SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15kV-245kV) : Longer Operating Life - Lower Maintenance Costs

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Power Transmi ssi on & Di stri buti on

SPS2 Circuit Breaker

Longer Operating Life - Lower Maintenance Costs

The new SPS2 is nol |usl anolher circuil breaker, il's
a beller circuil breaker. Wilh lhe abilily lo handle
63kA al 145kv and 50kA al 245kv wilhoul
capacilors, lhree-cycle inlerruplion, -40
C|F wilhoul
lank healers al 69kv and no ad|uslmenls-SPS2 is
lhe resull o combined global engineering and
ma|or producl improvemenls.
A family of circuit breakers designed
to your specifications
Siemens look lhe besl o whal breaker lechnology has
lo oer and broughl lhem logelher inlo one circuil
breaker lo oer reliable perormance or a wide range
o vollage requiremenls. From 15kv righl up lhrough
245kv. The SPS2 can meel your requiremenls.
Lach componenl o lhe SPS2 is made in our slale-
o-lhe-arl manuacluring acilily, which is qualily
cerliied lo lSO 9001-2000 slandards. This precision
manuacluring allows Siemens lo make qualily
producls, which are used in lhousands o
inslallalions worldwide.
Siemens combines lhe lalesl in circuil breaker
lechnology wilh lhe economies o a slreamlined,
closely monilored produclion process al lhe
Siemens Power Transmission & Dislribulion planl in
Jackson, Mississippi, lo ensure bolh measurable
qualily improvemenls and cosl conlainmenl. And lo
ensure producl perormance and cuslomer
salisaclion, lhe SPS2 is lesled lo ANSl and lLC
slandards in lhe world's largesl laboralory.
SPS2 Dead Tank Breakers
A new generation of Circuit Breakers

Siemens quality inside and out
The durable dead-lank conslruclion o lhe SPS2
circuil breaker means reliable, long-lasling
perormance in demanding operaling condilions.
Seismically qualiied wilh a leak rale o less lhan
1 annually, lhe SPS2 has been lesled lo 6,000
mechanical operalions and 3,000 operalions al
6kA. Clobal componenls include.
lhe FA2|4 mechanism
3AP arc-assisl inlerrupler
ruplure disks or each inlerrupler
porcelain or composile bushings wilh slandard
provision or lwo CTs per bushing
All o lhese componenls are aclory assembled and
lesled wilh no ield ad|uslmenls necessary.
Why SPS2 outperforms the rest
The SPS2 circuil breaker uses arc-assisl inlerrupler
lechnology-lhe second generalion o lhis lalesl
lechnology developed as a resull o lhe successul
arc-assisl inlerruplers used in Siemens circuil
breakers worldwide. lnslead o lhe slandard puer
mechanism lhal ulilizes compression only, arc-assisl
also uses lemperalure build-up lo quench lhe arc.
Wilh ewer moving parls, your mainlenance cosls
are reduced while increasing lhe operalional lie o
your circuil breaker.
The SPS2 Circuit breaker technology to see you
through the future
Siemens is invesling in research and developmenl in
order lo manuaclure lhe producls you need now
and will wanl in years lo come. The SPS2 is more
lhan |usl a beller breaker. ll's designed lo perorm
more reliably under lhe mosl demanding
speciicalions-yours, and lo see you lhrough lhe
ulure needs o syslem growlh and expansion.
SPS2 Dead Tank Breakers
A new generation of Circuit Breakers

Ratings and Specifications
SPS2 15-72kV
Supplementary Specifications
Supplementary Specifications

Ratings and Specifications
SPS2 123-145-170kV
128 128
Supplementary Specifications
Supplementary Specifications

Ratings and Specifications
SPS2 245kV
Supplementary Specifications
Supplementary Specifications

Dimension Data
SPS2 15-72kV
Dimension Data
SPS2 123, 145, 170kV-40kA
Dimension Data
SPS2 123, 145, 170kV-50/63kA
Dimension Data
SPS2 245kV-40/50/63kA
Spring Charged Operating Mechanism
More lhan 20,000 worldwide inslallalions
are up and running leslimonies lo lhe
reliabilily o lhe spring-slored energy FA2|4
mechanism. This mechanism is ully
equipped wilh a closing and opening
spring illed inside a common housing.
The operaling mechanism incorporales
roller bearings lhal allow wear-ree
lransmission o orces and lhus ensures a
long service lie. The charging gear, wilh ils
long-wearing spur wheels and ils principle
o no-load decoupling, is anolher
componenl lhal ensures mainlenance-ree
operalion. Low operaling mechanism orce
assures lhal lhe lransmission elemenls are
sub|ecled lo less slress resulling in oplimal
operaling reliabilily.
The SPS2 is lhe producl o lried and proven
perormance in lhe ield. Our repulalion
or qualily and exlensive global expensive
are caplured in lhe design principles o lhis
circuil breaker.
Control Power Requirements
Paled vollage 48 vDC 125 vDC 250 vDC 115 vAC 230 vAC
Trip Coil Currenl (amps) 16 12.0 6.7 12.0 6.7
Close Coil Currenl (amps) 4.6 1.9 6.7 2.5 6.7
Molor Pun Currenl (amps)
FA2 17.4 9.8 4.6 12.3 6.3
FA4 29.0 16.0 8.0 23.0 11.0
Spring charged operating mechanism
A. Spring Operaling Mechanisim (FA2)
B. Close Coil
C. Trip Coil
D. Auxiliary Swilches
E. Molor (125vDC|120vAC)
F. Open|Close lndicalor
G. Conlrol Terminal 8locks
H. 8ushing Currenl Transormer
Terminal 8locks (on righl hand wall)
I. Conlrol Pelay (on back panel)
Fill Conneclion (oulside lel side)
Pressure Cauge (oulside lel side)
Densily Swilch (oulside lel side)
H (on right hand wall)
Live-tank and Dead-tank
SF6 Circuit Breakers
Same technology for every application in two designs.
Both designs possess their own special features, and
each design has its own particular advantages.
Special technical features of live-tank design
On live-lank circuil breakers, lhe inlerrupler
chamber is arranged in lhe insulalor, which can be
eilher porcelain or o a composile malerial, and is al
high polenlial wilh lhe vollage level delermining
lhe lenglh o lhe insulalors or lhe inlerrupler
chamber and lhe insulalor column.
For higher vollage levels, several inlerrupler
chambers series-connecled on live-lank circuil
breakers and inslalled on lhe insulalor column.
The currenl lransormers are arranged separalely
eilher in ronl o or behind lhe live-lank circuil
breakers. As in live-lank circuil breakers, no aull
currenls can occur belween lhe inlerrupler unil and
lhe housing, only one currenl lransormer per pole
assembly is necessary.
A urlher ealure o live-lank circuil breakers are lhe
comparalively small gas comparlmenls. The
advanlage o lhe low gas volume is lhal lhere is a
reduclion in lhe amounl o gas mainlenance work.
To ensure lhe sae operalion o live-lank circuil
breakers in seismic regions, lhe breakers can be
mounled on anli-seismic dampers, a solulion lhal
has been lesled up lo 800kv and has proved ils
worlh many limes.
Special technical features of dead-tank design
The dislinguishing ealure o dead-lank lechnology
is lhal lhe inlerrupler chamber is accommodaled in
an earlhed melal housing. Wilh lhis arrangemenl,
lhe SF
gas illing insulales lhe high vollage live
parls o lhe conlacl assembly rom lhe housing.
The conneclion lo lhe high vollage is via a SF
ouldoor bushing.
The currenl lransormers are mounled direclly on
lhe bushing, which eliminales lhe aslening
devices and cabling required in lhe case o
exlerior mounling.
Dead-lank circuil breakers oer parlicular
advanlages i lhe proleclion design requires lhe use
o several currenl lransormers per pole assembly,
such as or a lypical American syslem. The possibilily
o being able lo arrange currenl lransormers in ronl
o and behind lhe circuil breaker enables proleclion
schemes lo be mel in a parlicularly cosl-saving
manner. Furlhermore, il is relalively simple lo relroil
lhe currenl lransormers in lhe ield.
As an addilional advanlage, dead-lank circuil
breakers are parlicularly resislanl lo earlhquakes due
lo lheir compacl design and low cenler o gravily.
Interrupter Unit
Arc-assist interrupter
The durable conslruclion o lhe SPS2 circuil
breaker includes lhe ield proven 3AP arc-
assisl inlerrupler. Lach inlerrupler consisls
o a slalionary conlacl assembly and a
moving conlacl assembly mounled inside a
pole unil housing.
During lhe opening operalion, lhe puer
aclion in lhe compression cylinder o lhe
3AP inlerrupler is suicienl or low currenl
aulls and swilching operalions. During
high currenl inlerruplions, heal rom lhe
arc causes lhe pressure lo rise in lhe
healing volume chamber. The resulling
high pressure gas rom lhe healing volume
exlinguishes lhe arc.
This arc-assisl lechnology, coupled wilh
our FA amily o spring mechanisms used
rom 72.5kv up lo 55kv, assures lhal lhe
componenls are sub|ecled lo less slress
which resulls in oplimal operaling reliabilily.
1. Aluminum Housing
2. Slalionary Conlacl Supporl
3. Nozzle
4. Main Conlacl
5. Arcing Conlacl
6. Healing volume
7. Moving Conlacl Supporl 8ase
8. Compression Cylinder
Closed Position
Main conlacl open
Arcing conlacl open
Open Position

SPS2 Specification
Longer operating life Lower maintenance costs
ln considering any circuil breaker, loday's
ulililies musl be concerned nol only wilh
inilial price and inslallalion, bul also wilh
lhe ongoing cosls o ownership. The
Siemens SPS2 wins in every calegory. lls
relalively low price lag, simple inslallalion
and easy mainlenance will conlinue lo pay
dividends decades inlo lhe ulure.
ln addilion lo lhe reliable perormance you
can expecl rom your SPS2 breaker, you'll
also ind il can handle a number o special
requiremenls, such as.
Swilching capacilors, cables
and reaclors
Lnvironmenlally reslricled siles
requiring oil sumps
Syslem slabilily problems requiring
lhree-cycle inlerrupling
Peclosing duly wilhoul deraling
inlerrupling capabilily
High conlaminalion zones lhal require
exlra creep and low conlaminalion
wealher shields
High allilude applicalion up lo 10,000
eel wilhoul deraling
Getting the Best Breaker
for your Needs
How to Order
When ordering a Type SPS2 breaker, speciy
lhe ollowing.
1. 8reaker lype and raling
2. Trip vollage (see Palings Seclion)
3. Close vollage (see Palings Seclion)
4. Molor vollage. 120vAC|125vDC,
240vAC|250vDC, 48vDC
5. Healer vollage. 115, 230 vAC
6. 8CTs. lype, ralio, number, localion
7. Terminals. speciy in delail i desired
8. lnclude cuslomer speciicalions covering
special equipmenl, accessories, lesl, elc.
Basic Breaker
The Slandard basic breaker includes.
1. Three-pole SF
-illed ouldoor power
circuil breaker wilh lhree SF
2. Calvanized rame wilh our galvanized
sleel legs
3. Lighl gray slandard color
4. Six lighl gray SF
-illed bushings
5. Six relaying accuracy bushing
currenl lransormers
6. Trip-ree spring operaling mechanism
7. lnslrumenlalion lo monilor SF
gas pressure and provide low
pressure alarm
8. Twelve slage auxiliary swilch, Lighl
slages or cuslomer use
9. Trip coil and close coil
10. Cabinel healer lo prevenl condensalion
11. Necessary lerminal blocks and wiring
12. Operalions counler
13. Fused knie swilches (3)
14. Crounding pads (3)
15. Mechanical posilion indicalor
16. Provision or lravel recorder allachmenl
17. SF
gas or inilial illing
18. Sel o lools required or inslallalion
Operational modifications
1. Lxlra 8CTs
2. Melering accuracy 8CTs
3. Lxlra creepage bushings
4. Capacilor lrip
5. Pelays or reclosing or non-
reclosing breaker applicalion
6. Lxlernal pull lo lrip handle
7. Cabinel lighl and
convenience oullel
8. Special healers and cabinel
insulalion or operalion down
lo -50
9. Two addilional 12-pole
auxiliary swilches
10. Dual lrip coils
11. Conlrol swilch
12. Local|remole swilch
13. Thermoslal or cabinel healer
14. Composile bushings
Bushing current transformers
Lxlernal bushing currenl
lransormers are mounled in
wealherproo housings on bolh
sides o lhe breaker. Their leads
lerminale in lhe conlrol cabinel
al shorl circulaling lype
lerminal blocks. Space is
available or mounling lwo
currenl lransormers per
bushing. Up lo lhree CTs can be
supplied i required.
1 Ratio
MP - Mulliple Palio
SP - Single Palio
DP - Dual Palio
2 Accuracy
C - Pelay Accuracy
8 - Meler Accuracy
3 Typical Ratios
Special Palios Available
Upon Pequesl

All slalemenls, lechnical inormalion and recommendalions
conlained herein are based on inormalion and lesls we
believe lo be reliable. The accuracy or compleleness hereo is
nol guaranleed. Since condilions o use are oulside our
conlrol, lhe user should delermine lhe suilabilily o lhe
producl or ils inlended use and assumes all risk and liabilily
whalsoever in conneclion herewilh.
Siemens Power Transmission and Dislribulion
444 Hwy. 49 S
Pichland, MS 39218 USA
lel. 601.939.0550
ax. 601.932.9911
2006, Siemens Power Transmission & Dislribulion, lnc.
All righls reserved.
Sub|ecl lo change wilhoul nolice.

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