Ethernet Testbench SV

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Introduction: SystemVerilog Motivation

Vassilios Gerousis, Infineon Technologies Accellera Technical Committee Chair

Session 3: SystemVerilog Assertions Language Tutorial

Bassam Tabbara, Novas Software

Technology and User Experience

Alon Flaisher, Intel

Session 1: SystemVerilog for Design Language Tutorial

Johny Srouji, Intel

Using SystemVerilog Assertions and Testbench Together

Jon Michelson, Verification Central

User Experience
Matt Maidment, Intel

Session 4: SystemVerilog APIs

Doug Warmke, Model Technology

Session 2: SystemVerilog for Verification Language Tutorial

Tom Fitzpatrick, Synopsys

Session 5: SystemVerilog Momentum Verilog2001 to SystemVerilog

Stuart Sutherland, Sutherland HDL

User Experience
Faisal Haque, Verification Central
Lunch: 12:15 1:00pm

SystemVerilog Industry Support

Vassilios Gerousis, Infineon
End: 5:00pm


DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Goals of this presentation

Understand the testbench model for SystemVerilog Show how SystemVerilog constructs are used to build testbenches Walk through the construction of a testbench for an Ethernet MAC


DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

My Background
Chair of SystemVerilog Assertions committee Co-author of The Art of Verification with Vera Co-author of upcoming SystemVerilog book
129 DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

A Typical Testbench
Adapted from The Art of Verification with Vera
Predict Response

Design Under Test








Coverage Monitor


DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop



Recommended SV constructs for use in testbench

Program block Classes Interfaces Clocking Mailboxes, semaphores Constraints and random variables Assertions


DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Program Block
Testbench implemented as multiple program blocks
For example: generator, checker in separate program blocks

Testbench implemented as a single program block

Classes instantiated within program block

Program block with classes instantiated within the interface

132 DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Testbench implementation options

test_top.v test_top.v DUT

test_top.v DUT

interface(s) Transactor(s) Program Gen

Program Gen Checker

Transactors Gen Checker

Program Checker


DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Provide a mechanism to encapsulate data Recommended for almost all testbench components Layer classes to build powerful structures
Generator MII Event Gen Network Event Gen

Pkt Gen Packet


DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Interfacing to the Design Under Test (DUT)

Use interface to logically group ports interfaces can also instantiate tasks, program blocks or classes to act as transactors
Classes instantiated inside program blocks will execute in the reactive region of SystemVerilog (Cycle based) Classes instantiated outside program blocks will display event based semantics

Use clocking to define synchronization of the DUT ports with the Testbench
135 DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Mailboxes and Semaphores

Use Mailboxes to pass messages between two threads
Can be used to represent FIFO implementations

Use semaphores to arbitrate between two or more threads


DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Ethernet MAC Testbench

Expect queue Pkt Gen Fifo Event Gen Host xctor MII xctor Monitor

Monitor Host xctor MII xctor

Pkt Gen

Event Gen

cpu transactor

cpu monitor

classes Interface-tasks
137 DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Ethernet MAC
interface host_tx; input [31:0] txdata; input txselect; input txsop; input txeop; input txen; output txrdy; task drive_packet (Packet packet); ... endtask endinterface interface host_rx; . . . interface mii_tx; . . . interface mii_rx; . . . TxData 31-0 TxSOP TxEOP TxEN TxSelect TxReady




DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

interfaces as Transactors
Interfaces Interfaces



host_rx mii_rx



DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Using clocking to interface to DUT

Program Block Clocking Xactor Gen Mon


clocking mac_host_tx_host @(posedge CLK); input [31:0] txdata; input txselect; input txsop; input txeop; input txen; output txrdy; endclocking
140 DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Program Block
program mac_tb (host_tx, host_rx, mii_rx, mii_tx); clocking mac_host_tx_host @(posedge CLK); . . . endclocking Host_gen Host_mon MII_gen Mii_mon host_gen; host_mon; mii_gen; mii_mon;

initial begin host_gen = new (); host_mon = new (); mii_gen = new (); mii_mon = new (); end endprogram


DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Implemented as classes instantiated inside program block Use random variables and constraints to generate stimulus Three components Random

Random variables Control variables Constraints


Control Variables


DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Packet Generator:Overview
Must generate Ethernet packets Host Side, MII Side Vary length from 64- to 1522 byte packages Generate destination address
Dest. address match MAC address or not match MAC address Unicast, multicast or broadcast addresses

Calculate CRC
143 DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

A Simple Packet Class

class Packet; rand bit [47:0] rand bit [47:0] rand bit [15:0] rand byte rand bit [31:0] sa; da; typeLen; payld []; crc;

Random variables Dynamic array Both length and contents will be randomized Control variables Constraints

//control variables int min_length; int max_length; bit [47:0] mac_addr; constraint len_lim { payld.size >= min_length; payld.size <= max_length; } extern task new (); extern task calc_crc (); extern task set_lim (int maxlen, int minlen=64); extern task pr (); extern function Packet cp (); extern task set_mac_addr (); endclass



DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Destination Address Generation

typedef enum {unicast, multicast, bcast} pkt_type; class GenDa ; bit [47:0] mac_addr; rand bit [47:0] dest_addr; rand pkt_type pktType; rand bit match_mac_addr; rand bit [1:0] cast;

constraint da_lim { match_mac_addr=>(dest_addr == mac_addr); } constraint cast_lim { (pktType == unicast)=> cast = 2'b10; (pktType == multicast) => cast = 2'b11; (pktType == bcast)=> dest_addr= 48{1b1}; } extern task new (); extern task set_mac_addr (); task post_randomize (); if ((pktType == unicast) || (pktType == multicast)) dest_addr [47:46] = cast [1:0]; endtask endclass

User-Defined post_randomize method called automatically after randomize


DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Simple Packet Generator

Packet randomization class Destination address generation class
Randomize data Calculate CRC Send packet to transactor
class Gen; rand Packet packet; rand Destaddr destaddr; rand int pktcnt; extern task genPkt (); extern task send_packet (); endclass task Gen::genPkt (); set_ctl_var (); if (!this.randomize ()) $display (randomize failed); for (i=0; i < pktcnt; i++) begin void=packet.randomize(); packet.calc_crc (); send_packet (); repeat (10)@(posedge CLOCK); end endtask


DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Checkers and monitors: Overview

One checker on each side
Host side MII side

Relies on expect queues to determine correctness of packet received

Implemented using mailboxes

Issue with packet drops


DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Testbench Implementation : Response Checking

Expect Queue predicts packet arrival order
Issue with discontinuities in packet arrival
Packet drops

Expect Queue


Host xactr

Process Messages 0101010

Transmit Unit





DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Implementation of Expect Queue

Simple FIFO implemented using mailboxes
Handling dropped packets
Occupancy counter to predict overflows in the FIFO
Drop incoming packets on FIFO overflow

Linked list implementation using classes

Packets removed from queue if dropped


DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Implementation of Expect Queue

class Expqueue; mailbox#(Packet) exp_mbx; int qsize; int max_qsize;



function new (int max_size, int mbxid); extern task push(Packet p); extern task pop (Packet p); endclass task Expqueue::push (Packet p); if ((qsize+1) <= max_qsize) begin exp_mbx.put (p); qsize++; end endtask task Expqueue::pop (Packet p); exp_mbx.get (p); qsize -; endtask



DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Example Checker
Host Rx Xactor
Packet received class Hostchk ; mailbox#(Packet) exp_mbx; Packet rx_packet; Packet exp_packet; Stats test_stats;

Exp Q

rcv_packet(); Get packet from expect queue check packet

extern function new (Stats stats, int mblen=0); extern task rcv_packet (Packet rcv_p); extern task check_packet (); endclass task Hostchk::new (Stats stats, int mblen=0); test_stats =stats; exp_mbx = new(mblen); endtask

Host Checker
check_packet(); Compare packets Update stats Print results


DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Example Checker (contd)

task Hostchk::rcv_packet (Packet rcv_p) ; rx_packet=rcv_p; exp_pkt_cnt=expmbx.try_get(exp_packet); if (exp_pkt_cnt == 0) $display (ERROR:Unexpcted packet Rcvd); else check_packet (); endtask

Exp Q




task Hostchk::check_packet (); if (rx_packet.cmp(exp_packet)) begin $display (Packet Received);; test_stats.rx_good_packet(rx_packet); end else begin $display (ERROR: Incorrect packet Rcvd);;; test_stats.rx_err_packet(rx_packet,err_cause); end endtask



DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Coverage tracking
Need to grade the effectiveness of the test
Did the desired events happen What is the quality of the stimulus

Create a statistics class

Used to track stimulus and response statistics
For example: Total packets generated and total packets received

Can also be used to track events of interest

For example: Total packets dropped, Queue occupancy
153 DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Example of coverage class

class Counter ; int count; int limit; extern task new (int lim=1000); extern task inc (); extern task dec (); endclass class Stats; Counter counter [string]; Counter event_counter [string]; task new (); counter[GenPkts] = new; counter [RxPkts] = new; counter [UcPkts] = new; counter [McPkts] = new; event_counter [DropPkts] = new; endtask extern task inc_stats (string PktType); extern task inc_events (string EventType); extern task pr (); endclass

Track statistics to grade test effectiveness

Assoc array of counters

Indexed by counter name


DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Style Guidelines
One class hierarchy per file File name same as base class name Class name capitalized

Define methods external to class Constraints should be defined external to class Use interfaces for BFM, drivers or transactors
155 DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Use classes where possible
Layered classes make it easier to build sophisticated structures

Use interfaces to abstract out physical ports

More concise code

Keep to higher levels of abstraction New SystemVerilog features let you add automation to your testbench Lets you focus on corner cases
156 DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

Introduction: SystemVerilog Motivation
Vassilios Gerousis, Infineon Technologies Accellera Technical Committee Chair

Session 3: SystemVerilog Assertions Language Tutorial

Bassam Tabbara, Novas Software

Tecnhology and User Experience

Alon Flaisher, Intel

Session 1: SystemVerilog for Design Language Tutorial

Johny Srouji, Intel

Using SystemVerilog Assertions and Testbench Together

Jon Michelson, Verification Central

User Experience
Matt Maidment, Intel

Session 4: SystemVerilog APIs

Doug Warmke, Model Technology

Session 2: SystemVerilog for Verification Language Tutorial

Tom Fitzpatrick, Synopsys

Session 5: SystemVerilog Momentum Verilog2001 to SystemVerilog

Stuart Sutherland, Sutherland HDL

User Experience
Faisal Haque, Verification Central
Lunch: 12:15 1:00pm

SystemVerilog Industry Support

Vassilios Gerousis, Infineon
End: 5:00pm


DAC2003 Accellera SystemVerilog Workshop

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