Third Reich Occult and Heinrich Himmlers Ahnenerbe (Runes, N

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Hitler's Third Reich and World War Two in the News

A daily edited review of Third Reich and World War Two related news and

Former Teutonic Knights claim Bouzov castle again

praguemonitor -- 2006-03-02

The German Order, or former Teutonic Knights seeking the return of Bouzov castle, north
Moravia, has come up with new arguments now and therefore the court dispute will continue.
The Order lost its property before World War Two already, when it was confiscated by the
Nazis and the Order was dissolved. After the war, the property was taken over by the state
but the German Order launched a suit to receive it back.

Hitler and Stalin were greatly interested in the magic of ancient runes
pravda -- 2006-02-24

Germany was the first European country that started to restore the knowledge of the runes
back in the 19th century. A number of secret societies emerged. Hitler and Himmler were the
members of the Thule Brotherhood. Later Nazi leaders set up a network of research
institutions called Ananerbe. Swastika, a runic symbol of the Sun became the emblem of the
Nazi Party and the Third Reich. Every military unit had a magus of its own. The SS structure
was originally formed as a magic order. Up until 1940, every SS commissioned officer was to
take a special course in the runic magic. The emblem “SS” is a double rune Sigel which is well
known as a victory symbol.

Book: The Master Plan -The use of pseudoscience in the Third Reich
monstersandcritics -- 2006-02-05

A tale of scholarly detection illuminating a little-explored corner of Third Reich history: the use
of pseudoscience in the service of ideology. Heinrich Himmler seemed an unlikely choice to
command the elite praetorian guard called the SS. He had a knack for shoring up fragments of
Nazi ideology with fragments of half-learning that seemed self-evident to true believers. Thus,
Himmler established a think tank that he called the Ahnenerbe. In time, the institute would
employ more than 130 historians, linguists, geographers, agronomists, folklorists and classicists
with an eye to producing evidence that the so-called Aryan peoples were the font of

Heinrich Harrer - mountaineer and explorer

The Times -- 2006-01-09

A Mountaineer and explorer whose youthful idealism coincided with the rise to power of Adolf
Hitler and Nazism, Heinrich Harrer became a controversial figure, dogged into old age by his
membership of the SS. Harrer made no secret of his sympathy for National Socialism, and
when in the same year Austria was absorbed into the Third Reich he was photographed with
Hitler and, before cheering crowds, was congratulated by him on the successful climb. As well
as Seven Years in Tibet, Harrer wrote The White Spider, a history of the north face of the
Eiger, and Tibet is My Country.

Mountaineer ex-Nazi Heinrich Harrer - From Hitler's SS guard to years with Dalai Lama

afp -- 2006-01-08

Austrian explorer Heinrich Harrer's long and rocky life, from officer in Hitler's elite SS guard to
his friendship with the Dalai Lama, drew peacefully to an end in eastern Austria. Harrer joined
a disastrous expedition by a German Nazi team to the 8,114 metre Nanga Parbat mountain in
Kashmir. But it was not until nearly 60 years later that Harrer confirmed that he had been a
member of the Nazi Party and was made an officer in the feared Schutzstaffel regiment after
meeting Hitler. The legend was forged in April 1944 when the mountaineer escaped from a
British internment camp with Peter Aufschnaiter and they spent 2 years crossing the
Himalayas by foot.

Nazis tried to steal Christmas as a part of re-paganize program

Tribune-Herald writer -- 2005-12-25

The plan to take Christ out of Christmas was part of an overall program to re-paganize the
German people during the rise of the Third Reich, in keeping with notions of Nazi "racial purity."
The religion of Hitler's state was a "kind of murky pantheism," a thinly veiled attempt to
overlay paganized, nationalistic fervor over Christianity. Traditional Christianity was seen as
"foreign" and suspect to the sovereignty of the Third Reich. Propaganda minister Joseph
Goebbels said he wished to do away with celebrations of Weinachten (Christmas) altogether.

The Nazi Expeditions- Himmler's search for the remnants of the original master race
SMH -- 2005-11-12

Himmler founded the Ahnenerbe, the ancestral heritage research foundation, whose specific
purpose was to furnish a scientific underpinning for the Nazi doctrine of racial superiority. The
Ahnenerbe was a vast organisation with thousands of staff: 100 researchers were employed
simply to look at the role of the forest in German culture. Soon, sycophant scholars were
falling over themselves to find proof of the Nazis' Aryan superiority.

Wewelsburg Castle - Himmler's Fortress of Fear

forteantimes -- 2005-06-04

Rumours of prominent Nazis' involvement with the realm of the occult have persisted for
decades. Nick Brownlow and Jonathan Turner visited the SS headquarters at Wewelsburg
Castle to unearth the truth behind SS-Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler's vision of an ancient and
noble Aryan prehistory that verified the superiority of the Master Race.

The occult and the Third Reich

AlanSkaggs -- 2005-03-16

The first roots of Nazism can be traced back to 1900 when Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels founded a
group called the Order of the New Templars. They chose the swastika as their sign, and
concerned themselves with topics such as race superiority, astrology, homeopathy, and
nutrition. In 1908, Guido von List founded an organization known as the Armanen. List was the
first popular writer to combine völkisch ideology with occultism. Members of the Armanen
included the mayor of Vienna, Karl Lueger, and were taught runic occultism by List.

Membership between the Order of the New Templars and the Armanen was often overlapping,
and in 1912 members of both cults came together and founded the Germanen Orden.

The Nazi Expedition - the search for a long-lost master race

channel4 -- 2004-03-10

In 1938, German scientists embarked on an extraordinary quest to the remote kingdom of

Tibet. Officially they were undertaking zoological and anthropological research. But they were
also members of Himmler's SS and their mission had a darker purpose – the search for a
long-lost master race. philosophy that animated the Nazi Party's early ideologues and,
crucially, the man who stood behind Hitler himself – Heinrich Himmler, chief of the SS. These
beliefs were a curious mixture of ancient Teutonic myth, Eastern mysticism and late
19th-century anthropology. They lay at the heart of the SS empire he created and which
became the most dreaded arm of the Nazi state.

Himmler's Crusade: The True Story of the 1938 Nazi Expedition to Tibet
phayul -- 2003-08-04

Christopher Hale's gripping and well-researched tale of an SS-sponsored scientific mission to

Tibet in 1938-39 has the whole shebang: mad occult beliefs, mountains and strange
characters. In 1935, the Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler founded an organisation called
Ancestral Heritage to uncover the hidden past of an imaginary Aryan race he and his Führer
regarded as the noblest and most vital force in human history. The claim that Sanskrit
underlay most modern languages focused 19th-century minds on the general area of northern
India and Tibet as the ancestral home of the mythical Aryans.

Occult Secrets for VIPs

pravda -- 2003-05-13

Political astrology reached its peak popularity in the time of the Third Reich. At the end of
1933, many astrologers started working for national socialists; they grasped very quickly what
was welcomed forecasts in the new Reich and what wasn't. Hitler's private adviser Otto
Hanussen was the best astrologer of that time. A secret conference of astrologers and
clairvoyants of the Third Reich took place in the Wartburg Castle, they discussed Germany's
future there. The conference was held on the initiative of Doctor Joseph Goebbels (certainly,
on the Fuhrer's permission). A SS subdivision and a special group of Gestapo's radio- and
radiotechnical prospecting were the guards at the conference.

History of Ahnenerbe-SS
Gil Trevizo, D R Festus Festerling -- 2003-05-10

The Ancestral Heritage Research and Teaching Society, or Ahnenerbe Forschungs-und

Lehrgemeinschaft, was founded in July 1935 by Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Wirth (a Dutch
historian obsessed with Atlantean mythology), and Richard Walter Darré (creator of the Nazi
"blood and soil" ideology and head of the Race and Settlement Office). There is some evidence
that the Ahnenerbe existed as early as 1928, when Wirth established the "Hermann Wirth
Society" for teaching and spreading his theories. Another candidate for precursor of the
Ahnenerbe was a research institute for "spiritual prehistory" created by the German state of
Mecklenburg in 1932, when the state was governed by the NSDAP.

The Nazi regime and occult beliefs

berzinarchives -- 2003-04-10

Under the influence of Haushofer, Hitler authorized Frederick Hielscher, in 1935, to establish
the Ahnenerbe (Bureau for the Study of Ancestral Heritage), with Colonel Wolfram von Sievers
as its head. Among other functions, Hitler charged it with researching Germanic runes and the
origins of the swastika, and locating the source of the Aryan race. In 1937, Himmler made the

Ahnenerbe an official organization attached to the SS and appointed Professor Walther Wüst
as its new director. The Ahnenerbe had a Tibet Institut (Tibet Institute), which was renamed
Sven Hedin Institute for Inner Asia and Expeditions in 1943.

Knights of the Hell

newsfromrussia -- 2003-03-05

In June of 1944 the whole of Paris saluted the liberators, but intelligence officers of the allies
were active. The English came across something extraordinary in a disable peoples shelter.
They saw an old fantastically shaped bowl in the center of a large round table. Knight’s armor,
helmets, arm-bands with swastikas on them and black SS service caps were scattered
everywhere. An aged colonel from intelligence department carefully drew the bowl up and
smelt the contents, and said: "Well, lieutenant. This is not a performance, but a mystery.
There was a session of the Teutonic order knights. There is blood mixed with wine in the bowl,
the Saint Grail."

Blood and mysticism - Ahnenerbe was the most secret service of the Third Reich
pravda -- 2002-09-10

Ukrainian workers found strange graves in the south of Ukraine. At first, they thought that it
was an ancient Scythian graveyard. Then, someone saw a medallion of a German soldier.
Some of the human skeletons had little holes drilled in their cannon-bones. Someone was
trying to find a “third eye” in the heads of several officers. Experts determined that the found
graves were the vestiges of Ahnenerbe’s activities. Scythian fields are not the only place
where Nazi mystics performed their horrid tests. First-class scientists took part in the
research. They performed expeditions to Tibet, the Middle East, and Ukraine.

Wewelsburg Castle
wwiirelics -- 2002-03-10

In 1934 the castle was rented by Heinrich Himmler for 1 Reichsmark and its primary role was
that of a SS officer's school. From 1936 onwards the castle's main purpose was to become a
'cult centre' as well a prestigious centre for SS Generals. From 1940 plans were developed,
incorperating the village of Wewelsburg, for a new castle complex centered around the North
Tower of the castle. Two days before the US forces liberated Wevelsburg (2nd april 1945), a
special commando of the SS, blew up the castle leaving only the outer walls standing. The
rebuilding of the castle began in 1949 and was finished in 1979.

Hitler's clairvoyant
salon -- 2002-02-16

Results of the 1932 November Reichstag elections were disappointing for his National Socialist
Party. Nazi coffers had been drained dry by the campaign. It was at this point that Hitler
called the most renowned clairvoyant in the land to his headquarters at the Hotel Kaiserhof in
Berlin. The man Hitler met with that day is the subject of a biography, "Erik Jan Hanussen:
Hitler's Jewish Clairvoyant," by Mel Gordon. Hanussen was a man whose name was
synonymous with psychic phenomena in Central Europe. The Vienna-born con man/celebrity
seer was known for predicting the future, casting prescient horoscopes and astounding
audiences with his feats of hypnotism and mind reading.

The Occult History of the Third Reich: Himmler the Mystic

nytimes -- 2001-03-04

The second in a 3-part series of documentaries that explore the links between the Third Reich
and its leaders and belief in occult powers and practices, this episode looks into the history of
the SS. Originally organized as Hitler's elite bodyguards, the SS became a sinister
military/spiritual order under Heinrich Himmler; this film examines the roots in German mystic

and occult teachings which inspired Himmler in the creation of this murderous gang.

Nazi quest of the Holy Grail - True story from Allied interrogation transcript
guardian -- 1999-08-09

Holding the transcript of the original interview in my hand, I still find its contents staggering.
For here are tales of expeditions to Tibet, searches for Atlantis and the quest for the Grail.
What lay behind the ideas only came to light after the war, when Ahnenerbe staff were
questioned: among them an explorer Ernst Schafer's colleague Wolfram Sievers. Sievers was
the administrator of the SS Ahnenerbe, whose specific purpose was to furnish a scientific
underpinning for the Nazi doctrine of racial superiority. An amazing quantity of largely unseen
footage has survived from the time: colour film of a German expedition to Antarctica in the
late 30s, for instance, and footage of their 1938 expedition to Tibet.

Hitler's Third Reich and World War Two in the News

A daily edited review of Third Reich and World War Two related news and

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