Project Report On "HT Media Limited". by ANUPAM KUMAR
Project Report On "HT Media Limited". by ANUPAM KUMAR
Project Report On "HT Media Limited". by ANUPAM KUMAR
Mohali (Chandigarh)
Project Report
Submitted to:Lovely Professional University, Phagwara (Punjab)
In partial fulfilment of the Requirement for the Degree
Under the Guidance of: Mr. Rajan Girdhar
(Lecturer) LSB
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With regard to my
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I, Anupam Kumar hereby declare that the project report on A Brief Study of Advertisers Perception About Hyperlocal with special reference to HT Mohali live along with Hindustan times, Mohali (Chandigarh) for a partial fulfilment of Master of Business Administration degree from Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar is original work conducted by me and the study is authentic to the best of my knowledge.
[Anupam Kumar]
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Every individual in professional life is keenly aware of his/ her sense of indebt to many people who have stimulated and influenced his/her intellectual development ordinarily. This feeling is formally expressed in customer gestures of acknowledgment. There for it seems only to acknowledge our gratitude with sense of veneration to the Almighty God and various people who helped us during the course of our project during the course of our project in a systematic and smooth manner. I have been placed in the Indias one of the most popular news paper Hindustan times at Mohali Chandigarh. I shared the real marketing skills and knowledge from their experienced enthusiastic and cordial executives without whom I would have not been able to achieve the desired result. First I would like to express my thanks to Mr. Sumit Gupta (Assistant Manager, marketing & sales, Hindustan times) for permitting me to do the summer training, sharing valuable experience and suggestions regarding preparation of project report. I would like to express my sincere reverence to my faculty project guide Mr. Rajan Girdhar (Lecturer, Lovely Professional University, and Jalandhar Punjab) and the entire faculty member for giving insight of the concept, which is perfect blend of theoretical understanding and practical aspects at regular interval. Lastly I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the staff member, library, and lab member for helping me to complete my project report. Last but not the least I cannot forget to express my great-fullness to my parents for providing me moral support. I have also consulted the works of many author and all of them have been listed in the bibliography. I express my immense debt of gratitude to all of them who supported me.
[Anupam Kumar]
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Project is an integral part of the MBA curriculum and the students of the management have to undergo a training session in a business organization for six weeks to gain some valuable practical knowledge in their area of specialization to gain some working experience and to have better interaction between industry and academics. Marketing is an important activity of a business and today it has become a necessity for survival of business. It includes the flow of goods and services from production to consumption. The success of any business firm is largely determined by its sale and production. In order to have a continuous production, there must be continuous marketing only then the standard of the business can be sustained. Today factors like MIS, MR, marketing analysis, advertising and branding have become vital component of marketing and among these branding has become lifeblood of any business. Branding is basically communication with given audience with an objective of building a certain impression of product or service. The sense of branding lies in conveying the target audience want satisfying qualities of a product or services. In fact, it offers a quick and effective way for any marketer to tell people about product and offers. In my study I tried to implement the change of brand, which the Hindustan times has undergone, and find out how effective and successful the new brand image has been in pulling the potential customer towards the brand and whether the brand occupies a desired position. This project report titled A brief study of advertisers perception about hyper local with special reference to HT Mohali live Mohali, Chandigarh has been prepared after successful completion of project training at Hindustan times Mohali, Chandigarh. I have tried to do it honestly and sincerely and any weakness & shortcoming is unintentional.
[Anupam Kumar]
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Executive summery Chapter- I : Introduction of the study (a) Objective of the Study (b) Scope and needs of the Study (c) Literature Review (d) Research Methodology to be used (e) Limitations Chapter II : Introduction of the Organization (a) History of the organization (b) Group Profile of the Organization (c) Mission & Vision (c) Market Status of the Organization (e) Organizational Structure Chapter III : Industry overview (a) News paper Market (b) Advertisers' Media Selection in Small Newspaper Markets.
10 11-23
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(c) Major Players in the Region [Chandigarh] (d) Role of Indian Newspaper (e) Recent Issues In newspaper Industry Chapter IV : A Conceptual and Theoretical Aspect of Advertisement Chapter V : Data analysis and Interpretation 56-66 44-55
Chapter VI
67-71 72-73
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The project report titled A brief study on advertisers perception about hyper local with special reference to HT Mohali live (a weekly supplement) along with Hindustan times This research is done in order to study the brand image created by HT Mohali live, a weekly supplement along with Hindustan times, In this project report the introduction covers tells about the advertisers perception. The study was done by personal interview and questionnaire method with a sample of 100 advertising of Mohali. The population is chosen on volume of advertisement basis. The total volume of advertisements for four month period is 10287 column centimetre. HT Mohali live is a fully passionate lifestyle supplement for the Mohali market. The finding of the study reveals that advertisers perceive the product as an attracting product that depicts the new trend wave of Mohali market. There are few limitations in the study. The suggestion given to the company is to increase the circulation of the product. Paid-circulation newspapers are a popular advertising medium for most local businesses. They are the oldest forms of mass media, and they continue to be one of the largest, as measured by volume of advertising dollars. Industry giants, as well as the local convenience stores, use newspapers to advertise. Every community has its own newspaper. There are over 5000 paid-circulation daily newspapers in India and several thousand additional local weekly papers as well. Every advertising medium has characteristics that give it natural advantages and limitations Advertising as a discrete form is generally agreed to have begun with newspapers, in the seventeenth century, which included line or classified advertising. Simple descriptions, plus prices, of products served their purpose until the late nineteenth century, when technological advances meant that illustrations could be added to advertising, and colour was also an option. An early advertising success story is that of Pears Soap. Thomas Barratt married into the famous soap making family and realized that they needed to be more aggressive about pushing their products if they were to survive. He launched the series of ads featuring cherubic children which firmly welded the brand to the values it still holds today.
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Chapter- I
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The marketing process beings with the organization are trying to identifying attractive opportunity. This step is known as Market Opportunities Analysis. The next step is Target Market Selection which means identifying the customer group, the company process to serve. In this context it has to be realised that a market consists to
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different groups, who may be classified according to certain special feature common to a particular group. This brings us to the concept of Market segmentation. [V.P Buell- Marketing Management] The segment may be based on the ability of different groups of advertisers long as it has a relevance of any particular product. The segment chosen is called target market. The company must examine the wants of that market and the position of the competitors. This is the realm of market mix. The company can learn through marketing research, what advertisers are primarily interests in. The advertisement market consist of all organizations and business outlay who provides goods and services to the general people [Philip Kotler: Principles of Marketing] Advertisers vary widely in their age, sex, Income of the organization and size of their organization & abilities etc....... Hence the advertising agencies treat the market to consist of different segment based on their income and size of the organization and what size of advertisement they generally required. But this does not mean that advertisers will always respond in the way that marketer would have them do. Advertises go through elaborate decision processes, involving several decision one after other until they give advertisement in news paper. Marketing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of data and findings relevant to a market situation facing the company. This required some kind of survey which immediately demands who is to be surveyed? The survey provides data. But data must be distinguished from information. Data are facts and figures that are not currently used in a decision process and usually take the form of records which may be intended to be used for decision making later on. Information consists of data that have been retrieved, processed or otherwise used for inference purpose or as a basis for forecasting or decision making.
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Hypothesis: - On the basis of objective of the study we can formulate the following
H 1o- Advertisement in hyper local is beneficial for advertisers in local city like Mohali. H 1A- Advertisement in hyper local is not beneficial for advertisers in local city like Mohali. H2 0 Advertisers are aware about HT Mohali live and they want to give their advertisement
In this HT weekly supplement in Mohali (Chandigarh).
H 2A Advertisers are not aware about HT Mohali live and they do not want to give their
advertisement in HT Mohali live.
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Brand Perception & Brand Equity of Baby Accessory Products in Working Moms Perspective By: Phusit Wonglorsaichon* and Paitoon Sathainrapabayut source International Review of Business Research Papers Vol. 4 No.1 January 2008 Pp.385395. The findings of this study are, working moms who were using differences brand would be perceived their brand with difference ways. Working mom who was using Pigeon perceived that Pigeon was innovating, Avnet was modernizing and Chico was safety for their babies. These results were based on marketing communication programs that have been implementing from each brand in order to create their brand characteristic and brand differentiation from other players. Childrens Perception on TV Advertising A Case Study Of 3RD Graders in SBY: Maria
Errson Ulrika Kobin SOURCE: Lulea University of technology Bachelor thesis Marketing Department of business administration and social sciences Division of indusial marketing and e-commerce (2007). The findings of this study reveal that children are affected by tv advertisements and more they watch the more they are affected. They are highly influenced by peers. Furthermore, their behaviour towards parents and pester more are also affected by their viewing of advertisements. The most memorable commercial advertisements for the children appear to be the ones using humours and celebrities. Corporate brand image: Antecedent, Mediating Role and Impact on Stakeholder Expectation by Prathab oburai YLR moorthi Chew kok wail Michael j baker Source: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, AHMEDABAD. According to this study, Corporate brand image is impacted most by the brand awareness construct general expectation construct have less impact. Corporate brand image on its own is a significant predictor of specific expectations. Corporate brand image mediates the best of brand awareness.Australian and Taiwanese Advertiser's Perceptions of Internet Marketing Source: University of New South Wales. With the Internet being a relatively new communication medium, the perceptions of advertising agencies on the use and future of Internet marketing has important implications for companies using these agencies to develop their advertising strategies. This research investigates the perception of
advertisers towards the use of the Internet as a communication medium. Newspapers and Their Online Editions: Factors that Influence Successful Integration by: Bonnie Bressers and Robert Meeds (2006). The findings of the study is that Because of the inherent cultural differences between traditional newspaper staff and online staff, industry
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analysts have suggested that online workers struggle for respect from their newsroom counterparts. The perception of the relative equality of status between the print and online staffs was not a significant predictor of levels of integration, but it was positively associated with managers reports that objectives have been met; suggesting that policies and practices aimed at equalizing perceived levels of status between the two groups would be desirable. Selling Newspaper Advertising on the web: A Case Study of the Newspaper Advertising Website in A Chinese Press Group by Qiping Hu,M.A Master Student School of Journalism. The finding of this study is the original idea of developing a newspaper advertising website is to provide access to the latest, most relevant multimedia sales presentation and additionally, interactivity based on the website between the sellers and buyers is also projected. Despite differences between the business models between China and America, the two studies have found some common values of the NAW. Advertisers' Media Selection in Small Newspaper Markets By Ken Smith; Newspaper Research Journal, Vol. 19, 1998 Journal Article Excerpt. When a salesperson comes to understand the factors that influence the advertiser, "the skills of that person are enhanced." The same could be said about the relationship between advertising representatives at smaller newspapers and their clients. Raymond, Mary A., Lim, Jong W. (2002), this paper provides a case study comparing the international advertising strategy that Hyundai Motor Company, Korea, utilized when they introduced the Hyundai Santa Fe in Korea and in the United States. Based on Hyundai's understanding of factors affecting standardization and adaptation decisions and possible negative country-of-origin effects, the case illustrates how Hyundai created a positive brand image with a local adaptation advertising strategy. A framework illustrating factors affecting the local adaptation decision, the advertising decisions that Hyundai made, and the effectiveness of those decisions is presented. in the United States. Fernandez, Leela (2000), the article intervenes in the debate over the effects of globalization on the nation-state by exploring the ways in which meanings of the global are produced through the nationalist imagination in India. Globalization in India has unfolded in the context of the `new economic policies' of liberalization initiated in the 1990s. Both television and print media images increasingly contribute to the reproduction of a hegemonic political culture, one that has discarded the remnants of a state-dominated planned economy. An analysis of this process calls into question the post-national thesis of the globalization paradigm
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Research Design
Research design is a framework or blueprint of conducting the marketing Research project. It detailed the procedure necessary for obtaining the information needed to structure and/or to solve marketing research problem. The two general types of research are: 1. Exploratory 2. Conclusive The objective of exploratory research is to provide insights into and understanding of the problem confronting the researcher, the objective of conclusive research is to test specific hypothesis and examine specific relationship. There are two general type of conclusive research: 1. Descriptive 2. Causal
The objective of descriptive research design is to describe something usually market characteristics or function.
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Once the problem is defined, the next step is to prepare a plan for getting the information needed for the research. The present study will adopt descriptive and casual approaches, where in there is a need to gather a large amount of information before making a conclusion if required.
Sources of data:
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Data requires for the research work can be made available from the different sources, they classified in two groups. (a) Primary Source: Includes living person, in my survey primary sources constituted of the advertisers who giving the advertisement in HT Mohali live and other hyper local. (b) Secondary Sources: Includes already collected data whether published unpublished, such as official database, magazines and journals.
When a small group is taken as the representative of the whole, the study is called sampling study. Sampling allows us to concentrate our attention upon a relatively smaller number of items and hence, to devote more energy to ensure that the information collected from them is accurate. When the whole area or population of person contacted the method is known as census method. In my survey it was census method because I was a assigned a job to do survey in Mohali area and take feedback of all those advertisers who giving their advertisement in print media industry.
Sampling Plan:
Sampling technique Sample size : Random sampling : Sample size chosen here for this study Were 100 as suggested by the company? Sample unit : Advertisers in Mohali market : Period on 6th June 2011 to 18 July 2011
Sampling Unit
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Sampling unit is that of who is to be surveyed. The survey is on local commercial advertisers of Mohali, Chandigarh.
It is a piece of paper with a set to questions related to the purpose to research, which is presented to the respondent. The questionnaire used in my project had close-ended and liker scale questions. (a) Close- ended (b) Open- ended
Personal Interview
It is a process of communications or interaction in which generally two persons are involved and it was a face to face interaction. In my survey the questionnaire was presented before the respondent and response was thus collected and it was face to face interaction.
Observation Method
When we look at the phenomenon with some objective it is called observation. It is the important technique of data collection. This method was also accompanying survey, to Know the exact position of responses of the respondents.
Time Span of the field Work The field work carried out in a span of 6 weeks.
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Although, I tried my best to control the extraneous variables is my research process them also I was subjected to certain limitations of this project are The sample size is very small in compression to actual advertisers. Since I was hard pressed against time. I had to keep sample size small. This study was concentrated in Mohali so finding is generalized for Mohali along (local market) The data for the project was conducted from the opinion of advertisers in market. Any bias in the opinion of false will impact on the findings of the study. Some of the answer given by the respondents may be biases. Few respondents were reluctant while answering the question due to their busy schedule Time is a constraint because duration of project is 6 weeks. Some of the advertisers were hesitating to give whole- hearted opinions due to fear.
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Hindustan Times (HT) is an Indian English-language daily newspaper founded in 1924 with roots in the Indian independence movement of the period ("Hindustan" being a historical name for Northern India).[2] Hindustan Times is the flagship publication of HT Media Ltd. In 2008 the newspaper reported its circulation as being over 1.14 million according to the Audit Bureau of Circulations (India), ranking it as the third largest daily English newspaper in India. The Indian Readership Survey (IRS) 2010 revealed that HT has a readership of (34.67 lakhs), placing it as the third most widely read English Newspaper in India after The Times of India.[3] It has a wide reach in northern India, with simultaneous editions from New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Lucknow, Patna, Ranchi, Bhopal and Chandigarh. The print location of Jaipur was discontinued from June 2006. HT launched a youth daily, HT Next, in 2004. The Mumbai edition was launched on 14 July 2005 and the Kolkata edition was launched on early 2000. HT today has become a leading newspaper in India. Because of the authenticity of its news, the newspaper has become a market leader for English papers in north India. The newspaper has been working non- stop since the Indian independence movement. Prominent faces like
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Devdas Gandhi and Khushwant Singh have at times edited the paper. Hindustan Times has proved its nationwide reach in India. Leadership through quality and innovation is the hallmark of the Hindustan Times Limited. Other sister publications of Hindustan Times are Mint (English business daily), Hindustan (Hindi Daily), Nandan (monthly children's magazine) and Kadambani (monthly literary magazine). The media group owns a radio channel, Fever, and organises an annual Luxury Conference which has featured speakers like designer Diane von Furstenberg, shoemaker Christian Louboutin, Gucci CEO Robert Polet and Cartier MD Patrick Normand. Hindustan Times is owned by the KK Birla branch of the Birla family Over seven decades the organization has been a major force in the print media. The Hindustan Times Ltd. plans to consolidate itself as a vibrant and modern media powerhouse through strategic partnerships, ever-increasing scope of operations and a consumer focussed approach.
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The paper was saved from an untimely demise when Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya stepped in to realise his vision of a newspaper in Delhi." - TJS George, Lessons in Journalism, 2007, Viva Books, New Delhi.Malaviya raised Rs. 50,000 rupees to acquire the Hindustan Times along with the help of nationalist leaders Lajpat Rai and M. R. Jaywalker and industrialist G. D. Birla, who paid most of the cash. Birla took full control of the paper in 1933. The paper continues to be owned by the Birla family.It has its roots in the Indian independence movement of the first half of the twentieth century and even faced the noted "Hindustan Times Contempt Case (AugustNovember, 1941)" at Allahabad High Court.[4] It was edited at times by many important people in India, including Devdas Gandhi and Khushwant Singh. Sanjoy Narayan has been appointed the editor in chief of the paper and was due to take over in August 2008.[5] Recently [when?] the editorial page has seen a major makeover and has been named "comment" to bring in more flexibility and some-what less seriousness to the page.
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(i) Audit Committee - The Audit Committee of the Board has been constituted in
accordance with the requirements prescribed under Section 292A of the Companies Act, 1956 and Clause 49. The composition of the Audit Committee is as follows: Name of the Director Shri K.N. Memani Shri N.K. Singh Shri Y.C.Deveshwar Shri Shamit Bhartia Position in the Committee Chairman Member Member Member
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Name of the Director Smt. Shobhana Bhartia Shri K.N. Memani Shri N.K. Singh
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Name of the Member Smt. Shobhana Bhartia Shri N.K. Singh Shri Shamit Bhartia
Name of the Member Smt. Shobhana Bhartia Shri N.K.Singh Shri Priyavrat Bhartia Shri Shamit Bhartia
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tabloid format). Circulated six days a week, HT Cafe devotes 8 pages to subjects like automobiles, travel, health, comics, gizmos and weekend. On Wednesdays, HT Mumbai has an education supplement called HT Horizons. HT Delhi Edition: Delhi's leading newspaper, HT Delhi Edition usually contains 22 - 24 pages main newspaper including a daily lifestyle called HT City and other supplements on weekdays. On Fridays a special Weekend edition of HT City is circulated called HT City WE. On Tuesday HT Delhi carries a jobs supplement called 'Power Jobs' and an education supplement on Wednesdays. Real Estates section called HT Estates and Luxury supplement called HT Splurge are circulated on Saturdays. Every Sunday HT Delhi carries a special magazine called Brunch, which carries articles on lifestyle, entertainment, food, travel, fashion. HT Lucknow, Patna and Chandigarh Editions: Lucknow, Patna and Chandigarh Editions of HT contain only the main newspaper carrying only one or two supplements weekly. On Sundays, these editions have a special four to eight pages Sunday Magazine. HT Circulation: Based on the readership survey of 14.49 million readers, HT has a combined circulation of 2.25 million copies everyday including Hindustan Times (English) and Hindustan (Hindi). Due to huge circulation, HT enjoys strong brand recognition among the readers and advertisers as well. Awards and Recognitions: Over the years Hindustan Times has won several national awards and earned certificates of recognitions. Hindustan Times has a good track record at the IFRA and has won several awards this year as well. HT Group in Electronic Media: HT Media Ltd has ventured into electronic media through its subsidiary HT Music and Entertainment Company Ltd... The company has entered into the FM radio market in major Indian cities through a consulting partnership with Virgin Radio. The radio channel, Fever 104 is currently available in the cities of Delhi and Mumbai. HT Events: HT Media group annually organizes a Luxury Conference and also a Leadership Summit in Delhi. The Luxury conference had been attended by featured speakers like designer Diane Von Furstenberg, shoemaker Christian Louboutin, Gucci CEO Robert Polet and Cartier MD Patrick Normand.
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The revenue of Mohali live is to 50000 Rs per issue .Because its published only in Thursday It is running very good into the Mohali market. It is the best newspaper compare to all other advertising media in Mohali market.
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1 2 3 4
Special offers
Weeks 1. 2. 3. 4. 4 7 15 26
Free weeks 2 4 10 26
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Chapter III
: Industry overview
(a) News paper Market (b) Advertisers' Media Selection in Small Newspaper Markets. (c) Major Players in the Region [Chandigarh] (d) Role of Indian Newspaper (e) Recent Issues In newspaper Industry
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-As the market becomes continually more competitive for advertising dollars, newspapers
need to develop more sophisticated sales strategies. (1) Yet, due to personnel limitations and other economic considerations, smaller newspapers may find compiling data and developing sales strategies to be daunting tasks. Some relief is granted by the typical advertisers in small communities -- local merchants. They may not demand data that is as sophisticated as that required in larger markets because the vast majority of advertisers in smaller markets are not very knowledgeable about market conditions. (2) This does not absolve newspaper sales personnel from knowing their advertisers. In writing about the relationship between national advertisers and a sample comprised mostly of larger dailies, Daniel Stout concluded that when a salesperson comes to understand the factors that influence the advertiser, "the skills of that person are enhanced." (3) The same could be said about the relationship between advertising representatives at smaller newspapers and their clients. Even in those markets, as salespeople develop better skills, they may increase the ad revenues that will help fund an improved news product.
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was in collective marketing campaigns and now a joint newspaper as well. As a new marketing alliance, Business Standard has tied up with Desh Parades Ni AajKaal, a Gujarati evening newspaper, for advertising combination. This step has been taken to grow the circulation of Business Standard in Saurashtra and Kutch regions.
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newspapers even went to the extent of offering their newspaper at Re 1 only. Top newspapers in India are now opting for high-speed web presses like that of Goss, MAN Roland, Mitsubishi and mailroom systems from Fergal and Muller Martini. However, the majority of newspapers are continuing their production on indigenously produced equipment. With this impressive growth in the industry, it is high time that the high-end manufacturers from developed countries may enter into India either in collaboration with local manufacturers or independently to tap the growing demand. Infact, a little bird has informed that a leading foreign manufacturer is in talks with a local web press manufacturer to jointly set up a new manufacturing facility in India. It would indeed be a major step in this industry and the effect would be for all of us to see. Quality has become an important factor in the industry and Indian newspapers are continuously investing in quality control equipments. The demand for automatic registration control systems has increased to the extent that leading manufacturer QI Press Controls is planning to come up with manufacturing activities in India.
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Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark, you know what you
are doing, but nobody else does Stewart H.Britt
The word Advertising has its origin from a Latin word Advertise which means to turn to. It may be interpreted as to turn the attention of the people concerned to a specific thing which has been announced by the advertiser publicity in order to information and influence them with the ideas which the advertisement caries. In business world, the term is mainly used with references to selling the product of the concern. When a firm has developed a product to satisfy the market demand after thoroughly analyzing the market, there is a need for establishing contact with the target market to eventually sell the product. Moreover,, this has to be a mass contact,, which means that the marketer is interested in reacting a large number of people so that product may receive
optimum exposure. Naturally, the best way to reach this target market is through advertising is one of the means to publicity, sales promotion and public relation. To a lay man, advertising is nothing more than the use of bright idea stunts slogans, to popularize goods which appeal to the great body or ordinary consumers. But this is not the full description of advertising. Adverting is an extremely versatile tool of sales promotion. It consists of non-personal form communication conduct through paid media under clear sponsorship. There is some specific definition of advertising. (I) According to American Marketing Association Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonnel presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identifies sponsor (II) Prof. Albert Fray defines Advertising as the presentation of visual and oral message and their dissemination through paid media for the purpose of marketing people aware of and favourable inclined towards a product, brand services institution,, idea or point of view. This is clear from the above definition that in the modern sense, advertising is a mass selling technique. It is not only a commercial device through the use of which business gets people to buy its product, it is informative and educational force that aids the consumer to form judgement on what to buy. Thus it is an extension of personal salesmanship from that which
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is directed to an individual or small group of people to that which is directed to reach thousands of people over the network of media.
Selection of a suitable medium of advertising is an important decision. There are numerous media of advertising available to the modern advertisers. Novelty in this field is a misnomer. In fact there is nothing novel in this area because with the passage of time? The advertisers and advertising agencies have thought of new way and means of approaching the prospect. But for the sake of description one can continently divide the basic types of advertising media in the following manners.
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Advertising Media
Mail Advt.
Other Media 1. Direct Advertising Outdoor Advertising Advertising Novelties Exhibits Trade shops Screen Advertising Directories Packages and
2. Sunday News papers 3. Weekly Supplement 4. Weekly News papers (b) Magazine: 1. Weekly Gift 2. Fort Nightly 3. Monthly Gifts (c) Journals 1. Trade Journals 2. Technical Journals
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Advertiser Perceptions provides media company executives with essential insight necessary for increasing ad sales, market share and competitive advantage.
Newspapers permit an advertiser to reach a large number of people within a specified geographical area. The printed advertising message has both permanence and desired obsolescence. A reader can refer back to, or even clip and save, a particular ad, yet tomorrows edition is new and fresh and as eagerly sought by the same reader. The newspaper offers a predictable frequency of publication: once, twice or up to seven times a week.21 Newspapers have immediacy. You can place an ad on Monday and be getting Results before the week are over. Short deadlines permit quick responses to changing market conditions. People expect to find advertising in their newspapers. In fact, many people buy newspapers just to read the ads from the restaurants, movies and discount stores. Reading the newspaper has become a habit for most families. It has something for everyone. You can reach certain segments of your market by placing your ads in different Sections of the paper such as: sports, comics, crosswords, news, classifieds, etc. An advertiser has flexibility in terms of ad size and placement. Production changes can be made quickly, if necessary, a new insert can be added on short notice. Advertisements can be examined at leisure. Exposure is not limited, so readers can take their time reading the messages.
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It offers a great variety of ad sizes. If you dont have a large budget, you can still run a series of small ads. Many options are available. Copy alone; copy with graphics; black and white; or full colour. Newspaper supplements often feature certain subjects that readers pull out and Save.
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Key Measures and Trends by leading Online Media Brands, Magazines, National Newspapers and Television Networks include:
Advertising Consideration Advertising Plans Media Selection Criteria Perceptions of Media Brands by Selection Criteria Perceptions of Marketing Effectiveness Perceptions of Sales Coverage Perceptions of Salespeople Advertiser Satisfaction Plans to Increase, Decrease and Maintain Ad Spending
Entertainment Finance Home Furnishings and Appliances Liquor, Beer and Wine Pharmaceuticals and Health Care Retail Technology and Consumer Electronics Toiletries and Cosmetics (Beauty)
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expect budgets to increase in the broadcast arena compared to 29% in spring '07. Magazines and newspaper budgets are also expecting a decline (24% and 37% respectively). Outdoor advertising budgets could see a 22% decline. Meanwhile mobile is also expected to slide a bit, from 55% expecting an increase to 48%.
Fred luthans opines Perception is an important meditating cognitive process through which person make interpretations of the stimulus or situation they are faced with. Stephen. P. Robbins defines perception as a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to the environment. Perception is the process through which information from the outside environment is selected, received, organized, and interpreted to make it meaningful to you. Perception refers to interpretation of sensory. In other works sensation involves understanding what the stimulus means.
Perceptual Selectivity
Perceptual selectivity refers to the tendency to select certain objects from the environment for attention such that these objects are consistent with our existing beliefs, values and needs.
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Advertising is a form of communication used to help sell products and services. Typically it communicates a message including the name of the product or service and how that product or service could potentially benefit the consumer. Advertiser means a person, firm or company whose products, goods or services are the subject matter of the Advertisement. The manufacturer, Service Company, retailer, or supplier who advertises their products or service. The advertiser is commonly interpreted as a commercial organization which has the paramount objective of making profits out of its business activities. Profits are usually generated through marketing or trading activity, apart case, marketing has a role to play as the yield for investments in other companies and assets will, in turn depend on the marketing activity of the latter. The communication logic will, however, also apply to the types of advertisers which may have a societal or political objective. Advertising for family planning, road safety and the like, and election campaigns are no different in this respect.
Newspaper Advertising
The bulk of newspapers' revenue comes from advertising - the contribution from sales is small by comparison. On average, a newspaper generates 80% of its revenue from advertising and 20% from sales. The portion of the newspaper that is not advertising is called editorial content, editorial matter, or simply editorial, although the last term is also used to refer specifically to those articles in which the newspaper and its guest writers express their opinions. Newspapers have been hurt by the decline of many traditional advertisers. Department stores and supermarkets could be relied upon in the past to buy pages of newspaper advertisements, but due to industry consolidation are much less likely to do so now. [Additionally, newspapers are seeing traditional advertisers shift to new media platforms. The classified category is shifting to sites including Craig list, employment websites, and auto sites. National advertisers are shifting to many types of digital content including websites, rich media platforms, and mobile.
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In recent years, the advertorial emerged. Advertorials are most commonly recognized as an opposite-editorial which third-parties pay a fee to have included in the paper. Advertorials commonly advertise new products or techniques.
Newspaper trends
Newspaper flourished for decades in the face of radio, television, and the internet. However, advances in web syndication and news aggregation online are placing serious pressures on the current model of newspaper distribution and ad placement.
Newspaper Advertising
The newspaper is a product born of necessity, invention, the middle class, democracy, free enterprise, and professional standards. Pre-history "newspapers" were one-to-one in nature. The earliest variation on a newspaper was a daily sheet published in 59 BC in Rome called Acta Diurna (Daily Events), which Julius Caesar ordered posted throughout the city. The earliest known printed newspaper was in Beijing in 748.
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In 1451, Johannes Gutenberg uses a press to print an old German poem, and two years later prints a 42-line Bible -- the significance being the mass production of print products, ushering in an era of newspapers, magazines, and books. By 1500, the genesis of a postal system can be seen in France, while book publishing becomes popular throughout Europe and the first paper mill can be found (England). The rise of the middle class transformed newspapers in the 1800s. A penny (US$0.01) buys a New York newspaper in 1833, opening up the first mass market for newspapers. In 1847, the telegraph is used as a business tool, transforming far-away stories. In 1873, an illustrated daily newspaper can be seen in New York. In 1878 the first full-page newspaper advertisements appear, and in 1880 the first photographs are seen in newspapers, using halftones. With the basic technical groundwork for the modern newspaper in place by the late 19th century, the story of newspapers in the 20th century was about professional development and adaptation to changing consumer and media markets. The story also involved an evolving business model that rode an ever-growing wave of mass-market advertising. Increased profitability and higher revenues attracted publicly owned corporations interested in buying newspapers from descendants of company founders, while simultaneously exposing newspapers to the whims of cash- and profit-hungry stock markets.
By 2000, newspapers were juggling priorities: fragmentation of news consumption, fragmentation of advertising investments, the advantages and disadvantages of being a mass medium, balancing the wants of the marketplace with the company's duty to provide the needs of the marketplace, a journalistic backlash against industry changes, the sheer physicality of ink-on-paper production and distribution versus digital distribution, increasing profit pressure surrounding the core print product, and extension of the company's core brand into other profit centres. Advertising is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service.
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Modern advertising developed with the rise of mass production in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Many advertisements are designed to generate increased consumption of those products and services through the creation and reinvention of the "brand image. For these purposes, advertisements sometimes embed their persuasive message with factual information. Every major medium is used to deliver these messages, including television, radio, cinema, magazines, newspapers, video games, the Internet, carrier bags, billboards and mail or post. Advertising is often placed by an advertising agency on behalf of a company or other organization. Organizations that frequently spend large sums of money on advertising that sells what is not, strictly speaking, a product or service include political parties, interest groups, religious organizations, and military recruiters. Non-profit organizations are not typical advertising clients, and may rely on free modes of persuasion, such as announcements. Money spent on advertising has increased dramatically in recent years. In 2007, spending on advertising has been estimated at over $150 billion in the United States and $385 billion worldwide, and the latter to exceed $450 billion by 2010. While advertising can be seen as necessary for economic growth, it is not without social costs. Unsolicited Commercial Email and other forms of spam have become so prevalent as to have become a major nuisance to users of these services, as well as being a financial burden on internet service providers. Advertising is increasingly invading public spaces, such as schools, which some critics argue is a form of child exploitation. In addition, advertising frequently utilizes psychological pressure (for example, appealing to feelings of inadequacy) on the intended consumer, which may be harmful.
Advertising in India
Many advertisements are designed to generate increased consumption of those products and services through the creation and reinvention of the "brand image". For these purposes, advertisements sometimes embed their persuasive message with factual information. Every major medium is used to deliver these messages, including television, radio, cinema, magazines, newspapers, video games, the Internet, carrier bags, billboards and mail or post. Advertising is often placed by an advertising agency on behalf of a company or other organization.
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Interpretation - In this study out of 100 respondent 96 are ware about HT Mohali live
whichs means most of the advertisers are aware about HT Mohali live.
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Response got by the advertisers after given their advertisement in HT Mohali live.
Excellent 3.23 % Very Good 22.58 % Good 38.71% Marginal 32.26 % No Response 3.23 %
Interpretation In point of view response got by the advertisers after giving there
advertisement in HT Mohali live, most of the advertisers satisfy with the response they got from their customers. Out of 62, 3.23% advertisers got excellent response, 22.58% got very good, and 38.71% has got good, 32.26% has got marginal and 3.23 % has got no response from their customers.
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Interpretation 76% advertisers agree with that look and content of HT Mohali live are
appropriate and 10% are strongly agree but 12 % are not able to say that look and content of HT Mohali live are appropriate or not and 2% are disagree with this statement.
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Interpretation- 16 % advertisers strongly agree and 38 % agree that that HT Mohali live
able to improve the brand equity of their business. But 30% are not able to say anything about it. 14% are disagreeing and 2 % are strongly disagreeing.
Page 62
Advertisers perception about hyper local regarding the promotion of their business.
Strongly agree Agree Cant say Disagree Strongly disagree 56% 36% 2% 6% 4%
Interpretation- 56% respondent are strongly agree and 36 % agree that advertising in
hyper local are helps to promote their business. Only 6 % are disagreeing and 4 % are strongly disagreeing regarding this. And 2% are not able to say. It means there is huge scope of hyper local in the print media industry.
Page 63
Interpretation- 56% respondents are think that Hindustan times are the most preferable
brand in Mohali and 6 % are strongly agree with this statement. 24% are not able say regarding this statement and 14 % think that Hindustan times are not the most preferable brand for advertisement.
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Interpretation: - From the above table it is found that 47% of advertisers are not willing
to advertise in HT Mohali live; only 53% are willing to advertise. It means there is 50-50 chance for ht Mohali live in local advertisement market in Mohali.
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suggest that out of 100 respondent 96 are aware about the weekly hyper local of Hindustan times (HT Mohali live) in Mohali. Most of the advertisers are given their advertisement in HT Mohali live at least one or more times. Those advertisers given their advertisement in HT Mohali live most of them got positive response from their customer point of view and revenue. Out of 100, 60% got good response and rest of them has got marginal or no response. Approx 80% respondent agree with that look and content of HT Mohali live are appropriate. But some of them are also disagree with this statement, But there is need to some improvement in HT Mohali live also. Because 18.75 % respondent think that there is need to improvement in content of HT Mohali live and approx 30 % suggest that there is need to improve the layout and 52 % are supported to improve the paper quality of HT Mohali live. The advertisers of the Mohali those who have given their advertisement in HT Mohali live approx 50% think that HT Mohali live able to increase their brand equity of their business. Approx 85 % of respondent think that advertising in hyper local newspaper are able to help their business to increase their revenue. Approx 60% respondent think that HT is the most preferable brand for advertisers but rests of them are does not think so. 53 % respondents are willing to give advertisement in HT Mohali live.
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Advertisers perception towards hyper local is very important for Newspaper Company. Because advertisement are the main source of revenue generation in print media industry. Therefore newspaper agencies try to capture maximum no. of advertisers and maximize their revenue. On the basis of analysis of the data collected through the help of questionnaire in Mohali, most of them think that advertising in hyper local is helps to increase their business. Thats means most of the advertisers are giving and want to give their ad in hyper local there for we can accept the null hypothesis of this study (H0A)- advertising in hyper local is beneficial for advertisers in city like Mohali. It means there is huge scope of hyper local newspaper (supplements) in the try city like (Mohali, Panchkula, and Chandigarh...etc.) Advertisers perceptions about the HT Mohali live are average some of the advertisers think that advertising in HT Mohali live is very beneficial for their business but some advertisers are not agree with that. 96 % respondents are aware about HT Mohali live and Approx 50 % respondent are willing to give their advertisement in HT Mohali live. There for we can accept the hypothesis (H1A) - advertisers are aware about HT Mohali live and they want to give their advertisement in this HT supplements. But creating the perfect brand image for advertisement in the mind of local advertisers HT has needs to be lots of improvements. The informative and interesting analysis of Advertisers perception about HT Mohali live in The Hindustan times Mohali , advertisers perception provides media company executives insight necessary for increasing ad sales, market position and competitive advantage. And it helps to make more benefits to advertisers. To give advertising to advertisers for which one is highly expected. It is concluded that advertisers perception are the basic things, which could helpful to the company. Some suggestions are given in this project, where the company could look into the grey areas and try to rectify them, so that advertisers could be highly satisfied.
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On the basis of findings of this study I am suggesting some points which can helps to the company to maximize their revenue and profit by attracting advertisers. In this study observed that half and above of the respondents are mentioned that the improvement have to be made in paper quality of Mohali, so the company can take effort to improve the paper quality. An advertiser feels that news spread can be increased in the HT Mohali so that much information can be seen. Availability of the product is scarce, so the company can improve its circulation. Company can reduce the cost of advertisement so that they can attract the large no. Of advertisers and maximize their profit. Company should give the information regarding their any changes in advertisement plan and offers directly to the advertisers. There should be no bargaining in the price of advertisement in hyper local newspaper because it creates doubts in the mind of advertisers. So advertising rate should be open and fixed for advertisers. Circulation of HT Mohali live should be proper and it should be provided on each and every business layout of Mohali markets. There is need to some modification in layout of HT Mohali live, which can attract the large no. Of advertisers. HT can mention the new classified page in HT Mohali live which will helps to the local advertisers and consumers to give their ad in low cost and will also beneficial to the company to grab the huge no. Of advertisers for HT Mohali live. It will help to Increase revenue of the company. We can provide free subscription of HT to the regular advertisers of HT Mohali live for particular period of time to retain the advertisers. One page in HT Mohali live should be exclusive for career development in every week. This page definitely attracts the educational institutes and learning centres for advertisement in HT Mohali live.
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Some gifts and offers should be given by the company for their regular advertisers. There are needs more active sales executives for convincing the advertisers for advertising in HT Mohali live. Hindustan times can create new brand image of HT Mohali live by converting it in weekly magazine for Mohali and other cities. Company can take price for that. Company can mention some local articles and news in this new magazine. In this new weekly magazine company can offers lucky draw coupons time to time for their consumers. Company can organise some events and subscription offers for consumers. Once the brand image creates then definitely it will attract the large no. Of local advertisers for advertisement and company can maximize their revenue.
These are the some suggestions, it will definitely help to the Hindustan times to increase their brand image & awareness and maximize their profit in the field of print media. HT Mohali live is the weekly supplement of HT in Mohali, these suggestions will helps to attract large no of advertisers in Mohali for advertisement in HT Mohali Live
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1. Are you aware about HT Mohali live? Yes No
3. If yes, then what was the response you got? (a) Excellent (b) Very good (c) Good (d) No response
4. Look and content of HT Mohali live is appropriate. Strongly agree Strongly disagree 5. According to you which important factor is need to be improve in HT Mohali live? (a) Content (b) Layout (c) Paper Quality (d) Others, Agree cant say Disagree
If others, please specify............................................................................................................... 6. HT Mohali live is able to increase brand equity of your business. Strongly agree Strongly disagree 7. Do you think advertising in Local news papers helps to promote your business? Strongly agree Strongly disagree 8. Do you think a Hindustan time is the most preferable brand for advertisers? Strongly agree Strongly disagree Agree Cant say Disagree Agree cant say Disagree Agree Cant say Disagree
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9. Any suggestion, if you want to give......................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................. Name Age Sex : : : Male Female 2-3 lakh 3-5 lakh More than 5 lakh
...................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................
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