Ireland's senior squad will have a new look this summer as many of their frontline players will be on British and Irish Lions duty. A number of Ireland's starters will be absent playing for the Lions giving opportunities for new players to impress in the senior team. The summer tests will give Ireland's lesser experienced players a chance to stake a claim for future starting places in the senior side.
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Ireland's senior squad will have a new look this summer as many of their frontline players will be on British and Irish Lions duty. A number of Ireland's starters will be absent playing for the Lions giving opportunities for new players to impress in the senior team. The summer tests will give Ireland's lesser experienced players a chance to stake a claim for future starting places in the senior side.
Ireland's senior squad will have a new look this summer as many of their frontline players will be on British and Irish Lions duty. A number of Ireland's starters will be absent playing for the Lions giving opportunities for new players to impress in the senior team. The summer tests will give Ireland's lesser experienced players a chance to stake a claim for future starting places in the senior side.
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Ireland's senior squad will have a new look this summer as many of their frontline players will be on British and Irish Lions duty. A number of Ireland's starters will be absent playing for the Lions giving opportunities for new players to impress in the senior team. The summer tests will give Ireland's lesser experienced players a chance to stake a claim for future starting places in the senior side.
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Mant of Ireland's frontline players will be on Lions duty and so a new-look seni or squad will be on show.