service. This lesson describes the process of creating OUs and adding objects to
those units. The lesson then provides details about how to manage those objects so that you can find, modify,
and delete objects as necessary. Finally, this lesson covers how to control access to the objects, which
includes managing Active Directory permissions and delegating administrative control of objects.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 C reate OUs and their objects
 Find, modify, move, and delete the objects that you created
 C ontrol access to Active Directory objects
Estimated lesson time: 50 minutes

Creating Organizational Units and Their Objects

Active Directory objects represent network resources. Each object is a distinct, named set of attributes that
represents a specific network resource. When you add new resources to your network, such as user
accounts, groups, or printers, you create new Active Directory objects that represent these resources.

Before objects are added to Active Directory services, you should create the OUs that will contain those

Creating Organizational Units

You can create an OU under a domain, under the Domain C ontroller object, or within another OU. Once you
create an OU, you can add objects to the OU.

To create OUs, you must have the required permissions to add OUs in the parent OU, domain, or Domain
C ontroller node where you want to create the OU. By default, members of the Administrators group have the
permissions to create OUs. You cannot create OUs within the majority of default containers, such as
C omputers or Users.

OUs are created to facilitate network administration. Your OU structure should be based on your particular
administrative needs. If necessary, you can easily change your OU structure or move objects between OUs.

You should create an OU for any of the following reasons:

 To delegate administrative control to other users or administrators.

 To group objects that require similar administrative tasks. Grouping objects allows the administrators
to locate similar network resources easily and perform their administrative tasks. For example, they
can group all user objects for temporary employees in the same OU.
 To restrict visibility of network resources in the Active Directory store. Users can view only objects to
which you have given them access. Permissions can easily be changed for an OU to restrict access to
confidential network information.
You can create an OU in the Active Directory Users and C omputers snap-in by selecting the domain or
existing OU where you want to create the new OU. From there, click the Action menu, point to New, and then
click Organizational Unit (Figure 6.7). Enter the name of the new OU in the Name text box, and click OK.

Figure 6.7 Creating an OU in the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in

Adding Objects to Organizational Units

To add objects to OUs, you must have the required permissions to create objects within the OU where you

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want to create the object. By default, members of the Administrators group have the permissions to add
objects to OUs. The objects available to create are dictated by the rules of the schema, wizard, or snap-in
you use. When you create an object, sometimes not all attributes are available for definition. Often, to
completely define all the object attributes, you must modify the object after you create it.

Object attributes (also referred to as properties) in the schema are categories of information that define the
characteristics for all instances of a defined object type. All instances of a certain object type have the same
attributes. The attribute values of any object instance make it unique. For example, all instances of a user
object have a First Name attribute; however, the value for the First Name attribute can be any name, such as
Linda or Max.
You can create object instances in the Active Directory Users and C omputers snap-in. Select the OU that you
want to add the object to, click the Action menu, point to New, and then click the name of the object type that
you want to add. Enter the appropriate information in the dialog box(es) that appears.

Description of Active Directory Objects

Adding new resources to your network creates new Active Directory objects that represent these resources.
The following table describes the most common object types that you can add to Active Directory services:

Icon Object Description

C omputer A computer object represents a

computer on the network. For
Windows NT Workstation and
Windows NT Server computers,
this is the machine account.
The object contains information
about a computer that is a
member of the domain.

C ontact A contact object is an account

that does not have any security
permissions. You cannot log on
to the network as a contact.
C ontacts are typically used to
represent external users for
the purpose of e-mail.

Group A group object can contain

users, computers, and other
groups. Groups simplify the
management of large numbers
of objects.

Printer A printer object is a network

printer that has been published
in the directory. The object is
actually a pointer to a printer
on a computer. You must
manually publish a printer on a
computer that is not in Active
Directory services.

User A user object is a security

principal in the directory. The
information in this object allows
a user to log on to Windows
2000. The information also
includes many optional fields,
such as first name, last name,
display name, and e-mail

Shared Folder A shared folder object is a

network share that has been
published in the directory. The
object is actually a pointer to
the shared folder. It contains
the address of the data, rather
than the data itself. Shared
folders exist in a computer's
registry. When you publish a

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shared folder in Active

Directory services, you are
creating an object that contains
a pointer to the shared folder.

Exercise 5: Creating an Organizational Unit and Its Objects

In this practice, you create part of the organizational structure of a domain by creating an OU. You then
create three user accounts that you use in a later practice.
 Procedure 1: Creating instances of OU and user objects
In this procedure you will create two OUs and three User objects.
1. Log on to Server01 as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. Open Active Directory Users And C omputers.
To ensure that you are creating a new OU in the correct location, you must first select the location.
3. In the console tree, click microsoft.com.
4. C lick the Action menu, point to New, and then click Organizational Unit.
The New Object - Organizational Unit dialog box appears.

Notice that the only required information is the name. The dialog box indicates the location where the
object will be created. This should be microsoft.com/.
5. In the Name box, type Sales and then click OK.
The Sales OU appears in the console tree.
6. Under microsoft.com, create another OU, called Servers.
7. In the console tree, click Users.
8. C lick the Action menu, point to New, and then click User.
Notice that the New Object - User dialog box shows that the new user account is being created in the
User folder of microsoft.com/Users.

User objects can be created in any OU. In this procedure, you will create most user objects in the Users OU;
however, this is not a requirement for creating these objects.
9. C reate a new user account with the following information:

Text box name Type

First name Jane

Last name Doe

User logon name: Jane_Doe

9. C lick Next.
9. Leave the password fields blank, do not change the default settings for this user account, and click
The summary screen appears showing the full name and user logon name for Jane Doe.
9. C lick Finish.
9. C lick Jane_Doe in the right pane of the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in.
9. C lick the Action menu and then click Properties.
The Jane Doe Properties dialog box appears.
9. On the General tab of the Jane Doe Properties dialog box, in the Telephone Number text box, type
9. C lick OK.
9. C reate the following user accounts under the Users object.
Text box name Type

First name John

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Last name Smith

User logon name: John_Smith

Text box name

First name Bob

Last name Train

User logon name: Bob_Train

You will be working with these user accounts in the next chapter.

Managing Active Directory Objects

The process of managing Active Directory objects involves several different tasks, such as locating objects,
modifying and deleting objects, and moving objects. To modify, delete, or move objects, you must have the
required permissions for the object and the OU to which you move the object. By default, members of the
Administrators group have the required permissions.

Locating Objects

The global catalog contains a partial replica of the entire directory, so it stores information about every object
in a domain tree or forest. As a result, a user can find information regardless of which domain in the tree or
forest contains the data. The contents of the global catalog are automatically generated by Active Directory
services from the domains that make up the directory.

To locate Active Directory objects, open the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in located in the
Administrative Tools folder. Then right-click a domain or OU in the console tree, and click Find. The Find
dialog box appears.

If you access the context menu of a shared folder object and then click Find, the Windows Explorer search
function is launched, and you can search the share for files and folders.
The Find dialog box provides options that allow you to search the global catalog so that you can locate user
accounts, groups, and printers (see Figure 6.8).

Figure 6.8 The Find dialog box in the Active Directory Users And Computers snap-in.

As Figure 6.8 illustrates, the Find dialog box can be broken into several distinct sections: the main window,
the object tab, the Advanced tab, and the results window. The object tab in Figure 6.8 is Users, C ontacts, and

The Main Window

The main window of the Find tool contains a set of menus, buttons, and drop-down menu. Although most of

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these options are self-explanatory and offer standard functionality, the Find drop-down menu and the In
drop-down menu (shown in Figure 6.8) are unique to the Active Directory Find dialog box and are discussed in
more detail below. In addition, the main window contains two tabs: the object tab and the Advanced tab, both
of which are also discussed later in this section.

The Find Drop-Down Menu

The Find drop-down menu contains the type of objects that you can include in your search.

You must select one of the available options to perform your search. By default, the Users, C ontacts, And
Groups is selected.

The title of the dialog box varies according to the type of search selected from the Find drop-down menu. For
example, if Organizational Units is selected, the dialog box title will read Find Organizational Units.
The In Drop-Down Menu

The In drop-down menu contains the location that you want to search, which can be the entire Active
Directory store, a specific domain, or an OU. You must select one of these options. By default, the domain
you are in is selected.

Users, Contacts, and Groups Tab

The Users, C ontacts, And Groups tab is selected when you open the Find dialog box. The tab contains the
Name text box and the Description text box. The name of the object is entered into the Name text box, and
the contents of the object's description are entered into the Description text box. You can enter information
into either one of the text boxes or into both text boxes. The search is based on the combination of both. You
can also use wild cards in either text box to conduct a search.

Advanced Tab

The Advanced tab provides you with advanced search features that you can use in conjunction with the object
tab or use by themselves. The search results are based on a combination of the information entered on both
tabs. If nothing is added the text boxes on the Users, C ontacts, And Groups tab, the search results will be
based only on the information entered on the Advanced tab.

The following table provides a detailed description of the fields on the Advanced tab:

F ield Description

Field A list of the attributes for which you can search

on the object type that you select.

C ondition The methods that are available to further define

the search for an attribute. The options are Starts
With, Ends With, Is (Exactly), Is Not, Present, or
Not Present.

Value The value for the condition of the Field (attribute)

value that you are using to search the directory.
You can search for an object by using an attribute
of the object only if you enter a value for the
attribute. For example, if the Field value you
select is First Name and the C ondition value is
Starts With, the Value text box would contain an
R if you're looking for users whose first name
starts with R.

Search C riteria The box that lists each search criteria that you
have defined. After you have defined the search
criteria in the Field, C ondition, and Value fields,
click Add. The search criteria are added to the
window. You can add or remove search criteria to
narrow or widen your search.

Results Window

The results window opens at the bottom of the main window and displays the results of your search after you
click Find Now, which is located on the main window. You can add or delete columns appearing in the Results
window from the View menu C hoose C olumns option.

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Modifying Attribute Values and Deleting Objects

You can modify the attribute values of an object to change or add information. Modifying an object changes
the value of an attribute associated with the object.

Do not confuse modifying an object's attribute values with adding, deleting, or modifying objects or attributes
in the schema. Schema modifications are permanent and are replicated to all domain controllers in the
To modify the values of an attribute, open the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in, and select an
instance of an object. From the Action menu click Properties. In the Properties dialog box, make the
necessary changes to the attribute values. You should modify objects when the values of the attributes
change; for example, modify a user object to change the name, location, or e-mail for that user.

To maintain security, delete objects when they are no longer needed. To delete objects, open the Active
Directory Users And C omputers snap-in and select the object instance you want to delete. From the Action
menu, click Delete.

Moving Objects

It is possible to move objects from one location in the Active Directory store to another location, such as from
one OU to another, to reflect changes within the organization. You should move objects from one location to
another when organizational or administrative functions change; for example, an employee moves from one
department to another. To move an object, open the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in, and
select the object you want to move. From the Action menu, click Move and select the new location for the

Exercise 6: Managing Active Directory Objects

In this exercise you will first search for a user object that you created in the last exercise and then move the
object to a new location.
 Procedure 1: Finding a user account in the domain
In this procedure you will locate a user with a first name of Jane. Jane was promoted to a position in the sales
department, so her user object will be moved to the Sales OU. You know most of her phone number, and you
know her first name.
1. Log on to Server01 as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. Open Active Directory Users And C omputers.
3. In the console tree, click on microsoft.com.
4. C lick the Action menu and then click Find.
The Find Users, C ontacts, And Groups dialog box appears.
5. Verify that Users, C ontacts, And Groups is selected in the Find drop-down list box, and then click Find
Notice how all Users and Groups are located, regardless of their location.
6. C lick C lear All, and then click OK to acknowledge that you want to clear the search results.
7. In the In drop-down list box, verify that the microsoft domain appears.
8. In the Name text box, type Jane.
9. C lick the Advanced tab.
10. C lick Field, point to User, and then click Telephone Number.

If you don't see Telephone Number listed, click the arrow at the bottom of the list to scroll down to Telephone
Starts With appears in the C ondition text box.
11. In the Value text box, type 555-12 and then click Add.
11. C lick the View menu, and then click C hoose C olumns.

The C hoose C olumns dialog box appears.

11. From the C olumns Shown box, click Description and then click Remove.
11. From the C olumns Available box, scroll down and click X500 Distinguished Name and then click Add.

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11. C lick OK to close the C hoose C olumns dialog box.

The Find Users, C ontacts, And Groups dialog box displays Jane Doe with an object type value of User
and an X.500 distinguished name value of C N=Jane Doe,C N=Users,DC =microsoft,DC =com.

The distinguished name tells you that user Jane Doe is located in the Users container in the
microsoft.com domain.
11. C lose the Find Users, C ontacts, And Groups dialog box.
 Procedure 2: Mov ing an Object in Active Directory Users and Computers
In this procedure you will move the Jane Doe user object from the Users container to the Sales container.
1. In the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in, click on the Users OU in the console tree.
All User and Security Group objects appear in the right pane.
2. C lick the Jane Doe user object in the right pane.
3. C lick the Action menu and then click Move.
The Move window appears.
4. C lick the Sales OU and then click OK.
Jane Doe is moved from the Users OU to the Sales OU.
5. C lick on the Sales OU in the console tree.
The Jane Doe user object appears in the right pane.
6. C lose the Active Directory Users and C omputers snap-in.

Controlling Access to Active Directory Objects

Windows 2000 uses an object-based security model to implement access control for all Active Directory
objects. This security model is similar to the one that Windows 2000 uses to implement NTFS security. Every
Active Directory object has a security descriptor that defines who has the permissions to gain access to the
object and what type of access is allowed. Windows 2000 uses these security descriptors to control access to

To reduce administrative overhead, you can group objects with identical security requirements into the same
OU and then assign access permissions to the entire OU and all objects in it.

Managing Active Directory Permissions

Active Directory permissions provide security for resources by allowing you to control who can gain access to
object instances or object attributes and the type of access that you will allow.

Activ e Directory Security

Use Active Directory permissions to determine who has the permissions to gain access to the object and what
type of access is allowed. An administrator or the object owner must assign permissions to the object before
users can gain access to the object. Windows 2000 stores a list of user access permissions, called the AC L,
for every Active Directory object. The AC L for an object lists who can access the object and the specific
actions each user can perform on the object.

You can use permissions to assign administrative privileges to a specific user or group for an OU, a hierarchy
of OUs, or a single object, without assigning administrative permissions for controlling other Active Directory

Object Permissions

The object type determines which permissions you can select. Permissions vary for different object types. For
example, you can assign the Reset Password permission for a user object but not for a computer object.

A user can be a member of multiple groups, each with different permissions that provide different levels of
access to objects. When you assign a permission to a user for access to an object and that user is a member
of a group that has been assigned a different permission for that object, the user's effective permissions are
the combination of the user and group permissions. For example, if a user is granted the write account
expiration data (Write accountExpires) permission to user objects and is a member of a group with read
account expiration data (Read accountExpires) permission, the user's effective permission is read and write
account expiration data.

You can allow or deny permissions. Denied permissions take precedence over any allowed permissions for
users and groups. If you deny permission to a user to gain access to an object, the user will not have that
permission, even if you allow the permission for a group the user is a member of. You should deny
permissions only when it is necessary to deny permissions to a specific user who is a member of a group with
allowed permissions.

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Always ensure that all objects have at least one user with the Full C ontrol permission. Failure to do so might
result in some objects being inaccessible to the person who is using the Active Directory Users And
C omputers snap-in, even an administrator.
Assigning Activ e Directory Permissions

You can use the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in to set permissions for objects and attributes
of objects. The Security tab of the Properties dialog box for the object allows you to assign permissions.

If you do not see the Security tab for an object, from the View menu click Advanced Features.
Standard permissions are sufficient for most administrative tasks. However, you might need to view the
special permissions. To view special permissions, click Advanced. On the Permissions tab, click the entry you
want to view, and then click View/Edit. To view the permissions for specific attributes, click the Properties tab
of the Permission Entry dialog box.

Avoid assigning permissions for specific attributes of objects because this can complicate system
administration. Errors can result, such as Active Directory objects not being visible.

Permissions Inheritance

Similar to other permissions inheritance in Windows 2000, permissions inheritance in Active Directory
services minimizes the number of times you need to assign permissions for objects. When you assign
permissions, you can apply the permissions to subobjects (child objects), a feature that propagates the
permissions to all the subobjects for a given object. This feature is called permissions inheritance.

You can prevent permissions inheritance so that a child object does not inherit permissions from its parent
object by deselecting the check box Allow Inheritable Permissions From Parent To Propagate To This Object.
When you prevent inheritance, only the permissions that you explicitly assign to the object apply. You use the
Security tab in the Properties dialog box to prevent permissions inheritance.

When you prevent permissions inheritance, Windows 2000 Server allows you to do the following:

 C opy previously inherited permissions to the object. The new explicit permissions for the object are a
copy of the permissions that it previously inherited from its parent object. Then, according to your
needs, you can make any necessary changes to the permissions.
 Remove previously inherited permissions from the object. Windows 2000 removes any previously
inherited permissions. No permissions exist for the object. Then, according to your needs, you can
assign any permissions for the object.

Delegating Administrative Control of Objects

You can delegate administrative control of objects to individuals so that they can perform administrative tasks
on the objects. There are different ways to delegate control of objects, and there are also guidelines for
delegating control. After you determine who to assign control to, use the Delegation Of C ontrol wizard to
delegate control of objects.

You delegate administrative control of objects by assigning permissions to the object to allow users or groups
of users to administer the objects. An administrator can delegate the following types of control:

 Assigning permissions to a user or group to create or modify objects in a specific OU

 Assigning permissions to a user or group to modify specific permissions for the attributes of an
object, such as assigning the permission to reset passwords on a user account object
Because tracking permissions at the OU level is easier than tracking permissions on objects or object
attributes, the most common method of delegating administrative control is to assign permissions at the OU
level. Assigning permissions at the OU level allows you to delegate administrative control for the objects
contained in the OU. Use the Delegation Of C ontrol wizard to assign permissions at the OU level.

For example, you can delegate administrative control by assigning Full C ontrol for an OU to the appropriate
manager, only within his or her area of responsibility. By delegating control of the OU to the manager, you
can decentralize administrative operations and issues. This reduces your administration time and costs by
distributing administrative control closer to its point of service.

To help you delegate administrative control, follow these guidelines:

 Assign control at the OU level whenever possible. Assigning control at the OU level allows for easier
tracking of permission assignments. Tracking permission assignments becomes more complex for
objects and object attributes.
 Use the Delegation Of C ontrol wizard. The wizard assigns permissions to a number of objects,
including OU object instances and other built-in objects like the Users object and the Subnets object.

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The Subnets object is part of the Active Directory Sites And Services snap-in. The wizard simplifies
the process of assigning object permissions by stepping you through the process.
 Track the delegation of permission assignments. Tracking assignments allows you to maintain
records to easily review security settings.
 Follow business requirements. Follow any guidelines your organization has in place for delegating
Delegation Of Control Wizard

The Delegation Of C ontrol wizard steps you through the process of assigning permissions at the OU level. For
more specialized permissions, you must manually assign permissions.

To use the Delegation Of C ontrol wizard, open the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in and select
the OU for which you want to delegate control. On the Action menu, click Delegate C ontrol to start the wizard
(Figure 6.9).

Figure 6.9 Navigating to the Delegate Control Wizard

Guidelines for Administering Active Directory Services

The following list provides best practices for administering Active Directory services:

 In larger organizations, coordinate your Active Directory structure with other administrators. You can
move objects later, but this might create extra work.
 When you create Active Directory objects, such as users, complete all attributes that are important to
your organization. C ompleting the attributes gives you more flexibility when you search for objects.
 Use deny permissions sparingly. If you assign permissions correctly, you should not need to deny
permissions. In most cases, denied permissions indicate mistakes that were made in assigning group
 Always ensure that at least one user has Full C ontrol for each Active Directory object. Failure to do
so might result in objects being inaccessible.
 Ensure that delegated users take responsibility and can be held accountable. You gain nothing if you
delegate administrative control without ensuring future accountability. As an administrator, you are
ultimately responsible for all the administrative changes made. If the users to whom you delegate
responsibility are not performing the administrative tasks, you will need to assume responsibility for
their failure.
 Provide training for users who have control of objects. Ensure that the users to whom you delegate
responsibility understand their responsibilities and know how to perform the administrative tasks.

Lesson Summary

After Active Directory services has been installed, you can create and manage the objects stored within the
directory. Before objects are added to Active Directory services, you should create the OUs that will contain
those objects. You can create an OU at the domain level, under the Domain C ontrollers level, or within
another OU, but you must have the required permissions to create OUs in the existing OU, domain, or domain
controller. To add object instances to OUs, you must have the required permissions to create objects within
the OU where you want to create the object. The process of managing Active Directory objects involves
several different tasks, such as locating objects, modifying and deleting objects, and moving objects. These
tasks can be performed in the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in, which is located in the

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Administrative Tools folder. Another aspect of Active Directory administration is controlling access to Active
Directory objects. Active Directory permissions provide security for resources by allowing you to control who
can gain access to individual objects or object attributes and the type of access that you will allow. In
addition, you can delegate administrative control of objects to individuals so that they can perform
administrative tasks on the objects.

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The following questions are intended to reinforce key information presented in this chapter. If you are unable
to answer a question, review the appropriate lesson and then try the question again. Answers to the questions
can be found in Appendix A, "Questions and Answers."
1. What is Ntdis.dit, and what is its purpose?
2. What is the one SYSVOL location requirement?
3. What is the function of SYSVOL, and what is the one disk requirement for SYSVOL?
4. What is the difference between an attribute and an attribute value? Give examples.
5. What is the difference between modifying an object and modifying the attribute values of an object
6. You want to allow the manager of the sales department to create, modify, and delete only user
accounts for sales personnel. How can you accomplish this?
7. What is the global catalog, and what is its purpose?

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Chapter 7
Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
About This Chapter

This chapter introduces you to Microsoft Windows 2000 Server administration. The first lesson discusses the
Microsoft Management C onsole (MMC ), which is the primary tool used to administer Windows 2000 and other
Microsoft products like the BackOffice suite. The rest of the chapter focuses on the specific administrative
tasks involved with implementing user accounts, group accounts, and group policies.

Before You Begin

To complete the lessons in this chapter, you must have

 A computer that has Windows 2000 Server installed and operating.

 Microsoft Active Directory services installed and operating.
 C ompleted all the exercises in the previous chapters.

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Lesson 1: Using the Microsoft Management Console

One of the primary administrative tools you use to manage Windows 2000 is the MMC . The MMC provides a
standardized method to create, save, and open administrative tools. It unifies and simplifies day-to-day
management tasks. The MMC does not provide management functions itself, but it is the program that hosts
management applications called snap-ins, which you use to perform one or more administrative tasks.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Describe the function and components of MMC , including snap-ins and
console options
 C reate a custom MMC console
Estimated lesson time: 45 minutes

The MMC Environment

MMC is a common console framework for management applications. MMC consoles can run on Windows 2000,
Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, and Windows 95.

The MMC itself does not provide management capability but does provide a common environment for
snap-ins, the tools that support the actual management functionality. The MMC environment provides
seamless integration among the various snap-ins, even those provided by different vendors. Administrators
can create tools that include multiple snap-ins and then save the tools for later use or to share with other

The MMC allows you to do the following:

 Perform most administrativ e tasks by using only the MMC Being able to use one interface
instead of numerous interfaces saves time.
 Centralize administration You can use MMC consoles to perform the majority of your
administrative tasks from one computer.
 Use most snap-ins for remote administration Not all snap-ins are available for remote
administration, so Windows 2000 prompts you with a dialog box when you can use the snap-in for
remote administration.
 Build a customized console MMC provides for the creation of specialized consoles containing all or
part of multiple snap-ins. These custom consoles can then be distributed to support groups in order to
delegate administrative tasks.

MMC 1.1 did not support more than one snap-in, while MMC 1.2 in Windows 2000 supports multiple snap-ins in
a single console window.

The MMC Window

At first glance, an MMC user interface looks and feels much like a version of Windows Explorer. The
components of an MMC console are contained in the MMC window. This window has several menus and a
toolbar that provides commands to open, create, and save MMC consoles. The menu and toolbar are called
the main menu bar and the main toolbar. In addition, there is a status bar at the bottom of the window and a
description bar along the top of the details pane. The parent window contains the child windows, which are the
actual MMC consoles.

The MMC , as shown in Figure 7.1, can be configured to contain powerful management tools. MMC is also
designed to offer a scaled-down view that is much less complex to less-experienced administrators.

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Figure 7.1 The MMC window

MMC Consoles

An MMC console is a set of one or more snap-ins. C onsoles are saved as files that use an .msc extension.
Each console file is represented as a child window in the MMC interface. An MMC console file contains the
console tree, which displays the hierarchical organization of multiple snap-ins contained within the file. All the
settings for the snap-ins contained in the console are saved and are restored when the file is opened, even if
the console file is opened on a different computer or network.

Console Window

A console window (child window), which is an interface to an MMC console file, offers many differing views.
Each console window includes a command bar, a console tree (left pane), and a detail pane (right pane). The
console window in the background of Figure 7.2 shows three snap-ins, and the foreground window is a child
window of the C omputer Management console.

Figure 7.2 An MMC console containing multiple snap-ins, and a child window

The command bar contains both pull-down menus and buttons. The following table describes the console
window menus.

Menu Description

Action C reate, delete, and modify the items that are

managed by the snap-in. Specific functions vary
depending on the active snap-in.

View C onfigure the snap-in display.

Favorites Organize snap-ins or nodes of snap-ins, or

manage folders that contain MMC objects. These
components then appear under the Favorites tab.
The Favorites tab is behind the Tree tab in
Figures 7.1 and 7.2.

Additional pull-down menu items will appear for some objects in the console tree. For example, Figure 7.2
shows that when the System Information node is selected from the console tree, a Tools pull-down menu
The console tree, also referred to as the scope pane, organizes snap-ins that are part of an MMC console.
This organization allows you to locate a specific snap-in easily. Items that you add to the console tree appear

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under the console root. The console tree displays the tool's namespace and the tree-formatted listing of all
visible nodes, each of which represents a manageable object, task, or view. The console tree might not be
visible in all views.

Each detail pane, also referred to as the results pane, displays the results of selecting a node in the console
tree. In many cases, it is a list of a folder's contents, but in other cases, it is a management related view,
which can be Web-based or ActiveX control-based.

Types of MMC Consoles

There are two types of MMC consoles: customized and preconfigured.

Customized MMC Consoles

You can combine one or more snap-ins or parts of snap-ins to create customized MMC consoles, which can
then be used to centralize and combine administrative tasks. MMC allows administrators to perform the
following tasks:

 Saving the customized MMC to use again

 Distributing to and sharing the customized MMC with other administrators
 Using the customized MMC from any computer to centralize and unify administrative tasks
Although you can use many of the preconfigured MMC consoles for administrative tasks, sometimes you will
need to create your own custom MMC consoles. You can combine multiple preconfigured snap-ins with
third-party snap-ins provided by independent software vendors (ISVs) that perform related tasks to create
custom MMC consoles. C reating custom MMC consoles allows you to meet your administrative requirements
by combining snap-ins that you use to perform common administrative tasks. By creating a custom MMC
console, you do not have to switch between different programs or different preconfigured MMC consoles
because all the snap-ins you need to perform your job are located in the custom MMC console.

By default, Windows 2000 saves customized MMC files in the My Administrative Tools folder with an .msc file
extension. If the My Administrative Tools folder does not exist, Windows 2000 creates it. Windows 2000 saves
the My Administrative Tools folder contents separately for each user.


For more information about creating MMC consoles, see the Supplemental C ourse Materials C D-ROM
(\chapt07\articles\microsoft management console.doc) that accompanies this book.
Preconfigured MMC Consoles

When Windows 2000 is installed, preconfigured MMC consoles are also installed. These MMC consoles contain
commonly used snap-ins that are used to perform administrative tasks. Preconfigured MMC consoles cannot
be modified nor can additional snap-ins be added.

Preconfigured MMC consoles contain only one snap-in that provides the functionality to perform a related set
of administrative tasks. The consoles function in user mode, which means that you cannot modify them, save
them, or add additional snap-ins. User mode operation is indicated by the absence of the MMC console
pull-down menus (C onsole, Window, and Help) and the absence of the MMC toolbar objects. Also, MMC
consoles are sometimes added when you install additional components. For example, when you install the
Domain Name System (DNS) service, Windows 2000 also installs the DNS console.

To select preconfigured MMC consoles, click the Start button, point to Programs, and then click Administrative
Which MMC consoles are installed on a computer varies depending on which Windows 2000 operating system
is running and which Windows 2000 components are installed. Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000
Professional have different preconfigured MMC consoles that appear on the Administrative Tools menu. The
preconfigured MMC consoles included in Windows 2000 Server can be added to Windows 2000 Professional to
enable remote administration of server functions. A convenient way to add all the Windows 2000 Server
administrative tools is by running Adminpak.msi from the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM.


Each MMC console is made up of a collection of smaller tools called snap-ins. Snap-ins are applications
designed to work in MMC . One snap-in represents one unit of management functionality. A snap-in is the
smallest unit of console extension. A snap-in extends the MMC console by adding and enabling management
capability and functionality. You can use snap-ins to perform a variety of administrative tasks. There are two

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types of snap-ins: stand-alone and extension. Figure 7.3 shows the Add/Remove Snap-In dialog box, which is
accessed from the MMC console menu. Both types of snap-ins are added from this dialog box.

Figure 7.3 The Add/Remove Snap-In dialog box showing how snap-in extensions are adjusted from the
Extensions tab

Stand-Alone Snap-Ins

Stand-alone snap-ins are usually referred to simply as snap-ins. Use stand-alone snap-ins to perform
Windows 2000 administrative tasks. Each snap-in provides one function or a related set of functions. Windows
2000 Server comes with standard snap-ins. Windows 2000 Professional includes a smaller set of standard

Extension Snap-Ins

Extension snap-ins are usually referred to as extensions. They provide additional administrative functionality
to another snap-in. Extensions are designed to work with one or more stand-alone snap-ins, based on the
function of the stand-alone snap-in. When you add an extension, Windows 2000 displays only extensions that
are compatible with the stand-alone snap-in. Windows 2000 places the extensions into the appropriate
location within the stand-alone snap-in. Some snap-ins, such as Event Viewer, can act as a snap-in or an

Extensions can provide a variety of functionality. Some actually extend the console namespace. For example,
a snap-in that provides system information about computers would add that system information to the
namespace under each computer in the namespace. Other extensions simply extend context menus or
specific wizards.

Many snap-ins offer stand-alone functionality while extending the functionality of other snap-ins. For example,
the Event Log snap-in will read the event logs of computers. If the C omputer Management object exists in the
console, Event Log automatically extends each instance of a C omputer Management object and provides the
event logs for the computer. Alternatively, the event log can also operate in Stand-alone mode, in which case
it does not appear as a node below the C omputer Management node.

Console Options

An MMC console holds snap-ins that perform specific tasks. C onsole options determine how an MMC console

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operates. By using console options, you can create MMC consoles for other administrators to use from their
computers to perform specific tasks. The C onsole mode determines the MMC console functionality for the
person who is using a saved MMC console. There are two available C onsole modes: author mode and user

Author Mode

When you save an MMC console in author mode, you enable full access to all MMC functionality, which
includes modifying the MMC console. An MMC console that has been saved in author mode allows users to do
the following:

 Add or remove snap-ins

 C reate new windows
 View all portions of the console tree
 Save MMC consoles

By default, all new MMC consoles are saved in author mode.

User Mode

If you plan to distribute an MMC console to other administrators, you should usually save the MMC console in
user mode. When you set an MMC console to user mode, users cannot add snap-ins to, remove snap-ins
from, or save the MMC console.

There are three types of user modes. Each type provides a different level of access and functionality. The
following table describes when to use each user mode.

Type of user mode Description

Full Access Allows users to navigate between snap-ins, open

new windows, and gain access to all portions of
the console tree.

Limited Access, Multiple Windows Prevents users from opening new windows or
gaining access to a portion of the console tree,
but allows them to view multiple windows in the

Limited Access, Single Window Prevents users from opening new windows or
gaining access to a portion of the console tree,
and allows them to view only one window in the

Exercise 1: Navigating and Creating a Custom MMC

In this exercise, you use one of the MMC consoles included with Windows 2000 Server. Then you create a
customized MMC console.
 Procedure 1: Using an existing MMC console
In this procedure, you use MMC consoles that ship with Windows 2000 Server. C omplete this exercise from
1. Log on as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. C lick the Start button, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Event Viewer.
Windows 2000 displays the Event Viewer console, which gives you access to the contents of the Event
Log service files on your computer. You use Event Viewer to monitor various hardware and software

Notice that a number of logs are listed. The logs always appearing when Windows 2000 Server is
installed are the Application log, Security log, and System log. Additional logs appear as additional
services are added. You should see the Directory Service log because Server01 is configured to run
Active Directory services, a DNS Server log because it is configured to run as a DNS server, and a
File Replication Service log because Server01 is running FRS.
3. C lose the Event Viewer console.

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 Procedure 2: Creating and manipulating a customized MMC console

In this procedure, you create and customize an MMC console. You use this console to confirm the last time
your computer was started. You also add a snap-in with extensions.
1. C lick the Start button, and then click Run.
2. In the Open text box, type mmc and then click OK.
MMC starts and displays an empty console.
3. Maximize the C onsole1 window by clicking the Maximize button.
4. Maximize the C onsole Root window by clicking the Maximize button in the child window.
5. C lick the C onsole menu, and then choose Options to view the currently configured options.
MMC displays the Options dialog box.
6. In what mode is the console running?
7. Verify that the C onsole Mode drop-down list box is in author mode, and then click OK.
8. C lick the C onsole menu, and then click Save.
The Save As dialog box appears.

Notice that the default location for customized consoles is the Administrative Tools folder. This maps
to the Administrative Tools Program Group for the currently logged on user. You can see this by
clicking the down arrow to the far right of the Save In: drop-down list box.
9. In the File Name text box, type All Events and then click Save.
The name of your console appears in the MMC title bar.
10. To confirm that the console was saved in the correct location, click the C onsole menu and then click
11. C lick the Start button, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click All Events.msc.

The All Events console, which you saved previously, appears.

12. C lick the C onsole menu, and then click Add/Remove Snap-In.

The Add/Remove Snap-In dialog box appears with the Stand-Alone tab active. Notice that there are
currently no loaded snap-ins.
13. In the Add/Remove Snap-In dialog box, click Add.

The Add Stand Alone Snap-In dialog box appears.

14. In the Add Stand Alone Snap-In dialog box, scroll down to find and select Event Viewer and then click
The Select C omputer dialog box appears, allowing you to specify which computer you want to

Notice that you can add Event Viewer for the local computer you are working on, or if your local
computer is part of a network, you can also add Event Viewer for a remote computer.
15. In the Select C omputer dialog box, verify that the Local C omputer: (the computer this console is
running on) radio button is selected and then click Finish.
16. In the Add Stand-Alone Snap-In dialog box, click C lose; and in the Add/Remove Snap-In dialog box,
click OK.
Event Viewer (Local) now appears in the console tree.

To see the entire folder name, drag the border between the console panes to the right.
17. In the console tree of the All Events console, expand the Event Viewer (Local) node and then click
The most recent system events are shown in the results pane.
17. Double-click the most recent event listed as Information in the Type column and listed as eventlog in
the Source column.
The Event Log service started as part of your system startup. The date and time represents the
approximate time your system was started.
17. C lick OK to close the Event Properties dialog box.
17. C lick the C onsole menu, and then click Exit to close the All Events console.

A Microsoft Management C onsole dialog box appears, asking if you want to save the console settings
to All Events.
17. C lick No.

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17. C lick the Start button, and then click Run.

17. In the Open box, type mmc and then click OK.
17. Maximize the C onsole1 and C onsole Root windows.
17. C lick the C onsole menu, and then click Add/Remove Snap-In.
The Add/Remove Snap-In dialog box appears with the Stand-Alone tab active. You will add a snap-in
to the console root.
17. C lick Add.

All snap-ins that are listed here are stand-alone snap-ins.

17. In the Add Stand Alone Snap-In dialog box, click C omputer Management and then click Add.

The C omputer Management dialog box appears.

17. Verify that Local C omputer: (the computer this console is running on) radio button is selected, and
then click Finish.
17. C lick C lose.

C omputer Management appears in the list of snap-ins that have been added.
17. In the Add/Remove Snap-In dialog box, click OK.

The C omputer Management snap-in appears under the C onsole Root.

17. Expand the C omputer Management node, review the available functions, and then expand the
System Tools node.

Do not use any of the tools at this point.

Notice that several extensions are available, including Device Manager and System Information. You
can restrict the functionality of a snap-in by removing extensions.
32. C lick the C onsole menu, and then click Add/Remove Snap-In.

The Add/Remove Snap-In dialog box appears.

32. C lick C omputer Management (Local), and then click the Extensions tab.

A list of available extensions contained in the C omputer Management snap-in appears.

32. C lear the Add All Extensions check box, and then in the Available Extensions box, clear the Device
Manager Extension check box, scroll down the list and then clear the System Information Extension
check box.
32. C lick OK.

The console window appears.

32. Expand C omputer Management, and then expand System Tools to confirm that Device Manager and
System Information have been removed.

Do not use any of the tools at this point.

37. C lick the C onsole menu, and then click Options.

The Options dialog box appears.

37. From the C onsole Mode drop-down list box, select User Mode - Limited Access single window.
37. C lick the Do Not Save C hanges To This C onsole check box, and then click OK.
37. C lose the console.

MMC displays a message prompting for confirmation to save console settings.

37. C lick Yes.

The Save As dialog box appears.

37. In the File Name text box, type ComputerMgmt Restricted and then click Save.
37. C lick the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click C omputerMgmt
Notice that the custom console opens in a single window.
37. C lose the custom console.

Notice that the Save This C onsole message box does not appear.

Lesson Summary

One of the primary administrative tools you use to manage Windows 2000 Server is the MMC , which provides
a standardized method to create, save, and open administrative tools. These tools, called MMC consoles, hold
one or more snap-ins, which are management applications used to perform administrative tasks. By default,

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Windows 2000 saves custom MMC console files with the .msc extension in the Administrative Tools folder.
Every MMC console has a console tree, which displays the hierarchical organization of the snap-ins contained
in that console, and a details pane, which lists the contents of the active snap-in. There are two types of
snap-ins: stand-alone and extension. A stand-alone snap-in provides one function or a related set of
functions. An extension snap-in adds administrative functionality to a stand-alone snap-in. Each console can
be configured to operate in one of two modes: user mode or author mode. User mode prevents other users
from adding or removing snap-ins to the console or saving the console. Author mode enables full access to all
MMC functionality. C onsoles can be customized and distributed to users running in the network.

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Lesson 2: Administering User Accounts

User accounts must be created to give users the ability to log on to a domain to access network resources or
to log on to a computer to access resources on that computer. A user account is a user's unique credentials.
It is a record that defines a user to Windows 2000. This includes the user name and password, if required, for
the user to log on, the groups the user account has membership in, and the rights and permissions the user
has for using the computer and network and for accessing resources. Each person who regularly uses the
network is assigned a user account.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Describe the role and purpose of user accounts
 Plan and create user accounts
 Administer user accounts, including setting account properties
Estimated lesson time: 60 minutes

Windows 2000 User Accounts

A user account provides a user with the ability to log on to the domain to gain access to network resources or
to log on to a computer to gain access to resources on that computer. Each person who regularly uses the
network should have a user account.

Windows 2000 supports two types of user accounts: domain and local. With a domain user account, a user
can log on to the domain to gain access to network resources. With a local user account, a user can log on to
a specific computer to gain access to resources on that computer.

Windows 2000 also provides built-in user accounts, which are used to perform administrative tasks or to gain
access to network resources.

Domain User Accounts

Domain user accounts allow users to log on to the domain and gain access to resources anywhere on the
network. The user provides his or her password and user name during the logon process. By using this
information, Windows 2000 authenticates the user and then builds an access token that contains information
about the user and security settings. The access token identifies the user to computers running Windows 2000
on which the user tries to gain access to resources. Windows 2000 provides the access token for the duration
of the logon session.

You create a domain user account in an organizational unit (OU) in a replica of the Active Directory store
(called the directory) on a domain controller. The domain controller replicates the new user account
information to all domain controllers in the domain.

After Windows 2000 replicates the new user account information, all the domain controllers in the domain tree
can authenticate the user during the logon process.

It can take a few minutes to replicate the domain user account information to all the domain controllers. This
delay might prevent a user from immediately logging on by using the newly created domain user account.
Replication of Active Directory information within a site (intrasite replication) occurs automatically every five

Local User Accounts

Local user accounts allow users to log on to and gain access to resources on only the computer where you
create the local user account. When you create a local user account, Windows 2000 creates the account in
that computer's security database only. Windows 2000 does not replicate local user account information to
domain controllers. After the local user account is created, the computer uses its local security database to
authenticate the local user account, which allows the user to log on to that computer.

Built-In User Accounts

Windows 2000 automatically creates accounts called built-in accounts. Two commonly used built-in accounts
are Administrator and Guest. The operating system will not allow built-in accounts to be deleted or the built-in
Administrator account to be disabled. However, built-in accounts can be renamed.


Use the built-in Administrator account to manage the overall computer and domain configuration, such as
creating and modifying user accounts and groups, managing security policies, creating printers, and assigning
permissions and rights to user accounts to gain access to resources.

If you are the administrator, you should create a user account that you use to perform nonadministrative
tasks. Use the Administrator account only when you perform administrative tasks. For convenience, use the

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run as command to run in the context of a more privileged account while logged on with a lesser privileged
account. For example, to run MMC as an administrator while logged on with standard user rights, run the
following command:

runas user:<domain_name>\<administrator_account> mmc

If the Administrator account in the microsoft.com domain is named Administrator, the following command can
be used to start the MMC as Administrator:

runas /user:microsoft\administrator mmc


Rename the built-in Administrator account to provide a greater degree of security. Use a name that does not
identify it as the Administrator account. This makes it difficult for unauthorized users to break into the
Administrator account because they do not know which user account it is. For additional security, after you
rename the built-in Administrator account, create another account named Administrator that has no rights to
the system. This will frustrate a hacker's attempt to use the Administrator account to access the system.

Use the built-in Guest account to give occasional users the ability to log on and gain access to resources. For
example, an employee who needs access to resources for a short time can use the Guest account.

The Guest account is disabled by default. Enable the Guest account only in low-security networks and always
assign it a password.

Planning New User Accounts

You can streamline the process of creating user accounts by planning and organizing the information for the
user accounts. You should plan the following three areas:

 Naming conventions for user accounts

 Requirements for passwords
 Account options, such as logon hours, the computers from which users can log on, and account

Naming Conventions

The naming convention establishes how users are identified in the domain. A consistent naming convention
will help you and your users remember user logon names and locate them in lists.

The following table summarizes several points to consider in determining a naming convention for your

Consideration Explanation

Unique user logon names User logon names for domain user accounts must
be unique to the Directory. Domain user account
names must be unique within the OU where you
create the domain user account. Local user
account names must be unique on the computer
where you create the local user account.

20 characters maximum User logon names can contain up to 20 uppercase

or lowercase characters; the field accepts more
than 20 characters, but Windows 2000 recognizes
only the first 20.

Invalid characters The following characters are invalid: " / \ [ ] : ; |


User logon names are not case sensitive You can use a combination of special and
alphanumeric characters to help uniquely identify
user accounts. User logon names are not case
sensitive, but Windows 2000 preserves the case.

Employees with duplicate names If two users are named John Doe, you can use
the first name and the last initial and then add
letters from the last name to differentiate the
duplicate names. In this example, one user
account logon name could be Johnd and the other

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Johndo. Another possibility would be to number

each useR logon name, for example, Johnd1 and

Type of employee In some organizations, it is useful to identify

temporary employees by their user account. For
example, to identify temporary employees, you
can use a T and a dash in front of the user's
logon name: T-Johnd. Or you might use a
parenthetical phrase, such as John Doe (Temp).

Service account naming conventions Many background services require user accounts
in order to operate. C onsider appending the
name of the user account with an abbreviated
generic name such as svc for service or a service
type name such as exc for a background account
used by Microsoft Exchange services.

Password Requirements

To protect access to the domain or a computer, every user account should have a password. C onsider the
following guidelines for passwords:

 Always assign a password for the Administrator account to prevent unauthorized access to the
 Determine whether the administrator or the users will control passwords. You can assign unique
passwords for the user accounts and prevent users from changing them, or you can allow users to
enter their own passwords the first time they log on. In most cases, users should control their
 Use passwords that are hard to guess. For example, avoid using passwords with an obvious
association, such as a family member's name.
 Passwords can be up to 128 characters; a minimum length of eight characters is recommended.
 Use both uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals, and valid nonalphanumeric characters. The
table above lists the invalid nonalphanumeric characters.

Account Options

You should assess the hours when a user can log on to the network and the computers from which a user can
log on, and you should determine if temporary user accounts need to expire. To determine account options,
consider the following information.

Logon Hours

Set logon hours to control when a user can log on to the domain. Restricting logon hours limits the hours that
users can explore the network. By default, Windows 2000 permits access for all hours on all days. You might
want to allow users to log on only during working hours. Setting logon hours reduces the amount of time that
the account is open to unauthorized access.

Computers from Which Users Can Log On

Determine the computers that users can log on from. By default, users can log on to the domain by using any
computer in the domain. For security, require users to log on to the domain only from their own computers.
This prevents users from gaining access to sensitive information stored on other computers.

If you have disabled NetBIOS over Transmission C ontrol Protocol/Internet Protocol (TC P/IP), Windows 2000
is unable to determine which computer you are logging on from, and therefore you cannot restrict users to
specific computers. This is because this feature restricts access by computer name rather than Message
Authentication C ode address.
Account Expiration

Determine whether a user account should expire. If so, set an expiration date on the user account to ensure
that the account is disabled when the user should no longer have access to the network. As a good security
practice, you should set user accounts for temporary employees to expire when their contract ends.

Creating User Accounts

You can create two types of user accounts: domain and local.

Creating Domain User Accounts

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Use the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in to create a new domain user account. When you
create a domain user account, it is always created on the first available domain controller contacted by MMC ,
and then the account is replicated to all domain controllers.

You can rapidly create many user accounts by creating and running scripts through the Windows Script Host
(WSH). For information on WSH, open Windows 2000 Server Help and locate the book titled Automating
Administrative Tasks and the chapter titled "Windows Script Host."
Activ e Directory Users And Computers Snap-In

The Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in allows you to create domain user accounts (Figure 7.4).

Figure 7.4 The Active Directory Users And Computers snap-in showing how to navigate to the New Object -
User dialog box

You must select the OU to create the new account in. You can create the domain user account in the default
Users OU or in an OU or in OUs that you create to hold domain user accounts.

To create a domain user account, open the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in and select the
Users OU. In the Action menu, point to New and then point to Users (Figure 7.4). Enter the user information in
the New Object - User dialog box.

When you create the domain user account, User Logon Name defaults to the domain in which you are creating
the domain user account, as shown in Figure 7.4. However, you can select any domain in which you have
permissions to create domain user accounts.

The following table describes the domain user account options:

Option Description

First Name The user's first name. This or Last Name is


Last Name The user's last name. This or First Name is


Full Name The user's full name. Windows 2000 completes

this option if you enter information in First Name
or Last Name. Windows 2000 displays this name
in the OU where the user account is located in the

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User Logon Name The user's unique logon name, based on your
naming conventions. This is required and must be
unique within the directory.

User Logon Name (pre-Windows 2000) The user's unique logon name used to log on
from down-level clients, such as Windows NT 4.0
or Windows NT 3.51. This is required and must be
unique within the domain.

Setting Password Requirements

When you are adding a new user account, you can enter a password for the user. In the New Object - User
dialog box, click Next to open a second New Object - User dialog box. This screen contains password settings.
In this dialog box, you set the password requirements for the domain user account. You do not have to enter
a password for the user. If you don't enter a password, the user will be able to log on to the domain without a

The following table describes the password options:

Option Description

Password The password used to authenticate the user. For

greater security, you should always assign a
password. Notice that you do not see the
password. It is represented as asterisks when
you type it.

C onfirm Password C onfirm the password by typing it a second time

to make sure you typed it correctly. This is
required if you assign a password.

User Must C hange Password At Next Logon Select this check box if you want the user to
change his or her password the first time he or
she logs on. This ensures that the user is the only
person who knows the password.

User C annot C hange Password Select this check box if you have more than one
person using the same domain user account
(such as Guest) or to maintain control over user
account passwords. This feature is commonly
used for background service account password

Password Never Expires Select this check box if the password should
never change, for example, for a domain user
account that will be used by a program or a
Windows 2000 service. The Password Never
Expires setting overrides the User Must C hange
Password At Next Logon setting. If both check
boxes are selected, Windows 2000 will
automatically clear the User Must C hange
Password At Next Logon check box.

Account Is Disabled Select this check box to prevent use of this user
account, for example, for a new employee who
has not yet started.

Always require new users to change their passwords the first time they log on. This will force users to use
passwords that only they know. For added security on networks, create random initial passwords for all new
user accounts by combining letters and numbers. C reating a random initial password will help keep the user
account secure.

Exercise 2: Modifying Domain User Account Properties

In Exercise 5, Procedure 1 of the previous chapter, you created three user accounts. In this exercise, you use

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the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in to manipulate the properties of the Jane_Doe, John_Smith,
and Bob_Train user accounts. C omplete all the procedures in the exercise from Server01.
 Procedure 1: Manipulating user accounts
In this procedure, you modify user account properties. You configure the Logon Hours, Account Expiration,
and password restriction settings for several of the user accounts that you created in the previous chapter.
You add these user accounts to the Print Operators group so that the accounts can log on locally to the
domain controller. You then test the Logon Hours restrictions, the password restrictions, and the Account
Expiration Settings.
1. Log on to Server01 as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. C lick Start, point to programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Active Directory Users
And C omputers.
The Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in appears.
3. Expand the microsoft.com node in the left pane.
The console tree appears.
4. Select the Users folder.
5. In the details pane, double-click the Bob Train user.
The Bob Train Properties dialog box appears with the General tab active.

Notice that on the General tab, you specify a number of user account properties in addition to first
and last name. Text box values like Office and Telephone Number are especially useful for locating
6. C lick the Account tab, and then click Logon Hours.
The Logon Hours For Bob Train dialog box appears.

Notice that Bob is permitted to logon at any time.

To restrict Bob's logon hours, click the start time of the first period during which you want to prevent
the user from logging on and then drag the pointer to the end time for the period. For this procedure,
locate the current day and hour of the day and deny logon for the next three hours.

You must complete this entire exercise in the next three hours for this account restriction to work properly.
Otherwise, extend the account restriction to the time when you plan to complete the exercise.
A frame outlines the blocks for all the selected hours, and the time restriction appears in the bottom
left of the Logon Hours For Bob Train dialog box.
8. C lick the Logon Denied radio button.
The outlined area is now a white block, indicating that the user will not be permitted to log on during
those hours.

To select the same block of time for all days in the week, in the row labeled All click the gray block that
represents the start time, and then drag the pointer to the end time. To select an entire day, click the gray
block that is labeled with the name of day.
9. C lick OK to close the Logon Hours For Bob Train dialog box.
9. In the Bob Train Properties dialog box, click OK to apply your settings.
9. In the details pane, double-click John Smith.

The John Smith Properties dialog box appears with the General tab active.
9. C lick the Account tab.
9. When will the account expire?
9. In the Account expires section, click the End Of radio button and then set the date to today's date.
9. C lick OK to apply your changes.
9. C lick the Sales folder in the console tree.
The Jane Doe account appears in the details pane.
9. Double click the Jane Doe account.
The Jane Doe Properties dialog box appears with the General tab active.
9. C lick the Account tab.
9. In the Account options box, click the User Must C hange Password At Next Logon check box.
9. C lick OK to close the Jane Doe Properties dialog box.
9. C lose the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in.
9. C lick Start and then click Shut Down.

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The Shut Down Windows dialog box appears.

9. Select Log Off Administrator from the drop-down list box, and click OK.
Windows 2000 logs off the Administrator account and displays the Welcome To Windows message
9. Press C trl+Alt+Delete, and continue to Procedure 2.
 Procedure 2: Attempting to log on to Server01 with a user account
In this procedure, you attempt to use the Jane Doe (Jane_Doe) user account to log on to Server01.
1. In the User Name text box, log on as Jane_Doe with no password.
The Logon Message message box appears, indicating that your password has expired and must be
2. C lick OK.
The C hange Password dialog box appears, and the cursor is in the Old Password text box.
3. Press the tab key since the Jane_Doe account was not assigned a password.
4. In the New Password text box and the C onfirm New Password text box, type student and then click
The C hange Password message box appears, indicating that your password was changed.
5. C lick OK to close the C hange Password message box.
Were you able to log on successfully? Why or why not?

6. C lick OK to close the message box.
 Procedure 3: Granting local logon access to user accounts
There are several ways to allow regular users to log on locally at a domain controller. In this procedure, you
add the three users you created in the previous chapter to the Print Operators group, because this group has
the right to log on to a domain controller.

A group is a collection of user accounts. Groups simplify administration by allowing you to assign permissions
to a group of users rather than having to assign permissions to each individual user account. You will learn
more about groups later in this chapter.
1. Log on as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. Open Active Directory Users And C omputers, and in the console tree, expand the Sales OU.
3. In the details pane, double-click the Jane Doe user account.

The Jane Doe Properties dialog box appears with the General tab active.
4. C lick the Member Of tab.
5. C lick Add.
The Select Groups dialog box appears.
6. Scroll down in the top box to locate and click Print Operators.
7. C lick Add, and then click OK to close the Select Groups dialog box.
8. C lick OK to close the Jane Doe Properties dialog box.
In the next steps, you will use a simpler method to add both the Bob Train and John Smith accounts
to the Print Operators group.
9. In the console tree, click the Users folder.
10. In the details pane, click once on Bob Train, press and hold down the C trl key, and click once on John
11. C lick the Action menu, and then click Add Members To Group.

The Select Group dialog box appears.

12. Scroll down to locate and double-click Print Operators.

An Active Directory message box appears stating that the Add To Group operation completed
13. C lick OK.
14. C lose Active Directory Users And C omputers and log off.
15. Attempt to log on as Jane_Doe with a password of "student."

Notice that you are now able to log on locally with the Jane_Doe user account.
16. Attempt to log on as Bob_Train with no password.

Notice that you were not able to log on because of an account restriction. In Procedure 1 you

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restricted Bob's logon hours.

17. Attempt to log on as John_Smith with no password.

Notice that you are allowed to logon as the John_Smith user account. In Procedure 1 you set John's
account expiration to the end of the day. If you try to log on as John Smith tomorrow, logon will fail
because of an account restriction.
18. Log off of Server01.

Creating Local User Accounts

A local user account allows a user to log on and access resources only on the computer for which you create
the account. Use the Local Users And Groups snap-in to create local user accounts (Figure 7.5).

Figure 7.5 The Local Users And Groups snap-in and the New User dialog box

You can create local user accounts only on computers running Windows 2000 Professional and on stand-alone
servers or member servers running Windows 2000 Server. Local user accounts are not stored in the directory
for the domain; they are stored in the security database of the computer where you create them.

Modifying Properties for User Accounts

A set of default properties is associated with each domain user account and local user account created.
Domain user accounts contain more properties than local user accounts. Local user account properties
represent a subset of domain user account properties.

Properties that are defined for a domain user account can be used to search for users in the Active Directory
store. For this reason, detailed property definitions for domain user accounts should be used. For example, a
user knows a person's first name and telephone number and wants to find the person's last name. The user
can use the telephone number to search for the last name.

The following properties should be configured for each domain user account based on the business
requirements of each user:

 Personal properties, including General, Address, Telephones, and organization properties

 Account properties
 Logon Hours properties
 Log On To properties
One way to modify a domain user account is to open the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in and
double-click the user object whose properties you want to modify.

One way to modify a local user account is to open the C omputer Management snap-in and select Local Users
And Groups. Double-click the user object whose properties you want to modify.

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The Properties Dialog Box

The Properties dialog box for each user account contains a set of tabs that allows users to configure various
properties for a specific user. All the tabs described below apply to domain user accounts. Only the General,
Dial-In, Member Of, and Profile tabs apply to local user accounts.

Personal Properties Tabs

The personal properties tabs include the General, Address, Telephones, and Organization tabs. C ompleting
the attributes on each of these tabs enables users and administrators to locate other users in Active Directory

The following table describes the personal properties tabs:

Tab Description

General Use this tab to document the user's name,

description, office location, telephone, e-mail
name, and home page information.

Address Use this tab to document the user's street

address, post office box, city, state or province,
zip code, and country.

Telephones Use this tab to document the user's home, pager,

mobile, fax, and IP telephone numbers, and to
add comments.

Organization Use this tab to document the user's title,

department, company manager, and direct

Account Tab

The Account tab allows you to define a user's logon name and set other account options for the user account.
Some of these options were set as default when the user object was created in the Active Directory store.
You can modify these properties as well as configure the additional properties.

Profile Tab

User profiles automatically create and maintain the desktop settings for each user's work environment on the
local computer. The Profile tab allows you to set a path to the network share where the user profiles are to be
stored. In addition, you can assign a logon script and home folder for the user account.

Published Certificates Tab

A certificate is a collection of data used for authentication and secure exchange of information on nonsecured
networks, such as the Internet. A certificate securely binds a public encryption key to the entity that holds the
corresponding private encryption key. The Published C ertificates tab allows you to create a list of X.509
certificates for the user account.

Member Of Tab

Groups are used to consolidate administrative tasks. For example, assign NTFS permissions to a group and
then add users to the group. Each group member is affected by the rights assignment. The Member Of tab
allows you to document the groups the user belongs to.

Dial-In Tab

The Dial-In tab allows you to control how a user can make a dial-in connection to the network from a remote
location. To gain access to the network, the user dials in to a computer running the Windows 2000 Remote
Access Service (RAS).

In addition to configuring dial-in settings and having RAS on the server the user is dialing in to, you must also
set up a dial-up connection for the server on the client computer. Set up a dial-up connection by using the
Network C onnection wizard, which you can access from Network C onnections in My C omputer.
The following table describes the required options for setting up security for a dial-up connection:

Option Description

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Allow Access Specifies whether to enable dial-in settings.

Deny Access Specifies whether to disable dial-in settings.

Verify C aller-ID The telephone number that the user must dial in

No C allback Specifies that the RAS server will not call the user
back. This allows a user to call from any phone
number. This is the default and is designed for a
low-security environment or where other dial-in
security methods are implemented.

Set By C aller (Routing and Remote Access Specifies that the user provide the telephone
Service only) number for the RAS server to call back. This
allows a user to call from any phone number, and
the RAS server calls the user back. This calling
information can be logged. Use this feature for a
medium-security environment.

Always C allback To Specifies that the RAS server calls back the user.
The RAS server uses the specified telephone
number. The user must be at the specified
telephone number to make a connection to the
server. This reduces the risk of an unauthorized
person dialing in because the number is
preconfigured. Use this option in a high-security

Object Tab

The Object tab provides the fully qualified domain name of the object. It also provides additional information,
such as the object class, the create and modified dates, the original Unique Sequence Number (USN), and the
current USN. The USNs are used to track changes to objects in the Active Directory store.

Security Tab

The Security tab is used to set permissions on the user object in the Active Directory store. You can allow or
deny specific permissions to groups or users within the domain. You can also configure advanced
permissions, and you can allow or prevent the inheritance of permissions from the parent object to the user
object in the Active Directory tree.

Terminal Services Tabs

The Terminal Services tabs contain information about the user that is specific to Terminal Services. Terminal
Services allows a user to log on from a computer terminal and run a Windows 2000 session on the terminal.
The information on the Terminal Services tabs includes when users can log on, under what conditions, and
how specific desktop settings are stored. The Terminal Services tabs are the Environment, Sessions, Remote
C ontrol, and Terminal Services Profile tabs.

Environment Tab

The Environment tab contains settings for creating the client working environment. If a starting program is
specified, it opens automatically whenever the user connects to a Terminal server. It is the only application
that can be used by the user. When the application is closed, the connection to the Terminal server closes.

You can also set the user account so that Terminal Services can automatically connect local client drives and
printers at logon. When the client logs on to the server, the local drives and printers are detected and the
appropriate printer driver is installed on the Terminal server. If multiple printers are connected, you can also
default all print jobs to the main client printer.

Sessions Tab

The Sessions tab of the Terminal Services extension provides settings for limiting the length of sessions
based on their current state (active, idle, or disconnected). You can also specify what action to take when a
session has reached a time limit.

The following table describes several options on the Sessions tab:

Time-out setting Description

End A Disconnected Session Specifies the maximum duration that a

disconnected session is retained. The session will

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be reset and can no longer be reconnected once

the time limit has expired.

Active Session Limit Specifies the maximum connection duration.

When the time limit is reached, the session will be
either disconnected, leaving the session active on
the server, or reset.

Idle Session Limit Specifies the maximum idle time (time without
connection activity) allowed before the session is
disconnected or reset. The session is
disconnected or reset when the interval elapses
without any activity at the connection.

Remote Control Tab

The Remote C ontrol tab allows you to configure Terminal Services' remote control settings. You can monitor
the actions of a client logged on to a Terminal server by using remote control from another session. Remote
control allows you to either observe or actively control a client session. If you choose to actively control a
client session, you will be able to input keyboard and mouse actions to the session. You can warn a client that
you want to remotely control the session by choosing to display a message on the client that asks permission
to view or take part in the session. You can use either Local Users And Groups (for local users) or Active
Directory Users And C omputers (for domain users) to enable remote control for a user account.

This feature does not allow you to run remote control for non-terminal connections. Tools like Systems
Management Server (SMS) provide a remote control facility to access network connected computers running
Terminal Services Profile Tab

The Terminal Services Profile tab allows you to assign a profile to a user to apply to Terminal sessions.
Administrators can then create user profiles tailored to the Terminal Services environment. The Terminal
Services profile can be used to restrict access to applications by removing them from the user's Start menu.
Administrators can also create and store network connections to printers and other resources for use during
user sessions.

You can specify a path to a home directory to be used for Terminal sessions. This directory can be either a
local directory or a network share. You can also specify whether a user has access to Terminal Services. If
the Allow Logon To Terminal Server option is left disabled, the user is not allowed to log on to any Terminal

Administering User Accounts

Administering user accounts goes beyond creating user accounts for new users. It involves modifying user
accounts as well as setting up user profiles and home directories. This section explains how to perform each
of these tasks.

Managing User Profiles

A user profile is a collection of folders and data that stores your current desktop environment and application
settings as well as personal data. A user profile also contains all the network connections that are established
when logging on to a computer, such as Start menu items and mapped drives to network servers. User
profiles maintain consistency in your desktop environment by providing the same desktop environment you
had the last time you logged on to the computer.

Windows 2000 creates a local user profile the first time you log on at a computer. After logging on for the first
time, Windows 2000 stores the user profile on that computer.

User profiles operate in the following manner:

 When you log on to a client computer running Windows 2000, you always receive your individual
desktop settings and connections, regardless of how many users share your computer.
 The first time you log on to a client computer running Windows 2000, Windows 2000 copies the local
Default User folder profile to the %systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\<user_logon_name>
folder (typically C :\Documents and Settings\<user_logon_name>), where user_logon_name is your
Windows 2000 user account name.
 If the computer where you are logging on was updated from Windows 95 or Windows 98 with profiles
enabled or from Windows NT to Windows 2000 Professional, the profile folder remains in
%systemroot%\profiles rather than being created in the Documents And Settings folder.
 A user profile folder contains many files and folders for storing user information. For example, the My
Documents folder provides a place to store personal files. My Documents is the default location for
the File Open and Save As application commands. By default, Windows 2000 creates a My Documents

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icon on the desktop. This makes it easier to locate your personal documents.

You can change the target directory for My Documents by accessing the properties of the My Documents icon
on the desktop.
 The simplest way to modify your user profile is by changing desktop settings, for example, when you
establish a new network connection or add a file to My Documents. Then when you log off, Windows
2000 incorporates the changes into your profile. The next time you log on, the new network
connection and the file are present.

You should have users store their documents in My Documents rather than in home directories. Windows
2000 automatically sets up My Documents, and it is the default location for storing data for Microsoft
applications. Using folder redirection and offline folders, which you will learn about later, My Documents can
be set to a network location and made available to users whether or not they are connected to the network.
Roaming User Profiles

To support users who work at multiple computers, you can set up roaming user profiles (RUPs). A roaming
user profile is one that you set up on a network server so that the profile is available to you no matter where
you log on in the domain. When a user logs on, Windows 2000 copies the roaming user profile from the
network server to the client computer running Windows 2000 at which the user logs on. C onsequently, the
user always receives his or her individual desktop settings and connections. This is in contrast to a local user
profile, which resides on one client computer only.

When a user logs on, Windows 2000 applies the roaming user profile settings to that computer. The first time
that a user logs on at a computer, Windows 2000 copies all documents to the local computer. Thereafter,
when the user logs on to the computer, Windows 2000 compares the locally stored user profile files and the
RUP files. It copies only the files that have changed since the last time the user logged on at the computer.
Since Windows 2000 only copies the files that have changed, the logon process is shorter.

When a user logs off, Windows 2000 copies changes that were made to the local copy of the RUP back to the
server where it is stored.

Creating Customized Roaming User Profiles

You can also customize and assign a preconfigured RUP that you assign to all user accounts, as well as make
roaming user profiles read-only. You can create a customized RUP by configuring the desktop environment
for the user and then copying the customized profile to the user's RUP location.

You use customized RUPs for the following reasons:

 To provide users with the work environment they need to perform their jobs and to remove
connections and applications that the user does not require.
 To provide a standard desktop environment for multiple users with similar job responsibilities. These
users require the same network resources.
 To simplify troubleshooting. Technical support would know the exact baseline setup of the desktops
and could easily find a deviation or a problem.

You can customize local user profiles, but this is not recommended. C ustomizing local user profiles is
inefficient because they reside only on the client computer the user logs on to. Therefore, you would have to
customize the user profile at each client computer a user logs on to.
Using Mandatory Profiles

A mandatory profile is a read-only RUP. When the user logs off, Windows 2000 does not save any changes
the user made during the session. The next time the user logs on, the profile is the same as the last time he
or she logged on.

You can assign one mandatory profile to multiple users who require the same desktop settings, such as bank
tellers. This means that by changing one profile, you change the desktop environment for several users.

A hidden file in the profile called Ntuser.dat contains that section of the Windows 2000 system settings that
applies to the individual user account and contains the user environment settings, such as desktop
appearance. This is the file you make read-only by changing its name to Ntuser.man.

Setting Up a Roaming User Profile

When you set up an RUP on a server, the next time that the user logs on to a computer in the domain,
Windows 2000 copies the local user profile to the RUP path on the server. When the user logs on thereafter,
the RUP copies the profile from the server to the computer.

You should set up RUPs on a file server that you frequently back up so that you have copies of the RUPs. To

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improve logon performance for a busy network, place the RUP folders on a member server rather than on a
domain controller. C opying RUPs between the server and client computers can use a lot of system resources,
such as bandwidth and computer processing. If the profiles are on the domain controller, this can delay the
authentication of users by the domain controller.

To further improve performance and profile availability, consider configuring a Domain Dfs root for user
profiles and configuring FRS so that the profiles are replicated to multiple available locations on the network.
To set up an RUP, you must create a shared folder on a server and use a path with the following format: \\<
server>\<share>. Use an intuitive name for the shared folder, such as Profiles. On the Profile tab in the
Properties dialog box for the user account, provide the path to the shared folder in the Profile Path box (\\<

You can type the variable %username% instead of the user's logon name. When you use this variable,
Windows 2000 automatically replaces the variable with the user account name for the RUP.

Assigning a Customized Roaming User Profile

You can customize an RUP and assign it to multiple users, who will then have the same settings and
connections when they log on. Before you can customize and assign an RUP, you must first create a user
profile template, which contains the customized desktop settings that you want the users to have. A template
is created by configuring a desktop exactly as you want it to appear for the users who will be assigned this
profile. No special tools are required to create this template.

After you have created your user profile template, log on as Administrator and copy the user profile template
to an RUP folder on the server. This folder must be accessible to all users who will be assigned this profile.
The C ontrol Panel System application can be used to copy the profile template to a shared network location,
as shown in Figure 7.6. Notice that the profile is assigned to the built-in Users group in the domain.

Figure 7.6 Copying the Jane_Doe profile template to a subfolder (shared) of the \\server01\profiles share

To complete the process, assign the profile to the appropriate users by using the Active Directory Users And
C omputers snap-in. After opening the snap-in, access the Profile tab in the Properties Of A User Account, and
assign a path to the profile in the Profile path text box.

Since changes to the template profile affect all users who are assigned the profile, you should make the
profile mandatory. To make the profile a mandatory (read-only) user profile, change the extension on the
Ntuser file in the profile folder on the server from .dat to .man.

The Ntuser.dat file is a hidden file. You must either use the attrib command line utility to remove the hidden
attribute or enable viewing of hidden files through Windows 2000 Explorer.

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Modifying User Accounts

C ompany needs and changes might require you to modify user accounts. For example, you might need to
rename an existing user account for a new employee so that this employee can have the same permissions
and network access as his or her predecessor. Other modifications are based on personnel changes or
personal information, such as disabling, enabling, and deleting a user account. You might also need to reset a
user's password or unlock a user account.

You can modify a user account by changing the user account object in the Active Directory store. To complete
the tasks for modifying user accounts successfully, creating roaming user profiles and assigning home
directories, you must have permission to administer the OU in which the user accounts reside.

Disabling, Enabling, Renaming, and Deleting User Accounts

Following are modifications you make to user accounts that affect the accounts' functionality:

 Disabling and enabling a user account You disable a user account when a user does not need an
account for an extended period but will need it again. For example, if John took a two-month leave of
absence, you would disable his user account when he left. When he returned, you would enable his
user account so that he could log on to the network again.
 Renaming a user account You rename a user account when you want to retain all rights,
permissions, group memberships, and most properties for the user account and reassign it to a
different user. For example, if there is a new company accountant, rename the account by changing
the first, last, and user logon names to those of the new accountant.
 Deleting a user account Delete a user account when an employee leaves the company and you
are not going to rename the user account. By deleting these user accounts, you do not have unused
accounts in Active Directory services.
The procedures for disabling, enabling, renaming, and deleting user accounts are similar for domain and local
accounts. For domain user accounts, use the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in. Select the user
account, and click on action in the Action menu. For local user accounts, use the Local Users And Groups
extension from the console tree in the C omputer Management snap-in.

If a user account is enabled, the Action menu displays the Disable Account command. If a user account is
disabled, the Action menu displays the Enable Account command.

Resetting Passwords and Unlocking User Accounts

If a user cannot log on to the domain or to a local computer, you might need to reset the user's password or
unlock the user's account. To perform these tasks, you must have administrative privileges for the OU in
which the user account resides.

Resetting Passwords

If a user's password expires before she or he can change it, or if a user forgets her or his password, you
need to reset the password.

You do not need to know the old password to reset a password.

To reset a user's password, open the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in and select the user
object. On the Action menu, click Reset Password. In the Reset Password dialog box, enter a password and
select User Must C hange Password At Next Logon to force the user to change his or her password the next
time that the user logs on.

Unlocking User Accounts

A Windows 2000 group policy locks out a user account when the user violates the policy, for example, the
user exceeding the limit that a group policy allows for bad logon attempts. When a user account is locked out,
Windows 2000 displays an error message.

To unlock a user's account, open the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in and right-click the user
object. C lick Properties and select the Account tab. C lear The Account Is Locked Out check box.

Creating Home Folders

In addition to the My Documents folder, Windows 2000 provides you with the means to create a home folder
for the user. A home folder is an additional one that you can provide for users to store personal documents,
and for older applications, it is sometimes the default folder for saving documents. You can store a home
folder on a client computer or in a shared folder on a file server. Because a home folder is not part of an

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RUP, its size does not affect network traffic during logon. You can locate all users' home folders in a central
location on a network server.

Storing all home folders on a file server provides the following advantages:

 Users can gain access to their home folders from any client computer on the network.
 Backing up and administering user documents is centralized.
 Home folders are accessible from a client computer running any Microsoft operating system
(including MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows 2000).

You should store home folders on an NT file system (NTFS) volume so that you can use NTFS permissions to
secure user documents. If you store home folders on a file allocation table (FAT) volume, you can restrict
home folder access only by using shared folder permissions.
To create a home folder on a network file server, you must perform the following three tasks:

 Creating and sharing a folder C reate and share a folder in which to store all home folders on a
network server. The home folder for each user will reside below the shared folder.
 Changing the Full Control permission For the shared folder, remove the default permission Full
C ontrol from the Everyone group and assign Full C ontrol to the Users group. This ensures that only
users with domain user accounts can gain access to the shared folder.
 Providing the home folder path Provide the path to the user's home folder in the Home folder
section on the Profile tab of the Properties dialog box for the user account (Figure 7.7). Since the
home folder is on a network server, click C onnect and specify a drive letter to use to connect. As a
result, when the user logs on to the network, the driver letter you assign will appear in My C omputer.
In the To text box, a UNC name appears in the form of \\<server>\<share>\<user_logon_name>.
You can use the %username% variable as the user's logon name to automatically name and create
each user's home folder the same as the user logon name.

Figure 7.7 The Profile tab appearing in the properties of a user account. Both a profile path and a network
accessible home folder path are specified

If you use %username% to name a folder on an NTFS volume, the user and the built-in local Administrators
group is assigned the NTFS Full C ontrol permission. All other permissions are removed for the folder,

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including those for the Everyone Special group.

You can further enhance the home folder feature by redirecting the user's My Documents pointer to the
location of her or his home directory.

Exercise 3: Creating a Roaming Profile and Assigning a Home Folder

In this exercise, you use the Jane_Doe user accounts to create a profile. You then log on as Jane Doe to
create a local profile for the account. Then you log on as Administrator and use the System application in
C ontrol Panel to verify that the profile for Jane Doe was created. In Procedure 2, you use the Jane_Doe
profile to create and test an RUP from a second computer. In Procedure 3, you create and test a home folder
for Jane_Doe.
 Procedure 1: Creating a user profile template
In this procedure, you define and test a local user profile. You will use Server01 to create the user profile
template. Typically, a computer running Windows 2000 Professional would be used to create a user profile
template. However, this kit assumes that you are running Windows 2000 Server only to complete these
1. If you are logged on as Administrator on Server01, log off.
2. Log on to the microsoft.com domain as Jane_Doe with a password of "student."
If this was the first time that you logged on using the Jane_Doe account, a local user profile is
created for her with default settings. This local profile will be customized and then assigned to other
3. Double-click the My C omputer icon on the desktop.
The My C omputer window appears.
4. C lick and drag the Local Disk (C :) icon to the desktop.
A Shortcut message box appears stating that this item cannot be copied or moved but a shortcut can
be created.
5. C lick Yes to create a shortcut to the C : drive.
6. C lose the My C omputer window.
7. C lick Start, point to Settings, click C ontrol Panel, and then double-click Display.
The Display Properties dialog box appears.
8. C lick the Appearance tab.
Notice the current color scheme.
9. In the Scheme box, select a different color scheme and then click OK.
The desktop changes to the new color scheme.
10. C lose C ontrol Panel.
11. Log off as Jane_Doe, and then log on as Administrator with a password of "password."
12. C lick Start, point to Settings, click C ontrol Panel, and then double-click System.
13. C lick the User Profiles tab.
Notice that there are multiple user profiles stored on Server01. These profiles represent all user
accounts that have logged on to Server01.
14. Do not close the System application since you will need it to complete the next procedure.
 Procedure 2: Defining and assigning a mandatory roaming profile
In this procedure, you create a roaming profile from the Jane_Doe user profile and assign it to the John Smith
user account. For simplicity, you will complete all steps in this procedure from Server01. If you are running
Server02, you can optionally log on from this computer to test the RUP.

This procedure assumes knowledge of how to create and share a folder. If you are not sure how to do this,
revisit C hapter 5, Exercise 1.
1. On the C :\ drive, create a folder named Profiles.
2. Share the C :\Profiles folder as Profiles.
3. Open the Profiles folder, and create a subfolder named Shared.

C lose the Profiles window.

4. Locate the System Properties dialog box. The System application was opened in the previous

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5. C lick the User Profiles tab.
6. Under Profiles Stored On This C omputer, select MIC ROSOFT\Jane_Doe.
7. C lick C opy To.
The C opy To dialog box appears.
8. In the C opy Profile to text box, type \\server01\profiles\shared .
9. Under Permitted to use, click C hange.
The Select User Or Group dialog box appears.
10. In the Name column, click Users and then click OK.

BUILTIN\Users appears in the Permitted To Use section.

11. C lick OK to return to the System Properties dialog box.

A C onfirm C opy message box appears, stating that the \\server01\profiles\shared folder already
exists and that the current contents will be deleted. This appears because you already created the
folder for the profile.
12. C lick Yes.
13. C lick OK to return to C ontrol Panel.
14. Open the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in.
15. Expand microsoft.com, and then click the Users folder.
16. In the details pane, double-click the John Smith user account.
The John Smith Properties dialog box appears.
17. In an earlier exercise, you set an account expiration for the John Smith account. To remove this
expiration, click the Account tab and select Never In The Account Expires section.
18. C lick the Profile tab.
19. In the Profile path box, type \\server01\profiles\shared and click OK.

C lose Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in.

Because you are using a centralized profile that could be assigned to other users, the next step is to
configure the profile as mandatory.
20. Double-click My C omputer on the desktop.
21. Double-click Local Disk (C :).
22. Double-click Profiles.
23. Double-click Shared.
Notice that User Profile folders appear.
24. C lick the Tools menu, and then click Folder Options.

The Folder Options dialog box appears.

25. C lick the View tab.
26. Select the Show Hidden Files And Folders radio button, and clear the Hide File Extensions For Known
File Types check box.
27. C lick OK.

The Shared window appears, showing hidden files and folders. Notice that Ntuser.dat appears.
28. Select Ntuser.dat.
29. C lick the File menu and then click Rename.

The Ntuser.dat file name box is highlighted and can be edited.

30. C hange the extension so that the file name is ntuser.man, and then press enter.
31. C lose the Shared window and close C ontrol Panel.
32. Log off as Administrator and log on as John_Smith with no password.

The John_Smith desktop appears. Notice that the John_Smith user is using the color scheme you
assigned to the user profile template and that the shortcut to Local Disk (C :) appears on the desktop.
33. To test the mandatory profile, delete the C onnect To The Internet shortcut on the desktop.
34. Log off and log on again as John_Smith with no password.

Notice that the C onnect to the Internet shortcut appears on the desktop. This happens because you
assigned a mandatory profile to the John_Smith user account.
 Procedure 3: Assigning a Home folder to a user
In this procedure you will assign John_Smith a home folder.
1. Log off as John_Smith and log on as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. C reate a folder on the C : drive named HomeDirs.
3. Share this folder as HomeDirs.
4. Open the Active Directory User And C omputers snap-in.

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5. Access the properties of the John Smith user account, and click the Profile tab.
6. In the Home Folder section, click the C onnect radio button.
7. Verify that Z: appears in the drop-down list box to the right of C onnect.
8. In the To text box, type \\server01\HomeDirs\%username% and then click OK.
9. C lose the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in.
10. Find and click the HomeDirs folder in Windows Explorer.
11. C lick the File menu and then click Properties.
The HomeDirs Properties dialog box appears.
12. C lick the Security tab.

Notice that the Everyone group is granted Full C ontrol of this directory.
13. C lick Add.

The Select Users, C omputers, Or Groups dialog box appears.

14. Select Users and then click Add.
15. C lick OK.

The HomeDirs Properties dialog box appears showing both the Everyone Special group and the
MIC ROSOFT\Users group. Notice that the Users group is assigned Read & Execute, List Folder
C ontents, and Read permissions.
16. C lear the Allow Inheritable Permissions From Parent To Propagate To This Object check box.

A Security message box appears.

17. Read this message box, and then click Remove.

Notice that the Everyone Special group no longer has rights to the HomeDirs folder.
18. C lick Add.

The Select Users, C omputers, Or Groups dialog box appears.

19. Select Administrators and then click Add.
20. C lick OK.

The HomeDirs Properties dialog box appears showing both the MIC ROSOFT\Users group and the
MIC ROSOFT\Administrators group.
21. Verify that the Administrators (MIC ROSOFT\Administrators) group is highlighted.
22. In the Permissions box, click the Allow check box in the Full C ontrol row.

All check boxes are selected.

23. C lick OK.
24. Double-click the HomeDirs folder.
25. C lick John_Smith.
26. C lick the File menu and then click Properties.
The John_Smith Properties dialog box appears.
27. C lick the Security tab.

Notice that Administrators and John Smith are granted full control of this directory. These
assignments were automatically granted when you stipulated that the John_Smith user account use
the \\server01\HomeDirs\%username% folder as a home folder.
28. C lick OK, and then close Windows Explorer.
29. Log off as administrator and log on as John_Smith with no password.
30. Double-click My C omputer.

Notice that a new network drive icon appears that is pointing to the John_Smith folder on
\\server01\HomeDirs with a drive assignment of Z:.
31. C lose the My C omputer window, and log off.

Lesson Summary

A user account provides a user with the ability to log on to the domain to gain access to network resources or
to log on to a computer to gain access to resources on that computer. Windows 2000 provides different types
of user accounts: domain user accounts and local user accounts. Windows 2000 also provides built-in user
accounts, which you use to perform administrative tasks or to gain access to network resources. Before you
begin creating user accounts, you should plan the naming convention for those accounts, the password
requirements, and account options, such as logon hours. Use the Active Directory Users And C omputers
snap-in to create a new domain user account. Use the Local Users And Groups snap-in to create local user
accounts. A set of default properties is associated with each domain user account and local user account
created. You can modify those properties by using the Properties dialog box for the individual user account.
Administering user accounts involves modifying user accounts, as well as managing user profiles and home
directories. A user profile is a collection of folders and data that stores the user's current desktop

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environment and application settings as well as personal data. A home folder is a folder that you can provide
for users to store personal documents, and for older applications, it is sometimes the default folder for saving

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Lesson 3: Administering Group Accounts

This lesson introduces you to groups and how they are implemented in a Windows 2000 environment. You will
learn what groups are and how they are used to simplify user account administration. The chapter also
reviews the types of groups and presents the skills and knowledge necessary to implement groups into a
domain as well as to implement local groups and built-in groups.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Implement groups into a domain
 Implement local groups and built-in groups
Estimated lesson time: 60 minutes

Introduction to Groups

A group is a collection of user accounts. Groups simplify administration by allowing you to assign permissions
and rights to a group of users rather than having to assign permissions to each individual user account. Users
can be members of more than one group.

When you assign permissions, you give users the capability to gain access to specific resources and you
define the type of access they have. For example, if several users needed to read the same file, you would
add their user accounts to a group. Then you would give that group permission to read the file. Rights allow
users to perform system tasks, such as changing the time on a computer, backing up or restoring files, or
logging on locally.

In addition to user accounts, you can add contacts, computers, and other groups to a group. By adding
computers to a group, you can simplify the process of granting a system task on one computer access to a
resource on another computer.

Implementing Groups into a Domain

Before you implement groups into a domain, you should have a basic understanding of group types, group
scopes, and group membership. From there, you can create the groups, add members to the groups, or
change the group scope. You can even delete a group.

In much of the Windows 2000 documentation, groups that are implemented into a domain are usually
referred to simply as groups, whereas other groups in Windows 2000 are specifically referred to as local
groups or built-in groups, both of which are discussed later in this lesson. At the same time, the term group is
often used in a generic sense, referring to any type of group that can be implemented in Windows 2000.

Types of Groups

Sometimes you create groups for security, such as assigning permissions. At other times you use them for
reasons unrelated to security, such as sending e-mail messages. To facilitate this, Windows 2000 Server
includes two group types: security and distribution. The group type determines how you use the group. Both
types of groups are contained in the Active Directory store, which allows you to use them anywhere in your

Security Groups

The Windows 2000 operating system uses only security groups, which you use to assign permissions to gain
access to resources. Programs designed to search the Active Directory store can also use security groups for
reasons unrelated to security, such as sending e-mail messages to a number of users at the same time. Thus,
a security group has all the capabilities of a distribution group.

Distribution Groups

Applications use distribution groups as lists for functions unrelated to security. Use distribution groups when
the only function of the group isn't security related, such as sending e-mail messages to a group of users at
the same time. You cannot use distribution groups to assign permissions.

Only programs that are designed to work with Active Directory services can use distribution groups. For
example, future versions of Microsoft Exchange Server will be able to use distribution groups as distribution
lists for sending e-mail messages.

Group Scopes

When you create a group, you must select a group type and group scope (Figure 7.8). Group scopes allow
you to use groups in different ways to assign permissions.

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Figure 7.8 The New Object - Group dialog box opened from Active Directory Users And Computers in the
Sales OU

The scope of a group determines where in the network you are able to use the group. The three group scopes
are domain local, global, and universal.

Domain Local Groups

Domain local groups are most often used to assign permissions to resources. A domain local group has the
following characteristics:

 Open membership You can add members from any domain.

 Access to resources in one domain You can use a domain local group to assign permissions to
gain access only to resources that are located in the same domain where you create the domain local
Global Groups

Global groups are most often used to organize users who share similar network access requirements. A
global group has the following characteristics:

 Limited membership You can add members only from the domain in which you create the global
 Access to resources in any domain You can use a global group to assign permissions to gain
access to resources that are located in any domain.
Universal Groups

Universal groups are most often used to assign permissions to related resources in multiple domains. A
universal security group has the following characteristics:

 Open membership You can add members from any domain.

 Access to resources in any domain You can use a universal group to assign permissions to gain
access to resources that are located in any domain.
 Available in Nativ e mode only Universal security groups are not available in Mixed mode. The full
feature set of Windows 2000 is available only in Native mode. Notice in Figure 7.8 that the Universal
group is not available because the server is running in Mixed mode and the Group Type shows the
Security radio button selected. Universal distribution groups are allowed in Mixed mode.

Group Membership

The group scope determines the membership of the group. Membership rules define which members a group
can contain. Group members include user accounts and other groups. The following table describes group
membership rules:

In Mixed-mode scope can In Native-mode scope can

Group scope
contain contain

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Domain local User accounts, computer User accounts, computer

accounts, and global groups accounts, global groups, and
from any domain universal groups from any
domain local groups from the
same domain

Global User accounts from the same User accounts, computer

domain, and computer accounts accounts, and global groups
from the same domain

Universal Not available in Mixed mode User accounts, computer

accounts, global groups, and
universal groups from any

Domain local and global groups can be converted to universal groups. A successful conversion requires that
Active Directory services is operating in Native mode and the domain local or global group does not contain
other group members of the same scope. For instance, a global group containing another global group cannot
be converted to a universal group.

Distribution groups running in Mixed mode follow the same membership rules as security groups running in
Native mode.
Group Nesting

Adding groups to other groups (referred to as nesting groups) can reduce the number of times permissions
need to be assigned. You should create a hierarchy of groups based on the business needs of the members.
Windows 2000 allows for unlimited levels of nesting in Native mode.

For example, you can create a group for each region in your organization and then add managers from each
region into their own group. You can then add each regional group to another group called Worldwide
Managers. When all managers in the network need access to a resource, assign permissions to the Worldwide
Managers group. Because the Worldwide Managers group contains all members of the regional groups
through nesting, all managers in the network can access the required resource. This strategy allows for easy
hierarchical assignment of permissions and, at the same time, enables decentralized tracking of group

When adding groups to other groups, try to minimize levels of nesting. Nesting reduces the number of times
you assign permissions. However, tracking permissions becomes more complex with multiple levels of
nesting. One level of nesting is the most effective to use because it reduces the number of times you need to
assign permissions and allows you to track permissions easily.

In addition, you should document group membership to keep track of permission assignments. C onsider a
scenario in which one administrator adds temporary employees to a group created for employees assigned to
a project. Not knowing there are temporary employees in the project group, another administrator adds the
project group to a group that has access to confidential company information. The temporary employees now
have access to confidential company information, which is not acceptable.

Effectively nesting groups in a multiple domain environment will reduce network traffic between domains and
simplify administration in a domain tree. To efficiently use nesting, you need to understand the membership
rules of groups.

When nesting groups, consider which groups initiate less cross-domain replication. For example, Windows
2000 replicates only a global group and not its membership list. In addition, you need to consider the Domain
Operation mode of your domain tree:

 In Mixed mode, only one type of nesting is available; global groups from any domain can be
members of domain local groups. Universal groups do not exist in Mixed mode.
 In Native mode, all the group membership rules are available and Windows 2000 permits multiple
levels of nesting.
Group Strategies

To use groups effectively, you need to determine how you will use groups and which types of groups you will
use in certain situations.

Using Global and Domain Local Groups

Global and domain local group implementation guidelines are identical to the group strategy
recommendations for a Windows NT 3.x or 4.0 domain. When you plan to use global and domain local groups,
consider the following guidelines:

 Identify users with common job responsibilities, and add the user accounts to a global group. For

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example, in an accounting department, add user accounts for all accountants to a global group called
 Identify what resources or group of resources, such as related files, users need access to, and then
create a domain local group for that resource. For example, if you have a number of color printers in
your company, create a domain local group called C olor Printers.
 Identify all global groups that share the same access needs for resources, and make them members
of the appropriate domain local group. For example, add the global groups Accounting, Sales, and
Management to the domain local group C olor Printers.
 Assign the required permissions to the domain local group. For example, assign the necessary
permissions to use color printers to the C olor Printers group.
Figure 7.9 illustrates the strategy for using global and domain local groups: place user accounts into global
groups, create a domain local group for a group of resources to be shared in common, place the global
groups into the domain local group, and then assign permissions to the domain local group. This strategy
gives you the most flexibility for growth and reduces permissions assignments.

Figure 7.9 Planning a group strategy

In addition, placing user accounts in domain local groups and assigning permissions to the domain local
groups does not allow you to assign permissions for resources outside of the domain. This strategy reduces
the flexibility when your network grows.

Despite the advantage of using this strategy, placing user accounts in global groups and assigning
permissions to the global groups can complicate administration when you are using multiple domains. If
global groups from multiple domains require the same permissions, you have to assign permissions for each
global group.

Using Universal Groups

Universal groups is a new feature in Windows 2000. When you plan to use universal groups, consider the
following guidelines:

 Use universal groups to give users access to resources that are located in more than one domain.
Unlike domain local groups, you can assign permissions to universal groups for resources in any
domain in your network. For example, if executives need access to printers throughout your network,
you can create a universal group for this purpose and assign it permissions for using printers on print
servers in all domains.
 Use universal groups only when their membership is static. In a domain tree, universal groups can
cause excessive network traffic between domain controllers whenever you change membership for
the universal group, because changes to the membership of universal groups might be replicated to a
large number of domain controllers.
 Add global groups from several domains to a universal group, and then assign permissions for access
to a resource to the universal group. This allows you to use a universal group in the same way as
domain local groups to assign permissions for resources. However, unlike a domain local group, you
can assign permissions to a universal group to give users access to a resource that is located in a
domain other than where the group was created.

Implementing Groups

After you assess user needs and have a group plan in place, you are ready to implement your groups. Before
you implement your group strategy, consider the following guidelines:

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 Determine the required group scope based on how you want to use the group. For example, use
global groups to group user accounts. Use domain local groups or universal groups to assign
permissions to a resource. Assign global groups to domain local groups and universal groups.
 Avoid adding users to universal groups since adding and removing users from universal groups will
increase replication traffic.
 Determine if you have the necessary permissions to create a group in the appropriate domain.
Members of the Administrators group or the Account Operators group in a domain, by default, have
the necessary permissions to create groups. An administrator can give a user the permission to
create groups in the domain or in a single OU.
 Determine the name of the group. Make the name intuitive, especially if administrators from other
domains search for it in Active Directory services. If there are parallel groups in multiple domains,
make sure that the names are also parallel. For example, if there is a group for managers in each
domain, these groups should use a similar naming scheme, such as Managers USA and Managers
Creating Groups

Use the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in to create and delete groups. When you create groups,
create them in the Users OU or in an OU that you have created specifically for groups. As your organization
grows and changes, you might discover there are groups that you no longer need. Be sure that you delete
groups when you no longer need them. This will help you maintain security so that you do not accidentally
assign permissions for accessing resources to groups that you no longer need.

To create a group, start the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in and select the Users OU. From the
Action menu, point to New, and then click Group to open the New Object - Group dialog box (Figure 7.8). The
following table describes the information you need to provide in the New Object - Group dialog box.

Option Description

Group Name The name of the new group. The name must be
unique in the domain where you create the

Group Name (preWindows 2000) The down-level name of the group. This is filled in
automatically for you based on the name you
type in.

Group Scope The group scope. C lick Domain Local, Global, or

Universal. Note that the Universal group scope is
grayed out unless the Distribution group type is
selected or you are running in native mode.

Group Type The type of group. C lick Distribution or Security.

Administering Groups

You can administer a group by using the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in. The snap-in allows
you to perform a number of administrative tasks, including adding members to a group, changing the group
scope, or deleting a group.

Adding Members to a Group

After you create a group, you add members. Members of groups can include user accounts, contacts, other
groups, and computers. You can add a computer to a group to give one computer access to a shared
resource on another computer, for example, for remote backup.

To add members to a group, double-click the appropriate group. In the Properties dialog box, click the
Members tab, and then click Add. The Select Users, C ontacts, Or C omputers dialog box appears, as shown in
Figure 7.10.

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Figure 7.10 The Select Users, Contacts, Or Computers dialog box


If your domain is in Mixed mode, you will not always be able to add groups to your new group, depending on
the group scope of the group you are creating.
In the Look In drop-down list box, you can select a domain from which to display user accounts, contacts,
computers, and groups, or you can select Entire Directory to view user accounts and groups from anywhere
in the Active Directory store. Now select the user account or group that you want to add, and then click Add.

If there are multiple user accounts or groups that you want to add, you can repeat the process of selecting
them one at a time and then click Add, or you can hold down the Shift or C trl key to select multiple user
accounts or groups all at once. The Shift key allows you to select a consecutive range of accounts, while the
C trl key allows you to pick some accounts and skip others. C lick Add after you have selected all the accounts
you wish to add.
C licking Add lists the accounts you have selected in the Name box. Once you review the accounts to make
sure they are the accounts you wish to add to the group, click OK to add the members.

Changing the Group Scope

As your network changes, you might need to change a group scope. For example, you might want to change
an existing domain local group to a universal group when you need to allow users to gain access to resources
in other domains. You change the scope of a group on the General tab of the Properties dialog box for the

You can change the scope of a group only in Native-mode domains. C hanging a group scope is not allowed in
Mixed-mode domains. In addition, Windows 2000 does not permit changing the scope of a universal group
because all other groups have more restrictive membership and scope than universal groups.
You can make the following changes to a group scope:

 Change a global group to a univ ersal group You can do this only if the global group is not a
member of another global group.
 Change a domain local group to a univ ersal group You can do this only if the domain local
group you are converting does not contain another domain local group.
Deleting a Group

Each group you create has a unique, nonreusable identifier, called the security ID (SID). Windows 2000 uses
the SID to identify the group and the permissions that are assigned to it. When you delete a group, Windows
2000 does not use the SID again, even if you create a new group with the same name as the group you
deleted. Therefore, you cannot restore access to resources by re-creating the group.

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When you delete a group, you delete only the group and remove the permissions and rights that are
associated with it. Deleting a group does not delete the user accounts that are members of the group. To
delete a group, right-click the group, and then click Delete.

Implementing Local Groups

A local group can contain user accounts on a computer and can be assigned to resources on that computer.
Use local groups to assign permissions to resources residing on the computer on which the local group is
created. Windows 2000 creates local groups in the local security database. There are two types of local
groups: domain and non-domain.

Following are some guidelines for using local groups:

 Domain local groups are created in the Active Directory store and are used by all domain controllers
within the domain. A domain local group can be assigned to any resource running on domain
controllers in the domain.
 Non-domain local groups are created on stand-alone servers, member servers, and computers
running Windows 2000 Professional. However, these local groups can be used only on the computer
where the local group is created. Therefore, do not use non-domain local groups on computers that
are part of a domain. Using non-domain local groups prevents you from centralizing group
administration. Non-domain local groups do not appear in the Active Directory store. They must be
managed separately for each computer.
 You can assign permissions to non-domain local groups for access only to the resources on the
computer where you create the local groups.
Non-domain local groups can contain local user accounts from the computer where you create the local
groups. In addition, non-domain local groups cannot be a member of any other group.

Creating Local Groups

Use the C omputer Management snap-in to create non-domain local groups. You create local groups in the
Groups folder (Figure 7.11). To create a local group, expand Local Users And Groups in the console tree and
select Groups. From the Action menu, click New Group. Enter a name and description for the group.

Figure 7.11 Creating a new local group on a computer running Windows 2000 Professional

The following table describes the options presented in the New Group dialog box:

Option Description

Group Name A unique name for the local group. This is the
only required entry. Use any character except for
the backslash (\). The name can contain up to
256 characters; however, very long names will
not display in some windows.

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Description A description of the group.

Add Adds a user to the list of members.

Remove Removes a user from the list of members.

C reate C reates the group.

You can add members to a local group while you create the group or after you create the local group.

Built-In Groups

Windows 2000 has four categories of built-in groups: global, domain local, local, and system. Built-in groups
have a predetermined set of user rights or group membership. Windows 2000 creates these groups for you
so that you don't have to create groups and assign rights and permissions for commonly used functions.

Built-In Global Groups

Windows 2000 creates built-in global groups to group common types of user accounts. By default, Windows
2000 automatically adds members to some built-in global groups. You can add user accounts to these built-in
groups to provide additional users with the privileges and permissions that you assign to the built-in group.

When you create a domain, Windows 2000 creates built-in global groups in the Active Directory store. You
assign rights by either adding the global groups to domain local groups or explicitly assigning user rights or
permissions to the built-in global groups.

The Users OU contains the built-in global groups in a domain. The following table describes the default
membership of the most commonly used built-in global groups:

Global group Description

Domain Users Windows 2000 automatically adds Domain Users

to the Users built-in local group. By default, the
Administrator account is initially a member, and
Windows 2000 automatically makes each new
domain user account a member.

Domain Admins Windows 2000 automatically adds Domain

Admins to the Administrators domain local group
so that members of Domain Admins can perform
administrative tasks on any computer anywhere
in the domain. By default, the Administrator
account is a member.

Domain Guests Windows 2000 automatically adds Domain Guests

to the Guests domain local group. By default, the
Guest account is a member and this account is

Enterprise Admins You can add user accounts to Enterprise Admins

for users who should have administrative control
for the entire network. By default, the
Administrators built-in local group for each
domain is a member of the Enterprise Admins
global group. By default, the Administrator
account is a member.

Members of a group and groups with which a group is a member are viewable from the Members and Member
Of tabs in the properties of each group.

Built-In Domain Local Groups

Windows 2000 creates built-in local groups in the domain to provide users with user rights and permissions to
perform tasks on domain controllers and in the Active Directory store. A built-in local group performs the
same way that a domain local group functions. The only difference is that a built-in local group cannot be

Built-in local groups in the domain give predefined rights and permissions to user accounts when you add
user accounts or global groups as members. The following table describes the most commonly used built-in
local groups in the domain and the capabilities that the members have.

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Global group Description

Account Operators Members can create, delete, and modify user

accounts and groups; members cannot modify
the Administrators group or any of the Operators

Server Operators Members can share disk resources and back up

and restore files on a domain controller.

Print Operators Members can set up and manage network

printers on domain controllers.

Administrators Members can perform all administrative tasks on

all domain controllers and the domain itself. By
default, the Administrator user account, the
Domain Admins global group, and the Enterprise
Admins global group are members.

Guests Members can perform only tasks for which you

have granted rights and gain access only to
resources for which you have assigned
permissions; members cannot make permanent
changes to their desktop environment. By
default, the Guest user account and the Domain
Guests global group are members. Some
services automatically add users to this account
when they are installed. For example, Microsoft
Internet Information Services (IIS) adds
anonymous user accounts to the Guests built-in

Backup Operators Members can back up and restore all domain

controllers by using Windows Backup.

Users Members can perform only tasks for which you

have granted rights and gain access only to
resources for which you have assigned
permissions. By default, the Domain Users group,
the Authenticated Users special group, and the
INTERAC TIVE special group are members. The
system groups are maintained by Windows 2000
and cannot be removed from the system. Use the
Users built-in local group to assign permissions
and rights that every user with a user account in
your domain should have.

Built-In Local Groups

All stand-alone servers, member servers, and computers running Windows 2000 Professional have built-in
local groups. Built-in local groups give rights to perform system tasks on a single computer, such as backing
up and restoring files, changing the system time, and administering system resources. Windows 2000 places
the built-in local groups into the Groups folder in the C omputer Management snap-in. Like built-in groups in
the domain, built-in non-domain local groups cannot be deleted.

The following table describes the capabilities that members of the most commonly used built-in local groups

Local group Description

Users Members can perform only tasks for which you

have specifically granted rights and can gain
access only to resources for which you have
assigned permissions. By default, Windows 2000
adds local user accounts that you create on the
computer to the Users group. When a member
server or a computer running Windows 2000
Professional joins a domain, Windows 2000 adds
the Domain Users global group, the Authenticated
Users special group, and the INTERAC TIVE
special group to the local Users group.

Administrators Members can perform all administrative tasks on

the computer. By default, the built-in

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Administrator user account for the computer is a

member. When a member server or a computer
running Windows 2000 Workstation joins a
domain, Windows 2000 adds the Domain Admins
group to the local Administrators group.

Guests Members can perform only tasks for which you

have specifically granted rights and gain access
only to resources for which you have assigned
permissions; members cannot make permanent
changes to their desktop environment. By
default, the built-in Guest account for the
computer is a member. This account is disabled
during installation. When a member server or a
computer running Windows 2000 Workstation
joins a domain, no groups from the domain are
added to this group.

Backup Operators Members can use Windows Backup to back up

and restore the computer.

Power Users Members can create and modify local user

accounts on the computer and share resources.

Replicator Members can use this to configure file replication


Built-In System Groups

Built-in system groups, known as special groups in Windows NT, exist on all computers running Windows
2000. System groups do not have specific memberships you can modify, but they can represent different
users at different times, depending on how a user gains access to a computer or resource. You do not see
system groups when you administer groups, but they are available for use when you assign rights and
permissions to resources. Windows 2000 bases system group membership on how the computer is accessed,
not on who uses the computer. The following table describes the most commonly used built-in system groups.

System group Description

Everyone Includes all users who access the computer. Be

careful if you assign permissions to the Everyone
group and enable the Guest account. Windows
2000 will authenticate a user who does not have
a valid user account as Guest. The user
automatically gets all rights and permissions you
have assigned to the Everyone group.

Authenticated Users Includes all users with a valid user account on the
computer or in Active Directory services. Use the
Authenticated Users group instead of the
Everyone group to prevent anonymous access to
a resource.

C reator Owner Includes the user account for the user who
created or took ownership of a resource. If a
member of the Administrators group creates a
resource, the Administrators group is the owner
of the resource.

Network Includes any user with a current connection from

another computer on the network to a shared
resource on the computer.

Interactive Includes the user account for the user who is

logged on at the computer. Members of the
Interactive group gain access to resources on the
computer at which they are physically located.
They log on and gain access to resources by
"interacting" with the computer.

Anonymous Logon Includes any user account that Windows 2000 did
not authenticate.

Dialup Includes any user who currently has a dial-up


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Exercise 4: Changing the Domain Mode

In this exercise, you use the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in to change your domain mode.
 Procedure 1: Changing from Mixed mode to Native mode
The default operation for Windows 2000 Server is Mixed mode. To take advantage of all features relating to
groups in Windows 2000 Server, your domain must be in Native mode. C omplete this exercise from
1. Log on to Server01 as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. Open the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in.
3. In the console tree, select your domain, click the Action menu, and then click Properties.
The microsoft.com Properties dialog box appears.

Notice that your domain is currently in Mixed mode. Also notice the warning about changing the
domain mode.
4. C lick C hange Mode.
An Active Directory message box displays, warning you that this change is irreversible.

C lick Yes.

The microsoft.com Properties dialog box shows that you changed the domain to Native mode.
5. C lick OK to close the microsoft.com Properties dialog box.
An Active Directory message box appears indicating that the operation was successful and telling you
that it could take 15 minutes or more for this information to replicate to all domain controllers.
6. C lick OK.
7. Keep the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in open since you will use it in the next

Exercise 5: Creating Groups

In this exercise, you create a security global group. You then add members to the group. To add members to
the group, you add two user accounts, Jane Doe and John Smith, that you created previously. Next you
create a domain local group which you use to assign permissions to gain access to the sales reports. Finally,
you provide access to the sales reports for the members of the security global group by adding the security
global group to the domain local group. C omplete this exercise on Server01.
 Procedure 1: Creating a global group, adding members, and organizing user accounts
In this procedure, you create a security global group, add members to the group, and then move a user from
one OU to another.
1. Verify that the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in is opened and has the focus.
2. In the console tree, click the Sales OU.
In the details pane, the Jane Doe user account appears.
3. C lick the Action menu, point to New, and then click Group.
The New Object - Group dialog box appears.

Notice that the Universal group scope is available when the Security group type is selected. This is
available because you are running Active Directory services in Native mode.
4. Verify that the Global radio button is selected and that the Security radio button is selected.
5. Type Sales in the Group Name text box, and then click OK.
The group appears in the details pane of the Sales OU.
6. In the details pane, double-click Sales.

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The Sales Properties dialog box displays the properties of the group.
7. C lick the Members tab.
8. C lick Add.
The Select Users, C ontacts, C omputers, Or Groups dialog box appears and the Look In drop-down
list box shows microsoft.com.
9. In the list, select Jane_Doe, press and hold down the C trl key and then click John_Smith.
Both user accounts are selected. Notice that Jane Doe is in the microsoft.com/Sales OU and John
Smith is in the microsoft.com/Users OU.
10. C lick Add.

Jane Doe and John Smith are now members of the Sales security global group.
11. C lick OK.
12. C lick OK again to close the Sales Properties dialog box.

For organizational purposes, you have decided to move John Smith to the Sales OU.
13. C lick on the Users OU.
14. C lick the John Smith user account in the details pane.
15. C lick Action and then click Move.

The Move window appears.

16. C lick the Sales OU in the Move window, and then click OK.

The John Smith user account disappears from the details pane of the Users OU.
17. In the console tree, click the Sales OU.

John Smith, Jane Doe, and the Sales global security group appear in the details pane.
18. Double-click the Sales global group. The Sales Properties dialog box appears.
19. C lick the Members tab.

Notice that the John Smith user account remains a member of the group but that the Active Directory
Folder is now set to microsoft.com/Sales.
20. C lick OK.
21. Remain in the Sales OU, and continue to the next procedure.
 Procedure 2: Creating and using a domain local group
In this procedure, you create a domain local group that you use to assign permissions to gain access to sales
reports. Because you use the group to assign permissions, you make it a domain local group. You then add
members to the group by adding the security global group you created in Procedure 1.
1. C lick in the details pane so that the Sales global group is no longer selected.
2. C lick the Action menu, point to New, and then click Group.
The New Object - Group dialog box appears.
3. In the Group Name text box, enter Reports.
4. For Group type, confirm that Security is selected, and for Group Scope, click Domain Local.
5. C lick OK.
The domain local group appears in the details pane of the Sales OU.
6. In the details pane of the Sales OU, double-click Reports.
The Reports Properties dialog box displays the properties of the group.
7. C lick the Members tab.
8. C lick Add.
The Select Users, C ontacts, C omputers, Or Groups dialog box appears.
9. C lick the down arrow to the right of the Look In drop-down list box, select Entire Directory.
User accounts and groups from all domains and locations of each user account or group appear.
10. Above the list of user accounts, groups, and computers, click the name column.

The Name column is sorted alphabetically by name (in descending order).

11. C lick the Name column again to sort the list in ascending order.
12. C lick Sales, click Add, and then click OK.

The Sales group is now a member of the Reports domain local group.
13. C lick OK.
14. C lose the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in.
 Procedure 3: Implementing NTFS security

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In C hapter 4, you learned about NTFS permissions. In this procedure, you will assign NTFS permissions to the
local group you created in the last procedure and then you will test access to the sales folder. C omplete this
exercise from Server01.
1. C reate a folder on the C : drive named Dept.
2. Share the Dept folder as Dept, and in the C omment text box, type Department share.
There is no need to set permissions on the share since the Dept folder is created on an NTFS volume.
3. C reate a subfolder below the Dept folder, and name it Sales.
4. C lick the Sales folder.
5. C lick the File menu and then click Properties.
The Sales Properties dialog box appears.
6. C lick the Security tab.
Notice that the Everyone system group is granted full control to this folder.
7. C lear the Allows Inheritable Permissions From Parent To Propagate To This Object check box.
The Security message box appears instructing you on your options.
8. C lick Remove.
The Sales Properties dialog box appears.
9. C lick Add.
The Select Users, C omputers, Or Group dialog box appears.
10. Select Entire Directory in the Look In drop-down list box.
11. Select the Reports domain local group, and then click Add.
12. C lick OK.

In the Sales Properties dialog box, the Reports local group is granted Read & Execute, List Folder
C ontents, and Read permissions.
13. C lick the Write check box, and click OK.
14. C lose the Dept window, and log off as Administrator.
15. Log on as Jane_Doe with a password of "student" and access the C :\Dept\Sales folder from My
C omputer.
16. C lick the File menu, point to New and then click Text Document.

The New Text Document file appears in the Sales window.

17. Double-click the New Text Document.

New Text Document - Notepad appears.

18. Type a few letters, and then close Notepad.

A message box appears asking if you want to save the changes.

19. C lick Yes.
20. C lose the Sales window.
21. Log off as Jane_Doe, and then log on as Bob_Train with no password.

If you are unable to logon as Bob Train, check to see if you are logging on during a time when you
configured Bob Train not to be able to log on. You configured this in an earlier exercise in this
22. Attempt to access the C :\Dept\Sales folder.

A Dept message box appears stating that access is denied.

Access is not allowed for the Bob Train user account since he is not a member of the global group
Sales which was made a member of the domain local group, Reports. Notice also that local access is
not allowed. This is because NTFS permissions restricts both network and local access.
23. C lick OK and close the Dept window.
24. Log off as Bob Train.

Lesson Summary

A group is a collection of user accounts, contacts, computers, and other groups. There are two types of
groups in Windows 2000: security groups and distribution groups. The Windows 2000 operating system uses
only security groups, which you use to assign permissions to gain access to resources. Applications use
distribution groups as lists for nonsecurity-related functions. In addition to being defined by type, a group is
also defined by its scope. There are three group scopes: global, domain local, and universal. Domain local
security groups are most often used to assign permissions to resources, while global groups are most often
used to organize users who share similar network access requirements. Universal groups are most often used
to assign permissions to related resources in multiple domains. The group scope determines the membership

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of the group. Membership rules consist of the members that a group can contain and the groups of which a
group can be a member. When you're ready to create your group in a domain, use the Active Directory Users
And C omputers snap-in. The snap-in also allows you to administer groups, which includes adding members to
a group, changing the scope of a group, and deleting a group. To create a non-domain local group, use the
C omputer Management snap-in.

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Lesson 4: Administering Group Policies

Group policies provide a facility for further refining and centralizing management of a user's desktop
environment. Group policies can be used to control the programs that are available to users, the programs
that appear on a user's desktop, and the Start menu options.

Typically, you will not set group policies; rather group policy administrators configure and administer them.
Group policies are typically set for the entire domain or network and are used to enforce corporate policies.
However, even if you do not administer group policies, they affect the user accounts, groups, computers, and
OUs that you administer. You should be aware of what group policies are and be familiar with the different
types of group policies.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Explain the structure of group policies, including group policy objects,
containers, and templates
 Explain the hierarchy of applying group policies, including the rule of
inheritance and methods for modifying inheritance of policies
 Use the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in to create a group
policy object and modify the settings in that object
 Use the Group Policy snap-in to specify group policy settings for
computers and users
Estimated lesson time: 90 minutes

Introduction to Group Policies

Group policies are a set of configuration settings that a group policy administrator applies to one or more
objects in the Active Directory store. A group policy administrator uses group policies to control the work
environments for users in a domain. Group policies can also control the work environment of users with
accounts that are located in a specific OU. In addition, group policies can be set at the site level, using the
Active Directory Sites And Services snap-in.

A group policy consists of settings that govern how an object and its child objects behave. Group policies
allow a group policy administrator to provide users with a fully populated desktop environment. This
environment can include a customized Start menu, applications that are automatically set up, and restricted
access to files, folders, and Microsoft Windows 2000 system settings. Group policies can also affect rights that
are granted to user accounts and groups.

C onflicts can exist between group policies and local needs, such as when a policy restricts a user's ability to
gain access to a resource that the user needs to perform his or her job. When this occurs, you must work
with the group policy administrator to resolve the conflict. For example, if a group policy that is applied at the
domain level prevents users in your network from gaining access to an application that they need to perform
their jobs, contact the group policy administrator to correct the situation.

There is an exception to always having to contact the group policy administrator; you can unlock a user
account that a group policy locked out. However, be aware that you should not perform tasks that a group
policy overrides if the group policy overrides profile settings.

Benefits of Group Policy

Total cost of ownership (TC O) is the cost involved in administering distributed personal computer networks.
Recent studies on TC O cite lost user productivity as one of the major costs to corporations. Lost productivity
is often due to user error, such as modifying system configuration files and thereby rendering the computer
unusable, or it is attributed to the confusing array of unessential applications and features available to the

You can lower your network's TC O by using group policies to create a managed desktop environment tailored
to the user's job responsibilities and experience level.

Securing a User's Env ironment

As an administrator in a high-security network, you might want to create a locked down environment on a
computer. By implementing appropriate group policy settings for specific users, combined with NTFS
permissions, mandatory profiles, and other Windows 2000 security features, you can prevent users from
installing software and accessing unauthorized programs or data. You can also prevent users from deleting
files that are important to the proper functioning of their applications or operating system.

Enhancing a User's Env ironment

You can use group policy to enhance a user's environment by doing the following:

 Automatically delivering applications to a user's Start menu

 Enabling application distribution so that users can easily find applications on the network and install

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 Delivering files or shortcuts to useful places on the network or to a specific folder on a user's
 Automating the execution of tasks or programs when a user logs on or off and when a computer
starts or shuts down
 Redirect folders to network locations to increase data reliability


For more information about group policies, see the Supplemental C ourse Materials C D-ROM
(\chapt07\articles\Outline for Group Policy Design Readiness White Paper 3.doc and \chapt07\articles\
GroupPolicyWhitePaperBeta3.doc) that accompanies this book.

Types of Group Policies

Group policies influence a variety of network components and Active Directory objects. The following table
describes the types of group policies:

Type of group policy Description

Software Settings Affects the applications to which users can gain

access. These policies make application
installations automatic in two ways:
Application assignment The group policy
installs or upgrades applications automatically on
the client computers or provides the user with a
connection to an application, which she or he
cannot delete.

Application publication The group policy

administrator publishes applications via Active
Directory services. The applications then appear
in the list of components that a user can install by
using Add/Remove Programs in C ontrol Panel.
Users can uninstall these applications.

Scripts Allows group policy administrators to specify

scripts and batch files to run at specified times,
such as during system startup or system
shutdown, or when a user logs on or logs off.
Scripts automate repetitive tasks, such as
mapping network drives.

Security Settings Allows group policy administrators to restrict user

access to files and folders, configure account
restrictions (such as how many incorrect
passwords a user can enter before Windows 2000
locks out the user account), set local policy (such
as user rights and auditing), control service
operation, restrict registry and Event Log access,
set public key access, and configure IP security
(IPSec) policy.

Administrative Templates Includes registry-based group policies, which you

use to mandate registry settings that govern the
behavior and appearance of the desktop,
including the operating system components and

Remote Installation Services (RIS) C ontrols RIS installation options presented to the
user when running the C lient Installation wizard.

Folder Redirection Allows you to redirect Windows 2000 special

folders from their default user profile location to
an alternate location on the network, where they
can be centrally managed.

Group Policy Structure

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Group policies are collections of configuration settings that can be applied to one or more objects in the Active
Directory store. These settings are contained within a group policy object (GPO). Group policy objects store
group policy information in two locations: containers and templates.

Group Policy Objects

A GPO contains group policy settings for sites, domains, and OUs. Group policy objects contain properties that
are written to the Active Directory store in an object called the group policy container (GPC ). In addition,
GPOs store group policy information in a folder structure called the group policy template (GPT). The
underlying structure of the GPO is, for the most part, hidden from the administrator.

One or more GPOs can be applied to a site, domain, or OU. Multiple containers in the Active Directory store
can be associated with the same GPO, and a single container can have more than one GPO associated with it.
Filtering the scope of the GPO is accomplished through membership in security groups.

Group policy data that is small in size and changes infrequently is stored in GPC s. Group policy data that is
large and can change frequently is stored in the GPT.

Local Group Policy Objects

A local GPO exists on every Windows 2000 computer and, by default, only security settings are configured.
The local GPO is stored in the %systemroot%\System32\GroupPolicy folder, and it has the following AC L

 Administrators: Full C ontrol

 SYSTEM: Full C ontrol
 Authenticated Users: Read & Execute, List Folder C ontents, and Read

SYSTEM and Authenticated Users are system groups.

Group Policy Containers

A GPC is an Active Directory object that stores GPO properties and includes subcontainers for computer and
user group policy information. The GPC contains version information to ensure that the information contained
within the GPC is synchronized with the GPT information. The GPC also contains status information that
indicates whether the GPO is enabled or disabled.

The GPC stores the Windows 2000 class store information for application deployment. The class store is a
server-based repository for all applications, interfaces, and APIs that provide application publishing and
assigning functions.

Group Policy Templates

The GPT is a folder structure in the %systemroot%\SYSVOL\sysvol\ <domain_name>\Policies folder of

domain controllers. The GPT is the container where policy settings for administrative templates, security
settings, script files, and software settings are stored.

GPT Structure

When a GPO is created, the corresponding GPT folder structure is created. The folder name given to the GPT
is the GUID of the GPO that was created. For example, if a GPO is created that is associated with a domain
called microsoft.com, the resulting GPT folder would be named as follows:


The above GUID is an example.

GPT Contents

Typically the default contents of the GPT are the User and Machine subfolders and a Gpt.ini file. As you create
and modify policies, additional folders are created. The specific folder structure depends on the group policies
that you set. The following table describes some of the subfolders that are often contained in the GPT

Subfolder Contents

\Adm The .adm template files that are associated with a

specific GPT. The .adm files are text files that are

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processed by Windows 2000 to apply changes to

the registry.

\User A Registry.pol file with the registry settings to

apply to users.

\User\Applications The advertisement files (.aas files) used by the

Microsoft Windows Installer for software
packages published to users.

\User\Documents & Settings Any files to deploy to the user's desktop as part
of this GPT.

\User\Scripts The Logon and Logoff subfolders.

\User\Scripts\Logon The scripts and related files for logon scripting.

\User\Scripts\Logoff The scripts and related files for logoff scripting.

\Machine A Registry.pol file with the registry setting to

apply to computers.

\Machine\Applications The advertisement files (.aas files) used by the

Windows Installer for packages published to

\Machine\Documents & Settings Any files to deploy to all desktops for all users
who log on to this computer as part of this GPT.

\Machine\Microsoft\WindowsNT\SecEdit The GptTmpl.ini Security Editor file.

\Machine\Scripts The Startup and Shutdown subfolders.

\Machine\Scripts\Startup The scripts and related files for startup scripting.

\Machine\Scripts\Shutdown The scripts and related files for shutdown


Gpt.ini F ile

The root folder of each GPT contains a file called Gpt.ini. The following entries can be included in this file:

 Version=x Where x represents the version number of the GPO. The version number begins at 0
when you first create the GPO and then is automatically incremented by 1 each time you modify the
 Disabled=y Where y is either 0 or 1 and refers only to the local GPO. This switch indicates whether
the local GPO is enabled or disabled. The Gpt.ini file defines whether the local GPO is disabled or
enabled; for all other GPOs, this information is stored in the GPC contained in the Active Directory
Registry.pol F ile

The Registry.pol file in the User subfolder is downloaded and applied to the HKEY_C URRENT_USER section of
the registry when the user logs on. The Registry.pol file in the Machine subfolder is downloaded and applied to
the HKEY_LOC AL_MAC HINE section of the registry during the boot process of the computer.

The format of the Registry.pol files differs from those created by using the System Policy Editor for Windows
95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0. Files created by using the earlier version of the System Policy Editor
cannot be applied to Windows 2000 computers, and files created with the Windows 2000 Group Policy snap-in
cannot be applied to Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0 computers.

Applying Group Policies

Before you can create group policies, you must create the group policy objects. From there you can edit
group policies, manage permissions, and manage inheritance.

Creating a GPO

The first step in creating a group policy is to create or open a GPO. You can create a group policy object for a
domain or an OU by using the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in. You can create a group policy
object for a site by using the Active Directory Sites And Services snap-in. In both cases, the process is the

To create a group policy object, open the properties for the site, domain, or OU object. In the Properties
dialog box, select the Group Policy tab. C lick New and enter a name for the object. Figure 7.12 shows how to

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create a GPO.

Figure 7.12 Creating a Group Policy Object for a Site named Building1

You can also add an existing GPO by clicking Add and selecting GPOs from sites, domains, and OUs.

Using the Group Policy Snap-In

The Group Policy snap-in is the administrator's primary tool for defining and controlling how programs,
network resources, and the operating system behave for users and computers in an organization. In an
Active Directory services environment, group policies are applied to users or computers on the basis of their
membership in sites, domains, or OUs.

Once you have created a GPO, you can use the Group Policy snap-in to specify group policy settings for
computers and user accounts. Figure 7.13 shows the Group Policy snap-in.

Figure 7.13 The Group Policy snap-in that appears by clicking the Edit button as shown in Figure 7.12

Group Policy Snap-In Interface

The Group Policy snap-in includes the C omputer C onfiguration node and the User C onfiguration node. Each
node displays the following extensions:

 Software Settings
 Windows Settings
 Administrative Templates
Computer Configuration

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The C omputer C onfiguration node's folders contain settings you can use to customize the user's environment
or enforce lockdown policies for computers on the network. C omputer C onfiguration policies apply when the
operating system initializes. If you assign user policies to computers, the user policies apply to every user
who logs on to the computer, regardless of the OU to which the user belongs.

User Configuration

The User C onfiguration node's folders contain settings that you can use to customize the user's environment
or enforce lockdown policies for users on the network. These settings include all user-specific policies, such as
desktop appearance, application settings, logon and logoff scripts, and assigned and published applications.
User C onfiguration policies apply when the user logs on to the computer.

Using the Group Policy Snap-In

Each instance of the Group Policy snap-in is specific to a GPO. You can add a GPO-specific Group Policy
snap-in to an MMC console to use as a stand-alone tool. This allows you to add a snap-in for each GPO that
you want to administer. You can also open the Group Policy snap-in for a particular GPO through the site,
domain, or OU where the GPO is located. Finally, you can edit the local GPO by using Gpedit.msc.

Creating an MMC Console

By using an MMC console, you can create a tool that contains a Group Policy snap-in for each GPO you want
to administer. After you open the MMC interface, add Group Policy as a stand-alone snap-in. When you add
the snap-in, you must select the GPO associated with that snap-in. You can add the local GPO, which is the
default setting, or you can browse for GPOs that are in sites, domains, or OUs (Figure 7.14). You can also
browse for the local GPO on any computers in your domain. Once you've added a Group Policy snap-in for
each GPO you are going to administer, save the MMC console as an .mmc file. You can then open the file at
any time to administer the GPOs you added to the console. You can also add or delete GPOs as necessary.

Figure 7.14 Browsing for all group policies created in the microsoft.com domain

Editing a GPO in Sites, Domains, and OUs

To create and edit a GPO, open the Group Policy snap-in for a specific GPO from a site, domain, or OU. For

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sites, use the Active Directory Sites And Services snap-in. For domains and OUs, use the Active Directory
Users And C omputers snap-in. Open the Properties dialog box for the site, domain, or OU, and select the
Group Policy tab. Select the GPO you want to administer, and click Edit. This launches the Group Policy
snap-in for that specific object. This navigation is shown in Figures 7.12 and 7.13. At this point, you can edit
the GPO as necessary.

Using Gpedit.msc

You can edit the local GPO by using Gpedit.msc. From the Run command, type gpedit.msc and click OK. This
launches the Group Policy snap-in for the GPO on the local computer. From there, you can edit the GPO as

You can perform remote group policy administration by using the gpcomputer: <computername> parameter
or the gpobject parameter with Gpedit.msc. The computername variable used with gpcomputer can be either
a NetBIOS name or a DNS name. To view and configure the domain GPO for Server01 in the microsoft.com
domain, you can type:

gpedit.msc /gpcomputer:"server01"


gpedit.msc /gpcomputer:"server01.microsoft.com"

The gpcomputer parameter is designed to display the domain GPO. The gpobject parameter requires an ADSI
path and can open any GPO created in the Active Directory store. For example, to open a GPO with a GUID of
45265FA6-554F-4F74-97C C -61B4663DAE61 in the microsoft.com domain, you can type:

gpedit.msc /gpobject:"LDAP://CN={45265FA6-554F-4F74-97CC-

GPO Permissions

When you create a GPO, a set of groups is added to the object and each of those groups is configured with a
set of properties. By default, Domain Admins, Enterprise Admins, and System groups are granted Read,
Write, C reate All C hild Objects, and Delete All C hild Objects permissions to the GPO. The C reator Owner
system group is also assigned special permissions to manage child objects within the GPO. The Authenticated
Users system group is given Read And Apply Group Policy access. Note that by default, only the
Authenticated Users group is granted the Apply Group Policy attribute. Except for the Authenticated Users
group, members of the other groups can edit the GPO. The policy settings contained in the GPO do not apply
to members of a group that has been denied the Apply Group Policy permission (Deny).

Administrators can specify which groups of users and computers have Apply Group Policy access to the
object. Groups that have Apply Group Policy and Read access to the GPO receive the configured group policy
settings contained in the object.

The following table lists a GPO's default groups and their properties:

Security group Default settings

Authenticated Users Read, Apply Group Policy (AGP)

C reator Owner Special oObject and Attribute permissions

assigned to child objects and properties within the

Domain Admins Read, Write, C reate All C hild Objects, Delete All
C hild Objects

Enterprise Admins Read, Write, C reate All C hild Objects, Delete All
C hild Objects

System Read, Write, C reate All C hild Objects, Delete All

C hild Objects

Administrators are also authenticated users, which means that they have the Apply Group Policy attribute set.
If this is not desired, administrators have two choices:

 Remove Authenticated Users from the list, and add another security group with the Apply Group
Policy attribute set to Allow. This new group should contain all the users that the GPO is intended to
 Set the Apply Group Policy attribute to Deny for the Domain Admins and Enterprise Admins groups

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and possibly the C reator Owner group. This will prevent the GPO from being applied to members of
those groups. Remember that a permission set to Deny always takes precedence over Allow.
Therefore, even if a user is a member of another group that has been granted the Apply Group Policy
permission, the user will still be denied.
To edit a GPO, the user must have both Read and Write access to the object. A GPO cannot be opened in
Read-Only mode. In other words, if you can open the Group Policy snap-in, you can edit the Group Policy
object that appears in the namespace. Moreover, the changes occur during the edit; there is no Save or
Activate step. An administrator might want to unlink a GPO from any site, domain, or OU during the edit, or
he or she might want to leave it linked, but disable both the User and C omputer nodes.

You cannot use security groups to apply (or prevent from applying) only some of the settings in a Group
Policy object—except in the cases of Folder Redirection and Software Installation, which have additional AC Ls
set at the GPO level to further refine behavior based on security group membership.

To edit a GPO, the user must be one of the following:

 An administrator
 A C reator Owner
 A user with delegated access to the Group Policy object
You can modify the permissions on a GPO by opening the Properties dialog box for the site, domain, or OU
that contains the GPO and then selecting the Group Policy tab. Select the GPO, click Properties, and select the
Security tab, as shown in Figure 7.15.

Figure 7.15 Accessing the security settings of the microsoft.com Default Domain Policy GPO

From there, you can modify the basic permissions or click the Advanced button to modify advanced

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Order of Inheritance

In general, a group policy is passed down from parent to child containers. If you have assigned a specific
group policy to a high-level parent container, that group policy applies to all containers beneath the parent
container, including the user and computer objects in each container. However, if you explicitly specify a
group policy setting for a child container, the child container's group policy setting overrides the parent
container's setting.

If a parent OU has policy settings that are not configured, the child OU doesn't inherit them. Policy settings
that are disabled are inherited as disabled. Also, if a policy is configured for a parent OU and the same policy
is not configured for a child OU, the child inherits the parent's policy setting.

If a parent policy and a child policy are compatible, the child inherits the parent policy and the child's setting
is also applied. Policies are inherited as long as they are compatible. For example, if the parent's policy
causes a certain folder to be placed on the desktop and the child's setting calls for an additional folder, the
user sees both folders.

If a policy configured for a parent OU is incompatible with the same policy configured for a child OU, the child
does not inherit the policy setting from the parent. The setting in the child is applied.

You can use the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in to configure inheritance for domains and OUs.
Open the Properties dialog box for the domain or OU, and select the Group Policy tab. In addition, you can
configure inheritance for sites by using the Active Directory Sites And Services snap-in. Open the Properties
dialog box for the specific site, and select the Group Policy tab. There are two options you can use to
configure inheritance: the Block Policy Inheritance check box and the No Override check box.

Block Policy Inheritance

You can block inheritance of policies at the domain or OU levels by using the Block Policy Inheritance check
box. This check box is located on the first tab of each GPO's Properties dialog box. Block policy inheritance is
not available to a site policy since a site is at the top of the GPO hierarchy. If this option is selected for a
child-level group policy object, the child does not inherit any policies from a parent-level group policy object.

No Ov erride

The No Override check box forces all child policy containers to inherit the parent's policies even if those
policies conflict with the child's policies, and even if Block Inheritance has been set for the child. This check
box and the check box described next are located by clicking the Options button on the GPO's Properties
dialog box.


The Disabled check box turns off the GPO so that it is removed from operation. However, it is still associated
with the container where it is specified. This option is commonly used to change settings in a policy without
affecting users. When the modifications are complete, clearing this check box applies the GPO to all users
who are assigned the Apply Group Policy permission.

Deleting the Default Domain Policy

By default, the Default Domain Policy GPO cannot be deleted by any administrator. This is to prevent the
accidental deletion of this GPO, which contains important and required settings for the domain. If the Default
Domain Policy should not be applied, for example, because the policies have been set in other GPOs, select
the Disable C omputer C onfiguration settings, and the Disable User C onfiguration settings check boxes in the
properties of the Default Domain Policy. You can also select the Block Policy Inheritance check box for a GPO
lower in the hierarchy so that the Default Domain Policy does not apply. This will work as long as the parent
GPO is not configured for the No Override link option.

Support for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0

The Group Policy snap-in does not provide client support for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT

Support for Windows NT 4.0 clients is provided by fully supporting the Windows NT 4.0 style administrative
templates (.adm files) and by providing the Windows NT 4.0 System Policy Editor (Poledit.exe) files. Windows
95 and Windows 98 clients still need to be managed by using the Windows 9x System Policy Editor.

C lient computers that are running Windows 95 and Windows 98 need to have the C onfig.pol file created on
the client computer's operating system copied to the domain's network logon share. Windows NT 4.0 clients
use the Ntconfig.pol file, which they read from the network logon share. In a Windows NT Server network, the
logon share is named Netlogon and is located in the %systemroot%\System32\Repl\Import\Scripts folder.
The network logon share for Windows 2000 is located in the %systemroot%\SYSVOL\Sysvol\
<DomainName.com>\Scripts folder and is shared as Netlogon. Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT

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client computers will look to this share for their respective .pol file.

For information about installing the System Policy Editor, see Windows 2000 Server Help. The System Policy
Editor is included with Windows 2000 Server but not with Windows 2000 Professional. The Windows 2000
Optional Administrative Tools package (Adminpak.msi), which includes the System Policy Editor, comes on
the Windows 2000 Server C D-ROM for installation onto computers running Windows 2000 Professional.
Adminpak.msi does not place a program item in the Administrative Tools program group. To run the Windows
NT policy editor, type poledit in the Run dialog box.

Administering Group Policies

Once you have set up your group policy objects and, if desired, configured an MMC console that contains a
Group Policy snap-in for each of the GPOs, you are ready to administer the group policies.

Managing Software Settings

Use the Group Policy snap-in to centrally manage software distribution. Software can be installed, assigned,
published, updated, repaired, and uninstalled for groups of users and computers.

Before using the Group Policy snap-in to deploy software, Microsoft Windows Installer (.msi) packages must
be acquired for the applications. Packages can be acquired in the following ways:

 The software vendor or developer may supply the Windows Installer packages for their applications.
For example, Microsoft products will provide Windows Installer packages. Third-party software
installation tool vendors will supply developers with the Windows Installer package-authoring tools for
authoring or creating native Windows Installer packages for their software.
 The administrator can use a repackaging tool to create a repackaged Windows Installer package for
the application. Third-party software installation tool vendors can supply administrators with the
Windows Installer repackaging tools they need to repackage their existing software.
Assigning and Publishing Applications

You can assign applications to users and computers, and you can publish applications to users.

Assigning to users

When you assign an application to a user, the application is advertised to the user the next time that user logs
onto a workstation. The application advertisement follows the user regardless of which physical computer he
or she actually uses. This application is installed the first time the user activates the application on the
computer, either by selecting the application on the Start menu or by activating a document associated with
the application.

Assigning to Computers

When you assign an application to the computer, the application is advertised and the installation is
performed when it is safe to do so. Typically, this happens when the computer starts up so that there are no
competing processes on the computer.

Publishing to Users

When you publish the application to users, the application does not appear installed on the users' computers.
No shortcuts are visible on the desktop or Start menu, and no changes are made to the local registry on the
users' computers. Instead, published applications store their advertisement attributes in the Active Directory
store. Then, information such as the application's name and file associations is exposed to the users in the
Active Directory container. The application is then available for the user to install by using Add/Remove
Programs in C ontrol Panel or by clicking a file associated with the application (such as an .xls file for Microsoft

Assigning and Publishing Applications

To assign or publish an application, create a shared folder and copy the application files and package files
(.msi files) to the shared folder. Assign the following permissions to the shared folder:

 Everyone = Read
 Administrators = Full C ontrol
To assign or publish an application, open the Group Policy snap-in for the appropriate GPO and select the
Software Settings\Software installation subfolder from either C omputer C onfiguration or User C onfiguration.
From the Action menu, select New and then select Package. Browse to the network share that was created,
and select the package to be assigned. The Deploy Application dialog box appears. Select the deployment

C lick Assigned: Deployed To All Users At Logon, or click Published: Users Install Via Add/Remove Programs

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wizard, and then click OK. The name of the application to be assigned or published, along with additional
properties for the application, appears in the details pane.

The following table describes how applications are deployed:

If the application is In this node It appears in

Assigned User C onfiguration The Start menu for all users in

the site, domain, or OU

C omputer C onfiguration The Start menu for all

computers in the site, domain,
or OU

Published User C onfiguration The Add/Remove Programs

wizard for all users in the site,
domain, or OU

C omputer C onfiguration The Add/Remove Programs

wizard for all computers in the
site, domain, or OU

Managing Scripts

Windows 2000 group policy allows considerable flexibility when assigning scripts. You can assign startup and
shutdown scripts to computers, which Windows 2000 processes when it starts up and shuts down. You can
also assign logon and logoff scripts to users, which Windows 2000 processes when the user logs on and logs

Windows 2000 executes scripts in the following way:

 When you assign multiple logon and logoff or startup and shutdown scripts to a user or computer,
Windows 2000 executes the scripts from top to bottom. You can determine the order of execution for
multiple scripts in the Properties dialog box.
 When a computer is shut down, Windows 2000 first processes logoff scripts and then shutdown
scripts. By default, the timeout value for processing scripts is two minutes. If the logoff and shutdown
scripts require more than two minutes to process, you must adjust the timeout value with a software

Windows 2000 stores scripts in the Scripts folder of the GPT.

The Group Policy snap-in in Windows 2000 allows considerable flexibility when assigning scripts.
Administrators can assign both startup and shutdown scripts to computers as well as logon and logoff scripts
to users. Scripts are scheduled to run upon a specific event through the Scripts (Startup/Shutdown) extension
for C omputers and the Scripts (Logon/Logoff) extension for Users. As their names imply, the scripts process
when the operating system starts up or shuts down or when the user logs on or logs off.

The scripts that can be used include Windows NT batch files (.bat or .cmd), VBScript (.vbs), or JScript (.js)
with Windows Scripting Host.

To assign scripts, double-click the appropriate scripts icon (Startup, Shutdown, Logon, or Logoff) and click
Add. Browse to the script you want implemented. Once the script is selected, enter any command line
parameters for the script.

Multiple Scripts

Multiple Logon/Logoff or Startup/Shutdown scripts can be assigned to a user or computer. Use the Up and
Down buttons in the Properties dialog box to determine the order of execution when using multiple scripts.
The scripts will execute in order from top to bottom.

Show Files

C licking the Show Files button will open a window that displays the contents of the appropriate scripts folder.
This allows the scripts and associated files that exist for this GPO to be viewed.

Managing Security Settings

C omputer security policy covers different areas of policy, administrative rights, and user permissions.

There are two types of security policies defined in Windows 2000:

 Domain security policy

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 C omputer security policy (also known as local policy)

A computer that is not part of a Windows 2000 domain is affected only by computer security policy. A
computer that is a member of a Windows 2000 domain has the computer security policy applied first, followed
by the domain security policy.

Windows 2000 provides the infrastructure to define and manage these security policies centrally and
distribute the enforcement to all machines in the domain. The security infrastructure can be separated into a
number of configurable categories:

 Account Policies This category allows you to configure security settings for password policy,
lockout policy, and Kerberos policy in Windows 2000 domains.
 Local Policies This category allows you to configure security settings for audit policy, user rights
assignment, and security options. Local policy allows you to configure who has local or network
access to the computer and whether or how local events are audited.
 Event Log This category allows you to configure security settings for the Application, Security, and
System event logs. You can access these logs by using the Event Viewer.
 Restricted Groups This category allows you to configure who should and should not belong to a
restricted group, as well as which groups a restricted group should belong to. These settings allow
administrators to enforce security policies regarding sensitive groups, such as Enterprise
Administrators or Payroll. For example, it may be decided that only Joe and Mary should be members
of the Enterprise Administrators group. Restricted groups can be used to enforce that policy. If a third
user is added to the group (for example, to accomplish some task in an emergency situation), the
next time policy is enforced, that third user is automatically removed from the Enterprise
Administrators group. Policies are reapplied every 90 minutes by default. So the third user would
have Enterprise Administrator privileges for a maximum of 90 minutes.
 System Services This category allows you to configure the startup mode and security options
(security descriptors) for system services such as network services, file and print services, telephone
and fax services, Internet and intranet services, and so on.
 Registry This category allows you to configure security settings for registry keys including access
control, audit, and ownership. When you apply security on registry keys, the Security Settings
extension follows the same inheritance model as that used for all tree-structured hierarchies in
Windows 2000 (such as the Active Directory store and NTFS). Microsoft recommends that you use the
inheritance capabilities to specify security only at top-level objects and redefine security only for
those child objects that require it. This approach greatly simplifies your security structure and
reduces the administrative overhead that results from a needlessly complex access control structure.
 File System This category allows you to configure security settings for file-system objects, including
access control, audit, and ownership.
 Public Key Policies This category allows you to configure encrypted data recovery agents,
auto-enrollment policy, domain roots, and trusted certificate authorities.
 IP Security Policies on Active Directory serv ices This category allows you to configure IP
security on a network.
A set of predefined security configuration templates are stored in %systemroot%\ Security\Templates. These
predefined security configurations can be used as the basis for security settings and then edited according to
your organization's needs.

Security configurations are stored as .inf files in a text format called the Security Descriptor Definition
Language (SDDL). When a security configuration is assigned or edited, the configuration file is processed and
the corresponding changes are made to the associated computers or user accounts.

Managing Administrative Templates

In Windows 2000, the Administrative Templates extension in the Group Policy snap-in uses an administrative
template (.adm) file to specify the registry settings that can be modified through the Group Policy snap-in.
Each policy lists the policy settings that are applied to the selected site, domain, or organizational unit.

The policies listed under Administrative Templates represent registry-based group policy settings.
Administrative Templates govern a variety of behaviors for the Windows 2000 operating system and its
components and applications. These settings are written to the HKEY_C URRENT_USER (HKC U) or
HKEY_LOC AL_MAC HINE (HKLM) portion of the registry database, as appropriate.

The .adm file is a Unicode text file. (Unicode support for .adm files is new to Windows 2000). The file specifies
a hierarchy of categories and subcategories that together define how the options are displayed. It also
indicates the registry locations where changes should be made for a particular selection, specifies any options
or restrictions (in values) associated with the selection, and in some cases, specifies a default value to use if
a selection is activated.

The Explain tab of each policy's Properties page contains details on the policy settings within the .adm file.
Figure 7.16 shows the Explain tab for a System policy.

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Figure 7.16 The Explain tab for the Enable Disk Quotas system property

The Administrative Templates nodes of the Group Policy snap-in can be extended by using custom .adm files.

Persistent Registry Settings

Windows NT 4.0 registry settings remain in effect until they are explicitly reversed. This behavior is called
"tattooing." Windows 2000 registry settings, by contrast, are cleaned and rewritten each time policy changes.
Be aware of this behavior if you are familiar with Windows NT 4.0 registry configuration using policies.

Managing Folder Redirection

The Folder Redirection extension allows you to redirect any of the following special folders in a user profile to
an alternate location (such as a network share):

 Application Data
 Desktop
 My Documents
 My Documents\My Pictures
 Start Menu
For example, you could redirect a user's My Documents folder to \\<server>\ <share>\%username%. By
redirecting the My Documents folder, you can provide the following advantages:

 Ensure that users' documents are available when they roam from one computer to another.
 Reduce the time it takes to log on to and log off from the network. In Windows NT 4.0, the My
Documents folder is part of the Roaming User Profile (RUP). This means that the My Documents
folder and its contents are copied back and forth between the client computer and the server when
users log on and log off. Relocating the My Documents folder outside of the user profile can
significantly decrease that time.
 Store user data on the network (rather than on the local computer). The data can then be centrally
managed and protected with network backup procedures and Domain Dfs.
 Make users' network-based My Documents folder available to users when they are disconnected from
the corporate network by using Offline Folder technologies.
By default, the Folder Redirection extension is not included with the Group Policy snap-in. To use Folder
Redirection, you should create an MMC console that includes a Group Policy snap-in for each GPO that you
support. Where appropriate, add the Folder Redirection extension to the Group Policy snap-in.

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Exercise 6: Creating a Group Policy Object and Setting a Policy

In this exercise, you create a GPO named Domain Policy for your domain. Then you use the Group Policy
snap-in to modify security settings of the GPO to give Domain Users the right to log on locally at the domain
controllers. C omplete this exercise on Server01.
 Procedure 1: Creating a GPO
In this procedure, you create a GPO at the domain level.
1. Log on to the domain as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. C lick Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Active Directory Users
And C omputers.
The Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in appears.
3. C lick microsoft.com in the console tree, click the Action menu, and then click Properties.
The microsoft.com Properties dialog box appears.
4. C lick the Group Policy tab, and then click Add.
The Add A Group Policy Object Link dialog box appears.
5. C lick the All tab.
Notice that there is a Default Domain Policy listed. You could use this GPO and modify it as you wish,
but for the purpose of this procedure you will create a new GPO for the domain.
6. C lick the middle button of the three buttons on the toolbar.
A new GPO named New Group Policy Object appears in the Group Policy Objects list.
7. Name the new GPO Domain Policy, and then click OK.
The Domain Policy GPO is listed in the Group Policy Object Links column.
8. C lick ok to close the Group Policy Properties dialog box.
9. Leave the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in open.
 Procedure 2: Modifying security settings
In this procedure, you use the Group Policy Editor to modify security settings in order to give the Domain
Users group the right to log on locally to Server01.
1. In the console tree, expand microsoft.com.
2. C lick the Domain C ontrollers container.
3. C lick the Action menu and then click Properties.
The Domain C ontrollers Properties dialog box appears.
4. C lick the Group Policy tab.
In the Group Policy Object Links list, verify that Default Domain C ontrollers Policy is highlighted, and
then click Edit.
5. The Group Policy snap-in appears and displays the Default Domain C ontroller Policy console tree.
6. In the console tree, verify that the C omputer C onfiguration node is expanded.
The C omputer C onfiguration policies appear.
7. Expand Windows Settings below the C omputer C onfiguration node.
The Windows Settings policies appear.
8. Expand Security Settings below the Windows Settings node.
The Security Settings policies appear.
9. Expand Local Policies below the Security Settings object.
The Local Policies appear.
10. C lick User Rights Assignment below the Local Policies object.

A list of User Rights Assignment attributes appears in the details pane.

11. Double-click Log On Locally in the details pane.

The Log On Locally dialog box appears.

Notice that a number of user and group objects are granted this policy setting.
12. C lick Add.

The Add User Or Group dialog box appears.

13. C lick Browse.

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The Select Users Or Groups dialog box appears.

14. In the Name list, select Domain Users, click Add, and then click OK.

If you are having trouble locating the Domain Users group, simply type Domain Users and the Windows
type-down feature will locate the group for you.
15. C lick OK again.

Domain Users appears in the list of users and groups with the right to log on locally.
15. C lick OK, and then close the Group Policy snap-in.
15. C lick OK to close the Domain C ontrollers Properties dialog box.
15. Leave the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in running since you will use it in the next
All domain users are now able to logon locally to server01.

Exercise 7: Modifying Software Policies

In this exercise, you create and then modify the Sales OU group policy by removing the Search item and Run
item from the Start menu. You also disable the Lock Workstation policy. You then view the effects of these
software policy modifications. In the last part of this exercise, you prevent the Sales OU from overriding the
group policy of its parent container, the domain. C omplete this exercise on Server01.
 Procedure 1: Modifying software policies
In this procedure, you create and then modify software policies for the Sales OU. You created the Sales OU in
an earlier chapter.
1. In the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in expand microsoft.com.
2. In the console tree, click Sales, click the Action menu, and then click Properties.
The Sales Properties dialog box appears.
3. C lick the Group Policy tab.
4. C lick Add.
The Add A Group Policy Object Link dialog box appears.
5. Select the All tab, and then click the middle button of the three buttons on the toolbar.
A new GPO appears under Group Policy Objects Associated With This C ontainer.
6. Name the new GPO SalesSoftware, and then click OK.
You are returned to the Group Policy tab of the Sales Properties dialog box.
7. With SalesSoftware highlighted, click Edit.
The Group Policy snap-in appears.
8. Locate and expand Administrative templates under User C onfiguration.
9. In the console tree, click Start Menu & Task Bar.
The policies available for this category appear in the details pane.
10. In the details pane, double-click Remove Search Menu From Start Menu.

The Remove Search Menu From Start Menu Properties dialog box appears.
11. C lick Explain to read about this policy.
12. C lick the Policy tab, and then click the Enabled radio button.
13. C lick OK.
14. Repeat steps 10 through 13 to enable the Remove Run Menu From Start Menu policy.
15. In the console tree, double-click System and then click Logon/Logoff.
The policies available for this category appear in the details pane.
16. In the details pane, enable the Disable Lock C omputer policy.
17. C lose the Group Policy snap-in, and then close the Sales Properties dialog box.
18. C lose the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in.
 Procedure 2: Testing software policies
In this procedure, you view the effects of the software policies implemented in the previous procedure.

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From the completion of exercises in this C hapter and in C hapter 6, "Active Directory Services," you should
have two user accounts in the Sales OU, Jane Doe, and John Smith.
1. Log off of Server01 as Administrator.
2. Press C trl+Alt+Delete.
3. The Windows NT Security dialog box appears.

Notice that the Shutdown button is not available. This is controlled by the Shutdown Without Logon
policy. Note that Windows 2000 Server does not make this button available by default.
4. Log on to Server01 as Jane_Doe with a password of "student."
5. C lick the Start menu.
Notice that the search and run menu items do not appear on the start menu.
 Procedure 3: Preventing group policy override
In this exercise, you prevent the Sales OU from overriding the group policy of its parent container.
1. Log on as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. C lick Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click the Active Directory Users
And C omputers snap-in.
The Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in window appears.
3. Expand microsoft.com.
4. C lick Sales, click the Action menu, and then click Properties.
The Sales Properties dialog box appears.
5. C lick the Group Policy tab.
6. Verify that SalesSoftware is highlighted in the Group Policy Objects Link list, and then click Options.
7. C lick the No Override: Prevents Other Group Policy Objects From Overriding Policy Set In This One
check box, and then click OK.
8. C lick OK again, and then close the Active Directory Users And computers snap-in.

Lesson Summary

Group policies are a set of configuration settings that apply to one or more objects in the Active Directory
store. They can be used to control the work environments for users in a site, for a domain, or for users
associated with a specific OU. There are many types of group policies, including software settings, scripts,
security settings, administrative templates, and folder redirection. The group policy structure is made up of
group policy objects, containers, and templates. Before you can create group policies, you must create the
group policy objects. From there, you can edit group policies by using the Group Policy snap-in or manage
permissions by using the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in. Administering group policies
includes managing software settings, scripts, security settings, administrative templates, and folder

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The following questions are intended to reinforce key information presented in this chapter. If you are unable
to answer a question, review the appropriate lesson and then try the question again. Answers to the questions
can be found in Appendix A, "Questions and Answers."
1. When you use the Administrative Tools program group to open an MMC console provided with
Windows 2000 Server, can you add snap-ins to it? Why or why not?
2. You receive a call from a member of the Help Desk support team. She tells you that a number of
users are complaining of a window that appears every time they log on. The support person tells you
there is nothing in the Startup menu. Additionally, she has closed the window and shut down and
restarted the computer, but the window still appears at logon. What is the most likely cause of this
issue, and how can you resolve it?
3. When should you use security groups instead of distribution groups?
4. What are the implications of changing the domain mode from Mixed mode to Native mode?
5. By default, in what order is group policy implemented through the Active Directory store hierarchy?
How can you control this behavior?
6. What is a GPO, GPC , and GPT?

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Chapter 8
Administering Print Services
About This Chapter

This chapter introduces you to setting up and configuring network printers so that users can print over the
network. You will also learn about Active Directory-based printing and how to connect to network printers.
This chapter also provides information about how to troubleshoot common printing problems associated with
setting up network printers.

Before You Begin

To complete the lessons in this chapter, you must have

 A computer that has Microsoft Windows 2000 Server installed and operating.
 Active Directory services installed and operating.
 C ompleted all the exercises in the previous chapters.

You do not need a printer to complete the exercises in this chapter.

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Lesson 1: Introduction to Windows 2000 Printing

Microsoft Windows 2000 Server is designed for network printing. Using a variety of platforms, applications
send print jobs to printers attached to a Windows 2000 print server or connected to the network by internal
network adapters, external network adapters (print server devices), or another server. By using a computer
that is running Windows 2000 Server as your network print server, you can print from any supported
operating system that your networked computers use. This lesson introduces you to network printing by first
reviewing the terminology used in print services and providing guidelines for setting up a network printing
environment. This lesson also reviews the issues involved in local and remote printing and with print devices
that are either attached through the network or directly to the computer.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Define the terms used in Windows 2000 printing
 Define the requirements and guidelines for a network printing
 Describe the different printing scenarios for local and remote printing for
print devices attached to the network and for print devices attached
directly to the computer
Estimated lesson time: 35 minutes


Before you set up printing, you should be familiar with Windows 2000 printing terminology to understand how
the different components fit together, as shown in Figure 8.1.

Figure 8.1 Printing terminology

If you are new to Windows 2000, you might find some of the printing terminology to be different from what
you expected (although printing terminology has not changed significantly from that used in Microsoft
Windows NT Server). The following list defines a few Windows 2000 printing terms:

 Printer A printer is the software interface between the operating system and the print device. The
printer defines where a document will go to reach the print device (that is, to a local port, a port for a
network connection, or a file), when it will go, and how various other aspects of the printing process
will be handled. When users make connections to printers, they use printer names, which point to one
or more print devices.
 Print dev ice A print device is the hardware device that produces printed documents. Windows 2000
supports the following print devices:
 Local print devices are those that are connected to a physical port on the print server. A local
print device is connected to the computer by a local interface, such as a parallel, serial
RS-232/422/IRDA, USB, or SC SI port.

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 Network print devices are those that are connected to a print server through the network
instead of a physical port. Network print devices, also called network-interface print devices,
require their own network interface cards and have their own network address or they are
attached to an external network adapter. A networked printer is a node on the network;
computers send print jobs to it through a network adapter, which might be built in.
 Print serv er A print server is the computer on which the printers associated with local and network
print devices reside. The print server receives and processes documents from client computers. You
set up and share network printers on print servers.
 Printer driver A printer driver is one or more files containing information that Windows 2000
requires to convert print commands into a specific printer language, such as PostScript. This
conversion makes it possible for a print device to print a document. A printer driver is specific to
each print device model.

Requirements for Network Printing

The requirements for setting up printing on a Windows 2000 network include the following:

 At least one computer to operate as the print server. If the print server will manage many heavily
used printers, Microsoft recommends a dedicated print server. The computer can run either of the
 Windows 2000 Server, which can handle a large number of connections and supports client
computers running MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh, UNIX, and NetWare client redirectors and
printing services.
 Windows 2000 Professional, which is limited to 10 concurrent connections from other
computers for file and print services. It does not support Macintosh computers or NetWare
clients but does support MS-DOS, Windows, and UNIX computers.
 Sufficient random access memory (RAM) to process documents. If a print server manages a large
number of printers or many large documents, the server might require additional RAM beyond what
Windows 2000 requires for other tasks. If a print server does not have sufficient RAM for its
workload, printing performance deteriorates.
 Sufficient disk space on the print server to ensure that Windows 2000 can store documents and other
printable data sent to the print server until the print server sends the data to the print device. This is
critical when documents are large or likely to accumulate. For example, if 10 users send large
documents to print at the same time, the print server must have enough disk space to hold all the
spooled documents in the print queue until the print server sends them to the print device. If there is
not enough space to hold all the documents, users will get error messages and be unable to print.

Spooled print jobs can be significantly larger than the actual data the print application reads. This is because
print jobs are sent through the printer device driver to prepare the data for the printer.

Guidelines for a Network Printing Environment

Before you set up network printing, develop a network-wide printing strategy to meet users' printing needs
without unnecessary duplication of resources or delays in printing. The following table provides some
guidelines for developing a network printing strategy:

Guideline Explanation

Determine users' printing requirements. Determine the number of users who print and the
printing workload. For example, 15 people in a
billing department who print invoices continually
will have a larger printing workload and might
require more printers, print devices, and possibly
more print servers than 15 software developers
who do all their work online.

Determine company's printing requirements. Determine the printing needs of your company.
This includes the number and types of print
devices required. In addition, consider the type of
workload each print device will handle. Do not
use a personal print device for network printing.

Determine the number of print servers required. Determine the number of print servers your
network requires to handle the number and types
of printers your network will have.

Determine where to locate print devices. Determine where you will locate the print
devices. In a routed network, consider placing
the print servers and print devices on the same
network with the client computers that will use
them. Additionally, it should be easy for users to
pick up their printed documents.

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Printing Configurations

Several combinations of clients, servers, and print devices are possible with Windows 2000, depending on
whether the print device is remote or nonremote. A remote print device is accessed through a print server. A
nonremote print device receives data directly from the computer. The combination of clients, servers, and
print devices also depends on whether the print device is networked or directly attached to the computer.

The following figures show four basic printing configurations. The thin lines represent physical connections,
such as network or parallel cables, and the arrows represent the logical print data flow.

Figure 8.2 shows the simplest configuration, a nonremote, local print device. The print device is plugged into
the parallel port of the computer that runs the application. The printer driver and job queue are on that
computer, which sends print data directly to the print device.

Figure 8.2 A nonremote, local print device

Figure 8.3 shows a small group of computers sharing a network print device. This is a peer-to-peer network,
where each computer has equal access to the print device and there is no central control of printing or
security. Each computer has its own job queue and cannot see the documents queued on the print device by
other computers. If printing halts, the error message does not appear on every client. This is acceptable for
small organizations where the users are in frequent contact, but it becomes less manageable as traffic
increases. C ontention among computers submitting documents might cause the print device to time out or
reject print jobs.

Figure 8.3 A nonremote, network print device

Figure 8.4 illustrates a network configuration using a central print server. Many clients share access to the
print device through the server, which is locally connected to the print device. The job queue resides on the
server and is visible to each client.

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Figure 8.4 Remote, local print device

Printing is controlled by the server administrator. The administrator defines and enforces a security plan for
the network, maintains the printer software, and downloads it to clients when they connect to the printer
share. When a client connects to a network print queue, the client checks for new printer drivers on the print
server and updates older printer drivers on the client.

C lients might also be connected to other print devices, and the print server often has several attached print
devices. However, the number of parallel ports on the print server limits the number of print devices that can
be directly attached to it.

Figure 8.5 shows several clients sharing a print device in a domain managed by a computer that is running
Windows 2000 Server; the print device is connected to the server over the network, allowing one print server
to manage several print devices.

Figure 8.5 Remote, network print devices

To create and share printers, use the Add Printer wizard on the print server. The Add Printer wizard is located
in the Printers folder, which you can access on the Start menu by clicking Settings and then clicking Printers.
Regardless of where the print devices are located, the printer software must be located on the print server. If
the print device is directly attached, the wizard detects it and then attempts to configure the printer software.
If the print device is attached elsewhere on the network, you must create a port for it when you configure the
printer software. You can also use the Add Printer wizard to connect to remote print devices. When doing so,
remember the following:

 Creating a printer means installing the print device either directly on a print server or on the network,
and then configuring the printer software that controls the print device on the print server. Run the
Add Printer wizard, and click the Local C omputer option. You must name the printer, install the
printer driver, and specify a port.
 Connecting to a printer means connecting to the share on the computer that created the printer. To
connect to a printer, run the Add Printer wizard and click the Network Printer option. If the printer
driver for the client platform exists on the print server, installing it is not necessary because Windows

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2000 downloads it automatically. This includes printer drivers for Windows 95, Windows 98, and all
versions of Windows NT. Otherwise, you will be prompted to install the printer software.

Lesson Summary

A printer is the software interface between the operating system and the print device. A print device is the
hardware device that produces printed documents. A print server is the computer on which the printers
associated with local and network print devices reside. A printer driver is one or more files containing
information that Windows 2000 requires to convert print commands into a specific printer language. You
should also be familiar with the requirements for network printing, which include at least one computer to
operate as the print server, sufficient RAM, and sufficient disk space. You should also determine the users'
print requirements, the company's requirements, the number of print servers required, and where to locate
print devices. Several combinations of clients, servers, and print devices are possible with Windows 2000,
depending on whether the print device is local or remote and whether it is networked or directly attached to
the computer.

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Lesson 2: Setting Up Network Printers

Setting up and sharing a network printer makes it possible for multiple users to print to it. You can set up a
printer for a print device connected directly to the print server, or you can set up a printer for a print device
connected to the print server over the network. In larger organizations, most printers point to network print
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Identify the requirements for setting up a network printer and network
printing resources
 Add and share a new printer for a local print device or a network print
 Share an existing printer
Estimated lesson time: 35 minutes

Installing a Local Print Device

The steps for adding a printer for a local print device or for a network print device are similar. To install a
local print device, use the Add Printer wizard on the print server. When prompted, select Local Printer rather
than Network Printer, as shown in Figure 8.6.

Figure 8.6 The Local Or Network Printer screen appearing in the Add Printer wizard

The wizard guides you through the remaining steps necessary to add a printer for a print device connected to
the print server. The number of local print devices you can connect to a print server through physical ports
depends on your hardware configuration.

Installing a Network Print Device

In larger companies, most print devices are network print devices. These print devices offer several
advantages. You do not need to place print devices near the print server. In addition, network connections
transfer data more quickly than printer cable connections.

You add a printer for a network print device by using the Add Printer wizard. The main difference between
adding a printer for a local print device and adding a printer for a network print device is that for a typical
network print device, you provide additional port and network protocol information.

The default network protocol for Windows 2000 is Transmission C ontrol Protocol/Internet Protocol (TC P/IP),
which many network print devices use. For TC P/IP, you provide additional port information by using the Add
Standard TC P/IP Printer Port wizard, which is accessed through the Add Printer wizard. See Windows 2000
Server Help for more details about installing a TC P/IP print device onto your network.

Sharing an Existing Printer

If the printing demands on your network increase and your network has an existing, unshared printer for a
print device, you can share it so that users can print to the print device.

When you share a printer, consider the following guidelines:

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 You need to assign the printer a share name, which appears in My Network Places. Use an intuitive
name to help users when they are browsing for a printer.
 You can add printer drivers for Windows 95, Windows 98, all versions of Windows NT, and Windows
 You can choose to publish the printer in Active Directory services so that users can search for the
To share an existing printer, open the Printers window, open the Properties dialog box for that printer, and
then select the Sharing tab (Figure 8.7). The Sharing tab provides a simple interface for sharing the printer.

Figure 8.7 The Sharing tab in the Properties dialog box for a printer

After you have shared the printer, Windows 2000 displays an open hand under the printer icon, indicating that
the printer is shared.

Exercise 1: Installing and Configuring Print Sharing and Setting the Printer for Offline

In this exercise, you use the Add Printer wizard to add a local printer to your computer and share it. This
exercise does not require you to have a print device because the printer will be taken offline to avoid error
messages that would otherwise appear in later exercises. C omplete this exercise on Server01.
 Procedure 1: Adding a local printer and configuring print sharing
1. Log on to the domain as administrator with a password of "password."
2. C lick the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Printers.

The Printers window appears. A Fax icon appears in the Printers window. During a typical installation
of Windows 2000 Server, the Fax Service is installed.
3. Double-click Add Printer.
The Add Printer wizard appears.
4. C lick Next.
The Local Or Network Printer screen appears, and you are prompted for the location of the printer.
Because you are creating the printer on the computer at which you are sitting and not on a different
computer, this printer is referred to as a local printer.
5. Verify that the Local Printer radio button is selected, clear the Automatically Detect And Install My
Plug And Play Printer check box, and then click Next.
The Select The Printer Port screen appears.
6. C lick the C reate A New Port radio button.
The Type drop-down list box appears.

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7. C lick the arrow to the right of the Type drop-down list box.
Notice that Local Port and Standard TC P/IP Port are the available options.

The port types that will be available other than local port depend on the installed network protocols.
In this case, TC P/IP is installed, so this protocol-based port is available.
8. C lick the Use The Following Port radio button, and then verify that LPT1: is highlighted.
For this exercise, assume that the print device you are adding is directly attached to your computer
and using the LPT1 port.
9. C lick Next.
The wizard prompts you for the printer manufacturer and model. You will add an HP LaserJet 5Si

The list of printers is sorted in alphabetical order. If you cannot find a printer name, make sure you are
looking in the correct location.
10. Under Manufacturers, click HP; under Printers, click HP LaserJet 5Si; and then click Next.

The Name Your Printer screen appears. In the Printer Name box, Windows 2000 defaults to the
printer name HP LaserJet 5Si. For this exercise, do not change this name.
10. Verify that the Yes radio button is selected for the Do You Want Your Windows-Based Programs To
Use This Printer As The Default Printer? radio button.
10. C lick Next.

The Printer Sharing screen appears, prompting you for printer sharing information.
10. Verify that the Share As radio button is selected.

Notice that you can assign a shared printer name even though you already supplied a printer name.
The shared printer name is used to identify a printer on the network and must conform to a naming
convention. This shared name is different from the printer name you entered previously. The printer
name is a description that will appear with the printer's icon in the Printers system folder and in
Active Directory services. The share name is kept short for compatibility with other operating
systems like Windows 3.x.
10. In the Share As text box, type Printer1 and then click Next.

The Location And C omment screen appears.


Windows 2000 displays the values you enter for the Location and C omment text boxes when a user searches
the Active Directory store for a printer. Entering this information is optional, but doing so helps users locate
the printer.
15. In the Location text box, type Building 520, F loor 18, Office 1831; in the C omment text box,
type Black and White Output Laser Printer - High Volume; and then click Next.
The Print Test Page screen appears.

Notice that you can print a test page to confirm that your printer is set up properly. You can also
install additional drivers for other versions of Microsoft Windows.
15. C lick the No radio button, and click Next.

The C ompleting The Add Printer Wizard screen appears and provides a summary of your installation
15. C onfirm the summary of your installation choices, and then click Finish.

If necessary, Windows 2000 displays the Files Needed dialog box, prompting you for the location of
the Windows 2000 Server distribution files.
15. If the Files Needed dialog box appears, insert the Windows 2000 Server Installation C D-ROM and wait
for about 10 seconds. If the Files Needed dialog box doesn't appear, read the information following
step 20.
15. If Windows displays the Windows 2000 C D-ROM window, close it.
15. C lick OK to close the Insert Disk dialog box.

Windows 2000 copies the printer files, and an icon for the HP LaserJet 5Si printer appears in the
Printers window.

Notice that Windows 2000 displays an open hand under the printer icon. This indicates the printer is
shared. Also notice the check mark next to the printer, which indicates the printer is the default
printer for the print server.
15. Keep the Printers window open since you will need it to complete the next exercise.
 Procedure 2: Taking a printer offline and printing a test document

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In this exercise, you take the printer you created offline. Taking a printer offline causes documents you send
to this printer to be held on the computer while the print device is unavailable. Doing this will prevent error
messages about unavailable print devices from occurring in later exercises. Otherwise, Windows 2000 will
display such error messages when it attempts to send documents to a print device that is not connected to
the computer.
1. In the Printers window, click the HP LaserJet 5Si icon.
2. C lick the File menu, and then click Use Printer Offline.
Notice that Windows 2000 changes the icon to reflect that the printer is not available and the text in
the left pane of the Printers window indicates the status of the printer is Use Printer Offline.
3. In the Printers window, double-click the HP LaserJet 5Si icon.
Notice that the list of documents to be sent to the print device is empty.
4. C lick the Start button, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Notepad.
5. In Notepad, type any sample text that you want.
6. Arrange Notepad and the HP LaserJet 5Si window so that you can see the contents of each.

Access the context menu of the taskbar, and click Tile Windows Horizontally.
7. In Notepad, click the File menu, and then click Print.

The Print dialog box appears, allowing you to select the printer and print options.

The Print dialog box displays the location and comment information you entered when you created
the printer, and it shows that the printer is currently offline. You can also use the Find Printer button
on the dialog box to search the Active Directory store for a printer.

Notice that HP LaserJet 5Si is selected as the printer. This printer is automatically selected because
the HP LaserJet 5Si is the default printer for the print server.
7. C lick Print.
Notepad briefly displays a message stating that the document is printing on your computer. On a fast
computer, you might not be able to see this message.

In the HP LaserJet 5Si - Use Printer Offline window, you will see the document waiting to be sent to
the print device. The document is held in the print queue because you took the printer offline. If the
printer was online, the document would be sent to the print device.
7. C lose Notepad, and click No when prompted to save changes to your document.
7. Select the document in the HP LaserJet 5Si-Use Printer Offline window, click the Printer menu, and
then click C ancel All Documents.
A Printer message box appears asking if you are sure you want to cancel all documents for HP
LaserJet 5Si.
7. C lick Yes.
The document is removed.
7. C lose the HP LaserJet 5Si - Use Printer Offline window.
7. C lose the Printers window.

Lesson Summary

The steps for adding a printer for a local print device or for a network print device are similar. In both cases,
use the Add Printer wizard on the print server. The Add Printer wizard starts with the Welcome To The Add
Printer Wizard screen. The wizard guides you through the steps to add a printer for a print device. The default
network protocol for Windows 2000 is TC P/IP, which many network print devices use. In addition, if the
printing demands on your network increase and your network has an existing, nonshared printer for a print
device, you can share it so that users can print to the print device.

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Lesson 3: Administering Network Printers

In this lesson, you will learn about setting up and administering network printers. This includes managing
printers and documents, using a Web browser to administer printers, setting up a printer pool, setting up
priorities between printers, and troubleshooting common printing problems.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Access printers and assign permissions
 Manage printers and documents
 Use a Web browser to administer printers
 Set up a printer pool
 Set priorities between printers
Estimated lesson time: 90 minutes

Accessing Printers

You can gain access to printers for administration by using either the Printers window on the Start menu or
the Find feature in the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in. The Printers window allows you to
perform all administrative tasks; however, you cannot perform some tasks from the Active Directory Users
And C omputers snap-in. For example, you cannot use the snap-in to take a printer offline. To take a printer
offline, you must access the specific printer through the Printers window.

Microsoft Windows 2000 allows you to control printer usage and administration by assigning permissions
through the Security tab of the printer Properties dialog box (Figure 8.8). By using printer permissions, you
can control who can use a printer. You can also assign printer permissions to control who can administer a
printer and the level of administration, which can include managing printers and managing documents.

Figure 8.8 The default permissions assigned to a printer as seen in the HP LaserJet 5Si Properties dialog box
with the Security tab active

For security reasons, you might need to limit user access to certain printers. You can also use printer
permissions to delegate responsibilities for specific printers to users who are not administrators. Windows
2000 provides three levels of printer permissions: Print, Manage Documents, and Manage Printers, as shown
in the Permissions box in Figure 8.8.

You can allow or deny printer permissions. As with group policy and NTFS permissions, denied permissions
always override allowed permissions. For example, if you select the Everyone system group appearing in
Figure 8.8 and then click the Deny check box next to Manage Documents, no one can manage documents,

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even if you granted this permission to another user account or group. This is because all user accounts are
members of the Everyone system group.

By default, Windows 2000 assigns the Print permission for each printer to the Everyone system group,
allowing all users to send documents to the printer. You can also assign printer permissions to users or
groups. You can change the default printer permissions that Windows 2000 assigned, or those that you
previously assigned, for any user or group.

Managing Printers

Managing printers includes assigning forms to paper trays and setting a separator page. In addition, you can
pause, resume, and cancel all print jobs in a printer queue or a specific document if a problem occurs on a
print device. If a print device is faulty or you add print devices to your network, you might need to redirect
documents to a different printer. In addition, you might need to change who has ultimate administrative
responsibility for printers, which involves changing ownership.

Assigning Forms to Paper Trays

If a print device has multiple trays that regularly hold different paper sizes, you can assign a form to a
specific tray. A form defines a paper size. Users can then select the paper size from within their application.
When the user prints a document, Windows 2000 automatically routes the print job to the paper tray that
holds the correct form. Examples of forms include Legal, Letter, A4, and Executive.

To assign a form to a paper tray, select the printer in the Printers folder and then select Properties from the
File menu. In the Properties dialog box for the printer, click the Device Settings tab as shown in Figure 8.9.
From here, you can assign a form.

Figure 8.9 The Device Settings for an HP LaserJet 5Si

After you have set up a paper tray, users specify the paper size from within applications. Windows 2000
knows which paper tray the form is located in.

Note that Figure 8.9 shows some features grayed out. This is because the feature is not installed or not
available on the printer. The features that appear under the Device Settings tab are determined by the device
driver for the print device. For example, an HP LaserJet 5L personal laser printer has only two possible paper
inputs: the automatic paper feed (called the Paper Input Bin) and the manual paper feed. Notice that in Figure

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8.9, the device settings shows seven possible paper input locations and many other features not available in
every print device.

Setting a Separator Page

A separator page is a file that contains print device commands. Separator pages have two functions:

 To identify and separate printed documents.

 To switch between print modes. Some print devices can switch between print modes that take
advantage of different device features. You can use separator pages to specify the correct page
description language. For example, you can specify PostScript or Printer C ontrol Language (PC L) for
a print device that can switch between different print modes but cannot automatically detect which
language a print job uses.
Windows 2000 includes four separator page files. They are located in the %systemroot%\System32 folder.
The following table lists the file name and describes the function for each of the included separator page files:

F ile name F unction

Pcl.sep Switches the print mode to PC L for HP-series

print devices and prints a page before each

Pscript.sep Switches the print mode to PostScript for

HP-series print devices but does not print a page
before each document

Sysprint.sep Prints a page before each document. C ompatible

with PostScript print devices

Sysprtj.sep A version of Sysprint.sep that uses Japanese


You can build your own custom separator pages by creating a .sep file that contains legal printer commands.
Or you can customize the existing .sep files to meet your needs. Refer to the documentation with your printer
for commands that are legal for your printer.

Once you have decided to use a separator page and have chosen an appropriate one, click the Advanced tab
in the printer's Properties dialog box, then click the Separator Page button. From the Separator Page dialog
box, you can type in the name of the separator page to use or browse for it. Once the separator page is
configured, it will print at the beginning of each print job.

Pausing, Resuming, and Canceling Documents

Pausing and resuming a printer or canceling all documents on a printer might be necessary if there is a
printing problem.

There are two places within the Printers window to pause, resume, or cancel all documents. First select the
name of the print device, and then click the File menu. From there, you can either click Pause Printing or
C ancel All Documents or click Open in the File menu and then select the appropriate command.

The following table describes the tasks you can perform when you manage printers, how to perform the
tasks, and examples of situations in which you might perform these tasks:

Task Action Example

To pause printing C lick Pause Printing. A check Pause the printer if there is a
mark, indicating that the printer problem with the printer or print
is paused, appears next to the device until you fix the problem.
Pause Printing command.

To resume printing C lick Pause Printing again. The Resume printing after you fix a
check mark next to the Pause problem with a printer or print
Printing command disappears, device.
which indicates the printer is

To cancel all documents C lick C ancel All Documents. All C ancel all documents to clear a
documents are deleted from the print queue after old documents
printer. that no longer need to print
have accumulated.

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You can also pause a printer by taking the printer offline. When you take a printer offline, documents stay in
the print queue, even when the print server is shut down and then restarted. To take a printer offline, open
the window for the specific printer, and on the Printer menu, click Use Printer Offline.

Redirecting Documents to a Different Printer

You can redirect documents to a different printer. For example, if a printer is connected to a faulty print
device, redirect the documents so that users do not need to resubmit them. You can redirect all print jobs for
a printer, but you cannot redirect specific documents. The new printer must use the same printer driver as
the current printer.

You can redirect documents by opening the Properties dialog box for the specific printer. Select the Ports tab,
and add a port.

If another print device is available for the current print server, you can continue to use the same printer and
configure the printer to use the other print device. To configure a printer to use another local or network print
device that uses the same printer driver, select the appropriate port on the print server and cancel the
selection of the current port. Any currently printing documents cannot be redirected to another printer.

Taking Ownership of a Printer

By default, the user who installs the printer owns it. If that user can no longer administer the printer—for
example, if the current owner leaves the company—another owner should take ownership to administer that

The following users can take ownership of a printer:

 A user or a member of a group who has the Manage Printers permission for the printer.
 Members of the Administrators, Print Operators, Server Operators, and Power Users groups. By
default, these groups have the Manage Printers permission, which allows them to take ownership.
Taking ownership of a printer is an advanced security feature that can be accessed from the Advanced button
located under the Security tab of a printer's Properties dialog box. Ownership of a printer cannot be assigned
by one user to another user. However, an administrator can assign ownership to the Administrators group.

Auditing can be used to track who successfully and unsuccessfully attempts to take ownership of a printer.
Auditing, like taking ownership, is an advanced security feature that can be accessed from the Advanced
button located under the Security tab of a printer's Properties dialog box.

Managing Documents

In addition to managing printers, Windows 2000 allows you to manage documents. Managing documents
includes pausing, resuming, restarting, and canceling a document if there is a printing problem. In addition,
you can set who should be notified when a print job is finished, the priority level (which allows a critical
document to print before other documents), and a specific time for a document to print.

Pausing, Restarting, and Canceling a Document

If there is a printing problem with a specific document, you can pause and resume printing of the document.
Additionally, you can restart or cancel a document. You must have the Manage Documents permission for the
appropriate printer to perform these actions. Because the creator of a document has the default permissions
to manage that document, users can perform any of these actions on their own documents.

To manage a document, open the window for the printer and select the document. C lick the Document menu,
and then click the appropriate command to pause, resume, restart, or cancel a document.

The following table describes the tasks you might perform when you manage individual documents, how to
perform the tasks, and examples of situations in which you might perform these tasks.

Task Action Example

To pause printing a document Select the document for which Pause printing when there is a
you want to pause printing, and problem with the document.
then click Pause. (The status
changes to Paused.)

To resume printing a document Select the document for which Resume printing after you fix a
you want to resume printing, problem with a paused
and then click Resume. (The document.
status changes to Printing.)

To restart printing a document Select the document for which Restart printing of a partially
you want to restart printing, and printed document after you fix a

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then click Restart. Restart problem with the document or

causes printing to start from the the print device.
beginning of the document.

To cancel printing a document Select the document for which When a document has the
you want to cancel printing, and wrong printer settings or is no
then click C ancel. You can also longer needed, delete it before
cancel a document by pressing it prints.
the Delete key.

Setting Notification, Priority, and Printing Time

You can control print jobs by setting the notification, priority, and printing time. To perform these document
management tasks; you must have the Manage Documents permission for the appropriate printer.

You set the notification, priority, and printing time for a document on the General tab of the Properties dialog
box for the document. To open the Properties dialog box for a document, open the printer in the Printers
folder. Select the document, and then click Properties in the Document menu.

The following table describes the tasks you might perform when you control print jobs, how to perform the
tasks, and examples of situations in which you might perform these tasks:

Task Action Example

Set a notification In the Notify dialog box, type C hange the print notification
the logon name of the user who when someone other than the
should receive the notification. user who printed the document
By default, Windows 2000 needs to retrieve it.
enters the name of the user who
printed the document.

C hange a document priority Move the Priority slider to the C hange a priority so that a
priority you want. The highest critical document prints before
priority is 99, and the lowest is the other documents.

Schedule print times To restrict print times, click Only Set the print time for a large
From in the Schedule section, document so that it will print
and then set the hours between during off hours, such as late at
which you want the document to night.

Administering Printers from a Web Browser

Windows 2000 enables you to manage printers from any computer running a Web browser, regardless of
whether the computer is running Windows 2000 or has the correct printer driver installed. With any of the
more common Internet browsers executing on any type of client platform, users can view Web pages that
display the status of a Windows 2000 print server and its connected printers. All management tasks you
perform with Windows 2000 management tools are the same when you use a Web browser. The difference in
administering with a Web browser is the interface, which is a Web-based interface. For a Windows 2000
Server print server to support Web pages, the computer on which the printer resides must have Microsoft
Internet Information Services (IIS) installed. For a Windows 2000 Professional print server to support Web
pages, the computer must be configured with the Microsoft Peer Web Server (PWS).

When IIS is installed, a Printers virtual directory is created under the Default Web site as shown in Figure
8.10. This virtual directory points to the %systemroot%\web\printers folder.

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Figure 8.10 The Virtual Directoy tab of the Printers Properties dialog box

Using a Web Browser to Manage Printers

Using a Web browser to manage printers has several advantages:

 It allows you to administer printers from any computer running a Web browser, regardless of
whether the computer is running Windows 2000 or has the correct printer driver installed.
 It allows you to customize the interface. For example, you can create your own Web page containing
a floor plan with the locations of the printers and the links to the printers.
 It provides a summary page listing the status of all printers on a print server.
 It can report real-time print device data, such as whether the print device is in power saving mode, if
the printer driver makes such information available. This information is not available from the
Printers window.

Accessing Printers Using a Web Browser

If you want to gain access to all printers on a print server by using a Web browser, open the Web browser
and use the following address: http://<print_server>/printers.

If you want to gain access to a specific printer without first viewing a list of all printers, use http://<
print_server>/<share >. Figure 8.11 shows the Web page that appears when accessing the Printer1 share on
Server01. Notice that after typing http://Server01/printer1, the address appearing in the address field is
redirected via active server pages (ASP) to
http://server01/printers/ipp_0004.asp?eprinter=Printer1& view=q& page=1139.

Figure 8.11 The document list Web page appearing for printer HP LaserJet 5Si on Server01

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Setting Up a Printer Pool

A printer pool is one printer that is connected to multiple print devices through multiple ports on a print
server. The print devices can be local or network print devices. Print devices should be identical; however,
you can use print devices that are not identical but use the same printer driver. Figure 8.12 shows a printer
pool to three print devices.

Figure 8.12 Printing to a printer pool containing three print devices

When you create a printer pool, users can print documents without having to find out which print device is
available—the printer checks for an available port. Printer pooling is configured from the Ports tab of the
printer's Properties dialog box. Once there, select or create the ports containing print devices that will be part
of the pool and then check the Enable Printer Pooling check box at the bottom of the page.

When you set up a printer pool, place the print devices in the same physical area so that users can easily
locate their documents. If you don't place the physical devices in the same area, the downside is that users
won't know exactly where their print jobs have printed. The upside to this approach is that users will get
additional exercise.
A printer pool has the following advantages:

 In a network with a high volume of printing, it decreases the time that documents wait on the print
 It simplifies administration because you can administer multiple print devices from a single printer.
Before you create a printer pool, make sure that you connect the print devices to the print server or to the

Setting Priorities Between Printers

Setting priorities between printers makes it possible to set priorities between groups of documents that all
print to the same print device. Multiple printers pointing to the same print device allows users to send critical
documents to a high priority printer and noncritical documents to a lower priority printer. The critical
documents always print first.

To set priorities between printers, point two or more printers to the same print device—that is, the same port.
The port can be either a physical port on the print server or a port that points to a network print device. Set a
different priority for each printer that is connected to the print device, and then have different groups of users
print to different printers, or have users send different types of documents to different printers.

Troubleshooting Common Printing Problems

When you detect a printing problem, always verify that the print device is plugged in, powered on, and
connected to the print server. For a network print device, verify there is a network connection between the
print device and the print server.

To determine the cause of a problem, first try printing from a different program to verify the problem is with
the printer and not with the program. If the problem is with the printer, ask the following questions:

 C an other users print normally to this printer and print device?

 Does the print server use the correct printer driver for the print device?

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 Is the print server operational and is there enough disk space for spooling?
 Does the client computer have the correct printer driver?
 Is the Print Spooler service and Remote Procedure C all (RPC ) service running on the print server?
Print Serv er Properties

If you suspect there is a problem with the print server, you can access the properties of the print server from
the Printers window. Once there, click the File menu and choose Server Properties. From the Print Server
Properties dialog box, you can configure forms, port settings, installed printer drivers, and advanced
properties such as the spool folder.

By default, the spool folder points to %systemroot%\System32\spool\ PRINTERS. For a high-volume print
server, consider moving the spool folder to a partition other than the boot partition. If the boot partition fills to
capacity with print jobs, printing will stop and, more importantly, the operating system will become unstable.

Reviewing Common Printing Problems

C ertain printing problems are common to most network printing environments. The following table describes
some of these common printing problems, as well as some possible causes and solutions:

Problem Possible cause Solution

A user receives an Access The user does not have the C hange the user's permissions,
Denied message when trying to appropriate permissions to or configure the printer for the
configure a printer from an change printer configurations. user.
application (for example, earlier
versions of Microsoft Excel).

The document does not print The printer driver is incorrect. Install the correct printer driver.
completely or comes out

The hard disk starts thrashing There is insufficient hard disk C reate more free space on the
on the print server, and the space for spooling. print server hard disk or change
document does not reach the the spool folder location to a
print device. partition with free space.

Test page does not print. You The selected port is not correct. C onfigure the printer for the
have confirmed that the print correct port. For a printer that
device is connected and turned uses a network print device,
on. make sure that the network
address is correct.

Users report an error message Printer drivers for the client On the print server, add the
that asks them to install a computers are not not installed appropriate printer drivers for
printer driver when they print to on the print server. the client computers. Use the
a print server running Windows client computer operating
2000. system C D-ROM or a printer
driver from the vendor.

Documents from one client The client computer is On the client computer, remove
computer do not print, but connected to the wrong printer. the printer, and then add the
documents from other client correct printer.
computers do.

Documents print correctly on The print devices in the printer Verify that all print devices in
some print devices in a printer pool are not identical. the printer pool are identical or
pool but not on all of them. that they use the same printer
driver. Remove inappropriate

Documents do not print in the The printing priorities between Adjust the printing priorities for
right priority. the printers are set incorrectly. the printers associated with the
print device.

Lesson Summary

You can gain access to printers for administration by using either the Printers window, the Active Directory
Users And C omputers snap-in, or a Web browser. Microsoft Windows 2000 allows you to control printer usage
and administration by assigning permissions. Managing printers includes assigning forms to paper trays and
setting a separator page. In addition, you can pause, resume, and cancel the documents in the print queue if
a problem occurs on a print device. In addition to managing printers, Windows 2000 allows you to manage
documents. Managing documents includes pausing, resuming, restarting, and canceling a document if there is

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a printing problem. Windows 2000 enables you to manage printers from any computer running a Web
browser, regardless of whether the computer is running Windows 2000 or has the correct printer driver
installed. Windows 2000 also allows you to set up a printer pool to connect multiple print devices. You can
also set priorities between printers to prioritize groups of documents that print on the same print device. In
addition to reviewing administration of network printing, this lesson also reviewed troubleshooting common
printing problems, such as documents not printing or users being denied access to print devices.

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Lesson 4: Printing and Active Directory Services

A directory service needs to make it easy for users to find printers. In Windows 2000, the print subsystem is
tightly integrated with Active Directory services, making it possible to search across a domain for printers at
different locations.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Describe how printing is integrated in Active Directory services
Estimated lesson time: 20 minutes

Overview of Printing and Active Directory Services

Active Directory services is a distributed database shared by the domain controllers in a network. Information
about printer queues, sites, names, and addresses is kept in the Active Directory store. This information must
be sent by individual print servers, which is why it is important to keep the printer information contained in
the Active Directory store up-to-date.

Pertinent characteristics of the relationship between print servers and Active Directory services include the

 Each print server is responsible for publishing its own printers in the Active Directory store.
 The print server does not have an affinity to any specific domain controller. It dynamically finds a
domain controller in the appropriate domain.
 When a printer is updated on the print server, the changes are automatically propagated through
Active Directory services to the Active Directory store.
 Printers are published in the Active Directory store as printQueue objects. The published printQueue
object contains a subset of the information stored on the print server for a printer.
By default, printing is integrated with Active Directory services to work without administrative intervention.
You need to make changes only if the default behavior is not acceptable. The default behavior includes the

 Any printer shared by a print server is published in Active Directory services. Administrative access
to the host computer is still required to install and share a printer.
 The printQueue object is placed in the print server's computer object in the Active Directory store.

The printer does not appear below the C omputer object in the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in.
Instead, using the Find command in the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in, the result will display
the printer associated with a server.
 When any change occurs in the printer's configuration, the Active Directory object is updated. All the
configuration information is re-sent to the Active Directory store even if some of it has remained
 If a print server disappears from the network, its printers are removed from Active Directory

Publishing Windows 2000 Printers

You can publish only printers that are shared. Printer publishing is controlled by the List In The Directory
check box on the printer's Sharing tab (Figure 8.7).

The Add Printer wizard does not let you change this setting when you create a printer. Printers that are added
by using the Add Printer wizard are published by default. If you do not want a printer published in the Active
Directory service, clear the List In The Directory check box on the Sharing tab of the printer's Properties
dialog box.

A print device connected to a universal serial bus (USB) port will likely be detected and as a consequence a
printer will be installed for it automatically. In this case, you must manually share and publish the printer by
using the Sharing tab.
The printer is placed in the print server's computer object in Active Directory services. Once it has been
placed in Active Directory services, the object can be moved or renamed from the Find Printers dialog box.
This dialog box can be accessed from the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in. Once the snap-in is
opened, click the Action menu and then choose Find. From the Find drop-down list box, choose printers and
then click Find Now. Figure 8.13 shows how to access the move feature in the Find Printers dialog box.

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Figure 8.13 The Find Printers dialog box showing how to move a printer

Publishing Mechanism

The print server sends data asynchronously to Active Directory services. Initially it sends the data after a
one-second delay. If this fails, the server retries after a longer period and continues until it reaches a delay of
2 hours. At this point, the server retries at this interval until it is successful. During this pending phase, the
message "The Directory operation is still in progress" is displayed on the Sharing tab of the printer's
Properties dialog box.

The printer is published to a random domain controller, so a query might not show the printer until it has been
replicated to all the domain controllers. For local domain controllers on the same site, the maximum delay is
approximately 30 minutes, but the typical delay is 5 to 10 minutes. For intersite searches, the delay depends
on the replication strategy of your organization.

Pruning Orphans

When a printer is deleted from a print server, the corresponding Active Directory object is removed. A
program called an orphan pruner accomplishes this by running on each domain controller to periodically
check for orphaned printer objects. If a printer does not exist, the object is deleted. The orphan pruner looks
only at print servers in the same site as the domain controller on which it is running.

The orphan pruner is controlled by several policy settings. By default, if the orphan pruner cannot see a
printer three times in a row at 8-hour intervals, it assumes the entry is no longer valid and deletes it.

However, there can be circumstances where the printer is no longer available, such as when the print server
is being rebuilt or is powered off, so the print objects are removed because the Active Directory store must
reflect only the print devices currently available. Once the server comes back up, its printers need to be
republished. To cover this situation, a print server verifies that its printers are published when it restarts and
the spooler starts up. You can force a restart by issuing the net stop spooler and net start spooler commands.
Alternatively, you can use the C heck Published State group policy. The C heck Published State group policy is
found in the Group Policy snap-in in the Printers folder under the C omputer C onfiguration node.

Supporting Windows NT Printers

Printers that are on print servers running Windows NT 4.0 or Windows NT 3.51 can be published in Active
Directory services by using the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in. Once in the snap-in, a printer
object is created in an organizational unit (OU), container, or domain node in much the same way that a user
or group object is created. Alternately, you can use the Pubprn.vbs script, which is provided in the System32
folder. Pubprn.vbs is a Windows Script Host (WSH) file and requires two parameters. The print server
computer name or UNC name ( \\<computername>\<sharename >) is the first parameter. The second
parameter is the ADSI path to which you want the information published in the directory. You can publish all
printers on a server or specify single printers to be published. For example, to publish a single shared printer
\\Server03\5L running on a Windows NT Server to the Sales OU in the microsoft.com domain using
Pubprn.vbs, open a command prompt and type:

cscript %systemroot%\system32\pubprn.vbs \\server03\5L

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You cannot use this command to publish printers running a Windows 2000 print server.

Group Policy Settings

Active Directory services includes a set of group policies that apply to Windows 2000 printing. The policies are
located in the C omputer C onfiguration node of the Group Policy snap-in, under Administration Templates. For
a description of each of these policies, open the Properties dialog box for a specific property and select the
Explain tab.

Printer Location Tracking

Printer location tracking in Windows 2000 allows users to search for and find printers at their location or
another specified location, according to attributes assigned to printers. Location tracking lets you design a
location scheme and assign computers and printers to locations in your scheme. Location tracking overrides
the standard method of locating and associating users and printers, which uses the IP address and subnet
mask of a computer to estimate its physical location and proximity to other computers. The group policy
Pre-Populate Printer Search Location Text is used to enable printer location tracking for a group of computers.
For more information about printer location tracking and procedures for setting it up, see Windows 2000
Server Help.

Lesson Summary

In Windows 2000, the print subsystem is tightly integrated with Active Directory services, making it possible
to search across a domain for printers at different locations. By default, the printing is integrated with Active
Directory services so that it can work without administrative intervention. Any printer shared by a print server
is published in Active Directory services. The printQueue object is placed in the print server's computer object
in Active Directory services. When any change occurs in the printer's configuration, the Active Directory
object is updated. If a print server disappears from the network, its printers are removed from the Active
Directory store. You can publish only printers that are shared. Printer publishing is controlled by the List In
The Directory check box on the Sharing tab of the printer's Properties dialog box. In addition, printers that
are on print servers running Windows NT 3.51 or Windows NT 4.0 can be published in the Active Directory
store by using the Active Directory Users aAnd C omputers snap-in or the Pubprn.vbs WSH file. Active
Directory services also includes a set of group policies that apply to Windows 2000 printing.

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Lesson 5: Connecting to Network Printers

After you have set up the print server with all required printer drivers for the shared printers, users on client
computers running Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, and Windows 2000 can easily make a connection
and start printing. For most Windows-based client computers, the client computer automatically downloads the
printer when the user makes a connection to the printer, as long as the appropriate printer drivers are on the
print server.

Other client computers able to access a share or print to an IP address can use printers configured for
sharing on a Windows 2000 Server print server. The connect-to-printer capability is available only in
Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, and Windows 2000 computers.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Make a connection to a network printer by using the Add Printer wizard
or a Web browser
 Describe how printer drivers are downloaded
Estimated lesson time: 15 minutes

Using the Add Printer Wizard

When you add and share a printer, by default, all users can make a connection to that printer and print
documents. The method used to make a connection to a printer depends on the client computer. C lient
computers running Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, or Windows 2000 can use the Add Printer wizard,
although the Add Printer wizard in Windows 2000 provides more features than in the earlier versions. This is
the same wizard you use to add and share a printer. The options available in the Add Printer wizard that allow
you to locate and connect to a printer vary depending on the operating system the client computer is running.

C lient computers running Windows 2000 can also use a Web browser to make a connection to the printer.

Client Computers Running Windows 2000

By using the Add Printer wizard on client computers running Windows 2000, you can make a connection to a
printer with any of the following methods:

 Searching Active Directory serv ices You can find the printer by using Active Directory services
search capabilities. You can search either the entire Active Directory store or just a portion of it. You
can also narrow the search by providing features of the printer, such as color printing. An easy way
to search is by clicking Start, pointing to Search, and then clicking the For Printers option.
 Using the universal naming conv ention (UNC) name You can use the UNC name (\\<
print_server>\<share>) to make connections, which can be a quick method to use.
 Browsing the network for the printer You can browse for a printer by clicking Browse.

Client Computers Running Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT

On client computers running Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT, the Add Printer wizard allows you to
enter a UNC name or to browse Network Neighborhood to locate the printer.

You can also make a connection to a printer by using the Run command on the Start menu. Type the UNC
name of the printer in the Open text box, and click OK.

Client Computers Running Other Microsoft Operating Systems

Users at client computers running Windows 3.x and Windows for Workgroups use Print Manager instead of the
Add Printer wizard to make a connection to a printer.

Users at any Windows-based client computer can make a connection to a network printer by using the
following command:

net use lpt<x>: \\<print_server>\<share>

Note that x is the number of the printer port.

The net use command is the only method available for making a connection to a network printer from client
computers running MS-DOS or OS/2 with Microsoft LAN Manager client software installed.

Automatic printer driver download upon connection is not available for these operating systems. Use the local
computer operating system's driver installation procedure to install a printer driver for these clients.

Using a Web Browser

If you are using a computer running Windows 2000, you can make a connection to a printer through your

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corporate intranet. You can type a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) in your Web browser, and you do not
have to use the Add Printer wizard. In the address field of the Web browser, type the http://<print_server>/<
share> URL of the printer and then click the C onnect link on the page that appears. Figure 8.14 shows the
Web page that is displayed at the conclusion of the printer connection.

Figure 8.14 Connecting and installing a printer through a Web browser

After you make a connection, Windows 2000 automatically copies the correct printer drivers to the client

There are two URLs you can use to make a connection to a printer by using a Web browser:

 http://<print_serv er>/printers The Web page lists all the shared printers on the print server
that you have permission to use. The page includes information about the printers, including the
printer name, status of print jobs, location, model, and any comments entered when the printers
were installed. This information helps you select the correct printer for your needs. You must have
permission to use the printer.
 http://<print_serv er>/<share> You provide the intranet path for a specific printer. You must
have permission to use the printer.
You can customize the Web page that is used for printer connections. For example, you might want to display
a floor plan that shows the location of print devices to which users can connect.

For a Windows 2000 print server to accept print requests containing URLs, it must be configured in one of the
following ways:

 Windows 2000 Server software with Microsoft IIS installed

 Windows 2000 Professional with Microsoft PWS installed

Downloading Printer Drivers

When users at client computers running Windows 95,Windows 98, Windows NT, or Windows 2000 make the
first connection to a printer on the print server, the client computer automatically downloads the printer
driver. The print server must have a copy of the printer driver installed. Additional printer drivers are
installed from the Additional Drivers button under the Sharing tab of the printer's Properties dialog box.

Printer drivers are platform specific. Therefore, if you will be providing connect and download printer driver
support for multiple Windows NT platforms, make sure to install the platform-specific driver. For example, to
support both Alpha-based and x86-based Windows NT client computers, install both drivers on the print
server. The Windows 2000 printer drivers are not compatible with Windows NT printer drivers. Therefore, if
you are running an x86-based Windows 2000 print server and plan to support x86-based Windows NT clients,
make sure to install the x86-based Windows NT printer drivers. In the Additional Drivers window, the x
86-based printer drivers list Intel under the Environment column. However, these drivers work for non-Intel x
86-based platforms as well.

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C lient computers running Windows 2000 and Windows NT verify that they have the current printer driver each
time they print. If they do not have the current printer driver, they download it. For these client computers,
you only need to update printer drivers on the print server. C lient computers running Windows 95 or
Windows 98 do not check for updated printer drivers. You must manually install updated printer drivers on
these clients.

Lesson Summary

C lients running Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, and Windows 2000 can use the Add Printer wizard to
connect to a printer. Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT computers can use UNC names or browse
Network Neighborhood. C omputers running Windows 3.x and Windows for Workgroups use Print Manager to
connect to a printer. Any Windows or MS-DOS computer can use the net use command to connect to a
printer. Windows 2000 computers can search Active Directory services, use a UNC name, and browse the
network for the printer. Windows 2000 computers can also make a connection through a Web browser. When
users at client computers running Windows 95,Windows 98, Windows NT, or Windows 2000 make the first
connection to a printer on the print server, the client computer automatically downloads the printer driver
from the print server.

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The following questions are intended to reinforce key information presented in this chapter. If you are unable
to answer a question, review the appropriate lesson and then try the question again. Answers to the questions
can be found in Appendix A, "Questions and Answers."
1. Explain the difference between a print device and a printer.
2. You are told by a colleague never to remove the Everyone system group from the permissions of a
printer or no one will be able to manage the printer or its documents. Why is this statement
incorrect? How could you configure this undesirable behavior?
3. You have configured two Windows 2000 print servers on your network. When a user connects to one
from Windows 95, printing is automatic. When the same user connects to the same print server for a
different printer, she gets prompted to install a driver. Why is this happening?
4. In an environment where many users print to the same print device, how can you help reduce the
likelihood of users picking up the wrong documents?
5. C an you redirect a single document?
6. A user needs to print a very large document. How can the user print the job after hours without being
present while the document prints?

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Chapter 9
Network Protocols and Services
About This Chapter

This chapter introduces the network protocols supported by Microsoft Windows 2000, including the
Transmission C ontrol Protocol/Internet Protocol (TC P/IP) suite, NWLink, AppleTalk, and others. This chapter
also discusses how to implement TC P/IP and network services such as the Dynamic Host C onfiguration
Protocol (DHC P) Service, the Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS), and the Domain Name System

Before You Begin

To complete the lessons in this chapter, you must have

 A computer that has Windows 2000 Server installed and operating.

 C ompleted the exercises in the previous chapters.

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Lesson 1: Network Protocols

Protocols are specifications for standardized packets of data that make it possible for networks to share
information. The packets of information are moved up and down the protocol stack and across the
transmission media. Windows 2000 supports many different protocols. This lesson introduces you to the
primary network protocols supported by Windows 2000.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Describe the primary network protocols supported by Windows 2000
Estimated lesson time: 15 minutes

Introduction to Network Protocols

A protocol is a set of rules and conventions for sending information over a network. Among the protocols
supported by Windows 2000 is TC P/IP, which Windows 2000 relies on for logon, file and print services,
replication of information between domain controllers, and other common functions. In addition to TC P/IP, the
primary network protocols that Windows 2000 supports include the following:

 Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)

 Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange (IPX/SPX)
 NetBIOS Enhanced User Interface (NetBEUI)
 AppleTalk
 Data Link C ontrol (DLC )
 Infrared Data Association (IrDA)

Systems Network Architecture (SNA) protocols are not included in Windows 2000. SNA protocols are available
through Microsoft SNA Server. SNA Server is a separate product that supports interoperability with IBM
midrange and mainframe computers.

Protocol Binding Order

Protocols can be added or deleted at will and selectively bound to all network interfaces that are present in
the server. Protocol binding order is determined by the order in which the protocols were initially installed,
although it can be changed at any time on a per-interface basis, allowing a greater degree of control. For
example, the first interface could have TC P/IP and IPX/SPX both bound with TC P/IP having precedence,
whereas the second interface could still have both protocols bound while the IPX/SPX protocol has
precedence. Additionally, network services can be selectively enabled or disabled on a per-adapter or
per-protocol basis or any combination thereof. This selectivity gives system administrators extremely fine
control over networking configuration and allows extremely secure configurations (such as disabling all
network services on public interfaces connected directly to the Internet) to be constructed with minimal


The TC P/IP suite of protocols has been adopted by Microsoft as the strategic enterprise transport protocol for
Windows 2000. The Windows 2000 TC P/IP suite is designed to make it easy to integrate Microsoft enterprise
networks into large-scale corporate, government, and public networks, and to provide the ability to operate
over those networks in a secure manner. TC P/IP is discussed in greater detail in Lesson 2.


The Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) protocol is an advanced implementation of packet switching that is
ideal for voice, video, and data communications. ATM is a high-speed networking technology that transmits
data in cells of a fixed length. It is composed of a number of related technologies including software,
hardware, and connection-oriented media. A cell is a fixed-length packet containing 53 bytes of information,
as shown in Figure 9.1.

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Figure 9.1 A 1000-byte data packet broken down into 53-byte cells

Since the number of bytes—and consequently the transit time—of a cell is constant, cells can be switched at a
constant interval.

An ATM endpoint establishes a connection or virtual circuit before sending any data on the network. It then
sends cells along this path toward the destination. This virtual circuit is a direct path from one endpoint to
another. While establishing the connection, the ATM endpoint also negotiates a Quality of Service (QoS)
contract for the transmission. This contract spells out the bandwidth, maximum delay, acceptable variance,
and other parameters the virtual circuit (VC ) provides, and it extends from one endpoint to the other. Since
the virtual circuit is connection oriented, data arrives at the receiving end in proper order and with the
specified service levels. ATM is an excellent compromise for the transmission of both voice and data on a
network. ATM provides a guaranteed QoS on a local area network (LAN), a wide area network (WAN), and a
public internetwork.

The Windows 2000 architecture uses the following components to support ATM: LAN Emulation, IP over ATM,
ATM over xDSL, and native ATM access through Microsoft Windows Sockets (Winsock) 2.0.

LAN Emulation

LAN Emulation (LANE) is a method by which protocols that understand only connectionless media can
communicate over ATM. It allows ATM to utilize both legacy networks and applications. Traditional LAN-aware
applications and protocols can communicate over an ATM network without modification.

LANE consists of two primary components: the LANE client (Atmlane.sys) and the LANE services. The LANE
client is located in the %systemroot%\system32\drivers folder. It allows LAN protocols and LAN-aware
applications to function as if they were communicating with a traditional LAN. The LANE client communicates
LAN commands to the network protocols and native ATM commands to the ATM protocol layer. The LANE
services are a group of ATM components, usually located on a switch that supports LAN emulation.

IP over ATM

IP over ATM is a group of services that is used for communicating over an ATM network and which can be
used as an alternative to LAN emulation. IP over ATM uses the connection-oriented properties of ATM to
overcome the connectionless nature of IP. It functions in a manner similar to LANE. A central IP server (called
an ATMARP server) maintains a database of IP and ATM addresses, and provides configuration and broadcast
services. These broadcast services are necessary because ATM is a nonbroadcast protocol. IP over ATM
services do not reside in one place and are not usually on an ATM switch. All the IP over ATM services are
provided with Windows 2000.

In effect, IP over ATM is a small layer between the ATM protocol and the TC P/IP protocols. The client
emulates standard IP to the TC P/IP protocol at its top edge and uses native ATM commands to the ATM
protocol layers underneath.

IP over ATM is handled by two primary components: the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) server
(Atmarps.sys) and the ARP client (Atmarpc.sys). The ARP server is composed of an ATMARP server and
Multicast Address Resolution Service (MARS). The ATMARP server provides services that emulate standard IP
functions, while MARS provides broadcast and multicast services. Both services maintain IP address

ATM over xDSL

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Digital Subscriber Line (xDSL) technology is a means by which plain old telephone service (POTS) can be
used to send digital data over a pair of copper wires to the central station of a telephone company. To
connect many DSL users to an ATM backbone network, the DSL data is sent to a Digital Subscriber Line
Access Multiplexer (DSLAM). The far side of the DSLAM connects to an ATM network that provides gigabit data
rates. At the other end of each transmission, a DSLAM demultiplexes the signals and forwards them to
appropriate individual DSL connections.

ATM over xDSL offers high-speed network access from the home and small office environment. Many types of
DSL, including asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) and very high digital subscriber line (VDSL), are
being developed in these areas. These technologies use the local loop, the copper wires for ADSL or fiber
optic cable for VDSL, that connect the local central office in a user's neighborhood to the user's data jack. In
many areas, this local loop connects directly to an ATM core network run by a telephone company.

ATM over xDSL service preserves the high-speed characteristics and QoS guarantees available in the core
ATM network without changing protocols. This creates the potential for an end-to-end ATM network to the
residence or small office.

ATM Access through Winsock 2.0 and Native ATM Access

ATM support for Winsock 2.0 is available through the Windows Sockets ATM Service Provider. As a result,
applications that use TC P as their transport protocol can use Winsock 2.0 directly to gain access to ATM-based

Applications that use native ATM can create virtual circuits and access QoS guarantees. This capability is
supplied by a connection-oriented service added to version 5.0 of the Network Driver Interface Service
(NDIS). The connection-oriented service in NDIS 5.0 is called CoNDIS.


NWLink is Microsoft's implementation of the Novell NetWare IPX/SPX protocol. NWLink is most commonly used
in environments where clients running Microsoft operating systems are used to access resources on NetWare
servers, or where clients running NetWare are used to access resources on computers running Microsoft
operating systems. NWLink does not allow a computer running Windows 2000 to directly access files or
printers shared on a NetWare server, or to act as a file or print server to a NetWare client. To access files or
printers on a NetWare server, such as the C lient Service for NetWare (C SNW) in Windows 2000 Professional
or the Gateway Service for NetWare (GSNW) in Windows 2000 Server, must be used.

GSNW acts as a redirector for a computer running Windows 2000 Server where it is installed and as a
gateway for other client computers. The gateway function allows a computer running Windows 2000 Server to
share NetWare resources (folders and printers) as if they are located on the Windows 2000 server. As a
result, client computers that are able to access shares on the Windows 2000 Server computer can use the
shares made available through GSNW. GSNW is a low-performance access solution; it allows a single user
connection provides gateway access to resources on the NetWare server.

NWLink is useful if there are NetWare client/server applications running that use Winsock or NetBIOS over
IPX/SPX protocols. In addition, NetWare NetBIOS Link (NWNBLink) contains Microsoft enhancements to
NetBIOS. The NWNBLink component is used to format NetBIOS-level requests and pass them to the NWLink
component for transmission on the network.

Setting the Frame Type

The frame type defines the way in which the network adapter, in a computer running Windows 2000, formats
data to be sent over a network. To communicate between a computer running Windows 2000 and NetWare
servers, you need to configure NWLink on the computer running Windows 2000 with the same frame type as
that used by the NetWare servers.

The following table lists the topologies and frame types supported by NWLink.

Topology Supported frame type

Ethernet Ethernet II, 802.3, 802.2, and Sub Network

Access Protocol (SNAP), which defaults to 802.2

Token ring 802.5 and SNAP

Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) 802.2 and 802.3

On Ethernet networks, the standard frame type for NetWare 2.2 and NetWare 3.11 is 802.3. Starting with
NetWare 3.12, the default frame type was changed to 802.2.

You can choose to automatically detect or manually configure the frame type. However, the frame type is
automatically detected when NWLink is loaded. If multiple frame types are detected in addition to the 802.2

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frame type, NWLink defaults to the 802.2 frame type.

If the frame type is manually configured, a computer running Windows 2000 can use multiple frame types

You can configure the frame type by using the NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS-C ompatible Transport Protocol
Properties dialog box. For more information, see Windows 2000 Help.


NetBEUI was originally developed as a protocol for small departmental LANs of 20 to 200 computers. NetBEUI
is not routable because it doesn't have a network layer. Because of this limitation, you must connect
computers running Windows 2000 and NetBEUI by using bridges instead of routers. In addition, NetBEUI is
broadcast-based, which means it relies on broadcasts for many of its functions, such as name registration and
discovery, and so it creates more broadcast traffic than other protocols. NetBEUI is included with Windows
2000 Server and Windows 2000 Professional primarily as a legacy protocol to support workstations that have
not been upgraded to Windows 2000.

NetBEUI provides compatibility with existing LANs that use the NetBEUI protocol. NetBEUI provides computers
running Windows 2000 with the following capabilities:

 C onnection-oriented and connectionless communication between computers

 Self-configuration and self-tuning
 Error protection
 Small memory overhead

A Windows 2000 network running Active Directory services cannot use NWLink or NetBEUI as the primary
protocol. Only TC P/IP is supported for access to Active Directory services.


AppleTalk is a protocol suite developed by Apple C omputer C orporation for communication between
Macintosh computers. Windows 2000 includes support for AppleTalk, which allows computers running Windows
2000 Server and Apple Macintosh clients to share files and printers. AppleTalk also allows Windows 2000 to
be a router and a dial-up server.

For the AppleTalk protocol to function properly, a Windows 2000 Server computer must be configured with
Windows 2000 Services for Macintosh and must be available on the network.


The DLC protocol was developed for IBM mainframe communications. It was not designed to be a primary
protocol for network use between personal computers. However, DLC is used to print to Hewlett-Packard
printers that are connected directly to networks. Network-attached printers use the DLC protocol because the
received frames are easy to disassemble and because DLC functionality can easily be coded into read-only
memory (ROM). The usefulness of DLC is limited because it doesn't directly interface with the Transport
Driver Interface layer. DLC should be installed only on network machines that perform tasks such as sending
data to a network Hewlett-Packard printer. C lients sending print jobs to a network print device through a
Windows 2000 print server do not need the DLC protocol installed.

Only the print server communicating directly with the print device requires the DLC protocol to be installed.
Once the DLC protocol is installed on a computer running Windows 2000 Server, a new printer port type will
be available. Figure 9.2 shows the new port type appearing in the Printer Ports dialog box. This dialog box is
accessed from the Ports tab in the Properties dialog box of a printer.

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Figure 9.2 The dialog box used to configure a new DLC-based Hewlett-Packard network printer

The network adapter card MAC (Media Access C ontrol) address of DLC -enabled printers or print servers
appears in the larger box below C ard Address in Figure 9.2. Make sure that the DLC -enabled network print
device is connected to the network, turned on, and configured for DLC operation.

After you have configured a Windows 2000 Server computer to perform the role of print server for the
DLC -enabled network print device, client computers can connect to the printer share on the Windows 2000
Server. If print jobs are appearing on the DLC -enabled print device that were not sent through the Windows
2000 Server print server, client computers might be running the DLC protocol and printing directly to the
DLC -enabled network print device. Use Network Monitor or another network analyzer to determine which
computers on the network are running the DLC protocol.

All Hewlett-Packard JetDirect cards currently support the TC P/IP suite and should be added by using the
standard TC P/IP port. Only older Hewlett-Packard JetDirect cards that do not support TC P/IP require the
Hewlett-Packard network port that uses the DLC protocol.


IrDA is a group of short-range, high-speed, bidirectional wireless infrared protocols. IrDA allows a variety of
devices to communicate with each other, such as cameras, printers, portable computers, desktop computers,
and personal digital assistants (PDAs). The IrDA protocol stack is accessed by using NDIS connectionless

Lesson Summary

A protocol is a set of rules and conventions for sending information over a network. Windows 2000 supports a
number of protocols, including TC P/IP. The TC P/IP suite of protocols has been adopted by Microsoft as the
strategic enterprise transport protocol for Windows 2000. TC P/IP can be transported over a number of
networks based on media access technologies such as Ethernet, Token Ring, and ATM. Media access is only
part of what ATM provides. ATM is a group of technologies (hardware and software) that together provide for
connection-oriented communication that is ideal for voice, video, and data communications. NWLink is a
Microsoft-compatible IPX/SPX protocol for Windows 2000. NetBEUI is also included with Windows 2000 Server
and Windows 2000 Professional, although it is primarily a legacy protocol used to support workstations that
have not been upgraded to Windows 2000. In addition, Windows 2000 includes support for AppleTalk, which
allows Windows 2000 to be a router and a dial-up server. DLC was developed for IBM mainframe
communications; however, older models of Hewlett-Packard printers connected directly to networks use DLC .
IrDA is a group of short-range, high-speed, bidirectional wireless infrared protocols.

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Lesson 2: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

TC P/IP provides communication across networks that contain computers with various hardware architectures
and operating systems. Microsoft's implementation of TC P/IP enables enterprise networking and connectivity
on computers running Windows 2000.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Describe the TC P/IP protocol suite and the TC P/IP utilities that ship with
Windows 2000
 C onfigure TC P/IP
Estimated lesson time: 60 minutes

Overview of the TCP/IP Suite

TC P/IP is an industry-standard suite of protocols that enables enterprise networking and connectivity on
Windows 2000-based computers. Adding TC P/IP to a Windows 2000 configuration offers the following

 A routable networking protocol supported by most operating systems. Most large networks rely on
 A technology for connecting dissimilar systems. You can use many standard connectivity utilities to
access and transfer data between dissimilar systems. Windows 2000 includes several of these
standard utilities.
 A robust, scalable, cross-platform client/server framework. TC P/IP supports the Winsock interface,
which is ideal for developing client/server applications for Winsock-compliant stacks.
 A method of gaining access to Internet resources.
The TC P/IP suite of protocols provides a set of standards for how computers communicate and how networks
are interconnected. The TC P/IP suite of protocols maps to a four-layer conceptual model: network interface,
Internet, transport, and application (Figure 9.3).

Figure 9.3 The TCP/IP suite of protocols within four layers

Network Interface Layer

At the base of the model is the network interface layer. This layer puts frames on the wire and pulls frames
off the wire.

Internet Layer

Internet-layer protocols encapsulate packets in Internet datagrams and run all the necessary routing
algorithms. The four Internet layer protocols are Internet Protocol (IP), Address Resolution Protocol (ARP),
Internet C ontrol Message Protocol (IC MP), and Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP). The following
table describes these four protocols.

Protocol Description

IP Provides connectionless packet delivery for all other protocols in the suite. Does not
guarantee packet arrival or correct packet sequence.

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ARP Provides IP address mapping to the MAC sublayer address to acquire the physical MAC
control address of the destination. IP broadcasts a special ARP inquiry packet containing
the IP address of the destination system. The system that owns the IP address replies by
sending its physical address to the requester. The MAC sublayer communicates directly
with the network adapter card and is responsible for delivering error-free data between
two computers on a network.

IC MP Provides special communication between hosts, allowing them to share status and error
information. Higher-level protocols use this information to recover from transmission
problems. Network administrators use this information to detect network trouble. The
ping utility uses IC MP packets to determine whether a particular IP device on a network
is functional.

IGMP Provides multicasting, which is a limited form of broadcasting, to communicate and

manage information between all member devices in a multicast group. IGMP informs
neighboring multicast routers of the host group memberships present on a particular
network. Windows 2000 supports multicast capabilities, such as Windows 2000 Server
NetShow Services, that allow developers to create multicast programs.

Transport Layer

Transport layer protocols provide communication sessions between computers. The desired method of data
delivery determines the transport protocol. The two transport layer protocols are Transmission C ontrol
Protocol (TC P) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). The following table describes these two protocols.

Protocol Description

TC P Provides connection-oriented, reliable

communications for applications that typically
transfer large amounts of data at one time or that
require an acknowledgment for data received.
TC P guarantees the delivery of packets, ensures
proper sequencing of data, and provides a
checksum feature that validates both the packet
header and its data for accuracy.

UDP Provides connectionless communications and

does not guarantee that packets will be delivered.
Applications that use UDP typically transfer small
amounts of data at one time. Reliable delivery is
the responsibility of the application.

Application Layer

At the top of the model is the application layer, in which applications gain access to the network. There are
many standard TC P/IP utilities and services in the application layer, such as FTP, Telnet, Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP), DNS, and so on.

TC P/IP provides two interfaces for network applications to use the services of the TC P/IP protocol stack:
Winsock and the NetBIOS over TC P/IP (NetBT) interface. The following table describes these two interfaces.

Interface Description

Winsock Serves as the standard interface between

socket-based applications and TC P/IP protocols.

NetBT Serves as the standard interface for NetBIOS

services, including name, datagram, and session
services. It also provides a standard interface
between NetBIOS-based applications and TC P/IP


For more information about TC P/IP and TC P/IP implementation, see the Supplemental C ourse Materials
C D-ROM (\chapt09\articles\tcpip2000.doc) that accompanies this book.

Configuring TCP/IP to Use a Static IP Address

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By default, client computers running Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 95, or Windows 98
obtain TC P/IP configuration information automatically from the Dynamic Host C onfiguration Protocol (DHC P)
Service. However, even in a DHC P-enabled environment, you should assign a static IP address to selected
network computers. For example, a computer running the DHC P Service cannot be a DHC P client, so it must
have a static IP address. If the DHC P Service is not available, you must also configure TC P/IP to use a static
IP address.

In a small private network where a DHC P server is not available, you can use the Windows 2000 Server
feature called Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) to automatically assign IP addresses for you. This
feature is described later in this lesson.
For each network adapter card that uses TC P/IP in a computer, you can configure an IP address, subnet
mask, and default gateway, as shown in Figure 9.4.

Figure 9.4 Configuring a static TCP/IP address in the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box

The following table describes the options used in configuring a static TC P/IP address.

Option Description

IP Address A logical 32-bit address that identifies a TC P/IP

host. Each network adapter card in a computer
running TC P/IP requires a unique IP address,
such as Each address has two
parts: a network ID, which identifies all hosts on
the same physical network, and a host ID, which
identifies a host on the network. In this example,
the network ID is 192.168.0, and the host ID is

Subnet Mask A network in a multiple-network environment that

uses IP addresses derived from a single network
ID. Subnets divide a large network into multiple
physical networks connected with routers. A
subnet mask blocks out part of the IP address so
that TC P/IP can distinguish the network ID from
the host ID. When TC P/IP hosts try to

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communicate, the subnet mask determines

whether the destination host is on a local or
remote network. To communicate within a local
network, computers must have the same subnet

Default Gateway The intermediate device on a local network that

stores network IDs of other networks in the
enterprise or on the Internet. To communicate
with a host on another network, configure an IP
address for the default gateway. TC P/IP sends
packets for remote networks to the default
gateway (if no other route is configured), which
forwards the packets to other gateways until the
packet is delivered to a gateway connected to the
specified destination.

You can open the Internet Protocol (TC P/IP) Properties dialog box by first opening the Properties dialog box
for My Network Places, opening the Properties dialog box for the appropriate network adapter card, and then
opening the Internet Protocol (TC P/IP) Properties dialog box for the Internet Protocol (TC P/IP) component.

IP communications can fail if duplicate IP addresses exist on a network. Therefore, you should always check
with the network administrator to obtain a valid static IP address.

Configuring TCP/IP to Obtain an IP Address Automatically

If a server running the DHC P Service is available on the network, it can automatically assign TC P/IP
configuration information to the DHC P client. You can then configure any clients running MS-DOS, Windows 3.
x, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, or Windows 2000 to obtain TC P/IP
configuration information automatically from the DHC P Service. Using DHC P to configure TC P/IP
automatically on client computers can simplify administration and ensure correct configuration information. To
use the DHC P Service to provide clients with TC P/IP configuration information automatically, however, you
must first configure a computer as a DHC P client.

To configure a DHC P client, open the Internet Protocol (TC P/IP) Properties dialog box and click Obtain An IP
Address Automatically. (DHC P is described in more detail in Lesson 3, "Dynamic Host C onfiguration Protocol

Using Automatic Private IP Addressing

The Windows 2000 implementation of TC P/IP supports a new mechanism for automatic address assignment of
IP addresses for simple LAN-based network configurations. This addressing mechanism is an extension of
dynamic IP address assignment for LAN adapters, enabling configuration of IP addresses without using static
IP address assignment or installing the DHC P Service.

For the Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) feature to function properly on a computer running Windows
2000, you must configure a network LAN adapter for TC P/IP and click Obtain An IP Address Automatically in
the Internet Protocol (TC P/IP) Properties dialog box.

The following steps outline how APIPA assigns an IP address:

1. Windows 2000 TC P/IP attempts to find a DHC P server on the attached network to obtain a
dynamically assigned IP address.
2. In the absence of a DHC P server during startup (for example, if the server is down for maintenance
or repairs), the client cannot obtain an IP address.
3. APIPA generates an IP address in the form of 169.254.x.y (where x.y is the client's unique identifier)
and a subnet mask of If the address is in use, APIPA selects another IP address and, if
necessary, reselects addresses up to 10 times.

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has reserved through for
Automatic Private IP Addressing. As a result, APIPA provides an address that is guaranteed not to conflict
with routable addresses.
After the computer generates the address, it broadcasts to this address and then assigns the address to itself
if no other computer responds. The computer continues to use this address until it detects and receives
configuration information from a DHC P server. This allows two computers to be plugged into a LAN hub, to
restart without any IP address configuration, and to use TC P/IP for local network access.

Windows 98 also supports APIPA.

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Although APIPA can assign a TC P/IP address to DHC P clients automatically, it does not generate all the
information that is typically provided by DHC P, such as the address of a default gateway. C onsequently,
computers enabled with APIPA can communicate only with computers on the same subnet that also have
addresses of the form 169.254.x.y.

Disabling Automatic Private IP Addressing

By default, the Automatic Private IP Addressing feature is enabled. However, you can disable this feature by
adding the IPAutoconfigurationEnabled value to the
HKEY_LOC AL_MAC HINE\SYSTEM\C urrentC ontrolSet\Services\ Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\Adapter_GUID
subkey of the registry and setting its value to zero.

The IPAutoconfigurationEnabled entry takes a REG_DWORD value. To disable APIPA, specify a value of 0 for
the entry. To enable APIPA, specify a value of 1, which is the default state when IPAutoconfigurationEnabled
is omitted from the registry.

Troubleshooting TCP/IP

Windows 2000 offers several utilities to assist you in troubleshooting TC P/IP. The following table describes the
Windows 2000 utilities you can use to troubleshoot TC P/IP.

Option Description

Ping Verifies configurations and tests connections

Arp Displays locally resolved IP addresses as physical


Ipconfig Displays the current TC P/IP configuration

Nbtstat Displays statistics and connections using NetBIOS

over TC P/IP

Netstat Displays TC P/IP protocol statistics and


Route Displays or modifies the local routing table

Hostname Prints the name of the host on which the

command is issued

Tracert C hecks the route to a remote system

Testing TCP/IP Connectivity

Windows 2000 also provides a number of common TC P/IP utilities. These tools are described in the following

Option Description

FTP Provides bidirectional file transfer between a

computer running Windows 2000 and any TC P/IP
host running FTP. Windows 2000 Server ships can
serve as an FTP client or server.

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Provides bidirectional file transfer between a
computer running Windows 2000 and a TC P/IP
host running TFTP.

Telnet Provides terminal emulation to a TC P/IP host

running Telnet. Windows 2000 Server ships can
serve as a Telnet client.

Remote C opy Protocol (RC P) C opies files between a client and a host that
support RC P (for example, a computer running
Windows 2000 and a UNIX host).

Remote shell (RSH) Runs commands on a UNIX host.

Remote execution (REXEC ) Runs a process on a remote computer.

Finger Retrieves system information from a remote

computer that supports TC P/IP and the finger

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After configuring TC P/IP and restarting the computer, you should use the ipconfig and ping command-prompt
utilities to test the configuration and connections to other TC P/IP hosts and networks. Such testing helps to
verify that TC P/IP is functioning properly.

Using Ipconfig

You can use the ipconfig utility to verify the TC P/IP configuration parameters on a host. This helps to
determine whether the configuration is initialized or whether a duplicate IP address exists. Use the ipconfig
command with the /all switch to verify all configuration information.

Type ipconfig /all | more to prevent the ipconfig output from scrolling off the screen; to scroll down and
view additional output, press the Spacebar. Type ipconfig /all > ipconfig.txt to write the screen output to
a file named ipconfig.txt. You can then view this file with an ASC II text editor such as Notepad.
Executing the ipconfig /all command provides the following results:

 If a configuration has initialized, the ipconfig utility displays the IP address and subnet mask, and, if it
is assigned, the default gateway.
 If a duplicate IP address exists, the ipconfig utility indicates that the IP address is configured;
however, the subnet mask is
 If the computer is unable to obtain an IP address from a server running the DHC P Service on the
network, the ipconfig utility displays the IP address provided by APIPA.

Using Ping

After you have verified the TC P/IP configuration, use the ping utility to test connectivity. The ping utility is a
diagnostic tool you can use to test TC P/IP configurations and diagnose connection failures. Use the ping utility
to determine whether a particular TC P/IP host is available and functional. To test connectivity, use the ping
command with the following syntax:

ping <IP_address>

Using Ipconfig and Ping

You can use a combination of the ipconfig and ping commands to verify a computer's configuration and test
router connections. The following steps show how to use the tools:
1. The ipconfig command is used to verify that the TC P/IP configuration has been initialized.
2. The ping command is used against the loopback address ( to verify that TC P/IP is correctly
installed and bound to your network adapter card.
3. The ping command is used with the IP address of the local computer to verify that the computer is
not a duplicate of another IP address on the network.
4. The ping command is used with the IP address of the default gateway to verify that the default
gateway is operational and that the computer can communicate with the local network.
5. The ping command is used with the IP address of a remote host to verify that the computer can
communicate through a router.

Typically, if you ping the remote host (step 5) and the ping command is successful, steps 1 through 4 are
successful by default. If the ping command is not successful, ping the IP address of another remote host
before completing the entire diagnostic process because the current host might be turned off.

Exercise 1: Configuring and Testing TCP/IP

In this exercise, you use two TC P/IP utilities to verify the protocol configuration of Server01. Then you
configure Server01 to use a static IP address and verify its new configuration. Next you configure Server01 to
obtain an IP address automatically, and then you test the APIPA feature in Windows 2000. C omplete this
exercise on Server01.

The DHC P Service should not be running anywhere on your network. In addition, this exercise requires that

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you assign IP addresses that might not be valid in the network. If your network is part of a larger network in
which DHC P is running, isolate your network from the larger network.
 Procedure 1: Verifying a computer's TCP/IP configuration
In this procedure, you use two TC P/IP utilities, ipconfig and ping, to verify your computer's static
1. Log on to Server01 as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. Open a command prompt.
3. At the command prompt, type ipconfig /all | more and then press Enter. (The vertical line between
the words "all" and "more" is the dashed line typically located on the \ key.)
The Windows 2000 IP C onfiguration utility displays the TC P/IP configuration of the adapter or
adapters configured on your computer.
4. Press the Spacebar as necessary to display the heading <adapter type> adapter Local Area
C onnection. Use the information displayed on the screen to complete the missing values in the
following table. Some values entered in the table were set through configuration procedures in earlier
Local Area Connection setting Value

Host Name SERVER01

Primary DNS Suffix microsoft.com

DNS Servers


Physical Address

DHC P Enabled No

Subnet Mask

Default Gateway none

5. Press the Spacebar as necessary to return to the command prompt.
6. To verify that the IP address is working and configured for your adapter, type ping and
then press Enter.
This IP address is called the loop-back address and is used to verify that the TC P/IP stack is
functioning properly.

A response similar to the following indicates a successful ping:

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 <0% loss>,
Approximate round trip times in milliseconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
7. Minimize the command prompt. You will be using it in a later procedure.
 Procedure 2: Configuring TCP/IP to automatically obtain an IP address
In this procedure, you configure TC P/IP to automatically obtain an IP address. You then test the configuration
to verify that APIPA has provided the appropriate IP addressing information. C omplete this procedure on
Server01 and Server 02.
1. C lick Start, point to Settings, and then click Network And Dial-Up C onnections.
The Network And Dial-Up C onnections window appears.
2. C lick Local Area C onnection, click the File menu, and then click Properties.
The Local Area C onnection Properties dialog box appears, displaying the network adapter in use and
the network components used in this connection.
3. C lick Internet Protocol (TC P/IP), and then verify that the check box to the left of the entry is

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4. C lick Properties.
The Internet Protocol (TC P/IP) Properties dialog box appears.
5. C lick the Obtain An IP Address Automatically radio button.
6. C lick the Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically radio button.
7. C lick OK to close the Internet Protocol (TC P/IP) Properties dialog box.
8. C lick OK to close the Local Area C onnection Properties dialog box.
9. Minimize the Network And Dial-Up C onnections window.
10. At the command prompt, type ipconfig /all | more and then press Enter.
11. Pressing the Spacebar as necessary, find the current TC P/IP settings for your <adapter type>
adapter Local Area C onnection and enter them in the following table. Some entries have been filled in
for you.
Setting Value

Autoconfiguration Enabled Yes

IP Address

Subnet Mask

DHC P Enabled Yes

Default Gateway None—requires manual configuration or DHC P

DNS Servers None—requires manual configuration or DHC P

Notice that the IP address and subnet mask assigned to you through APIPA are different than the
values you specified for manual configuration. Notice also that the IP address is now labeled
Autoconfiguration IP Address and that DHC P is enabled. DHC P is enabled because you specified that
the IP address should be obtained automatically.
12. Press the Spacebar as necessary to finish scrolling through the configuration information.
13. To verify that TC P/IP is working and bound to your adapter, type ping and then press
The internal loop-back address test displays four replies if TC P/IP is bound to the adapter.
14. Exit the command prompt, and close the Network And Dial-Up C onnections window.

Lesson Summary

Microsoft's implementation of TC P/IP enables networking and connectivity. The TC P/IP suite maps to a
four-layer conceptual model: network interface, Internet, transport, and application. By default, client
computers running Windows 2000 obtain TC P/IP configuration automatically from DHC P, although some
computers require a static IP address. For each network adapter card that uses TC P/IP, you can configure an
IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. In addition, the Windows 2000 implementation of TC P/IP
supports APIPA, which provides automatic address assignment of IP addresses for simple LAN-based network
configurations. APIPA enables a configuration of IP addresses without using static IP address assignments or
installing the DHC P Service. Windows 2000 also includes utilities you can use to troubleshoot TC P/IP and test
connectivity. Ping and ipconfig are two common troubleshooting utilities, and FTP and telnet are two service

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Lesson 3: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Service

The DHC P Service in Windows 2000 centralizes and manages the allocation of TC P/IP configuration
information by assigning IP addresses and other TC P/IP configuration information automatically to computers
that are setup as DHC P clients. Implementing the DHC P Service can eliminate many of the configuration
problems associated with configuring TC P/IP manually. This lesson discusses the skills necessary and
provides information to install and configure the DHC P Service. It also discusses the DHC P lease process.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Install the DHC P Service
 C reate a scope for the DHC P Service and configure a range of addresses
and a reservation for a DHC P scope
 Back up and restore the DHC P database
Estimated lesson time: 70 minutes

Introduction to DHCP

DHC P is a TC P/IP standard for simplifying the management of IP configuration. DHC P is an extension of the
Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP), which is based on the User Datagram Protocol/Internet Protocol (UDP/IP).
BOOTP enables a booting host to configure itself dynamically.

Each time a DHC P client starts, it requests IP addressing information from a DHC P server. This addressing
information includes the following:

 An IP address
 A subnet mask
 Optional values, such as a default gateway address, a DNS server address, or a WINS server
When a DHC P server receives a request for an IP address, it selects IP addressing information from a pool of
addresses defined in its database and offers the IP addressing information to the DHC P client. If the client
accepts the offer, the DHC P server leases the IP addressing information to the client for a specified period.

Manual v ersus automatic TCP/IP configuration

To understand why the DHC P Service is beneficial for configuring TC P/IP on clients, contrast the manual
method of configuring TC P/IP with the automatic method using DHC P, as shown in the following table.

Configuring TCP/IP manually Configuring TCP/IP using DHCP

Users can pick an IP address at random Users no longer need to acquire IP addressing
rather than obtaining a valid IP address from information from an administrator to configure TC P/IP.
the network administrator. Using incorrect The DHC P Service supplies all the necessary
addresses can lead to network problems that configuration information to all the DHC P clients.
can be difficult to trace to the source.

Typing in the IP address, subnet mask, or Valid IP addressing information ensures correct
default gateway can lead to problems configuration, which eliminates most difficult-to-trace
ranging from difficulty communicating, if the network problems.
default gateway or subnet mask is incorrect,
to problems associated with a duplicate IP

There is administrative overhead for Having servers running the DHC P Service on each
networks if you frequently move computers subnet eliminates the overhead associated with having
from one subnet to another. For example, to manually reconfigure IP addresses, subnet masks,
you must change the IP address and default and default gateways when you move computers from
gateway address for a client to communicate one subnet to another. Note that a single DHC P server
from a new location. can support IP address allocation for multiple

The DHCP Lease Process

The DHC P Service allocates IP addressing information to client computers. The allocation of IP addressing
information is called a DHCP lease. The DHC P lease process occurs when one of the following events occurs:

 TC P/IP is initialized for the first time on a DHC P client.

 A client requests a specific IP address and is denied, possibly because the DHC P server dropped the
 A client previously leased an IP address but released the IP address and requires a new one. A DHC P
lease can be manually released by typing ipconfig /release at a command prompt.
DHC P uses a four-phase process to lease IP addressing information to a DHC P client for a specific period:

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Figure 9.5 The DHCP lease process


The first step in the DHC P lease process is DHC PDISC OVER. To begin the DHC P lease process, a client
initializes a limited version of TC P/IP and broadcasts a DHC PDISC OVER message requesting the location of a
DHC P server and IP addressing information. Because the client does not know the IP address of a DHC P
server, the client uses as the source address and as the destination address. The
DHC PDISC OVER message contains the client's hardware address and computer name so that the DHC P
servers can determine which client sent the request.


The second step in the DHC P lease process is DHC POFFER. All DHC P servers that receive the IP lease request
and have a valid client configuration broadcast a DHC POFFER message that includes the following

 The client's hardware address

 An offered IP address
 A subnet mask
 The length of the lease
 A server identifier (the IP address of the offering DHC P server)
The DHC P server sends a broadcasted message because the client does not yet have an IP address. The
DHC P client selects the IP address from the first offer that it receives. The DHC P server issuing the IP
address reserves the address so that it cannot be offered to another DHC P client.


The third step in the DHC P lease process occurs after the client receives a DHC POFFER from at least one
DHC P server and selects an IP address. The client broadcasts a DHC PREQUEST message to all DHC P servers,
indicating that it has accepted an offer. The DHC PREQUEST message includes the server identifier (IP
address) of the server whose offer it accepted. All other DHC P servers then retract their offers and retain
their IP addresses for the next IP lease request.


The final step in a successful DHC P lease process occurs when the DHC P server issuing the accepted offer
broadcasts a successful acknowledgment to the client in the form of a DHC PAC K message. This message
contains a valid lease for an IP address and possibly other configuration information.

When the DHC P client receives the acknowledgment, TC P/IP is completely initialized and the client is
considered a bound DHC P client. Once bound, the client can use TC P/IP to communicate on the network.


If the DHC PREQUEST is not successful, the DHC P server broadcasts a negative acknowledgement
(DHC PNAC K). A DHC P server broadcasts a DHC PNAC K if one of the following conditions are met:

 The client is trying to lease its previous IP address, and the IP address is no longer available.
 The IP address is invalid because the client computer has been moved to a different subnet.
When the client receives an unsuccessful acknowledgment, it resumes the DHC P lease process.

If a computer has multiple network adapters bound to TC P/IP, the DHC P process occurs separately over each
adapter. The DHC P Service assigns a unique and valid IP address to each adapter in the computer bound to

IP Lease Renewal and Release

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All DHC P clients attempt to renew their lease when 50 percent of the lease time has expired. To renew its
lease, a DHC P client sends a DHC PREQUEST message directly to the DHC P server from which it obtained the
lease. If the DHC P server is available, it renews the lease and sends the client a DHC PAC K message with the
new lease time and any updated configuration parameters. The client updates its configuration when it
receives the acknowledgment.

Each time a DHC P client restarts, it attempts to lease the same IP address from the original DHC P server. If
the lease request is unsuccessful and lease time is still available, the DHC P client continues to use the same
IP address until the next attempt to renew the lease.
If a DHC P client cannot renew its lease with the original DHC P server at the 50 percent interval, the client
broadcasts a DHC PREQUEST to contact any available DHC P server when 87.5 percent of the lease time has
expired. Any DHC P server can respond with a DHC PAC K message (renewing the lease) or a DHC PNAC K
message (forcing the DHC P client to reinitialize and obtain a lease for a different IP address).

If the lease expires or a DHC PNAC K message is received, the DHC P client must immediately discontinue
using that IP address. The DHC P client then begins the DHC P lease process to lease a new IP address.

Using Ipconfig to Renew a Lease

Use the ipconfig command with the /renew switch to send a DHC PREQUEST message to the DHC P server to
receive updated options and lease time. If the DHC P server is unavailable, the client continues using the
current DHC P-supplied configuration options.

Using Ipconfig to Release a Lease

You can use the ipconfig command with the /release switch to cause a DHC P client to send a DHC PRELEASE
message to the DHC P server and to release its lease. This is useful when you are moving a client to a
different network and the client will not require its previous lease. TC P/IP communications with the client
stops after you issue this command.

Microsoft DHC P clients do not initiate DHC PRELEASE messages when shutting down. If a client remains shut
down for the length of its lease (and the lease is not renewed), the DHC P server might assign that client's IP
address to a different client after the lease expires. A client has a better chance of receiving the same IP
address during initialization if it does not send a DHC PRELEASE message.


For more information about DHC P and DHC P implementation, see the Supplemental C ourse Materials
C D-ROM (\chapt09\articles\DHC P2000.doc) that accompanies this book.

Installing and Configuring the DHCP Service

To implement DHC P, you must install and configure the DHC P Service on at least one computer running
Windows 2000 Server within the TC P/IP network. The computer can be configured as a domain controller or
as a stand-alone server. In addition, for DHC P to function properly, you must manually configure the TC P/IP
settings for the server and set up the clients for dynamic address configuration.

Requirements for a Serv er Running the DHCP Serv ice

A DHC P server requires a computer running Windows 2000 Server that is configured with the following:

 A static IP address, subnet mask, default gateway (if necessary), and other TC P/IP parameters. A
DHC P server cannot be a DHC P client.
 The DHC P Service.
 An activated DHC P scope. A scope is a range of IP addresses that are available for lease or
assignment to clients. Once the scope is created, it must be activated.
 An authorization. The DHC P server must be authorized with Active Directory services.
Requirements for DHCP Clients

A DHC P client requires a computer that is DHC P-enabled and running any of the following supported
operating systems:

 Windows 2000
 Windows NT Server 3.51 or later
 Windows NT Workstation 3.51 or later
 Windows 98

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 Windows 95
 Windows for Workgroups 3.11 running Microsoft TC P/IP-32
 Microsoft Network C lient 3.0 for Microsoft MS-DOS with the real-mode TC P/IP driver
 LAN Manager version 2.2c for MS-DOS (LAN Manager 2.2c for OS/2 is not supported.)

Installing the DHCP Service

The first step in implementing DHC P is to install the DHC P Service. Before you install the DHC P Service, you
should specify a static IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway address for the network adapter bound
to TC P/IP in the computer designated as the DHC P server.

To install the DHC P Service, use the Add/Remove Programs utility in C ontrol Panel. The DHC P Service starts
automatically during installation and must be running to communicate with DHC P clients.

The DHCP Snap-In

You can use the DHC P snap-in, shown in Figure 9.6, for all DHC P management and configuration tasks. The
DHC P snap-in provides access to detailed information about the DHC P scopes and options. The snap-in also
allows you to create and modify scopes, view address leases, create and modify client reservations, and
configure server, scope, and client reservation options.

Figure 9.6 The DHCP snap-in

You can access the DHC P snap-in as a stand-alone MMC console or through the C omputer Management
snap-in. The DHC P snap-in can be installed by running Adminpak.msi or by installing the DHC P Service.
Before the DHC P Service is installed, the DHC P snap-in is used to manage remote servers running the DHC P

Creating a DHCP Scope

After you have installed the DHC P Service and it is running, the next step is to create a scope. The scope
must be created before a DHC P server can lease an address to DHC P clients. A scope is a pool of valid IP
addresses available for lease to DHC P clients.

When creating a DHC P scope, consider the following guidelines:

 You must create at least one scope for every DHC P server.
 You must exclude static IP addresses from the scope.
 You can create multiple scopes on a DHC P server to centralize administration and to assign IP
addresses specific to a subnet. You can assign only one scope to a specific subnet.
 DHC P servers do not share scope information. As a result, when you create scopes on multiple DHC P
servers, ensure that the same IP addresses do not exist in more than one scope to prevent duplicate
IP addressing.
To create a scope, use the DHC P snap-in. The following table describes some of the parameters that you can
specify when creating a new scope:

Parameter Description

Name The name of the scope.

Description An optional description for the scope.

Start IP Address The starting IP address of the range of addresses

that can be assigned to a DHC P client from this

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End IP Address The ending IP address of the range of addresses

that can be assigned to a DHC P client from this

Subnet Mask The subnet mask to assign to DHC P clients. You

can specify the subnet mask by bit length or by
the actual subnet mask.

Start IP Address (for excluded range) The starting IP address of the range to exclude
from the pool of addresses. The addresses in this
exclusion will not be assigned to DHC P clients.
Use this feature if you have static IP addresses
configured on non-DC HP clients. (Assigning an
excluded range is optional.)

End IP Address (for excluded range) The ending IP address of the range to exclude
from the pool of addresses. The addresses in this
exclusion will not be assigned to DHC P clients.
Use this feature if you have static IP addresses
configured on non-DC HP clients. (Assigning an
excluded range is optional.)

Lease Duration The number of days, hours, and minutes that a

DHC P client lease is available before it must be

Once you have created the scope, you must activate it to make it available for lease assignments. To activate
a scope, select the scope and then select Activate from the Action menu.

You must delete and re-create a scope to specify a new subnet mask or range of IP addresses.
Configuring a DHCP Scope

Once you have created the DHC P scope, you can configure options for DHC P clients. There are three levels of
scope options: server, scope, and client.

Serv er Options

Server options are available to all DHC P clients. Use server options when all clients on all subnets require the
same configuration information. For example, you might want all clients configured to use the same WINS
server. Server options are always used, unless scope or client options are configured. To configure server
options, select Server Options and then select C onfigure Options from the Action menu.

Scope Options

Scope options are available only to clients who lease an address from the specific scope. For example, if you
have a different scope for each subnet, you can define a unique default gateway address for each subnet.
Scope options override server options. To configure scope options, select Scope Options from the specific
scope and then select C onfigure Options from the Action menu.

Client Options

C lient options are available to specific clients with reserved DHC P address leases. C lient options are always
used before scope or server options. To configure client options, select the specific client reservation and then
select C onfigure Options from the Action menu.

Configuring DHCP Options

The following table describes some of the options available when you configure the DHC P server, scope, or
client reservation. The Properties dialog box for the server, scope, or client reservation includes all the
options supported by Microsoft DHC P.

Option Description

003 Router The IP address of a router, such as the default

gateway address. A locally defined default
gateway on a client takes precedence over the
DHC P option. To make sure that router
information is sent to a client computer, verify
that the Default Gateway text box on the client
computer is empty (Figure 9.4).

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006 DNS Servers The IP address of a DNS server. A locally defined

DNS on a client takes precedence over the DHC P
option. Make sure the Obtain DNS Server
Address Automatically radio button is selected on
the client computer (Figure 9.4).

015 DNS Domain Name The DNS domain name for client resolutions.

044 WINS/NBNS Servers The IP address of a WINS/NBNS server available

to clients. If a WINS server address is configured
manually on a client, that configuration overrides
the values configured for this option.

046 WINS/NBT Node Type The type of network basic input/output system
(NetBIOS) over TC P/IP name resolution to be
used by the client. Options are 1 = B-node
(broadcast), 2 = P-node (peer), 4 = M-node
(mixed), and 8 = H-node (hybrid).

047 NetBIOS Scope ID The local NetBIOS over TC P/IP scope ID.
NetBIOS over TC P/IP communicate only with
other NetBIOS hosts that are using the same
scope ID.

The following table describes the available value types used when configuring the DHC P options.

Value type Description

IP Address The IP address of a server, for example, 003


Long A 32-bit numeric value, for example, 035 ARP

C ache Timeout.

String Value A string of characters, for example, 015 Domain


Word A 16-bit numeric value of specific block sizes, for

example, 022 Max DG Reassembly Size.

Byte A numeric value consisting of a single byte, for

example, 046 WINS/NBT Node Type.

Binary A binary value, for example, 043 Vendor-Specific


Configuring a Client Reservation

For some DHC P clients, it is important that the same IP address be reassigned when their lease expires. For
example, client computers that run TC P/IP server services might rely on a static IP address configuration to
be identified by other clients on the network. For clients running server services, you can configure the DHC P
service so that it always assigns the same IP address to them. This is called a client reservation and is
created by using the New Reservation dialog box shown in Figure 9.7.

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Figure 9.7 Using the New Reservation dialog box to add a client reservation

C lients using static host name resolution might also require that critical servers maintain their IP address
configuration. For example, if a server with a host name of SRV187 is on a network containing clients that
accomplish name resolution using a static HOSTS or LMHOSTS file, SRV187 should be set up with a client
reservation. Setting up the reservation ensures that SRV187 always leases the same IP address from the
DHC P server. Non-WINS-enabled clients on the network must use the LMHOSTS file to resolve NetBIOS
computer names. Non-DNS-enabled clients on the network must use the HOSTS file to resolve IP host names.
Since the LMHOSTS and HOSTS files are static files containing name-to-IP-address mappings, name
resolution using these files will fail if the IP address of SRV187 changes.

To configure a client reservation, select Reservations under the specific scope and then select New
Reservation from the Action menu. Be certain to type in the correct IP address and MAC address when you
configure the reservation. If you type the value for MAC Address incorrectly, it will not match the value sent
by the DHC P client, and the DHC P Service will assign the client any available IP address instead of the IP
address reserved for that client. If you replace the NIC in the client receiving a reservation, be sure to
reconfigure the reservation to match the new MAC address.

Authorizing the DHCP Server

A DHC P server must be authorized in Active Directory services before it can assign IP addresses.
Authorization is a security precaution that ensures that only authorized DHC P servers run on your network.
To authorize a DHC P server, select the domain from the DHC P snap-in tree and then select Authorize from
the Action menu.

Exercise 2: Installing and configuring the DHCP Service

In this exercise, you install and configure the DHC P Service on Server01. You create a scope and configure a
small range of addresses for the scope. As with the previous exercise, make sure that Server01 is on an
isolated network so that it doesn't conflict with IP addressing in a larger network. You will complete some
procedures on Server01 and other procedures on Server02.
 Procedure 1: Reconfiguring TCP/IP to use a static IP address on Serv er01
In this procedure, you configure Server01 to use a static IP address; this is a prerequisite for installing the
DHC P Service.
1. Log on to Server01 as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. C lick Start, point to Settings, and then click Network And Dial-Up C onnections.

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The Network And Dial-Up C onnections window appears.

3. C lick Local Area C onnection, click the File menu, and then click Properties.
The Local Area C onnection Properties dialog box appears, displaying the network adapter in use and
the network components used in this connection.
4. C lick Internet Protocol (TC P/IP), and verify that the check box to the left of the entry is selected.
5. C lick Properties.
The Internet Protocol (TC P/IP) Properties dialog box appears.
6. C lick the Use The Following IP Address radio button.
7. In the IP address box, type, press Tab, and verify that in the Subnet mask box appears.
8. C lick OK.
A Microsoft TC P/IP message box appears stating that the DNS server list is empty and that the local
IP address will be used since DNS was installed on the computer.
9. C lick OK to accept the message.
10. C lick OK to close the Local Area C onnection Properties dialog box.
11. Minimize the Network And Dial-Up C onnections window.
 Procedure 2: Determining the physical address of a computer
In this procedure, you determine the physical address of Server02. You will use this physical address (the
MAC address) in a later procedure to configure a DHC P reservation.
1. Verify that Server02 is connected to the same isolated network as Server01, and then log on to
Server02 in the Microsoft domain as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. Open a command prompt, and type ipconfig /all | more to determine the physical address (MAC
address) of the <adapter type> adapter Local Area Network on Server02.

If Server02 was configured with a valid IP address that Server01 could reach, you could ping the IP address
from Server01, type arp -a , and then press Enter to determine from Server01 the MAC address of the
network adapter in Server02.
3. Record the physical address of Server02 in the line provided.

The physical address is the hardware address or the MAC address. It is the address permanently
burned into your network adapter, and it should look something like 00-50-04-B4-3A-23.

MAC address:
3. Minimize the command prompt on Server02.
 Procedure 3: Installing the DHCP service
In this procedure, you install the DHC P Service on Server01.
1. On Server01, click Start, point to Programs, and then point to Administrative Tools.
Notice that DHC P is listed in the list of Administrative Tools. The DHC P snap-in is present because
you installed Adminpak.msi in an earlier chapter exercise. This is only the DHC P snap-in; DHC P is not
installed on Server01.
2. Point to Settings on the Start menu, and then click C ontrol Panel.
3. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
The Add/Remove Programs window appears.
4. C lick Add/Remote Windows C omponents in the left frame.
The Windows C omponents wizard appears.
5. In the C omponents box, click Networking Services, but do not click or change the status of the check
box to the left of this option.

The Networking Services check box is already selected because some networking services have already been
installed on Server01.
6. C lick Details.

The Networking Services dialog box appears.

In the Subcomponents Of Networking Services box, select the Dynamic Host C onfiguration Protocol
(DHC P) check box.
6. C lick OK.
The Windows C omponents screen appears.
6. C lick Next.

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The C onfiguring C omponents screen makes the configuration changes you requested. A File C opy
box appears as DHC P files are copied into the operating system folders.

The C ompleting The Windows C omponents Wizard screen appears.

6. C lick Finish.
6. C lose the Add/Remove Programs window.
6. C lose C ontrol Panel.
 Procedure 4: Creating and configuring a DHCP scope
In this procedure, you create and configure a DHC P scope on Server01.
1. C lick Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click DHC P.
The DHC P snap-in appears.
2. Maximize the DHC P snap-in.
3. In the console tree, double-click Server01.microsoft.com[].
A C onfigure The DHC P Server message appears in the details pane.
4. Read the message appearing in the details pane.
5. C lick the Action menu, and then click New Scope.
The New Scope wizard appears.
6. C lick Next.
The Scope Name screen appears.
7. In the Name text box, type Serv er01 Scope.
8. In the Description text box, type Training network, and then click Next.
The IP Address Range screen appears.
9. Type in the Start box, and type in the End box.
Notice that the subnet mask is set to a standard C lass C address,, and that 24 bits are
enabled; all bits in the first three octets in binary are set to 1.
10. C lick Next.

The Add Exclusions screen appears.

11. In the Start Address box, type
12. In the End Address box, type
13. C lick Add.

Notice that to appears in the Excluded Addresses box.

14. C lick Next.

The Lease Duration screen appears. Read the information on this page, and notice that the default
lease duration is 8 days.
15. C lick Next to accept the default lease duration.

The C onfigure DHC P Options screen appears, asking if you would like to configure the most common
DHC P options now.
16. C lick the No, I Will C onfigure These Options Later radio button, and then click Next.

The C ompleting The New Scope Wizard screen appears.

17. Read the instructions on this screen, and then click Finish.

An icon representing the new scope appears in DHC P Manager.

The red arrow pointing down indicates that the scope is not activated. You will activate the scope in a
later procedure.
 Procedure 5: Adding a reservation to a DHCP scope
In this procedure, you use the physical address of Server02 that you determined in Procedure 2 to add a
reservation to a DHC P scope.
1. From the DHC P snap-in running on Server01, click Scope [] Server01 Scope in the
console tree.
The scope contents appear in the details pane.
2. In the console tree, click Reservations and read the message appearing in the details pane.
3. C lick the Action menu, and then click New Reservation.
The New Reservation dialog box appears.
4. In the Reservation Name text box, type Serv er02.

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5. In the IP Address box, notice the first three octets are entered for you. In the fourth octet position,
type 76. The entire box should read:
6. In the MAC Address box, type the physical address you determined in Procedure 2. Do not type in
the dashes.
For example, for the physical address 00-50-04-B4-3A-23, you would type 005004B43A23 in the MAC
Address text box.
7. In the Description text box, type Reservation made by: <your name>.
Notice that DHC P, BOOTP, or both types of clients can be configured to use this reservation. A BOOTP
client could be a device like a legacy terminal or router. This type of client request is answered by
the DHC P server, and additional configuration information can be downloaded. Dynamic BOOTP
scopes are also supported. For more information on these configuration options, see the section in
the DHC P online help file titled "Supporting BOOTP C lients."
8. Under Supported types, select the DHC P Only radio button and then click Add.
Another New Reservation dialog box appears.
9. C lick C lose.
10. Notice that the reservation appears in the details pane.
11. In the console tree, click Scope [] Server01 Scope.
12. C lick the Action menu, and then click Activate.
Notice that the red down arrow to the right of the scope's name disappears. Notice also that the down
arrow for server01.microsoft.com [] still remains.
13. In the console tree, click server01.microsoft.com [].
14. C lick the Action menu, and then click Authorize to authorize this DHC P server in the Active Directory
15. Press the F5 key to refresh the display.

When a green up arrow appears next to server01.microsoft.com [], the DHC P Service
has been authorized.
 Procedure 6: Configuring scope options
In this procedure, you configure DHC P so that the preferred DNS Server and DNS domain name is sent to the
DHC P client upon registration. This procedure is similar to setting server options, which apply to all DHC P
clients using this server, and setting individual client options.
1. In the console tree, expand server01.microsoft.com [], expand Scope []
Server Scope, and click Scope Options.
2. C lick the Action menu, and then click C onfigure Options.
The Scope Options dialog box appears.
3. Select the 006 DNS Servers check box.
Options under Data Entry appears.
4. In the Server Name text box, type Serv er01 and then click Resolve.
The IP address appears in the IP Address box.
5. C lick Add.
6. Scroll down in the Available Options box to find 015 DNS Domain Name.
7. Select the 015 DNS Domain Name check box.
8. In the String value box, type microsoft.com and then click OK.
DNS data will now be downloaded to DHC P client computers within this scope.
9. Leave the DHC P snap-in open; you will be using it in the next procedure.
 Procedure 7: Testing DHCP
In this procedure, you test the DHC P Service to verify that the IP address information you specified in the
client reservation appears on Server02 and that the address lease appears on Server01.
1. On Server02, verify that the Internet Protocol (TC P/IP) Properties dialog box shows the Obtain An IP
Address Automatically and the Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically radio buttons selected.
If you are not sure how to complete this step, return to "Exercise 1: C onfiguring and Testing TC P/IP"
to review Procedure 3.
2. On Server02, restore the command prompt, type ipconfig /renew , and then press Enter.
After a few moments, the client reservation is assigned to Server02.
3. At the command prompt, type ipconfig /all | more and then press Enter.
Notice that DHC P information has been sent to the client computer. You will see a DHC P-assigned IP
address, subnet mask, DNS server address, and DNS domain name. Additional information such as
the default gateway are commonly sent to the DHC P client.

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4. To test that Server02 can communicate with Server01, type ping serv er01.
Notice that the server name is resolved to server01.microsoft.com and its IP address. This resolution
is possible because the DNS information from Server01 was sent to Server02 in the DHC P data.
5. On Server01 in the DHC P snap-in, click Addresses Leases in the console tree.
Notice that server02.microsoft.com appears with an IP address of Notice also that the
lease expiration reads Reservation (Active). This is because a reserved address does not expire. A
DHC P client without a reservation would show a date and time of expiration in the Lease Expiration
6. C lose the DHC P snap-in on Server01, and close the command prompt on server02.

Backing Up and Restoring the DHCP Database

You can edit the registry to specify the interval at which Windows 2000 backs up the DHC P database. In
addition, you can manually restore the DHC P database by editing the registry.

Backing Up the DHCP Database

By default, Windows 2000 backs up the DHC P database every 60 minutes. Windows 2000 stores the backup
copies of the file in the %systemroot%\System32\Dhcp\Backup\Jet\new folder.

You can change the default backup interval by changing the value, representing the number of minutes
between backups, of the BackupInterval entry located in the registry under the following key:


Restoring the DHCP Database

By default, the DHC P Service restores a corrupt DHC P database automatically when you restart the DHC P
Service. However, you can also manually restore the DHC P database file.

To manually restore the DHC P database, edit the registry, set the value for the RestoreFlag entry to 1, and
then restart the DHC P Service. The RestoreFlag entry is located in the registry under the following subkey:


After the DHC P Service successfully restores the database, the server automatically changes the RestoreFlag
parameter to the default value of 0.
You can also restore the DHC P database file manually by copying the contents of the
%systemroot%\System32\Dhcp\Backup\Jet folder to the %systemroot%\System32\Dhcp folder and then
restarting the DHC P Service.

The following table describes some of the files stored in the %systemroot%\ System32\Dhcp directory:

F ile Description

Dhcp.mdb The DHC P database file.

Tmp.edb A temporary file the DHC P Service creates for

temporary database information while the DHC P
Service is running.

J50.log and J50*.log Log files, including all transactions done with the
database. The DHC P Service uses these files to
recover data if necessary.

Do not tamper with or remove these files.

Lesson Summary

The DHC P Service in Windows 2000 centralizes and manages the allocation of TC P/IP configuration
information by assigning IP addresses automatically to computers configured as DHC P clients. Each time a
DHC P client starts, it requests IP addressing information from a DHC P server, including an IP address, a
subnet mask, and optional values such as a default gateway. DHC P uses a four-phase process to lease IP

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addressing information to a DHC P client for a specific period of time: DHC PDISC OVER, DHC POFFER,
DHC PREQUEST, and DHC PAC K. To implement DHC P, you must install and configure the DHC P Service on at
least one computer running Windows 2000 Server within the TC P/IP network. In addition, you must create
and activate a DHC P scope, which is a range of IP addresses available for lease to clients. You must also
authorize the domain in Active Directory services. Once you have created the DHC P scope, you can configure
options for DHC P clients. There are three levels of scope options: server, scope, and client. For some DHC P
clients, you can create client reservations so that the DHC P service always assigns the same IP address to
them. You can edit the registry to specify the interval at which Windows 2000 backs up the DHC P database.
In addition, you can manually restore the DHC P database by editing the registry.

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Lesson 4: Windows Internet Naming Service

This lesson explains the purpose and function of WINS and name registration. It also covers the WINS server
and client configuration, support for non-WINS clients, and how to use the DHC P snap-in to configure WINS
on a DHC P client computer.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Explain the purpose and function of the WINS process, including name
registration, renewal and name release, and name query
 Implement WINS in a Windows 2000 environment
Estimated lesson time: 35 minutes

Introduction to WINS

In a mixed network environment, down-level clients, such as computers running Windows 98 or Windows NT
4.0, use Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS) names to communicate. As a result, a Microsoft
Windows 2000 network with down-level clients requires a means of resolving NetBIOS names to IP
addresses. WINS is an enhanced NetBIOS name server that registers NetBIOS computer names and resolves
them to IP addresses. WINS also provides a dynamic database that maintains mapping of computer names to
IP addresses.


For more information about WINS, see the Supplemental C ourse Materials C D
(\chapt09\articles\WINS2000.doc) that accompanies this book.

The WINS Name Resolution Process

The WINS name resolution process allows WINS clients to register their name and IP address with WINS
servers. WINS clients can query the WINS servers to locate and communicate with other resources on the

The following steps outline the WINS name resolution process:

1. Every time a WINS client starts, it registers its NetBIOS name/IP address mapping with a designated
WINS server. It then queries the WINS server for computer name resolution.

A WINS client automatically updates the WINS database whenever its IP addressing information changes, for
example, when dynamic addressing through the DHC P Service results in a new IP address for a computer
that moved from one subnet to another.
2. When a WINS client initiates a NetBIOS command to communicate with another network resource, it
sends the name query request directly to the WINS server instead of broadcasting the request on the
local network.
2. The WINS server finds a NetBIOS name/IP address mapping for the destination resource in this
database, and it returns the IP address to the WINS client.

Name Registration

Each WINS client is configured with the IP address of a primary WINS server and, optionally, a secondary
WINS server. When a client starts, it registers its NetBIOS name and IP address by sending a name
registration request directly to the configured WINS server.

If the WINS server is available and another WINS client has not registered the name already, the WINS
server returns a successful registration message to the client. This message includes the amount of time that
the NetBIOS name is registered to the client, specified as the Time to Live (TTL). In addition, the WINS server
stores the client's NetBIOS name/IP address mapping in its database.

When a Name Is Already Registered

When a name is already registered in the WINS database, the WINS server sends a name query request to
the currently registered owner of the name. The WINS server sends the request three times at
500-millisecond intervals. If the registered computer is a multihomed computer, which means it has more
than one network adapter card bound to TC P/IP and has an IP address for each network adapter card, the
WINS server tries each IP address it has for the computer until it receives a response or until it has tried all
the IP addresses.

If the current registered owner responds successfully to the WINS server, the WINS server sends a negative
name registration response to the WINS client that is attempting to register the name. However, if the current
registered owner does not respond to the WINS server, the WINS server sends a successful name

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registration response to the WINS client that is attempting to register the name.

When the WINS Serv er Is Unavailable

A WINS client makes three attempts to find the primary WINS server. If the client fails after the third attempt,
it sends the name registration request to the secondary WINS server (if one is configured for the client). If
neither server is available, the client generates three B-node broadcasts on the local network. If the NetBIOS
name is found on the local network, the name is resolved to an IP address.

Name Renewal

A WINS server registers all NetBIOS names on a temporary basis so that other computers can use the same
name later if the original owner stops using it. Since client name registrations with a WINS server are
temporary, a WINS client must renew its name or the lease will expire.

To continue using the same NetBIOS name, a client must renew its lease before the lease expires. If a client
does not renew its lease, the WINS server makes the lease available for another WINS client.

A WINS client first attempts to refresh its lease after one-eighth of the TTL interval has expired. If the WINS
client does not receive a name refresh response, it continues attempting to refresh its lease every two
minutes, until half of the TTL interval has expired.

When half of the TTL interval has expired, the WINS client attempts to refresh its lease with a secondary
WINS server, if one is configured. When switching to a secondary WINS server, the WINS client attempts to
refresh its lease as if it were the first refresh attempt—every one-eighth of the TTL interval until successful or
until half the TTL interval has expired (four tries). The WINS client then reverts to the primary WINS server.

When a WINS server receives the name refresh request, it sends the client a name refresh response with a
new TTL. After a client successfully refreshes its lease once, it attempts to refresh its lease when half the TTL
interval has expired.

Name Release

When a WINS client's name is no longer in use, the client sends a message to the WINS server to release the
name. When you shut down a WINS client properly, the client sends a name release request directly to the
WINS server for each registered name. The request includes the client's IP address and the NetBIOS name.

When the WINS server receives the name release request, it checks its database for the specified name. If
the WINS server encounters a database error, or if a different IP address maps the registered name, it sends
a negative name release to the WINS client. Otherwise, the WINS server sends a positive name release, and
then the server designates the specified name as released in its database. The name release response
contains the released NetBIOS name and a TTL value of 0.

Name Query

After a WINS client has registered its NetBIOS name and IP address with a WINS server, it can communicate
with other hosts by obtaining the IP address of other NetBIOS-based computers from the WINS server.

By default, a WINS client attempts to resolve another host's NetBIOS name to an IP address in the following
1. The client checks its NetBIOS name cache for the NetBIOS name/IP address mapping of the
destination computer.
2. If the client cannot resolve the name from its cache, it sends a name query request directly to its
primary WINS server.
3. If the primary WINS server is unavailable, the client resends the request two more times before
switching to the secondary WINS server.
4. If either WINS server, primary or secondary, resolves the name, it sends a response to the client
with the IP address for the requested NetBIOS name.
5. If no WINS server can resolve the name, the client receives a message saying that the requested
name does not exist and initiates a network broadcast.

All WINS communications use directed datagrams over UDP port 137 (NetBIOS Name Service).

Implementing WINS

To implement WINS, you must install and configure WINS on a computer running Windows 2000 Server. In
addition, you must configure selected options on computers that participate as WINS clients.

WINS Server Configuration

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A WINS server requires a computer running Windows 2000 Server; however, the server does not have to be
a domain controller. In addition, the server must be configured with WINS and assigned a static IP address,
subnet mask, and default gateway.

The WINS server can also include the following configurations:

 A static mapping for all non-WINS clients to allow communication with WINS clients on remote
 WINS support through the DHC P Service

WINS Client Configuration

A WINS client must be running one of the following operating systems:

 Windows 2000
 Windows NT Server 3.5 or later
 Windows NT Workstation 3.5 or later
 Windows 98
 Windows 95
 Windows for Workgroups version 3.11 running Microsoft TC P/IP-32
 Microsoft Network C lient version 3.0 for Microsoft MS-DOS with the real-mode TC P/IP driver
 LAN Manager version 2.2c for MS-DOS (LAN Manager version 2.2c for OS/2 is not supported.)
A WINS client also requires the IP address of a primary WINS server, and, optionally, the IP address of a
secondary WINS server.

WINS Installation

The WINS Service is not installed as part of the default Windows 2000 Server installation. You must add the
service, as outlined below. To install the WINS Service, use the Add/Remove Programs utility in C ontrol

After you install the WINS Service on the Windows 2000 Server computer, you should configure its TC P/IP
properties so that the computer points to itself. You do this on the WINS tab of the Advanced TC P/IP Settings
dialog box.

The WINS Snap-In

You can use the WINS snap-in, shown in Figure 9.8, for all management and configuration tasks of the WINS
server. The WINS snap-in provides access to detailed information about the WINS servers on a network. The
snap-in also allows you to view the contents of the WINS database and search for specific entries.

Figure 9.8 The WINS snap-in

You can access the WINS snap-in as a stand-alone MMC console or through the C omputer Management
snap-in, under Services And Applications. WINS must be installed before you can use the Windows 2000

Support for Non-WINS Clients

In a WINS environment, you can provide support for non-WINS clients by using static mappings and
configuring a WINS proxy agent.

Static Mappings

On a network that includes non-WINS clients, you can configure a static NetBIOS name/IP address mapping
for each non-WINS client. This ensures that WINS clients can resolve the NetBIOS names of the non-WINS

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If you have DHC P clients that require a static mapping, you must reserve an IP address for the DHC P client
so that its IP address is always the same.
To configure a static entry for non-WINS clients, select Active Registrations and then select New Static
Mapping from the Action menu. When you create a static mapping, you can specify a NetBIOS scope. A
NetBIOS scope is an optional extension to a computer name that you can use to group computers in a

There are five types of static mappings that you can create when you add a new static mapping. These types
of static mappings are described in the following table.

Option Description

Unique A unique name that maps to a single IP address.

Group A name that maps to a group. When adding an

entry to a group by using the WINS snap-in,
enter the computer name and IP address. The IP
addresses of group members are not stored in
the WINS database, so there is no limit to the
number of members you can add.

Domain Name A NetBIOS name/IP address mapping with 0x1C

as the 16th byte. A domain group stores up to 25
addresses for members. For registrations after
the 25th address, WINS overwrites a replica
address or, if none is present, overwrites the
oldest registration.

Internet Group User-defined groups that you use to group

resources, such as printers, for reference and
browsing. An Internet group can store up to 25
addresses for members. A dynamic member,
however, does not replace a static member that
you add by using the WINS snap-in or by
importing the LMHOSTS file.

Multihomed A unique name that can have more than one

address. Use this option for computers with
multiple network adapter cards. You can register
up to 25 multihomed addresses. For registrations
after the 25th address, WINS overwrites a replica
address or, if none is present, it overwrites the
oldest registration.

The WINS snap-in adds a static mapping to the WINS database when you click OK. If you enter incorrect
information for a static mapping, you must delete that mapping and then create a new one.
Configuring a WINS Proxy Agent

A WINS proxy agent extends the name resolution capabilities of the WINS server to non-WINS clients by
listening for broadcast name registrations and broadcast resolution requests and then forwarding them to a
WINS server.

 NetBIOS name registration When a non-WINS client broadcasts a name registration request, the
WINS proxy agent forwards the request to the WINS server to verify that no other WINS client has
registered that name. The NetBIOS name does not get registered, only verified.
 NetBIOS name resolution When a WINS proxy agent detects a name resolution broadcast, it
checks its NetBIOS name cache and attempts to resolve the name. If the name is not in cache, the
request is sent to a WINS server. The WINS server sends the WINS proxy agent the IP address for
the requested NetBIOS name. The WINS proxy agent returns this information to the non-WINS client.
To configure a WINS proxy agent, edit the registry on a WINS-enabled client by setting the value for the
EnableProxy entry to 1, and then restart the computer. The EnableProxy entry is located in the registry under
the subkey HKEY_LOC AL_MAC HINE\SYSTEM\C urrentC ontrolSet\Services\ NetBT\Parameters.

DHCP Server Configuration

If a computer is a DHC P client, you can configure WINS support by using the DHC P snap-in. The snap-in
allows you to add and configure the DHC P scope option 044 WINS/NBNS Servers and configure the address
of primary and secondary servers (Figure 9.9).

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Figure 9.9 The Scope Options dialog box in the DHCP snap-in

When the DHC P client leases or renews an address lease, it receives this DHC P scope option, and the client is
configured for WINS support.

If you configure a client computer with IP addresses for a primary and secondary WINS server, those values
take precedence over the same parameters provided by a DHC P server.
You also can configure the 046 WINS/NBT Node Type option to set the node type. Node types include B-node,
P-node, M-node, and H-node.

For more information about node types, see RFC 1001 and RFC 1002. An RFC (Request for C omment) is a
document in which a standard, a protocol, or other information pertaining to the operation of the Internet is
published. The RFC is actually issued after discussion and serves as the standard. You can find the text of
each RFC that is cited in this book (as well as much associated discussion material) on the Internet. Use your
Web browser to search for the RFC of interest. In this case, search for "RFC 1001" and then search for "RFC
1002." (Earlier chapters included RFC s so that you could see how they are structured.)

Exercise 3: Installing and Configuring WINS

In this exercise, you will install WINS on Server01. After the installation, additional settings will be configured
for the DHC P Service to support WINS. Make sure the Windows 2000 Server installation C D is running on

WINS is required only for legacy support. In your small training network and in a homogeneous network of
Windows 2000 clients and servers, WINS is not necessary because all computers running Windows 2000 use
DNS for name resolution. This exercise is intended to teach you how to perform a basic installation and

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configuration of WINS.
 Procedure 1: Installing WINS
In this procedure, you install WINS on Server01.
1. Log on to Server01 as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. C lick Start, point to Settings, and then click C ontrol Panel.
3. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
The Add/Remove Programs window appears.
4. C lick Add/Remote Windows C omponents in the left frame.
The Windows C omponents wizard appears.
5. In the C omponents box, click Networking Services, but do not click or change the status of the check
box to the left of this option.
6. C lick Details.
The Networking Services dialog box appears.

In the Subcomponents Of Networking Services box, select the Windows Internet Naming Service
(WINS) check box.
7. C lick OK.
The Windows C omponents screen appears.
8. C lick Next.
The C onfiguring C omponents screen makes the configuration changes you requested. A File C opy
box will appear as WINS files are copied into the operating system folders.

The C ompleting The Windows C omponents Wizard screen appears.

9. C lick Finish.
10. C lose the Add/Remove Programs window.
11. C lose C ontrol Panel.
 Procedure 2: Configuring DHCP to support WINS
In this procedure, you configure WINS settings in the DHC P snap-in on Server01. To give you practice with
setting server options, you will use the Server Options node. These settings could also be configured as
Scope options if you want them to apply only to a specific scope or even to a specific DHC P client.
1. Open the DHC P snap-in on Server01.
2. In the console tree, click Server Options.
3. Read the message appearing in the details pane.
4. C lick the Action menu, and then choose C onfigure Options.
The Server Options dialog box appears.
5. Scroll down to 044 WINS/NBNS Servers, and then click this check box.
6. In the Server name text box, type Serv er01 and then click Resolve.
Server01's IP address,, appears in the IP Address box.
7. C lick Add.
8. In the Available Options box, scroll down to 046 WINS/NBT Node Type and then click this check box.
9. In the Byte text box, type 8 so that the text box entry reads: 0x8.
0x8 sets the node type to h-node. Node type determines how WINS resolution occurs at a client
computer. H-node instructs the client to check with the WINS server (p-node point-to-point
communications with name server) first and then sends out a b-node broadcast if necessary.
10. C lick OK.

The two server options appear in the details pane.

11. C lose the DHC P snap-in.
 Procedure 3: Testing WINS settings (optional)
In this procedure, you release and renew the DHC P lease on Server02. Then you load the WINS snap-in on
Server01 to verify the registration of Server02 in the WINS database.

If you just started Server02, skip to step 4. The first three steps are only necessary to update the DHC P
1. On Server02, open a command prompt.
2. Type ipconfig /release, and then press Enter.

A message appears stating that the IP address successfully released for the adapter "Local Area
C onnection."

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3. Type ipconfig /renew, and then press Enter.

The IP configuration is displayed as the lease is renewed.
4. Type ipconfig /all | more, and then press Enter.
5. Press Enter as necessary so that you can see the settings for <adapter type> adapter Local Area
C onnection.
6. Notice that Node Type is set to Hybrid. Hybrid is equivalent to h-node. Also notice that the primary
WINS server is set to This is the IP address of Server01.
7. C lose the command prompt on Server02.
8. On Server01, click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click WINS.
The WINS snap-in appears.
9. Maximize the WINS snap-in.
10. Expand SERVER01 [], and then click Active Registrations.
11. Read the message appearing in the details pane.
12. C lick the Action menu, and then click Find By Name.
The Find By Name dialog box appears.
13. In the Find Names Beginning With text box, type Ser and then click find now.

Under Record Name, Server02 appears with three entries. These three entries are the services that
broadcast the name of Server02 onto the network. The first entry, 00h, is the NetBIOS computer
name. 03h is used for sending and receiving broadcast messages. 20h is used for share access by
other computers on the network.
14. C lose the WINS snap-in.

Lesson Summary

Name registration is an important part of the name resolution process. Each WINS client is configured with the
IP address of a primary WINS server and, optionally, a secondary WINS server. Each time a WINS client
starts, it registers its NetBIOS name and IP address by sending a name registration request directly to the
configured WINS server. A WINS server registers all NetBIOS names on a temporary basis, so a WINS client
must renew its name or the lease will expire. When a WINS server receives the name refresh request, it
sends the client a name refresh response with a new TTL. In addition, when a WINS client's name is no longer
in use, the client sends a message to the WINS server to release the name. When the WINS server receives
the name release request, it checks its database for the specified name. If the WINS server finds the correct
NetBIOS name/IP address mapping in its database, it sends a positive name release, and then the server
designates the specified name as released in its database. To implement WINS, you must install and
configure WINS on a computer running Window 2000 Server. In addition to installing WINS, you must
configure selected options on computers that participate as WINS clients. The WINS snap-in provides access
to detailed information about the WINS servers on a network and allows you to view the contents of the WINS
database and search for specific entries.

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Lesson 5: Domain Name System

DNS is a distributed database used in TC P/IP networks to translate computer names (host names) to IP
addresses. This lesson introduces you to DNS and name resolution. It also discusses the skills necessary and
provides information to install and configure the DNS service.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Explain the function of DNS and its components, and explain the name
resolution process
 Install and configure the DNS service, including Dynamic DNS and the
DHC P Service for DNS
 C onfigure a DNS client
 Troubleshoot the DNS service
Estimated lesson time: 90 minutes

Introduction to DNS

DNS is most commonly associated with the Internet. However, private networks use DNS extensively to
resolve computer host names and to locate computers within their local networks and the Internet. DNS name
resolution is different than the name resolution provided by WINS. WINS resolves NetBIOS names to IP
addresses, while DNS resolves IP host names to IP addresses. IP host names resolved using DNS or other
means, provide the following benefits:

 IP host names are user-friendly, which means they are easier to remember than IP addresses.
 IP host names remain more constant than IP addresses. An IP address for a server can change, but
the server name remains the same.
 IP host names allow users to connect to local servers by using the same naming convention as the


For more information on DNS, see RFC 1034 and RFC 1035. Use your Web browser to search for "RFC 1034"
and "RFC 1035." You can also find information about DNS and DNS implementation on the Supplemental
C ourse Materials C D (\chapt09\articles\w2kDNS.doc) that accompanies this book.

Domain Namespace

Domain namespace is the naming scheme that provides the hierarchical structure for the DNS database. Each
node represents a partition of the DNS database. These nodes are referred to as domains.

The DNS database is indexed by name; therefore, each domain must have a name. As you add domains to
the hierarchy, the name of the parent domain is appended to its child domain (called a subdomain).
C onsequently, a domain's name identifies its position in the hierarchy. For example, in Figure 9.10 the domain
name sales.microsoft.com identifies the sales domain as a subdomain of the microsoft domain and microsoft
as a subdomain of the com domain.

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Figure 9.10 Hierarchical structure of a domain namespace

As Figure 9.10 illustrates, the hierarchical structure of the domain namespace consists of a root domain,
top-level domains, second-level domains, and host names.

The term domain, in the context of DNS, has a slightly different meaning than it does when used in the
Microsoft Windows 2000 directory services. A Windows 2000 domain is a grouping of computers and devices
that are administered as a unit. In DNS, a domain is a node that represents a partition in the DNS database.
Root Domain

The root domain is at the top of the hierarchy and is represented as a period (.). The Internet root domain is
managed by several organizations, including Network Solutions, Inc.

Top-Lev el Domains

Top-level domains are two-character or three-character name codes. Top-level domains are categorized by
organization type or geographic location. Thefollowing table provides some examples of top-level domain

Top-lev el domain Description

gov Government organizations

com C ommercial organizations

edu Educational institutions

org Noncommercial organizations

au C ountry code of Australia

Top-level domains can contain second-level domains and host names.

Second-Lev el Domains

Organizations such as Network Solutions, Inc. assign and register second-level domains to individuals and
organizations for the Internet. A second-level domain can contain both hosts and subdomains. For example,
microsoft.com can contain computers such as ftp.microsoft.com and subdomains such as dev.microsoft.com.
The subdomain dev.microsoft.com can contain hosts such as printerserver1.dev.microsoft.com.

Host Names

Host names refer to specific computers on the Internet or a private network. For example, in Figure 9.10,
C omputer1 is a host name. A host name is the leftmost portion of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN),
which describes the exact position of a host within the domain hierarchy. In Figure 9.10,
C omputer1.sales.microsoft.com. (including the end period, which represents the root domain) is an FQDN.

DNS uses a host's FQDN to resolve a name to an IP address.


The host name does not have to be the same as the computer name. By default, TC P/IP Setup uses the
computer name for the host name, replacing illegal characters, such as the underscore (_), with a hyphen (-).
For accepted domain naming conventions, see RFC 1035.

Domain Naming Guidelines

When you create a domain namespace, consider the following domain guidelines and standard naming

 Limit the number of domain levels. Typically, DNS host entries should be three or four levels down
the DNS hierarchy and no more than five levels down the hierarchy. As the number of levels
increases, so do the administrative tasks.
 Use unique names. Each subdomain must have a unique name within its parent domain to ensure
that the name is unique throughout the DNS namespace.
 Use simple names. Simple and precise domain names are easier for users to remember and enable
users to search intuitively and locate Web sites or other computers on the Internet or an intranet.
 Avoid lengthy domain names. Domain names can be up to 63 characters, including the periods. The
total length of an FQDN cannot exceed 255 characters. C ase-sensitive naming is not supported.
 Use standard DNS characters and Unicode characters:
 Windows 2000 supports the following standard DNS characters: A through Z, a through z, 0

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through 9, and the hyphen (-), as defined in RFC 1035.

 The DNS Service also supports the Unicode character set. The Unicode character set, which
includes additional characters not found in the American Standard C ode for Information
Exchange (ASC II) character set, is required for languages such as French, German, and

Use Unicode characters only if all servers running the DNS service in your environment support Unicode. For
more information on the Unicode character set, read RFC 2044 by searching for "RFC 2044" with your Web


A zone represents a discrete portion of the domain namespace. Zones provide a way to partition the domain
namespace into manageable sections.

Multiple zones in a domain namespace are used to distribute administrative tasks to different groups. For
example, Figure 9.11 depicts the microsoft.com domain namespace divided into two zones. The two zones
allow one administrator to manage the microsoft and sales domains and another administrator to manage the
development domain.

Figure 9.11 Domain namespace divided into zones

A zone must encompass a contiguous domain namespace. For example, as Figure 9.11 shows, you can create
a zone for sales.microsoft.com and the parent domain microsoft.com because these zones are contiguous.
However, you cannot create a zone that consists of only the sales.microsoft.com domain and the
development.microsoft.com domain because these two domains are not contiguous.

The name-to-IP-address mappings for a zone are stored in the zone database file. Each zone is anchored to a
specific domain, referred to as the zone's root domain. The zone database file does not necessarily contain
information for all subdomains of the zone's root domain, only those subdomains within the zone.

In Figure 9.11, the root domain for Zone1 is microsoft, and its zone file contains the name-to-IP-address
mappings for the microsoft and sales domains. The root domain for Zone2 is development, and its zone file
contains the name-to-IP-address mappings for the development domain only. The zone file for Zone1 does
not contain the name-to-IP address mappings for the development domain, although development is a
subdomain of the microsoft domain.

Name Servers

A DNS name server stores the zone database file. Name servers can store data for one zone or multiple
zones. A name server is said to have authority for the domain namespace that the zone encompasses.

There must be at least one name server for a zone. However, a zone can have multiple name servers
associated with it. One of these servers contains the master zone database file, which is also referred to as
the primary zone database file, for that zone. C hanges to a zone, such as adding domains or hosts, are
performed on the server that contains the primary zone database file. Any other name servers associated
with the zone act as a backup to the name server containing the primary zone database file. These name
servers contain a secondary zone database file.

Multiple name servers provide several advantages:

 Performing zone transfers The additional name servers obtain a copy of the zone database file
from the name server that contains the primary database zone file. This is called a zone transfer.
These name servers periodically query the name server containing the primary zone database file for
updated zone data.

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 Providing redundancy If the name server containing the primary zone database file fails, the
additional name servers can provide service.
 Improv ing access speed for remote locations If a number of clients are in remote locations,
use additional name servers to reduce query traffic across slow WAN links.
 Reducing loads The additional name servers reduce the load on the name server containing the
primary zone database file. Windows 2000 also supports directory-integrated zone storage by using
the Active Directory database. Zones stored this way are located in the Active Directory tree under
the domain object container. Each directory-integrated zone is stored in a DNS zone container object
identified by the name you choose for the zone when you create it.

Overview of the Name Resolution Process

Name resolution is the process of resolving names to IP addresses. Name resolution is similar to looking up a
name in a telephone book, where the name is associated with a telephone number. For example, when you
connect to the Microsoft Web site, you use the name www.microsoft.com. DNS resolves www.microsoft.com
to its associated IP address. The mapping of names to IP addresses is stored in the DNS distributed database.

DNS name servers resolve forward and reverse lookup queries. A forward lookup query resolves a name to
an IP address. A reverse lookup query resolves an IP address to a name. A name server can resolve a query
only for a zone for which it has authority. If a name server cannot resolve the query, it passes the query to
other name servers that can resolve the query. The name server caches the query results to reduce the DNS
traffic on the network.

Forward Lookup Query

The DNS Service uses a client/server model for name resolution. To resolve a forward lookup query, a client
passes a query to a local name server. The local name server either resolves the query or queries another
name server for resolution.

Figure 9.12 illustrates the process of a client querying a name server for an IP address of
www.microsoft.com. The numbers in the figures are described in the steps that follow the diagram.

Figure 9.12 Resolving a forward lookup query

1. The client passes a forward lookup query for www.microsoft.com to its local name server.
2. The local name server checks its zone database file to determine whether it contains the name-to-IP
address-mapping for the client query. Because the local name server does not have authority for the
microsoft.com domain, it passes the query to one of the DNS root servers, requesting resolution of
the host name. The root name server sends back a referral to the com name servers.
3. The local name server sends a request to a com name server, which responds with a referral to the
Microsoft name servers.
4. The local name server sends a request to the Microsoft name server. The Microsoft name server
receives the request. Because the Microsoft name server has authority for that portion of the domain
namespace, it returns the IP address for www.microsoft.com to the local name server.
5. The local name server sends the IP address for www.microsoft.com to the client.
6. The name resolution is complete, and the client can now access www.microsoft.com by its IP

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Name Server Caching

When a name server is processing a query, it might be required to send out several queries to find the
answer. With each query, the name server discovers other name servers that have authority for a portion of
the domain namespace. The name server caches these query results to reduce network traffic.

When a name server receives a query result, the following actions take place:
1. The name server caches the query result for a specified amount of time, referred to as TTL. The zone
that provided the query results specifies the TTL. TTL is configured by using the DNS snap-in. The
default value is 60 minutes.
2. Once the name server caches the query result, TTL starts counting down from its original value.
3. When TTL expires, the name server deletes the query result from its cache.
C aching query results enable the name server to quickly resolve other queries to the same portion of the
domain namespace.

Use shorter TTL values to help ensure that data about the domain namespace is more current across the
network. Although shorter TTL values increase the load on name servers and longer TTL values decrease the
time required to resolve information, the client will not receive the updated information until the TTL expires
and a new query to that portion of the domain namespace is resolved.

Reverse Lookup Query

A reverse lookup query maps an IP address to a name. Troubleshooting tools, such as the nslookup
command-line utility, use reverse lookup queries to report back host names. Additionally, certain applications
implement security based on the ability to connect to names, not IP addresses.

Because the DNS distributed database is indexed by name and not by IP address, a reverse lookup query
would require an exhaustive search of every domain name. To solve this problem, a special second-level
domain called in-addr.arpa was created.

The in-addr.arpa domain follows the same hierarchical naming scheme as the rest of the domain namespace;
however, it is based on IP addresses, not domain names, using the following guidelines:

 Subdomains are named after the numbers in the dotted-decimal representation of IP addresses.
 The order of the IP address octets is reversed.
 C ompanies administer subdomains of the in-addr.arpa domain based on their assigned IP addresses
and subnet mask.
For example, a company that has an assigned IP address range of to with a
subnet mask of has authority over the 16.254.169.in-addr.arpa domain.

Installing the DNS Service

To implement DNS, you must configure the server and then install the DNS service. The DNS server must be
configured with a static IP address. In addition, you should configure the TC P/IP properties so that the DNS
settings point back to the server. You can install the DNS service anytime after or during the installation of
Windows 2000 Server.

The DNS installation process does the following:

 Installs the DNS snap-in, and adds a shortcut to Administrative Tools on the Start menu. The DNS
snap-in is used to manage local and remote DNS name servers.
 Adds the following key for the DNS Service to the registry:
HKEY_LOC AL_MAC HINE\System\C urrentC ontrolSet\Services\DNS
 C reates the %systemroot%\System32\DNS folder, which contains the DNS database files.
Generally, you will not need to edit the DNS database files. However, you might use them to troubleshoot
DNS. The DNS service provides a set of sample files, which are added to the
%systemroot%\System32\DNS\Samples folder after you have installed the DNS service.

The %systemroot%\System32\DNS\Samples folder includes the BOOT file. The BOOT file is not defined in an
RFC and is not needed for RFC compliance. However, the BOOT file is a part of the Berkeley Internet Name
Daemon (BIND)-specific implementation of DNS. If you are migrating from a BIND DNS server, copying the
BOOT file allows easy migration of your existing configuration.

Configuring the DNS Service

Once the DNS service is installed, you are ready to configure and manage the service.

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The DNS Snap-In

You can use the DNS snap-in, shown in Figure 9.13, for all configuration and management tasks of the DNS
server. The DNS snap-in allows you to configure forward lookup zones and reverse lookup zones, add
resource records to the zone database file, and configure the DNS service for Dynamic DNS (DDNS), which
enables automatic updates to your zone files by other servers or services.

Figure 9.13 The DNS snap-in

You can access the DNS snap-in as a stand-alone MMC console or through the C omputer Management
snap-in, under Services And Applications. The DNS snap-in can be installed by running Adminpak.msi or by
installing the DNS service. Before the DNS service is installed, the DNS snap-in is used to manage remote
servers running the DNS service.

Creating Forward Lookup Zones

A forward lookup zone enables forward lookup queries. On name servers, you must configure at least one
forward lookup zone for the DNS Service to work.

To create a new forward lookup zone, select the Forward Lookup Zone folder and then select New Zone from
the Action menu. The New Zone wizard guides you through the process of creating a new forward lookup
zone. The wizard presents the following configuration options: Zone Type, Zone Name, and Zone File.

Zone Type

There are three types of zones that you can configure:

 Activ e Directory-integrated An Active Directory-integrated zone is the master copy of a new

zone. The zone uses Active Directory services to store and replicate zone files. This option provides
secure updates and integrated storage. Standard zone transfers do not occur with Active
Directory-integrated zones. Instead, the zone database file is replicated when Active Directory store
replication occurs.
 Standard primary A standard primary zone is the master copy of a new zone and is stored in a
standard text file. You administer and maintain a primary zone on the computer at which you create
the zone. This option facilitates the exchange of DNS data with other DNS servers that use text-based
storage methods.
 Standard secondary A standard secondary zone is a replica of an existing zone. Secondary zones
are read-only and are stored in standard text files. A primary zone must be configured in order to
create a secondary zone. When creating a secondary zone, you must specify the DNS server, called
the master server, which transfers zone information to the name server containing the standard
secondary zone. You create a secondary zone to provide redundancy and to reduce the load on the
name server containing the primary zone database file.
Zone Name

Typically, a zone is named after the highest domain in the hierarchy that the zone encompasses—that is, the
root domain for the zone. For example, for a zone that encompasses both microsoft.com and
sales.microsoft.com, the zone name would be microsoft.com.

Zone File

The zone file refers to the database file name, which defaults to the zone name with a .dns extension. For
example, if your zone name is microsoft.com, the default zone database file name is microsoft.com.dns.

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When migrating a zone from another server, you can import the existing zone file. You must place the
existing file in the %systemroot%\System32\DNS folder on the target computer before creating the new
zone. There are two zone transfer methods for zone transfer: full-zone transfer (AXFR) and incremental-zone
transfer (IXFR). AXFR is the standard way of transferring zone information, and it is essentially a zone file
copy. Windows 2000 supports AXFR, but it also supports IXFR, which uses less bandwidth since only zone
changes are replicated.

Creating Reverse Lookup Zones

A reverse lookup zone enables reverse lookup queries. Reverse lookup zones are not required. However, a
reverse lookup zone is required to run troubleshooting tools, such as nslookup, and to record a name instead
of an IP address in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) log files.

To create a new reverse lookup zone, select the Reverse Lookup Zones folder and then select New Zone. The
New Zone wizard guides you through the process of creating a reverse lookup zone. The wizard presents the
following configuration options: Zone Type, Reverse Lookup Zone, and Zone File.

Zone Type

The zone types are the same as the zone type options available when creating a forward lookup zone: Active
Directory-integrated, standard primary, and standard secondary.

Reverse Lookup Zone

Enter your network ID or the name of the reverse lookup zone. If you use a zero in the network ID, it will
appear in the zone name. For example, network ID 169 would create zone 169.in-addr.arpa, and network ID
169.0 would create zone 0.169.in-addr.arpa.

Zone File

The network ID and subnet mask determine the default zone file name. DNS reverses the IP octets and adds
the in-addr.arpa suffix. For example, the reverse lookup zone for the 169.254 network becomes

When migrating a zone from another server, you can import the existing zone file. You must place the
existing file in the %systemroot%\System32\DNS directory on the target computer before creating the new

Adding Resource Records

Once you create your zones, you can use the DNS snap-in to add resource records. Resource records are
entries in the zone database file. Each resource record identifies a particular resource within the database. To
add a resource record, select the zone to which you want to add the record and then select Other New Record
from the Action menu. When the Resource Record Type dialog box appears, you can create records for any
of the record types listed in the Select A Resource Record Type list.

There are many types of resource records. When a zone is created, DNS automatically adds two resource
records: the Start of Authority (SOA) and the Name Server (NS) records. An SOA record identifies which
name server is the authoritative source of information for data within this domain. The first record in the zone
database file must be the SOA record. An NS record lists the name servers that are assigned to a particular
domain. Both of these record types can be configured in the Properties dialog box for the specific forward
lookup zone.

For a list of the other types of resource records, along with a description of each type, open the Resource
Record Type dialog box and view the record types listed in the Select A Resource Record Type list. When you
select a record type, a description for that record type appears at the bottom of the dialog box.

For more information on resource records, see RFC 1034, RFC 2052, and RFC 2065. Use your Web browser to
search for "RFC 1034," "RFC 2052," and "RFC 2065." For more information on how DNS works, read DNS and
BIND by Paul Albitz and C ricket Liu, published by O'Reilly and Associates, Inc. (1998)

Configuring Dynamic DNS

The DNS Service includes a dynamic update capability called Dynamic DNS (DDNS). With DNS, when there
are changes to the domain for which a name server has authority, you must manually update the zone
database file on the primary name server. With DDNS, name servers and clients within a network
automatically update the zone database files.

Dynamic Updates

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You can configure a list of authorized servers to initiate dynamic updates. This list can include secondary
name servers, domain controllers, and other servers that perform network registration for clients, such as
servers running the DHC P Service or WINS.

The update sequence consists of the following steps:

1. A client, using an SOA query, locates the primary DNS server and zone authoritative for the record to
be registered.
2. The client sends to the located DNS server an assertion or prerequisite-only update to verify an
existing registration. If the registration does not exist, the client sends the appropriate dynamic
update package to register the record.
3. If the update fails, the client attempts to register the record with the other primary DNS server if the
authoritative zone is multimaster. If all primary DNS servers fail to process the dynamic update, it is
repeated after 5 minutes, and if it fails again, after another 10 minutes. If registration still fails, the
described pattern of the registration attempts are repeated 50 minutes after the last retry.
Every computer running Windows 2000 attempts the registration of its A and PTR records. An A record, also
known as the host record, provides the name-to-address mapping, and the PTR record, also known as the
pointer record, provides the address-to-name mapping for the computer sending the registration. The service
that actually generates the DNS dynamic updates is the DHC P client. The DHC P client service runs on every
Windows 2000 computer, regardless of whether or not it is configured as a DHC P client.


DDNS interacts with the DHC P Service to maintain synchronized name-to-IP-address mappings for network
hosts. By default, the DHC P Service allows clients to add their own A (host) records to the zone, and the
DHC P Service adds the PTR (pointer) record to the zone. The DHC P Service cleans up both the A records and
PTR records in the zone when the lease expires.

To configure a zone for DDNS, use the DNS snap-in. Select the appropriate zone, and then select Properties
from the Action menu. On the General tab of the Properties dialog box, select Yes from the Allow Dynamic
Updates drop-down list.

To configure the server to send dynamic updates, use the DHC P snap-in to configure the DHC P server to
point to the appropriate DNS servers.


For more information on Dynamic DNS, read RFC 2136 and RFC 2137. Use your Web browser to search for
"RFC 2136" and "RFC 2137." You can also find information about DDNS on the Supplemental C ourse Materials
C D-ROM (\chapt09\articles\w2kDNS.doc) that accompanies this book.

Exercise 4: Configuring the DNS Service

In this exercise, you delete and re-create a forward lookup zone, create a reverse lookup zone, configure
Dynamic DNS, and test your DNS Server. You will use both Server01 and Server02 to complete this exercise.

In C hapter 6, "Exercise 1: Installing Active Directory Services," DNS was installed automatically because
Server01, as a stand-alone server, was not using a DNS for name resolution. Installing DNS is similar to
installing DHC P and WINS—DNS is a component of Networking Services. If you wish, navigate to the details
of Networking Services to verify that DNS is installed.
 Procedure 1: Confirming a forward lookup zone and creating a rev erse lookup zone
In this procedure, you delete the Active Directory-integrated forward lookup zone type created as a result of
the DNS installation. You then create standard primary forward and reverse lookup zones.
1. Log on to Server01 as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. C lick Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click DNS.
The DNS snap-in appears.
3. Maximize the DNS snap-in.
4. In the console tree, expand SERVER01 and then expand the Forward Lookup Zones folder.

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5. Select the microsoft.com container.

6. C lick the Action menu, and then click Delete.
7. A message appears asking whether you are sure you want to delete. click ok.
A DNS warning message appears.
8. Read the DNS warning message, and then click Yes.
9. C lick the Action menu, and then click New Zone.
The New Zone wizard appears.
10. C lick Next.

The Zone Type screen appears.

11. Ensure that the Standard Primary radio button is selected, and then click next.

The Zone Name screen appears.

12. Type microsoft.com, and then click Next.
13. The Zone File screen appears.
14. Ensure that the C reate A New File With This File Name radio button is selected and that the name of
the file to be created is microsoft.com.dns.
15. C lick Next.

The C ompleting The New Zone Wizard screen appears.

16. Review the information on this screen, and then click Finish.

The DNS snap-in appears.

17. C lick microsoft.com in the console tree.

Notice that Start of Authority (SOA), Name Server (NS), and the Host (A) records are generated.

Server01 is now able to resolve host names to IP addresses using the Standard Primary lookup zone
18. In the console tree, click the Reverse Lookup Zones container.
19. C lick the Action menu, and then click New Zone.

The New Zone wizard appears.

20. C lick Next.

The Zone Type screen appears.

21. Ensure that the Standard Primary radio button is selected, and then click next.

The Reverse Lookup Zone screen appears.

22. Ensure that The Network ID radio button is selected and type 192.168.1 in the Network ID box.

The Reverse Lookup Zone Name text box at the bottom of the screen now contains
23. C lick Next.

The Zone File screen appears.

24. Ensure that the C reate A New File With This File Name radio button is selected and that the name of
the file to be created is 1.168.192.in-addr.arpa.dns.
25. C lick Next.

The C ompleting The New Zone Wizard screen appears.

26. Review the information on the screen, and then click Finish.

The DNS Service on Server01 is now capable of providing host names when given a host address in
its subnet.

After creating a DNS, DNS configuration information is commonly added to the DHC P Service. You completed
this procedure in the DHC P exercise earlier in this chapter.
 Procedure 2: Configuring dynamic DNS service
In this procedure, you configure the DNS Service to allow dynamic updates. C omplete this procedure using
the DNS snap-in on Server01.
1. In the console tree, select the microsoft.com container. This folder is located under the Forward
Lookup Zones folder.
2. C lick the Action menu, and then click Properties.
The microsoft.com Properties dialog box appears.
3. In the Allow Dynamic Updates drop-down list box, select Yes, and then click OK.

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This part of the procedure configured Dynamic DNS for the forward lookup zone.
4. In the console tree, select the 192.168.1.x Subnet container.
5. C lick the Action menu, and then click Properties.
The 192.168.1.x Subnet Properties dialog box appears.
6. In the Allow Dynamic Updates drop-down list box, select Yes, and then click OK.
This part of the procedure configured Dynamic DNS for the reverse lookup zone.
7. Minimize the DNS snap-in.
 Procedure 3: Testing and further configuring DNS
In this procedure, you confirm that the DNS Service is working properly and you further configure the DNS
using the DNS snap-in.
1. On Server01, restore the minimized DNS snap-in.
2. In the console tree, click SERVER01.
3. C lick the Action menu, and then click Properties.
The SERVER01 Properties dialog box appears.
4. C lick the Monitoring tab.
5. Under Select A Test Type, select the A Simple Query Against This DNS Server, and the A Recursive
Query To Other DNS Servers check boxes.
6. C lick Test Now.
In the Test Results box, you will see PASS in both columns. If you are on a stand-alone server, you
will see FAIL in the Recursive Query column.
7. C lick OK.
The DNS snap-in appears.
8. In the console tree, click Reverse Lookup Zones.
9. C lick 192.168.1.x Subnet.
Notice that this reverse lookup zone contains two records, the SOA and the NS records, as shown in
the details pane.
10. In the console tree, click 192.168.1.x Subnet.
11. C lick the Action menu, and then click New Pointer.

The New Resource Record dialog box appears.

12. In the Host IP Number box, type 201 in the highlighted fourth octet.
13. In the Host Name text box, type serv er01.microsoft.com. (Make sure to include the period after
the word com.)
14. C lick OK.

A Pointer record appears in the details pane.

15. C lose the DNS snap-in.
16. Open a command prompt on Server01 or Server02.
17. At the command prompt, type nslookup and then press Enter.

From Server01, the default server is listed as localhost and the address is listed as

From Server02, the default server is listed as server01.microsoft.com and the address is listed as

Both listings are pointing to server01.microsoft.com. The listing appearing at the command prompt on
Server01 is the server's loop-back address.
18. Type ls microsoft.com.

Notice that the NS and A records are displayed as a result of this DNS query.
19. Type exit , and then press Enter.

C lose the command prompt.

Configuring a DNS Client

Once you install and configure the DNS service on computers running Windows 2000 Server, you can
configure your Windows 2000 DNS clients. You must ensure that TC P/IP is installed on the client before you
can configure the client to use the DNS Service. Once TC P/IP is installed on the client, open the Internet
Protocol (TC P/IP) Properties dialog box (Figure 9.4). From there, you can configure automatic DNS address
acquisition (provided by a DHC P server) or specify the IP addresses of a preferred and alternate DNS. You
can configure more advanced settings for DNS by first clicking the Advanced button. From the Advanced
TC P/IP Settings dialog box (Figure 9.14), click the DNS tab to configure DNS settings. You will need to supply

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the IP address or addresses of the DNS servers. These should be listed in order of use. You can also specify
DNS settings that assist in resolving host names not specified by their FQDN, and you can configure DDNS
registration settings from this dialog box.

Figure 9.14 The Advanced TCP/IP Settings dialog box showing two DNS addresses in order of use, name
resolution properties, and automatic registration settings

Troubleshooting the DNS Service

You can troubleshoot name servers by using the monitoring and logging options in the DNS snap-in or by
using the nslookup command-line utility.

Monitoring the DNS Server

The DNS snap-in allows you to monitor the DNS Service. Select the name server, and then select Properties
from the Action menu. In the Properties dialog box, select the Monitoring tab. You can test the name server
by performing two types of queries:

 Simple query Select this type of query to perform a simple query test of the DNS server. This is a
local test that uses the DNS client on this computer to query the name server.
 Recursiv e query Select this type of query to perform a more complex, recursive query test of the
name server. This query tests the name server by forwarding a recursive query to another name

Setting Logging Options

The DNS snap-in allows you to set additional logging options for debugging purposes. Open the Properties
dialog box for the name server, and select the Logging tab. You can select from 11 options: Query, Notify,
Update, Questions, Answers, Send, Receive, UDP, TC P, Full Packets, and Write Through. Information from
any of the selected options is saved to the log file.

Using Nslookup

The nslookup command-line utility is the primary diagnostic tool for the DNS service, and it is installed when

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the TC P/IP protocol is installed. Use nslookup to view any resource record and to direct queries to any name
server, including UNIX DNS implementations.

Nslookup has two modes: interactive and noninteractive.

 When you require more than one piece of data, use interactive mode. To run interactive mode, type
nslookup at the command prompt. To exit interactive mode, type exit.
 When you require a single piece of data, use noninteractive mode. Type the nslookup syntax at the
command line, and the data is returned. The syntax for nslookup is as follows:

nslookup [-option ...] [computer-to-find | - [server]]

The following table describes the optional parameters for nslookup.

Syntax Description

-option… Specifies one or more nslookup commands. For a

list of commands, type a question mark (?) in
interactive mode to open Help.

computer-to-find If the computer to find is an IP address, nslookup

returns the host name. If the computer to find is
a name, nslookup returns an IP address. If the
computer to find is a name and does not have a
trailing period, the default DNS domain name is
appended to the name. To look up a computer
outside the current DNS domain, append a period
to the name.

server Use this server as the DNS name server. If the

server is omitted, the currently configured default
name server is used.

Lesson Summary

DNS is a distributed database used in TC P/IP networks to translate computer names to IP addresses. The
domain namespace is the naming scheme that provides the hierarchical structure for the DNS database. The
hierarchical structure of the domain namespace consists of a root domain, top-level domains, second-level
domains, and host names. Zones provide a way to partition the domain namespace into manageable sections.
A zone must encompass a contiguous domain namespace. A DNS name server stores the zone database file
and can be authoritative for more than one zone. Name resolution is the process of resolving names to IP
addresses. DNS name servers resolve forward and reverse lookup queries. A forward lookup query resolves
a name to an IP address. A reverse lookup query resolves an IP address to a name. To implement DNS, you
must install the DNS Service and then configure the server by using the DNS snap-in. You can use the DNS
snap-in to configure forward lookup zones and reverse lookup zones, add resource records to the zone
database file, and configure the DNS Service for DDNS, which enables automatic updates to your zone files
by other servers or services. Along with setting up DNS on a Windows 2000 Server computer, you must
configure the Windows 2000 client. To configure a DNS client, TC P/IP must be installed and the appropriate
DNS settings must be selected in the Internet Protocol (TC P/IP) Properties dialog box. Once DNS is set up in
your network, you can troubleshoot the DNS service by using the monitoring and logging options in the DNS
snap-in and by using the nslookup command-line utility.

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The following questions are intended to reinforce key information presented in this chapter. If you are unable
to answer a question, review the appropriate lesson and then try the question again. Answers to the questions
can be found in Appendix A, "Questions and Answers."
1. Your computer receives its TC P/IP configuration information from a DHC P server in the network.
After DHC P information is received, you can connect to any host on your own subnet, but you cannot
connect to or successfully ping any host on a remote subnet. You checked the DHC P Service to
ensure that the router information specified for your address scope is correct. What is the likely
cause of the problem and how would you fix it?
2. You installed NWLink IPX/SPX and GSNW. After installing these components, you cannot
communicate with one of the NetWare servers on your network. You have no trouble accessing this
NetWare server from your client computer running Windows 2000 Professional, NWLink IPX/SPX, and
C SNW. You must communicate with this NetWare server from your Windows 2000 Server because
the NetWare server contains resources you must make available to users running the Microsoft
Network C lient. What is the likely cause of the problem?
3. You notice that access to network resources seems slower on your computer running Windows 2000
Server than from another identical computer running Windows 2000 Server on the same network.
The only difference you can determine is that the slower Windows 2000 Server computer is running
multiple protocols. How could network protocol binding order potentially resolve this problem?
4. When do DHC P clients attempt to renew their leases?
5. Why might you create multiple scopes on a DHC P server?
6. How can you manually restore the DHC P database?
7. What are the configuration requirements for a WINS server?
8. Why would you want to have multiple name servers?
9. Why do you create forward and reverse lookup zones?
10. What is the difference between Dynamic DNS and DNS?


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Chapter 10
Routing and Remote Access Service
About This Chapter

The Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) provides integrated multiprotocol routing and virtual private
network (VPN) server services for Microsoft Windows 2000 Server computers. The service was first
introduced in Windows NT Server 4.0 to provide services and components that turned the computer into a
mid-range dynamic software router. This chapter introduces you to how RRAS is implemented in Windows
2000. The chapter also covers features of the service, how remote access and virtual private networks are
implemented, and tools available in Windows 2000 to administer RRAS.

Before You Begin

To complete the lessons in this chapter, you must have

 Server01 and Server02 running Windows 2000 Server.

 An installed and configured modem in Server01. The installation of Windows 2000 Server may have
automatically detected your modem. If not, use the Add/Remote Hardware application in C ontrol
Panel to install the software to support your modem.
 C ompleted the exercises in the previous chapters.

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Lesson 1: Introduction to the Routing and Remote Access Service

Multiprotocol routing support for the Windows NT family of operating systems began with Windows NT 3.51
Service Pack 2, which included components for the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) for IP, RIP for IPX, and
the Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) for IPX. Windows NT 4.0 also includes these components. In June
1996, Microsoft released RRAS for Windows NT 4.0, a component that replaced the Windows NT 4.0 remote
access service, RIP for IP, RIP for IPX, and SAP for IPX services with a single integrated service providing
both remote access and multiprotocol routing. This lesson focuses on how RRAS is implemented in Windows
2000. It discusses installation and configuration, as well authentication and authorization.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Describe RRAS in Windows 2000
 Use the Routing And Remote Access snap-in to configure and enable
Estimated lesson time: 30 minutes

Windows 2000 Routing and Remote Access Service

RRAS for Windows 2000 Server continues the evolution of multiprotocol routing and remote access services
for the Microsoft Windows platform. When RRAS was implemented in Windows NT 4.0, it added support for the
following features:

 RIP version 2 for IP (RIP for IP version 1 is still supported).

 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing protocol for IP
 Demand-dial routing (routing over persistent or on-demand WAN links such as analog phone lines)
 Internet C ontrol Message Protocol (IC MP) router discovery
 Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) client to benefit from the services provided by
a RADIUS server
 RADIUS server for providing centralized authentication, authorization, accounting, and remote access
policy to dial-up and VPN remote access clients (included with the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack)
 IP and IPX packet filtering for protocol-level security
 A graphical user interface (GUI) administrative program called Routing and RAS Admin and a
command-line utility called Routemon
Windows 2000 builds on RRAS in Windows NT 4.0 and adds the following features:

 Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) and support for multicast boundaries
 Network address translation with addressing and name resolution components that simplify the
connection of a small office/home office (SOHO) network to the Internet
 Integrated AppleTalk routing
 Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) over IP Security (IPSec) support for VPN connections
 Improved administration and management tools. (The graphical user interface program is the
Routing And Remote Access snap-in. The command-line utility is netsh (Net Shell).)
 Improved IAS
RRAS is fully integrated with the Windows 2000 Server operating system. RRAS works with a wide variety of
hardware platforms and hundreds of network adapters; the result is a lower cost solution than many
midrange dedicated router or remote access server products.

RRAS is extensible with application programming interfaces (APIs) that third-party developers can use to
create custom networking solutions and that vendors can use to participate in the growing business of open

The combined features of Windows 2000 RRAS allow a Windows 2000 Server computer to function as a
multiprotocol router, a demand-dial router, and a remote access server.

Multiprotocol Router

The computer running RRAS can route IP, IPX, and AppleTalk simultaneously. All routable protocols and
routing protocols are configured from the same administrative utility.

Demand-Dial Router

A computer running RRAS can route IP and IPX over on-demand or persistent WAN links, such as analog
telephone lines or Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), or over VPN connections by using either PPTP
or L2TP over IPSec.

Remote Access Server

A computer running RRAS can act as a remote access server providing remote access connectivity to dial-up
or VPN remote access clients that use IP, IPX, AppleTalk, or NetBEUI. The combination of routing and remote
access services on the same computer creates a Windows 2000 remote access router.

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Combining Routing and Remote Access

Before RRAS was implemented in Windows NT, the routing services and remote access services worked
separately. However, the two services have been combined because of the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP),
which is the protocol suite that is commonly used to negotiate point-to-point connections for remote access
clients. PPP provides link parameter negotiation, the exchange of authentication credentials, and network
layer protocol negotiation. For example, when you dial an Internet service provider (ISP) via PPP, you agree
to the size of the packets you are sending and how they are framed (link negotiation), you log on by using a
user name and password (authentication), and you obtain an IP address (network layer negotiation).

Demand-dial routing connections also use PPP to provide the same kinds of services as remote access
connections (link negotiation, authentication, and network layer negotiation). Therefore, the integration of
routing (which includes demand-dial routing) and remote access is done to leverage the PPP client/server
infrastructure available for the remote access components.

The PPP infrastructure of Windows 2000 Server includes support for the following types of access:

 Dial-up remote access (over dial-up equipment such as analog telephone lines, and ISDN) as either
the client or server
 VPN remote access as either the client or server
 On-demand or persistent dial-up demand-dial routing (over dial-up equipment such as analog
telephone lines, and ISDN) as either the calling router or the answering router
 On-demand or persistent VPN demand-dial routing as either the calling router or the answering router

LAN and WAN Support

RRAS can run over any of the LAN and WAN network adapters supported by Windows 2000 Server, including
cards from Eicon, C isco, SysKonnect, Allied, and US Robotics. For more information about supported network
adapter cards, see the Windows 2000 Hardware C ompatibility List at http://www.microsoft.com.

Installation and Configuration

Unlike RRAS for Windows NT 4.0 and most network services of Windows 2000, you do not elect to install or
uninstall RRAS through Add/Remove Programs in C ontrol Panel. Windows 2000 RRAS is automatically
installed in a disabled state.

You can use the Routing And Remote Access snap-in to enable and configure RRAS. By default, a local
Windows 2000 Server is listed as a RRAS server as shown in Figure 10.1.

Figure 10.1 Routing And Remote Access snap-in showing the local server, SERVER01, as a RRAS server in a
disabled state

You can add additional computers by selecting either the root of the console tree or the Server Status node
(Figure 10.1) and then selecting Add Server from the Action menu. Once the server is added in the console
tree, select the server that you want to enable and then select C onfigure And Enable Routing And Remote
Access from the Action menu. Follow the instructions in the Routing And Remote Access Server Setup wizard.

Once the wizard has finished, the remote access router is enabled and configured based on your selections in
the wizard. To do further configuration, use the Routing And Remote Access snap-in or the netsh

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command-line utility.

If you type ? after entering the netsh command mode, the help information may scroll beyond the window
size. If it does, you can scroll the command-prompt window, maximize the window, or run in full-screen
Note that each computer on the intranet served by the RRAS server should use a private IP address in one of
the following blocks of addresses:

Network address blocks Address class - A - B - C

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has specifically reserved these addresses for private
network use. See RFC 1918 for more information.

Exercise 1: Enabling RRAS and Examining a Basic Configuration

RRAS is in a disabled state on Server01. In this exercise you will enable RRAS and then examine the default
configuration of RRAS. In later exercises, you will reconfigure RRAS to meet a more complex set of routing
and remote access requirements. C omplete this exercise on Server01.
 Procedure 1: Enabling RRAS
C ompleting this procedure enables RRAS on Server01. Before starting this procedure, verify that a modem is
installed in Server01 and that it is recognized by the operating system. You can verify this by using the
Add/Remove Hardware application in C ontrol Panel.
1. Log on to Server01 as administrator with a password of "password."
2. C lick Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools and then click Routing And Remote
The Routing And Remote Access snap-in appears and Server01(local) is highlighted.
3. Maximize the Routing And Remote Access snap-in and read the message appearing in the details
4. C lick the Action menu and then click C onfigure And Enable Routing And Remote Access.
The Routing And Remote Access Server Setup wizard appears.
5. C lick Next.
The C ommon C onfigurations screen appears. Notice that there are five paths that you can follow in
configuring an RRAS server. In the next step, you will examine these various options before
configuring the RRAS server to act as a RAS server.
6. Verify that the Internet C onnection Server radio button is selected and click Next.
The Internet C onnection Server Setup screen appears. Notice that the RRAS server is configured in
one of two ways in order to provide all computers on the network with access to the Internet. The
first method, Internet C onnection Sharing (IC S), instructs you to use the Network and Dial-Up
C onnections folder in order to configure this option. The properties of each dial-up connection contain
a Sharing tab where this feature is configured. The second method, Network Address Translation
(NAT), is configured from this wizard. NAT allows you to configure the server to send and receive
packets from the Internet on behalf of other client computers on the intranet. Only the hardware on
the RRAS server that connects to the Internet requires an IP address that is valid and legal on the
7. C lick Back.
The C ommon C onfigurations screen appears. Read but do not complete the navigation procedures in
this paragraph. Select the Remote Access Server radio button to configure the RRAS server for RAS
dial-in access. Select the Virtual Private Network (VPN) server radio button to configure the server
for VPN (PPTP and L2TP) access. VPN allows remote access clients to connect to a public network like
the Internet, and then establishes a secure remote access connection to the RRAS server. Select the
Network Router radio button to configure the RRAS server so that packets can be transmitted

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between networks. Select the Manually C onfigured Server radio button to use the Routing And
Remote Access snap-in to configure the RRAS server.

An RRAS server can be configured for a combination of options appearing on the C ommon C onfigurations
screen. The purpose of this screen is to help you get started with RRAS. Further configuration is completed
using the Routing And Remote Access snap-in or the Net Shell utility.
8. Select the Manually C onfigured Server radio button and then click Next.

The C ompleting The Routing And Remote Access Server Setup Wizard screen appears.
8. C lick Finish.
A Routing And Remote Access message box appears stating that the Routing and Remote Access
Service has been installed. You are asked whether the service should be started.
8. C lick Yes.
The starting routing and remote access and completing initialization message boxes appear.
 Procedure 2: Examining a default RRAS configuration
In this procedure, you examine default remote access and router settings. This procedure is completed in the
Routing And Remote Access snap-in. The purpose of this procedure is to introduce you to the features
appearing in the Routing And Remote Access snap-in before you learn more about these features by studying
the remaining lessons in this chapter.

Do not change any settings while examining the default configuration.

1. In the console tree, expand Server01 (local).

Notice that a green up arrow appears to the left Server01 (local). This means that RRAS is configured
and enabled on the computer.
2. C lick the Action menu.
Notice that Disable Routing And Remote Access is now available because the RRAS server is enabled
and configured.
3. C lick Properties.
The Server01 (Local) Properties dialog box appears.

Notice that the default settings appearing on the General tab show that the server has been
configured as both a LAN and demand-dial routing router and as a remote access server.
4. C lick the Security tab.
Notice that the Authentication Provider and the Accounting Provider uses Windows 2000 for both
5. C lick the Authentication Methods button.
Notice that MS-C HAP and MS-C HAP version 2 are selected. For troubleshooting authentication
problems, you can check the Allow Remote Systems To C onnect Without Authentication check box.
Other authentication methods are selected based on the needs of the dial-up client and your security
6. C lick C ancel and then click the IP tab.
Notice that the Enable IP Routing check box and the Allow IP-Based Remote Access And Demand-Dial
C onnections check box are selected. IP routing allows dial-up clients to access the entire network. If
you want dial-up clients to access resources on the RRAS server only, clear this check box. The Allow
IP-Based Remote Access And Demand-Dial C onnections option allows RRAS to send IPC P to
negotiate the use of IP over the remote access or demand-dial interface. Notice also that the IP tab is
used to configure either IP address allocation via DHC P or a static pool configured on the RRAS
7. C lick the PPP tab.
From this tab you configure global PPP support settings for remote access clients. These options will
be discussed in Lesson 3, "Remote Access."
8. C lick the Event Logging tab.
From here, you configure the amount of information you want to collect about RRAS events occurring
on the server. For troubleshooting, click the Log The Maximum Amount Of Information radio button
and select the Enable Point-To-Point Protocol (PPP) Logging check box. To optimize the server's
performance, click the Disable Event Logging radio button.
9. C lick C ancel.
10. In the console tree, click Routing Interfaces.

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The list of router interfaces appears in the details pane. The Loopback interface is the local protocol
stack on the RRAS server. Local Area C onnection is the network interface card in the RRAS server
connected to your network. Internal is the routing function in RRAS. If routing is disabled, then
Internal has an Operational Status of Non-operational.
11. In the console tree, click Ports.

Notice that your modem or WAN device is listed in the details pane. Also notice that the default
settings for VPN is 5 PPTP miniports and 5 L2TP miniports. The Parallel Device(s) appearing in the
details pane is available to support direct cable connections between two computers. If you have a
single lpt port designated as LPT1, then the name of this connection is Direct Parallel (LPT1). If a
remote client has connected to a port but performance is poor or you are troubleshooting the
connection, select the port in which the client is connected, and from the Action menu, click Status.
This shows you network registration, statistics, and error information about the connection.
12. Verify that Ports is selected in the console tree, click the Action menu, and then click Properties.

The Ports Properties dialog box appears. From this dialog box, you configure the number of ports
allowed for each port type (only applicable to VPN connections), and decide if connections on this port
type are inbound only or inbound and outbound. You also configure the telephone number for the
device. This feature is used if the C alled-Station-ID is configured for remote access policy, the
dial-up hardware and driver software do not support caller ID, or if you use multi-link with the
bandwidth allocation protocol (BAP) enabled. If you are configuring a VPN port, enter the IP address
of the port rather than a telephone number.
13. C lick C ancel.
14. In the console tree, click Remote Access C lients.

If a remote client is connected to the RRAS server, the details pane shows the connected user, call
duration, and number of ports allocated to the call (multilink).
15. In the console tree, expand IP Routing and then click General.

Notice that the information appearing in the details pane looks similar to the information appearing in
the details pane of Routing Interfaces.
16. C lick the Action menu and then click New Routing Protocol.

The New Routing Protocol dialog box appears.

Notice that there are three protocols appearing by default: NAT, OSPF, and RIP version 2. These
protocols will be discussed in Lesson 2, "Features of the Routing and Remote Access Service."
17. C lick C ancel.
18. C lick Internal in the details pane and then click the Action menu.

Notice that many options for monitoring the interface are available under the Action menu. The
Properties option is used to configure general router settings in the RRAS server.

Examine the properties of the Internal interface and the Local Area C onnection interface and then
return to the Routing And Remote Access snap-in console.

The Static Routes node in the console tree is used to view and configure additional routes to other
networks. This tool is the graphical equivalent of the Route command-line utility.

The DHC P Relay Agent node allows DHC P request and response messages to be sent from one
network to another. This feature allows a single server running the DHC P service to provide IP
address configuration information to DHC P (modified BOOTP) and BOOTP-enabled clients on other
networks accessible by the router.

The IGMP node allows you to configure Internet Group Messaging Protocol settings.
19. In the console tree, click Remote Access Logging.

If you are using a RADIUS server for authentication and logging, the Remote Access Logging folder does not
appear in RRAS.
Local File appears in the details pane and the description column shows the path to the LogFiles
20. Double-click Local File in the details pane.

The Local File Properties dialog box appears.

The Settings tab and the Local File tab are used to configure logging. Use the information under the
Settings tab to configure the amount of information you want to log about remote access
authentication, administration, and status.
20. C lick the Local File tab.

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Use the information under the Local File tab to configure the log file format, when new logs are
generated, and where the logs are stored. Moving the log file directory (folder) to another partition
other than the boot partition is advised.
20. C lick C ancel.
20. In the console tree, click Remote Access Policies.

The default remote access policy, Allow Access If Dial-In Permission Is Enabled, appears in the
details pane.
20. Double-click Allow Access If Dial-In Permission Is Enabled.

The Allow Access If Dial-In Permission Is Enabled Properties dialog box appears.
20. C lick the Edit button.

The Time Of Day C onstraints dialog box appears.

Notice that Dial-In permission is allowed around the clock.

20. C lick C ancel.

Notice that the Deny Remote Access Permission radio button is selected. This means that unless this
profile is overridden on a per-user basis, users depending on access based on a profile will always be
denied access.
20. C lick the Add button.

The Select Attribute dialog box appears.

This dialog box lists the various connection attributes that can be associated with this profile. Users
who meet the conditions specified in the profile are either allowed or denied access.
20. C lick C ancel.
20. C lick Edit Profile and explore the various tabs and settings available for editing the profile. Notice that
many of the settings configured for the profile can also be set separately from the profile in the
Routing And Remote Access snap-in.
20. C lick C ancel.
20. C lick C ancel again to close the Allow Access If Dial-In Permission Is Enabled Properties box.
20. Minimize the Routing And Remote Access snap-in; you will be using it in the next exercise.

This procedure provided an exploration of the Routing And Remote Access snap-in. The rest of the
chapter explores RRAS features.

RRAS can also be configured from the command prompt by using the netsh utility (Net Shell) rather than
using the Routing And Remote Access snap-in.

Disabling RRAS

Although the Windows 2000 interface is not designed to allow you to easily remove RRAS, you can disable it
by using the Routing And Remote Access snap-in. In the console tree, select the computer that you want to
disable and then select Disable Routing And Remote Access from the Action menu. Disabling the service
removes all Routing and Remote Access registry settings.

You can also refresh the configuration of RRAS by first disabling the server and then enabling it.

If you disable RRAS, all current configurations for the service, including routing protocol configuration and
demand-dial interfaces, are removed and all currently connected clients are disconnected.

Authentication and Authorization

The distinction between authentication and authorization is important for understanding how connection
attempts are either accepted or denied:

 Authentication Authentication is the verification of the credentials of the connection attempt. This
process consists of sending the credentials from the remote access client to the remote access server
in either a clear text or encrypted form that uses an authentication protocol.
 Authorization Authorization is the verification that the connection attempt is allowed. Authorization
occurs after successful authentication.
For a connection attempt to be accepted, the connection must be both authenticated and authorized. It is
possible for the connection attempt to be authenticated through the use of valid credentials, but not
authorized. In this case, the connection attempt is denied.

If the remote access server is configured for Windows authentication, Windows 2000 security verifies the
credentials for authentication and the dial-up properties of the user account, and locally stored remote access

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policies authorize the connection. If the connection attempt is both authenticated and authorized, the
connection attempt is accepted.

If the remote access server is configured for Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS)
authentication, the credentials of the connection attempt are passed to the RADIUS server for authentication
and authorization. If the connection attempt is both authenticated and authorized, the RADIUS server sends
an accept message back to the remote access server and the connection attempt is accepted. If the
connection attempt is either not authenticated or not authorized, the RADIUS server sends a reject message
back to the RAS server and the connection process is denied.

If the RADIUS server is a Windows 2000-based computer running the Internet Authentication Service (IAS),
the IAS server performs authentication through Windows 2000 security and authorization through the dial-up
properties of the user account and the remote access policies stored on the IAS server.

The configuration of the RRAS authentication provider is done from the Security tab from the properties of a
remote access router in the Routing And Remote Access snap-in (Figure 10.2) or by using the netsh
command-line utility.

Figure 10.2 Properties of RRAS server Server02 with the RADIUS authentication provider selected

Lesson Summary

RRAS for Windows 2000 Server continues the evolution of multiprotocol routing and remote access services
for the Microsoft Windows platform. RRAS is integrated with the Windows 2000 Server operating system and
works with a wide variety of hardware platforms and hundreds of network adapters. The combined features
of Windows 2000 RRAS allows a Windows 2000 Server computer to function as a multiprotocol router, a
demand-dial router, and a remote access server. RRAS uses PPP to negotiate point-to-point connections for
remote access clients. PPP provides link parameter negotiation, the exchange of authentication credentials,
and network layer protocol negotiation. You can use the Routing And Remote Access snap-in to enable and
configure RRAS or to disable the service. For a connection attempt to be accepted, the connection must be

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both authenticated and authorized.

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Lesson 2: Features of the Routing and Remote Access Service

RRAS for Windows 2000 includes a wide variety of features that support unicast and multicast IP routing, IPX
routing, AppleTalk routing, remote access, and VPN support.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Describe the primary features of Windows 2000 RRAS
Estimated lesson time: 25 minutes

Unicast IP Support

Windows 2000 provides extensive support for unicast IP routing (routing to a unicast destination IP address)
by using the unicast IP routing protocols and features of the Windows 2000 Router. Unicasting is where two
computers establish a two-way, point-to-point connection in order to exchange data. Unicast IP routing is
where a router or routers forward packets between a two-way, point-to-point connection. Your
implementation of unicast routing can be simple or complex depending on the size of your IP internetwork,
the use of Dynamic Host C onfiguration Protocol (DHC P) to allocate IP address configuration, connectivity to
the Internet, the presence of non-Microsoft or legacy hosts on your internetwork, and other factors.

The following table describes the various components of Unicast IP routing.

Feature Description

Static IP routing With this inherent function of the TC P/IP protocol for Windows 2000, you can
manage static routes by using the Routing And Remote Access snap-in or netsh.
The routemon utility is not supported in Windows 2000.

RIP versions 1 A distance-vector routing protocol commonly used in small and medium IP
and 2 internetworks.

OSPF A link-state routing protocol commonly used in medium to large IP internetworks.

This protocol is significantly more efficient then RIP because more sophisticated
algorithms are used to find the best route between two points.

DHC P Relay An agent that relays DHC P messages between DHC P clients and DHC P servers
Agent on different network segments. This allows a DHC P server to service many
network scopes. See RFC 1542 for more information.

Network address A network address translator component that creates a translated connection
translation (NAT) between privately addressed networks and the Internet. This allows addressing
on an internal network that is not legal on the Internet but is still able to access
the Internet.

IP packet The ability to define what traffic is allowed into and out of each interface based on
filtering filters defined by the values of source and destination IP addresses, TC P and UDP
port numbers, IC MP types and codes, and IP protocol numbers. This is an
important security feature.

IC MP router The ability to periodically advertise and respond to host router solicitations to
discovery support IC MP router discovery by hosts on a network segment.

IP Multicast Support

Windows 2000 supports the sending, receiving, and forwarding of IP multicast traffic. Multicast traffic is sent
to a single host but is processed by multiple hosts who listen for this type of traffic destined for a single host.
This is commonly used for delivering real-time data to multiple users, such as when delivering a distributed
media presentation. The IP multicast components of RRAS allow you to send and receive IP multicast traffic
from remote access clients and multicast-enabled portions of the Internet or a private intranet.

The following table describes the various components of IP multicast routing.

Feature Description

Multicast With this inherent function of the TC P/IP protocol for Windows 2000, you can
forwarding view the multicast forwarding table by using the Routing And Remote Access
snap-in or you can use the netsh command-line utility.

IGMP versions 1 The TC P/IP protocol to track multicast group membership on attached network
and 2 segments.

Specific When you use the IGMP routing protocol and configure interfaces for IGMP
forwarding and Router mode and IGMP Proxy mode, the Windows 2000 router can support
routing multicast forwarding and routing for specific configurations.

Multicast Multicast boundaries (barriers to the forwarding of IP multicast traffic) can be

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boundaries based on the IP multicast group address, the Time-To-Live (TTL) in the IP
header, or on the maximum amount of multicast traffic in kilobytes per second.

IPX Support

The Windows 2000 Server Router is a fully functional IPX router supporting RIP for IPX, the primary routing
protocol used in IPX internetworks; Novell NetWare SAP for IPX, a protocol for the collection and distribution
of service names and addresses; and NetBIOS over IPX broadcast forwarding.

The following table describes the various components of IPX routing.

F eature Description

IPX packet filtering The ability to define what traffic is allowed into
and out of each interface based on filters defined
by the values of source and destination IPX
network, node, socket numbers, and packet

RIP for IPX A distance-vector-based routing protocol

commonly used on IPX internetworks. RRAS also
allows you to configure static IPX routes and RIP
route filters.

SAP for IPX SAP is a distance-vector-based advertising

protocol commonly used on IPX internetworks to
advertise services and their locations. RRAS also
provides the ability to configure static SAP
services and SAP service filters. SAP service
filters reduce unneeded SAP traffic from being
sent of RRAS connection.

NetBIOS over IPX NetBIOS over IPX is used by Microsoft

networking components to support file and printer
sharing components. RRAS can also forward
NetBIOS over IPX broadcasts and configure static
NetBIOS names.


Windows 2000 RRAS can operate as an AppleTalk router by forwarding AppleTalk packets and supporting the
use of the Routing Table Maintenance Protocol (RTMP). Windows 2000 supports an AppleTalk protocol stack
and AppleTalk routing software so that the Windows 2000-based server can connect to and provide routing
for AppleTalk-based Macintosh networks.

Most large AppleTalk networks, like any large network, are not single physical networks in which all
computers are attached to the same network cabling system. Instead, they are AppleTalk internets, which are
smaller, physical networks connected by routers.

A Windows 2000-based server can provide routing and seed routing support. RRAS does not limit the number
of network adapters on a computer that can support an AppleTalk network, which consists of multiple smaller
physical networks connected by routers.

Demand-Dial Routing

Windows 2000 provides support for demand-dial routing, the routing of packets over point-to-point links such
as analog telephone lines and ISDN. Demand-dial routing allows you to connect to the Internet, to connect
branch offices, or to implement router-to-router VPN connections.

IP and IPX traffic can be forwarded over demand-dial interfaces over persistent or on-demand WAN links. For
on-demand connections, RRAS automatically creates a PPP connection to the configured endpoint when traffic
matching a static route is received.

Remote Access

RRAS enables a computer to be a remote access server, accepting remote access connections (dial-in) from
remote access clients that use traditional dial-up technologies such as analog phone lines and ISDN. Remote
access is discussed in detail in Lesson 3, "Remote Access."

VPN Server

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RRAS enables a computer to be a VPN server, supporting both PPTP and L2TP over IPSec and accepting both
remote access and router-to-router (demand-dial) VPN connections from remote access clients and calling
routers. VPN is discussed in detail in Lesson 4, "Virtual Private Networks."

RADIUS Client-Server

The Internet Authentication Service (IAS) in Windows 2000 is the Microsoft implementation of a RADIUS
server. IAS performs centralized authentication, authorization, auditing, and accounting (AAAA) of
connections for dial-up and VPN remote access and demand-dial connections, and it can be used in
conjunction with Windows 2000 RRAS. IAS enables the use of a single or multiple vendor network of remote
access or VPN equipment.

Internet service providers (ISPs) and corporations maintaining remote access service for their employees are
faced with the increasing challenge of managing all remote access from a single point of administration—
regardless of the type of remote access equipment employed. The RADIUS standard supports this
functionality in a homogeneous or heterogeneous environment. RADIUS is a client-server protocol, which
enables remote access equipment acting as RADIUS clients to submit authentication and accounting requests
to a RADIUS server.

The RADIUS server has access to user account information and can check remote access authentication
credentials. If the user's credentials are authentic and the connection attempt is authorized, the RADIUS
server authorizes the user's access based on specified conditions and logs the remote access connections as
accounting events.

RADIUS supports remote access user authentication and authorization and allows accounting data to be
maintained in a central location, rather than on each network access server (NAS). Users connect to a
RADIUS-compliant NAS computer, such as a Windows 2000-based computer that is running RRAS, which in
turn forwards authentication requests to the centralized IAS server.

SNMP MIB Support

Windows 2000 and RRAS provide Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent functionality with
support for Internet MIB II (as documented in RFC 1213). Network Management Stations (NMS), such as HP
OpenView, can compile the MIB to manage IP network layer events relating to Windows 2000 remote access
router functions. The computer running RRAS must also be running the SNMP service, also called the SNMP
agent, in order to be managed by an NMS. Beyond Internet MIB II, support for RRAS additional MIB
enhancements that can be compiled on the NMS to support RRAS include:

 IP Forwarding Table MIB

 Microsoft RIP version 2 for Internet Protocol MIB
 Wellfleet-Series7-MIB for OSPF
 Microsoft BOOTP for Internet Protocol MIB
 Microsoft IPX MIB
 Microsoft RIP and SAP for IPX MIB
 Internet Group Management Protocol MIB
 IP Multicast Routing MIB

MIB support is also provided for Windows 2000 operating system functions, legacy LAN Manager MIB
functions, and the WINS, DHC P, IIS services. IPX is also supported by the SNMP service; however, TC P/IP
must be installed to allow for IPX SNMP support.

API Support for Third-Party Components

RRAS has fully published API sets for unicast and multicast routing protocol and administration utility support.
Routing protocol developers can write additional routing protocols and interfaces directly into RRAS
architecture. Other software vendors can also use RRAS administration APIs to provide their own
management utilities.

Lesson Summary

RRAS for Windows 2000 includes a wide variety of features. Windows 2000 supports unicast IP routing
(routing to a unicast destination IP address); it also supports the sending, receiving, and forwarding of IP
multicast traffic, and can act as a fully functional IPX router. In addition, RRAS supports AppleTalk,
demand-dial routing, remote access, and VPN. A Windows 2000 Server computer can also act as a RADIUS
server and can provide SNMP agent functionality. Finally, RRAS has fully published API sets for unicast and
multicast routing protocol and administration utility support.

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Lesson 3: Remote Access

Windows 2000 remote access technology allows remote clients to connect to corporate networks or the
Internet. This lesson provides an overview of remote access and discusses dial-up remote access
connections, remote access security, and managing remote access. This lesson focuses on the Remote
Access Service part of RRAS. Hereafter, the acronym RAS will be used to refer to the Remote Access Service
component of RRAS.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Describe how remote access works, including dial-up remote access
connections and remote access security
 Manage remote access, including the management of users, addresses,
access, and authentication
Estimated lesson time: 35 minutes

Overview of Remote Access

In Windows 2000 RAS, remote access clients are either connected to only the remote access server's
resources (point-to-point remote access connectivity), or they are connected to the RAS server's resources
and the resources in the network to which the remote access server is attached (point-to-LAN remote access
connectivity). The latter type of connection type allows remote access clients to access resources as if they
were physically attached to the network.

A Windows 2000 remote access server provides two remote access connection methods:

 Dial-up remote access With dial-up remote access, a remote access client uses the
telecommunications infrastructure to create a temporary physical circuit or a virtual circuit to a port
on a remote access server. Once the physical or virtual circuit is created, the rest of the connection
parameters can be negotiated.
 VPN remote access With virtual private network remote access, a VPN client uses an IP
internetwork to create a virtual point-to-point connection with a RAS server acting as the VPN server.
Once the virtual point-to-point connection is created, the rest of the connection parameters can be

This lesson focuses primarily on dial-up remote access; however, many topics also apply to VPN remote
access. For a complete understanding of VPNs, read this lesson and then review Lesson 4, "Virtual Private

Dial-Up Remote Access Connections

A dial-up remote access connection consists of a remote access client, a remote access server, and a WAN
infrastructure (Figure 10.3).

Figure 10.3 Elements of a dial-up remote access connection

Remote Access Client

Windows 2000, Windows NT 3.5 or later, Windows 98, Windows 95, Windows for Workgroups, MS-DOS, and
Microsoft LAN Manager remote access clients can all connect to a Windows 2000 remote access server.
Almost any third-party Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) remote access clients—including UNIX and Apple
Macintosh clients—can connect to a Windows 2000 remote access server.

The Microsoft remote access client is also capable of dialing into a Serial Line Interface Protocol (SLIP)

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server. SLIP is a legacy dial-in protocol that does not provide the security, performance, or reliability of PPP.
A Windows 2000 RAS server does not support SLIP dial-up (dial-in) connections.

Remote Access Service Server

The Windows 2000 remote access server accepts dial-up connections and forwards packets between remote
access clients and the network to which the remote access server is attached.

Dial-Up Equipment and WAN Infrastructure

The physical or logical connection between the remote access server and the remote access client is
facilitated by dial-up equipment installed at the remote access client, the remote access server, and the
telecommunications infrastructure. The nature of the dial-up equipment and telecommunications infrastructure
varies depending on the type of connection being made.

Public Switched Telephone Network

The Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), also known as Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS), is the
analog telephone system designed to carry the minimal frequencies to distinguish human voices. Because the
PSTN was not designed for data transmissions, there are limits to the maximum bit rate that a PSTN
connection can support. Dial-up equipment consists of an analog modem for the remote access client and the
remote access server. For large organizations, the remote access server is attached to a modem bank
containing up to hundreds of modems. With analog modems at both the remote access server and the remote
access client, the maximum bit rate supported by PSTN connections is 33,600 bits per second, or 33.6 kilobits
per second (Kbps).

Figure 10.4 illustrates a PSTN connection.

Figure 10.4 Dial-up equipment and WAN infrastructure for PSTN connections

Digital Links and V.90

The maximum bit rate of the PSTN is a function of the range of frequencies passed by PSTN switches and the
signal-to-noise ratio of the connection. The modern-day analog telephone system is analog only on the local
loop, the set of wires that connects the customer to the central office PSTN switch. Once the analog signal
reaches the PSTN switch, it is converted to a digital signal. The analog-to-digital conversion introduces noise
on the connection known as quantization noise.

When a RAS server is connected to a central office through a digital switch based on T-C arrier or ISDN rather
than an analog PSTN switch, there is no analog-to-digital conversion when the remote access server sends
information to the remote access client. As a result, there is no quantization noise in the downstream path to
the remote access client, and therefore, there is a higher signal-to-noise ratio and a higher maximum bit rate.

With this new technology, called V.90, remote access clients can send data at 33.6 Kbps and receive data at
56 Kbps. In North America, the maximum receive bit rate is 53 Kbps due to Federal C ommunications
C ommission (FC C ) rules.

To obtain V.90 speeds, the following conditions must be met:

 The remote access client must be using a V.90 modem.

 The RAS server must be using a V.90 digital switch and must be using a digita link to connect to the
PSTN, such as T-C arrier or ISDN.
 There cannot be any analog-to-digital conversions in the path from the RAS server to the remote
access client.
Figure 10.5 illustrates a V.90-based PSTN connection.

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Figure 10.5 Dial-up equipment and WAN infrastructure for V.90 connections

Integrated Services Digital Network

ISDN is a set of international specifications for digital replacement of the PSTN. ISDN provides a single digital
network to handle voice, data, fax, and other services over existing local loop wiring. ISDN behaves like an
analog telephone line except that it is a digital technology at higher data rates with a much lower connection
time. ISDN offers multiple channels; each channel operates at 64 Kbps and because the network is digital
end-to-end there are no analog-to-digital conversions.

Dial-up equipment consists of an ISDN adapter for the remote access client and the remote access server.
Remote access clients typically use Basic Rate ISDN (BRI) with two 64-Kbps channels, and large
organizations typically use Primary Rate ISDN (PRI) with 23 64-Kbps channels. Figure 10.6 illustrates an ISDN

Figure 10.6 Dial-up equipment and WAN infrastructure for ISDN connections


X.25 is an international standard for sending data across public packet switching networks. Windows 2000
remote access supports X.25 in two ways:

 The remote access client supports the use of X.25 smart cards, which can connect directly to the X.25
data network and use the X.25 protocol to establish connections and send and receive data. The
remote access client also supports dialing into a packet assembler/disassembler (PAD) of an X.25
carrier by using an analog modem.
 The Windows 2000 remote access server supports only direct connections to X.25 networks by using
an X.25 smart card.
For more information about the configuration of X.25 and PADs, see Windows 2000 Server Help. Figure 10.7
illustrates an X.25 connection.

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Figure 10.7 Dial-up equipment and WAN infrastructure for X.25 connections

X.25 smart cards are adapters that use the X.25 protocol and can directly connect to an X.25 public data
network. X.25 smart cards are not related to smart cards used for authentication and secure communications.

Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is a new local loop technology for small business and residential
customers. Although ADSL provides higher bit rates than PSTN and ISDN connections, the bit rate is not the
same in the upstream and downstream directions. Typical ADSL connections offer 64 Kbps from the customer
and 1.544 megabits per second (Mbps) to the customer. The asymmetric nature of the connection fits well
with typical Internet use. Most Internet users receive a lot more information than they send.

ADSL equipment can appear to Windows 2000 as either an Ethernet interface or a dial-up interface. When an
ADSL adapter appears as an Ethernet interface, the ADSL connection operates in the same way as an
Ethernet connection to the Internet.

When an ADSL adapter appears as a dial-up interface, ADSL provides a physical connection, and the
individual LAN protocol packets are sent by using Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). An ATM adapter with
an ADSL port is installed in both the remote access client and remote access server.

Figure 10.8 illustrates an ATM over ADSL connection.

Figure 10.8 Dial-up equipment and WAN infrastructure for ATM over ADSL connections

Remote Access Protocols

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Remote access protocols control the establishment of connections and the transmission of data over WAN
links. The operating system and LAN protocols used on remote access clients and servers dictate which
remote access protocol your clients can use.

There are three types of remote access protocols supported by Windows 2000 remote access:

 Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) is an industry-standard set of protocols providing the best security,
multi-protocol support, and interoperability.
 Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) is used by older remote access servers. A Windows 2000 RAS
server does not support SLIP dial-up connections.
 Microsoft remote access protocol, also known as Asynchronous NetBEUI (AsyBEUI), is a remote
access protocol used by legacy remote access clients running Microsoft operating systems, such as
Windows NT 3.1, Windows for Workgroups, MS-DOS, and LAN Manager.

LAN Protocols

LAN protocols are the protocols used by the remote access client to access resources on the network
connected to the RAS server. Windows 2000 remote access supports TC P/IP, IPX, AppleTalk, and NetBEUI.

Remote Access Security

Windows 2000 remote access offers a wide range of security features, including secure user authentication,
mutual authentication, data encryption, callback, caller ID, and remote access account lockout.

Secure User Authentication

Secure user authentication is obtained through the encrypted exchange of user credentials. This is possible
through the use of the PPP remote access protocol along with one of the following authentication protocols:

 Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)

 Microsoft C hallenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (MS-C HAP) version 1 and version 2
 C hallenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (C HAP)
 Shiva Password Authentication Protocol (SPAP)
The RAS server can be configured to require a secure authentication method. If the remote access client
cannot perform the required secure authentication, the connection is denied.

Mutual Authentication

Mutual authentication is obtained by authenticating both ends of the connection through the encrypted
exchange of user credentials. This is possible through the use of PPP along with EAP-Transport Level Security
(EAP-TLS) or MS-C HAP version 2. During mutual authentication, the remote access client authenticates itself
to the RAS server, and then the RAS server authenticates itself to the remote access client.

It is possible for a RAS server not to request authentication from the remote access client. However, in the
case of a Windows 2000 remote access client configured for only EAP-TLS or MS-C HAP version 2, the remote
access client forces the mutual authentication of the client and server. If the RAS server does not respond to
the authentication request, the connection is terminated by the client.

Data Encryption

Data encryption encrypts the data sent between the remote access client and the RAS server. Remote access
data encryption provides data encryption only on the communications link between the remote access client
and the RAS server. If end-to-end encryption is needed, use IPSec to create an encrypted end-to-end
connection after the remote access connection has been made.

IPSec can also be used for encrypting a Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) VPN connection. For more
information, see Lesson 4.
Data encryption on a remote access connection is based on a secret encryption key known to the RAS server
and remote access client. This shared secret key is generated during the user authentication process.

Data encryption is possible over dial-up remote access links when using PPP along with EAP-TLS or MS-C HAP.
The RAS server can be configured to require data encryption. If the remote access client cannot perform the
required encryption, the connection attempt is rejected.

Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, and Windows 95 remote access clients and remote access
servers support the Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption Protocol (MPPE). MPPE uses the
Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) RC 4 stream cipher and 40-bit, 56-bit, or 128-bit secret keys. MPPE keys are
generated from the EAP-TLS and MS-C HAP user authentication processes.

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With callback, the RAS server calls the remote access client after the user credentials have been verified.
C allback can be configured on the server to call the remote access client back at a number specified by the
user of the remote access client during the time of the call. This allows a traveling user to dial in and have the
RAS server call back the remote access client at the current location, saving telephone charges. C allback can
also be configured to always call back the remote access client at a specific phone number, which is the
secure form of callback.

Caller ID

C aller ID can be used to verify that the incoming call is coming from a specified phone number. C aller ID is
configured as part of the dial-in properties of the user account. If the caller ID number of the incoming
connection for that user does not match the configured caller ID, the connection is denied.

C aller ID requires that the caller's telephone line, the phone system, the RAS server's telephone line, and the
Windows 2000 driver for the dial-up equipment all support caller ID. If caller ID is configured for a user
account and the caller ID is not being passed from the caller to the RAS server, then the connection is denied.

C aller ID is a feature designed to provide a higher degree of security for networks that support
telecommuters. The disadvantage of configuring caller ID is that the user must always dial-in from the same
telephone line. This is the same disadvantage of callback configured to a specific telephone number.

Remote Access Account Lockout

The remote access account lockout feature is used to specify how many times a remote access authentication
can fail against a valid user account before the user is denied remote access. Remote access account lockout
is especially important for VPN connections over the Internet. Malicious users on the Internet can attempt to
access an organization's intranet by sending credentials (valid user name and a guessed password) during
the VPN connection authentication process. When using a dictionary attack, the user sends hundreds or
thousands of credentials by using a list of passwords based on common words or phrases. With remote
access account lockout enabled, a dictionary attack is thwarted after a specified number of failed attempts.

The remote access account lockout feature does not distinguish between malicious users who attempt to
access your intranet and authentic users who attempt remote access but have forgotten their current
passwords. Users who have forgotten their current password typically try several passwords. Depending on
the number of attempts and the MaxDenials setting, they may have their accounts locked out.

If you enable the remote access account lockout feature, a malicious user can deliberately force an account
to be locked out by attempting multiple authentications with the user account until the account is locked out,
thereby preventing the authentic user from being able to log on.

As the network administrator, you must decide on two remote access account lockout variables:

 The number of failed attempts before future attempts are denied After each failed attempt,
a failed attempts counter for the user account is incremented. if the counter reaches the configured
maximum, future attempts to connect are denied. a successful authentication resets the failed
attempts counter when its value is less than the configured maximum. in other words, the failed
attempts counter does not accumulate beyond a successful authentication.
 How often the failed attempts counter is reset You must periodically reset the failed attempts
counter to prevent inadvertent lockouts due to normal mistakes by users when typing in their

Managing Remote Access

When managing remote access, you must take into consideration a variety of factors, such as where user
account data is to be stored, how addresses are assigned to remote access clients, and who is allowed to
create remote access connections. Remote access management includes managing users, addresses, access,
and authentication.

Managing Users

Rather than maintaining separate user accounts for the same user on separate servers and trying to keep the
accounts simultaneously current, most administrators set up a master account database in the Active
Directory store or on a RADIUS server. This allows the RAS server to send the authentication credentials to a
central authenticating device.

Managing Addresses

For PPP connections, IP, IPX, and AppleTalk, addressing information must be allocated to remote access
clients during the establishment of the connection. The Windows 2000 RAS server must be configured to

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allocate IP addresses, IPX network and node addresses, or AppleTalk network and node addresses.

Managing Access

In Windows 2000, remote access connections are accepted based on the dial-in properties of a user account
and the remote access policies. A remote access policy is a set of conditions and connection parameters that
define the characteristics of the incoming connection and the set of constraints imposed on it. Remote access
policies can be used to impose connection parameters such as maximum session time, idle disconnect time,
required secure authentication methods, required encryption, and so on.

With multiple remote access policies, different sets of conditions can be applied to different remote access
clients, or different requirements can be applied to the same remote access client based on the parameters of
the connection attempt. For example, multiple remote access policies can be used to meet the following

 Allow or deny connections if the user account belongs to a specific group.

 Define different days and times for different user accounts based on group membership.
 C onfigure different authentication methods for dial-up and VPN remote access clients.
 C onfigure different authentication or encryption settings for PPTP or L2TP connections.
 C onfigure different maximum session times for different user accounts based on group membership.
 Send network access server-specific RADIUS attributes to a radius client.
When you have multiple Windows 2000 remote access servers or VPN servers on which you want to use a
centralized set of remote access policies, you can configure a Windows 2000 computer with the Internet
Authentication Service (IAS) and then configure each remote access or VPN server as a RADIUS client to the
IAS server computer.

Windows 2000 RRAS and Windows 2000 IAS both use remote access policies to determine whether to accept
or reject connection attempts. For Windows 2000 RRAS, remote access policies are administered through the
Routing And Remote Access snap-in. For Windows 2000 IAS servers, remote access policies are administered
through the Internet Authentication Service snap-in.

With remote access policies, you can grant remote access by configuring individual user account or by
configuring specific remote access policies.

Access by User Account

The user account for a stand-alone or Active Directory-based server contains a set of dial-in properties that
are used when allowing or denying a connection attempt made by a user. For a stand-alone server, you can
set the dial-in properties on the Dial-In tab of the user account properties in the Local Users And Groups
snap-in. For an Active Directory-based server, you can set the dial-in properties on the Dial-In tab of the user
account properties in the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in as shown in Figure 10.9.

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Figure 10.9 Dial-in settings for Active Directory services user Jane Doe

The Dial-In tab includes several options: Remote Access Permission (Dial-In or VPN), Verify C aller ID,
C allback Options, Assign A Static IP Address, and Apply Static Routes.

For a user account in a Windows NT 4.0 domain or a Windows 2000 Mixed-mode domain, only the Allow
Access option and the Deny Access option in the Remote Access Permission (Dial-In or VPN) section and the
options in the C allback Options section are available.
Remote Access Permission (Dial-In or VPN)

You use this property to set remote access to be explicitly allowed, denied, or determined through remote
access policies. If access is explicitly allowed, remote access policy conditions, user account properties, or
profile properties can still deny the connection attempt. The C ontrol access through Remote Access Policy
option is available only on user accounts in a Windows 2000 Native-mode domain or for local accounts on
remote access servers running stand-alone Windows 2000 computers.

By default, the Administrator and Guest accounts on a stand-alone remote access server or in a Windows
2000 Native-mode domain are set to C ontrol access through Remote Access Policy and for a Windows 2000
Mixed-mode domain are set to Deny access. New accounts created on a stand-alone RAS server or in a
Windows 2000 Native-mode domain are set to C ontrol access through Remote Access Policy. New accounts
created in a Windows 2000 Mixed-mode domain are set to Deny access.

Verify Caller ID

If this property is enabled, the server verifies the caller's phone number. If the caller's phone number does
not match the configured phone number, the connection attempt is denied.

C aller ID must be supported by the caller, the phone system between the caller, and the remote access
server. C aller ID on the remote access server consists of call answering equipment that supports the passing
of caller ID information and the appropriate driver inside Windows 2000 that supports the passing of caller ID
information to the remote access server.

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If you configure a caller ID telephone number for a user and you do not have support for the passing of caller
ID information from the caller to the remote access server, the connection attempt is denied.

Callback Options

If this property is enabled, the server calls the caller back during the connection establishment at a telephone
number set by the caller or a specific telephone number set by the network administrator.

If a user account is in a Windows 2000 Native-mode domain, the callback number can be up to 128
characters. If a user account is on a RAS server running Windows 2000 as a stand-alone server, in a
Windows NT 4.0 domain, or in a Windows 2000 Mixed-mode domain, the callback number is from 24 through
48 characters, due to the compressed format for storing callback numbers. C allback numbers may be long
for international calling, or calling using additional codes such as telephone card numbers.

Assign a Static IP Address

If this property is enabled, you can assign a specific IP address to a user when a connection is made.

Apply Static Routes

If this property is enabled, you can define a series of static IP routes that are added to the routing table of
the remote access server when a connection is made. This setting is designed for user accounts that Windows
2000 routers use for demand-dial routing.

Access by Policy

The access by policy administrative model is intended for Windows 2000 RAS servers that are either
stand-alone servers or members of a Windows 2000 Native-mode domain. To manage remote access by
policy, select the C ontrol Access Through Remote Access Policy radio button (on the Dial-In tab of the user's
Properties dialog box) on all user accounts (see Figure 10.9) , and then define the new remote access policies
that allow or deny access based on your needs. Remote access policy is configured through RRAS or a
RADIUS authentication provider. Figure 10.10 shows the Remote Access Policy node in the Routing And
Remote Access snap-in.

Figure 10.10 Remote Access Policies node in the Routing And Remote Access snap-in with two policies
appearing in the details pane

The Remote Access Policies node appears in the Routing And Remote Access snap-in when the authentication
provider is set to Windows Authentication. When the authentication provider is set to RADIUS Authentication
(see Figure 10.2), the Remote Access Policies node does not appear in the Routing And Remote Access
snap-in. Instead, policies are configured from the RADIUS authentication provider interface.

If the remote access server computer is a member of a Windows NT 4.0 domain or a Windows 2000
Mixed-mode domain and you want to manage access by policy, select the Allow Access radio button (on the
Dial-In tab of the user's Properties dialog box) on all user accounts. Then remove the default policy called
Allow Access If Dial-In Permission Is Enabled, and create a new policy that allows or denies access. A
connection that does not match any configured remote access policy is denied, even if the Allow Access radio
button is selected on the user account.

A typical use of policy-based access is to allow access through group membership. For example, create a
Windows 2000 group with a name such as DialUpUsers, whose members are those users who are allowed to
create dial-up remote access connections.

To create a remote access server that allows only dial-up remote access connections, create a new remote
access policy with a descriptive name, such as Dial-Up Remote Access If Member Of DialUpUsers group,

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assign the DialUpUsers group to the policy, and then delete the default remote access policy called Allow
Access If Dial-In Permission Is Enabled.

Accepting a connection attempt

When a user attempts a connection, the connection attempt is accepted or rejected based on the following
1. The first policy in the ordered list of remote access policies is checked. If there are no policies, reject
the connection attempt.
2. If all the conditions of the policy do not match the connection attempt, go to next policy. If there are
no more policies, reject the connection attempt.
3. If all the conditions of the policy match the connection attempt, check the remote access permission
setting for the user attempting the connection.
 If Deny Access is selected, reject the connection attempt.
 If Allow Access is selected, apply the user account properties and profile properties.
 If the connection attempt does not match the settings of the user account properties
and profile properties, reject the connection attempt.
 If the connection attempt matches the settings of the user account properties and
profile properties, accept the connection attempt.
 If C ontrol Access Through Remote Access Policy is selected, check the remote access
permission setting of the policy.
 If Deny Remote Access Permission is selected, reject the connection attempt.
 If Grant Remote Access Permission is selected, apply the user account properties
and profile properties.
 If the connection attempt does not match the settings of the user account properties and
profile properties, reject the connection attempt.
 If the connection attempt matches the settings of the user account properties and profile
properties, accept the connection attempt.
Figure 10.11 shows the logic of remote access policies and user account settings.

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Figure 10.11 Using remote access policies and user account settings to accept a connection attempt

Managing Account Lockout

C hanging settings in the Windows 2000 registry on the computer that provides authentication services
configures the account lockout feature. If the RAS server is configured for Windows authentication, modify the
registry on the RAS server computer. If the RAS server is configured for RADIUS authentication and Windows
2000 IAS is being used, modify the registry on the IAS server computer.

To enable account lockout, you must set the MaxDenials entry in the registry
(HKEY_LOC AL_MAC HINE\SYSTEM\C urrentC ontrolSet\Services\ RemoteAccess\Parameters\AccountLockout)
to 1 or greater. MaxDenials is the maximum number of failed attempts before the account is locked out. By
default, MaxDenials is set to 0, which means that account lockout is disabled. The AccountLockout key is
created when RRAS is enabled.

To modify the amount of time before the failed attempts counter is reset, you must set the ResetTime (Mins)
entry in the registry (HKEY_LOC AL_MAC HINE\
SYSTEM\C urrentC ontrolSet\Services\RemoteAccess\Parameters\ AccountLockout) to the required number of
minutes. By default, ResetTime (Mins) is set to a hex value of b40, or 2,880 minutes (48 hours) in decimal.

To manually reset a user account that has been locked out before the failed attempts counter is automatically
reset, delete the following registry subkey that corresponds to the user's account name:
HKEY_LOC AL_MAC HINE\ SYSTEM\C urrentC ontrolSet\Services\RemoteAccess\Parameters\ AccountLockout\<

The remote access account lockout feature is not related to the Account is locked out setting on the Account
tab of the user account properties or related to the administration of account lockout policies in Windows 2000
group policies.

Managing Authentication

The remote access server can be configured to use either Windows or RADIUS as an authentication provider.
Figure 10.2 shows where this option is selected in the Routing And Remote Access snap-in.

Windows Authentication

If Windows is selected as the authentication provider, then the user credentials sent by users attempting
remote access connections are authenticated through normal Windows authentication mechanisms.

If the remote access server is a member server in a Mixed-mode or Native-mode Windows 2000 domain and
is configured for Windows authentication, the computer account of the RAS server computer must be a
member of the RAS and IAS Servers security group. C onfiguring membership can be completed by a domain
administrator by using the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in to add the computer to the RAS
And IAS Servers security group in the Users container. The netsh command-line utility can also be used to
add the server to this group. For example, to add a server named RAS1 to the microsoft.com domain RAS
And IAS Servers security group, open a command prompt and enter the Net Shell C ommand mode by typing
netsh. Once in Net Shell C ommand mode, type add registeredserver domain=microsoft.com
server=ras1. If the user installing RRAS is a domain administrator, the computer account is automatically
added to the RAS and IAS Servers security group during the installation of RRAS.

RADIUS Authentication

If RADIUS is selected and configured as the authentication provider on the remote access server, user
credentials and parameters of the connection request are sent as a series of RADIUS request messages to a
RADIUS server, such as a computer running Windows 2000 Server and IAS.

The RADIUS server receives a user-connection request from the RAS server and authenticates the client
against its authentication database. A RADIUS server can also maintain a central storage database of other
relevant user properties. In addition to the simple yes or no response to an authentication request, RADIUS
can inform the RAS server of other applicable connection parameters for this user, such as maximum session
time, static IP address assignment, and so on.

RADIUS can respond to authentication requests based upon its own database, or it can be a front end to
another database server, such as a generic Open Database C onnectivity (ODBC ) server or a Windows 2000
domain controller. The latter server could be located on the same machine as the RADIUS server, or could be
centralized elsewhere. In addition, a RADIUS server can act as a proxy client to a remote RADIUS server.

The RADIUS protocol is described in RFC 2138 and RFC 2139. For more information about RAS server
authentication scenarios and the RAS server as a RADIUS client, see Windows 2000 Server Help.

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When configured for Windows authentication, both RRAS and IAS use the same process to provide
authentication and authorization of incoming connection requests.
Windows and Radius Accounting

You can also select Windows Accounting, RADIUS Accounting, or None on the Security tab of the Properties
dialog box for the remote access server. A remote access server running Windows 2000 supports the logging
of accounting information for remote access server connections in local logging files when Windows
Accounting is enabled. This logging is separate from the events recorded in the system event log. Accounting
logging is especially useful for troubleshooting remote access policy issues. The accounting information is
stored in a configurable log file or files stored in the %systemroot%\System32\LogFiles folder. The log files
are saved in IAS 1.0 or Open Database C onnectivity (ODBC ) format, meaning that any ODBC -compliant
database program can read the log file directly for analysis.

A remote access server running Windows 2000 also supports the logging of accounting information for remote
access serve connections at a RADIUS server when RADIUS authentication and accounting are enabled. This
logging is separate from the events recorded in the system event log. If your RADIUS server is a Windows
2000 computer running IAS, then accounting information is logged in log files stored on the IAS server.

Exercise 2: Configuring and Monitoring a RAS Connection

This exercise should be completed on Server01 and Server02.

 Procedure 1: Allowing and denying dial-in access
In this procedure, you will selectively allow or deny remote access to user accounts. C omplete this procedure
on Server01.
1. Open the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in.
The Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in appears.
2. C lick the Sales OU in the console tree.
The objects in the Sales OU appear in the details pane.
3. Double-click Jane Doe.
The Jane Doe Properties dialog box appears.
4. C lick the Dial-in tab.
The dial-in settings for Jane Doe appear.
5. C lick the Allow Access radio button and then click OK.
6. Double-click John Smith in the details pane and then click the Dial-In tab.
The dial-in settings for John Smith appear.
7. Verify that the C ontrol Access Through Remote Access Policy radio button is selected and then click
8. C lick the Users container in the console tree.
The objects in the Users container appear in the details pane.
9. Access the dial-in properties for Bob Train.
10. C lick the Deny Access radio button and then click OK.
11. C lose Active Directory Users And C omputers.
 Procedure 2: Enabling accounting and configuring logging on the RRAS server
In this procedure, you configure the RRAS server for Windows account logging and event logging. C omplete
this procedure on Server01.
1. Restore the Routing And Remote Access snap-in.
2. C lick Remote Access Logging in the console tree.
3. In the details pane, double-click Local File.
The Local File Properties dialog box appears.
4. C lick the Log Authentication Requests (For Example, Access-Accept Or Access-Reject) –
Recommended check box.
5. C lick OK.
6. C lick Server01 (Local) in the console tree.
7. C lick the Action menu and choose Properties.

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The Server01 (Local) Properties dialog box appears.

8. C lick the Event Logging tab.
9. C lick the Log The Maximum Amount Of Information radio button and check the Enable Point-To-Point
Protocol (PPP) Logging check box.
10. C lick OK.

The Routing And Remote Access message box appears asking to restart the router.
11. C lick Yes.

A number of message boxes appear as routing and remote access is stopped and restarted.
 Procedure 3: Configuring a dial-up client and accessing the RRAS server (optional)
In this procedure, you configure Server02 to act as a dial-up client. There must be a modem in Server02 in
order for you to complete this exercise.
1. Before starting Server02, disconnect the network cable.
2. Start Server02.
3. At the logon screen, change the Logon To drop-down list box to SERVER02 (This C omputer) then log
on as Administrator with a password of "password."
4. C lick Start, point to Settings, then click Network And Dial-up C onnections.
The Network And Dial-up C onnections window appears. Notice that Local Area C onnection contains a
red "X." You disconnected Local Area C onnection before starting this procedure.
5. Double-click Make New C onnection.
The Network C onnection wizard appears.
6. C lick Next.
The Network C onnection Type screen appears.
7. Verify that the Dial-Up To Private Network radio button is selected and then click Next.
The Phone Number To Dial screen appears.
8. If you are able to dial up the RRAS server, type in the telephone number that the RRAS server
modem is connected to. If you are unable to complete this connection, type any telephone number in
this text box.
9. C lick Next.
The C onnection Availability screen appears.
10. C lick Next.

The Internet C onnection Sharing screen appears.

11. C lick Next.

The C ompleting The Network C onnection Wizard screen appears and the connection appears with the
default name of Dial-Up C onnection.
12. C lick Finish.

The C onnect Dial-up C onnection dialog box appears.

13. If you are unable to dial up the RRAS server, click C ancel. Screen shots will be provided in the next
optional procedure to allow you to see what appears in RRAS when a connection is established. If you
are able to dial up the RRAS server, complete the remaining steps.
14. In the User Name text box, type Bob_Train (there is an underscore between the first and last
name), and then click the Dial button.
The Error C onnecting To Dial-Up C onnection message box appears stating that this user account
does not have permission to dial in. The Bob Train user account was assigned the Deny Access
Remote Access permission.
15. In the User Name text box, type Jane_Doe (there is an underscore between the first and last
name), and in the password box type student and then click the Dial button.
The C onnecting Dial-up C onnection message box appears on Server02 and the connection is verified,
authenticated, and registered.

The C onnection C omplete message box appears on Server02.

16. C lick the Do Not Display The Message Again check box and then click OK.

The Jane Doe account successfully connected to the RAS server because Allow Access was
configured for the properties of the user account.
17. In the Network And Dial-up C onnection window, double-click Dial-up C onnection.

The Dial-up C onnection Status dialog box appears.

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18. C lick the Disconnect button.

19. Double-click Dial-up C onnection.
20. In the User name text box, type John_Smith (there is an underscore between the first and last
name), and then click the Dial button.
The Error C onnecting To Dial-up C onnection message box appears stating that this user account does
not have permission to dial in. The John Smith user account was assigned the C ontrol access through
Remote Access Policy setting.
21. On Server01, restore the Routing And Remote Access snap-in.
22. C lick the Remote Access Policies node in the console tree.
23. Double-click the Allow Access If Dial-In Permission Is Enabled policy in the details pane.

The Allow Access If Dial-In Permission Is Enabled Properties dialog box appears.
24. In the If A User Matches The C onditions section, select the Grant Remote Access Permission radio
button and then click OK.
25. Return to Server02.
26. In the User Name text box click the Dial button to attempt another logon as John_Smith.

The C onnecting Dial-Up C onnection appears on Server02 and the connection is verified,
authenticated, and registered. The default remote access policy now grants access to all user
accounts that have the C ontrol Access Through Remote Access Policy radio button (on the Dial-In
tab) selected.
 Procedure 4: Monitoring the remote access connection (optional)
If you were able to connect to the remote access server, you can complete this procedure. If you weren't
able to connect to the remote access server, important screen shots are provided in this procedure. C omplete
this procedure from Server01.
1. Restore the Routing And Remote Access snap-in.
2. C lick Remote Access C lients (1) in the console tree.
MIC ROSOFT\John_Smith appears in the User Name column. Notice that the connection duration and
the number of ports connected also appears (Figure 10.12).

Figure 10.12 User Name column showing connection duration and number of ports connected
3. Double-click MIC ROSOFT\John_Smith appearing in the details pane.
The Status dialog box appears (Figure 10.13).

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Figure 10.13 User Status dialog box showing TCP/IP

Notice that the only protocol registered for this connection is TC P/IP. This is because all values are
blank under Network Registration except for IP address. The IP address appearing was allocated by
DHC P since the default setting for the RAS server is to use DHC P to supply the network address to
remote access clients. You can verify this information from the DHC P snap-in on Server01.

From the details pane you can also send a message to the selected remote access client or all
connected clients, and disconnect a remote access client.
4. C lose the Status dialog box.
5. C lick Start, then click Run.
6. In the Open text box, type c:\winnt\system32\logfiles\iaslog.log, then click OK.

The Accounting log is displayed in Notepad. If you were unable to complete this exercise, open the
iaslog.log file on the Windows 2000 Supplemental Training C D-ROM. You can find this file in the
\C hapt10\ex2 folder. Only two lines from the last two connections made by the John Smith user
account are included in this file.

For information on how to interpret this log, open the IAS Help file and search for the title,
IAS-Formatted Log Files. For a more readable format with less information, consider setting logging
to the database-compatible file format.
7. C lose Notepad.
8. To view the results of event logging, open the Event Viewer from the Administrative Tools program
The Event Viewer snap-in appears and the contents of the System Log appear in the details pane.
9. Locate and double-click a system log event with a Source of RemoteAccess and an Event ID of
A remote access connection event appears, showing you who connected and to what port.
10. C lick OK.
11. Locate and double-click a system log event with a Source of RemoteAccess and an Event ID of

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A remote access connection event appears, showing you that a remote access authentication attempt
failed and the username of the failed attempt.
12. C lick OK, then close the Event Viewer snap-in.

Lesson Summary

Windows 2000 remote access provides two different types of remote access connectivity: dial-up remote
access and VPN remote access. A dial-up remote access connection consists of a remote access client, a
remote access server, and a WAN infrastructure. Remote access protocols control the connection
establishment and transmission of data over WAN links. There are three types of remote access protocols
supported by Windows 2000: PPP, SLIP, and Asynchronous NetBEUI. Windows 2000 remote access supports
the following LAN protocols: TC P/IP, IPX, AppleTalk, and NetBEUI. Windows 2000 remote access offers a wide
range of security features, including secure user authentication, mutual authentication, data encryption,
callback, caller ID, and remote access account lockout. Remote access management includes managing
users, addresses, access, and authentication.

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Lesson 4: Virtual Private Networks

A virtual private network (VPN) is an extension of the private network that encompasses encapsulated,
encrypted, and authenticated links across shared or public networks. A VPN mimics the properties of a
dedicated private network, allowing data to be transferred between two computers across an internetwork,
such as the Internet. Point-to-point connections can be simulated through the use of tunneling, and LAN
connectivity can be simulated through the use of virtual LANs (VLANs). This lesson introduces you to VPNs
and tunneling basics. It explains how to manage the RAS server for VPNs and covers how to troubleshoot
common VPN problems.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Describe the basic characteristics of VPNs and tunneling, including the
most common tunneling protocols
 Manage VPN servers
 Troubleshoot VPNs
Estimated lesson time: 45 minutes

Introduction to Virtual Private Networks

VPNs allow users working at home or on the road to connect securely to a remote corporate server by using
the routing infrastructure provided by a public internetwork such as the Internet. From the user's perspective,
the VPN is a point-to-point connection between the user's computer and a corporate server. The nature of the
internetwork is irrelevant because it appears as if the data is being sent over a dedicated private link.

VPN technology also allows a corporation to connect with its branch offices or with other companies over a
public internetwork while maintaining secure communications. A VPN connection across the Internet logically
operates as a dedicated WAN link.

The secure connection across the internetwork appears to the user as a virtual network interface providing
private network communication over a public internetwork. Rather than having a remote user make a long
distance call (or toll free call) to a corporate or outsourced NAS, the user calls the local ISP. Using the
connection to the local ISP, a VPN is created between the dial-up user and the corporate VPN server across
the Internet.


For more information about virtual private networking, see the Supplemental C ourse Materials C D-ROM
(\chapt10\articles\VPNoverview.doc) that accompanies this book.

Connecting Networks over the Internet

When connecting to networks over the Internet, branch offices can use either dedicated lines or dial-up lines.

Dedicated Lines

Rather than using an expensive long-haul dedicated circuit between the branch office and the corporate hub,
both the branch office and the corporate hub routers connect to the Internet through the use of a local
dedicated circuit and local ISP. Utilizing the local ISP connections, a VPN is created between the branch office
router and corporate hub router across the Internet.

Dial-Up Lines

Rather than having a router at the branch office make a long distance call to a corporate or outsourced
Network Access Server (NAS), the router at the branch office calls its local ISP. From the connection to the
local ISP, a VPN is created between the branch office router to the corporate hub router across the Internet.
The corporate hub router, acting as a VPN server, must be connected to a local ISP via a dedicated line. The
VPN server must be listening 24 hours a day for incoming VPN traffic.

Whether the branch offices use dedicated lines or dial-up lines, the transfer of data through the VPN is
distance insensitive since only local physical links are being used.

Connecting Computers over an Intranet

In some corporate internetworks, the data of certain departments is so sensitive that the department's LAN is
physically disconnected from the rest of the corporate internetwork. While this protects the department's
data, it also creates information accessibility problems for users that are not physically connected to the
separate LAN.

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VPNs allow the department's LAN to be physically connected to the corporate internetwork but separated by a
VPN server. Note that the VPN server is not acting as a router between the corporate internetwork and the
department LAN. Users on the corporate internetwork who have the appropriate credentials (based on a
need-to-know policy within the company) can establish a VPN with the VPN server and gain access to the
protected resources of the department. Additionally, all communication across the VPN can be encrypted for
confidentiality. For users without proper credentials, the department LAN is essentially hidden from view.

Tunneling Basics

Tunneling, also known as encapsulation, is a method of using an internetwork infrastructure to transfer a

payload. The payload may be the frames (or packets) of another protocol. Instead of sending the frame as
produced by the originating node, the frame is encapsulated with an additional header. The additional header
provides routing information so that the encapsulated payload can traverse the intermediate internetwork.
The encapsulated packets are then routed between tunnel endpoints over the transit internetwork. Once the
encapsulated frames reach their destination on the transit internetwork, the frame is de-encapsulated and
forwarded to its final destination.

This entire process (the encapsulation and transmission of packets) is known as tunneling. The logical path
through which the encapsulated packets travel the transit internetwork is called a tunnel.

Tunnel Maintenance and Data Transfer

The collective functionality of a tunnel maintenance protocol and tunnel data transfer protocol is known as a
tunneling protocol. In order for a tunnel to be established, both the tunnel client and the tunnel server must
be using the same tunneling protocol. Examples of tunneling protocols are PPTP and L2TP, which are
discussed in more detail later in this lesson.

Tunnel Maintenance Protocol

A tunnel maintenance protocol is used as the mechanism to manage the tunnel. For some tunneling
technologies, such as PPTP and L2TP, a tunnel is similar to a session: both endpoints of the tunnel must agree
to the tunnel and be aware of its presence. However, unlike a session, a tunnel does not guarantee reliable
data delivery. Data transferred across the tunnel is typically sent by a datagram-based protocol such as UDP
when L2TP is used or TC P for tunnel management and a modified Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)
protocol when PPTP is used.

Creating the Tunnel

A tunnel must be created before data transfer occurs. The tunnel creation is initiated by one end of the
tunnel, the tunnel client. At the other end of the tunnel the tunnel server receives the connection request.

To create the tunnel, a connection creation process similar to a PPP connection is performed. The tunnel
server requests that the tunnel client authenticate itself. Once validated by the tunnel server, the tunnel
connection is granted and data transfer across the tunnel can begin.

Tunnel creation messages are sent by the tunnel client to the internetwork address of the tunnel server. Using
the Internet as an example, the tunnel client sends tunnel creation messages from its InterNIC -compliant IP
address to the InterNIC -compliant address of the tunnel server on the Internet. If the tunnel client is a dial-up
Internet user, the tunnel client uses the IP address as allocated by the ISP as a source IP address and the IP
address of the tunnel server as the destination IP address.

Maintaining the Tunnel

For some tunneling technologies, such PPTP and L2TP, once the tunnel has been created, it must be
maintained. Both ends of the tunnel must be aware of the state of the other end of the tunnel in case of a
connection fault. Tunnel maintenance is typically performed through a keep-alive process that periodically
polls the other end of the tunnel when no data is being transferred.

Terminating the Tunnel

C ertain tunneling technologies allow either end of the tunnel to gracefully terminate the tunnel through an
exchange of tunnel termination messages.

Tunnel Data Transfer Protocol

Once the tunnel is established, tunneled data can be sent. A tunnel data transfer protocol encapsulates the
data to be transferred across the tunnel. When the tunnel client sends a tunneled payload to the tunnel
server, the tunnel client appends a tunnel data transfer protocol header onto the payload. The resulting
encapsulated payload is sent across the transit internetwork and routed to the tunnel server.

The tunnel server accepts the packets, removes the tunnel data transfer protocol header, and forwards the

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payload appropriately. Information sent between the tunnel server and the tunnel client behaves similarly.

Tunnel Types

There are two basic types of tunnels: voluntary tunnels and compulsory tunnels. Depending upon the client
configuration, compulsory tunnels consist of either static or dynamic compulsory tunnels.

Voluntary Tunnels

Voluntary tunnels are configured and created through a conscious action by the user at the tunnel client
computer. The user's computer is a tunnel endpoint and acts as the tunnel client.

Voluntary tunneling occurs when the client workstation volunteers to create the tunnel to the target tunnel
server. Since the client is acting as a tunnel client, the appropriate tunneling protocol must be installed on the
client computer. Voluntary tunneling can occur in either of the following cases:

 The client already has a connection to the transit internetwork that can provide routing of
encapsulated payloads between the client computer and its chosen tunnel server.
 The client may have to establish a connection (via dial-up) to the transit internetwork before the
client can set up a tunnel. This is the more common case. The best example of this case is the dial-up
Internet user. Internet users must dial their ISP and obtain an Internet connection before a tunnel
over the Internet can be created.
Compulsory Tunnels

C ompulsory tunnels are configured and created automatically for users without their knowledge or
intervention. With compulsory tunnels, the user's computer is not a tunnel endpoint. Another device between
the user's computer and the tunnel server is the tunnel endpoint and acts as the tunnel client.

If a client computer does not have a tunneling protocol installed and tunneling is still desired, then it is
possible for another computer or network device to create the tunnel on the client computer's behalf. This is a
functionality referred to as access concentrator. In order to carry out its function, the access concentrator
must have the appropriate tunneling protocol installed and be capable of establishing the tunnel when the
client computer connects.

When connecting through the Internet, the client computer calls a tunneling-enabled NAS at the ISP. For
example, a corporation may have contracted with an ISP to assemble a nationwide set of access
concentrators. These access concentrators can establish tunnels across the Internet to a tunnel server
connected to the corporation's private network. This configuration is known as compulsory tunneling because
the client is compelled to use the tunnel created by the access concentrator. Once the initial connection is
made, all network traffic to and from the client is automatically sent through the tunnel.

With compulsory tunneling, the client computer makes a single PPP connection, and when a client dials into
the NAS, a tunnel is created and all traffic is automatically routed through the tunnel.

The decision by the access concentrator to tunnel a dial-up client to a specific tunnel server can be based on
statically configured information at the access concentrator or by dynamically consulting a user database.

Static Compulsory Tunnels

Static tunnel configurations typically require either dedicated equipment (automatic tunnels) or manual
configuration (realm-based tunnels).

Automatic tunneling is where all dial-in clients to the access concentrator are automatically tunneled to a
specific tunnel server. This requires dedicated local access lines and network access equipment, with its
associated costs. For example, users might be required to call a specific telephone number in order to
connect to an access concentrator that automatically tunnels all connections to a particular tunnel server.

In realm-based tunneling schemes, the access concentrator examines a portion of the user's name (called a
realm) to decide where to tunnel the traffic associated with that user. For example, users in the microsoft.com
realm (logging on as user@microsoft.com) would be tunneled to one destination, while users in the
domain.com realm (logging on as user@domain.com) would be tunneled elsewhere. Realm-based tunneling is
relatively simple to implement, does not require dedicated equipment, and has low overhead after initial
configuration. However, configuration changes may be expensive and time-consuming. In addition, all traffic
for all users of the same realm is tunneled to the same destination. Realm-based tunneling does not allow any
further granularity of tunnel server designation.

Dynamic Compulsory Tunnels

With dynamic compulsory tunneling, the choice of tunnel destination is made on a per-user basis at the time
the user connects to the access concentrator. Users from the same realm may be tunneled to different
destinations depending upon parameters such as user name, called or calling phone number, department,

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location, and even the time of day. Dynamic tunnels offer the greatest flexibility of any compulsory tunneling

Dynamic tunneling also permits the access concentrator to be a multi-use NAS, allowing the connection of
tunneling clients and ordinary (non-tunneled) Internet clients. A dedicated access concentrator or telephone
line is not required. In order for the access concentrator to determine whether or not to tunnel a particular
dial-up client, it must consult a database.

While each access concentrator can store its own database of user information, this solution does not scale
well administratively. A better solution is to store the user information in a centrally administered location and
have the access concentrator consult the central database as needed (when dial-up clients call). RADIUS, for
example, can provide this type of solution.

VPN Protocols

The primary protocols used by Windows 2000 for VPN access are PPTP, L2TP, IPSEC , and IP-IP. These
protocols may work together or independently of each other.


Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), an extension of PPP, encapsulates PPP frames into IP datagrams for
transmission over an IP internetwork such as the Internet. PPTP can also be used in private LAN-to-LAN

PPTP uses a TC P connection for tunnel maintenance and uses modified GRE encapsulated PPP frames for
tunneled data. The payloads of the encapsulated PPP frames can be encrypted and compressed.

PPTP was created by the PPTP forum consisting of Microsoft C orporation, Ascend C ommunications, 3C OM,
EC I Telematics, and US Robotics.

PPTP tunnels must be authenticated by using the same authentication mechanisms as PPP connections (PAP,
MS-C HAP, C HAP, and EAP). PPTP inherits encryption and compression of PPP payloads from PPP. In Windows
2000, PPP encryption can be used only when the authentication protocol is EAP-TLS or MSC HAP. PPP
encryption provides confidentiality between the endpoints of the tunnel only. If stronger security or
end-to-end security is needed, IPSEC can be used. Figure 10.14 shows a fully constructed PPTP packet.

Figure 10.14 PPTP packet showing the encrypted data being sent, including header and trailer information


Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is a combination of PPTP and Layer 2 Forwarding (L2F), a technology
proposed by C isco C orporation. L2TP is a hybrid of the best features in PPTP and L2F.

L2TP is a network protocol that encapsulates PPP frames to be sent over IP, X.25, Frame Relay, or ATM
networks. When utilizing IP as its datagram transport, L2TP can be used as a tunneling protocol over the
Internet. L2TP can also be used in private LAN-to-LAN networking.

L2TP in Windows 2000 runs only over an IP network. It does not run in Native mode over X.25, Frame Relay,
or ATM networks.
L2TP uses UDP and a series of L2TP messages for tunnel maintenance. L2TP also uses UDP to send
L2TP-encapsulated PPP frames as the tunneled data. The payloads of encapsulated PPP frames can be both
encrypted and compressed. Microsoft chose IPSec instead of PPP encryption for L2TP. However, it is possible
for other implementations of L2TP to use PPP encryption. Figure 10.15 shows an L2TP packet prepared to be
sent using IPSec authentication and encryption settings over a point-to-point WAN connection, such as a
dial-up line. The processing steps are shown in the figure. Steps 1-4 show normal processing prior to IPSec
encapsulation. Steps 5-7 show IPSec processing. The remaining steps are necessary in order to send the
packet on the network to its final destination.

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Figure 10.15 L2TP packet showing encrypted data with IPSec authentication, an additional IP header, and
data-link header and trailer information

L2TP is very similar to PPTP in function. An L2TP tunnel is created between an L2TP client and an L2TP server.
The client may already be attached to an IP internetwork (such as a LAN) that can reach the tunnel server, or
a client may have to dial into a NAS to establish IP connectivity (for dial-up Internet users).

C reation of L2TP tunnels must be authenticated by using the same authentication mechanisms as PPP
connections (PAP, MS-C HAP, C HAP, and EAP). L2TP inherits PPP compression but not encryption. PPP
encryption is not used because it does not meet the security requirements of L2TP. PPP encryption could
provide confidentiality but would not provide per packet authentication, integrity, or replay protection. Data
encryption is provided by IPSec. Using PPP connection encryption with an IPSec encrypted payload, increases
processing overhead with little to no added benefit.

PPTP versus L2TP

Both PPTP and L2TP use PPP for point-to-point WAN connections, to provide an initial envelope for the data
and then append additional headers for transport through the transit internetwork. However, there are some
differences between PPTP and L2TP:

 PPTP requires that the transit internetwork be an IP internetwork. L2TP requires only that the tunnel
media provide packet oriented point-to-point connectivity. L2TP can be run over IP (using UDP),
Frame Relay PVC s, X.25 VC s or ATM VC s.
 L2TP provides header compression capability. When header compression is enabled, L2TP operates
with 4 bytes of overhead, compared to 6 bytes for PPTP.
 L2TP also provides tunnel authentication, while PPTP does not. However, when either PPTP or L2TP is
run over IPSec, it provides tunnel authentication, making Layer 2 tunnel authentication unnecessary.
 PPTP uses PPP encryption and L2TP does not. Microsoft's L2TP requires IPSec for encryption.


IPSec, a layer 3 tunneling protocol, is a series of standards that support the secured transfer of information
across an IP internetwork. IPSec Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) Tunnel mode supports the
encapsulation and encryption of entire IP datagrams for secure transfer across a private or public IP

With IPSec ESP Tunnel mode, a complete IP datagram is encapsulated and encrypted with ESP. The result is
then encapsulated—using a plaintext IP header—and sent on the transit internetwork (Figure 10.15).

Upon receipt of the encrypted datagram, the tunnel server processes and discards the clear text IP header
and authenticates and decrypts the ESP and IP packet. The IP packet is then processed normally. Normal
processing may include routing the packet to its final destination.

ESP Tunnel Mode versus Transport Mode

The main difference between ESP Tunnel mode and ESP Transport mode is the former has an encapsulated IP
header. Because of this IP header, when the packet exits the tunnel (IPSec encapsulation and encryption is
removed) it can be routed to its final destination. By using ESP Transport mode, the packet is always
decrypted by the time it reaches its final destination.

IPSec ESP Tunnel Mode Packet Structure

IPSec ESP Tunnel mode is performed through multiple layers of encapsulation. Figure 10.15 refers to these

 First Layer of Encapsulation The initial IP datagram is appended with an ESP trailer and then
encrypted (step 5 in Figure 10.15).
 Second Layer of Encapsulation The encrypted payload is encapsulated with an ESP header and
an ESP Authentication trailer. The ESP Authentication trailer contains the Integrity C heck Value (IC V),
a cryptographic checksum that is used to authenticate and verify the integrity of the payload (steps 6
and 7).
 Third Layer of Encapsulation The IPSec packet is encapsulated with a final IP header containing
the source and destination IP addresses of the tunnel endpoints (step 8).
 Data Link Layer of Encapsulation To be sent on a LAN or WAN link, the IP datagram is finally
encapsulated with a header and trailer for the data link layer technology of the outgoing physical
interface (steps 9 and 10).

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IPSec Tunnel mode is an OSI layer 3 (network layer) tunneling technique. Unlike L2TP and PPTP, IPSec
Tunnel mode does not rely on PPP for authentication or security. In addition, it cannot be used as a Windows
2000 Router interface as IPIP can. Because IPSec Tunnel mode cannot be a router interface, it cannot
support routing protocols or dial on demand. Instead, IPSec Tunnel mode can be used based on packet filters
for each route. The packet filters define the IPSec tunnel destination.


IP-IP, or IP in IP, is a simple OSI layer 3 (network layer) tunneling technique. A virtual network is created by
encapsulating an IP packet with an additional IP header. The primary use of IP-IP is for tunneling multicast
traffic over sections of a network that does not support multicast routing. The IP-IP packet structure consists
of the outer IP header, the tunnel header, the inner IP header, and the IP payload.

The IP payload includes everything above IP. This could be TC P, UDP, or IC MP headers, and data. A limited
form of tunnel maintenance is achieved by using standard IC MP messages. IC MP messages allow the tunnel
to do tunnel MTU discovery and detect congestion and routing failures.

Managing Virtual Private Networking

In lesson 3, you learned how to manage remote access. In many ways, the management of VPNs is similar to
managing remote access. Virtual private networking must be managed just like any other network resource,
and VPN security issues must be managed carefully, particularly with Internet VPN connections.

Managing Users

Because it is not practical to have separate user accounts on separate servers for the same user, most
administrators set up a master account database at a domain controller or on a RADIUS server. This allows
the VPN server to send the authentication credentials to a central authenticating device. The same user
account is used for both dial-in remote access and VPN-based remote access.

Managing Addresses and Name Servers

The VPN server must have IP addresses available in order to assign them to the VPN server's virtual interface
and to VPN clients during the IP C ontrol Protocol (IPC P) negotiation phase of the connection process. The IP
address assigned to the VPN client is assigned to the virtual interface of the VPN client.

For Windows 2000-based VPN servers, the IP addresses assigned to VPN clients are obtained through DHC P
by default. You can also configure a static IP address pool. The VPN server must also be configured with
name resolution servers, typically DNS and WINS server addresses, to assign to the VPN client during IPC P

Managing Access

For Windows 2000, configure the dial-in properties on user accounts and remote access policies to manage
access for dial-up networking and VPN connections.

Access by User Account

If you are managing remote access on a user basis, select the Allow Access radio button on the Dial-In tab of
the user's Properties dialog box for those user accounts that are allowed to create VPN connections. If the
VPN server is allowing only VPN connections, delete the default remote access policy called Allow Access If
Dial-In Permission Is Enabled. Then create a new remote access policy with a descriptive name, such as VPN
Access If Allowed By User Account.

After deleting the default policy, a dial-up client that does not match at least one of the policy configurations
you create will be denied access.
If the VPN server is also allowing dial-up remote access services, do not delete the default policy, but move it
so that it is the last policy to be evaluated.

Access by Group Membership

If you are managing remote access on a group basis, select the C ontrol access through remote access policy
radio button on all user accounts. C reate a Windows 2000 group with members who are allowed to create
VPN connections. If the VPN server allows only VPN connections, delete the default remote access policy
called Allow Access If Dial-In Permission Is Enabled. Next, create a new remote access policy with a
descriptive name such as VPN Access If Member Of VPN-Allowed Group, and then assign the Windows 2000
group to the policy.

If the VPN server also allows dial-up networking remote access services, do not delete the default policy;

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instead move it so that it is the last policy to be evaluated.

Managing Authentication

The VPN server can be configured to use either Windows or RADIUS as an authentication provider. If
Windows is selected as the authentication provider, the user credentials sent by users attempting VPN
connections are authenticated using Windows authentication mechanisms and remote access policy configured
through the Routing And Remote Access snap-in.

If RADIUS is selected and configured as the authentication provider on the VPN server, user credentials and
parameters of the connection request are sent as a series of RADIUS request messages to a RADIUS server.

The RADIUS server receives a user-connection request from the VPN server and authenticates the user by
using its authentication database. A RADIUS server can also maintain a central storage database of other
relevant user properties. In addition to a yes or no response to an authentication request, RADIUS can inform
the VPN server of other applicable connection profile data for users, such as maximum session time, static IP
address assignment, and so on. An IAS RADIUS server stores remote access profile information for clients
that use the RADIUS server as the authentication provider. If RADIUS authentication is configured for a RAS
server, the Remote Access Policies node disappears from the Routing And Remote Access snap-in console
tree; remote access policy is then configured in IAS.

RADIUS can respond to authentication requests based on its own database, or it can be a front end to another
database server, such as a generic Open Database C onnectivity (ODBC ) server or a Windows 2000 domain
controller. The latter can be located on the same computer as the RADIUS server, or elsewhere. In addition,
a RADIUS server can act as a proxy client to a remote RADIUS server.


Troubleshooting VPNs is a combination of troubleshooting IP connectivity, remote access connection

establishment, routing, and IPSec. A firm understanding of all of these topics is required.

The following sections outline common VPN problems and the troubleshooting tools provided with Windows
2000. VPN problems typically fall into the following categories:

 C onnection attempt is rejected when it should be accepted.

 C onnection attempt is accepted when it should be rejected.
 Unable to reach locations beyond the VPN server.
 Unable to establish a tunnel.

Connection Attempt is Rejected When it Should Be Accepted

Verify the following information in order to troubleshoot this problem:

 Verify that the host name or IP address of the VPN server is reachable by using the ping command.
If a host name is being used, verify that it is resolved to its correct IP address.
 Verify that RRAS is running on the VPN server.
 Verify that all of the PPTP or L2TP ports on the VPN server are not already being used. If necessary,
change the number of PPTP to L2TP ports to allow more concurrent connections. Ports are added and
configured from the Ports node in the Routing And Remote Access snap-in.
 Verify that the tunneling protocol of the VPN client is supported by the VPN server. You can do this by
checking the Port Properties on the RAS server.
 Remote access VPN clients are set to the Automatic server type by default, which means that they
will try to establish a PPTP tunnel first, then try an L2TP over IPSec tunnel. If the server type is set to
either Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) or Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), verify that the
selected tunneling protocol is supported by the VPN server.
 A Windows 2000 computer running RRAS is a PPTP and L2TP server with five L2TP ports and five
PPTP ports by default (appearing in the details pane of the Ports node in the Routing And Remote
Access snap-in). To create a PPTP-only server, set the number of L2TP ports to 0.
To create an L2TP-only server, set the number of PPTP ports to 1, because the number of PPTP ports
cannot be set to 0, and then clear the Remote Access C onnection (Inbound Only) and the Demand
Dial Routing C onnections (Inbound And Outbound) check boxes. These settings are configured from
the properties of the Ports node. On the client computer, change the type of VPN server from
automatic to Layer-2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP).

 Verify that the VPN client and the VPN server are enabled to use at least one common authentication
 For PPTP connections, test whether a PPTP connection can be made without encryption. If so, check
the encryption settings on the VPN client and VPN server.
 For L2TP over IPSec connections, test whether a L2TP connection can be made without encryption
(without IPSec). If so, check the L2TP over IPSec encryption settings on the VPN client and VPN

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To disable IPSec on the client computer, access the properties of the VPN connection. C lick the
Networking tab and then access the properties of Internet Protocol (TC P/IP). Next, click the
Advanced button and then the Options tab. Finally, access the properties of the IP Security option.
From the IP Security dialog box, you can configure the client to not use IPSEC .

To disable IPSec on the server, access the properties of the local area network adapter. From there,
access the properties of Internet Protocol (TC P/IP) and then follow the navigation procedure outlined
for the client connection. This procedure can also be followed for the client computer if the client
computer contains a Local Area C onnection option in the Network And Dial-up C onnections window.

 Verify that the parameters of the connection have permission through remote access policies.
Remote access policy is configured through the Routing And Remote Access snap-in or through the
RADIUS server, depending on the authentication provider.
In order for the connection to be established, the parameters of the connection attempt must meet the
following conditions:

 Match all of the conditions of at least one remote access policy.

 Be granted remote access permission either through the remote access permission of the user object
(set to Allow Access) or through a combination of the user object settings and remote access policy.
In the latter case, the C ontrol Access Through Remote Access Policy option in the User Object
properties is selected and the Grant Remote Access Permission option is selected in the properties of
the remote access policy.
 Match all the settings of the profile.
 Match all the settings of the dial-in properties of the user object. Verify that the settings of the remote
access policy profile are not in conflict with properties of the routing and remote access server.
If the settings of the profile of the matching remote access policy are in conflict with the settings of the VPN
server, the connection attempt is rejected. For example, if the matching remote access policy profile specifies
that the EAP-TLS authentication protocol must be used and EAP-TLS is not enabled on the VPN server, the
VPN server rejects the connection attempt.

 Verify that the VPN client's credentials consisting of user name, password, and domain name are
correct and can be validated by the VPN server.
 If the VPN server is configured with a static IP address pool, verify that there are enough addresses
in the pool. If all the addresses in the static pool have been allocated to connected VPN clients, the
VPN server is unable to allocate an IP address and the connection attempt is rejected.
 Verify the configuration of the authentication provider. For a VPN server that is a member server in a
mixed or native Windows 2000 domain configured for Windows NT authentication, verify that the
machine account of the VPN server computer is a member of the RAS and IAS Servers security
 For remote access VPN connections, verify that remote access is enabled on the VPN server.
 For remote access VPN connections, verify that the PPTP and/or L2TP ports are enabled for inbound
remote access requests.
 For remote client VPNs, verify that the LAN protocols used by the VPN client are enabled for remote
 For router-to-router VPN connections, verify that routing is enabled and LAN and demand-dial routing
is selected on the VPN server. This option can be configured from the General tab of the RRAS
server's Properties dialog box.
 For router-to-router VPN connections, verify that the PPTP and L2TP ports are enabled for inbound
and outbound demand-dial routing connections. This option can be configured from the properties of
the Ports node.

Connection Attempt is Accepted When it Should Be Rejected

Verify that the parameters of the connection do not have permission through remote access policies.

In order for the connection to be rejected, the parameters of the connection attempt must be denied remote
access permission through one of the following methods:

 The remote access permission of the user object is set to Deny Access.
 The remote access permission of the user object is set to C ontrol Access Through Remote Access
Policy and the first remote access policy that matches the parameters of the connection attempt is
set to Deny Remote Access Permission.

Unable to Reach Locations beyond the VPN Server

Verify the following information in order to troubleshoot this problem:

 For remote client VPNs, verify that the Entire network option is selected for LAN protocols being used
by the VPN clients.
 Verify the IP address pool of the VPN server.
 If the VPN server is configured to use a static IP address pool, verify that the route to the
range of addresses defined by the static IP address pool is reachable by the hosts and

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routers of the intranet. If not, an IP route consisting of the VPN server static IP address pool
(IP Address, Subnet Mask) must be added to the routers of the intranet. If the route is not
added, remote access clients will not receive traffic from resources on the intranet. A route
for the network can be implemented through static routing entries or through a routing
protocol such as RIP or OSPF.
 If the VPN server is configured to use DHC P for IP address allocation and no DHC P server is
available, a route to (subnet mask must be added to the
routers of the intranet. When the VPN server is configured to use DHC P and no DHC P server
is found, the VPN server allocates addresses from the AutoNet address range of To check this address allocation on the client computer, access the
properties of the active connection.
 If the static IP address pool is a range of IP addresses that is a subset of the range of IP
addresses for the network to which the VPN server is attached, verify that the range of IP
addresses in the static IP address pool are not assigned to other TC P/IP nodes either
statically or through DHC P.
 For router-to-router VPNs, verify that the router-to-router VPN connection is being
interpreted by the VPN server as a router-to-router VPN connection rather than as a remote
access connection.
 If the user name of the calling router's credentials appears under Dial-In C lients in the
Routing And Remote Access Manager, then the VPN server has interpreted the calling router
as a remote access client. Verify that the user name in the calling router's credentials
matches the name of a demand-dial interface on the VPN server.

Unable to Establish Tunnel

Verify the following information in order to troubleshoot this problem:

 Verify that you are connecting to the correct address. Try to use the IP address of the server
interface closest to you. This is the address of the interface that has the route back to you. If you are
using DNS to resolve the IP address, the correct address may not be in use. Using the wrong address
will cause the PPTP session to reset.
 Verify that packet filtering on a router interface between the VPN client and the VPN server is not
preventing the forwarding of tunnel maintenance traffic or tunneled data.
 On a Windows 2000 VPN server, IP packet filtering can be configured from the advanced
TC P/IP properties and from the Routing And Remote Access snap-in. C heck both places for
filters that may be excluding VPN traffic.
 Verify that packet filtering on other routers in the path are not blocking the needed protocols.
 Verify the configuration of tunneling protocols:
 PPTP Pass TC P port 1723 and IP protocol ID 47 for the control session and GRE.
 L2TP Pass UDP port 1701.
 IPSec Pass protocol ID 50 and 51 for IPSEC Authentication header and ESP
encapsulating security payload.
 IP-IP Pass IP protocol ID 4.
 Verify that the WinSock Proxy client is not currently running on the VPN client. When the
WinSock Proxy client is active, WinSock API calls, such as those used to create tunnels and
send tunneled data, are intercepted and forwarded to a configured proxy server.

Lesson Summary

A VPN mimics the properties of a dedicated private network, allowing data to be transferred between two
computers across an internetwork, such as the Internet. Branch offices can use two different methods to
connect to a network over the internet: using dedicated lines or dial-up lines. VPNs use tunneling to transfer
data. Tunneling is a method of using an internetwork infrastructure to transfer a payload. A tunneling protocol
is made up of a tunnel maintenance protocol and a tunnel data transfer protocol. There are two basic types of
tunnels: voluntary tunnels and compulsory tunnels. The primary protocols used by Windows 2000 for VPN
access are PPTP, L2TP, IPSec, and IP-IP. When managing VPNs, you must manage users, addresses and
name servers, access, authentication, and encryption. If you cannot establish a VPN connection, you must
troubleshoot the problem. Troubleshooting VPNs is a combination of troubleshooting IP connectivity, remote
access connection establishment, routing, and IPSec.

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Lesson 5: RRAS Tools

Windows 2000 includes a set of tools that you can use to manage and troubleshoot RRAS. These tools include
the Routing And Remote Access snap-in, the netsh command-line utility, authentication and accounting
logging, event logging, and tracing.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Use the Windows 2000 tools that are provided to administer and
troubleshoot RRAS
Estimated lesson time: 30 minutes

Routing And Remote Access Snap-In

The Routing And Remote Access snap-in allows you to perform a variety of management tasks, such as
enabling RRAS, managing routing interfaces, configuring IPX routing, creating a static IP address pool,
configuring remote access policies, and so on. For more information about the Routing And Remote Access
snap-in, open the snap-in and then click the Help button (Figure 10.16).

Figure 10.16 Routing And Remote Access snap-in

The Routing And Remote Access snap-in is available from the Administrative Tools folder and is the primary
management utility for configuring Windows 2000 local and remote access servers and routers.

Net Shell Command-Line Utility

Net Shell is a command-line and scripting utility for Windows 2000 networking components for local or remote
computers. The Net Shell utility is named Netsh.exe and is installed in %systemroot%\system32 when
Windows 2000 is installed. Netsh also allows you to save a configuration script in a text file for archival
purposes or for configuring other servers.

Netsh can support multiple Windows 2000 components through the addition of netsh helper DLLs. A netsh
helper DLL extends its functionality by providing additional commands to monitor or configure a specific
Windows 2000 networking component. For example, Ippromon.dll is a helper for using the dhcp, dnsproxy,
igmp, nat, ospf, dhcp relay, and rip commands. Each netsh helper DLL provides a context (a group of
commands for a specific networking component). Within each context, subcontexts can exist. For example,
within the routing context, the subcontexts ip and ipx exist to group IP routing and IPX routing commands

All command-line options beginning with a minus sign are run outside of the Shell mode. Once in Shell mode,
commands are carried out without specifying netsh or a command starting with a minus sign.
Netsh command-line options include the following:

 –a <AliasFile> Specifies that an alias file can be used. An alias file contains a list of netsh
commands and an aliased version so that the aliased command line can be used in place of the netsh
command. Alias files can be used to map commands to the appropriate netsh command that might be
more familiar in other platforms.
 –c <Context> Specifies the context of the command corresponding to an installed helper DLL. For

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netsh -c routing

places you in the context of the routing helper.

 Command Specifies which Netsh command to carry out. C ommands can be run both inside and
outside of Shell mode. For example:

netsh show helper

shows the helpers installed at the root of the shell. After entering the shell by typing netsh, the
command for showing helper DLLs at the root of netsh is:

show helper
 –f <ScriptFile> Specifies that all of the netsh commands in the script file be run. For example:

netsh -f config.txt

runs all commands in a file named config.txt.

 –r <RemoteComputerName or IP_address> Specifies that netsh commands are run on the

remote computer specified by its name or IP address. For example:

netsh -r RRAS2

places Net Shell in command mode for a RRAS server named RRAS2. The command prompt is
changed to:

[RRAS2] netsh>

C ommands can be abbreviated to the shortest unambiguous string. For example, while in the command shell,
typing the command ro ip sh int is equivalent to typing routing ip show interface. Netsh commands can
be either global or context specific. Global commands can be issued in any context and are used for general
netsh functions. C ontext-specific commands vary according to context.

The following table lists the netsh global commands.

Command Description

.. Moves up one context level.

? or help Displays command-line Help.

add helper Adds a netsh helper DLL.

delete helper Removes a netsh helper DLL.

show helper Displays the installed netsh helper DLLs.

online Sets the current mode to online.

offline Sets the current mode to offline.

set mode Sets the current mode to online or offline.

show mode Displays the current mode.

flush Discards any changes in Offline mode.

commit C ommits changes made in Offline mode.

set machine C onfigures the computer on which the netsh

commands are carried out.

show machine Displays the computer on which the netsh

commands are carried out.

Exec Executes a script file containing netsh


quit or bye or exit Exits netsh.

add alias Adds an alias to an existing command.

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delete alias Deletes an alias from an existing command.

show alias Displays all defined aliases.

dump Dumps or appends configuration to a text file.

popd A scripting command that pops a context from

the stack.

pushd A scripting command that pushes the current

context on the stack.

Netsh has the following command modes:

 Online In Online mode, commands issued at a netsh command prompt are carried out immediately.
 Offline In Offline mode, commands issued at a netsh command prompt are accumulated and carried
out as a batch by issuing the commit global command. Accumulated commands can be discarded by
issuing the flush global command.
You can also run a script (a text file with a list of netsh commands) by using either the -f command-line option
or by typing the exec global command while in the netsh shell.

To create a script of the current configuration, type the global dump command. The dump command
generates the current running configuration in terms of netsh commands. You can then use the script created
by this command that you configure a new server or to reconfigure the existing server. If you are making
extensive changes to the configuration of a component, it is recommended to begin the configuration session
with the dump command, in case you need to restore the configuration before you make changes.

For RRAS, netsh has the following contexts:

 ras Use commands in the ras context to configure remote access configuration.
 aaaa Use commands in the aaaa context to configure the AAAA component used by both Routing
and Remote Access and Internet Authentication Service. AAAA stores the configuration setting of the
IAS server.
 routing Use commands in the routing context to configure IP and IPX routing.
 interface Use commands in the interface context to configure demand-dial interfaces.
For more information about context-specific commands, see Windows 2000 Server Help and the help provided
by the netsh command.

Authentication and Accounting Logging

RRAS supports the logging of authentication and accounting information for PPP-based connection attempts
when Windows authentication or accounting is enabled. This logging is separate from the events recorded in
the system event log. You can use the information that is logged to track remote access usage and
authentication attempts. Authentication and accounting logging is especially useful for troubleshooting remote
access policy issues. For each authentication attempt, the name of the remote access policy that either
accepted or rejected the connection attempt is recorded.

The authentication and accounting information is stored in a configurable log file or files stored in the
%systemroot%\System32\LogFiles folder. Log files are saved in IAS 1.0 or database format, meaning that
any database program can read the log file directly for analysis.

You can configure the type of activity to log (accounting or authentication activity) and log file settings,
including an alternate storage location, from the properties of the Remote Access Logging folder in either the
Routing And Remote Access snap-in or the Internet Authentication Service snap-in. The logging location is
based on the settings configured for the authentication and logging provider used by RRAS.

Event Logging

The Windows 2000 Router performs extensive error logging in the system event log. You can use information
in the event logs to troubleshoot routing or remote access processes.

The following four levels of logging are available

 Log errors only

 Log errors and warnings
 Log the maximum amount of information
 Disable event logging
For example, if an Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) router is unable to establish an adjacency on an interface,
you can take the following steps:
1. Disable OSPF on the interface.
2. C hange the level of logging for OSPF to log the maximum amount of information.

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3. Enable OSPF on the interface.

4. Examine the system event log for information about the OSPF adjacency process.
5. C hange the level of logging for OSPF to log errors only.
You can then troubleshoot the adjacency problem by analyzing the OSPF entries in the system event log.

The level of event logging can be set from various places within the Routing And Remote Access snap-in. For
example, logging can be set for a specific computer on the Event Logging tab of that computer's properties.
You can also set logging in the General Properties dialog box for IP Routing (on the General tab).

Logging consumes system resources and should be used sparingly to help identify network problems. After
the event has been logged or the problem is identified, you should immediately reset logging to log errors

When logging the maximum amount of information, the logging information can be complex and very
detailed. Some of this information is useful only to Microsoft Product Support Services engineers or to
network administrators who are very experienced with Windows 2000 routing.


Windows 2000 RRAS has an extensive tracing capability that you can use to troubleshoot complex network
problems. Tracing records internal component variables, function calls, and interactions. Separate routing and
remote access components can be independently enabled to log tracing information to files (file tracing). You
must enable the tracing function by changing settings in the Windows 2000 registry.

Do not use a registry editor to edit the registry directly unless you have no alternative. Registry editors
bypass the standard safeguards provided by administrative tools. These safeguards prevent you from
entering conflicting settings or settings that are likely to degrade performance or damage your system.
Editing the registry directly can have serious, unexpected consequences that can prevent the system from
starting and require that you reinstall Windows 2000. To configure or customize Windows 2000, use the
programs in C ontrol Panel or snap-ins whenever possible.
You can enable tracing for each routing protocol by setting the registry values described later in this section.
You can also enable and disable tracing for routing protocols while the router is running. Each installed routing
protocol or component is capable of tracing and appears as a key (such as OSPF and RIPV2).

Tracing consumes system resources and should be used sparingly to help identify network problems. After
the trace is captured or the problem is identified, you should immediately disable tracing. Do not leave tracing
enabled on multiprocessor computers.

Tracing information can be complex and very detailed. Most of the time this information is useful only to
Microsoft support engineers or to network administrators who are very experienced with Windows 2000

File Tracing

To enable file tracing for each component (represented as C omponent below), you must set the value of the
EnableFileTracing registry entry in HKEY_LOC AL_MAC HINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\C omponent to 1.
The default value is 0.

To set the location of the trace file for each component, you must set the value of the FileDirectory registry
entry. The location of the log file is entered as a path. The file name for the log file is the name of the
component for which tracing is enabled. By default, log files are placed in the %systemroot%\ Tracing folder.

To set the level of file tracing for each component, you must set the value of the FileTracingMask registry
entry. The tracing level can be from 0 to 0xffff0000. By default, the level of file tracing is set to 0xffff0000,
the maximum level of tracing.

To set the maximum size of a log file, you must set the value of the MaxFileSize registry entry. You can
change the size of the log file by setting different values for MaxFileSize. The default value is 10000 (64 KB).

Lesson Summary

Windows 2000 includes a set of tools that allows you to manage and troubleshoot RRAS. The Routing And
Remote Access snap-in allows you to perform a variety of management tasks, such as enabling RRAS,
managing routing interfaces, configuring IPX routing, creating a static IP address pool, configuring remote
access policies, and so on. Netsh is a command-line and scripting utility for Windows 2000 networking
components for local or remote computers. RRAS also supports the logging of authentication and accounting
information for PPP-based connection attempts when Windows authentication or accounting is enabled. In
addition, the Windows 2000 Router performs extensive error logging in the system event log. You can use
information in the event logs to troubleshoot routing or remote access processes. Windows 2000 RRAS also

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has an extensive tracing capability that you can use to troubleshoot complex network problems.

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The following questions are intended to reinforce key information presented in this chapter. If you are unable
to answer a question, review the appropriate lesson and then try the question again. Answers to the questions
can be found in Appendix A, "Questions and Answers."
1. What is the purpose of demand-dial routing?
2. What authentication providers are available in RRAS and how are they different from authentication
3. What is the purpose of VPN and what two VPN technologies are supported in Windows 2000 RRAS?
4. If a remote access client begins to connect to the RAS server but the connection is dropped, what
troubleshooting steps will help you to solve this error?
5. How is the remote access permission of Deny Access (in Mixed mode or Native mode), similar in
function to the Native-mode domain default remote access policy?
6. You need to configure 10 RRAS servers for a client. All 10 servers will have identical RRAS
configurations. What is the most efficient way to complete this configuration?

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Chapter 11
Microsoft Windows 2000 Security
About This Chapter

Microsoft Windows 2000 introduces a comprehensive public key infrastructure (PKI) to the Windows platform.
PKI extends the Windows-based public key (PK) cryptographic services introduced over the past few years,
providing an integrated set of services and administrative tools for creating, deploying, and managing
PK-based applications. This chapter describes the Windows 2000 PKI, discusses the primary public key
technologies that are supported by Windows 2000, and provides an overview of the Kerberos and IPSec
protocols in Windows 2000. Finally, the chapter introduces you to Windows 2000 security configuration tools
and to auditing, a tool you can use to maintain network security.


Windows 2000 security is a sophisticated and comprehensive set of services. Although this chapter introduces
you to Windows 2000 security, it cannot address it in depth. We recommend that you refer to Windows 2000
Help and the Microsoft Web site (http://www.microsoft.com) to supplement the material in this chapter. In
addition, a set of white papers is provided with this kit. These supplemental documents contain detailed
information about Windows 2000 security. See the Supplemental C ourse Materials C D-ROM
(\chapt11\articles\) that accompanies this book.

Before You Begin

To complete the lessons in this chapter, you must have

 A computer that has Windows 2000 Server installed and operating.

 C ompleted the exercises in the previous chapters.

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Lesson 1: Public Key Infrastructure

Public key cryptography is a critical technology for e-commerce, intranets, extranets, and other Web-enabled
applications. However, to take advantage of the benefits of public key cryptography, a supporting
infrastructure is needed. The Windows 2000 operating system includes a native public key infrastructure (PKI)
that is designed from the ground up to take full advantage of the Windows 2000 security architecture. This
lesson provides an overview of the Windows 2000 PKI and includes discussions about security properties,
cryptography, certificates, and Microsoft C ertificate Services.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Describe the fundamental concepts of public key cryptography and the
Windows 2000 implementation of PKI
 Process certificate requests and add certificate authorities (C As)
 Install Microsoft C ertificate Services
Estimated lesson time: 35 minutes

Security Properties

C omputer security includes everything from the physical computing environment to the software
environment. In a software environment, security should provide four functions: authentication, integrity,
confidentiality, and anti-replay.


Authentication is the process of reliably determining the genuine identity of the communicating computer
(host) or user. Authentication is based on cryptography; it ensures that an attacker eavesdropping on the
network cannot gain the information needed to impersonate a valid user or entity. It allows a communicating
entity to prove its identity to another entity before unprotected data is sent across the network. Without
strong authentication, any data and the host it is sent from is suspect.


Integrity is the correctness of data as it was originally sent. Integrity services protect data from unauthorized
modification in transit. Without data integrity, any data and the host it is sent from is suspect.


Confidentiality ensures that data is disclosed only to intended recipients.


Anti-replay, also called replay prevention, ensures that datagrams are not retransmitted. Each datagram sent
is unique. This uniqueness prevents attacks in which a message is intercepted and stored, then re-used later
to attempt illegal access to information.


Cryptography is a set of mathematical techniques for encrypting and decrypting data so it can be transmitted
securely and not be interpreted by unauthorized parties. C ryptography uses keys in conjunction with
algorithms to secure data. A key is a value used to encrypt or decrypt information. Even if the algorithm is
publicly known, security is not compromised because the data cannot be read without the key. For example,
the algorithm of a combination lock is common knowledge: the dials are moved in a specific order to open the
lock. However, the key to the lock—the numbers of the combination code—is secret and known only to the
person with the combination. In other words, the key provides the security, not the algorithm. The algorithm
provides the infrastructure in which the key is applied. Security systems can be based on public key or secret
key cryptography, which are described later in this lesson.

There are a number of well-known cryptographic algorithms, each supporting different security operations.
The following table describes several well-known cryptographic algorithms:

Algorithm Description

Rivest, Shamir, Adleman A general purpose algorithm that can support digital signatures,
(RSA) distributed authentication, secret key agreement via public key, and bulk
data encryption without prior shared secrets.

Digital Signature Standard A public key algorithm used for producing digital signatures.

Diffie-Hellman A public key cryptography algorithm that allows two communicating

entities to agree on a shared key without requiring encryption during the
key generation.

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Hash Message A secret key algorithm that provides integrity, authentication, and
Authentication C ode anti-replay. HMAC uses hash functions combined with a secret key. A
(HMAC ) hash, also known as a message digest, is used to create and verify a
digital signature.

HMAC -Message Digest A hash function that produces a 128-bit value known as a digital
function 5 (MD5) signature. This signature is used for authentication, integrity, and

HMAC -Secure Hash A hash function that produces a 160-bit digital signature and that is used
Algorithm (SHA) for authentication, integrity, and anti-replay.

Data Encryption A secret key algorithm used for confidentiality. A random number is
Standard-C ipher C haining generated and used with the secret key to Block encrypt data.

Public Key Cryptography

Public key cryptography is an asymmetric scheme that uses a pair of keys for encryption. It is called
asymmetric because it uses two encryption keys that are mathematically related. These related keys are
called the public and private key pair. To use public key encryption, an object (such as a user) must generate
a public and private key pair. The object will have only one private key (its own) but may obtain multiple
public keys that pair to other private keys. Objects obtain public keys in one of two ways:

 The owner of the private key sends the receiver the matching public key.
 The receiver obtains the key from a directory service such as the Active Directory service or Domain
Name System (DNS).
A public and private key pair are typically used for two purposes: data encryption and digital message

Data Encryption

Data encryption provides confidentiality by ensuring that only the intended recipient is able to decrypt and
view the original data. When secure data must be transmitted, the sender obtains the recipient's public key.
The sender then uses the recipient's public key to encrypt data and then send it. When the recipient receives
the data, the recipient uses his or her own private key to decrypt the data. Encryption is only secure if the
sender uses the recipient's public key for encryption. If a sender uses his or her private key to encrypt data,
anyone can capture the data and decrypt it by obtaining the sender's public key.

Digital Message Signing

Digital signing provides authentication and integrity but does not provide confidentiality. Digital signing allows
a recipient to be certain of the identity of the sender and verifies the content has not been modified during
transit. This is to prevent the originator of a message from attempting to send a message under the guise of
another identity.

When a sender signs a message, a message digest is created. A message digest is a representation of the
message and is similar to a cyclic redundancy check (C RC ). The sender uses his or her private key to
encrypt the message digest. When the recipient receives the message, the recipient obtains the sender's
public key to decrypt the message digest. The recipient then creates a message digest from the message and
compares the message digest to the decrypted message digest. If the message digests match, integrity is
guaranteed (Figure 11.1).

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Figure 11.1 Using a signed message, message digest and the PKI to verify authenticity of sender

Authentication is provided through the key pair. Since the message digest was encrypted by using the
sender's private key (and only the sender's public key will decrypt the message digest), the recipient can be
certain that the message came from the owner of the key pair. The recipient, however, must have a
mechanism for ensuring that the key pair belongs to the intended sender and not someone impersonating the
sender. This is done through a certificate issued by a trusted third party, which confirms the identity of the
owner of the public key. The trusted third party is known as a C ertificate Authority (C A), which will be
discussed later in the lesson.

Secret Keys

A secret key (also known as shared secret or shared secret key) is used in much the same way as a public
key; however, there is only one key that provides security. Secret keys are generally used only for a
particular session or for a short period of time before being discarded. This process holds an advantage over
public keys. For example, if an unauthorized person became aware of the key, that person may be able to
gain access to a session. However, the unauthorized person would not be able to impersonate either the user
or computer outside of the session, and would not have access to other resources with the secret key.

In order to get the shared secret key to both parties, there must exist a mechanism for doing so without
compromising security. If the key was sent over the network, an eavesdropper would have easy access to
the key.

An eavesdropper is someone using a network-monitoring tool to capture packets on the network.

Secret Key Exchange

A common solution to providing the secret key to both parties is using public keys. Public keys make it
possible to encrypt the secret key as it is sent across the network. Public keys ensure confidentiality,
authentication, and integrity; therefore, security is not compromised when a secret key is sent.

For example, if Bruce wants to send data to Max by using a secret key, Bruce and Max will each generate half
of the secret key. Bruce will obtain Max's public key to encrypt his half of the secret key and send it to Max.
Likewise, Max will obtain Bruce's public key to encrypt his half of the secret key and send it to Bruce. Bruce
and Max then combine the halves of the secret key to generate the shared secret key to be used for
encrypting the data to be sent (Figure 11.2). This secret key negotiation and the use of the secret key to
encrypt the data provide authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality.

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Figure 11.2 Secret key exchange where Bruce and Max each generate half of a secret key to create a
shared secret key

Data Encryption

In order to provide confidentiality, the data must be encrypted by using the shared secret key. Because there
is only one key known to both the sender and the receiver, encryption is a straightforward process. The
sender encrypts the data with the shared secret key and the receiver decrypts it with the shared secret key.
Since no other entity on the network has knowledge of the secret key, the data is safe from attack. The
sender and the receiver generally discard shared secret keys once the session has been terminated.


Public key encryption assumes that the identity of the key pair owner is established beyond doubt. A digital
certificate, also referred to simply as a certificate, is a set of data that completely identifies an entity. A
trusted C ertificate Authority (C A) issues certificates after the authority has verified the entity's identity. The
C A provides a trusted third party for both communicating parties.

For example, if Tucker wants to send authenticated data to Max, Tucker sends his public key to Max. A
trusted C A certifies Tucker's public key, thus certifying Tucker's identity. Because Max trusts the C A, he trusts

This process is similar to that of a notary public. A person signs a document in front of a notary public and
provides proof of identity. The notary public is a trusted entity so that anyone examining the document can be
sure that the signature is authentic. Likewise, when the sender of a message signs the message with a private
key, the recipient of the message can use the sender's public key, signed by a trusted C A, to verify that the
sender is legitimate. Since the trusted C A certifies the public key, the recipient can be sure that the sender is
the assumed sender. A trusted C A may be a third-party provider of certificates such as VeriSign or Microsoft
C ertificate Services.

A user, for example, can obtain a digital certificate for use with e-mail. The digital certificate includes the
public key and information about the user. When the user sends e-mail, the e-mail includes a digital signature
that uses the private key. The recipient obtains the public key and determines whether or not the sender of
the mail message is the assumed sender. A private key is never sent to the recipient.


The term X.509 refers to the International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication (ITU-T) standard for
certificate syntax and format. The Windows 2000 certificate-based processes use the X.509 standard.
Because it is possible to use certificates for different applications (for example, secure e-mail, file system
encryption), each certificate has different information contained within it. However, certificates should, at a
minimum, contain the following attributes:

 Version
 Serial number
 Signature algorithm ID
 Issuer name
 Validity period
 Subject (user) name
 Subject public key information
 Issuer unique identifier
 Subject unique identifier

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 Extensions
 Signature on the above fields
Certificate Rev ocation Lists

C ertificates, like most real-world forms of identification, can expire and become invalid. The C A can also
revoke them for other reasons. In order to handle the existence of invalid certificates, the C A maintains a
certificate revocation list (C RL). The C RL is available to network users to determine the validity of any given

CA Hierarchy

Rather than having one trusted C A provide authentication for the entire Internet or intranet, it is possible to
have C As certify other C As. This hierarchical structure, called chaining, allows users to trust a single C A
rather than having to trust all C As. This chaining of C As provides several benefits:

 Flexibility It is easy to move, revoke, or chain C A's without affecting other parts of the
 Distributed Administration Administrators can be responsible for their own sites.
 Security Policies Security policies can be different at each C A site.
The C A at the top of the chain is referred to as the root C A. C As below the root are referred to as
intermediate, subordinate, or issuing C As.

Microsoft Certificate Services

Microsoft C ertificate Services enables an organization to manage the issuance, renewal, and revocation of
digital certificates without having to rely on external certificate authorities. In addition, C ertificate Services
allows an organization to fully control the policies associated with issuing, managing, and revoking
certificates, as well as the format and contents of the certificates themselves. In addition, C ertificate Services
logs all transactions, enabling the administrator to track, audit, and manage certificate requests.

Certificate Services Features

Microsoft C ertificate Services has a number of features that make it valuable to organizations that do not
choose to rely upon external certificate authorities and who require a flexible tool that can be adapted to the
needs of their organization.

Policy Independence

In order to obtain a certificate, requesters must meet certain criteria. This criteria is defined in certificate
policies. For example, one policy may grant commercial certificates only if applicants present their
identification in person. Another policy may grant credentials based on e-mail requests.

Policies are implemented in policy components that can be written in Java, Visual Basic, or Microsoft C /C ++.
The default policy for C ertificate Services allows users to request certificates through an HTML page.

Transport Independence

C ertificate Services can request and distribute certificates through any transport mechanism. That is, it can
accept certificate requests from an applicant and post certificates to the applicant through Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP), remote procedure call (RPC ), disk file, or custom transport.

Adherence to Standards

Microsoft C ertificate Services can perform the following services:

 Accept standard Public Key C ryptography Standards (PKC S) #10 requests.

 Support PKC S #7 cryptographically signed data.
 Issue X.509 version 1.0 and 3.0 certificates.
Support for additional certificate formats can be added to C ertificate Services. C ertificate Services includes
an LDAP component so that C ertificate Services can integrate with the Active Directory service.

Key Management

The security of a certification system depends on the protection of private keys. The design of C ertificate
Services ensures that individuals cannot access private key information without authorization. C ertificate
Services relies on Microsoft C ryptoAPI to provide key management functionality and other cryptographic
capabilities for building a secure store, with certificates kept in a certificate store.

Certificate Services Architecture

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C ertificate Services architectural elements include the server engine that handles certificate requests and
other modules that perform tasks by communicating with the server engine. Figure 11.3 illustrates how the
components communicate with the server engine.

Figure 11.3 Server engine and other components of Certificate Services

Serv er Engine

The server engine is the core component of C ertificate Services. The engine acts as a broker for all requests
it receives from the entry modules, driving the flow of information between components during the processing
of a request and generation of a certificate. At each processing stage, the engine interacts with the various
modules to ensure appropriate action is taken based on the state of the request.


The intermediary is the architectural component that receives new certificate requests from clients and
submits them to the server engine. The intermediary is composed of two parts: the intermediary application
that performs actions on behalf of clients and the C ertificate Services C lient Interface that handles
communications between the intermediary application and the server engine.

Intermediary applications can be written to handle certificate requests from different types of clients, across
multiple transports, or according to policy-specific criteria. Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is an
intermediary application that provides support for clients over HTTP. Intermediaries can also check on the
status of a previously submitted request and obtain the C ertificate Services' configuration information.

Serv er Database

C ertificate Services includes a server database that maintains status information and a log of all issued
certificates and certificate revocation lists (C RLs). The database is composed of two parts: the server log and
the server queue.

Serv er Log

The server log stores all certificates and C RLs issued by the server so that administrators can track, audit,
and archive server activity. In addition, the server log is used by the server engine to store pending
revocations before publishing them in the C RL. The server log also stores recent certificate requests for a
configurable period in case a problem is encountered when a certificate is issued.

Serv er Queue

The server queue maintains status information (receipt, parsing, authorization, signing, and dispatch) as the
server processes a certificate request.

Policy Module

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The policy module contains the set of rules governing issuance, renewal, and revocation of certificates. All
requests received by the server engine are passed to the policy module for validation. Policy modules are
also used to parse any supplemental information provided within a request and set properties on the
certificate accordingly.

Extension Handlers

Extension handlers work in tandem with the policy module to set custom extensions on a certificate. Each
extension handler acts as a template for the custom extensions that should appear in a certificate. The policy
module must load the appropriate extension handler when it is needed.

Exit Modules

Exit modules publish completed certificates and C RLs through any number of transports or protocols. By
default, the server notifies each exit module installed on the server whenever a certificate or C RL is

C ertificate Services provides a C omponent Object Model (C OM) interface for writing custom exit modules for
different transports and protocols or for custom delivery options. For example, an LDAP exit module might be
used to publish only client certificates in a directory service and not server certificates. In this case, the exit
module can use the C OM interface to determine the type of certificate that the server is issuing and filter out
any that are not client certificates.

Processing Certificate Requests

C ertificate Services provides services for processing certificate requests and issuing digital certificates (Figure

Figure 11.4 Processing certificate requests

C ertificate Services performs the following steps when processing a certificate request:
1. The certificate request is sent by the client to an intermediary application. The intermediary
application formats it into a PKC S #10 format request and submits it to the server engine.
2. The server engine calls the policy module, which queries request properties, decides whether or not
the request is authorized, and sets optional certificate properties.
3. If the request is approved, the server engine takes the request and builds a complete certificate.
4. The server engine stores the completed certificate in the certificate store and notifies the
intermediary application of the request status. If the exit module has so requested, the server engine
notifies it of a certificate issuance event. This allows the exit module to perform further operations,
such as publishing the certificate to a directory service.
5. The intermediary gets the published certificate from the certificate store and passes it back to the

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Enrolling Certificates

The process of obtaining a digital certificate is called certificate enrollment. This process begins with a client
submitting a certificate request and ends with the installation of the issued certificate in the client application.

The enrollment control and its forms are accessed through the C ertificate Services Enrollment Page. This
page is available from the C ertificate Services Web page at http://server_name/certsrv/.

Figure 11.5 Enrollment control form for Server01 configured as an Enterprise CA

CA Certificates

In the process of issuing a digital certificate, the C A validates the identity of the individual requesting the
certificate and then signs the certificate with its own private key.

A client application, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, checks the C A signature before accepting a
certificate. If the C A signature is not valid or if it comes from an unknown source, Internet Explorer warns the
user by displaying a security message and may prevent the user from accepting the certificate.

If Internet Explorer is set to the low security level, it will not warn the user of invalid certificates. This setting
is appropriate for highly trusted intranet environments and is inappropriate for Internet access.
In addition to the server and client authentication certificates issued by C ertificate Services, there are
certificates that identify C As.

The C A certificate is a signature certificate that contains a public key used to verify digital signatures. It
identifies the C A that issues authentication certificates to the servers and clients that request these
certificates. C lients use the C A certificate of the C A issuing the server certificate to validate the server
certificate. Servers use the C A certificate of the C A issuing the client certificate to validate the client

A self-signed C A certificate is also called a root certificate because it is the certificate for the root C A. The
root C A must sign its own C A certificate because by definition there is no higher certifying authority to sign its
C A certificate.

Distribution and Installation of CA Certificates

C A certificates are not requested and issued in the same manner as server and client authentication
certificates. Server and client authentication certificates are unique for each requesting server and client, and
are not shared—they must be generated and issued by a C A upon demand. In contrast, the C A certificate
does not require issuance upon demand. Instead, it is created once and then made readily available to all
servers or clients who request certificates from the C A.

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A commonly used technique for distributing C A certificates is to place them in a location known and accessible
to anyone who requests certificates from the C A.

Installing Certificate Services

You can install C ertificate Services by using the Add/Remove Programs utility in C ontrol Panel or optionally
during the installation of Windows 2000 Server. Administrators familiar with creating C As can choose a
custom setup by using the advanced options available when installing C ertificate Services. Those unfamiliar
with creating C As can select the default settings.

Certificate Authority Type

The C A type allows selection of how the C A will be utilized in a C A hierarchy and whether or not the C A will
rely upon Active Directory services. The following certificate authority types are available:

 Enterprise Root CA This C A becomes the root C A for the hierarchy and requires Active Directory
 Enterprise Subordinate CA This C A becomes a subordinate C A to an Enterprise Root C A. It
requires Active Directory services. It will request a certificate from the Enterprise Root C A.
 Stand-alone Root CA This C A becomes the root C A for the hierarchy but does not require Active
Directory services.
 Stand-alone Subordinate CA This C A becomes a subordinate C A to a Stand-alone Root C A. It
does not require Active Directory services. It requests a certificate from the Stand-alone Root C A.
When installing the C ertificate Services as an Enterprise C A, C ertificate Services copies the certificates into
Active Directory services. Security support providers such as Kerberos can query Active Directory services to
get the certificate, which contains the public key.

CA Information

You must supply information about the initial C A that is created when you install C ertificate Services. This
information includes the C A name and other necessary information. None of this information can be changed
after the C A setup is complete.

Advanced Configuration

The advanced configuration contains options for the type of cryptography algorithms to be used for the C A
that you are creating. The advanced configuration options include the name of the cryptographic provider, the
hash algorithm, the option to use existing public keys and private keys, and the key length.

Administering Certificate Services

The main tool used to administer C ertificate Services is the C ertification Authority snap-in (Figure 11.6).

Figure 11.6 Certification Authority snap-in for an Enterprise CA

The snap-in allows you to perform a variety of administrative tasks:

 Start or stop the C A service

 Set security permissions and delegate control of a C A
 View a C A certificate
 Back up a C A
 Restore a C A from a backup copy
 Renew a root C A
 Renew a subordinate C A
 Manage certificate revocation

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 Manage certificate requests

 Manage certificate templates
 C hange policy settings
 Map certificate to user accounts
 Modify the Policy Module or Exit Module
You can use the C ertification Authority snap-in to administer a certification authority on the local computer or
on a another computer. The snap-in is installed when C ertificate Services are installed or when installing the
Administration Pack (Adminpak.msi).

C ertutil.exe is a command-line utility used for administering certificate services. Running certutil without any
command-line switches displays summary information about the local certificate authority. C ertutil is used to
dump and display C A configuration information, configure C ertificate Services, back up and restore C A
components, and verify certificates, key pairs, and certificate chains.

If you need to set security for the C A Web pages, you should use the Internet Information Services snap-in.
Expand the Default Web Site from the console tree and then select C ertSrv. From the Action menu, select
Properties. On the Directory Security tab, under Anonymous access and authentication control, click Edit. In
the Authentication Methods dialog box, configure the security settings for the C A Web pages.

Exercise 1: Installing and Configuring Certificate Services

In this exercise you install an Enterprise Root C A and use this C A to issue, install, and revoke certificates.
Note that the secure way to configure C ertification Services is to create a root C A that only issues certificates
to subordinate C A types. The subordinate C A types then issue certificates for specific purposes such as
application services and authentication. Using a root C A for this purpose is not secure because if the root C A
security is breached, all certificates issued are compromised. However, for the purpose of learning how to
install and configure certificate services, a root C A can be used.
 Procedure 1: Installing Certificate Services and configuring the Certificate Authority
In this procedure, you install C ertificate Services on Server01. Server01 acts as an Enterprise Root C A.
1. Log on to Server01 as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. C lick Start, point to Settings and then click C ontrol Panel.
C ontrol Panel appears.
3. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs application.
The Add/Remove Programs window appears.
4. In the left pane, click the Add/Remove Windows components icon.
The Windows C omponents wizard appears.
5. C lick the C ertificate Services check box.
A Microsoft C ertificate Services message box appears stating that once C ertificate Services is
installed, the computer cannot be renamed and it cannot join or be removed from a domain.
6. C lick Yes.
7. On the Windows C omponents screen, click Details.
The C ertificate Services window appears.

Notice that C ertificate Services subcomponents include both the service used to create a certificate
authority and a Web enrollment form for submitting requests and retrieving certificates from the
computer running as a C A.
8. C lick OK.
9. On the Windows C omponents screen, click Next.
The C ertification Authority Type screen appears.
10. Select each radio button and read the text appearing in the Description box.

Notice that the Enterprise C A types can only be used if Active Directory services is running. The
stand-alone C A types run independently of Active Directory services. Thus, they can be used in the
presence or absence of Active Directory services. If Active Directory services is present, the
stand-alone C A types will use it. Subordinate C A types are dependent on the presence of a C A higher
up in the C A hierarchy.

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11. C lick the Enterprise Root C A radio button and click the Advanced options check box.
12. C lick Next.

The Public and Private Key Pair screen appears.

Notice that there are a number of C ryptographic Service Providers (C SPs), each having one or more
associated hash algorithms used to generate key pairs. From this screen you can also specify the key
length or use existing keys installed on the computer, import keys, and view certificates.
13. In the C SP list box, verify that Microsoft Base C ryptographic Provider v1.0 is selected. In the Hash
Algorithm list box, verify that the SHA-1 hash algorithm is selected. In the Key Length drop-down list
box, verify that Default is selected. C lick Next.
The C A Identifying Information screen appears.
14. Type the information in the table into the text boxes on the C A Identifying Information screen.

Label Value to type

C A name Enterprise C A

Organization Microsoft C orporation

Organizational unit Microsoft Press

C ity Redmond

State or province Washington

E-mail ca-mp@microsoft.com

C A description Root C A for self-study training only

Notice that this certificate is configured to be valid for two years.

15. C lick Next.

The Data Storage Location screen appears.

Notice that the certificate database and log file folder, C ertLog, is stored on the boot partition. If disk
capacity on the boot partition is limited, consider specifying another secure partition for the certificate
database and log folder.

The Store configuration information in a shared folder is not necessary if Active Directory services is
running and the computer operating as the certificate authority is a member of a domain.
C onfiguration information about the C A is automatically published to the Active Directory store.
16. C lick Next.

A Microsoft C ertificate Services message box appears stating that Internet Information Services is
running on the computer and warning you that it must be stopped in order for you to be able to
17. C lick OK.

The C onfiguring C omponents screen appears as the software is installed and configured, and then
the C ompleting the Windows C omponents Wizard screen appears.
18. C lick Finish and then on the Add/Remove Programs window, click C lose.
19. C lose C ontrol Panel.
 Procedure 2: Running Certificate Serv ices
In this procedure you will generate, install, and revoke a certificate on Server01. You will use the C ertificate
Enrollment URL and the C ertificate Authority snap-in to complete this procedure.
1. Open C ertification Authority from the Administrative Tools program group.
The C ertification Authority snap-in appears.
2. In the console tree, expand the Enterprise C A node.
3. In the console tree, select the Issued C ertificates folder and then minimize the C ertification Authority
4. C lick the Start menu and then choose run.
The Run dialog box appears.
5. In the Open text box, type http://serv er01/certsrv and then click OK.
The Internet C onnection wizard appears.
6. C lick the I Want To Setup My Internet C onnection Manually, or I Want To C onnect Through A Local
Area Network (LAN) radio button.

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7. C lick Next.
The Setting Up Your Internet C onnection screen appears.
8. C lick the I C onnect Through A Local Area Network (LAN) radio button.
9. C lick Next.
The Local Area Network Internet C onfiguration screen appears.
10. C lear the Automatic Discovery Of Proxy Server (Recommended) check box.
11. C lick Next.

The Set Up Your Internet Mail Account screen appears.

12. C lick the No radio button and then click Next.

The C ompleting The Internet C onnection wizard appears.

13. C lick Finish.

Internet Explorer appears and displays the certificate services enrollment page.
14. Read the information on this page and then verify that the Request A C ertificate radio button is
15. C lick Next.

The C hoose Request Type page appears and the User C ertificate Request radio button is selected.
16. C lick Next.

The User C ertificate—Identifying Information page appears.

17. C lick More Options.

Notice that the C SP selected was the C SP type you specified during installation of C ertificate
18. C lick Submit.

The C ertificate Issued page appears.

19. Minimize Internet Explorer and restore the C ertification Authority snap-in.

The C ertification Authority snap-in appears and one certificate is listed in the details pane. If you
don't see the certificate request, press F5 to refresh the details pane.
20. Double click the certificate appearing in the details pane.

The C ertificate dialog box appears with three tabs.

21. C lick the Details tab.
22. In the top box below the Show drop-down list box, click Issuer.

Notice that the information appearing in the bottom box is the information you typed into the C A
Identifying Information screen.
23. C lick OK.
24. Minimize the C ertification Authority snap-in and restore Internet Explorer.
25. C lick the Install This C ertificate hyperlink.

The C ertificate Installed page appears stating that you have successfully installed a certificate.
26. C lose Internet Explorer.
27. Restore the C ertification Authority snap-in and select the certificate in the details pane.
28. C lick the Action Menu, point to All Tasks and then click Revoke certificate.

The C ertificate Revocation dialog box appears.

29. In the Reason C ode drop-down list box choose Key C ompromise and then click Yes.
30. In the console tree, click the Revoked C ertificates folder.

The revoked certificate appears in the details pane.

31. C lick the Action menu, point to All Tasks and then click Publish.

The C ertificate Revocation List dialog box appears stating that the previous list is still valid.
32. C lick Yes.
33. C lose the C ertification Authority snap-in.
34. C lick the Start menu, and then click Run.

The URL to the C ertsrv directory appears.

35. C lick OK.

Internet Explorer appears and displays the certificate services enrollment page.
36. C lick the Retrieve The C A C ertificate Or C ertificate Revocation List radio button and then click next.

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37. C lick the Download Latest C ertificate Revocation List hyperlink.

The File Download dialog box appears.

38. C lick the Open This File From Its C urrent Location radio button and then click OK.

The C ertificate Revocation List dialog box appears.

39. C lick the Revocation List tab.
40. In the Revoked C ertificates box, click the item that appears.

In the Revocation entry box, the Serial number of the revoked certificate, the date of revocation, and
the reason for revocation appear.
41. C lick OK.
42. C lose Internet Explorer.

Lesson Summary

Windows 2000 includes a native PKI that is designed to take full advantage of the Windows 2000 security
architecture. Public key cryptography is an asymmetric scheme that uses a pair of keys for encryption. To
use public key encryption, a user must generate a public and private key pair. Public key encryption uses
digital certificates to completely identify the key pair owner. The Windows 2000 certificate-based processes
use the X.509 standard. C ertificate Services enables an organization to manage the issuance, renewal, and
revocation of digital certificates without having to rely on external C As. C ertificate Services supports policy
independence, transport independence, adherence to standards, and key management. C ertificate Services
architectural elements include the server engine that handles certificate requests and other modules that
perform tasks by communicating with the server engine. C ertificate Services provides services for processing
certificate requests and issuing digital certificates. You can install C ertificate Services by using the
Add/Remove Programs utility in C ontrol Panel or optionally during Windows 2000 Server installation. The
tools used to administer C ertificate Services once it is installed are the C ertification Authority snap-in, the
C ertutil utility, and the C ertificate Services enrollment Web page.

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Lesson 2: Public Key Technologies

Windows 2000 extends security by supporting a number of technologies that are based on public key security,
including the Secure C hannel authentication package, smart cards, Authenticode, the Encrypting File System
(EFS), and Internet Protocol Security (IPSec). This lesson reviews each of these technologies and explains
how they fit into the PKI framework.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Describe the primary public key-based components of Windows 2000
Estimated lesson time: 35 minutes

Secure Channel Authentication Package

In Windows 2000, a Secure C hannel (SC hannel) authentication package is located below the Security Support
Provider Interface (SSPI) as shown in Figure 11.7.

Figure 11.7 Authentication Services architecture in Windows 2000

The SC hannel authentication package implements the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 3.0 protocol and the
Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 protocol. SSL and TLS are flexible security protocols that can be layered
on top of other transport protocols. They rely on PK-based authentication technology and use PK-based key
negotiation to generate a unique encryption key for each client/server session. They are most commonly
associated with Web-based applications and the HTTP protocol (referred to as HTTPS).

The TLS protocol is based on the SSL 3.0 protocol and moves forward as the Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF) standard. The differences between TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 are not significant, but they are enough that
TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 cannot interoperate. TLS 1.0, however, does have a negotiation mechanism whereby
TLS can back down to and use SSL 3.0. Therefore, a client that supports only SSL 3.0 can still communicate
with a server that supports TLS 1.0.

Both the SSL and TLS protocols provide secure data communication through data encryption and decryption,
client authentication, and optional server authentication. Both are typically used to send and receive private
communication across the Internet by using public key cryptography as its authentication method.

The SSL/TLS protocol is implemented by an SC hannel provider (such as IIS, Proxy Server, and Exchange),
and by client applications that transit the Internet (such as Internet Explorer and Outlook e-mail clients).
Applications request the services of SSL and TLS through the SSPI API.

The benefits of SSL and TLS include the following:

 Authentication that assures the client that data is sent to the correct server and that the server is
 Encryption that assures that nothing other than the secure target server can read the data
 Data integrity that assures that the transferred data has not been altered

Smart Cards

Smart cards, which are the size of credit cards, can be used to store a user's public key, private key, and
certificate. Smart cards are a secure way to protect and control a user's keys, instead of storing them on a
computer. A user's keys and certificates move with the user. Security-critical computations are performed by
the smart card, instead of exposing a user's private key to the computer. In addition, smart cards enhance
software-only solutions, such as logon and secure e-mail.

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To use a smart card, a computer must have a smart card reader. A smart card is an ISO 7816-compatible
device that contains an embedded microprocessor, an RSA or equivalent cryptography coprocessor, and local
storage. The local storage includes the following:

 6 to 24 KB ROM for the smart card operating system and applications

 128 to 512 bytes of RAM for run-time data
 1 to 16 KB EEPROM for user data

Smart Card Logon

Windows 2000 introduces PK-based smart card logon as an alternative to passwords for domain
authentication. This relies on a PC /SC Workgroup-compliant smart card infrastructure, first introduced for
Windows NT and Windows 95 in December 1997, and RSA-capable smart cards with supporting C ryptoAPI
cryptographic service providers (C SPs). The authentication process makes use of the PKINIT protocol to
integrate PK-based authentication with the Windows 2000 Kerberos access-control system.

During operation, the system recognizes a smart card insertion event as an alternative to the standard
C trl+Alt+Del secure attention sequence to initiate a logon. The user is then prompted for the smart card PIN
code, which controls access to operations with the private key stored on the smart card. In this system, the
smart card also contains a copy of the user's certificate (issued by an enterprise C A). This allows the user to
roam within the domain.


The growing use of the Internet has led to an increased reliance on downloaded active content, such as
Windows-based applications, ActiveX controls, and Java applets. The result has been a heightened concern
for the safety of such downloads, since they often occur as a side effect of Web scripts without any specific
user notification. In response to these concerns, Microsoft introduced Authenticode digital signature
technology in 1996 and introduced significant enhancements of it in 1997.

Authenticode technology, a security feature in Microsoft Internet Explorer, assures accountability and
authenticity for software components on the Internet. Authenticode verifies that the software hasn't been
tampered with and identifies the publisher of the software. Users can decide on a case-by-case basis what
code to download, based on their experience with and trust in a software publisher. By signing their code,
developers can build an increasingly trusting relationship with their users.

Authenticode technology allows software publishers to digitally sign any form of active content, including
multiple-file archives. These signatures may be used to verify both the publishers of the content and the
content integrity at download time. This verification infrastructure scales to the worldwide base of users of
Windows by relying on a hierarchical C A structure in which a small number of commercial C As issue
software-publishing certificates. For enterprise needs, the Windows 2000 PKI allows you to issue Authenticode
certificates to internal developers or contractors and allows any employee to verify the origin and integrity of
downloaded applications.

Encrypting File System

EFS is an extension to the NTFS file system that provides strong data protection and encryption for files and
folders. The encryption technology is based on use of public keys and runs as an integrated system service,
making it easy to manage, difficult to attack, and transparent to the user. This is particularly useful for
securing data on computers that may be vulnerable to theft, such as mobile computers.

The encrypting user's public key is used in the encryption process, ensuring data privacy. Decryption is
denied to any user without the corresponding private key. A special recovery key is also generated for each
encrypted file. This key is for emergency use by a qualified administrator in the event that an employee
leaves or a private key is lost.

Encryption and decryption is done transparently during the I/O process. EFS imposes no discernible
performance penalty during the encryption/decryption process.

EFS also supports encryption and decryption of files stored on remote NTFS volumes. However, EFS
addresses only the encryption and decryption of stored data. Although encrypted files can be exported, data
is transferred over the network in a clear (unencrypted) format by default. Windows 2000 provides network
protocols such as SSL, TLS, and IPSec to encrypt data during transfer over the network.

Data Protection

EFS uses a combination of the user's public and private keys as well as a randomly generated file encryption
key (FEK). The FEK is a 128-bit key for North America and a 40-bit key for international releases. Windows
2000 uses the Data Encryption Standard X (DESX) algorithm to encrypt files.

Data Recovery

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The Encrypted Data Recovery Policy (EDRP) is used to specify who can recover data in case a user's private
key is lost. An EDRP is automatically generated on stand-alone computers to minimize administration.
C omputers that are members of a domain receive the EDRP from the domain policy. For security, recovery is
limited to the encrypted data; it is not possible to recover the users' keys.

Encrypted Backup and Restoration

Because members of the Backup Operators group do not have the keys necessary for decryption, encrypted
data is read and stored in the backup as an opaque stream of data.

Fault Tolerance

Encryption and decryption are sensitive operations because failure could result in data loss. Therefore, EFS
makes all operations automatic. If an operation cannot be completed, it is completely undone. For example, if
a computer loses power during an encryption operation, EFS undoes the operation on restart so that the file is
in a consistent state.

Once a file is encrypted, the processes of encryption and decryption are automatic and transparent to users
and applications whenever the file is used. It is possible to perform encryption one file at a time or one folder
at a time.

You can encrypt a file or folder in Windows Explorer and from the command prompt.

It is not possible to use NTFS compression and encryption on the same file. C ompression and encryption are
mutually exclusive.

EFS Encryption

EFS encrypts, decrypts, and recovers files. Figure 11.8 provides an overview of the encryption process. The
numbered steps shown in the illustration are described below.

Figure 11.8 EFS encryption process

When a user encrypts a file in EFS, the following process occurs:

1. The EFS service opens the file for exclusive access.
2. All data streams in the file are copied to a temporary file.
3. A file key is randomly generated and used to encrypt the file according to the DES encryption
4. A Data Decryption Field (DDF) is created that contains the file key, which is encrypted with the user's
public key.
5. A Data Recovery Field (DRF) is created that contains the file key, this time encrypted with the
recovery agent's public key. The recovery agent's public key is obtained from the Encrypted Data
Recovery Policy (EDRP).
6. The EFS server writes the encrypted data, along with the DDF and DRF, back to the file.

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EFS Decryption

The decryption process uses the DDF, created during encryption, to decrypt a file. Figure 11.9 provides an
overview of the decryption process. The numbered steps shown in the illustration are described below.

Figure 11.9 EFS decryption process

When a file is decrypted in EFS, the following process occurs:

1. When an application accesses an encrypted file, NTFS recognizes the file as encrypted and sends a
request to the EFS driver.
2. The EFS driver retrieves the DDF and passes it to the EFS service.
3. The EFS service decrypts the DDF with the user's private key to obtain the file key.
4. The EFS service passes the file key back to the EFS driver.
5. The EFS driver uses the file key to decrypt the file.
6. The EFS driver returns the decrypted data to NTFS, which then completes the file request, and sends
the data to the requesting application.

EFS Recovery

The EFS recovery is much the same as the decryption process. Figure 11.10 provides an overview of the
recovery process. The numbered steps shown in the illustration are described below.

Figure 11.10 EFS recovery process

When a file is recovered in EFS, the following process occurs:

1. NTFS sends a request to the EFS driver.
2. The EFS driver retrieves the DRF and passes it to the EFS service.
3. The EFS service recovers the DRF by using the recovery agent's private key to obtain the file key.

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4. The EFS service passes the file key back to the EFS driver.
5. The EFS driver uses the file key to recover the file.
6. The EFS driver returns the recovered data to NTFS, which then completes the file request, and sends
the data to the requesting application.

Cipher Command-Line Utility

The cipher command-line utility allows you to encrypt and decrypt files from a command prompt. The
command uses the following syntax:

cipher [/e| /d] [/s:dir] [/a][/i] [/f] [/q] [/h] [/k]

[pathname [...]]

If no parameters are used, the cipher command displays the encryption state of the current folder and any
files it contains. Spaces must be put in between multiple parameters. The following table provides a
description of each parameter.

Parameter Description

/e Encrypts the specified folders. Folders are

marked so that files added to the folder later will
be encrypted.

/d Decrypts the specified folders. Folders are

marked so that files added to the folder later will
not be encrypted.

/s:dir Performs the selected operation on folders in the

specified folder and all subfolders.

/a Performs the selected operation on files with the

specified names. If there is no matching file, this
parameter is ignored.

/I C ontinues performing the specified operation

even after errors have occurred. By default,
cipher stops when an error is encountered.

/f Forces the encryption or decryption of all

specified objects. By default, files that have
already been encrypted or decrypted are

/q Reports only the most essential information.

/h Displays files with hidden or system attributes. By

default, these files are not encrypted or

/k C reates a new file encryption certificate on the

computer where C IPHER is run. This switch
causes all other switches to be ignored.
Therefore, run /k exclusive of the other switches.

pathname Specifies a pattern, file, or folder. You can use

multiple filenames and wildcards.


To encrypt the C :\My Documents directory, type cipher /e "My Documents" at the C : command prompt.

To encrypt all files on the C : drive with the word "test" in the filename, type cipher /e /s *test* at the C :
command prompt

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Exercise 2: Configuring and Using File Encryption

In this exercise you configure a data recovery policy in the domain, and then encrypt a folder. C omplete this
exercise on Server01.


For additional practice, open the \chapt11\articles\efs-wp.doc on the Windows 2000 Training Supplemental
C D-ROM and complete examples 2-7.
 Procedure 1: Configuring a data recov ery policy for the domain
Recovery policy is configured by default when the first domain controller is installed. As a result, a self-signed
certificate assigns the domain administrator as the recovery agent. In this procedure, you manually add the
administrator as the recovery agent before using EFS.
1. Log on to Server01 as administrator with a password of "password."
2. C lick Run, verify that the URL for the C ertificate Services enrollment page (http://server01/certsrv/)
appears and then click OK.
Internet Explorer appears and it is displaying the C ertificate Services enrollment page.
3. Verify that the Request A C ertificate radio button is selected and then click Next.
The C hoose Request Type page appears.
4. C lick the Advanced Request radio button and then click Next.
The Advanced C ertificate Requests page appears.
5. Verify that the Submit A C ertificate Request To This C A Using A Form radio button is selected and
then click Next.
The Advanced C ertificate Requests form page appears.
6. From the C ertificate Template drop-down list box select EFS recovery agent.
7. C lick Submit.
The C ertificate Issued page appears.
8. C lick the Install This C ertificate hyperlink.
A C ertificate Installed page appears.
9. C lose Internet Explorer.

You can complete all of the preceding steps in this procedure from the Group Policy snap-in. In step 19 of this
procedure, you choose C reate rather than Add. The C reate option creates the certificate and then allows you
to assign the certificate to the group policy.
10. Open the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in from the Administrative Tools group.
11. Expand the console tree and then select the microsoft.com node.
12. C lick the Action menu and then click Properties.
13. The microsoft.com Properties dialog box appears.
14. C lick the Group Policy tab and then click Edit.

The Group Policy snap-in appears.

15. Under the C omputer C onfiguration node, expand the Windows Settings container.
16. Under the Windows Settings container, expand the Security Settings node.
17. Under the Security Settings node, expand the Public Key Policies container.
18. Under the Public Key Policies container, expand the Encrypted Data Recovery Agents container.
19. C lick the Action menu, and then click Add.
The Add Recovery Agent wizard appears.
20. C lick Next.

The Select Recovery Agents screen appears.

21. Read the Select Recovery Agents screen and then click Browse Directory.

The Find Users, C ontacts, And Groups dialog box appears.

22. C lick Find Now.
23. In the list of Users And Groups, double-click Administrator.

The Select Recover Agents screen appears.

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24. C lick Next.

The C ompleting The Add Recovery Agent wizard appears.

25. C lick Finish.

Administrator appears in the details pane of the Group Policy snap-in.

26. C lick the entry in the details pane.
27. C lick the Action menu and then click Properties.

The Administrator Properties dialog box appears.

Notice that all purposes are enabled for this certificate. The only purpose currently available for this
certificate is File Recovery.
28. C lick OK.
29. C lose the Group Policy snap-in.

The microsoft.com Properties dialog box appears.

30. C lick OK.

The Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in appears.

31. C lick the View menu and then click Advanced Features.
32. In the console tree, click the Users container.
33. In the details pane, click Administrator.
34. C lick the Action menu and then click Properties.
The Administrator Properties dialog box appears.
35. C lick the Published C ertificates tab.

The list of X.509 certificates published to this user account appears.

Notice that two certificates were published to the Administrator account and were issued by the
Administrator account. The certificate listed as File Recovery under the Intended Purpose column is
used to recover files encrypted with EFS if the original private key is lost or otherwise invalid.
36. C lick OK.
37. C lose the Active Directory Users And C omputers snap-in.
 Procedure 2: Encrypting a folder using EFS
In this procedure, you encrypt a folder using the Windows Explorer on Server01.
1. On the desktop, double-click My C omputer.
The My C omputer window appears.
2. Double-click the Local Disk (C :) drive.
The Local Disk (C :) window appears.
3. Double-click the Document And Settings folder.
The Document And Settings window appears.
4. Double-click the Administrator folder.
The Administrator window appears.
5. C lick once on the My Documents folder.
6. C lick the File menu and then click Properties.
The My Documents Properties dialog box appears.
7. C lick the Advanced button.
The Advanced Attributes dialog box appears.
8. C lick the Encrypt C ontents To Secure Data check box and then click OK.
The My Documents Properties dialog box appears.
9. C lick OK.
The C onfirm Attribute C hanges dialog box appears.
10. C lick the Apply C hanges To This Folder, Subfolders And Files radio button.
11. C lick OK.

The My Documents Properties dialog box appears and then the Applying Attributes status message
box appears. When the operation has completed, the My Documents Properties dialog box closes.
12. The Administrator window appears.

Notice that the Attributes for the selected My Documents folder is Encrypted.

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13. C lose the Administrator window.

IP Security

In the previous chapter, an overview of IPSec was provided in the discussion of tunneling protocols. This
chapter continues with the discussion of IPSec, providing more details about how IPSec is used to support
public key security.

IPSec in Windows 2000 is designed to protect sensitive data on a TC P/IP network. IPSec is useful when the
network between two communicating computers is not secure. It provides confidentiality, integrity, and
authentication of IP traffic for each packet traversing the network.

When using IPSec, the two computers communicating over the network first agree on the highest common
security policy; then each handles the IP Security at its respective end. Before sending data across the
network, the computer initiating communication transparently encrypts the data by using IP Security. The
destination computer transparently decrypts the data before passing it to the destination process. Because
the data is passed down to and encrypted at the IP protocol level, separate security packages are not
required for each protocol in the TC P/IP suite.

Using IPSec to encrypt all IP network traffic ensures that any TC P/IP-based communication is secure from
network eavesdropping. Any routers or switches that are in the path between the communicating computers
can simply forward the encrypted IP packets.

To ensure full compatibility with previous versions of Windows, a computer running Windows 2000 configured
for IPSec sends the data without encryption to pre-Windows 2000 computers.

IPSec Policies

With Windows 2000 IPSec, you can create policies that define the type and level of security to be used during
network communication.

Negotiation Policies

Negotiation policies determine the security services used during network communication. The security
protocol chosen for negotiation policies is the basis for the security services. For example, if the IP
Authentication Header protocol is chosen, integrity, authentication, and anti-replay services will be provided—
but not confidentiality.

It is possible to set multiple security methods for each negotiation policy. If the first method is not acceptable
for the security association, the service continues through an ordered list until it finds a policy it can use to
establish the association. If the negotiation is not successful, the communication is established without IPSec.

IP Filters

IP filters direct actions based on the destination of an IP packet, what IP protocol is in effect, and the related
ports that the protocol uses. Each IP packet is checked against the IP filter, and if a match is found, the
properties of the associated security policy are used to send the communication. Filters need to be configured
for both incoming and outgoing traffic.

Security Policies

Security policies are used to configure IPSec attributes. These policies are made up of associated negotiation
policies and IP filters, and are associated with domain controller policies. Security policies define the type and
level of security to use for any given IP network communication. An IP security policy can be assigned to the
default domain policy, the default local policy, or a customized domain policy.

A computer logging onto a domain automatically obtains the properties of the default domain and local
policies, including the IPSec policy assigned to the domain policy.

IPSec Components

The Windows 2000 installation process installs the services, protocols, and drivers necessary for IPSec:

 IPSec Policy Agent service

 Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)
 Oakley Key Management protocol
 IPSec driver
The ISAKMP and Oakly Key Management protocols are collectively referred to as ISAKMP/Oakley (IKE)

IPSec Policy Agent Serv ice

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During system initialization, the IPSec Policy Agent service retrieves IPSec polices from the Active Directory
service. The IPSec Policy Agent service passes the policy information to the IPSec network driver and the
ISAKMP/Oakley protocols. The IPSec Policy Agent service does not store policies locally; instead, it must
retrieve them from the Active Directory store. The IPSec Policy Agent service also starts both the
ISAKMP/Oakley (IKE) protocols and the IPSec driver.

ISAKMP/Oakley IKE Protocols

Using the information in the IPSec policy, the ISAKMP/Oakley (IKE) protocols negotiate and establish a
Security Association (SA) between computers. The Kerberos service authenticates the identities of the
communicating computers. Finally, the ISAKMP/Oakley (IKE) protocols send the SA and key information to
the IPSec driver.

IPSec Driv er

This driver examines all IP packets for a match with an IP filter. If a match is found, the IPSec driver holds
the packets in a queue while the ISAKMP/Oakley (IKE) protocols generate the necessary SA and key to
secure the packet. After the IPSec driver receives the information from the ISAKMP/Oakley (IKE) protocols,
the driver encrypts the IP packets and sends them to the destination computer.

Example of IPSec Communication

In this example, User 1 on C omputer A is sending data to User 2 on C omputer B. IP Security has been
implemented for both computers. Figure 11.11 provides an overview of the IPSec communication process.
The numbered steps in the illustration are described below.

Figure 11.11 An example of the IPSec communication process

At the user level, the process of securing the IP packets is transparent and works as follows:
1. User 1 launches an application that communicates on the network by using TC P/IP to send data to
User 2. The security policies assigned to C omputer A and C omputer B determine the level of security
for the network communication.
2. The IPSec Policy Agent service retrieves the policies and passes them to the ISAKMP/Oakley (IKE)
protocols and IPSec driver.
3. The ISAKMP/Oakley (IKE) protocols on each computer use the negotiation policies associated with
the assigned security policy to establish the key and a common negotiation method, or Security
Association (SA). The results of the policy negotiation are passed between the two computers to the
IPSec driver, which uses the key to encrypt the data.
4. Finally, the IPSec driver sends the encrypted data to C omputer B. The IPSec driver on C omputer B
decrypts the data and passes it on to the receiving application.

Lesson Summary

Windows 2000 extends security by supporting a number technologies that are based on public key security,
including the SC hannel authentication package, smart cards, Authenticode, the Encrypting File System (EFS),

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and Internet Protocol Security (IPSec). The SC hannel authentication package implements SSL 3.0 and the
TLS 1.0. SSL and TLS are flexible security protocols that can be layered on top of other transport protocols.
Smart C ards are credit-card-sized devices that can be used to store a user's public key, private key, and
certificate. Smart cards are a secure way to protect and control a user's keys, instead of storing them on a
computer. Authenticode technology allows software publishers to digitally sign any form of active content,
including multiple-file archives. These signatures can be used to verify both the publishers of the content and
the content integrity at download time. EFS is an extension to the NTFS file system that provides strong data
protection and encryption for files and folders. The encryption technology is based on the use of public keys
and runs as an integrated system service. IPSec in Windows 2000 is designed to protect sensitive data on a
TC P/IP network. IPSec is useful when the network between two communicating computers is not secure. It
provides confidentiality, integrity, and authentication of IP traffic per packet.

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Lesson 3: The Kerberos Protocol in Windows 2000

A standard process within computer security is to include a function that requires users to prove that they are
who they claim to be. This affirmation of identity is accomplished when the user supplies the correct password
for the user account. For example, when User1 attempts to connect to a server to access a file, the server
must be sure that it is really User1 sending the request. Traditionally, the server assumes that it is User1
because the correct password was supplied when the connection was established. Stronger security is
accomplished by having a trusted third party verify the identity of the user. This is a core function of the
Kerberos authentication protocol.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Describe the Kerberos protocol and how it works in Windows 2000
Estimated lesson time: 35 minutes

Overview of the Kerberos Protocol

The Kerberos protocol is the default authentication provider in Windows 2000 and the primary security
protocol. It allows users to use a single logon to access all resources. The Kerberos protocol verifies both the
identity of the user and the integrity of the session data. This is accomplished by having a Kerberos service
installed on each domain controller and a Kerberos client installed on all computers running Windows 2000.

The Active Directory client for Windows 95 and Windows 98 allows users to log on by using the Kerberos V5
authentication protocol.
When the Kerberos authentication protocol is used, a trusted Kerberos service on a server verifies the user's
identity. Before connecting to the server the user requests a ticket from the Kerberos service, called the
Kerberos Key Distribution C enter service, to confirm the user's identity. The user then sends this ticket to the
target server. Because the server trusts the Kerberos service to vouch for user identities, the server accepts
the ticket as proof of the authenticity of the user.

When using the Kerberos authentication protocol, users can no longer log on and then access resources
simply by providing a valid user ID and the correct password. Instead of trusting the source, the resource
must contact the Kerberos service to obtain a ticket that vouches for the user. The Kerberos service operates
as a trusted third party to generate session keys and grant tickets for specific client/server sessions.

When the Kerberos service issues a ticket, it contains the following components:

 Session key
 Name of the user to whom the session key was issued
 Expiration period of the ticket
 Any additional data fields or settings that may be required
The expiration period of a ticket is defined by the domain policy. If a ticket expires during an active session,
the Kerberos service notifies the client and the server to refresh the ticket. The Kerberos service then
generates a new session key and the session is resumed.

Kerberos Protocol Terms

To better understand the Kerberos protocol, you should review the following terms used to describe the
various components of Kerberos.


A principal is a uniquely named user, client, or server that participates in a network communication.


A realm is an authentication boundary, which can be compared to a Windows 2000 domain. Each organization
wishing to run a Kerberos server establishes its own realm. A Windows 2000 domain is a Kerberos realm but
is named domain to maintain naming conventions established previously for Windows NT.

Secret Key

A secret key is an encryption key that is shared by a client or a server and a trusted third party to encrypt
the information that is to be moved between them. In the case of Kerberos, the trusted third party is the
Kerberos service. In the case of a principal, the secret key is typically based upon a hash or encryption of the
principal's password. Secret keys are never transmitted on the network; only the encrypted information is

Session Key

The session key is a temporary encryption key used between two principals, with a lifetime limited to the

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duration of a single login session. The session key is exchanged between the communication partners and is
therefore known as a shared secret. The session key is always sent encrypted.


An authenticator is a record that is used to verify that a request actually originated from the principal. An
authenticator contains information that verifies the identity of the sender and the time the request was
initiated. This information is encrypted with the shared session key that is known only by the communicating
principals. An authenticator is typically sent along with a ticket to allow the receiver to verify that the intended
client recently initiated a request.

Key Distribution Center

The key distribution center (KDC ) provides two functions: the authentication server (AS) and the ticket
granting service (TGS). The TGS distributes tickets to clients that wish to connect to services on the network.
However, before a client can use the TGS to obtain tickets, it must first obtain a special ticket (the ticket
granting ticket [TGT]) from the AS.

Privilege Attribute Certificate

The privilege attribute certificate (PAC ) is a structure that contains the user's security ID (SID).


In a basic Kerberos exchange, the client will contact the TGS and request a ticket for the target server before
contacting the target server. A ticket is a record that allows a client to authenticate itself to a server; it is
simply a certificate issued by the Kerberos service. The ticket is encrypted so that only the target server is
able to decrypt and read it. Tickets contain the identity of the requesting client, the timestamp, the servers
session key, the lifetime of the ticket, and other information (such as the PAC ) that will help verify the identity
of the client to the target server. Tickets are reusable within their life span, which is usually 8 hours.

Ticket Granting Tickets

One method for using Kerberos is to simply request a ticket for each target server from the TGS portion of
the Kerberos service whenever the user wants to access the specified target server. Using this method, the
response from the request would contain a session key and other information that is encrypted with the user's
secret key. This method results in a component of the user's secret key being exposed on the network every
time a new ticket request is made.

In Windows 2000, Kerberos protects the secret key by initially authenticating the user and then requesting a
ticket granting ticket (TGT). A ticket granting ticket is a request for a ticket and a random session key to be
used with the TGS portion of the Kerberos service. After obtaining the ticket, the user can contact a service at
any time; the requested ticket does not come from the AS, but from the TGS. The reply is encrypted not with
the user's secret key, but with the session key that the AS provided for use with the TGS.

Features of the Kerberos Protocol

The Kerberos protocol has several advantages over traditional challenge/response authentication systems.

Mature Open Standard

The Windows 2000 implementation of the Kerberos protocol complies with RFC 1510 and RFC 1964. It can
interoperate with other implementations of Kerberos that also comply with the RFC s. Therefore, Kerberos
clients on other platforms, such as UNIX, can be authenticated by Windows 2000. In some cases, however,
implementation-dependent values will not exist or will be unavailable. In the absence of required data, the
Windows 2000 Kerberos service attempts to match the principal name in the ticket either to a Windows 2000
user account or to a default account created for this purpose.

Faster Connection Authentication

When using the Kerberos protocol, servers do not need to do pass-through authentication. A server running
Windows 2000 can verify the client credentials by using the client-supplied ticket, without having to query the
Kerberos service. This is because the client will have already obtained a Kerberos ticket from a domain
controller, which the server can then use to build the client's access token. Since the server is required to do
less work when establishing a connection, it can more easily accommodate a large number of simultaneous
connection requests.

Mutual Authentication

The Kerberos protocol provides mutual authentication of both the client and server. The Windows NTLM
authentication protocol provides only client authentication, and it assumes that all servers are trusted. It does

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not verify the identity of the server that a client connects to. The assumption that all servers can be trusted is
no longer valid. Mutual authentication of both client and server is an important foundation for secure

Delegation of Authentication

Delegation of authentication allows a user to connect to an application server, which in turn can connect to
one or more additional servers on the client's behalf, by using the client's credentials.

Transitiv e Trusts

Authentication credentials issued by one Kerberos service are accepted by all Kerberos services within the

Kerberos Authentication Process

The Kerberos authentication process involves the client computer negotiating exchanges between the target
server and the KDC . Figure 11.12 provides an overview of the authentication process. The numbered steps in
the diagram are described below.

Figure 11.12 Kerberos authentication process

The Kerberos authentication process works as follows:

1. The client sends an initial AS request to the AS portion of the Kerberos service. The AS includes the
client's principal name and the principal name of the target server for which it is requesting a ticket.
2. The Kerberos service generates an AS reply and sends it to the client. The reply contains the
 A TGT for the TGS portion of the Kerberos service. The TGT is encrypted with the TGS secret
key. The TGT contains the user's SID. By encrypting the TGT with the TGS secret key, the
client is unable to change the SID properties.
 A session key for exchanges with the TGS portion of the Kerberos service. The session key
is encrypted with the client's secret key. the client's secret key is a computation of the
client's password. It is similar to the session key used in NTLM challenge/response. The
encryption here makes it difficult for someone to steal the session key.
3. The client generates and sends a TGS request that contains the client's and target server's principal
names, realms, and the TGT that identifies the client.
4. The TGS portion of the Kerberos service generates and sends a TGS reply to the client. This reply
contains a ticket for the target server. The ticket is encrypted with the server's secret key. The
server's secret key is a computation of the password generated when the server joined the domain.
The reply also includes other information, including the session key.
5. The client extracts the session key for the target server and generates a request for the server. This
request contains the target server and an authenticator encrypted with the session key. The client
sends this request to the target server by using an established transport path.
6. The target server decrypts the ticket by using its secret key to obtain the session key. The server
then uses the session key to decrypt the authenticator to verify the client. If the client has requested
mutual authentication, the target server generates a reply encrypted with the session key and send it
to the client. Mutual authentication not only authenticates the client to the target server, but also
authenticates the target server to the client.

The AS and TGS exchanges with the Kerberos service operate over User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port 88.

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The exchanges between the client and target server are dependent on the protocol in use between the two

Kerberos Delegation

Occasionally, it is necessary for an application server to connect to another server on behalf of a client. Like
impersonation, delegation is used to ensure that proper security permissions are applied against the
application server's request.

The Kerberos authentication protocol supports delegated authentication. This type of authentication is used
when a client transaction involves multiple servers. In this case, each of the verifying servers obtains another
ticket and authenticates the ticket to the requested server on behalf of the client. There is no restriction on
the number of consecutive servers that can delegate authentication. This is different than impersonation, in
that the server accesses remote resources on the behalf of the client instead of local resources.

Figure 11.13 provides an overview of the Kerberos delegation process. The numbered steps in the diagram
are described below.

Figure 11.13 Kerberos delegation process

The following steps describe the access of resources involving two servers:
1. The client requests and receives a ticket for target Server A from the Kerberos service.
2. The client sends the ticket directly to Server A.
3. Server A sends a request, impersonating the client, to the Kerberos service for a ticket for target
Server B. The Kerberos service responds with a ticket that allows the client to access Server B.
4. Server A can then send the ticket to Server B, accessing Server B as the client.

Kerberos Logon Processes

The addition of Kerberos as an authentication package in Windows 2000 affects various aspects of the logon
process. However, the portions of the logon process that run before an authentication package becomes
involved remain unchanged in Windows 2000.

Local Interactive Logon

When a local interactive logon occurs, the user logs on with a user account that exists on the local computer
rather than with a domain user account. Figure 11.14 provides an overview of the local interactive logon
process in Windows 2000. The numbered steps in the diagram are described below.

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Figure 11.14 Local interactive logon process

For local user accounts, the following occurs in Windows 2000:

1. When the Graphical Identification and Authentication DLL (GINA) receives the logon request, it
forwards the request to the Local Service Authority (LSA). This request specifies Kerberos as the
authentication package to use because this is the default package in Windows 2000.
2. LSA processes the request and sends it to the Kerberos authentication package.
3. When Kerberos receives the logon request. Kerberos returns an error because it is used only when
authenticating logon requests for domain user accounts, not local user accounts.
4. LSA receives the error and returns an error to the GINA.
5. The GINA resubmits the logon request to LSA specifying the "MSV1_0" authentication package. The
logon process then occurs as it would for a local interactive logon under Windows NT 4.0.

Domain Interactive Logon

The exchange that occurs when a user logs on to Windows 2000 with a domain user account is similar to the
basic Kerberos exchange. Figure 11.15 provides an overview of this logon process. The number steps in the
diagram are described below.

Figure 11.15 Domain interactive logon process

The domain interactive logon process occurs as follows:

1. When the logon request reaches the LSA, it passes the request to the Kerberos authentication
package. The client sends an initial AS request to the Kerberos service, providing the user name and
domain name. This is a request for authentication and a TGT. The request is made by using the
principal name of krbtgt@<domain_name>, where <domain_name> is the name of the domain in
which the user account is located. The first domain controller in the domain automatically generates
the krbtgt@<domain_name> account.
2. The Kerberos service generates an AS reply containing a TGT (encrypted with the Kerberos secret
key) and a session key for the TGS exchanges (encrypted with the client's secret key). This response
is sent back to the client. The authorization data portion of the TGT contains the SID for the user
account and SIDs for any global groups to which the user belongs. The SIDs are returned to the LSA
for inclusion in the user's access token. The SIDs are copied by the Kerberos service from the TGT
into subsequent tickets obtained from the Kerberos service.
3. The client then generates and sends a TGS request containing the client's principal name and realm,
the TGT to identify the client, and the local workstation name as the target server. This is done to
request access to the local computer for the user.
4. The Kerberos service generates and sends a TGS reply. This reply contains a ticket for the

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workstation and other information, including the session key (encrypted by using the session key
from the TGT). Also included in the authorization data portion of the TGS reply are the SIDs for the
user account and any global groups copied by the Kerberos service from the original TGT.
5. The Kerberos authentication package returns the list of SIDs to the LSA.
Windows 2000 services use the Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) to perform
authentication. Instead of communicating directly with the Kerberos authentication package, both services
access Kerberos through an authentication package built into LSA. This authentication package is called the
Negotiate package.

During startup, both the Server and Workstation services initialize their interface with the Negotiate package
in LSA by using SSPI. During this process, the server service obtains a credential handle for its default

The network communication occurs in two segments: protocol negotiation and session setup. Before a user
can establish a session with the server, the client computer and the server must agree on the security
protocol to use by determining which version of security they both support. Once the client has been
authenticated and has a ticket, it can establish a session with the server.

Kerberos Public Key Support

Windows 2000 extends the functionality of Kerberos to allow it to interact with the Active Directory service.
Windows 2000 includes extensions to the Kerberos V5 authentication protocol to support public key-based
authentication. The public key extensions allow clients to request an initial TGT by using a private key. The
Kerberos service verifies such a request by using the user's public key that is obtained from the user's X.509
certificate published to the Active Directory store. In order to obtain a ticket, the user's X.509 certificate must
be stored in their user object. If the Kerberos service finds the certificate, the Kerberos service issues a ticket
for the client and the standard Kerberos procedure is followed thereafter. This replaces the secret key that is
known only to the principal and the KDC . Smart cards, for example, use public key extensions provided by

Lesson Summary

Kerberos is the default authentication provider in Windows 2000 and the primary security protocol. To better
understand the Kerberos protocol, you should be familiar with the terms common to Kerberos, including
principal, realm, secret key, session key, authenticator, KDC , AS, TGS, PAC , ticket, and TGT. The Kerberos
authentication process involves the client computer negotiating exchanges between the target server and the
KDC . The Kerberos authentication protocol supports delegated authentication. When a local interactive logon
occurs, the user logs on with a user account that exists on the local computer rather than with a domain user
account. The exchange that occurs when a user logs on to Windows 2000 with a domain user account is
similar to the basic Kerberos exchange. Windows 2000 services use the Kernel Mode SSPI to perform
authentication. In addition, Windows 2000 extends the functionality of Kerberos to allow it to interact with
Active Directory services. Windows 2000 includes extensions to the Kerberos V5 authentication protocol to
support public key-based authentication.

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Lesson 4: Security Configuration Tools

Windows 2000 provides a set of security configuration tools that are designed to reduce the costs associated
with security configuration and analysis of Windows 2000 networks. These tools are MMC snap-ins that allow
you to configure Windows 2000 security settings and perform periodic analyses of the system to ensure that
the configuration remains intact or to make necessary changes over time. Security settings include security
policies (account and local policies), access control (services, files, and the registry), event logs, group
membership (restricted groups), IPSec security policies, and public key policies. The security configuration
tools include three snap-ins: the Security C onfiguration And Analysis snap-in, the Security Templates snap-in,
and the Group Policy snap-in.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Understand how the security configuration tools are used to configure
security settings and analyze system security in your Windows 2000
Estimated lesson time: 30 minutes

Security Configuration And Analysis Snap-In

The Security C onfiguration And Analysis snap-in allows you to configure and analyze local system security.

Security Configuration

The Security C onfiguration And Analysis snap-in can also be used to directly configure local system security.
You can import security templates created with the Security Templates snap-in, and apply these templates to
the group policy object (GPO) for the local computer. This immediately configures the system security with
the levels specified in the template.

Security Analysis

The state of the operating system and applications on a computer is dynamic. For example, security levels
may be required to change temporarily to enable immediate resolution of an administration or network issue;
this change can often go unreversed. This means that a computer may no longer meet the requirements for
enterprise security.

Regular analysis enables an administrator to track and ensure an adequate level of security on each
computer as part of an enterprise risk management program. Analysis is highly specified; information about
all system aspects related to security is provided in the results. This enables an administrator to tune the
security levels and, most importantly, detect any security flaws that may occur in the system over time.

The Security C onfiguration And Analysis snap-in enables quick review of security analysis results.
Recommendations are presented along with current system settings, and icons or remarks are used to
highlight any areas where current settings do not match the proposed level of security. The Security
C onfiguration And Analysis snap-in also allows you to resolve any discrepancies revealed by analysis.

If frequent analysis of a large number of computers is required, as in a domain-based infrastructure, the

Secedit command-line tool may be used as a method of batch analysis. However, analysis results still must
be viewed by using the Security C onfiguration And Analysis snap-in. For more information about the Secedit
utility, see Windows 2000 Help.

Using the Security Configuration And Analysis Snap-In

The Security C onfiguration And Analysis snap-in (Figure 11.16) reviews and analyzes your system security
settings and recommends modifications to the current system settings. Administrators can use the snap-in to
adjust the security policy and detect security flaws that arise in the system.

Figure 11.16 Security Configuration And Analysis snap-in

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The Security C onfiguration And Analysis snap-in allows you to perform a variety of tasks:

 Set a working database

 Import a security template
 Analyze system security
 Review security analysis results
 C onfigure system security
 Edit the base security configuration
 Export a security template
For details about how to perform each of these tasks, see Windows 2000 Help.

Security Templates Snap-In

A security template is a physical representation of a security configuration; it is a file where a group of

security settings may be stored. Windows 2000 includes a set of security templates, each based on the role of
a computer. The templates range from security settings for low security domain clients to highly secure
domain controllers. They can be used as provided, modified, or serve as a basis for creating custom security

Using the Security Templates Snap-In

The Security Templates snap-in (Figure 11.17) is a tool for creating and assigning security templates for one
or more computers.

Figure 11.17 Security Templates snap-in

A security template is a physical file representation of a security configuration, and can be applied to a local
computer or imported to a Group Policy Object (GPO) in the Active Directory service. When you import a
security template to a GPO, Group Policy processes the template and makes the corresponding changes to
the members of that GPO, which may be users or computers.

The Security Templates snap-in allows you to perform a variety of tasks:

 C ustomize a predefined security template

 Define a security template
 Delete a security template
 Refresh the security template list
 Set a description for a security template

Exercise 3: Creating and Using the Security Analysis And Configuration Snap-In

In this exercise you create a custom snap-in containing the Security Analysis And C onfiguration snap-in and
the Security Templates snap-in. You then customize a template and open a new database using the custom
template. You will then analyze the security settings of Server01 against the template and then you will apply
the template's configuration to the security settings of Server01. C omplete this exercise on Server01.

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 Procedure 1: Creating a Security Analysis And Configuration snap-in

You will run the MMC and add the Security Analysis And C onfiguration snap-in. MMC version 1.2, included with
Windows 2000, allows you to add multiple snap-ins to an existing console. For the purpose of clarity, you will
create a new console rather than adding to an existing console running other snap-ins.
1. Log on to Server01 as administrator with a password of "password."
2. C lick Start and then click Run.
The Run dialog box appears.
3. In the Open text box, type mmc and then click OK.
An empty MMC console opens and is named C onsole1.
4. C lick the C onsole menu and then click Add/Remove Snap-in.
The Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box appears.
5. C lick the Add button.
The Add Standalone snap-in window appears.
6. Scroll down and click Security C onfiguration And Analysis and then click the Add button.
7. C lick C lose.
The Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box appears.
8. C lick OK.
9. C lick the C onsole menu and then click Save.
The Save As dialog box appears.
10. In the File Name text box, type Security and then click Save.
 Procedure 2: Adding and configuring security using the Security Template snap-in to the
Security console
Before analyzing Server01 and applying new security settings, you install the Security Template snap-in to
the Security console.
1. C lick the C onsole menu and then choose Add/Remove Snap-in.
The Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box appears.
2. C lick the Add button.
The Add Standalone Snap-in window appears.
3. Scroll down and click Security Templates and then click the Add button.
4. C lick C lose.
The Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box appears.
5. C lick OK.
6. C lick the C onsole menu and then click Save.
7. Expand the Security Templates node then expand the C :\WINNT\Security\Templates folder.
All of the defined templates appear in the console tree and in the details pane.
8. Expand the securedc.
This is an incremental security template usually used after a basic security template is applied. For
the purpose of this exercise, this template is sufficient.
9. Expand the Account Policies node and then click Password Policy.
Password policy settings appear in the details pane.
10. In the details pane, double-click Minimum Password Length.

The Template Security Policy Setting dialog box appears.

11. In the Password Must Be At Least box, change the value to 5 characters and then click OK.
12. In the console tree, click securedc.
13. C lick the Action menu and then click Save As.

The Save As window appears.

14. In the File Name text box, type customdc and then click Save.
15. In the console tree, click customdc.
16. C lick the Action menu and click Set Description.

The Security Template Description box appears.

17. In the Description box, type Custom Security Template for Training and click OK.
18. In the console tree, click the C :\WINNT\Security\Templates folder.

Notice in the details pane that customdc now has a description associated with it.

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19. Read the other template descriptions to familiarize yourself with the templates included with Windows
2000 Server.
 Procedure 3: Creating a new security database
In this procedure you create a new security database.
1. In the console tree, click Security C onfiguration And Analysis and read the text in the details pane.
2. C lick the Action menu and then click Open Database.
The Open Database dialog box appears.
3. In the File Name text box, type training and then click Open.
The Import Template dialog box appears.
4. C lick customdc.inf and then click Open.
This is the custom template you created in the previous procedure.
 Procedure 4: Analyzing current security settings
In this procedure you analyze the current settings of Server01 against the custom template you created in
Procedure 2.
1. In the console tree, verify that the Security C onfiguration And Analysis node is selected.
2. C lick the Action menu and then click Analyze C omputer Now.
The Perform Analysis dialog box appears an it is shows the path and name of the error log as
C :\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\training.log.
3. C lick OK.
The Analyzing System Security status box appears as various aspect of Server01's security
configuration are checked against the template.
4. When the analysis is complete, expand the Security C onfiguration And Analysis node.
5. Expand the Account Policies node and then click the Password Policy node.
In the details pane, both template settings and the computer's settings are displayed for each policy.
Discrepancies appear with a red circle with a white "X" in the center. C onsistencies appear with a
white circle and a green check mark in the center. If there is no flag or check mark, the security
setting is not specified in the template.
6. In the console tree, click the Security C onfiguration And Analysis node.
7. C lick the Action menu and then click C onfigure C omputer Now.
The C onfigure System dialog box appears.
8. C lick OK.
9. C lick the Action menu and then click Analyze C omputer Now.
The Perform Analysis dialog box appears.
10. C lick OK.
11. Review the policy settings to verify that the Database Settings column is equivalent to the C omputer
Setting column.
12. C lose the Security snap-in.

The Microsoft Management C onsole message box appears.

13. C lick Yes.
14. If a Save Security Templates window appears, click Yes.

Group Policy Snap-In

Security settings define the security-relevant behavior of the system. Through the use of GPOs in Active
Directory services, administrators can centrally apply the security levels required to protect enterprise

When determining settings for a GPO that contains multiple computers, the organizational and functional
character of that given site, domain, or organizational unit (OU) must be considered. For example, the
security levels necessary for an OU containing computers in a sales department would be very different from
that for an OU containing finance department computers.

The Group Policy snap-in allows you to configure security centrally in the Active Directory store. A Security
Settings folder is located on the C omputer C onfiguration node and the User C onfiguration node. The security
settings allow group policy administrators to set policies that can restrict user access to files and folders, set
how many incorrect passwords a user can enter before the user is locked out, and control user rights, such as
which users are able to log on at a domain server. For details about how to use the Group Policy snap-in and
how to administer group policies, see C hapter 7, Lesson 4, "Administering Group Policies."

Lesson Summary

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Windows 2000 provides a set of security configuration tools that allow you to configure Windows 2000 security
settings and perform periodic analyses of the system to ensure that the configuration remains intact or to
make necessary changes over time. The Security C onfiguration And Analysis snap-in allows you to configure
and analyze local system security. It reviews and analyzes your system security settings and recommends
modifications to the current system settings. The Security Templates snap-in allows you to create and assign
security templates for one or more computers. The Group Policy snap-in allows you to configure security
centrally in the Active Directory store.

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Lesson 5: Microsoft Windows 2000 Auditing

In this lesson, you will learn about Windows 2000 auditing, which is a tool for maintaining network security.
Auditing allows you to track user activities and system-wide events. In addition, you will learn about audit
policies and what you need to consider before you set up a policy. You will also learn how to set up auditing
on resources and how to maintain security logs.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Plan an audit strategy and determine which events to audit
 Set up auditing on Active Directory objects and on files, folders, and
 Use Event Viewer to view a log and locate events
Estimated lesson time: 75 minutes

Overview of Windows 2000 Auditing

Auditing in Microsoft Windows 2000 is the process of tracking both user activities and Windows 2000 activities,
called events, on a computer. Through auditing, you can specify that Windows 2000 writes a record of an
event to the security log. The security log maintains a record of valid and invalid logon attempts and events
related to creating, opening, or deleting files or other objects. An audit entry in the security log contains the
following information:

 The action that was performed

 The user who performed the action
 The success or failure of the event and then the event occurred

Using an Audit Policy

An audit policy defines the types of security events that Windows 2000 records in the security log on each
computer. The security log allows you to track the events that you specify.

Windows 2000 writes events to the security log on the computer where the event occurs. For example, you
can configure auditing so that any time someone tries to log on to the domain by using a domain user account
and the logon attempt fails, Windows 2000 writes an event to the security log on the domain controller. The
event is recorded on the domain controller rather than on the computer at which the logon attempt was
made, because it is the domain controller that attempted to and could not authenticate the logon attempt.

You can set up an audit policy for a computer to do the following:

 Track the success and failure of events, such as logon attempts by users, an attempt by a particular
user to read a specific file, changes to a user account or to group memberships, and changes to your
security settings.
 Eliminate or minimize the risk of unauthorized use of resources.
You can use Event Viewer to view events that Windows 2000 has recorded in the security log. You can also
archive log files to track trends over time—for example, to determine the use of printers or files or to verify
attempts at unauthorized use of resources.

Planning an Audit Policy

When you plan an audit policy, you must determine the computers on which to set up auditing. Auditing is
turned off by default. As you are determining which computers to audit, you must also plan what to audit on
each computer. Windows 2000 records audited events on each computer separately.

The types of events that you can audit include the following:

 Access to files and folders

 Users logging on and off
 Shutting down and restarting a computer running Windows 2000 Server
 C hanges to user accounts and groups
 Attempts to make changes to Active Directory objects
After you have determined the types of events to audit, you must determine whether to audit the success
and/or failure of events. Tracking successful events can tell you how often Windows 2000 users or services
gain access to specific files, printers, or other objects. You can use this information for resource planning.
Tracking failed events can alert you to possible security breaches. For example, if you notice a lot of failed
logon attempts by a certain user account, especially if these attempts are occurring outside normal business
hours, an unauthorized person might be attempting to break into your system.

C onsider the following guidelines in determining your audit policy:

 Determine if you need to track trends of system usage. If so, plan to archive event logs. Archiving
these logs allows you to view how usage changes over time and allows you to plan to increase
system resources before they become a problem.
 Review security logs frequently. You should set a schedule and regularly review security logs

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because configuring auditing alone does not alert you to security breaches.
 Define an audit policy that is useful and manageable. Always audit sensitive and confidential data.
Audit only those events that will provide you with meaningful information about your network
environment. This minimizes usage of server resources and makes essential information easier to
locate. Auditing too many types of events can create excess overhead for Windows 2000.
 Audit resource access by the Everyone group instead of the Users group. This ensures that you audit
anyone who can connect to the network, not just the users for whom you create user accounts in the

Implementing an Audit Policy

Auditing is a powerful tool for tracking events that occur on computers in your organization. To implement
auditing, you must consider auditing requirements and set the audit policy. After you set an audit policy on a
computer, you can implement auditing on files, folders, printers, and Active Directory objects.

Configuring Auditing

You can implement an audit policy based on the role of the computer in the Windows 2000 network. Auditing
is configured differently for the following types of computers running Windows 2000:

 For member or stand-alone servers or computers running Windows 2000 Professional, an audit policy
is set for each individual computer. For example, to audit user access to a file on a member server,
you set the audit policy on that computer.
 For domain controllers, an audit policy is set for all domain controllers in the domain. To audit events
that occur on domain controllers, such as changes to Active Directory objects, you configure a group
policy for the domain, which applies to all domain controllers.

The types of events that you can audit on a domain controller are identical to those you can audit on a
computer that is not a domain controller. The procedure is similar as well, but you use a group policy for the
domain to control auditing for domain controllers.
Auditing Requirements

The requirements to set up and administer auditing are as follows:

 You must have the Manage Auditing And Security Log permission for the computer where you want to
configure an audit policy or review an audit log. Windows 2000 grants these rights to the
Administrators group by default.
 The files and folders to be audited must be on NTFS volumes.
Setting Up Auditing

Setting up auditing is a two-part process:

 Setting the audit policy The audit policy enables auditing of objects but does not activate auditing
of specific objects.
 Enabling auditing of specific resources You identify the specific events to audit for files, folders,
printers, and Active Directory objects. Windows 2000 then tracks and logs the specified events.

Setting an Audit Policy

The first step in implementing an audit policy is selecting the types of events that Windows 2000 audits. For
each event that you can audit, the configuration settings indicate whether to track successful or failed
attempts. You can set audit policies by using the Group Policy snap-in.

The following table describes the types of events that Windows 2000 can audit.

Ev ent Description

Account logon events A domain controller received a request to

validate a user account.

Account management An administrator created, changed, or deleted a

user account or group. A user account was
renamed, disabled, or enabled, or a password
was set or changed.

Directory service access A user gained access to an Active Directory

object. You must configure specific Active
Directory objects for auditing to log this type of

Logon events A user logged on or logged off, or a user made or

canceled a network connection to the computer.

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Object access A user gained access to a file, folder, or printer.

You must configure specific files, folders, or
printers for auditing. Directory service access is
auditing a user's access to specific Active
Directory objects. Object access is auditing a
user's access to files, folders, and printers.

Policy change A change was made to the user security options,

user rights, or audit policies.

Privilege use A user exercised a right, such as changing the

system time. (This does not include rights that
are related to logging on and logging off.)

Process tracking A program performed an action. This information

is generally useful only for programmers who
want to track details of program execution.

System A user restarted or shut down the computer, or

an event occurred that affects Windows 2000
security or the security log. (For example, the
audit log is full and Windows 2000 discards

To set an audit policy on a computer that is not a domain controller, create a custom MMC console and add
the Group Policy snap-in. In the console tree, select Audit Policy from the C omputer C onfiguration node, as
shown in Figure 11.18. The console displays the current audit policy settings in the details pane.

Figure 11.18 Group Policy snap-in with the Audit Policy folder selected

C hanges that you make to your computer's audit policy take effect when one of the following events occurs:

 You initiate policy propagation by typing secedit /RefreshPolicy machine_policy at the

command prompt and then pressing Enter.
 You restart your computer. Windows 2000 applies changes that you made to your audit policy the
next time that you restart your computer.
 Policy propagation occurs. Policy propagation is a process that applies policy settings, including audit
policy settings, to your computer. Automatic policy propagation occurs at regular, configurable
intervals. By default, policy propagation occurs every eight hours.

Auditing Access to Files and Folders

If security breaches are an issue for your organization, you can set up auditing for files and folders on NTFS
partitions. To audit user access to files and folders, you must first enable the Audit object access policy, which
includes files and folders.

Once you have set your audit policy to audit object access, you enable auditing for specific files and folders
and specify which types of access, by which users or groups, to audit. To enable auditing for a specific file or
folder, open the Properties dialog box for that file or folder, select the Security tab, and then click Advanced.
Select the Auditing tab and configure auditing for the selected file or folder.

Auditing Access to Active Directory Objects

To audit Active Directory object access, you must configure an audit policy and then set auditing for specific
objects, such as users, computers, organizational units (OUs), or groups by specifying which types of access
and access by which users to audit.

To enable auditing of access to Active Directory objects, enable the Audit directory services access policy in

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the Group Policy snap-in.

To enable auditing for specific Active Directory objects, open the Active Directory Users And C omputers
snap-in and select Advanced Features from the View menu. Open the Properties dialog box for the object that
you want to audit. On the Security tab, click Advanced. Select the Auditing tab and configure auditing for that

Auditing Access to Printers

You can audit access to printers in order to track access to sensitive printers. To audit access to printers,
enable the Audit Object Access policy, which includes printers. Then enable auditing for specific printers, and
specify which types of access and access by which users to audit. After you select the printer, you use the
same steps that you use to set up auditing on files and folders.

To set up auditing on a printer, open the Properties dialog box for the printer that you want to audit. On the
Security tab, click Advanced. Select the Auditing tab and configure auditing for the printer.

Using Event Viewer

You can use Event Viewer to perform a variety of tasks, including viewing the audit logs that are generated as
a result of setting audit policies and auditing events. You can also use Event Viewer to view the contents of
security log files and find specific events within log files.

Windows 2000 Logs

You can use Event Viewer to view information contained in Windows 2000 logs. By default there are three
logs available to view in Event Viewer. These logs are described in the following table.

Log Description

Application log C ontains errors, warnings, or information that

programs, such as a database program or an
e-mail program, generate. The program
developer presets which events to record.

Security log C ontains information about the success or failure

of audited events. The events that Windows 2000
records are a result of your audit policy.

System log C ontains errors, warnings, and information that

Windows 2000 generates. Windows 2000 presets
which events to record.

If additional services are installed, they might add their own event log. For example, the Domain Name
System (DNS) service logs DNS events in the DNS Server log.

Viewing the Security Log

The Security log contains information about events that are monitored by an audit policy, such as failed and
successful logon attempts. You can view the Security log in the Event Viewer snap-in, as shown in Figure

Figure 11.19 Event Viewer snap-in with the Security Log selected

In the details pane, Event Viewer displays a list of log entries and summary information for each item.

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Successful events appear with a key icon, and unsuccessful events appear with a lock icon. Other important
information includes the date and time that the event occurred, the category of the event, and the user who
generated the event. The category indicates the type of event, such as object access, account management,
directory service access, or logon events.

Windows 2000 records events in the Security log on the computer at which the event occurred. You can view
these events from any computer as long as you have administrative privileges for the computer where the
events occurred. To view the security log on a remote computer, point Event Viewer to a remote computer
when you add this snap-in to a console.

Locating Events

When you first start Event Viewer, it automatically displays all events that are recorded in the selected log. To
change what appears in the log, you can locate selected events by using the Filter command. You can also
search for specific events by using the Find command. To filter or find events, start Event Viewer, and click
Filter or click Find on the View menu.

Managing Audit Logs

You can track trends in Windows 2000 by archiving event logs and comparing logs from different periods.
Viewing trends helps you determine resource use and plan for growth. If unauthorized use of resources is a
concern, you can also use logs to determine patterns of usage. Windows 2000 allows you to control the size
of the logs and to specify the action that Windows 2000 takes when a log becomes full.

You can configure the properties of each individual audit log. To configure the settings for logs, select the log
in Event Viewer, and then display the Properties dialog box for the log.

Use the Properties dialog box for each type of audit log to control the size of each log, which can be from 64
KB to 4,194,240 KB (4 GB). The default size is 512 KB. You can also use the log properties to control the
action that Windows 2000 takes when the log fills up.

Use the Security C onfiguration And Analysis snap-in to configure settings for Event Viewer.

Archiving Logs

Archiving security logs allows you to maintain a history of security-related events. Many companies have
policies on keeping archive logs for a specified period to track security-related information over time. If you
want to save the log file, clear all events, or open a log file, select the log from the Event Viewer console tree
and then select the appropriate option from the Action menu.

Lesson Summary

Auditing in Microsoft Windows 2000 is the process of tracking both user activities and Windows 2000 activities,
called events, on a computer. Through auditing, you can specify that Windows 2000 writes a record of an
event to the Security log. An audit policy defines the types of security events that Windows 2000 records in
the Security log on each computer. The Security log allows you to track the events that you specify. When
you plan an audit policy you must determine the computers on which to set up auditing. As you are
determining which computers to audit, you must also plan what to audit on each computer. To implement
auditing, you need to consider auditing requirements and set the audit policy. After you set an audit policy on
a computer, you can implement auditing on files, folders, printers, and Active Directory objects. You can use
Event Viewer to view the audit logs that are generated as a result of setting the audit policy and auditing
events. You can also use Event Viewer to view the contents of Security log files and find specific events within
log files.

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The following questions are intended to reinforce key information presented in this chapter. If you are unable
to answer a question, review the appropriate lesson and then try the question again. Answers to the questions
can be found in Appendix A, "Questions and Answers."
1. Which key is associated with the creation of digital signatures, the public key or the private key?
Explain your answer.
2. What security credential(s) will be in use if you are supporting client computers running Windows
2000 and Windows NT that authenticate to servers running Windows 2000 Server, and Windows NT
3. How can a security template be used to facilitate configuration and analysis of security settings?
4. Where is the C ertificate Services Enrollment page and what is its purpose?
5. What steps must you follow to enable auditing of specific file objects on domain controllers in a
domain where Group Policy is enabled?

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Chapter 12
Reliability and Availability
About This Chapter

Two of the top requirements for a business operating system are high reliability and availability. In the
context of an operating system, reliability refers to how consistently a server runs applications and services,
while availability refers to the amount of time a system can be used. Reliability is increased by reducing the
potential causes of system failure. Availability is increased by addressing the causes of downtime. In other
words, reliable and available systems resist failure and are easy to restart after they've been shut down. This
chapter focuses on maintaining hardware devices and drivers, backing up data, and implementing disaster
protection. In addition, the chapter reviews several approaches to disaster recovery to assist you should your
system fail.

Before You Begin

To complete the lessons in this chapter, you must have

 Server01 running Microsoft Windows 2000 Server as a domain controller.

 C ompleted the exercises in the previous chapters.

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Lesson 1: Managing Hardware Devices and Drivers

Hardware includes any physical device connected to your computer and controlled by its microprocessor. For
a device to work properly with Windows 2000, a device driver must be loaded onto the computer. A device
driver is a program that allows a specific device to communicate with Windows 2000. Although a device might
be installed on your system, Windows 2000 cannot use the device until an appropriate driver is installed and
configured. This lesson provides an overview of hardware and describes how to manage devices and their
drivers. It also describes the tools necessary to add, remove, and configure these devices and their drivers.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Manage hardware devices and drivers by using the Add/Remove
Hardware wizard and the Device Manager snap-in, by configuring driver
signing options and hardware profiles, and by using event logs to monitor
reliability and availability
 Apply service pack updates
Estimated lesson time: 40 minutes

Hardware Overview

Hardware includes any devices that were connected to your computer when it was manufactured, as well as
peripheral equipment added later. For example, your system's hardware can include modems, disk drives,
drive controllers, C D-ROM drives, printers, network adapters, keyboards, monitors, and display adapter

These devices, which might or might not be Plug and Play compliant, are connected to the computer in
several ways. Some devices, such as network adapters and sound cards, are connected to expansion slots
inside the computer. Other devices, such as printers and scanners, are connected to ports on the outside of
the computer, while some devices, known as PC cards, connect only to PC C ard slots on a portable computer.

Each device has its own unique device driver, which is typically supplied by the device manufacturer. Many of
these device drivers are included on the Windows 2000 installation C D-ROM.

Hardware Types

Windows 2000 classifies devices by hardware type. Hardware types include such things as display adapter
cards, keyboards, C D-ROM drives, ports, and printers. When you use the Device Manager snap-in (Figure
12.1) or the Add/Remove Hardware wizard, you see a list of the hardware types installed on your computer.

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Figure 12.1 Device Manager snap-in for the local computer

Hardware types are further categorized according to individual devices. For example, the modem hardware
type includes over 200 modems you can install and use with Windows 2000.

Devices can also be classified according to the way they are connected to your computer. Most devices are
permanently connected to your computer and are typically installed only once. They are available every time
you turn on your computer unless you disable or uninstall them. Permanently connected devices include the

 Sound cards
 Video display cards
 Modems
 Hard disks
Other devices are designed to be connected and disconnected from your computer as you need them. You
can plug or insert these types of devices into the appropriate port or expansion slot, and Windows 2000 will
recognize the device and configure it without restarting your computer. Likewise, when you disconnect these
types of devices, you need to inform Windows 2000 only that you are ejecting, removing, or unplugging it.
You do not need to shut down or restart your computer. Devices designed to be connected and disconnected
include the following:

 PC C ards that connect to portable computers

 Hardware that connects to a universal serial bus (USB) or an IEEE 1394 bus
 Docking stations that support hot docking and undocking of portable computers
 Hardware that connects to serial or parallel ports
For a comprehensive list of the devices supported by Windows 2000, see the Microsoft Windows Hardware
C ompatibility List (HC L) by performing a search on the keyword HC L at the Microsoft Web site (

Plug and Play Overview

A Plug and Play device adheres to a set of specifications developed by the IEEE and computer and software
manufacturers such as Intel, C ompaq C orporation, Microsoft C orporation, and Phoenix Technologies. These
specifications allow a computer to automatically detect and configure a device and install the appropriate
device drivers. With Windows 2000, it is simple to install a PnP device. Just connect it to the computer and
provide an external power source if necessary, and Windows 2000 does the rest by installing any necessary
drivers, updating the system, and allocating system resources.

For example, you can dock a portable computer and connect to a network without changing the configuration.
Later, you can undock that same computer and use a modem to connect to the network, again without
making any manual changes to the operating system configuration. Windows 2000 automatically adjusts the
device driver state to match a changed hardware configuration.

With Plug and Play, you can be confident that any new devices will work together properly and that your
computer will restart correctly after you install or uninstall hardware. Windows 2000 also recognizes any new
hardware when you start your computer and loads any drivers that the hardware device needs.

When you install or uninstall a hardware device, Plug and Play works with the Windows 2000 Power Options
utility to manage the power requirements of your hardware and peripherals, shutting them down or
conserving power when you are not using them. And if you are working in another program when you install
or uninstall a device, Plug and Play lets you know it is about to change your computer configuration and
warns you to save your work.

If something does go wrong, the Event Log service records the information in the System log.

Plug and Play Dev ice Driver Support

Windows 2000 installs a Plug and Play device and its driver automatically. However, if you choose to install an
older driver or legacy hardware device, you might have limited Plug and Play support or none at all.

Using a Plug and Play driver to install a non-Plug and Play device might provide some Plug and Play support.
Although the system cannot recognize the hardware and load the appropriate drivers on its own, Plug and
Play can oversee the installation by allocating resources, interacting with the Power Options utility in C ontrol
Panel, and recording any issues in the System log.

Generally, you cannot install non-Plug and Play hardware without performing some manual setup. Use the
Add/Remove Hardware wizard or the Device Manager snap-in to change configuration settings for legacy

Installing Devices

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Installing a new device typically involves three steps:

1. C onnecting the device to your computer
2. Loading the appropriate device drivers for the device
3. C onfiguring device properties and settings
To ensure the device functions properly, you should follow the device manufacturer's installation instructions.
This might require you to shut down and unplug your computer, and then connect the device to the
appropriate port or insert it into the appropriate slot.

If the device is Plug and Play or is a necessary startup device like the hard disk, this detection happens
automatically. However, for some older devices, you might have to restart your computer after you have
connected one of them to your computer. Windows 2000 then attempts to detect your new device.

If the device is not Plug and Play, you might have to use the Add/Remove Hardware wizard in C ontrol Panel
to tell Windows 2000 what type of device you are installing. After the device is detected or you have identified
the device by using the Add/Remove Hardware wizard, Windows 2000 might ask you to insert the Windows
2000 installation C DROM or the manufacturer's floppy disk or C DROM so that it can load the proper device

Once the device drivers are loaded onto your system, Windows 2000 configures the properties and settings
for the device. Although you can manually configure device properties and settings, you should let Windows
2000 do it. When you manually configure properties and settings, the settings become fixed, which means
Windows 2000 cannot modify them in the future if a problem arises or there is a conflict with another device.

To install the device, connect it to the appropriate port or slot on your computer according to the device
manufacturer's instructions. You might need to start or restart your computer. You must be logged on as an
administrator or a member of the Administrators group to complete this procedure. However, if a user with
administrator privileges has already loaded the drivers for a device, you can install the device without
administrator privileges. Note also that network policy settings might prevent you from completing this
procedure if your computer is connected to a network.

In a situation where you need to restart your computer, Windows 2000 should detect the device and start the
Found New Hardware wizard. When installing a device, such as installing a sound card into a motherboard
slot, shut down Windows and turn off and unplug the computer. Remove the computer cover and install the
device in the appropriate slot. Replace the computer cover, and then plug in and turn on the computer.

If your device does not install properly, you might have an older, non-Plug and Play device. Follow the
instructions on the screen (if prompted) to choose a destination path to install drivers for the device.

If the device is a small computer system interface (SC SI) device, connect it to the SC SI controller port on
your computer according to the device manufacturer's instructions. Restart your computer. You need to be
sure the device number for the SC SI device is not used by another SC SI device and that the device is
properly terminated. To change the device number, see the device manufacturer's instructions.

Personal C omputer Memory C ard International Association (PC MC IA) SC SI controller cards and other devices
might not require a reboot after installation. As always, refer to the manufacturer's instructions when
installing hardware. Use the information provided in this chapter as a general guideline to hardware
If the device is a USB or IEEE 1394 device, plug it into any USB or IEEE port on your computer. Follow the
instructions that appear on your screen. You do not need to shut down or turn off your computer when you
install or plug in a USB or IEEE 1394 device. Although USB and IEEE 1394 are similar technologies, you
cannot interchange USB connections with IEEE 1394 connections.

Uninstalling Devices

You can usually uninstall a Plug and Play device by disconnecting or removing the device. Some devices
might require you to turn off the computer first. To ensure that you do this properly, consult the device
manufacturer's installation and removal instructions.

You can use either the Add/Remove Hardware wizard or Device Manager snap-in to notify Windows 2000 that
you want to uninstall a non-Plug and Play device. After you notify Windows 2000 that you are uninstalling a
device, you must physically disconnect or remove the device from your computer. For example, if the device
is connected to a port on the outside of your computer, you would shut down your computer, disconnect the
device from the port, and then unplug the power cord, if there is one for the device.

Instead of uninstalling a Plug and Play device that you might attach again, like a modem, you can disable a
device. When you disable a device, the physical device stays connected to your computer, but Windows 2000
updates the system registry so that the device drivers are no longer loaded when you start your computer.
When you enable the device, the drivers are available again. Disabling devices is useful if you want to have
more than one hardware configuration (hardware profile) for your computer. Multiple hardware profiles are

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common for mobile computers that operate both on and off of a docking station.

The Device Manager snap-in does not remove device drivers from your hard disk. If you want to do this, use
the Add/Remove Hardware wizard and select the Uninstall A Device Removal Task option. Additionally,
consult the hardware manufacturer's documentation to determine the best way to remove device drivers.

Tools for Managing Devices and Drivers

Several tools are available for managing hardware devices and their drivers. Most of these tools can be
accessed through the Hardware tab of the System Properties dialog box. To open the System Properties
dialog box, open C ontrol Panel and then open the System application or hold down the Windows flag key and
press the Break key. When the System Properties dialog box appears, select the Hardware tab (Figure 12.2).

Figure 12.2 System Properties dialog box showing the Hardware tab

From here, you can open the Add/Remove Hardware wizard, the Device Manager snap-in, the Driver Signing
Options dialog box, and the Hardware Profiles dialog box. In addition to the tools you can access through the
System Properties dialog box, you can use Event Viewer logs to troubleshoot hardware configurations.

Add/Remove Hardware Wizard

The Add/Remove Hardware wizard allows you to add new hardware, unplug or remove hardware from your
computer, or troubleshoot hardware-related problems (Figure 12.3).

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Figure 12.3 Opening screen of the Add/Remove Hardware wizard

In addition to being able to open the wizard from the Hardware tab of the System Properties dialog box, you
can open it from C ontrol Panel by selecting Add/Remove Hardware. Once you have opened the wizard, follow
the steps in the wizard to add, remove, unplug, or troubleshoot your hardware.

To use the Add/Remove Hardware wizard, you must be logged on to or running in the context of an account
with administrator privileges. Use the Runas command-line utility to run in the security context of another
user account. If your computer is connected to a network, network policy settings might prevent you from
using the Add/Remove Hardware wizard.

The Device Manager Snap-In

Device Manager is an MMC snap-in that provides you with a graphical view of the hardware that is installed on
your computer (Figure 12.1).

In addition to being able to open the Device Manager snap-in from the Hardware tab of the System Properties
dialog box, you can open the tool from the C omputer Management MMC or create a custom MMC containing
the Device Manager snap-in. Once you open Device Manager, you can use it to change the way your
hardware is configured as well as the way your hardware interacts with your computer's microprocessor.

The Device Manager snap-in allows you to perform the following tasks:

 Determine whether the hardware on your computer is working properly

 C hange hardware configuration settings
 Identify the device drivers loaded for each device, and obtain information about each device driver
 C hange advanced settings and properties for devices
 Install updated device drivers
 Disable, enable, and uninstall devices
 Identify Ldevice conflicts and manually configure resource settings
 Print a System Resource Report of the devices installed on your computer
Typically Device Manager is used to check hardware status and update device drivers. Advanced users who
have a thorough understanding of computer hardware also use Device Manager's diagnostic features to
resolve device conflicts and change resource settings.

C hanging resource settings improperly can disable your hardware and cause your computer to malfunction or
be inoperable. Only users who have expert knowledge of computer hardware and hardware configurations
should change resource settings.
Ordinarily, you will not need to use the Device Manager snap-in to change resource settings because
resources are allocated automatically by Windows 2000 during hardware setup. In addition, Device Manager
can be used to manage devices on a local computer only. Device Manager works in read-only mode on a
remote computer.

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To use the Device Manager snap-in, you must be logged on to or running in the security context of a user
account with administrator privileges. If your computer is connected to a network, network policy settings
might prevent you from using the snap-in.

Driver Signing

The Driver Signing function allows Windows 2000 to notify users whether or not a driver they are installing
has passed the Microsoft certification process (Figure 12.4). Driver Signing attaches an encrypted digital
signature to a code file that has passed the Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) tests.

Figure 12.4 Driver Signing Options dialog box

Microsoft digitally signs drivers as part of WHQL testing if the driver runs on Windows 2000 operating
systems. The digital signature is associated with individual driver packages and recognized by Windows 2000.
This certification process proves to users that the drivers they employ are identical to those Microsoft has
tested and notifies them if a driver file has been changed after the driver was put on the HC L.

Driver Signing allows for three responses:

 Ignore Allows all files to be installed, whether they've been signed or not.
 Warn Notifies the user if a driver that's being installed hasn't been signed, and gives the user a
chance to say "no" to the installation. Warn also gives the user the option to install unsigned versions
of a protected driver file.
 Block Prevents all unsigned drivers from being installed.
Windows 2000 ships with the Warn mode set as the default.

Driver Signing doesn't affect the code itself. Rather, Microsoft signs the binary driver code that passes the
WHQL tests. Microsoft then produces a catalog file that contains the code and a cryptographic digital
signature. The resulting binary file is constructed in such a way that the code can't be altered without the
catalog file's signature becoming invalid.

For more information on digital signatures and cryptography, see C hapter 11.
Specifically, a hash (encryption) of the driver binary and relevant information are stored in a catalog (.cat)
file, and the .cat file is signed with the Microsoft digital signature. The binary itself is not touched; only a .cat
file is created for each driver package. The relationship between the driver package and its .cat file is
referenced in the driver's .inf file and maintained by the system after the driver is installed.

Vendors wishing to have drivers tested and signed can find information on driver signing at
http://www.microsoft.com/hwdev/. Only signed drivers are published on the Windows Update Web site at
http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/default.htm .

If you are logged on to or running in the context of an account with administrator privileges, select the Apply
Setting As System Default check box (Figure 12.4) to apply the selected setting as the default for all users
who log on to the computer. Driver Signing options can also be specified in Group Policy by specifying the

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Unsigned Driver Installation Behavior security setting.

Hardware Profiles

A hardware profile is a set of instructions that tells Windows 2000 which devices to start when you start your
computer or what settings to use for each device. When you first install Windows 2000, a hardware profile
named Profile 1 (C urrent) is created. The default profile name varies for mobile computers. A common name
given to mobile computers, by default, is Undocked Profile (C urrent), as shown in Figure 12.5.

Figure 12.5 Hardware Profiles dialog box

By default, every device installed on your computer at the time you install Windows 2000 is enabled in the
default hardware profile.

Hardware profiles are especially useful if you have a portable computer. Most portable computers are used in
a variety of locations, and hardware profiles let you change which devices your computer uses when you
move it from location to location. For example, you might have one profile named Docking Station
C onfiguration for using your portable computer at a docking station with hardware components such as a
C D-ROM drive and a network adapter. And you might have a second profile named Undocked C onfiguration
for using your portable computer in a hotel or on an airplane, when you are not using a network adapter or
C D-ROM but you are using a modem and portable printer.

You can manage hardware profiles by opening System in C ontrol Panel, clicking the Hardware tab, and
clicking Hardware Profiles. If there is more than one hardware profile, you can designate a default profile that
will be used every time you start your computer. You can also have Windows 2000 ask you which profile to
use every time you start your computer. Once you create a hardware profile, you can use Device Manager to
disable and enable devices in the profile. When you disable a device in a hardware profile, the device drivers
for the device are not loaded when you start your computer.

You must be logged on to or running in the context of an account with administrator privileges on the local
computer to create, copy, rename, or delete hardware profiles.
The profile created when Windows 2000 is installed (installation profile) provides a model for you to create
new hardware profiles. To make a hardware profile appear after it is created, access the properties of the
profile and select the Always Include This Profile As An Option When Windows Starts check box.

Event Logs

C areful monitoring of the System log generated by the Event Log service can help you predict and identify
the sources of system problems. For example, if log warnings show that a disk driver can read or write to a
sector only after several retries, the sector is likely to go bad eventually.

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The Application and System logs can confirm problems with software. If a program crashes, the Application
log can provide a record of activity leading up to the event.

The following suggestions might help you use event logs to diagnose problems:

 Archive logs in log format The binary data associated with an event is saved if you archive the
log in log format (.evt), but it is discarded if you archive data in text (.txt) or comma-delimited (.csv)
format. The binary data might help a developer or technical support specialist identify the source of a
 Note event IDs These numbers match a text description in a message file. The numbers can be
used by product support representatives to understand what occurred in the system.
 Address hardware problems If you suspect a hardware component is the source of system
problems, filter the System log to show only those events generated by the component.
 Address system problems If a particular event seems related to system problems, try searching
Event Log to find other instances of the same event or to judge the frequency of an error.

For more information about using event logs, see the Supplemental C ourse Materials C D-ROM
(\chapt12\articles\Monitoring Reliability.doc) that accompanies this book.

Installing Service Packs

Windows 2000 makes it easier for administrators to add service packs. In Windows NT, Windows 95 and
Windows 98, service packs are installed separately, after the operating system is installed. Windows 2000
supports service pack slipstreaming, which means the service pack is applied directly to the operating
system's distribution share during installation.

Windows 2000 also eliminates the need to reinstall components applied before a service pack was installed.
This makes it much easier to install service packs on existing systems. In the past, when service packs were
installed, many previously installed components had to be reinstalled. For example, when a service pack is
applied to Windows NT 4.0, services installed previously, such as IPX or RAS, have to be reinstalled. To
address the problems that existed with Windows NT 4.0 service packs, Windows 2000 provides service pack
slipstreaming and post-setup installation of service packs.

Service Pack Slipstreaming

Service pack slipstreaming refers to a service pack being applied to Windows 2000 distribution files on a
C D-ROM or on a network share. When Windows 2000 is installed from either source, the appropriate files
from the service pack are installed without you having to manually apply the service pack after the

To apply a new service pack, use update.exe with the /slip switch. This copies the updated service pack files
over the existing Windows 2000 files. Some of the key files that are replaced include the following:

 A new layout.inf, dosnet.inf, and txtsetup.sif that contains updated checksums for all the service pack
files. These files need additional entries if additional files are added.
 A new driver.cab if the drivers in the cabinet file are changed.

Post-Setup Installation of a Service Pack

A service pack is applied on an existing Windows 2000 system by running update.exe and updating the
system to Windows 2000 plus the service pack. When the system state changes (for example, services are
added or removed), the base system is told that a service pack was installed, what files were replaced or
updated by the service pack, and where the service pack was installed from. This means that the correct files
are copied from the service pack distribution location (the network share, C DROM, or Web site) and from the
Windows 2000 installation source (network share or C D-ROM). This eliminates the need to reapply a service
pack when the system state changes.

Once the service pack is applied, if the system state changes (for example, an RAS is added after the service
pack is applied), Windows 2000 installs the correct files, whether those files originate from the Windows 2000
C DROM or from the service pack. Again, this eliminates the need to reapply the service pack whenever the
system state changes.

Lesson Summary

Hardware includes any physical device connected to your computer and controlled by your computer's
microprocessor. A device driver allows a specific device to communicate with Windows 2000. Windows 2000
classifies devices by hardware type. A Plug and Play device adheres to a set of specifications that allow a
computer to automatically detect and configure a device and install the appropriate device drivers. Installing
a new device typically involves three steps: connecting the device to your computer, loading the appropriate
device drivers for the device, and configuring device properties and settings. You can usually uninstall a Plug
and Play device by disconnecting or removing the device. You can use either the Add/Remove Hardware
wizard or Device Manager snap-in to notify Windows 2000 that you want to uninstall a non-Plug and Play

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device. Several tools are available for managing hardware devices and their drivers. From the Hardware tab
of the System Properties dialog box, you can open the Add/Remove Hardware wizard, the Device Manager
snap-in, the Driver Signing Options dialog box, and the Hardware Profiles dialog box. In addition to the tools
you can access through the System Properties dialog box, Event Log can be used to troubleshoot hardware
configurations. Service pack updates can be seamlessly integrated into the network so that new Windows
2000 installations apply the service pack updates as part of the setup routine. C hanges to existing Windows
2000 configurations automatically apply the service pack updates.

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Lesson 2: Backing Up Data

The goal of all backup jobs is to ensure that lost data can be recovered efficiently and quickly. A backup job
is a single process of backing up data. Regularly backing up data on server hard disks and client computer
hard disks prevents data loss due to disk drive failures, power outages, virus infections, and other such
incidents. If data loss occurs and you have carefully planned and performed regular backup jobs, you can
restore the lost data, whether the lost data is a single file or an entire hard disk.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Back up data at a computer and over the network
 Schedule a backup job
 Set backup options for Windows Backup
Estimated lesson time: 60 minutes

Introduction to Windows Backup

Windows 2000 provides Windows Backup (Figure 12.6), which is a tool that allows you to easily back up and
restore data. To launch Windows Backup, on the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to
System Tools, and then click Backup; or, on the Start menu, click Run, type ntbackup , and then click OK.

Figure 12.6 Welcome tab of the Backup dialog box

You can use Backup to back up data manually or to schedule unattended backup jobs on a regular basis. You
can back up data to a file or to a tape. Files can be stored on hard disks, removable disks (such as Iomega
Zip drives and Jaz drives), recordable compact discs, optical drives, and tapes.

To successfully back up and restore data on a computer running Windows 2000, you must have the
appropriate permissions and user rights, as outlined below:

 All users can back up their own files and folders. They can also back up files for which they have the
Read, Read and Execute, Modify, or Full C ontrol permission.
 All users can restore files and folders for which they have the Write, Modify, or Full C ontrol
 Members of the Administrators, Backup Operators, and Server Operators groups can back up and
restore all files (regardless of the assigned permissions). By default, members of these groups have
the Backup Files And Directories and Restore Files And Directories user rights.

Planning Issues for Windows Backup

You should plan your backup jobs to fit the needs of your company. The primary goal of backing up data is to
be able to restore it if necessary, so any backup plan you develop should include how to restore data. You
should be able to quickly and successfully restore critical lost data. There is no single correct backup plan for
all networks. The following sections cover issues to consider in formulating your backup plan.

Determine Which Files and Folders to Back Up

Always back up critical files and folders that your company needs to operate, such as sales and financial
records, the registry for each server, and the Active Directory store.

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Determine How Often to Back Up

If data is critical for company operations, back it up daily. If users create or modify reports once a week,
backing up the reports weekly is sufficient. You need to back up data only as often as it changes. For
example, there is no need to do daily backups on files that rarely change, such as monthly reports.

Determine Which Target Media to Use for Storing Backup Data

With Windows Backup, you can back up to the following removable media:

 Files You can store the files on a removable media device, such as an Iomega Zip drive, or on a
network location, such as a file server. The file created contains the files and folders you have
selected to backup. The file has a .bkf extension. Users can back up their personal data to a network
 Tape A less expensive medium than other removable media, a tape is more convenient for large
backup jobs because of its high storage capacity. However, tapes have a limited life and can
deteriorate. Be sure to check the tape manufacturer's recommendations for usage.

If you use a removable media device to back up and restore data, be sure to verify that the device is
supported on the Windows 2000 HC L.

Determine Whether to Perform Network or Local Backup Jobs

A network backup can contain data from multiple network computers. This allows you to consolidate backup
data from multiple computers to a single removable backup media. A network backup also allows one
administrator to back up the entire network. Whether you perform a network or local backup job depends on
the data that must be backed up. For example, you can back up the registry and the Active Directory store
only at the computer from which you are performing the backup.

If you decide to perform local backups, they must be performed at each computer, including servers and
client computers. There are several things to consider in performing local backups. First you must move from
computer to computer so that you can perform a backup at each computer, or you must rely on users to back
up their own computers. Typically most users fail to back up their data on a regular basis. A second
consideration with local backups is the number of removable storage media devices available. If you use
removable storage media devices, such as tape drives, you must have one for each computer, or you must
move the tape drive from computer to computer so that you can perform a local backup on each computer.

You can also choose to use a combination of network and local backup jobs. Do this when critical data resides
on client computers and servers and you do not have a removable storage media device for each computer.
In this situation, users perform a local backup and store their backup files on a server. You then back up the

Setting Backup Options

Windows Backup allows you to change the default settings for all backup and restore jobs. These default
settings are on the tabs in the Options dialog box (Figure 12.7). To access the Options dialog box, select
Options from the Tools menu.

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Figure 12.7 General tab of the Options dialog box

The following list provides an overview of the Windows default backup settings on the tabs in the Options
dialog box:

 General tab Settings affect data verification, the status information for backup and restore jobs,
alert messages, and what is backed up. You should select the Verify Data After The Backup
C ompletes check box because it is critical that your backup data is not corrupted.
 Restore tab Settings affect what happens when the file to restore is identical to an existing file.
 Backup Type tab Settings affect the default backup type when you perform a backup job. The
options you select depend on how often you back up, how quickly you want to restore, and how much
storage space you have. Backup types are discussed in more detail below.
 Backup Log tab Settings affect the amount of information included in the backup log.
 Exclude Files tab Settings affect which files are excluded from backup jobs.
You can modify some default settings in the Backup wizard for a specific backup job. For example, the default
backup type is normal, but you can change it to another backup type in the Backup wizard. However, the next
time you run the Backup wizard, the default backup type (normal) is selected.

Backup Types

Windows Backup provides five backup types that define what data is backed up: normal, copy, differential,
incremental, and daily. You can set the default backup types on the Backup Types tab of the Options dialog
box (Figure 12.8).

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Figure 12.8 Backup Types tab of the Options dialog box

Some backup types use backup markers, also known as archive attributes, which mark a file as having
changed. When a file changes, an attribute is set on the file that indicates the file has changed since the last
backup. Backing up the file clears or resets the attribute.


During a normal backup, known as a full backup, all selected files and folders are backed up. A normal
backup does not rely on markers to determine which files to back up, but it does clear the archive attribute
from all files. Normal backups speed up the restore process because the backup files are the most current
and you do not need to restore multiple backup jobs. However, they are the most time consuming and
require the most storage capacity of any backup type.


During a copy backup, all selected files and folders are backed up. It neither looks for nor clears markers. If
you do not want to clear markers and affect other backup types, use a copy backup. For example, use a copy
backup between a normal and an incremental backup to create an archival snapshot of network data.


During a differential backup, only selected files and folders that have a marker are backed up. Because a
differential backup does not clear markers, if you did two differential backups in a row on a file, the file would
be backed up each time. This backup type is moderately fast at backing up and restoring data. To perform a
full restore by using a differential backup, the last normal backup session should be followed by the last
differential backup session.


During an incremental backup, only selected files and folders that have a marker are backed up. An
incremental backup clears markers. Because it clears markers, if you did two incremental backups in a row
on a file and nothing changed in the file, the file would not be backed up the second time. This backup type is
very fast at backing up data and slow at restoring data. To perform a full restore using an incremental
backup, the last normal backup session is followed by all incremental backup sessions up to the very last
incremental backup session.


During a daily backup, all selected files and folders that have changed during the day are backed up. A daily

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backup neither looks for nor clears markers. If you want to back up all files and folders that change during
the day without affecting a backup schedule, use a daily backup.

Setting Backup Types for Specific Jobs

You can set the backup type for a specific backup job when you are running the Backup wizard (Figure 12.9).
The Backup wizard is described later in this lesson.

Figure 12.9 Setting the backup type for a specific backup job

You can also set the backup type for a specific backup job when you perform a backup without using the
Backup wizard. On the Backup tab of the Windows Backup utility, click Start Backup. In the Backup Job
Information screen that appears after you start the backup process, click Advanced. When the Advanced
Backup Options dialog box appears, select the backup type from the drop-down list.

Combining Backup Types

An effective backup strategy is likely to combine different backup types. Some backup types require more
time to back up data but less time to restore data. C onversely, other backup types require less time to back
up data but more time to restore data. If you combine backup types, markers (archive attribute) are critical.
Incremental and differential backup types check for and rely on the markers.

The following information provides examples of combining different backup types:

 Normal and differential backups On Monday a normal backup is performed, and on Tuesday
through Friday differential backups are performed. Differential backups do not clear markers, which
means that each backup includes all changes since Monday. If data becomes corrupted on Friday,
you need to restore only the normal backup from Monday and the differential backup from Thursday.
This strategy takes more time to back up but less time to restore.
 Normal and incremental backups On Monday a normal backup is performed, and on Tuesday
through Friday incremental backups are performed. Incremental backups clear markers, which
means that each backup includes only the files that changed since the previous backup. If data
becomes corrupt on Friday, you need to restore the normal backup from Monday and all incremental
backups, from Tuesday through Friday. This strategy takes less time to back up but more time to
 Normal, differential, and copy backups These backups use the same strategy as the normal and
incremental backups, except that on Wednesday, you perform a copy backup. C opy backups include
all selected files and do not clear markers or interrupt the usual backup schedule. Therefore, each
differential backup includes all changes since Monday. The copy backup type done on Wednesday is
not part of the Friday restore. C opy backups are helpful when you need to create a snapshot of your
data but you don't want to affect your scheduled backup.

Backing Up Data

After you have planned your backup, including planning the backup type to use and when to perform backup
jobs, the next step is to prepare to back up your data. There are certain preliminary tasks that must be
completed before you can back up your data. After you have completed the preliminary tasks, you can
perform the backup.

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Performing Preliminary Tasks

One task you must do before each backup job is ensure that the files you want to back up are closed. You
should send a notification to users to close files before you begin backing up data. Windows Backup does not
back up files locked open by applications. You can use e-mail or the Send C onsole Message dialog box in the
File Service Management snap-in to send administrative messages to users. You can access the File Service
Management snap-in through the C omputer Management snap-in.

Many third-party backup programs create image backups of open files.

If you use a removable media device, make sure the following preliminary tasks are completed:

 The backup device is attached to a computer on the network and is turned on. If you are backing up
to tape, you must attach the tape device to the computer on which you run Windows Backup.
 The media device is listed on the Windows 2000 HC L.
 The media is loaded in the media device. For example, if you are using a tape drive, ensure that a
tape is loaded in the tape drive.

Selecting Files and Folders to Back Up

After you have completed the preliminary tasks, you can perform the backup by using the Backup wizard. To
start the Backup wizard, open Backup and click the Backup Wizard button on the Welcome tab.

The first step of setting up a backup is to specify what to back up (Figure 12.10).

Figure 12.10 What To Back Up screen of the Backup wizard

You must select one of the following options:

 Back Up Ev erything On My Computer Backs up all files on the computer on which you are
running Windows Backup, except those files that Windows Backup excludes by default, such as
certain power management files.
 Back Up Selected F iles, Driv es, Or Network Data Backs up selected files and folders. This
includes files and folders on the computer from which you run Windows Backup and any shared file
or folder on the network. When you click this option, the Backup wizard provides a hierarchical view
of the computer and the network (through My network places).
 Only Back Up The System State Data Backs up the registry, the Active Directory store, the
SYSVOL folder, the C OM+ C lass Registration database, system startup files, and the C ertificate
Services (if C ertificate Services are installed). The Active Directory store and the SYSVOL folder is
available only at a domain controller. Use this option to create a copy of the Active Directory store,
which contains all domain objects and their attributes. Back up the C ertificate Services and stop the
C ertificate Services before running this option. Windows Backup will fail if the C ertificate Services are
running. You should keep the C ertificate Services backup file created by backing up the C ertificate
Services with your backup. All system state data relevant to your computer is backed up or restored.
You cannot back up or restore individual components of the system state data because of the
dependencies among the system state components.

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Specifying Backup Destination and Media Settings

After you select what you want to back up, provide information about the backup media. The following table
describes the information you must provide for the backup media options:

Option Description

Backup Media Type The target medium to use, such as a tape or file.
A file can be located on any disk-based media,
including a hard disk, a shared network folder, or
a removable disk, such as an Iomega Zip drive.

Backup Media Or File Name The location where Windows Backup will store the
data. For a tape, enter the tape name. For a file,
enter the path for the backup file.

After you provide the media information, the Backup wizard displays the wizard settings and the opportunity
to do either of the following:

 Start the backup If you click Finish, the backup process begins, and the Backup wizard displays
status information about the backup job in the Backup Progress dialog box.
 Specify adv anced backup options If you click Advanced, the Backup wizard allows you to select
the advanced backup settings. The advanced backup settings are described in the following section.

When the backup process is complete, you can choose to review the backup report, which is the backup log.
A backup log is a text file that records backup operations and is stored on the hard disk of the computer on
which you are running Windows Backup.

Specifying Advanced Backup Settings

When you specify advanced backup settings, you are changing the default backup settings for the current
backup job only. The following table describes the advanced options you can configure:

Adv anced option Description

Select The Type Of Backup Operation To Perform Allows you to choose the backup type for this
backup job. Select one of the following options:
Normal, C opy, Incremental, Differential, and

Backup Migrated Remote Storage Data Backs up data that Hierarchical Storage Manager
(HSM) has moved to remote storage.

Verify Data After Backup C onfirms that files are correctly backed up.
Windows Backup compares the backup data and
the source data to verify that they are the same.
Microsoft recommends that you select this option.

Use Hardware C ompression, If Available Enables hardware compression for tape devices
that support it. If your tape device does not
support hardware compression, this option is

If The Archive Media Already C ontains Backups Specifies whether to append or replace the
existing backup on the backup media. C hoose
Append to store multiple backup jobs on a
storage device, or choose Replace if you do not
need to save previous backup jobs and you only
want to save the most recent backup data.

Allow Only The Owner And The Administrator Allows you to restrict who can gain access to the
Access To The Backup Data And To Any Backups completed backup file or tape. This option is
Appended To The Media available only if you choose to replace an existing
backup on a backup media, rather than
appending to the backup media. If you back up
the registry or the Active Directory store, click
this option to prevent others from getting copies
of the backup job.

Backup Label Allows you to specify a name and description for

the backup job. The name and description appear
in the backup log. You can change the name and
description to a more intuitive name (for

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example, Sales-normal backup September 14,


Media Label Allows you to specify the name of the backup

media (for example, the tape name). The first
time you back up to a new media or overwrite an
existing backup job, you can specify the name,
such as Active Directory store backup.

When To Back Up Allows you to specify Now or Later. If you choose

later, you specify the job name and start date.
You can also set the schedule.

Depending on whether you choose to back up now or later, the Backup wizard provides you with the
opportunity to do either of the following:

 If you choose to finish the backup process, the Backup wizard displays the C ompleting The Backup
Wizard settings and then presents the option to finish and immediately start the backup. During the
backup, the wizard displays status information about the backup job.
 If you choose to back up later, you are shown additional dialog boxes to schedule the backup process
to occur later, as described in the next section.

Scheduling Backup Jobs

Scheduling a backup job means you can have an unattended backup job occur at a later time, for example,
when users are not at work and files are closed. You can also schedule backup jobs to occur at regular
intervals. Windows 2000 supports this scheduling functionality by integrating Windows Backup with the Task
Scheduler service.

To schedule a backup, click the Later radio button on the When To Back Up screen of the Backup wizard. Task
Scheduler presents the Set Account Information dialog box, prompting you for your password. The user
account must have the appropriate user rights and permissions to perform backup jobs.

If the Task Scheduler service is not running or not set to start automatically, Windows 2000 displays a dialog
box prompting you to start the service. C lick OK, and the Set Account Information dialog box appears.
In the Schedule Job dialog box, you can set the date, time, and number of occurrences for the backup job to
repeat, such as every Friday at 10:00 P.M. You can also display all the scheduled tasks for the computer by
selecting the Show Multiple Schedules check box. This helps to prevent you from scheduling multiple tasks on
the same computer at the same time.

By clicking the Advanced button, you can also schedule how long the backup can last and for how many days,
weeks, months, or years you want this schedule to continue.

After you have scheduled the backup job and completed the Backup wizard, Windows Backup places the
backup job on the calendar on the Schedule Jobs tab in Windows Backup. The backup job automatically starts
at the time you specified.

If the computer targeted for backup is running C ertificate Services, you can schedule C ertificate Services to
stop before the backup begins. At the conclusion of the backup, configure the Task Scheduler to restart the
C ertificate Service. The easiest way to configure this is to stop and start C ertificate Services and initiate the
backup routine in a single command file. The command file is then scheduled to run through the Task
Scheduler. This procedure is described near the conclusion of Exercise 1 in this chapter.

Exercise 1: Backing Up Files

In this exercise you use the Backup wizard to back up some files to your hard disk. You then create a backup
job to perform a backup operation at a later time by using Task Scheduler. C omplete this exercise on
 Procedure 1: Creating, running, and verifying a backup job
In this procedure, you start Windows Backup and use the Backup wizard to back up files to the local disk on
1. Log on to Server01 as administrator with a password of "password."

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2. C lick Start, and then click Run.

The Run dialog box appears.
3. In the Open text box, type ntbackup and then click OK.
The Backup - [Untitled] dialog box appears.
4. Read the descriptions appearing for the three options under the Welcome tab, and then click Backup
The Backup wizard starts and displays the Welcome To The Windows 2000 Backup And Recovery
Tools screen.
5. C lick Next.
The What To Back Up screen appears, prompting you to choose the scope of the backup job.
6. C lick the Back Up Selected Files, Drives, Or Network Data radio button, and then click Next.
The Items To Back Up screen appears, prompting you to select the local and network drives, folders,
and files to be backed up.
7. Expand My C omputer.
8. C lick once on the words System State. (Do not select the checkbox to the left of System State.)
Notice that in the details pane, the Active Directory store, Boot files, Registry settings, C OM+ C lass
Registration database, SYSVOL folder and C ertificate services database are backed up.
9. In the left pane, expand C : and then click on the letter C . Do not select the check box to the left of
C :.
10. In the details pane, scroll down and select the Boot.ini check box and then click Next.

The Where To Store The Backup screen appears.


If there is no tape drive connected to your computer, the Backup Media Type drop-down list box will
be gray because File is the only backup media type available.
11. In the Backup Media Or File Name text box, type c:\ backup1.bkf and then click Next.

You would normally back up data to a tape or a file stored on another hard disk, removable disks
(such as Iomega Zip and Jaz drives), or recordable compact discs or optical drives. However, for
simplicity the backup here is performed on the same drive on which the file is located.
The C ompleting The Backup Wizard screen appears showing the details of the backup job to be
conducted and allowing you to continue or further configure the job.
12. C lick the Advanced button to specify additional backup options.

The Type Of Backup screen appears.

12. Look at the backup types listed in the Select The Type Of Backup Operation To Perform drop-down
list box.
These backup types were described in the text preceding this exercise.
12. Verify that Normal is selected.
12. Verify that the Backup Migrated Remote Storage Data check box is cleared.

This option supports HSM features in Windows 2000 Server.

12. C lick Next.

The How To Backup screen appears, prompting you to specify whether or not to verify the backed up
data after the backup job.
12. Select the Verify Data After Backup check box, and then click Next.

The Media Options page appears, prompting you to specify whether to append this backup job to
existing media or overwrite existing backup data on the destination media.
12. C lick the Replace The Data On The Media With This Backup radio button.

Notice the Allow Only The Owner And The Administrator Access To The Backup Data And Any
Backups Appended To This Media check box. This option provides greater security because when it is
selected, only the backup owner and the Administrator can recover a backup job. Verify that this
option is not checked.
12. C lick Next.

The Backup Label screen appears, prompting you to supply a label for the backup job and for the
backup media.

Notice that Windows Backup generates a backup label and media label by using the current date and

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12. In the Backup Label text box, type Boot.ini backup set created on <date> (where <date> is
today's date and time).
12. Leave the Media Label text box as is, and click Next.

The When To Back Up screen appears, prompting you to choose whether to run the backup job now
or schedule this backup job.
12. Verify that the Now radio button is selected, and then click Next.

The C ompleting The Backup Wizard screen appears.

12. C lick Finish to start the backup job.

Windows Backup briefly displays the Selection Information dialog box, indicating the estimated
amount of data for, and the time to complete, the backup job.

Then Windows Backup displays the Backup Progress dialog box, providing the status of the backup
operation, statistics on estimated and actual amount of data being processed, the time that has
elapsed, and the estimated time that remains for the backup operation.
12. When the Backup Progress dialog box indicates the backup is complete, click the Report button.

Notepad starts and displays the backup report.

The backup report contains key details about the backup operation, such as the time it started and
how many files were backed up.
12. Examine the report, and when you are finished, close Notepad.
12. In the Backup Progress dialog box, click C lose.

The backup - [Untitled] dialog box appears with the Welcome tab active.
 Procedure 2: Creating, running, and verifying an unattended backup job
In this procedure, you create a backup job to perform a backup operation at a later time by using Task
1. On the Welcome tab, click Backup Wizard.
The Backup wizard starts and displays the Welcome To The Windows 2000 Backup And Recovery
Tools screen.
2. C lick Next.
The What To Back Up screen appears, prompting you to choose the scope of the backup job.
3. C lick the Back Up Selected Files, Drives, Or Network Data radio button, and then click Next.
The Items To Back Up screen appears, prompting you to select the local and network drives, folders,
and files to be backed up.
4. Expand My C omputer, expand drive C , and then select the Inetpub check box.
5. C lick Next.
The Where To Store The Backup screen appears, prompting you to select the destination for your
backup data.
6. In the Backup Media Or File Name text box, type C:\ backup2.bkf and then click Next.
The C ompleting The Backup Wizard screen appears.
7. C lick the Advanced button to specify additional backup options.
The Type Of Backup screen appears, prompting you to select a backup type for this backup job.
8. Verify that in the Type Of Backup Operation To Perform drop-down list box, Normal is selected.
9. C lick Next.
The How To Backup screen appears, prompting you to specify whether to verify the backed up data
after the backup job.
10. Select the Verify Data After Backup check box, and then click Next.

The Media Options screen appears, prompting you to specify whether to append this backup job to
existing media or overwrite existing backup data on the destination media.
11. C lick the Replace The Data On The Media With This Backup radio button.
12. Verify that the Allow Only The Owner And The Administrator Access To The Backup Data And Any
Backups Appended To This Media check box is not selected, and then click Next.
The Backup Label screen appears, prompting you to supply a label for the backup job and for the
backup media.
13. In the Backup Label text box, type Inetpub backup set created on <date> (where <date> is

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today's date and time).

14. Leave the Media Label text box as is, and click Next.

The When To Backup screen appears, prompting you to choose whether to run the backup job now or
schedule this backup job.
15. C lick the Later radio button.

The Set Account Information dialog box appears, prompting you for the password for the
MIC ROSOFT\administrator account. (If the Task Scheduler service isn't set to start automatically, you
might first see a dialog box asking whether you want to start the Task Scheduler. C lick OK, and then
the Set Account Information dialog box appears.)

Because the Task Scheduler service automatically runs applications within the security context of a
valid user for the computer or domain, you are prompted for the name and password with which the
scheduled backup job will run. For scheduled backup jobs, you should supply a user account that is a
member of the Backup Operators group with permission to gain access to all the folders and files to
be backed up.

For simplicity, you will use the Administrator account to run the scheduled backup job.
16. Verify that MIC ROSOFT\administrator appears in the Run As text box, and then in the Password and
C onfirm Password text boxes, type password .
17. C lick OK.
18. In the Job Name text box, type Inetpub Backup and then click the Set Schedule button.

The Schedule Job dialog box appears, prompting you to select the start time and schedule options for
the backup job.
19. In the Schedule Task drop-down list box select Daily Is Selected, and in the Start Time box enter a
time five minutes from the present time.
20. C lick the Advanced button.

The Advanced Schedule Options dialog box appears.

21. C lick the End Date check box, and in the drop-down list box select tomorrow's date and then click
The Schedule Job dialog box appears.
22. C lick OK.

The When To Backup screen appears.

23. C lick Next.

The C ompleting The Backup Wizard screen appears, displaying the options and settings you selected
for this backup job.
24. C lick Finish to start the backup job.

The Backup - [Untitled] dialog box appears with the Welcome tab active.
25. C lose the Backup - [Untitled] dialog box.

When it is time for the backup job to begin, Windows Backup starts and performs the requested
backup operation.
26. Start Windows Explorer, click drive C , and verify that Backup2.bkf exists.
 Procedure 3: Viewing and configuring tasks
In this procedure, you view the scheduled backup task and create a new task.
1. C lick Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Scheduled
The Scheduled Tasks window appears.

Notice that the Inetpub Backup task appears.

2. Double-click Inetpub Backup.
The Inetpub Backup dialog box appears.

Notice the text in the Run text box. This is the ntbackup command with the parameters created by
the Backup wizard to back up Inetpub.

If you need to stop a service, such as C ertificate Services, before running a backup routine, you can
create a batch file (.cmd or .bat) that stops the service, runs the backup routine, and then restarts
the service. The command to stop C ertificate Services is:

net stop "certificate services"

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The command to restart C ertificate Services is:

net start "certificate services"

3. C lick the Schedule tab.
Notice that this is the schedule you created using the Backup wizard.
4. C lick OK to close the Inetpub Backup dialog box.
The Scheduled Tasks window appears.
5. C lick the File menu, and then click Delete.
The C onfirm File Delete message box appears asking whether you want to delete the scheduled task.
6. C lick Yes.
7. C lose the Scheduled Tasks window.

Lesson Summary

Windows Backup is a tool that allows you to easily back up and restore data. You can use Windows Backup to
back up data manually or to schedule unattended backup jobs on a regular basis. You should plan your
backup jobs to fit the needs of your company. Windows Backup allows you to change the default settings for
all backup and restore jobs. It provides five backup types that define what data is backed up: normal, copy,
differential, incremental, and daily. Before you back up data, you must ensure the files that you want to back
up are closed and, if applicable, you must prepare any removable media devices. After you have completed
the preliminary tasks, you can perform the backup by using the Backup wizard. The Backup wizard allows
you to select which files and folders to back up and to specify the backup destination and media settings. The
wizard also allows you to specify advanced settings for your current backup job and to schedule backup jobs.

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Lesson 3: Implementing Disaster Protection

A computer disaster is any event that renders a computer unable to start. This can include the destruction of
the master boot record stored on a system device, the deletion of one or more operating system files,
destruction of a computer's physical system device, or destruction of the computer itself. The term disaster
protection refers to any effort to prevent computer disasters and minimize downtime in the event of system
failure. You can achieve a level of disaster protection by configuring an uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
and implementing fault-tolerant disk configurations.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 C onfigure a UPS to provide power if a local power source fails
 Implement disk fault tolerance
Estimated lesson time: 40 minutes

Configuring an Uninterruptible Power Supply

Disaster recovery is the restoration of a computer so that you can log on and access system resources after a
computer disaster has occurred. One common type of computer disaster is the loss of local power, which can
result in damaged or lost data on a server or client computer. While companies usually protect servers
against this type of disaster, you might also consider providing protection for client computers against power
loss, depending on the reliability of your local power supply.

An uninterruptible power supply provides power if the local power fails and usually is rated to provide a
specific amount of power for a specific period of time. In general, a UPS should provide power long enough
for you to shut down a computer in an orderly way by quitting processes and closing sessions.

Before purchasing a UPS for use with Windows 2000, determine whether the proposed device is on the
Windows 2000 HC L.

Configuring Options for the UPS Service

Use the UPS tab of Power Options Properties dialog box to configure the UPS service. You can access this
dialog box by selecting Power Options in C ontrol Panel. To configure the UPS service, you must specify the
following information:

 The C OM port to which the UPS device is connected

 The conditions that trigger the UPS device to send a signal, such as a power failure, low battery
power, and remote shutdown by the UPS device
 The time interval for maintaining battery power, recharging the battery, and sending warning
messages after power failure

The configuration options for the UPS service can vary depending on the specific UPS device attached to your
computer. For details about possible settings, see the manufacturer's documentation included with the UPS

Testing a UPS Configuration

After you have configured the UPS service for your computer, test the configuration to ensure that your
computer is protected from power failures. You can simulate a power failure by disconnecting the main power
supply to the UPS device. During the test, the computer and peripherals connected to the UPS device should
remain operational, messages should display, and events should be logged.

You should not use a production computer to test the UPS configuration. You should use a spare computer or
test computer. If you use a production computer, you could lose some of the data on the computer and
possibly have to reinstall Windows 2000. Remember, when a computer suddenly stops, data can be lost or
corrupted. The reason for having a UPS is to allow a graceful shutdown of the computers rather than an
abrupt stop.
In addition, you should wait until the UPS battery reaches a low level to verify that an orderly shutdown
occurs. Then, restore the main power source to the UPS device and check the event log to ensure that all
actions were logged and there were no errors.

Some UPS manufacturers provide their own UPS software to take advantage of the unique features of their
UPS devices.

Implementing Disk Fault Tolerance

Fault tolerance is the ability of a computer or operating system to respond to a catastrophic event, such as a
power outage or hardware failure, so that no data is lost and that work in progress is not corrupted. Fully
fault-tolerant systems using fault-tolerant disk arrays prevent the loss of data.

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Although the data is available and current in a fault-tolerant system, you should still make backups to protect
the information on hard disks from erroneous deletions, fire, theft, or other disasters. Disk fault tolerance is
not an alternative to a backup strategy with offsite storage, which is the best insurance for recovering lost or
damaged data.

If you experience the loss of a hard disk due to mechanical or electrical failure and have not implemented
fault tolerance, your only option for recovering the data on the failed drive is to replace the hard disk and
restore your data from a backup. However, the loss of access to the data while you replace the hard disk and
restore your data can translate into lost time and money.

RAID Implementations

To maintain access to data during the loss of a single hard disk, Windows 2000 Server provides a software
implementation of a fault tolerance technology known as redundant array of independent disks (RAID). RAID
provides fault tolerance by implementing data redundancy. With data redundancy, a computer writes data to
more than one disk, which protects the data in the event of a single hard disk failure.

You can implement RAID fault tolerance as either a software or hardware solution.

Software Implementations of RAID

Windows 2000 Server supports two software implementations of RAID: mirrored volumes (RAID 1) and
striped volumes with parity (RAID 5), otherwise known as RAID-5 volumes. However, you can create new
RAID volumes only on Windows 2000 dynamic disks.

With software implementations of RAID, there is no fault tolerance following a failure until the fault is
repaired. If a second fault occurs before the data lost from the first fault is regenerated, you can recover the
data only by restoring it from a backup.

When you upgrade Windows NT 4.0 to Windows 2000, any existing mirror sets or stripe sets with parity are
retained. Windows 2000 provides limited support for these fault tolerance sets, allowing you to manage and
delete them.
Hardware Implementations of RAID

In a hardware solution, the disk controller interface handles the creation and regeneration of redundant
information. Some hardware vendors implement RAID data protection directly in their hardware, as with disk
array controller cards. Because these methods are vendor specific and bypass the fault tolerance software
drivers of the operating system, they offer performance improvements over software implementations of
RAID. In addition, hardware implementations of RAID usually include extra features, such as additional
fault-tolerant RAID configurations, hot swapping of failed hard disks, hot sparing for online failover, and
dedicated cache memory for improved performance.

The level of RAID supported in a hardware implementation is dependent on the hardware manufacturer.
C onsider the following when deciding whether to use a software or hardware implementation of RAID:

 Hardware fault tolerance is more expensive than software fault tolerance.

 Hardware fault tolerance generally provides faster disk I/O than software fault tolerance.
 Hardware fault tolerance solutions might limit equipment options to a single vendor.
 Hardware fault tolerance solutions might implement hot swapping of hard disks to allow for
replacement of a failed hard disk without shutting down the computer and hot sparing so that a failed
disk is automatically replaced by an online spare.

Mirrored Volumes

A mirrored volume uses the Windows 2000 Server fault tolerance driver (Ftdisk.sys) to write the same data to
a volume on each of two physical disks simultaneously, as shown in Figure 12.11. Each volume is considered
a member of the mirrored volume. Implementing a mirrored volume helps to ensure the survival of data in
the event that one member of the mirrored volume fails.

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Figure 12.11 Mirrored volume

A mirrored volume can contain any partition, including the boot or system partition; however, both disks in a
mirrored volume must be Windows 2000 dynamic disks.

Mirrored volumes can be striped across multiple disks. This configuration is often referred to as RAID 10,
RAID 1 mirroring and RAID 0 striping. Unlike RAID 0, RAID 10 is a fault-tolerant RAID configuration because
each disk in the stripe is also mirrored. RAID 10 improves disk I/O by performing read and write operations
across the stripe.

Performance on Mirrored Volumes

Mirrored volumes can enhance read performance because the fault tolerance driver reads from both
members of the volume at once. There can be a slight decrease in write performance because the fault
tolerance driver must write to both members. When one member of a mirrored volume fails, performance
returns to normal because the fault tolerance driver works with only a single partition.

Because disk space usage is only 50 percent (two members for one set of data), mirrored volumes can be

Deleting a mirrored volume will delete all the information stored on that volume.
Disk Duplexing

If the same disk controller controls both physical disks in a mirrored volume and the disk controller fails,
neither member of the mirrored volume is accessible. You can install a second controller in the computer so
that each disk in the mirrored volume has its own controller. This arrangement, called disk duplexing, can
protect the mirrored volume against both controller failure and hard disk failure. Some hardware
implementations of disk duplexing use two or more channels on a single disk controller card.

Disk duplexing reduces bus traffic and potentially improves read performance. Disk duplexing is a hardware
enhancement to a Windows 2000 mirrored volume and requires no additional software configuration.

RAID-5 Volumes

Windows 2000 Server also supports fault tolerance through striped volumes with parity (RAID 5). Parity is a
mathematical method of determining the number of odd and even bits in a number or series of numbers,
which can be used to reconstruct data if one number in a sequence of numbers is lost.

In a RAID-5 volume, Windows 2000 achieves fault tolerance by adding a parity-information stripe to each
disk partition in the volume, as shown in Figure 12.12. If a single disk fails, Windows 2000 can use the data
and parity information on the remaining disks to reconstruct the data that was on the failed disk.

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Figure 12.12 Raid-5 parity-information stripes

Because of the parity calculation, write operations on a RAID-5 volume are slower than on a mirrored
volume. However, RAID-5 volumes provide better read performance than mirrored volumes, especially with
multiple controllers, because data is distributed among multiple drives. If a disk fails, however, the read
performance on a RAID-5 volume slows while Windows 2000 Server reconstructs the data for the failed disk
by using parity information.

RAID-5 volumes have a cost advantage over mirrored volumes because disk usage is optimized. The more
disks you have in the RAID-5 volume, the less the cost of the redundant data stripe. The following table
shows how the amount of space required for the data stripe decreases with the addition of 2-gigabyte (GB)
disks to the RAID-5 volume:

Number of disks Disk space used Av ailable disk space Redundancy

3 6 GB 4 GB 33 percent

4 8 GB 6 GB 25 percent

5 10 GB 8 GB 20 percent

There are some restrictions that RAID-5 volumes implement in software. First, RAID-5 volumes involve a
minimum of three drives and a maximum of 32 drives. Second, a software-level RAID-5 volume cannot
contain the boot or system partition.

The Windows 2000 operating system is not aware of RAID implementations in hardware. Therefore, the
restrictions that apply to software-level RAID do not apply to hardware-level RAID configurations.

Mirrored Volumes versus RAID-5 Volumes

Mirrored volumes and RAID-5 volumes provide different levels of fault tolerance. Deciding which option to
implement depends on the level of protection you require and the cost of hardware. The major differences
between mirrored volumes (RAID 1) and RAID-5 volumes are performance and cost. The following table
describes some differences between software-level RAID 1 and RAID 5.

Mirrored v olumes Striped v olumes with parity


Supports FAT and NTFS Supports FAT and NTFS

C an protect system or boot partition C annot protect system or boot partition

Requires 2 hard disks Requires a minimum of 3 hard disks and allows a

maximum of 32 hard disks

Has a higher cost per megabyte Has a lower cost per megabyte

50 percent utilization 33 percent minimum utilization

Has good write performance Has moderate write performance

Has good read performance Has excellent read performance

Uses less system memory Requires more system memory

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Generally, mirrored volumes offer read and write performance comparable to that of single disks. RAID-5
volumes offer better read performance than mirrored volumes, especially with multiple controllers, because
data is distributed among multiple drives. However, the need to calculate parity information requires more
computer memory, which can slow write performance.

Mirroring uses only 50 percent of the available disk space, so it is more expensive in cost per megabyte (MB)
than disks without mirroring. RAID 5 uses 33 percent of the available disk space for parity information when
you use the minimum number of hard disks (three). With RAID 5, disk utilization improves as you increase
the number of hard disks.

Implementing RAID Systems

The software-level fault tolerance features of Windows 2000 Server are available only on Windows 2000
dynamic disks. In Windows 2000 Server, you create software-level mirrored and RAID-5 volumes by using
the C reate Volume wizard in the C omputer Management snap-in.

To create a volume by using the C reate Volume wizard, access the Disk Management folder in the C omputer
Management snap-in. When you select the Disk Management folder, the details pane of the C omputer
Management window displays a text view of the physical disks in your computer and a graphical view (Figure

Figure 12.13 Disk Management folder of the Computer Management snap-in

In the details pane, select an area of unallocated space, and then from the Action menu point to All Tasks and
then click C reate Volume. Follow the steps in the C reate Volume wizard to create a volume.

Windows 2000 Advanced Server and Windows 2000 Data C enter support server clustering for an even higher
level of fault tolerance. C lustering is beyond the scope of this course.

Lesson Summary

You can achieve a level of disaster protection by configuring a UPS and by implementing disk fault tolerance.
A UPS provides power in case the local power fails. In general, a UPS should provide power long enough to
warn users connected to the server and perform an orderly shut down. You can configure the UPS service on
the UPS tab of the Power Options Properties dialog box. After you have configured the UPS service for your
computer, you should test the configuration to ensure that your computer is protected from power failures. In
addition to UPS for power protection, fault-tolerant RAID provides an additional level of data protection. You
can use fault-tolerant RAID configurations to implement disk fault tolerance as either a software or hardware
solution. A software-level mirrored volume uses the Windows 2000 Server fault tolerance driver (Ftdisk.sys)
to write the same data to a volume on each of two physical disks simultaneously. Windows 2000 Server also
supports fault tolerance through software-level striped volumes with parity (RAID 5). In a RAID-5 volume,
Windows 2000 achieves fault tolerance by adding a parity-information stripe to each disk partition in the
volume. Generally, mirrored volumes offer read and write performance comparable to that of single disks.
RAID-5 volumes offer better read performance than mirrored volumes. RAID implementations benefit from
using multiple controllers (disk duplexing) because disk I/O is distributed among multiple data channels to
increase performance and fault tolerance. You create software-level mirrored and RAID-5 volumes by using
the C reate Volume wizard in the C omputer Management snap-in.

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Lesson 4: Recovering from a Disaster

Reliability and availability are in part affected by your system's ability to recover from a disaster. Disaster
recovery allows you to restore a computer so that you can log on and access system resources after a
computer disaster has occurred. This lesson provides information on repairing a Windows 2000 installation,
restoring data, and recovering a RAID-5 or mirrored volume.


For more information about Windows 2000 reliability and availability, see the Supplemental C ourse Materials
C D-ROM (\chapt12\articles\ Win2000Reliability.doc) that accompanies this book.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Use Safe mode, the Recovery C onsole, and the Emergency Repair Disk
to repair a Windows 2000 installation
 Restore data that has been backed up
 Recover a RAID-5 or RAID-1 volume
Estimated lesson time: 60 minutes

Repairing the Windows 2000 Installation

Windows 2000 has several features that allow you to repair a system that does not start or load Windows
2000. These features are useful if some of your system files become corrupted or are accidentally erased, or
if you have installed software or device drivers that cause your system to not work properly. Windows 2000
includes three methods that allow you to repair a system: Safe mode, the Recovery C onsole, and the
Emergency Repair Disk (ERD).

You can also reinstall Windows 2000 over a damaged Windows 2000 system or install Windows 2000 into a
separate folder. This may be time consuming, but it is useful if the emergency repair process does not solve
your problem. If you reinstall Windows 2000, you might lose changes that have been made to your system,
such as service pack upgrades.

Safe mode

Safe mode lets you start your system with a minimal set of device drivers and services. For example, if newly
installed device drivers or software are preventing your computer from starting, you might be able to start
you computer in Safe mode and then remove the software or device drivers from your system. Safe mode
does not work in all circumstances, especially if your system files are corrupted or missing or your hard disk
is damaged or has failed.

In Safe mode, Windows 2000 uses default settings (VGA monitor, Microsoft mouse driver, and the minimum
device drivers required to start Windows). If a symptom does not reappear when you start in Safe mode, you
can eliminate the default settings and minimum device drivers as possible causes of the problem.

You can choose one of the following options when you start Safe mode:

 Safe Mode Starts Windows 2000 and uses only basic files and drivers (mouse, except serial mice;
monitor; keyboard; mass storage; base video; default system services; and no network
connections). If your computer does not start successfully by using Safe mode, you might need to
use the ERD to repair your system.
 Safe Mode With Networking Starts Windows 2000 with only basic files and drivers, plus network
 Safe Mode With Command Prompt Starts Windows 2000 with only basic files and drivers. After
logging on, the command prompt is displayed instead of the Windows desktop, Start menu, and
 Enable Boot Logging Starts Windows 2000 while logging all the installed drivers and services that
were loaded (or not loaded) by the system to a file. This file is called ntbtlog.txt and is located in the
%systemroot% directory. Safe mode, Safe mode with Networking, and Safe mode with C ommand
Prompt add to the boot log a list of all the drivers and services that are loaded. The boot log is useful
in determining the exact cause of system startup problems.
 Enable VGA Mode Starts Windows 2000 with the basic VGA driver. This mode is useful when you
have installed a new driver for your video card that is causing Windows 2000 to not start properly.
The basic video driver is always used when you start Windows 2000 in Safe mode (either Safe mode,
Safe mode with Networking, or Safe mode with C ommand Prompt).
 Last Known Good Configuration Starts Windows 2000 with the registry information that Windows
saved at the last shutdown. Use this option only in cases of incorrect configuration. Last Known Good
C onfiguration does not solve problems caused by corrupted, incompatible, or missing drivers or files.
Also, any changes made since the last successful startup will be lost.
 Directory Service Restore Mode Used to restore the SYSVOL directory and Active Directory

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services on a domain controller. This option is available only on domain controllers.

 Debugging Mode Starts Windows 2000 while sending debug information through a serial cable to
another computer. This is an important mode for software developers.
If you are using or have used Remote Install Services to install Windows 2000 on your computer, you might
see additional options related to restoring or recovering your system through Remote Install Services.

To start Windows 2000 in Safe mode, restart your computer. Press F8 when you see the message Please
Select The Operating System To Start. Use the arrow keys to highlight the appropriate Safe mode option, and
then press Enter.

Safe mode helps you diagnose problems. If a symptom does not reappear when you start in Safe mode, you
can eliminate the default settings and minimum device drivers as possible causes. If a newly added device or
a changed driver is causing problems, you can use Safe mode to remove the device or reverse the change.

Recovery Console

The Recovery C onsole is a text-mode command interpreter that is separate from the Windows 2000
command prompt and allows the system administrator to gain access to the hard disk of a computer running
Windows 2000, regardless of the file system (NTFS or FAT) used, for basic troubleshooting and system
maintenance. Since starting Windows 2000 is not a prerequisite for using the Recovery C onsole, it can help
you recover when your Windows 2000-based computer does not start properly or at all.

The Recovery C onsole allows you to obtain limited access to NTFS, FAT16, and FAT32 volumes without
starting the graphical interface. The Recovery C onsole allows administrators and Microsoft Product Support
Services technicians to start and stop services and repair the system in a very granular way. It can also be
used to repair the master boot record and boot sector and to format volumes. The Recovery C onsole
prevents unauthorized access to volumes by requiring the user to enter the system administrator password.

Starting the Recov ery Console

To start the Recovery C onsole, start the computer from the Windows 2000 installation C DROM or the
Windows 2000 Setup floppy disks. If you do not have Setup floppy disks and your computer cannot start from
the Windows 2000 installation C DROM, use another computer and the Makeboot.exe or Makebt32.exe utility
to create the Setup floppy disks.

If the Recovery C onsole was installed on the local hard disk, it can also be accessed from the Windows 2000
startup menu. However, if the master boot record or the system volume boot sector has been damaged, you
need to start the computer by using either the Windows 2000 Setup floppy disks or the Windows 2000
installation C DROM to access the Recovery C onsole.

To add the Recovery C onsole to existing installations of Windows 2000, on the Start menu, click Run, and
then type <cdrom>:\I386\Winnt32.exe /cmdcons , where <cdrom> is the drive letter of the C DROM

The installation of the Recovery C onsole requires approximately 7 MB of disk space on the system partition.

You cannot preinstall the Recovery C onsole on a computer that contains a mirrored volume. First break the
mirror, and then install the Recovery C onsole. After the Recovery C onsole is installed, you can reestablish
the mirrored volume.
If the Recovery C onsole is not installed, run Windows 2000 Setup. Press Enter at the Setup Notification
screen. Press R to repair a Windows 2000 installation, and then press C to use the Recovery C onsole.

C ertain installations and configurations can affect how you use the Recovery C onsole:

 If there is more than one installation of Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0 or earlier, they are shown
in the Recovery C onsole Startup menu.
 Mirrored volumes appear twice in the Recovery C onsole Startup menu, but each entry has the same
drive letter, so they are actually the same drive.
 C hanges made with the Recovery C onsole to mirrored volumes are mirrored.
To access the disk by using the Recovery C onsole, press the number key representing the Windows 2000
installation that you want to repair, and then press Enter. The Recovery C onsole then prompts you for the
administrator password. If you press Enter without typing a number, the Recovery C onsole exits and restarts
the computer.

To use the Recovery C onsole, you must know the password for the local Administrator account. If you do not
have the correct password, Recovery C onsole does not allow access to the computer. If an incorrect
password is entered three times, the Recovery C onsole quits and restarts the computer. However, you can
use either the Group Policy snap-in or the Security C onfiguration And Analysis snap-in to enable automatic
administrative logon. This setting is contained in the Security Options node, and the value name is Recovery

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C onsole: Allow automatic administrative logon.

Once the password has been validated, you have full access to the Recovery C onsole but limited access to
the hard disk. You can access the following partitions and folders on your computer:

 %systemroot% and subfolders of the Windows 2000 installation in which you are currently logged on
 The root of all partitions, including %systemdrive%, the C D-ROM, and floppy drive with some
restrictions (Floppy drive restrictions are outlined later in this lesson.)

With the set command enabled, you can copy files to removable media, disable the file copy prompt, use wild
cards with the C opy command, and access all paths on the system. The Set command is an optional
Recovery C onsole command that can be enabled by using either the Group Policy snap-in or the Security
C onfiguration And Analysis snap-in.
The Recovery C onsole prevents access to other folders such as Program Files or Documents And Settings, as
well as to folders containing other installations of Windows 2000. However, you can use the logon command
to access an alternate installation. Alternatively, you can gain access to other installation folders by restarting
the Recovery C onsole, choosing the number representing that installation, and then entering the
administrator password for that installation.

You cannot copy a file from the local hard disk to a floppy disk, but you can copy a file from a floppy disk or a
C D-ROM to any hard disk, and from a hard disk to another hard disk. However, with the set command
enabled, you can copy files to a floppy disk. The Recovery C onsole displays an Access Is Denied error
message when it detects invalid commands.

The set command makes use of Recovery C onsole environment variables to enable disk write access to
floppy disks as well as enable other options. To enable the user to modify the restricted default Recovery
C onsole environment variables, a policy setting must be made.
The Recovery C onsole buffers previously entered commands and makes them available to the user with the
up and down arrow keys. To edit a previously entered command, use Backspace to move the cursor to the
point of the edit and retype the remainder of the command. At any point, you can quit the Recovery C onsole
and restart the computer by typing exit at the command prompt.

Note that the Recovery C onsole might not map disk volumes with the same drive letters they have in
Windows 2000. If you are having trouble copying files from one location to another, use the Map command
from the Recovery C onsole to make sure that the drive mappings for both the source and the target locations
are correct.

You can use the Help command to list the commands supported by the Recovery C onsole. In addition, the /?
switch works with every Recovery C onsole command to display a help screen that includes a description of
the command, its syntax, a definition of its parameters, and other useful information.

Emergency Repair Disk

If your system does not start and using Safe mode or the Recovery C onsole has not helped, you can try
using the ERD. Backup includes a wizard to help you create an ERD. If a system failure occurs, first start the
system by using the Windows 2000 installation C DROM or the Windows 2000 Setup floppy disks, which can be
created by running Makeboot.exe or Makebt32.exe from the Bootdisk folder of the Windows 2000 installation
C DROM. In Text mode, type r to enter recovery options and type r again to enter Emergency Repair. Then
use the ERD to restore core system files. Note that you cannot repair all disk problems by using the ERD.

Make sure to create an ERD when your computer is functioning well so that you are prepared if you need to
repair system files. You can use the ERD to fix problems that might be preventing you from starting your
computer. This includes problems with your registry, system files, partition boot sector, and startup
environment. However, the ERD does not back up data or programs and is not a replacement for regular
system backups.

The Windows 2000 ERD, unlike the ERD used with Windows NT, does not contain a copy of the registry files.
The backup registry files are in the folder %systemroot%\Repair as they are in Windows NT. However, these
files are from the original installation of Windows 2000. In the event of a problem, they can be used to return
your computer to a usable state.

When you back up system state data, a copy of your registry files is placed in the folder
%systemroot%\Repair\Regback. If your registry files become corrupted or are accidentally erased, use the
files in this folder to repair your registry without performing a full restore of the system state data. This
method is recommended for advanced users only and can also be accomplished by using the Recovery
C onsole commands.

Creating the Emergency Repair Disk

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When the ERD is created, the files described in the following table are copied from %systemroot%\Repair to a
floppy disk.

F ile Name Contents

Autoexec.nt A copy of %systemroot%\System32\Autoexec.nt,

which is used to initialize the MS-DOS

C onfig.nt A copy of %systemroot%\System32\C onfig.nt,

which is used to initialize the MS-DOS

Setup.log A log of which files were installed and of C yclic

Redundancy C heck (C RC ) information for use
during the emergency repair process. This file
has the read-only, system, and hidden attributes,
and it is not visible unless you have configured
My C omputer to show all files or used the dir /a,
dir /as or dir /ah command-line commands.

C reate the ERD after Windows 2000 is installed. Re-create the ERD after each service pack, system date, or
updated driver is installed. Be sure to make a copy of your current ERD and store it in a secure location,
perhaps off site.

Emergency Repair Process

If you have prepared an ERD, you can use it to help repair system files after starting the computer by using
either the Windows 2000 installation C DROM or the Windows 2000 Setup floppy disks. However, the Windows
2000 installation C DROM is required for replacing any damaged files.

The ERD must include current configuration information. Make sure that you have an ERD for each installation
of Windows 2000 on your computer, and never use an ERD from another computer.

When you start the emergency repair process, you will be asked to choose one of the following options:

 Manual Repair To choose from a list of repair options, press M. It is recommended that only
advanced users or administrators choose this option. Using it, you can repair system files, boot
sector problems, and startup environment problems.
 Fast Repair To perform all repair options, press F. This is the easier option to use and does not
require user input. If you choose this option, the emergency recovery process attempts to repair
problems related to system files, the boot sector on your system disk, and your startup environment
(if your computer has more than one operating system installed). This option also checks and repairs
the registry files by loading and unloading each registry key. If a key is not successfully checked, it is
automatically copied from the repair directory to the folder %systemroot%\System32\C onfig.
If you select Manual Repair, the registry files are not checked. If you select Fast Repair and the folder
%systemroot%\Repair is accessible, the registry files are checked. If the folder %systemroot%\Repair is
inaccessible (for example, due to file system corruption), the registry files are not checked.

Manual Repair allows you to select from the following three options:

 Inspect Startup Env ironment Inspect Startup Environment verifies that the Windows 2000 files in
the system partition are correct. If any of the files needed to start Windows 2000 are missing or
corrupted, Repair replaces them from the Windows 2000 installation C DROM. These include Ntldr and
Ntdetect.com. If Boot.ini is missing, it is re-created.
 Verify Windows 2000 System Files Verify Windows 2000 System Files uses a checksum to verify
that each installed file is good and matches the file that was installed from the Windows 2000
installation C DROM. If the recovery process determines that a file on the disk does not match what
was installed, it displays a message that identifies the file and asks if you want to replace it. The
emergency repair process also verifies that startup files, such as Ntldr and Ntoskrnl.exe, are present
and valid.
 Inspect Boot Sector Inspect Boot Sector verifies that the boot sector on the system partition still
references Ntldr. The Emergency Repair Process can only replace the boot sector for the system
partition on the first hard disk. The Emergency Repair Process can also repair the boot sector for the
system partition on the startup disk.

If the boot sector is infected with a virus, boot the computer using an antivirus boot diskette. Instruct the
antivirus program to inspect and cure the boot sector. An antivirus program for inspecting the boot sector is
included on the Windows 2000 Server Installation C D-ROM in the \3RDPARTY\ C A_ANTIV folder. This
program might not be included on the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM included with this training

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If the Emergency Repair Process Does Not Fix Your System

If you have performed the emergency repair process and the computer still does not operate normally, you
can perform an in-place upgrade over the existing installation. This is a last resort before reinstalling the
operating system. However, note that the time required to perform an upgrade is similar to the time it takes
to reinstall the operating system.

If you perform an in-place upgrade of your Windows 2000 existing installation, you might lose some
customized settings of your system files.

Restoring Data

The ability to restore corrupt or lost data is critical to all corporations and is the goal of all backup jobs. To
ensure that you can successfully restore data, you should follow certain guidelines, such as keeping thorough
documentation on all of your backup jobs. In addition, you must select the backup sets, files, and folders to
restore. You can also specify additional settings based on your restore requirements. Windows Backup
provides a Restore wizard to help you restore data, or you can restore data without using the wizard.

Preparing to Restore Data

When critical data is lost, you need to restore the data quickly. Use the following guidelines to prepare for
restoring data:

 Base your restore strategy on the backup type you used for the backup. If time is critical when you
are restoring data, your restore strategy must ensure that the backup types you choose for backups
expedite the restore process. For example, use normal and differential backups so that you need to
restore only the last normal backup and the last differential backup.
 Perform a trial restore periodically to verify that Windows Backup is backing up your files correctly. A
trial restore can uncover hardware problems that do not show up with backup file verifications.
Restore the data to an alternate location, and then compare the restored data to the data on the
original hard disk.
 Keep documentation for each backup job. C reate and print a detailed Backup log for each backup
job. A detailed backup log contains a record of all files and folders that were backed up. By using the
Backup log, you can quickly locate which piece of media contains the files you need to restore
without having to load the catalogs. A catalog is an index of the files and folders from a backup job
that Windows 2000 automatically creates and stores with the backup job on the computer running
Windows Backup.
 Keep a record of multiple backup jobs in a calendar format that shows the days on which you
perform the backup jobs. For each job, note the backup type and identify the storage used, such as a
tape number or removable disk name. Then, if you need to restore data, you can easily review
several weeks' worth of backup jobs to select which type to use.

Selecting Backup Sets, Files, and Folders to Restore

The first step in restoring data is to select the data to restore. You can select individual files and folders, an
entire backup job, or a backup set. A backup set is a collection of files or folders from one volume that you
back up during a backup job. If you back up two volumes on a hard disk during a backup job, the job has two
backup sets. You can select the data to restore in the catalog.

To restore data, use the Restore wizard, which you access through Windows Backup. After you run the
wizard, the initial settings for the restore process are displayed in the C ompleting The Restore Wizard screen.
At this time, you can perform one of the following actions:

 Finish the restore process by clicking the Finish button. If you choose to finish the restore job, the
Restore wizard requests verification for the source of the restore media and then performs the
restore. During the restore process, the Restore wizard displays status information about the restore.
 Specify advanced restore options by clicking the Advanced button.

Specifying Advanced Restore Settings

The advanced settings in the Restore wizard vary, depending on the types of backup media from which you
are restoring. After you have finished the Restore wizard, Windows Backup does the following:

 Prompts you to verify your selection of the source media to use to restore data. After the verification,
Windows Backup starts the restore process.
 Displays status information about the restore process. As with a backup process, you can choose to
view the report (restore log) of the restore. It contains information about the restore, such as the
number of files that have been restored and the duration of the restore process.
The following table describes the advanced restore options.

Option Description

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Restore Files To The target location for the data you are restoring.
You can choose from the following options:
Original Location Replaces corrupted or lost

Alternate Location Restores an older version of

a file or does a practice restore.

Single Folder C onsolidates the files from a tree

structure into a single folder. For example, use
this option if you want copies of specific files but
do not want to restore the hierarchical structure
of the files. If you select either an alternate
location or a single folder, you must provide the

When Restoring A File That Is Already On My The options for whether or not to overwrite
C omputer existing files. You can choose from the following
Do Not Replace The F ile On My Disk
(Recommended) Prevents accidental
overwriting of existing data. This option is the

Replace The File On My Disk Only If The File

On Disk Is Older Than The Backup Copy
Verifies that the most recent copy exists on the

Always Replace The File On My Computer

Windows Backup does not provide a confirmation
message if it encounters a duplicate file name
during the restore operation.

Advanced Restore Options The options for whether or not to restore security
or special system files. You can choose from the
following options:
Restore Security Applies the original
permissions to files you are restoring to an NTFS
volume. Security settings include access
permissions, audit entries, and ownership. This
option is available only if you have backed up
data from an NTFS volume and are restoring to
an NTFS volume.

Restore Removable Storage Database

Restores the configuration database for
Removable Storage Management (RSM) devices
and the media pool settings. The database is
located in

Restore Junction Points, And Restore File

And F older Data Under Junction Points To
The Original Location Restores junction points
on your hard disk as well as the data the junction
points refer to. If you have any mounted drives
and you want to restore the data that mounted
drives point to, you should select this check box.
If you do not select this check box, the junction
point will be restored but the data your junction
point refers to might not be accessible.

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Exercise 2: Restoring Data

In this exercise, you delete the Inetpub folder and then run a restore routine to restore the Inetpub folder.
C omplete this exercise on Server01.
 Procedure 1: Deleting critical data
In this procedure, you intentionally delete Boot.ini. Typically, deleting critical files is an accident or a result of
hardware failure.
1. Double-click My C omputer, and then double-click Local Disk (C :).
The Local Disk (C :) window appears.
2. Maximize the window.
3. C lick the Tools menu, and then click Folder Options.
The Folder Options dialog box appears.
4. C lick the View tab.
5. C lear the Hide Protected Operating System Files (Recommended) check box.
A Warning message box appears stating that you are about to show critical hidden and system files.
6. C lick Yes.
The Folder Options dialog box appears.
7. C lick OK.
More files appear in the Local Disk (C :) window.
8. C lick once on boot.ini.
9. C lick the File menu, and then click Delete.
A C onfirm File Delete message box appears asking if you are sure you want to delete this critical file.
10. C lick Yes.

The boot.ini file is now gone. While you could recover it from the Recycle Bin, you will use the restore
program in the next procedure to recover the file backed up in Exercise 1.
11. Keep the Local Disk (C :) window maximized; it will be used in the next procedure.
 Procedure 2: Restoring critical data
In this procedure, you recover boot.ini from a backup set.
1. In the Local Disk (C :) window, double-click Backup1.bkf.
The Backup - [Untitled] dialog box appears.
2. C lick the Restore Wizard button.
The Welcome To The Restore Wizard screen appears.
3. C lick Next.
The What To Restore screen appears, prompting you to select the backup media from which you wish
to restore files.

Notice that the only media from which you can restore is a file and the backup files are listed
according to the media label specified.
4. Under the What To Restore box, expand the first backup job you created in Exercise 1.
Notice that drive C appears as the first folder in the backup file. Windows Backup creates a separate
backup set for each volume backed up. All folders and files backed up from a single volume appear
under the drive letter for the volume.
5. Expand drive C .
The Backup File Name dialog box appears with C :\ Backup1.bkf in the C atalog Backup File text box.

If c:\Backup2.bkf appears, change the name to C :\Backup1.bkf.

6. C lick OK.
7. When you are returned to the What To Restore screen, click on C :.
Boot.ini appears in the Name column.
8. In the Name column, click the Boot.ini check box and then click Next.
The C ompleting The Restore Wizard screen appears, prompting you to start the restore operation
and use the default restore settings.
9. C lick the Advanced button.

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The Where To Restore screen appears, prompting you for a target location to restore files.
10. C lick the drop-down list box to review the restore location options.
11. Verify that Original location is selected, and click Next.
12. The How To Restore screen appears, prompting you to specify how to process duplicate files during
the restore job.
13. Verify that the Do Not Replace The File On My Disk (Recommended) radio button is selected, and
then click Next.
14. The Advanced Restore Options screen appears, prompting you to select security options for the
restore job.
15. Verify that the Restore Security check box is selected, clear the Restore Junction Points, Not The
Folders And File Data They Reference check box, and then click Next.
The C ompleting The Restore Wizard screen appears, displaying a summary of the restore options
you selected.
16. C lick Finish to begin the restore process.

Windows Backup displays the Enter Backup File Name dialog box, prompting you to supply or verify
the name of the backup file that contains the folders and files to be restored.
17. Verify that C :\ Backup1.bkf is entered in the Restore From Backup File text box, and then click OK.

The Selection Information dialog box appears.

The Restore Progress dialog box appears, providing the status of the restore operation, statistics on
estimated and actual amount of data being processed, the time that has elapsed, and the estimated
time that remains for the restore operation.
18. When the Restore Progress dialog box indicates that the restore is complete, click the Report button.

Notepad starts and displays the report. Notice that the details about the restore operation are
appended to the Backup log. This provides a centralized location from which to view all status
information for this backup and restore operation.
19. Examine the report, and then close Notepad.
20. In the Restore Progress dialog box, click C lose.

Backup [Untitled] dialog box appears with the Welcome tab active.
21. C lose the Backup [Untitled] dialog box.

The Local Disk (C :) window appears.

22. Notice that boot.ini has been restored.
23. C lose the Local Disk (C :) window.

Recovering a Mirrored or RAID-5 Volume

This section provides information about recovering from a mirrored volume failure and repairing a RAID-5

Recovering from a Mirrored Volume Failure

In a mirrored volume, the computer saves data to each member simultaneously. If one member fails, the
functional member continues to operate.

To replace the failed member, you must first "remove" the failed disk from the mirrored volume. Using the
C omputer Management snap-in, you can isolate the working member as a separate volume. Then you can
replace the failed disk with a functional disk.

To re-create the mirrored volume after replacing the failed disk, click the working partition in the C omputer
Management window, and then click Add Mirror. The computer then presents the option to mirror this partition
to the replacement disk.

In Figure 12.14, drive D on disk 0 is mirrored on disk 1. Drive D on disk 1 is the secondary member of the
mirrored volume.

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Figure 12.14 Replacing a failed disk in a mirrored volume

If the primary member of a mirrored volume, including the boot partition, fails, use a boot disk to start the
computer and access the functioning member. The Boot.ini file on the boot disk must include the Advanced
RISC C omputing (ARC ) path pointing to the mirrored partition. It is recommended that you create and test a
boot disk immediately after implementing a mirrored volume.

Replacing a failed member is not the only reason to remove a mirrored volume. You might also remove one
member of a mirrored volume to reclaim the disk space for other purposes.

Repairing a RAID-5 Volume

If a member of a RAID-5 volume fails, the computer continues to operate with access to all data. However, as
data is requested, the Windows 2000 Server fault tolerance driver uses the data and parity bits on the
remaining members to regenerate the missing data in RAM. During this regeneration, computer performance

To restore the computer's level of performance, you can replace the failed drive and then repair the RAID-5
volume. The fault tolerance driver reads the parity information from the parity information stripes on the
remaining members, and then re-creates the data contained on the missing member. When complete, the
fault tolerance driver writes the data to the new member.

Lesson Summary

Disaster recovery allows you to restore a computer so that you can log on and access system resources after
a computer disaster has occurred. Windows 2000 includes three methods that allow you to repair a system:
Safe mode, the Recovery C onsole, and the Emergency Repair Disk. Safe mode lets you start your system
with a minimal set of device drivers and services. The Recovery C onsole is a text-mode command interpreter
that is separate from the Windows 2000 command prompt and allows the system administrator to gain access
to the hard disk of a computer running Windows 2000. The Emergency Repair Disk allows you to restore core
system files. In addition to repairing a system, you should be able to restore data. Windows Backup provides
a Restore wizard to help you restore data, or you can restore data without using the wizard. Also, if you have
set up your system with disk fault tolerance, you can recover from a mirrored volume failure or repair a
RAID-5 volume.

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The following questions are intended to reinforce key information presented in this chapter. If you are unable
to answer a question, review the appropriate lesson and then try the question again. Answers to the questions
can be found in Appendix A, "Questions and Answers."
1. You have configured a computer to boot Windows 2000 Server as the default operating system, and
Windows NT 4.0 Server as the optional operating system. After modifying the attributes of files on
%systemdrive% and deleting some of the files, the computer does not display Windows NT 4.0
Server as an operating system to start. Windows 2000 Server starts up properly. The problem is
caused because you deleted a file. What is the name of the file, and what can you do to recover from
this error?
2. You have created three hardware profiles for your mobile computer: Docked, Undocked On The
Network, and Undocked At Home. When you reboot the computer, the first two hardware profiles
appear, but the third one does not. What is the most likely reason that the Undocked At Home profile
is not appearing?
3. Why would the Use Hardware C ompression, If Available check box be unavailable in the Backup
4. You performed a normal backup on Monday. For the remaining days of the week, you only want to
back up files and folders that have changed since the previous day. What backup type do you
5. How can you test the configuration of the UPS service on a computer?

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Chapter 13
Monitoring and Optimization
About This Chapter

Microsoft Windows 2000 provides a set of tools and services that allows you to monitor and optimize your
system. For example, you can use the Disk Defragmenter snap-in to locate and consolidate fragmented files
and folders on local volumes, and you can use Network Monitor to view and detect problems on the network.
This chapter discusses many of the tools and services that allow you to monitor, troubleshoot, and fine-tune
your system, including those that can be used to optimize disk performance and your network.

Before You Begin

To complete the lessons in this chapter, you must have

 Server01 running Windows 2000 Server.

 C ompleted the exercises in the previous chapters.

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Lesson 1: Disk Monitoring and Optimization

Windows 2000 includes several tools that you can use to diagnose disk problems, improve performance, and
compress data, such as C heck Disk, the Disk Defragmenter snap-in, data compression, and disk quotas. This
lesson discusses each of these tools and shows how the tools are used. Lesson 2 explores disk monitoring in
the context of system performance monitoring.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Use C heck Disk, the Disk Defragmenter snap-in, data compression, and
disk quotas to optimize disk performance
Estimated lesson time: 40 minutes

Check Disk

The C heck Disk tool, also referred to as the Error-checking tool, allows you to check for file system errors
and bad sectors on your hard disk. To use C heck Disk, open the Properties dialog box for the specific disk
you want to check. You can open the Properties dialog box from Windows Explorer or from My C omputer. On
the Tools tab, click C heck Now to open the C heck Disk dialog box and select the appropriate options (Figure

Figure 13.1 Check Disk dialog box, accessed through the Tools tab of the Properties dialog box

All running applications or open files on the disk being checked must be closed in order for the C heck Disk
process to be able to automatically fix file system errors. If any open files or applications are running, a
message box appears informing you that exclusive access to the drive could not be obtained and asking if
you want to reschedule disk checking for the next time your start your computer.

If a volume is formatted with NT file system (NTFS), Windows 2000 logs all file transactions, replaces bad
clusters automatically, and stores copies of key information for all files on the NTFS volume.

Disk Defragmenter Snap-In

Windows 2000 saves files and folders in the first available space on a hard disk and not necessarily in an area
of contiguous space. This leads to file and folder fragmentation. When your hard disk contains a lot of
fragmented files and folders, your computer takes longer to gain access to them because it requires several
additional reads to collect the various pieces. C reating new files and folders also takes longer because the
available free space on the hard disk is scattered. Your computer must save a new file or folder in various

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locations on the hard disk.

Defragmenting Disks

The process of finding and consolidating fragmented files and folders is called defragmenting. The Disk
Defragmenter snap-in is used to locate fragmented files and folders and then defragment them. It does this
by moving the pieces of each file or folder to one location so that each file or folder occupies a single area of
contiguous space on the hard disk. C onsequently, your system can gain access to and save files and folders
more efficiently. By consolidating files and folders, the Disk Defragmenter snap-in also consolidates free
space, making it less likely that new files will be fragmented. Disk Defragmenter defragments FAT16, FAT32,
and NTFS volumes.

You can access the Disk Defragmenter snap-in through the C omputer Management snap-in or by creating a
custom console containing the Disk Defragmenter snap-in. When the Disk Defragmenter is selected, the detail
window is split into three areas, as shown in Figure 13.2. You can also access the Disk Defragmenter snap-in
through Windows Explorer or My C omputer by opening the Properties dialog box for the specific drive. On the
Tools tab, click Defragment Now.

Figure 13.2 The Disk Defragmenter snap-in, accessed through a custom console

The upper portion of the window lists the volumes you can analyze and defragment. The middle portion is a
graphic representation of how fragmented the selected volume is. The lower portion is a dynamic
representation of the volume that is continuously updated during defragmentation. The display colors indicate
the condition of the volume.

 Red indicates fragmented files.

 Dark blue indicates contiguous (nonfragmented) files.
 White indicates free space on the volume.
 Green indicates system files, which Disk Defragmenter cannot move.
By comparing the Analysis display band to the Defragmentation display band during defragmentation and at
its conclusion, you can quickly see the improvement in the volume.

To analyze or defragment a volume, you can choose one of the options described in the following table.

Option Description

Analyze C lick this button to analyze the disk for

fragmentation. After the analysis, the Analysis
display band provides a graphical representation
of how fragmented the volume is.

Defragment C lick this button to defragment the disk. After

defragmentation, the Defragmentation display
band provides a graphical representation of the
defragmented volume.

Using Disk Defragmenter Effectively

The following list provides guidelines for using the Disk Defragmenter snap-in.

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 Run Disk Defragmenter when the computer will receive the least usage. During defragmentation,
data is moved around on the hard disk. The defragmentation process is C PU intensive and will
adversely affect access time to other disk-based resources.
 Recommend users defragment their local hard disks at least once a month to prevent accumulation
of fragmented files.
 Analyze the target volume before you install large applications, and then defragment the volume if
necessary. Installations are completed more quickly when the target medium has adequate
contiguous free space. Additionally, gaining access to the application after it is installed is faster.
 When you delete a large number of files or folders, your hard disk might become excessively
fragmented, so be sure to analyze it afterwards. Generally, you should defragment hard disks on
busy file servers more often than those on single-user client computers.
 C onsider using a disk defragmentation utility that allows you to perform a regularly scheduled
network-wide defragmentation from a central location. Executive Software created the manual Disk
Defragmenter included with Windows 2000 and manufactures an automated, more feature-rich
version of this utility as a separate product called Diskeeper.

For more information about Executive Software Diskeeper 5.0, visit their Web site at

Data Compression

Data compression enables you to compress files and folders on NTFS volumes. C ompressed files and folders
occupy less space on an NTFS-formatted volume, which enables you to store more data. The compression
state for each file and folder on an NTFS volume is set to either compressed or uncompressed.

Using Compressed Files and Folders

C ompressed files can be read by and written to any Windows-based or MS-DOS-based application without
first being uncompressed by another program. When an application, such as Microsoft Word for Windows, or
an operating system command, such as copy, requests access to a compressed file, NTFS automatically
uncompresses the file before making it available. When you close or explicitly save a file, NTFS compresses it

NTFS allocates disk space based on the uncompressed file size. If you copy a compressed file to an NTFS
volume with enough space for the compressed file, but not enough space for the uncompressed file, you will
get an error message stating there is not enough disk space for the file. The file will not be copied to the

Compressing Files and Folders

You can set the compression state of folders and files in Windows Explorer or by using the compact
command-line utility. For information on compact utility syntax, go to a command prompt and type compact

To compress a file or folder, open the Properties dialog box for the specific file or folder. On the General tab,
click Advanced. In the Advanced Attributes dialog box, select the C ompress C ontents To Save Disk Space
check box, as shown in Figure 13.3. Note that NTFS encryption and compression are mutually exclusive. If
you choose the Encrypt C ontents To Secure Data check box, you cannot compress that folder or file.

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Figure 13.3 Advanced Attributes dialog box

You can also set compression on the entire drive. To do so, open the Properties dialog box for the specific
drive. On the General tab, select the C ompress Drive To Save Disk Space check box.

To change the compression state for a file or folder, you must have Write permission for it.

The compression flag on a folder does not reflect the compression state of the files in that folder and its
subfolders. A folder can be marked so that files added afterward will be compressed, yet all of the files
currently in that folder remain uncompressed. Alternatively, a folder not marked with the compression flag
can contain compressed files. When you select the folder compression option and then click Apply or OK in
the Properties dialog box, Windows 2000 displays the C onfirm Attribute C hanges dialog box, which has the
two additional options. These options are described in the following table.

Option Description

Apply changes to this folder only C ompresses only the files in the folder you have

Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files C ompresses the files in the folder, marks
subfolders with the compression flag, and
compresses files that are contained within it and
added to it subsequently

Windows 2000 does not support NTFS compression for cluster sizes larger than 4 kilobytes (KB) because
compression on large clusters causes performance degradation. If you select a larger cluster size when you
format an NTFS volume, compression is not available for that volume.

Selecting an Alternate Display Color for Compressed Files and Folders

Windows Explorer makes it easy for you to determine quickly if a file or folder is compressed by allowing you
to select a different display color for compressed files and folders to distinguish them from uncompressed
files and folders.

To set an alternative display color for compressed files and folders, select Folder Options from the Tools
menu. On the View tab, select the Display C ompressed Files And Folders With Alternate C olor check box.

Copying and Moving Compressed Files and Folders

There are rules that determine whether the compression state of files and folders is retained when you copy
or move them within and between NTFS and FAT volumes. The following sections describe how Windows 2000
treats the compression state of a file or folder when you copy or move a compressed file or folder within or
between NTFS volumes or between NTFS and FAT volumes.

Copying a File Within an NTF S Volume

When you copy a file within an NTFS volume, the file inherits the compression state of the target folder. For
example, if you copy a compressed file to an uncompressed folder, the file is automatically uncompressed.

Moving a File or F older Within an NTFS Volume

When you move a file or folder within an NTFS volume, the file or folder retains its original compression state.
For example, if you move a compressed file to an uncompressed folder, the file remains compressed.

Copying a File or F older Between NTFS Volumes

When you copy a file or folder between NTFS volumes, the file or folder inherits the compression state of the
target folder.

Moving a File or F older Between NTFS Volumes

When you move a file or folder between NTFS volumes, the file or folder inherits the compression state of the
target folder. Because Windows 2000 treats a move as a copy and then a delete, the files inherit the
compression state of the target folder.

Moving or Copying a File or F older to a FAT Volume

Windows 2000 supports compression for NTFS files only. Because of this, when you move or copy a
compressed NTFS file or folder to a FAT volume, Windows 2000 automatically uncompresses the file or folder.

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Moving or Copying a Compressed File or F older to a Floppy Disk

When you move or copy a compressed NTFS file or folder to a floppy disk, Windows 2000 automatically
uncompresses the file or folder.

When you copy a compressed NTFS file, Windows 2000 uncompresses the file, copies the file, and then if the
target folder is marked for compression, compresses the file again as a new file. This might cause
performance degradation.

Using NTFS Compression

The following is a list of best practices for using compression on NTFS volumes.

 Because some file types compress more than others, select file types to compress based on the
anticipated resulting file size. for example, because windows bitmap files contain more redundant
data than application-executable files, this file type compresses to a smaller size. Bitmaps often
compress to less than a quarter of their original file size, whereas application files rarely compress to
less than 75 percent of their original size.
 Do not store compressed files, such as PKZIP files, in a compressed folder. Windows 2000 will
attempt to compress the file, wasting system time and yielding no additional disk space.
 To make it easier to locate compressed data, use a different display color for compressed folders and
 C ompress static data rather than data that changes frequently. C ompressing and uncompressing files
incurs some system overhead. By choosing to compress files that are infrequently accessed, you
minimize the amount of system time dedicated to compression and uncompression activities.
 NTFS compression can cause performance degradation when you copy and move files. When a
compressed file is copied to another folder marked for compression, it is uncompressed, copied, and
then compressed again as a new file.

Disk Quotas

You can use disk quotas to manage storage growth in distributed environments. Disk quotas allow you to
allocate disk space usage to users based on the files and folders that they own. You can set disk quotas,
quota thresholds, and quota limits for all users and for individual users. You can also monitor the amount of
hard disk space users have used and the amount they have left against their quota.

Managing Disk Quotas

Windows 2000 disk quotas track and control disk usage on a per-user, per-volume basis. Windows 2000
tracks disk quotas for each volume, even if the volumes are on the same hard disk. Because quotas are
tracked on a per-user basis, every user's disk space is tracked regardless of the folder in which the user
stores files. Third-party disk quota management tools provide granular quota management capabilities like
tracking disk usage on per-user, per-folder basis.

The following list describes several important characteristics of Windows 2000 disk quotas.

 Windows 2000 calculates disk space usage for users based on the files and folders they own. When a
user copies or saves a new file to an NTFS volume or takes ownership of a file on an NTFS volume,
Windows 2000 charges the disk space for the file against the user's quota limit.
 Windows 2000 ignores compression when it calculates hard disk space usage. Users are charged for
each uncompressed byte, regardless of how much hard disk space is actually used. In part, this
charge is made because file compression produces different degrees of compression for different
types of files. Different file types that are the same size when uncompressed might end up to be very
different sizes when they are compressed.
 When you enable disk quotas, the free space Windows 2000 reports to applications for the volume is
the amount of space remaining within the user's disk quota limit. For example, a user whose files
occupy 50 megabytes (MB) of an assigned disk quota limit of 100 MB will show 50 MB of free space
even if the volume contains several gigabytes of free space.

Disk quotas can be applied only to Windows 2000 NTFS volumes.

You can use disk quotas to monitor and control hard disk space usage. System administrators can perform
the following tasks:

 Set a disk quota limit to specify the amount of disk space for each user.
 Set a disk quota warning to specify when Windows 2000 should log an event, indicating that the user
is nearing his or her limit.
 Enforce disk quota limits and either deny users access if they exceed their limit or allow them
continued access.
 Log an event when a user exceeds a specified disk space threshold. For example, a threshold might
be when users exceed their quota limit or when they exceed their warning level.

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After you enable disk quotas for a volume, Windows 2000 collects disk usage data for all users who own files
and folders on the volume. This allows you to monitor volume usage on a per-user basis. By default, only
members of the Administrators group can view and change quota settings. However, you can allow users to
view quota settings.

Setting Disk Quotas

You can enable disk quotas and enforce disk quota warnings and limits for all users or for individual users. To
enable disk quotas, open the Properties dialog box of a particular disk, click the Quota tab, and configure the
disk quota options (Figure 13.4).

Figure 13.4 Quota tab of a disk's Properties dialog box

The options on the Quota tab are described in the following table.

Option Description

Enable Quota Management Select this check box to enable disk quota

Deny Disk Space To Users Exceeding Quota Limit Select this check box so that when users exceed
their hard disk space allocation, they receive an
"out of disk space" message and cannot write to
the volume.

Do Not Limit Disk Usage C lick this option when you do not want to limit the
amount of hard disk space for users.

Limit Disk Space To C onfigure the amount of disk space that users
can use.

Set Warning Level To C onfigure the amount of disk space that a user
can fill before Windows 2000 logs an event,
indicating that a user is nearing his or her limit.

Quota Entries C lick this button to open the Quota Entries for a
dialog box, where you can add a new entry,

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delete an entry, and view the per-user quota


To enforce identical quota limits for all users, enter the appropriate values in the Limit Disk Space To text box
and the Set Warning Level To text box, and then select the Deny Disk Space To Users Exceeding Quota Limit
check box.

Windows 2000 monitors usage and will not allow users to create files or folders on the volume when they
exceed the limit.

Determining the Status of Disk Quotas

You can determine the status of disk quotas in the Properties dialog box for a disk by checking the traffic light
icon and reading the status message to its right (Figure 13.4). The traffic light colors and the status they
indicate are as follows:

 A red traffic light indicates that disk quotas are disabled.

 A yellow traffic light indicates that Windows 2000 is rebuilding disk quota information.
 A green traffic light indicates that the disk quota system is active.

Enforcing Disk Quotas

To enforce different quota limits for one or more specific users, click the Quota Entries button to open the
Quota Entries For dialog box. C onfigure the disk space limit and the warning level for each individual user.

You can use the Quota Entries For <volume_name> dialog box to monitor usage for all users who have
copied, saved, or taken ownership of files and folders on the volume. Windows 2000 scans the volume and
monitor the amount of disk space in use by each user. The Quota Entries For <volume_name> dialog box
allows you to view the following information:

 The amount of hard disk space that each user uses

 Users who are over their quota-warning threshold, which is signified by a yellow triangle
 Users who are over their quota limit, which is signified by a red circle
 The warning threshold and the disk quota limit for each user
Volume usage is tracked for all users owning files on a volume where the Disk quota system is active.
Existing users owning files are limited to the default disk quotas unless you modify the user quota setting
using the Quota Entries For <volume_name> dialog box. Users not owning files on the volume will not appear
in the Quota Entries For <volume_name> dialog box but can also be added manually. By default, quota limits
are not applied to the Administrators local group.

Best Uses of Disk Quotas

The following is a list of guidelines for using disk quotas:

 If you enable disk quota settings on the volume where Windows 2000 is installed and your user
account has a disk quota limit, log on as Administrator to install additional Windows 2000 components
and applications. When you do so, Windows 2000 will not charge the disk space you use to install
applications against the disk quota allowance for your user account.
 You can monitor hard disk usage and generate hard disk usage information without preventing users
from saving data. To do so, clear the Deny Disk Space To Users Exceeding Quota Limit check box
when you enable disk quotas.
 Set more restrictive default limits for all user accounts, and then modify the limits from the Quota
Entries For <volume_name> dialog box to allow more disk space to users who work with large files.
 Generally, you should set disk quotas on shared volumes to limit storage for users. Set disk quotas
on public folders and network servers to ensure that users share hard disk space appropriately.
When storage resources are scarce, you may want to set disk quotas on all shared hard disk space.
 Delete disk quota entries users who no longer store their files on a volume. You can delete quota
entries for a user account only after all files that the user owns have been removed from the volume
or another user has taken ownership of the files.
 Before you can delete a quota entry for a user account, all files that the user owns must be removed
from the volume or another user must take ownership of the files. An efficient way to remove a
user's files or take ownership of them for this purpose is to delete the user account in the Quota
Entries For <volume_name> dialog box. The Disk Quota management system will display the Disk
Quota dialog box. From this dialog box you can take ownership, delete, or move the files.

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Exercise 1: Implementing Disk Quotas

In this exercise, you configure default quota management settings to limit the amount of data users can store
on drive C of Server01. Drive C on Server01 contains the HomeDirs share you created for user John Smith to
store his files. Next you configure a custom quota setting for a user account. You increase the amount of data
the user may store on drive C to 20 MB with a warning level set to 16. Finally, you turn off quota
management for drive C . C omplete this exercise on Server01.
 Procedure 1: Configuring quota management settings
In this procedure, you configure the quota management settings for drive C to limit the data that users can
store on the volume.
1. Log on to Server01 as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. On the desktop, double-click My C omputer.
3. C lick the Local Disk (C :) icon, click the File menu, and then click Properties.
Windows 2000 displays the Local Disk (C :) Properties dialog box with the General tab active.
4. C lick the Quota tab.
Notice that disk quotas are disabled by default.
5. On the Quota tab, click the Enable Quota Management check box.
6. C lick the Limit Disk Space To radio button.
7. Type 10 in the Limit Disk Space To text box, and then type 6 in the Set Warning Level To text box.
Notice the default unit size is KB.
8. C hange the unit sizes to MB, and then click the Apply button.
A Disk Quota dialog box appears, warning you that the volume will be rescanned to update disk
usage statistics if you enable quotas.
9. C lick OK to enable disk quotas.
10. Do not close the Local Disk (C :) Properties dialog box; you will use it in the next procedure.
 Procedure 2: Creating a custom quota setting for a user
In this procedure, you configure a custom quota setting for the John Smith user account.
1. On the Quota tab of the Local Disk (C :) Properties dialog box, click the Quota Entries button.
Windows 2000 displays the Quota Entries For Local Disk (C :) dialog box. Notice that the user
accounts you created, the NT AUTHORITY\ SYSTEM, and the BUILTIN\Administrators group are listed.
The user accounts you created are added because all three accounts (Jane_Doe, John_Smith, and
Bob_Train) own files on the volume.
2. In the Quota Entries For Local Disk (C :) dialog box, double-click the row containing John Smith.
The Quota Settings For John Smith dialog box appears.
3. Increase the amount of data that John Smith can store on drive C by changing the value in the Limit
Disk Space To box to 20 MB and changing the value in the Set Warning Level To box to 16 MB.
4. C lick OK to return to the Quota Entries For Local Disk (C :) dialog box.
5. C lose the Quota Entries For Local Disk (C :) dialog box.
6. Leave the Local Disk (C :) Properties dialog box open since you will be using it in the next procedure.
 Procedure 3: Disabling quota management
In this procedure, you disable quota management settings for drive C .
1. On the Quota tab, clear the Enable Quota Management check box.
Notice that all quota settings for drive C are no longer available.
2. C lick Apply.
A Disk Quota message box appears, warning that if you disable quotas, the volume will be rescanned
if you enable them later.
3. C lick OK to close the Disk Quota dialog box.
4. C lick OK to close the Local Disk (C :) Properties dialog box.
5. C lose the My C omputer window.

Lesson Summary

Windows 2000 includes several tools you can use to diagnose disk problems, improve performance, or
compress data. The C heck Disk tool, also referred to as the Error-checking tool, allows you to check for file
system errors and bad sectors on a disk. The Disk Defragmenter snap-in allows you to locate fragmented
files and folders and then defragment them. It does this by moving the pieces of each file or folder to one
location so that each file or folder occupies a single area contiguous space on the hard disk. Data
compression enables you to compress files and folders on NTFS volumes. C ompressed files can be read and
written to by any Windows-based or MS-DOS-based application without first being uncompressed by another

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program. Disk quotas allow you to allocate disk space usage to users based on the files and folders they own.
You can set disk quotas, quota thresholds, and quota limits for all users and individual users. Disk quotas
track and control disk usage on a per-user, per-volume basis.

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Lesson 2: Simple Network Management Protocol Service

To meet the challenges of designing an effective network management platform for heterogeneous
TC P/IP-based networks, the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) was defined in 1988 and approved
as an Internet standard in 1990 by the Internet Activities Board (IAB). SNMP allows you to monitor and
communicate status information from SNMP agents to a network management station (NMS). This lesson
provides the background and conceptual material necessary to understand and implement SNMP within the
context of Windows 2000.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Understand the purpose and function of the SNMP service
Estimated lesson time: 35 minutes

Overview of SNMP

SNMP is a network management standard widely used with TC P/IP networks and, more recently, with
Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) networks. SNMP provides a method of managing network nodes
(servers, workstations, routers, bridges, and hubs) from a centrally located NMS.

To perform its management services, SNMP uses a distributed architecture of management systems and
agents, as shown in Figure 13.5. The centrally located host, which is running network management software,
is referred to as an NMS, or an SNMP manager. Managed network nodes are referred to as SNMP agents.

Figure 13.5 Distributed architecture used by SNMP

The agent reports hardware status and configuration information to a database called a Management
Information Base (MIB). The MIB defines the hardware and software information in the host that should be
collected by the SNMP agent. The SNMP agent communicates with the NMS to provide device-monitoring

Network management is critical for resource management and auditing. SNMP can be used in several ways:

 To configure remote dev ices You can configure information so that it can be sent to each
networked host from the NMS.
 To monitor network performance You can track the speed of processing and network throughput
and collect information about the success of data transmissions.
 To detect network faults or inappropriate access You can configure trigger alarms on network
devices that alert you to the occurrence of specific events. When an alarm is triggered, the device
forwards an event message via a trap to the NMS. The following are common types of events for
which an alarm can be configured:
 The shutdown or restart of a device
 The detection of a link failure on a router
 The inappropriate access to a network mode
 To audit network usage You can monitor overall network usage to identify user or group access or
types of usage for network devices or services. This information can be used to generate direct
billing of individual or group accounts or to justify current network costs or planned expenditures.
The Windows 2000 implementation of the SNMP agent is a 32-bit service that supports computers running
TC P/IP and IPX protocols. Windows 2000 implements SNMP versions 1 and 2C . These versions are based on
industry standards that define how network management information is structured, stored, and communicated
between agents and management systems for TC P/IP-based networks.

To use the information that the Windows 2000 SNMP service provides, you must have at least one NMS. The
Windows 2000 SNMP service provides only the SNMP agent; it does not include SNMP management software.

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You can use a third-party SNMP management software application on the host to act as the management

A number of software manufacturers design network management systems to run on UNIX or Windows
NT/2000 operating systems.

Management Systems and Agents

The NMS does not have to run on the same computer as the SNMP agents. The NMS can request the following
information from SNMP agents:

 Network protocol identification and statistics

 Dynamic identification of devices attached to the network (a process referred to as discovery)
 Hardware and software configuration data
 Device performance and usage statistics
 Device error and event messages
 Program and application usage statistics
The management system can also send a configuration request to the agent that requests the agent to
change a local parameter; however, this is a rare occurrence because most client parameters have read-only

SNMP agents provide SNMP managers with information about activities that occur at the Internet Protocol (IP)
network layer and respond to management system requests for information. Any computer running SNMP
agent software, such as the Windows 2000 SNMP service, is an SNMP agent. The agent service can be
configured to determine what statistics are to be tracked and what management systems are authorized to
request information.

In general, agents do not originate messages; they only respond to messages. The exception is an alarm
message triggered by a specific event. An alarm message is known as a trap message. A trap is an
alarm-triggering event on an agent computer, such as a system reboot or illegal access. Traps and trap
messages provide a rudimentary form of security by notifying the management system whenever such an
event occurs.

Management Information Base

A Management Information Base (MIB) is a container of objects, each of which represents a particular type of
information. This collection of objects contains information required by a management system. For example,
one MIB object can represent the number of active sessions on an agent; another can represent the amount
of available hard drive space on the agent. All the information a management system might request from an
agent is stored in various MIBs.

A MIB defines the following values for each object it contains:

 Name and identifier.

 Defined data type.
 A textual description of the object.
 An index method used for complex data-type objects (usually described as a multidimensional array
or as tabular data). C omplex data refers to such items as the list of network interfaces configured
into the system, the routing table, or the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table.
 Read/write permissions.
Each object in a MIB has a unique identifier that contains the following information:

 Type (counter, string, gauge, or address)

 Access level (read or read/write)
 Size restriction
 Range information
The Windows 2000 SNMP service supports the Internet MIB II; LAN Manager MIB II; Host Resources MIB; and
Microsoft proprietary MIBs, such as the WINS, DHC P, and IIS MIBs.

SNMP Messages

Both agents and management systems use SNMP messages to inspect and communicate information about
managed objects. SNMP messages are sent via the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). IP is used to route
messages between the management system and host. By default, UDP port 161 is used to listen for SNMP
messages and port 162 is used to listen for SNMP traps.

When an NMS sends requests to a network device, the agent program on the device receives the requests
and retrieves the requested information from the MIBs. The agent sends the requested information back to

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the initiating NMS. An SNMP agent sends information when a trap event occurs or when it responds to a
request for information from a management system.

The management system and agent programs use the following types of messages:

 GET The basic SNMP request message. Sent by an NMS, it requests information about a single MIB
entry on an agent—for example, the amount of free disk space.
 GET-NEXT An extended type of request message that can be used to browse the entire hierarchy of
management objects. When it processes a GET-NEXT request for a particular object, the agent
returns the identity and value of the object that logically follows the previous information that was
sent. The GET-NEXT request is useful mostly for dynamic tables, such as an internal IP route table.
 SET A message that can be used to send and assign an updated MIB value to the agent when write
access is permitted.
 GET-BULK A request that the data transferred by the agent be as large as possible within the given
restraints of message size. This minimizes the number of protocol exchanges required to retrieve a
large amount of management information.
 NOTIFY An unsolicited message sent by an agent to a management system when the agent detects
a certain type of event; also called a trap message. For example, a trap message might be sent
when a system restart occurs. The NMS that receives the trap message is referred to as the trap
Figure 13.6 is an example of how management systems and agents communicate information.

Figure 13.6 SNMP manager and agent interaction

The communication process is as follows:

1. A management system forms an SNMP message that contains an information request (GET), the
name of the community to which the management system belongs, and the destination of the
message—the agent's IP address (
2. The SNMP message is sent to the agent.
3. The agent receives the packet and decodes it. The community name (Public) is verified as
4. The SNMP service calls the appropriate subagent to retrieve the session information requested from
the MIB.
5. The SNMP takes the session information from the subagent and forms a return SNMP message that
contains the number of active sessions and the destination—the management system's IP address
6. The SNMP message is sent to the management system.

Defining SNMP Communities

You can assign groups of hosts to SNMP communities for limited security checking of agents and management
systems or for administration. C ommunities are identified by community names that you assign. A host can
belong to multiple communities at the same time, but an agent does not accept a request from a
management system outside its list of acceptable community names.

You can define communities logically to take advantage of the basic authentication service provided by SNMP.
Figure 13.7 shows an example of two communities, Public and Public 2:

 Agent 1 can send traps and other messages to Manager 2 because they are both members of the

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Public 2 community.
 Agent 2, Agent 3, and Agent 4 can send traps and messages to Manager 1 because they are all
members, by default, of the Public community.

Figure 13.7 Example of two communities: Public and Public 2

C ommunity names are managed by configuring SNMP security properties, which are described later in this

There is no relationship between community names and domain or workgroup names. C ommunity names
represent a shared password for groups of network hosts, and they should be selected and changed as you
would change any password. Deciding which hosts belong to the same community is generally determined by
physical proximity.

Installing and Configuring the SNMP Service

The SNMP agent is not installed by default on Windows 2000 Server. It is installed from the C ontrol Panel
Add/Remove Windows Programs application. From the Add/Remove Programs window, choose Add/Remove
Windows C omponents, and from the Windows C omponents wizard that appears, choose Management And
Monitoring Tools. The Management And Monitoring Tools item contains Simple Network Management Protocol,
which is the SNMP agent. This agent is listed as SNMP Service after it is installed.

Once the SNMP service is installed, you can configure the SNMP services through the Services node of the
C omputer Management snap-in or through the Services snap-in in the Administrative Tools program group. In
the Services node, select SNMP Service from the details pane, and then select Properties from the Action
menu. The SNMP Service Properties dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 13.8.

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Figure 13.8 SNMP Service Properties dialog box


The SNMP Trap Service is also installed when SNMP is installed. The trap service passes traps from a local or
remote computer to a trap destination, typically an NMS, running on the local computer.

SNMP Service Properties

You can use the General, Log On, and Recovery tabs in the SNMP Service Properties dialog box to configure
how the SNMP service starts, logs on to the system, and recovers from an abnormal program termination of
the service or operating system. Other services listed in the C omputer Management snap-in contain these
four tabs for service configuration. The General tab allows you to start or stop the service. You can also
specify a display name, description, startup type, and start parameters. Another tab called the Dependencies
tab provides a list of those services (if any) that depend on the SNMP service and those that the SNMP service
depends on. By default, the SNMP service depends on Event Log.

Windows 2000 SNMP Agent Properties

The SNMP agent provides the related management system with information on activities that occur at the IP
network layer. The SNMP service sends agent information in response to an SNMP request or in an SNMP trap

You can configure the agent properties on the Agent tab of the SNMP Service Properties dialog box. The
Agent tab lists the services you can select. These services are described in the following table.

Agent Serv ice Conditions for selecting this serv ice

Physical The computer manages physical devices, such as

a hard disk partition.

Applications The computer uses any applications that send

data via TC P/IP. This service should always be

Datalink and subnetwork The computer manages a bridge.

Internet The computer is an IP gateway (router).

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End-to-end The computer is an IP host. This service should

always be enabled.

The Agent tab also allows you to configure the name of the person to contact, such as the network
administrator, and the location of the contact person. An NMS might require this information when
communicating with the SNMP agent.

Trap Properties

SNMP traps can be used for limited security checking. When configured for an agent, the SNMP service
generates trap messages any time specific events occur. These messages are sent to a trap destination,
typically an NMS. For example, an agent can be configured to initiate an authentication trap if a request for
information is sent by an unrecognized management system. Trap messages can also be generated for
events such as host system startup or shutdown.

You can configure trap destinations on the Traps tab of SNMP Service Properties dialog box. Trap destinations
consist of the computer name or the IP or IPX address of the management system. The trap destination must
be a network-enabled host running SNMP management software. Trap destinations can be configured by a
user, but the events (such as a system reboot) that generate a trap message are internally defined by the
SNMP agent.

Security Properties

You can configure SNMP security on the Security tab of the SNMP Service Properties dialog box. The following
list describes the options you can configure on the Security tab.

 Send authentication traps When an SNMP agent receives a request that does not contain a valid
community name or the host sending the message is not on the list of acceptable hosts, the agent
can send an authentication trap message to one or more trap destinations (management systems).
The trap message indicates that the SNMP request failed authentication. This is a default setting.
 Accepted community names The SNMP service requires the configuration of at least one default
community name. The name Public is generally used as the community name because it is
universally accepted in all SNMP implementations. You can delete or change the default community
name or add multiple community names. The Public SNMP community name is not secure because it
is so widely used. Therefore, consider removing this name. If the SNMP agent receives a request
from a community that is not on this list, it generates an authentication trap. If no community names
are defined, the SNMP agent denies all incoming SNMP requests.
 Community Rights You can select permission levels that determine how an agent processes SNMP
requests from the various communities. For example, you can configure the permissions level to
block the SNMP agent from processing any request from a specific community.
 Accept SNMP packets from any host In this context, the source host and list of acceptable hosts
refer to the source SNMP management system and the list of other acceptable management systems.
When this option is enabled, no SNMP packets are rejected on the basis of the name or address of
the source host or on the basis of the list of acceptable hosts. This option is enabled by default.
 Only accept SNMP packets from these hosts This option provides limited security. When the
option is enabled, only SNMP packets received from the hosts on a list of allowed hosts are accepted.
The SNMP agent rejects messages from other hosts and sends an authentication trap. Limiting access
only to hosts on a list provides a higher level of security than limiting access to specific communities,
because a community name can encompass a large group of hosts.

Troubleshooting SNMP

This section contains methods for determining the cause of SNMP-related communication problems. Run
normal workloads during your testing to gain realistic feedback.

Event Viewer

SNMP error handling has been improved in Windows 2000. Manual configuration of SNMP error-logging
parameters has been replaced with improved error handling that is integrated with Event Viewer. Use Event
Viewer if you suspect a problem with the SNMP service.

WINS Service

When querying WINS server MIBs, you might need to increase the SNMP time-out period on the SNMP
management system. If some WINS queries work and others time out, increase the time-out period.

IPX Addresses

If you enter an IPX address as a trap destination when installing SNMP service, you might receive an Error 3
error message when you restart your computer. This occurs when the IPX address has been entered
incorrectly—by using a comma or hyphen to separate a network number from a Media Access C ontrol (MAC )

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address. For example, SNMP management software might normally accept an address like
00008022,0002C 0-F7AABD. However, the Windows 2000 SNMP service does not recognize an address with a
comma or hyphen between the network number and MAC address.

The address used for an IPX trap destination must follow the IETF defined 8.12 format for the network
number and MAC address: xxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyyyyyy, where xxxxxxxx is the network number and
yyyyyyyyyyyy is the MAC address.

SNMP Service Files

For your convenience and assistance in troubleshooting, the following table contains a list of the
SNMP-associated files provided as part of the Microsoft Windows 2000 SNMP service.

F ile Description

Wsnmp32.dll, Mgmtapi.dll Windows 2000-based SNMP manager APIs. These

APIs listen for manager requests and send the
requests to SNMP agents and receive responses
from them.

*.dll Extension agent DLLs such as Inetmib1.dll for

IIS, and Dhcpmib.dll for DHC P. These extension
agents support the proprietary MIBs for these

Mib.bin Installed with the SNMP service and used by the

Management API (Mgmtapi.dll). The file maps
text-based object names to numerical OIDobject

Snmp.exe SNMP agent service; a master (proxy) agent.

This program accepts manager program requests
and forwards the requests to the appropriate
extension-subagent DLL for processing.

Snmptrap.exe A background process. The program receives

SNMP traps from the SNMP agent and forwards
them to the SNMP Management API on the
management console. The program starts only
when the SNMP manager API receives a manager
request for traps.

Figure 13.9 shows how the various SNMP files work together to communicate to and from an NMS.

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Figure 13.9 Communication to and from the SNMP service

Lesson Summary

SNMP is a network management standard that provides a method of managing network devices such as
servers, workstations, routers, bridges, and hubs from a centrally located host. To perform its management
services, SNMP uses a distributed architecture of management systems and agents. The SNMP management
system, commonly knows as an NMS, can request the information from managed computers (SNMP agents).
SNMP agents provide the NMS with information about activities that occur at the IP network layer and respond
to management system requests for information. SNMP uses a MIB as a container for objects; each container
represents a particular type of information. Both agents and NMS use SNMP messages to inspect and
communicate information about managed objects. You can assign groups of hosts to SNMP communities for
limited security checking of agents and NMS or for administration. C ommunities are identified by community
names that you assign. For additional security, you can specify the IP address or host name of network
management system(s) in which the SNMP agent should communicate. You can configure the SNMP service
through the Services node of the C omputer Management snap-in or through the Services snap-in in the
Administrative Tools program group. The SNMP Service Properties dialog box allows you to configure the
various properties of the SNMP service.

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Lesson 3: Performance Console

Windows 2000 provides two utilities for monitoring resource usage on your computer: the System Monitor
snap-in and the Performance Logs And Alerts snap-in, both of which are pre-installed on the Performance
console. The System Monitor snap-in allows you to track resource use and network throughput. The
Performance Logs And Alerts snap-in allows you to collect performance data from local or remote computers.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Use the Performance console snap-ins—System Monitor and Performance
Logs And Alerts—to monitor resource usage on your computer
Estimated lesson time: 40 minutes

Introduction to the Performance Console

The Performance console is a built-in utility you can access through the Administrative Tools program group.
The Performance console is an MMC console that contains two pre-installed snap-ins: System Monitor and
Performance Logs And Alerts (Figure 13.10).

Figure 13.10 System Monitor snap-in and the Performance Logs And Alerts snap-in in the Performance MMC

With System Monitor, you can collect and view real-time data about memory, disk, processor, network, and
other activity in graph, histogram, or report form. Through Performance Logs And Alerts, you can configure
logs to record performance data and set system alerts to notify you when a specified counter's value is above
or below a defined threshold.

Monitoring system performance is an important part of maintaining and administering your Windows 2000
Server installation. You can use performance data for the following:

 To understand your workload and its effect on your system's resources

 To observe changes and trends in workloads and resource usage so that you can plan for future
 To test configuration changes or other tuning efforts by monitoring the results
 To diagnose problems and target components or processes for optimization
The System Monitor snap-in and the Performance Logs And Alerts snap-in provide detailed data about the
resources used by specific components of the operating system and by server programs that have been
designed to collect performance data. The graphs provide a display for performance-monitoring data; logs
provide recording capabilities for the data; and alerts send notification to users by means of the Messenger
service when a counter value reaches, rises above, or falls below a defined threshold.

Microsoft technical support often uses the results of performance monitoring to diagnose problems. Therefore,
Microsoft recommends that you monitor system performance as part of your administrative routine.

System Monitor Snap-In

In Windows 2000, Performance Monitor has been replaced by System Monitor. With System Monitor, you can
measure the performance of your own computer or other computers on a network. System Monitor allows
you to perform the following tasks:

 C ollect and view real-time performance data on a local computer or from remote computers
 View data collected either currently or previously in a counter log
 Present data in a printable graph, histogram, or report view
 Incorporate System Monitor functionality into Microsoft Word or other applications in the Microsoft

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Office suite by means of Automation

 C reate HTML pages from performance views
 C reate reusable monitoring configurations that can be installed on other computers that use MMC
With System Monitor, you can collect and view extensive data about the usage of hardware resources and the
activity of system services on computers you administer. You can define the data you want the graph to
collect in the following ways:

 Type of data To select the data to be collected, you can specify one or more counter instances of
performance monitor objects. Some objects (such as the memory object) provide system resource
counters; others provide counters on the operation of applications (for example, system services or
Microsoft BackOffice applications).
 Source of data System Monitor can collect data from your local computer or from other computers
on the network where you have permission. (By default, administrative permission is required.) In
addition, you can include real-time data or data collected previously and saved in counter logs.
 Sampling parameters System Monitor supports manual, on-demand sampling or automatic
sampling based on the time interval you specify. When viewing logged data, you can also choose
starting and stopping times so that you can view data spanning a specific time range.

System Monitor Interface

When you open the Performance console, the graph view and a toolbar appear by default and the graph area
is blank. After you add counters to the graph, System Monitor begins charting counter values in this graph
area (Figure 13.11). The console tree is hidden in Figure 13.11 for clarity.

Figure 13.11 System Monitor snap-in charting counter values in graph view

As Figure 13.11 illustrates, there are three main areas in the System Monitor interface: the graph area, the
legend, and the value bar.

Graph Area

You can choose to have data updated automatically or on demand. For updating on demand, use the Update
Data button (camera toolbar icon) to start and stop the collection intervals. C lick the C lear Display button (the
second toolbar icon from the left) to remove all data from the display. To add counters to the graph, click the
Add button (plus sign toolbar icon) and select the counters from the Add C ounters dialog box.

The movement of the timer bar (vertical line in Figure 13.11) across the graph indicates the passing of each
update interval. Regardless of the update interval, the view will show up to 100 samples. System Monitor
compresses log data as necessary to fit it in the display. To see the compressed data in a log, click the
Properties button (the fourth toolbar icon from the right), click the Source tab, select a log file, and then
select a shorter time range. Shorter time ranges contain less data, so it is less likely that data points will be

You can also define the following attributes of the graph:

 Type of display, with options for graph, histogram, or report

 Background color of the detail pane and of the data display area
 Size, type, and style of font used to show text in the display

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 C olor, width, and style of line used to chart data

To draw attention to a particular counter's data, use the highlighting feature. To do so, press C trl+H or click
the Highlight button (light bulb toolbar icon), on the toolbar. When highlighting is in effect, the bar or line
representing data for the selected counter changes color to white for most background colors (including the
default color) or black for white or light-colored backgrounds.

Default key settings in Microsoft Word may conflict with the C trl+H combination used for System Monitor
highlighting. You might need to change these to support highlighting when the System Monitor control,
%systemroot%\System32\Sysmon.ocx, is used in Microsoft Word.

The names and associated information for the counters you select are shown in the legend, the set of
columns beneath the graph. The legend displays the following information:

 Object An object is a logical collection of counters associated with a resource or service that can be
 Counter A counter is a data item associated with an object. For each counter selected, System
Monitor presents a value corresponding to a particular aspect of the performance defined for the
 Instance An object instance is a term used to distinguish between multiple occurrences of the same
counter on a computer. Note that by default counter instances are listed by name and numerical
index. This index appears after the instance name, represented by a pound sign (#) and a number.
This index makes it easier to monitor multiple instances, for example, when you are monitoring
threads of a process. To turn off the index display, click the Properties button and clear the Allow
Duplicate C ounter Instances check box.
You can sort entries in ascending or descending order by object, counter, instance, or computer by clicking
the appropriate column name in the counter legend. For example, to sort all counters by name, click C ounter.

To match a line in a graph with the counter it is charting values for, double-click a position in the graph line.
The counter will be selected in the legend. If chart lines are close together, try to find a point in the graph
where they diverge. Otherwise, System Monitor might not be able to pinpoint the value you are interested in.
Value Bar

The value bar is located beneath the graph area and above the legend. The value bar contains the Last,
Average, Minimum, and Maximum values for the counter currently selected. The values are calculated over
the time period and number of samples displayed in the graph, not over the time that has elapsed since
monitoring was started. The Duration value in the value bar indicates the total elapsed time displayed in the
graph (based on the update interval).

Monitoring System and Network Performance

Network activity can influence the performance not only of your network components but of your system as a
whole. You should monitor other resources along with network activity, such as disk, memory, and processor
activity. System Monitor enables you to track network and system activity by using a single tool.

You should use the following counters as part of your normal monitoring configuration:

 C ache\Data Map Hits %

 C ache\Fast Reads/sec
 C ache\Lazy Write Pages/sec
 Logical Disk\% Disk Space
 Memory\Available Bytes
 Memory\Nonpaged Pool Allocs
 Memory\Nonpaged Pool Bytes
 Memory\Paged Pool Allocs
 Memory\Paged Pool Bytes
 Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time
 System\C ontext Switches/sec
 System\Processor Queue Length
 Processor(_Total)\Interrupts/sec
Monitoring network activity with System Monitor involves examining performance data at each network layer,
as defined in the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) model. System Monitor provides performance objects for
collection of data that reflects transmission rates, packet queue lengths, and other network performance data.

Because of the overhead of the protocol headers, actual transmission rates might differ from the rates

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specified for the wire or line in use.

The following table provides information about the network layers and their associated performance objects.

OSI layer Performance objects

Application, Presentation Session Browser, Server, Redirector, and Server Work

Queues NBT C onnection. (NBT is an abbreviation
for NetBT, which means NetBIOS over TC P/IP;
NetBIOS stands for network basic input/output

Transport Protocol objects: TC P for the Transmission

C ontrol Protocol; UDP for the User Datagram
Protocol, NetBEUI for NetBIOS, AppleTalk
(installed by protocol).

Network Network Segment (installed when you install the

Network Monitor driver), IP for the Internet
Protocol, NWLink IPX/SPX for the Microsoft
implementation of Internetwork Packet
Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange
(IPX/SPX). NWLink performance objects display
only zeros for counters that report on frame
activity. On systems running Windows NT 4.0,
installing the Network Monitor Agent also installs
the Network Segment counters.

Data Link, Physical Network Interface. These counters are

maintained by the driver and can report
inaccurate or zero values because of problems
with implementation of counters by the driver.

When monitoring performance data for your network, you should begin with the lowest-level components and
work your way up. Monitor the objects over periods ranging from days to weeks to a month. Using this data,
determine a performance baseline, the level of performance you expect under typical workloads and usage.
A performance baseline gives you a point from which to compare performance over time to identify growth
trends, changing demands, or the emergence of a bottleneck. If performance within the baseline range
becomes unsatisfactory, tune the network.

As with other resources, establish a baseline for network performance. When performance data is
incompatible with your baseline values, investigate the cause. Abnormal network counter values on a server
often indicate problems with the server's memory, processor, or disks. For that reason, the best approach to
monitoring a server is to watch network counters in conjunction with Processor\% Processor Time,
PhysicalDisk\% Disk Time, and Memory\Pages/sec.

For example, if a dramatic increase in Pages/sec is accompanied by a decrease in Bytes Total/sec handled by
a server, the computer is probably running short of physical memory for network operations. Most network
resources, including network adapters and protocol software, use unpaged memory. If a computer is paging
excessively, it could be because most of its physical memory has been allocated to network activities, leaving
a small amount of memory for processes that use paged memory. To verify this situation, check the
computer's system event log for entries indicating that it has run out of paged or unpaged memory. Also
monitor the unpaged pool memory and overall memory counters.

Disk Objects and the Diskperf Utility

Two primary disk objects contain counters in System Monitor, the PhysicalDisk, and LogicalDisk objects. The
physical disk performance counters are enabled and the logical disk performance counters are disabled by
default on Windows 2000 Server. The logical disk performance counters are enabled using the Diskperf
command line utility. Use the diskperf -yv command to enable Logical Disk performance counters.

After this command is run, the computer must be rebooted. On reboot, the logical disk and physical disk
performance counters will start. These counters are contained in the System Monitor-PhysicalDisk and
LogicalDisk objects respectively.

There is a small performance cost for running these counters. If you are not monitoring disk performance,
type diskperf -n to disable both disk objects and their counters.

You can selectively enable or disable both physical and logical disk performance counters using Diskperf.

Performance Logs and Alerts Snap-In

With Performance Logs And Alerts, you can collect performance data automatically from local or remote

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computers. You can view logged counter data by using System Monitor, or you can export the data to
spreadsheet programs or databases for analysis and report generation. Note that, because logging runs as a
service, data collection can occur regardless of whether any user is logged on to the computer being

The Performance Logs And Alerts snap-in allows you to perform the following tasks:

 C ollect data in a comma-delimited or tab-separated format for easy import to spreadsheet programs.
A binary log-file format is also provided for circular logging or for logging instances such as threads
or processes that might begin after the log starts collecting data. (C ircular logging is the process of
continuously logging data to a single file, overwriting previous data with new data.)
 View counter data during collection and after collection has stopped.
 Define start and stop times, file names, file sizes, and other parameters for automatic log generation.
 Manage multiple logging sessions from a single console window.
 Set an alert on a counter, thereby stipulating that a message be sent, a program be run, or a log be
started when the selected counter's value exceeds or falls below a specified setting.
Similar to System Monitor, Performance Logs And Alerts supports the following: 1) defining performance
objects, performance counters, and object instances and 2) setting sampling intervals for monitoring data
about hardware resources and system services. Performance Logs And Alerts also offers these other options
related to recording performance data:

 Starting and stopping logging—either manually on demand or automatically based on a user-defined

 C reating trace logs. Using the default system data provider or another provider, trace logs record
data when certain activities such as disk I/O operations or page faults occur. When the event occurs,
the provider sends the data to the Performance Logs And Alerts service. This recording and sending
data differs from the operation of counter logs; when counter logs are in use, the service obtains
data from the system when the update interval has elapsed, rather than waiting for a specific event.
A parsing tool is required to interpret the trace log output. Developers can create such a tool using
application programming interfaces (APIs) provided on the Microsoft Web site,
 Defining a program that runs when a log is stopped.
 C onfiguring additional settings for automatic logging, such as automatic file renaming, and setting
parameters for stopping and starting a log based on the elapsed time or the file size.

You can work with data from a log file while the service is collecting data and has the log file locked. For
example, Microsoft Excel can import an active log file, but it will open a read-only version of the locked log.

Performance Logs And Alerts Interface

In Performance Logs And Alerts, you can define settings for counter logs, trace logs, and alerts. The details
pane of the console window shows logs and alerts that you have created (Figure 13.12).

Figure 13.12 Logs and alerts in the Performance Logs And Alerts snap-in

You can define multiple logs or alerts to run simultaneously. Each log or alert is a saved configuration that
you define. If you have configured the log for automatic starting and stopping, a single log can generate
many individual log data files. For example, if you were generating a log file for each day's activity, one file
would close at 11:59 P.M. today, and a new file would open at 12:00 A.M. tomorrow.

The following table explains the query summary information provided by the columns in the details pane.

Column Description

Name This is the name of the log or alert. Think of this

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as a "friendly name" describing the type of data

you are collecting or the condition you are
monitoring. One log can generate multiple log
files. Note that a sample log file, named System
Overview, has been predefined for counter
logging. You can start logging by using this file or
by defining your own settings as appropriate.

C omment This can be any descriptive information about the

log or alert.

Log File Type This is the log-file format you define. For alert,
the type will always be alerts; for trace logs, it
will always be sequential. For logs, this can be
binary, binary circular, text-C SV (for
comma-delimited text), or text-TSV (for
tab-delimited text).

Log File Name This is the path and base file name you defined
for the files generated by this log. The base file
name is used for automatically naming new files.

To see the parameters defined for each log, select the log name in the details pane and then select Properties
from the Action menu. In the dialog box that appears, you can choose how to name your log files, when
logging is scheduled to occur, and what performance objects and counters you want to monitor in your log.

If a log is currently running and collecting data (based on the schedule you defined for the log or alert), a
green data icon appears next to the log or alert. If a red icon appears, the log or alert has been defined but is
not currently running.

You can configure more than one type of log to run at a time. One log can generate multiple log files if the
restart option is selected or if you start and stop the log multiple times. However, you will not see these
individual log files listed in the console window. Use Windows Explorer to view a listing of these files.

Lesson Summary

The Performance tool in the Administrative Tools program group contains two utilities for monitoring resource
usage on your computer: the System Monitor snap-in and the Performance Logs And Alerts snap-in. System
Monitor allows you to measure the performance of your own computer or other computers on a network. With
System Monitor, you can collect and view extensive data about the usage of hardware resources and the
activity of system services on computers you administer. There are three main areas in the System Monitor
interface: the graph area, the legend, and the value bar. System Monitor provides performance objects for
collection of data that reflects transmission rates, packet queue lengths, and other network performance data.
Each object is a logical collection of counters. For each counter selected, System Monitor presents a value
corresponding to a particular aspect of the performance defined for the performance object. With
Performance Logs And Alerts, you can collect performance data automatically from local or remote
computers. Similar to System Monitor, Performance Logs And Alerts allows you to define performance
objects, performance counters, and object instances and set sampling intervals for monitoring data about
hardware resources and system services. In Performance Logs And Alerts, you define settings for counter
logs, trace logs, and alerts. The details pane of the console window shows logs and alerts that you have

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Lesson 4: Network Monitor

Unlike System Monitor, which is used to monitor anything from hardware to software, Network Monitor
focuses exclusively on network activity. Network Monitor allows you to view network activity and detect
problems on a network. For example, you can use Network Monitor to diagnose hardware and software
problems when two or more computers cannot communicate. You can also copy a log of network activity into
a file and then send the file to a professional network analyst or support organization. Network application
developers can use Network Monitor to monitor and debug network applications as they are developed.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Use Network Monitor to capture and display network frames
Estimated lesson time: 35 minutes

Overview of Network Monitor

Network Monitor tracks network throughput in terms of captured network traffic. Network Monitor monitors
traffic only on the local network segment. To monitor remote traffic, you must use the version of Network
Monitor that ships with Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) version 1.2 or 2.0.

Network Monitor monitors the network data stream, which consists of all information transferred over a
network at any given time. Prior to transmission, this information is divided by the network software into
smaller pieces, called frames or packets. Each frame contains the following information:

 The source address of the computer that sent the message

 The destination address of the computer that received the frame
 Headers from each protocol used to send the frame
 The data or a portion of the information being sent
 A trailer that usually contains a C RC to verify frame integrity
The process by which Network Monitor copies frames is referred to as capturing. You can use Network Monitor
to capture all local network traffic or you can single out a subset of frames to be captured. You can also make
a capture respond to events on your network. For example, you can make the network start an executable
file when Network Monitor detects a particular set of conditions on the network. This is similar to the system
Alerts feature in the Performance Logs And Alerts snap-in.

After you have captured data, you can view it in the Network Monitor user interface. Network Monitor does
much of the data analysis for you by translating the raw capture data into its logical frame structure.

For security, Windows 2000 Network Monitor captures only those frames, including broadcast and multicast
frames, sent to or from the local computer. Network Monitor also displays overall network segment statistics
for broadcast frames, multicast frames, network use, total bytes received per second, and total frames
received per second.

To help protect your network from unauthorized use of Network Monitor installations, Network Monitor can
detect other installations of Network Monitor that are running on the local segment of your network. Network
Monitor also detects all instances of the Network Monitor driver being used remotely (by either Network
Monitor from Systems Management Server or the Network Segment object in System Monitor) to capture
data on your network.

When Network Monitor detects other Network Monitor installations running on the network, it displays the
following information:

 The name of the computer

 The name of the user logged on at the computer
 The state of Network Monitor on the remote computer (running, capturing, or transmitting)
 The adapter address of the remote computer
 The version number of Network Monitor on the remote computer
In some instances, your network architecture might prevent one installation of Network Monitor from
detecting another. For example, if an installation is separated from yours by a router that does not forward
multicasts, your installation cannot detect that installation.

Network Monitor uses a network driver interface specification (NDIS) feature to copy all frames it detects to
its capture buffer, a resizable storage area in memory. The default size is 1 MB; however, you can adjust the
size manually as needed. The buffer is a memory-mapped file and occupies disk space.

Because Network Monitor uses the local-only mode of NDIS instead of promiscuous mode (in which the
network adapter passes on all frames sent on the network), you can use Network Monitor even if your
network adapter does not support promiscuous mode. Networking performance is not affected when you use
an NDIS driver to capture frames. (Putting the network adapter in promiscuous mode can add 30 percent or
more to the load on the C PU.)

Installing Network Monitor Tools

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Network Monitor Tools include both the Network Monitor console and the Network Monitor driver. These tools
are not installed by default on Windows 2000 Server. You can install them from the C ontrol Panel
Add/Remove Windows Programs application. From the Add/Remove Programs window, choose Add/Remove
Windows C omponents and from the Windows C omponents wizard that appears, choose Management And
Monitoring Tools. The Management And Monitoring Tools item contains Network Monitor Tools. Once installed,
the Network Monitor console appears in the Administrative Tools program group and Network Monitor Driver
is listed in the Local Area C onnection Properties dialog box.

Capturing Frame Data

To capture frame data, Network Monitor and the Network Monitor driver must be installed on your Windows
2000 computer. The Network Monitor driver (also called the Network Monitor agent) enables Network Monitor
to receive frames from a network adapter and allows the Network Monitor provided with SMS to capture and
display frames from a remote computer, including those with a dial-up network connection. When the user of
a computer running SMS Network Monitor connects remotely to a computer on which the Network Monitor
driver has been installed, and that user initiates a capture, network statistics are captured locally on the
computer running the network monitor driver and the data from the capture is viewed from the managing

Network Monitor drivers for other Windows operating systems other than Windows 2000 are provided with
SMS. When you install Network Monitor on a Windows 2000 computer, the Network Monitor driver is
automatically installed.
To capture data, open Network Monitor and select Start from the C apture menu. As frames are captured from
the network, statistics about the frames are displayed in the Network Monitor C apture window, as shown in
Figure 13.13.

Figure 13.13 Capture window of the Network Monitor interface

Network Monitor displays session statistics from the first 100 unique network sessions it detects. To reset
statistics and see information on the next 100 network sessions detected, select C lear Statistics from the
C apture menu.

Using Capture Filters

A capture filter functions like a database query. You can use it to specify the types of network information you
want to monitor. For example, to see only a specific subset of computers or protocols, you can create an
address database, use the database to add addresses to your filter, and then save the filter to a file. By
filtering frames, you save both buffer resources and time. Later, if necessary, you can load the capture filter
file and use the filter again.

To design a capture filter, specify decision statements in the C apture Filter dialog box (Figure 13.14).

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Figure 13.14 Capture Filter dialog box

To open the C apture Filter dialog box, select Filter from the C apture menu, click the funnel toolbar icon
(Figure 13.14), or press F8. The dialog box displays the filter's decision tree, which is a graphical
representation of a filter's logic. When you include or exclude information from your capture specifications,
the decision tree reflects these specifications.

Filtering by Protocol

To capture frames that use a specific protocol, specify the protocol on the SAP/ETYPE= line of the capture
filter. For example, to capture only IP frames, disable all protocols and then enable IP ETYPE 0x800 and IP
SAP 0x6. By default, all the protocols that Network Monitor supports are enabled.

Filtering by Address

To capture frames from specific computers on your network, specify one or more address pairs in a capture
filter. You can monitor up to four specific address pairs simultaneously.

An address pair consists of the following:

 The addresses of the two computers between which you want to monitor traffic between
 Arrows that specify the traffic direction you want to monitor
 The INC LUDE or EXC LUDE keyword, indicating how Network Monitor should respond to a frame that
meets a filter's specifications
Regardless of the sequence in which statements appear in the C apture Filter dialog box, EXC LUDE statements
are evaluated first. Therefore, if a frame meets the criteria specified in an EXC LUDE statement in a filter
containing both an EXC LUDE and INC LUDE statement, that frame is discarded. Network Monitor does not test
that frame by INC LUDE statements to see if it also meets that criterion.

Filtering by Data Pattern

By specifying a pattern match in a capture filter, you can:

 Limit a capture to only those frames containing a specific pattern of ASC II or hexadecimal data
 Specify how many bytes (offsets) into the frame the pattern must occur
When you filter based on a pattern match at a specific point in the data, you must specify where the pattern
occurs in the frame (how many bytes from the beginning or end). If your network medium uses
variable-sized frames, specify to begin counting in for a pattern match from the end of the topology header.

Displaying Captured Data

To simplify data analysis, Network Monitor interprets raw data collected during the capture and displays it in
the C apture window. To display captured information in the C apture window, click Stop And View on the
C apture menu while the capture is running. You can also display the C apture window by opening a file with
the .cap extension. If you have stopped a capture, you can view the data in the C apture window by selecting
Display C aptured Data from the C apture menu, clicking the glasses toolbar icon, or pressing F12.

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Figure 13.15 shows the key elements in the C apture window.

Figure 13.15 Capture window in Network Monitor

Using Display Filters

You can use a display filter to determine which frames to display. Like a capture filter, a display filter
functions like a database query, allowing you to single out specific types of information. But because a display
filter operates on data that has already been captured, it does not affect the contents of the Network Monitor
capture buffer.

You can filter a frame by the following information:

 The source or destination address of the frame

 The protocols used to send the frame
 The properties and values contained in the frame (A property is a data field within a protocol header.
A protocol's properties indicate the purpose of the protocol.)
The capture window must have the focus in Network Monitor for the Display Filter dialog box to appear. Figure
13.16 shows the Display Filter dialog box, which is accessed from the Display menu, by pressing F8, or by
clicking the funnel toolbar icon.

Figure 13.16 Display Filter dialog box

To design a display filter, specify decision statements in the Display Filter dialog box. Information in the
Display Filter dialog box is in the form of a decision tree, which is a graphical representation of a filter's logic.
When you modify display filter specifications, the decision tree reflects these modifications. You must click OK

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to save the specified decision statement and add it to the decision tree before adding another decision

Although capture filters are limited to four address filter expressions, display filters are not. With display
filters, you can also use AND, OR, and NOT logic. When you display captured data, all available information
about the captured frames appears in the Frame Viewer window. To display only those frames sent by a
specific protocol, edit the Protocol line in the Display Filter dialog box.

Protocol properties are information that defines a protocol's purpose. Because the purpose of protocols
varies, properties differ from one protocol to another. Suppose, for example, that you have captured a large
number of frames that use the SMB protocol, but you want to examine only those frames in which the SMB
protocol was used to create a directory on your computer. In this instance, you can single out frames where
the SMB command property is equal to the Make Directory command.

When you display captured data, all addresses from which information was captured appear in the Frame
Viewer window. To display only those frames originating from a specific computer, edit the ANY < - > ANY
line in the Display Filter dialog box.

Network Monitor Performance Issues

Network Monitor creates a memory-mapped file for its capture buffer. For best results, make sure you create
a capture buffer large enough to accommodate the traffic you need.

In addition, although you cannot adjust the frame size, you can store only part of the frame, thereby reducing
the amount of wasted capture buffer space. For example, if you are interested only in the data in the frame
header, set the frame size (in bytes) to the size of the header frame. Network Monitor discards the frame
data as it stores frames in the capture buffer, thereby using less capture buffer space.

Running Network Monitor in the background is a way to reduce the amount of system resources necessary to
operate the program. To run Network Monitor in the background, choose Dedicated C apture Mode from the
C apture menu. This is one strategy to reduce resource use if network packets are being dropped rather than

Lesson Summary

Network Monitor allows you to view and detect problems on networks. It tracks network throughput in terms
of captured network traffic. Network Monitor monitors the network data stream on the local segment, which
consists of all information transferred over the network segment at any given time. To capture frame data,
Network Monitor and the Network Monitor driver must be installed on your Windows 2000 computer. The
Network Monitor driver enables Network Monitor to receive frames from a network adapter. A capture filter
functions like a database query. You can use it to specify the types of network information you want to
monitor. To simplify data analysis, Network Monitor interprets raw data collected during the capture and
displays it in the Frame Viewer window. You can use a display filter to specify what information you want to
view in the Frame Viewer window. Like a capture filter, a display filter functions like a database query,
allowing you to single out specific types of information.

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Lesson 5: Task Manager

Windows Task Manager provides summary information about computer performance as well as about
programs and processes running on the computer. By using Task Manager, you can end programs or
processes, start programs, and view a dynamic display of your computer's performance.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Use Task Manager to manage applications and tasks
 Use Task Manager to view computer performance
Estimated lesson time: 20 minutes

Overview of Task Manager

Task Manager provides information about programs and processes running on your computer. It also displays
the most commonly used performance measures for processes.

You can use Task Manager to monitor key indicators of your computer's performance. You can quickly see
the status of programs that are running and end programs that have stopped responding. You can also assess
the activity of running processes by viewing many critical data points, and you can see graphs and data on
C PU and memory usage.

To open Task Manager, right-click an empty space on the taskbar and then click Task Manager. You can also
open Task Manager by pressing C trl+Alt+Delete and then clicking the Task Manager button. The Task
Manager interface contains three tabs: Applications, Processes, and Performance. You can change the display
options for each tab by selecting the option you want from the View menu. Many of the View menu options
are specific to the selected tab.

To update Task Manager data, click Refresh Now on the View menu. You can also change the frequency at
which the data is automatically updated. On the View menu, click Update Speed and then click the option that
you want. To temporarily freeze the data displayed by Task Manager, click Update Speed on the View menu
and then click Paused.

Applications Tab

The Applications tab shows the status of the programs running on your computer (Figure 13.17). On this tab,
you can start a new program (New Task button), end a program (End Task button), or switch to another
program (Switch To button).

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Figure 13.17 Applications tab of Task Manager

Using Task Manager to start a program is identical to using the Run command on the Start menu. If a
program stops responding, press C trl+Alt+Delete to start Task Manager, select the program that is not
responding, and then click End Task. Any data entered or changes made that were not saved will be lost.

Processes Tab

The Processes tab shows information about the processes running on your computer (Figure 13.18). For
example, you can display information on C PU and memory usage, page faults, handle count, and a number of
other parameters.

Figure 13.18 Processes tab of Task Manager

On the Processes tab, you can sort the list of processes and display other process counters. For a description
of each type of counter that you can monitor, see Task Manager Help. To see the available process counters,
click the Processes tab and then choose Select C olumns from the View menu.

You can also end a process on the Processes tab. However, be careful when ending a process. If you end an
application, you will lose unsaved data. If you end a system service, some part of the system might not
function properly.

Task Manager does not allow you to end a process that is critical to the operation of Windows 2000. Utilities
on the Windows 2000 Resource Kit will allow you to end critical processes. However, this procedure is likely to
cause operating system instability.
You can end a process plus all processes directly or indirectly created by it. Right-click the process you want
to end, and then click End Process Tree. For example, if you end the process tree for an e-mail program such
as Microsoft Outlook 98, you will also end related processes such as mapisp32.exe and the MAPI spooler.

The Processes tab also allows you to assign a process to a processor by using the Set Affinity command.
However, this command is available only on multiprocessor computers. Using the Set Affinity command limits
the execution of the process to the selected processors and could decrease overall performance. In addition,
the Process tab allows you to change the priority of a running program. C hanging the priority of a process
can make it run faster or slower, depending on whether you raise or lower the priority, and it can also
adversely affect the performance of other processes. If you have installed a debugger, the debug command

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can be launched directly from the context menu of a running process appearing under the Processes tab.

Performance Tab

The Performance tab displays a dynamic overview of your computer's performance (Figure 13.19). This view
includes graphs for C PU and memory usage; totals for the number of handles, threads, and processes
running on the computer; and totals, in kilobytes, for physical, kernel, and commit memory.

Figure 13.19 Performance tab of Task Manager

If you select the Show Kernel Times option from the View menu, a red line is added to the C PU Usage graph
and to the C PU Usage History graph. The red lines indicate the amount of C PU resources consumed by kernel

Lesson Summary

Task Manager provides information about programs and processes running on your computer. It also displays
the most commonly used performance measures for processes. The Task Manager interface contains three
tabs: Applications, Processes, and Performance. The Applications tab shows the status of the programs
running on your computer. The Processes tab shows information about the processes running on your
computer. The Performance tab displays a dynamic overview of your computer's performance.

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The following questions are intended to reinforce key information presented in this chapter. If you are unable
to answer a question, review the appropriate lesson and then try the question again. Answers to the questions
can be found in Appendix A, "Questions and Answers."
1. You have used the C ompact utility to compress the files contained in the Users subfolders on an NTFS
partition. You have enabled the Folder Option, Display C ompressed Files And Folders With Alternate
C olor. A week later you use Windows Explorer to see if files are being compressed. To your surprise,
user account subfolders, located directly under the Users folder created after you ran the compress
utility, are not compressed. Why did this happen and how can you fix it?
2. Your department has recently archived several GB of data from a computer running Windows 2000
Server to C D-ROMs. As users have added files to the server, you have noticed that the server has
been taking longer than usual to gain access to the hard disk. How can you increase disk access time
for the server?
3. You are the administrator for a computer running Windows 2000 Server that is used to store user's
home folders and roaming user profiles. You want to restrict users to 25 MB of available storage for
their home folder while monitoring, but not limiting, the disk space used for the roaming user profiles.
How should you configure the volumes on the server?
4. You notice that a new server is not performing as well as you expected. You need to obtain summary
information on a server's performance, and then you want to use a utility to obtain detailed reports of
performance bottlenecks. After you have resolved the performance problem, what should you do to
track the performance of the server as more users begin to access the server?
5. You want to filter out all network traffic except for traffic between two computers, and you also want
to locate specific data within the packets. Which Network Monitor filter features should you specify?
6. You goal is to make sure that only two network management stations in your organization are able to
communicate with the SNMP agents. What measures can you take when configuring the SNMP service
to enhance security?

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Chapter 14
Microsoft Windows 2000 Application Servers
About This Chapter

Microsoft Windows 2000 Server supports a number of services that extend the functionality of the Windows
2000 operating system. This chapter focuses on several of these services, including Internet Information
Services (IIS), Telnet services, and Terminal Services. The chapter also provides the information necessary
to implement each of these services into a Windows 2000 environment and administer that service once it is

Before You Begin

To complete the lessons in this chapter, you must have

 Server01 and Server02 running Windows 2000 Server.

 C ompleted the exercises in the previous chapters.

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Lesson 1: Exploring Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0

Windows 2000 Server includes an updated version of IIS (version 5.0). IIS runs as an enterprise service
within Windows 2000 and uses other services provided by Windows 2000, such as security and Active
Directory services. IIS 5.0 improves the Web server's reliability, performance, management, security, and
application services. Many of these improvements result from the way IIS 5.0 incorporates new operating
system features in Windows 2000. This lesson provides an overview of IIS 5.0 and explains how to install IIS
and configure a Web environment.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Install IIS 5.0 and configure a Web environment
Estimated lesson time: 40 minutes

Introduction to Microsoft IIS 5.0

While IIS 4.0 focused on security, administration, programmability, and support for Internet standards, IIS
5.0 builds on these capabilities to deliver the type of Web sites required in an increasingly intranet- and
Internet-centric business environment. In particular, IIS 5.0 has been improved in the following four areas:
reliability and performance, management, security, and application environment.

Reliability and Performance

IIS 5.0 performs better and is more reliable than previous versions of the product for a number of reasons.
Internally, the speed of the IIS 5.0 engine has been increased through coding refinements. The new Reliable
Restart feature lets system administrators quickly restart the server. Beyond these inherent capabilities, this
version introduces features you can use to improve the speed and reliability of Web sites.

One of the more significant improvements in IIS 5.0 is the addition of application protection through support
for pooled, out-of-process applications. To better control resource consumption, new throttling features
(based on the new job object feature of Windows 2000) make it easier for administrators to allocate the
amount of C PU bandwidth available to processes, as well as the amount of network bandwidth available to
sites. In addition, the new Socket Pooling feature allows multiple sites sharing a port also to share a set of

Application Protection

Most operating systems view a process as a unit of work in a system. Services and applications are processes
that run in memory areas allocated by the operating system to each process. In IIS 5.0, application
protection refers to the way in which the operating system guards each application process from other
processes in memory. In earlier versions of IIS, all Internet Server API (ISAPI) applications (including ASP
technology) shared the resources and memory of the IIS server process. Although this provided fast
performance, unstable components could cause the IIS server to hang or crash, which made it more difficult
to develop and debug new components. In addition, in-process components could not be unloaded unless the
server was restarted—which meant that modifying existing components would affect all sites that shared the
same IIS server, whether they were directly affected by the upgrade or not.

As a first step toward addressing these issues, IIS 4.0 allowed applications to run either in the same IIS
server process (Inetinfo.exe) or out-of-process, that is in a process separate from the IIS server process.
The DLLHost.exe acts as a surrogate application to the IIS server process to manage each out-of-process
application. Out-of-process applications are run separately from one another which is memory intensive and
less efficient than running in-process. In IIS 5.0, there is a third option: applications can be run in a pooled
process separate from the IIS server process. This approach allows related applications to be run together
without adversely affecting the IIS server process. These three options provide varying levels of protection,
each of which impacts performance. Greater isolation comes at the cost of slower performance.

Reliable Restart

In the event of a system failure, it's clearly important to be able to get IIS back to an operational state as
quickly as possible. In the past, rebooting was an acceptable, although not optimal, way to restart IIS. To
reliably restart IIS, an administrator needed to start up four separate services after every stoppage, and was
required to have specialized knowledge, such as which services to start and in what order. To avoid this,
Windows 2000 includes IIS Reliable Restart, which is a faster, easier, more flexible one-step restart process.

Socket Pooling

IIS 5.0 increases performance by adding the ability to optimize access to your Web site. A socket is a
protocol identifier for a particular node on a network. The socket consists of a node address and a port
number, which identifies the service. For example, port 80 on an Internet node represents the World Wide
Web HTTP service on a Web server.

In IIS 4.0, each Web site is bound to a different IP address, which means that each site has its own socket
that is not shared with sites bound to other IP addresses. Each sockets is created when the site starts, and

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consumes significant non-paged memory (RAM). This memory consumption limits the number of sites bound
to IP addresses that can be created on a single machine.

For IIS 5.0, this process has been modified so that sites bound to different IP addresses but sharing the same
port number can now share the same set of sockets. The end result is that more sites can be bound to an IP
address on the same machine than in IIS 4.0. In IIS 5.0, these shared sockets are used flexibly among all of
the started sites, thus reducing resource consumption.

Multisite Hosting

To improve the scalability of IIS, Windows 2000 Server supports the ability to host multiple Web sites on a
single server. This can save the time and money required within a company that wants to host different sites
for different departments, or for an ISP hosting multiple sites for different customers.

The key to hosting multiple sites on a single server is the ability to distinguish between them. This can be
done in several ways, each using the Web site's identification. Each Web site has a unique, three-part identity
it uses to receive and to respond to requests: a port number, an IP address, and a host header name. With
IIS 5.0, companies can host multiple Web sites on a single server by using one of three techniques: assigning
different ports, assigning different IP addresses, or assigning different host header names. Each Web site can
share two out of three unique characteristics and still be identified as a unique site.

IIS 4.0 also allows you to host multiple Web sites on a single server.
Process Throttling

If you run multiple Web sites that primarily use HTML pages on one computer, or if you have other
applications running on the same computer as your Web server, you can limit how much processor time a
Web site's applications are permitted to use. This can help ensure that processor time is available to other
Web sites or applications unrelated to IIS.

Bandwidth Throttling

If the network or Internet connection used by your Web server is also used by other services such as e-mail
or news, you may want to limit the bandwidth used by your Web server in order to free up bandwidth for
other services. Bandwidth Throttling is an improved feature in IIS 5.0 that allows administrators to regulate
the amount of server bandwidth each site uses by throttling the available bandwidth for the net card. For
example, this allows an ISP to guarantee a predetermined amount of bandwidth to each site.

IIS 4.0 allows you to throttle bandwidth on a per-Web site basis.


While IIS 4.0 introduced a significant number of new technologies, a core design goal for IIS 5.0 was to make
the Web server easier for managers to use. For example, some administrators found IIS 4.0 difficult to
install. With IIS 5.0, the installation process is built right into Windows 2000 Server Setup. In addition, to
make it easier to configure security settings, there are three new security wizards. This release also includes
improved command-line administration scripts as well as additional built-in management scripts.

Setup and Upgrade Integration

The setup process for IIS 5.0 is integrated with Windows 2000 Server setup, and IIS 5.0 installs by default as
a windows component of Windows 2000 Server. In the Windows C omponents wizard, it is listed as Internet
Information Services (IIS). During operating system setup, a wizard helps you either to install a new copy of
IIS 5.0 or to upgrade an older version.

IIS creates a default Web site, an Administration Web site, and a Default SMTP Virtual Server when you
install Windows 2000 Server. You can add or remove IIS or select additional components, such as the
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) Service, by using the Add/Remove Programs application in C ontrol
Panel. Then from Add/Remove Programs, start the Windows C omponents wizard, and click the Details button
of the Internet Information Services (IIS) component.

Centralized Administration

IIS 5.0 is managed by using the Internet Information Services snap-in (Figure 14.1), which is integrated with
other administrative functions of Windows 2000. (In previous releases this tool was called Internet Service
Manager.) You can access the Internet Information Services snap-in through the Internet Information
Services snap-in, which is located in the Administrative Tools program group. The Internet Information
Services snap-in is also located in the C omputer Management snap-in under Services and Applications.

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Figure 14.1 Internet Information Services snap-in

The browser-based administration tool, Internet Services Manager (HTML), is no longer available in the
Administrative Tools program group, but it is still available to let you remotely administer IIS over an HTTP or
HTTPS connection, depending on how you have the Administration Web site configured for security. You can
run Internet Services Manager (HTML) by selecting the Administration Web Site node in the console tree of
the Internet Information Services snap-in and then clicking Browse from the Action menu. Or you can access
it directly by specifying the server name, the TC P port number assigned to the site, and the administration
Web site address as shown in the Address field in Figure 14.2.

Figure 14.2 Administering IIS on Server01 from a remote computer


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The TC P port number assigned to the administration site is randomly selected and is between 2,000 and
9,999. View the Administration Web site Properties dialog box under the Web Site tab to determine or change
the port number assigned to the site.
Browsers other than Microsoft Internet Explorer can be used to access the administration Web site, but basic
authentication must be enabled if the browser does not support NTLM authentication and you don't want to
enable anonymous access. In addition, you can use Terminal Services to remotely administer IIS by using
the Internet Information Services snap-in.

Delegated Administration

To help distribute the workload of administrative tasks, administrators can add administration accounts to the
Operators group. Members of the Operators group have limited administration privileges on Web sites. For
example, an ISP that hosts sites for a number of different companies can assign delegates from each
company as the operators for each company's Web site. Operators can administer properties that affect only
their respective sites. They do not have access to properties that affect IIS, the Windows server computer
hosting IIS, or the network. This lets an IT or ISP administrator who hosts multiple Web sites on a single
server delegate the day-to-day management of the Web site without giving up total administrative control.

Process Accounting

Process Accounting (sometimes referred to as C PU Usage Logging, C PU Accounting, or Job Object

Accounting) is a new feature in IIS 5.0 that lets administrators monitor and log how Web sites use C PU
resources on the server. Processes Accounting adds fields to the W3C Extended log file to record information
about how Web sites use C PU resources on the server. ISPs can use this information to determine which sites
are using disproportionately high C PU resources or that may have malfunctioning scripts or C ommon
Gateway Interface (C GI) processes. IT managers can use this information to charge back the cost of hosting
a Web site or application to the appropriate division within a company or to determine how to adjust process
throttling to control resource utilization.

To enable process accounting on a site using the Internet Information Services snap-in, open the site's
property page and from the properties of the W3C Extended Log File Format, choose the Extended Properties
tab. In the Internet Service Manager (HTML), follow the same navigation and then choose the Extended
Properties link. Figure 14.3 shows the Extended Logging Properties dialog box and the Extended Logging
Options Web page.

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Figure 14.3 Enabling process accounting through the Extended Logging Properties dialog box or through the
Extended Logging Options Web page

Improv ed Command-Line Administration Scripts

IIS 5.0 ships with scripts that can be executed from the command line to automate the management of
common Web server tasks. These scripts are located in the \Inetpub\Scripts folder. Administration scripts
automate some of the most common administrative tasks. You can use them to create and control Web sites,
applications, directories, and more. Administrators can also create custom scripts that automate the
management of IIS. Windows Script Host (WSH) is used to run the .vbs administration scripts included in IIS

Backing Up and Restoring IIS

The Internet Information Services snap-in includes options that allow you to back up and restore your IIS
configuration so that you can save the IIS 5.0 metabase settings to make it easy to return to a safe, known
state. By using this method, you can back up and restore your Web server configuration, but not your content
files or those settings that remain in the registry.

To back up and restore your Web server configuration, select the IIS computer in Internet Information
Services snap-in, and then select the Backup/Restore C onfiguration option from the Action menu. The
C onfiguration Backup/Restore dialog box appears (Figure 14.4), which allows you to create a backup, restore
a backup, or delete a backup that has already been created.

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Figure 14.4 Accessing the Configuration Backup/Restore dialog box for Server01

Custom Error Messages

When a user attempts to connect to a Web site and an HTTP error occurs, a generic message is sent back to
the client browser with a brief description of what happened during the attempt to establish a connection. As
with IIS 4.0, with IIS 5.0 you can send more informative error messages to clients that encounter an ASP or
HTML error on your site. You can use the custom error messages that IIS 5.0 provides or create you own.

In IIS 5.0, the custom error messages are stored in %systemroot%\Help\iisHelp\common folder. In IIS 4.0
custom error messages are stored in the %systemroot%\Help\common folder. The prefix of the custom error
message file is the name of the error, and the extension is .htm. If the error message contains a period, such
as error 403.3, the corresponding custom message file name contains a hyphen, e.g., 403-3.htm.

Support for FrontPage Serv er Extensions

Windows 2000 Server allows administrators to use FrontPage Web authoring and management features to
deploy and manage Web sites. With FrontPage Server Extensions, administrators can view and manage a
Web site in a graphical interface. In addition, authors can create, edit, and post Web pages to IIS remotely.
The FrontPage Server Extensions snap-in allows you to administer the FrontPage Server Extensions and
FrontPage-extended Web sites.

Unlike previous versions of IIS, FrontPage Web is enabled by default. You can access the FrontPage
Extensions snap-in from the Server Extensions Administrator MMC or from the Internet Information Services
snap-in. The following two setup features in the FrontPage Server Extensions snap-in are important for
initially configuring and checking the extensions:

 Configuring an existing Web serv er to use the serv er extensions once a web site is
configured to use server extensions, web applications that depend on server extensions, like
frontpage, can operate against the Web site.
 Checking server extension security This feature allows you to check the security of any Web site
or a single Web site running Server Extensions.
In the Internet Information Services snap-in, configuring an existing Web server for server extensions is
accomplished by selecting a Web site and then, from the Action menu, pointing to New and clicking the Server
Extensions Web option. To check server extension security of all Web sites, choose Internet Information
Services in the console tree and then from the Action menu, point to All Tasks and click C heck Server
Extensions. To check server extensions on a single site, select the site from the console tree, and follow the
same navigation procedure as you did to check all sites.

Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning

The Web is a great medium for publishing documents, but until now it hasn't been easy for organizations to

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use the Internet to let users collaborate on documents. That's because while it is easy to read documents
stored on a Web site, it has not been easy for users to make changes to those documents. To address this
need, IIS 5.0 has added full support for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV).

By setting up a WebDAV directory on your Web server, you can let users share documents over the Internet
or an intranet. WebDAV in IIS 5.0 takes advantage of the security and file access features provided by
Windows 2000, so you can lock and unlock resources to let multiple people read a file, while only one person
at a time can modify the file. WebDAV is discussed in more detail in Lesson 2, "Administering A Web

Distributed File System

IIS 5.0 makes use of the Windows 2000 distributed file system (Dfs). Dfs is a means for uniting files on
different computers into a single namespace. Dfs lets system administrators build a single, hierarchical view
of multiple file servers and file server shares on the network, making it easier for users to access and
manage files that are physically distributed across a network. With Dfs, you can make files that are
distributed across multiple servers appear to users as if they reside in one place on the network. Users no
longer need to know and specify the actual physical location of files in order to access them.

For more information on Dfs, see C hapter 5, Lesson 1.

HTTP Compression

HTTP compression allows faster transmission of pages between a Web server and compression-enabled
clients. This is useful in situations where bandwidth is limited. Depending on the content you're hosting, your
storage space, and the connection speed of your typical Web site visitor, HTTP compression can provide
faster transmission of pages between your Web server and compression-enabled browsers.

In the Internet Information Services snap-in, HTTP C ompression is enabled from the master properties of the
Internet Information Services node. On the Internet Information Services Properties dialog box, click the Edit
button for the WWW Service and then choose the Service tab (Figure 14.5).

Figure 14.5 WWW Service Master Properties for Server01 as seen from the Internet Information Services

From the Internet Information Service (HTML) home page, click the Service option under Master Properties.
View the service properties and configure compression (Figure 14.6).

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Figure 14.6 WWW Service Master Properties for Server01 as seen from Internet Services Manager (HTML)

FTP and FTP Restart

The FTP service, an industry standard protocol used to publish information to a Web server, is integrated into
Windows 2000 Server. In IIS 5.0, the FTP Restart protocol is also supported by Windows 2000 Server. It
provides a faster and smoother way to download information from the Internet. If an interruption occurs
during data transfer from an FTP site, the download can continue where it left off, without having to download
the entire file again.

This feature is available only to FTP clients that support the FTP restart function. The FTP client initiates the
REST command to connect and continue a failed download.


Security features, which are an important area of improvement in IIS 5.0, take advantage of the
Internet-standard security features that are fully integrated with Windows 2000.

Security Standards

The security protocols supported in IIS 5.0 are described in the following table.

Security Protocol description

Fortezza Support for the U.S. government security

standard called Fortezza is new in IIS 5.0.
Fortezza satisfies the Defense Message System
security architecture with a cryptographic
mechanism that provides message confidentiality,
integrity, authentication, non-repudiation, and
access control to messages, components, and
systems. These features are implemented both
with server and browser software and with
PC MC IA card hardware.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 3.0 SSL security protocols are used widely by
Internet browsers and servers for authentication,
message integrity, and confidentiality. You can
configure your Web server's SSL security
features to verify the integrity of your content,
verify the identity of users, and encrypt network

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transmissions. SSL relies upon certificates.

Microsoft C ertificate Services can be used to
issue certificates. See C hapter 11, Lesson 1 "
Public Key Infrastructure" for additional
information on certificates and C ertificate

Transport Layer Security (TLS) TLS is based on SSL. It provides for

cryptographic user authentication and provides a
way for independent programmers to write
TLS-enabled code that can exchange
cryptographic information with another process
without a programmer needing to be familiar with
another programmer's code. In addition, TLS is
intended to provide a framework that can be
used by new public key and bulk encryption
methods as they emerge. TLS also focuses on
improving performance by reducing network
traffic and providing an optional session caching
scheme that can reduce the number of
connections that need to be established from

PKC S #7 This protocol describes the format of encrypted

data such as digital signatures or digital
envelopes. Both of these are involved in the
certificate features of IIS.

PKC S #10 This protocol describes the format of requests for

certificates that are submitted to certification

Basic authentication Basic Authentication is a part of the HTTP 1.0

specification. It sends passwords over networks
in Base64-encoded format. The Basic
Authentication method is a widely used,
industry-standard method for collecting user
name and password information. The advantage
of Basic Authentication is that it is part of the
HTTP specification, and is supported by most
browsers. The disadvantage is that Web browsers
using Basic Authentication transmit passwords in
an unencrypted form. By monitoring
communications on your network, someone could
easily intercept and decipher these passwords by
using publicly available tools. Therefore, Basic
Authentication is not recommended unless you
are confident that the connection between the
user and your Web server is secure, with a direct
cable connection, a dedicated line, or a secure

Digest authentication A new feature of IIS 5.0, Digest Authentication

offers the same features as Basic Authentication
but involves a different method for transmitting
the authentication credentials. The authentication
credentials pass through a one-way process,
often referred to as hashing. The result of this
process is called a hash, or message digest, and
the original text cannot be deciphered from the
hash. The server generates additional information
that is added to the password before hashing so
no one can capture the password hash and use it
to impersonate the true client. This is a shared
secret password methodology. This a clear
advantage over Basic Authentication, in which the
password can be intercepted and used by an
unauthorized person. Digest Authentication is
structured to be usable across proxy servers and
other firewall applications and is available to
WebDAV. Because Digest Authentication is a new
HTTP 1.1 feature, not all browsers support it. If a
non-compliant browser makes a request on a
server that requires Digest Authentication, the

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server will reject the request and send the client

an error message. Digest Authentication is
supported only for Windows 2000 domains, and
Internet Explorer version 5 or later is one of the
few browsers that supports this feature.

Integrated Windows Authentication This authentication method provides NTLM

(Windows NT C hallenge/Response) authentication
for older versions of Internet Explorer 3.0 that
use it to cryptographically authenticate with IIS.
Integrated Windows Authentication also provides
Web sites and new versions of Internet Explorer
with Kerberos v5 authentication. Integrated
Windows Authentication is only used if
Anonymous access is disabled or denied as a
result of NTFS permissions restrictions.
Integrated Windows Authentication is not
supported over Proxy server connections.

Security Mechanisms

IIS 5.0 uses five basic security mechanisms: authentication, certificates, access control, encryption, and


Authentication allows you to confirm the identity of anyone requesting access to your Web sites. IIS supports
the following types of authentication for HTTP and FTP services:

 Anonymous FTP and HTTP authentication

 Basic FTP and HTTP authentication
 Anonymous FTP and HTTP authentication
 Digest authentication for Windows 2000 Domains and browsers supporting this HTTP 1.1
authentication method
 Integrated Windows authentication (HTTP only)

To complete the authentication process, you need a mechanism for verifying user identities. C ertificates are
digital identification documents that allow both servers and clients to authenticate each other. They are
required for the server and client's browser to set up an SSL connection over which encrypted information
can be sent. Server certificates usually contain information about your company and the organization that
issued the certificate. C lient certificates usually contain identifying information about the user and the
organization that issued the certificate.

Access Control

After verifying the identity of a user, you'll want to control their access to resources on your server. IIS 5.0
uses two layers of access control: Web permissions and NTFS permissions. Web permissions apply to all HTTP
clients and define access to server resources. NTFS permissions define what level of access individual user
accounts have to folders and files on the server.


Once you've controlled access to information, you need to protect that information as it passes over the
Internet. You can let users exchange private information, such as credit card numbers or phone numbers,
with your server in a secure way by using encryption. Encryption scrambles the information before it is sent,
and decryption unscrambles it after it is received. The foundation for this encryption is the SSL 3.0 protocol
and the emerging TLS 1.0 protocol, which provides a secure way of establishing an encrypted communication
link with users. SSL confirms the authenticity of your Web site and, optionally, the identity of users accessing
restricted Web sites.


The last step to ensuring security is to regularly monitor your site's usage. Administrators can use security
auditing techniques to monitor a broad range of user and Web server security activity. Auditing consists of
creating auditing policies for directory and file access or server events, and monitoring the security logs to
detect any access attempts by unauthorized persons. For more information on auditing, read C hapter 11,
Lesson 5 "Windows 2000 Auditing."

Security Wizards

To make it simpler to establish and maintain security settings, IIS 5.0 includes three new security task

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wizards: the Web Server C ertificate wizard, the Permissions wizard, and the C ertificate Trust Lists wizard.

The C ertificate wizard simplifies certificate administration tasks, such as creating certificate requests and
managing the certificate life cycle. The Web Server C ertificate wizard is started from the Server C ertificate
button on the properties of a Web site in the Internet Information Services snap-in.

Figure 14.7 Starting the Web Server Certificate wizard on the Properties page of the Administration Web site


Using Internet Information Services (HTML) to create a Web server certificate is similar to using the Internet
Information Services snap-in; however, there is no HTML-based wizard to walk you through the configuration
SSL security is an increasingly common requirement for Web sites that provide e-commerce and access to
sensitive business information. The new wizard makes it easy to set up SSL-enabled Web sites on a Windows
2000 Server computer. In addition, this wizard makes it easier to establish and maintain SSL encryption and
client certificate authentication.

The Permissions wizard walks administrators through the tasks of setting up permissions and authenticated
access on an IIS Web site, making it much easier to set up and manage a Web site that requires
authenticated access to its content.

The Permissions wizard is started from the Internet Information Services snap-in. Select either a Web site or
FTP site. From the Action menu, point to All Tasks and then click Permissions wizard. Figure 14.8 shows the
Permissions Wizard screen started from the Internet Information Services snap-in.

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Figure 14.8 Permissions Wizard screen for the Default Web site

The Permissions wizard can also be started from Internet Services Manager (HTML) by selecting a Web or FTP
site from the home page and then clicking the Permissions Wizard link in the left frame of the home page, as
shown in Figure 14.9.

Figure 14.9 HTML-based Permissions Wizard screen for the Default Web site

The Permissions wizard provides two top-level options:

 Inherited security settings applied to the parent site or virtual directory

 Security settings based on a template
Two templates are available for configuring security: the Public Web Site template and the Secure Web Site
template. The Public Web Site template applies security settings that are cross-browser compatible and
provide access to the site regardless of whether the user has a Windows 2000 account for the network being
accessed. The Secure Web Site template applies security settings that only users with Windows 2000 user
accounts can access.

The C ertificate Trust List wizard allows administrators to configure certificate trust lists (C TLs). A C TL is a list
of trusted certification authorities (C As) for a particular directory. C TLs are especially useful for ISPs that
have several Web sites on their server and who need to have a different list of approved C As for each site.

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C TLs are available only at the Web site level and are not available for FTP sites.

After a Server C ertificate is configured for the site, the C ertificate Trust List wizard is run from the properties
of a Web site in the Internet Information Services snap-in. On the Directory Security tab of the Properties
dialog box, click the Edit button under Secure C ommunications to display the Secure C ommunications dialog
box. From this dialog box, select the Enable certificate trust list check box and then click New. The C ertificate
Trust List wizard appears (Figure 14.10).

Figure 14.10 Navigating to the Certificate Trust List wizard after enabling CTL

You can also enable and configure C TL from the Internet Service Manager (HTML), but there is no
corresponding HTML-based wizard. Additionally, you cannot edit the certificates through the HTML interface,
but you can edit the certificates from the Internet Information Services snap-in.

Application Environment

IIS 5.0 includes performance enhancements that make it easier to develop Web-enabled applications. The
Active Server Pages (ASP) technology within IIS, combined with the data access and component services
within Windows 2000 Server, provide a well-rounded application environment.

With this release, enhanced flow control and error handling, Windows Script Host C omponents, and other
improvements make ASP easier to use for script writers and Web application developers. In addition, features
such as scriptless ASP, ASP self-tuning, and performance-enhanced objects, as well as improvements within
the Windows 2000 operating system, can increase the speed of ASP applications.

ASP is a server-side scripting environment that you can use to create and run dynamic, interactive Web
server applications. With ASP, you can combine HTML pages, script commands, and C omponent Object Model
(C OM) components to create interactive Web pages or Web-based applications that are easy to deploy and
modify. There are a number of new ASP features in IIS 5.0, such as new flow control capabilities and error
handling features that make it easier to write and control the behavior of Web applications. Other new
features, such as scriptless ASP processing, improve the performance of ASP pages.

Component Services

IIS 5.0 and the C omponent Services (C OM+) included in Windows 2000 Server work together to form a basic
architecture for building Web applications. In IIS version 4.0, Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) provided
transaction support. In IIS 5.0 and Windows 2000, C omponent Services provides all the transaction support
of MTS, in addition to a number of other component development and deployment features. IIS uses the
functionality provided by C omponent Services to perform the following tasks:

 Isolate applications into distinct processes

 Manage communication between C OM components (including the ASP built-in objects)
 C oordinate transaction processing for transactional ASP applications
Activ e Directory Services

Active Directory services in Windows 2000 Server is used to store and manage information about networked
resources. By providing a centralized store for essential information, Active Directory services simplifies
network management, makes it easier for users to find resources, and makes it easier for developers to write

Microsoft Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) is a C OM-based directory service model that allows
ADSI-compliant client applications to access a wide variety of distinct directory protocols, including Active

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Directory services, LDAP, and NDS, while using a single, standard set of interfaces. ADSI shields the client
application from the implementation and operational details of the underlying data store or protocol.

IIS stores most Internet site configuration information in the IIS metabase. IIS exposes a low-level DC OM
interface that allows applications to gain access to and manipulate the metabase. To make it easy to access
the metabase, IIS also includes an ADSI provider that wraps most of the functionality provided by the DC OM
interface, and exposes it to any ADSI-compliant client applications.

For more information about the new features in IIS 5.0, see the Supplemental C ourse Materials C D-ROM
(\chapt14\articles\IISover.doc) that accompanies this book.

Installing IIS 5.0

Internet Information Services 5.0 is a component of the Windows 2000 operating system. Installation and
removal of IIS is accomplished in one of three ways: when installing or upgrading Windows 2000, by using
the Add/Remove Programs utility in C ontrol Panel, or by using an unattended.txt file during an unattended

When performing a clean installation of Windows 2000 Server, IIS is installed by default. You can remove IIS
or select IIS components to be added or removed by using the Add/Remove Programs utility.

When you upgrade from a previous version of Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT to Windows 2000,
Setup attempts to detect previous version of IIS, Peer Web Services, or Personal Web Server. If one of these
programs is detected, IIS 5.0 is installed. You cannot prevent an upgrade to IIS 5.0 if a previous version of
IIS, Peer Web Services, or Personal Web Server is detected. However, IIS 5.0 will not be installed if these
legacy services are not detected.

When installing IIS 5.0, either as an upgrade or as a clean install, Setup verifies that the TC P/IP protocol
suite is installed. If Setup does not find TC P/IP installed, it automatically installs the protocol suite and
configures it to use DHC P.

During the IIS installation, the Default Web site, Administration Web site, Default SMTP Virtual Server, and
Default FTP site are created. Managing the Web sites and the FTP site are discussed in more detail in Lesson 2
"Administering a Web Environment."

The Default SMTP Virtual Server is beyond the scope of this training. SMTP provides e-mail message delivery
support to intranet- and Internet-enabled applications.

Setting Up a Web Environment

Whether your site is on an intranet or the Internet, the principles of providing content are the same. You
place your Web files in folders on your server so that users can establish an HTTP connection and view your
files with a Web browser. But beyond simply storing files on your server, you must manage how your site is
deployed, and more importantly, how your site evolves.

Getting Started

You should set up your Web sites by indicating which folders contain the documents that you want to publish.
The Web server cannot publish documents that are not within these specified folders. So, the first step in
deploying a Web site should be to first determine how you want your files organized. You then use the
Internet Information Services snap-in, or the Internet Services Manager (HTML) interface to identify which
folders (called directories in the snap-in and HTML interface), are part of the site.

If you want to get started right away without having to create a special folder structure and your files are all
located on the same hard disk of the computer running IIS, you can publish your documents immediately by
copying your Web files into the default home folder. Intranet users can then access these files by using any of
the following URLs:

 http://<computer_name/file_name>
 http://<FQDN/file_name>
 http://<IP_address/file_name>
Where computer_name, FQDN, and IP_address identify the Web server.

In the following section, the words folder and folders are replaced by the words directory and directories
because the latter are used in the Internet Information Services interface.
Defining Home Directories

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Each Web site and FTP site must have one home directory. The home directory is the central location for your
published pages. It contains a home page (typically named index.htm, index.html, default.asp, default.htm, or
default.html) that welcomes Web browser users and contains links to other pages in your site. More than one
default document can be specified for a single site. IIS displays the first default document it finds. The home
directory is mapped to your site's domain name or to your server name. For example, if your site's Internet
domain name is www.microsoft.com and your home directory is C :\Website\Microsoft, browsers use the URL
http://www.microsoft.com to access files in your home directory. On an intranet, if your server name is
AcctServer, browsers can use the URL http://acctserver to access files in your home directory.

A default home directory is created when you install IIS and when you create a new Web site. If you are
setting up both a Web site and an FTP site on the same computer, you must specify a different home
directory for each service (WWW and FTP). The default home directory for the WWW service is
\InetPub\Wwwroot. The default home directory for the FTP service is \InetPub\Ftproot. You can choose a
different directory as your home directory.

You can use the Internet Information Services snap-in to change the home directory. Select a Web site or FTP
site and open its Properties dialog box. C lick the Home Directory tab, and then specify where your home
directory is located (Figure 14.11).

Figure 14.11 Home Directory tab of the Default Web Site Properties dialog box

If you select a directory on a network share, you may need to enter a user name and password to access the
resource. It is recommend that you use the IUSR_computername account. If you use an account that has
administration permissions on the server, clients can gain access to server operations. This seriously
jeopardizes the security of your network.

Notice that the home directory can reside on the computer running IIS, on a share, or be can be redirected to
a URL hosted by another Web site. The share option provides transparent support for Dfs.

Creating Virtual Directories

You can create a virtual directory to publish from a directory not contained within your home directory. A
virtual directory is one that is not contained in the home directory but appears to client browsers as though it

A virtual directory has an alias, a name that Web browsers use to access that directory. Because an alias is
usually shorter than the path name of the directory, it is more convenient for users to type. An alias also is
more secure; users do not know where your files are physically located on the server and cannot use that
information to modify your files. Aliases also make it easier for you to move directories in your site. Rather
than change the URL for the directory, you can simply change the mapping between the alias and the physical
location of the directory.

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For a simple Web site, you may not need to add virtual directories. You can instead place all of your files in
the site's home directory. If you have a complex site or want to specify different URLs for different parts of
your site, you can add virtual directories as needed.

The Internet Information Services snap-in or the Internet Services Manger (HTML) allows you to create a
virtual directory. In the Internet Information Services snap-in, select the Web site or FTP site to which you
want to add a virtual directory. From the Action menu, click New and then click Virtual Directory. The Virtual
Directory C reation wizard walks you through the process of creating a virtual directory (Figure 14.12).

Figure 14.12 Creating a virtual directory for the Default Web site using the Virtual Directory Creation wizard

In Internet Services Manager (HTML), the same link used to create a new site is also used to publish your
content to a virtual directory or a directory. After selecting a site in Internet Services Manager (HTML) and
clicking New link in the left frame, the IIS New Site wizard appears. On the next screen in the wizard, you
select the Virtual Directory radio button to publish a new virtual directory.

Reroute Requests with Redirects

When a browser requests a page on your Web site, the Web server locates the page identified by the URL and
returns it to the browser. When you move a page on your Web site, you can't always correct all of the links
that refer to the old URL of the page. To make sure that browsers can find the page at the new URL, you
instruct the Web server to give the browser the new URL. The browser uses the new URL to request the page
again. This process is called redirecting a browser request or redirecting to another URL. Redirecting a
request for a page is similar to using a forwarding address with a postal service. The forwarding address
ensures that letters and packages addressed to your original residence are delivered to your new residence.

Redirecting a URL is useful when you are updating your Web site and want to make a portion of the site
temporarily unavailable, or when you have changed the name of a virtual directory and want links to files in
the original virtual directory to access the same files in the new virtual directory.

You can use the Internet Information Services snap-in to redirect requests to a Web site, a virtual directory,
or another directory. Select the Web site, virtual directory, or directory and open its Properties dialog box.
For a Web site, use the Home Directory tab; for a virtual directory, use the Virtual Directory tab; for a
directory, use the Directory tab. Select the A Redirection To A URL option, and type the URL of the destination
in the Redirect To text box.

Other Tools

Often, it may be useful to dynamically alter Web content after the content has been requested, but before it is
returned to the browser. IIS includes two features that provide this functionality: server-side includes (SSI)
and the ASP scripting environment.

Using SSI, you can carry out a whole host of Web site management activities from adding dynamic
time-stamping to running a special shell command each time a file is requested. SSI commands, called
directives, are added to Web pages at design time. When a page is requested, the Web server parses out all
the directives it finds in a Web page and then executes them. A commonly used SSI directive inserts, or
includes, the contents of a file into a Web page. For example, if you are required to continually update a Web
page advertisement, you could use SSI to include the advertisement's HTML source into the Web page. To
update the advertisement, you need only modify the file containing advertisement's HTML source. You do not

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have to know a scripting language to use SSI; simply follow the correct directive syntax.

ASP is a server-side scripting environment that you can use to dynamically alter Web content. Although ASP
is primarily designed for Web application development, it has many features that can be used to make Web
sites easier to manage. For example, with ASP you can track users visiting a Web site, or you can customize
Web content based on browser capabilities. However, unlike SSI, ASP requires you to use a scripting
language such as VBScript or JScript.

Using ASP to Manage Web Site Content

Windows 2000 includes Microsoft ASP, a server-side scripting environment that you can use to automate and
centralize many of your Web site management tasks.


A script is a series of instructions and commands that you can use to programmatically alter the content of
your Web pages. If you have ever visited an online store that enabled you to search for items and check
product availability, then you have undoubtedly encountered some type of script.

There are two kinds of scripting: client-side and server-side. C lient-side scripts run on the Web browser and
are embedded in a Web page between HTML <SC RIPT> and </SC RIPT> tags. If you view the HTML source
for a highly dynamic Web page, you will most likely discover a client-side script.

Server-side scripts run exclusively on the Web server and are most often used to modify Web pages before
they are delivered to the browser. Server-side scripts can instruct the Web server to perform an action such
as process user input or log how often a user visits your Web site. You can think of server-side scripts as
affecting how the Web server assembles a Web page before it's sent to the browser. Server-side scripts can
greatly facilitate your management of Web content by processing data and automatically updating Web

ASP Ov erview

Just as you might write a custom macro to automate repetitive spreadsheet or word processing tasks, you
can create a server-side script to automatically perform difficult or repetitious Web management tasks.
Imagine that you need to update a Web site consisting of several dozen pages containing identical formatting
information (bylines, company logos, copyright information, and so on). Normally, such work is time
consuming and requires that you update (and test) each page manually. However, you can use ASP to
automate such work.

ASP is a powerful, server-side scripting environment that you can use to write scripts with only a standard
text editor, such as Notepad. For example, using ASP you could create a central file that contains information
common to all of the pages of a Web site. While designing the Web site, you could add a one-line script
command to each page that inserts the contents of the central file. Whenever you need to update your site's
navigation menu, for example, you need only update the central file; changes would automatically appear the
next time a user reloads and views the Web content.

ASP uses delimiters to differentiate script commands from regular text and HTML. Specifically, <% and %>
delimiters enclose script commands that are to be executed by the server, as opposed to < and > delimiters
used by HTML to denote tags that are to be parsed by a Web browser.

The following example illustrates how ASP works:

author = "Max"
department = "Quality Assurance"

This page was updated <B>today</B>, by <%= author %> from

the <%= department %> Department.

When viewed in a Web browser, a page containing this script appears as follows:

This page was updated today, by Max from the Quality Assurance

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However, a user viewing the source for this page from a Web browser would see only the following text and

This page was updated <B>today</B>, by Max from the Quality Assurance

The script runs on the server (that is, commands within the <% and %> delimiters are executed on the
server) and returns only HTML to a user's browser.

At a minimum, all ASP files must have an .ASP extension and contain script commands written in a scripting
language such as Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) or Microsoft JScript. If you are new to
scripting and need to learn the fundamentals, visit the Microsoft Windows Script Technologies Web site at

Exercise 1: Accessing the Administration Web Site

In this exercise you use the Internet Information Services snap-in to configure the Administration Web site.
You configure access to this sensitive area of the Web server. You then run Internet Service Manager (HTML)
to test access capability to the site. C omplete this exercise on Server01.
 Procedure 1: Configuring the Administration Web site with the Internet Information Serv ices
In this procedure you use the Internet Informations Services snap-in to configure the Administration Web
1. Log on to Server01 as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. C lick the Start button, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and click Internet Services
The Internet Information Services snap-in appears.
3. In the console tree, expand * server01
Four containers appears under * server01: Default FTP site, Default Web site, Administration Web
site, and Default SMTP Virtual Server.
4. In the console tree, expand Administration Web site.
Notice that two virtual directories, IISAdmin and IISHelp, appear.
5. In the console tree, click on Administration Web site.
6. C lick the Action menu and then click Properties.
The Administration Web Site Properties dialog box appears.
7. With the Web Site tab active, record the TC P Port value appearing in the TC P Port text box.

This random value between 2000-9999 is referred to in this exercise as a variable with a name of
8. Under the Enable Logging check box, verify that W3C Extended Log File Format is selected and then
click the Properties button.
The Extended Logging Properties dialog box appears. Notice that the log file is stored in the
%WinDir%\System32\LogFiles, which is equivalent to %SystemRoot%\System32\LogFiles.
9. C lick the Extended Properties tab.
10. Scroll down to the bottom of the Extended Logging Options box and then select the Process
Accounting check box.
11. C lick OK to close the Extended Logging Properties dialog box.

The Administration Web Site Properties dialog box appears.

12. C lick the Directory Security tab.
13. In the Anonymous Access And Authentication C ontrol region of the screen, click the Edit button.

The Authentication Methods dialog box appears.

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Notice that Anonymous access is not available to the Administration Web site, Basic authentication is
not enabled, and that Integrated Windows authentication is enabled.

This configuration means that a browser client connecting to the Administration Web site must be able
to authenticate using either secure NTLM or Kerberos authentication. The type of Integrated Windows
authentication method used is browser dependent.
14. Select the Digest Authentication For Windows Domain Servers check box.

An IIS WWW C onfiguration message box appears and explains that only Windows 2000 domain
accounts can be used and that passwords will be stored as encrypted clear text.
15. C lick Yes.

This provides additional security in your Windows 2000 domain. You will only be using Windows 2000
domain user accounts to access the Administration Web site.
16. C lick OK to close the Authentication Methods dialog box.

The Administration Web Site Properties dialog box appears.

17. In the IP Address And Domain Name Restrictions region of the screen, click the Edit button.

The IP Address and Domain Name Restrictions dialog box appears.

Notice that the Denied Access radio button is selected and that only the local loopback address, is granted access to this area.
18. C lick the Granted Access radio button so that you can access the Administration Web site from any
computer in your training network.
For additional security, consider adding specific IP addresses, a scope of IP addresses, or computers
within a specific domain that can access the Administration Web site. This last option is resource
intensive and not recommended for most implementations of IIS 5.0.
19. C lick OK.
20. C lick OK to close the Administration Web Site Properties dialog box.

The Inheritance Overrides dialog box appears and explains that the C hild node, IISAdmin, defines
the value of "Authentication Methods." You will override the currently configured value in favor of the
value you configured for the Administration Web Site node.
21. In the C hild Nodes box, click IISAdmin and then click OK.

The Inheritance Overrides dialog box appears again for the IISHelp C hild node.
22. C lick IISHelp and click OK.
23. C lose Internet Information Services snap-in.
 Procedure 2: Accessing the Administration Web site from Internet Service Manager (HTML)
In this procedure you attempt to access the Administration Web site with the new settings you configured in
the previous procedure.

The tcp_port variable in this procedure must be replaced with the value you obtained from the previous
1. On Server01, click the Start button and then click Run.

The Run dialog box appears.

2. In the Open text box, type http://serv er01:<tcp_port> and then click OK.
Internet Explorer starts and a Microsoft Internet Explorer text box appears and explains that you are
not running a secure connection for Web-based administration.

This means that while authentication information between the browser and the Administration Web
site is secure, data transmission after the connection is established is not secure.
3. C lick OK.
Internet Explorer shows the Internet Services Manager (HTML) interface.
4. Explore the three Web sites appearing in the main window of the interface. Use the links in the left
frame to explore the features discussed in this lesson.
5. C lose Internet Explorer.
 Procedure 3: Configuring SSL access to the Administration Web site
In this procedure, you apply the SSL protocol to the Administration Web site to establish secure
communications when operating on this site. To do this, you issue your own server certificate using Server01
and C ertificate Services.

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You installed C ertificate Services in C hapter 11, "Exercise 1: Installing and C onfiguring C ertificate Services."
1. On Server01, open Internet Services Manager.

The Internet Information Services snap-in appears.

2. In the console tree, expand * server01.
3. C lick on the Administration Web site.
4. C lick the Action menu and then click Properties.
The Administration Web Site Properties dialog box appears.
5. C lick the Directory Security tab.
6. In the Secure communications region of the screen, click Server C ertificate.
The Welcome to the Web Server C ertificate wizard appears.
7. Read the information on this screen and then click Next.
The IIS C ertificate wizard appears.
8. C onfirm that the C reate A New C ertificate radio button is selected and then click Next.
The Delayed or Immediate Request screen appears.
9. C lick the Send The Request Immediately To An Online C ertification Authority radio button and then
click Next.
The Name and Security Settings screen appears.

Notice that the default name given to this certificate is Administration Web site and that the bit length
is set to 512 bits.
10. C lick Next.

The Organization Information screen appears.

11. In the Organization drop-down list box, type Microsoft Corporation and in the Organizational Unit
drop-down list box, type Microsoft Press.
12. C lick Next.

The Your Site's C ommon Name screen appears.

13. In the C ommon Name text box, type serv er01.microsoft.com. and then click next.

The Geographical Information screen appears.

14. Do not change the value in the C ountry/Region drop-down list box.
15. In the State/Province drop-down list box, type Washington and in the C ity/Locality drop-down list
box, type Redmond.
16. C lick Next.

The C hoose a C ertification Authority screen appears and server01.microsoft.com\Enterprise C A

appears in the C ertification Authorities drop-down list box.
17. C lick Next.

The C ertificate Request Submission screen appears.

18. Read through the summary information on this screen and then click Next.

After a few moments, the C ompleting the Web Server C ertificate Wizard screen appears.
19. C lick Finish.

The Administration Web Site Properties dialog box appears. Notice that under the Secure
communications region of the screen, the View C ertificate and Edit buttons are now available.
20. In the Secure communications region of the screen, click the Edit button.

The Secure C ommunications dialog box appears.

21. C lick the Require Secure C hannel (SSL) check box.
22. Verify that the Ignore C lient C ertificates radio button is selected and then C lick OK.

The Administration Web Site Properties dialog box appears.

23. C lick the Web Site tab.
24. In the SSL Port field, type 5000.
25. C lick OK.
26. C lose the Internet Information Services snap-in.
 Procedure 4: Testing access to the secured Administration Web site
In this procedure you test access to the Administration Web site now that a server certificate and SSL has
been configured for the site.
1. On Server01, click the Start button and then click Run.

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The Run dialog box appears.

2. In the Open text box, type http://serv er01:<tcp_port> and then click OK.
The tcp_port variable in this procedure must be replaced with the value you obtained in Procedure 1.

Internet Explorer starts and a message appears, explaining that the page must be viewed over a
secure channel.
3. In the Internet Explorer Address drop-down list box, type https://serv er01.microsoft.com:5000
and then click Go. The 5000 value is the SSL_port value you entered on the Web Site tab.
A Security Alert message box appears stating that you are about to view information over a secure
4. C lick the In The Future Do Not Show This Warning check box and then click OK.
The Enter Network Password dialog box appears.
5. In the User Name text box, type Administrator, in the Password text box, type "password," and in the
Domain text box, type microsoft.
6. Select the Save This Password In Your Password List check box and then click OK.
The Internet Services Manager (HTML) interface appears. Notice that there is a lock icon on the
bottom right corner of the status bar.
7. Place the mouse pointer on top of the lock icon.
Notice that a tip states: "SSL secured (56 Bit)." 128-bit encryption is available from the Secure
C ommunications dialog box for the properties of the site. In the previous procedure, you configured
SSL for the connection but you did not require 128-bit encryption.
8. Double-click the lock icon.
The C ertificate dialog box appears.
9. Review the information under the tabs of the C ertificate dialog box.
From the C ertificate dialog box you can run the C ertificate Import wizard to copy certificate
information from the local computer to a certificate store.
10. C lick OK.
11. C lose the Internet Services Manager (HTML) interface.

Lesson Summary

IIS 5.0 introduces improvements in reliability and performance, management, security, and application
environment. IIS also introduces features you can use to improve the speed and reliability of Web sites, such
as the addition of application protection through support for pooled, out-of-process applications. In addition,
IIS 5.0 makes the Web server easier for managers to use. For example, the installation process is built right
into Windows 2000 Server Setup. And, to make it easier to configure security settings, there are three new
security wizards. Security features are an important area of improvement in IIS 5.0, which takes advantage
of the Internet-standard security features that are fully integrated with Windows 2000. IIS 5.0 also adds
performance enhancements to make it easier to debug and deploy Web-enabled applications. Installation and
removal of IIS is accomplished in one of three ways: when installing or upgrading Windows 2000, by using
the Add/Remove Programs utility in C ontrol Panel, or by using an unattended.txt file during an unattended
installation. When IIS is installed, a Default Web site, Administration Web site and Default SMTP Virtual
Server are created. You should set up your Web sites by indicating which directories contain the documents
that you want to publish. Each Web or FTP site must have one home directory. To publish from any directory
not contained within your home directory, you can create a virtual directory. Windows 2000 includes Microsoft
ASP, a server-side scripting environment that you can use to automate and centralize many of your Web site
management tasks.

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Lesson 2: Administering a Web Environment

When IIS is installed, a default Web site is created, allowing you to quickly and easily implement a Web
environment. However, you can modify that Web environment to meet your specific needs. In addition, you
can implement WebDAV, which allows you to share documents over the Internet or an intranet. This lesson
covers several aspects of administering a Web environment: Web site management, FTP site management,
and WebDAV publishing. Administering Web and FTP sites is very similar and, as a result, are discussed
together. This is followed by a discussion of WebDAV publishing.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Administer Web and FTP sites
 Manage WebDAV publishing
Estimated lesson time: 35 minutes

Administering Web and FTP Sites

Originally, each domain name, such as www.microsoft.com, represented an individual computer. With IIS 5.0,
multiple Web sites or FTP sites can be hosted simultaneously on a single computer running Windows 2000
Server. Each Web site can host one or more domain names. Because each site mimics the appearance of an
individual computer, sites are sometimes referred to as virtual servers.

Web Sites and F TP Sites

Whether your system is on an intranet or the Internet, you can create multiple Web sites and FTP sites on a
single computer running Windows 2000 in one of three ways:

 Append port numbers to the IP address

 Use multiple IP addresses, each having its own network adapter card
 Assign multiple domain names and IP addresses to one network adapter card by using host header
The example in Figure 14.13 illustrates an intranet scenario where the system administrator has installed
Windows 2000 Server with IIS on the company's server, resulting in one default Web site:
http://CompanyServer. The system administrator then creates two additional Web sites, one for each of two
departments: marketing and human resources.

Figure 14.13 An intranet with multiple Web sites

Though hosted on the same computer, C ompanyServer, Marketing, and HumanResources each appears to be

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a unique Web site. These departmental sites have the same security options as they would if they existed on
separate computers because each site has its own access and administration permission settings. In addition,
the administrative tasks can be distributed to members of each department.

When creating a very large number of sites, be sure to consider computer hardware and network limitations
and upgrade these resources as necessary.
Properties and Inheritance of Properties on Sites

Properties are values that can be set on your Web site. For example, you can use the Internet Information
Services snap-in to change the TC P port assigned to the default Web site from the default value of 80 to
another port number. Properties for a site are displayed in the Properties dialog box (Figure 14.14) for that
site and stored in a database called the metabase.

Figure 14.14 Properties dialog box for the default Web site

During the installation of IIS, default values were assigned to the various properties. You can use the default
settings in IIS, or you can customize these settings to suit your Web publishing needs. You may be able to
provide additional value, better performance, and improved security by making adjustments to the default

In Exercise 1 in this chapter you adjusted the properties of the Administration Web site to increase security to
this sensitive area.
Properties can be set on the site level, directory level, or on the file level. Settings on higher levels (such as
the site level) are automatically used, or inherited, by the lower levels (such as the directory level) but can
still be edited individually at the lower level as well. Once a property has been changed on an individual site,
directory, or file, later changes to the master defaults will not automatically override the individual setting.
Instead, you will receive a warning message asking whether you want to change the individual site, directory,
or file setting to match the new defaults.

Some properties have a value that takes the form of a list. For instance, the value of the default document
can be a list of documents to be loaded when users do not specify a file in a URL. C ustom error messages,
TC P/IP access control, script mappings, and MIME mappings are other examples of properties stored in a list
format. Although these lists have multiple entries, IIS treats the entire list as a single property. If you edit a
list on a directory and then make a global change on the site level, the list at the directory level is completely
replaced with the new list from the site level; the lists are not merged. Also, properties with list values display
their lists only at the master level, or on a site or directory that has been changed from the default value. List
values are not displayed if they are the inherited defaults.

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Master properties, server extensions, bandwidth throttling, and MIME mapping for a site's services are viewed
from the properties of a computer node appearing in the Internet Information Services snap-in or in the
Internet Services Manager (HTML) interface. Figure 14.15 shows the WWW Service master properties
accessed from the first Edit button appearing in the Properties screen of a computer node.

Figure 14.15 WWW Service Master Properties for Server01

On the Internet Services Manager (HTML) interface there is a Master Properties link and drop-down list box on
the left frame of the home page (Figure 14.2).

Internet Server API (ISAPI) filters are displayed in a list format, but are not treated as a list. If you add filters
at the site level, the new filters are merged with the list of filters from the master level. If two filters have the
same priority setting, the filter from the master level is loaded before the filter from the site level. Installed
ISAPI filters and their priority are viewed from the ISAPI Filters tab contained in the WWW Service Master
Properties, and on the properties page of each Web site.

If the default property values need to be modified and you are creating several Web or FTP sites, you can
edit the default values so that each site you create inherits your custom values.

Operators Group

Operators are a special group of users who have limited administrative privileges on individual Web sites.
Members of the Operators group can administer properties that affect only their respective sites. They do not
have access to properties that affect IIS, the Windows server computer hosting IIS, or the network.

For example, an ISP who hosts sites for a number of different companies can assign delegates from each
company as the operators for each company's Web site. This method of distributed server administration has
the following advantages:

 Each member of the Operators group can act as the site administrator and can change or reconfigure
the Web site as necessary. For example, the operator can set Web site access permissions, enable
logging, change the default document or footer, set content expiration, and enable content ratings
 The Web site operator is not permitted to change the identification of Web sites, configure the
anonymous user name or password, throttle bandwidth, create virtual directories or change their
paths, or change application isolation.
 Because members of the Operators group have more limited privileges than Web site administrators,
they are unable to remotely browse the file system and therefore cannot set properties on directories
and files, unless a UNC path is used.
Administering Sites Remotely

Because it may not always be convenient to perform administrative tasks on the computer running IIS, two
remote administration options are available. If you are connecting to your server over the Internet or through
a proxy server, you can use the browser-based Internet Services Manager (HTML) to change properties on
your site. If you are on an intranet, you can use either the Internet Services Manager (HTML) or the Internet
Information Services snap-in. Although Internet Services Manager (HTML) offers many of the same features
as the snap-in, property changes that require coordination with Windows utilities, such as certificate mapping,
cannot be made with Internet Services Manager (HTML).

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In previous releases the Internet Information Services snap-in was called the Internet Services Manager. The
Internet Information Services snap-in appears on the Administrative Tools menu as Internet Services
Internet Services Manager (HTML) uses a Web site listed as Administration Web site to access IIS properties.
When IIS is installed, a port number between 2,000 and 9,999 is randomly selected and assigned to this Web
site. The site responds to Web browser requests for all domain names installed on the computer, provided the
port number is appended to the address. If Basic authentication is used, the administrator will be asked for a
user name and password when the site is reached. Only members of the Administrators group and Operators
group can use the site.

Although the HTML version of Internet Services Manager (HTML) has much of the same functionality of the
Internet Information Services snap-in, the HTML version is designed along the lines of a Web page. Accessing
context menus on interface objects is not supported. Many of the familiar toolbar buttons or tab headings are
displayed as links in the left frame. Because of these differences, instructions in the documentation may not
always precisely describe the steps performed in Internet Services Manager (HTML).
You can also use Terminal Services over a network connection (such as LAN, PPTP, or dial-up) to remotely
administer IIS. Terminal Services does not require you to install Microsoft Management C onsole (MMC ) or the
Internet Information Services snap-in on the remote computer.

The IIS 5.0 online documentation is available for you to use when you are performing remote administration
tasks. To reach the documentation, start the Administration Web site and then click the book icon in the top
right corner of the home page. This link opens a new window to the following URL
http://<servername>/iishelp/iis/misc/default.asp , where <servername> is an identifying name (IP address,
computer name, or FQDN) of the computer running IIS.

The IIS documentation search function is dependent on the Indexing Service. The Indexing Service is
installed in Windows 2000 Server by default but is set to manual startup. The Indexing Service is configured
from the C omputer Management snap-in under the Services and Applications node. So that the IIS 5.0
documentation is indexed for searches, add the physical path to the iisHelp folder to the Web Directories
folder for the Indexing Service. After configuring the Indexing Service, startup can be set to Automatic by
using the Services snap-in.

The Indexing Service can be processor intensive, particularly if a significant amount of material must be
indexed. C onsider running Indexing Service functions on a computer with enough resources to accommodate
this function.
FTP Restart

FTP Restart addresses the problem of losing a network connection while down-loading files. C lients that
support FTP Restart need only re-establish their FTP connection, and the file transfer automatically picks up
where it left off.

The IIS 5.0 implementation of FTP Restart is not enabled when using FTP to download wildcard requests
(MGET), uploading files to a server (PUT), or downloading files larger than 4 gigabytes.

Managing Sites

The process of managing sites includes a number of tasks, such as starting and stopping sites, adding sites,
naming sites, and restarting IIS.

Starting and Stopping Sites

By default, sites start automatically when your computer restarts. Stopping a site stops Internet services and
unloads Internet services from your computer's memory. Pausing a site prevents Internet services from
accepting new connections but does not affect requests that are already being processed. Starting a site
restarts or resumes Internet services.

To start, stop, or pause a site, use the Internet Information Services snap-in. Select the site you want to
start, stop, or pause, and then click the Start Item, Stop Item, or Pause Item button on the toolbar.

If a site stops unexpectedly, the Internet Information Services snap-in may not correctly indicate the state of
the server. Before restarting, click Stop, and then click Start to restart the site.
Adding Sites

You can add new sites to a computer by launching the Web Site C reation wizard, the FTP Site C reation
wizard, or the SMTP Virtual Server wizard in the Internet Information Services snap-in. Select the computer

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or a site, click the Action menu, click New, and then click Web Site, FTP Site, or SMTP Virtual Server to launch
the corresponding wizard.

The SMTP Virtual Server wizard is beyond the scope of this training kit and is therefore not explained any
Follow the on-screen directions to assign identification information to your new site. You must provide the port
address and the home directory path. If you are adding additional sites to a single IP address by using host
headers, you must assign a host header name.

The All Unassigned option in the Enter the IP address to use for this Web Site drop-down list of the Web Site
C reation wizard (or in the IP Address drop-down list in the FTP Site C reation wizard) refers to IP addresses
that are assigned to a computer but not assigned to a specific site. The default Web site uses all of the IP
addresses that are not assigned to other sites. Only one site can be set to use unassigned IP addresses.
Naming Web Sites

Each Web site (virtual server) has a descriptive name and can support one or more host header names. Host
header names make it possible to host multiple domain names on one computer. Not all browsers support the
use of host header names. Internet Explorer 3.0, Netscape Navigator 2.0, and later versions of both browsers
support the use of host header names; earlier versions of the browsers do not.

If a visitor attempts to connect to your site with an older browser that does not support host headers, the
visitor is directed to the default Web site assigned to that IP address (if a default site is enabled), which may
not necessarily be the site requested. Also, if a request from any browser is received for a site that is
currently stopped, the visitor receives the default Web site instead. For this reason, carefully consider what
the default Web site displays. Typically, ISPs display their own home page as the default, and not one of their
customers' Web sites. This prevents requests for a stopped site from reaching the wrong site. Additionally,
the default site can include a script that supports the use of host header names for older browsers.

You can use the Internet Information Services snap-in to name a site. Select the Web site and open its
Properties dialog box. On the Web Site tab, type a descriptive name for the site in the Description box (Figure

Stop, Start, Restart, or Reboot in IIS

In IIS 5.0, you can stop, start, or reset (restart option) all of your Internet services or reboot the server from
within the Internet Information Services snap-in. The stop, start, and restart functions makes it less likely that
you will need to reboot the server when applications misbehave or become unavailable.

The restart function conveniently stops and starts internet services, effectively resetting the service. To
restart IIS, select the C omputer node in the console tree, click the Action menu, and then select Restart IIS.
Figure 14.16 shows the resulting Stop/Start/Reboot dialog box.

Figure 14.16 Restarting Internet Services on Server01

The drop-down list box shown in Figure 14.16 also contains start and stop IIS options and the Reboot Server

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Restarting will stop all Drwtsn32.exe, Mtx.exe, and Dllhost.exe processes in order to restart Internet services.
You cannot stop or start IIS or reboot the server by using browser-based Internet Services Manager (HTML).
However, both the snap-in and the HTML interface can be used to individually start, stop, pause, and resume
individual sites.
You should use the Internet Information Services snap-in to restart Internet services, not the Services
snap-in in C omputer Management. Because several Internet services run in one process, Internet services
shut down and restart differently from other Windows services.

Backing Up and Restoring IIS

You can back up your IIS configuration so that it is easy to return to a previous state. The steps to restore a
configuration differ depending upon whether you removed and reinstalled IIS.

You can use the Internet Information Services snap-in to back up your IIS configuration. Select the C omputer
node in the console tree, click the Action menu, and then select Backup/Restore C onfiguration.

This backup method will provide a way to restore only your IIS settings, not your content files. In addition,
this method will not work if you re-install your operating system, and Backup files cannot be used to restore
an IIS configuration on other Windows 2000 computers.

You can back up IIS using the Internet Services Manager (HTML) interface, but you must use the Internet
Information Services snap-in to restore your configuration. The Backup C onfiguration link appears in the left
pane of the Internet Services Manager (HTML) interface (Figure 14.2).
To restore your IIS configuration in the Internet Information Services snap-in, select the C omputer node in
the console tree, click the Action menu, and then click Backup/Restore C onfiguration. Select a backup file and
click the Restore button. When asked whether to restore your configuration settings, click Yes.

Managing WebDAV Publishing

WebDAV extends the HTTP/1.1 protocol to allow clients to publish, lock, and manage resources on the Web.
Integrated into IIS, WebDAV allows clients to do the following:

 Manipulate resources in a WebDAV publishing directory on your server. For example, with this
feature, users with the apporpriate permissions can copy and move files around in a WebDAV
 Modify properties associated with certain resources. For example, a user can write to and retrieve a
file's property information.
 Lock and unlock resources so that multiple users can read a file concurrently, but only one person at
a time can modify the file.
 Search the content and properties of files in a WebDAV directory.
Setting up a WebDAV publishing directory on your server is as straightforward as setting up a virtual
directory. Once you have set up your publishing directory, users with the appropriate permissions can publish
documents to the server and manipulate files in the directory.

WebDAV Clients

You can access a WebDAV publishing directory through one of the Microsoft products described in the
following list, or through any other client that supports the industry standard WebDAV protocol.

 Windows 2000 connects to a WebDAV server through the Add Network Place wizard and displays the
contents of a WebDAV directory as if it were part of the same file system on your local computer.
Once connected, you can drag and drop files, retrieve and modify file properties, and do many other
file-system tasks.
For example, if you create a virtual directory named WebDAV under the Default Web site on
server01.microsoft.com, you can access it from the following address:

 Internet Explorer 5 connects to a WebDAV directory and lets you do the same file-system tasks as
you can through Windows 2000.
Make sure to enable the Directory Browsing permission in the properties of the virtual directory in
order to access the virtual directory using Internet Explorer 5.

 Office 2000 creates, publishes, edits, and saves documents directly into a WebDAV directory through
any application in Office 2000.
Searching in WebDAV

Once connected to a WebDAV directory, you can quickly search the files on that directory for content as well
as properties. For example, you can search for all files that contain the word table or for all files written by

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Integrated Security

Because WebDAV is integrated with Windows 2000 and IIS 5.0, it borrows the security features offered by
both. These features include the IIS permissions specified in the Internet Information Services snap-in and
the discretionary access control lists (DAC Ls) in the NTFS file system.

Because clients with proper permissions can write to a WebDAV directory, it is vital that you can control who
is accessing your directory at all times. To help control access, IIS 5.0 has reinforced Integrated Windows
authentication by building in support for the Kerberos 5 authentication protocol. By selecting Integrated
Windows authentication, you can make sure that only clients with permission can access and write to the
WebDAV directory on your intranet.

In addition, IIS 5.0 introduces a new type of authentication called Digest authentication. C reated for Windows
domain servers, this type of authentication offers tighter security for passwords and for transmitting
information across the Internet.

Creating a Publishing Directory

To set up a publishing directory, create a physical directory below Inetpub. For example, if you call the
directory WebDAV, the path to this directory might be C :\Inetpub\WebDAV.

You can actually put this directory anywhere, except under the Wwwroot directory. (Wwwroot is an exception
because its default DAC Ls are different from those on other directories).

In the Internet Information Services snap-in, create a new Web site or use an existing site and then create a
virtual directory beneath it. Type WebDAV , or any other convenient name, as the alias for this virtual
directory, and link it to the physical directory you just created. Grant Read, Write, and Browsing access
permissions for the virtual directory.

You are granting users the right to publish documents on this virtual directory and to see a list of the files in
it. Although not recommended for security reasons, you can grant the same access to your entire Web site
and allow clients to publish to your entire Web server.

Granting Write access does not enable clients to modify Active Server Pages (ASP) or any other
script-mapped files. To allow these files to be modified, you must grant Write permission and Script source
access after creating the virtual directory.
Once you finish setting up a WebDAV virtual directory, you can allow clients to publish to it.

Managing WebDAV Security

To protect your server and its content, you must coordinate three different aspects of security into an
integrated whole: authenticating clients, controlling access, and denying service.

Authenticating Clients

IIS 5.0 offers the following levels of authentication:

 Anonymous Anonymous access grants anyone access to the directory, and therefore, you should
turn it off for a WebDAV directory. Without controlling who has access, your directory could be
vandalized by unknown clients.
 Basic Basic authentication sends passwords over the connection in clear text. Because clear text can
easily be intercepted and read, you should turn on Basic authentication only if you encrypt data
through SSL.
 Integrated Windows Integrated Windows authentication works best when you are setting up a
WebDAV directory on an intranet.
 Digest Digest authentication is the best choice for publishing information on a server over the
Internet and through firewalls.
The best way to configure a WebDAV directory depends on the kind of publishing you want to do. When you
create a virtual directory through IIS 5.0, Anonymous and Integrated Windows authentication are both turned
on. Although this default configuration works well for clients connecting to your server, reading content on a
Web page, and running scripts, it does not work well with clients publishing to a directory and manipulating
files in that directory.

Controlling Access

You can control access to your WebDAV directory by coordinating IIS 5.0 and Windows 2000 permissions.

Setting Up Web Permissions

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How you configure Web permissions is based on the purpose of the material you are publishing.

 Read, Write, Directory Browsing enabled Turning on these permissions lets clients see a list of
resources, modify them (except for those resources without Write permission), publish their own
resources, and manipulate files.
 Write enabled, Read and Directory Browsing disabled If you want clients to publish private
information on the directory, but do not want others to see what has been published, set Write
permission, but do not set Read or Directory browsing permission. This configuration works well if
clients are submitting ballots or performance reviews. Note that disabling Directory Browsing
permission denies access to browser clients attempting to access the WebDAV directory.
 Read and Write enabled, Directory browsing disabled Set this configuration if you want to rely
on obscuring file names as a security method. However, be aware that "security by obscurity" is a
low-level precautionary method, because a vandal could easily guess file names by trial and error.
 Index This Resource enabled Be sure to enable Indexing Service if you plan to let clients search
directory resources.
Controlling Access with DACLs

When setting up a WebDAV publishing directory on an NTFS file system drive, Windows 2000 Server gives
everyone Full C ontrol by default. C hange this level of permission so that everyone has Read permission only.
Then grant Write permission to certain individuals or groups.

Protecting Script Code

If you have script files in your publishing directory that you do not want to expose to clients, you can easily
deny access to these files by making sure Script source access is not granted. Scripts include files with
extensions that appear in the Applications Mapping list. All other executable files will be treated as static HTML
files, including files with .exe extensions, unless Scripts and Executables is enabled for the directory.

To prevent .exe files from being downloaded and treated as if they were HTML files, select the Scripts and
Executables option from the Execute Permissions drop-down list, which is located on the Virtual Directory tab
of the publishing directory's Properties dialog box (Figure 14.17).

Figure 14.17 Selecting the Scripts and Executables option from the Execute Permissions drop-down list box

This level of permission makes all executable files subject to the Script source access setting. In other words,
if Script source access is selected, clients with Read permission can see all executables, and clients with Write
permission can edit them, as well as run them. This configuration is a security risk because programs can
then be published to the directory and run against the site.

With the following permissions, clients can write to an executable file that does not appear in the Application

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 Write permission
 Execute Permissions set to Scripts only
With the following permissions, clients can also write to an executable file:

 Script source access granted

 Execute Permissions set to Scripts and Executables
Denying Serv ice

Dragging and dropping extremely large files into a WebDAV directory could take up a large amount of disk
space. To limit this amount, consider setting quotas on disk usage.

Publishing and Managing Files

Users can connect to a WebDAV publishing directory, publish documents by dragging them from their
computers to the publishing directory, and manipulate files in the directory.

Even if users connect from behind a firewall, they can still publish on a WebDAV directory if they have the
correct permissions and if the firewall is configured to allow publishing.
From a Windows 2000 computer, you can connect to a WebDAV publishing directory on another server
through My Network Places.

You can also connect to a WebDAV directory through Internet Explorer 5 on the Windows 2000, Windows NT
4.0, Windows 98, or Windows 95 operating systems. Once connected, you can manipulate files and publish to
that directory just as you could after connecting through Windows 2000. In addition you can create, publish,
or save documents in a WebDAV directory through any Office 2000 application.

Lesson Summary

Multiple Web site or FTP sites can be hosted simultaneously on a single computer running Windows 2000
Server. This gives the appearance of being several computers. Each Web site can host one or more domain
names. The process of managing sites includes a number of tasks, such as starting and stopping sites, adding
sites, naming sites, and restarting IIS. You can back up your IIS configuration so that it is easy to return to a
previous state, and you can administer IIS remotely. WebDAV extends the HTTP/1.1 protocol to allow clients
to publish, lock, and manage resources on the Web. Once connected to a WebDAV directory, you can quickly
search the files on that directory for content as well as properties. You can place a WebDAV directory
anywhere you want, except under the Wwwroot directory. You can protect your server and content by
coordinating different aspects of security (authenticating clients, controlling access, and denying service) into
an integrated whole. Once you have created a WebDAV publishing directory, you can configure your directory
to allow users to search for content and file properties. From Windows 2000, you can connect to a WebDAV
publishing directory on another server. You can connect to a WebDAV directory through Internet Explorer 5
on the Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, or Windows 95 operating systems.

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Lesson 3: Configuring and Running Telnet Services

In Windows 2000, Telnet provides user support for the Telnet protocol, a part of the TC P/IP suite. Telnet is a
remote access protocol that you can use to log on to a remote computer, network device, or private TC P/IP
network. Telnet Server and Telnet C lient work together to allow users to communicate with a remote
computer. In Windows 2000, Telnet Server is installed as a service, simply named Telnet. The Telnet service
allows users of a Telnet client to log on to the computer running the Telnet service and run character-mode
applications on that computer. The Telnet service acts as a gateway through which computers running the
Telnet client can communicate with each other. The Telnet client allows users to connect to a remote
computer and interact with that computer through a terminal window.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Set up the Windows 2000 Telnet service to allow a computer running the
Telnet client to access it
 Use the Microsoft Telnet C lient to connect to the Telnet service
Estimated lesson time: 25 minutes

Telnet Service

Windows 2000 Telnet Service allows users of a Telnet client to connect to the computer running the Telnet
service and use command-line commands on the computer as if they were sitting in front of it. Telnet clients
can connect to a server, log on to that server, and run character-mode applications. The Telnet service also
acts as a gateway for Telnet clients to communicate with each other. A computer running the Telnet service
can support a maximum of 63 Telnet client computers at any given time.

Telnet Serv er Connection Licensing

Two Telnet service connection licenses are provided with each installation of Windows 2000 Server. This limits
Telnet service to two connecting Telnet clients at a time. If you need additional licenses, use Telnet services
from the Windows Services for UNIX add-on pack.

Telnet Authentication

You can use your local Windows 2000 user name and password or domain account information to access the
Telnet server. The security scheme is integrated into Windows 2000 security. If you do not use the NT LAN
Manager (NTLM) authentication option, the user name and password are sent to the Telnet server as plain

If you are using NTLM authentication, the client uses the Windows 2000 security context for authentication and
the user is not prompted for a user name and password. The user name and password are encrypted.

If the User Must C hange Password At Next Logon option is set for a user, the user cannot log on to the Telnet
service when NTLM authentication is used. The user must log on to the server directly and change the
password, and then log on through the Telnet client.

Starting and Stopping Telnet Server

In a Windows 2000 Server default installation, the Telnet service is set to manual startup. You can use the
Services snap-in or the C omputer Management snap-in to start, stop, or configure the Telnet service for
automatic startup. Figure 14.18 shows the Telnet Properties dialog box for the Telnet service.

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Figure 14.18 Telnet Properties page showing the Startup type options for this server service

In the C omputer Management snap-in, Telnet is a service located under the Services and Applications node.
Select Services from the console tree, and then select Telnet from the list of services in the details pane.

You can also start or stop the Telnet service from a command prompt. To start Telnet Server, type net start
tlntsvr or net start telnet at the command prompt, and then press Enter. To stop Telnet Server, type net
stop tlntsvr or net stop telnet at the command prompt, and then press Enter.

Telnet Server Admin Utility

You can use the Telnet Server Admin utility to start, stop, or get information about Telnet Server. You can
also use it to get a list of current users, terminate a user's session, or change Telnet Server registry settings.

Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, it
is strongly recommended that you back up any valuable data on the computer.
To open the Telnet Server Admin utility, click the Telnet Administration Tool in the Administrative Tools
program group or click Start, click Run, type tlntadmn, and then click OK. If you cannot open the Telnet
Server Admin utility, you may need to install the Administration Tools pack (Adminpak.msi).

The following table lists the Telnet Server Administration utility options.

Option Name Description

0 Quit this application Ends the Telnet Server Admin

utility session.

1 List the current users Gives a list of the current users,

including the user name,
domain, remote computer
address, session ID, and log

2 Terminate a user session Terminates a selected user's


3 Display/change registry settings Provides a list of registry

settings that you can change.
See the following table.

4 Start the service Starts the Telnet Server service.

5 Stop the service Stops the Telnet Server service.

Registry changes made using the Telnet Server Admin utility modifies settings stored in the following registry

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key on the Telnet server computer: HKEY_LOC AL_MAC HINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\TelnetServer\1.0. This

registration location is shown in Figure 14.19.

Figure 14.19 Telnet Server registry settings that can be modified by using the Telnet Server Admin utility

The following table lists the Telnet Server registry settings that you can change:

Option Name Description Default Value

0 Exit this menu Exits this menu and N/A

returns to the original
Telnet Server
Administration utility

1 AllowTrustedDomain C hanges the current 1

value of the trusted

2 AltKeyMapping C hanges the current 1


3 DefaultDomain Sets the default domain . (a period means the

name. current domain of the
Telnet server)

4 DefaultShell Displays the path %systemroot%\System

location for the shell 32\C md.exe /q /k. The
installation. /q switch disables echo
and the /k switch
carries out a command
but does not close the
command window.

5 LogonScript Displays the path %systemroot%\System

location and name for 32\login.cmd
the Telnet service
global client login script
file. By default this file
maps the Telnet client
to their home directory
if one is specified in the
user's profile.

6 MaxFailedLogins Displays the maximum 3

number of failed
attempts to log on
before a connection is

7 NTLM Displays the current 2

number of allowed
NTLM authenticated

8 TelnetPort Displays the default 23

Telnet Server port.

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The Termcap registry setting specifies the location of the Termcap (Terminal C apabilities) file, which is used
by a number of terminal client utilities to determine how to move the cursor during a terminal session.
When you change the default domain account, the setting takes effect only after the Telnet service is
restarted. You must be logged on as a member of the Administrators group to use the Telnet Server
Administration utility.


The following table provides information about a few common problems you might encounter when running
Telnet Server.

Error message Cause Solution

Invalid input The entered value was not Review the range of the optional
acceptable. values and re-enter your choice.

Failed to open the registry key The Telnet server must be Start Telnet service.
running to open a registry key.
This error indicates that it is not
currently running.

Failed to query the registry The Telnet server must be Start Telnet service.
value running to query a registry
value. This error indicates that it
is not currently running.

Telnet Client

You can use Microsoft Telnet C lient to connect to a remote computer running the Telnet service or other
Telnet server software. Once you have made this connection, you can communicate with the Telnet server.
The type of session you conduct depends on how the Telnet software is configured. C ommunication, games,
system administration, and local logon simulations are some typical uses of Telnet.

The Telnet client uses the Telnet protocol, part of the TC P/IP suite of protocols, to connect to a remote
computer over a network. The Telnet client software allows a computer to connect to a remote server. You
can use the Telnet client provided with Windows 2000 to connect to a remote computer, log on to the remote
computer, and interact with it as if you were sitting in front of it.

Users of previous versions of Microsoft's Telnet client may notice a few changes in the version included with
Windows 2000. The most obvious change is that Microsoft Telnet C lient is now a command-line application
rather than a Windows application. As a command-line application, Microsoft Telnet C lient will seem very
familiar to users of UNIX-based Telnet clients.

An important new feature found in Microsoft Telnet C lient is NTLM authentication support. Using this feature, a
computer using Microsoft Telnet C lient can log on to a Windows 2000 computer running the Telnet service by
using NTLM authentication.

Telnet session logging is not supported in Microsoft Telnet C lient.

Using Telnet

To open Telnet, click Start, click Run, and then type telnet. You can also type telnet at the command
prompt. To use Telnet, you must have the TC P/IP protocol installed and configured on your computer and you
must have a user account established on a remote host.

To display help for Telnet, type help at the Microsoft Telnet command prompt. To connect to a site, type
connect <computer_name> where <computer_name> is the IP address or host name of the computer
running the Telnet service.

Exercise 2: Configuring and Connecting to the Telnet Service

In this exercise you configure the Telnet service to start on Server01. Then, you connect to the Telnet service
from Server01 and verify the connection. C omplete this exercise from Server01.

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If you are running Server02, you may complete Procedure 2 from Server02.
 Procedure 1: Enabling and configuring the Telnet serv ice
In this procedure, you configure the Telnet service for automatic startup and then start the Telnet service.
1. Log on to Server01 as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. C lick the Start button, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools and then click Services.
The Services console appears.
3. In the details pane, scroll down and double-click Telnet.
The Telnet Properties (Local C omputer) dialog box appears.
4. C hange the Startup Type drop-down list box from Manual to Automatic.
5. Under Service status, click the Start button.
A Service C ontrol status box appears briefly as the Telnet service starts.
6. C lick OK to close the Telnet Properties (Local C omputer) dialog box.
7. C lose the Services console.
 Procedure 2: Using the Microsoft Telnet Client
In this procedure you connect to the Telnet service from the Microsoft Telnet C lient. You may complete this
procedure on either Server01 or Server02. C ompleting the procedure from Server02 provides remote access
to Server01. However, for the purpose of training, running these commands from Server01 is adequate. If
you complete this procedure from Server02, log on as Administrator before starting.
1. C lick the Start button, and then click Run.
The Run dialog box appears.
2. In the Open text box, type telnet and then click OK.
The Microsoft Telnet command prompt appears.
3. Type help or ? to see a list of available commands.
A list of supported commands appears.
4. Type open serv er01 .
A Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Server message appears.

You can use abbreviations for the commands you enter. For example, o server01 is equivalent to open
5. Any commands that you can run from the command line on Server01 can be run from the Telnet
6. Leave the Telnet session active while you complete the next procedure.
 Procedure 3: Running the Telnet Serv er Administration tool
In this procedure you monitor the Telnet service for Telnet client connections and then disconnect the
connected Telnet client using the Telnet Server Administrator.
1. C lick the Start button, and then click Run.
The Run dialog box appears.
2. In the Open text box, type tlntadmn and then click OK.
The Telnet Server Admin utility command window appears.
3. Type 1 to list the current users.
Statistics on the administrator user appear.
4. Type 2 to terminate a user session.
A message appears instructing you to enter a user's session ID to terminate.
5. Type 1; this is the session ID of the connected user.
A list of command options reappear.
6. Return to the Microsoft Telnet client window on Server01 or Server02.
Notice that the connection with the host was lost.
7. Press any key to continue.
You are returned to the Microsoft Telnet C lient command window.
8. Type q or quit to close the Microsoft Telnet C lient command window.
9. Return to the Telnet Server Administrator command window.
10. Type 0 to close the Telnet Server Administrator.

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Lesson Summary

The Telnet service and a Telnet client work together to allow users to communicate with a remote computer.
The Windows 2000 Telnet service allows users of the Microsoft Telnet C lient to remotely connect to the
computer and use command-line applications on the computer as if they were sitting in front of it. You can
use the Services snap-in, the C omputer Management snap-in, or the command prompt to start or stop the
Telnet service. In addition, you can use the Telnet Server Admin utility to start, stop, or get information about
the Telnet service. You can also use it to get a list of current users, terminate a user's session, or change
Telnet service registry settings. Microsoft Telnet C lient allows you to connect to a remote computer running
Telnet server software. NTLM authentication is supported when a Microsoft Telnet C lient connects to the
Microsoft Telnet service. Telnet provides user support for the Telnet protocol, a remote access protocol you
can use to log on to a remote computer, network device, or private network.

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Lesson 4: Installing and Configuring Terminal Services

Terminal Services provides access to Windows 2000 and the latest Windows-based applications for client
computers. It also provides access to your desktop and installed applications anywhere, from any supported
client. Terminal Services is a built-in feature of Windows 2000 that allows IT managers and system
administrators who want to increase flexibility in application deployment, control computer management
costs, and remotely administer network resources.
After this lesson, you will be able to
 Deploy Terminal Services in a Windows 2000 environment
Estimated lesson time: 40 minutes

Overview of Terminal Services

Terminal Services running on a Windows 2000 Server enables all client application execution, data
processing, and data storage to occur on the server. It provides remote access to a server desktop through
terminal emulation software. The terminal emulation software can run on a number of client hardware
devices, such as a personal computer, Windows C E-based Handheld PC (H/PC ), or terminal.

With Terminal Services, the terminal emulation software sends keystrokes and mouse movements to the
server. Terminal Services does all the data manipulation locally and passes back the display. This approach
allows remote control of servers and centralized application management, minimizing network bandwidth
requirements between the server and client.

Users can gain access to Terminal Services over any TC P/IP connection including Remote Access, Ethernet,
the Internet, wireless, wide area network (WAN), or virtual private network (VPN). The user experience is
limited only by the slowest link in the connection, and the security of the link is governed by the TC P/IP
deployment in the data center.

Terminal Services provides remote administration of network resources, a uniform experience to users in
branch offices in remote locations, or a graphical interface to line of business applications on text-based

Terminal Services is a built-in feature of Windows 2000. You can enable Terminal Services in one of two
modes: Remote Administration and Application Server.

Remote Administration

Remote Administration gives system administrators a powerful method for remotely administering each
Windows 2000 Server computer over any TC P/IP connection. You can administer file and print sharing, edit
the registry from another computer on the network, or perform any task as if you were sitting at the console.
You can use Remote Administration mode to manage servers not normally compatible with the Application
Server mode of Terminal Services, such as servers running the C luster service.

Remote Administration mode installs only the remote access components of Terminal Services. It does not
install application sharing components. This means that you can use Remote Administration with very little
overhead on mission critical servers. Terminal Services allows a maximum of two concurrent Remote
Administration connections. No additional licensing is required for those connections, and you do not need a
license server.


For more information about remote administration, see the Supplemental C ourse Materials C D-ROM
(\chapt14\articles\TSRemote.doc) that accompanies this book.

Application Server

In Application Server mode, you can deploy and manage applications from a central location, saving
administrators development and deployment time as well as the time and effort required for maintenance and
upgrade. After an application is deployed in Terminal Services, many clients can connect—through a Remote
Access connection, LAN, or WAN, and from many different types of clients.

You can install applications directly at the Terminal server, or you can use remote installation. For example,
you can use Group Policy and Active Directory services to publish Windows Installer application packages to a
Terminal server or a group of Terminal servers. Applications can be installed only by an Administrator on a
per server basis and only if the appropriate Group Policy setting is enabled.

C lient licensing is required when deploying a Terminal server as an application server. Each client computer,
regardless of the protocol used to connect to Terminal server, must have the Terminal Services C lient Access

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License as well as the Windows 2000 C lient Access License.


For information about optimizing applications for Windows 2000 Terminal Services, see the Supplemental
C ourse Materials C D-ROM (\chapt14\articles\TSAppDev.doc) that accompanies this book.

Tools for Administration

To help you install Terminal Services for Windows 2000, additional administration tools are added to the
Administrative Tools folder, including Terminal Services C lient C reator, Terminal Services Manager, Terminal
Services C onfiguration, and Terminal Services Licensing.

Terminal Services Licensing is installed only if Application Server mode is selected or if Adminpak.msi is

Terminal Services Client Creator

Use this tool to create floppy disks for installing the Terminal Services C lient software on Windows for
Workgroups, Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT platforms.

Terminal Services Manager

With this tool, you can manage all Windows 2000 servers running Terminal Services. Administrators can view
current users, servers, and processes. Additionally, administrators can send messages to specific users, use
the Remote C ontrol feature, and terminate processes. Figure 14.20 shows the Terminal Services Manager
console running inside a terminal services session.

Figure 14.20 Running Terminal Services Manager to manage Terminal Services running on Server01

Terminal Services Configuration

This tool allows you to manage your Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) configuration. Modifying options in this
tool are global, unless you choose to inherit information from the same options located in the user
configuration. Available options include setting connection encryption, logon settings, time-outs, initial
programs run on successful logon, remote control options, Windows printer mapping, LPT port mapping,
clipboard mapping, and applying these options to a specific LAN adapter.

Terminal Services Licensing

With this tool, you store and track Windows 2000 Terminal Services client access licenses. It can be installed

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either during installation of Terminal Services or later. When clients log on to Terminal Services, Terminal
Services validates the client license. If a client does not have a license or requires a replacement license,
Terminal Services requests one from the license server. The license server provides a license from its pool of
available licenses, and Terminal Services passes the license to the client. If there are no available licenses,
the license server grants a temporary license for the client. After it is granted, each client license is
associated with a particular computer or terminal.


For more information about Terminal Services administration tools, see the Supplemental C ourse Materials
C D-ROM (\chapt14\articles\TSsol.doc) that accompanies this book.

Terminal Services Licensing Components

Terminal Services has its own method for licensing clients that log on to Terminal servers. This method is
separate from the licensing method for Windows 2000 Server clients. Terminal Services licensing includes
four components: the Microsoft C learinghouse, a license server, a Terminal server, and client licenses.

Microsoft Clearinghouse

The Microsoft C learinghouse is the database that Microsoft maintains to activate license servers and to issue
client license key packs to the license servers that request them. The C learinghouse stores information about
all activated license servers and client license key packs that have been issued. You can access the
C learinghouse through the Licensing wizard in the Terminal Services Licensing snap-in.

License Server

A license server stores all Terminal Services client licenses that have been installed for a Terminal server and
tracks the licenses that have been issued to client computers or terminals. A Terminal server must be able to
connect to an activated license server before clients can be issued licenses. One activated license server can
serve multiple Terminal servers.

Terminal Server

A Terminal server is the computer on which Terminal Services is enabled and running. It provides clients
access to Windows-based applications running entirely on the server and supports multiple client sessions on
the server. When clients log on to a Terminal server, the server validates the client license. If a client does
not have a license, the Terminal server requests one for the client from the license server.

Client Licenses

Each client computer or terminal that connects to a Terminal server must have a valid client license. The
client license is stored locally and presented to the Terminal server each time the client connects to the
server. The server validates the license, and then allows the client to connect.


For more information about Terminal Services licensing, see the Supplemental C ourse Materials C D-ROM
(\chapt14\articles\TSLicensing.doc) that accompanies this book.

Administering the License Server

Deploying Terminal Services license server includes setting up the license server, enabling the server,
activating the server, and installing the licenses.

Setting Up a License Server

A license server is required by Terminal Services when running in Application Server mode. The Terminal
Services Licensing service is a low-impact service that stores the client licenses that have been issued for a
Terminal server and tracks the licenses that have been issued to client computers or terminals.

The license server must be activated through the Microsoft C learinghouse and loaded with C lient Access
Licenses for distribution from the C learinghouse. The license server is accessed by the Terminal servers only

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to issue a new license, and need only be administered to obtain licenses from the C learinghouse.

Enabling a License Server

You can enable the Terminal Services Licensing service on your computer when you run Windows 2000
Server Setup. In a production environment it is recommended that you enable Terminal Services on a
member server or stand-alone server, and that you install the license server on a different computer.
Terminal Services is resource intensive.

There are two types of license servers: a domain license server and an enterprise license server. Before
installing the license server, consider which of the following two types of license servers you require:

 Domain license serv er Appropriate if you want to maintain a separate license server for each
domain. If you have workgroups or Windows NT 4.0 domains, a domain license server is the only
type that you can install. Terminal servers can access domain license servers only if they are in the
same domain as the license server. By default, a license server is installed as a domain license
 Enterprise license serv er C an serve Terminal servers in any domain within a site, but the domain
must be a Windows 2000 domain. It can serve only Terminal servers in the same site. This type of
license server is appropriate if you have many domains. Enterprise license servers can only be
installed by using Add/Remove Programs. They cannot be installed during Windows 2000 Setup.
When deciding where on your physical network to deploy your license server, consider how a Terminal server
discovers and communicates with a license server. Upon enabling Terminal Services, the Terminal server
begins polling the domain and Active Directory services looking for a license server. (In a workgroup
environment, the Terminal server broadcasts to all the servers in the workgroup on the same subnet.)

In Windows 2000 domains, the domain license server must be installed on a domain controller. In workgroups
or Windows NT 4.0 domains, the domain license server can be installed on any server. If you are planning to
eventually migrate from a Workgroup or Windows NT 4.0 domain to a Windows 2000 domain, you might want
to install the license server on a computer that can be promoted to a Windows 2000 domain controller.
To activate the license server quickly and to access the Microsoft C learinghouse through the Internet, install
the server on a computer that has Internet access.

You must enable a Windows 2000 license server within 90 days of enabling Windows 2000 Terminal Services.
If you have not enabled the license service when this period ends, your Windows 2000 Terminal Services will
fail to operate.

Activating a License Server

A license server must be activated in order to identify the server and allow it to issue client licenses to your
Terminal servers. You can activate a license server by using the Licensing wizard.

There are four methods to activate your license server:

 Internet
 Web-based
 Fax
 Telephone
If the computer running the Terminal Services Licensing snap-in is connected to the Internet, the Internet
activation method is the quickest and easiest method. The Licensing wizard directs you to the secure Microsoft
Internet site where license servers are activated. When you activate the license server, Microsoft provides
the server with a digital certificate that validates server ownership and identity. Using this certificate, a license
server can make subsequent transactions with Microsoft and receive client access licenses for your Terminal

If your license server does not have Internet connectivity but you do have the ability to access the World
Wide Web from a browser on another computer, you can activate your license server by means of the
Web-based activation method. The Licensing wizard directs you to the secure Microsoft Web site to obtain a
certificate for the license server.

Alternate methods for activating a license server include faxing your information to or calling the C ustomer
Support C enter (C SC ) nearest you. The Licensing wizard also guides you through these steps. You can locate
the appropriate telephone or fax number to call by using the Licensing wizard. If you use the fax activation
method, your confirmed request is returned by fax from Microsoft. If you use the telephone activation
method, your request is completed with a customer service representative over the telephone.

You are required to activate a license server only once. While waiting to complete the activation process, your
license server can issue temporary licenses for clients that allow them to use Terminal servers for up to 90

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The digital certificate that uniquely identifies your license server is stored in the form of a License Server ID.
Place a copy of this number in a safe location. To view this number after your license server has been
activated, highlight the license server and select Properties from the View menu. Set your communication
method to World Wide Web and click OK. Then select Install Licenses from the Action menu and click Next.
The License Server ID is listed in the center of the Licensing Wizard screen.

Installing Licenses

Terminal Services licenses must be installed on your license server in order for the Internet C onnector setting
to be enabled or for non-Windows 2000 clients to permanently access a Windows 2000 Terminal server. To
obtain Windows 2000 Terminal Services C lient Access licenses or Internet C onnector licenses, purchase them
through your standard software procurement method. After you purchase them you can then install the
licenses by using the Licensing wizard.

After you have installed your licenses, your license server can begin deploying the licenses. C lients with
90-day temporary licenses will be upgraded to a Terminal Services C lient Access license the next time they
log on (unless the number of client access licenses installed has exceeded by the number of outstanding
temporary licenses).

Deploying to Client Computers

C lient computers or terminals connect to a Terminal server by using a small client program installed on disk
or in firmware. The choice of which client platform to use depends on the current installed base and individual
user need. At a minimum, ensure that every client computer or terminal that you expect to connect to a
Terminal server is physically capable of hosting the client software and connecting over the network.

Windows-based client computers connecting to Terminal Services should have at least an 80386
microprocessor running at 33 MHz (though a 486/66 is recommended), a 16-bit VGA video card, and the
Microsoft TC P/IP stack. The Terminal Services client runs on Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Windows 95,
Windows 98, and Windows NT 3.51 or later, and Windows 2000.

The Terminal Services client takes up only about 500 KB of disk space and typically uses approximately 4 MB
of RAM when running. If client bitmap caching is enabled, another 10 MB of disk space might be used. For
best performance, a computer running the Terminal Services client should have a total of 8 MB of physical
RAM or more under Windows for Workgroups 3.11 or Windows 95, 24 MB or more for Windows 98, and 32 MB
or more for Windows 2000.

A Terminal Services client for Windows C E devices can be found on the Windows 2000 Server installation
C D-ROM in the \Valueadd\msft\mgmt\mstsc_hpc folder.
The RDP client software is installed by default as a subcomponent of Terminal Services. The various clients
are installed in the directory %systemroot%\system32\clients\tsclient

There are two ways to deploy the client:

 C reate a file share to do the installation over the network.

 Select Terminal Services C lient C reator from the Administrative Tools menu, and make a client
image that can be installed with a floppy disk.

The Terminal Services client requires TC P/IP to connect to the server, but Terminal Services itself can use
IPX to gain access to Novell servers if necessary.

Client Configurations

You can optimize Terminal Services by following these recommendations:

 Disable the Active Desktop.

 Disable smooth scrolling.
 Minimize the use of graphics and animation, including animated graphics, screen savers, blinking
cursors, and the animated Microsoft Office Assistant. Place shortcuts on the desktop and keep the
Programs submenu as flat as possible. Avoid using bitmaps in wallpaper; in Display Properties set
Wallpaper to None on the Background tab, and select a single color from the Appearance tab.
 Enable file sharing on client computers and share drives with easily identifiable names like "drivec."
Be aware of the security implications involved.
 Avoid the use of MS-DOS or Win16 (16-bit) applications where possible.
 C onfigure the Terminal server to return the user's logon name rather than the computer name to
applications that make use of a NetBIOS function that calls for the computer name.
 Train users to use Terminal Services hot key sequences. There are a few important differences in the
hot key sequences used in a Terminal Services client session than in a Windows 2000 session.

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Upgrading to Terminal Services

The approach you take to upgrade to Terminal Services depends upon your existing Terminal Services setup.

WinFrame with or without MetaFrame

There is no direct upgrade path from WinFrame to Terminal Services. In this case you first have to upgrade
to Microsoft Terminal Server 4.0 and then upgrade to Windows 2000.

Terminal Server 4.0 without MetaFrame

With Terminal Server 4.0 installed, there is a direct upgrade path to Terminal Services. When you install
Windows 2000, the server recognizes the Terminal Server 4.0 edition, automatically performs the upgrade,
and automatically enables Terminal Services in Application Server mode. Note that you might need to
reinstall existing applications if you enable Terminal Services in Application Server mode.

Terminal Server 4.0 with MetaFrame

Upgrading from Terminal Services 4.0 with MetaFrame is similar to upgrading from Terminal Server 4.0, but
first you need to upgrade to the MetaFrame version for Windows 2000. After MetaFrame is upgraded, you can
follow the same procedure for upgrading from Terminal Server 4.0 without MetaFrame.

Windows NT without Terminal Services

When you install Windows 2000, select Terminal Services in Remote Administration or Application mode, to
enable Terminal Services.

Installing and Configuring Applications

A Windows 2000 server that is configured to run Terminal Services in Application Server mode provides
multiple concurrent user connections to any number of applications.

It is recommended that applications be added or removed by using the Add/Remove Programs function under
C ontrol Panel. This process automatically manages the Terminal Services installation requirements. It is also
possible to install the application directly by putting the server into Install mode.

To put the Terminal Server in Install mode, type change user /install . After the software installation is
complete, type change user /execute to return the Terminal Server to execute mode.

The change user commands are not necessary when using Add/Remove Programs because Add/Remove
Programs takes care of this process in the background. Add/Remove Programs is preferred because there is
always the possibility of error or omission when using the command lines. If an application is installed without
using Add/Remove Programs and without using the command line to set the Install mode, the application
should be removed and reinstalled.

Only administrators are allowed to install applications on a Terminal Services application server.

Deploying Applications through Group Policy

Deploying applications through Active Directory services and Group Policy by using Windows Installer is a
very flexible application deployment method. It allows applications to be installed and managed in a number
of different ways. The three main ways you can deploy applications when using Windows Installer:

 Install on a local computer by the user.

 Assign by the system administrator from the domain controller to a user or a computer.
 Publish by the system administrator from the domain controller for a user.
Before an application can be installed using Windows Installer, an .MSI installation package must be available
for the application.

Deploying Applications from a Domain Controller

To deploy an application from a domain controller, a system administrator needs to assign a .MSI-based
application to a computer. Application servers cannot assign or publish applications to users.

Transform files are required if the original application installation package did not install all of the necessary
components of the application to the local disk. Transform files allow you to select what, if anything, needs to
be installed during the installation.

A system administrator can also install an application from a remote session or the console of an application

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server. A typical installation is initiated by using the following command:

Msiexec/I ApplicationName.MSI

The installation of an application in a multi-user environment is quite different from an installation to an

individual user. Application server software installation must not jeopardize the system that is running, and
the installation must be configured to allow concurrent users. For these reasons, only administrators can
install applications, and users are not able to install anything.

It is the responsibility of the system administrator to decide which applications are needed and to ensure that
applications are locally installed and available before allowing remote user connections.

Exercise 3: Installing and Configuring Terminal Services and Terminal Services


In this exercise you install Windows 2000 Terminal Services, and then run remote administration from
Server02 to Server01. Next, you install Terminal Services Licensing and then establish a terminal session
from Server02 to Server01.
 Procedure 1: Installing Terminal Services and running Remote Administration
In this procedure, you install Terminal Services to run in Remote Administration mode on Server01. You then
run a remote administration session from Server02. Make sure that the Windows 2000 Server installation
C D-ROM is inserted in the C D-ROM drive on Server01.
1. Log on to Server01 as Administrator with a password of "password."
2. C lick the Start menu, point to Settings and click C ontrol Panel.
3. In C ontrol Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs.
The Add/Remove Programs dialog box appears.
4. In the left frame, click Add/Remove Windows C omponents.
After a few moments, the Windows C omponents wizard appears.
5. Scroll down and select the Terminal Services check box and click Next.
The Terminal Services Setup screen appears.
6. Read the information on this screen, verify that the Remote Administration Mode radio button is
selected and then click Next.
The C onfiguring C omponents screen appears as Windows 2000 configures and installs components.
After a few minutes, the C ompleting the Windows C omponents Wizard screen appears.
7. C lick Finish.
The Add/Remove Programs dialog box appears.
8. C lick C lose and then close C ontrol Panel.
A System Setting C hange message box appears, informing you that you must restart the computer
before the settings will take effect.
9. C lick Yes to restart the computer.
10. After Server01 restarts, do not log on. You will log on from Server02 using Terminal Services remote
11. From Server02, logon to Server01 as Administrator with a password of "password." Make sure you
are logging on to the MIC ROSOFT domain.
12. C lick the Start menu and then click Run.

The Run dialog box appears.

13. In the Open text box, type \\server01\c$\Program F iles\terminal services client and then
click OK.
The Terminal Services C lient window appears.
14. Double-click the C onman icon.

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C lient C onnection Manager appears.

15. C lick the first toolbar icon.

The C lient C onnection Manager wizard starts.

16. C lick Next.

The C reate A C onnection screen appears.

17. In the C onnection Name text box, type Serv er01 Remote Administration.
18. In the Server name or IP Address text box, type Serv er01 and click Next.

The Automatic Logon screen appears.

19. C lick the Logon Automatically With This Information check box.
20. In the User Name text box, type administrator.
21. In the Password text box, type password.
22. In the Domain text box, type microsoft and click Next.
The Screen options screen appears.
23. Select a resolution that the monitor on Server02 can support. If you don't know what resolution it
supports, choose the 640 x 480 radio button.
24. C lick Next.

The C onnection Properties screen appears.

25. C lick the Enable Data C ompression and C ache Bitmaps check boxes and click Next.

The Starting A Program screen appears.

26. C lick Next.

The Icon And Program Group screen appears.

27. C lick Next.

The C ompleting The C lient C onnection Manager Wizard screen appears.

28. C lick Finish.

The C lient C onnection Manager appears with the new connection you created.
29. Double-click the Server01 Remote Administration icon.

A C onnecting box appears. Then a terminal window opens whose title bar is SERVER01 - Terminal
Services C lient (Server01 Remote Administration).
30. In the Log On To Windows dialog box, type password and click OK.

You are now able to remotely administer Server01 from Server02. Notice that on the Server01
monitor, the computer is not logged on but you are logged on to Server01 from Server02.
31. C lose the SERVER01 - Terminal Services C lient (Server01 Remote Administration) terminal window
appearing on Server02.
A Disconnect Windows Session message box appears stating that you are about to disconnect from
Server01 but that you can return to this session later and continue to run programs started in this
terminal session.
32. C lick OK.
33. C lose the C lient C onnection Manager and close the Terminal Services C lient window.
 Procedure 2: Installing Terminal Services Licensing
In this procedure, you install Terminal Services Licensing on Server01 to serve the license requirements of
Application Server mode. Make sure that the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM is inserted in the
C D-ROM drive on Server01.

In a production environment, it is advisable to install licensing services on a computer that is not also running
Terminal services in Application Server mode.
1. Log on to Server01 as Administrator with a password of password .
2. C lick the Start menu, point to Settings and then click C ontrol Panel.
3. In C ontrol Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs.

The Add/Remove Programs dialog box appears.

4. In the left frame, click Add/Remove Windows C omponents.
After a few moments, the Windows C omponents wizard appears.
5. Scroll down and select the Terminal Services Licensing check box and then click Next.
The Terminal Services Setup screen appears.

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6. Select the Application Server Mode radio button and then click Next.
The Terminal Services Setup screen appears and informs you that Windows 2000 Administration
Tools may not work properly after the installation of Terminal services in Application Server mode.
7. C lick Next.
The Terminal Services Licensing Setup screen appears.
8. C lick the Your Entire Enterprise radio button.
Notice that the license server database will be stored in C :\WINNT\System32\LServer.
9. C lick Next.
The C onfiguring C omponents screen appears as Windows 2000 configures and installs components.
After a few minutes, the C ompleting the Windows C omponents Wizard screen appears.
10. C lick Finish.

The Add/Remove Programs dialog box appears.

11. C lick C lose and then close C ontrol Panel.

A System Setting C hange message box appears, informing you that you must restart the computer
before the settings will take effect.
12. C lick Yes to restart the computer.
13. Log on to Server01 as Administrator with a password of "password."
14. C lick the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Terminal
Services Licensing.
The Terminal Services Licensing snap-in appears and the Terminal Services Licensing Manager status
box appears as Terminal services are located. Once Server01 is found, it appears in the details pane
with a status of Not Activated.
15. In the details pane, click SERVER01.
16. C lick the Action menu and then click Activate Server.

The Licensing wizard appears.

17. C lick Next.

The C onnection Method screen appears.

18. In the C onnection Method drop-down list box, select Telephone and then click Next.

The C ountry/Region Selection screen appears.

19. Select a country and then click Next.
20. Without entering a license server ID, click Next.

A Licensing Wizard message box appears explaining that the license server ID entered is not valid or
was not entered.
21. C lick OK.
22. On the License Server Activation screen, click C ancel.
23. C lose the Terminal Services Licensing snap-in.

The Terminal Services Licensing component is installed and you will be able to use Terminal Services
in Application Server mode for 90 days. Before 90 days have passed, you must activate the server
using the Terminal Services Licensing snap-in and information provided to you by Microsoft
C orporation.
 Procedure 3: Preparing an application for Terminal Services Application mode operation
In this procedure, you uninstall the Windows 2000 Administration Tools and then reinstall them to ensure that
they run properly from a terminal session. Make sure that the Windows 2000 Server installation C D-ROM is
inserted in the C D-ROM drive on Server01 and that you are logged on as Administrator on Server01.
1. On Server01, click the Start menu, point to Settings and then click C ontrol Panel.
2. In C ontrol Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs.
The Add/Remove Programs dialog box appears.
3. In the C urrently Installed Programs box, click Windows 2000 Administration Tools and then click the
Remove button.
The Add/Remove Programs message box appears asking you if you want to remove the Windows
2000 Administration Tools from your computer.
4. C lick Yes.
A Windows Installer status box appears and then the Windows 2000 Administration Tools status box
appears as the tools are removed.

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The Add/Remove Programs dialog box no longer contains the Windows 2000 Administration Tools.
5. In the left frame, click Add New Programs.
6. From the main window, click C D or Floppy.
The Install Program From Floppy Disk or C D-ROM screen appears.
7. C lick Next.
The Run Installation Program screen appears.
8. In the Open text box, type <cd-rom>:\i386\adminpak.msi where <cd-rom> is the drive letter of
your C D-ROM drive.
9. C lick Next.
The Windows Installer status box appears and then the Windows 2000 Administration Tools
Installation status box appears. After a few moments, the Windows 2000 Administration Tools Setup
wizard appears.
10. C lick Next.

The Installation Progress screen appears as installation proceeds.

After a few minutes, the C ompleting the Windows 2000 Administration Tools Setup wizard appears.
11. C lick Finish.

The After Installation screen appears.

12. C lick Next.

The Finish Admin Install screen appears.

13. Read the text on this screen and then click Finish.

The Add/Remove Programs dialog box appears.

14. C lick the C lose button.
15. C lose C ontrol Panel.
 Procedure 4: Connecting to Terminal Serv ices in Application mode and running Terminal
Serv ices tools
In this procedure you install the terminal services client on Server02 and then run a terminal screen from
Server02 to Server01. Inside the terminal session running on Server02 you monitor the session using tools
installed on Server01. Server01 and Server02 should be logged on as Administrator to the MIC ROSOFT
1. On Server01 click the Start menu and then click Run.
The Run dialog box appears.
2. In the Open text box, type C:\winnt\system32\clients and then click OK.
The C lients window appears.
3. C lick the Tsclient folder.
4. C lick the File menu and then click Sharing.
The Tsclient Properties dialog box appears with the Sharing tab active.
5. C lick the Share This Folder radio button.
Tsclient appears in the Share Name text box.
6. C lick OK.
7. C lose the C lients window.
8. On Server02 click the Start menu and then click Run.
The Run dialog box appears.
9. In the Open text box, type \\server01\tsclient and then click OK.
The Tsclient On Server01 window appears.
10. Double-click the win32 folder.
11. Double-click the disks folder.
12. Double-click the disk1 folder.
13. Double-click the setup icon.
The Terminal Services C lient Setup screen appears.
14. C lick C ontinue.

The Name And Organization Information dialog box appears.

15. Enter your name and then click OK.

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The C onfirm Name And Organization Information message box appears.

16. C lick OK.

A License Agreement message box appears.

17. C lick the I Agree button.

The Terminal Services C lient Setup dialog box appears.

Notice that the client software will be installed below the Program Files folder.
18. C lick the large button to install the Terminal Services C lient software.

The Terminal Services C lient Setup message box appears asking if you want this installation routine
to apply to all users of this computer.
19. C lick Yes.

The installation progresses and then the Terminal Service C lient Setup message box appears stating
that the installation was successful.
20. C lick OK.
21. C lose the Disk1 window.
22. On Server02 click the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Terminal Services C lient and then click
the Terminal Services C lient icon.
The Terminal Services C lient dialog box appears.
23. In the Server drop-down list box, type Serv er01.
24. Leave the Screen area at 640 x 480, verify that the Enable Disk C ompression check box is selected
and select the C ache Bitmaps To Disk check box.
25. C lick the C onnect button.

The Server01 - Terminal Services C lient window appears.

26. In the Log On To Windows dialog box, type Jane_Doe with a password of student and then click
Notice that the Jane_Doe personal profile appears which is indicated by the custom color scheme.
27. From within the terminal session, click the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Administrative
Tools, and then click Terminal Services Manager.
The SERVER01 - Terminal Services Manager snap-in starts inside of the terminal session.
28. In the console tree, click SERVER01.
29. In the details pane, click Jane_Doe.
30. C lick the Actions menu and then click Status.

Status information about the Jane_Doe session appears.

31. C lick the C lose button.
32. C lick the Actions menu and then click Send Message.

The Send Message dialog box appears.

33. In the top Message title box, type Message from the Administrator and in the bottom Message
box, type Terminal Services will be shutting down for maintenance in a few minutes.
Please close your session.
34. C lick OK.

A message box from the Administrator appears in the terminal session.

35. C lick OK.
36. C lose the SERVER01 - Terminal Services Manager snap-in and then close the SERVER01 - Terminal
Services C lient window.
The Disconnect Windows Session message box appears.
37. Read the message and then click OK.
38. Shut down Server02 and Server01.

Lesson Summary

Terminal Services running on a Windows 2000 Server enables all client application execution, data
processing, and data storage to occur on the server. It provides remote access to a server desktop through
terminal emulation software. You can enable Terminal Services in one of two modes: Remote Administration
and Application Server. Remote Administration gives system administrators a powerful method for remotely
administering each Windows 2000 server over any TC P/IP connection. In Application Server mode, you can
deploy and manage applications from a central location, saving administrators development and deployment
time as well as the time and effort required for maintenance and upgrade. Terminal Services licensing
includes four components: the Microsoft C learinghouse, a license server, a Terminal server, and client

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licenses. Deploying Terminal Services license server includes setting up the license server, enabling the
server, activating the server, and installing the licenses. Every client computer or terminal that you expect to
connect to a Terminal server must be physically capable of hosting the client software and connecting over
the network. A Windows 2000 server that is configured to run Terminal Services in Application Server mode
provides multiple concurrent user connections to any number of applications. You can deploy applications
through Active Directory services and Group Policy, and you can deploy applications from a domain
controller. When you install Terminal Services for Windows 2000, additional administration tools are added to
the Administrative Tools folder, including Terminal Services C lient C reator, Terminal Services Manager,
Terminal Services C onfiguration, and Terminal Services Licensing.

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The following questions are intended to reinforce key information presented in this chapter. If you are unable
to answer a question, review the appropriate lesson and then try the question again. Answers to the questions
can be found in Appendix A, "Questions and Answers."
1. C ompare a virtual directory to a Dfs root.
2. You are accessing the IIS 5.0 documentation from Internet Services Manager (HTML). All of the
documentation appears and you are able to access information via the Index tab. Under the Index
tab, you find the phrase Process Accounting. However, when you perform a search on this phrase,
the Web browser reports that your search phrase cannot be found. What is the most likely reason
that this is happening?
3. You have created a virtual directory for the purpose of WebDAV publishing. The home directory of
the Web site is accessible from Internet Explorer 5 but when you attempt to access the virtual
directory for WebDAV publishing, access is denied. Name two reasons why this may happen and how
you can solve this access problem.
4. Why is it important that the Microsoft Telnet C lient and the Microsoft Telnet service support NTLM
5. If Terminal Services is not licensed, what features of Terminal Services will work and for how long?

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Appendix A -- Questions and Answers

Chapter 1

1. A client has asked you to recommend the appropriate server edition(s) of Windows 2000 for his
environment. Your recommendation is based on the following characteristics:
 All remote offices are connected to the corporate headquarters and data center by
high-speed (greater than 10 Mbps) connections.
 All 10,000 users run Windows 2000 Professional or Windows 98.
And the following functional requirements:

 All sites will access a high-availability server cluster running a Microsoft SQL Server 7.0
database. A two-server cluster with six processors per computer is adequate, and there are
no plans to upgrade the cluster.
 All other servers will run an edition of Windows 2000 to provide Active Directory services,
basic file and print services, and dial-in access to the network.
 These servers will run anywhere between one to four processors. Processor sizing will be
based on the number of users supported at each site. For example, a small remote site will
contain a single processor server while all servers in the corporate site will contain four
processors. For simplicity, one server edition of Windows 2000 will be selected for all
computers serving this role.
 Each domain in Active Directory services will support 2,500 users.
Windows 2000 Adv anced Server is recommended for the SQL Server two-node cluster.
Windows 2000 Adv anced Server supports two-node clustering, eight-way SMP, and high
availability. Windows 2000 Datacenter is also an option; however, this edition of the
operating system exceeds the customer's requirements for clustering and SMP. Windows
2000 Server will not meet the customer's requirements for the SQL Server application
because it does not support clustering or six-way SMP.

All other servers should run Windows 2000 Serv er because it meets the customer's
requirements for a maximum of 4-way SMP, Activ e Directory serv ices, dial-in via RAS,
and file and print serv ices. It easily scales to support 2,500 users/domain and ov er
10,000 users in the network.
2. Why is a WDM driver preferred over legacy Windows NT drivers?
WDM device driv ers benefit from a common set of WDM I/O serv ices. Therefore, a driver
developed using the WDM driver dev elopment model should be binary-compatible with
Windows 2000 and Windows 98.

The WDM driver model is based on a class/miniport structure that prov ides modular,
extensible architectures for device support. This model allows each WDM class to
abstract many of the common details inv olv ed in controlling similar devices.
3. How does Windows 2000 protect Executive services from user mode applications?
User mode applications request system serv ices through the appropriate subsystem.
The subsystem then makes a request on behalf of the application to the Windows 2000
Executiv e running in Kernel mode. While system serv ices are available to both user
mode subsystems and other components of the Windows 2000 Executiv e, the subsystem
or component must call the exported support routine to make a request for Executiv e
4. What component of the Executive makes Windows 2000 preemptible?
The Process Manager suspends and resumes threads of running processes. This is an
important feature of any multitasking operating system because the Process Manager
will not allow a properly functioning process to monopolize the operating system and
therefore stop all other processes from running.
5. What is the primary difference between a workgroup and a domain?
A workgroup is a distributed directory maintained on each computer within the
workgroup. A domain is a centralized directory of resources maintained on domain
controllers and presented to the user through Activ e Directory serv ices.
6. What is the structure and purpose of a directory service?
A directory serv ice consists of a database that stores information about network
resources, such as computer and printers, and the services that make this information
available to users and applications.

Chapter 2

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1. If you are installing Microsoft Windows NT in a dual-boot configuration on the same computer, which
file system should you choose? Why?
The best choice is FAT. Although both Windows 2000 and Windows NT support NTFS,
Windows 2000 supports adv anced features provided by NTFS 5.0. For example, file
encryption is supported in NTFS 5.0, but prev ious versions of NTFS did not support file
encryption. Therefore, when Windows NT is running on a dual-boot computer, it will not
be able to read encrypted files created in Windows 2000.
2. Which licensing mode should you select if users in your organization require frequent access to
multiple servers? Why?
Per Seat licensing is the best choice for this env ironment. A Per-Seat license is more
expensiv e per client computer than Per-Serv er licensing but becomes much less
expensiv e when many client computers access sev eral servers. If Per-Server licensing
is used in this env ironment, each serv er must be indiv idually licensed for client
computer access.
3. You are installing Windows 2000 Server on a computer that will be a member server in an existing
Windows 2000 domain. You want to add the computer to the domain during installation. What
information do you need, and what computers must be available on the network, before you run the
Setup program?
You need the DNS domain name of the domain that you are joining. You must also make
sure that a computer account for the member serv er exists in the domain or you must
have the user name and password of a user account in the domain with the authority to
create computer accounts in the domain. A serv er running the DNS service and a domain
controller in the domain you are joining must be av ailable on the network. If dynamic IP
addressing is configured during setup, a server supporting DHCP must be av ailable to
assign an address to the computer.
4. You are using a C D-ROM to install Windows 2000 Server on a computer that was previously running
another operating system. There is not enough space on the hard disk to run both operating systems,
so you have decided to repartition the hard disk and install a clean copy of Windows 2000 Server.
Name two methods for repartitioning the hard disk.
Answer 1: Use a disk partitioning tool like MS-DOS fdisk to remov e any existing
partitions, and then create and format a new partition for the Windows 2000 installation.

Answer 2: Start the computer by booting from the Windows 2000 Serv er Setup disk.
During the text-mode portion of installation, you can delete the partition and then create
and format a new one. Continue the installation of Windows 2000 Server to the new
5. You are installing Windows 2000 over the network. Before you install to a client computer, what must
you do?
Locate the path to the shared installation files on the distribution server. Create a
671-MB F AT partition on the target computer (2 GB recommended). Create a client disk
with a network client so that you can connect from the computer, without an operating
system, to the distribution server.
6. A client is running Windows NT 3.5 Server and is interested in upgrading to Windows 2000. From the
list of choices, choose all possible upgrade paths:
a. Upgrade to Windows NT 3.51 workstation and then to Windows 2000 server.
b. Upgrade to Windows NT 4.0 Server and then to Windows 2000 Server.
c. Upgrade directly to Windows 2000 Server.
d. Run C onvert.exe to modify any NTFS partitions for file system compatibility with Windows
2000, and then upgrade to Windows 2000 Server.
e. Upgrade to Windows NT 3.51 Server and then to Windows 2000 Server.
Answer: b and e

Answer a is wrong because Windows NT Workstation (3.5x or 4.0) cannot be upgraded to

Windows 2000 Server.

Answer c is wrong because Windows NT 3.5 cannot be directly upgraded to Windows

2000 Server.

Answer d is wrong because the Windows 2000 Setup process automatically upgrades
NTFS to NTF S v ersion 5.0.
7. In your current network environment, user disk space utilization has been a major issue. Describe
three services in Windows 2000 Server to help you manage this issue.
Answer 1: Disk quotas in NTFS v ersion 5.0 allow you to control per-user disk space

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usage by disk.

Answer 2: Disk compression allows you to compress data at the disk, directory, or file
level. Disk compression does not affect a user's allocated quota. Quotas are calculated
based on the uncompressed file size.

Answer 3: Remote Storage Serv ices provides an extension to disk space by making
removable media accessible for file storage. Infrequently used data is automatically
archived to remov able media. Archiv ed data is still easily accessible to the user;
however, data retrieval is slower than with unarchiv ed data.

Chapter 3
5. What folder appears directly under the win2000dist folder that does not appear in the i386 folder?
18. What is the purpose of the UDF file?

The UDF file allows each automated setup to be customized with the unique settings
contained in the file. To start an unattended setup, the UniqueID contained in the UDF
file is specified on the command line. During setup the unique data in the UDF file is
merged into the answer file.

1. What is the purpose of using the /tempdrive: or /t: installation switches with Winnt32.exe or
Winnt.exe, respectively?
The Winnt32.exe /tempdrive: switch and the Winnt.exe /t: switch copy the Windows 2000
Serv er installation files to the drive specified with the switch. For example, Winn32.exe
/tempdriv e:d copies all Windows 2000 installation files to the D: partition. Using this
switch also tells Setup which partition should be the boot partition for the installation of
Windows 2000 Server.
2. You are asked to develop a strategy for rapidly installing Windows 2000 Server for one of your
clients. You have assessed their environment and have determined that the following three
categories of computers require Windows 2000 Server:
 There are 30 unidentical computer configurations currently running Windows NT Server 4.0
that need to be upgraded to Windows 2000 server.
 There are 20 identical computers that need a new installation of Windows 2000 Server.
 Remote sites will run a clean installation of Windows 2000 Server. You want to make sure
that they install a standard image of Windows 2000 Server that is consistent with your local
configuration of the operating system. You will provide them with hard disks that they will
install in their servers.
What are the steps for your installation strategy?

For the 30 computers that need to be upgraded, build an answer file and a distribution
share using Setup Manager. F urther customize the answer file with a text editor. Use a
product such as SMS to automate the distribution of operating system upgrades. If SMS
is not available, run winnt32 with the /unattend switch and the other switches described
in Lesson 1 that are designed to automate the installation process.

For the 20 identical computers, set up one computer with the operating system and all
applications that you need to replicate on all other computers. Copy sysprep.exe,
sysprepcl.exe, and sysprep.inf (answer file format) into the $OEM\$1\Sysprep folder.
Make sure the [GuiRunOnce] section of the answer file calls sysprep.exe with the -quiet
switch to continue the setup without any user interaction. Create an image with a
third-party image utility, and copy this image to each of the 20 identical computers.
Upon reboot, Mini-Setup will run using information in sysprep.inf to complete the setup.

For the remote sites, use /Syspart to prepare the disks for the second half of the
installation. Ship the disks to the remote sites and instruct the local administrators to
install them in their servers as the bootable driv e, usually by setting the SCSI ID to 0 or
7, depending on the SCSI hardware.

You can also use the bootable CD-ROM method. If you use this method, include a floppy
disk containing the winnt.sif file to automate Setup.
3. What is the purpose of the $OEM$ folder and the subfolders created beneath it by Setup Manager?
The $oem$ folder contains the optional cmdlines.txt file and subfolders for original
equipment manufacturer (OEM) files and other files needed to complete or customize
automated installation. Folders below $oem$ hold all files that are not part of a standard
installation of Windows 2000 Serv er. These folders map to specific partitions and

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directories on the computer running an unattended installation. The following list

describes the purpose of each folder below $oem$:

$$ – copies files from this distribution folder location to $windir$ or $systemroot$. For a
standard installation of Windows 2000 Server, these variables map to C:\Winnt. There
are other folders below this one too, such as Help for OEM help files and System32 for
files that must be copied to the System32 directory.

$1 – copies files from this distribution folder location to the root of the system driv e.
This location is equiv alent to the %systemdrive% variable. In a typical installation of
Windows 2000 Server, this variable maps to the C:\ root. The $1 folder contains a
driv ers folder for third-party driver installation.

Driv e letter — folders named after a specific driv e letter map to the driv e letter on the
local computer. For example, if you need to copy files to the E: drive during setup,
create an E folder and place files or folders in this folder.

Textmode – contains any special HALs or mass storage device driv ers required for
installing and running Windows 2000 Server.
4. How does C mdlines.txt differ from [GuiRunOnce]?
Cmdlines.txt runs commands before a user is logged on and in the context of the system
account. Any command line or installation that can occur without a user logon can
complete using Cmdlines.txt. [GuiRunOnce], a section in the answer file, runs in the
context of a user account and after the user logs on for the first time. This is an ideal
place to run user specific scripts, such as scripts that add printers or scripts that
automatically configure a user's e-mail configuration.
5. How does Syspart differ from Sysprep?
Syspart is a switch of Winnt32.exe. This switch completes the Pre-Copy phase of
Windows 2000 Server Setup. After it is complete, the disk used for the Pre-Copy phase
can be installed in another computer. Upon booting from this disk, the text mode phase
of setup continues. Syspart is ideal for dissimilar systems that require a faster setup
procedure than is prov ided by running Windows 2000 Setup manually. Syspart can be
further automated by calling an answer file as well as Syspart from the Winnt32
command line.

Sysprep prepares a computer for imaging. After the operating system and applications
are installed on a computer, Sysprep is run to prepare it for imaging. Next, an imaging
utility is used to create an image of the prepared disk. The image is downloaded to
identical or nearly identical computers, and Sysprep Mini-Setup continues to complete
the installation. The Mini-Setup process can be further automated with a Sysprep.inf file.

Chapter 4

1. You install a new 10-GB disk drive that you want to divide into five equal 2-GB sections. What are
your options?
You can leave the disk as a basic disk and then create a combination of primary
partitions (up to three) and logical drives in an extended partition; or you can upgrade
the disk to a dynamic disk and create fiv e 2-GB simple volumes.
2. You are trying to create a striped volume on your Windows 2000 Server to improve performance.
You confirm that you have enough unallocated disk space on two disks in your computer, but when
you right-click an area of unallocated space on a disk, your only option is to create a partition. What
is the problem, and how would you resolve it?
You can create striped volumes on dynamic disks only. The option to create a partition
rather than a v olume indicates that the disk you are trying to use is a basic disk. You will
need to upgrade all the disks that you want to use in your striped v olume to dynamic
disks before you stripe them.
3. You dual boot your computer with Windows 98 and Windows 2000. You upgrade Disk 1, which you
are using to archive files, from basic storage to dynamic storage. The next time you try to access
your files on Disk 1 from Windows 98, you are unable to read the files. Why?
Only Windows 2000 is able to read dynamic storage.
4. What is the default permission when a partition is formatted with NTFS? Who has access to the
The Ev eryone group is granted F ull Control permission. All users are members of the
Everyone group, so they all hav e access.

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The default permission is Full Control. The Everyone group has access to the v olume.
5. If a user has Write permission for a folder and is also a member of a group with Read permission for
the folder, what are the user's effective permissions for the folder?
The user has both Read permission and Write permission for the folder because NTF S
permissions are cumulative.
6. What happens to permissions that are assigned to a file when the file is moved from one folder to
another folder on the same NTFS partition? What happens when the file is moved to a folder on
another NTFS partition?
When the file is moved from one folder to another folder on the same NTF S partition, the
file retains its permissions. When the file is mov ed to a folder on a different NTF S
partition, the file inherits the permissions of the destination folder.
7. If an employee leaves the company, what must you do to transfer ownership of his or her files and
folders to another employee?
You must be logged on as Administrator to take ownership of the employee's folders and
files. Assign the Take Ownership special access permission to another employee to allow
that employee to take ownership of the folders and files. Notify the employee to whom
you assigned Take Ownership to take ownership of the folders and files.
8. What is the best way to secure files and folders that you share on NTFS partitions?
Put the files that you want to share in a shared folder, and keep the default shared
folder permission (the Everyone group with the F ull Control permission for the shared
folder). Assign NTFS permissions to users and groups to control access to all contents in
the shared folder or to indiv idual files.

Chapter 5
9. Which folder represents a location on a server other than Server01?
The intranet folder's physical path on Server02 is C:\inetput\wwwroot.
9. Which folder represents a mounted drive to a previously empty folder?
The ftp folder was a prev iously empty folder on Serv er01. The empty folder path is
C:\inetput\ftproot. This directory points to an extended partition on Disk0.
9. Earlier in this exercise, you created a replica of the Press Dfs link. The name of that replica is
\\SERVER01\PressRepl. This Dfs link is a shared folder by the name of PressRepl and is located in
C :\Public\Press. If you examine the contents of this directory, you will notice that it is empty.
However, when you view the News Dfs link, you will notice that there is a file named Press.wri. Why
is the PressRepl Dfs replica empty?
Because replication and synchronization are not supported in a stand-alone Dfs.
Therefore, you must manually copy any files appearing in H:\Press (the
\\Serv er01\Press share) to the directory C:\Public\Press (the \\Server01\PressRepl
share) so that \\Serv er01\PressRepl can serv e as a replica of \\Serv er01\Press. Once
the files are copied ov er, the \\Serv er01\Public\News Dfs link will be fault tolerant
because \\Server01\PressRepl will take over if \\Serv er01\Press becomes unav ailable.

1. How does a mounted drive to an empty folder differ from a Dfs root?
A mounted drive to an empty folder allows for folder redirection. When you store files in
a folder that points to a mounted partition, the files are redirected to the partition. This
feature prov ides limited resource consolidation. A Dfs root prov ides a central point
where disparate resources are consolidated through Dfs links. These links are then
presented to the users as a single share containing folders. This feature provides robust
resource consolidation.
2. In Exercise 1, you were asked to notice that New Root Replica and Replication Policy were not
available options in the Distributed File System snap-in. Explain why these options are not available.
New Root Replica and Replication Policy are av ailable only for domain Dfs roots. In
Exercise 1 you configured a stand-alone Dfs root. A new root replica allows you to
replicate the Dfs root to other servers on the network. This feature provides fault
tolerance and load balancing. If a server hosting the Dfs root fails, users access the Dfs
root from the other replicas. If all serv ers replicating the Dfs root are available, they will
load balance user requests. Replication policy allows you to configure the settings for
replicating the Dfs root and Dfs shares below it.
3. Why doesn't Dfs directly provide a security infrastructure?
Security is provided by the underlying file system. A Dfs link that points to an NTFS
partition is secured using NTFS permissions or share rights; a FAT partition is secured

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with share rights. A Dfs link to another network operating system (NOS) is secured with
nativ e security prov ided by the operating system. F or example, NetWare prov ides
trustee directory and file assignments for security. A NetWare resource can be made
available to Dfs through Gateway Serv ices for NetWare.
4. How is the KC C involved in maintaining Active Directory store synchronization between domain
KCC creates a ring topology for intra-domain replication. This topology provides a path
for Active Directory store updates to flow from one domain controller to the next. It also
prov ides two replication paths, a path on either side of the ring to continue replication
even if the ring structure is temporarily broken.
5. What data does the FRS replicate?
System Volume data and domain Dfs roots and Dfs links configured for replication.

Chapter 6
3. Examine each of the nodes below microsoft.com. Do not modify any information that you see in
these nodes.
What selections are listed under microsoft.com and what is their purpose? Hint, choose the properties
of each node in the console tree to view their purpose.

Built-in – contains local groups created during installation of the domain controller.

Computers – this is the default container for upgraded computer accounts. You can mov e
these computers to other containers if your design requires it.

Domain Controllers – this is the default container for new Windows 2000 domain
controllers. You will see Server01 in this container.

ForeignSecurityPrincipals – this is the default container for object SIDs from external,
trusted domains.

Users – this is the default container for upgraded and built-in user accounts.
3. C lick the Start button, point to Programs, and then point to Administrative Tools.
Notice that all installed Administrative Tools applications appear under Administrative Tools rather
than just the most recently used applications.

When Server01 was a stand-alone server, all the applications appeared under Administrative Tools
except those specific to Active Directory, domain, and DNS maintenance. Using your mouse, point to
each of the applications listed below to see the screen hint, and then write a description in the space

Active Directory Domains and Trusts

Active Directory Sites and Services

Active Directory Users and C omputers


Activ e Directory Domains and Trusts – manages the trust relationships between

Activ e Directory Sites and Services – creates sites to manage the replication of Active
Directory data information.

Activ e Directory Users and Computers – manages users, computers, security groups, and
other objects in the Active Directory store.

DNS – manages the DNS Domain Naming System (DNS) serv ice for IP host name

1. What is Ntdis.dit, and what is its purpose?
NTDIS.DIT is the file that contains the Active Directory store.
2. What is the one SYSVOL location requirement?
SYSVOL must be located on an NTF S 5.0 partition.

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3. What is the function of SYSVOL, and what is the one disk requirement for SYSVOL?
SYSVOL stores the domain controllers copy of the domain's public files. The contents of
this directory are replicated to all domain controllers in the domain.
4. What is the difference between an attribute and an attribute value? Give examples.
Attributes (also referred to as properties) are categories of information and define the
characteristics for all objects of a defined object type. All objects of the same type hav e
the same attributes. Values of the attributes make the objects unique. For example, all
user account objects hav e a First Name attribute; howev er, the v alue for the First Name
attribute can be any name, such as John or Jane.
5. What is the difference between modifying an object and modifying the attribute values of an object
Modifying an object is an advanced procedure completed in tools such as the Schema
Manager snap-in (Schmmgmt.msc). Modifying the attribute values of an object instance
involves changing data stored with an instance of an object, for example, changing the
primary phone number data for a user object named John Smith.
6. You want to allow the manager of the sales department to create, modify, and delete only user
accounts for sales personnel. How can you accomplish this?
Place all the sales personnel user accounts in an OU, and then delegate control of the OU
to the manager of the sales department.
7. What is the global catalog, and what is its purpose?
The global catalog stores key information about every object in a domain tree or forest.
It contains a partial replica of the Entire Directory. Only the most important data about
objects are stored in the global catalog, so replicating the global catalog is more
efficient than replicating the entire Activ e Directory store. The global catalog enables a
user to find information regardless of which domain in the tree or forest contains the

Chapter 7
6. In what mode is the console running?
The console is running in author mode as shown in the Console Mode drop-down list box.
13. When will the account expire?

According to the current settings, the account will never expire. The Account Expires
section at the bottom of the Account page shows that the expiration is set to Never.
5. C lick OK to close the C hange Password message box.
Were you able to log on successfully? Why or why not?

You were not allowed to log on locally since this right is not granted to regular user
accounts. By default administrators have the right to log on locally to a domain
controller, but regular users, like Jane Doe, do not.

1. When you use the Administrative Tools program group to open an MMC console provided with
Windows 2000 Server, can you add snap-ins to it? Why or why not?
No, snap-ins cannot be added to the MMC consoles prov ided with the product when the
consoles are opened from the Administrative Tools program group. These consoles are
configured for User Mode operation. You can open these consoles in author mode by
appending the name of the path and the name of the .msc file with MMC /a. For example:
mmc /a %SystemRoot%\system32\compmgmt.msc /s
opens the Computer Management console in author mode.
2. You receive a call from a member of the Help Desk support team. She tells you that a number of
users are complaining of a window that appears every time they log on. The support person tells you
there is nothing in the Startup menu. Additionally, she has closed the window and shut down and
restarted the computer, but the window still appears at logon. What is the most likely cause of this
issue, and how can you resolve it?
All the users complaining of this problem are using a mandatory shared profile. When
the profile template was built, a window was left open on the desktop. To resolve this
problem, make sure no users are accessing the profile, rename Ntuser.man to Ntuser.dat
so that it is no longer mandatory. Log on with a user account that points to this profile,
close the window that appears, and then log off. Upon logoff, the profile change will be
sav ed to the network shared profile location. Next, rename Ntuser.dat back to
Ntuser.man and instruct the users to log on again.

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3. When should you use security groups instead of distribution groups?

Use security groups to assign permissions. Use distribution groups when the only
function of the group is not security related, such as an e-mail distribution list. You
cannot use distribution groups to assign permissions.
4. What are the implications of changing the domain mode from Mixed mode to Native mode?
Pre-Windows 2000 domain controllers cannot participate in a Nativ e-mode domain.

Pre-Windows 2000 stand-alone serv ers and computers running Windows NT Workstation
can still participate in the domain.

After you change to Nativ e mode, you cannot change back to Mixed mode.
5. By default, in what order is group policy implemented through the Active Directory store hierarchy?
How can you control this behavior?
Group policy is implemented in the following order: site, domain, and then organizational
unit (OU).

You can control group policy inheritance through the Block Policy Inheritance check box.
However, the No Ov erride Link option set in higher levels of the hierarchy supersedes
this option. Additionally, you can restrict who group policies are applied to by modifying
the security settings for the group policy.
6. What is a GPO, GPC , and GPT?
A GPO is a group policy object. Group Policy configuration settings are contained within a
GPO. You establish group policy settings in a GPO that you apply to a site, domain, or OU.
GPOs store group policy information in two locations: a GPC and a GPT.

A GPC, or group policy container, is an Activ e Directory object that contains GPO
properties and includes subcontainers for computer and user group policy information.
The GPC contains the class store information for application deployment. The Windows
2000 class store is a server-based repository for all applications, interfaces, and
application programming interfaces (APIs) that prov ide application publishing and
assigning functions.

A GPT, or group policy template, is a folder structure in the system v olume folder
(Sysv ol) of domain controllers. The GPT is the container for all software policy, script,
file and application deployment, and security settings information. The folder name of
the GPT is the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the GPO you created.

Chapter 8

1. Explain the difference between a print device and a printer.
A print dev ice is the hardware that creates printable pages or a file on a disk (print to
file) that has been processed through a printer. A printer is the software interface to one
or more print devices.
2. You are told by a colleague never to remove the Everyone system group from the permissions of a
printer or no one will be able to manage the printer or its documents. Why is this statement
incorrect? How could you configure this undesirable behavior?
Remov ing the Ev eryone system group from a printer's permissions still leav es a number
of groups (Administrators, CREATOR OWNER, Printer Operators, and Serv er Operators)
that hav e access to the printers by default. Removing the Ev eryone system group is not
the same as specifically denying the Everyone system group with access to the printer.
This configuration would result in the inability to manage the printer until the deny
permission is remov ed by the CREATOR OWNER system account.
3. You have configured two Windows 2000 print servers on your network. When a user connects to one
from Windows 95, printing is automatic. When the same user connects to the same print server for a
different printer, she gets prompted to install a driver. Why is this happening?
One printer installed on the print serv er has been configured with additional driv ers,
specifically the Windows 95 or 98 printer driv er. The other printer has not been
configured with additional drivers.
4. In an environment where many users print to the same print device, how can you help reduce the
likelihood of users picking up the wrong documents?
Create a separator page that identifies and separates printed documents.
5. C an you redirect a single document?

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No. You can change only the configuration of the print serv er to send documents to
another printer or print dev ice; this change redirects all documents on that printer. The
currently spooled or active document cannot be redirected.
6. A user needs to print a very large document. How can the user print the job after hours without being
present while the document prints?
You can control print jobs by setting the printing time. You set the printing time for a
document on the General tab of the Properties dialog box for the document. To open the
Properties dialog box for a document, select the document in the Printers window, click
Document on the Printers window menu bar, and then click Properties. Click Only From in
the Schedule section of the Properties dialog box, and then set the Only F rom hour to the
earliest time you want the document to begin printing after regular business hours. Set
the To time to a couple of hours before normal business hours start. To set the printing
time for a document, you must be the owner of the document or have the Manage
Documents permission for the appropriate printer.

Chapter 9

1. Your computer receives its TC P/IP configuration information from a DHC P server in the network.
After DHC P information is received, you can connect to any host on your own subnet, but you cannot
connect to or successfully ping any host on a remote subnet. You checked the DHC P Service to
ensure that the router information specified for your address scope is correct. What is the likely
cause of the problem and how would you fix it?
The default gateway is incorrectly specified on your computer. If default gateway
information is specified on a client computer, these settings take precedence ov er
settings downloaded from a DHCP serv er. To solve this configuration problem, simply
remove the default gateway information from the client computer and then run
IPCONF IG /renew from the command line. Other possibilities are that the default
gateway is offline or that the subnet mask is incorrect.
2. You installed NWLink IPX/SPX and GSNW. After installing these components, you cannot
communicate with one of the NetWare servers on your network. You have no trouble accessing this
NetWare server from your client computer running Windows 2000 Professional, NWLink IPX/SPX, and
C SNW. You must communicate with this NetWare server from your Windows 2000 Server because
the NetWare server contains resources you must make available to users running the Microsoft
Network C lient. What is the likely cause of the problem?
Although the NWLink implementation in Windows 2000 can automatically detect a frame
type for IPX/SPX-compatible protocols, it can only automatically detect one frame type.
It's possible that the Windows 2000 Server detected the wrong frame type. If the
network is configured for multiple frame types, you must manually configure the frame
type that matches the frame type of the NetWare serv er you are attempting to access.
3. You notice that access to network resources seems slower on your computer running Windows 2000
Server than from another identical computer running Windows 2000 Server on the same network.
The only difference you can determine is that the slower Windows 2000 Server computer is running
multiple protocols. How could network protocol binding order potentially resolve this problem?
You specify the binding order to optimize network performance. F or example, a
computer running Windows 2000 Serv er has NetBEUI, NWLink IPX/SPX, and TCP/IP
installed. However, most of the servers to which this computer connects are running only
TCP/IP. You would adjust the binding order so that the Workstation serv ice binding to
TCP/IP is listed before the other Workstation service bindings for the other protocols. In
this way, when you attempt to connect to another computer, the Workstation service
first attempts to use TCP/IP to establish the connection.
4. When do DHC P clients attempt to renew their leases?
When 50 percent of the lease life has expired, the DHCP client attempts to renew its
lease with the DHCP serv er that leased the address originally. If the lease isn't renewed,
the DHCP client will renew its lease with any DHCP serv er after 87.5 percent of its current
lease life has expired.
5. Why might you create multiple scopes on a DHC P server?
You might create multiple scopes on a DHCP serv er to centralize administration and to
assign IP addresses specific to a subnet (for example, a default gateway). You can
assign only one scope to a specific subnet.
6. How can you manually restore the DHC P database?
You can change the RestoreFlag key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServ er\Parameters to
1 in the registry and then restart the DHCP Serv ice, or you can manually copy the files in

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the DHCP backup folder to the DHCP directory and then restart the serv ice.
7. What are the configuration requirements for a WINS server?
The requirements are a computer running Windows 2000 Serv er configured with WINS,
and a static IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.

You can also configure a static mapping for all non-WINS clients on the WINS server,
WINS support on a DHCP server, and a WINS proxy agent on WINS-enabled clients.
8. Why would you want to have multiple name servers?
Installing multiple name servers prov ides redundancy, reduces the load on the server
that stores the primary zone database file, and allows for faster access speed for
remote locations.
9. Why do you create forward and reverse lookup zones?
A name server must have at least one forward lookup zone. A forward lookup zone
enables name resolution.

A reverse lookup zone is needed for troubleshooting utilities, such as nslookup, and to
record names instead of IP addresses in IIS logs.
10. What is the difference between dynamic DNS and DNS?

Dynamic DNS allows automatic updates to the primary serv er's zone file. In DNS, you
must manually update the file when new hosts or domains are added.

Dynamic DNS also allows a list of authorized serv ers to initiate updates. This list can
include secondary name serv ers, domain controllers, and other serv ers that perform
network registration for clients, such as serv ers running WINS and the DHCP Serv ice.

Chapter 10

1. What is the purpose of demand-dial routing?
Demand-dial routing provides a facility for connecting one dial-up router to another
dial-up router. This allows two routers on separate networks to use a dial-up
infrastructure such as the public switched telephone network or the Internet to connect
to each other and transfer information. A two-way initiated connection allows each
router to accept inbound data from an opposing router and initiate outbound data to the
opposing router.
2. What authentication providers are available in RRAS and how are they different from authentication
There are two authentication providers: Windows authentication and RADIUS
authentication. Windows authentication uses the Windows 2000 directory for
authenticating user accounts. RADIUS authentication uses either the Microsoft IAS
RADIUS server or a third-party RADIUS server to authenticate user accounts.
Authentication methods are a security process where by the client and the server agree
on a procedure for authenticated account information. RRAS supports EAP, MS-CHAP v2,
MS-CHAP, CHAP, SPAP, PAP, and clear text authentication.
3. What is the purpose of VPN and what two VPN technologies are supported in Windows 2000 RRAS?
VPN or virtual private networking provides a facility to securely transfer data ov er a
public network. The two VPN technologies supported in Windows 2000 RRAS are PPTP and
4. If a remote access client begins to connect to the RAS server but the connection is dropped, what
troubleshooting steps will help you to solve this error?
1. Verify that Ev ent Logging is enabled and v iew the System Event log on the
computer running RRAS.

2. On the remote access client, access the properties of the dial-up device, such
as a modem, click the Diagnostics tab, and check the Record a Log check box.
After attempting a connection, review the log file.

3. On the server, open the Authentication Methods dialog box and check the Allow
remote systems to connect without authentication check box. After selecting this
check box, attempt to reconnect from the client computer.
5. How is the remote access permission of Deny Access (in Mixed mode or Native mode), similar in
function to the Native-mode domain default remote access policy?

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The Deny Access remote access permission does not allow a user with this setting to use
remote access to connect to the serv er. The nativ e-mode domain remote access policy
is Allow Access If Dial-In Permission Is Enabled. The default policy's properties,
however, are Deny Remote Access Permission At All Times.
6. You need to configure 10 RRAS servers for a client. All 10 servers will have identical RRAS
configurations. What is the most efficient way to complete this configuration?
Configure one RRAS server to act as the master configuration for all other RRAS servers.
Then, use netsh to dump the configuration and then use the -f or exec command to run
the script. F or example, to dump the RAS configuration from a serv er named RRAS1 to a
script file named Ras.scr, from RRAS1 type:

netsh -c RAS dump > ras.scr

Next, to apply this policy to a RRAS serv er named RRAS2 from RRAS1, type:

netsh -r RRAS2 -f ras.scr

Chapter 11

1. Which key is associated with the creation of digital signatures, the public key or the private key?
Explain your answer.
Private keys are associated with the creation of digital signatures. You use a priv ate key
to transform data in such a way that users are able to verify that only you could have
created the encrypted data. Decrypting the data is achieved through the application of
the public key. Howev er, only the private key is used to create the digital signature.
2. What security credential(s) will be in use if you are supporting client computers running Windows
2000 and Windows NT that authenticate to servers running Windows 2000 Server, and Windows NT
Windows NT client computers will authenticate to both Windows 2000 and Windows NT
Serv ers using NTLM credentials (Windows NT domain name, username, and encrypted
password). Windows 2000 client computers will authenticate to the computers running
Windows 2000 Server using Kerberos authentication (domain name, username, Kerberos
encrypted password), and they will authenticate to the computers running Windows NT
Serv er using NTLM authentication.
3. How can a security template be used to facilitate configuration and analysis of security settings?
A template can be applied to a security configuration database created by the Security
Analysis and Configuration snap-in. After the database is created, the current settings of
the computer can be compared to the settings dictated by the policy. After reviewing
discrepancies between policy and computer security settings, the same snap-in can be
used to configure the computer's security settings to the template's settings.
4. Where is the C ertificate Services Enrollment page and what is its purpose?
The Certificate Serv ices Enrollment page is a Web page that allows for the easy creation
and monitoring of certificate requests, and for the retrieval of CRLs and certificates.
5. What steps must you follow to enable auditing of specific file objects on domain controllers in a
domain where Group Policy is enabled?
Use Active Directory Users And Computers to open a group policy (typically the Default
Domain GPO or the Default Domain controller Policy GPO). Nav igate to the Audit Policy
node below the Windows Settings - Security Settings – Local Policies node. In the details
pane, double-click Audit Object Access and enable success or failure attempts as
appropriate. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the specific file or folder that you need
to access. Access the properties of the file or folder object, click the Security tab, then
click the Advanced button. F rom the Access Control Settings dialog box, select View/Edit
to modify the audit policy of a selected user or group or add a new user or group to
audit. Be cautious about how much file object auditing you configure. This feature can be
processor intensive if it is configured improperly.

Chapter 12

1. You have configured a computer to boot Windows 2000 Server as the default operating system, and
Windows NT 4.0 Server as the optional operating system. After modifying the attributes of files on
%systemdrive% and deleting some of the files, the computer does not display Windows NT 4.0
Server as an operating system to start. Windows 2000 Server starts up properly. The problem is

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caused because you deleted a file. What is the name of the file, and what can you do to recover from
this error?
You deleted the Boot.ini file. Boot.ini allows for multiboot. If this file is missing, the
default operating system starts. To recover this file, run the ERD, choose Manual Repair,
and then choose Inspect Startup Environment.
2. You have created three hardware profiles for your mobile computer: Docked, Undocked On The
Network, and Undocked At Home. When you reboot the computer, the first two hardware profiles
appear, but the third one does not. What is the most likely reason that the Undocked At Home profile
does not appear?
In the properties of the Undocked At Home profile, the Always Include This Profile As An
Option When Windows Starts check box is not selected.
3. Why would the Use Hardware C ompression, If Available check box be unavailable in the Backup
This option is available only if an installed tape device and its driv er supports hardware
4. You performed a normal backup on Monday. For the remaining days of the week, you only want to
back up files and folders that have changed since the previous day. What backup type do you select?
Incremental. The incremental backup type backs up changes since the last markers
were set and then clears the markers. Thus, for Tuesday through Friday, you only back
up changes made since the previous day.
5. How can you test the configuration of the UPS service on a computer?
You can simulate a power failure by disconnecting the main power supply to the UPS
device. During the test, the computer and peripherals connected to the UPS dev ice
should remain operational, messages should display, and events should continue to be

In addition, you should wait until the UPS battery reaches a low level to verify that a
graceful shutdown occurs. Then restore the main power to the UPS device and check the
event log to ensure that all actions were logged and there were no errors.

Note that this procedure requires a UPS that communicates with the computer through a
COM port or a proprietary interface prov ided with the UPS.

Chapter 13

1. You have used the C ompact utility to compress the files contained in the Users subfolders on an NTFS
partition. You have enabled the Folder Option, Display C ompressed Files And Folders With Alternate
C olor. A week later you use Windows Explorer to see if files are being compressed. To your surprise,
user account subfolders, located directly under the Users folder created after you ran the compress
utility, are not compressed. Why did this happen and how can you fix it?
You ran the Compact utility and compressed each of the subfolders under the Users
subfolder. As a result, all subfolders were marked for compression but the Users parent
folder was not marked for compression. Therefore, new folders created directly below
the Users folder are not compressed. There are a number of ways to fix this. You can use
the Compact utility to mark the Users folder for compression and all subfolders below
users. Open a command prompt, go to the driv er containing the Users parent folder, and
type compact /s:Users /c. Or you can use the Windows Explorer to compress the Users
subfolder and then choose the Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files radio
2. Your department has recently archived several GB of data from a computer running Windows 2000
Server to C D-ROMs. As users have added files to the server, you have noticed that the server has
been taking longer than usual to gain access to the hard disk. How can you increase disk access time
for the server?
Use Disk Defragmenter to defragment files on the serv er's hard disk.
3. You are the administrator for a computer running Windows 2000 Server that is used to store user's
home folders and roaming user profiles. You want to restrict users to 25 MB of available storage for
their home folder while monitoring, but not limiting, the disk space used for the roaming user profiles.
How should you configure the volumes on the server?
Create two volumes: one to store home folders and another to store roaming user
profiles. Format both volumes with NTFS, and enable disk quotas for both v olumes. For
the home folder volume, specify a limit of 25 MB and select the Deny Disk Space To
Users Exceeding Quota Limit check box. For the roaming user profile volume, do not
specify a limit and clear the Deny Disk Space To Users Exceeding Quota Limit check box.

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4. You notice that a new server is not performing as well as you expected. You need to obtain summary
information on a server's performance, and then you want to use a utility to obtain detailed reports of
performance bottlenecks. After you have resolved the performance problem, what should you do to
track the performance of the server as more users begin to access the server?
To obtain summary information on a serv er's performance, run Task Manager to observ e
common data points contained under the Performance tab. This can giv e you an idea of
where your performance bottleneck is. Next, run the System Monitor snap-in and
observe detailed performance metrics. Add resources as necessary or remov e
applications that are creating the bottleneck. After you hav e resolv ed the performance
issue, use the Performance Logs And Alerts to log performance activity. These logs
serve as your baseline for future performance monitoring. So that you are not caught
off-guard by poor performance or a potential hardware failure, create alerts to track the
activity of the server. If you think poor performance might be related to network
activity, run the Network Monitor to analyze network activity.
5. You want to filter out all network traffic except for traffic between two computers, and you also want
to locate specific data within the packets. Which Network Monitor filter features should you specify?
Filter for Address Pairs where you specify the media access control address of each
computer, and then specify Pattern Matches where you filter for specific patterns in Hex
or ASCII contained in the frames.
6. Your goal is to make sure that only two network management stations in your organization are able
to communicate with the SNMP agents. What measures can you take when configuring the SNMP
service to enhance security?
Using the Security tab of the SNMP Serv ice Properties dialog box, make the following
configuration changes:

 Specify a unique community name and remove the public community name.
 Adjust the community rights settings so that the NMS can complete the functions
you want to enable. If you aren't sure of the community rights you need,
configure this for READ ONLY and adjust it by NMS to SNMP serv ice testing.
 Select the Accept SNMP packets from these hosts radio button, and then specify
the host name, IP, or IPX address of the two network management stations.
 If you will be sending Traps to an NMS, make sure to specify the Trap
destination(s) under the Traps tab.

Chapter 14
7. With the Web Site tab active, record the TC P Port value appearing in the TC P Port text box.
Port value will v ary but should be between 2000-9999.

1. C ompare a virtual directory to a Dfs root.
A virtual directory is a term used to describe Web server directories that appear to be
located below a Web serv er's home directory but could be located in any location
accessible to the Web server. An alias is used to describe the virtual directory so that
Web browser users are unaware of the virtual directories' physical location or path.

A Dfs root is also a symbolic share that prov ides centralized access to shares located
throughout the network. The user is unaware of the physical location of the shares but is
able to reach them by starting from the Dfs root. The Dfs root is similar to an Internet
Information Services (IIS) home directory and the shares below the Dfs root are similar
to virtual directories in IIS.
2. You are accessing the IIS 5.0 documentation from Internet Services Manager (HTML). All of the
documentation appears and you are able to access information via the Index tab. Under the Index
tab, you find the phrase Process Accounting. However, when you perform a search on this phrase,
the Web browser reports that your search phrase cannot be found. What is the most likely reason
that this is happening?
The indexing serv ice has been started since the Web browser did not report the inability
to perform a search. Because the phrase was not found it could be that you hav e not
configured the Indexing Service to catalog the iisHelp folder or the Indexing Service has
not completed the task of indexing this folder's contents.
3. You have created a virtual directory for the purpose of WebDAV publishing. The home directory of
the Web site is accessible from Internet Explorer 5, but when you attempt to access the virtual
directory for WebDAV publishing, access is denied. Name two reasons why this may happen and how
you can solve this access problem.
WebDAV security is managed by the file system and Internet Serv ices. Therefore, access
could be denied because the physical directory for WebDAV has an ACL that does not
allow the browser client to access the folder. If access is allowed at the file system level,

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verify that Read, Write, and Directory Browsing on the WebDAV virtual directory is
enabled. For ASP support also make sure to enable Script source access.
4. Why is it important that the Microsoft Telnet C lient and the Microsoft Telnet service support NTLM
NTLM authentication protects authentication information from being transmitted across a
network from the Telnet client to the Telnet serv er. A user is authenticated in the
context of the current logon. If authentication is necessary, NTLM challenge/response
authentication protects logon information. This is an important security feature of
Windows 2000 Telnet.
5. If Terminal Services is not licensed, what features of Terminal Services will work and for how long?
Remote Administration mode allows for two remote control sessions with the computer
running Terminal Services. No Terminal Service client license is necessary for this
function. In Application Serv er mode, a Terminal Service client license is required for
each session. The Terminal Serv ice will continue to function for 90 days without Terminal
Serv ice client licenses installed on the Terminal Services License serv er.

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Appendix B -- Sample Answer Files for Unattended Setup

Unattended Setup in Microsoft Windows 2000 uses an ASC II text file that is called an answer file to supply
data that would otherwise be entered interactively when you run the Setup wizard. The answer file is specified
on either a Winnt.exe or Winnt32.exe command line when the Unattended Setup option is used.

This appendix includes sample answer files that are appropriate for common installation configurations. You
can customize the default answer file (Unattend.txt) that comes with Windows 2000 or write a new one based
on the samples that are provided in this appendix.

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In This Appendix
 Answer file format
 Sample answer files

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Answer File Format

An answer file consists of section headers, keys, and the values for each key. Most of the section headers are
predefined, but some can be user defined. You do not need to specify all the possible keys in an answer file if
the installation does not require them. Invalid key values generate errors or can cause incorrect behavior
after setup. The file format is as follows:


Sections contain keys and the corresponding values for those keys. Each key and value are separated by a
space, an equal sign, and a space. The following is an example:

key = value

Values that have spaces in them require double quotes around them. The following is an example:

key = "value with spaces"

Some sections have no keys and merely contain a list of values. The following is an example:


C omment lines start with a semicolon.

; This is an example of a comment line.

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Answer File Keys and Values

Every key in an answer file must have a value assigned to it; however, some keys are optional, and some
keys have default values that are used if the key is omitted.

Key values are strings of text unless numeric is specified. If numeric is specified, the value is decimal unless
otherwise noted.

Keys are not case sensitive; they can be uppercase or lowercase.

The Unattend.doc file has detailed information about the answer file keys and values. To find this file, look on
the Windows 2000 installation C D-ROM in the \Support\Tools folder for Deploy.cab. To extract or view the
contents of the Deploy.cab file, use Windows Explorer.

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Sample Answer Files

The sample answer files that are provided in this section are examples of the more common installation
configurations of the keys commonly used in those configurations. C onsider these files as examples only, and
modify them as appropriate for your organization.

In the answer files that follow, the use of italic font style indicates that the user must supply the required

Sample 1 - Default Unattend.txt.

The following answer file is the default Unattend.txt file provided on the Windows 2000 C D.

; Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced

Server and Datacenter
; (c) 1994 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; Sample Unattended Setup Answer File
; This file contains information about how to automate the installation
; or upgrade of Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 2000 Server so the
; Setup program runs without requiring user input.

Unattendmode = FullUnattended
OemPreinstall = NO
TargetPath = WINNT
Filesystem = LeaveAlone

FullName = "Your User Name"
OrgName = "Your Organization Name"
ComputerName = "COMPUTER_NAME"

; Sets the Timezone to the Pacific Northwest
; Sets the Admin Password to NULL
; Turn AutoLogon ON and login once
TimeZone = "004"
AdminPassword = *
AutoLogon = Yes
AutoLogonCount = 1
;For Server installs
AutoMode = "PerServer"
AutoUsers = "5"

; List the programs that you want to lauch when the machine is logged
into for the first time

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BitsPerPel = 8
XResolution = 800
YResolution = 600
VRefresh = 70

; When set to YES, setup will install default networking
components. The components to be set are
; TCP/IP, File and Print Sharing, and the Client for
Microsoft Networks.
InstallDefaultComponents = YES

JoinWorkgroup = Workgroup

Sample 2 - Unattended Installation of Windows 2000 Professional from CD-ROM

The following answer file installs Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional from C D-ROM. For this answer file to
function properly, you must name it Winnt.sif and place it on a floppy disk.

; Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional

; © 1994-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; Sample Answer File for Unattended Setup
; This file contains information about how to automate the installation
; or upgrade of Windows 2000 Professional so that the Setup program runs
; without requiring user input.

; This section is required when you perform an unattended installation
; by starting Setup directly from the Windows 2000 installation CD-ROM.
Unattendedinstall = Yes
; If you are running Unattended Setup from the CD-ROM, you must set the
; MS-DOSinitiated key to 0.
MS-DOSinitiated = "0"
; AutoPartition allows Windows 2000 Unattended Setup to choose a
; partition to install to.
AutoPartition = 1

UnattendMode = FullUnattended
; The OemPreinstall key tells Unattended Setup that the installation is
; being performed from distribution shares if the value is set to Yes.
OemPreinstall = Yes
TargetPath = Winpro

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FileSystem = LeaveAlone
; If the OemSkipEula key is set to Yes, it informs Unattended Setup that
; the user should not be prompted to accept the End User License
; Agreement (EULA). A value of Yes signifies agreement to the EULA and
; should be used in conjunction with the terms of your license
; agreement.
OemSkipEula = Yes

; Sets the TimeZone. For example, to set the TimeZone for
the Pacific Northwest, use a
; value of "004." Be sure to use the numeric value that
represents your own time zone. To look up
; a numeric value, see the Unattend.doc file on the Windows 2000 CD.
TimeZone = "YourTimeZone"
; It is recommended that you change the administrator password before the
; is placed at it's final destination.
AdminPassword = adminpassword
; Tells Unattended Setup to turn AutoLogon ON and log on once.
AutoLogon = Yes
AutoLogonCount = 1
; The OemSkipWelcome key specifies whether the welcome page in the
; wizard phase of Setup should be skipped. A value of 1 causes the page
; to be skipped.
OemSkipWelcome = 1
; The OemSkipRegional key allows Unattended Setup to skip

; when the final location of the computer is unknown.

OemSkipRegional = 1

FullName = "Your user name"
OrgName = "Your organization name"
;It is recommended that you avoid using spaces in the ComputerName value.
ComputerName = "YourComputer_name"
; To ensure a fully unattended installation, you must provide a value
; for the ProductId key.
ProductId = "Your product ID"

BitsPerPel = 8
XResolution = 800
YResolution = 600
VRefresh = 60

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; When you set the value of the InstallDefaultComponents key to Yes,
Setup will install
;default networking components. The components to be set are TCP/IP, File
and Print Sharing,
; and the Client for Microsoft Networks.
InstallDefaultComponents = Yes

Sample 3 - Install and Configure Windows 2000 and Configure

Microsoft Internet Explorer with Proxy Settings

The following answer file installs and configures Microsoft Internet Explorer and configures proxy settings.

; Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced

; © 1994-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; Sample Answer File for Unattended Setup
; This file contains information about how to automate the installation
; or upgrade of Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 2000 Server so
; that the Setup program runs without requiring user input.

UnattendMode = FullUnattended
TargetPath = Windows
FileSystem = LeaveAlone
OemPreinstall = Yes
OemSkipEula = Yes

; Sets the TimeZone. For example, to set the TimeZone for the Pacific
Northwest, use a
; value of "004." Be sure to use the numeric value that represents your
own time zone. To look up
; a numeric value, see the Unattend.doc file on the Windows 2000 CD.
TimeZone = "YourTimeZone"
; It is recommended that you change the administrator password before the
; is placed at it's final destination.
AdminPassword = adminpassword
; Tells Unattended Setup to turn AutoLogon ON and log on once.
AutoLogon = Yes
AutoLogonCount = 1
OemSkipWelcome = 1
; The OemSkipRegional key allows Unattended Setup to skip
; when the final location of the computer is unknown.

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OemSkipRegional = 1

FullName = "Your user name"
OrgName = "Your organization name"
;It is recommended that the use of spaces be avoided in the ComputerName
ComputerName = "YourComputername"
; To ensure a fully unattended installation, you must provide a value
; for the ProductId key.
ProductId = "Your product ID"

; This section is used for server installs.
AutoMode = "PerServer"
AutoUsers = "50"

BitsPerPel = 8
XResolution = 800
YResolution = 600
VRefresh = 60

; This section contains keys for installing the components
of Windows 2000.
; A value of On installs the components, and a value of Off
prevents the
; component from being installed.
iis_common = On
iis_inetmgr = Off
iis_www = Off
iis_ftp = Off
iis_htmla = Off
iis_doc = Off
iis_pwmgr = Off
iis_smtp = On
iis_smtp_docs = Off
Mts_core = On
; The Fp key installs Front Page Server Extensions.
Fp = On
Msmq = Off
; If you set the TSEnable key to On, Terminal Services is installed on
; Windows 2000 Server.
TSEnable = On
; If you set the TSClients key to On, the files required to create
; Terminal Services client disks are installed. If you set this key to
On, you must also set the

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; TSEnable key to On.

TSClients = On
; TSPrinterDrivers and TSKeyboardDrivers are optional keys. If enabled,
; they require additional disk space.
TSPrinterDrivers = Off
TSKeyboardDrivers = Off
Netoc = On
Reminst = On
Certsrv = Off
Rstorage = Off
Indexsrv_system = On
Certsrv_client = Off
Certsrv_server = Off
Certsrv_doc = Off
Accessopt = On
Calc = On
Cdplayer = On
Charmap = On
Chat = Off
Clipbook = On
Deskpaper = On
Dialer = On
Freecell = Off
Hypertrm = On
Media_blindnoisy = On
Media_blindquiet = On
Media_clips = On
Media_jungle = On
Media_musica = On
Media_robotz = On
Media_utopia = On
Minesweeper = Off
Mousepoint = Off
Mplay = On
Mswordpad = On
Objectpkg = On
Paint = On
Pinball = Off
Rec = On
Solitaire = Off
Templates = On
Vol = On

CountryCode = "1"
Dialing = Pulse
: Indicates the area code for your telephone. This value should be a
3-digit number.

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AreaCode = "Your telephone area code"

LongDistanceAccess = 9

; When you set the value of the InstallDefaultComponents key to Yes,
Setup will install
;default networking components. The components to be set are TCP/IP, File
and Print Sharing,
; and the Client for Microsoft Networks.
InstallDefaultComponents = Yes

JoinDomain = YourCorpNet
DomainAdmin = YourCorpAdmin
DomainAdminPassword = YourAdminPassword

; This section contains a list of the optional network
components to install.
Wins = Off
Dns = Off
Dhcpserver = Off
ils = Off
Snmp = Off
Lpdsvc = Off
Simptcp = Off
Netmontools = On
Dsmigrat = Off

; This section brands Microsoft Internet Explorer with custom
; properties from the Unattended answer file.
BrandIEUsingUnattended = Yes

; This section contains custom URL settings for Microsoft Internet
Explorer. If these settings
; are not present, the default settings are used.
; Specifies the URL for the browser's default home page. For example,
; you might use: Home_Page = www.microsoft.com.
Home_Page = YourHomePageURL
; Specifies the URL for the default search page. For example, you might
; use: Search Page = www.msn.com
Search_Page = YourSearchPageURL
; Specifies a shortcut name in the link folder of Favorites. For example,
; you might use: Quick_Link_1_Name = "Microsoft Product Support Services"
Quick_Link_1_Name = "Your Quick Link Name"
; Specifies a shortcut URL in the link folder of Favorites. For example,

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; you might use: Quick_Link_1 = http://support.microsoft.com/.

Quick_Link_1 = YourQuickLinkURL

; This section contains custom proxy settings for Microsoft Internet
Explorer. If these settings are
; not present, the default settings are used. If proxysrv:80 is not
accurate for yourconfiguration,
; be sure to replace the proxy server and port number with your own
HTTP_Proxy_Server = proxysrv:80
Use_Same_Proxy = 1
Proxy_Enable = 1
Proxy_Override = <local>

Sample 4 - Install and Configure Windows 2000 Server with Two Network Adapters

The following answer file installs Microsoft Windows 2000 Server with two network adapters; one adapter uses
Dynamic Host C onfiguration Protocol (DHC P), and the other uses static information.

; Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Advanced Server

; © 1994-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; Sample Answer File for Unattended Setup
; This file contains information about how to automate the installation
; or upgrade of Windows 2000 Server or Windows 2000 Advanced Server so
; that the Setup program runs without requiring user input.

UnattendMode = FullUnattended
TargetPath = Winnt
Filesystem = ConvertNTFS

; Sets the TimeZone. For example, to set the TimeZone for the Pacific
Northwest, use a
; value of "004." Be sure to use the numeric value that represents your
own time zone. To look up
; a numeric value, see the Unattend.doc file on the Windows 2000 CD.
TimeZone = "YourTimeZone"
; It is recommended that you change the administrator password before the
; is placed at it's final destination.
AdminPassword = adminpassword
; Tells Unattended Setup to turn AutoLogon ON and log on once.
AutoLogon = Yes

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AutoLogonCount = 1

; This section is used for server installs.
AutoMode = "PerServer"
AutoUsers = "50"

FullName = "Your user name"
OrgName = "Your organization name"
;It is recommended that you avoid the use of spaces in the ComputerName
ComputerName = "YourComputer_name"
; To ensure a fully unattended installation, you must provide a value
; for the ProductId key.
ProductId = "Your product ID"

BitsPerPel = 8
XResolution = 800
YResolution = 600
VRefresh = 70

; When you set the value of the InstallDefaultComponents key to Yes,
Setup will install
;default networking components. The components to be set are TCP/IP, File
and Print Sharing,
; and the Client for Microsoft Networks.
InstallDefaultComponents = Yes

JoinDomain = YourCorpNet
DomainAdmin = YourCorpAdmin
DomainAdminPassword = YourAdminPassword

; In this example, there are two network adapters, Adapter01 and
; Note that the adapter specified here as 01 is not always local area
network (LAN)
; connection 1 in the user interface.
Adapter01 = Params.Adapter01
Adapter02 = Params.Adapter02

; Specifies which adapter is number one.
; Note that the InfID key must match a valid PNP ID in the system. For

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example, a valid PNP ID

; might look as follows: InfID = "pci\ven_0e11&dev_ae32"
InfID = "Your_PNP_ID_for_Adapter01"

; Specifies which adapter is number two.
; Note that the InfID key must match a valid PNP ID in the system. For
example, a valid PNP ID
; might look as follows: InfID = "pci\ven_8086&dev_1229&subsys_00018086"
InfID = "Your_PNP_ID_for_Adapter02"

; Installs the Client for Microsoft Networks.
MS_MSClient = params.MS_MSClient


; Installs only the TCP/IP protocol.

; This section configures the TCP/IP properties.
AdapterSections = Params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter01,params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter02

; Adapter01 uses DHCP server information.
SpecificTo = Adapter01
DHCP = Yes
Wins = Yes

; Adapter02 uses static TCP/IP configuration.
SpecificTo = Adapter02
IPAddress =
SubnetMask =
DefaultGateway =
Wins = No

; Install File and Print services.
MS_Server = Params.MS_Server


Sample 5 - Install Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Network Load Balancing

The following answer file installs Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Network Load Balancing.

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; Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server

; © 1994-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; Sample Answer File for Unattended Setup
; This file contains information about how to automate the installation
; or upgrade of Windows 2000 Advanced Server so that the
; Setup program runs without requiring user input.

UnattendMode = FullUnattended
TargetPath = Windows
FileSystem = ConvertNTFS

; Sets the TimeZone. For example, to set the TimeZone for the Pacific
Northwest, use a
; value of "004." Be sure to use the numeric value that represents your
own time zone. To look up
; a numeric value, see the Unattend.doc file on the Windows 2000 CD.
TimeZone = "YourTimeZone"
; It is recommended that you change the administrator password before the
; is placed at it's final destination.

AdminPassword = adminpassword
; Tells Unattended Setup to turn AutoLogon ON and log on once.
AutoLogon = Yes
AutoLogonCount = 1
AdvServerType = Servernt

; This section is used for server installs.
AutoMode = "PerServer"
AutoUsers = "50"

FullName = "Your user name"
OrgName = "Your organization name"
;It is recommended that you avoid the use of spaces in the ComputerName
ComputerName = "YourComputer_name"
; To ensure a fully unattended installation; you must provide a value
; for the ProductId key.
ProductId = "Your product ID"

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BitsPerPel = 8
XResolution = 800
YResolution = 600
VRefresh = 70

; When you set the value of the InstallDefaultComponents key to Yes,
Setup will install
;default networking components. The components to be set are TCP/IP, File
and Print Sharing,
; and the Client for Microsoft Networks.

JoinDomain = YourCorpNet
DomainAdmin = YourCorpAdmin
DomainAdminPassword = Your AdminPassword

; In this example, there are two network adapters, Adapter01 and
; Note that the adapter specified here as 01 is not always local area
network (LAN)
; connection 1 in the user interface. The network adapters in this
example are
; not identical.
Adapter01 = Params.Adapter01
Adapter02 = Params.Adapter02

Enable = MS_WLBS, Adapter01
Enable = MS_TCPIP, Adapter02

; Specifies which adapter is number one.
PseudoAdapter = No
PreUpgradeInstance = E100B1
; Note that the InfID key must match a valid PNP ID in the system. For
example, a valid PNP ID
; might look as follows: InfID = PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229.
InfID = Your_PNP_ID_for_Adapter01
BusType = PCI
; The ConnectionName key specifies the name for the network connection
; associated with the network adapter that you are installing.
ConnectionName = "Connection1"


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; Specifies which adapter is number two.

PseudoAdapter = No
PreUpgradeInstance = El90x2
; Note that the InfID key must match a valid PNP ID in the system. For
example, a valid PNP ID
; might look as follows: InfID = PCI\VEN_10b7&DEV_9050
InfID = Your_PNP_ID_for_Adapter02
BusType = PCI
; The ConnectionName key specifies the name for the network connection
associated with the
; network adapter that you are installing.
ConnectionName = "Connection2"

MS_NetMon = Params.MS_NetMon

AdapterSections = params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter01,params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter02

SpecificTo = Adapter01
DNSServerSearchOrder =
Wins = Yes
WinsServerList =
NetBIOSOptions = 0
IPAddress =,
SubnetMask =,
DefaultGateway =

SpecificTo = Adapter02
DNSServerSearchOrder =
Wins = Yes
WinsServerList =
NetBIOSOptions = 0
IPAddress =
SubnetMask =
DefaultGateway =


; This section contains keys specific to setting the properties of
Network Load Balancing.
HostPriority = 1

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ClusterModeOnStart = 0
ClusterIPAddress =
ClusterNetworkMask =
DedicatedIPAddress =
DedicatedNetworkMask =
ClusterName = cluster.yourcompany.com
MulticastSupportEnable = 0
MaskSourceMAC = 1
RemoteControlCode = 0x00000000
RemoteControlUDPPort = 2504
RemoteControlEnabled = 1
Ports = 80,80,Both,Multiple,None,Equal,443,443,Both,Multiple,Single,Equal
AliveMsgPeriod = 2000
AliveMsgTolerance = 10
NumActions = 50
NumPackets = 100
NumAliveMsgs = 10
DescriptorsPerAlloc = 512
MaxDescriptorAllocs = 512
ConnectionCleanupDelay = 300000
NBTSupportEnable = 1

MS_MSClient = Params.MS_Client


MS_Server = Params.MS_Server

Optimizations = Balance

Netmontools = 1

Sample 6 - Install Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Windows Clustering

The following answer file installs Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Windows C lustering.

; Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server.

; © 1994-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; Sample Answer File for Unattended Setup
; This file contains information about how to automate the installation
; or upgrade of Windows 2000 Advanced Server so that the Setup program

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; runs without requiring user input.


UnattendMode = FullUnattended
TargetPath = Advsrv
FileSystem = ConvertNTFS
OemPreinstall = Yes
OemSkipEula = Yes

; Sets the TimeZone. For example, to set the TimeZone for the Pacific
Northwest, use a
; value of "004." Be sure to use the numeric value that represents your
own time zone. To look up
; a numeric value, see the Unattend.doc file on the Windows 2000 CD.
TimeZone = "YourTimeZone"
; It is recommended that you change the administrator password before the
; is placed at it's final destination.
AdminPassword = adminpassword
; Tells Unattended Setup to turn AutoLogon ON and log on once.
AutoLogon = Yes
AutoLogonCount = 1
AdvServerType = Servernt
OemSkipWelcome = 1
; The OemSkipRegional key allows Unattended Setup to skip
; when the final location of the computer is unknown.
OemSkipRegional = 1

; This section is used for server installs.
AutoMode = "PerServer"
AutoUsers = "50"

FullName = "Your user name"
OrgName = "Your organization name"
;It is recommended that you avoid the use of spaces in the ComputerName
ComputerName = "YourComputer_name"
; To ensure a fully unattended installation, you must provide a value for
the ProductId key.
ProductId = "Your product ID"

BitsPerPel = 8

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XResolution = 800
YResolution = 600
VRefresh = 70

; When you set the value of the InstallDefaultComponents key to Yes,
Setup will install
;default networking components. The components to be set are TCP/IP, File
and Print Sharing,
; and the Client for Microsoft Networks.
InstallDefaultComponents = Yes

JoinDomain = YourCorpNet
DomainAdmin = YourCorpAdmin
DomainAdminPassword = YourAdminPassword

; In this example there are three network adapters, Adapter 01,
Adapter 02,
; and Adapter 03. The adapter specified here as 01 is not always
; LAN connection 1 in the user interface. The network adapters in this
example are
; not identical.

Adapter01 = Params.Adapter01
Adapter02 = Params.Adapter02
Adapter03 = Params.Adapter03

; Specifies which adapter is number one.
; Note that the NetCardAddress key must match a valid address of the
adapter in the system. For
; example, a valid address might look like the following: NetCardAddress
= 0x00C04F778A5A
NetCardAddress = YourNetCardAddress
; The ConnectionName key specifies the name for the network connection
associated with
; the network adapter that you are installing.
ConnectionName = CorpNet

; Specifies which adapter is number two.
; Note that the NetCardAddress key must match a valid address of the
adapter in the system. For
; example, a valid address might look like the following: NetCardAddress
= 0x00C04F778A5A
NetCardAddress = YourNetCardAddress
; The ConnectionName key specifies the name for the network connection

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associated with
; the network adapter that you are installing.
ConnectionName = VendorNet

; Specifies which adapter is number three.
; Note that the NetCardAddress key must match a valid address of the
adapter in the system. For
; example, a valid address might look like the following: NetCardAddress
= 0x00C04F778A5A
NetCardAddress = YourNetCardAddress
;The ConnectionName key specifies the name for the network connection
; associated with the network adapter that you are installing.
ConnectionName = PrivateNet

; Installs the Client for Microsoft Networks.
MS_MSClient = Params.MS_MSClient


; Installs only the TCP/IP protocol.

; This section configures TCP/IP properties.
AdapterSections =

; CorpNet on Adapter01 uses DHCP server information.
SpecificTo = Adapter01
DHCP = Yes
DNSServerSearchOrder =,
DNSSuffixSearchOrder = CorpNet, dns.yourcompany.com
DNSDomain = CorpNet

; VendorNet on Adapter02 uses local DHCP information.
SpecificTo = Adapter02
DHCP = Yes

; PrivateNet on Adapter03 uses static information.
SpecificTo = Adapter03

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IPAddress =
SubnetMask =
DefaultGateway =
DNSServerSearchOrder =,

; Installs File and Print services.
MS_Server = Params.MS_Server


; Installs Windows Clustering and Administration components
; Advanced Server when you set the value to On.
Cluster = On

Name = CorpCluster
Action = Form
Account = CorpAdmin
Domain = CorpNet
IPAddr =
Subnet =
Network = CorpNet,ALL
Network = VendorNet,ALL

; You can automate the running of Cluscfg.exe by placing Cluscfg.exe in
the [GuiRunOnce]
; section of the Unattended answer file. This executes Cluscfg.exe and
; clustering on the first startup after GUI mode Setup has completed.
; You must include the full path to the program between the quotes.
"%Windir%\Cluster\Cluscfg.exe _unattend"


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Appendix C -- Installing Service Packs

Windows 2000 makes it easier for administrators to add service packs. With older operating systems service
packs had to be installed separately, after the operating system had been installed. Windows 2000 supports
service pack slipstreaming, which means that the service pack is added directly to the operating system's
distribution share during installation.

Windows 2000 also eliminates the need to reinstall components that were applied before a service pack was
installed. This makes it much easier to install service packs on existing systems. In the past, when service
packs were applied, many previously installed components had to be reinstalled. For example, when a service
pack is applied to Windows NT 4.0, services such as IPX or RAS (that had been installed previously) have to
be reinstalled. To address the problems that existed with Windows NT 4.0 service packs, Windows 2000
provides service pack slipstreaming and post-setup installation of service packs.

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Service Pack Slipstreaming

Service pack slipstreaming refers to a service pack being integrated with an updated version of Windows
2000 on a C D-ROM or on a network share. When Windows 2000 is installed from either source, the
appropriate files from the service pack are installed without having to manually apply the service pack after
the installation.

To apply a new service pack, you will have to use the update.exe with the /slip switch; this will copy the
updated service pack files over the existing Windows 2000 files. Some of the key files that will be replaced
include the following:

 New layout.inf, dosnet.inf, and txtsetup.sif with updated checksums for all the service pack files.
These files will need additional entries if any additional files have been added.
 A new driver.cab if the drivers in the cabinet file have been changed.

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Post-Setup Installation of a Service Pack

A service pack is applied on an existing Windows 2000 system by running update.exe and updating the
system to Windows 2000 plus the service pack. When the system state changes (adding or removing
services), this tells the base system that a service pack was installed, what files were replaced or updated by
the service pack, and where to install the service pack from. This means that the right files are copied from
the service pack install location (network share, C D-ROM , Web site) and the right files are copied from the
Windows 2000 installation source (network share or C D-ROM). This eliminates the need to reapply a service
pack once the system state has changed.

Once the service pack has been applied, if the system state changes (for example, adding RAS after the
service pack is applied), Windows 2000 installs the correct files, whether those files originate from the
Windows 2000 C D-ROM or from the service pack. The eliminates the need to re-apply the service pack
whenever the system state changes.

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5-4-3 rule A rule that states that a thinnet network can combine as many as five cable segments connected
by four repeaters. However, only three segments can have stations attached, which leaves two segments

10Base2 Ethernet topology that transmits at 10 Mbps over a baseband wire, and can carry a signal 185
meters. See also thinnet.

10Base5 See standard Ethernet.

10BaseF L An Ethernet network that typically uses fiber-optic cable to connect computers and repeaters.

10BaseT A 10 Mbps Ethernet network topology that typically uses unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable to
connect computers. The maximum length of a 10BaseT segment is 100 meters (328 feet).

100BaseX Ethernet See Fast Ethernet.

100VG (Voice Grade) AnyLAN (100VGAnyLAN) An emerging networking technology that combines
elements of both Ethernet and Token Ring.

access method The set of rules that defines how a computer puts data onto the network cable and takes
data from the cable. When data is moving on the network, access methods help to regulate the flow of
network traffic.

access permissions Features that control access to sharing in Windows NT Server. Permissions can be set
for the following access levels: No Access—Prevents access to the shared directory, its subdirectories, and its
files. Read—Allows viewing of file and subdirectory names, changing to a shared directory's subdirectory,
viewing data in files, and running applications. C hange—Allows viewing of file and subdirectory names,
changing to a shared directory's subdirectories, viewing data in files and running application files, adding files
and subdirectories to a shared directory, changing data in files, and deleting subdirectories and files. Full
C ontrol—Includes the same permissions as C hange, plus changing permissions (taking ownership of the
Windows NT file system [NTFS] files and directories only).

account See user account.

account lockout A Windows 2000 security feature that locks a user account if a number of failed logon
attempts occur within a specified amount of time, based on security policy lockout settings. Locked accounts
cannot log on.

account policy C ontrols how passwords must be used by all user accounts in a domain or in an individual

Activ e Directory serv ices The directory service included with Windows 2000 Server. It stores information
about objects on a network and makes this information available to users and network administrators. Active
Directory services allows users to use a single logon process to access permitted resources anywhere on the
network. Active Directory services provides network administrators with an intuitive hierarchical view of the
network and a single point of administration for all network objects.

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Determines hardware addresses (MAC addresses) that correspond to
an IP address.

ADSL See Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL).

advanced cable testers C able testers that work beyond the physical layer of the OSI reference model up
into layers 2, 3, and even 4. They can display information about the condition of the physical cable as well as
message-frame counts, excess collisions, late collisions, error-frame counts, congestion errors, and
beaconing. These testers can monitor overall network traffic, certain kinds of error situations, and traffic to
and from a particular computer. They indicate if a particular cable or network interface card (NIC ) is causing

advanced program-to-program communication (APPC) A specification developed as part of IBM's SNA

(Systems Network Architecture) model and designed to enable application programs running on different
computers to communicate and exchange data directly. See also Systems Network Architecture.

AFP See AppleTalk filing protocol (AFP).

agent A program that performs a background task for a user and reports to the user when the task is done
or when some expected event has taken place.

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American National Standards Institute (ANSI) An organization of American industry and business
groups dedicated to the development of trade and communications standards. ANSI is the American
representative to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). See also International Organization
for Standardization (ISO).

amplifier A device, such as a repeater or bridge, that amplifies or increases the power of electrical signals,
allowing them to travel on additional cable segments at their original strength. Amplifiers strengthen signals
that have been weakened by attenuation.

analog Related to a continuously variable physical property, such as voltage, pressure, or rotation. An
analog device can represent an infinite number of values within the range the device can handle. See also
analog line, digital.

analog line A communications line, such as a telephone line, that carries information in analog (continuously
variable) form. To minimize distortion and noise interference, an analog line uses amplifiers to strengthen the
signal periodically during transmission.

ANSI See American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

APPC See advanced program-to-program communication (APPC ).

AppleShare AppleShare is the Apple network operating system. Features include file sharing, client software
that is included with every copy of the Apple operating system, and the AppleShare print server, a
server-based print spooler.

AppleTalk The Apple network architecture that is included in the Macintosh operating system software. It is a
collection of protocols that correspond to the OSI model. Thus network capabilities are built into every
Macintosh. AppleTalk protocols support LocalTalk, Ethernet (EtherTalk), and Token Ring (TokenTalk).

AppleTalk filing protocol (AFP) Describes how files are stored and accessed on the network. AFP is
responsible for the Apple hierarchical filing structure of volumes, folders, and files and provides for file
sharing between Macintoshes and MS-DOS-based computers. It provides an interface for communication
between AppleTalk and other network operating systems, allowing Macintoshes to be integrated into any
network that uses an operating system that recognizes AFP.

application layer The top (seventh) layer of the OSI reference model. This layer serves as the window that
application processes use to access network services. It represents the services that directly support user
applications, such as software for file transfers, database access, and e-mail.

application programming interface (API) A set of routines that an application program uses to request
and carry out lower-level services performed by the operating system.

application protocols Protocols that work at the higher end of the OSI reference model, providing
application-to-application interaction and data exchange. Popular application protocols include: FTAM (file
transfer access and management)— A file access protocol. SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol)—A TC P/IP
protocol for transferring e-mail. Telnet—A TC P/IP protocol for logging on to remote hosts and processing data
locally. NC P (NetWare core protocol)—The primary protocol used to transmit information between a NetWare
server and its clients.

ArcNet (Attached Resource Computer Network) Developed by Datapoint C orporation in 1977, designed
as a baseband, token-passing, bus architecture, transmitting at 2.5 Mbps. A successor to the original ArcNet,
ArcNetplus supports data transmission rates of 20 Mbps. A simple, inexpensive, flexible network architecture
designed for workgroup-sized LANs, ArcNet runs on coaxial, twisted-pair, and fiber-optic cable and supports
up to 255 nodes. ArcNet technology predates IEEE Project 802 standards but loosely maps to the 802.4
document. See also Project 802.

ARP See Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).

ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) Acronym for the Department of Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency. A pioneering wide area network (WAN), ARPANET was designed to
facilitate the exchange of information between universities and other research organizations. ARPANET, which
became operational in the 1960s, is the network from which the Internet evolved.

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) A coding scheme that assigns numeric
values to letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and certain other characters. By standardizing the values used
for these characters, ASC II enables computers and computer programs to exchange information.

Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) A recent modem technology that converts existing
twisted-pair telephone lines into access paths for multimedia and high-speed data communications. These
new connections can transmit more than 8 Mbps to the subscriber and up to 1 Mbps from the subscriber.
ADSL is recognized as a physical layer transmission protocol for unshielded twisted-pair media.

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asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) An advanced implementation of packet switching that provides
high-speed data transmission rates to send fixed-size cells over broadband LANs or WANs. C ells are 53 bytes
—48 bytes of data with five additional bytes of address. ATM accommodates voice, data, fax, real-time video,
C D-quality audio, imaging, and multimegabit data transmission. ATM uses switches as multiplexers to permit
several computers to put data on a network simultaneously. Most commercial ATM boards transmit data at
about 155 Mbps, but theoretically a rate of 1.2 gigabits per second is possible.

asynchronous transmission A form of data transmission in which information is sent one character at a
time, with variable time intervals between characters. Asynchronous transmission does not rely on a shared
timer that allows the sending and receiving units to separate characters by specific time periods. Therefore,
each transmitted character consists of a number of data bits (that compose the character itself), preceded by
a start bit and ending in an optional parity bit followed by a 1-, 1.5-, or 2-stop bit.

ATM See asynchronous transfer mode (ATM).

attachment unit interface (AUI) The connector used with standard Ethernet that often includes a cable
running off the main, or backbone, coaxial cable. Also known as a DIX connector.

attenuation The weakening or degrading (distorting) of a transmitted signal as it travels farther from its
point of origin. This could be a digital signal on a cable or the reduction in amplitude of an electrical signal,
without the appreciable modification of the waveform. Attenuation is usually measured in decibels.
Attenuation of a signal transmitted over a long cable is corrected by a repeater, which amplifies and cleans up
an incoming signal before sending it farther along the cable.

auditing A process that tracks network activities by user accounts and a routine element of network security.
Auditing can produce records of list users who have accessed—or attempted to access— specific resources;
help administrators identify unauthorized activity; and track activities such as logon attempts, connection and
disconnection from designated resources, changes made to files and directories, server events and
modifications, password changes, and logon parameter changes.

AUI See attachment unit interface (AUI).

authentication Verification based on user name, passwords, and time and account restrictions.

AWG (American Wire Gauge) A standard that determines wire diameter. The diameter varies inversely to
the gauge number.

backbone The main cable, also known as the trunk segment, from which transceiver cables connect to
computers, repeaters, and bridges.

back end In a client/server application, the part of the program that runs on the server.

backup A duplicate copy of a program, a disk, or data, made to secure valuable files from loss.

backup domain controller (BDC) In a Windows NT Server domain, a computer that receives a copy of the
domain's security policy and domain database and authenticates network logons. It provides a backup if the
primary domain controller (PDC ) becomes unavailable. A domain is not required to have a BDC , but it is
recommended to have a BDC to back up the PDC . See also domain, domain controller, primary domain

bandwidth In communications, the difference between the highest and lowest frequencies in a given range.
For example, a telephone accommodates a bandwidth of 3000 Hz, or the difference between the lowest (300
Hz) and highest (3300 Hz) frequencies it can carry. In computer networks, greater bandwidth indicates faster
or greater data-transfer capability.

barrel connector A component that can connect two pieces of cable to make a longer piece of cable.

baseband A system used to transmit the encoded signals over cable. Baseband uses digital signaling over a
single frequency. Signals flow in the form of discrete pulses of electricity or light. With baseband transmission,
the entire communication-channel capacity is used to transmit a single data signal.

base I/O port Specifies a channel through which information is transferred between a computer's hardware,
such as the network interface card (NIC ), and its C PU.

base memory address Defines the address of the location in a computer's memory (RAM) that is used by
the NIC . This setting is sometimes called the RAM start address.

basic input/output system (BIOS) On PC -compatible computers, the set of essential software routines
that test hardware at startup, start the operating system, and support the transfer of data among hardware

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devices. The BIOS is stored in read-only memory (ROM) so that it can be executed when the computer is
turned on. Although critical to performance, the BIOS is usually invisible to computer users.

baud A measure of data-transmission speed named after the French engineer and telegrapher
Jean-Maurice-Emile Baudot. It is a measure of the speed of oscillation of the sound wave on which a bit of
data is carried over telephone lines. Because baud was originally used to measure the transmission speed of
telegraph equipment, the term sometimes refers to the data-transmission speed of a modem. However,
current modems can send at a speed higher than one bit per oscillation, so baud is being replaced by the
more accurate bps (bits per second) as a measure of modem speed.

baud rate Refers to the speed at which a modem can transmit data. Often confused with bps (the number of
bits per second transmitted), baud rate actually measures the number of events, or signal changes, that
occur in one second. Because one event can actually encode more than one bit in high-speed digital
communication, baud rate and bps are not always synonymous, and the latter is the more accurate term to
apply to modems. For example, the 9600-baud modem that encodes four-bits per event actually operates at
2400 baud, but transmits at 9600 bps (2400 events times 4 bits per event), and thus should be called a
9600-bps modem.

BBS See bulletin board system (BBS).

BDC See backup domain controller (BDC ).

beaconing The process of signaling computers on a ring system that token passing has been interrupted by
a serious error. All computers in an FDDI or Token Ring network are responsible for monitoring the
token-passing process. To isolate serious failures in the ring, FDDI and Token Ring use beaconing in which a
computer that detects a fault sends a signal, called a beacon, onto the network. The computer continues to
send the beacon until it notices a beacon from its upstream neighbor. This process continues until the only
computer sending a beacon is the one directly downstream of the failure. When the beaconing computer
finally receives its own beacon, it assumes the problem has been fixed and regenerates a token.

bind To associate two pieces of information with one another.

binding A process that establishes the communication channel between a protocol driver and a NIC driver.

BIOS (basic input/output system) See basic input/output system (BIOS).

BISDN See broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (BISDN).

bisync (binary synchronous communications protocol) A communications protocol developed by IBM.

Bisync transmissions are encoded in either ASC II or EBC DIC . Messages can be of any length and are sent in
units called frames, optionally preceded by a message header. Because bisync uses synchronous
transmission, in which message elements are separated by a specific time interval, each frame is preceded
and followed by special characters that enable the sending and receiving machines to synchronize their

bit Short for binary digit: either 1 or 0 in the binary number system. In processing and storage, a bit is the
smallest unit of information handled by a computer. It is represented physically by an element such as a
single pulse sent through a circuit or small spot on a magnetic disk capable of storing either a 1 or 0. Eight
bits make a byte.

bits per second (bps) A measure of the speed at which a device can transfer data. See also baud rate.

bit time The time it takes for each station to receive and store a bit.

BNC cable connector A connector for coaxial cable that locks when one connector is insert-ed into another
and is rotated 90 degrees.

BNC components A family of components that include the BNC cable connector, BNC T connector, BNC
barrel connector, and the BNC terminator. The origin of the acronym "BNC " is unclear; names ascribed to
these letters range from "British Naval C onnector" to "Bayonet Neill-C ouncelman."

boot-sector v irus A type of virus that resides in the first sector of a floppy disk or hard drive. When the
computer is booted, the virus executes. In this common method of transmitting viruses from one floppy disk
to another, the virus replicates itself onto the new drive each time a new disk is inserted and accessed.

bottleneck A device or program that significantly degrades network performance. Poor network
performance results when a device uses noticeably more C PU time than it should, consumes too much of a
resource, or lacks the capacity to handle the load. Potential bottlenecks can be found in the C PU, memory,
NIC , and other components.

bounce See signal bounce.

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bps See bits per second (bps).

bridge A device used to join two LANs. It allows stations on either network to access resources on the other.
Bridges can be used to increase the length or number of nodes for a network. The bridge makes connections
at the data-link layer of the OSI reference model.

bridged network A network that is connected by bridges.

Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (BISDN) A consultative committee for the C C ITT that
recommends definitions for voice, data, and video in the megabit/gigabit range. BISDN is also a single ISDN
network that can handle voice, data, and video services. BISDN works with an optical cable transport network
called Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) and an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) switching service.
SMDS (Switched Multimegabit Data Services) is a BISDN service that offers high bandwidth to WANs. See also
Synchronous Optical Network (SONET), asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), Switched Multimegabit Data
Services (SMDS).

broadband network A type of LAN on which transmissions travel as analog (radio-frequency) signals over
separate inbound and outbound channels. Devices on a broadband network are connected by coaxial or
fiber-optic cable, and signals flow across the physical medium in the form of electromagnetic or optical
waves. A broadband system uses a large portion of the electromagnetic spectrum with a range of frequencies
from 50 Mbps to 600 Mbps. These networks can simultaneously accommodate television, voice, data, and
other services over multiple transmission channels.

broadcast A transmission sent simultaneously to more than one recipient. In communication and on
networks, a broadcast message is one distributed to all stations or computers on the network.

broadcast storm An event that occurs when there are so many broadcast messages on the network that
they approach or surpass the capacity of the network bandwidth. This can happen when one computer on the
network transmits a flood of frames saturating the network with traffic so it can no longer carry messages
from any other computer. Such a broadcast storm can shut down a network.

brouter A network component that combines the best qualities of a bridge and a router. A brouter can act as
a router for one protocol and as a bridge for all the others. Brouters can route selected routable protocols,
bridge nonroutable protocols, and deliver more cost-effective and manageable internetworking than separate
bridges and routers. A brouter is a good choice in an environment that mixes several homogeneous LAN
segments with two different segments.

buffer A reserved portion of RAM in which data is held temporarily, pending an opportunity to complete its
transfer to or from a storage device or another location in memory.

built-in groups One of four kinds of group accounts used by Microsoft Windows NT and Windows NT Server.
Built-in groups, as the name implies, are included with the network operating system. Built-in groups have
been granted useful collections of rights and built-in abilities. In most cases, a built-in group provides all the
capabilities needed by a particular user. For example, if a domain user account belongs to the built-in
Administrators group, logging on with that account gives a user administrative capabilities over the domain
and the servers in the domain. See also user account.

bulletin board system (BBS) A computer system equipped with one or more modems or other means of
network access that serves as an information and message-passing center for remote users. Many software
and hardware companies run proprietary BBSs for customers that include sales information, technical
support, and software upgrades and patches.

bus Parallel wires or cabling that connect components in a computer.

bus topology A topology that connects each computer, or station, to a single cable. At each end of the cable
is a terminating resistor, or terminator. A transmission is passed back and forth along the cable, past the
stations and between the two terminators, carrying a message from one end of the network to the other. As
the message passes each station, the station checks the message's destination address. If the address in the
message matches the station's address, the station receives the message. If the addresses do not match, the
bus carries the message to the next station, and so on.

byte A unit of information consisting of 8 bits. In computer processing or storage, a byte is equivalent to a
single character, such as a letter, numeral, or punctuation mark. Because a byte represents only a small
amount of information, amounts of computer memory are usually given in kilobytes (1024 bytes or 2 raised
to the 10th power), megabytes (1,048,576 bytes or 2 raised to the 20th power), gigabytes (1024 megabytes),
terabytes (1024 gigabytes), petabytes (1024 terabytes), or exabytes (1024 petabytes).

CA (certificate authority) See certificate authority (C A).

cable categories The three major groups of cabling that connect the majority of networks: coaxial,

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twisted-pair (unshielded twisted-pair and shielded twisted-pair), and fiber-optic cabling.

cable testers See advanced cable testers.

cache A special memory subsystem or part of RAM in which frequently used data values are duplicated for
quick access. A memory cache stores the contents of frequently accessed RAM locations and the addresses
where these data items are stored. When the processor references an address in memory, the cache checks
to see whether it holds that address. If it does hold the address, the data is returned to the processor; if it
does not, regular memory access occurs. A cache is useful when RAM accesses are slow as compared to the
microprocessor speed.

carrier-sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) access method An access
method by which each computer signals its intent to transmit before it actually transmits data, thus avoiding
possible transmission collisions. See also access method.

carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method An access
method generally used with bus topologies. Using C SMA/C D, a station "listens" to the physical medium to
determine whether another station is currently transmitting a data frame. If no other station is transmitting,
the station sends its data. A station "listens" to the medium by testing the medium for the presence of a
carrier, a specific level of voltage or light—thus the term carrier-sense. The multiple access indicates that
there are multiple stations attempting to access or put data on the cable at the same time. The collision
detection indicates that the stations are also listening for collisions. If two stations attempt to transmit at the
same time and a collision occurs, the stations must wait a random period of time before attempting to
transmit. See also access method.

CCEP See C ommercial C OMSEC Endorsement Program (C C EP).

CCITT (Comité Consultatif Internationale de Télégraphie et Téléphonie) An organization based in

Geneva, Switzerland, and established as part of the United Nations International Telecommunications Union
(ITU). The C C ITT recommends use of communication standards that are recognized throughout the world.
Protocols established by the C C ITT are applied to modems, networks, and facsimile transmission.

Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) A communication standard that uses very fast technology, similar to
that of cellular telephones, to offer computer data transmissions over existing analog voice networks between
voice calls, when the system is not occupied with voice communication.

central file server A network in which specific computers take on the role of server with other computers
on the network sharing the resources. See also client/server.

certificate A collection of data used for authentication and secure exchange of information on nonsecured
networks, such as the Internet. A certificate securely binds a public key to the entity that holds the
corresponding private key. C ertificates are digitally signed by the issuing C A and can be managed for a user,
computer, or service. The most widely accepted format for certificates is defined by ITU-T X.509 international

certificate authority (CA) An entity responsible for establishing the couching for the authenticity of public
keys belonging to users or other C As. Activities of a C A may include binding public keys to distinguished
names through signed certificates, managing certificate serial numbers, and revoking certificates.

central processing unit (CPU) The computational and control unit of a computer, the device that interprets
and carries out instructions. Single-chip C PUs, called microprocessors, made personal computers possible.
Examples include the 80286, 80386, 80486, and Pentium processors.

cladding The concentric layer of glass that surrounds the extremely thin, cylindrical glass core in fiber-optic

client A computer that accesses shared network resources provided by another computer, called a server.

client/server A network architecture designed around the concept of distributed processing in which a task
is divided between a back end (server), that stores and distributes data, and a front end (client) that requests
specific data from the server. See also central file server.

coaxial cable (coax) A conductive center wire surrounded by an insulating layer, a layer of wire mesh
(shielding), and a nonconductive outer layer. C oaxial cable is resistant to interference and signal weakening
that other cabling, such as unshielded twisted-pair cable, can experience.

codec (compression/decompression) C ompression/decompression technology for digital video and

stereo audio.

Commercial COMSEC Endorsement Program (CCEP) A data-encryption standard introduced by the

National Security Agency. Vendors who have the proper security clearance can join C C EP and be authorized
to incorporate classified algorithms into communications systems. See also encryption.

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companion v irus A virus that uses the name of a real program, but has a different file extension from that
of the program itself. The virus is activated when its companion program is opened. The companion virus
uses a .C OM file extension, which overrides the .EXE file extension and activates the virus.

concentrator A network physical-layer device that serves as a central connection for other network
devices. See also hub.

contention C ompetition among stations on a network for the opportunity to use a communication line or
network resource. Two or more computers attempt to transmit over the same cable at the same time, thus
causing a collision on the cable. Such a system needs regulation to eliminate data collisions on the cable
which can destroy data and bring network traffic to a halt. See also carrier-sense multiple access with collision
detection (C SMA/C D) access method.

core In coaxial cable, the innermost part of the cable that carries the electronic signals which make up the
data. It can be solid (usually copper) or stranded. In fiber-optic cable, digital data signals travel through an
extremely thin cylindrical glass core surrounded by cladding.

CPU See central processing unit (C PU).

CRC See cyclical redundancy check (C RC ).

crossover cable Used to connect two computers directly with a single patch cable, so that the send wire
from one computer is connected to the receive port on the other computer. C rossover cables are useful in
troubleshooting network connection problems.

crosstalk Signal overflow from an adjacent wire. When a second faint telephone conversation is heard in the
background while one is making a phone call, crosstalk is occurring.

cryptography The processes, art, and science of keeping messages and data secure. C ryptography is used
to enable and ensure confidentiality, data integrity, authentication (entity and data origin), and

CSMA/CD See carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection (C SMA/C D) access method.

cyclical redundancy check (CRC) A form of error checking in transmitting data. The sending packet
includes a number produced by a mathematical calculation made at the transmission source. When the packet
arrives at its destination, the calculation is redone. If the two figures are the same, this indicates that the data
in the packet has remained stable. If the calculation at the destination differs from the calculation at the
source, this indicates that the data has changed during the transmission. In that case, the C RC routine signals
the source computer to retransmit the data.

daisy chain A set of devices, such as Small C omputer System Interfaces (SC SIs) and Universal Serial
Buses (USBs), that are connected in a series. When devices are daisy-chained to a microcomputer, the first
device is connected to the computer, the second device is connected to the first, and so on down the line.
Signals are passed through the chain from one device to the next. See also Small C omputer System Interface
(SC SI) and Universal Serial Bus (USB).

database management system (DBMS) A layer of software between the physical database and the user.
The DBMS manages all requests for database action from the user, including keeping track of the physical
details of file locations and formats, indexing schemes, and so on. In addition, a DBMS permits centralized
control of security and data integrity requirements.

Data Communications Equipment (DCE) One of two types of hardware connected by an RS-232 serial
connection, the other being a DTE (data terminal equipment) device. A DC E device takes input from a DTE
device and often acts as an intermediary device, transforming the input signal in some way before sending it
to the actual recipient. For example, an external modem is a DC E device that accepts data from a
microcomputer (DTE), modulates it, then sends the data along a telephone connection. In communication, an
RS-232 DC E device receives data over line 2 and transmits over line 3. In contrast, a DTE device receives
over line 3 and transmits over line 2. See also Data Terminal Equipment (DTE).

data encryption See encryption.

data encryption standard (DES) A commonly used, highly sophisticated algorithm developed by the U.S.
National Bureau of Standards for encrypting and decoding data. See also encryption.

data frames Logical, structured packages in which data can be placed. Data being transmitted is segmented
into small units and combined with control information such as message start and message end indicators.
Each package of information is transmitted as a single unit, called a frame. The data-link layer packages raw
bits from the physical layer into data frames. The exact format of the frame used by the network depends on
the topology. See also frame.

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data-link layer The second layer in the OSI reference model. This layer packages raw bits from the
physical layer into data frames. See also Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model.

data stream An undifferentiated, byte-by-byte flow of data.

Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) According to the RS-232 hardware standard, a device, such as a
microcomputer or a terminal, that has the ability to transmit information in digital form over a cable or a
communication line. A DTE is one of two types of hardware connected by an RS-232 serial connection, the
other being a DC E (Data C ommunications Equipment) device, such as a modem, that normally connects the
DTE to the communication line itself. In communication, an RS-232 DTE device transmits data over line 2 and
receives it over line 3. A DC E receives over line 2 and transmits over line 3. See also Data C ommunications
Equipment (DC E).

DB connector A connector that facilitates parallel input and output. The initials DB stand for data bus. The
numbers which follow DB indicate the number of wires within the connector. For example, a DB-15 connector
has 15 pins and supports up to 15 lines, each of which can connect to a pin on the connector; a DB-25
connector has 25 of each.

DBMS See database management system (DBMS).

DCE See Data C ommunications Equipment (DC E).

DECnet Digital Equipment C orporation hardware and software products that implement the Digital Network
Architecture (DNA). DEC net defines communication networks over Ethernet LANs, Fiber Distributed Data
Interface metropolitan area networks (FDDI MANs), and WANs that use private or public data transmission
facilities. It can use TC P/IP and OSI protocols as well as Digital's DEC net protocols. See also Fiber Distributed
Data Interface, metropolitan area network (MAN).

dedicated serv er A computer on a network that functions only as a server and is not also used as a client.
See also server, server-based network.

DES See data encryption standard (DES).

device A generic term for a computer subsystem. Printers, serial ports, and disk drives are referred to as

Dfs (distributed file system) See distributed file system (Dfs).

DHCP See Dynamic Host C onfiguration Protocol (DHC P).

dial-up connection The connection to your network if you are using a device that uses the telephone
network. This includes modems with a standard phone line, ISDN cards with high speed ISDN lines, or X.25
networks. If you are a typical user, you may have one or two dial-up connections, perhaps to the Internet
and to your corporate network. In a more complex server situation, multiple network modem connections
might be used to implement advanced routing.

digital A system that encodes information numerically, such as 0 and 1, in a binary context. C omputers use
digital encoding to process data. A digital signal is a discrete binary state, either on or off. See also analog.

digital line A communication line that carries information only in binary-encoded (digital) form. To minimize
distortion and noise interference, a digital line uses repeaters to regenerate the signal periodically during
transmission. See also analog line.

digital signature A means for originators of a message, file, or other digitally encoded information to bind
their identity to the information. The process of signing information entails transforming the information, as
well as some secret information held by the sender, into a tag called a signature. Digital signatures are used
in public key environments. and they provide nonrepudiation and integrity services.

digital video disc (DVD) An optical storage medium with higher capacity and bandwidth than a compact
disc. A DVD can hold a full-length film with up to 133 minutes of high-quality video, in MPEG-2 format, and
audio. Also known as digital versatile disc.

digital voltmeter (DVM) A basic, all-purpose electronic measuring tool. In addition to indicating the amount
of voltage passing through resistance, in network cable testing, voltmeters measure continuity to determine if
a cable is able to carry current.

DIP (dual inline package) switch One or more small rocker or sliding switches that can be set to one of
two states—closed or open—to control options on a circuit board.

direct memory access (DMA) Memory access that does not involve the microprocessor, frequently
employed for data transfer directly between memory and an "intelligent" peripheral device such as a disk

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direct memory access (DMA) channel A channel for direct memory access that does not involve the
microprocessor, providing data transfer directly between memory and a disk drive.

disk duplexing See disk mirroring, fault tolerance.

disk duplicating See disk mirroring.

diskless computers C omputers that have neither a floppy disk nor a hard disk. Diskless computers depend
on special ROM in order to provide users with an interface through which they can log on to the network.

disk mirroring A technique, also known as disk duplicating, in which all or part of a hard disk is duplicated
onto one or more hard disks, each of which ideally is attached to its own controller. With disk mirroring, any
change made to the original disk is simultaneously made to the other disk(s). Disk mirroring is used in
situations in which a backup copy of current data must be maintained at all times. See also disk striping, fault

disk striping Divides data into 64 K blocks and spreads it equally in a fixed rate and order among all disks
in an array. However, disk striping does not provide any fault tolerance because there is no data redundancy.
If any partition in the set fails, all data is lost. See also disk mirroring, fault tolerance.

distributed file system (Dfs) A single, logical, hierarchical file system. Dfs organizes shared folders on
different computers in a network to provide a logical tree structure for file system resources.

DIX (Digital, Intel, Xerox) connector The connector used with standard Ethernet that often includes a
cable running off the main, or backbone, coaxial cable. This is also known as an AUI connector. See also
attachment unit interface (AUI).

DMA See direct memory access (DMA).

DMA channel See direct memory access (DMA) channel.

DNS See Domain Name System (DNS).

domain For Microsoft networking, a collection of computers and users that share a common database and
security policy that are stored on a Windows NT Server domain controller. Each domain has a unique name.
See also workgroup.

domain controller For Microsoft networking, the Windows NT Server-based computer that authenticates
domain logons and maintains the security policy and master database for a domain. See also backup domain
controller (BDC ), primary domain controller (PDC ).

Domain Name System (DNS) A general-purpose distributed, replicated, data-query service used primarily
on the Internet for translating host names into Internet addresses.

downtime The amount of time a computer system or associated hardware remains nonfunctioning. Although
downtime can occur because hardware fails unexpectedly, it can also be a scheduled event, such as when a
network is shut down to allow time for maintaining the system, changing hardware, or archiving files.

driv er A software component that permits a computer system to communicate with a device. For example, a
printer driver is a device driver that translates computer data into a form understood by the target printer. In
most cases, the driver also manipulates the hardware in order to transmit the data to the device.

DTE See Data Terminal Equipment (DTE).

dual boot A computer configuration that can start two different operating systems.

dual shielded cable C able that contains one layer of foil and insulation and one layer of braided metal

dumb terminal A device used for obtaining or entering data on a network that does not contain any
"intelligence" or processing power provided by a C PU.

duplex transmission Also called full-duplex transmission. C ommunication that takes place simultaneously,
in both directions, between the sender and the receiver. Alternative methods of transmission are simplex,
which is one-way only, and half-duplex, which is two-way communication that occurs in only one direction at a

DVD (digital video disc, also known as digital v ersatile disc) See digital video disc (DVD).

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) A protocol for automatic TC P/IP configuration that
provides static and dynamic address allocation and management. See also Transport C ontrol

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Protocol/Internet Protocol (TC P/IP).

EBCDIC See Extended Binary C oded Decimal Interchange C ode (EBC DIC ).

EFS (encrypting file system) See encrypting file system (EFS)

EISA See Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA).

encrypting file system (EF S) Windows 2000 file system that enables users to encrypt files and folders on
an NTFS volume disk to keep them safe from access by intruders.

encryption The process of making information indecipherable to protect it from unauthorized viewing or use,
especially during transmission or when the data is stored on a transportable magnetic medium. A key is
required to decode the information. See also C C EP, data encryption standard (DES).

Enhanced Small Device Interface (ESDI) A standard that can be used with high-capacity hard disks and
tape drives to enable high-speed communication with a computer. ESDI drivers typically transfer data at
about 10 Mbps.

ESDI See Enhanced Small Device Interface (ESDI).

Ethernet A LAN developed by Xerox in 1976. Ethernet became a widely implemented network from which
the IEEE 802.3 standard for contention networks was developed. It uses a bus topology and the original
Ethernet relies on C SMA/C D to regulate traffic on the main communication line.

EtherTalk Allows the AppleTalk network protocols to run on Ethernet coaxial cable. The EtherTalk card
allows a Macintosh computer to connect to an 802.3 Ethernet network. See also AppleTalk.

event An action or occurrence to which a program might respond. Examples of events are mouse clicks, key
presses, and mouse movements. Also, any significant occurrence in the system or in a program that requires
users to be notified or an entry to be added to a log.

exabyte See byte.

Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) A coding scheme developed by IBM for
use with IBM mainframe and Personal C omputers as a standard method of assigning binary (numeric) values
to alphabetic, numeric, punctuation, and transmission-control characters.

Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA) A 32-bit bus design for x86-based computers
introduced in 1988. EISA was specified by an industry consortium of nine computer-industry companies (AST
Research, C ompaq, Epson, Hewlett-Packard, NEC , Olivetti, Tandy, Wyse, and Zenith). An EISA device uses
cards that are upwardly compatible from ISA. See also Industry Standard Architecture (ISA).

extended partition A portion of a basic disk that can contain logical drives. Use an extended partition if you
want to have more than four volumes on your basic disk. Only one of the four partitions allowed per physical
disk can be an extended partition, and no primary partition needs to be present to create an extended
partition. Extended partitions can be created only on basic disks.

fast Ethernet Also called 100BaseX Ethernet. An extension to the existing Ethernet standard, it runs on UTP
C ategory 5 data-grade cable and uses C SMA/C D in a star-wired bus topology, similar to 10BaseT in which all
cables are attached to a hub.

FAT (file allocation table) See file allocation table (FAT).

fault tolerance The ability of a computer or an operating system to respond to an event such as a power
outage or a hardware failure in such a way that no data is lost and any work in progress is not corrupted.

Fiber Distributed Data Interface (F DDI) A standard developed by the ANSI for high-speed, fiber-optic
local area networks. FDDI provides specifications for transmission rates of 100 Mbps on networks based on
the Token Ring standard.

fiber-optic cable C able that uses optical fibers to carry digital data signals in the form of modulated pulses
of light.

file allocation table (FAT) A table or list maintained by some operating systems to keep track of the status
of various segments of disk space used for file storage.

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file infector A type of virus that attaches itself to a file or program and activates any time the file is used.
Many subcategories of file infectors exist. See also companion virus, macro virus, polymorphic virus, stealth

file replication service (FRS) Provides multi-master file replication for designated directory trees between
designated Windows 2000 servers. The designated directory trees must be on disk partitions formatted with
the version of NTFS used with Windows 2000. FRS is used by the Microsoft distributed file system (Dfs) to
automatically synchronize content between assigned replicas, and by Active Directory services to
automatically synchronize content of the system volume information across domain controllers.

File Transfer Protocol (F TP) A process that provides file transfers between local and remote computers.
FTP supports several commands that allow bidirectional transfer of binary and ASC II files between
computers. The FTP client is installed with the TC P/IP connectivity utilities. See also ASC II (American
Standard C ode for Information Interchange), Transport C ontrol Protocol/Internet Protocol (TC P/IP).

firewall A security system, usually a combination of hardware and software, intended to protect a network
against external threats coming from another network, including the Internet. Firewalls prevent an
organization's networked computers from communicating directly with computers that are external to the
network, and vice versa. Instead, all incoming and outgoing communication is routed through a proxy server
outside the organization's network. Firewalls also audit network activity, recording the volume of traffic and
information about unauthorized attempts to gain access. See also proxy server.

firmware Software routines stored in ROM. Unlike RAM, ROM stays intact even in the absence of electrical
power. Startup routines and low-level I/O instructions are stored in firmware.

flow control Regulating the flow of data through routers to ensure that no segment becomes overloaded
with transmissions.

FQDN (fully qualified domain name) See fully qualified domain name (FQDN).

frame A package of information transmitted on a network as a single unit. Frame is a term most often used
with Ethernet networks. A frame is similar to the packet used in other networks. See also data frame, packet.

frame preamble Header information, added to the beginning of a data frame in the physical layer of the
OSI reference model.

frame relay An advanced, fast-packet, variable-length, digital, packet-switching technology. It is a

point-to-point system that uses a private virtual circuit (PVC ) to transmit variable-length frames at the
data-link layer of the OSI reference model. Frame relay networks can also provide subscribers with
bandwidth, as needed, that allows users to make nearly any type of transmission.

front end In a client/server application, front end refers to the part of the program carried out on the client

FRS (file replication service) See file replication service (FRS).

FTP See File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

full-duplex transmission Also called duplex transmission. C ommunication that takes place simultaneously,
in both directions. See also duplex transmission.

fully qualified domain name (F QDN) A DNS domain name that has been stated unambiguously so as to
indicate with absolute certainty its location in the domain namespace tree. Fully qualified domain names differ
from relative names in that they are typically stated with a trailing period (.), for example,
host.example.microsoft.com, to qualify their position to the root of the namespace.

gateway A device used to connect networks using different protocols so that information can be passed from
one system to the other. Gateways functions at the network layer of the OSI reference model.

Gb See gigabit.

GB See gigabyte.

gigabit 1,073,741,824 bits. Also referred to as 1 billion bits.

gigabyte C ommonly, a thousand megabytes. However, the precise meaning often varies with the context. A
gigabyte is 1 billion bytes. In the context of computing, bytes are often expressed in multiples of powers of
two. Therefore, a gigabyte can also be either 1000 megabytes or 1024 megabytes, where a megabyte is
considered to be 1,048,576 bytes (2 raised to the 20th power).

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global group One of four kinds of group accounts used by Microsoft Windows NT and Windows NT Server.
Used across an entire domain, global groups are created on a Primary Domain C ontroller (PDC ) in the
domain in which the user accounts reside. Global groups can contain only user accounts from the domain in
which the global group is created. Members of global groups obtain resource permissions when the global
group is added to a local group. See also group, primary domain controller (PDC ).

group In networking, an account containing other accounts that are called members. The permissions and
rights granted to a group are also provided to its members; thus, groups offer a convenient way to grant
common capabilities to collections of user accounts. For Windows NT, groups are managed with User
Manager. For Windows NT Server, groups are managed with User Manager for Domains.

half-duplex transmission Two-way communication occurring in only one direction at a time.

handshaking A term applied to modem-to-modem communication. Refers to the process by which

information is transmitted between the sending and receiving devices to maintain and coordinate data flow
between them. Proper handshaking ensures that the receiving device will be ready to accept data before the
sending device transmits.

hard disk One or more inflexible platters coated with material that allows the magnetic recording of
computer data. A typical hard disk rotates at up to 7200 revolutions per minute (RPM), and the read/write
heads ride over the surface of the disk on a cushion of air 10 to 25 millionths of an inch deep. A hard disk is
sealed to prevent contaminants from interfering with the close head-to-disk tolerances. Hard disks provide
faster access to data than floppy disks and are capable of storing much more information. Because platters
are rigid, they can be stacked so that one hard-disk drive can access more than one platter. Most hard disks
have between two and eight platters.

hardware The physical components of a computer system, including any peripheral equipment such as
printers, modems, and mouse devices.

hardware compatibility list (HCL) A list of computers and peripherals that have been tested and have
passed compatibility testing with the product for which the HC L is being developed. For example, the Windows
NT 3.51 HC L lists the products which have been tested and found to be compatible with Window NT 3.51.

hardware loopback A connector on a computer that is useful for troubleshooting hardware problems,
allowing data to be transmitted to a line, then returned as received data. If the transmitted data does not
return, the hardware loopback detects a hardware malfunction.

HCL See hardware compatibility list (HC L).

HDLC See High-Level Data Link C ontrol (HDLC ).

header In network data transmission, one of the three sections of a packet component. It includes an alert
signal to indicate that the packet is being transmitted, the source address, the destination address, and clock
information to synchronize transmission.

hermaphroditic connector A connector that is neither male nor female, such as IBM cable connectors in
which any two can be connected together, as opposed to BNC connectors that require both a male part and
female part before a connection can be made.

hertz (Hz) The unit of frequency measurement. Frequency measures how often a periodic event occurs,
such as the manner in which a wave's amplitude changes with time. One hertz equals one cycle per second.
Frequency is often measured in kilohertz (KHz, 1000 Hz), megahertz (MHz), gigahertz (GHz, 1000 MHz), or
terahertz (THz, 10,000 GHz).

High-Lev el Data Link Control (HDLC) HDLC is a widely accepted international protocol, developed by the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), that governs information transfer. HDLC is a
bit-oriented, synchronous protocol that applies to the data-link (message packaging) layer of the OSI
reference model. Under the HDLC protocol, data is transmitted in frames, each of which can contain a
variable amount of data, but which must be organized in a particular way. See also data frames, frame.

hop In routing through a mesh environment, the transmission of a data packet through a router.

host See server.

hot fixing See sector sparing.

HTML See Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).

hub A connectivity component that provides a common connection among computers in a star-configured

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network. Active hubs require electrical power but are able to regenerate and retransmit network data.
Passive hubs simply organize the wiring. See also Multistation Access Unit (MAU).

hybrid hub An advanced hub that can accommodate several different types of cables.

hybrid network A network made up of mixed components.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) A language developed for writing pages for the World Wide Web.
HTML allows text to include codes that define fonts, layout, embedded graphics, and hypertext links.
Hypertext provides a method for presenting text, images, sound, and videos that are linked together in a
nonsequential web of associations.

Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) The method by which World Wide Web pages are transferred over
the network.

IAB See Internet Architecture Board (IAB).

IBM cabling system Used in a Token Ring environment. Introduced by IBM in 1984 to define cable
connectors, face plates, distribution panels, and cable types. Many parameters are similar to non-IBM
specifications. Uniquely shaped, the IBM connector is hermaphroditic. See also hermaphroditic connector.

ICMP See Internet C ontrol Message Protocol (IC MP).

IDE See Integrated Device Electronics (IDE).

IEEE See Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

IEEE Project 802 A networking model developed by the IEEE. Named for the year and month it began
(February 1980), Project 802 defines LAN standards for the physical and data-link layers of the OSI reference
model. Project 802 divides the data-link layer into two sublayers: Media Access C ontrol (MAC ) and Logical
Link C ontrol (LLC ).

impedance Impedance has two aspects: the first is resistance, which impedes direct and alternating current.
Resistance is always greater than zero. The second is reactance, which impedes alternating current only.
Reactance varies with frequency and can be positive or negative.

Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) An unofficial designation for the bus design of the IBM Personal
C omputer (PC ) PC /XT. It allows various adapters to be added to the system by inserting plug-in cards into
expansion slots. C ommonly, ISA refers to the expansion slots themselves; such slots are called 8-bit slots or
16-bit slots. See also Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA), Micro C hannel Architecture.

infrared transmission Electromagnetic radiation with frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum in the
range just below that of visible red light. In network communications, infrared technology offers extremely
high transmission rates and wide bandwidth in line-of-sight communications.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) An organization of engineering and electronics
professionals; noted in networking for developing the IEEE 802.x standards for the physical and data-link
layers of the OSI reference model, applied in a variety of network configurations.

Integrated Device Electronics (IDE) A type of disk-drive interface in which the controller electronics
reside on the drive itself, eliminating the need for a separate network interface card. The IDE interface is
compatible with the Western Digital ST-506 controller.

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) A worldwide digital communication network that evolved
from existing telephone services. The goal of the ISDN is to replace current telephone lines, which require
digital-to-analog conversions, with completely digital switching and transmission facilities capable of carrying
data ranging from voice to computer transmissions, music, and video. The ISDN is built on two main types of
communications channels: B channels, that carry voice, data, or images at a rate of 64 Kbps (kilobits per
second), and a D channel, that carries control information, signaling, and link-management data at 16 Kbps.
Standard ISDN Basic Rate desktop service is called 2B+D. C omputers and other devices connect to ISDN
lines through simple, standardized interfaces.

interfaces Boundaries that separate the layers from each other. For example, in the OSI reference model,
each layer provides some service or action that prepares the data for delivery over the network to another

intermediate systems Equipment that provides a network communication link, such as bridges, routers,
and gateways.

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International Organization for Standardization (ISO) An organization made up of standards-setting

groups from various countries. For example, the United States member is the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI). The ISO works to establish global standards for communications and information exchange.
Primary among its accomplishments is development of the widely accepted OSI reference model. Note that
the ISO is often wrongly identified as the International Standards Organization, probably because of the
abbreviation "ISO"; however, ISO is derived from "isos," which means "equal" in Greek, rather than an

International Telecommunications Union (ITU) The organization responsible for setting the standards
for international telecommunications.

International Telecommunications Union-Telecommunication (ITU-T) The sector of the ITU

responsible for telecommunication standards. ITU-T replaces the C omité C onsultatif Internationale de
Télégraphie et Téléphonie (C C ITT). Its responsibilities include standardizing modem design and operations,
and standardizing protocols for networks and facsimile transmission. ITU is an international organization
within which governments and the private sector coordinate global telecom networks and services.

Internet Architecture Board (IAB) A body that develops and maintains Internet architectural standards as
part of the Internet Society (ISOC ). It also adjudicates disputes in the standards process.

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Used by IP and higher-level protocols to send and receive
status reports about information being transmitted.

Internet Protocol (IP) The TC P/IP protocol for packet forwarding. See also Transport C ontrol
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TC P/IP).

Internetworking The intercommunication in a network that is made up of smaller networks.

Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange (IPX/SPX) A protocol stack that is used
in Novell networks. IPX is the NetWare protocol for packet forwarding and routing. It is a relatively small and
fast protocol on a LAN, is a derivative of Xerox Network System (XNS), and supports routing. SPX is a
connection-oriented protocol used to guarantee the delivery of the data being sent. NWLink is the Microsoft
implementation of the IPX/SPX protocol.

interoperability The ability of components in one system to work with components in other systems.

interrupt request (IRQ) An electronic signal sent to a computer's C PU to indicate that an event has taken
place that requires the processor's attention.

IP See Internet Protocol (IP). See also Transport C ontrol Protocol/Internet Protocol (TC P/IP).

ipconfig A diagnostic command that displays all current TC P/IP network configuration values. It is of
particular use on systems running DHC P because it allows users to determine which TC P/IP configuration
values have been configured by the DHC P server. See also winipcfg.

IPX/SPX See Internetwork Packet Exchange/ Sequenced Packet Exchange (IPX/SPX).

IRQ See interrupt request (IRQ).

ISA See Industry Standard Architecture (ISA).

ISDN See Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN).

ISO See International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

ITU See International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

(ITU-T) International Telecommunications Union-Telecommunication See International

Telecommunications Union-Telecommunication (ITU-T).

jitter Instability in a signal wave form over time that can be caused by signal interference or an unbalanced
ring in FDDI or Token Ring environments.

jumper A small plastic-and-metal plug or wire for connecting different points in an electronic circuit. Jumpers
are used to select a particular circuit or option from several possible configurations. Jumpers can be used on
network interface cards to select the type of connection through which the card will transmit, either DIX or

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Kevlar A brand name of the DuPont C orporation for the fibers in the reinforcing layer of plastic that
surrounds each glass strand of a fiber-optic connector. The name is sometimes used generically.

key In database management, an identifier for a record or group of records in a data file. Most often, the key
is defined as the contents of a single field, called the key field in some database management programs and
the index field in others. Keys are maintained in tables and are indexed to speed record retrieval. Keys also
refer to code that deciphers encrypted data.

kilo (K) Refers to 1000 in the metric system. In computing terminology, because computing is based on
powers of 2, kilo is most often used to mean 1024 (2 raised to the 10th power). To distinguish between the
two contexts, a lowercase k is often used to indicate 1000, an uppercase K for 1024. A kilobyte is 1024 bytes.

kilobit (Kbit) One thousand twenty-four bits. See also bit, kilo.

kilobyte (KB) Refers to 1024 bytes. See also byte, kilo.

LAN See local area network (LAN).

LAN requester See requester (LAN requester).

laser transmission Wireless network that uses a laser beam to carry data between devices.

LAT See local area transport (LAT).

layering The coordination of various protocols in a specific architecture that allows the protocols to work
together to ensure that the data is prepared, transferred, received, and acted upon as intended.

link The communication system that connects two LANs. Equipment that provides the link, including bridges,
routers, and gateways.

local area network (LAN) C omputers connected in a geographically confined network, such as in the same
building, campus, or office park.

local area transport (LAT) A nonroutable protocol from Digital Equipment C orporation.

local group One of four kinds of group accounts used by Microsoft Windows NT and Windows NT Server.
Implemented in each local computer's account database, local groups contain user accounts and other global
groups that need to have access, rights, and permissions assigned to a resource on a local computer. Local
groups cannot contain other local groups.

LocalTalk C abling components used in an AppleTalk network, including cables, connector modules, and
cable extenders. These components are normally used in a bus or tree topology. A LocalTalk segment
supports a maximum of 32 devices. Because of LocalTalk's limitations, clients often turn to vendors other
than Apple for AppleTalk cabling. Farallon PhoneNet, for example, can accommodate 254 devices.

local user The user at the computer.

Logical Link Control (LLC) sublayer One of two sublayers created by the IEEE 802 project out of the
data-link layer of the OSI reference model. The Logical Link C ontrol (LLC ) is the upper sublayer that manages
data-link communication and defines the use of logical interface points, called service access points (SAPs),
used by computers to transfer information from the LLC sublayer to the upper OSI layers. See also Media
Access C ontrol (MAC ) sublayer, service access point (SAP).

lost token Refers to an error on a Token Ring network that causes an errant station to halt the token,
leaving the ring without a token.

MAC (Message Authentication Code) See Message Authentication C ode (MAC ).

macro v irus A file-infector virus named because it is written as a macro for a specific application. Macro
viruses are difficult to detect and becoming more common, often infecting widely used applications, such as
word-processing programs. When an infected file is opened, the virus attaches itself to the application, then
infects any files accessed by that application. See also file infector.

magneto-optical (MO) disc A plastic or glass disc, coated with a compound containing special properties,
that is read by bouncing a low-intensity laser beam off the disc.

MAN (metropolitan area network) See metropolitan area network (MAN).

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MAU See Multistation Access Unit (MSAU or MAU).

Mb See megabit (Mb).

MB See megabyte (MB).

Mbps See millions of bits per second (Mbps).

media The vast majority of LANs today are connected by some sort of wire or cabling that acts as the LAN
transmission medium, carrying data between computers. The cabling is often referred to as the media.

Media Access Control (MAC) driv er The device driver located at the Media Access C ontrol sublayer of the
OSI reference model. This driver is also known as the NIC driver. It provides low-level access to NIC s by
providing data-transmission support and some basic NIC management functions. These drivers also pass data
from the physical layer to transport protocols at the network and transport layers.

Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer One of two sublayers created by the IEEE 802 project out of the
data-link layer of the OSI reference model. The Media Access C ontrol (MAC ) sublayer communicates directly
with the network interface card and is responsible for delivering error-free data between two computers on
the network. See also Logical Link C ontrol (LLC ) sublayer.

megabit (Mb) Usually, 1,048,576 bits; sometimes interpreted as 1 million bits. See also bit.

megabyte (MB) 1,048,576 bytes (2 raised to the 20th power); sometimes interpreted as 1 million bytes. See
also byte.

mesh network topology C onnects remote sites over telecommunication links. C ommon in wide area
networks (WANs), meshes use routers to search among multiple active paths (the mesh) and determine the
best path at that particular moment.

Message Authentication Code (MAC) An algorithm that insures the quality of a block of data.

metropolitan area network (MAN) A data network designed for a town or city. In geographic breadth,
MANs are larger than local area networks but smaller than wide area networks. MANs are usually
characterized by very-high-speed connections using fiber-optic cable or other digital media.

Micro Channel Architecture The design of the bus in IBM PS/2 computers (except Models 25 and 30). The
Micro C hannel is electrically and physically incompatible with the IBM PC /AT bus. Unlike the PC /AT bus, the
Micro C hannel functions as either a 16-bit or 32-bit bus. The Micro C hannel also can be driven independently
by multiple bus master processors. See also Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA), Industry
Standard Architecture (ISA).

Microcom Network Protocol (MNP) The standard for asynchronous data-error control developed by
Microcom Systems. The method works so well that other companies have adopted not only the initial version
of the protocol, but later versions as well. C urrently, several modem vendors incorporate MNP C lasses 2, 3,
4, and 5.

Microsoft Management Console (MMC) A framework for hosting administrative tools, called consoles. A
console may contain tools, folders or other containers, World Wide Web pages, and other administrative
items. These items are displayed in the left pane of the console, called a console tree. A console has one or
more windows that can provide views of the console tree. The main MMC window provides commands and
tools for authoring consoles. The authoring features of MMC and the console tree itself may be hidden when a
console is in User mode.

Microsoft Technical Information Network (TechNet) Provides informational support for all aspects of
networking, with an emphasis on Microsoft products.

millions of bits per second (Mbps) The unit of measure of supported transmission rates on the following
physical media: coaxial cable, twisted-pair cable, and fiber-optic cable. See also bit.

MMC (Microsoft Management Console) See Microsoft Management C onsole (MMC ).

MNP See Microcom Network Protocol (MNP).

MO (magneto-optical) disc See magneto-optical (MO) disc.

mobile computing Incorporates wireless adapters using cellular telephone technology to connect portable
computers with the cabled network.

modem A communication device that enables a computer to transmit information over a standard telephone
line. Because a computer is digital, it works with discrete electrical signals representing binary 1 and binary 0.
A telephone is analog and carries a signal that can have many variations. Modems are needed to convert

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digital signals to analog and back. When transmitting, modems impose (modulate) a computer's digital signals
onto a continuous carrier frequency on the telephone line. When receiving, modems sift out (demodulate) the
information from the carrier and transfer it in digital form to the computer.

mounted driv e A drive attached to an empty folder on an NTFS volume. Mounted drives function the same
as any other drive, but are assigned a label or name instead of a drive letter. The mounted drive's name is
resolved to a full file system path instead of just a drive letter. Members of the Administrators group can use
Disk Management to create mounted drives or reassign drive letters.

MSAU See Multistation Access Unit (MAU).

multiplexer (mux) A device used to divide a transmission facility into two or more channels. It can be a
program stored in a computer. Also, a device for connecting a number of communication lines to a computer.

Multistation Access Unit (MAU) The name for a Token Ring wiring concentrator. Also referred to as a hub.
MAUs are sometimes referred to as MSAUs.

multitasking A mode of operation offered by an operating system in which a computer works on more than
one task at a time. There are two primary types of multitasking: preemptive and nonpreemptive. In
preemptive multitasking, the operating system can take control of the processor without the task's
cooperation. In nonpreemptive multitasking, the processor is never taken from a task. The task itself decides
when to give up the processor. A true multitasking operating system can run as many tasks as it has
processors. When there are more tasks than processors, the computer must "time slice" so that the available
processors devote a certain amount of time to one task and then move on to the next task, alternating
between tasks until all the tasks are completed.

mux See multiplexer (mux).

Name Binding Protocol (NBP) An Apple protocol responsible for keeping track of entities on the network
and matching names with Internet addresses. It works at the transport layer of the OSI reference model.

namespace A set of unique names for resources or items used in a shared computing environment. For
MMC , the namespace is represented by the console tree, which displays all of the snap-ins and resources that
are accessible to a console. See also console tree, MMC , resource, snap-in. For DNS, namespace is the
vertical or hierarchical structure of the domain name tree. For example, each domain label, such as host1 or
example, used in a fully qualified domain name, such as host1.example.microsoft.com, indicates a branch in
the domain namespace tree.

narrowband (single-frequency) transmission High-frequency radio transmission similar to broadcasting.

The user tunes both the transmitter and the receiver to a certain frequency to send and receive data.

NAS (network access serv er) See network access server (NAS).

NBP See Name Binding Protocol (NBP).

nbtstat A diagnostic command that displays protocol statistics and current TC P/IP connections using NBT
(NetBIOS over TC P/IP). This command is available only if the TC P/IP protocol has been installed. See also

NDIS See Network Device Interface Specification (NDIS).

NetBEUI (NetBIOS extended user interface) A protocol supplied with all Microsoft network products.
NetBEUI advantages include small stack size (important for MS-DOS-based computers), speed of data
transfer on the network medium, and compatibility with all Microsoft-based net-works. The major drawback of
NetBEUI is that it is a LAN transport protocol and therefore does not support routing. It is also limited to
Microsoft-based networks.

NetBIOS (network basic input/output system) An application programming interface (API) that can be
used by application programs on a LAN consisting of IBM-compatible microcomputers running MS-DOS, OS/2,
or some version of UNIX. Primarily of interest to programmers, NetBIOS provides application programs with a
uniform set of commands for requesting the lower-level network services required to conduct sessions
between nodes on a network and transmit information between them.

netstat A diagnostic command that displays protocol statistics and current TC P/IP network connections. This
command is available only if the TC P/IP protocol has been installed. See also nbtstat.

NetWare Core Protocol (NCP) Defines the connection control and service-request encoding that make it
possible for clients and servers to interact. This is the protocol that provides transport and session services.
NetWare security is also provided within this protocol.

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network In the context of computers, a system in which a number of independent computers are linked
together to share data and peripherals, such as hard disks and printers.

network access server (NAS) The device that accepts PPP connections and places clients on the network
that the NAS serves.

network adapter card See network interface card (NIC ).

network analyzers Network troubleshooting tools, sometimes called protocol analyzers. They perform a
number of functions in real-time network traffic analysis and carry out packet capture, decoding, and
transmission. They can also generate statistics based on the network traffic to help create a picture of the
network's cabling, software, file server, clients, and NIC s. Most analyzers have a built-in TDR. See also
time-domain reflectometer (TDR).

Network Dev ice Interface Specification (NDIS) A standard that defines an interface for communication
between the Media Access C ontrol (MAC ) sublayer and protocol drivers. NDIS allows for a flexible
environment of data exchange. It defines the software interface, called the NDIS interface, which is used by
protocol drivers to communicate with the network interface card. The advantage of NDIS is that it offers
protocol multiplexing so that multiple protocol stacks can be used at the same time. See also Open Data-Link
Interface (ODI).

network interface card (NIC) An expansion card installed in each computer and server on the network.
The NIC acts as the physical interface or connection between the computer and the network cable.

network layer The third layer in the OSI reference model. This layer is responsible for addressing
messages and translating logical addresses and names into physical addresses. This layer also determines
the route from the source to the destination computer. It determines which path the data should take based
on network conditions, priority of service, and other factors. It also manages traffic problems such as
switching, routing, and controlling the congestion of data packets on the network. See also Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) reference model.

network monitors Monitors that track all or a selected part of network traffic. They examine frame-level
packets and gather information about packet types, errors, and packet traffic to and from each computer.

Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) A protocol defined in RFC 977. It is a de facto protocol standard
on the Internet used for the distribution, inquiry, retrieval, and posting of Usenet news articles over the

NIC See network interface card (NIC ).

NNTP See Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP).

node On a LAN, a device that is connected to the network and is capable of communicating with other
network devices. For example, clients, servers, and repeaters are called nodes.

noise Random electrical signals that can get onto the cable and degrade or distort the data. Noise is
generated by power lines, elevators, air conditioners, or any device with an electric motor, relays, and radio
transmitters. See also shielding.

nonpreemptive multitasking A form of multitasking in which the processor is never taken from a task.
The task itself decides when to give up the processor. Programs written for nonpreemptive multitasking
systems must include provisions for yielding control of the processor. No other program can run until the
non-preemptive program gives up control of the processor. See also multitasking, preemptive multitasking.

Novell NetWare One of the leading network architectures.

ODI See Open Data-Link Interface (ODI).

ohm The unit of measure for electrical resistance. A resistance of 1 ohm will pass 1 ampere of current when
a voltage of 1 volt is applied. A 100-watt incandescent bulb has a resistance of approximately 130 ohms.

Open Data-Link Interface (ODI) A specification defined by Novell and Apple to simplify driver
development and to provide support for multiple protocols on a single network interface card. Similar to NDIS
in many respects, ODI allows Novell NetWare drivers to be written without concern for the protocol that will
be used on top of them.

Open Shortest Path F irst (OSPF) A routing protocol for IP networks, such as the Internet, that allows a
router to calculate the shortest path to each node for sending messages.

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Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model A seven-layer architecture that standardizes
levels of service and types of interaction for computers exchanging information through a network. It is used
to describe the flow of data between the physical connection to the network and the end-user application. This
model is the best known and most widely used model for describing networking environments.

OSI layer Focus 7. application layer Program-to-program transfer of information 6. presentation layer Text
formatting and display code conversion 5. session layer Establishing, maintaining, and coordinating
communication 4. transport layer Accurate delivery, service quality 3. network layer Transport routes,
message handling, and transfer 2. data-link layer C oding, addressing, and transmitting information 1.
physical layer Hardware connections.

optical drive A drive that accommodates optical discs.

optical fiber Medium that carries digital data signals in the form of modulated pulses of light. An optical fiber
consists of an extremely thin cylinder of glass, called the core, surrounded by a concentric layer of glass,
known as the cladding.

oscilloscope An electronic instrument that measures the amount of signal voltage per unit of time and
displays the results on a monitor.

OSI See Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model.

OSPF See Open Shortest Path First (OSPF).

packet A unit of information transmitted as a whole from one device to another on a network. In
packet-switching networks, a packet is defined more specifically as a transmission unit of fixed maximum size
that consists of binary digits representing data; a header containing an identification number, source, and
destination addresses; and sometimes error-control data. See also frame.

packet assembler/disassembler (PAD) A device that breaks large chunks of data into packets, usually
for transmission over an X.25 network, and reassembles them at the other end. See also packet switching.

Packet Internet Groper (ping) A simple utility that tests if a network connection is complete, from the
server to the workstation, by sending a message to the remote computer. If the remote computer receives
the message, it responds with a reply message. The reply consists of the remote workstation's IP address,
the number of bytes in the message, how long it took to reply—given in milliseconds (ms)—and the length of
time-to-live (TTL) in seconds. Ping works at the IP level and will often respond even when higher level
TC P-based services cannot.

packet switching A message delivery technique in which small units of information (packets) are relayed
through stations in a computer network along the best route available between the source and the
destination. Data is broken into smaller units and then repacked in a process called packet assembly and
disassembly (PAD). Although each packet can travel along a different path, and the packets composing a
message can arrive at different times or out of sequence, the receiving computer reassembles the original
message. Packet-switching networks are considered fast and efficient. Standards for packet switching on
networks are documented in the C C ITT recommendation X.25.

PAD See packet assembler/disassembler (PAD).

page-description language (PDL) A language that communicates to a printer how printed output should
appear. The printer uses the PDL to construct text and graphics to create the page image. PDLs are like
blueprints in that they set parameters and features such as type sizes and fonts, but leave the drawing to the

parity An error-checking procedure in which the number of 1s must always be the same—either odd or even
—for each group of bits transmitted without error. Parity is used for checking data transferred within a
computer or between computers.

partition A portion of a physical disk that functions as if it were a physically separate unit.

partition boot sector A portion of a hard disk partition that contains information about the disk's file system
and a short machine language program that loads the Windows operating system.

password-protected share Access to a shared resource that is granted when a user enters the appropriate

PBX Priv ate Branch Exchange (PABX Priv ate Automated Branch Exchange) A switching telephone
network that allows callers within an organization to place intraorganizational calls without going through the
public telephone system.

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PDA See Personal Digital Assistant (PDA).

PDC See Primary Domain C ontroller (PDC ).

PDL See page-description language (PDL).

PDN See public data network (PDN).

peer-to-peer network A network in which there are no dedicated servers or hierarchy among the
computers. All computers are equal and, therefore, known as peers. Generally, each computer functions as
both client and server.

Per-Seat Licensing A licensing mode that requires a separate C lient Access License for each client
computer that accesses Windows 2000 Server, regardless of whether all the clients access the server at the
same time.

Per-Serv er Licensing A licensing mode that requires a separate C lient Access License for each concurrent
connection to the server, regardless of whether there are other client computers on the network that do not
happen to connect concurrently.

performance monitor A tool for monitoring network performance that can display statistics, such as the
number of packets sent and received, server-processor utilization, and the amount of data going into and out
of the server.

peripheral A term used for devices such as disk drives, printers, modems, mouse devices, and joysticks
that are connected to a computer and controlled by its microprocessor.

Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) 32-bit local bus used in most Pentium computers and in the
Apple Power Macintosh. Meets most of the requirements for providing Plug and Play functionality.

permanent v irtual circuit (PVC) A permanent logical connection between two nodes on a packet-switching
network; similar to leased lines that are permanent and virtual, except that with PVC the customer pays only
for the time the line is used. This type of connection service is gaining importance because both frame relay
and ATM use it. See also packet switching, virtual circuit.

permissions See access permissions.

Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) A type of hand-held computer that provides functions including personal
organization features—like a calendar, note taking, database manipulation, calculator, and communications.
For communication, a PDA uses cellular or wireless technology that is often built into the system, but that can
be supplemented or enhanced by means of a PC C ard.

petabyte See byte.

phase change rewritable (PCR) A type of rewritable optical technology in which the optical devices come
from one manufacturer (Matsushita/Panasonic) and the media comes from two (Panasonic and Plasmon).

physical layer The first (bottommost) layer of the OSI reference model. This layer addresses the
transmission of the unstructured raw bit stream over a physical medium (the networking cable). The physical
layer relates the electrical/optical, mechanical, and functional interfaces to the cable and also carries the
signals that transmit data generated by all of the higher OSI layers. See also Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI) reference model.

piercing tap A connector for coaxial cable that pierces through the insulating layer and makes direct contact
with the conducting core.

ping See Packet Internet Groper (ping).

PKI (public key infrastructure) See public key infrastructure (PKI).

plenum The space in many buildings between the false ceiling and the floor above, used to circulate warm
and cold air throughout the building. The space is often used for cable runs. Local fire codes specify the types
of wiring that can be routed through this area.

Plug and Play (PnP) Refers to the ability of a computer system to automatically configure a device added to
it. Plug and Play capability exists in Macintoshes based on the NuBus and, since Windows 95, on
PC -compatible computers. Also, refers to specifications developed by Intel and Microsoft that allow a PC to
configure itself automatically to work with peripherals such as monitors, modems, and printers.

point-to-point configuration Dedicated circuits that are also known as private, or leased, lines. They are
the most popular WAN communication circuits in use today. The carrier guarantees full-duplex bandwidth by
setting up a permanent link from each end point, using bridges and routers to connect LANs through the

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circuits. See also Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), and duplex

Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) A data-link protocol for transmitting TC P/IP packets over dial-up telephone
connections, such as between a computer and the Internet. PPP was developed by the Internet Engineering
Task Force in 1991.

Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) PPTP is an extension of the Point-to-Point Protocol that is used
for communications on the Internet. It was developed by Microsoft to support virtual private networks (VPNs),
which allow individuals and organizations to use the Internet as a secure means of communication. PPTP
supports encapsulation of encrypted packets in secure wrappers that can be transmitted over a TC P/IP
connection. See also Virtual Private Networks (VPN).

polymorphic virus A variant of file-infector virus that is named for the fact that it changes its appearance
each time it is replicated. This makes it difficult to detect, because no two versions of the virus are exactly the
same. See also file infector.

preemptiv e multitasking A form of multi-tasking (the ability of a computer's operating system to work on
more than one task at a time). With preemptive multitasking—as opposed to nonpreemptive multitasking—the
operating system can take control of the processor without the task's cooperation. See also nonpreemptive

presentation layer The sixth layer of the OSI reference model. This layer determines the form used to
exchange data between networked computers. At the sending computer, this layer translates data from a
format sent down from the application layer into a commonly recognized, intermediary format. At the
receiving end, this layer translates the intermediary format into a format useful to that computer's application
layer. The presentation layer manages network security issues by providing services such as data encryption,
provides rules for data transfer, and performs data compression to reduce the number of bits that need to be
transmitted. See also Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model.

primary domain controller (PDC) The server that maintains the master copy of the domain's
user-accounts database and that validates logon requests. Every network domain is required to have one,
and only one, PDC . See also domain, domain controller.

primary partition A volume you create using unallocated space on a basic disk. Windows 2000 and other
operating systems can start from a primary partition. You can create up to four primary partitions on a basic
disk, or three primary partitions and an extended partition. Primary partitions can be created only on basic
disks and cannot be subpartitioned.

print queue A buffer in which a print job is held until the printer is ready to print it.

priv ate key The secret half of a cryptographic key pair that is used with a public key algorithm. Private keys
are typically used to decrypt a symmetric session key, digitally sign data, or decrypt data that has been
encrypted with the corresponding public key.

Project 802 A subgroup of the IEEE, originally formed in 1980, that defined network standards for the
physical components of a network, the network interface card, and the cabling, which are accounted for in the
physical and data-link layers of the OSI reference model.

protocol The system of rules and procedures that govern communication between two or more devices.
Many varieties of protocols exist, and not all are compatible, but as long as two devices are using the same
protocol, they can exchange data. Protocols exist within protocols as well, governing different aspects of
communication. Some protocols, such as the RS-232 standard, affect hardware connections. Other standards
govern data transmission, including the parameters and handshaking signals such as XON/OFF used in
asynchronous (typically, modem) communications, as well as such data-coding methods as bit- and
byte-oriented protocols. Still other protocols, such as the widely used XMODEM, govern file transfer, and
others, such as C SMA/C D, define the methods by which messages are passed around the stations on a LAN.
Protocols represent attempts to ease the complex process of enabling computers of different makes and
models to communicate. Additional examples of protocols include the OSI model, IBM's SNA, and the Internet
suite, including TC P/IP. See also Systems Network Architecture (SNA), Transport C ontrol Protocol/ Internet
Protocol (TC P/IP).

protocol analyzers See network analyzers.

protocol driver The driver responsible for offering four or five basic services to other layers in the network,
while "hiding" the details of how the services are actually implemented. Services performed include session
management, datagram service, data segmentation and sequencing, acknowledgment, and possibly routing
across a WAN.

protocol stack A layered set of protocols that work together to provide a set of network functions.

proxy server A firewall component that manages Internet traffic to and from a local area network (LAN).

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The proxy server decides whether it is safe to let a particular message or file pass through to the
organization's network, providing access control to the network, and filters and discards requests as specified
by the owner, including requests for unauthorized access to proprietary data. See also firewall.

public data network (PDN) A commercial packet-switching or circuit-switching WAN service provided by
local and long-distance telephone carriers.

public key The nonsecret half of a cryptographic key pair that is used with a public key algorithm. Public
keys are typically used when encrypting a session key, verifying a digital signature, or encrypting data that
can be decrypted with the corresponding private key.

public key cryptography A method of cryptography in which two different keys are used: a public key for
encrypting data and a private key for decrypting data.

public key infrastructure (PKI) The term generally used to describe the laws, policies, standards, and
software that regulate or manipulate certificates and public and private keys. In practice, it is a system of
digital certificates, certification authorities, and other registration authorities that verify and authenticate the
validity of each party involved in an electronic transaction. Standards for PKI are still evolving, even though
they are being widely implemented as a necessary element of electronic commerce. Public key infrastructure
is also called PKI.

punchdown block A wiring terminal, or series of terminals, into which cable can be plugged or "punched
down." It is designed for environments that require a centralized location for all cabling to facilitate making
changes; wiring running to the jacks can be more easily organized and maintained.

punchdown tool A specialized tool used to "punch down" cable wires into a wiring terminal. Using this tool
ensures a solid connection.

PVC (permanent v irtual circuit) See permanent virtual circuit (PVC ).

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) The material most commonly used for insulating and jacketing cable.

QoS (Quality of Serv ice) See Quality of Service (QoS).

quad shielding C able that contains two layers of foil insulation and two layers of braided metal shielding.

Quality of Service (QoS) A set of quality-assurance standards and mechanisms for data transmission,
implemented in Windows 2000.

RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Serv ice) See Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service

RAID See redundant array of independent disks (RAID).

random access memory (RAM) Semiconductor-based memory that can be read and written to by the
microprocessor or other hardware devices. The storage locations can be accessed in any order. Note that the
various types of ROM memory are also capable of random access. However, the term RAM is generally
understood to refer to volatile memory, which can be written as well as read. See also read-only memory

read-only memory (ROM) Semiconductor-based memory that contains instructions or data which can be
read but not modified. See also random access memory (RAM).

redirector Networking software that accepts I/O requests for remote files, named pipes, or mail slots and
sends (redirects) the requests to a network service on another computer.

Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) A type of microprocessor design that focuses on rapid and
efficient processing of a relatively small set of instructions. RISC design is based on the premise that most of
the instructions that a computer decodes and executes are simple. As a result, RISC architecture limits the
number of instructions that are built into the microprocessor, but optimizes each so it can be carried out very
rapidly, usually within a single clock cycle. RISC chips execute simple instructions faster than
microprocessors designed to handle a much wider array of instructions. They are, however, slower than
general-purpose C ISC (complex instruction set computing) chips when executing complex instructions, which
must be broken down into many machine instructions before they can be carried out by RISC

redundancy system A fault-tolerant system that protects data by duplicating it in different physical sources.

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Data redundancy allows access to data even if part of the data system fails. See also fault tolerance.

redundant array of independent disks (RAID) A standardization of fault-tolerant options in five levels.
The levels offer various combinations of performance, reliability, and cost. Formerly known as redundant
array of inexpensive disks (RAID).

redundant array of inexpensiv e disks (RAID) See redundant array of independent disks (RAID).

Remote Authentication Dial-In User Serv ice (RADIUS) A security authentication protocol based on
clients and servers and widely used by Internet service providers (ISPs) on non-Microsoft remote servers.
RADIUS is the most popular means of authenticating and authorizing dial-up and tunneled network users

remote-boot PROM (programmable read-only memory) A special chip in the network interface card
that contains the hardwired code that starts the computer and connects the user to the network, used in
computers for which there are no hard-disk or floppy drives. See also diskless computers.

remote user A user who dials in to the server over modems and telephone lines from a remote location.

repeater A device that regenerates signals so that they can be transmitted on additional cable segments to
extend the cable length or to accommodate additional computers on the segment. Repeaters operate at the
physical layer of the OSI reference model and connect like networks, such as an Ethernet LAN to an Ethernet
LAN. Repeaters do not translate or filter data. For a repeater to work, both segments that the repeater joins
must have the same media-access scheme, protocol, and transmission technique.

requester (LAN requester) Software that resides in a computer and forwards requests for network
services from the computer's application programs to the appropriate server. See also redirector.

resources Any part of a computer system. Users on a network can share computer resources, such as hard
disks, printers, modems, C D-ROM drives, and even the processor.

rewritable optical disc An optical disc that can be written to more than once.

RG-58 A/U Stranded-core coaxial cable. The version of this cable used by the United States military is
known as RG-58 C /U.

RG-58 /U Solid-core coaxial cable.

rights Authorization with which a user is entitled to perform certain actions on a computer network. Rights
apply to the system as a whole, whereas permissions apply to specific objects. For example, a user might
have the right to back up an entire computer system, including the files that the user does not have
permission to access. See also access permissions.

ring topology A topology in which computers are placed on a circle of cable. There are no terminated ends.
The data travels around the loop in one direction and passes through each computer. Each computer acts as
a repeater to boost the signal and send it on. Because the signal passes through each computer, the failure of
one computer can bring the entire network down. The ring can incorporate features that disconnect failed
computers so that the network can continue to function despite the failure. See also token passing, Token
Ring network.

RIP See Routing Information Protocol (RIP).

RISC See Reduced Instruction Set C omputing (RISC ).

RJ-11 A four-wire modular connector used to join a telephone line to a wall plate or a communications
peripheral such as a modem.

RJ-45 An eight-wire modular connector used to join a telephone line to a wall plate or some other device. It
is similar to an RJ-11 telephone connector but has twice the number of conductors.

ROM See read-only memory (ROM).

routable protocols The protocols that support multipath LAN-to-LAN communications. See also protocol.

router A device used to connect networks of different types, such as those using different architectures and
protocols. Routers work at the network layer of the OSI reference model. This means they can switch and
route packets across multiple networks, which they do by exchanging protocol-specific information between
separate networks. Routers determine the best path for sending data and filter broadcast traffic to the local

Routing Information Protocol (RIP) A protocol that uses distance-vector algorithms to determine routes.
With RIP, routers transfer information among other routers to update their internal routing tables and use that

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information to determine the best routes based on hop counts between routers. TC P/IP and IPX support RIP.

RS-232 standard An industry standard for serial communication connections. Adopted by the Electrical
Industries Association (EIA), this recommended standard defines the specific lines and signal characteristics
used by serial communications controllers to standardize the transmission of serial data between devices.

safe mode A method of starting Windows 2000 using basic files and drivers only, without networking. Safe
mode is available by pressing the F8 key when prompted during startup. This allows you to start your
computer when a problem prevents it from starting normally.

SAP (service access point) See service access point (SAP).

SAP (Service Adv ertising Protocol) See Service Advertising Protocol (SAP).

SCSI See Small C omputer System Interface (SC SI).

SDLC See Synchronous Data Link C ontrol (SDLC ).

sector A portion of the data-storage area on a disk. A disk is divided into sides (top and bottom), tracks
(rings on each surface), and sectors (sections of each ring). Sectors are the smallest physical storage units
on a disk and are of fixed size—typically capable of holding 512 bytes of information apiece.

sector sparing A fault-tolerant system also called hot fixing. It automatically adds sector-recovery
capabilities to the file system during operation. If bad sectors are found during disk I/O, the fault-tolerant
driver will attempt to move the data to a good sector and map out the bad sector. If the mapping is
successful, the file system is not alerted. It is possible for SC SI devices to perform sector sparing, but AT
devices (ESDI and IDE) cannot.

security Making computers and data stored on them safe from harm or unauthorized access.

security identifier or security ID (SID) A unique number that identifies user, group, and computer
accounts. Every account on your network is issued a unique SID when the account is first created. Internal
processes in Windows 2000 refer to an account's SID rather than the account's user or group name. If you
create an account, delete it, and then create an account with the same user name, the new account will not
have the rights or permissions previously granted to the old account because the accounts have different SID

segment The length of cable on a network between two terminators. A segment can also refer to messages
that have been broken up into smaller units by the protocol driver.

Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX) Part of Novell's IPX/SPX protocol suite for sequenced data. See also
Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange (IPX/SPX).

Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) Defined in RFC 1055. SLIP is normally used on Ethernet, over a
serial line; for example, an RS-232 serial port connected to a modem.

serial transmission One-way data transfer. The data travels on a network cable with one bit following

server A computer that provides shared resources to network users. See also client.

server-based network A network in which resource security and most other network functions are
provided by dedicated servers. Server-based networks have become the standard model for networks
serving more than 10 users. See also peer-to-peer network.

server message block (SMB) The protocol developed by Microsoft, Intel, and IBM that defines a series of
commands used to pass information between network computers. The redirector packages SMB requests into
a network control block (NC B) structure that can be sent over the network to a remote device. The network
provider listens for SMB messages destined for it and removes the data portion of the SMB request so that it
can be processed by a local device.

service access point (SAP) The interface between each of the seven layers in the OSI protocol stack that
has connection points, similar to addresses, used for communication between layers. Any protocol layer can
have multiple SAPs active at one time.

Serv ice Advertising Protocol (SAP) Allows service-providing nodes (including file, printer, gateway, and
application servers) to advertise their services and addresses.

session A connection or link between stations on the network.

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session layer The fifth layer of the OSI reference model. This layer allows two applications on different
computers to establish, use, and end a connection called a session. This layer performs name recognition and
functions, such as security, needed to allow two applications to communicate over the network. The session
layer provides synchronization between user tasks. This layer also implements dialog control between
communicating processes, regulating which side transmits, when, for how long, and so on. See also Open
Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model.

session management Establishing, maintaining, and terminating connections between stations on the

share To make resources, such as folders and printers, available to others.

sharing Means by which files are publicly posted on a network for access by anyone on the network.

shell A piece of software, usually a separate program, that provides direct communication between the user
and the operating system. This usually, but not always, takes the form of a command-line interface.
Examples of shells are Macintosh Finder and the MS-DOS command interface program C OMMAND.C OM.

shielded twisted-pair (STP) cable An insulated cable with wires that are twisted around each other with a
minimum number of twists per foot. The twists reduce signal interference between the wires, and the more
twists per foot, the greater the reduction in interference (crosstalk).

shielding The woven or stranded metal mesh that surrounds some types of cabling. Shielding protects
transmitted data by absorbing stray electronic signals, sometimes called noise (random electrical signals that
can degrade or distort communications), so that they do not get onto the cable and distort the data.

short A disruption in an electrical circuit that occurs when any two conducting wires or a conducting wire and
ground come in contact with each other.

SID (security identifier or security ID) See security identifier or security ID (SID).

signal bounce The process by which, on a bus network, the signal is broadcast to the entire network. The
signal travels from one end of the cable to the other. If the signal were allowed to continue uninterrupted, it
would keep bouncing back and forth along the cable and prevent other computers from sending signals. To
stop the signal from bouncing, a component called a terminator is placed at each end of the cable to absorb
free signals. Absorbing the signal clears the cable so that other computers can send data. See also terminator

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) A TC P/IP protocol for transferring e-mail. See also application
protocols, Transport C ontrol Protocol/Internet Protocol (TC P/IP).

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) A TC P/IP protocol for monitoring networks. SNMP uses a
request and response process. In SNMP, short utility programs, called agents, monitor the network traffic and
behavior in key network components in order to gather statistical data which they put into a management
information base (MIB). To collect the information into a usable form, a special management console program
regularly polls the agents and downloads the information in their MIBs. If any of the data falls either above or
below parameters set by the manager, the management console program can present signals on the monitor
locating the trouble and notify designated support staff by automatically dialing a pager number.

simplex transmission One-way transmission of data.

simultaneous peripheral operation on line (spool) Facilitates the process of moving a print job from
the network into a printer.

SLIP See Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP).

Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) A standard, high-speed parallel interface defined by the ANSI.
A SC SI interface is used for connecting microcomputers to peripheral devices, such as hard disks and
printers, and to other computers and LANs. SC SI is pronounced "scuzzy."

smart card A credit card-sized device used to securely store public and private keys, passwords, and other
types of personal information. To use a smart card, you need a smart card reader attached to the computer
and a personal PIN number for the smart card. In Windows 2000, smart cards can be used to enable
certificate-based authentication and single sign-on to the enterprise.

smart card reader A standard device within the smart card subsystem. A smart card reader is an interface
device (IFD) that supports bidirectional input/output to a smart card.

SMB See server message block (SMB).

SMDS See Switched Multimegabit Data Services (SMDS).

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SMP See symmetric multiprocessing (SMP).

SMTP See Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).

SNA See Systems Network Architecture (SNA).

SNMP See Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).

software C omputer programs or sets of instructions that allow the hardware to work. Software can be
grouped into four categories: system software, such as operating systems, that control the workings of the
computer; application software, such as word-processing programs, spreadsheets, and databases, which
perform the tasks for which people use computers; network software, which enables groups of computers to
communicate; and language software, which provides programmers with the tools they need to write

SONET See Synchronous Optical Network (SONET).

spanning tree algorithm (STA) An algorithm (mathematical procedure) implemented to eliminate

redundant routes and avoid situations in which multiple LANs are joined by more than one path by the IEEE
802.1 Network Management C ommittee. Under STA, bridges exchange certain control information in an
attempt to find redundant routes. The bridges determine which would be the most efficient route, then use
that one and disable the others. Any of the disabled routes can be reactivated if the primary route becomes

spread-spectrum radio technology A technology that provides for a truly wireless network.
Spread-spectrum radio broadcasts signals over a range of frequencies, avoiding the communication problems
of narrowband radio transmission.

SPX See Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX).

SQL See structured query language (SQL).

STA See spanning tree algorithm (STA).

stand-alone computer A computer that is not connected to any other computers and is not part of a

stand-alone env ironment A work environment in which each user has a personal computer but works
independently, unable to share files and other important information that would be readily available through
server access in a networking environment.

standard Ethernet A network topology that transmits at 10 Mbps over a baseband wire and can carry a
signal 500 meters (five 100-meter segments). See also thicknet.

star topology A topology in which each computer is connected by cable segments to a centralized
component called a hub. Signals transmitted by a computer on the star pass through the hub to all computers
on the network. This topology originated in the early days of computing with terminals connected to a
centralized mainframe. The star topology offers centralized resources and management. However, because
each computer is connected to a central point, much cable is required in a large installation, and if the central
point fails, the entire network goes down. See also hub.

stealth v irus A variant of file-infector virus. This virus is so named because it attempts to hide from
detection. When an antivirus program attempts to find it, the stealth virus tries to intercept the probe and
return false information indicating that it does not exist.

STP See shielded twisted-pair (STP).

stripe set A form of fault tolerance that combines multiple areas of unformatted free space into one large
logical drive, distributing data storage across all drives simultaneously. In Windows NT, a stripe set requires
at least two physical drives and can use up to 32 physical drives. Stripe sets can combine areas on different
types of drives, such as Small C omputer System Interface (SC SI), Enhanced Small Device Interface (ESDI),
and Integrated Device Electronics (IDE) drives.

structured query language (SQL) A database sublanguage used to query, update, and manage relational
databases. Although not a programming language in the same sense as C or Pascal, SQL can be used either
in formulating interactive queries or embedded in an application as instructions for handling data. The SQL
standard also contains components for defining, altering, controlling, and securing data.

SVC See switched virtual circuit (SVC ).

Switched Multimegabit Data Serv ices (SMDS) A high-speed, switched-packet service that can provide
speeds of up to 34 Mbps.

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switched v irtual circuit (SVC) A logical connection between end computers that uses a specific route
across the network. Network resources are dedicated to the circuit, and the route is maintained until the
connection is terminated. These are also known as point-to-multipoint connections. See also virtual circuit.

switching See packet switching.

symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) SMP systems, such as Windows NT Server, use any available
processor on an as-needed basis. With this approach, the system load and application needs can be
distributed evenly across all available processors.

synchronous A form of communication that relies on a timing scheme coordinated between two devices to
separate groups of bits and transmit them in blocks called frames. Special characters are used to begin the
synchronization and check its accuracy periodically. Because the bits are sent and received in a timed,
controlled (synchronized) fashion, start and stop bits are not required. Transmission stops at the end of one
transmission and starts again with a new one. It is a start/stop approach, and more efficient than
asynchronous transmission. If an error occurs, the synchronous error detection and correction scheme
implements a retransmission. However, because more sophisticated technology and equipment is required to
transmit synchronously, it is more expensive than asynchronous transmission.

Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) The data link (data transmission) protocol most widely used in
networks conforming to IBM's SNA. SDLC is a communications guideline that defines the format in which
information is transmitted. As its name implies, SDLC applies to synchronous transmissions. SDLC is also a
bit-oriented protocol and organizes information in structured units called frames.

Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) A fiber-optic technology that can transmit data at more than one
gigabit per second. Networks based on this technology are capable of delivering voice, data, and video.
SONET is a standard for optical transport formulated by the Exchange C arriers Standards Association (EC SA)
for the ANSI.

Systems Network Architecture (SNA) A widely used communication framework developed by IBM to
define network functions and establish standards for enabling its different models of computers to exchange
and process data. SNA is a design philosophy that separates network communication into five layers. Each
layer, like those in the similar ISO/OSI model, represents a graduated level of function moving upward from
physical connections to applications software.

SYSVOL A shared directory that stores the server copy of the domain's public files, which are replicated
among all domain controllers in the domain.

T1 line A high-speed communications line that can handle digital communication and Internet access at a
rate of 1.544 Mbps (megabits per second).

T1 serv ice The standard digital line service. It provides transmission rates of 1.544 Mbps and can carry both
voice and data.

tap A connection to a network. This usually refers specifically to a connection to a cable.

T connector A T-shaped coaxial connector that connects two thinnet Ethernet cables while supplying an
additional connector for a network interface card.

TCP See Transmission C ontrol Protocol (TC P).

TCP/IP See Transport C ontrol Protocol/Internet Protocol (TC P/IP).

TDI See transport driver interface (TDI).

TDR See time-domain reflectometer (TDR).

Technet See Microsoft Technical Information Network (TechNet).

Telnet The command and program used to log in from one Internet site to another. The Telnet command and
program brings the user to the login prompt of another host.

terabyte See byte.

terminator A resistor used at each end of an Ethernet cable to ensure that signals do not reflect back and
cause errors. It is usually attached to an electrical ground at one end. See also signal bounce.

terminator resistance The level of resistance in a terminator, measured in ohms. It must match the
network architecture specification. For example, Ethernet using RG-58 A/U thinnet cable requires a 50-ohm

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resistor in the terminator. Terminating resistance that does not match the specifications can cause the
network to fail. See also ohm.

thicknet (standard Ethernet) A relatively rigid coaxial cable about 0.5-inch in diameter. Typically, thicknet
is used as a backbone to connect several smaller thinnet-based networks because of its ability to support
data transfer over longer distances. Thicknet can carry a signal for 500 meters (about 1640 feet) before
needing a repeater.

thinnet (ThinWire Ethernet) A flexible coaxial cable about 0.25-inch thick. It is used for rela-tively
short-distance communication and is fairly flexible to facilitate routing between computers. Thinnet coaxial
cable can carry a signal up to approximately 185 meters (about 607 feet) before needing a repeater.

throughput A measure of the data transfer rate through a component, connection, or system. In networking,
throughput is a good indicator of the system's total performance because it defines how well the components
work together to transfer data from one computer to another. In this case, the throughput would indicate how
many bytes or packets the network could process per second.

ticket A set of identification data for a security principle, issued by a domain controller for purposes of user
authentication. Two forms of tickets in Windows 2000 are ticket-granting tickets (TGTs) and service tickets.

time-domain reflectometer (TDR) A troubleshooting tool that sends sonar-like pulses along a cable
looking for any kind of a break, short, or imperfection that might affect performance. If the pulse finds a
problem, the TDR analyzes it and displays the result. A good TDR can locate a break to within a few feet of
the actual separation in the cable.

Time-to-Live (TTL) A timer value included in packets sent over TC P/IP-based networks that tells the
recipients how long to hold or use the packet or any of its included data before expiring and discarding the
packet or data. For DNS, TTL values are used in resource records within a zone to determine how long
requesting clients should cache and use this information when it appears in a query response answered by a
DNS server for the zone.

token A predetermined formation of bits that permits a network device to communicate with the cable. A
computer cannot transmit unless it has possession of the token. Only one token at a time can be active on the
network, and the token can travel in only one direction around the ring. See also token passing, Token Ring

token passing A media access control method in a Token Ring network in which a data frame, called a
token, is passed from one station to the next around the ring. See also token, Token Ring network.

Token Ring network A network in which computers are situated on a continuous network loop through
which a token is passed from one computer to the next. C omputers are centrally connected to a hub called a
Multistation Access Unit (MAU) and are wired in a star configuration. C omputers use a token to transmit data
and must wait for a free token in order to transfer data. See also token, token passing.

TokenTalk An expansion card that allows a Macintosh II to connect to an 802.5 Token Ring network.

tone generator and tone locator Standard wiring tools used for troubleshooting. The tone generator is
used to apply an alternating or continuous tone signal to a cable or conductor and is attached to one end of
the cable. A matching tone locator is used to detect the correct cable at the other end of the run. These tools
are also referred to as a "fox and hound."

tone locator See tone generator and tone locator.

topology The arrangement or layout of computers, cables, and other components on a network. Topology is
the standard term that most network professionals use when referring to the network's basic design.

tracert A Trace Route command-line utility that shows every router interface through which a TC P/IP packet
passes on its way to a destination.

trailer One of the three sections of a packet component. The exact content of the trailer varies depending on
the protocol, but it usually includes an error-checking component (C RC ).

transceiver A device that connects a computer to the network. The term is derived from
transmitter/receiver; thus, a transceiver is a device that receives and transmits signals. It switches the
parallel data stream used on the computer's bus into a serial data stream used in the cables connecting the

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) The TC P/IP protocol for sequenced data. See also Transport C ontrol
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TC P/IP).

Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) An industry standard suite of protocols

providing communications in a heterogeneous environment. In addition, TC P/IP provides a routable,

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enterprise networking protocol and access to the Internet and its resources. It is a transport layer protocol
that actually consists of several other protocols in a stack that operates at the session layer. Most networks
support TC P/IP as a protocol.

transport driv er interface (TDI) An interface that works between the file-system driver and the transport
protocols, allowing any protocol written to TDI to communicate with the file-system drivers.

transport layer The fourth layer of the OSI reference model. It ensures that messages are delivered error
free, in sequence, and without losses or duplications. This layer repackages messages for efficient
transmission over the network. At the receiving end, the transport layer unpacks the messages, reassembles
the original messages, and sends an acknowledgment of receipt. See also Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI) reference model.

transport protocols Protocols that provide for communication sessions between computers and ensure that
data is able to move reliably between computers.

"Trojan horse" virus A type of virus that appears to be a legitimate program that might be found on any
system. The Trojan horse virus can destroy files and cause physical damage to disks.

trunk A single cable, also called a backbone, or segment.

trust relationship Trust relationships are links between domains that enable pass-through authentication, in
which a user has only one user account in one domain, yet can access the entire network. User accounts and
global groups defined in a trusted domain can be given rights and resource permissions in a trusting domain
even though those accounts do not exist in the trusting domain's database. A trusting domain honors the
logon authentication of a trusted domain.

TTL (Time-to-Liv e) See Time-to-Live (TTL).

twisted-pair cable A cable that consists of two insulated strands of copper wire twisted together. A number
of twisted-wire pairs are often grouped together and enclosed in a protective sheath to form a cable.
Twisted-pair cable can be shielded or unshielded. Unshielded twisted-pair cable is commonly used for
telephone systems. See also shielded twisted-pair (STP) cable, unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable.

UART See universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART).

UDP See User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Provides the hypertext links between documents on the World Wide Web
(WWW). Every resource on the Internet has its own location identifier, or URL, that specifies the server to
access as well as the access method and the location. URLs can use various protocols including FTP and HTTP.

UNC (Univ ersal Naming Conv ention) See Universal Naming C onvention (UNC ).

uninterruptible power supply (UPS) A device connected between a computer or another piece of
electronic equipment and a power source, such as an electrical outlet. The UPS ensures that the electrical flow
to the computer is not interrupted because of a blackout and, in most cases, protects the computer against
potentially damaging events such as power surges and brownouts. Different UPS models offer different levels
of protection. All UPS units are equipped with a battery and loss-of-power sensor. If the sensor detects a loss
of power, it immediately switches over to the battery so that users have time to save their work and shut off
the computer. Most higher-end models have features such as power filtering, sophisticated surge protection,
and a serial port so that an operating system capable of communicating with a UPS (such as Windows NT) can
work with the UPS to facilitate automatic system shutdown.

univ ersal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART) A module, usually composed of a single
integrated circuit, that contains both the receiving and transmitting circuits required for asynchronous serial
communication. Two computers, each equipped with a UART, can communicate over a simple wire
connection. The operation of the sending and receiving units are not synchronized by a common clock signal,
so the data stream itself must contain information about when packets of information (usually bytes) begin
and end. This information about the beginning and ending of a packet is provided by the start and stop bits in
the data stream. A UART is the most common type of circuit used in personal-computer modems.

Universal Naming Conv ention (UNC) The standard used for a full Windows 2000 name of a resource on a
network. It conforms to the \\server\share syntax, where servername is the name of the server and
sharename is the name of the shared resource. UNC names of directories or files can also include the
directory path under the share name, with the following syntax:\\server\share\directory\filename.

Universal Serial Bus (USB) A serial bus with a data transfer rate of 12 megabits per second (Mbps) for
connecting peripherals to a microcomputer. USB can connect up to 127 peripheral devices to the system
through a single, general-purpose port. This is accomplished by daisy chaining peripherals together. USB is

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designed to support the ability to automatically add and configure new devices and the ability to add such
devices without having to shut down and restart the system.

unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable A cable with wires that are twisted around each other with a
minimum number of twists per foot. The twists reduce signal interference between the wires. The more twists
per foot, the greater the reduction in interference (crosstalk). This cable is similar to shielded twisted-pair
(STP) cable, but lacks the insulation or shielding found in STP cable.

UPS See uninterruptible power supply (UPS).

URL See Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

USB See Universal Serial Bus (USB).

user account C onsists of all of the information that defines a user on a network. This includes the user
name and password required for the user to log on, the groups in which the user account has membership,
and the rights and permissions the user has for using the system and accessing its resources.

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) A connectionless protocol, responsible for end-to-end data transmission.

user groups Groups of users who meet online or in person to discuss installation, administration, and other
network challenges for the purpose of sharing and drawing on each other’s expertise in developing ideas and

UTP See unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable.

vampire tap (piercing tap transceiver) An Ethernet transceiver housed in a clamp-like device with sharp
metal prongs that “bite” through thicknet cable insulation and make contact with the copper core. The
transceiver’s DIX (DB15) connector provides an attachment for an AUI cable that runs from the transceiver to
either the computer or a hub or repeater. Along thick coaxial cable that includes bands spaced 2.5 meters (8
feet) apart, a vampire tap is inserted into each band; an AUI, DIX, or DB15 connector then attaches a cable
from the tap to the computer or other device to be added to the Ethernet network.

virtual circuit A series of logical connections between a sending computer and receiving computer. The
connection is made after both computers exchange information and agree on communication parameters that
establish and maintain the connection, including maximum message size and path. Virtual circuits incorporate
communication parameters such as acknowledgments, flow control, and error control to ensure reliability.
They can be either temporary, lasting only as long as the conversation, or permanent, lasting as long as the
users keep the communication channel open.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) A set of computers on a public network such as the Internet that
communicate among themselves using encryption technology. In this way their messages are safe from being
intercepted and understood by unauthorized users. VPNs operate as if the computers were connected by
private lines.

virus C omputer programming, or code, that hides in computer programs or on the boot sector of storage
devices such as hard-disk drives and floppy-disk drives. The primary purpose of a virus is to reproduce itself
as often as possible; a secondary purpose is to disrupt the operation of the computer or the program.

voltmeter See digital voltmeter (DVM).

volume set A collection of hard-disk partitions that are treated as a single partition, thus increasing the disk
space available in a single drive letter. Volume sets are created by combining between 2 and 32 areas of
unformatted free space on one or more physical drives. These spaces form one large logical volume set
which is treated like a single partition.

wide area network (WAN) A computer network that uses long-range telecommunication links to connect
networked computers across long distances.

winipcfg A diagnostic command specific to Microsoft Windows 95 and 98. Although this graphical user
interface (GUI) utility duplicates the functionality of ipconfig, its GUI makes it easier to use. See also ipconfig.

wireless bridge A component that offers an easy way to link buildings without using cable.

wireless concentrator A component that acts as a transceiver to send and receive signals while
communicating with network interface cards.

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wireless network An emerging networking option consisting of wireless components that communicate with
a network that uses cables in a mixed-component network called a hybrid.

workgroup A collection of computers grouped for sharing resources such as data and peripherals over a
LAN. Each workgroup is identified by a unique name. See also domain, peer-to-peer network.

World Wide Web (the Web, or WWW) The Internet multimedia service that contains a vast store-house of
hypertext documents written in HTML. See also Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).

WORM See Write-Once Read-Many (WORM).

Write-Once Read-Many (WORM) Any type of storage medium to which data can be written only once, but
can be read any number of times. Typically, this is an optical disc whose surface is permanently etched using
a laser, in order to record information.

X.25 A recommendation published by the C C ITT that defines the connection between a terminal and a
packet-switching network. A packet-switching network routes packets whose contents and format are
controlled standards such as those defined in the X.25 recommendation. X.25 incorporates three definitions:
the electrical connection between the terminal and the network, the transmission or link-access protocol, and
the implementation of virtual circuits between network users. Taken together, these definitions specify a
synchronous, full-duplex, terminal-to-network connection. Packets transmitted in such a network can contain
either data or control commands. Packet format, error control, and other features are equivalent to portions
of the HDLC protocol defined by the ISO. X.25 standards are related to the lowest three levels of the OSI
reference model.

X.400 A C C ITT protocol for international e-mail transmissions.

X.500 A C C ITT protocol for file and directory maintenance across several systems.

XNS (Xerox Network System) Protocol developed by Xerox for its Ethernet LANs.

Zones Logical groupings of users and resources in an AppleTalk network.

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back bon e

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C A (ce rtificate au th ority)

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daisy ch ain

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fast Eth e rn e t

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gate way

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h alf-du ple x tran sm ission

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jitte r

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Ke vlar

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MAC (Me ssage Au th e n tication C ode )

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Nam e Bin din g Protocol (NBP)

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pack e t

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Q oS (Q u ality of Se rvice )

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RADIUS (Re m ote Au th e n tication Dial-In Use r S e rvice )

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safe m ode

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T1 lin e

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vam pire tap (pie rcin g tap tran sce ive r)

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wide are a n e twork (W AN)

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Zon e s

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