Network Custody Systems
Network Custody Systems
Network Custody Systems
6. NCS Architecture
7. System Components
• Introduction
• SWIFT Messages
• SWIFT Usage
• SWIFTNet Utilizes IP to access services
10. Conclusion- NCS- A Solution For The Future
11. Bibliography
A wide range of custodial services such as safe
keeping, trade settlement, corporate action administration, clearing
transactions, registration of securities, securities lending, charges etc., are
highly automated in NCS. Corporate actions, financial instruments (equities,
debt instruments and derivatives) fees and charges, and processing steps can
be configured to suit specific custodial needs. It caters to market specific
requirements such as maintaining letters of guarantee details in lieu of share
certificates (as in Manila) and legend status (as in Hong Kong), and market
specific registration processes of securities. It also supports reconciliation of
system records with vault holdings (for scrip based securities), and
reconciliation with statements sent by the central depository (for scripless
NCS is based on generically re-engineered
business processes to provide for increased automation. It supports
workflow management and improves client servicing response time through
online information on the status of various transactions and trade reporting.
The system has a generic corporate action processing capability by defining
a standard timetable applicable to corporate actions, and by conceptualizing
the result of any corporate action based on transactions on the underlying
A comprehensive rejection monitoring facility
enables tracking of instances of rejection of securities by a registrar( who
rejects securities sent for registration), a counterparty (who rejects securities
delivered for trade settlement), or a depository (which rejects securities sent
for de-materialization). The claim monitoring facility identifies
circumstances in which claims arise, generates the required claims, and
enables tracking of claims to closure. It also supports valuation of client
portfolios and has extensive client, management, and regulatory reporting
NCS facilitates risk control through prompts
and alerts on pending corporate actions, open claims, expiring securities, fall
in value of collateral pledged by borrowers, and deadlines. Audit is made
possible by logging of changes made with pre and post image reporting.
Securities are provided for by means of a well-defined security manager
NCS is a flexible and configurable application
and can include customized message formats, client defined code words and
a variety of standing instructions. It also supports multi-currencies and
definition of differentiated charges, and reporting packages. For areas such
as fees and charges a rule-based engine has been developed which provides
the flexibility of defining new methods of charges without having to
overhaul the system.
• NCS has system interfaces with several
external systems such as:
• SWIFT network for transmission of
SWIFT messages.
• Proprietary Cash and General Ledger
systems used by banks, such as
Hogan/MSA, Bank Master, Midas etc.
(NCS supports online bookings into the
cash system for settlements, and checking
of current cash balances of clients prior to
execution of buy/receive orders and
provides a sophisticated cash planning
function for projecting client cash
• Rate distributed systems to obtain foreign
exchange rates.
• Price feed systems to obtain security rates,
trade volume information, and rating
• Other depository systems for trade
• Propriety reporting systems of banks.
Depository Trade settlement
Universal Corporate Actions
Workflow Clearing transactions
Manager Market Information
Pricing Services, Charges
Cash & General
Ledger Systems
Master Data History Archives Print Management
Administrator 3-TIER Database System Security
• Business
Partners Communication
3 – Tier
System Management
Instruments The 3-tier architecture requires lower system and
operational resources, provides security, enables auditing of transactions,
and makes it scalable to handle increased business volumes. This also
enables easy portability of the application to other operating systems and
databases. It provides for smooth operation through facilities such as batch
processing , back/up restore, and recovery mechanism.
One of the key features of NCS is ‘business
hubbing’. Here clients may use one NCS site to transact business in affiliate
offices of the custodian where NCS is installed.
Business scenarios change with emerging
markets increasingly introducing advanced concepts in trading, clearing and
settlement. Rapid developments in financial markets, evolution of new
instruments and derivatives, and the need to provide additional services to
clients demand a system that facilitates and supports change. The object-
oriented architecture of NCS enables customization of the system to meet
future needs with minimum reprogramming.
External Messages
OLTP (Server)
Application Commun
Security ication
Workflow Sys/
Application Batch
Services Reports NCS Entities (Hubbing)
Servers Database
Key Product Features:
• Multi Currency
The system allows the custodian to trade
and report in the client’s currency of choice. It also supports multiple
accounts, each having a different (or same) currency. NCS has an
interface to get the exchange rate between currencies from rate providers
and does all the conversions automatically.
• Secure
NCS provides for improved Risk Control
through prompts and alerts on pending corporate actions open claims,
expiring securities and deadlines.
NCS is secure through a well-defined
security manager layer. Information is controlled through role-based
access. Each user can be attached to one or more roles. The custodians
can customize/create new roles as per requirement. NCS has
comprehensive audibility features. All modifications are auditable by
logging of changes made with pre-/ post image reporting.
NCS Architecture:
The NCS application follows a layered
design approach. By grouping logically related and cohesive
functionality together in one layer, the application offers benefits like
modular design, efficient resource utilization, configurable parameters,
simplified development, better performance and ease of maintenance .
The NCS application is based around a
client-server model/paradigm. The client component interacts with the
end-users and provides the User Interface functions. The Server
component provides one or more services to the client and other external
requests. The Client and the server Components communicate between
each other over a Local Area Network through requests and responses.
The Client/Server model maximizes the application throughput and
reduces the Server overhead per use interaction by distributing the user
interface processing on powerful clients, business logic processing on the
Server etc.
The system environment of NCS
comprises of:
• MS-Windows based Client workstations comprising of a Presentation
layer developed using Power Builder and User Interface (UI) manager
developed using MS-windows SDK. (a development kit by Microsoft
using the C programming language)
• Application Servers on RISC/6000 with CICS/6000 as the On-line
Transaction Processor OLTP) and Sybase as the Relational Database
Management System (RDBMS). It is not mandatory that Sybase be
used at the back-end; the layered approach makes porting to other
Databases, like Oracle, feasible.
• A Network interface using the Novell NetWare to provide the
necessary interface between the Client and the Sever using the TCP/IP
System Components:
Broadly, the Application Architecture
has been classified into the following components to achieve the
• Application Presentation Layer
• User Interface (UI) Manager
• Universal Transaction Processor (UTP)
• Application Security Manager
• System Manger
• Data Manager
• External Communication Manager
• Report Manager
• Error/exception Handler.
The various layers identified above can
be further grouped into the Client layer and the Server layer based on
their expected functions. The Client layer, therefore, consists of:
• Application Presentation Layer for user interface developed
using Power Builder
• User Interface Manager(UI Manager) layer developed using
MS-Windows SDK
• Universal Transaction Process (UTP for the client) layer
developed using CICS Clients on Windows
• Network interface layer to interact with Server.
Client UTP
The UTP on the Client workstation provides a set of
APIs for the UI Manager to initiate communication with the Server. The
functions provided by the UTP Client include:
• Initiate a synchronous transaction on
the Server
• Get response for the synchronous
transaction from the Server
• Initiate an asynchronous transaction
on the Server
• Get response for the asynchronous
transaction from the Server
• Check for any
Notification/broadcast (Unsolicited)
messages from the Server for the
• Send request to the UTP Server for
the unsolicited messages
• Receive the message from the
• Pass the responses to the
Presentation layer for subsequent
• Authenticate the communicating
Server UTP
The Server UTP provides a set of APIs for
communication between various Application Server
components and manages communication with the Client. The
functions provided by Server UTP include:
• Receive the request messages from the Clients
• Interface with the Application Security manager to
validate the authenticity of the incoming requests from
the Clients
• Initiate/Invoke a service identified by the Client request
• Communicate with the Data Manager for any database
related requirements
• Send responses to the Clients for requests made either
in the synchronous or asynchronous mode
• Generate broadcast message(s) for the Client(s),
automatically when necessary or upon request
• Send the broadcast (Unsolicited) messages to the Client
• Provide a mechanism for sending of notification
messages generated by the application modules
Application Security Manager
The application security manager provides
application level security to the system data being accessed by
various categories of the users. In addition, it will provide
facilities for User password maintenance, service
authentication etc. The functions provided by the application
security manager are as follows
• Provide facility for password maintenance by the user as
well as the System Administrator
• Get information regarding the roles and functions applicable
within the role for the Client to the Client workstation at the
time of the Client login90
• Authenticate the validity of the user for the services
requested from the Client workstations
• Authenticate the validity of the messages received from the
external systems through the External Communications
Manager, where necessary.
Systems Manager
The Systems Manager provides a
mechanism for performing the normal system functions such as
scheduling of batch processing, static data mechanism etc. The
Systems Manager will provide the following functions:
• Facility for the reception of inputs from the customers
and other external systems over batch media such as
tapes etc.
• Facility for processing the inputs received over the batch
• Provide facility for the system administrator for
creation/maintenance of users for the Network custody
• Allow for the grouping of the Network Custody System
functions into application roles
• Assign one or more roles and the associated functions to
the users
• Facility to provide interface to the system administrator
to maintain the static data
• Provide a mechanism for the execution of batch jobs with
multi-threading, restart facility, file handling facility etc.
• Provide facility for system startup, shutdown
Data Manager
The Data Manager will provide all the necessary
database access and update services to the application components of
NCS. All functions, which result in the update of the NCS database, will
be routed from the application components through the Application
Security Manager. The functions provided by the Data Manager are as
• Provide DM functions for accessing/updating the NCS
• Provide facility for auditing facilities for database
• Manage exceptions in database operations
Report Manager
The Report Manager provides the facility for
generation of reports and dispatching of the same to
the end-users. The Report Manager provides the
following functions:
• Schedule batch reports requested by the
• Process on-demand report requests
• Generate reports
• Interface with the report archival system
for archival of the reports
• Dispatch the reports to the necessary
• Manage distribution lists.
Error/ Exception Handler
The error/exception handler provides facilities for
handling errors/exceptions arising in the Network
Custody System. The exception handler should
provide the following functions:
• Provide exception handling for the
following types of exceptions:
• CICS/6000 related exceptions
• Database/application related exceptions
• Network/communication exceptions
• Security related exceptions
• Exceptions in the Client workstation
• Rollback the database related updates
done in the event of the error/exception
detected since the last checkpoint taken
during the processing
• Provide for tolerating the ‘ record not
found’, ‘duplicate record’ conditions etc.
depending upon the application
• Generate a report on error/exception
detection providing detailed information
regarding the error/exception and print
the same
• Maintain a centralized error log for all
errors/exceptions detected at the Client as
well as the Server
The error/exception handler in the Network Custody
System will be implemented as a set of handlers for
each type of errors/ exceptions mentioned above.
Operating System
OS 390 V2R8
Client machine: Windows NT / Windows 2000
AIX 4.3.3
System software
System Software Version
UDB 7.2
IBM CICS Transaction server
CICS Client on NT / WIN 2k V 5.0
Pentium work station preferably
with 256 MB RAM and 10GB hard
Client on NT/Win2K Pentium work V 4.0
station preferably with 128 MB
RAM and 2GB hard disk
Programming languages
Programming language Version
C++ 3.6.2
Special software
Special software Version
• SWIFT stands for the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial
• Owned by hundreds of banks worldwide
• Legacy and still predominant service is the Financial Information
Network (FIN), a store-and-forward messaging service supporting over
240 message standards for payments, securities, trade finance, etc.
• Traditional customers include custodian banks, depositories, and
settlement houses.
• For the securities industry, most message usage is post-trade, pre-
settlement, post-settlement and custody services.
• Provides additional messaging services.
• Provides room for growth using updated technology
• The medium for an XML-based standard
SWIFTNet Utilizes IP to access Services
SWIFTNet Messaging Applications
Vendor FIN Market
Interface Infrastructure
SWIFT Secure IP Service
Alliance Network Providers
Gateway FileAct
Alliance Browse
• http//
• http//
• CSI Journals
• Computer Networks- Andrew S.Tanenbaum