Public Key Error
Public Key Error
Public Key Error
site. The error is Server Error: Your public key does not match the one stored in the Address Book.
Below is the guide how to solved this problem. 1) Open your Domino Administrator 2) Click on configuration Tab.
6) Select the certificate that was Issued To the user account. This is usually the first one in the list.
9) Open one notepad file and click on CTRL+V or paste . It should be like this.
10) Now, compare this public key with the one in the person document. Do they match? Usually, you can just check the first group numbers, and the last group numbers. 11) Open the person document. Compant the public key with the key that you just copy on the notepad. It allocated on Certifier Tab.
12) Click on Edit Person. Copy the public key on the Notepad and replace to Notes Certified Public Keys.
13) Click on Save & Close button to finish. Wait for 15 minutes replication on Lotus Domino Server. Try to setup Lotus Notes on client computer. Good Luck.