Anterior Chamber Angle Assessment Techniques

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Anterior Chamber Angle Assessment Techniques

Dr. Soumendra Datta, 2nd year PGT

Burdwan Medical College, Burdwan, West Bengal

Abstract. Angle-closure glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness. Diagnosis and treatment
are intricately related to angle assessment techniques. This article reviews the literature on angle assessment and provides recommendations about optimal techniques based on the published evidence. Specically, we review gonioscopy, ultrasound biomicroscopy, and anterior segment optical coherence tomography, all of which can be used to assess the anterior chamber angle directly. In addition, we discuss surrogate approaches to measuring the angle conguration, including Limbal anterior chamber depth measurement, scanning peripheral anterior chamber depth measurement, and Scheimpug photography.

Angle of Anterior Chamber

Angle of anterior chamber play as an important role in the process of aqueous drainage. It is formed by root of iris, anterior-most part of ciliary body, scleral spur, Trabecular meshwork and Schwalbes line (prominent end of Descements membrane of cornea).The angle width varies in different individuals and plays a vital role in the pathomechanism of different types of glaucoma. Clinically the angle structures can be visualized by gonioscopic examination.

The Angle structures seen from behind forwards are:

1. Root of the iris 2. Anteromedial surface of the ciliary body (ciliary band), 3. Scleral spur, 4. Trabecular meshwork and Schlemms canal and 5. Schwalbes line

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Instruments Used for Anterior Chamber Angle Examination:1. Torch Light 2. Slit Lamp 3. Gonio Lenses 4. Ultrasound Biomicroscopy 5. Optical Coherence Tomography 6. Pentacam

Angle structures are not visible using direct observation of the anterior segment of the eye due to the lower refractive index of air compared with the tear film. According to Snells law, this interface leads to total internal reflection of light because light going from a more to a less dense medium is refracted away from the normal. When a critical angle is reached (in the eye this is approximately 50 ), the light is reflected internally, and the object is not visible without the use of techniques to overcome the bending of light at the tear air interface (such as using indentation or a lens). Overcoming total internal reflection of light emanating from the angle can be done with lenses that allow for direct viewing of the angle structures (e.g., Koeppe and Barkan lenses) or with mirrored lenses that give an indirect view.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Direct and Indirect Gonioscopy Direct Gonioscopy Advantages Patient comfort Possibly better view Disadvantages Second microscope and illumination Space needed Nose can block temporal angle Indirect Gonioscopy Advantages Uses the slit lamp Variable magnication No astigmatic aberrations Disadvantages Bubbles can block the view Plastic can scratch Need rotating head on slit lamp to get slit view nasally and temporally

Astigmatic distortion

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Gonioscopy is performed for several reasons:1) To determine the mechanism of glaucoma (i.e., open or closed angle, pigment dispersion, plateau iris, etc.) 2) To identify persons at risk of developing angle closure glaucoma and 3) To monitor changes in the ACA over time as part of clinical care or research.

A recent consensus document published by the Association for International Glaucoma Societies proposed that the ACA should be viewed in a dark room using a 1-mm beam with adequate illumination to visualize angle structures clearly with the patient looking straight ahead. This approach allows one to see the corneal wedge, it minimizes the angle-opening effect of illumination, and it avoids artifactitiously widening the angle by manipulating the lens.

This system, published in 1957, attempted to categorize risk of angle closure based on gonioscopy although no prospective studies were performed for validation purposes. The system labels the degree of angle closure such that a Scheie grade zero is a wide open angle. Grade 1 is slightly narrow, grade 2 means that the ciliary body root is not visible, and grade 3 means that the posterior (pigmented) Trabecular meshwork is not visible. Grade 4 is closed, meaning that no structures are visible. Scheie believed that persons with grade 3 and grade 4 angles were at greatest risk of angleclosure glaucoma. In addition to grading the structures seen, Scheie also recommended recording the degree of pigmentation and was one of the rst to divide the Trabecular meshwork into pigmented and non-pigmented regions.

The Shaffer system uses the opposite approach of the Scheie system, grading from closed (grade 0) to wide open (grade 4). The angle width is based on two lines, one drawn from the angle depth to Schwalbes line, and the second drawn through the iris starting from the base of the angle. Angles between 35 and 45 are grade 4, those 20 - 35 are grade 3, those 10 - 20 are grade 2, and those < 10 are grade 1, with a closed angle (zero degrees) is grade 0.

The Spaeth system was designed to give a more comprehensive and readily communicated approach to angle assessment The emphasis is on describing what is seen in the angle, which is divided into three ndings: 1) the angle of insertion (described by estimating a tangent to the endothelial surface of the cornea, but the exact location along the curve or the cornea is not stated) and a tangent to the anterior surface of the iris, measured at the point of Schwalbes line; 2) the conguration of the iris; Page 3 of 7

and 3) the level of iris insertion.




Studies show that superior angle is the narrowest angle. Population-based studies have frequently documented higher rates of occludable angles among women and older persons.

Gonioscopy is the current reference standard for assessing ACA structures and conguration. It requires a subjective assessment by an observer placing a contact lens on the eye of the patient. Denitions of angle ndings vary across grading schemes, and no single scheme is used, although the Shaffer angle width appears to be commonly reported in research.

Anterior Chamber Angle Assessment by Ultrasound Biomicroscopy

An alternative approach for viewing the ACA is UBM, a technique that was developed in the early 1990s. The use of a higher frequency transducer allows for a more detailed assessment of the anterior ocular structures than was available using traditional B-scan ultrasound. It also decreases penetration (to only 5 mm), but increases the resolution of the imaged structures. UBM offers tremendous insight into the anterior chamber angle conguration and allows for detailed imaging of the ciliary body and the posterior chamber. UBM has dramatically inuenced how ophthalmologists think of angle closure mechanisms, and images demonstrate large variation in ocular structures between individuals. Although these ndings have been incredibly helpful in understanding angle closure mechanisms, UBM remains mostly a research tool due to the cost of the machinery, the need for a water bath to image the eye, and the inconvenience of the examination.

Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography (AS-OCT)

AS-OCT is an evolving alternative approach to imaging the anterior chamber angle. AS-OCT is analogous to ultrasound, but uses light instead of sound to determine tissue depth. The time required for the reected light to return to the transducer is determined using a Michelson interferometer (which relies on the principle that two waves of light in phase will amplify each other while two waves of light out of phase will cancel each other out), and was rst proposed for the assessment of ocular tissue in the early 1990s. In summary, AS-OCT can rapidly image the angle structures without contacting the eye. Preliminary studies indicate that the device identies most persons with angle closure, but also characterizes many who are gonioscopically open as closed. Whether this non-contact assessment that does not require illumination is more or less accurate than gonioscopy remains to be seen. At the least, if follow- up studies conrm the high sensitivity of AS-OCT for detecting angle closure, AS-OCT could be used as a screening device to reduce the need to perform gonioscopy on all subjects.

Scheimpug Photography
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The Scheimpug principle (named after Theodor Scheimpug, an Austrian army captain), describes the change in the focal plane that occurs when the lens is tilted. Instead of having the focal plane, the lens plane and the lm plane aligned so that they are exactly parallel (as occurs in standard cameras), the lm plane is tilted, which shifts the plane of sharp focus to the intersection point of the lm and lens planes. This approach has been used to allow investigators to obtain slit images of the anterior segment of the eye that retain depth. In addition to studying anterior segment biometry, the Scheimpug cameras have been adapted for measuring cataract density and following cataract progression. In summary, although Scheimpug cameras offer a non-contact approach to angle assessment (which is highly appealing for screening purposes), they dont allow detailed visualization of angle structures and have relatively low correlation with gonioscopy (the current reference standard). Furthermore, while angle width and anterior chamber depth measures have been highly reproducible in persons with open angles, more research is needed to determine the reproducibility in populations with more angle variation (i.e., the populations of greatest interest for using such a device).

Limbal Anterior Chamber Depth Measurement (van Herick Technique)

Slit-lamp estimation of the Limbal anterior chamber depth (LACD) by the van Herick technique was developed as a non-contact approach for estimating angle width. To perform this evaluation, the illumination column of the slit lamp is offset from the central axis of the microscope by 60 to the temporal side. A bright, narrow beam of light is directed perpendicular to the ocular surface at the limbus. LACD measurement is performed by comparing the depth of the peripheral anterior chamber depth to the thickness of the cornea. The original description outlined a four-point grading scheme of LACDwith LACD graded as < 25%,25%, >25% to 50%, or >100%.Curiously, this original scheme did not include a grade for the category 50-100%. However, gonioscopic angle closure is seen rarely in persons with van Herick >50%, so for the purposes of dening risk of angle closure, the original, awed scheme allows fairly reasonable indirect assessment of angle closure risk. Foster proposed a modied scheme with increased precision of LACD measurement. The original grade 1 was sub-divided into 0%, 5%, and 15% corneal thickness, and a grade of 75% CT was added to compensate for the gap between the original grades 3 and 4. The description of this augmented scheme identied the cutoff of 15%.The grade < 15% CT gave sensitivity and specicity at 84% and 86% for detection of narrow angles (less than 90 of posterior trabecular meshwork visible in primary position). Using a cutoff of < 25% specicity decreased to 65%, but sensitivity increased to 99%. Studies show the inter-observer reproducibility for the van Herick test may be high. However, there is a tendency for wider angles if the LACD is measured at the nasal limbus, and it is now standard to use the temporal limbus for this test. An important limitation of the test is that it can only be performed if the limbus is clear, so eyes with pterygium or scarred temporal corneas cannot be graded.

Scanning Peripheral Anterior Chamber Depth Analysis

A nal technology worth discussing in the assessment of angle conguration is the scanning peripheral anterior chamber depth analysis system (SPAC). The SPAC does not image the angle directly, and therefore does not give detailed information on angle anatomy. Instead, it obtains up to 21 measurements of anterior chamber depth using a slit-lamp based photographic technique. The images are obtained using a 60 offset starting at the optical axis and scanning towards the periphery. Page 5 of 7

Images are then captured on a small charge-coupled device camera and automatically analyzed by computer. The SPAC also calculates the corneal thickness and the radius of corneal curvature in order to derive a more accurate assessment of the anterior chamber depth at various points. The entire scan takes 0.67 seconds to capture, with images captured at 0.4-mm intervals. Studies indicate that the SPAC ndings correlate with angle ndings to some extent, but it is unclear if the degree of correlation is high enough for the device to be used effectively for screening for angle closure. More research will be needed to clarify the role that SPAC will play in angle assessment.

Responses of the ACA to External Stimuli (Light-Dark Changes, Corneal Indentation, and Pilocarpine)
LIGHT-DARK CHANGES Angle appearance can change dramatically depending on the amount of illumination that strikes the eye. When light shines on the eye the iris sphincter contracts and the peripheral iris moves centrally away from the angle. The result is in many cases a more open angle appearance. Pavlin rst described a dark-room provocative test using UBM in eight patients who developed angle closure and appositional closure in response to decreased illumination. Friedman reported that the fellow eyes of persons with unilateral acute attacks have more substantial angle narrowing in the dark than normal controls, indicating that the dynamic response to external stimuli may play a role in the pathologic process. Sugimoto and colleagues in Japan have recently published an example of gonioscopy captured using infrared light. These authors showed substantial angle narrowing compared to standard gonioscopy with brighter illumination. CHANGES WITH CORNEAL INDENTATION There is widening of the Anterior Chamber Angle with corneal indentation according to the study published by Matsunaga and colleagues PILOCARPINE EFFECTS ON ACA CONFIGURATION Hitchings demonstrated that when persons had a shallowing of the central anterior chamber depth in response to 4% pilocarpine, the peripheral anterior chamber also shallowed, whereas if the central ACD did not shallow, the peripheral ACD widened.

Anterior Chamber Angle assessment is challenging, but it is a key clinical activity that alters how patients with glaucoma or suspect glaucoma are treated. Gonioscopy remains the reference standard, but it is suboptimal. Newer technologies may improve our ability to assess and monitor the ACA.

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ACA- Anterior Chamber Angle ACD- Anterior Chamber Depth UBM-Ultrasound Biomicroscopy SPAC- Scanning Peripheral Anterior Angle depth analysis system LACD-Limbal Anterior Chamber Depth AS-OCT -Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography

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