Chemistry O'Level Test For Anions and Cations

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Test for Cations

In NaoH ( colour of ppt) AL3+ Pb2+ Zn2+ Cu2+ Fe2+ Fe3+ NH4+


Light Blue



Solubility in NaoH

Solubility in aq. NH3

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Heat, gives NH3, which turns litmus paper blue

Soluble Soluble Soluble Insoluble Insoluble Insoluble

Insoluble Insoluble Soluble

Soluble (forms deepblue ppt.)

Insoluble Insoluble

Test for Anions

Anion CO32ClISO42-

Test Add HCL, bubble through lime water Add HNO3, followed by AgNO3 Add HNO3, followed by AgNO3 Add HNO3, followed By Ba(NO3)2

Observation CO2 given off, turns lime water milky White ppt. of AgCl formed Yellow ppt. of AgI formed White ppt. of BaSO4 formed


Add NaOH, add aluminium foil, warm, test with Red litmus

Litmus turns blue, NH3 given off

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