BBA Summer Internship Guidlines
BBA Summer Internship Guidlines
BBA Summer Internship Guidlines
OBJECTIVES The overall objective of the summer training project work is to provide students with an opportunity to gain insight into the business scenario and to understand the real problems faced by organizations. To provide a platform for the corporate to test the reliability, quality and performance of the students and to make a final job offer later if they so deem fit. 2. SUPERVISION During the training the student will be under the supervision of a person in the organization who will act as his/her corporate guide. He/she will provide guidelines on how the student should work during his/her stay with the organization. In addition, each student will be guided by a faculty of JIMS, Kalkaji. The student will be required to report to the faculty guide immediately after joining the company for the project. The student is required to meet the faculty guide before departing for the summer training and take necessary instruction from him/her. The faculty guide will consult the corporate guide from time to time for obtaining information on the progress of the Project work of the student. 3. REPPORTING TO ORGANISATION Student to take identity card when reporting to the organization and Maintain a Logbook and record all the information gathered and work done daily. Internal faculty guide may visit the organization at any time to assess the progress of work. The training weekly report should be with student duly filled. Queries regarding summer training can be discussed with faculty 4. REPORT FORMS After joining the organization the student must send a joining report to the faculty guide. If student fails to submit then he/she will marked absent.
5. SYNOPSIS The student has to prepare a tentative research proposal/synopsis. 6. APPROVAL OF RESEARCH PROPOSAL After preparing the research proposal, the student should preferably have preliminary discussion with both organizational guide and faculty guide before proceeding further. 7. WEEKLY REPORTS All students are required to send weekly report on the prescribed format to their respective faculty guides updating about the progress of training. 8. PROJECT REPORT FORMAT All the students have to prepare and submit a written project at the end of the training. This need not necessarily be a statistical or analytical report; it could be a learning and experience sharing report. The project report will have to be certified by the organization. Students are required to submit one hard bound and one spiral copy of summer training report. Last date of submission of the project report is 31st August, 2011. 9. CONDUCT / DISCIPLINE The students are required to abide by the rules of the organization where they are undergoing their training. The corporate organization will be taking a strong view of the punctuality and behavior of the student during the training and therefore the student is required to be on his/her best behavior and inculcate the good norms of the organization. In case a student has to take leave of absence, he/she has to take necessary permission from the organization and the faculty guide before he/she proceeds on leave. No student should try to copy or use information in such a way that will project false image of the company. All students are required to maintain strict confidentiality of any information they come across in
the organizations in course of their training. The student involved in any malpractice shall be duly penalized. All students are required to report to internal guide every week and inform about the progress of training. 10. Dos for trainee during Summer Training Be punctual. Be in time at the company. Have a clear picture of what your aim is and have long term goal/s. Develop listening skills. Work hard with sincerity. Be devoted to task assigned to you. Build up positive rapport with the concerned authority. Maintain a proper dress code (FORMALS ONLY) during the training period. Follow all instructions given to you in the training organization. For any training related guidance contact internal faculty guide. Summit your weekly reports in time. Report to your placement office in case of any problem or difficulty. GENERAL INFORMATION TO BE COLLECTED BY STUDENTS DURING SUMMER TRAINING Along with the data regarding the topic, following general information is to be collected by students undergoing in - company or in plant training irrespective of their functional areas/topic, etc. 1. Sales performance for last five year (Product wise if possible) In Units In Rupees 2. Number of Employees, (Section-wise or as per classification like skilled, semi-skilled, unskilled worker, officers, managers, etc.) 3. Photograph (s) in the organization, while discussing with officer of the company if possible. 4. Detailed Organizational charts 5. Annual Reports for last 5 years. 6. Historical background of the company. 7. Future plans of the company.
8. Product, literature, photographs of the product, technical details, etc. 9. List of competitors. 10. Other relevant information such as future plans, export strategy, market share etc.
2. CONTENTS PAGE 3. CHAPTER I Introduction to topic of summer training explaining the concept and importance of the topic of research. 4. CHAPTER II Brief profile of the company where the student is undergoing summer training in one page or 250 words. It can include History,
Products/Services, Organization structure, Future plans, Competitions etc. 5. CHAPTER III Research Methodology which will include Sample Sampling method Objectives of your research (these are very imp. As the project depends on them. NOTE :- Questionnaire will be based on the objectives) Research Method Primary data collection technique Secondary data collection technique Analysis technique It includes the statistical analysis which will be used to analyse the result. SPSS is preferred. Chapterization:- it means only the names of the chapters which will be there in your final research project. Tentative chapters for final research project:i) Introduction to topic ii) Company profile iii) Research Methodology iv) Analysis of result and findings v) Recommendations and suggestions 6. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Project should be properly typed in Arial font 12 with no spellings mistakes Page numbering to be done in bottom middle Font colour - Black only Paper - A4 Line spacing 1.5 References to be properly numbered Border- 1 inch (Top, Bottom & Right), Left 1.5 Inch. Synopsis should not be more than 5 pages.
Synopsis is to be approved by internal & external guide Progress regarding training be communicated to internal guide regularly through mails or telephonically every week. Maximum no. of pages 100 for Final Project One copy of synopsis to be submitted to internal guide and one copy to external guide.
SUMMER TRAINING PROJECT REPORT PROFORMA FOR BBA STUDENTS AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT WORK The project is an activity assigned to each student to identify a problem at the firm level/industry level and undertake a research study, through a systematic research methodology. The students have to analyze the data using appropriate techniques and draw-up conclusion and recommendations. GUIDELINES FOR THE PROJECT TRAINING REPORT SUBMISSION The guidelines for the Project Report structuring are mentioned hereunder and all students are advised to follow the same: 1.TITLE PAGE SUMMER TRAINING REPORT ON PROJECT TITLE Submitted in the Partial Fulfillment for the Requirement of Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA) Submitted to: Project Guide (Name) Submitted by: Student Name: Roll No. Batch Jagannath International Management School Kalkaji, New Delhi
2. CERTIFICATES a) Declaration of the student This research work is my original work and it has not been submitted elsewhere.
(Student Name) b) Certificate from the organization where training has been conducted. c) Certificate from faculty guide This is to certify that Mr./Ms. ______________ of BBA has completed his/her summer training project on _____________ of his/her own. His/her work is up to my satisfaction.
Project Guide
Description Acknowledgement (i) Contents List of tables List of figures List of symbols, Abbreviations or Nomenclature (optional) Executive Summary Certificate from Organization, faculty and declaration from student 1. Introduction to topic a) Origin & development of the industry. b) Growth, present & future of industry. c) Defining the concept. 1 d) objective of the project 2. Company Profile a) Origin b) Growth & present strategy c) Products & Services d) Market profile. 3. Research Methodology 4. Analysis & Interpretation 5. Findings & Inferences 6. Recommendations and Conclusion Appendices Bibliography
The main headings are numbered serially. The subheadings are indented two spaces to the right under the concerned main headings. Page number starts from the introduction chapter.
LIST OF TABLES & FIGURES Separate pages for tables and figures should follow the table of contents. Sometimes both tables and figures are given together in the same page itself. Figures refer to maps, drawings, graphs, charts, diagrams and photographs. The full titles of the tables and figures, worded exactly as they appear in the text, are presented with corresponding / consecutive numbers and page location. LIST OF TABLES Table Title
S. No.
Page No.
4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Acknowledgement Normally it should not exceed one page and should be written in third person. When written in first person the researcher should sign it. Generally it includes i. A word of thanks to guide and other faculty members. ii. Gratitude to people in the organization, etc. for their encouragement, support, guidance and assistance for undergoing successful summer training. [Name of the Student]
5. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY It includes organization profile, justification with emphasis on the objectives, methodology, key findings and recommendations of the study. 6. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC Introduction to the topic of the project and overall objective of the project.
7. CHAPTER II COMPANY PROFILE History, Organization Structure, List of key Management personnel Current Sales, Product Mix, Market position, Direct competitors, Future Plans 8. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Objectives of the Study Sample and Sampling Method Hypothesis Primary Data Secondary Data Analysis technique Limitation (if any) 9. CHAPTER-III ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS (USING SPSS OR ANY OTHER STATISTICS TOOL) 10. FINDINGS AND INFERENCES 11. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 12. APPENDICES Questionnaires Glossary References List of tables Bibliography
The Reference Matter Appendix An appendix is used for additional or supplementary materials, which has not found place in the main text. The materials that can be included here are original interview schedules/questionnaire, copies of covering letters used, documents and long explanatory notes to the text, statistical tests used and tables referred and any other material of considerable reference value.
Bibliography The books, journals, reports and other sources of secondary data according to alphabetical order of last name (surname) of the author are to be listed in the format given below: Book Dessler, Gary and Varkkey, Biju. Human Resource Management. Prehtice Hall, New Delhi, 2009. Articles Nirmala Banerjee, Trends in Womens Employment, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 4(2):1989, pp. 1022.
GUIDELINES FOR TYPING 1. NUMBER OF PAGES Maximum 100 pages All pages to be numbered 2. TYPING INSTRUCTIONS Border Indents Top, Bottom & Right 1 Inch. Left 1.5 Inch. Page Numbering Bottom centered Font Type Arial Font Color Black only Font size Uniform & Consistent throughout the report Chapter Heading 16 (Bold) Titles 14 (Bold) Normal Text 12 (Regular) Line Spacing 1.5 Foot Notes to be numbered consequently Graphical Presentation Color/Black & White Graphical Number Each and every Table / Exhibit / Figure must be assigned its reference number. E.g. Table 1.1, Fig 1.1, etc. PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS Paper A4 Size Executive Bond Paper.
This is to certify that Mr. /Ms. ..of BBA has successfully completed Summer Training Programme for a period of weeks with . (Name of organization) from . To . (Exact Date has to mentioned) As per our assessment he/she is hard working and his/her performance has been excellent/satisfactory during the training programme. We wish him/her all the success for his/her future endeavors.
Name of the Student: Roll No. : Project Title: PLEASE TICK THE APPROPRIATE BOX S. No 1 2 Parameter Comprehension of the project Seriousness, sincerity & thoroughness in planning before the study started Sense of responsibility and Commitment Initiative, drive and enthusiasm Communication effectiveness and keeping the superiors informed about the progress Behaviour and conduct Good Average Poor
3 4 5
02. Is the report useful to company: Yes ________ No ___________ 03. Would you implement it: Yes ________ No ___________
04. Any weaknesses observed, which he / she needs to correct and the institute should pay attention. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
Designation:______________________________________________ Company:________________________________________________ Tel No.: _________________________________________________ Fax No. : ________________________________________________ Email : __________________________________________________
Company seal
Student Name and Roll No: _________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________ Contact No. ______________________________________________ Email ID:________________________________________________ Name of the Company: _____________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________ Date of Joining: ___________________________________________ Name of the Training Supervisor: ____________________________ Tel No.: _________________________________________________ Area Assigned (Marketing/Finance/HR): _______________________ Topic of the Project: _______________________________________
Date: ______________
Week: ______________