POM Introduction
POM Introduction
POM Introduction
Control is the process of coping with changes in these variables. We can define a plan as setting the intention for what is supposed to happen. Control as the driving force of the plan monitoring what actually happens and making changes as necessary. The balance between planning and control activities change in the Long, Medium and Short term. S-10 Product Design and Operations The product design Revolution. The Ultimate focus of every Production System is the product it yields. In recent years companies have : Dramatically reduced costs Improved the quality of products. Shortened the product development time.
Product development Product development begins with identification of a consumer need or desire. Socio Economic and Technological changes are 2 primary forces which are the causes for New Product needs and desire. Product development processes through following stages: 1. Identification and evaluation of the market - Size of the market, cost of product development - Market surveys 2 Development of a detailed product design - If the market exists - Next step is to develop a plan of how to make the product . Product Prototyping : A physical mockup of the product is created.
Ramp-Up of Production Product can be produced in small quantities once the working design is available. Additional design changes may occur either to improve the quality and reduce the cost of production. At this stage the Market Testing is done.
Product Modification and Redesign Product and Process design is an ongoing activity. This could be because of the following reasons: Feedback from the customers Changes in Technology Competing Products
The Product Design Process Earlier the product Designers focused entirely on the product characteristics from the Functional, Aesthetic and Marketing view point. With little concern on How much it would cost? Even whether it could be made? In recent years companies have adopted the following approach: 1. 2. 3. 4. A philosophy of designing for Production Concurrent design of the product and the production process. Use of multidisciplinary teams. Collaboration with Suppliers and customers.