Personal Data : Name Address Phone number Place/Date of birth Gender Religion : Wennie Fransisca : Sei-kera No 134g : 061-4524896 / 087869858967 : Medan / 10th October 1992 : Female : Buddha
Formal Education: 1999-2004 2004-2007 2007-2010 Currently attending : SD SUTOMO 1 MEDAN : SMP SUTOMO 1 MEDAN : SMA SUTOMO 1 MEDAN : North Sumatera University, Faculty of Dentistry
Dear Miss : I would like to apply for an English teacher position for 1 month period. I believe that I can learn fast. Here I also enclosed my data : 1. 2 Photos (size : 3x4) 2. Curriculum Vitae 3. SKHUN 4. Ijazah SMA
Thank you for giving me a chance to attend the test and I hope that I can teach well in this school.
Wennie Fransisca